89732427 puas requirement

1.0 GARIS PANDUAN PENGEMUKAAN SISTEM BEKALAN AIR LALUAN WATERWAY SUPPLY SYSTEM INTRODUCTION GUIDE LINE 1.1 PERMOHONAN SUMBER PUNCA BEKALAN AIR WATER SUPPLY ROOT RESOURCE APPLICATION 1.1.1 Pemilik atau Pemaju memalui Jurutera Perunding yang dilantik boleh mengemukakan permohonan kepada PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD dengan menyertakan:- Owner or Developer through the Consulting Engineer that is appointed can bring in application to PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR by enclosing:- a. Surat perlantikan daripada Pemilik atau Pemaju dan surat pendaftaran sebagai Jurutera Perunding dengan PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD. Appointment letter from Owner or Developer and letter of registration as Consulting Engineer with PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD. b. Menyertakan pengiraan kegunaan air mengikut keperluan PUAS seperti di Jadual 1. Enclosing calculation of water using according to requirement of PUAS such as at Schedule 1. c. Surat dan pelan kelulusan kebenaran merancang dari Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan. Letter and plan of approved planning permission from the Local Authorities. d. Menyertakan pelan kunci dan pelan lokasi. Enclose key plan and plan of location. e. Menyertakan pelan tapak (1:10000) dengan menggunakan Street Directory Maps. Enclose base plan (1:10000) by using Street Directory Maps. f. Menyertakan pelan tapak lengkap dengan garis kontor dan juga cadangan paras tanah pembangunan (dalam m atau feet ODL). Enclose complete base plan with contour’s line and also proposal of development ground level (in m or feet ODL). 1.1.2 Keperluan bekalan yang kurang daripada 91,000 liter sehari hendaklah dikemukakan terus kepada PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD Wilayah berkenaan. Requirement the supply lesser than 91,000 litres per day want to be introduced continually to PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD of the Territory concerned. 1.2 MENGEMUKAKAN REKABENTUK KONSEP INTRODUCE THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN Page 1

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Syabas Requirement For Submitting Plan


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1.1.1 Pemilik atau Pemaju memalui Jurutera Perunding yang dilantik boleh mengemukakan permohonan kepada PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD dengan menyertakan:-Owner or Developer through the Consulting Engineer that is appointed can bring in application to PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR by enclosing:-

a. Surat perlantikan daripada Pemilik atau Pemaju dan surat pendaftaran sebagai Jurutera Perunding dengan PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.Appointment letter from Owner or Developer and letter of registration as Consulting Engineer with PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.

b. Menyertakan pengiraan kegunaan air mengikut keperluan PUAS seperti di Jadual 1.Enclosing calculation of water using according to requirement of PUAS such as at Schedule 1.

c. Surat dan pelan kelulusan kebenaran merancang dari Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.Letter and plan of approved planning permission from the Local Authorities.

d. Menyertakan pelan kunci dan pelan lokasi.Enclose key plan and plan of location.

e. Menyertakan pelan tapak (1:10000) dengan menggunakan Street Directory Maps.Enclose base plan (1:10000) by using Street Directory Maps.

f. Menyertakan pelan tapak lengkap dengan garis kontor dan juga cadangan paras tanah pembangunan (dalam m atau feet ODL).Enclose complete base plan with contour’s line and also proposal of development ground level (in m or feet ODL).

1.1.2 Keperluan bekalan yang kurang daripada 91,000 liter sehari hendaklah dikemukakan terus kepada PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD Wilayah berkenaan.Requirement the supply lesser than 91,000 litres per day want to be introduced continually to PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD of the Territory concerned.


1.2.1 Bagi keperluan bekalan yang melebihi 4.5 juta liter sehari dan dibangunkan melalui beberapa fasa, rekabentuk konsep bagi keseluruhan kawasan mestilah dikemukakan kepada PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.For necessity supply that exceeds 4.5 million litres per day and is developed pass through several phases, the conceptual design for whole of area must be introduced to PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.

1.2.2 Dua (2) naskah laporan rekabentuk konsep yang mengandungi:-Two (2) design conceptual report that contains:-

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a. Keterangan umum mengenai projek.General description concerning project

b. Jadual keperluan bekalan air mengikut jenis pembangunan bagi keseluruhan projek.Table of necessity water supply for whole of project according to development type

c. Jadual keperluan air mengikut fasa dan jenis pembagunan berserta dengan tahun-tahun fasa-fasa berkenaan akan dimajukan.Table of necessity water according to phase and the type of development along with years the phases concerned will be developed.

d. Zon bekalan bagi fasa-fasa pembangunan dari kolam bekalan perlu dicatitkan.Zone of supply from supply pool for development phases must be written.

e. Pengiraan-pengiraan hidrolik paip utama bagi kes aliran puncak dari sumber bekalan ke kolam air simpanan, incoming main, paras dan saiz kolam air sedut, pumping main, paras serta saiz kolam air simpanan dan baki tekanan pada paip dalam zon bekalan berkenaan. Hydraulic calculations of primary pipe primary pipe for case of peak flow from

supply resource to water saving pool, incoming main, level and the water pool size exploits, pumping main, level along with water saving pool size and surplus of pressure at pipe in zone of the supply concerned.

f. Keterangan ringkas dan gambarajah skematik menunjukkan keseluruhan system bekalan air termasuk nod, aliran air keluar bagi nod berkenaan, panjang dan saiz paip.Brief description and schematic diagram shows the whole of water supply system including nod, the flow of outgoing water for the nod concerned, long and the size of pipe.


1.3.1 Rekabentuk terperinci adalah mengikut fasa-fasa pembangunan.The most detailed design is according to development phases.

1.6 Tiga (3) naskah laporan rekabentuk terperinci 2ystem bekalan air yang mengandungi:-Three (3) reports of the most detailed design of waterworks that contains:-

a. Keterangan umum fasa berkenaan.General description of the phase concerned.

b. Jadual keperluan bekalan air mengikut jenis pembangunan, pengiraan-pengiraan rekabentuk paip retikulasi bagi kes-kes aliran puncak dan aliran kebakaran + aliran purata, pengiraan-pengiraan bagi paras serta saiz kolam air dan pengiraan 2ystem pam. Table of necessity the water supply according to development type, reticulation pipe design calculations for cases of peak flow and the flow of fire + the flow of average, calculations for level and size of water pool and calculation of pump system.

c. Pelan tatatur terperinci menunjukkan 2ystem paip retikulasi utama yang diwarnakan mengikut junis dan saiz paip, kedudukan, jenis, saiz, paras BWL / TWL bagi kolam simpanan dan kolam sedutan beserta rumah pam.

