4628 didik prasetyoko 08. inorganic chemistry

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  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    Study of H-Zeolite Addition in The Esterification Step of Biodiesel Synthesis

    from used Cooking Palm Oil

    Karna Wijaya, Triyono and Risqi Andini

    Laboratory of Physical Chemistry,

    Department of Chemistry, Gadjah Mada University

    Jl.Kaliurang, Km 5.5, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55218Telp./Fax.: 0274-545188

    Correspondence author: [email protected], Mobile phone: 08122692493 


    It has been studied the effect of H-zeolite addition in esterifiction step of biodiesel synthesis from usedcooking palm oil using a steinlessteel biodiesel reactor with capacity of 10 L and equipped with an automatictemperature control, a timer, and a stirrer.

    The study was initiated with natural zeolite activation using technical sulfuric acid. After activation thezeolite was characterized its acidity by gravimetric method, its structure by X-ray diffractometry, and FT-IR.The H-zeolite then was used as solid acid catalyst in esterification step of biodiesel synthesis to decrease thefree fatty acid concentration in used palm oil. The H-zeolite which was used in the process was varied itsweight towards (oil + methanol) weight i.e. 1.50%; 3.50%; 5.50% and 6.50%. As a comparison, pretreatment

    of used cooking palm oil also has been done over 1.50 % sulfuric acid. After pretreatment, the oil wasseparated from methanol and H-zeolite, the reaction was continued by transesterifying the oil with methanol

    using NaOH as catalyst. The transesterification product then was labeled as biodiesel. Both esterification andtransesterification process were carried out in a steinlessteel biodiesel reactor at temperature of 70

    oC for 2

    hours. The composition of the biodiesel was analyzed using Gas chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS), 1H-NMR and their physical properties were analyzed using ASTM analysis methods.

    The research results showed that activation resulted in no destruction of zeolite structure and increased itsacidity. Biodiesel reactor can used for biodiesel synthesis from used cooking palm oil. Addition of H-zeolitein esterfication could decrease its free fatty acid content. Increasing of H-zeolite would increase the biodieselconversion. The highest conversion of biodiesel was 98,41% achieved by addition of H-zeolite of 5.5%

    (w/w). The result of GC-MS analysis showed that main components of biodiesel were mixture of methylesters with methyl oleic as the major compound (40.66%). Based on the ASTM analysis data, the obtained

     biodiesel specification was in agreement with diesel fuel specification for automotive.

    Key words: esterification,transesterifiction, biodiesel, used palm oil, H-zeolite, 


    The international demand for biodiesel and

    the promotion of the oil as sources of renewableenergy which can decrease the greenhouse effect are

    increasing year after year. Biodiesel can be used in

    almost diesel engine when mixed with fossil dieseloil. Biodiesel can provide benefits including:

    reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel

    use, increase rural development and a sustainable fuel

    supply. However, biodiesel have some limitations

    such as the feedstocks for biofuel production must bereplaced rapidly [1-10]

    Biodiesel is consisting of fatty-acid alkyl

    esters, known as FAME (fatty-acid methyl ester).Fatty-acid alkyl esters are long chains of carbon

    molecules with an alcohol molecule attached to one

    end of the chain. In a process called

    transesterification, vegetable oils, animal fats or

    restaurant greases are combined with alcohol andchemically altered to form fatty esters such as methyl

    ester [8-14]

    Beside fresh vegetables oil, used cooking oilmay be used as raw material for biodiesel syntheses.

    However, used cooking oil which has been heated inhigh temperature usually contain high concentration

    of free fatty acids. Free fatty acids will create soapand hinder the formation of biodiesel in

    transesterification reaction step. One of the method to

    deal with this is by giving a preliminary treatment on

    used cooking oil in the form of an acid catalyst

    adding before transesterification is conducted. The

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  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –


     purpose of the treatment is to reduce free fatty acidsconcentration in used palm cooking oil through

    esterification reaction. In the esterification reaction

    step,usually a catalyst homogen such as sulfuric acid

    was used. The use of sulfuric acid as catalyst inindustry is not considered economical becausesulfuric acid used is mixed with alcohol, so that it is

    difficult to separate them, moreover sulfuric acid

    which is containing sulfur can decrease the quality of

    the biodiesel as fuel. As an alternative, a solid acidcatalyst such as acidified zeolite is used [13-19].

    Materials And Methods


    The natural zeolite was supplied byPT.Anindya Divisi Pertambangan, Yogyakarta.

    Technical grade Sodium hydroxide, methanol andsulfuric acid were used as received. Aquabidest as adispersion media was purchased from Lab.of Physical

    Chemistry, Gadjah Mada University. Used cooking

     palm oil was purchased from CV.Kembang


     InstrumentationsThe X-Ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were

    obtained on Shimadzu PW3710 BASED

    diffractometer equipped with Shimadzu X-ray

    generator, using CuK α  radiation. The scanning (2θ)range was from 2 to 40o  and the scanning rate was


    /min. FTIR spectra was obtained from ShimadzuFTIR-8201 PC. Concentration of biodiesel was

    determined using 1H-NMR (60 MHz) and Gas

    Chromatography (HP 5890 Shimadzu), meanwhilecomponents of biodiesel were determined using Gas

    Chromatography–Mass Spectrometer (Shimadzu).

    Synthesis and Characterization of H-ZeoliteThe study was initiated with natural zeolite

    activation using technical sulfuric acid. One hundered

    gram natural zeolite with dimension of 250 mesh wasdispersed into 1,6M technical grade sulfuric acid. The

    dispersion was stirred and then filtered. The solid

     phase was heated at 120


    C for 5 hours. The productwas labeled as H-zeolite. After activation the H-zeolite was characterized its acidity by gravimetric

    method, its structure by X-ray diffractometry, and

    FT-IR. To calculate methyl esters content we used

     proton-NMR data and equation 1.

    ( ) ( TAG ME  ME 

     ME  I  I 

     I C 




    5%100   (1)

    WhereCME =conversion of methyl ester (%)

    IME  =integrtion value of methyl ester peaks (%)

    ITAG  =integration value of triasylglicerol (%)

    Synthesis of Biodiesel

    The H-zeolite which was used in the process

    was varied its weight towards (oil + methanol) weight

    i.e. 1.50%; 3.50%; 5.50% and 6.50%. As acomparison, pretreatment of used cooking palm oil

    also has been done over 1.50 % sulfuric acid. After

     pretreatment, the oil was separated from methanoland H-zeolite, the reaction was continued by

    transesterifying the oil with methanol using NaOH as

    catalyst. The transesterification product then was

    labeled as biodiesel. Both esterification andtransesterification process were carried out in a

    steinlessteel biodiesel reactor at temperature of 70oC

    for 2 hours (Fig.1). The composition of the biodiesel

    was analyzed using Gas chromatography–MassSpectroscopy (GC-MS), 1H-NMR and their physical

     properties were analyzed using ASTM analysis


    Figure.1 Biodiesel reactor with capacity of 10 L to prepare biodiesel from used cooking plm oil

    Results And Discuccion

     Preparation of H-Zeolite

    Proceeding Book   434

  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    The study was initiated with natural zeoliteactivation using technical sulfuric acid. After

    activation the zeolite was characterized its acidity by

    gravimetric method, its structure by X-ray

    diffractometry, and FT-IR. From X-ray analysis result

    could be concluded that the acid activation resulted inno destruction of the natural zeolite structure

    significantly. It can be seen clearly from the reflexes

    of H-zeolite in its difractogram which almost all of

    the reflexes still exist after acid activation (Fig.2) 

    Figure. 2 Difractogram of natural zeolite (above) and H-zeolit (below) 

    Proceeding Book   435

  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    Figure 3. FT-IR Spectra of H-zeolite (above) and natural zeolite (below)

    Infra red analysis result also supported the

    X-ray analysis data. There was no indication that acid

    activation caused a significant distruction of zeolitestructure. After activation all importance vibrationts

    of the zeolite still appeared in H-zeolite spectra

    (Fig.3).Gravimetry analysis indicated  that acid

    activation can cause the increasing of total acidity ofthe clay in some extent (from 0.02980 mmol

     NH3/gram to be 0.03125 mmol NH3/gram) . Theincrease of the acid uptake indicated that the surface

    area and adsorption sites of the H-zeolite was higher

    than natural unmodified zeolite, Therefore, it is

    expected that H-zeolite has catalytic properties higher

    than natural unmodified zeolite.

