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خدا نام به

رساني اطالع مرکز پورتال بر روی اطالعاتي هاي پايگاه در جستجو

نظير المللي بين استانداردهاي کامل متن به دسترسي (AGA, API, API MPMS, ASTM, BSI, DIN, ISO)

ايران نفت صنعت استانداردهاي اطالعات بانك به دسترسي (IPS)

آموزشي متنوع هاي فيلم به مدیا مالتی دسترسي (VCD)

فارسي مقاالت متن تمام اطالعاتي های پايگاه به دسترسی (Magiran, Noormags, Civilica)

ترسی به منابع الکترونيک بر روی پورتال مرکزاطالع رسانیدس

بريتانيا ملي کتابخانه مقاالت بانك به دسترسي

التين مقاالت پايگاه در بعد به ٢٠٠٣ سال مديريتي و تخصصي – فني منتخب مقاالت کامل متن به دسترسي

مرکز پورتال در موجود... و انرژي مديريتي، تكنولوژيك، منابع از اي ذخيره با الكترونيك منابع به دسترسي

فارسي مقاالت پايگاه در تخصصي / علمي منتخب مقاالت کامل متن به دسترسي

التين و فارسي گزارشات پايگاه در تخصصي / علمي گزارشات کامل متن به دسترسي

ايران نفت ملي شرکت علمی اطالعات مدیریت و رساني اطالع مرکز

محققين، اختيار در را زير تسهيالت نشريات، و کتب مراجع، از استفاده امكان بر عالوه

:دهد مي قرار پتروشيمي و پخش و پاالیش گاز، نفت، صنايع کارکنان کليه و پژوهشگران

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مرکز اطالع رسانی و مديريت اطالعات علمی شرکت ملی نفت ايران به منظور تسريع و تسھيل دسترسی به

اطالعات علمی و فنی مورد نياز صنعت نفت، امکاناتی نظير دسترسی مستقيم به مقاالت تمام متن از طريق جستجو

بر روی پورتال مرکز اطالع رسانی را برای جستجو در منابع الکترونيکی موجود در پايگاه مقاالت التين و

مرکز می توانند بدون محدوديت زمانی و مکانی ورتال پده است. بر اين اساس کاربران عضو ومتخصصين فراھم نم

لکترونيکی در از طريق اتصال به شبکه اينترنت از مجموعه منابع موجود در زمينه مقاالت فنی، کتب و نشريات ا

توانند برداری نمايند. متقاضيان جديد می گاز، پتروشيمی، انرژی، مديريت، اقتصاد و مالی بھره نفت، آوری فن ھای حوزه

نمايند. اقداماز طريق مديريت ذيربط، نسبت به دريافت نام کاربری و رمز عبور جھت استفاده از پايگاه ھای فوق

اطالع رسانیپراکندگی اعضاء پورتال مرکز

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فھرست مندرجات

صفحھ عنوان

۱ كتابھا

۴ نشریات

۱۱ مقاالت

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کتابھا تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران

Microsoft Office Excel ۲۰۱۹خودآموز تصویري ۱؛ ]فدریز پل مک/ []۲۰۱۹ مایکروسافت آفیس اکسل [

روز رساني حمیده ترجمھ منصوره کرمي؛ ویرایش و بھانتشارات دانشگاھي کیان ، : نارک: تھران -.محمدعلیھا

۱۳۹۸. ک م ۰۰۵/۵۴

۶۱۰۴۹ : شماره ثبت

۲۰۱۳المللي سیستم مدیریت امنیت اطالعات اندارد بیناست ۲:۲۷۰۰۱ ISO / IEC / مترجم حسین تیموري؛ ویراستار

.۱۳۹۵ عصر نوین، : تھران -.محمد تیموريا س ۰۰۵/۸ ۶۱۰۴۱ : شماره ثبت

راھي آسان و اثبات شده براي ایجاد : ھا خرده عادت ۳جیمز / ھاي بد ھاي خوب و از بین بردن عادت عادت

.۱۳۹۸ میلکان، : تھران -.ي زھرا صادقي کلییر ؛ ترجمھل ک ۱۵۸/۱

۶۱۰۴۸ : شماره ثبت

اصل ؛ مولف حامد انوریان/ اصول دیپلماسي فرھنگي ۴ .۱۳۹۶ ساکو، : تھران -.ویراستار ھادي امجدي

ان ۳۲۷/۵۵ ۶۱۰۵۷ : شماره ثبت

مھندسي سید ) دفتر دوم(زراي نفت ایران تاریخ شفاھي و ۵/ )۱۳۵۹ -۱۳۶۰(حسن سادات کفیل وزارت نفت مدیریت ] براي[ پور؛ مصاحبھ کننده مرتضي رسولي

وزارت : تھران -.ھا و مرکز اسناد صنعت نفت موزه .۱۳۹۸ نفت، اداره کل روابط عمومي،

ا س ۹۵۵ ۸۲۰ ۳۳۸/۲۷۲ ۶۱۰۴۳ : شماره ثبت

مھندس سید ): دفتر سوم(ریخ شفاھي وزراي نفت ایران تا ۶مصاحبھ کننده مرتضي / )۱۳۶۰ -۱۳۶۴(محمد غرضي

ھا و مرکز اسناد مدیریت موزه] براي[ پور ؛ رسوليوزارت نفت، اداره کل روابط : تھران -.صنعت نفت

.۱۳۹۸ عمومي، ر غ ۹۵۵ ۸۲۰ ۳۳۸/۲۷۲

۶۱۰۴۴ : شماره ثبت


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کتابھا تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران

بررسي راھکارھاي تامین : د قراردادھاي نفت و گازاقتصا ۷ویدا / برداري از مخازن نفت و گاز ھاي بھره مالي پروژه

.۱۳۹۵ انتشارات دنیاي اقتصاد، : تھران -.ورھرامي ور ۳۴۳/۰۷۷۲

۶۱۰۴۶ : شماره ثبت

میادین مشترک و پیشنھاد الگوي : حقوق نفت و گاز ۸ن، نسیم کرباسي؛ ویراستار عسکر جاللیا/ مطلوب

.۱۳۹۶ خرسندي، : تھران -.نژاد مھرزاد عباسل ج ۳۴۳/۰۷۷۲

۶۱۰۴۵ : شماره ثبت

مقایسھ تطبیقي ـ موافقتنامھ، شرایط عمومي و شرایط ۹و شرایط ) ۴۳۱۱ نشریھ شماره (خصوصي پیمان

بھ /)EPC(عمومي پیمان قراردادھاي طرح و ساخت : علي فرشادفراھتمام محمد

ر ف ۳۴۶/۵۵۰۲ ۶۱۰۵۱ : شماره ثبت

المللي سیستم مدیریت ایمني مواد غذایي استاندارد بین ۱۰۲۰۱۸ :۲۲۰۰۰ ISO / مترجمین حسین تیموري، مھدي

حسین : تھران -.صفریان؛ ویراستار محمد تیموري .۱۳۹۸ تیموري،

ا س ۳۶۳/۱۹۲ ۶۱۰۴۰ : شماره ثبت

و ... [گروه مولفان مصطفي پناھي / محیط زیست عمومي ۱۱ .۱۳۹۷ شرکت انتشارات فني ایران، : تھران -].دیگران

ح م ۳۶۳/۷ ۶۱۰۵۳ : شماره ثبت

: تھران -.ویرایش ؟ -.مولف مھناز عرب/ اقدام پژوھي ۱۲ .۱۳۹۷ ساکو،

ر ع ۳۷۰/۷۲ ۶۱۰۵۶ : شماره ثبت


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کتابھا تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران

از مدل رسوبي تا بازسازي شرایط (حیطھاي رسوبي م ۱۳دانشگاه : تھران -.تالیف عبدالحسین امیني/ )محیطي

.۱۳۹۶ تھران، موسسھ انتشارات، ام ۵۵۲/۵ ۶۱۰۵۴ : شماره ثبت

گردآوري و / ایمني در عملیات اکتشاف و تولید در خشکي ۱۴: تھران -.وند ترجمھ علي احمدي، مزدک خدادادي کریم

.۱۳۹۷ آوران، فن اح ۶۲۲/۱۸۲۸

۶۱۰۵۰ : شماره ثبت

ایمني در استفاده از بومھا در عملیات مقابلھ با ۱۵لوئیز داگورن، اورلیان / [ھاي نفتي در دریا آلودگي : ؛ مترجم مریم رسولي]دومون

دا ۶۲۸/۱۶۸۳ ۶۱۰۴۷ : شماره ثبت

نویسندگان و گردآورندگان بخش / انسورحوادث گاز و آس ۱۶آسانسور مجتبي رضایي؛ با ھمکاري جامعھ ایمن کشور

coھاي خاموش ناشي از گاز کارگروه پیشگیري از مرگ: تھران -.کمیتھ فرھنگ شھروندي شھرداري اصفھان

.۱۳۹۵ آزادوار، و ح ۶۴۰/۲۸۹

۶۱۰۵۸ : شماره ثبت

خدمات یادگیري در تحصیالت غیر المللي استاندارد بین ۱۷/ ISO ۲۹۹۹۳: ۲۰۱۷الزامات خدمت -رسمي

مترجمین حسین تیموري، مھرناز محبي؛ ویراستار محمد .۱۳۹۶ حسین تیموري، : تھران -.تیموري

ا س ۶۵۸/۵۶۲ ۶۱۰۴۲ : شماره ثبت

فر؛ ویراستار سحر مولف نزھت اکبري/ آیین سخنوري ۱۸ .۱۳۹۵ ساکو، : رانتھ -.موسوي نسب اک ۸۰۸/۵۱

۶۱۰۵۵ : شماره ثبت


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نشریات تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران


آسیاي مرکزي وقفقاز ۱

۱۰۷ ، شماره ۲۵ ، پاییز؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۱۳۸۰۰۱۰۷ : شماره ثبت

اکتشاف وتولید ۲

۱۷۲ ، بھمن؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۱۱۱۰۰۱۷۲ : شماره ثبت

بازارجھاني نفت ۳

۶۹۴۴ ، بھمن؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۱۲۲۰۶۹۴۴ : شماره ثبت

بازرگانيبررسیھاي ۴

۹۹ ، شماره ۱۷ ، بھمن و اسفند؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۱۲۷۰۰۰۹۹ : شماره ثبت

بررسي ھاي حسابداري و حسابرسي ۵

۰۴ ، شماره ۲۶ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۷۲۳۰۲۶۰۴ : شماره ثبت

بندر و دریا ۶

۲۷۳ ، شماره ۳۴ ، بھمن؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

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نشریات تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران

پژوھش و توسعھ فناوري پلیمر ایران ۷

۱۵ ، پاییز؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۷۶۶۰۹۸۰۱۵ : شماره ثبت

پژوھش ھاي برنامھ ریزي و سیاستگزاري انرژي ۸

۱۶ ، شماره ۰۵ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۷۷۷۰۵۰۱۶ : شماره ثبت

پلیمر -پژوھش ھاي کاربردي مھندسي شیمي ۹

۰۹ ، شماره ۰۳ ، پاییز؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۷۴۷۰۳۰۰۹ : شماره ثبت

پیام فوالد ۱۰

۷۷ ، زمستان؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۷۵۹۰۹۸۰۷۷ : شماره ثبت

تاریخ روابط خارجي ۱۱

۷۹ ، شماره ۱۹ ، تابستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۱۹۹۰۰۰۷۹ : شماره ثبت

دانش بنیان ۱۲

۳۷ ، آذر؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

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نشریات تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران


دانش نفت ۱۳

۷۱۳ ، شماره ۱۵ ، اسفند؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۲۰۷۰۰۷۱۳ : شماره ثبت

دنیاي نانو ۱۴

۵۷ ، شماره ۱۵ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۲۷۹۱۲۰۵۷ : شماره ثبت

نشریھ مرکز تحقیقات استراتژیک: راھبرد ۱۵

۹۲ ، شماره ۲۸ ، پاییز؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۱۶۰۰۰۰۹۲ : شماره ثبت

رسانھ ۱۶

۱۱۶ ، شماره ۳۰ ، پاییز؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۲۴۸۰۰۱۱۶ : شماره ثبت

رشد فناوري ۱۷

۶۱ ، شماره ۱۶ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۱۷۳۰۰۰۶۱ : شماره ثبت

روزنامھ رسمي جمھوري اسالمي ایران ۱۸

۸۲۲ ، شماره ۷۵ ، بھمن؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۸۰۲۱۸۲۲ : شماره ثبت

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نشریات تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران

زمین شناسي مھندسي ۱۹

۰۴ ، شماره ۱۳ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۷۲۶۰۱۳۰۴ : شماره ثبت

زمین شناسي نفت ایران ۲۰

۱۶ ، شماره ۰۸ ، پاییز و زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۴۳۰۰۸۱۶۰ : شماره ثبت

زندگي نو ۲۱

؛ شماره بھمن۱۳۹۸

۲۸۶۰۰۳۰۸ : شماره ثبت

ستصا ۲۲

۱۲۱ ، دي؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۲۲۱۰۰۱۲۱ : شماره ثبت

شبکھ ۲۳

۲۲۶ ، شماره ۲۲ ، اسفند؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۳۱۹۰۰۲۲۶ : شماره ثبت

صنعت تاسیسات ۲٤

، شماره فروردین۲۱ ؛ جلد ۱۳۹۹

۱۱۴۰۰۲۴۳ : شماره ثبت


Page 12: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

نشریات تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران

صنعت چاپ ۲٥

۴۵۵ ، اسفند؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۳۰۱۰۰۴۵۵ : شماره ثبت

اي علوم و فنون ھستھ ۲٦

۹۰ ، شماره ۱۸ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۲۸۵۰۰۰۹۰ : شماره ثبت

ماھنامھ فناوري نانو ۲۷

۲۶۸ ، بھمن؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۱۴۹۰۰۲۶۸ : شماره ثبت

ماھنامھ نفت و انرژي ۲۸

۱۶۲ ، اسفند؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۲۴۷۰۰۱۶۲ : شماره ثبت

