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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc






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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc



  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Contro l Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    . Cngestion ControlAlgorthm and Parameters rLcbm

    Copyight 2012 Huawei Techn logies Co Ltd AU righs reeved . HUAWEI

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Alg orithm and Parameters (LCC)

    Objectives Upor completion of this course, you wiil be ab(e to:

    Desc ribe the LDR algorithm triggerDescr ibe the OLC agorithm triggerDesc ribe how the LDR algorithm worksDescribe how the OLC algorithm works


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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Afgorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    GJ Contents1 LCC Overview2. LOR Algorithm and Pararneters3. OLO Algorithm and Parameters

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    k-C di(5

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    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    LCC (Load Congestion Control)


    section C - -

    Over1oad :t

    Basic congestion state:LDR


    ! 1OO%


    - :Normalstate

    -j- . .-- . -, - *._ 1rn

    CepyrhI 2012 Huwe Technologies Co. Ltd Ali ri0htresen,ed. Pae3 HUAW I




    LCC (Load Congestion Contro l) consist of [DR (Load Reshuffling) and OLC (OverLoad Contro l).

    in basic congestion state, LDR wiil be used to optim ize resource distributi on, the mainrules is not to affec t the feeiing of users as possible as we can .

    in overload state, OLC wili be used to reduce celi bad quickiy, keep system stabilityand the service of high priority users.

    LO t .





  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    Contehts.1. LCC Overview2. LDR Algorithm and Pararneters3. OLC Algorithm and Parameters

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    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC) rContents

    2. LDR(Load Reshuffling) Algorithm and Parameters2.1 Basic Congestion Triggering22 LDR Procedure2.3 LDR Actions

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    LDR Principte Reason:

    When the celi is in basic congestion state, new coming caHscould be eas ily rejected by system

    Purpose:Optimizing celi resource distributionDecreasing bad level, increasing admission successful rate

    Triggering:Power, code, Iub or NodeB credit

    When the usage of ceil resource exceeds the basic conges tion triggering threshold,the ceH enters the basic congestion state. in this case, Load Reshuffiing (LDR) isrequired to reduce the ceil bad and increase the access success rate.

    The bas ic congestion of a celi can be caused by power resource, code resource, Iubresource, or NodeB credit resource. For power resource, the RNC performs periodicmeasurement and checks whether the celis are congested. For code, Ib, and NodeBcredit resources, the RNC checks whether the celis are congested when resourceusage changes.

    if the congestion of ali resources is trigg ered in a ceH, the basic congestion triggeredby different resource wili be relieved in order of resource priority for bad reshuff]ing asconfigured through the SET ULD CALGOPA RA com mand.

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)



    12 Congestion control based on power resource can be enabled through the

    DL_UU_LDR and UL_UU_LDR subparameters of the NBMLdcAIgoSwitchparameter. The above figure shows the trggerirg and relleving of basic congestion:

    if the ULIDL bad of the cebi is higher than or equal to the ULIDL LDR triggerthreshold (UlLdrTrigThdor DILdrTrigThd) for a hysteresis time, the celi is inthe basic congestion state, and the related bad reshuffling actions,.If the current UL/DL bad of the ceil is bower than the UUDL LDR reliefthreshold (LJlLdrReIThd or DILdrReIThcl) for a hysteresis time, the ceilchanges to the normal state and the related bad reshuffling actions arestopped.

    in a DC-HSUPA ceil, LDR triggering and execution happen in the two cellsrespectively.o The DL LDR triggerthreshobd of a DC-HSDPA ceil group equals the sum of

    the DL LDR trigger thresholds of the two cells in this group.o The DL LDR relief threshold of a DC-HSDPA ceil group equals the sum of the

    DL LDR relief thresholds of the two cebis in this group. If a DC-HSDPA celI group is in the basic congestion state, the related LDR actions

    are performed in each ceil separateiy. For the downlink, the hysteresis time is specifled by the DlLdTrnsHys Time

    parameter; for the uplink, the hysteresis time is 600 ms.

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    LDR Triggering - Power ResourceUUDL bad

    Ceil in the basiccongestion state

    LDR triggerthreshold

    LDR releasethreshold

    Basi ongestionrebieved

    t t tRNC peiodic check



  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    Parameters of LDRNBMLdcAJgoSwitch-UL_UQLDRIDL_UU_LDR

    Parameter name: Switch for Ceil Load ControlRecommended value: 0FF, 0FF

    NBMLdcAIgoSw itch -ULUU_LDR/DL_UQLDRUL_UULDR : UL UU bad reshuffling algorithm . When the cebi is heav iiyboaded in UL, this algorithm reduces the celi boad in UL by using interfrequency boad handover, BE serv ice re reduction, uncontrollable real-timeserv ice QoS renegotia tion, CS should be inter-RAT, PS should be inter-RAThandover, CS should not be inter-RATand, PS should not be inter-RAThandover and AMR serv ice rate reduction .DL_UU_LDR: DL UU bad reshuffling algorithm. When the celi is heaviiyboaded in DL, this algorithm reduces the celi bad in DL by using interfrequency bad handover , BE service rate reduction, uncontrollabbe real-t imeservice QoS renegotia tion, CS should be inter-RAT, PS should be inte r-RAThandover, CS shou ld not be inter-RATand, PS should not be inter -RAThandover, AMR serv ice rate reduction and MBMS serv ice powe r decrease.

    D Value rarge : 0FF, ONPhysical value range : 0, 1


    ? z1btc3

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    Recommended value: 55%, 70%

    UILdrTrigThcYDILdrTrigThdContent: If the ratio of UL/DL bad of the ceil to the uplinkldownlink capacity isnot Iower than this threshold, the UUDL bad reshuffling function of the celi istriggered. After the basic congestion state of the ceti bad is released, thesystem no bonger implements the LDR action. Because the bad fluctuates, thedifference between the LDR release threshold and triggerthreshobd should behigher than 10%. The Iower the LDR trigger and rebease thresholds are, theeasier the system enters the preliminary congestion status, the harder it isreleased from thfs status, the easier the LDR action is triggered, and the morebikeiy the users are affected. But, the admission success rate becomes highersince the resources are preserved.Value range: 0 100Physicat vabue range: 0 1; step: 0.01Physical unit: %Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDM/ MOD UCELLLDM.

    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    Parameters of LDR UILdrTrigThdIDILdrTrigThd

    Parameter name: ULJDL LDR trigger threshobd

    cJ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ______ ____ __ ___ __. 1 22352V:70





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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algor ithm and Parameters (LCC)

    Parameter of LDR.UJLdrReIThd/DILcirReIThd

    Parameter name: UUDL LDR release thresholdRecommended va lue: 45%, 60%


    - - -- .

    UILdrReIThdDILdrReIThdContent: If the ratio of UUDL bad of the celi ta the uplink capacity is bowerthan this threshold, the ULIDL bad reshuffHng function of the ceil is stopped.Vabue range: O-100Physical vabue range: 0-1; step: 0.01Physical unit: %Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDM/ MOD UCELLLDM.

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    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control AIgorthm and Parameters (LCC)

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    LDR Triggering - code ResourceCongestior control based on code. resource can be enabledthrough the CELL_CODE_LDR subparameter of theNBMLdcAIgoSwitch parameter

    If the F corresponding to the current remaining code of theceil is larger than the value of CeliL drSfResThd, codecongestion is triggered and the retated bad reshfflingactions are taken,






  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    Parameters of LDR t4BLdcAIgo itch-CELL_COJJE_LDR

    Parameter name: Switch for Ceil Load Control0 Recommended value: 0FF

    NBMLdcAIgoSwitch-CELL_CODE_LDRContent: Code reshufflin g agorithm. When the celi CODE s heaviy oaded,this agorithm reduces the ceU CODE bad by using BE servce rate reductionand code tree reshuffting.Value range: 0FF, ONPhysical value range: 0, 1

    o Set this parameter through ADD UCELLALGOSW ITCH/ MODUCELLALGOSWITCH.

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    DWCDMA RAN 14 LoacJ Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)Il

    Parameters of LDRCellLdrSfResThd

    Pararneter name: Celi LDR SF reserved thresholdRecommended value: SF8

    Ol HO ad spacr0 UL 110 manun 1resho1d - - - ndd [OL 110 maxmum MENS descend powerbndwdth - - rab hrehal t.