    Synthesis of Biodiesel

    Biodiesel reactor with capacity of 10 L canused for biodiesel synthesis from used cooking palm

    oil. The product and the used cooking palm oil are

    displayed in Fig.4. The color of obtained biodieselwas bright yellow meanwhile used cooking palm oil

    was dark brown. The characterization result indicated

    that addition of H-zeolite in esterfication could

    decrease its free fatty acid content from 4.166% to

    1.58% .

    Figure 4. Used cooking palm oil (left) and biodiesel(right)

    To determine the methyl esters concentrationin product we used proton-NMR analysis method.

    Analysis results (Fig.3, Fig.4.and Fig.5) exhibited that

    esterification and transesterification resulted in theformation of biodiesel which indicated by appearing a

    sharp peak around 3,7 ppm at its spectrogram (Fig.

    7). Calculation using equation 1 showed that the

    increasing of H-zeolite would increase the biodiesel

    conversion. The highest conversion of biodiesel was98,41% achieved by addition of H-zeolite of 5.5%


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  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    Proceeding Book   437

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    Figure. 5. Proton-NMR spectra of used cooking palm oil

    Fig. 6. Proton-NMR spectra of esterification product

  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    Proceeding Book   438

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    Fig. 7. Proton-NMR spectra of biodiesel

    The result of GC and GC-MS analysisshowed that main components of biodiesel were

    mixture of methyl esters with methyl oleic as the

    major compound ca. 40.66% (Fig. 8-12). Othercomponets were methyl palmitic (34,37%), linoleic

    (13,12%) and stearic (6,84%) (Fig. 9-12).

    Figure.8 Chromatogram of mixed methyl esters

    The existence of methyl palmitic was indicated by the

    appearance of fragment with m/z= 270, 239 and 74

    (Fig.9). The appearance of fragments with m/z = 294,

    263, 81,55 and 41 was considered due to methyllinoleaic (Fig. 10). Fragments with m/z = 296, 266,

    264, 74, 69, 55 and 41 was caused by methyl oleic

    (Fig.11). Finally, the methyl stearic appeared with

    m/z = 87, 101, 115, 129, 143, 157, 171, 185, 199,

    213, 227, 241, and 225 (Fig.12).

  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    Proceeding Book   439

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    C3H6O2m/z = 74




    m/z = 239  

    Figure 9. Mass spectra and structure of methyl palmitic



    C18H30Om/z = 262  

    Figure 10. Mass spectra and structure of methyl linoleic




    m/z = 264  Figure 11. Mass spectra and structure of methyl oleic

  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    Proceeding Book   440

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    C3H6O2m/z = 74



    C18H35Om/z = 267  

    Figure 12. Mass spectra and structure of methyl stearic

    Biodiesel produced from the above metioned

     process are further tested their physicochemical

     properties using ASTM method and are comparedwith the specification of ASTM biodiesel (Table 1).

    Biodiesel resulted from esterification with H-zeolite

    and transesterification proved to fulfil 8 criteria

    stipulated for diesel oil, which include viscosity,density, flash point, water content, Conradson carbon

    residue, fuel value and specific density. Viscosity of

     biodisel is related to specific density in which the

    higher the viscosity was, the greater the specific

    density would be. Biodiesel with high specific density

    will be difficult to flow so that it will slow down theignition process. Biodiesel viscosity from used

    cooking palm oil had lower viscosity than used oil,and if it is used as fuel for diesel engine, the result of

    injection in ignition chamber will easily form nebula

    which facilitate ignition.

    Flash point of biodiesel from used cooking

     palm oil is relatively very high. The high flash point

    make biodiesel easy for storing. The biodiesel can besaved easily and safely in tropical areas. If flash point

    of the biodiesel was lower, the biodiesel will be easily

    flammable in storing. Biodiesel from used cooking

     palm oil is considered to have high pour point. Thehigh pour point cause the diesel engine to stuck in

    lower temperature so that it is not suitable for use in

    sub tropical areas.

    The comparison between specification of

     biodiesel produced in the research with specification

    of diesel oil for industry and automotive was shownin Table 1. Of the five criteria presented, our

     biodiesel fulfil the requirements for being alternativefuel for diesel oil for industry and auttomotive.

    Table 1. Comparison between physical characteristic of biodiesel with diesel oil for industry

    and automotive diesel oil.

    ParameterUsed cooking

     palm oil

    Automotive diesel


    diesel oil*)

    Specific density 60/60 oF 0,9124 0,820-0,870 0,840-0,920

    Brutto fuel value (GHV),BTU/lb **)

    19173,25 19031-19220 18842-19145

     Netto fuel value (NHV),BTU/lb **) 17423,52 17856-17977 17735-17929

    Kinematic viscosity 40oC 40,37 2,0-5,0 7,000

    Pour point, oF  39,2 65,000 65,000

    Flash point, oF  341,6 Min 150 Min 150

    Conradson carbon residue % 0,391 Max 0,100 Max 1,000

    Water content, % vol. 0,12 Max 0,05 Max 0,05

  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    Proceeding Book   441

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –


    The research results showed that activation

    resulted in no destruction of zeolite structure and

    increased its acidity. Biodiesel reactor can used for biodiesel synthesis from used cooking palm oil.

    Addition of H-zeolite in esterfication could decrease

    its free fatty acid content. Increasing of H-zeolite

    would increase the biodiesel conversion. The highestconversion of biodiesel was 98,41% achieved by

    addition of H-zeolite of 5.5% (w/w). The result of

    GC-MS analysis showed that main components of

     biodiesel were mixture of methyl esters with methyl

    oleic as the major compound (40.66%). Based on theASTM analysis data, the obtained biodiesel

    specification was in agreement with diesel fuelspecification for automotive.


    1.  Arrowsmith, C.J., J. Ross, 1945, Treating Fatty Materials, US Patent , 2,383,580.

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    3.  Demirbas, A., 2003, Biodiesel Fuels fromVegetable Oils via Catalytic and Non-

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    Transesterifications and Other Methods: A

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    Yield of Fatty Aster from TransesterifiedVegetables Oil, J: Am. Oil Chem, 10,61.

    5.  Hamdan, H., 1992,  Introduction to Zeolites:

    Synthesis, Characterization, and Modification, Universiti Teknologi

    Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

    6.  Hanna, A.M., dan Ma, F., 1999, Biodiesel

    Production Areview, J., Agric & Natural, 70,


    7.  Hardjono, A., 2001, Teknologi Minyak Bumi,

    Edisi pertama, Gadjah Mada UniversityPress, Jogjakarta.

    8.  Hidayat, D, 2008, Pengaruh katalis H-Zeolit

     pada Proses Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak Jelantah kelapa Sawit Bekas

     Menggunakan Reaktor Biodiesel

    berkapasitas 10 L, Skripsi, Universitas

    Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta.

    9.  Houas, A. Lachleb, H., Puzenut, E., Ksibi,M., Elaleui, E., Gullard, G., and Hermann,

    J.M., 2001, Photocatalytic Degradation

    Pathway of Methylene Blue in Water,  Appl.

    Catal. B: Environmental  30. 145-157.10.  Keim, G.I., 1945, Treating Fats and FattyOils U.S., Patent, 383.

    11.  Knothe, G., 2000, Monitoring a Progressing

    Transesterification Reaction by Fiber-Optic

     Near Infrared Spectroscopy with correlationto H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

    Spectroscopy, Jpn. Am. Oil. Chem. Soc., 77,

    J 9483, 489-493.12.  Mastutik, D., 2006, Transesterifikasi Minyak

     Jelantah Kelapa Sawit menjadi Biodiesel

     Menggunakan Zeolit-Y Melalui Proses

     Esterifikasi, Tesis, Universitas GadjahMada, Jogjakarta.


     Nye, M.J., dan southwell, P.H., 1983, Esters

    from Repeseed Oil as Diesel Fuel In: Proc.