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The detailed plan to show the system of pipe of primary reticulation that is coloured according to type and size of pipe, position, the type, size, levels BWL / TWL for saving pool and pool of extract along with pump house.

d. Pelan tatatur terperinci mengenai kedudukan, pandangan-pandangan sisi, atas dan 3ystem3, paip air masuk, air keluar, air limpah dan air buang, lokasi injap-injap, penyukat aras, system pengudataan dan tangga-tangga bagi kolam air serta pagar keselamatan. Detailed plan (pelan tatatur) concerning position, view of the side, top and the cutting, the pipe of incoming water, outgoing water, water overflows and water throws, aeration system, “penyukat aras”, valves location and stairs for water pool and fence of safety.

e. Pelan lantai pandangan-pandangan sisi, 3ystem3 rumah pam menunjukkan kedudukan pam, motor, papan suis dan surge suppression system.Floor plan view the side, the house pump cutting shows pump position, switch board and surge suppression system, motor.

f. Dalam perkiraan hidrolik 3ystem retikulasi paip air, maklumat-maklumat berikut perlu dicatatkan: In retikulasi’s of pipe of water, the following information hydraulic calculation system must be recorded:

Pipe Details.

Pipe No.

From Node

To Node

Length (mm)

Dia. (mm)

HWC HL (mm)

HL/1000 Velocity

Node Details.

Node No. Flow (lps) Elev (M.ODL)



Residual Pressure (m)


HWC = Hazen William CoefficientHL = Head LossHGL = Hydraulic Grade LineHSL = Highest Supply Level

1.3.2 Satu naskah Standard Specifications kerja PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD hendaklah disertakan.One copy of Standard Specifications for works of PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD needed to be enclosed.

1.3.3 Jurutera Perunding hendaklah mengemukakan semua lukisan-lukisan berkaitan dengan system bekalan air untuk sesuatu pembangunan yang akan diluluskan dalam bentuk CD-R kepada Jabatan Perancangan dan Pembangunan. Lukisan-lukisan berkaitan adalah merangkumi:- Consulting engineer need to introduce all drawings relating to supply water system in the CD-R for development that will be approved to Planning and Development Department. Drawings relatively include:-

Pelan tatatur system retikulasi.Reticulation system plan (pelan tatatur).

Pelan tatatur kolam, tangki sedut dan rumah pam.

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Pool, exploit tank and pump house plan (pelan tatatur). Butiran terperinci kolam, tangki sedut dan rumah pam.

Detailed details of pool, exploit tank and pump house. Pelan tatatur saluran paip air masuk berserta 4ystem4 melintang.

Channel of pipe of incoming water plan (pelan tatatur) along with cross cutting.

Lukisan-lukisan standard.Standard drawings

Data-data untuk perkiraan hidrolik 4ystem retikulasi.Data for hydraulic calculation of reticulation system.

1.7 Lukisan, pengiraan dan spesifikasi kerja hendaklah ditandatangani oleh Jurutera Awam Bertauliah yang dilantik oleh Pemilik atau Pemaju dan berdafter dengan PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD. Drawings, calculation and specification of works need to be signed by Commissioned Public Engineer and registered with PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.


1.4.1 Dua (2) set rekabentuk 4ystem pam hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Elektrikal PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD dalam tempoh empat (4) minggu dari tarikh kelulusan rekabentuk terperinci system retikulasi. Satu (1) salinan perlu dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Perancangan dan Pembangunan PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.Two sets of pump system design need to be introduced to Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department of PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD in four weeks period from date approved of reticulation system’s detailed design. One copy need to be introduced to Planning and Development Department of PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.

1.4.2 Setiap cadangan rekabentuk dan instalasi perlu mengandungi:-Each design and installation proposal must contain:-

Pengiraan-pengiraan rekabentuk 4ystem pam.Pump system design calculations.

Pengiraan-pengiraan rekabentuk 4ystem perpaipan pengepaman.Pipe pump system design calculations.

Pengiraan-pengiraan tangki penyerap tekanan.Absorber’s pressure tank’s calculations.

Lukisan terperinci 4ystem pengepaman iaitu susunatur rumah pam, tangki sedut dan tangki simpanan.The detailed drawings of pump system that is arrangement of pump house, exploit tank, and saving tank.

Data-data dan maklumat teknikal semua peralatan mekanikal.Data and technical information of all mechanical equipment.

Senarai peralatan alat-alat ganti. List of the equipment substitutes.

1.4.3 Laporan rekabentuk dan perkiraan hendaklah disediakan oleh pihak Jurutera Perunding Mekanikal dan disahkan oleh Jurutera Mekanikal bertauliah yang berdafter.Design report and calculation need to be prepared by Mechanical Consulting Engineer group and is confirmed by registered commissioned Mechanical Engineer.

1.4.4 Kelulusan daripada Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Elektrikal hendaklah diperolehi terlebih dahulu sebelum kerja-kerja pembinaan dimulakan di tapak.

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Approve from Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department need to be obtained earlier before construct works is started in base.

1.4.5 Satu (1) set lukisan 5ystem pendawaian rumah pam hendaklah dikemukakan kepada Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Electrikal PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.One (1) set of pump house barb system drawing need to be handed in to Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department of PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.


Kegunaan Air HarianDaily Water Use

Rumah Kos Rendah dan Rumah Pangsa Kos RendahLow Cost House and Low Cost FlatRumah Pangsa Kos Sederhana dan Sederhana RendahMedium Cost and Low Medium Cost HouseRumah Berderet satu dan dua TingkatOne and two storey Terrace HousePangsapuri / KondominiumApartment / CondominiumRumah Berkembar satu dan dua tingkatOne and two storey Semi-detached houseRumah sesebuah satu dan dua tingkatOne and two storey banglo

1000 lsh

1500 lsh

1500 lsh

1500 lsh

2000 lsh

2000 lsh

220 gsh

330 gsh

330 gsh

330 gsh

440 gsh

440 gsh


Kegunaan Air HarianDaily Water Use

Rumah Kedai satu tingkatOne storey shop house Rumah Kedai Bertingkat – setiap tingkatShop house with levels – each level Pejabat – setiap 100 meter persegiOffice – each 100 meter squareStesyen MinyakPetrol StationPasarMarketPusat PenjajaHawker CentreHotel – setiap bilikHotel – each roomKomplek membeli-belah – setiap 100 meter persegiShoping Complex – each 100 meter square

2000 lsh

1500 lsh

1000 lsh

50000 lsh

25000 lsh

25000 lsh

1500 lsh

1000 lsh

440 gsh

220 gsh

200 gsh

1000 lsh

5500 gsh

5500 gsh

330 gsh

220 gsh

Lot-lot perindustrian Industry lots

Berdasarkan permintaan bekalan air

Are based by water supply request

Bengkel industri ringanLight industry workshopKilang BerderetFactory in line

1500 lsh

5000 lsh

330 gsh

1100 gsh

Sosial dan Kemasyarakatan Social

Kegunaan Air HarianDaily Water Use

Hospital – setiap 100 meter persegiHospital – each 100 meter squareMasjid / Surau – setiap orangMosque – each person Dewan orang ramaiPublic hallRumah KelabClub house

