4519 bp gom lost circ rp

Confidential ..,.,j,*,* Lost Circulation Recommended Practices .lrjI ':i',:-,ii, Lost Girculation Decision Trees ,il .,',: i, "'l';'; "' ' n':.' '' Version 1. Next version will be updated in January 2010. t'i,,:;,. ' t,'' ... t . ,, ':it.: ': ' " tt' ' t:t-l' - "' ' '.:,:t, ,' i''"' " *litt. .:'. @ 2008BP plc. This document containsCOMIDENTIAL TNFORMATION, which is the exclusive property of BP. In whole or patq &is doqrrnent or its attachmenls MAY NOT be reproduced by any means,disclosid or used for any purpose withoul lbe cxprcss written permission ofBP. Reviewed by / SPA Juan Carlcs Rojas EPT Fluids/Environnentr,;, Phone: 281 -366-460!.":1ifr.:,i.llii E-mail: roiasicatObo.com l--.] ,r ii:, ':' Date: December 23rd.2008 Reviewed by ':.g*nail ',ti, [email protected] ------------.; li.!i.1.1,;,' Signature Date:December 23rd.2008 Review6d by' .tlanluo:Zrra;ig EPT Rock ': !..1,,. i'ilechanicslFluias'.t,. '... 1|l9_n", 281-36G$724 : "' 'E-mail: "'"]:'r'i; ;ffi Signature Date: December 23rd.2008 Reviewed by niiiiitt sant i. l epr'PiiibPressure enone:2d'i.goo eaeo e+niil sanlrt @bp.com Signature Date: December 23rd.2008 Approved by Tom christiiiiier EPT, Drilling & .' ,, Completion 1r I Standardization , Phone:281-366- 4720 E-mail: Tom. Christooher@ bp.com Signature. Daie: DecEmber 23d,2008 CONFIDENTIAL BP-HZN-z1 7eMDL0 1 31 37s4

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Lost Circulation Recommended Practices.lrjI


Lost Girculation Decision Trees ,il .,',: i,

"' l ' ; ' ; " ' ' n':. ' ' '

Version 1. Next version will be updated in January 2010. t'i,,:;,.' t,' '



. ,, ':it.:

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. : ' .

@ 2008 BP plc. This document contains COMIDENTIAL TNFORMATION, which is the exclusive property of BP. In whole orpatq &is doqrrnent or its attachmenls MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosid or used for any purpose withoul lbecxprcss written permission ofBP.

Reviewedby / SPA

Juan Carlcs RojasEPT Fluids/Environnentr,;,Phone: 281 -366-460!.":1ifr.:,i.llii

E-mail:roiasicatObo.coml--.] ,ri i : , ' : '

Date: December23rd.2008


':.g*nail ',ti,

[email protected].;

l i . ! i .1.1,;, '

Signature Date:December23rd.2008

Review6dby '

.tlanluo:Zrra;igEPT Rock ': !..1,,.

i'ilechanicslFluias' .t,. '...1|l9_n", 281-36G$724 : "'

'E-mail: "'"]:'r'i;;ffi Signature Date: December23rd.2008


niiiiitt sant i. lepr'Piiib Pressureenone:2d'i.goo eaeo

e+niilsanlrt @bp.com

Signature Date: December23rd.2008


Tom christiiiiierEPT, Drilling & .' ,,Completion 1r I

Standardization ,

Phone: 281-366- 4720

E-mail:Tom. Christooher@ bp. com

Signature. Daie: DecEmber23d,2008

CONFIDENTIAL BP-HZN-z1 7eMDL0 1 3 1 37s4

Page 2: 4519 Bp Gom Lost Circ Rp


ffi confideti

*N/A: Not Available; * BP prefened filament fiber; ** Nof all cross-lintt potymer6tre simnar;per Mohs scala : ;

Note: LCM products fom maior service cornpanies. Contacl fluid CoP for additional LCM products.

@ 2008 BP plc. This document contains CONFIDENTIAL IMORMATION, which is the exclusive property of BP. Inwhole orpart, this document or its attachments MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used for any purpose witbout theexpress written permission of BP.