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    14.  Oudejans, J.C., 1984,  Zeolite Catalysis in

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    15.  Patzer, R., dan Norris, M., 2002,  Evaluated

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    16.  Saefudin, A., 2005, Sintesis Biodiesel

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    17.  Setyawan, D.A., 2001, Pengaruh Waktu dan

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  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    Preparation of Solid Acid Catalysts from Bentonite and Their Catalytic

    Activities for The Esterification of Jatropha curcas  Seed Oil 

     Novizar Nazir 1,3, Djumali Mangunwidjaja2, Mohd. Ambar Yarmo3  Jumat Salimon3

    and Nazaruddin Ramli3

    1 Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Andalas Padang, Indonesia

     Kampus Limau Manis. Padang 25163, Indonesia

    Telp. +62 751 72772- E-mail address: [email protected] 2 Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Institut Pertanian Bogor

     Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, Indonesia3School of Chemical Science and Food Technology, FST UKM, Malaysia

    43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


    The esterification reaction of Jatropha curcas seed oil with methanol to remove free fatty acid (FFA)

    for biodiesel production was conducted using various bentonite catalysts. Solid acid catalysts from bentonite were prepared by aqueous impregnation technique. 5.3 M HCl and 40% by mass of H2SO4 

    were supported on bentonite by aqueous impregnation, washed with deionized water till Cl -1 and SO4-

    2  ions were not detected, dried overnight and calcinated at 500 oC for three hours. Catalysts was

    characterized by XRD, nitrogen adsorption-desorption, and pyridine adsorption FTIR. Five catalysts

    used in esterification reactions of Jatropha curcas seed oil with methanol were compared: (A) non-

    activated bentonite; (B) HCl 5.3 M-activated bentonite; (C) HCl 5.3 M-activated bentonite and

    calcinated at 500 oC (D) H2SO4 40%-activated bentonite; (E) H2SO4  40%-activated bentonite and

    calcinated at 500 oC. The effects structure properties of bentonite catalysts were discussed relating

    to the conversion of the FFA.

    Keywords:  Jatropha curcas, solid acid catalyst, esterification, acid-activated bentonite, FFA,



    With the increasing price of petroleum and

    environmental concerns over pollution caused by the

    internal combustion gases, alternative fuels have been

    developed [1, 2]. Biodiesel is considered as one of the

    alternative fuels for diesel engines become

    increasingly important [3].

    Biodiesel is defined as the mono alkyl esters of

    long chain fatty acids derived from renewable

    feedstocks, such as vegetable oil or animal fats, use in

    compression ignition engine [4]. It is a clean-burningfuel, biodegradable, nontoxic and has low emission

     profiles and so is environmentally beneficial. Use of

     biodiesel has the potential to reduce the level of

     pollutants and of potential carcinogens [5,6,7].

    In biodiesel production, the use of edible oils will

    compete with the food product. Consequently, the

    use of non-edible oil as alternative source will be

    important. Among several non-edible oil seed species

    could be utilized as source for oil production,  J.

    curcas  which grows in tropical and sub-tropical

    climates accross developing world is a multipurpose

    species with many attributes and potentials [8,9]

    However, the relatively higher amounts of free fatty

    acids (FFA) and water in this feedstock results in the

     production of soap in the presence of alkali catalyst.

    During alkaline-catalyzed transesterification, high

    content FFA will react with alkali catalysts to produce

    soaps which will inhibit the transesterification for

     biodiesel production. Furthermore, the large amount

    of soap can gel and also prevent the separation of theglycerol from the ester [5]. Acid-catalyzed

    transesterification, despite its insensitivity to FFA in

    the feedstock, has been largely ignored mainly

     because of its relatively slower reaction rate [6].

    Therefore a process combining pretreatment withalkaline-catalyzed transesterification for feedstocks

    having high FFA content was investigated by many

    authors [10,11,12,3].

    Acid-catalyzed esterification of high FFA content

    vegetable oils is a typical method of biodiesel

     production due to high reaction speed and high yield

    [13]. Some raw feedstocks with high FFA such as

    yellow and brown grease [10], rubber seed oil [11]

    mahua oil [14], waste cooking oil [15] and jatropha

    oil [11] have been used to produce biodiesel with

    homogeneous acid-catalyzed esterification followed

     by transesterification using alkaline catalyst.

    Compared with conventional liquid acid catalysts,

    Proceeding Book   442

  • 8/9/2019 4628 Didik Prasetyoko 08. Inorganic Chemistry


     The First International Seminar on Science and Technology

    January 24, 2009

    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    solid acid catalyst is more environmentally friendly


    The present work was undertaken to investigate

    the pretreatment process for reducing the FFA content

    of jatropha oil for biodiesel production using various

     bentonite as solid acid catalyst. This paper focuses on

    the reaction parameters that affect the conversion of

    FFA in crude jatropha oil by means of acid-catalyzed

    esterification with methanol.

    Materials and Methods


     Jatropha curcas  oil was hydrolic press extracted of

     jatropha seed from Lampung, South Sumatra,

    Indonesia. Anhydrous methanol (MeOH), 99.8%,

     potassium hydroxide (KOH), sulfuric acid (H2SO4),

    and Hydrochloric acid (HCl), 37-38% pure were

     purchased from ChemAR ®.

    A calcium-rich bentonite (CaB) sample was

    obtained as powder from PT. Superintending

    Company of Indonesia used in the experiments. The

     bulk chemical analysis of the bentonite (mass %) is

    SiO2, 64.15; TiO2, 0.47; CrO3, 0.003; Al2O3,.70;

    Fe2O3, 0.10; MgO, 0.70; CaO, 0.03; , Na2O, 0.20;

    K 2O, 0.50 and loss on ignition (LOI), 22.61.

     Preparation of Catalyst [16,17]

    Acid-activated Bentonite were prepared by aqueous impregnation technique. 5.3 M  HCl and

    40% by mass of H2SO4 were supported on bentonite

     by aqueous impregnation (at 80 oC and 4 h), washed

    with deionized water till Cl-1

     and SO4-2

     ions were not

    detected, dried overnight and calcinated at 500 oC for

    three hours. Five catalysts for esterification of

     jatropha oil with methanol were compared: (A)

    “untreated” bentonite catalyst; (B) esterification with

    5.3 M HCl-activated bentonite catalyst; (C)

    esterification with 5.3 M HCl-activated bentonite and

    calcinated at 500oC catalyst (E) esterification with

    40% H2SO4-activated bentonite catalyst; (F)

    esterification with 40% H2SO4-activated bentoniteand calcinated at 500

    oC catalyst.

    Characterization of Catalyst

    The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of natural

    and acid activated samples were recorded from

    random mounts prepared by glass slide method using

    a Rikagu D-Max 2200 Powder Diffractometer,

    operating at 40 kV and 30 mA, using Ni-filtered

    CuKa radiation having 0.15418 nm wavelength, at a

    scanning speed of 2o2θ  min _1. Surface area of bentonite was measured with multipoint Brunauer,

    Emmett and Teller (BET) method from the

    Quantachrome Surface Analysis Instrument

    (Autosorb 1-C, Boynton Beach, Florida, USA). This

    was done using nitrogen adsorption/desorption

    isotherms at liquid nitrogen temperature and relative

     pressures (P/Po) ranging from 0.04- 0.4 where a

    linear relationship was maintained. For acidity study,

    about 10 mg of the sample was pressed at 2-5 tonnes

    for a minute to obtain a 13 mm disk. The sample was

    introduced in infrared cell with calcium flourite.

    Each sample was degases for 16 hours under vacuum

    at 400 °C. The infrared spectra were collected at

    room temperature using Simadzu 2000 FTIR

    spectrometer at 2 cm-1  resolution. The type of acid

    sites were examined using pyridine as probe

    molecule. Then pyridine was absorbed for 30

    seconds at room temperature, continued by desorption

    at 150 °C for 1 hour. Finally, the sample was

    desorpted at 400 °C for 1 hour.

     Esterification process catalyzed by sulfuric acid

    Esterification was conducted in a 250 ml three-

    neck flask. The flask was equipped with a

    mechanical agitator and a reflux condenser, and

    heated with a water bath to control the reaction

    temperature (60oC). In the experiments, flasks loaded

    with  Jatropha oil samples were firstly heated to the

    designated temperature. This was followed by the

    addition of the methanol (methanol : oil ratio, 0.28

    v/v) and sulfuric acid (1.34%) mixture before turning

    on the agitator, marking the start of the esterification


    The application solid acid catalyst in esterification


    Esterification was conducted in a 250 ml three-

    neck flask. In the experiments, flasks loaded with

     Jatropha oil samples were firstly heated to the

    designated temperature (60oC). This was followed by

    the addition of the methanol (methanol : oil ratio, 0.30

    v/v) and solid acid catalyst (5% w/v oil) mixture

     before turning on the agitator, marking the start of the

    esterification reaction. The esterification products

    were separated in a tap funnel to obtain the upper oillayer. After methanol recovery under vacuum at

    50oC, oil layer was then washed with water several

    times until the pH of washing water was close to 7.0.