1000 lsh

50 lsh

25000 lsh

50000 lsh

200 gsh

11 gsh

5500 gsh

11000 gsh

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Balai rayaPublic house Sekolah harian – setiap muridSchool (daily) – each studentSekolah berasrama – setiap muridSchool (with hostel) – each studentInstitusi – setiap hektarInstitute – each hectare Tadika – setiap kanak-kanakKindergarten – each child

2000 lsh

50 lsh

250 lsh

25000 lsh

30 lsh

440 gsh

11 gsh

55 gsh

5500 gsh

7 gsh

Jadual 1. Anggaran Kegunaan AirTable 1. Water Use Estimation

Nota:-* Jika permintaan air tidak dapat ditentukan oeleh kilang-kilang, sila gunakan 75000 lsh (16500 gsh) setiap hektar tanah.

If the water requirement not able to be confirmed by factories, please use 75000 lsh (16500 gsh) for each hectare.

1.9 Jika kategori premis/kegunaan tidak terdapat di dalam Jadual 1, sila berhubung dengan Jabatan Perancangan dan Pembangunan untuk maklumat lanjut.

If the premises categories not available in Table 1, please contact with Planning and Development Department for further details.



a. Kehilangan turus air tidak melebihi 2 / 1000 bagi kes aliran puncak.

Loss the water post doesn’t exceed 2/1000 for case of peak flow.

b. Nilai angkatap Hazen-William C adalah 100 tanpa mengira saiz dan jenis paip.Hazen-William C ‘s value is 100 regardless of size and type of pipe.

c. Faktor puncak adalah 1.2 bagi paip aliran ke kolam dan 2.5 bagi 6ystem retikulasi.Peak factor is 1.2 for pipe of flow to pool and 2.5 for reticulation system.

d. Baki tekanan minima pada setiap nod perlu tidak kurang daripada 7.5m dari aras bekalan tertinggi pada kes aliran puncak yang dianalisa bagi pembangunan di mana bekalan air dibekal terus dari paip utama PERBADANANURUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.Minimum pressure surplus at each necessary nod is not lesser than 7.5m at case of peak flow that is analysed for development from the highest supply level where the water supply is provided continually to primary pipe of PERBADANANURUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD.

e. Baki tekanan minima pada setiap nod tidak kurang daripada 4.5m dari aras bekalan tertinggi pada kes aliran puncak yang dianalisa bagi pembangunan di mana bekalan air dibekal daripada kolam air simpanan yang dibina oleh pemaju dengan perkiraaan hidrolik berdasarkan paras BWL tangki / kolam simpanan tersebut. Minimum pressure surplus at each nod is not lesser than 4.5m from the highest supply level as at case of peak flow that is analysed for development where the water supply is provided to water saving pool which is built by developer with hydraulic calculation to be based by BWL tank’s / the saving pool’s level.

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f. Baki tekanan minima pada setiap nod tidak kurang daripada 7.5m dari aras pelantar pada kes aliran purata dicampur dengan pili bomba yang dianalisa.Minimum pressure surplus at each nod is not lesser than 7.5m at case of average mixed with fire engine tap that is analysed flow from mediator’s level.

g. Baki tekanan pada setiap nod tidak boleh melebihi 40m pada kedua-dua kes aliran yang dianalisa.Pressure surplus at each nod cannot exceed 40m at both cases of flow that is analysed.

h. Aliran kebakaran adalah sepertimana panduan yang diberi oleh Jabatan Bomba.Flow of fire is as guide that is given by Fire engine department.

i. Saiz minima paip retikulasi adalah berukuran 150mm garispusat.Minimum size of reticulation pipe is with measurement of 150mm central line.

j. Perlu memasang paip berkembar di kedua-dua belah bahu jalan jika terdapat lebih daripada 20 buah rumah / kedai sebaris di jalan berkenaan. Paip kedua bagi paip berkembar hendaklah bersaiz 150mm garispusat. Semua paip yang dipasang di bawah jalan perlu berjenis besi keluli dan bersaiz minima 150mm. Pili bomba hanya boleh dipasang pada paip air yang bersaiz 150mm ke atas.Must switch on the twin pipe at both sides of road if there are more than 20 houses / the row shop in the road concerned. The second pipe for twin pipe need to be size of 150mm central line. All pipes that is installed below road must type the steel and minimum with size of 150mm. Fire engine tap can be only installed at pipe of water that is with size of 150mm and above.

k. Paip-paip penghujung hendaklah diakhiri dengan injap keruk atau pili bomba.The end’s pipes need to be ended with dredging valve or tap of fire engine.

l. Kawasan pangsapuri / kondominium, kilang, komplek, pejabat, komplek perniagaan, institusi dan sekolah yang memerlukan bekalan air tidak melebihi 2.0 juta liter sehari hendaklah dipasang dengan paip bomba yang berasingan.Apartment area / the condominium, factory, complex, office, business complex, institution and school which needs water supply not exceed 2.0 MILLION litres per day need to installed with pipe of separate fire engine.

m. Paip-paip besi keluli lembut hendaklah digunakan dalam keadaan berikut dengan ketabalan keluli mengikut spesifikasi PUAS Berhad.Pipes of soft steel need to be used according to PUAS Berhad specification with thickness of steel in the following condition Paip utama yang masuk ke kawasan perumahan.

Primary pipe that entering housing estate. Paip air masuk ke kolam.

Pipe of water enters to pool. Paip air dari pam (pumping main).

Pipe of water from pump (pumping main). Paip merentasi jalan atau paip dipasang di bawah jalan.

Pipe crosses road or pipe is installed below road. Di kawasan tanah tidak rata dan kawasan berbukit.

In land area is not smooth and hilly area. Di kawasan industri, perniagaan, rumah pangsa, pangsapuri dan

kondominium. At industrial park, business area, flat, apartment and condominium.

n. Semua injap-injap hendaklah daripada jenis double flange sluis bagi paip berukuran 450mm ke bawah dan selainnya adalah jenis double flange kupu-kupu.All valves should for pipe from double flange sluis’s type with measurement of 450mm and below and the rest is a type of butterfly double flange

o. Saiz injap udara hendaklah direkabentuk seperti berikut:-

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Air valve size need to be as follows designed:- Saiz paip 150mm – 300mm – Jenis berkembar 50mm.

