2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …triposo: the app...

2017~2018学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末英语试卷 A Studying abroad is tough. Thankfully, there are several apps that make it easier to travel and communicate with family and friends across the ocean, which are helpful in relieving some of that study abroad. Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip destination. Each destination's front page shows the local time, up-to-date currency exchange rate and the top seven things to do. It shows addresses of local public transportation stops, grocery stores and currency exchange locations. The "Travelpedia" tab gives you a quick history lesson on the city, including a list of annual festivals and suggestions of local food you have to try before you leave. And each Triposo app is available offline, so you don't need Wi-Fi to plan your trip throughout the day! Evernote: Thanks, Evernote, for being the greatest app ever. Use it to record lectures and take notes in class, make grocery lists and create to-do lists for your travel. Save your travel routes, hotel information and address of the closest coffee shop right to your phone for easy access when you're on the go. Foodspotting: Hungry in a new city? Check your Foodspotting app – it scans your location for photos and reviews of good food in your area. Foodspotting offers recommendations based on your location, so you can choose between lots of delicious options nearby. Google Translate: If I had a superpower, I would speak every language. But until that day comes, Google Translate is the way to go. Don't be dumb when you're in a new country. Know what you want to say when you get to the coffee shop. Don't just point and say it sheepishly in English – zero people will like you. Get out that Google translate on your way there, figure out what you want to say, practice your pronunciation, and walk in confidently. 1 What do Triposo and Evernote have in common? 1一、阅读理解

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Page 1: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip



Studying abroad is tough. Thankfully, there are several apps that make it easier to travel

and communicate with family and friends across the ocean, which are helpful in relieving some

of that study abroad.

Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information

about one trip destination. Each destination's front page shows the local time, up-to-date

currency exchange rate and the top seven things to do.

It shows addresses of local public transportation stops, grocery stores and currency

exchange locations. The "Travelpedia" tab gives you a quick history lesson on the city, including

a list of annual festivals and suggestions of local food you have to try before you leave. And

each Triposo app is available offline, so you don't need Wi-Fi to plan your trip throughout the


Evernote: Thanks, Evernote, for being the greatest app ever. Use it to record lectures and

take notes in class, make grocery lists and create to-do lists for your travel. Save your travel

routes, hotel information and address of the closest coffee shop right to your phone for easy

access when you're on the go.

Foodspotting: Hungry in a new city? Check your Foodspotting app – it scans your location

for photos and reviews of good food in your area. Foodspotting offers recommendations based

on your location, so you can choose between lots of delicious options nearby.

Google Translate: If I had a superpower, I would speak every language. But until that day

comes, Google Translate is the way to go. Don't be dumb when you're in a new country. Know

what you want to say when you get to the coffee shop. Don't just point and say it sheepishly in

English – zero people will like you. Get out that Google translate on your way there, figure out

what you want to say, practice your pronunciation, and walk in confidently.


What do Triposo and Evernote have in common?(1)


Page 2: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip





They display public transportation.

They introduce foods and festivals.

They can be used for classroom studies.

They can help you plan for you trip.





Foodspotting is mainly used by people to .

order food

choose a restaurant

com pare prices

make a reservation






While in a new country ,with the help of Google Translate, you're advised to .

teach local people to speak English

speak English with local people

talk to local people in their language

make ourselves understood in our language



Dale Carnegie was an American writer and lecturer, and the developer of famous courses

in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills.

Born in 1888 in Maryville, Missouri, Carnegie was a poor farmer's boy. In his teens, though

still having to get up at 4 a. m. every day to milk his parents' cows, he managed to get an

education at the State Teacher's College in Warrensburg. He did many different jobs after he

left school.

After saving $500, Dale Carnegie quit sales in 1911 in order to achieve a lifelong dream of

becoming a lecturer. He ended up instead attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in

New York, but found little success as an actor. Later he got the idea to teach public speaking. In

his first session, he suggested that students speak about "something that made them angry,"

and discovered that the technique made speakers unafraid to make a speech in public .

Perhaps one of Carnegie's most successful marketing moves was to change the spelling of

his last name from "Carnagey" to Carnegie, at a time when Andrew Carnegie was a widely

popular writer and speaker.

Carnegie's works include Lincoln the Unknown (1932), Public Speaking and Influencing

Men in Business (1937 revised), How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948). His greatest

achievement, however, was when Simon & Schuster published How to Win Friends and

Influence People.


Which of the following shows the correct order of the events?

a. becoming an actor


Page 3: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip





b. receiving a college education

c. teaching public speaking

d. selling correspondence courses

a, c, b, d

b, a, c, d

d, b, c, a

b, d, a, c





Dale Carnegie Course lay emphasis on .

giving people self-confidence

helping people to get wealthy

teaching people speaking skills

advising people to live happily






Dale Carnegie change his last name to .

get more help

win more support

become more famous

avoid unnecessary confusion






Which is Dale Carnegie's most influential work?

Lincoln the Unknown

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business



"Did you hear what happened to Adam Last Friday?" Lindsey whispers to Tori.

With her eyes shining, Tori brags, "You bet I did, Sean told me two days ago."