    The resultant esterified oil was dried by anhydrous

    magnesium sulfate before acid value analysis.The

    convertion of FFA was defined as the fraction of the

    FFA removed. The convertion of FFA ( xFFA) was

    determined from acid number ration using below

    equation [15]:

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    Where ai is the initial acid number of the reactant

    and at is the acid number of product at ‘t’ time.







    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


    HCl 5.3. M non-calicinated



     Alkali catalysed transesterification of jatropha oil

    The collected oil layer was transferred to 250 ml

    round bottom, 0.1g v/v methanol and 3.5 w/v +acid

    number of KOH were added. The mixture was

    reacted for 24 minutes at 65oC. The mixture was left

    to settle to separate into two layers. The upper layer

    was the FAME (crude biodiesel).

    Results and Discussion

    Characterization of Catalyst

    Fig. 1 shows changes in intensity and width of

    the 001 peak, which indicate that the crystallinity of

    the bentonite is considerably affected by acid

    activation an calcination. The variation of relative

    intensity (I / I0) and full width at half-maximum

    (FWHM) peak height of the XRD peak for bentonites

    represent the intensities for the natural and acid-

    activated bentonite samples, respectively. The

    decrease in I / I0 and increase in FWHM on the 001

    XRD peak show that the crystallinity of bentonite

    decreases by increasing in acid [17].

    Fig. 1. The XRD patterns of the natural and some of

    the acid-activated bentonite (S: smectite, I:

    illite, FWHM: full width at half maximum

     peak height).

    The total pore volume of samples is measured by

    condensation of N2 adsorbate at P/Po 0.95 in the pores

    of diameter

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    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    [a] [b]Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of samples (a) after pyridine adsorption at room temperature for 30 seconds, (b) after

     pyridine adsorption and desorption at 150oC for 1 h. 

     Effect of esterification reaction time and type ofbentonite to acid value

    The effect of esterification reaction time and

    type of bentonite to acid value is shown in Fig.3.

    The results show that the acid value decrease

    significantly after 6 hours esterification. The bestcatalyst is HCl-activated bentonite without

    calcination with 67.70% FFA convertion after six

    hours reaction time. This result is lower than

    heterogeneous catalyzed reaction of H2SO4 

    (91.70% FFA convertion).

    Fig.3. Effect of esterification reaction time and type of bentonite to acid value of esterified oil

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     Effect of esterification reaction time to convertion

    of FFA and acid value

    According to Lu et al [18], FFA convertion

    will increase with the increasing of time,

    temperature and ratio methanol to oil. In thisexperiment we increase the reaction temperature

    from 60oC to 65oC and methanol to oil ratio from

    0.30 (v/v) to 0.40 (v/v) using catalyst B. The

    convertion of FFA and acid value of esterified oil is

    shown in Fig.4. The result shows that the

    convertion of FFA increase from 67.70% to 81.7%

    Fig. 4. Effect of esterification reaction time to convertion of FFA and acid value of esterified oil

     Alkali catalysed transesterification of jatropha oil

    In this work, the lowest acid value of esterified

     jatropha oil was 2.32 mg KOH/g. In fact, the alkali

    catalyzed transesterification of jatropha oil could

    work, even if the FFA content was over 1% [19].

    The reaction of jatropha oil with methanol was easy

    to perform. The bottom layer of glycerol wasobvious after 24 minutes reaction time [12].

    Chemical properties of jatropha biodiesel obtained

    from the FFA removal by esterefication of FFA in

     jatropha oil with H2SO4 (at 60oC and 88 minutes

    reaction time) and HCl-activated bentonite (at 70oC and 6 hours reaction time) is shown in Table 2.

    Table 2. Chemical properties of jatropha biodiesel obtained from the FFA removal by esterefication of FFA in

     jatropha oil with H2SO4 (at 60oC and 88 minutes reaction time) and HCl-activated bentonite (at 70

    oC and 6 hours reaction time) 

    Property Product after the

    reaction on H2SO4

    Product after the

    reaction on HCl-

    activated bentonite

    Density (kg/m2) 0,87 0,87

    Kinematic viscosity (mm/s2) 1,73 1,74

    Free Fatty Acid (mg KOH/g oil) 0,24 0,47


    Based on the result of this study, it can concluded


    1.  Acid activation and calcination on bentonite

    affect the cristalinity, surface area, pore

    volume and acidity properties of bentonite.

    2.  HCl-activated bentonite without calcination has

     potential to be solid acid catalyst foresterification of jatropha oil. Convertion of

    FFA reached 81.7% when parameters are as

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    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    follows: reaction time 6 h, amount of catalyst

    5%, ratio methanol oil 0.4 v/v and reaction

    time 65oC.

    3.  HCl-activated bentonite as acting asheteregeneous acid catalyst shows good

    activity to catalyze the esterification of jatropha oil and methanol. Compared with

    sulfuric acid, this catalyst is environmentally

    friendly, easy to separate from the system,

    reusable and does not need high cost

    equipment for anti-corrosion 


    The authors thank University Kebangsaan Malaysia

    for all facilities and supporting this study by the

    Research University Grant UKM-oup-nbt-29-



    [1] M. Fangrui, A.H. Milford (1999):

    Biodiesel production: a review.  Bioresour.

    Technol.  70, 1–15.

    [2] J.M. Marchetti, V.U. Miguel, A.F. Errazu

    (2007). Possible methods for biodiesel

     production, J. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. ,

    11,  1300–1311.

    [3] H.J. Berchmans,., and S. Hirata (2008).

    Biodiesel production from  Jatropha curcas L. Seed oil with a high content of free fatty

    acids.  Bioresour. Technol. 99, 1716-1721.

    [4] L.C Meher, V.D. Sagar, S.N. Naik (2006)

    Technical aspects of biodiesel production by

    transesterification—a review,  J.Renew.

    Sustain. Energy Rev. 10, 248–268.

    [5] A.Demirbaş  (2002). Biodiesel fromvegetable oils via transesterification in

    supercritical methanol,  Energy Conserv.

     Manage. 43, 2349–2356.

    [6] Y. Zhang, M.A. Dubè, D.D. McLean, M.

    Kates (2003). Biodiesel production fromwaste cooking oil: 1. Process design and

    technological assessment.  Bioresour. Techn.

     , 89, 1-16.

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    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    Synthesis and Characterization of Al2O3/TS-1

    Rivone Septa Wijayanti, Didik Prasetyoko

    Laboratorium of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences, InstitutTeknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia.

    1)Corresponding author, Phone: +62-31-5943353

    email: [email protected][email protected] 


    TS-1 has good catalytic activity in reaction of selective oxidation of organic materials such as benzene and phenol using H2O2  as oxidizing agent. However, it has hydrophobic character thatcorrelate with the slow rate of the reaction. Modification of catalyst using metal oxide result in

    decreased of hydrophobic property, and as a sonsequence the rate of the reaction will beincreased. In this paper, TS-1 was modified by Al2O3  using impregnation method. The solid

    were characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and hydrophilicity techniques.Hydrophilicity test of Al2O3/TS-1 was carried out using the mixture of xylene and water. The

    impregnated catalysts Al2O3/TS-1 show partially hydrophilic property. Al2O3/TS-1 catalyst with4%wt loading demonstrated fastest submerged time at water as compare to other samples. The

    addition of Al2O3  increased hydrophilicity of TS-1 which is indicated by the results ofhydrophilicity test.

    Key words: catalyst, Al2O3/TS-1, hydrophilic


    The synthesis of titanium silicalite (TS-1) was first reported by Taramasso et al. [1] in1983. Titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1), a MFI-typetitanosilicate, has been used as a highly-efficient,heterogeneous catalyst for selective oxidation oforganic compounds using hydrogen peroxide as an

    oxidant. TS-1 can lessens tar product and side products which have potential as pollutant [2]. Overthe last decade, the literature has reflected a highactivity and selectivity of H2O2 on TS-1 as catalystsfor mild oxidation reactions with H2O2 used as theoxidant, such as phenol hydroxylation, olefins

    epoxidation, cyclohexanone ammoximation,

    alkane oxidation, oxidation of ammonia tohydroxylamine, secondary amines todialkylhydroxylamines [3].