Pipe size 150mm – 300mm – Twin type 50mm. Saiz paip 350mm – 500mm – Jenis berpisah 75mm.

Pipe size 350mm – 500mm – Separate type 75mm. Saiz paip 500mm – ke atas – Jenis berpisah 150mm.

Pipe size 500mm – and above – Separate type 150mm.p. Syarat penyediaan peti sampelan (sampling box) dan tekanan tolak bagi

pembangunan yang melebihi 1.0 juta liter sehari (220,000 gelan sehari) adalah seperti di Jadual 2.Rule of sampling box’s preparation and the pressure pushes for development that exceeds 1.0 MILLION litres per day (220,000 per day gallons) is such as at Table 2.

Keperluan Air Harian (gsh)Daily Need Water (gsh)

Bilangan Number

220,000 – 1,000,000 1Melebihi exceeds 1,000,000 2

Jadual 2: Peti SampelanTable 2: Sampling Box

q. Syarat pemasangan zon miter bagi kegunaan district metering untuk

pembangunan yang melebihi 1.0 juta liter sehari (220,000 gelen sehari) adalah seperti Jadual 3.Rule of meter’s installation of zone for use district metering for development that exceeds 1.0 MILLION litres per day (220,000 gallons per day) is as in Table 3

Keperluan Air Harian (gsh)

Daily Need Water (gsh)

Bilangan Number


220,000 –4,000,000 1 100mmMelebihi exceeds

4,000,000 – 6,000,0002 150mm

Jadual 3: Zon Miter.Table 3: Meter Zon.

r. Constant Flow Value perlu dipasang saluran paip masuk ke tangki sedut kondominium, pangsapuri dan pejabat untuk menghadkan kadar aliran dalam 20 jam sehari.Constant Flow Value must be installed channel of pipe entering exploit tank of condominium, apartment and office to limit flow rate in 20 per day hours.


Pembangunan yang memerlukan bekalan air melebihi 1.0 juta liter sehari (220,000 gsh) dan kawasan tekanan rendah hendaklah dilengkapi dengan kolam / tangki simpanan luaran dengan muatan keguaan sehari di dalam pembangunan tersebut.Development that needs the water supply exceeds 1.0 MILLION litres per day (220,000 gsh) and low pressure area need to be equipped with pool / external saving tank with per day cave load in the development.

Tangki simpanan luaran perlu diadakan bagi rumah pangsa kos rendah 6-tingkat (maksimum) dan jika baki tekanan air tidak mencukupi, 8ystem pam adalah diperlukan.

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External saving tank must be prepared for 6-level (maximum) low cost flat and if the water pressure surplus doesn’t adequate, the pump system is needed.

Kapasiti kolam / tangki simpanan dan tangki sedut hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya bersamaan dengan sehari bekalan. Nisbah tangki sedut: tangki / kolam air adalah 1:2. Di mana standby pump yang diadakan adalah 100%, nisbah tangki sedut: tangki simpanan 1:1 boleh dipertimbangkan.Capacity of pool / saving tank and exploit tank should at least together with day supply. Proportion of exploit: tank / pool water is 1:2. Where standby pump that is held is 100%, proportion exploit tank : saving tank of 1:1 can be considered.(for external water infrastructure work).

Pembangunan yang memerlukan bekalan yang melebihi 1.0 juta liter sehari dan meliputi bangunan 6 tingkat ke atas, jumlah kapasiti tangki hendaklah sebanyak 1½ jumlah keperluan harian, sekiranya tangki air luaran dengan kapasiti kegunaan sehari tidak dibina. Bangunan kediaman low cost dikecualikan daripada syarat ini.Development that needs that supply to exceed 1.0 MILLION litres per day and include the 6 levels building and above, total tank capacity should as much as 1½ total daily needs, if external water tank with capacity use per day is not built. Low cost residence building is excluded from this stipulation.

Pembangunan di kawasan berbukit perlu mengemukakan konsep bekalan air bagi zon rendah, zon sederhana dan zon tinggi.Development in hilly area must introduce the water supply concept for low zone, medium zone and high zone.

Rekabentuk struktur rumah pam / kolam air dan kajian tahah perlu dikemukakan.

Setback hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya 6.0m daripada struktur bumi untuk ground tank dan rumah pam manakala 9.0m bagi struktur tangki menara. Jarak minima kolam simpanan dari tepi cerun adalah 9.0m.Setback should at least 6.0m for ground tank and pump house from structure of earth whereas 9.0m for structure of tower tank. Minimum distance of saving pool from slope side is 9.0m.

Semua paip di dalam kolam hendaklah dari jenis cast iron, ductile iron atau bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Produk PUAS Berhad.All pipes in the pool should from cast iron’s type, ductile iron or other materials that is approved by Material / Product Committees of PUAS Berhad.

Rekabentuk retikulasi dari kolam hendaklah mengambil aras air terendah (BWL) kolam air berkenaan.Reticulation design from pool need to take the lowest water level (BWL) of the water pool concerned

Kolam simpanan dan kolam sedut dari jenis konkrit adalah diutamakan. Walaubagaimanapun tangki air dari bahan lain boleh digunakan dalam pembinaan dengan syarat mendapat kelulusan Jawatankuasa Bahan / Produk PUAS Berhad. Kapasiti tangki simpanan menara jenis konkrit tidak boleh melebihi 4.5 juta liter manakala untuk bahan-bahan untuk bahan-bahan lain mengikut kelulusan Jawatankuasa Bahan / Produk PUAS Berhad.Saving pool and exploit pool from type of concrete given priority. Nevertheless water tank from different material can be used in the construct with stipulation receive approve from Material / Product Committees of PUAS Berhad. Capacity of tower concrete type saving tank cannot exceed 4.5 MILLION litres whereas for other materials follows approve from Material / Product committees of PUAS Berhad.

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Baki tekanan minima pada aras masuk atas (TWL) kolam air adalah tidak kurang daripada 4.5m di mana punca sambungan dari paip utama hulu tidak mempunyai bekalan terus ke paip retikulasi.Minimum pressure surplus at top entering level (TWL) the water pool is not less than 4.5m where cause of connection from primary pipe of interior doesn’t have the supply directly to reticulation pipe.

Baki tekanan minima pada aras masuk atas (TWL) kolam air adalah tidak kurang daripada 7.5m di mana punca sambungan dari paip utama hulu tidak mempunyai bekalan terus ke paip retikulasi.Minimum pressure surplus at top entering level (TWL) the water pool is not less than 4.5m where cause of connection from primary pipe of interior doesn’t have the supply directly to reticulation pipe.