مجلس و راھبرد ۲۹

۱۰۰ ، شماره ۲۶ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۲۱۴۰۰۱۰۰ : شماره ثبت

مجلھ اقتصادي ۳۰

۰۴ و۰۳ ، شماره ۱۹ ؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۳۳۶۰۹۸۰۰۴ : شماره ثبت


Page 13: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

نشریات تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران


دولتيمدیریت ۳۱

۰۳ ، شماره ۱۱ ، پاییز؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۳۳۱۰۱۱۰۳ : شماره ثبت

مشروح مذاکرات مجلس شوراي اسالمي ۳۲

۸۲٤، شماره ۷۵ ، بھمن؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۲۲۶۰۲۱۸۲٤ : شماره ثبت

مشعل ۳۳

۹۶۱ ، اسفند؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۲۲۷۰۰۹۶۱ : شماره ثبت

مطالعات اقتصاد انرژي ۳٤

۶۳ ، شماره ۱۵ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۲۰۵۰۰۰۶۳ : شماره ثبت

مطالعات راھبردي ۳٥

۸۵ ، شماره ۲۲ ، زمستان؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۷۵۵۰۲۲۰۸۵ : شماره ثبت

مھندسي مکانیک ۳٦

۵۶ ، شماره ۲۱ ، پاییز؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۱۱۶۰۲۱۰۵۶ : شماره ثبت

Page 14: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

نشریات تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ایران

نداي گاز ۳۷

۱۶۹ ، زمستان؛ شماره ۱۳۹۸

۲۳۵۰۰۱۶۹ : شماره ثبت

نفت و پاالیش ۳۸

۷۷ ، شماره ۱۱ ، دي؛ جلد ۱۳۹۸

۷۲۰۰۰۷۷ : شماره ثبت


Page 15: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

آرام سخن بگوييد، سرسختانه تصميم بگيريد: ١/ و گو با دنيل ژانگ، رييس و مديرعامل علي بابا گفت

آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -دنيل ژانگ؛ پرستو معين الديني. . ٩ -١٢: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠

. مديريت.۴ . کسب و کار. ٣ . رھبري. ٢ . مشتري. ١ ٩٨٠١٠٠٢ شماره مقاله:

اي خودرو بر ميزان آاليندگي ھاي تعرفه حمايت اثر ٢

/ جواد طاھرپور، عبدالرسول )CO2خودروھا (انتشار گاز فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژي. -قاسمي، شبنم درخشان.

. ۶٧ -٩٣: ۶١، شماره ١۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ ھا. . تعرفه۴ . آالينده. ٣ اکسيد. دي . کربن٢ . خودرو. ١

٩٨٠٠٩۶١ له: شماره مقا اثر ساختار عامل پخت آميني آروماتيک بر فشردگي ٣

/ شده مولکولي و خواص مکانيکي رزين اپوکسي پختعلوم و -مھران جھاني، حسن فتاحي، مھرزاد مرتضايي.

، شماره ٣٢ شھريور؛ جلد -، مرداد١٣٩٨ تکنولوژي پليمر. ١۶٢٧: ١۶ - ٢۶٧ .

. ۴ . خواص مکانيکي. ٣ . فشردگي. ٢ . رزين اپوکسي. ١ . پرتوزايي.۵ شدن(کردن). آروماتيک

٩٨٠٠٩۴۴ شماره مقاله: بندي آن ارزيابي ريسک به روش فازي و اولويت ۴

ھاي نفت و گاز در صنعت گذاري چاه در عمليات جداره، تير؛ ١٣٩٨ اکتشاف و توليد. -/ محمدامين دزفوليان.حفاري . ٣٠ -٣٧: ١۶۶شماره

. ۴ . چاه گاز طبيعي. ٣ . چاه نفت. ٢ . . حفاري١ . ريسک.۵ ارزيابي.

٩٨٠٠١٧٣ شماره مقاله: - آيدا شفقت. /گيرند؟ ھا چگونه شکل مي استراتژي ۵

. ۵٠ -۵٢: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. . مديريت.٢ . استراتژي. ١

٩٨٠١٠١٢ شماره مقاله: آبھاي توليدي چاھھاي نفت افزايش حجم و شوري ۶

/ مھدي و گاز، مطالعه موردي: مخزن گاز مزدوران، بھار و ١٣٩٧ زمين شناسي نفت ايران. - ميري [و ديگران...].

. ١ -١٨: ١۵، شماره ٨ تابستان؛ جلد کتابنامه .

. مخزن ۴ . شوراب. ٣ . چاه نفت. ٢ . چاه گاز طبيعي. ١ . زمين شناسي.۵ مزدوران. ٩٧٠١۴۵٢ قاله: شماره م

/ مرتضي اقتصاد ايران، نه سياه نه سفيد ٧، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -راد. ايماني٣١۶ :٢ -٢٧۵ .

. کسب و کار.٣ . ايران. ٢ . اقتصاد. ١ ٩٨٠١٠٠۶ شماره مقاله:

اندازه دولت: ضرورت استخراج نقشه حکمراني ٨

، تابستان؛ ١٣٩٨ ل اداري. تحو -/ مجتبي شھرآئيني.کشور . ٨ -١٩: ۵٩، شماره ۵ جلد

. ۴ . حکمراني خوب. ٣ . دولت. ٢ . منابع انساني. ١ بودجه.

٩٨٠١٠٣٠ شماره مقاله: اکتشاف و -/ فرنوش غالمي.انواع گازھاي طبيعي ٩

. ٨٠ -٨١: ١۶۶، تير؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ توليد. . حفاري.٢ . گاز طبيعي. ١

٩٨٠٠١٨٠ شماره مقاله:

اھميت سطوح بين فازي و مواد سطح فعال در ١٠/ ھاي بين سطحي صنعت نفت (بخش اول): پديده

، تير؛ ١٣٩٨ اکتشاف و توليد. -حسين رضايي، فاطمه حسني. . ٣٨ -۴۵: ١۶۶شماره

. پديده ٣ . ازدياد برداشت نفت. ٢ . صنعت نفت. ١ سطحي.

٩٨٠٠١٧۴ شماره مقاله:

/ مرتضي ابي و خلق ارزش براي مشتريبازاري ١١آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -عمادزاده، فيروزه قنات آبادي.

. ١٣ -١۴: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ ٩٨٠١٠٠٣ شماره مقاله:

بازسازي شرايط محيط رسوبي ديرينه و ١٢ھاي رسوبي موجود در سازند قم شناسايي سکانس

در ناحيه ھا در سازند قم بر اساس ميکرو فاسيسزمين - مھديه مھياد...[و ديگران]. /کھک( جنوب غرب قم)

، شماره ٨ ، بھار و تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ شناسي نفت ايران. ١۵ :۴٣٢ -٨ .

کتابنامه .. ۴ . سازند قم. ٣ . ميکروفاسيس. ٢ . محيط رسوبي. ١

سازند قم. ٩٧٠١۴۵۴ شماره مقاله:

Page 16: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

به وسيله مدل ھاي نفتي برآورد تقاضاي فرآورده ١٣ھاي حاصله براي آزادسازي قيمت فضا و داللت-حالتفصلنامه مطالعات -/ ھوشمند ھاشمي...[و ديگران].ھا آن

. ١ -٢٨: ۶١، شماره ١۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ اقتصاد انرژي. . قيمت ھا.٣ . آزادسازي. ٢ . فرآورده نفتي. ١

٩٨٠١٠٢٩ شماره مقاله:

خسارت آلودگي محيط زيست ي برآورد ھزينه ١۴/ زھرا مشايخي، نيلوفر ناشي از انتشار مواد نفتي

- ۶۶: ١۶۶، تير؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ اکتشاف و توليد. -فتورھچي. ۵٩ .

. انتشار.٣ . برآورد ھزينه. ٢ محيطي. . آلودگي زيست١ ٩٨٠٠١٧٧ شماره مقاله:

ي بررسي آزمايشگاھي اثر يون آھن و افزايه ١۵ھاي ي يون آھن بر عملکرد سورفکتانت کاھنده

اکتشاف و -زاده...[و ديگران]. / حامد پنجعليويسکواالستيک . ۵۴ -۵٨: ١۶۶، تير؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ توليد.

. ۴ . بررسي آزمايشگاھي. ٣ ھا. . سورفکتانت٢ . آھن. ١ عملکرد.

٩٨٠٠١٧۶ شماره مقاله:

اص بررسي اثر نانوذرات سيليکون کربيد بر خو ١۶مکانيکي و گرمايي رزين اپوکسي آرالدايت با روش

علوم و -/ سمانه فرجي...[و ديگران].ديناميک مولکولي، شماره ٣٢ شھريور؛ جلد -، مرداد١٣٩٨ تکنولوژي پليمر.

١۶٢٢: ١۴ - ٢١١ . . ۴ . رزين اپوکسي. ٣ ھا. . سيليکون٢ . نانو ذره. ١

ديناميک. ٩٨٠٠٩۴٠ شماره مقاله:

بررسي اثر نسبت منظري بر ميدان جريان و ١٧جايي ترکيبي نانوسيال در منطقه انتقال حرارت جابه

-/ علي عرف منش، عليرضاآقايي، محمود نادري.ذوزنقه اي . ٢٢ -٣٣: ٩١، شماره ۶٣ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ مبدل گرمايي.

. نانو سيال.٣ . جريان. ٢ . انتقال گرما. ١ ٩٧٠١۴۶٠ شماره مقاله:

ھاي نفتي بر اشتغال در بررسي تأثير شوک ١٨

کردي، / ربابه خيلکشورھاي صادرکننده و واردکننده نفتفصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد -نسب. وحيد فرزام، مسلم انصاري

. ٢١١ - ٢٣٩: ۶١، شماره ١۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ انرژي. . ۴ . نفت. ٣ . صادرات و واردات. ٢ . شوک نفتي. ١

اشتغال. ٩٨٠٠٩۶۶ شماره مقاله:

بررسي ساختار منافذ و خصوصيات فرکتال ١٩ي گلو و سرگلو با استفاده ھاي کربناته ريزدانه سنگ

/ محمد از آناليز جذب در فشار پايين نيتروژنزمين شناسي نفت ايران. - شباني...[و ديگران]. ابراھيم

. ۴٩ -۶٢: ١۵، شماره ٨ ، بھار و تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تابنامه .ک. ۵ . نيتروژن. ۴ . جذب. ٣ . آناليز. ٢ ھا. . کربنات١

فرکتال. ٩٧٠١۴۵۵ شماره مقاله:

بررسي عوامل موثر در ارتقاء نظام سالمت ٢٠ -معصومه پيريايي. /ھاي دولتي ايران اداري در سازمان

. ٣۴ -۴٣: ۵٩، شماره ۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ تحول اداري. . عملکرد.٣ . سازمان دولتي. ٢ زماني. . سالمت سا١

٩٨٠١٠٣٢ شماره مقاله:

بررسي مقدار انتشار گازھاي مشعل و لزوم ٢١/ عبدالصمد گذاري جھت کاھش انتشار آن سياست

، تير؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ اکتشاف و توليد. -رحمتي، فرخ عليخاني.١۶۶ :٧ -٧٩۵ .

. ۴ . محيط زيست. ٣ . انتشار. ٢ . مشعل گازي. ١ . فناوري.۶ . محدوديت. ۵ گذاري. سياست

٩٨٠٠١٧٩ شماره مقاله:

تاسيسات و تجھيزات -.بزرگترين ذخاير نفت جھان ٢٢ . ۵٩ : ۵٧، بھار؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ توسعه.

. جھان.٢ . ذخيره نفتي. ١ ٩٨٠٠٩٩٩ شماره مقاله:

سازي و ارتقاي غشاي فرافيلترکردن بھينه ٢٣PAN ازي ليگنين از پساب کارخانه براي جداس

/ کامل روزرخ، مھرداد کاغذسازي با روش سطح پاسخ، ١٣٩٨ علوم و تکنولوژي پليمر. - خامفروش، ايوب مرادي.

. ٢٣٩ - ٢۵۴: ١۶١، شماره ٣٢ شھريور؛ جلد -مرداد. کاغذ. ۴ . پساب صنعتي. ٣ . ليگنين. ٢ . جداسازي. ١ سازي. . بھينه۵

٩٨٠٠٩۴٢ شماره مقاله:

ھاي مديريت: پرکاربردترين ابزارھا و شيوه ٢۴/ مجتبي مالکي، ياسمن زماني، تجزيه و تحليل پيشرفته

، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. - پريناز فاضلي.٣١۶ :۵۵- ۵٣ .

. ابزارھا.٢ . شيوه مديريت. ١ ٩٨٠١٠١٣ شماره مقاله:

Page 17: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

/ علي م تامين اجتماعيپيوند نظام مالياتي و نظا ٢۵آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. - فالح زياراني؛ فاطمه پورفرد.

. ٣٧ -۴٠: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ . مديريت.٣ . تامين اجتماعي. ٢ . ماليات. ١

٩٨٠١٠٠٨ شماره مقاله:

تاثير مدل سرعت بر نتايج مھاجرت زمان ٢۶، تير؛ ١٣٩٨ اکتشاف و توليد. -بصير. / ھادي مھدويمعکوس

. ٢٢ -٢٩: ١۶۶شماره . بر روي ھم چيدن.٣ . سرعت. ٢ . مھاجرت. ١

٩٨٠٠١٧٢ شماره مقاله:

اکسيدکربن ايران تجزيه منابع تغييرات انتشار دي ٢٧فر، عزيز / بھرخ شاداب)ھاي ايران (مطالعه موردي استان

فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژي. - فر. مراسلي، الھام شاداب . ١٧٩ - ٢١٠: ۶١، شماره ١۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

. ايران.٣ . انتشار. ٢ اکسيد. دي . کربن١ ٩٨٠٠٩۶۵ شماره مقاله:

/ تحقق ارزش ادغام با انتخاب عمليات مناسب ٢٨، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. - عباسي. حسين قدرتي

٣١۶ :۶۴- ۵٨ . ھا. . طرح٢ . عمليات. ١

٩٨٠١٠١۵ ه مقاله: شمار

محيطي ناشي از تحليل اقتصادي اثرات زيست ٢٩تغيير الگوي توليد انرژي برق در ايران با استفاده از

/ مجيد مداح، محمدمھدي محاسبه مدل تعادل عمومي قابلفصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد -زاده. بريجانيان، محمدصادق قاضي

. ٩۵ - ١٢۴: ۶١، شماره ١۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ انرژي. . الگو.۴ . محيط زيست. ٣ . توليد. ٢ . برق. ١

٩٨٠٠٩۶٢ شماره مقاله:

تحليل حقوقي قراردادھاي خدمات انرژي در ٣٠فراھاني، مقام / کتايون قائمگذاري خارجي چارچوب سرمايه

، ١٣٩٨ فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژي. -جعفري. حامد حوري . ١٢۵ - ١۵۵: ۶١ه ، شمار١۵ تابستان؛ جلد

. ۴ . قراردادھا. ٣ گذاري خارجي. . سرمايه٢ . انرژي. ١ تامين مالي.

