5 part 2 jacksonian

Chapter 5: Era of “Good” Feelings… A Growing Nation… with Sectional Differences

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  • 1. Westward Movement Americans marched quickly toward west very hard w/ disease & loneliness Frontier people were individualistic,superstitious & ill-informed Westward movement molded environment tobacco exhausted land

2. 5.3 millionPopulation Growthfrom 1620 to 1860 3. Early Nativism-ANTI-IMMIGRATIONAmerican nativists fearedinvasion of immigrantsTook jobsTook overneighborhoodsFormed AmericanParty 4. american systemPromote nationalism was internalimprovements to unite the US.Transportation system ofroads, canals, steamshipsand rivers.Finally the railroadHenry Clay,John C. Calhoun, USSenator from SouthCongressmen fromKentuckyCarolinaProvide economic growth (Economic Nationalism)Americans buying American goodsAmerican self-sufficiency.Protective tariff (allows US factories to grow)2nd Bank of the United States 5. Principal Canals in 1840 6. Bad roads made transportation highly unreliable The National Road begun in 1811 and completedby 1832 Connected Maryland to Illinois. Built by US government 7. 1850 to 1860, RR proved mostsignificant development towardnational economyAmericans demandedtranscontinental railroad toCalifornia. Completed by 1869. 8. A shift from goods made byhand to factory and massproductionTechnological innovationsbrought production fromfarmhouse to factories Beginning of US Factory System Slow beginning 9. Eli Whitneys cotton ginrevolutionized the cotton industry.Mass Production andInterchangeable Parts.Very important early pioneer inAmericas industrial revolution.Cotton ProductionThe inventionwhich changedthe South, cottonand slavery. 10. Cotton gin invented in 1793 50 times more effective than handpicking New England factoriesflourish with Southerncotton- more $$$ 11. 1807, Fulton's Clermont, was thefirst commercially successful andreliable steamboat. Steam boatwould revolutionize water travel. 12. Elias Howe & Isaac Singer1840sSewing MachinePerfected by SingerGave boost to northern industryBecame foundation for ready-made clothing industryLed many women into factories 13. John Deere & the Steel PlowCyrus McCormick reaper 14. Samuel F. B. Morse1840 TelegraphWHAT GOD HATH WROUGHT 15. From left to right: Eli Whitney (cotton gin, interchangeable parts),Robert Fulton (steam boat), Thomas Edison (light bulb), CyrusMcCormick (reaper), Richard Hoe (automatic printing press) 16. Slater came to US tomake his fortune inthe textile industry.Cotton MillSamuel Slaterwas the "Fatherof the AmericanFactorySystem." 17. Early Textile Loom 18. Americans beat the British at theirown game, made better factoriesFrancis C Lowell came over here tobuild British factories met up withBoston mechanic, Paul Moody 19. The Lowell SystemLowell, Massachusetts, 1832 Young New England farm girls(Often Women and Children would be in theworkplace because it would be cheaper forcompanies) Supervised on and off the job Worked 6 days a week, 13 hours a day Escorted to church on Sunday 20. 1830s,Industrialization grewthroughout theNorthSouthern cottonshipped to Northerntextile mills was a goodworking relationship...But that GoodRelationship wouldbe strained 21. In 1819, Missouri became the first part of theLouisiana Purchase to apply for statehoodThreatened the balance of power in Congress11 free states11 slave statesAfter months of heated debate in Congress, HenryClay won majority support for 3 bills thatrepresented a compromiseMissouri was to be admitted as a slaveholdingstateMaine was to be admitted as a free stateIn the rest of the Louisiana Territory north oflatitude 3630', slavery was prohibited 22. Even with Jacksonwinning the popularvote, he had to win theelectoral vote as well.There were 261 totalelectoral votes andJackson needed 131 towin the electoral voteand the election.Jackson did notreceive a majority ofelectoral votes to winthe election.Sent to the House ofRepresentatives tochoose the president.The Election of 1824261electoralvotes and131 neededto win. 23. The Corrupt BargainHenry Clay gives his support to John Q. Adams and theHouse of Representatives chooses Adams as the President.Two weeks later, Adams appoints Henry Clay as hisSecretary of State.Jackson cries out corruption and calls this the CorruptBargain.Jackson promises he would run again for the Presidencyin 