Tangga luar pada kolam air perlu dipagar dan berbentuk walk up serta berjenis concrete / stainless steel. Semua tangga jenis walk up hendaklah mempunyai wall enclosure. Tangga dalam kolam air mestilah berjenis concrete / stainless steel / aluminium dan berbentuk walk up.Outside stairs in the water pool must be made a fence and is in the form of walk up with type of concrete / stainless steel. All walk up stairs need to have wall enclosure. Inside stairs in the water pool need to be in the type of concrete / stainless steel / aluminium and in the form of walk up.

Pagar keselamatan air bagi kawasan kolam simpanan dan rumah pam perlu dibina bersama dengan sempadan rezab dan ianya mestilah berbentuk Y dan berjenis pvc coated chain link. Barbed wire (danet wire) hendaklah dikonkrit di luar sekeliling pagar keselamatan. Water safety fence for saving pool area and the pump house must be built jointly and it must be in the form of Y with reserve border and with type of pvc coated chain link. Barbed wire (danet wire) need to be concreted outside vicinity of safety fence.

Bagi cerun yang mempunyai curam 1:1 dan lebih serta di kawasan potongan dan 1:2 di kawasan tambakan, langkah-langkah menguatkan cerun (slope stabilization) adalah diperlukan. Semua tapak kolam dan rumah pam hendaklah barada di atas kawasan potongan. Lukisan 10ystem10 lintang (X-X,Y-Y) perlu dikemukakan bagi tapak kolam dan rumah di kawasan cerun untuk semakan.For slope that has steep 1:1 and more with in cut area and 1:2 in embankment area, the steps strengthen the slope is needed. All pool and the pump house base should at above cut area. Width cutting drawing must be introduced for pool base and house in slope area for revision.


a. Rumah pam hendaklah dari jenis konkrit tetulang dan batu bata dan mempunyai bumbung konkrit tetulang atau bumbung jubin. Jika menggunakan trusses, ianya mestilah berjenis besi keluli. Bumbung jubin hanya boleh digunakan bagi rumah pam di mana kapasitinya tidak melebihi daripada 50 miter padu sejam.Pump house should from structured concrete type and brick and has the structured concrete roof or jubin’s roof.

b. Semua rumah pam perlu mempuyai tandas.All pump house need to have toilet.

c. Rumah pam di mana system pengepaman mempunyai kapasiti lebih daripada 50 miter padu sejam ianya perlu mempunyai bilik pejabat / setor. Pump house where pump system has capacity of more than 50 miter cube an hour must have the office room / store.

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d. Rumah pam di mana system pengepaman mempunyai kapasiti lebih daripada 11.35 juta liter sehari perlu disediakan dua (2) unit kuarters kelas G yang mempunyai tiga bilik.Pump house where pump system has more than 11.35 million litres capacity per day must be prepared two (2) quarter unit of class G that has three rooms.

e. Security grilles hendaklah disediakan pada sebelah dalam tingkap rumah pam.Security grilles need to be prepared at side in the house pump window.

f. Gantry crane hendaklah disediakan di mana peralatan terberat melebihi 50 kg atau jika keupayaan system pam melebihi 2.27 juta liter sehari.Gantry crane need to be prepared where the heaviest equipment exceeds 50 kg or if capability of pump system exceeds 2.27 MILLION litres per day.


1.10.1 Semua bahan-bahan yang digunakan di dalam 11ystem bekalan air hendaklah mendapat kelulusan daripada Jawatankuasa Bahan / Produk PUAS Berhad dan bahan-bahan tersebut mestilah menepati perlesenan produk SIRIM / IKRAM. Pihak PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD berhak memeriksa barangan yang digunakan sebelum ianya digunakan.All materials that is used in waterworks need to receive approve from Material/ Product Committee of PUAS Berhad and the materials must fulfill the SIRIM’s / IKRAM’s product licence. PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR lawful examining the goods that is used before it is being used.

1.10.2 Bahan-bahan yang boleh digunakan di dalam 11ystem perpaipan retikulasi luaran adalah seperti di Jadual 4 dan Jadual 5.Materials that can be used in the pipe system of external reticulation are such as shown in Table 4 and Table 5.

1.10.3 Jenis paip air masuk adalah seperti di Jadual 4.Incoming water pipe type is such as shown in Table 4.

Jadual 4 Table 4: Jenis Paip Air Masuk (Incoming Main Type)

1.10.4 Paip utama dan paip retikulasi.Main pipe and reticulation pipe.

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Jenis Tanah Land type Jenis Paip Pipe typeBagi semua keadaan

For all situationBesi Keluli Steel

Ductile IronDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan /

Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

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Jadual 5: Jenis Paip Berdasarkan Jenis Pembangunan, Fungsi dan Keadaan Tanah.Table 5: Pipe type based on Development Type, Function and Condition of Land.



Semua permohonan kelulusan pelan dalam bangunan hendaklah disertakan maklumat-maklumat berikut:-All application for approving of plan in the building need to be enclosed by the following information:-

2.1.1 Pelan tapak.Base plan.

- 2 salinan 2 copies

2.1.2 Pelan isometric susunan paip air.Isometric plan for arrangement of water pipe.

- 3 salinan 3 copies

2.1.3 Lukisan pembangunan yang telah diluluskan oleh pihak Berkuasa Tempatan.Development drawing that has been approved by the Local Authorities.

- 1 salinan 1 copy

2.1.4 Lukisan lantai (termasuk pelan tingkat bawah bangunan yang menunjukkan kedudukan miter, kedudukan fitting, injap, laluan

- 2 salinan 2 copies

Page 12

Jenis Tanah Land type Jenis Paip Pipe typeKewasan tepi pantai yang mempunyai tanah yang corrosive, kawasan bekas lombong dan sebagainya

HDPE (PN 12.5)Mild Steel / Ductile Iron

DAN ANDBahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product PUAS

Berhad.Other materials that approved by

Material / Product Committee of PUAS Berhad.

Kawasan perusahaan, perniagaan, rumah pangsa, kondominium, rumah kedai, rumah kos sederhana dan keatas.

Besi Keluli Steel / Ductile Iron / ABSDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product PUAS

Berhad.Other materials that approved by

Material / Product Committee of PUAS Berhad.

Pumping Main dan kawasan berbukit. Besi Keluli SteelDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product PUAS

Berhad.Other materials that approved by

Material / Product Committee of PUAS Berhad.

Kawasan perumahan jenis kos rendah dan sederhana rendah.

UPVC (Kelas E) / HDPE (PN 12.5)DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product PUAS

Berhad.Other materials that approved by

Material / Product Committee of PUAS Berhad.

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paip dan sebagainya)Floor drawing (Including ground level plan for building that shows meter's position, position of fitting, valve, pipe passage etc.)

