a . « e r a . ‘snyshistoricnewspapers.org/.../ed-1/seq-7.pdf · no. 7^ nassau st. new yor &...

teat XO 0&&*eaiUble IorMSSxttiy, Stafiy oro&erpurjxxs-o Call at 4 Stone £t ■'7^y< i '’t x* ' T r i c e * D ow n- ’ ■ ^ Ibtve 1Mb d*y come down on prices od all kind* of PICTURES to tbe olden tim es price. Call a t t-he <3tj Photograpis Pulc^s la th^ ^^cnltsaral Block Witer'omi. ' tf. TTtAKK^ Pt Jprtotfr. J l . Bostsbs, Operator. __________ may-ij&wlm "ty; ty of M.iUinery Goods eTer offer* d in tbe city, con , slttinp <j££in were, Lnoe*, *n4 £»a* fe-Edgca,Jpckfly*, BonnclE, OrenadSnea lor Veils Crape, la ^verytSuag asnally Jonnd In a First CIs*s 313311 Storo. caa bo hmnd s t No. 28 Jkrqted®, over Arcade Entmngi ^>jiM ascending one liipM ofstairs lo «xxaralnoUhts choice ittle nest of Fiiwtrt, n,-d we «ae bound uoijell. Don’t forget tire place, al So. S5 ircade^np itdlro. ap27dtf ? im P » g e —JOsoellsay, Btori w. Sketch** uS fOctlJ. , , . ,7*. •» eon* Ifaxte-Bditorials, CionitDnnibattoaa. Current. Tojxtcssnd Persons) Qoselp. ' 1 X bird Pace—Local Column, Bolin ess Hollcds. ^TuVpSfltac Hbw% and lCadret Reporta. IF o u i ih P e s e —Tcs-tsblo-Chat. Hmacouus, Do men Ic^ Social and Newty. 0f~ SrniKo has Ovkhid, and eucb a <31«pliy of ifintY hats, eay ribbons, ana exquisite Slower* ae iX /JJH f frf T aj apr2Sd2w . I. L. JlunTIflG 'roy 10 Arcade. dood ’B y I 'ntoh'alr." ’ TT lelaine bm(d for 'only 12 KO . Imlta> pnrUoo^^Firft (JosUly Switch' Bral' ^ ^ -juuiititp*}\ ^ r ?3 k*Y« nrranfe- j^mtm one oi the largest tnd mbit mklible Im^ porting FluhflAT Aeriattoln New Yottc< oz^guch Au vorable terms, lhat tbey can bell to Merctamta and Cheese Factory Agents, at as low prices mu cad be pnrchased of any 'Wboleeale Jobbing Eonjwi iajDew York. Ail persona wishing ifie krtfelo W it3 dcPweU to call on them before purchasing elsewhere. No. 3, Washington Ilaco, Waterto wq, N. Y i »\ . ■ io t^—rr-—h ----- --------—■ ------- pg^gaiarlLC f-r the Hair frr !a_*o by allTXriigpUta. pff~Kftsarine f_>r ihe Hair for sale by all I>iu gists. ’TifcSntfi DtVtfrces legally obtalnehin N et Yprk*^ jj,dh na, Illinois and other States, for persona fromT State or country, legal everywhere ; deiertlon, itfa, tknmcsp nop-aapport, etc, lafflqlent capsc: no cstK VO bhargu until dlrorte obtained. a ^ t a f t IL in&rt%sToBows, until forUu||totioe: L^ave for Home, S 23 tun.-, 12 tn. , 6 lOp.tp.- For Oga«asbBr& 3 a.m. 4 15 p.ip. 9 15 p.ip. on Satufdaya. Leave WaL Jiinrt'fi for Cape Virncent, 8,4^ a. 8 50 p. m. 9 05 p. m. Anrve ftvtm Rome, 8 4(1 a. m. 3 55 p. m. 9 07 p.m. From Ogdensburg, 11 40 a. at- 3 litt p. tn. At JnmcBon from tba Capa, 8 lo a. ia. t;i6 p, ru, , W. W. Saamrc A Co. Pabllaben' Agent!. rfV.bon« Bttiidlnga, N. Y., are amborixed to contrict fc^ V tlllly tn<gtja^h,_ ^ STAQK8 LKAVX WATKBTOWS c . Ccoaaisex. Aaxwi ■ . ------------------- iS-"a; ~ afciV imSm^ -jp K