    [CelILDRSFreserved j LDRcodeponty FAE(FAL5E1z

    Copynght 2012 Huawe Tec1rno1oges Co ltd AH nnts resrved Pae13 HUAW I DCellLdrSfResThd

    Content: Ceil SF reserved threshold. The code bad reshuffiing could betriggered oniy when the minimum available SF of a ceil is higher than thisthreshold. The bower the code resource LDR trigger threshold is, the easier thedowniink code resource enters the initial congestion status, the easier the LDRaction is triggered, and the easer the subscriber perception is affected. But abower code resource LDR trigger threshold causes a higher admission successrate because the resource i reserved.Value range: SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF1 6(SFI6), SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64),SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256) [hysical vabue range: SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256Set this parameterthrough ADD UCELLLDRI MOD UCELLLDR.

    Lt DDDE

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Conges tion Control Agorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    LDR Triggering - Iub Resource Congestion control based on Iub resource can be enabled

    through the IUB LDR sub-parameter of theNodeBLdcAlgaSwitch parameter.

    Iub congestion control in both the uplink and downllnk isNodeB-oriented.

    The ba sic congestion caused by Iub resource, ali UEs underthe NodeB are the objec ts of related LDR actions

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    ZWCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)r

    Parameters of LDRNodeBLdcAlgoSwitch-IUB_LDF?

    Parameter name: NodeB LDC algor ithm switchRecommended value: 0FF

    Comnand inpt(F5): ADD UNOOEaGOPARA r__j ssst1avqDP? [e8LXIgoffrn NSDPA 1 [

    Copyright 2012 Huawei Techojoges Co., Ltd. Au nhts res:rved, Pagel 5 H UA W I

    NodeBLdcAIgoSwitchUBLDR rContent: When the NodeB Iub bad is heavy , users are assembled in priority Lorder among ali the No deBs and some users are seiected for LDR action(such as BE service rate reduction) in order to reduce the NodeB iub bad.Vaiue range: 0FF, ONPhysical vabue range: 0, 1Set this parameterthrough ADD UNODEBALGOPARA! MOD [UNODEBALGOPARA.ak - [51

  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congesti on Contro Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    LDR Trigger ing NodeB CreditResou rceThe basc congestion caused by NodeB credit resource is ofthe following types:

    Typ e A: Basic congestion at local ceil levelType B: Basic congestion at ocaI ceil group level (if any)Type C: Basic congestion at the NodeB level

    The swi tches of NodeB credi t LDR:


    The threshold of NodeB credit LDR:Type A: f the celi UUDL current remaining SF (mapped to credit resource) ishigher than UlLdrCreditSfResThd or DLdrCreditSfResThd (set through theADD UCELLLDR commard), credit congestion at celi level is triggered andreated oad reshuffling acti ons are taken in the current ceil.Type B an d C: If the celi group or NodeB UUDL cur rent remaining creditresource s Iower than the credit resource cor responding ta the SF specified byUlLdrCreditSfResThd or DLdrCreditSfResThd (set by running the ADDUNODEBLDR command) , credit congestion at the celi group or NodeB level istriggered and related bad reshuffling actions wili be taken.The basic congestion of typ e A wii l not trigger boad-based irter-frequencyhandovers while the bas ic congestion of type B or C wili trigger such actions.

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Contro> Algorithrn and Parameters (LCC)

    Parameter Parameter name Recommen!]JTypeA:CELL_CREDT_LDR Cel i LDC agorthm switch f or LDR 0FFTypeAU!LcirCreriitSfResThd UL LDR credit SF reserved threshold SF8TypeA:DfLdrCreditSfResThd DL LDR credit SF reserved threshold SF8 LType e:LCG_CREDIT_LDR NodeB LDC algorithm switch for LDR 0FF

    Type B/C:UlLdrCredftSfResThd UL LDR credit SF reserved threshold SF8Type BIC:D!LdrCreditSfResThcl DL LDR credit SF reserved threshold SF8

    Type A: CELL_CRED!T_LDRSet this parameter through ADD UCELLALGOSWITCH! MO DUCELLALGOSWITCH. Type A: UlLdrCreditSfResThdDiLdrCreditSfRes ThdSet these parameters through ADD UCELLLDR/ MOD UCELLLDR.


    Type BC: UlLdrCreditSfResThd/D!LdrCreditSfResThdSet these parameters through ADD UNODEBLDR/ MO D UNODE8LDR.

    - LL-(



    Parameters of LDR

    tType C:NODEB_CFEDIT_LDR NodeG LDC algorithm switch for LDR 0FF

    Copyrght 2012 Huawe TecnoIoges Co Ltd AU nghts reserved HUAWI

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Aigorfthm and Parameters (LCC)

    Parameters of LDR If the congestion of ali resources is triggered in a ceil, the

    congestion is reiie.ed in order of resource priority for badreshuffling as configured through the SET ULDCALGOPARAcommand

    Recommended setting is as follows:The first priority for bad reshuffling (LdrF!rstPri is set to IUBLDRThe second priority for bad reshuffling (LdrSecondPr() i set toCREDITLDRThe third priority for o ad reshutf ng (LdrThirdPri) is set to CODELDRThe fourth priority for bad reshuffling (LdrFou rthPr() is set to UULDR

    LdrFirstPrULdrSecondpri/LdrThirdpri/LdrFourthPriContent: If congestion is triggered by mu ltipl e resources such as credit andcode at the same time, the congestion of resources specified in this parameteris processed with the first priority. IUBLDR refers to processing of LDR actiontrigged by iub bandwidth. CREDITLDR refers to processing of LDR actiontrigged by credit. CODELDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged bycode. UULDR refers to processing of LDR action trigged by Uu.Vaiue range: IUBLDR(lub bad reshuffling), CODELDR(Code bad reshuffling),UULDR(Uu bad reshuffling), CREDITLDR(Credit bad reshuffling)Physical value range: IUBLDR, CODELDR, UULDR, CREDITLDRSet these parameters through SET ULDCALGOPARA.

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    Contents2. LD R Algorithm and Parameters

    2.1 Basic Congestion Trigge ring2.2 LDR Procedure2.3 LDR A cti ons


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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    The sequence of LDR actions can be changed by running the MOD UCELLLDRMODUNODEBLDR command.

    LDR Procedure* The RNC takes one of the following actions in each period if

    the basic congestion is detected: -Load-based nter-frequency handover yCode reshuffling t 4iBEservicerate reductionAMR rate reductionInter-RAT Ioad-based handover in the CS domain, whichinvolves the following actions

    Inter-RAT Should Be Load-based Handover in the CS DomainInter-RAT Should Not Be Load-based Handover in the CSDomain

    - -Copynht 201 2 Huawei Ted rnooges Co,, t. M rights eserved.42O HUAWEI

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    ed NUWEI1

    1< < tk - 1. As shown in the above fgure, when the ystem s congested, the nter-trequency badhandover is initiated first. H - 3 >

    If the handover succeeds, the aigorithm contnues to check whether thesystem is congested. if the system is stili congested, the inter-frequency badhandover is initiated again.bf the handover fails, code reshutfiing is performed:

    If the code reshuffling succeeds, the algorithm continues to checkwhether the system is congested. If the system is stili congested, thecode reshuffling is initiated again.If the code reshuffbing fails, the next action, that is, BE rate reduction, istaken. [The rest may be deduced by anabogy.

    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Controt Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)E



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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    LDR Actions Intended for Different Resources When the basic congestion is triggered by dif feren t resources, the congestion can be

    relieved in a order set by running the SET ULDCALGOPARA command.