٩٨٠٠٩۶٣ شماره مقاله:

اي ژئوپليتيک انرژي چين در تحليل مقايسه ٣١آسياي مرکزي و خليج فارس با نگاھي به جايگاه

فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد - / احسان فالحي، علي اميدي.ايران . ٢٩ -۶۶: ۶١، شماره ١۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ انرژي.

. ژئوپوليتيک. ۴ . خليج فارس. ٣ . چين. ٢ . انرژي. ١ . ايران.۵

٩٨٠٠٩۶٠ شماره مقاله:

تغيير عملکرد شرکت با رويکرد مديريت تداوم ٣٢آبان؛ جلد - ، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -/ احسان سقايي.کسب و کار

. ٢٨ -٣۵: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ . ٣ . عملکرد سازماني. ٢ . مديريت کسب و کار. ١

استراتژي. ٩٨٠١٠٠٧ شماره مقاله:

ھاي مختلف(لورنز، لوسيا، آمافول) تلفيق روش ٣٣ھاي سنگي و واحدھاي جرياني در در تعيين گونه

سازند رازک با سن ميوسن پاييني در ميدان گازي سرخون، حوضه رسوبي زاگرس، جنوب شرقي

يالد کرمپورحسنوند، علي معلمي، محمدحسين / مايرانتابستان؛ - ، بھار١٣٩٧ زمين شناسي نفت ايران. -صابري.

. ٨٢ -١٠٣: ١۵، شماره ٨ جلد کتابنامه .

. ۴ . زاگرس. ٣ . حوضه رسوبي. ٢ . سازند رازک. ١ . زمين شناسي.۵ روش ھا.

٩٧٠١۴۵٧ شماره مقاله:

و الگوريتم ھاي عصبي مصنوعي تلفيق شبکه ٣۴ھاي نازک شده، جھت رديابي خودکار احتمال گسل

/ عليرضا ھا شناسايي، تفسير و استخراج گسلغضنفري بروجني، حسين محمدرضايي، حميدرضا

، بھار و تابستان؛ ١٣٩٧ زمين شناسي نفت ايران. - انصاري. . ۶٣ -٨١: ١۵، شماره ٨ جلد

کتابنامه .. نشانگر ۴ . گسل. ٣ . الگوريتم. ٢ . شبکه عصبي. ١

اي. لرزه ٩٧٠١۴۵۶ شماره مقاله:

ھاي برق و گاز با در توسعه امنيت محور شبکه ٣۵ -/ وحيد خليق، اعظم قزلباش.نظر گرفتن بارھاي پاسخگو

، ١۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ فصلنامه مطالعات اقتصاد انرژي. . ١۵٧ -١٧٨: ۶١شماره

. امنيت.۴ . معيار. ٣ . برق. ٢ . شبکه گازرساني. ١ ٩٨٠٠٩۶۴ شماره مقاله:

Page 18: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

- ، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -.ھاي مديران توسعه شايستگي ٣۶ . ۴۵ : ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد

. توسعه.٣ . شايستگي. ٢ . مديران. ١ ٩٨٠١٠١٠ شماره مقاله:

جذب الکل و محلول نمکي کربوپل پيوندخورده با ٣٧متيل پروپان سولفونيک - ٢ -آکريل آميدو- ٢ مونومر

/ وداد وريد...[و دھي شده با روش فراصوت اسيد تھيهشھريور؛ -، مرداد١٣٩٨ علوم و تکنولوژي پليمر. -ديگران].

. ٢۵۵ - ٢۶۶: ١۶١، شماره ٣٢ جلد . جذب.۴ . فراصوت. ٣ . جذب. ٢ ھا. . الکل١

٩٨٠٠٩۴٣ شماره مقاله:

/ نيکوالس کنيمچگونه سازماني اخالقي طراحي ٣٨، ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. - آپلي، آميت کومار؛ نگين اعرابي دھج.

. ٩۴ -٩٧: ٢١١، شماره ٢٠ شھريور؛ جلد . طراحي.۴ . مديريت. ٣ . اخالق. ٢ . سازمان ھا. ١

٩٨٠١٠٢۶ شماره مقاله:

چھار مالحظه مديريتي در توسعه صادرات غير ٣٩، ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -/ مرتضي عمادزاده.نفتي

. ١۵ -١٧: ٣١۶شماره . مديريت.٣ . توسعه. ٢ . صادرات غيرنفتي. ١

٩٨٠١٠٠۴ شماره مقاله:

دولت ناب: راه حلي پايدار براي اجراي اقتصاد ۴٠، ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد - ، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -/ خدايار صادقي.مقاومتي

. ٢ -٣: ٣١۶شماره . دولت.٢ ي. . اقتصاد مقاومت١

٩٨٠١٠٠١ شماره مقاله:

/ تيزيانا کاسيارو، امي ادموندسن، رھبري فراسيلويي ۴١، ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -زاده. سوجين جانگ؛ سارا پنجي

. ٨۶ -٩٣: ٢١١، شماره ٢٠ شھريور؛ جلد . ۵ . اقتصاد. ۴ . دانش. ٣ . مديريت. ٢ . رھبري. ١

. رھبران بازار.۶ کارشناس. ٩٨٠١٠٢۵ ه مقاله: شمار

ي ميان ي مفقوده ژئوديناميک سيال مخزن؛ حلقه ۴٢سازي ھاي ھيدروکربني و شبيه سازي سيستم مدل

-مطلق، بيوک قرباني، بيژن بيرانون. / نويد وحيديمخزن . ۴۶ -۵٣: ١۶۶، تير؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ اکتشاف و توليد.

. شبيه۴ . ھيدروکربن. ٣ شدن. . سيالي٢ . مخزن. ١ . مدل سازي.۶ . مخزن. ۵ سازي.

٩٨٠٠١٧۵ شماره مقاله:

سينتيک پليمرشدن توده گرمايي دما زياد ۴٣علوم و -کار...[و ديگران]. / محمدرضا جوزقاستيرن متيل

، شماره ٣٢ شھريور؛ جلد -، مرداد١٣٩٨ تکنولوژي پليمر. ١۶٢٢ - ٢٣٨: ١۵ .

. مدل سازي.٣ . سينتيک. ٢ . بسپارش. ١ ٩٨٠٠٩۴١ اره مقاله: شم

- .سال گذشته ۵ صنعت پتروشيمي ايران، در ۴۴ . ١٨ -٢٠: ٩١، شماره ۶٣ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ مبدل گرمايي.

. ايران.٢ . صنعت پتروشيمي. ١ ٩٧٠١۴۵٩ شماره مقاله:

طراحي مبدل حرارتي الکتريکي براي باال بردن ۴۵از راکتور دماي خوراک ورودي( دي اتيل بنزن) قبل

فر، محمدابراھيم / امير سھيل پيرايشھيدروژناسيون دي، آذر؛ ١٣٩٧ مبدل گرمايي. -کارشک. زينالي، حسين عابديني

. ۶ -١۵: ٩١، شماره ۶٣ جلد . دما.۴ . اتيل بنزن. ٣ . راکتور. ٢ . مبدل حرارتي. ١

٩٧٠١۴۵٨ شماره مقاله:

ھاي وکار در شرکت طراحي مدل مفھومي کسب ۴۶/ فتاح پيرويان، محمد مھدي پيرويان، خليل ساخت و فروش

: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد - ، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -پاکروان.۴۴- ۴١ .

. مدل ھا.٣ . طراحي. ٢ . کسب و کار. ١ ٩٨٠١٠٠٩ شماره مقاله:

سازي اخالق کار در عوامل کليدي موثر بر پياده ۴٧فاتح، علي مران محمدي/ عھاي دولتي ايران سازمان، تابستان؛ ١٣٩٨ تحول اداري. - خالص، ھمت ايزدي. ساالري

. ۴۴ -۶٣: ۵٩، شماره ۵ جلد . ۵ . آموزش. ۴ . فرھنگ. ٣ . رھبري. ٢ . اخالق. ١

سازمان دولتي. ٩٨٠١٠٣٣ شماره مقاله:

و گويي عيار سازمانتان را محک بزنيد: گفت ۴٨تدبير. -.خيريه محکصريح با مديرعامل موسسه

. ۴ - ٨: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ ، مھر و آبان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ . سازمان ۴ . رھبري. ٣ . مديرعامل. ٢ . مديريت. ١

ھا. ٩٨٠١٠٠٠ شماره مقاله:

Page 19: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

ھاي فرھنگ سازماني بوروکراتيک و نظام ۴٩/ مديريت منابع انساني اثربخش در بخش دولتي ايران

- متين، مھدي الواني. زارعيپور، حسن محمدرضا سبحاني . ٢٠ -٣٣: ۵٩، شماره ۵ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ تحول اداري.

. فرھنگ ٣ . مديريت منابع انساني. ٢ . منابع انساني. ١ . اثربخشي.۴ سازماني.

٩٨٠١٠٣١ شماره مقاله:

تاسيسات و تجھيزات - .مخاطرات شبکه گاز تھران ۵٠ . ۴۴ -۴۵: ۵٧، بھار؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ توسعه.

. تھران.٢ . شبکه گازرساني. ١ ٩٨٠٠٩٩٨ شماره مقاله:

اي در برداشت ي لوله مدلسازي کاھش نوفه ۵١/ احمد اميني، غالمرضا چاھي توسط سد موجي درون

-٢١: ١۶۶، تير؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ اکتشاف و توليد. -رستگارموحد. ١۵ .

. ۵ سيال. . ۴ . برھمکنش. ٣ . مدل سازي. ٢ . نوفه. ١ . موج.۶ انتشار.

٩٨٠٠١٧١ شماره مقاله:

-/ خسرو معصومي.يت رشد درآمد: افق آيندهمدير ۵٢ . ١٨ -٢۴: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير.

. موفقيت.۴ . مديريت. ٣ . رشد. ٢ . درآمد. ١ ٩٨٠١٠٠۵ شماره مقاله:

/ ر نکندمراقب باشيد تخصص چشمانتان را کو ۵٣، ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -سيدني فينکلستاين؛ سيما کاظمي.

. ٩٨ -١٠١: ٢١١، شماره ٢٠ شھريور؛ جلد گرايي. . تجربه٣ . رھبران بازار. ٢ . مديريت. ١

٩٨٠١٠٢٧ شماره مقاله:

ھاي نانوليفي رسانا براي مروري بر داربست ۵۴يمان / زھره دارايي نژاد؛ اکاربردھاي مھندسي بافت

شھريور؛ -، مرداد١٣٩٨ علوم و تکنولوژي پليمر. -شعباني. . ١٨٩ - ٢١٠: ١۶١، شماره ٣٢ جلد

. نانو ذره.٢ . نانو الياف کربني. ١ ٩٨٠٠٩٣٩ شماره مقاله:

/ مروري بر رسوب نمکھاي معدني در صنعت نفت ۵۵، تير؛ ١٣٩٨ اکتشاف و توليد. -فريد قدوسي، عادل آبشاوي.

. ۶٧ -٧۴: ١۶۶شماره . آب.٣ . رسوب. ٢ . صنعت نفت. ١

٩٨٠٠١٧٨ شماره مقاله:

مطالعات اکتشافي ژئوشيميايي سطحي منابع ۵۶اکتشاف و توليد. -طرقي. / مھدي خالقيھيدروکربوري

. ۴ -١۴: ١۶۶، تير؛ شماره ١٣٩٨ . نمونه گيري.٣ . مطالعه. ٢ ھا. . ھيدروکربن١

٩٨٠٠١٧٠ شماره مقاله:

مطالعه اثرات تغييرات فشار متوالي بر خواص ۵٧دلشاد [و / ياسر سليميپتروفيزيکي سنگ مخازن

تابستان؛ - ، بھار١٣٩٧ زمين شناسي نفت ايران. -ديگران]. . ١٩ -٣١: ١۵، شماره ٨ جلد

کتابنامه .. تخلخل. ۴ . فشار. ٣ . سنگ مخزن. ٢ . پتروفيزيک. ١ . تراوايي.۵

٩٧٠١۴۵٣ اله: شماره مق

معرفي مدارس کسب و کار مطرح در جھان: ۵٨رامين /و کار با دانشگاه مقايسه مدارس کسب

: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد -، مھر١٣٩٨ تدبير. -زاده. ناجي۵٧- ۵۶ .

. جھان.٣ . دانشگاه. ٢ . کسب و کار. ١ ٩٨٠١٠١۴ شماره مقاله:

، ١٣٩٨ تدبير. - پوريزدي./ امير حيدريابي جھاني منبع ۵٩ . ۴۶ -۴٩: ٣١۶، شماره ٣٠ آبان؛ جلد -مھر

. استراتژي.٣ . منبع. ٢ . بازار جھاني. ١ ٩٨٠١٠١١ شماره مقاله:

/ کوين اورز؛ ھما رباب ھنر شکوفايي دير ھنگام ۶٠، شماره ٢٠ ، شھريور؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -اسمعيلي.