jjlU jp & Cmvri Street, Watertoini. •’ ,pubv free. Add. >** mlldSm w—bv —- x,w— Advice Btuluess testahllsbed flftaasi ye^ra. M. HUUSB, Attorney, No. 7^ Nassau St. New Yor & city, « -------------------------------- 7 ^0 U tr’i r»orwe*t*n Ca« U n r Oil U less objt. Ctionable to tbu taulo and smell. It li more readily ti Jtcn by dcllcato .persons and cblfcdres. is morAeasi I/S* rimUated, Jnd is prodnctivb of more inimedlat. i thanotherkindsof oil are, D b . J. M aeion .S ims say*: “ For some yc*jg I had given np tho o#o oi'C'fd llrtrO U ailogetlacr; bnt Ub timtinn v’&s called byPr. Sayre Zc Peter Holler’s r»»i Llvt'r Ui*t. ITiBve peretrtbed te fljfloat daily, and ha ve tv try r visvn to be perfectly uiUAfictf With It.” paid by oil D ruggists. _________ A pr 9d3m em ^ gBUING IUACHB *BS POB SAW. ‘lV o 8 edon J Uand t r^rin^ Trfadhliioa. ' Or o the H< >»o Improved, sn^ the other* Fttkle und Lyon- B oih ln perfect«Tdir. Apply at *9 SLono Street. nray4d6t JO TBD PTXBLIC. 1 ‘rte^rablfcsTohePehTnoclflkd, thxtl havoro* covered f.*om sickness, and have n'Skmed ^ r t a i Houso an 81gn Paintlog. Qmlnlnx’, and Traper- Hunglng, a nd tnaj bo seen, or orders left <st B. P. Bolchktn’a, will receive prompt at tonhao. > Apfiddw fc tbAsui Mttlkar will •ooaoaca'io MAalfti t>a. inbabtta^ta $ I lbIn city with PCHS FRE8E3Jf/LJC fgr ki, nn^lttjriilaj, Uarcb 31. 18*10.’ An «t' Till tti foh ** 1’enpiiin atCoi 8fio« Bloio, ' i tun. a” , wbo wtabton \o»t« ordtrlT mch^dlm H. EBC EKlt t a, ki « . dlsca*«ii. ncnp« .as dch Uuy, rlnfitDg In thecu^rg, srm- lnui cml#f ton s ]oa* ot^iror, ciofc&d bv txnUwcretioa In joath, ex isrtce, <5 c .emule weakness* womb dleoM«P, scr JtuJu, tkln dlfcascs, •*'*!’ i t s all Its fortxrs, eao»h lore thi. bfct and 21* . . uOinlatho bones, old > crve, ernptb'D,i Ac. spcvduv cured — Balsam Cc»jivla and Mo, ~cary dtssardod Sold la Watertowo . N Y. by N. M . Smith. DraegigU Prico A3 per box Sent by^nall o* trtic'l of prlco Iwb94dly a prj-sa, ojtfa5.oios » 5 h » ok ^; A V-, * t 75B*rr«ls B n ia o ’t Apploa, SO Boxoa OraDjaiiind 1 onom, Al«o-l ho Pamooa 8ASIU A Lt S AR 1B1A_B COP- F&A. Dcaitn aio oi|>ccm,ly Intcroatod la calling at tbo Row Blodt Tea, Grocery aod Fruit Bwiroor t ;i r .,i iv-a- avpotiuaP' B cJdIn|-6vttPlaa^7 cnoTCRtrotnscnoNs. Tattlinl, 0»TMfT«a«| Tom»t8 and all Vegetable Flacta, j m. a . w w x u . PASnlONABLB Cloak aud Dress Halter, AD of tn*hlf4rt»tyliia of l^ttoms Trltatosi'obd Plain,kept conatantJyonhaxid.nl No, IS Arcade 'WaMrtowmH.r. JJODSK AIU> XOT NOB SAXE. —Gold, 1UJ —Tho farmers w»nt rain. — Ladies desire what men admire — beaaty. t -A bottle falling Irom a man’s pockiit las^ e'ening-, excited curiosity. —Turin, of lata, bas had four fires of con siderable importance. —Hiss Edgarton, the star of the lecLtra field, at Oswego to-morrow evening. —Jfiemembsr the grand entertainment at "Washington Hall this