    Power UL DCH qHSUPA








    DC-HSDPA q


    Iub UL DCH q q qHSUPA


    Code DL DCH - 1

    HSDPACred it UL DCH



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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithrn and Parameters (LCC)

    Parameters of LDRLclrPeriodTimerLen

    Parameter name; LDR period timer lengthRecommended vaiue: 10, nameiy lOs

    Cmnnd InpuF5): SET ULOCPEROD J { : Sa 1PUCpiodneriength r ia o zZOLC peiiod Unier Iength 3OOO j

    JL 10 d- ZI ((



    Copyr9h1 2012 Huawef j oijs Go Ud AH nhts reerved Pag2 HUAWEI t:LdrPeriodTimerLen frContent: ldentifying the period of the LDR execution. When basic congestion

    occurs, execution of LDR can dynamically reduce the celi bad. The bower the rparameter value 5, the more frequently the LDR action is executed, which Ldecreases the bad quickby. If the parametervalue is excessively bow, an LDRaction may overlap the previous one before the previous result is dispiayed inLDM. The higher the parametervalue is, the more ilkeiy this problem can beprevented. If the parameter value is excessiveby high, the LDR action may beexecuted rareiy, failing to lower the bad timeiy.Vabue range: 1 86400Physical value range: V 86400 ; step: 1

    [hysicai unit: sSet this parameterthrough SET ULDCPERIOD.Eiziz

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)


    Content: ndicates whether gold users involve in the switch of congestioncon trol. According to the policy set for gold users by opera

    tors, if servicequality of gold users should be guaranteed even in resource congestion, theswjtch should be disabled. If the swi tch is enabled, LDR such as rate reductionand handover alsa occurs on gold users even in celI resource congestion,wh ich impacts user service quality. If the sw itch is disabled, na action isperformed on gold users.Value range: 0FF, ONPhysical value range: 0, 1Set this parameter through ADD UCELLLDR MOD UCELLLDR.

    Parameters f LDR GoId(JserL.oadContraiSwitcf

    o Parameter narne: Gold user bad contro l swf tchRecommencied value: 0FF

    0L )(: ..

    . GoldUserLoadConfrolSwitch

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Pararneters (LCC)

    Parameters of LDRD LdrF!rstAction to DlLdrTenthActk>nD Parameter name: DL LDR first action to DL LDR tenth action

    Recommended value: CodeAdj, InterFreqLDHO, BERateRed

    DL drFirstA ction to DlLdrTenthAction


  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Agorithm and Param eters (LCC)

    Paraneters of LDRUlLclrFirstAction to UlLdrEighthAction

    Parameter name: UL LDR first action to UL LDR eighth actionRecommended value: In terFreq LD HO , BERateRed

    Value range: NoAct(no ac tion), InterFreqLDHO(in ter-freq bad handover),BERateRed(BE traff rate reductio n) , QoSRenego(uncontrolled real-time traffQos re -negotiat ion), CSbnterRatShouldBeLDHO(CS domain inter-rat shoubd bebad handover), PSInterRatShouIdBeLDHO(PS domain inter-rat should bebad handover), AMRRateRed(A M R traff rate reduction),C Sln terRatShoubdNotLDH O(CS domain inter-rat should not be bad handover),PSlnterRatShouldNotLDHO(PS domain inter-rat shoubd not be bad handover)Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDR MOD UCELLLDR.

    UlLdrFirstAction to UILdrE!ghthActionC onte nt: UpIink LDR actions.

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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc




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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    LDR Actions * lnter-Frequency LoadHandover The toad-based inter-frequency hardover can be performed

    ki based onIl-, Biind Handover L i n

    Measurement 10 co 1qr

    Ccpyrgh 2012 HLawe Technoiogies Co, Ltd. AJ nQht5 reserved. Page2S J HUAW I it the UE is in the soft handover state, ioad-based inter-f requency handover can be

    performed oniy when the HOALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SW ITCH sub-parameterof the HoSwitch parameter is set ta 1.e Inter-f requency bad handover can be perf armed oniy when theHQALGO_LDR_ALLOW_SHO_SWITCH subparameter of the HoSwitch pararneterissetta 1

    e The inter-frequency bad handover can be performed based on blind handover ormeasurement, which can be decided by the parameterInterFreqLDHOMethodSelection.

    (k P>I

    5\l JJZ s 3P ii,


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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RAN4 Load Con gestion Control Agorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    LDR Actions - Inter-Frequency LoadHandoverInterFreqLDHoMethodSe!ection

    Parameter name: interFreq Lo ad Handover Me thod SelectionRecommended value: BLINDHO



    Mearing: This parameterspecifies bad handover method.When network iscomposed of same frequency band,Blind Handover method issuggested .Otherwise,Measure handover is suggested.GUI Value Range: BLIND HO(BLINDH O), MEASUREHO(MEASUREHO)Actu al Value Range: BLINDHO, MEASUREHOUni t: NoneDefaubtValue: BLINDHO

    o Set these parameters through ADD UCEL LLD RI MOD UCELLLDR


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  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc


    WCDMA RANI4 Load Conges ton Control Algorithm and Parame ters (LCC)

    LDR Actons - Inter-Frequency LoadHandoverInter-Frequency Load Handover Based on Blind Handover

    1. Chec k whether celis for nter-frequency bBnd handoverareava llable. If ava ilable, go to the nex t step. Otherwise, the action fails2. The algorithm selects the target eil according to the type ofre ource thatcauses the basic con gestion:

    the basic congestion 15. ca sed by p werresource the basic congestion is caused by code resource

    the basi congestion is cused by credit tsoUrceo 3 The algorthm selects the UEs to be handed over accordng to the

    setling of InterFreqLdHoForbidenTC and NbrnLd UeSelSwitch

    1. The algorithm checks whether celfs for inter-frequency blind handover areavailab le . If available, the algorithm goes to the next step. Othe rw ise, the action falis,and the algorithm takes the next action.

    2. The algorithm selects the target celi according to the type of resource that causesthe basic congestion:

    o If the basic congestion is caused by power resource:If the candidate celi does not support DC-HSDPA, the algorithm checkswhether the ULJDL bad margin of the target ceil is higher thanUllnterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThdlDlfnterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd, whether the bad of the target ceU is norm al and whether the CPICHRSCP of the current ceil in the measurement report is higher than orequal to BlindHOQualityCondition.Ifa candidate ceil supports DC-HSDPA, the candidate celi and itscorresponding cel i group must have su fficient bad margin ta qualify asthe target ceil. That is, the bad margin of the ceil group must be greaterthan twice the value for D!lnterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd and thebad margin of the candidate ceil must be greaterthanDllnterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd.

    o If the basic congestion is caused by code resou rce:Whetherthere are blind handover target cebis meeting the requirementsis decided by the following conditions:

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    t:WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)LDR Actions - Inter-Frequency Load (Handover U

    Inter-Frequency Load Handover Based on Measurement: Oniy forpower congestion

    1. The RNC selects the UE whose service types are not forbidden forLDR handover by parameter InterFreqLdHoForbidenTC2. The RNC selects the candidate cells3. The RNC issues a measurement control message to the UE ,requesting the UE ta measure the signal quality of ali candidate cells

    o 4. The UE measures the RSCP and Ec/No of the candidate celis andperiodicaliy reports the measurement results to the RNCo 5. Based on the received measurement results, the RNC selects the

    candidate target cells6. The RNC selects the ceil with the highest priority from thecandidate target celis to perform inter-frequency hard handover

    t: 1. The RNC selects the UE whose service types are not forbidden for LDR handover byparameter interFreqLdHoForbidenTC, and then sorts the selected UEs according to theirintegrated priority and performs inter-frequency bad handover based on measurement on the

    UE with the bowest integrated priority. 2. The RNC selects the canddate ce?Is that meet the folbowing conditions:

    o The ceil mustbe an inter-frequency neighboring ceil of the current celi. The ceil mustnot be a DRNC inter-frequency neighboring celi.The frequency of the celi is within the band supported by the UE.The celi must meet the folbowing conditions on bad margin:the algorithm checkswhether the bad margin of the target celi is higher than bothUlinterFreqHoCeliLoadSpaceThd and DllnterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd andwhether the bad of the target cel I i s normal.

    o The DrdOrLdrFlag parameter of the celi is set ta True, indicating that the ceil can bemeasu red.

    o If the NbmLdcUeSelSwitch parameter is set ta NBM_LDQ.MATCH_UE_ONLY, theceli must support the service requested by the UE.

    o If such candidate target cells do not exist, the inter-frequency bad handover actionfails and the algorithm takes the next action.bf such candidate celbs exist, the fobbowing step is performed.

    3. The RNC issues a measurementcontrol message to the UE, requesting the UE to measurethe signal quaflty of abi candidate celis.