1 5











ryl** ;:t P 'rsiv; lcnetf l


; : : . i r : ,1

:'N/A', N/A' N/A'

High FL with low compressivestrenqth

L Ftvt...', -


Duo-squeeze Solu-Squeeze

N/A* FraoAttack

SwelLGM ,

Form'A.set N stiueezeni-Piex , ,X;link f.fn-L r . k i \ ; l o a i r r a f - ., .r r .*". Flne roer - MIX II Barofibre Check-loss SYN-seal Strata-LCM

:':,", .FiiifrClririuer..''+ \aki tii";: ,,G;,,e,.J"rr*!,

CaCOg line (F)*'

Safecarb 2 Baracarb 5 Milcarb 5 hl/A* N/A*

Safecarb 20 Baracarb 25 Milcarb 25 N/A' N/A'

Safecarb 40 Baracarb 50 Milcarb 50 N/A* N/A*

CaCOg mqdium (M)* Safecarb 250 tr,titcafU ISO Nrn: N/A"

CaCOs a:oarse {C)** Safecarb 500 N/A* Milcarb 450 N/A* N/A"

CaCO: extra coarse (XC)'* Safecarb 750 Baracarb 600 Milcarb 500 N/A' N/A'

Graphite fine (F) G-Seal F Steelseal 100 LC Lube Fine N/A' N/A'

Graphite Meadium (M) G-Seal Plus Steelseal 400 LC Lube N/A- N/A"

CON FIDENTIAL B P-HZN- 217 ?MDLO 1 3 1 37e5

Page 3: 4519 Bp Gom Lost Circ Rp


*ryk ConfidentialW

New API Specification

Q 2008 BP plc. This documcnt contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, which is the exclusive proporty of BP. In whole orparL ftis doomenl or its attachEnts MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used for any purpose without the€xpress written permission ofBP.

16 1190 0,01620 8+0 0,0328

40 +zo 0,0164s0 ?97 0,0116

177 0,0069t49 0.0058105 0.00417+ 0,002962 0.002353 0.00211+ 0.001737 0.0015?0 0.000810 0,00045 0.0002



API Designation D100 Separation(Microns)

8;ri 100 149

;;: ;l Qg6 1

120 125

20 ' ' : :

,"841 140 105

30 t. 595 170 88

40 424 200 74

45 354 230 6350 297 27A 5360 250 325 44

7A 210 450 3180 177 500 24


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Pore Throat:, ,10 to ,50,,l,Micr:bni



, . - . , , j

, , , ,





Poie Throat:< 10 M'Grons

Note: The LCM above is for OBM systems weighted up with barite. For clear brine fluids, thebarite content will need to be replaced by sized CaCO:. for Micronized barite systems, such asWARP, those containing Micromax, different recommendation may be requirei.

@ 2008 BP plc. This'documcnt contains CONFIDENIIAL INFORMAION, which is the exclusive properry of BP.: In whole orpart, this documeflt or its altachnEnts MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used for any purpose without theexpress writt€n pennission ofBP.

CONFIDENTIAL B P-HZN-217 9MDLO 1 3 1 37 97

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A ; ,

FOre tnroat:10 to 50

+Yes MW \rNo



. r i


Pore Throat:< 10 Microns

Pore Throat:>so Mic1o1!



Note: The LCM above is for WBM systems weighted up with barite. For clear brine fluids, the barite contentwill need to be replaced by sized CaCO:. for Micronized barite systems, such as WARP, those containingMicromax, different recommendation may be required.

O 2008 BP plc. This ilocument contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, which is the exclusive property of BP. In whole orpart, this document or its attachmens MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used for any purpose without theexpress writtdn pennission ofBP.

CONFIDENTIAL B P-HZN- 217 ?MDLO 1 3 1 37e8

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g 2008 BP plc. This document contains COM'IDENTIAL INI'ORMATION, which is the exclusive property ofBP. In whole orpart, this document or its attachmgnts N{AY NOT bc rcproduced by any means, disclosed or uscd for any purpose wjtlrout theexpress written permission of BP.


CONFIDENTIAL B P-HZN-217 9MDL0 1 3 1 3799

Page 7: 4519 Bp Gom Lost Circ Rp


fk ConfidentialtsF

,tLogses and gains

Report to :,Rqgulatqry Agentor;Eduivgfint', .

l::'Result oJOH

,, LOT?, '

- 'u

Prevention: Exoonential Tails


rx00 [12.75 r1?.50 l-

tzzs Itroo L


tl 8mI

.1 6mI

i 100

r,l|,*r l l- . , U

:[ower Flow Rate- Control surge- Reduce ROP

.Reduce Salinitv

.tncrease [tiud '


@ 2008 BP plc. This document oontains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, which is the exclusive property of BP. In rvhole orpart, this document or its attactunents MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or |rsed for any purpose without theexpress written permission of BP


Page 8: 4519 Bp Gom Lost Circ Rp

bp,**fibs ikry Confidential

Reduce ECD:.Mudweight

.Reduce flow rate


0 ppb Filameni Fiber5:ppb Filament Fiber0 ppb'Fine Fiber5 ppb Graphite Coarse


tNoDo, l '

in sand. ' o r . '

Sand n"""rg"'n, ""areparr r'-T

Drill'& treatwith fiber:' :5ppb Filament Fiber M

Yes (Shale) At TD Yes (Sand)

need to

O 2008 BP plc. This document contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, which is the exclusive property of BP. In wlrole orpart, this docurirent or its attrchments MAY NOT bc reproduccd by any means, disclosed or used for any purpose without theexpress written pErmission ofBP,

lf nozzle size less than12132, double volumeto reduce concentrationto 40 ppb

To locate losszone & regaincontrol

,. . . How will you know the losses are' ' i

" . , : - ^ L - t ^ ,' i . ; ; I I I J l t d t t r ,' : .,,..i.,Mud returns when well flow,i'back (ECD off). 'Resistivity logs. External temperature logs. Relationship between ECD, PP

and Shale FG. When pill pumped, location of

pil l vs. l i thology.