evening—a grand, il luminated moving metropolygram, or N bw York by daylight and gaslight. —Richmond Fisk is delivering a seriet io( lectures to the students of the Bt Lawrm ice University. —Oswego Cotlnty Farmers have £uen bitten by tho “Sickle Bar” swindle If they had read their local papers, thoy woubd not hare been taken in. Patronize tlie county papers, and keep out ot tho clutches of tb» swtndloTS. Simuel Dailey, of Llsboh, on Wedne a-_ day, while in Ogdcnsburg, picked up s pocket boofc containing (180.25, had tho owner looked up, and gavo it back to him. Honoris due Mr. D. —Tho Horticultural Association hold t meeting to-morrow at 2 p. o , at ths Com mercial College) Rooms. A large attend ance ie desired. Wisconsin cinrgyfnkn wind hu boen pTSieJilog againstmarriagA is ucertaincd to havo nyie wives living in different, parts 0lt£<*c£tljitxy:' " , > — A ppecial mooting of the D. P. Society is sppoiDtod lor this ovenuig, at Ti c^’clock, to Consider mi^teyspf grave imports nee.— ^vo^y.momDer Should he present, —A Vermonter, on n bet, has tgn ed to htmesi himself in a sttlky, sod drsw a man weighing one hundred pounds a mils in 15 minutis. A youth, with a turn for figures, had fivo to hoil,aad being told to boil thism throi'attlhatei ciiii rhatl*d th«n a ' t^iartter of an liouy altogether. V A correspondent up north, writes that an egg weighing 4} ounces, and whoSi circncnfcrcncci aro respectively 8^ snd 7 in- oheA ffkn be; fwk at the (tore of E, B-Alreen at OxBow. It is the product of a hen of the common barnyard varioty, aed owned J inder Laidlow. Tho “biddy" ,/W tU P»i'f fi ^ lovdfl\|t*rk>qa |o bpdllyhcalth is that of g^ of: espcdally when it lv deep ly sealed snd' Indulged. By enfeebling tho wbdte nervous system, it depresses tho i of;the heart,jAhd retard* tie ’ tircn- of the hfood. It priy* upon tho mind, ss Will as pn tho body, and U nonr- a e r a . ‘s to get started lofbowe. Appy aness toW tu they ^ad fceen'Welging tos Creelyin tlx •‘flowing bowl.” .aThsy woull!. h i - t eatds only been heard—pot seen. —An amusing little incident Cook plans last evening, which- no doubt wiH be ot in terest, to thu young and inwrpwrienoed.— Shortly after the shades of bight W gath ered ov«r th^city wad tha baitlw-ota sum* mer evening fairly b g tu , a youth and gem1 tie msnd who by aiohe ^fWitilaa. bad meat upon the (trust, came leiiuyly wulkt.eg bo- ward a plaoa wher* tet aMrehandaH was sold. She steppsd ia to ataks a ptirehaael while he trained outfi^e to grswt htt wrhaa dhe b^toiRb,'htaihMii, b^MIliad long an^ in yaln.ahe'caxns n o ^ h o t f ^ i- W * ’ nr way : Tout na« nut nwweGdt,‘ thataterw, "IUve,g«aonHi,iO*!etrtwo Uefc iooo. Utica io R^ mirja . 