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    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC)

    Para ieters o.f LDR hterFre LdHoF rbidenT

    Parameter narne: Forbidden TrafflcCla sfor inter- freq HO.Recommended vafue None

    . ....D1LDRreditSF.r . . . .. SF8SF8> .. . 13reerved fliresho!d t - - tj ace c;

    0NT10 W8(S FB >L

    !nterFreqLdHoForbidenTCParameter name: Forbidden Tratfic Class for inter-freq HOMeaning: This parameter specifies the forbidd en traffic ciasses when performinter-frequency handover, in order ta prevent disarranging of the Iayers.GUI Value Range: R99_CONVERSATIONAL, R99_STREAMING, R99BE,HSDPACONVERSATIONAL, HSDPA STREAMING> HSDPABE,HSPA_CONVERSATIONAL, HSPA_STREAMING, HSPABEActual Value Range: R99_CONVERSATIONAL, R99_STREAMNG, R99_BE ,HSDPACONVERSATIONAL, HSDPA STREAMJNG, HSDPA_BE,HSPA_CONVERSATIONAL, HSPA STREAMNG, HSPA_BEUnit: NoneDefault Value: NoneRecommended Vaue: NoneSet these parameters through ADD UCELLLDRJ MOD UCELLLDR

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    Meanirg: The algorithms with the above values represent are as follow: NBM_LDCALL_UE: When interfreq handover select user occurs, no

    need to consider whether target cel support Ue. NBM_LDC_MATCHUE_ONLY: When inter-freq handover select useroccurs, ony consider Ues supported by target ceil. NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_FRST: When inter-freq handover select useroccurs, first consider Ues supported by target celi.

    GU Vaue Range: NBM_LDC_ALL_UE(Seect aH users),NBM_LDC_MATCH_U E_ONLY(Select users match target celi support oniy),NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_FIRST(Se!ect users match target cel support first)Actual Value Range: NBMLDC_ALL_UE, NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY,N BM_LDC_MATCH_UE_FI RST

    o Unit: NoneDefaut Value: NoneRecommended Value: NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLYSet these parameters through ADD UCELLALGOSWTCH/ MODUCELLALGOSWTCH.

    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorittm and Parameters (LCC)

    Pan rneters f LDRNbLdcUeSel witcha Pararneter narne: Inter-freq Handover Select User algorithm

    switchRcommonded value NBM_LDC_MATCH_UE_ONLY




    t. NbmLdcUeSelSwitch



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    WCDMA RANI4 Load Congestion Control A

    U!nterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd/DllntorFreq-focelLoadSpaceThdContent: The inter-frequency neighboring celi could be selected as thedestination of bad handover oniy when its bad rernaining space is barger thanthis threshold. The bower the parameter is, the easier it is to find a qua lif iedtarget ceil for the blind hardover. Excessive ly smalb vabue of the parameter,however makes the target ceil easily enter the congestion status. The higherthe parameter is, the more difficult it is for the inter-frequency blind handoveroccurs.Value range: 0-1 00Physicab vabue range: 0 1; step: 0.01Physical unit: %Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDR/ MOD UCELLLDR.

    Parameters of LDR

    dSpaceT!d IJ!!nterFreqHo CeliLoadSpaceThd/Dh!nterFreqHoCellLoa

    Parameter name: UL/DL HO bad space thresholdRecommended vabue: 20, 20% l(\.

    UL PhouId not beHO us number L

    {BLHobadspace r i1 thresho _._ [iO1oadspacet th resholdL.

    ULHO rnaximunbard 1.

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    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Pararneters (LCC)

    Parameters of LDRt4rCodeused pa erhd

    Parameter name: InterFreq HO code used ratio spa ethreshold cc -r44.RecomrnenddValue: 13, nameiy 13%

    D Content: Code resource usage difference threshold. Inter-frequency handoveris triggered when the difference of the resource usage of the current ceI andthat of the target cel i is greater than this threshod. The smal ler this parametervalue, the easier it is to find the qualified target ceil for blind handover.Excessively small values of the parameter, however makes the target celieasily enters the congestion status. The higher the parameter value, the moredifficult it is for the inter-frequency biind handover occurs, and the easier it is toguarantee the stability of the target ceil.

    D Value range: 0-100D Physical vaiue range: 0 1; step: 0.01

    Physical unit: % (1D Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDRJ MOD UCELLLDR.

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    Parameters of LDRUllnterFreqfloBwThdlDllnterFreqHoBWrhdParameter name: UL/DL HO maximurn bandwidthRecommended value: 200000bitIs, 200000bitls

    UL PS houId not be UL HO bad pace 20HOusernumber L-____._ _J threshobd L________-_DLHObadspace [U LI1O naxim um _._zi)t

    [ DLHOmaximun . MBMSdescendpowert bandwidth rabthresholdCopyrht 2012 Huaws Tecnoogies Co.,Ud Ait rihts eserv ed. HIJAW

    UIInterFreqHoBWThd/Dl!nterFreqHo8WThdContent: The UE can be selected to process bad handover oniy when itsbandw idth 15 Iess ihan this threshobd. The higher the parameter is, the higherthe service rate of the user in handover is, and the more obviously the ceil badis decreased. However, high value of the parameter gives rise to thefluctuation and congestion of the target celI bad, The bower the pararneter i ,the smaller ampbitude of the bad decreases as a resubt of the inter-frequencybad handover, and the easier it is to main tain the stabibity of the target cebibad.Vabue range: O 400000Physical value range: O 400000; step: 1Physicab unit: bitisSet these parameters through ADD UCELLLDR MOD UCELLLDR.

    a- t

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    WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorfthm and Parameters (LCC)

    LDR Actions - BE Rate Red uction Target RAB:

    1The RAB with the lowest integrated priorityThe current rate is hig her than GBRNumberofselected RABs: {iUlLdrBERateReduct!onRabNum /OlLdrBERateReductionRabNum

    The RNC sends a RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATONmessage ta the UE


    Page4O 4HUAW I [ The BE rate reduction function is controlled by the DCCC algorithm switch. BE rate reductioncan only be performed when the DCCC aigorithm 15 enabled, which means theDRA_DCCC_SWITCH subparameter of the DraSwitch pararneter is set to 1

    D ifferent from the TF restriction to the OLC function, the BE rate reduction 15 implemented bybandwidth reconfiguration. The bandwidth reconfiguration requires signaling interaction on theUu interface. This procedure is relatively long.

    in the same environment, different rates have different downhink transmit powers. The higherthe rate, the greater the downhink transmit power. Therefore, the bad can be reduced bybandwidth reconfiguration.

    For HSUPA services, the consumption of CEs is based on the bit rate. The higher the rate, the [ore the consumption of CEs. Therefore, the consumption of CEs can be reduced bybandwidth reconfiguration.

    The LDR algorithm operates as fclbows:Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the RABs in descending order.The algorithm selects the RABs with the bowest integrated prioritles and with thecurrent rate higher than the GBR specifled through the SET UUSERGBR command forrelated to the BE services. If the integrated prioritles of some RABs are identical, theRAB with the highest rate is selected. The number of selected RABs is specified by theUlLdrBERateReductionRebNum or D!LdrBERateReductionRabNum parameter.If services can be selected, the action is successful. If services cannot be selected, theaction fails. The algorithm takes the next action.The reconfiguration is completed as indicated by the RADIO BEARERRECONFIGURATON message on the Uu interface and through the synchronizedradlo link reconfiguration procedure on the Iub interface.

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    UlLdrBERateReductionRabNumDjLdrBERateReductionRabNumContent: Number of RABs selected in a UL/DL LDR BE traffic rate reduction.in the actual system, thi s parameter can be set on the basis of the actualcircumstances. If the high-rate subscribers occupy a high proportion, set theparameter to a comparativeiy low value . If the high-rate subscribers occupy aIow proportion, set the parameter ta a comparativeiy high value. Because thebasic congestion control algorithm is designed to siowly decrease celi oad,you need to set this parameterto a comparativeiy iow value.Value range: 1-1OPhysical value range: 1 lO; step: 1Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDRJ MOD UCELLLDR.