١٠٢ - ١٠٣: ٢١١ . . تجربه.٣ . موفقيت. ٢ . ھنر.١

٩٨٠١٠٢٨ شماره مقاله:


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Title Page Books 1

Periodicals 4

Technical Articles 11

Management Articles 27

News 40

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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Books

1 Environmental assessment on energy and

sustainability by data envelopment analysis [Electronic book]/ Toshiyuki Sueyoshi, Mika Goto.- Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2018. E 333.79011 Su

2 Energy security and sustainability [Electronic

book]/ Amritanshu Shukla and Atul Sharma.- Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017. E 333.794 Sh

3 Exploring natural hazards: a case study

approach [Electronic book]/ Darius Bartlett and Ramesh Singh.- Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2018. E 363.34 Da

4 Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide:

fundamentals and technologies [Electronic book]/ edited by Jinli Qiao, Yuyu Liu, Jiujun Zhang.- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016. E 541.37 El

5 Chemical ecology: the ecological impacts of

marine natural products [Electronic book]/ edited by Melany P. Puglisi, Mikel A. Becerro.- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2019. E 577.714 Ch

6 Capillary flows in heterogeneous and random

porous media 1 [Electronic Book]/ Rachis Ababou.- Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2018. E 620.116 Ab


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Books

7 Compact heat exchangers for energy transfer

intensification: low grade heat and fouling mitigation [Electronic book]/ Jiri Jaromir Klemes ... [et al.].- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016. E 621.4025 Co

8 Drilling engineering problems and solutions: a

field guide for engineers and students [Electronic book]/ M. E. Hossain, M.R. Islam.- Hoboken: Wiley-Scrivener, 2018. E 622.3381 Ho

9 Formulas and calculations for drilling

operations [Electronic book]/ James G. Speight.- Second edition.- Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2018. E 622.33820151 Sp

10 Engineering technologies for renewable and

recyclable materials: physical-chemical properties and functional aspects [Electronic book]/ edited by Jithin Joy ... [et al.].- Oakville: Apple Academic Press, 2019. E 628.4458 En

11 Cutting-edge technology for carbon capture,

utilization, and storage [Electronic book]/ by Karine Ballerat-Busserolles, Ying (Alice) Wu and John J. Carroll.- Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2018. E 628.53 Cu

12 Handbook of chemical looping technology

[Electronic book]/ edited by Ronald W. Breault.- Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2019. E 660.2832 Ha


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Books

13 Advances in heat pump-assisted drying

technology [Electronic Book]/ edited by Vasile Minea.- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016. E 660.28426 Ad

14 Handbook of oil and gas piping: a practical

and comprehensive guide [Electronic book]/ Murali Sambasivan, Subang Jaya.- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2018. E 665.544 Sa

15 Adhesive joints: ageing and durability of

epoxies and polyurethanes [Electronic books]/ edited by Wulff Possart and Markus Brede.- Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2019. E 668.3 Ad

16 A Practical Guide to Welding Solutions:

Overcoming Technical and Material-Specific Issues [Electronic books]/ Robert W. Messler.- Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2019. E 671.52 Me

17 Energy conservation in residential,

commercial, and industrial facilities [Electronic book]/ edited by Hossam A. Gabbar.- Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley, 2018. E 696 En

18 Building professionals facing the energy

efficiency challenge [Electronic Book]/ Geraldine Molina, Marjorie Musy, Margot Lefranc.- London: John Wiley, 2018. E 696 Mo


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Periodicals

1 Asian Journal of Green Chemistry 2020, Apr. Vol.04, No.02 Acc. No.761020004

2 Business Research Quarterly

2020, Jan. Vol.23, No.01 Acc. No.829023001

3 Energy Science & Engineering

2020, Mar. Vol.08, No.03 Acc. No.814020003

4 Engineering Science and

Technology, an Int. Journal 2020, Feb. Vol.23, No.01 Acc. No.816020001

5 environment pollution and climate

change 2019, Dec. Vol.03, No.04 Acc. No.763019004

6 Future Business Journal

2020, Jan. Vol.06, No.01 Acc. No.837020001


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Periodicals

7 Industrial Engineering &


2019, Dec. Vol.07, No.04 Acc. No.797018004

8 International Journal of Energy

and Environmental Engineering

2019, Dec. Vol.10, No.04 Acc. No.818019004

9 International Journal of Waste


2019, Dec. Vol.09, No. 04 Acc. No.771019004

10 Iranian Journal of Energy and


2019, Dec. Vol.10, No. 04 Acc. No.83401904

11 Journal of Advanced Chemical


2019, Dec. Vol.09, No. 02 Acc. No.762019002

12 Journal of Biotechnology &


2019, Dec. Vol.09, No.01-04 Acc. No.77019004


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Periodicals

13 Journal of chemical Engineering &

Process Technology

2019, Dec. Vol.09, No.05 Acc. No.785018005

14 Journal of Environmental Hazards

2019, Dec. Vol.03, No. 02 Acc. No.833019002

15 Journal of Fundamentals of

Renewable Energy & Applications

2019, Dec. Vol.09, No. 04 Acc. No.786009004

16 Journal of Management Policies

and Practices

2019, Dec. Vol.07, No.02 Acc. No.836019002

17 Journal of Nanosciences: Current


2019, Jan. Vol.04, No.01 Acc. No.796019001

18 Journal of occupational Health

2020, Jan. Vol.62, No.01 Acc. No.838020001


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Periodicals


19 Journal of Thermodynamics &


2020, Jan. Vol.10, No.01 Acc. No.789020001

20 Materials & design

2020, Apr. Vol.02, No.189 Acc. No.832020189

21 Oil & Gas Research

2019, Dec. Vol.05, No. 04 Acc. No.788019004

22 Oil & Gas Science Technology

2020, Feb. Vol.75, No.02 Acc. No.787020002

23 OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report

2020, Jan. No.01 Acc. No.450020001

24 Platt's Oilgram News

2020, Feb. Vol.98, No.26 Acc. No.353980026

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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Periodicals


25 Platt's Oilgram Price Report

2020, Feb. Vol.98, No.26 Acc. No.354980026

26 Platts BiofuelScan

2020, Feb. Vol.09, No.26 Acc. No.711080026

27 Platts Clean Tankerwire

2020, Feb. Vol.38, No. 231 Acc. No.705038023

28 Platts Crude Oil Marketwire

2020, Feb. Vol.41, No.26 Acc. No.353410026

29 Platts Dirty Tankerwire

2020, Feb. Vol.38, No.26 Acc. No.706038026

30 Platts European MarketScan

2020, Feb. Vol.52, No.26 Acc. No.709052026

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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Periodicals


31 Platts Gas Daily Market


2020, Feb. Vol.08, No.22 Acc. No.71308026

32 Platts LNG Daily

2020, Feb. Vol.17, No.22 Acc. No.70017022

33 Platts LPGAswire

2020, Feb. Vol.428, No.23 Acc. No.712041023

34 Platts Us Marketscan

2020, Feb. Vol.46, No.26 Acc. No.703046026

35 Polish Journal of Chemical


2019, Dec. Vol.21, No.04 Acc. No.781021004

36 Progress in Natural Science:

Materials international

2019, Dec. Vol.29, No.05 Acc. No.777029005

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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Periodicals


37 Science and technology od

advanced materials

2019, Dec; Vol.20, No.02 Acc. No.808019002

38 South African Journal of Chemical


2020, Apr. No.31-32 Acc. No.823020032

39 Upstream

2019, Dec. Vol.24, No.51 Acc. No.436024051

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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

1 Achievements and future work of oil and gas production engineering of CNPC/ Lei Qun,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.08 p.

China/ Petroleum/ Gas/ Production/

Engineering/ Technology/ Companies/ Future

Doc. No: 192274 2 Affecting factors and application of the

stable hydrogen isotopes of alkane gases/ Huang Shipeng,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.13 p.

China/ Alkanes/ Gas/ Maturity/

Hydrogen/ Isotope/ Salinity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192287 3 Analysis on the influencing factors of

imbibition and the effect evaluation of imbibition in tight reservoirs/ Yang Zhengming,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.07 p.

Tight oil/ Reservoirs/ Nuclear magnetic

resonance (N.M.R.)/ Imbibition/ Influence/ Distance study/ Permeability/ Simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192307

4 Analytical model for pressure and rate analysis of multi fractured horizontal wells in tight gas reservoirs/ Shan Huang,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.14 p.

Tight gas/ Horizontal well/ Fracture/

Complex/ Pressure/ Sensitivity/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192340 5 Application of multilayer perceptron

neural network and seismic multiattribute transforms in reservoir characterization of Pennay field, Niger Delta/ Akindeji Opeyemi Fajana,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.19 p.

Nigeria/ Reservoirs/ Characterization/

Prediction/ Seismic data/ Petrophysics/ Neural networks/ Tables (data)/ Graphs

Doc. No: 192336 6 Assessing the application of miscible CO2

flooding in oil reservoirs: a case study from Pakistan/ Amanat Ali Bhatti,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.17 p.

Pakistan/ Oil reservoirs/ Carbon dioxide

(Co2)/ Flooding/ E.O.R./ Screening/ Injection/ Strategy/ Numerical models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192333


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

7 Auto-optimization of production-injection rate for reservoirs with strong natural aquifer at ultra-high water cut stage/ Lei Zhanxiang,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.06 p.

Ecuador/ Reservoirs/ Aquifers/ Liquid/

Production/ Optimization/ Optimal control/ Algorithm/ Tables (data)/ Graphs

Doc. No: 192310 8 Basic geochemical characteristics of

lacustrine rocks in the Neogene Kagizman Tuzluca Basin, Northeastern Turkey/ Turhan Ayyildiz,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.17 p.

Turkey/ Source rocks/ Lacustrine

environment/ Geochemical prospecting/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192330 9 Beneficiation of oil shale by froth flotation/

Lijun Liu,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.06 p.

Oil shale/ Methods/ Ashes/ Recovery/

Production/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192351 10 Characteristics of parametamorphic rock

reservoirs in Pingxi area, Qaidam Basin, NW China/ Xia Zhiyuan,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.11 p.

China/ Metamorphic rock/ Reservoirs/

Rocks/ Types/ Formation/ Distribution/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192279

11 Clay minerals damage quantification in sandstone rocks using core flooding and NMR/ Muhammad Shahzad Kamal,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.11 p.

Sandstones/ Clays/ Minerals/ Acidizing/

Enhanced oil recovery/ Coreflooding/ Nuclear magnetic resonance (N.M.R.)/ Damage/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192344 12 Composition and origin of molecular

compounds in the condensate oils of the Dabei gas field, Tarim Basin, NW China/ Zhu Guangyou,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.14 p.

China/ Condensate/ Chromatography/

Molecules/ Compounds/ Migration/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192288 13 The control effect of low-amplitude

structure on oil-gaswater enrichment and development performance of ultra-low permeability reservoirs/ Wang Jianmin,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.12 p.

Low permeability reservoir/ Amplitude/

Structure/ Enrichment/ Development/ Dynamics/ Control/ Effects/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192323


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

14 Control effect of the gulf on marine petroleum/ Yunhua Deng.- Petroleum Research. 2019, December; Vol.04, No.04, p.12 p.

Persian Gulf/ Marine environment/

Source rocks/ Petroleum Doc. No: 192257 15 Controlling factors of remaining oil

distribution after water flooding and enhanced oil recovery methods for fracturecavity carbonate reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield/ Zheng Songqing,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.10 p.

Carbonate rock/ Fracture/ Cavity/

Reservoirs/ Enhanced oil recovery/ Control/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192311 16 Correct understanding and application of

waterflooding characteristic curves/ Dou Hongen,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.08 p.

China/ Water/ Flooding/ Curve/

Characterization/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192312 17 Coupling of CFD and semiempirical

methods for designing three phase condensate separator: case study and experimental validation/ Ahmadreza Ghaffarkhah,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.30 p.

Iran/ Gas condensate/ Computational

Fluid Dynamics (CFD)/ Separators/ Design/ Multiphase flow/ Models/ Discrete phase model/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 192337

18 Development characteristics of the third-order sequence of Upper Devonian Lower Carboniferous shore-mixed shelf in Tarim Basin, NW China/ Ma Qing,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.10 p.

China/ Sedimentary Basin/ Sequence

stratigraphy/ Models/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192314 19 Development unit division and favorable

area evaluation for joint mining coalbed methane/ Yang Zhaobiao,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.11 p.

Coalbed methane/ Physical property/

Mining/ Production/ Evaluation/ Tables Doc. No: 192289 20 Developmental characteristics and

geological significance of the bentonite in the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in eastern Sichuan Basin, SW China/ Wang Yuman,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.14 p.

China/ Bentonite/ Uplift/ Organic matter/

Shales/ Depression/ Tables (data)/ Graphs Doc. No: 192313 21 A discussion on CBM development

strategies in China: A case study of PetroChina Coalbed Methane Co., Ltd./ Wen Shengming,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.09 p.

China/ Coalbed methane/ Development/

Strategy/ Exploration/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192269


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

22 Distribution and exploration direction of medium- and large-sized marine carbonate gas fields in Sichuan Basin, SW China/ Ma Xinhua,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.15 p.

China/ Marine environment/ Carbonate

rock/ Gas fields/ Erosion/ Surfaces/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 192275 23 Distribution and genesis of mercury in

natural gas of large coal derived gas fields in China/ Li Jian,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.08 p.

China/ Coal/ Gas/ Mercury/ Source

rocks/ Genesis/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192290 24 An ecological water based drilling mud

(WBM) with low cost: substitution of polymers by wood wastes/ Soumia Haider,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.07 p.

Wood/ Wastes/ Drilling/ Water bese

mud/ Polymers/ Viscosity/ Rheological properties/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192338 25 The effect of cations on gelation of cross-

linked polymers/ Mostafa Sedaghatzadeh,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.07 p.

Polymers/ Gel (Geoscience)/ Rheological

properties/ Stability/ Cations/ Tables Doc. No: 192324

26 Effect of liquid nitrogen cooling on the permeability and mechanical characteristics of anisotropic shale/ Long Jiang,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.14 p.

Shale gas/ Anisotropy/ Cryogenics/

Fracturing/ Liquids/ Nitrogen/ Permeability/ Mechanical properties/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192343 27 Enrichment factors and sweep spot

evaluation of Jurassic tight oil in central Sichuan Basin, SW China/ Zhenglian Pang,...[et al].- Petroleum Research. 2019, December; Vol.04, No.04, p.14 p.