28, Shaw aod oomnasoeedj' Etna,-U] road. lished in ’\>r,ti!fi*adUty’r Common Ooattjl, lows: n Theruday, April tractors, th farm near Jlhctland m l- hos pnb inga of tha read U fol- motlon lotion d, aa w.sll as pn lplnlgyccejto tii* Qtmdtd riegroe of excess. * —A lew days Sjnco a story of sn elope- 'bioitrflt Btfi^wCompj w xnUbro&d, which has pr^vin ts be ssritewhAt difeeront than tjvxs first reported. A msyried msn ran tWaywitli an orpht'n gnl, ■ vho#o age ts fourteen yoaxs They w-ero ov srhauled at Romo hy th* girl’s guardian, aad returned. To “clsp the climax," the worthy guardian places tint gixl in th* charge ot th* delin quent husband and hia wife, and they adopt her, for safe keeptng, we suppose. Barnes Corners people arc much excited over the affair. Lnst oVwnldgl to We were taking a twi light stroll her* snd there, seeing the „ snd getting items of interest, wa observed ujxtn the Square a mammoth show* wngon, decorated aod adorned hi gorgeoussfyte—around which were stand ing a countless number of boys and some mSn, nltfarUli thrir hands in their pockets, ts if kuspltig back the loose change. Al 'fhst wt wendeWd—finally we were dose enough to peruse npon tbe great cover, in black lef tea, examine these trace*.— ;le»rn ‘stMetbTcfe new, we marched boldljftbfi^mrri the traces, feeling safe, and quite sttn) no ot e conld beat us, for we had no pockets, and tlaei ,bq loo** ^badgec We examined the traces, and fouftd that somewhere—sometime — they had been tplfdCd by a wooderfdlonaent, which ths proprietor of the establishment was then retailing- This w«s tbe only peculiarity the iraterexhibited. But the man who talked said i t would stiok wood, glass, mar ble, o r anythdag so closely that no hmnan ingennity conld SepBSte them. 'We aaked ThcHonfo snd Lot fonnsrlvoccnptDd tivfeniv" F. ajTmop^g, opf ,VIjvll(on^^qaart’^ aad Prospect Ht safe. Tfce 0 B8 «f I most pubfiiancifll snd befit bom in lno dt/. pier n alejgo lot. aod snrroondod by ibq tretis, (apples, port, p»o»*. th*rtl«^8< groat t&ttadabce. wirgo Qordo&, eontamtog an] aai In era; Bo ilS- >y ibd dfc - -cO (Wy located on a texgo ia wttft treti*, (apples, great hbtindance. grapo vice*, rafp-be^ry. ittawbcrry nnd flower beils, "vs .n * ^ : 5 Ii * d .si,,i„ , % Adjoining tbo above, and rani'isg tbrocgh oo Ibnos* 14O r s t m Q b T h a iwlu^ e h to> ?etM«»4r«*par&tely, at a benzalu, JPDtjHiriieT par tlcnlaxB, ccqalro of Loti 8.cxrn. -WSiHl JAJCE3 A. BgLL H a SIQ M AIS1 Would, inform . the CStizen* of Watertown EBid’ Vicinity tha-t be has removed tp , , t if W IM B l C "nt w ith an Itqrfrp oQ m 1- - Ssq • Comprising styles in * ' 1 4 *■»*• .