    Parameters of LDRUlLdrBERateReductionRabNum/DlLdrBERateReductionRabNum

    Parameter name: ULJDL LDR-BE rate reduction RAB numberRecommended value: 1, 1

    DLLDRt(ghth6 tNo

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    iz Uncontrollable real-time services referto PS streaming services. The bad can be reduced by

    adjusting the rates of real-time services through QoS renegotiation. The uncontrollable real-time service cannot perform rate down automatically like BE service

    due to the QoS requirement. That is, GBR is specified in RAB assignment procedure and must (e guaranteed. When the system needs to adjust service rate ta relieve the system bad, theRNC has ta initiate a rate renegotiation over the lu interface by requesting a new RABpararneters with a lower bit rate for reab time service using RAB Modification procedure. [The RNC wiil request a new MBR and GBR that are the bowest ones among the alternativeconfigurations in the RAB ASSGNMENT message from the CN. However, the CN can decidehowto react ta the request upon reception of the RAB MODIFY REQUEST message.

    The LDR algorithm operates as follows:1, Based on the integrated priority, the algorithrr sorts the RABs for real-time services (in the PS domain in descending order.2. The algorithm selects the RABs with the bowest integrated priorities for QoSrenegotiation. The number of selected RA8s is specified by theUlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum or DlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum parameter. If theRNC cannot find an appropriate service for the QoS renegotiation, the action fails. Thealgorithm takes the next action.3. The abgorithm performs QoS renegotiation for the selected services. The GBRduring the service setup is the minimum rate of the service after the OoS renegotiation.4. The RNC initiates the RAB MODIFY REOUEST message to the ON for the QoSrenegotiation. Upon reception of the RAB MODIFY REQUEST message, the CNsends the RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message ta the RNC for RAB parameterreconfiguration.

    LDR Actions - QoS Renegotiation .QoS renegotiation function switch:


    Target RAB:u The RAB with the lowest integrated priority Number of seected RABs:

    UlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum / DlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum

    ON The RNC sends a RAB MODIFY REQUEST message to the

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    Parameters of LDRUlLdrPsRrQosRenegRabNumDlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNuma Parameter name: UL/DL LDR un-ctrl RT Qos re-nego RAB

    numRecommended value: 1, 1

    .oAcnoac onT 1

    UlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNum/DlLdrPsRTQosRenegRabNumContent: Number of RABs seleoted in a UUDL LDR uncontroIed rea-timetraffic QoS renegotiation. The target subscribers of this parameter are the PSdomain real-time subscribers. The setting of this parameter is analogous to thesetting of BE service rate reduction subscriber number. Because the numberof subscribers performing QoS renegotiation may be smaHer than the value ofthis parameter, for example, the candidate subscribers selected for downlinkLDR da not meet the QoS renegotiation conditions, you must eave somemargin when setting this parameter to ensure the success of bad reshuffl ing .Value range: 1-1OPhysical value range: 1 lO; step: 1Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDRI MOD UCELLLDR.

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    LDR Actions - Inter-RAT Handover Target user: FThe user with the Iowest ntegrated priority Service handover indicator:


    TInter-RAT handover in the CS/PS domain involves the following actions:

    Inter-RAT Should Be Load Handover in t he CS/PS domain:o 1. Based on th e integrated priority, the agorithm sorts the UEs with the service

    handover lE set to handover to GSM should be performed in th e CS domain indescending order.o 2. Th e algorithm selects the UEs with the Iowest integrated priorities. The number of

    selected UEs is specifled by the UICS!nterRatShouldBeHOUeNum orDlCSlnterRatShouldBeHOUeNum parameter.

    o 3. For the selected UEs, the LDR module sends the bad handover command to theinter-RAT handover module, requesting the inter-RAT handover module to hand overthe UE s to the 2G system.4. The handover module decides to trigger the inter-RAT handover, depending on thecapability of the UE to support the compressed mode.

    o 5. If a UE that satisfles the handover criteria is not found the abgorithm takes the nextaction. [Inter-RAT Should Not Be Laad Handover in the CSIPS domain:o The algorithm for this action is the same as that for the action Inter-RAT Should Be

    Load Handover in the CS Domain . The difference is that this action only involves CSusers with the service handover lE set to handover to GSM should not beperformed .The number of selected UEs is specified by the UlCSlnterRatShouldNotH0UeNumor DlCSlnterRatShouldNotHOUeNum parameter.

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    Parameters of LDR. Amount of the users which should be used for HO LDR

    DlCSln terRatShoukiBeHOUeNum DL CS should be HO user number 3UlCSln terRatShouldNotHOUeNum UL CS should not be HO user number 3DlCS lnterRatShou ldW otflO(JeN um DL CS should not be HO user number 3UlPS lnterAatS hou ldBeHOUeNum ULPS should be HO user num ber 1DlPSlnterRatShou!dBeH OUeNum DL PS souId be HO user number 1UJP SInterRatShouIdN otHOUeNum (iL PS should not be HO user number 1

    DL PS shou ld not be HO user number 1flIIfl1Dr.Yf hn,,IdNntHflI IN,,m

    Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDRI MOD UCELLLDR.

    UICSInterRatS hou IdBeHOtJ eNum ULCS shou ld be HO user nunber 3

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    (T1 Er

    This action can oniy be performed when the AMRC algorithm is enabed, which means theCS_AMRCSWITCH subparameter of the parameter CsSwitch parameter is set to 1, Setthese parameters through SET UCORRMALGOSWTCH.

    n the WCDMA system, volce services work in eight AMR modes. Each mode has its own rate. (herefore, mode contro is functionally equivalent to rate control. in the downlink, the LDR algorithm operates as follows:

    1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the RABs in descending orcler.2. The agorithm seiects the RABs with the Iowest integrated priorities and with therates higher than the GBR for AMR services (conversational). The number of selectedRABs is specified by the DlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNum parameter. f the RNCcannot find an appropriate RAB for the AMR rate reduction, the action fails. Thealgorithm takes the next action.3. The RNC sends the Rate Control request message through the u interface to theCN to adjust the AMR rate to the GBR. n the uplink, the LDR algorithm operates as folows:1. Based on the integrated priority, the agorithm sorts the RABs in descending order.2. The algorithm seiects the RABs with the owest integrated prioritles and with therates higher than the GBR for AMR services (conversationa). The number of seiectedRABs is determined by the UlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNum parameter. If the RNCcannot find an appropriate RAB for the AMR rate reduction, the action fais. Theaigorithm takes the next action.3. The RNC sends the TFC CONTROL command to the UE to adjust the AMR rate tothe GBR.

    [LDR Actions - AMR Rate Reducton

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    Parameters of LDRUILdrAMRRafeReductQnRabNumJJILdrAMRRateReductionRabNun

    Parameter name: UUDL LDR-AMR rate reduction RABnumberRecommended value: 1, 1

    DLLDRun-ctiRTQare-nego RAB num LOLPSshuidbeHOueraumb erULCSshouid beHOusernumber

    MR rate 1wei les Co, Ud. Ali rightsreserved.

    DLCSshouIdbeHOuser numbtr L____.[DL LDR-At1R rat e j uction RAB numb er

    ULPSshsMdbeHOuser nurnber ..UL CS shouid not beIlO user num ber .


    Pegc4 7 HUAWE

    e UlLdrAMRRateRedjctionRabNum/DlLdrAMRRateReductionRabNumContent: This parameter defines the maximurn number of RABs seected inexecuting upllnk/downlink LDR-AMR voice service rate reduction. If theparameter value is tao high, the LDR action may fiuctuate greatiy and overcontro l may occur (th e state of basic congestion turns into another extreme-underioad). f the parametervalue is tao low, the LDR action has a stowresponse and the effect is not apparent, affecting the LDR performance.Value range: 11OPhysical value range: 11O; step: 1Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDR MOD UCELLLDR.

    41. 2..

