305 u7 wk 12 (i) teacher joanne. ukraine 烏克蘭 question: what is the name of the sea that is...

305 U7 WK 12 (I) Teacher JOANNE

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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305 U7 WK 12 (I)

Teacher JOANNE



What is the name of the sea that is near Ukraine?

It’s the ____________Sea.


What is the name of the sea that is near Ukraine?

It’s the Black Sea.

Geographical 地理的 information The country is in Eastern Europe. Most of the country was largely part of

the Russian Empire 俄羅斯帝國 , that is the Soviet Union 前蘇聯 .

It is the second largest country in Europe, with slight 微小的 decline in 減少population 人口 .


1. Ukraine is in which part of Europe?It is in E_ _ _ _ _ _ Europe.

2. Is Ukraine the largest country in Europe, answer in completely.

No, it is not, it is the ________largest country. 3. Ukraine was part of the _________Empire.


1. Ukraine is in which part of Europe?It is in Eastern Europe.

2. Is Ukraine the largest country in Europe, answer in completely.

No, it is not, it is the second largest country. 3. Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire.

Flag of Ukraine

The flag has a strong blue on the top, and a bright yellow at the bottom 底部 . There are many explanations of the blue and yellow. Landscape 風景 lovers think that blue represents象徵 the color of the sky, and the yellow symbolizes 標誌 the lush 蒼翠繁茂的 golden

wheat 小麥 fields 原野 / 田地 of this country. Some think the yellow represents the sun, and the blue represents the water. The religious people think that the blue is the Dnieper river, and the yellow is the golden domes 圓屋頂

of Christian churches.


1. What are the colors of Ukrainian flag?It is_________and _________.

2. For people who love the landscape they think the blue represents _________, and the yellow represent the wh_ _ _ fi_ _ _ s.

3. Religious people think that blue represents the

r_ _ _ _ , and the yellow represents the d_ _ _ _ of the Christian ch_ _ _ _ _ _.


1. What are the colors of Ukrainian flag?It is blue and yellow.

2. For people who love the landscape they think the blue represents sky, and the yellow represent the wheat fields.

3. Religious people think that blue represents the

river, and the yellow represents the domes of the Christian churches.


The official language in Ukraine is called Ukrainian, and it belongs to 屬於 the Slavic language family 斯拉夫語系 . Other languages like Russian 俄語 , Romanian 羅馬尼亞語 , Polish波蘭語 , and Hungarian 匈牙利語 are spoken in the country as well. Most of people are multilingual 使用多種語言的 like Taiwanese, because there are many ethnic 種族的 groups living in Ukraine, and the people from its neighboring countries also contact 聯繫 , and communicate 交際 with Ukrainians frequently頻繁地 .


1. What the official language in Ukraine?It is U____________.

2. A person who can speak many languages is called a multi_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

3. Many Ukrainians speaks many languages like in

T _ _ _ _ _.4. People need to be able to speak many

languages because they con_ _ _ _ and commu_ _ _ _ _ _ with each other .


1. What the official language in Ukraine?It is Ukrainian.

2. A person who can speak many languages is called a multilingual.

3. Many Ukrainians speaks many languages like in

Taiwan.4. People need to be able to speak many

languages because they contact and communicate with each other .


the country is moderate 溫和的 . Winter is rather 有點兒 mild, with no severe 嚴重的 frosts 霜 but with regular 固定的 snowfalls 降雪 everywhere except 除了the south. The rivers and lakes freeze in winter.

The weather is lovely in Ukraine, so wheat 小麥 , corns, red and green vegetables, all kinds of fruit, melons and berries are grown.

Winter sports

Many places snow during winter time, so there are plenty of 很多 winter sports available in Ukraine.

Due to 由於 the country is such a wonderful place for winter sports, it is planning to bid 投標 for Winter Olympics 2022!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYRvPJdlD9A (as) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sUXf84Dtns (bob)

Alpine skiing 高山滑雪

Bobsleigh 有舵雪橇


(2010 winter Olympic gold medalist)

Figure skating 花樣滑冰


Freestyle skating 自由式滑雪


Ice hockey 冰上曲棍球


Luge 無舵雪橇


Ski jumping 跳台滑雪

Extra words on the board

exciting 令人興奮的 violent 暴力的 spin 轉動 endangered 瀕危 castle 城堡 mountain top = peak 山峰 international 國際的 mass production 大批生產