«lP t f <4. . » «* . , .c Y Oj^B®. .. f: e T t e ExLl'S BLOCKED ATiTDXBOliEiP b.yC . E A S T l^ K E Practical Hatteiv- • - lBqMwhr : : paum tc, t ’ G L A Z I N O a ’ X» « i ii& * ’■* >4»i; ' PA TER H A lf-B lE fG . t .. . t* PiIH7,0nASDEI.ASlSftAII* s ..Ini MJU.1& n -U,,h%t tea#>*x»w ,w«,„ woik sa1 ■tiArcRW ' - a1 ACXXritaUA i 15»- “ ^ * * 1 SICE TOP1 WtdOYif'J* AddrcfP, eUticg styloasd price, Dia^vr ap96dSl* W Si. Oommares Cocnmlttw* of th* House will |* M fi t£<UyJto oonatdw tbe sulyect of w»ter *oBuauai<)*ti<)B bstwoem th* *aat and w**t, aa* ridiiotio* o f tolls of New York Otnili, ai providsd for ie Bccnets bill ^N*w York , 0. At tba mseflug of tbo Rtpublican Qsner al ObhiBaitiA i u t stMste(, the proposition to appoint aoomuiltae to conaldsr the expt- tU*B«y o f ealhag ipoh nwtnb*n oi the par- tylo ooukxlb«ln tovards buildtig a large Republican hill oa fhe joint stock prtnci-. pie, erntlwnria* ii Bdvisabl* wu unanl- ettihHrfoMetl. J k ^ Kdsoa ant ia tho United State* Okcnit acaart foe tklsdiitrlet yesUrday, for fctftWtiiif hetriBr trwvmsatt to the 2% S w n aliifSi«-< S l^ lgeftat the Pacific ~ railroad lOoaputy. It wlU t>« retasm bend that thia case wa* orrigiulty com- meaed hefors Judge Biabfhford in the State Saprens Court, but application was (dbae^aaiatly mad* to hsva it traailtrred ,to t)MPedenal Court. Judge Blatchrord aRatward ttecidad that the filing of the ap plication aad papers with th* clerk of the Federal Courtremofsd the eased* facto from th* Stkte conrta witkentaey fiirther aigu- ment or ordsrg but Jadgs Rarasrd diasent- •d frOU this opintoo, holding that the ease belot* bin. In prior to avoid cocfilof- of jnriadiotion between the two the centie of the terminus o f l/'ailiu rtrteti, Wd.^r tending in a o( Academy street, to he known anu nated, when surveyed asd recordod, ai -“ “t Un Street, that theeaid-«tre*t shnJllbv tbate rods wide, apd » survey oi thb fame b* made and recorded. BT*A one hone lutnbir wagnw tor dale by (m8 d3t-wJ> t. B, faawiLi* - - - -i - - - i i ’■ » tWFoiBxma—a Uaat two m il* Osnl! iW •taadlnjj top, aadsasrlr 0,w- Enqiuw St 11 Ar “ *• JMdSteU I F " Nsw S ttlk i. —LsdiVa tim m oollar* and cuffi ln white, and black end w hi teg entirely new atyle* just received a t ths one price comer store. H T Now style o f all wool dr u t good*, for mourning, just received at ths on* price comer storo. t# "W ahtwd .—Two first cissa painter# and paper hanger*, lsunsdiataly, bom Ma vra need apply. Enquire it No. 25 factory 8t- W. a Swcrua. MW* - E F Rxoolax , meeting of Watertown Typographical Union No. 1ST, at Typo graphical Hall, Friday STaniag, Itay 6th 1870. Gao. M. Ocvoaxj, Rac. A Oor. Eteniary. W J o * fbr dlggtnj a osltar 40txli0 and laying atone wall tor a m will b* 1st. G»o. W. lTaowia. (W Hxuxnujt A Cow sot hsv* just re ceived a large (took o i Teas, Oofieae, aad Sugara, which they Mil cheap lor cash-— They also haws Dtklsarth'a aoa-wxplofivw fluid for sala EF" Lotte’itteDr. Edw’d 8. Laming ormorly of ttdadty: Vuroxua, Mxooi talk. 1910. N.M. Bstra.kM.