    3 q t

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    LDR Actions - Code Reshuflling1 Ce tr befe rsn.f3

    Q code vcuped D cotle n2t occupid 0 oeecIed subtreeFi 2 e4 Oot ed


    coce occupId El code not occuped m .- .Copyrghtnologes Ca,, Ltd. 41! nghs reserved. Page4B HUAW I

    31) jC if 4tqThe code reshuffling algorithm operates as foilows:

    initializes SF_Cur to CellLdrSfResThd.Traverses ali the subtrees with this SF_Cur at the root node except thesubtrees occupied by common channeis and HSDPA channeis, and takes thesubtrees in which the number of users is not larger than the value ofMaxUserNumCodeAdj as candidates for code reshuffiing.if such candidates are availabie, the aigorithm goes to step 3.if no such candidate is available, subtree selection faiis. This procedure ends.Seiects a subtree from the candidates according ta the setting ofLdrCodePriUselnd.lfthis parameter is set ta TRUE, the algorithm selects the subtree with thelargest code number from the candidates.lfthis parameteris set ta FALSE, the aigorithm selects the subtree with thesmaflest number of users from the candidates. in the case that multipiesubtrees have the same number of users, the algorithm selects the subtreewith the largest code number.Treats each user in the subtree as a new user and aliocates code resources taeach user.initiates the reconfiguration procedure fo r each user in the subtree andreconfigures the channeiization codes of the users ta the newiy allocated coderesources. The reconfiguration procedure on the UU interface is imptementedthraugh the PHYSICAL CHANNEL RECONFIGURATION message and thaton the iub interface through the RL RECONFIGURATION message.

    The above figure shows an example of cade reshuffling. in this example,Ce!LdrSfResThd is set ta SF8. and MaxUserNumCodeAdj is set ta 1.

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    CeI!LdrSfResThdContent: Celi SF reserved threshold. The code bad reshuffling coutd betriggered oniy when the minimum available SF of a ceil is higher than thisthreshold. The bower the code resource LDR trigger threshold is, the easier thedownlink code resource enters the initial congestion status, the easier the LDRaction is triggered, and the easier the subscriber perception is affected. But aIower code resource LDR triggerthreshold causes a higher admission successrate because the resource is reserved.Value range: SF4(SF4), SF8(SF8), SF6(SF6), SF32(SF32), SF64(SF64),SF128(SF128), SF256(SF256)Physical value range:SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256Set ihese parameters through ADD UCELLLDRI MOD UCELLLDR.

    Parameters of LDRCeJLdrSfResTM

    Parameter name: Ceil LDR SF reserved thresholdo Recommended value: SF8

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    Pa.r.arneters of LDR. MaxUserNumCodeAdj

    o Parametername: Max. usernumber of code adjustRecommended value: 1

    o Content: This parameter specifes the number of users selected in codereshuffling. Code reshuffling can be triggered oniy when the number of userson a code is no greater than the threshold. Code reshuffing has a big impacton the QoS. in addition, the reshuffled subscribers occupy two code resourcesduring code reshuffling. Thus, the parameter should be set to a comparativeiyIow value.Vaiue range: 1 3Physical value range: 1-3; step: 1Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDRJ MOD UCELLLDR.


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    Content: FALSE means not consdering the code priority during the codereshuff ling. TRUE means considering the code priority during the codereshu ffling. If the parameterisTRUE, the codes with

    hig h priority are reservedduring the code reshuffling.Value range: FALSE, TRUEPhysical value range: FALSE, TRUESet these parameters through ADD UCELLLDRI MOD UCELLLDR.

    Parameters of LDRLCodePr iisefndo Parametername: LDR code priorftyindicator

    Recommended vaiue: FALSE

    j13 ZZ]-,- *,_ - -k--- -r -*- -


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    Contents1. LCC Overview2 LDR Aigorithm and Pararneters3. OLC Algorithm and Parameters

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    Contents2. OLC(Overload Control) Algorithm and Parameters2.1 Overload Triggering2.2 OLC Procedure2.3 OLC Actions

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    OLC Principle Reason:

    in overload congestion state, the system is not stable Purpose:

    Ensuring the system stability and making the system back tothe normal state as soon as possible

    Triggering:a Power resource and interference





    Oniy the power resource and lub bandwidth may resui t in the overload congestionstate. Hard resources such as the ENU and credit resource do no t cause overioadcongestion.

    After the UE access is allowed, the power consumed by a single l ink i s adjusted bythe single link power control function. The power varies with ali kinds of factors suchas the mobility of the UE and the changes in the environment. in some situations, thetotal power bad of the ceH can be higher than the target bad. To ensure the systemstability, Overload Control (OLC) must be performed.

    OLC can be enabled through the UL_UU_OLC and DLUU_OLC subparameters ofthe NBMLdcA!goSwitch parameter.

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    J! As shown in the figure, if the UL/DL bad of the celi is higher than or equal to the

    UIOcTrigThdor DIOIcTrigThd for a hysteresis time, the ceil is in the overboad state,and the related overboad handiing action is taken. If the currerit UUDL bad of the celiis bower than the UlOIcRelThdor D!OIcReJThd for a hysteresis tim e, the overboadstate of the celi is released and the related overload hand iing is stopped.

    The UL or DL OLC triggerthreshold of a DC-HSDPA ceil group equals the sum of theUL or DL OLC trigger thresholds of the two celis in this group. The UL or DL OLCrelief threshold of a DC-HSDPA ceil group equals the sum of the UL or DL OLC reliefthresholds of the two celis in this group. If a DC-HSD PA ceil group is overboaded, therebated overboad handiing is performed in each ceil separateiy.

    in a DC-HSUPA ceil, OLC triggering and execution happen in the two ce lisrespective(y

    OLC Load JudgmentULIDL bad

    Overbaad releasedCeH in overboad

    OLC triggerthreshold

    OLC rebeasethreshold

    t t tRNC per iodic check-d-- .. State Iransition hysteresis threshold


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    Parameters of OLCUIOIcTrigThdID!OlcTrigThd

    Parameter name: UL/DL OLC trigger thresholdRecommended value: 95%, 95%

    j .1

    UIOIcTrigThdDIO!cTrigThda Content: If the ratio of ULIDL bad of the celi to the uplink/downhink capacity is

    not Iower than this threshold, the UUDL overboad and congestion controlfunction of the celI 15 triggered. The bower the OLC trigger threshold is, theeasier the system is in the overload status. An excessively 10w vabue of theOLC trigger threshold is very detrimental to the system performance. Thebower the OLC release threshold is, the harder the system releases theoverboad. The value of the OLC release threshold should not be much bowerthan or cbose to the OLC triggerthreshold, or the system state may have aping-pong effect. The recommended difference between the OLC releasethreshold and the OLC triggerthreshold is higherthan 10%. bt is desirable toset the two parameters a bit higher giyen that the difference between OLCtriggerthreshold and OLC release threshold is fixed.Value range: 0-lOOPhysical value range: O 1; step: 0.01Physical unit: %Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDM/ MOD UCELLLDM.




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    UIOIcReIThd!DIOIcReIThdContent: If the ratio of UL/DL bad of the celi to the upUnk/downhink capacity isbower than this threshobd, the UL/DL overboad and congestion control functionof the ceH is stopped.Vabue range: 0-100Physical value range: 0-1; step: 0.01Physical unit: %

    D Set these parameters through ADD UCELLLDM/ MOD UCELLLDM.

    Pa.rarneters f OLCe UIOIcF?elThd.D QIcReJThdParameter name: ULIDL OLC rebease threshold

    Recommended.value: 85%, 85%r




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    Contents2. OLC(Overload Control) Algorithm and Parameters

    2.1 Overload Triggering2.2 OLC Procedure2.3 OLC Actions

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    When the celi is overlaaded, the RNC takes one of the foliowing ac tions in each periodspecif ied by the OlcPeriodTimerLen parameter until the congestion is relieved:

    Pe rforming TF Control of BE ServicesSwitch ing BE Services to Common ChannelsAdjusting the Maximum FACH TX PowerRele asing Some RABs

    As shown in the previou s figure , the OLC procedure is as follows:1. The OLC takes the first act ion to perform TF contro t.

    If the TF con trol succeeds, the OLC checks whether the system is overlo aded.If yes, the OLC performs TF control agai n.

    If the TF control fai ls , go to 2.2. The OLC takes the second act ion to switch BE services to common channels.

    f the swi tching succeeds, the OLC checks wheth er the system is overlo aded.lfyes, the OLC sw itches BE services to common channels again .

    If the sw itching fails, go ta 3.3. The OLC takes the third action to ad just the maximum FACH transm it pow er.

    If the adjustment succeeds, the OLC checks whe ther the system isover load ed. If yes , the OLC adjusts the power again .

    If the adjustment fails, the OLC takes the fourth action ta release some RABs.

