3 state of malter

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  • 8/12/2019 3 State of Malter


    Dwi Anggarani

    EK 2B/09

    Three States of Matter

    Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

    Good afternoon, Mr.Sasongko and my friends,before I want to say thanks for

    Mr.Sasongko and my friends for this time that was given to me.OK friends, in this time I will

    exlain about three states of matter.

    States of matter are the distin!t forms that differenthasesof matter take on.

    All matter is made from atoms with the !onfiguration of the atom, the number of rotons,

    neutrons, and ele!trons, determining the kind of matter resent "oxygen, lead, silver, neon ...#.

    $very substan!e has a uni%ue number of rotons, neutrons, and ele!trons. Oxygen, for examle,

    has & rotons, & neutrons, and & ele!tron.

    'e !all this roerty of matter the state of the matter. (he three normal states of matter have

    uni%ue !hara!teristi!s whi!h are listed on the slide.


    In a solid the mole!ules are !losely bound to one another by mole!ular for!es. A solid

    holds its shae and the volumeof a solid is fixed by the shae of the solid.

    Li!idIn a li%uid the mole!ular for!es are weaker than in a solid. A li%uid will take the shae of

    its !ontainer with a free surfa!e in a gravitational field. In mi!rogravity, a li%uid forms a ball

    inside a free surfa!e. )egardless of gravity, a li%uid has a fixed volume.


    In a gas the mole!ular for!es are very weak. A gas fills its !ontainer, taking both the

    shae and the volume of the !ontainer. .

    #las$a % the &fo!rth state&

    (he three normal states of matter have been known for many years and studied in hysi!s and

    !hemistry !lasses. *nder these !onditions, the atoms themselves . . A lasma has some uni%ue

    %ualities that !auses s!ientists to label it a +fourth state+ of matter. A lasma is a fluid, like a A

    lasma is a fluid, like a li%uid or gas, but be!ause of the !harged arti!les resent in a lasma, it

  • 8/12/2019 3 State of Malter


    resonds to and generates ele!tromagneti! for!es. -ASA is !urrently doing resear!h into the use

    of lasmas for an ion roulsion system.

    More re!ently, distin!tions between states have been based on differen!es in mole!ular

    interrelationshis. Solid is the state in whi!h intermole!ular attra!tions kee the mole!ules in

    fixed satial relationshis. i%uid is the state in whi!h intermole!ular attra!tions kee mole!ules

    in roximity, but do not kee the mole!ules in fixed relationshis.

    Gas is that state in whi!h the mole!ules are !omaratively searated and intermole!ular

    attra!tions have relatively little effe!t on their rese!tive motions. /lasma is a highly ioni0ed gas

    that o!!urs at high temeratures. (he intermole!ular for!es !reated by ioni! attra!tions and

    reulsions give these !omositions distin!t roerties, for whi!h reason lasma is des!ribed as a

    fourth state of matter.

    (his diagram shows the nomen!lature for the different hase transitions.

    Solids !an be transformed into li%uids by $elting, and li%uids !an be transformed into

    solids by free'ing. Solids !an also !hange dire!tly into gases through the ro!ess of


    li%uids !an be transformed into gas by )a*ori'ation, and gas !an be transformed into

    li%uids by +ondansation. gas !an also !hange dire!tly into solids through the ro!ess of


    gases !an be transformed into lasmas by ioni'ation, and lasmas !an be transformed

    into gases by deioni'ation.

    Okey, I think that1s all for my resentation ,I1m sorry if any mistake in my resentation..

    'assalamu1alaikum wr.wb

  • 8/12/2019 3 State of Malter


    The Diagram Phase Transition of 3 States of Matter