What are Lindsey and Tori talking about ? It just happens to be yours truly, Adam

Freedmam, I can tell you that what they are saying is neither nice nor even true. Still, Lindsey

and Tori aren't very different from most students here at Linton High School, including me.

Many of our conversations are gossip(闲话). I have noticed three effects of gossip: it can

hurt people, it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction, and it can cause social

pressures in a group.

An important negative effect of gossip is that it can hurt the person being talked about.

Usually, gossip spreads information about a topic-breakups, trouble at home, even dropping

out-that a person would rather keep secret. The more embarrassing or shameful the secret is,

the juicier the gossip it makes. Probably the worst type of gossip is the absolute lie. People


Page 4: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip

often think of gossipers as harmless, but cruel lies can cause pain.

If we know that gossip can be harmful, then why do so many of us do it?The answer lies

in another effect of gossip: the satisfaction it gives us. Sharing the latest rumor(传言)can

make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don't. Similarly,

hearing the latest rumor can make a person feel like part of the "in group. " In other words,

gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority(优越感).

Gossip also can have a third effect: it strengthens unwritten, unspoken rules about how

people should act. Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing

behaviors in a group. Translated into high school terms, this means that if everybody you hang

around with is laughing at what John wore or what Jane said, then you can bet that wearing or

saying something similar will get you the same kind of negative attention. The do's and don't

conveyed through gossip will never show up in any student handbook.

The effects of gossip vary depending on the situation. The next time you feel the urge to

spread the latest news, thing about why you want to gossip and what effects your "juicy story"

might have.





The author uses a conversation at the beginning of the passage to .

clarify his writing purpose

introduce a topic

present an argument

describe the characters






An important negative effects of gossip is that it .

breaks up relationships

confuses the listener

spreads information around

causes unpleasant experiences






In the author's opinion,many people like to gossip because it .

gives them a feeling of pleasure

helps them to make more friends

makes them better at telling stories

enables them to meet important people






What advice does the author give in the passage?

Never become a gossiper .

Think twice before you gossip .

Don't let gossip turn into lies.

Stay away from gossipers.


Page 5: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip


Fewer than a third of teachers in developed countries feel their profession is valued,

according to a major international study.

Teachers in England were about average in feeling valued, at 35℅, unlike France where

the figure was only 5℅. Michael Davidson described these as "shocking numbers" .

The study shows that many teachers do not feel that the importance of their role is

recognized. Only 31℅ believed that their work was valued by the rest of society. The report

says that isn't good for attracting young teachers.

Within this average were some very wide differences. In Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore

and Abu Dhabi there was a strong sense of teaching being highly respected. In Europe, Finland

was the only country where a majority of teachers were confident in the status of their job.

Despite this sense of unappreciated, there were still high levels of job satisfaction—with a

large majority saying they would choose teaching again as a career choice.

The study shows that teachers in England are working 46 hours per week in term time,

above the international average of 38 hours, with only Singapore ,48 hours and Japan, 54

hours, working longer.

Teachers in Italy are only working 29 hours per week, with Finland's teachers working 32

hours. South Korea teacher work 37 hours per week.






Who feel their work least valued according to the international study?

Teachers in France

Teachers in Finland

Teachers in England

Teachers in Singapore






What does the underlined word "that" in paragraph 3 refer to?

Teachers' work

The rest of the society

35% of the teachers in England

31% of the teachers feeling their work valued.






Compared with European teachers, Asian teachers .

work shorter hours

have a lower level of job satisfaction

have a strong sense of being respected

spend more lesson time on bad behaviour





What's the main idea of the passage?

Most teachers regret their career choice for low salary.

Asian teachers work longer hours than European teachers.

Teachers from all over the world should share equal right and treatment.


Page 6: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip

D. Even with the sense of being unappreciated, most teachers feel satisfied with their









Information Overload

In modern society, if we're trying to make a decision, we often have so much information

that we get confused, and we don't know what to do. This state is known as information

overload. 1 It can cause stress, frustration and reduced productivity. But what can we do

in the face of information overload?

Plan for only one time each day to check e-mail,social messaging sites,chat rooms,

etc.Don't allow yourself to check multiple times, unless you truly are waiting for an important

e-mail. 2 And that eats up your valuable time before getting away.

If you are suffering from too many electronic interruptions during the weekday,ask people

to call or text you during work hours only if it's really an emergency. 3

Remind yourself that it's okay to not know everything.In fact, it's impossible to keep up

with the pace of the information superhighway.The sooner you accept that, the happier you'll

be. 4 It is good to fall behind on the information that really isn't worth your attention.

5 Set aside a regular time each week where you and other family members do not

use any kind of electronic media technologies, including television. It could be something you

do every weekend, or perhaps an hour or two every evening.

Just catch up with the happiest moment.

Know what's worth knowing and what isn't.

Almost everyone suffers from it to some degree.

Spend time with your family free from electronic products.

We need to find some effective ways to process the information.

Each time you go online,you run the risk of being addicted to it.

Otherwise they and you end up stealing time from your employer.