China/ Tight oil/ Jurassic/ Migration/

Mechanism/ Seepage/ Non-darcy law/ Flow/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192255 28 Establishment of an initial water

production evaluation chart for the gas province in the East China Sea/ Lu Kefeng,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.08 p.

China Sea/ Gas/ Reservoirs/ Capillary

pressure/ Permeability/ Models/ Water- oil ratio (W.O.R.)/ Evaluation/ Reconstruction/ Calculations/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192265


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

29 Estimating oil gas ratio for volatile oil and gas condensate reservoirs: artificial neural network, support vector machines and functional network approach/ Mohammed A. Khamis, K. A. Fattah.- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.10 p.

Gas condensate/ Artificial neural

network/ Support Vector Regression (S.V.R.)/ Functional networks/ Fluids/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192345 30 Evaluation of enhancing CO2

sequestration by post-brine injection under different scenarios using the E300 compositional simulator/ Mahdi Mohajeri, Seyed Shariatipour.- Petroleum Research. 2019, December; Vol.04, No.04, p.20 p.

Carbon dioxide (Co2)/ Storage/ Brines/

Injection/ Strategy/ Dissolution/ Trap/ Sequestration/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192254 31 Evolution of lithofacies and

paleogeography and hydrocarbon distribution worldwide (I)/ Zhang Guangya,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.23 p.

Global/ Lithofacies/ Paleogeography/

Maps/ Tectonics/ Evolution/ Hydrocarbons/ Distribution/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192315

32 Experimental investigation of changes in petrophysical properties and structural deformation of carbonate reservoirs/ Salimidelshad Yaser,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.11 p.

Carbonates/ Reservoirs/ Cyclic pressure

pulsing/ Petrophysics/ Properties/ Structure/ Deformation/ Scanning/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192291 33 Experimental study of polymer injection

enhanced oil recovery in homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media using glass-type micromodels/ Seyed Javad Hosseini, Jalal Foroozesh.- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.11 p.

Polymers/ Injection/ E.O.R./ Models/

Efficiency/ Heterogeneity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192339 34 An exploration breakthrough in

Paleozoic petroleum system of Huanghua Depression in Dagang Oilfield and its significance, North China/ Zhao Xianzheng,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.13 p.

China/ Oil reservoirs/ Paleozoic/

Hydrocarbons/ Exploration/ Accumulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192308


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

35 Exploring petroleum inside source kitchen : Connotation and prospects of source rock oil and gas/ Yang Zhi, Zou Caineng.- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.13 p.

Source rocks/ Shale gas/ Shale oil/

Coalbed methane/ Unconventional resources/ Development/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192285 36 Formation conditions and accumulation

characteristics of Bozhong 19-6 large condensate gas field in offshore Bohai Bay Basin/ Xu Changgui,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.14 p.

China/ Offshore/ Gas fields/ Condensate/

Metamorphic rock/ Reservoirs/ Accumulation/ Characterization/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192277 37 Formation of the primary petroleum

reservoir in Wumaying inner buried-hill of Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China/ Jin Fengming,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.10 p.

China/ Petroleum/ Reservoirs/ Paleozoic/

Accumulation/ Process/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192292

38 Genesis of lacustrine carbonate breccia and its significance for hydrocarbon exploration in Yingxi region, Qaidam Basin, NW China/ Wang Yanqing,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.09 p.

China/ Carbonates/ Lacustrine

environment/ Reservoirs/ Paleogene/ Exploration/ Tables (data)/ Graphs Doc. No: 192280

39 Genetic type and source of natural gas in

the southern margin of Junggar Basin, NW China/ Chen Jianping,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.14 p.

China/ Natural gas/ Hydrogen/ Isotope/

Genetics/ Source rocks/ Identification/ Jurassic/ Coal/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192293 40 Hydrocarbon accumulation of composite-

buried hill reservoirs in the western subsag of Bozhong sag, Bohai Bay Basin/ Xie Yuhong,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.10 p.

China/ Hydrocarbons/ Accumulation/

Mesozoic/ Allocation/ Shallow waters/ Correlations/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192259


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

41 Hydrocarbon migration in fracture-cave systems of carbonate reservoirs under tectonic stresses: A modeling study/ Chenjun Huang,...[et al].- Petroleum Research. 2019, December; Vol.04, No.04, p.11 p.

China/ Hydrocarbons/ Reservoirs/

Migration/ Fracture/ Caves/ Fluid flow/ Numerical models/ Accumulation/ Tectonics/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192256 42 Hydrocarbon play assessment of X-field

in an Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria/ Amarachukwu Alphonsus Ibe, Temitope Ezekiel Oyewole.- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.14 p.

Nigeria/ Hydrocarbons/ Seismic data/

Well logging/ Petrophysics/ Evaluation/ Porosity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192341 43 Influence mechanism of pore-scale

anisotropy and pore distribution heterogeneity on permeability of porous media/ Li Tao,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.11 p.

China/ Sandstones/ Anisotropy/

Permeability/ Porous materials/ Distribution/ Heterogeneity/ Influence/ Mechanism/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192294

44 Influence of depressurization rate on gas production capacity of high-rank coal in the south of Qinshui Basin, China/ Su Xuefeng,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.09 p.

China/ Depressurization/ Coal/ Gas/

Production/ Capacity/ Simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192295 45 Influences of lithology on in-situ stress

field in low permeability reservoirs in Bonan Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin, China/ Li Zhipeng,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.10 p.

China/ Lithofacies/ Mechanical

properties/ Reservoirs/ In situ/ Permeability/ Reservoirs/ Tables (data)/

Doc. No: 192316 46 An integrated analysis of gravity and well

data for deep-seated structural interpretation: a case study, from Ras Budran oil field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt/ A. A. Azab, M. A. Ramadan, M. Z. El sawy.- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.13 p.

Gravity/ Stripping (removal)/ Well

logging/ Modelling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192331


Page 40: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

47 Investigation of mechanical properties of bedded shale by nanoindentation tests: A case study on Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation of Youyang area in southeast Chongqing, China/ Shi Xian,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.10 p.

China/ Shales/ Mechanical properties/

Distribution/ Models/ Experiments/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192283 48 Is the implementation of energy savings

and EROI increasing policy really effective in Russian gas companies? The case of JSC Gazprom/ Alina Steblyanskaya,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.13 p.

Russia/ Natural gas/ Gazprom/

Investments/ Energy saving/ Energy efficiency/ Sustainability/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192272 49 Isolation and screening of Bacillus

subtilis MJ01 for MEOR application: biosurfactant characterization, production optimization and wetting effect on carbonate surfaces/ Moein Jahanbani Veshareh,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.13 p.

Iran/ Carbonates/ Enhanced oil recovery/

Wettability/ Alteration/ Biosurfactant/ Design/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192342

50 Laboratory analysis of liquid injection method on hydraulic fracturing initiation and propagation in deep shale formation/ Chang Xin.- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.07 p.

Shale gas/ Injection/ Methods/ Hydraulic

fracturing/ Crack propagation/ Laboratory study/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192273 51 Lithofacies paleogeography and

exploration significance of Sinian Doushantuo depositional stage in the middle-upper Yangtze region, Sichuan Basin, SW China/ Wang Zecheng,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.13 p.

China/ Lithofacies/ Paleogeography/

Carbonate platform/ Black shale/ Source rocks/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 192278 52 Logging while drilling electromagnetic

wave responses in inclined bedding formation/ Fan Yiren,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.09 p.

Logging while drilling (L.W.D.)/

Electromagnetic wave/ Anisotropic material/ Azimuth/ Modelling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192317


Page 41: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

53 Lost circulation material for abnormally high temperature and pressure fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in Tazhong block, Tarim Basin, NW China/ Su Xiaoming,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.08 p.

China/ Carbonate rock/ Fracture/ Sealing/

Plug/ Materials/ High temperature/ Tolerance analysis/ Lost circulation/ Drilling fluids/ Tables (data)/ Graphs

Doc. No: 192284 54 Low-frequency sparse double-

constrained broadband seismic impedance inversion/ Wen Xiaotao,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.08 p.

China/ Frequency/ Seismic data/

Reflection/ Coefficients/ Impedance/ Inversion/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192263 55 A mathematical determination of the

pore size distribution and fractal dimension of a porous sample using spontaneous imbibition dynamics theory/ Mumuni Amadu, Michal J. Pegg.- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.09 p.

Pore size/ Distribution/ Fractal/

Dimension/ Imbibition/ Heterogeneity/ Homogeneity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192329

56 Mechanical properties of a coiled tubing blowout preventer ram in the shearing process/ Liu Bing,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.09 p.

Coiled Tubing (C.T.)/ Blowout preventers

(B.O.P)/ Shearing/ Process/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192267 57 Mechanism of drilling rate improvement

using high-pressure liquid nitrogen jet/ Huang Zhongwei,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.09 p.

China/ Liquid/ Nitrogen/ Jet

(Engineering)/ Drilling/ Improvement/ Rocks/ Breaking/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192318 58 Mechanisms and prevention& control

countermeasures of water breakthrough in horizontal wells in multi-layer unconsolidated sandstone gas reservoirs: A case study of the Tainan Gas Field in the Qaidam Basin/ Yang Yun,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.08 p.

Horizontal well/ Water/ Breakthrough/

Mechanism/ Saturation/ Permeability/ Heterogeneity/ Pressure/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192264


Page 42: A. Tlibrary.nioc.ir/taze-ha/529/newtitles.pdf · (aga, api, api mpms, astm, bsi, din, iso) ﺮﻴﻈﻧ ﻲﻠﻠﻤﻟا ﻦﻴﺑ يﺎهدراﺪﻧﺎﺘﺳا ﻞﻣﺎﮐ ﻦﺘﻣ

NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

59 Multi-parameter quantitative assessment of 3D geological models for complex fault-block oil reservoirs/ Tan Xuequn,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.11 p.

Reservoirs/ Characterization/ Geology/

Modelling/ Quality/ Evaluation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192286 60 A new type of automatic ball injector for

multistage fracturing/ Wang Hanxiang,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.06 p.

China/ Multistage/ Fracturing/ Shale gas/

Horizontal well/ Injectors/ Storage/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192266 61 A novel fitted thermodynamic model for

the capture of CO2 from flue gas by the hydrate method/ Li Luling,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.07 p.

Gas/ Separation/ Hydrate/ Flue gas/

Carbon dioxide (Co2)/ Capture and Storage/ Thermodynamic properties/ Models/ Coefficients/ Prediction/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192268 62 Novel mathematical correlation for

accurate prediction of gas compressibility factor/ Ekechukwu Gerald Kelechi, Orodu Oyinkepreye David.- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.10 p.

Gas/ Compressibility/ Models/

Correlations/ Pseudogley/ Properties/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192271

63 A numerical method to predict crossflow rate resulted from downhole leaks/ Nasser M. Al Hajri,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.09 p.

Leak/ Downhole/ Wells/ Performance/

Water injection/ Numerical models/ Prediction/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192327 64 A numerical modelling and simulation of

core-scale sandstone acidizing process: a study on the effect of temperature/ Van Hong Leong,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.34 p.

Well stimulation/ Sandstones/ Matrix/

Acidizing/ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)/ Finite element analysis/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs

Doc. No: 192348 65 Numerical simulation of rock breaking

by PDC bit in hot dry rocks/ Zhu Xiaohua, Dan Zhaowang.- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.10 p.

Geothermal energy/ Exploitation/ Rocks/

Breaking/ Efficiency/ Numerical simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192270 66 Oblique extension of pre-existing

structures and its control on oil accumulation in eastern Bohai Sea/ Ren Jian,..[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.12 p.

China/ Fault (geology)/ Strike slip fault/

Extension/ Paleogene/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192296


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

67 Occurrence characteristics and main controlling factors of movable fluids in Chang 81 reservoir, Maling Oilfield, Ordos Basin, China/ Pan Li,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.13 p.

China/ Oil fields/ Fluids/ Saturation/

Nuclear magnetic resonance (N.M.R.)/ Microscopy/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192350 68 Occurrence mechanism of lacustrine

shale oil in the Paleogene Shahejie Formation of Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China/ Wang Min,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.14 p.

China/ Shale oil/ Absorption/ Paleogene/

Organic matter/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192319 69 Oil exploration breakthrough in the

Wensu salient, northwest Tarim Basin and its implications/ Zhang Junfeng,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.11 p.

China/ Petroleum/ Exploration/

Hydrocarbons/ Breakthrough/ Accumulation/ Weathering/ Crust/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192276

70 Optimization of refracturing timing for horizontal wells in tight oil reservoirs: A case study of Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin, NE China/ Guo Jianchun,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.10 p.

China/ Tight oil/ Reservoirs/ Fracturing/

Pressure/ Plug/ Diversity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192282 71 Optimization of well pad design and

drilling - well clustering/ Abramov Aleksandr.- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.07 p.

Well drilling/ Clusters/ Design/

Optimization/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192297 72 Optimizing aqueous drilling mud system

viscosity with green additives/ Evelyn Bose Ekeinde,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.04 p.

Drilling/ Water bese mud/ Additives/

Temperature/ Viscosity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192334


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

73 Origin and migration model of natural gas in L gas field, eastern slope of Yinggehai Sag, China/ Yang Jihai, Huang Baojia.- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.11 p.

China/ Natural gas/ Migration/ Models/

Carbon dioxide (Co2)/ Coal/ Correlations/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192298 74 Parameters optimization in deepwater

dual-gradient drilling based on downhole separation/ Wang Jiangshuai,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.07 p.

Drilling/ Deep water/ Pressure/ Margin/

Parameters (Statistics)/ Optimization/ Models/ Separation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192320 75 Petrophysical evaluation and fluid

substitution modeling for reservoir depiction of Jurassic Datta Formation in the Chanda oil field, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, northwest Pakistan/ Natasha Khan, Khaista Rehman.- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.18 p.

Pakistan/ Oil fields/ Sands/ Fluids/

Substitution/ Saturation/ Petrophysics/ Modelling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192346

76 The power of TDS technique for well test interpretation: a short review/ Freddy Humberto Escobar,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.22 p.