1828 and would smash Adams.corrupt 24. Jackson and J. Q. Adams ranagainst each other for thepresidencyOne anti-Jackson newspaper declared,General Jacksons mother was a commonprostitute, brought to this country by theBritish soldiers! She, afterwards married amulatto man with whom she had severalchildren, of which one was Andrew Jackson.Anti-Adams people accusedhim of hiring a servant girl fora visiting RussianambassadorAdams was accused ofgambling in the White House.One of the worst elections in US History for its mudslinging.As a result of this, Jacksons wife Rachel, died of a heart attack justbefore he became PresidentHe blamed Adams and Clay and neverforgave them.. 25. The Election of 1824 The Election of 1828Electionof 1824,355,817voted.Election1828,1,155,350voted theexpansion ofVoting Rightsto COMMONMen was theKey toJacksonsWin. 26. Essential QuestionChampion ofthe CommonMan?KingAndrew?OR 27. Rise of the CommonMan and The NewDemocracyBricklayersBlacksmithFarmersCarpentersThe WorkingClassPowerful movementin the country toexpand involvementand participation ofthe common man indemocracy.Land easy toobtain in theWest sopropertyqualificationswere droppedEducationnot asimportantCommon Man and thewest become politicallypowerfulJackson broughtdemocracy to theCommon manJackson stoodfor thecommon manwhich wasmost of thepopulationOther CommonMen in USHistory:Davy CrockettSam HoustonSPOILS System:Putting yourfriends andsupporters in highGovt Jobs 28. Jacksons Indian Removal Jacksons Goal? Expansion into the southwest for southernplanters 1830: Indian Removal Act 5 Civilized Tribes: (forced removal) Cherokee Creek Choctaw Chickasaw Seminole Cherokee Nation v. GA (1831) domestic dependent nation Worcester v. GA (1832) Cherokee law is sovereign and Georgia law doesnot apply in Cherokee nation. Jackson: John Marshall has made hisdecision, now let him enforce it! 29. Long time we travel on way to new land. People feel bad when theyleave old nation. Women cry and make sad wails. Children cry andmany men cry, and all look sad like when friends die, but they saynothing and just put heads down and keep on go towards West.Many days pass and people die very much. We bury close by Trail.Survivor of the Trail of Tears 30. NULLIFICATION CRISISJohn C. Calhoun,former VP underJackson, USSenator fromSouth CarolinaPresidentJackson,THE UNITEDSTATES**Demonstrates the growingconflict between South andNational Power/NORTH 31. To NULLIFY a Federal Law is to eliminate it. The Nullification Crisis was an argument overIF the States had the RIGHT/POWER toeliminate a FEDERAL/NATIONAL Law? According to our Constitution the NationalGovt ALWAYS has the last word Jacksons opposition to NULLIFICATIONenhanced his reputation as a STRONGPresident. 32. Tariffs on Imports 1824 & 1828 Hurt Southern economy Loss of inexpensive British imports Forced to buy expensive Northern goods Felt North getting rich off South John Calhoun developed nullification theory Constitution established by sovereign states States still sovereign Have right to determine Congressional acts unconstitutional South Carolina declares tariffs null and void withinstate Couldnt get support from other Southern states South Carolina did get tariffs lowered Proved a single state could force its will on Congress 33. The Bank of the United States, although privately owned(Nicholas Biddle), received federal deposits and attemptedto serve a public purpose by cushioning the ups and downsof the national economy Govt supported Rich 34. Jacksonopposed the billto support theSecond Bank ofthe USA hethought it wasspecialprivileges forrich Reinforced hisimage of aCOMMONMAN This won himre-election in1832The 1832 Election 35. Republic of Texas is created in 1836 w/ SamHouston chosen president. Texas requested annexation by the U.S., but Jacksonwill refuse in order to avoid war w/ Mexico. He alsodidnt want to disrupt the Democratic Party and anti-slaveryNortherners.Texas will be admitted as a slave state in 1845. 36. Birth of the WHIGParty (those whooppose Jackson/VanBuren) Economic Panic of1837- overextensionof credit & cropfailures 1 term President 37. Whigs elect their firstPresident in 1840 but whenWilliam Harrison gives thelongest inauguration speech(2 hours) in the dead ofwinter, w/o overcoat he willdie of pneumonia a monthlater. John Tyler (VP) takes overand serves 1 term beforebeing voted out for JamesPOLK