2.1.5 Pelan perincian keratan-rentas menunjukkan kedudukan tangki-tangki.Cut-cross analysis plan shows tanks’ position.

- 2 salinan 2 copies

2.1.6 Pelan dan pelan keratan rentas pemasangan pam, jika berkaitan.Plan and cross cutting plan of installation of pump, if relating.

- 2 salinan 2 copies

2.1.7 Pelan susunatur paip dalaman kolam renang, jika berkaitan.Arranging plan of the internal plumbling of pool swims, if relating.

- 2 salinan 2 copies

2.1.8 Sesalinan surat kelulusan system bekalan air luaran dari Ibu Pejabat PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD, bagi cadangan pembangunan yang memerlukan bekalan air melebihi 220,000 liter sehari.Copy of approve letter for external water supply system from PERBADANAN URUS AIR SELANGOR BERHAD's Head-office, for development proposal that needs the water supply exceeds 220,000 litres per day.

2.1.9 Jurutera Perunting hendaklah mengemukakan semua lukisan-lukisan berkaitan dengan internal plumbing yang sudah diluluskan untuk sesuatu pembangunan dalam bentuk CD-R kepada PUAS BERHAD Wilayah berkaitan untuk rekod dan simpanan. Lukisan-lukisan yang berkaitan adalah seperti berikut:-Consulting engineer need to hand in all drawing relating to internal plumbing that had been approved for one development in the form of CD-R to PUAS BERHAD Territory relates for record and keeping. Drawings that relatively is as follows:-

a. Pelan tetatur keseluruhan untuk sesuatu pembangunan.Whole plan (pelan tetatur) for the development.

b. Pelan isometrik menunjukkan saluaran-saluran paip air, injap-injap dan pepasangan lain berserta jenis yang akan digunakan.Isometric plan shows channels of water pipe, valves and other installation along with type that will be used.


2.2.1 AM. GENERALa. Hanya paip, injap, tangki dan pepasangan yang telah diluluskan oleh

Jawatankuasa Bahan / Produk PUAS Berhad sahaja boleh digunakan.Only pipe, valve, tank and installation that were approved by Material / Product Committee of PUAS Berhad can be only used.

b. Kerja-kerja penebukan (tapping) mestilah dilaksanakan oleh tukang paip berlesen Jenis 2 dan berdaftar dengan PUAS Berhad.Tapping works must be implemented by licenced pipe artisan of Type 2 and has registered with PUAS Berhad

c. Semua kerja pemasangan paip dalam bangunan hendaklah dilaksanakan oleh tukang paip yang berdaftar dengan PUAS Berhad.All pipe installation works in building need to be implemented by licenced pipe artisan that has registered with PUAS Berhad.

d. Alat-alat penjimatan air seperti cistern di mana kapasitinya tidak melebihi 6 liter adalah dimestikan untuk digunakan.Water thrifty equipment such as cistern where its capacity doesn't exceed 6 litres must to be used.

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e. Paip aliran ke singki di bahagian dapur hendaklah diambil terus dari paip air masuk (sebelum cabang ke tangki).Pipe flowing to sink at kitchen need to be taken straight from incoming water pipe (before branch to tank).

f. Injap sesekat, jenis ball valve stop cock, perlu dipasang sebelum unit-unit sinki / WC / urinal / shower / bidet.Restrict valve, ball valve stop cock's type, must be installed before units of sinki / WC / urinal / shower / bidet

g. Urinal hendaklah menggunakan manual flushing atau injap flush. Automatic flushing adalah tidak dibenarkan. Down pipe berasingan dari tangki perlu diadakan untuk system yang menggunakan injap flush.Urinal need to use manual flushing or flush's valve. Automatic flushing is to be forbidden. Down pipe separated from tank must be held for system that uses flush's valve.

h. Sistem perpaipan untuk bekalan air domestik, sistem penyejuk (air conditioning) dan sistem melawan kebakaran (fire fighting) hendaklah berasingan. Pipe system for domestic water supply, the cooling system (water conditioning) and the system fights the fire (fire fighting) should be separated.

i. Semua saddle untuk paip HDPE hendaklah berjenis electrofusion tapping. Semua bolt and nut yang digunakan bawah tanah hendaklah dari jenis Stainless Steel.All saddle for HDPE pipe need to type electrofusion tapping. All bolt and nut that is used underground should be from Stainless Steel’s type.

j. Pili laman (garden tap) hendaklah diadakan dan diambil dari tangki simpanan. Garden tap need to be taken from saving tank.


a. Ukuran saiz nominal, jenis dan kelas paip hendaklah dinyatakan di atas lukisan.Nominal size measurement, the type and class of pipe need to be explained in the drawing.

b. Butir-butir terperinci termasuk catalog semua jenis injap hendaklah diberikan.The detailed information including catalog of all valve types need to be given.

c. Saiz minima untuk paip dalaman adalah berukuran 20mm garispusat.Minimum size for internal plumbling is 20mm central line.

d. Bagi paip-paip yang mana tekanan melebihi 40 meter tekanan, injap pengurang tekanan (pressure reducing valve) atau tangki pemecah tekanan (break – pressure tank) hendaklah digunakan.For pipes where pressure exceeds 40 meter pressure, pressure reducing valve or break-pressure tank need to be used.

e. Jenis-jenis paip yang dibenarkan dalam sistem coldt-water, adalah tertakluk kepada kelulusan daripada Jawatankuasa Bahan / Produk PUAS Berhad seperti di Jadual 6, Jadual 7, dan Jadual 8.Pipe types that are allowed to be used in cold water system, is refered to approval from Material / Product Committee of PUAS Berhad as shown in Table 6, Table 7 and Table 8.

f. Jenis paip yang dibenarkan dalam sistem hot water, adalah tertakluk kepada kelulusan daripada Jawatankuasa Bahan / Produk PUAS Berhad. Antara jenis paip yang diluluskan adalah Stainless steel, Poly Steel, Copper, ABS dan PPR.Pipe types that are allowed to be used in hot water system is referring to the approval of Material / Product Committee of PUAS Berhad. Among pipe types that are approved are Stainless steel, Poly Steel, Copper, ABS and PPR.

g. Injap sesekat, jenis ball valve / stopcock, perlu dipasang pada:-Restric valve, ball valve / stopcock's type, must be installed at:-

Semua paip air masuk ke tangki sedut dan tangki simpanan.All pipes of water enter to exploit tank and saving tank.

Semua paip air keluar dari tangki.All pipes of water outgoing from tank.