Well tests/ Interpretation/ Techniques/

Penetration/ Anisotropy/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192335 77 Practice and knowledge of volumetric

development of deep fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in Tarim Basin, NW China/ Jiao Fangzheng.- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.07 p.

China/ Carbonates/ Reservoirs/ Fracture/

Development/ Volumetric analysis/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192299 78 A preliminary screening and

characterization of suitable acids for sandstone matrix acidizing technique: a comprehensive review/ Leong Van Hong, Hisham Ben Mahmud.- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.26 p.

Well stimulation/ Sandstones/ Matrix/

Acidizing/ Mud/ High temperature/ Coreflooding/ Experiments/ Tables (data)/

Doc. No: 192349


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

79 Production assessment of low production rate of well in a supergiant gas condensate reservoir: application of an integrated strategy/ Reza Azin,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.18 p.

Gas condensate/ Wells/ Analysis/

Tubing/ Performance/ Relationship/ Drainage/ Production/ Optimization/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192332 80 Prospects delineation and evaluation

using the CDP gathers characterization, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt/ Mohamed Hussein,...[et al].- Petroleum Research. 2019, December; Vol.04, No.04, p.11 p.

Egypt/ Common-depth-point method/

Amplitude/ Analysis/ Seismic data/ Offshore/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192253 81 Recognitions on the flow mechanism of

shale during the plug pulse decay measurement/ Yang Yu,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.08 p.

Shales/ Measurement/ Methods/

Permeability/ Flow/ Diameter/ Adsorption/ Testing/ Mathematical models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192260

82 Reflections and suggestions on the development and engineering management of shale gas fracturing technology in China/ Liu He,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.07 p.

China/ North America/ Shale gas/

Hydraulic fracturing/ Geomechanics/ Engineering/ Management/ Big data/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192262 83 Relationships of the iC4/nC4 and

iC5/nC5 ratios with maturity of coal-derived gases of Triassic Xujiahe Formation in central Sichuan Basin, SW China/ Qin Shengfei,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.08 p.

China/ Triassic/ Coal/ Gas/ Maturity/

Indicator/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192300 84 Reservoir accumulation conditions and

key exploration & development technologies for Keshen gas field in Tarim Basin/ Haijun Yang,...[et al].- Petroleum Research. 2019, December; Vol.04, No.04, p.19 p.

China/ Reservoirs/ Accumulation/

Exploration/ Seismic data/ High pressure/ High temperature/ Efficiency/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192258


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

85 Reservoir geology and effects on exploitation of natural bitumen deposits (Nigerian deposits as a case study)/ A. Akinmosin,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.15 p.

Nigeria/ Reservoirs/ Geology/ Bitumens/

Gravity/ Drainage/ Clast/ Enhanced recovery/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192326 86 Resource types, formation, distribution

and prospects of coal-measure gas/ Zou Caineng,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.12 p.

China/ Coalbed methane/ Tight gas/

Trap/ Accumulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192301 87 Sequential injection mode of high

salinity/low salinity water in sandstone reservoirs: oil recovery and surface reactivity tests/ Hasan N. Al Saedi,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.10 p.

Water/ Flooding/ Salinity/ Surfaces/

Reactivity/ Testing/ Enhanced oil recovery/ Geochemistry/ Cations/ Adsorption/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192328

88 The significance of coal-derived gas in major gas producing countries/ Dai Jinxing,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.16 p.

China/ Russia/ Coal gas/ Gas fields/

Source rocks/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192306 89 Simulation of low and high salinity water

injection method to determine the optimum salinity/ Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Nassabeh,...[et al].- Petroleum Research. 2019, December; Vol.04, No.04, p.06 p.

Water injection/ Salinity/ E.O.R./

Production/ Simulation/ Scenario planning/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192252 90 Simultaneous upscaling of two properties

of reservoirs in one dimension using adaptive bandwidth in kernel function method/ Mohammad Reza Azad,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.07 p.

Reservoirs/ Properties/ Simulation/

Models/ Bandwidth/ Function/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192321


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

91 Stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic characteristics of natural gas from Taibei sag, Turpan-Hami Basin, NW China/ Ni Yunyan,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.12 p.

China/ Natural gas/ Jurassic/ Carbon/

Hydrogen/ Isotope/ Coal gas/ Maturity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192302 92 Streamline modeling of fluid transport in

naturally fractured porous medium/ Zuo Lihua,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, February; Vol.46, No.01, p.08 p.

Multiphase flow/ Water/ Flooding/

Discrete phase model/ Simulation/ Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (NFRs)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192281 93 Submersible direct-drive progressing

cavity pump rodless lifting technology/ Hao Zhongxian,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.08 p.

China/ Artificial lift/ Submersible pumps/

Processing Cavity Pumps (P.C.P.)/ Technology/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192303

94 Synthesis and characterization of maleic acid and sodium methallyl disulfonate new copolymer: application as a barium sulfate scale inhibitor/ Kiran Kumar Kommanapalli,...[et al].- Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.01, p.10 p.

Copolymerization/ Scale inhibitors (S.Is)/

Barium sulfates/ Inhibition/ Efficiency/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192347 95 Technical strategies for effective

development and gas recovery enhancement of a large tight gas field: A case study of Sulige gas field, Ordos Basin, NW China/ Ji Guang,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.13 p.

China/ Gas fields/ Tight gas/ Well

pattern/ Enhanced gas recovery/ Horizontal well/ Tables (data)/ Graphs

Doc. No: 192304 96 Technological progress and prospects of

reservoir stimulation/ Lei Qun,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, June; Vol.46, No.03, p.09 p.

Unconventional resources/ Hydraulic

fracturing/ Equipment/ Materials/ Design/ Decision making/ Technology/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192305


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Articles

97 Technologies and practice of CO2 flooding and sequestration in China/ Hu Yongle,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.14 p.

China/ Reservoirs/ Carbon dioxide (Co2)/

Flooding/ Sequestration/ E.O.R./ Injection/ Production/ Surfaces/ Engineering/ Development/ Direction/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 192322 98 Theoretical insights, core technologies

and practices concerning volume development of shale gas in China/ Jiao Fangzheng.- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.06, p.14 p.

China/ Shale gas/ Homogeneous

material/ Volume/ Development/ Volumetric analysis/ Fracture/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192261 99 A training image optimization method in

multiple-point geostatistics and its application in geological modeling/ Wang Lixin,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.07 p.

Angola/ Oil fields/ Training/ Images/

Optimization/ Probability/ Geostatistics/ Turbidite/ Channel/ Modelling/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192309

100 Vertical dominant migration channel and hydrocarbon migration in complex fault zone, Bohai Bay sag, China/ Xu Changgui,...[et al].- Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019, August; Vol.46, No.04, p.09 p.

China/ Offshore/ Complex/ Fault

(geology)/ Hydrocarbons/ Migration/ Data analysis/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 192325


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

1 Analysis of Types, Intensity, Methods and

Effects of Process Innovations/ Pavla Macurova, Jindra Peterkova and Katarzyna Czerna.- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.03, p.74-89.

Innovations/ Activities/ Process/ Collaboration/ Effects/ Logistics/ Graphs Doc. No: 192228

2 An Assessment Of Exploring The Link

Between Organizational Justices And Workplace Friendship/ Assegid Demissie Shishigu and Minbiyew Mekonnen.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, February 01; Vol.08, No.04, p.36-41.

Justice/ Work place/ Friendship/ Organization/ Employees/ Banks Doc. No: 192215

3 Attitude towards entrepreneurship: a

study among Asnaf Millennials in Malaysia/ Tengku Mohd Azizuddin Tuan Mahmood, Abdullah Al Mamun, Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim.- Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 2020.

Entrepreneurship/ Attitudes/ Malaysia/ Doc. No: 200178

4 Behavioral agent-based framework for

interacting financial markets/ Heba M. Ezzat.- Review of Economics and Political Science. 2020; Vol.5.

Financial market/ Interaction/ Behaviour/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 200172

5 Big data analytics for venture capital

application: towards innovation performance improvement/ Wenqi Sun, Yuanjun Zhao, Lu Sun.- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.575-565.

Big data/ Data analysis/ Venture capital/ Innovations/ Performance/ Improvement Doc. No: 200032

6 Board of directors and code of business

ethics of Brazilian companies/ Thamirys de Sousa Correia, Wenner Glaucio Lopes Lucena.- RAUSP Management Journal. 2020; Vol.55.

Directors of Corporations/ Ethics/ Codes of conduct/ Companies/ Brazil/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200200

7 Brand orientation: a systematic literature

review and research agenda/ Lara Mendes Christ Bonella Sepulcri, Emerson Wagner Mainardes,.- Spanish Journal of Marketing. 2020; Vol.24.

Brand names/ Orientation/ Research/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200201

8 Business Performance of the Creative

Economy / Awan Setya Dewanta and Edy Suandi Hamid.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.173-184.

Industries/ Business/ Performance/ Economics/ Creativity/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192251


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9 Consumer spirituality/ Katharina C.

Husemann and Giana M. Eckhardt.- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.5-6, p.391 406.

Consumers/ Spirituality/ Well being/ Religion/ Research/ Marketing Doc. No: 192233

10 Consumer vulnerability during mobility

service interactions: causes, forms and coping/ Per Echeverri & Nicklas Salomonson.- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.3-4, p.364 389.

Consumer behaviour/ Vulnerability/ Services/ Interaction/ Mobility/ Well being/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192231

11 Corporate Social Responsibility and

Inter-Organisational Trust in a B2B Context/ Egle Staniskiene, Zivile Stankeviciute and Asta Daunoriene.- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.02, p.46-63.

Corporations/ Social responsibility/ Interorganizational relations/ Trust/ Services/ Customer satisfaction/ Perception/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192218

12 CSR Expenditure and Company

Performance: Charity or Signal?/ Erna Widiastuty and Noorlailie Soewarno.- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.03, p.22-37.

Corporations/ Social responsibility/ Expenditure/ Charities/ Companies/ Performance/ Indonesia Doc. No: 192222

13 Data mining of customer choice behavior

in internet of things within relationship network/ Yuwei Yan,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.566-574.

Data mining/ Customer services/ Choices/ Behaviour/ Relationship/ Networking Doc. No: 200033

14 Detecting money laundering transactions

with machine learning/ Martin Jullum,...[et al].- Journal of Money Laundering Control. 2020; Vol.23, No.1, p.173-186.

Money laundering/ Transactions/ Learning/ Banks/ Norway Doc. No: 200176

15 Dilemma of institutional performance

assessment in governmental sector: a proposed KPIs model/ Mohamed Awad El Araby, Noor el Dien Salem Ayaad.- Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences. 2020; Vol.2.

Performance appraisal/ Government policies/ Models/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200190

16 Does Herding behavior exist in Indian

Futures Market?/ Babu Jose.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, February 01; Vol.08, No.04, p.13-20.

India/ Futures market/ Stock markets/ Investment returns/ Investors/ Behaviour/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192213


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17 Downtime in the Automotive Industry

Production Process: Cause Analysis/ Radoslaw Wolniak.- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.02, p.101-118.

Quality/ Tools/ Production/ Quality management/ Improvement/ Methods Doc. No: 192219

18 Early retirement incentive programs as a

human resources restructuring strategy in public sector: theoretical perspective/ Manal Elsayed Shabat.- Review of Economics and Political Science. 2020; Vol.5, No.1, p.69-90.

Retirement/ Downsizing (Organizations)/ Older workers/ Human resource management/ Strategy/ Public sector Doc. No: 200199

19 Education for sustainability: fostering a

more conscious society and transformation towards sustainability/ Christine Wamsler.- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 2020; Vol.21, No.1, p.112-130.

Education/ Sustainability/ Transformation/ Teaching/ Curriculum Doc. No: 200195

20 The effect of affective response to

corporate social irresponsibility on consumer resistance behaviour/ Stefan Trautwein & Jorg Lindenmeier.- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.3-4, p.253 276.

Marketing/ Consumers/ Psychology/ Resistance/ Corporations/ Social responsibility/ Ethics/ Mediation Doc. No: 192232

21 The Effect of ESG Performance on

Economic Performance in the High Profile Industry in Indonesia/ Mita Kurnia Yawika and Susi Handayani.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.112-121.

Indonesia/ Industries/ Environments/ Economic performance/ Governance/ Sustainability Doc. No: 192247

22 Effect of the university on the social

entrepreneurial intention of students/ Carlos Bazan,...[et al].- New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2020; Vol.23.

Universities/ Entrepreneurship/ Social impact/ Students/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200184

23 The effects of e-business processes in

supply chain operations: process component and value creation mechanisms/ Zhen Zhu, Jing Zhao, Ashley A. Bush.- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.273-285.

Supply chain/ Operation/ Business/ Electronic services/ Value creation Doc. No: 200017

24 Effects of Tourism on GDP in COMESA

Countries: Panel Data Approach/ Soanandrasana Dalhia Theodorice.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.95-104.

Tourism/ G.D.P./ Economic growth/ Countries/ Governments/ Productivity/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192245


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25 The efficiency of mobile media richness

across different stages of online consumer behavior/ Chi-Hsing Tseng, Li-Fun Wei.- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.353-364.

Consumers/ Behaviour/ Media/ Mobile units/ Online system/ Efficiency/ Tables Doc. No: 200021

26 An Empirical Study of Root-Cause

Analysis in Automotive Supplier Organisation/ Anna Nagyova,...[et all].- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.02, p.34-45.

Methods/ Conformity/ Continuous improvement/ Organization/ Problems/ Process control/ Case studies/ Tables Doc. No: 192217

27 An empirical study on business analytics

affordances enhancing the management of cloud computing data security/ Zhiying Wang,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.387-394.

Data analysis/ Business/ Cloud computing/ Data security/ Management Doc. No: 200025

28 Enabling innovation in the face of

uncertainty through IT ambidexterity/ Ana Ortiz de Guinea, Louis Raymond.- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.244-260.

Innovations/ Uncertainty/ Information technology/ Service industry/ Comparative Analysis/ Fuzzy system Doc. No: 200016

29 Entrepreneurial framework conditions

and business sustainability among the youth and women entrepreneurs/ Laura A. Orobia.- Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 2020; Vol.14.