    TS-1 has been commercialize in

    hydroxylation reaction of phenol with high

    hydroquinone selectivity and high H2O2 efficiency

    [4]. Hydroxylation reaction of phenol to produce

    diphenol had draws many attention since 1970s,

    and some catalysts either homogen and also

    heterogeneous have been applied in this reaction


    Reaction mechanism of phenolhydroxylation is as follows (1) TS-1 willdecompose H2O2  (oxidation agent) which has

    hydrophilic character to form titanium-peroxoradical (initiation step), then (2) propagation step in

    solution [2]. This mechanism can be explained viatitanium-peroxo complex formation mechanism as

    intermediate from reaction between H2O2 and TS-1catalyst [6-10]. The rate of the forming of titanium- peroxo depended on the rate of H2O2 reach to activesite in TS-1. H2O2  is hydrophilic, that is quietdifferent from hydrophobic character of TS-1. [11],consequently the reaction rate of phenol

    hydroxylation reaction is tends to be slow [7].One of the way to increase phenol

    hydroxylation reaction rate by modifieng of catalystTS-1. Hence the existence of modified catalyst willinfluence its the character of chatalytic. The

     property of TS-1 modified properties made becomemore hydrophilic character by increasing acidity.The addition of metal oxide is the way to increaseacidity, so the reaction rate of H2O2  with TS-1 toforms Ti-peroxo becomes more quicker. Theaddition of acidity character may come from Lewisacidity site or Brønsted acidity site. In this research

    applied Al2O3/TS-1 having acidity side of Lewiswhich is high as metal oxide added at TS-1. So that

    also can increase reaction rate of H2O2 with TS-1 toforms Ti-Peroxo which in the end will yield product briefer. Finally the reaction rate of phenolhydroxylation at Al2O3/TS-1 will be much faster

    and shows increasing of catalytic activity andselectivity higher than TS-1.

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    Material and Methods

    For TS-1 (1 mol% of Ti), tetraethyl

    orthosilicates, TEOS (Merck, 98%) was placed intoa Teflon beaker and vigorously stirred, tetraethylorthotitanate, TEOT (Merck, 95%) was carefullyadded dropwise into this TEOS. The beaker was

    covered with parafilm to avoid hydrolysis. Thetemperature of the mixture was raised to 35oC and

    the reactants were mixed homogeneously for halfan hour. Then the mixture was cooled to about 0oC.The solution of TPAOH (Merck, 20% TPAOH inwater), which was used as template, was also

    cooled to 0oC.

    After a few minutes, TPAOH was added

    drop-wise slowly into the mixture of TEOS andTEOT. At first, one should wait a few minutes afteraddition of a few drops of TPAOH solution beforemore TPAOH solution is added, to avoid

     precipitation. Stirring and cooling were continuedduring this process. After the addition of about 10

    mL the addition rate of TPAOH solution wasincreased. When the addition of TPAOH wascompleted, the mixture was heated in thetemperature range of 80-90oC for about 4 h in orderfor the hydrolysis of TEOS and TEOT to take place. Distilled water was added to increase the

    volume of the mixture, after which a clear gel wasobtained. The gel was transferred into autoclaveand heated at 175

    oC under static condition. The

    material was recovered after 4 days ofhydrothermal crystallization by centrifugation andwashing with excess distilled water. A white

     powder was obtained after drying in air at 100oC

    overnight. The calcination of the sample to removethe template was carried out under static air at550oC for 5 h with temperature rate at 1o/min.

    Samples of Al2O3/TS-1 catalystcontaining 0,5%; 1%; 2%; and 4% were prepared

     by impregnation method, titanium silicalit (TS-1)was added to alumunium (III) nitrate solution

    which obtained by dissolving alumunium (III)nitrat. This mixture stirred at 80ºC for 3 h, dried at80-90ºC to eliminate water, and calcined at 550ºCfor 5 h. Catalyst TS-1 and Al2O3/TS-1 werecharacterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and

    infrared spectrum is recorded with Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrophotometer,with KBr palette method. Hidrophilicity propertiesof samples was analyzed by catalyst sample powder

    dispersion method at water phase and organic phasemixture (water and xylene). The movement ofcatalyst sample at each phase was observed.

    Result and Discussion

    Structural and phase of samples weredetermined by X-ray diffraction. The XRD patternswere showed in figure 1. Characteristic diffraction

    line of TS-1 is observed at 2θ = 7.88; 8.78; 23.14;

    23.9; 24.39; 2478°. The peak at 2θ  around 24º isobserved for the change of crystal symmetry frommonoclinic symmetry, which is symmetry ofsilicalit-1, becomes orthorombic symmetry which issymmetry of TS-1. This Phenomenon indicates that

    titanium atom is in the framework structure of TS-1

    [12].X-ray diffraktogram pattern of

    Al2O3/TS-1 with various Al2O3 loading variation at

    TS-1, showed similar pattern. XRD pattern of

    Al2O3/TS-1 with various of Al2O3  loading showed

    similar pattern with parent sample TS-1 shown in

    figure 1. Main top of crystal TS-1 emerges at 2θ =

    7.88; 8.78; 23.14; 23.9; 24.39; 24.78°. The similar

     pattern of XRD Al2O3/TS-1 indicates that Al2O3 

    dispersed at surface of titanium silikalit-1.

    Therefore, the low content of Fe2O3 (up to 4 %wt)

    on TS-1 catalyst surface doesn't change the initial

    structure framework of TS-1.

    This finding indicated that the MFIstructure of TS-1 is not collapsed afterimpregnation of Al2O3.

    Catalyst samples of TS-1 and Al2O3/TS-1 showed absorption band at around 1100, 800, and450 cm-1, which is vibration mode of SiO4 or AlO4 

    tetrahedral [13]. Absorption band at around 1100cm-1 is unsimmetrical vibration mode of Si-O-Si,and absorption band at around 800 cm-1 is itssymmetrical vibration mode. Absorption bandappeared at around 1230 and 547 cm-1. It is

    characteristic of tetrahedral structure in frameworkzeolite MFI [14]. Absorption band appeared ataround 970 cm-1 is characteristic of TS-1 which isvibration mode of stretching Si-O from unit [SiO4]which tied at atom Ti

    IV  with tetrahedral

    coordination in TS-1 framework. Absorption bandappear at this wavenumber is evidence that titaniumatom has stayed in framework catalyst [15].


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    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    2 Al2O3/TS-1

    4 Al2O3/TS-1


    0,5 Al2O3/TS-

    1 Al2O


    Figure 1 X-ray powder patterns of samples TS-1 and Al2O3/TS-1 with various loading

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    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –



       8   0   0  c  m

      -   1


       9   7   0  c  m  -   1


       5   4   7  c  m  -   1


       4   5   0  c  m  -   1


       1   2   3   0  c  m  -         1

       1   1   0   0  c  m  -         1




    Figure 2 Framework IR Spectra of samples TS-1 and Al2O3/TS-1 with various loading

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    Table 1. Hydrophilicity Character Definition


    Sample pass submerged the interfacial phase into water as a whole andquickly

    Hydrophilic  Sample pass submerged interfacial phase into water not fairly quickly but in the end all sample is submerged sample

    Hydrophilic  Initially sample tantalum at interfacial phase and then immerses inwater slowly and as a whole

    Partially Hydrophilic

    Initially sample tantalum at interfacial phase, then some particle willsubmerged into water slowly and some tantalum particles at interfacial phase, after squealer, all sample is immerses in water

    Partially Hydrophobic

    Initially sample tantalum at interfacial phase, after squealer, some particles there are still tantalum at interfacial phase

    Perfect Hydrophobic

    Sample will be tantalum permanently at interfacial phase though aftersquealer is done

    Tabel 2. Hydrophilicity Character of TS-1 dan Fe2O3/TS-1

    Sample Index Character Water sumerged time


    TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophobic 1 minutes 10 second

    0,5Al2O3/TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophilic 42 second

    1Al2O3/TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophilic 38 second

    2Al2O3/TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophilic 30 second

    4Al2O3/TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophilic 28 second

    Hydrophilic test of sample was carryingout using mixture xylen and water [16]. The result

    of hydrophilic characterization test of sample isgiven at tables 2.

    Table 2 gives an information abouthydrophilicity properties of catalyst samples. Ts-1sample has hydrophobic character. This result issimilar with the research that had been carried out

     by Drago [14]. This phenomena is caused by thestructure of TS-1 which active site Ti tetrahedral isisolated

    Presence metal oxide at TS-1, characterof hydrophilic increased. This thing proves thatwith presence Al2O3  increased hydrophilicity side

    of TS-1 which is indicated from increases Lewis

    side acid.