-Iksnend D r . B l m s - omtlon o{ Rbvaoih, uS XUTtkm* tlocare (Seiaaa tbxsisyotawaxxnaolOeaiad. Iteaaltsfiwt acqalittlcmto tha rm*«|1n», sad H S S E r n ta iu a slid toslo saA I »ATha “Blxlr*’ U t bso _____________ a vtrtaes of Ih* dnf. T Sd. tAa virtaea Sd, oo ___ A*quaa rvpaUtlOMtad poUoftOtt sa*rtw's *— *- bsiiii itiSwrvfaand(or IMbotUy bt _ tbe 11thday ol Jolt, 1170. it ICVeloek, a. lasuUon ts Utsrsaxx htTBl * ’ •JSM R fl of May, 1870, t» tho sold Oyc ffrwlii to «pp peoco, CoroDi k«s icy P*TiOM i oU t t w 11 d*Y J g - g g thcrairStb* tnkliicf'If-^SSSt ' 1 in of° * " ict ! * * V A. * • WtoMILOCX. HOCK, B oi J oa . Jbi oflML T GLEN CO BY GOLD-DUST. DAM , a (hovo«xhbnt a*Sr«, ty Iw will stand U wystate* tMiaasos Ia," ‘ colts, ronfl S & ^'iS T V S S ^^^tei* r»u. ti* I also ractlra* Srst t m l i a s *' °lM yw oil site nekltexeolls. IwUl in>*edbl Mstoitaatss^lAW!. <> Termt—Por S«i*on, po, set lias of Mrrlcw. * Tb as sure, $*0. whs* prorw an loaL ftscksts Birtxrr, If. Y., a p ii itau iwa^Ziwiwit Q vrntoija con (B uck 0oat*4 PUIi Wfi A period mtwUtal* lor Co* cocloks, more ccaaesM^ kB* Ir** 'to* i*dtnis.(Nd i*#te ilteto’tot* Mgbly tbe Mtdical Fscnltj hire u 4 MBajups. l*t wit timbhli __________ ^ ______________ Karrs if it would stick hasbanfi and wifet^rmly dinrces, no rlqpementa, no diacord^ togetfasr. - JHa soberly informed us i ***!% < > Vould ever wrist with a box oi this wonderiql u rici* ior;tbe bouse. Believing this, aad re memixriiig fhat'ivahadA iriend Vhiif. beed- tijuBttMh borrbwad KOflte’lWM eite*f»<«iw-fitead, puxchieed a ........... fott cat your right band bscomaa jour left B Medical Fscult; hire u 4 MBmsps Apwtpb t with tetter p*tUe»l*res*5 w**| «»k»tlt ta*. nohtaleftoa •Wlitto wbyWllsas, wk»laV«s*** •“ WWESB bwm - esfi'f. IfHAN ALLtd THB M *M *ros MTORT , , ,4Sf*w(jYd' World'*Wriiatnilton special tdegmphn that tha Howard fnvrwtigstion was con tin- a*d yesterday. lYaatdwhaxgs U>* inventor of tbs patent bvick ot which ths University is bril^ adhtnd to h is statement that Gen atal Hovratd u d Ocwnpany had produced worthl w »ateo ai, though h* maintained that tho iavtoUoa wa* a good on*. Tesfi- moey fully su*ta)na ,the charge that )»by dii freedwte^ r‘*9, b»«fht this patent and ' - th*a paid tie fuadi rote tbeir own pockets for using tt in anettBg ths University build ing. •’ , * lfiOBiCFll The wetting ot fiw committee of the ■ ' thkt AFTKliNOON BKSraCHES. Rocur.svsu, fi. ifing oi 8Uato8portftncr»'.' .... w caiW feoUkc plsoo <»r tatlrisoitjr, and tr coatin,ue four dajA fiBAJuVIM.m, 0„ 8. "*WffebnVia- m tlio tvt w iMva-ct oi tf,, water worts cxplodul a! IG uM, ik thxi morning. TlK) Cnfiinecr snrt tlrcui«n wire tho .only persona in the tmilcling. The fire man vas blown through the roufand land ed 50 feet irom the building, llo will pro- The engineer a mot m«#h litir.. Building was blown to |>iicc&. Loss ah >ut (100,000. New Your, 8. The McFarland trial—Tbo announcement ooprtilJ submit I alter to Judge Nelson. contin the coptmll on both aids* tgrcefi to th* whole Tb* arguments fa tks can will h* aad to to day. WaaruMOToN, fl. The Senate Einanoa Oommttt** yester day rtsum«d tha oonaidentton of the bill fof tas tadpofiou of iutetntl revenue taxes. Bamatery bontwali haviag bmn invited waa in aanftiMMS with thus for upward! of aa boor. Tha OenunittM informed blm What tfjt«U ptepOMd to do by way of r»- ducing U ^ t e l taXAticn, and rsqnestlng hia vlswa. It waa finally agiesd that ths bill * W d terayh.'Ntad, rivaling fan* on aU ealsa excspt whh''Y. tobacoo, and it- ootne*. Obi or Uo o.