Entrepreneurship/ Business/ Sustainability/ Youth/ Women/ Tables Doc. No: 200188

30 Entrepreneurial marketing and hybrid

entrepreneurship: the case of JM Reid Bamboo Rods/ Caitlin C. Ferreira, Sarah Lord Ferguson & Leyland F. Pitt.- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.9-10, p.867 885.

Entrepreneurship/ Marketing/ Growth/ Strategy/ Orientation/ Branding/ Equity Doc. No: 192234

31 Environmental social work: implications

for accelerating the implementation of sustainable development in social work curricula/ Komalsingh Rambaree.- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 2020; Vol.21.

Environmental management/ Social impact/ Sustainable Development/ Curriculum Doc. No: 200192

32 Ethical issues of globalizing liberal

education: the case of Japan/ Christian Etzrodt.- Creative Education. 2020; No.11, p.1-15.

Education/ Globalization/ Ethics/ Case studies/ Japan Doc. No: 200024


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33 Evaluating green supplier satisfaction/

Chunguang Bai.- Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications. 2020; Vol.2.

Supply (economics)/ Satisfaction/ Evaluation/ Environmental health Doc. No: 200183

34 Evolutionary information dynamics over

social networks: a review/ Hangjing Zhang, Yan Chen, H. Vicky Zhao.- International Journal of Crowd Science. 2020; Vol.4.

Social networks/ Information/ Dynamics/ Evolution/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200174

35 Financial crisis prediction model using

ant colony optimization/ Uthayakumar J.,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.538-556.

Financial crisis/ Prediction/ Modelling/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200031

36 A framework for analysing blockchain

technology adoption: integrating institutional, market and technical factors/ Marijn Janssen,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.302-309.

Technology/ Analysis/ Market/ Management Doc. No: 200018

37 Group Creative Problem Solving: The

Role of Creative Personality, Process and Creative Ability/ Gerald F. Burch, Jana J. Burch and John H. Batchelor.- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.03, p.38-54.

Innovations/ Creativity/ Groups/ Team working/ Problem solving/ Personality Doc. No: 192223

38 Growth in Home Purchase Price

Preceding Crisis Explained by Technology Advancement/ Eddison T. Walters.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.140-153.

World/ Financial crisis/ Mortgages/ Real estate industry/ U.S.A./ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192250

39 How to achieve true integration: the

impact of integrated marketing communication on the client/agency relationship/ Sally Laurie & Kathleen Mortimer.- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.3-4, p.231 252.

Marketing/ Integration/ Communication/ Relationship/ Remuneration/ Advertising Doc. No: 192230

40 How to increase engagement on social

media using the honeycomb model: a case study in a Portuguese HR company/ Susana Costa Silva,...[et al].- Revista de Gestao. 2020; Vol.27.

Social media/ Engagement/ Models/ Human resource management/ Case studies/ Portugal/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200187


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41 Human Development Index and the

Forming Factors: The Effect of Global Competitiveness Index in Ten ASEAN Countries/ Edy Suandi Hamid.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.74-81.

Human resource development/ Indexes (documentation)/ World/ Competitiveness/ South-East Asia/ Countries/ Associations/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192243

42 Human resource system as innovation for

organisations/ Tulio Gomes Mauro, Jairo Eduardo Borges-Andrade.- Innovation and Management Review. 2020; Vol.17.

Human resource management/ Innovations/ Organization/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200198

43 The Imact Of Tax Perception On

Compliance Behavior/ Temesgen Andualem Kassahun.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, May; Vol.08, No.07, p.1-9.

Taxes/ Perception/ Fiscal Policy/ Comparative Analysis/ Politics/ Legitimacy/ Compliance/ Behaviour Doc. No: 192207

44 Imitation of Management Practices in

Supply Networks: Relational and Environmental Effects/ Evelien Reusen,...[et all].- Journal of Supply Chain Management. 2020; Vol.56, No.01, p.54-72.

Purchasing/ Relationship/ Organization/ Knowledge management/ Surveys/ Methods/ Regression/ Analysis Doc. No: 200171

45 The impact of market orientation on

innovativeness: evidence from Yemeni SMEs/ Wail Alhakimi, Mohammed Mahmoud.- Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 2020; Vol.14.

Market/ Orientation/ Innovations/ Enterprises/ Yemen/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200197

46 The impact of market orientation on the

internationalisation of SMEs/ Cristina I.M.A.S. Fernandes,...[et al].- Review of International Business and Strategy. 2020; Vol.30.

Market/ Orientation/ Enterprises/ Internationalization/ Performance/ Tables Doc. No: 200186

47 Impacts of Top Management Team

Characteristics on Corporate Charitable Activity / Xin Huang, Koichi Nakagawa & Jie Li.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.60-73.

Top management/ Team working/ Heterogeneity/ Charities/ Corporations/ Philanthropy/ China/ Companies Doc. No: 192242

48 Improving high-tech enterprise

innovation in big data environment: a combinative view of internal and external governance/ Runhui Lin,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.575-585.

Enterprises/ Innovations/ Technology/ Improvement/ Governance/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200034


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49 The Influence of Leadership Behaviour

On employees Job Satisfaction And Performance/ Akram JalalKarim and Abbas Naser.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, February 01; Vol.08, No.04, p.26-35.

Leadership/ Behaviour/ Employees/ Job satisfaction/ Job performance/ Graphs Doc. No: 192214

50 Influence of learning and service

innovation on performance: evidences in Brazilian architectural KIBS [knowledge-intensive business services]/ Thaise Caroline Milbratz,...[et al].- Innovation & Management Review. 2020; Vol.17.

Learning/ Services/ Innovations/ Performance/ Knowledge/ Architecture/ Brazil Doc. No: 200181

51 Influence of Quality Practices on

Cultural Satisfaction at Work in Africa: Case of Ivorian Agro industrial Firms/ Nourougo Bamba.- Journal of Management Policies and Practices. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.12-24.

Quality/ Culture/ Customer satisfaction/ ISO/ Standards/ Companies/ Marketing Doc. No: 192239

52 Innovation management processes and

sustainable iterative circles: an applied integrative approach/ Christopher Miller,...[et al].- Journal of Work-Applied. 2020; Vol.12.

Innovations/ Management/ Sustainable Development Doc. No: 200189

53 The ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management

System Standard/ Laura Bravi, Federica Murmura and Gilberto Santos.- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.02, p.64-82.

Companies/ Quality management/ ISO/ Total quality management/ Standards/ Implementation/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192220

54 Lean Management Quick-Wins : Results

of Implementation. A Case Study/ Jorge Rodrigues,...[et all].- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.03, p.3-21.

Lean manufacturing/ Management/ Implementation/ Human resources/ Small Businesses/ Employees/ Portugal/ Case studies/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192225

55 Lean Six Sigma Approach to Improve the

Production Process in the Mould Industry/ Antonio M.H. Pereira,...[et all].- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.03, p.103-121.

Lean manufacturing/ Six sigma/ Value/ Mapping/ Production/ Process/ Case studies/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192227

56 A local and global event sentiment based

efficient stock exchange forecasting using deep learning/ Haider Maqsood,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.432-451.

Stock markets/ Exchange (economics)/ Forecasts/ Learning/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200029


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57 The Main Benefits of the Implementation

of the Quality Management System in Higher Education Institutions in Angola/ Nicolay Africano, Ana S. Rodrigues and Gilberto Santos.- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.03, p.122-136.

Education/ ISO/ Quality/ Planning/ Organization/ Process/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192226

58 Managerial workarounds in three

European DRG [Diagnostic Related Group] systems/ Rod Sheaff.- Journal of Health Organization and Management. 2020; Vol.34.

Health services/ Diagnosis/ Management/ Europe/ Germany/ Italy/ U.K. Doc. No: 200202

59 Marketing Channels And Service

Marketing Distribution System/ Ashok Kumar Singh.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, August 01; Vol.08, No.01, p.1-3.

Services/ Distribution/ Marketing channels/ Companies/ Consumers/ Interaction/ Competition Doc. No: 192205

60 Marketing Strategies For Renewable

Energies In Residential Sector/ N. Jayanthi.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, January 01; Vol.08, No.03, p.1-7.

Marketing/ Strategy/ Renewable energy/ Products/ Consumers/ Environmental protection/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192209

61 Measuring extreme risk of sustainable

financial system using GJR-GARCH model trading data-based/ Xiaomeng Ma,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.526-537.

Financial analysis/ Sustainability/ Risk/ Measurement/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 200030

62 Mix Marketing Ooredo Phone Credit

Customers/ Rahayu.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.105-111.

Marketing/ Products/ Quality/ Customer loyalty/ Services/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192246

63 Obligation Capacity and Tests of Capital

Structure Theories/ Idewele O. E. Israel and Murad A. Bein.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.122-135.

Capital/ Structure/ Testing/ Obligations/ Capacity/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192248

64 Once upon a time technology/ Cristina

Mele, Francesco Polese & Evert Gummesson.- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.11-12, p.965 973.

Marketing/ Technology/ Cognition/ Decision making/ Services/ Customer relations Doc. No: 192236


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65 Operationalisation of soft skill attributes

and determining the existing gap in novice ICT professionals/ Richa Singh Dubey, Vijayshri Tiwari.- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.375-386.

Information technology/ Communication Engineering/ Professional Workers/ Skills/ Management/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200022

66 Perception-Based Supplier Attributes

and Performance Implications: A Multimethod Exploratory Study/ Thomas Clauss and Chanchai Tangpong.- Journal of Supply Chain Management. 2019; Vol.55, No.04, p.34-66.

Purchasing/ Perception/ Sales/ Relationship/ Performance/ Evaluation/ Supply chain/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192229

67 Personality traits and intrapreneurial

behaviour: moderated role of knowledge sharing behaviour in diverse group of employees in developing country/ Muhammad Zubair Alam,...[et al].- Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 2020; Vol.14.

Personality traits/ Entrepreneurship/ Behaviour/ Psychology/ Knowledge sharing/ Employees/ Developing countries/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200191

68 The Place and Importance of African

Countries in Turkey s Seeking New Markets/ Kahraman Arslan.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.31-46.

Africa/ Turkey/ Foreign trade/ Marketing/ Economics/ Relationship Doc. No: 192241

69 Practical Field Observations on Cross

Border E-Commerce Startup/ Tzu Shan Tseng.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.136-139.

E-commerce/ Startups/ Localization/ Logistics/ Observation/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192249

70 A project portfolio selection framework

for transforming Iranian universities into entrepreneurial institutions/ Nima Golghamat Raad, Mohsen Akbarpour Shirazi.- Journal of Industry-University Collaboration. 2020.

Projects/ Portfolio/ Selection/ Universities/ Entrepreneurship/ Transformation/ Iran/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200196


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71 Reinvigorating the Study of

Opportunism in Supply Chain Management/ Fabrice Lumineau and Nuno Oliveira.- Journal of Supply Chain Management. 2020; Vol.56, No.01, p.73-87.

Opportunities/ Behaviour/ Assumption/ Testing/ Supply chain management/ Problems/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200170

72 Resource integration through

digitalisation: a service ecosystem perspective/ Alexey Sklyar,...[et all].- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.11-12, p.974 991.

Resources/ Integration/ Services/ Digital systems/ Technological changes/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192235

73 The responsible learning organization:

can Senge (1990) teach organizations how to become responsible innovators?/ Jens Ording Hansen, Are Jensen, Nhien Nguyen.- The Learning Organization. 2020; Vol.27.

Organizational learning/ Responsibility/ Innovations/ Management Doc. No: 200182

74 The role of positive and negative valence

factors on the impact of bigness of data on big data analytics usage/ Maryam Ghasemaghaei.- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.395-404.

Big data/ Data analysis/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 200026

75 The role of talent management in

strategic renewal/ Kati Jarvi, Violetta Khoreva.- Employee Relations: The International Journal. 2020; Vol.42, No.1, p.75-89.

Talent management/ Strategic management/ Organizational change/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200175

76 Six Sigma: Main Metrics and R Based

Software for Training Purposes and Practical Industrial Quality Control/ Ana Rita Costa,...[et all].- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.02, p.83-100.

Six sigma/ Software system/ Training/ Quality control/ Tools/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 192221

77 Smart consumers come undone:

breakdowns in the process of digital agencing/ Christian Fuentes.- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.15-16, p.1542 1562.

Digital systems/ Consumers/ Market/ Ethics/ Consumption/ Agencies Doc. No: 192237

78 Social media and entrepreneurship

research: a literature review/ Abdus-Samad Temitope Olanrewaju,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.90-110.

Social media/ Entrepreneurship/ Research/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 200023


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79 Spillover of workplace IT satisfaction

onto job satisfaction fit/ Wei Wang,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.341-352.

Information technology/ Work place/ Job satisfaction/ Management/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200020

80 A Study of Online Shopping Behaviour

among Working and Non-Working Women/ Subodh Sakpal and Rashmi Soni.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, December; Vol.09, No.02, p.1-7.

Internet/ E-commerce/ Online system/ Purchasing/ Gender/ Women/ Tables Doc. No: 192216

81 A Study on Loan Repayment Behaviour

of Borrowers and its Determinants/ I. Shyam Sundar and G. Radha Krishna Murthy.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, February 01; Vol.08, No.04, p.1-12.

Loans/ Borrowing/ Behaviour/ Determinant/ Poverty/ Credit/ Risk/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192212

82 A Study On Service Quality, Satisfaction

And Loyalty Of Consumers Towards E-Commerce/ SG Yogesh and D. Sudharani Ravindran.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, September 01; Vol.08, No.11, p.1-8.

Consumers/ E-commerce/ Loyalty/ Satisfaction/ Services/ Quality/ Tables Doc. No: 192206

83 A Study On The Awareness Of Basic

And Advanced Financial Terms And Financial Discipline Amongst The Populace In The City Of Ahmedabad/ Riddhi Dave, Roopa Rao and Rajeshwari Jain.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2020, February; Vol.09, No.04, p.1-10.