    1.  Catalyst TS-1, 0,5% Al2O3/TS-1, 1%Al2O3/TS-1, 2% Al2O3/TS-1, and 4%

    Al2O3/TS-1 has successfully synthesized.2.  The addition of Al2O3 at TS-1 doesn't change

    crystal structure TS-1 with zeolite type MFI.3.  Catalyst sample TS-1 and Al2O3/TS-1 shows

    absorption band at around 1100, 800, and 450cm-1, which is vibration mode of SiO4 or AlO4 

    tetrahedral. This spectra is characterization ofMFI.

    4.  With existence of addition of Al2O3  at TS-1,character of hydrophilic increased. Al2O3/TS-

    1 4% loading gives submerged time at fastestwater compare to other sample.



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    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

     Journal of Molecular Catalysis A : Chemical ,Vol. 260, pp. 121-127.

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    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    Synthesis and Characterization of Fe2O3/TS-1 Catalyst

    Cholifah Endahroyani, Didik Prasetyoko

    Laboratorium of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematic and Sciences, InstitutTeknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia

    Corresponding author, Phone: +62-31-5943353email: [email protected] 


    Hydroxylation reaction of phenol into diphenol, such as hydroquinone and cathecol, has a great rolein many industrial applications. Phenol hydroxylation reaction has been carried out by using TitaniumSilicalite (TS-1) as catalyst and H2O2 as an oxidant. TS-1 catalyst has high activity and selectivity for

     phenol hydroxylation reaction. However, its hydrophobic sites lead to slow H2O2 adsorption towardthe active site of TS-1. Consequently, the reaction rate of phenol hydroxylation reaction is tends to below. Addition of metal oxide can enhanced hydrophilicity character of TS-1 catalyst. In this research,

    TS-1 catalyst was modified by addition of metal oxide Fe2O3 by impregnation method. Fe2O3/TS-1catalyst were characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR spectroscopy and hydrophilicity analysistechniques. The new catalyst, Fe2O3/ TS-1 showed higher hydrophilicity compared to TS-1, and it can

     be predicted that the reaction rate of phenol hydroxylation will be much faster and will be showedincreasing of catalytic activity and selectivity than that of parent catalyst, TS-1.

    Key words: catalyst, TS-1, Fe2O3/ TS-1, hydrophilic site, phenol hydroxylation 


    Hydroxylation reaction of phenol to produce diphenol (catechol and hydroquinone) and its

    isomers is one of important reaction because phenolhas various important functions such as antioxidant, polymerization inhibitor, photography, rubber production, antiseptic, reducing agent, intermediate in pharmacy, and many others. Hydroxylation reactionof phenol to produce diphenol had draws manyattentions since 1970s and some catalysts, bothhomogeneous and heterogeneous have been appliedin this reaction. Hydroxylation reaction of phenol

     becomes environmentally friendly reaction when TS-1 (Titanium Silicalite-1) is applied as catalyst andaqueous H2O2 as oxidant [1]. TS-1 had draws manyattention since last decade because its unique catalyticcharacters to selective oxidation reaction of organiccompounds like aromatic hydroxylation, epoxidationalkenes, ammoximation cyclohexanone and oxidationof alkene and alcohol with hydrogen peroxide asoxidant [2]. TS-1 has been commercialize inhydroxylation reaction of phenol with highhydroquinone selectivity (hydroquinone/cathecolratio = 1) and high H2O2  efficiency [3].Hydroxylation reaction of phenol with TS-1 catalystshows high activity and selectivity, become clean

    reaction with low H2O2  non-productivedecomposition, and high catalyst stability [4].

    TS-1 can lessens tar product and side products which have potential as pollutant. Reaction

    mechanism of phenol hydroxylation is as follows: (1)TS-1 will decompose H2O2  (oxidation agent) whichhas hydrophilic character to form titanium-peroxoradical (initiation step), then (2) propagation step insolution [5]. This mechanism can be explained viatitanium-peroxo complex formation mechanism asintermediate from reaction between H2O2  and TS-1catalyst [2, 6-9]. The rate of the formation oftitanium-peroxo depended on the rate of H2O2  reachto active site in TS-1. H2O2  is hydrophilic, that isquite different from hydrophobic character of TS-1[10], consequently the reaction rate of phenolhydroxylation reaction is tends to be low [7]. One ofthe way to increase phenol hydroxylation reaction

    rate with TS-1 catalyst is by making TS-1 becomemore hydrophilic character, and the reaction rate of

     phenol hydroxylation will be much faster and showsincreasing of catalytic activity and selectivity higherthan TS-1. Hydrophilic improvement of catalyst can

     be carried out by addition of metal oxide which leadsto increasing of acidity properties. The existence ofmetal oxide in TS-1 catalyst can gives acid site whichcapable to increase catalyst hydrophilicity, so that

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    reactant adsorption in catalyst becomes faster [11,12].Heterogeneous catalytic process in phenolhydroxylation reaction can be carried out with puremetals oxide or supported oxide such as MoO3,

    CuO/SiO2, Fe2O3, Fe2O3/Al2O3, Co3O4, V2O5  andcolloid particle of TiO2. However, this metal oxidesshow very low catalytic activity and selectivity [13].

    In previous research by Indrayani [14],synthesis and catalytic activity were carried out withlow-loading of MoO3/TS-1 catalyst in phenolhydroxylation reaction. MoO3/TS-1 catalysts haveshowed improvement of hydrophilicity along with theincreasing of MoO3  content in MoO3/TS-1 catalyst.The improvement of hydrophilic character ofMoO3/TS-1 catalyst is also accompanied with theimprovement of its catalytic activity in phenolhydroxylation reaction. In this research, TS-1 catalystwas modified by addition of metal oxide Fe2O3 on thesurface of TS-1. The existence of Fe2O3 on the TS-1surface, is expected to bring this new catalyst(Fe2O3/TS-1) become higher hydrophilic charactercompared to TS-1, and the rate of phenolhydroxylation reaction becomes faster than TS-1.


    Samples TS-1 were prepared according to a procedure described earlier by Taramasso et al .(1983). Tetraethyl orthosilicates, TEOS (Merck,98%) containing 0.3145 mol of silicon was placed

    into a Teflon beaker and vigorously stirred, tetraethylorthotitanate, TEOT (Merck, 95%) containing 0.0032mol of titanium in isopropyl alcohol was carefullyadded dropwise into this TEOS. The beaker wascovered with parafilm to avoid hydrolysis. Thetemperature of the mixture was raised to 35oC and thereactants were mixed homogeneously for half an hourto obtain depolymerisation of the titanate oligomersthat may be present in TEOT. Then the mixture wascooled to about 0oC. The solution oftetrapropylammonium hydroxide, TPAOH (Merck,20% TPAOH in water), which was used as template,was also cooled to 0oC. After a few minutes, TPAOH

    containing 0.1287 mol of TPAOH was added drop-wise slowly into the mixture of TEOS and TEOT. Atfirst, one should wait a few minutes after addition of afew drops of TPAOH solution before more TPAOHsolution is added, to avoid precipitation. Stirring andcooling were continued during this process. After theaddition of about 10 mL the addition rate of TPAOHsolution was increased. When the addition of TPAOHwas completed, the mixture was heated in thetemperature range of 80-90oC for about 4 h in order

    for the hydrolysis of TEOS and TEOT to take place.Distilled water was added to increase the volume ofthe mixture to about 127 mL, after which a clear gelwas obtained. The gel was transferred into a 150 mL

    autoclave and heated at 175


    C under static condition.The material was recovered after 4 days ofhydrothermal crystallization by centrifugation andwashing with excess distilled water. A white powderwas obtained after drying in air at 100oC overnight.Silicalite was synthesized by using the same

     procedure without the addition of TEOT. Thecalcination of the sample to remove the template wascarried out under static air at 550oC for 5 h withtemperature rate at 1o/min [15].