Either bypassshaker or useLCM recover;Must have >14 nozzles.

LosseS are

IContinue drillingwith,CaGO3 and

CON FIDENTIAL B P-HZN-217 ?MDL0 1 3 1 380 1

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S-% Confidentialrrq$$F

I. . " . 1 . - . ) . . t . " , - - - - -Losses are uncontrollable(>30 bph)

Reduce EGD:.Mud weight

?RedUCe flow rate

'10 ppb Filament Fiber M.15 ppb Filament Fiber C.10 ppb Fine Fiber.15 ppb Graphite Coarce.15 ppb GaCOe C.!0 ppb CaGOr XC

t - ' -Continug drilling withCaCOr and graphite inthe mud

Pu-mp:- Cement+CaGOs. Resin#CaCOs:PieasuiC to|Vlaxanticipated,ECo

EZ Squeeze andpressure to max.anticipated ECD


Drill & treat with fiber:Sppb Filament Fiber M5 ppb Filament fiber C

o,u)'' Yesnsed torepair- ?

l*oRun pipecem6ntwith fiber

Prov€ntion:. Filament fiber, Control,ECD ,. Goocl rrtiilino'Drrctic€s

Bit nozzles need to be>14,if <12, pump lowerconcentration of LCMbut more volume, to getthe same quantity ofLCM to the loss zone

To locate losszone & regaincontrol

How will you know the lossesare in shale:

. Ext0mdl temperature logs

. Relationship betweenECD, PP and Shale FG

. When pillpumped, locationof pill vs. lithology,

Gan theEcDrbe

reduded <

shaker orLCM recover;

. Must have >14 nozzles.

+Continued{lling '

@ 2008 BP plc. This docurient contains CONFIDENTIAL IMORMATION, which is the exclusive properry of BP. In whole orptrt this document or its attachmene MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used for ary purpose without theexpress nritten permission ofBP-

CON FIDENTIAL B P-HZN-217 ?MDL0 1 3 1 3802

Page 10: 4519 Bp Gom Lost Circ Rp


#k Confidential{*s

lmportant to try and drillahead Uhtil fractuied zoneis fully exposed beforeexecuting any repair.

Pump: 75 ppb pi l l.10 ppb Fi lament Fiber Mr15 ppb Fi lament Fiber C.10 ppb Fine Fiber.15 ppb Graphite Coarse

l 0

.ts ppl Gaco, c

@ 2008 BP plc. lhis doorment contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION which is the exclusive property of BP. In whole orpa4 this document or its adachments IvIAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed or used lor any ptrrpose without tbecxpress written permission of BP.

Do you havepreventive LCM in

the ciiculatlng

Bit nozzles needto be >14, i f <12,pump lowerconcentration ofLCM but morevolume, to get thesame quentity ofLCM to the losszone

control of welland locateloss zone :

Fibertreat atl mud:5,ppb- :Filament Fiber.5 ppb Filament Fiber C


CON FIDENTIAL B P-HZN-217 9MDL0 1 3 1 380 3

Page 11: 4519 Bp Gom Lost Circ Rp

# confidential


@ 2008 BP plc. This document contains CONFIDENTIAL IMORMATION, which is thc exclusive property of BP. ln whole orparqB0@Bn dlt6ilks&srtrmnsrtt&f WildiddsdnsrefuUmyaqpaeoffrSuirtrdholeorexppod;rlhie&gmnidsbiito&B&hrnents MAY NOT be reproduced by any means, disclosed oruscd for any purpose without the

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it!. ::jr'::i',

{h,," liitt''"

rt in


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G6,menti/ TB'D


Page 12: 4519 Bp Gom Lost Circ Rp

. bp

# Confidential

' i : ,

o 2eDraB FlE.pThiuu66or6.oxr';erioN6lffiFEf,IlAlrsmlafi{Ml0N0trbiuf iehlie sahrsiirEiropc+ednrsn r{hoiihoh orparDahistBarcdmirndldttra'thBffiirftleMA]DN0Orbpr,@odd@@yaryancadbdiddqfttEeOsd fryqryrporpoyithdrhdm rheexpDq8sEiffi irFrFkEirirDirfiBtrS P.


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