Fierce, rude people, called the Danes, were fighting the English. There were

so 1 that for a long time they gained every battle. If they 2 , they would soon be the

masters of the whole country. At last, after a great 3 , the English army was broken and




Page 7: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip

1. A. crowded B. busy C. strong D. clever

2. A. gave in B. kept on C. stayed up D. came out

3. A. quarrel B. argument C. bargain D. battle

4. A. save B. treat C. find D. lose

5. A. ahead B. alone C. secretly D. privately

6. A. woods B. rivers C. hills D. plants

7. A. ordered B. forced C. begged D. persuaded

8. A. rich B. handsome C. kind D. poor

9. A. promise B. thought C. report D. news

10. A. if B. until C. because D. though

11. A. leave B. drop C. appear D. burn

12. A.willing B. lucky C. kind D. surprised

13. A.borrowed B. bought C. forgot D. hid

14. A.excuses B. plans C. apologies D. records

15. A. lying B. falling C. landing D. smoking

16. A.naughty B. lazy C. rude D. cruel

17. A.work B. start C. cook D. change

18. A.when B. after C. that D. before

19. A.week B. year C. night D. morning

scattered(驱散). Every man had to 4 himself in the best way he could. King Alfred

fled 5 .

Late in the day the king came to the hut of a woodcutter in the 6 . He was very tired

and hungry,so he 7 the woodcutter's wife to give him something to eat and a place to

sleep in her hut . The woman was baking some cakes,and she looked with pity upon

the 8 fellow who seemed so hungry. She had no 9 that he was the king.

"Yes." she said, "I will give you some supper 10 you will watch these cakes. I want to

go out and milk the cow; and you must see that they do not 11 while I am gone."

King Alfred was very 12 to watch the cakes, but he had far greater things to think

about. He 13 the cakes,His mind was busy making 14 for tomorrow. In a little while

the woman came back. The cakes were 15 on the hunger. She was very angry to see the

cakes burned.

"You 16 fellow!" she cried. "See what you have done! You want something to eat,

but you do not want to 17 !" The King was so hungry 18 he did not mind the

woman's angry words.

I do not know whether he had anything to eat that 19 , But it was not many days until

he 20 his men together again. He finally beat the Danes in a great battle.

Page 8: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip

20. A.educated B. collected C. blamed D. gathered


Long, a Shenzhen-based online illustrator(插画师), is fond of China's national treasure---

the giant panda.

Recently, he 1 (combine) the panda image with various internationally renowned

paintings, 2 (cause) an internet sensation.

"He is so imaginative and I love his 3 (paint). Chinese giant pandas are born to

model and can be 4 (easy) adapted into so many oil paintings," Weibo user Cao Xiaoli


According 5 the illustrator, he has been planning to do these 6 (create)

paintings for some time, and is glad that so many people like 7 (he)style.

"I not only pay attention to Chinese traditional paintings, 8 western masterpieces,

and I want to show that the Chinese panda not only matches well with Chinese style elements,

but stands as 9 promising symbol of the world culture," he added.

Now, let's check out 10 it looks like when the Chinese panda steps into the world of

famous paintings.



Can you explain the meaning of the word in a (具体的) sentence?(1)

The (拥有,持有) of a passport is essential for foreign travel.(2)

You will benefit greatly if you regularly (请教,咨询) with your teacher.(3)

The doctor told him that unless he cut down on junk food,he would (最后,终于)

have a heart disease.


Being recognized (无论在什么地方)you go is the price you pay for being



(与…不同/不像)the body ,the memory can improve with age.(6)

He was very grateful to me for what I had done for him and (对待)me as his

best friend.


All the students are (要求)to attend the meeting to be held tomorrow on time.(8)



Page 9: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip

The city lay in (废墟)and thousands of people had no place to live in.(9)

Through her (不懈的,持续不断的) efforts, wildlife protection was paid great

attention to by society.


Li Na,a famous Chinese tennis player, (献身,专心于) her 23 years to playing



It's a well-known fact that cigarettes contain many chemicals that will (影响)

your health.


One must (专心)on his work in order to make progress.(13)

She (指控)Bill of lying to her,but failed to convince others of it.(14)

We should be optimistic and always keep a positive (态度)towards life.(15)









Dear Linda,

If you will want to be healthy and happy, you need to have healthy lifestyle, I have some

advice for you and I hope that you will follow all of it. Like a young student, you need to get

enough sleep, but you need to try to go to bed early every night. You should try to sleep for at

least 8 hours every day, that will help you full of energy for your day at school. Doing more

exercise is also very importantly, and you should remember to eating more vegetables and

fruits. You can listen to music. It can reduce our stress after studying. Smiling as often as

possible can help you staying happy and forget your troubles.




1. 提供帮助的意愿;

2. 说明胜任的理由;



Page 10: 2017~2018 学年广东广州荔湾区广东广雅中学高二 上学期期末 …Triposo: The App Store has over 142 separate Triposo apps, each one full of information about one trip

3. 讲好普通话的两点建议;

4. 学习英语的具体需求。


1. 词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Sharon,

This is Li Hua. I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin.


Li Hua