    Catalyst TS-1 and Fe2O3/TS-1 ischaracterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD)technique, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patternswere collected using the Ni-filtered Cu-K α  radiation( λ = 1.5406 Å), the infrared spectrum is used for IRabsorption spectra analysis with KBr palette method.The infrared spectrum is recorded from wavenumber1400–400 cm−1. Catalysts hydrophilicity is analyzed

     by catalyst sample powder dispersion method at water phase and organic phase mixture (water and xylene).A mixture of xylene and water, which do not mixwith each other, is employed to test the hydrophobiccharacteristics of the samples. Xylene and water ofthe same volume are added into a test tube to form astable phase interface Unmodified and modified

     particles are, respectively, dispersed in the xylene– water system and stirred. After the mixture has

    stabilized, the hydrophobic characteristics can bequalitatively evaluated by inspecting the state of thefloating/sinking of samples at the interface. Thecriterion of hydrophobic index is shown in table 2.

    Results and Discussion

    Fe2O3/TS-1 catalysts were characterized byX-ray diffraction technique. The XRD patterns wereshowed in Figure 1. Characteristic diffraction lines ofTS-1 is observed at 2θ = 7,94; 8; 23.08; 23.62; 23.88;23.92°. The peak at 2θ around 24º is observed for the

    change of crystal symmetry from monoclinicsymmetry, which is symmetry of silicalite-1, becomesorthorombic symmetry which is symmetry of TS-1.This Phenomenon indicates that titanium atom isalready in the framework structure of TS-1 [18]. X-ray diffraction pattern of Fe2O3/TS-1 with various ofFe2O3 loading showed similar pattern with parent TS-1 sample. This finding indicated that the MFIstructure of TS-1 is not collapsed after impregnationof Fe2O3. Therefore, the low content of Fe2O3 (up to

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    ISBN : 978 – 979 – 192 1 – –

    4% wt) on TS-1 catalyst surface doesn't change the initial structure framework of TS-1. 

    Figure 1. X-ray Diffractogram Pattern of TS-1 dan Fe2O3/TS-1

    The XRD peak intensity of the samples at 2θ around23.00o is decrease along with the increasing of Fe2O3 loading in TS-1 (table 1). This result indicates that

    Fe2O3 were already located on the TS-1 surface.

    Table 1. Crystallinity of Fe2O3/TS-1 and TS-1

    Samples CodeIntensity at2θ = 23.00o,

    CpsTS-1 (2θ = 23.060o)

    0,5Fe2O3/TS-1 (2θ = 23.167o)

    1Fe2O3/TS-1 (2θ = 23.183o)

    2Fe2O3/TS-1 (2θ = 23.138o)

    4Fe2O3/TS-1 (2θ = 23.302o)


    Infrared spectra of the samples are shown infig 2. Catalyst samples of TS-1 and Fe2O3/TS-1

    shows absorption band at wavenumber around 1100,800, and 450 cm-1, which is vibration mode of SiO4 orAlO4  tetrahedral. Absorption band at wavenumber

    around 1100 cm


     is unsymmetrical vibration mode ofSi-O-Si, and absorption band at wavenumber around800 cm-1  is its symmetrical vibration mode.Absorption band at wavenumber around 1230 and547 cm-1  is characteristic for tetrahedral structure inframework zeolite MFI [19]. Absorption band atwavenumber around 970 cm-1 is characteristic of TS-1 which is vibration mode of stretching Si-O fromunit [SiO4] which tied at atom Ti

    4+  with tetrahedralcoordination in TS-1 framework. Absorption band atthis wavenumber is evidence that titanium atom hasalready stayed inside the structure of catalystframework [20].

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    Figure 2. IR Spectra of TS-1 and Fe2O3/TS-1 samples with various loading

    4 Fe2O3/TS-1

    2 Fe2O3/TS-1 

    %T1 Fe2O3/TS-1

    0.5 Fe2O3/TS-1

       1   1   0   0  c  m

      -   1


       9   7   0  c  m  -   1


       8   0   0  c  m  -   1

       5   4   7  c  m  -   1

       4   5   0  c  m  -   1

       1   2   3   0  c  m  -   1

    1400  1300  1200  1100  4001000 900 800 700 600 500

    wavenumber, cm-1

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    Table 2. Hydrophilicity Character Definition [21]Hydrophilic Samples sink into water quickly and completely

    Hydrophilic  Samples sink into water not so quickly, but completely

    Hydrophilic  Samples float at first and then sink into water slowly and completelyPartially Hydrophilic Samples float at first and then sink into water slowly. Part of the powder

    floats on surface of water and, after agitation, sinks into watercompletely

    Partially Hydrophobic Samples float on the surface of water. After a long time agitation, part ofthe powder still floats on the surface of water

    Completely Hydrophobic Samples float on the surface of water even with strong agitation for along time

    Table 3. Hydrophobicity Character of TS-1 and Fe2O3/TS-1 SamplesSample Index Character Water sinks time


    TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophobic 1 : 08.4

    0,5Fe2O3/TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophobic 1 : 02.4

    1Fe2O3/TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophobic 0 : 47.2

    2Fe2O3/TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophobic 0 : 36.9

    4Fe2O3/TS-1 5 Partially Hydrophobic 0 : 34.1

    Catalyst hydrophilicity character analysis iscarried out by catalyst samples dispersion method inthe mixture of water and organic phase (xylene).

    The results of hydrophobic tests are shownin Table 3. All samples seem to show similar

     behavior during the hydrophilicity test, this indicatesthat the addition of metal oxide on TS-1 surfacedidn’t give too much effect in TS-1 catalyst

     properties, which is partially hydrophobic. Nevertheless, the addition of metal oxide on TS-1

    surface makes Fe2O3/TS-1 catalyst become muchmore hydrophilic than TS-1 catalyst. It can be seen intable 3 that the higher Fe2O3 loading in TS-1 catalystresulted in the faster sinks into water. From Table 3,it can be concluded that there is the increasing of thecatalyst hydrophilicity character along with theincreasing of metal oxide Fe2O3 content at TS-1catalyst surface.


    1. Catalyst TS-1, 0,5Fe2O3/TS-1, 1Fe2O3/TS-1, 2Fe2O3/TS-1, and 4Fe2O3/TS-1 has beensuccessfully synthesized

    2. Catalyst 0,5Fe2O3/TS-1, 1Fe2O3/TS-1,2Fe2O3/TS-1, and 4Fe2O3/TS-1 still haveorthorombic structure MFI type which ischaracteristic of TS-1 catalyst.

    3. Catalyst hydrophilicity character increasessuccessively from TS-1, 0.5Fe2O3/TS-1,1%Fe2O3/TS-1, 2Fe2O3/TS-1, and4Fe2O3/TS-1.


    We gratefully acknowledge funding from theDirectorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia,

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    New Mixed Ligands Complexes of Zinc(II), Cadmium(II) and Bismuth(III)

    With Dithiocarbamates and 2,2’-Bipyridyl

     Normah Awang1,  Ibrahim Baba

    2  and Bohari Mohd Yamin



    1 Environmental Health Programme, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja

    Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur

    [email protected]+60326878034

    2 School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Faculty Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan

    Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor


    A new series of zinc(II), cadmium(II) and bismuth(III) complexes with mixed ligands, dithiocarbamate and 2,2’-

     bipyridyl were successfully synthesized using “in situ” method. Microelemental analysis data of the complexes are

    in agreement with the general formula, M[S2CNR’R”]n bipy  (M = Zn, Cd & Bi; R =  s-butyl, R’ = propyl; R = benzyl, i-propyl; bipy = 2,2’-bipyridyl). Infrared spectra of the complexes showed that the thioureide  ν(C  N)

     band is in the regions 1438 – 1453 cm-1

    . The unsplitting band of  ν(C-S) in the region 930 – 1000 cm-1

    indicates the

     bidentate nature of the chelated dithiocarbamate ligands. The13

    C NMR chemical shift of the carbon atom of the N-


    group appeared in the range of 201.67 – 208.27 ppm. The crystal structure of zinc(II)

     benzylisopropyldithiocarbamate(2,2’-bipyridyl) supports the elemental and spectroscopic data in which twodithiocarbamates and one bipy ligands chelated to the central Zn atom in bidentate manner in a distortedoctahedron environment.

    Keywords: dithiocarbamate; chloroform; IR spectra; biological activity 


    For several years considerable attention has been paidto dithiocarbamate compounds. Firstly, their

     biological effects have been researched, including

    antialkylation, anti-HIV properties [1] and antitumor

    activity against leucemic cells [2]. Some

    dithiocarbamate complexes also have some practicalapplications. For example, they are used in

    agriculture as fungiside and pesticide [3].