    OLC Procedure

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    Parameters of OLC* O!cPeriodTimerLen Farameter name OLC period timer Iength

    Recommended value: 3000, nameiy 3000ms [Ed(f

    CommndInput(F5)SETUL0CPERiOD t1save._ot {-v

  • 7/29/2019 7wcdma Ran14 Radio Net Fea Alg Tr2 Lcc



    2. OLC(Overload Control) Alg ori thm and Parameters

    2.1 Overload Triggering2.2 OLC Pr ocedure2.3 OLC Actions

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    [WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC) (TOLC Actions Performing TF Control of

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    BE Services t OLC algorithm for TF control in the downlink:

    D Select RABs with the lowest integrated priorityD The RNC sends the TF control indicatiort message to the MACD The MAC restricts the TFC seection:

    Fmax(N+1) = TFmax(N) x Rate!imitcoetf LA 0c- Lf OLC algorithm. forTF controi in the upiink: 1 (

    D Select RABs with the Iowest integrated priorityD the RNC sends a TRANSPORT FORMAT COMBINATON CONTROL (

    message to the UED The UE restricts the TFC selection

    Ltd Aflnghts reserved Pa9e62 HUAW I [c

    For the TF control in the downiink, the OLC algorithm operates as follows:1. Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts the RABs in descending order.2. The algorithm seects the following RABs:

    DCH RABs with the bit rates higher than DlDcccRateThd for BE services.RABs with the Iowest integrated priorities.

    The number of RABs selected is smaller than or equal to DOIcFTFRstrctRabNum.4If the RNC cannot find an appropriate service for the TF cont rol , the OLC takes the next action

    3. The RNC sends the TF controt indication message ta the MAC. Each MAC of the selectedRABs wili receive one TF control indication message and wiil restrict the TFC (transport formatcombination) seection of the BE services to reduce the data rate step by step.The MAC restricts the TFC selection according to the folowing formula:

    D TFmax(N+1) = TFmax(N) x RatelimitcoeffHere:

    D TFmax(O) is the maximum TB number of the BE service before the service is selectedfor TF control.

    D TFmax(N+1) is the maximum TB number during the period from (T RateRstrcfTimerLen x N) to (T RateRsfrctTimerLen x (N + 1)), where T is the timewhen the MAC receives the TF control indication message.

    D Ratelimitcoeff is specified by the RateRstrctCoefparameter.

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    Parameters of OLCDlDcccRateThdParameter name: Downlink Bft Rate Threshold For DCCC

    Recomnended value: D64, nameiy 64KbitIs


    -_v 1FoidforDC_.._=j {o.. Ltd. AU nghts resetved. PageS. HUAWEI

    L. L Content: For a BE service that has a ow maximum rate, the DCCC algorithm Lis not obviously effective yet it increases algorithm processing. Thus, thetratfic-based DCCC algorithm la appiied to BE services whose maximum DLrate is greater than the threshold.Value range: D8, D16 , D32 , D64, D128, D144, D256, D384Physical value range: 8, 16, 32 , 64, 1 28, 144, 256, 384; step: 1Physical unit: Kbit/sSet this parameterthrough SET UDCCC.



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    Example of TF Cohtrol

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    The above figure shows an example of TF control. in this example, the MAC performsTF contro l of a down link 384 kbitls service, and RateRstrctCoef is set to 0.68. And thetime between point A and po int 8 is specifled by the RateRstrctTimerLen parameter.

    Before point A, the celi is no t in OLC state. The downlink data transfer rate is384 kbit/s, the corresponding TF 15 12 x 336, and TFS is {12 x 336, 8 x 336, 4x 336, 2 x 336, 1 x 336, 0 x 336}.At point A, the celi enters OLC state. The RNC selects this RAB for fast TFrestriction. MAC restricts the TFC selection during the period between point Aand point B by calculating the maximum TB number as follows:

    TFmax(1) = TFmax(0) x Rate im itcoeff 12 x 0.68 8.16Compare 8.16 with the TFS. Then, the maximum TB number is 8.

    o At point B, the MAC performs furtherTFC restriction by calculating maximumTE number as follows:

    TFmax(2) TFmex(1) x Ratelimitcoeff 8 x 0.68 = 5.44Compare 5.44 with the TFS. Then, the maximum TB number is 4.At point C and point D, similar process is foiiowed.

    - ei

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    rneters of OLC

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    Parameter name: DL OLC fast TF restrict RAB numberRecommended value: 3

    Comns rd Input(F) ADDIJCELLOLC

    cmz ZZZTZJULOLCfastTFrestkt

    tim es[ L 01 fa t YF c r- t

    DIOIcFTFRstrctRabNumContent: Selection of RABs of the OLC is based on the service priorities andARP vaues and bearing priority indica tio n. The RAB of Iow priority is undercon tro l. The higher the parameters are, the more users are involved in fast TFrestriction under the same conditions, the quicker the ceit bad decreases, andthe more user QoS is affected.Vabue range: 1 10Physicab vabue range: 1 10; step: 1Set this parameterthrough ADD UCELLOLC/ MOD UCELLOLC.

    Sev e]

    DLOLCfestTrresicttimesOL OLC fest TF rt k t

    RAB num berOL? rstC restict

    coefflcfnt -

    c Tec1rnoJagsCoLtdPnghts reserved PagS67 HtJAWEI

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    Parameters of OLC DIOlcFTPRstrctT!mes

    o Parameter.name: DL OLC fastTF restrict timesRecommended vaiue: 3, namely 3 times

    o Content: After the overload is triggered, the RNC immediateiy executes OLCby first executing fast TF restriction. The internal counter is incremented by 1with each execution. If the number of overloads does no t exceed the OLCaction threshold, the system Iowers the BE service rate by Iowering TF toreleve the overload. If the number of overloads exceeds the OLC actionthreshold, the previous operation has no obvious effect on alleviating theoverload and the system has to release users to solve the overload problem.Value range: 0 100

    o Physical value range: 0-100; step: 1Set this parameter through ADD UCELLOLC! MOD UCELLOLC.

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    . DIO!cFTFRstrctTimes


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    Parameters of OLC

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    RateR trctTimerLenIRateReco verTimerLenPararneter name: OL TF rate restrict/recover timer Iengtha Reconmended value: 3000ms, 5000ms

    OL OLC fast TF rstnct ** -l OL TF rate resblcttASrumber. -. -.i cce ffi cjntL_...DLTFrater ecover [OLT ter dctUmercoemcent .-.- . __.. er4h

    [ DLTFratereover 1 DLOLCfrafre1eseRABnurnber -

    opyght 02012 Huaw eiTe Pae6S $ HUAWE

    rPhysical unit: ms

    RateRstrctTimerLenlRateRecoverT!merL enContent: These parameters define the downink data rate restrictlrecover timertength in fast TF restric tion. Both of thern are ef fective oniy to the downlink .The upnk fast TF restric tion is performed by the UE. For the uplink fast TFrestrictio n, the RNC oniy detivers a new TFCS and random iy selects acomparativeiy bigger tim e length in the signaling value scope. The UEautomatically reiease the TF restriction once the time expires.Value range: 1-65535Physical value range: 1 65535; step: 1

    Set these parameters through ADD UCELLOLC/ MOD UCELLOLC.

    5 . . .0L dc )O

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    Para meter narne: DL TF rate restrict/recover coefflcient0 Recommended va!ue; 68%, 130%

    L) )LULOLCfastTFtstrict RAB nunber [[DLTFraterecover -LTFrterecover * LO1Ctafrcease

    M: RABflumber

    ynghtC20 2 H 11 ngflts reser Pwe69 HUAW1

    RateRstrctCoef/RecoverCoef t-,ontent: These parameters define the downlink OLC fast TF raterestrict/recovery coefficient. Both of thern are effective oniy to the downlink.Vaiue range: 1 991100- -200

    D Physical vafue range: 0.01 0 .99I1-2; step:0.01D Physicai unit: %

    Set these parameters through ADD UCELLOLC/ MOD UCELLOLC.