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Semua paip air menuju ke kelengkapan (fitting) seperti kitchen tap, cistern, urinal dan injap flush.All pipes going to fitting such as kitchen tap, cistern, urinal and injap flush.

h. Sambungan untuk paip HDPE (PN 12.5) hendaklah dari jenis electrofusion, clap atau compression fitting.Connection for HDPE pipe (PN 12.5) should from type of electrofusion, clap or compression fitting.


a. Lokasi kedudukan miter akan ditentukan oleh PUAS Berhad Wilayah.Location of meter will be decided by Territory PUAS Berhad.

b. Miter hendaklah diletakkan pada tingkat bawah (ground floor) pada semua rumah pangsa kos rendah (walk-up) dan miter disusun mengikut tingkat (ascending order) serta ditandakan dengan plet alamat (address plate).Meter need to be put at ground floor for all low cost flats (walk-up) and arranged by following ascending order and labeled with address plate.

c. Bagi rumah kediaman, semua miter individu hendaklah diletakkan di hadapan tetapi di luar pagar rumah.For residence housing, all individual meter need to be put at the front but outside the fence of the house.

d. Bulk meter serta miter untuk hydrant bagi apartment, flat, kilang, kondominium, dan sekolah hendaklah diletakkan di dalam kawasan berpagar dan berhampiran rumah pengawal atau di pintu masuk.Bulk meter and meter for hydrant for apartment, flat, factory, condominium, and school need to be put in the area in fence and closed to guard house or at entrance.

Jenis paip Pipe types

d < 100mm.dia d = 100mm.dia – 150 mm.dia

Paip PenghubungConnecting


Stainless Steel / PolySteel / ABSDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteelDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product

PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Pipe PerkhidmatanServing Pipe

Stainless Steel / PolySteel / PPR / ABS / HDPE (PN 12.5)*

DAN ANDBahan-bahan lain yang

diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.

Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteel / ABS (PN 15)DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product

PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Paip AgihanDividing Pipe

Stainless Steel / PolySteel / Copper / PPR / ABS / HDPE (PN

12.5)* DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteel / ABSDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product

PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

* Dengan syarat menggunakan fittings yang diluluskan oleh SIRIM Berhad.* With the rule of using fittings that is approved by SIRIM Berhad.

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Jadual 6. Jenis-jenis paip yang digunakan untuk pembangunan kediaman jenis Kos Rendah / Sederhana serta Komersil dan Industri.

Table 6. Pipe types that are used for development of residence from the types of Low Cost / Medium Cost, and Commercial & Industry.

Jenis paip Pipe types

d < 100mm.dia d = 100mm.dia – 150 mm.dia

Paip PenghubungConnecting


Stainless Steel / PolySteel DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteel /Ductile IronDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan /

Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Pipe PerkhidmatanServing Pipe

Stainless Steel / PolySteel /Copper / PPR / ABS / HDPE

(PN 12.5)*DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteel / Ductile Iron (PN 15)

DAN ANDBahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan

oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.

Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Paip AgihanDividing Pipe

Stainless Steel / PolySteel / Copper / PPR / ABS / HDPE (PN

12.5)* DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteel / Ductile Iron / ABSDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan /

Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

* Dengan syarat menggunakan fittings yang diluluskan oleh SIRIM Berhad.* With the rule of using fittings that is approved by SIRIM Berhad.

Jenis paip Pipe types

d < 100mm.dia d = 100mm.dia – 150 mm.dia

Paip PenghubungConnecting


Stainless Steel / PolySteel DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteel /Ductile IronDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan /

Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Pipe PerkhidmatanServing Pipe

Stainless Steel / PolySteel DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteel / Ductile Iron DAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan /

Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.Paip Pumping Stainless Steel / PolySteel / Stainless Steel / PolySteel / Ductile

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Main Pipe CopperDAN AND

Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.


Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan /

Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.Paip AgihanDividing Pipe

Stainless Steel / PolySteel / Copper / PPR / ABS /


Bahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa

Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

Mild Steel / PolySteel / Ductile Iron / ANS

DAN ANDBahan-bahan lain yang diluluskan

oleh Jawatankuasa Bahan / Product PUAS Berhad.

Other materials that approved by Material / Product Committee of

PUAS Berhad.

* Dengan syarat menggunakan fittings yang diluluskan oleh SIRIM Berhad.* With the rule of using fittings that is approved by SIRIM Berhad.

e. Meter stand bagi saiz kurang 100mm garispusat hendaklah dari jenis Stainless Steel dan meter stand bersaiz melebihi 100mm hendaklah dari jenis Mild Steel.Metre of stand for lesser size of 100mm centreline should from Stainless Steel 's type.and the meter stand exceeds 100mm should from Mild Steel 's type.

f. Injap kekenci (lockable valve) hendaklah digunakan bagi meter stand kurang daripada 50mm.Lockable valve should be used for meter stand lesss than 50mm.

g. Penapis (strainer) hendaklah dipasang pada meter stand bersaiz 50mm keatas.Strainer should be installed at the meter stand with size of 50mm and above.

h. Flexible coupling (VJC type) hendaklah digunakan bagi meter stand melebihi 100mm garispusat.Flexible coupling (VJC type) should be used for meter stand exceeds 100mm centrepoint.


a. Saiz tangki simpanan hendaklah memenuhi satu (1) hari permintaan di mana syarat 1 ½ hari simpanan air tidak dikenakan. Secara amnya, saiz tangki simpanan adalah seperti di Jadual 9.Size of saving tank need to fill a (1) day need with stipulation of 1 ½ day water saving is not imposed. Generally, the size of saving tank is such as at Table 9.

Bil Jenis Premis Saiz tangki air dalam bangunan / seunit





Rumah kos rendah/rumah pangsa kos rendahLow cost house/low cost flatRumah pangsa kos sederhana dan sederhana rendahLow medium and medium cost flatRumah deret / pangasapuri kondominiumTerrace house / condominiumRumah berkembar / sesebuah (melebihi 4 bilik, tambah 450 liter sebilik)

680 litre

1000 litre

1500 litre

1500 litre

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Twin house / banglo ( exceed 4 rooms, 450 room litres added)Rumah kedai setingkatSingle storey shop houseRumah kedai bertingkat – setiap tingkatMulti-storey shophouse – each floorPejabat – setiap 100 meter persegiOffice – each 100 meter squareStesen minyak (tempat cuci kereta)Petrol station (with car wash area)Stesen minyak (tanpa tempat cuci kereta)Petrol station (without with car wash area)Hotel – setiap bilikHotel – each roomKomplek beli belah – setiap 100 meter persegiShopping Complex – each 100 meter squareBengkel industri ringanLight industrial workshopKawasan perindustrianIndustrial areaHospital – setiap katilHospital – each bedGerai basahWet StallGerai KeringDry Stall

2000 litre

1500 litre

800 litre

50000 litre

10000 litre

1500 litre

1000 litre

1500 litre

Mengikut keperluan air sehari

1100 litre

1360 litre

450 litre

Jadual 9. Saiz Tangki Simpanan Mengikut Jenis Premis / Kegunaan.Table 9. Saving Tank Size with refer to Premise / Using.

b. Jenis-jenis tangki yang dibenarkan untuk digunakan sebagai tangki simpanan air di dalambangunan, adalah tertakluk kepada kelulusan Jawatankuasa Bahan / Produk PUAS Berhad. Bahan dari jenis berikut adalah diluluskan.Tank's types that are allowed to be used as saving water tank in the building are defeated to approval of Material / Product Committee of PUAS Berhad. Material from the following type is approved.