    The 1:1 adducts of zinc and cadmiumdialkyldithiocarbamates with 2,2’-bipyridyl have

     been reported and some of these complexes are very

    active accelerators for the vulcanization of rubber and

    low temperature vulcanization of latex [4]. Thecrystal structure of Zn[S2CN(C2H5)2]2(2,2’-bipy) has

     been reported [5].

    In spite of the fact that many

    dithiocarbamate compounds with different transition

    metals are described in the chemical literature, wehave only considered Zn(II), Cd(II) and Bi(III)

    coordination compounds with non-symmetrical

    dithiocarbamates with the general formula


    n bipy. (M = Zn, Cd & Bi; R =  s-butyl,

    R’ = propyl; R’ = benzyl, R”i-propyl; bipy = 2,2’-

     bipyridyl).  So far, no information on complexes of

    this type with the  sec-butylpropyl and

     benzylisopropyldithiocarbamate ligands were found

    in the literature.

    Materials and Methods


    All the reagents and solvents employed were

    commercially available analytical grade materials and

    were used as supplied, without further purification. N - benzylisopropylamine, 2,2’-bipyridyl and ethanol

    (95%) were obtained from Fluka Chemicals. Carbon

    disulphide and methanol (99.5%) from AjaxChemical Ltd. Bismuth(III) chloride was obtained

    from Hayashi Pure Chemical Indsutries Ltd.

    Cadmium(II) dichloride monohydrate, chloroform

    and zinc(II) chloride were purchased from Merck.

     Physical and spectroscopic measurement

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    Elemental analyses were performed on a Fision EA

    1108 CHN Elemental Analyser. Melting points were

    determind on a Electrothermal IA 9100 apparatus.1



    C NMR spectra were recorded in CDCl3 

    solution on a Joel JNM – LA400 spectrometer with

    chemical shifts relative to tetrametylsilane. IR spectra

    were obtained as KBr pellets on a Perkin Elmer

    FTIR Model GX spectrophotometer in the frequency

    range 4000 – 500 cm-1

    and 500 cm-1

    - 200 cm-1

    Synthesis of dithiocarbamate complexes

    The mixed-ligand complexes were prepared by

    adding equimolar of metal dithiocarbamate

    compound (zinc(II), cadmium(II) and bismuth(III))

    and 2,2’-bipyridyl in the mixture of ethanol andchloroform solutions. The method used to prepare themetal dithiocarbamate compounds were synthesized

     by a method reported earlier [6]. The resulting

    mixture was stirred for one hour and the solvent was

    allowed to evaporate at room temperature. After two

    days, the crystals separated out and washed with coldethanol.

    Results And Discussion

    The Mn+[S2CNR’R”]m(bipy) complexes (n = 2, m = 2;

    n = 3, m = 3; R’ =  s-C4H9, R” = CH3; R’ = C7H7, i-

    C3H7; bipy = 2,2’-bipyridyl) were prepared via a

    straightforward process involving only two steps. Allthe compounds were non-hgroscopic and stable in air.

    They were insoluble or sparingly soluble in most

    common organic solvents and very soluble in

    chloroform. The results of elemental analyses (Table

    1) are in good agreement with those required by the proposed formulae. The formation of these complexes

    may proceed according to the following equationgiven below.

    M[S2CNR’R”]n + C10H8 N2  → M[S2CNR’R”]n(C10H8 N2)

    M = Bi(III), Cd(II), Zn(II); n = 2 or 3; R’ = C7H7, R”

    = i-C3H7; R’ = s-C4H9, R” = C3H7

     Table 1. Physical and elemental analysis data of mixed-ligand complexes

    % Found (calcd)Compound Colour Melting



    C H N S M

    Zn[S2CN(C7H7)(iC3H7)]2 bipy

    (compound 1)

    Yellow 165.9-











    (9.77)Cd[S2CN(C7H7)(iC3H7)]2 bipy(compound 2)

    Yellow 223.2-224.4






    Zn[S2CN( sC4H9)(C3H7)]2bipy

    (compound 3)

    Yellow 133.8-












    Cd[S2CN( sC4H9)(C3H7)]2bipy

    (compound 4)

    Yellow 194.8-












    Bi[S2CN( sC4H9)(C3H7)]3 bipy(compound 5)

    Orange 115.8-116.5






    The infrared spectra of the title compounds

    and important characteristic absorption bands, along

    with their proposed assignments are summarized inTable 2. The IR spectra of the compounds are very

    similat to each other, except some slight shifts and

    intensity change of a few vibration bands caused by

    different metal ions, which indicate that thecompounds have similar structures. Coordination in

    the mixed-ligand mainly affected the C-N and C-S

    stretching bands [7].

    Table 2. The important infrared absorption bands ofcompound 1-5 (cm-1)

    Compound ν(C  N) ν(N-   ν(C S) ν(M-

    1 1440 1174 967 386

    2 1438 1171 970 387

    3 1441 1196 967 376

    4 1439 1194 957 386

    5 1453 1189 951 358

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    The selected 1H NMR peaks for compounds1-5 are showned in Table 3. The aromatic proton

    signals for 2,2’-bipyridyl in compounds 1-5  were

    observed in the range 7.33 – 9.01 ppm. This signal

    was not observed in the


    H NMR spectra for metaldithiocarbamate compounds. Two proton signalsfrom 2,2’-bipyridyl in compounds 1-4 have shifted

    which one signal to downfield and the other onesignal to upfield. These shifts indicate that 2,2’-

     bipyridyl has been coordinated to the metal atom. The

    IR spectra data combined with these data showed that

    the 2,2’-bipyridyl has coordinated to the metal atomin all of these compounds.

    Table 3. The selected 1H and 13C NMR data (δ, ppm) for compounds 1-5 

    Compound Formula 1H NMR


    13C NMR


    2,2’-bipyridyl (C10H8 N2) 8.70 (d), 8.41 (d), 7.83 (t),7.33 (t)


    1 Zn[S2CN(C7H7)(iC3H7)]2 bipy 8.95 (d), 8.26 (d), 7.86 (t),

    7.33 (t)


    2 Cd[S2CN(C7H7)(iC3H7)]2 bipy 9.01 (d), 8.19 (d), 7.95 (t),



    3 Zn[S2CN( sC4H9)(C3H7)]2bipy 8.82 (d), 8.35 (d), 7.85 (t),7.35 (t)


    4 Cd[S2CN( sC4H9)(C3H7)]2bipy 8.95 (d), 8.26 (d), 7.86 (t),

    7.33 (t)


    5 Bi[S2CN( sC4H9)(C3H7)]3 bipy 8.70 (d), 8.40 (d), 7.84 (t),

    7.33 (t)


    The most important signal in the 13C NMR

    spectra was the chemical shift for N13CS2 carbon. The

     N13CS2  chemical shifts for compounds 1-5  were

    observed in the range 201.67-208.27 ppm which notobserved in the 13C NMR spectra for 2,2’-bipyridyl

    compund. The N13

    CS2 chemical shift for compounds1  and 2  dropped slightly to downfield compared tothe parent compounds (205.08 and 205.77 ppm

    respectively). The high values of N13CS2  chemical

    shifts could be explainded by an increase of π bondorder in the whole NCS2 moiety [8] which means that

    the chelation of 2,2’-bipyridyl to the metal atoms has

     promoted the delocalization of the unshared electron pair in the nitrogen atoms in the dithiocarbamate


    Suitable crystal for X-ray crystallographic

    studies of compound 2  were obtained by slowevaporation of a chloroform:ethanol mixture at room

    temperature. The dithiocarbamate ligands and 2,2’- bipyridyl are bidentically chelated to the zinc atomand the coordination geometry around zinc was

    distorted octahedral.


    The elemental, spectroscopic and crystallographic

    data showed that the new mixed-ligand complexes

    have been successfully synthesized. The

    dithiocarbamate ligands and 2,2’-bipyridyl were

    chelated to the metal atom to form the

    hexacoordinated mixed-ligand complexes. The

    crystallographic study of compound 2  showed that both of the dithocarbamate ligands and 2,2’-bipyridyl

    were bidentically chelated to the zinc atom.


    The authors gratefully acknowledge the research

    grant provided by The Malaysian Government (IRPA

    09-02-02-0048-EA144) and Universiti Kebangsaan

    Malaysia for financial support. Technical support

    from laboratory assistants of Faculty Science andTechnology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is

    gratefully acknowledged.


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