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    Parameters of OLC

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    UlDcccRateThdParameter name: Upiink Bit Rate Threshold Fo r DCCCRecommended va!ue: D64, nameiy G4Kbit/s

    CommndF Upbnk Bt Ratt fl DownHnk Bt Rate (joId for DCCC - - - J J Thrhod f0 DCCC L -L.owA D4 DCCC Strategy RATEJJP_AND_DOWNC

    rjgh t 2012 PageT O HUAWE

    UlDcccflateThdContent: For a BE service that has a Iow rnaximum ra te, the DCCC aigorithrnis not obv iously effective yet it increases aigorithm processing. Thus, thetraffic-based DCCC aigorithm is app lie d to BE services whose maximum ULrate is greaterthanthethreshoid.Vaiue range: D8 D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384Physicai value range: 8, 16,32,64, 128, 144, 256, 384; step: 1Physicai unit: Kbit/sSet this parameterthrough SET UDCCC.


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    Pararneters f OLC


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    lJ IcFTFRstrctRabNurnParametername: UL OLC fastTF restrict RAB numberRecommended value: 3

    Content: Selection of RABs of the OLC is based on the service prioritles andARP vaues and bearing priority indication. The RAB of Iow priority is undercontrol. The higher the parameters are, the more users are involved in fast TFrestriction under the same conditions, the quicker the ceil bad decreases, andthe more user QoS is affected.Value range: 1 lOPhysical vabue range: 1 lO; step: 1Set this parameterthrough ADD UCELLOLC/ MOD UCELLOLC.




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    Parameters f OLC

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    lJIOcFTFRstrctTinesParameter name; UL OLC fa t TF restrict timesRecommended value : 3, nam eiy 3 times

    Cantent: Afte r the overload is triggered, the RNC immediateiy executes OLCby first executing fast TF restriction. The internal counter is inc remented by 1with each execution. If the number of over loads does not exceed the OLCaction threshold, the sy stem lowers the BE service rate by lowering TF tarelleve the overlaad. If the num ber of overloads exceeds the OLC actionthreshold, the previous operation has na obviaus effect on alleviating theaverlaad and the system has to release users ta solve the overload problem.Value range: O 100Physical value range: 0 100; step: 1Set this parameter through ADD UCELLOLC/ MOD UCELLOLC.

    . UIOlcFTFRstrctTimes

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    [WCDMA RAN4 Load Congestion Control Algorithm and Parameters (LCC) rOLC Actions - Switching BE Servicesto Com

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    mon Channels t. Target user:

    Select users with the iowest integrated priorityThe users with the DCH or HSPA BE services in PS domain t

    Execution: Ehe RNC sends URB Reconflguration message to UEThe UE makes a response by RB Reconfiguration Compiete

    E Whether the seiected UE s can be switched to common channels depends on the

    setting of DRA_PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCI-I,DRA_HSDPA_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH, or -DRA_HS U PASTATE_TRANS_SWITCH in the parameter D raSwitch. [ For switching BE services to common channels, the OLC algorithm operates asfollows: fased on the integrated priority, the algorithm sorts ali the UE s in the PS

    domain in descendirg order.The algorithm selects the UE s with the iowest integrated priorities. Thenumberofseiected UEs is specified by TransCchUserNum. If the seiectionfails, the OLC takes the next action. [The OLC switches the seiected UE s to common channels.

    This function is disabled when the TransCchUserNum parameter is set to 0.


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    Pararneters f OLC

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    TransCchUserNumContent: When the system is overloaded and congested, users on the DCH orHSPA can be reconfigured to the CCH in order to reduce the ceil bad andrecover the system. This parameter defines the maximum number of usersselected in executing reconfiguration to the CCH. If the parametervalue is toohigh, the OL C action may fluctuate greatby and over contro l may occur (thestate of overload and congestion tums into another extreme--underboad). If theparameter value is too bow, the OLC action has a sbow response and the effectis not apparent, affecting the OL C performance.Vaiue range: O1OPhysical value range: O-1O; step: 1Set this parameters through ADD UCELLOLC/ MOD UCE LLO LC.

    e TransCchU erNumParameter name: Transfer Common Channel User numberRecommended vaIue 1

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    ii[(T[OLC Actions - Adjusting the Maximum

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    The procedure fo r adjusting the maximum FACH transmit power is as follows:Set the rnaximum FACH transnit power ta the target maximum transmit power.The target maximum transmit power is caiculated according ta the aboveform ula.

    target is the target maximum transmit power.max is the maximum FACH transmit power (MaxFachPower).Delta is the FACH power reduction step (FACHPwrReduceVaue).

    If the cangestion is relieved after the power adjustment, the system starts theFACH power recovery timer, which is set ta 5s. When the timer expires, themaximum FACH transmit power is increased to the original maximum FACHtransmit power if the system is always in the normal state before the timerexpires.

    F C(1 .L


    FACH TX Power TargetFACHchanne:

    During an OLC period, the OLC can adjust the power of oniyone FACH. If multiple FACHs meet the conditions, the OLCadjusts thern one by ane in different OLC periods

    Execution:The ceil adjusts the maximum FACH TX power:

    =P Deha

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    Parameters f OLO

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    MaxFachPowerParameter name: Max transmft power of FACHRecommendedvalue: 10, nameiy 1dB

    Content: The offset between the FACH transmit power and PCPICH transmitpower in a ceil. f MaxFachPower is excessively Iow, the UE at the ceil vergefalls to receive correctly the services and signaling borne over the FACH,resuting in the influence on the downlink common channel coverage and theceli coverage. If MaxFachPower is excessivey high, other channels areinterfered, the downlink power resources are occupied, and consequently theceil capacity is infiuenced.Value range: -350-150Physica l vaue range: -35 15; step: 0.1Physical unit: dBSet this parameter through ADD UFACH.


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    Parameters f OLC

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    FACHPwrReduceValueContent: This parameter defines the reduce value in reducing FACH powerAction.Value range: 0 30Physical value range: 0 3; step: 0.1Physical unit: dBSet this parameter through ADD UCELLOLC/ MOD UCELLOLC.

    FA:CHPwrReduceValue. Pararneter name: FACH power redce vaiueRecommerded value: 0, nameiy 0dB



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    OLC Actions - Releasing Some RABs

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    Target user:Seiect RABs with the iowest in teg ra ted prioritySelect RABs with high bit ra te, when the integrated priority ofsome RABs are identical

    Execution:The RNC sends IU RELEASE REQUEST or RAB RELEASEREQUEST message to CN, and sample cali drop counter

    If the Control RTWPAnti-interference algorithm switch (RsvdBitf sub parameterofthe RsvdParal pa rameter) is enabled, the RNC checks whether the upiink equivaien tuser bad proportion of the ceil is Iower than 40% before performing this operation. if itis Iower than 40% , the RNC does not perform this operation

    For the release of some RABs in the upiink, the OLC algorithm operates as fobbows:

    D Based on the integrated priority, the algorithm sor ts ali RABs including HSUPAand DCH services in descending order.

    D The algorithm selects the RABs with the bowest integrated prio rities. lf theintegrated prioritles of some RABs are identical, it seiects the RAB with ahigher rate (that is, the curren t rate for DCH RAB or the GBR for HSUPA RAB)in the uplink. The number of seiected RABs is specifled byUOlcT raffRe RabNum.The selected RABs are released directly.

    For the release of some RABs in the downiink, the OLC aigo rithm operates as folbows:D Based on the integrated priority, the aigorithm sorts ali RABs in descending

    order.o The algorithm selects the RABs with the bowest int egrated priorit ies. if the

    integr ated priorities of some RABs are identical, it selects the RAB with ahigher rate (that is, the current rate for DCH RAB or the GBR for HSDPA RAB)in the downlink. The number of selected RABs is specifled byDIOlc TraffRe RabNum.

    o The seiected RABs are directly released.Confidential information of Huawei. No Spreading Without Permission

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    Parameters of OLCr1

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    UOkTrafReRabNumIDIOicTraffRelRabNumPararneter.name: UL OLC traff release RAB numberRecommended value: 0, 0

    UlOlcTraffRelRabNumDlO cTraffRe RabNumContent: These parameters define the maximum number of RABs released inexecuting uplink/downlink OLC service release.Valuerange:0 10Physical value range: 0 lO; step: 1Set these parameters through ADD UCELLOLC/ MOD UCELLOLC.

    .o::-t k




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    Summaryrithms of Load

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    e n this course, we have discussed two algoCongestion Control:

    The LDR algorithmThe OLC algorithm

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