Konkerit Tetulang (RC) Concrete Fibre Reinforced Polyester (FRP) High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Stainless Steel Aluminium

c. Paip overflow hendaklah satu saiz lebih besar dari paip inlet.Overflow pipe should be a (1x) bigger size than inlet pipe.

d. Tangki air di mana kapasitinya kurang dari 4,500 litre hendaklah mempunyai paip overflow yang juga merupakan paip amaran (warning pipe) dan dipasang pada tempat yang mudah kelihatan. Contoh: bilik mandi.Water tank where its capacity is lesser than 4,500 litre need to have overflow pipe that also is warning pipe and is switched in place which easily seen. Example: the room bathes.

e. Tangki air di mana kapasitinya lebih dari 4,500 litre hendaklah mempunyai paip overflow yang berlainan / asing dari paip amaran dan dipasang pada tempat yang mudah kelihatan. Contoh: bilik mandi.Water tank where its capacity is lesser than 4,500 litre need to have overflow pipe that’s separated from warning pipe and is switched in place which easily seen. Example: the room bathes.

f. Laluan masuk (access) ke tangki di bumbung hendaklah dari bangunan.Access way to tank at roof need to be from the building.

g. Aras TWL pada tangki sedut dan tangki simpanan hendaklah dinyatakan mengikut ODL.TWL level at exploit tank and saving tank need to be marked by following ODL.

h. Tangki air berasingan untuk Food Court dalam kompleks bangunan hendaklah disediakan.Water tank that’s separated for Food Court in building is required to be prepared.

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i. Bagi rumah kos rendah / rumah pangsa kos rendah, kolah di bilik mandi bersaiz minima 120 liter hendaklah disediakan.For low cost house / low cost flat, collar in the room bathes of minimum sizeable 120 litres need to be prepared.

j. Scour hendaklah diletakkan pada lantai tangki dan disalurkan ke longkang bilik mandi.Scour want to be put at the tank's floor and is channelled to ditch of bath room.

k. Paip pensampelan hendaklah diadakan pada tangki air simpanan kompleks bangunan yang mengadakan bekalan air untuk tujuan permakanan / minumam.Sample pipe need to be held in saving water saving tank in building that hold the water supply for eat/drink purpose.


a. Sekurang-kurangnya dua pam perlu disediakan, satu on duty dan satu on stanby.Two pams is required to be prepared at least, one on duty and one on stanby.

b. Operasi sistem pam hendaklah mempunyai kawalan automatic melalui penggunaan Stainless Steel electrodes di tangki sedut dan tangki simpanan. Satu change-over switch hendaklah disediakan pada starter panel supaya pam boleh dijalankan secara manual.System pumps operation need to have automatic's control through use of Stainless Steel electrodes in exploit tank and saving tank. A change - over switch need to be prepared at starter panel so that the pump can be implemented by manual.

c. Kadar mengepam maksima bagi pam on duty hendaklah mencukupi untuk mengisi tangki pajabat / komersil dalam masa 8 jam dan 12 jam bagi rumah kediaman.Maximum pump rate for on duty's pump need to be adequate to fill office / commercial tank in 8 hours and 12 hours for house residence.

d. Tangki sedut hendaklah bersaiz diantara 33% hingga 50% permintaan air sehari dan tangki simpanan bersaiz 50% hingga 67% permintaan air sehari. Bagi keadaan di mana bilangan pam on stanby diadakan adalah 200% pam on duty serta menggunakan pam variable speed, tangki air simpanan boleh dikecilkan kepada saiz tidak kurang 30% dari permintaan air sehari dan tangki air sedut mempunyai tidak kurang 70% kapasiti simpanan.Exploit tank need to have size between 33% to 50% of required water quantity per day and saving tank with size of 50% to 67% of required water each day. For condition where the number of on stanby pump is held is 200% of on duty pump and use variable speed pump, water saving tank can be reduced to the size not less than 30% from the water required each day and exploit water tank having not less than 70% of saving capasity.

e. Sistem penggera hendaklah disediakan di mana paras air di tangki simpanan adalah lebih rendah dari aras pam bermula.System penggera need to be prepared where the level water in saving tank is lower than pump's beginning level.

f. Bagi rekabentuk yang menggunakan sistem pressurized. Yang mana simpanan air adalah 100% pada tangki simpanan di tingkat bawah, bilangan pam on stanby hendaklah 200% pam on duty dan sebuah generator on standby hendaklah disediakan.For design that uses pressurized's system. Where water saving is 100% in saving tank in the storey underneath, number of on stanby pumps should be 200% of on duty pump and a generator on standby need to be prepared.

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g. Bagi sistem yang mempunyai pengumpulan air hujan, saiz tangki air simpanan boleh dikecilkan kepada 75% permintaan air sehari.For system that has the rainwater collection, the size of saving water tank can be 75% requested water each day.


a. Paip sistem air panas hendaklah diasingkan dan diambil terus dari tangki.Pipe of hot water system need to be isolated and is taken straightly to tank.

b. Injap sesekat tidak dibenarkan pada paip air keluar dari alat pemanas.Restrict valve to be forbidden at pipe of water to exit from heater

c. Butir-butir teknikal dan catalog alat pemanas / pemanas solar perlu dikemukakan.Technical details and catalog of heater / solar heater must be introduced.

d. Injap keselamatan, samada menggunakan vent pipe atau pressure relief valve, hendaklah disalurkan ke floor trap di bilik mandi.Safety valve, whether using vent pipe or pressure relief valve, need to be channelled to floor trap in the bath room.


a. Muatan kolam, masa turnover, kadar pusingan air dan kadar tapisan hendaklah dinyatakan.Pool load, turnover's time, water turning rate and filtering rate need to be mentioned.

b. Lukisan isometric sistem paip kolam renang secara terperinci hendaklah diadakan.Lukisan isometric sistem paip kolam renang secara terperinci hendaklah diadakan.

c. Butir-butir teknikal dan catalog untuk pam dan penapis perlu dikemukakan.Technical details and catalog for pump and filters need to be introduced.

d. Kolam renang hendaklah direkabentuk supaya boleh diisi penuh dalam jangkamasa 1 hari hingga 3 hari.Swimming pool need to be designed so that it can fully filled in 1 day to 3 days.

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