Finance/ literacy/ Discipline/ Money/ Management/ Decision making/ Tables Doc. No: 200169

84 A Study on the Customers Satisfaction

Towards the Services of Retail Stores with Special Reference to Coimbatore city/ M. Nithya.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, January 01; Vol.08, No.03, p.8-13.

Customer satisfaction/ Retailing/ Loyalty/ Profitability/ Marketing Doc. No: 192210

85 A Study On The Impact Of FDI Policy In

E-Commerce In India/ Ankur Tiwari and Priya Kumari.- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, July; Vol.08, No.09, p.1-5.

Foreign investment/ E-commerce/ India/ Economic growth/ Finance Doc. No: 192208

86 Subverting sustainability: market

maintenance work and the reproduction of corporate irresponsibility/ Carl Yngfalk.- Journal of Marketing Management. 2019; Vol.35, No.17-18, p.1563 1583.

Sustainability/ Marketing/ Maintenance/ Corporations/ Social responsibility/ Resistance/ Disclosure Doc. No: 192238


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

87 Sustainability governance and

legitimisation processes: Gulf of Mexico oil spill/ Nader Elsayed, Sameh Ammar.- Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. 2020; Vol.11, No.20, p.253-278.

Sustainability/ Governance/ Legitimacy/ Oil spill/ Gulf of Mexico Doc. No: 200194

88 Sustainable Business Innovation model

for Manipulating Tactics and Changing Consumer Behavior: Based on Mobile Phone Operators in Bangladesh/ Arif Hossain & Yukari Nagai.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.20-30.

Consumer behaviour/ Change/ Business/ Innovations/ Factor analysis/ Bangladesh/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192240

89 Sustainable Development and Corporate

Social Responsibilities of Foreign Investors in Namibia/ Ralph Marenga and Omu Kakujaha-Matundu.- Journal of International Business and Economics. 2019, December; Vol.07, No.02, p.82-94.

Sustainable Development/ Social responsibility/ Foreign investment/ Namibi Doc. No: 192244

90 Team wisdom in software development

projects and its impact on project performance/ Ali E. Akgun.- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.228-243.

Team working/ Wisdom/ Computer software/ Development projects/ Performance/ Knowledge management/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200015

91 Text mining of industry 4.0 job

advertisements/ Mirjana Pejic-Bach,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.416-431.

Advertising/ Personnel Selection/ Data mining/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 200028

92 Transition from web to mobile payment

services: the triple effects of status quo inertia/ Xiang Gong,...[et al].- International Journal of Information Management. 2020, February; Vol.50, p.310-324.

Payment Systems/ Web/ Mobile units/ Transition management/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200019


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

93 TRIZ and Lean Philosophies Applied

Together in Management Activities/ Teresa L.M. Morgado, Jorge Sandiaes and Helena V.G. Navas.- Quality Innovation Prosperity Journal. 2019; Vol.23, No.03, p.90-102.

Matrix/ Contradictions/ Mass production/ Lean manufacturing/ Exchange (economics)/ Problem solving/ Portugal Doc. No: 192224

94 Universities talk, students walk:

promoting innovative sustainability projects/ Claus-Heinrich Daub,...[et al].- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 2020; Vol.21, No.1, p.97-111.

Universities/ Students/ Sustainability/ Projects/ Innovations/ Hybrid organizations Doc. No: 200180

95 Virtuous leadership: a source of

employee well-being and trust/ Martijn Hendriks,...[et al].- Management Research Review. 2020; Vol.43.

Leadership/ Employees/ Well being/ Trust/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 200173

96 What about learning?: A study of

temporary agency staffing and learning conditions in Swedish health care/ Anna Berg Jansson, Asa Engstrom, Karolina Parding.- Journal of Workplace Learning. 2020; Vol.32, No.1, p.63-75.

Learning/ Health Care/ Nurses/ Sweden Doc. No: 200179

97 What do we know about information

security governance?: From the basement to the boardroom : towards digital security governance/ Stef Schinagl, Abbas Shahim.- Information & Computer Security. 2020; Vol.28.

Information security/ Governance/ Digital systems/ Technology/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 200185

98 Who is more entrepreneurial? A

comparative study of vocational and academic students/ Arun Bhattacharyya, Narottam Kumar.- Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 2020; Vol.14.

Entrepreneurship/ Students/ Comparative Analysis/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 200193

99 Work, resilience and sustainable futures:

the approach of work-based research to problems and their solutions/ Lee Fergusson,...[et al].- Journal of Work-Applied Management. 2020.

Resilience/ Sustainability/ Future/ Research/ Problem solving Doc. No: 200177

100 Working Capital Management

Efficiency Of Automobile Sector In India/ P. Chellasamy and Ligy V.K..- Research Journal of Commerce & Behavioral Science. 2019, January 01; Vol.08, No.03, p.14-21.

Efficiency/ Capital/ Management/ Asset management/ Performance/ Indexes (ratios)/ Automobiles/ India/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 192211


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions News

1 ADNOC awards $1.65 billion contract

for Dalma gas project/ Dania

Saadi.- Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 19; Vol.98, No.35, p.5.

Adnoc/ Contracts/ Natural gas/

Projects/ U.A.E.

Doc. No: 200204

2 Big Oil's resistance to coronavirus-led

price drop set to be tested/ Paul

Hickin, Robert Perkins, Starr

Spencer.- Platts Oilgram news.

2020, March 04; Vol.98, No.45,


Crude oil/ Prices/ Oil companies/

Investments/ Planning/ U.S.A./

Shales/ Production/ Cash flow

Doc. No: 200223

3 Brazil's Petrobras maintains 2.7 mil

boe/d output target for 2020: E&P

director/ Jeff Fick.- Platts Oilgram

News. 2020, February 21; Vol.98,

No.37, p.7.

Brazil/ Petrobras/ Floating/

Production/ Target/ Maintenance

Doc. No: 200210

4 China's move to cut natural gas prices

a shot in the arm for factories,

plants/ Eric Yep and Daisy Xu.-

Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 26; Vol.98, No.40, p.2.

China/ Natural gas/ L.N.G./ Imports/

Prices/ Market

Doc. No: 200215

5 Devon reallocates capital in 2020 to

prolific Delaware oil basin/ Starr

Spencer.- Platts Oilgram News.

2020, February 20; Vol.98, No.36,


U.S.A./ Basin/ Crude oil/

Production/ Cost/ Capital

expenditure/ Expenditure

Doc. No: 200229

6 EC sets out climate law to hit net zero

emissions by 2050/ Frank Watson.-

Platts Oilgram News. 2020, March

05; Vol.98, No.46, p.4,5,6.

Europe/ Climate change/ Law/

Emission control/ Target/ Tables


Doc. No: 200225

7 Energy demand keeps rising as oil

industry faces green backlash/

Meghan Gordon.- Platts Oilgram

News. 2020, February 27; Vol.98,

No.41, p.1,10,11.

Energy/ Demand (economics)/ B.P./

Crude oil/ Trade/ Climate change/

Biofuels/ Refining/ Investors/

U.S.A./ Shales

Doc. No: 200217

8 Eni plans oil, gas plateau in 2025

under green energy push/ Robert

Perkins.- Platts Oilgram News.

2020, March 02; Vol.98, No.43,


Eni/ Natural gas/ L.N.G./

Production/ Greenhouse gases/

Emission control/ Refineries/ Italy/

Climate change/ Capital expenditure

Doc. No: 200220


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions News

9 EOG expects lower production

growth in 2020 as oil prices drop/

Starr Spencer.- Platts Oilgram

News. 2020, March 02; Vol.98,

No.43, p.11,12.

U.S.A./ Hydrocarbons/ Exploration/

Companies/ Production/ Crude oil/


Doc. No: 200222

10 Equinor eyes new generation of

Azerbaijan projects with 2020

drilling/ Nick Coleman.- Platts

Oilgram News. 2020, February 26;

Vol.98, No.40, p.5.

Norway/ Azerbaijan/ Projects/

Drilling/ B.P./ Exploration/


Doc. No: 200216

11 ExxonMobil lowers 2020 production

target, slows Permian growth/

Starr Spencer and Janet McGurty.-

Platts Oilgram News. 2020, March

06; Vol.98, No.47, p.7.

ExxonMobil/ Production/ Target/

Permian Basin/ Jack-up rig

Doc. No: 200232

12 Galp targets 10% annual upstream

growth through 2030/ Gianluca

Baratti.- Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 19; Vol.98, No.35, p.4,5.

Portugal/ Upstream operations/

Growth/ Interest/ Production/

Target/ Renewable energy/

Refining/ Brazil

Doc. No: 200203

13 Lebanon to start drilling for oil in

Mediterranean soon/ Dania Saadi.-

Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 25; Vol.98, No.39, p.4.

Lebanon/ Drilling/ Crude oil/

Mediterranean sea/ Total

Doc. No: 200214

14 LNG suppliers eye Thailand,

Turkey, Japan to cut unwanted

floating storage/ Sambit Mohanty

and Srijan Kanoi.- Platts Oilgram

News. 2020, March 02; Vol.98,

No.43, p.3,4.

L.N.G./ Supply and Demand/

Thailand/ Turkey/ Japan/ Floating/

Storage/ Shipping/ Market

Doc. No: 200221

15 Mexico's Enermex plans new fuel

terminal to service Mexico City

region in 2020/ Sheky Espejo.-

Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 19; Vol.98, No.35, p.9.

Mexico/ Fuels/ Terminal facilities/

Stations/ Cost

Doc. No: 200205

16 Parsley Energy to grow oil

production by 10% in 2020/ Mark

Passwaters.- Platts Oilgram News.

2020, February 21; Vol.98, No.37,


Crude oil/ Production/ Permian

Basin/ Budget/ Flare/ Reduction/


Doc. No: 200208


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions News

17 Repsol flags 2020 output decline

amid gas cutbacks/ Gianluca

Baratti.- Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 21; Vol.98, No.37, p.3,4.

Repsol/ Production/ Venezuela/

Libya/ Assets/ Emission control/

Refining/ Carbon/ Intensity

Doc. No: 200207

18 Rising Tengiz, Kashagan output

boosts Kazakh state producer

KMG/ Nick Coleman.- Platts

Oilgram News. 2020, February 20;

Vol.98, No.36, p.5,6.

Kazakhestan/ Tengiz oil field/

Kashagan/ Crude oil/ Condensate/


Doc. No: 200227

19 Russia's Global Oil Footprint Under

OPEC+.- Platts Oilgram News.

2020, March 03; Vol.98, No.44, p.5.

World/ Energy/ Market/ OPEC/

Russia/ Exports/ Supply and

Demand/ Prices/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 200230

20 Saudi Arabia seen unlikely to

become gas exporter despite

Jafurah mega project/ Dania

Saadi.- Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 25; Vol.98, No.39, p.3,4.

Saudi Arabia/ Natural gas/ Exports/

Projects/ Production/ L.N.G./

Imports/ Power generation

Doc. No: 200213

21 Saudi Arabia set to compete against

major Asian gasoil exporters with

Jazan startup/ Jonathan Nonis and

Gawoon Philip Vahn.- Platts

Oilgram News. 2020, February 25;

Vol.98, No.39, p.2.

Saudi Arabia/ Gas oil/ Exports/

Imports/ Competition/ Refining/


Doc. No: 200212

22 Shell looking to technology, AI for

business-wide transformation/

Nick Coleman.- Platts Oilgram

News. 2020, February 24; Vol.98,

No.38, p.5,6.

Shell/ Budget/ Efficiency/

Improvement/ Technology/

Customer relations/ Startups/


Doc. No: 200211

23 Shell sees global LNG market as well

supplied through 2025/ Stuart

Elliott.- Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 21; Vol.98, No.37, p.1,3.

Shell/ L.N.G./ Contracts/ World

markets/ Supply and Demand/

Projects/ China

Doc. No: 200206

24 Singapore's 2040 clean fuel vehicle

target to curb oil demand/ Eric

Yep.- Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 20; Vol.98, No.36, p.3.

Singapore/ Clean fuels/ Electric

vehicle/ Crude oil/ Supply and

Demand/ Gasoline/ L.N.G./ Imports/


Doc. No: 200226


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NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions News

25 Total, PTTEP win rights to explore,

develop Omani gas deposits/ Dania

Saadi.- Platts Oilgram News. 2020,

February 20; Vol.98, No.36, p.6.

Oman/ Total/ Thailand/ Exploration/

Development/ Gas fields/ Gas to

liquids process/ Plants/ Shell

Doc. No: 200228

26 Turkish crude imports jump 50% in

2019 as STAR refinery ramps up/

David O Byrne.- Platts Oilgram

News. 2020, February 28; Vol.98,

No.42, p.4,5.

Turkey/ Crude oil/ Supply and

Demand/ Imports/ Refineries/

Russia/ Iran/ U.S.A./ Sanction

Doc. No: 200218

27 UK proposes switch to higher-

ethanol E10 fuel in emissions

drive/ Chrysa Glystra, Nick

Coleman, Allen Reed.- Platts

Oilgram News. 2020, March 05;

Vol.98, No.46, p.3,4.

U.K./ Ethanol/ Fuels/ Greenhouse

gases/ Emission control/ Conversion

Doc. No: 200224

28 US oil, gas rig count down 5 to 825,

gas total lowest since late 2016:

Enverus/ Starr Spencer.- Platts

Oilgram News. 2020, February 21;

Vol.98, No.37, p.5,6.

U.S.A./ Production/ Basin/ Crude

oil/ Natural gas/ Jack-up rig/ Prices

Doc. No: 200209

29 US oil, gas rig count up 1 to 838 as

prices touch multiyear lows:

Enverus/ Chris van Moessner.-

Platts Oilgram News. 2020, March

06; Vol.98, No.47, p.5,6,7.

U.S.A./ Crude oil/ Natural gas/ Jack-

up rig/ Prices/ Permian Basin/

Apache/ ExxonMobil/ Graphs


Doc. No: 200231

30 Vista bets on Vaca Muerta for 20%

oil, gas production growth in

2020/ Charles Newbery.- Platts

Oilgram News. 2020, February 28;

Vol.98, No.42, p.8,9.

Argentina/ Government policies/

Crude oil/ Natural gas/ Production/

Prices/ Shales

Doc. No: 200219