*W ktttera will probably ba laelixtM, bnt t2'*T °f D0 material lapertaaos. It era* mcgnsttd that aotna ohug* «hoold ba mad* to to* !ncoai tax, by lnentaini the •xesnp'i00 to tea thawufi dollsru Tfse ItacrsUry In- dkteted that It*would not dbj&t to tkts, u it arould act rtfiuc* the rmuMmcr* than four ct |wp aiUfou "the Qpkunittee agree a* to nduciag tha tax to fl pur ot., and us oppomd to any taKfssM of tx*viptlo*. Tbe of Um tax an th* stticlm ecnmen- t*d la Um bill; which la clsdea etlm, licaa- jcc, grow r»e*ipti, ■pmcJol taxe* ot all kind*, ssBBflteturw'i Ux, A a, wtu, it u baUuvad, ndaam (he vwveaaa upwards of (40,000,0**. Ths prapcssAblll, it amr», Mtfttog U » visw*,«f .tfty Ways ana Mean* Ommlttea. Thay will never O^OdHki bdflp fh* income tax at tha prea- M%if|{t*. Huy ;h*T* virtually agreed to teduq* it to I par os*A, asd iacresae th* uwyUom. to fiS.OOO. Xvsn this bUl will, tte diipUntaTy oppoaud vbeu tt tome* up toe coeaidmtlau, bat Ih* inepraMten is Utef it os* b« osmid. s tj«!CA«0, t. to-day attracted ad immense throng to the court room this morning. I t transpired at an early hour that for ressoms unk noun to tho public, Judge Davis woald not sum up for lho prosecution, and that his connection with the cose vras tlius virtually ended. This rumor caused much scnatian among the friends of Richardson, and t t waa unhesi tatingly asserted that outsldw influence hid b*en brought to boar to prevent.. Judge Davis from summing up, as wvas Uis In ten tion- Wk*n the Recorder bad taken his seat the Ifdraed counsel for tbe defence, Gra- hqpi, commenced his oioilng speech amid trcalbleaa silence. Tho Ounard atoamer Siberia, ftom Liver pool, which is aome days overdue, was spoken on tho 80th of April, with her shaft brolcen, bring then 1,300 miles west oi Iceland. 6be was putting back lor Queens town, , Mhfiiak FrMBI* aad Itaok BXarle* LoknoK,. t—1 P. H . Oocn'i—Moncj 94. Accoanl Amwlcap BecurlUea quiet. Mo’a .1669, «H : or 1868 , old6?; 1687, SO 5 , 1 ,. 10-40' a , S8J(. Btockl qallL Erie, IVJfs Illluot! CAOtrat, lll)f ; Oroat, Watci ■ 'IH X^ivuirco , S. Ootion acxn- Masdi UJ4 0rl«A8> n x . Red Wgxorn Wheat 9 rOBd.. Rad V f uter n l <9 ttoliorula. OaSd. Uacolpls of irbait thb port fin lho pA it UiroodljB S .SUQ quarlcra. moallx American. O orw —90s Lard qnlcl. Purk, qul*t. lQi, O O M M E U lIl A l.. itavf York Rtoak and Rateav Karkat* aamavBD roa *. r. ramxxx te co'i sca««, H aw Y ou , M ir &. 19T0 O.B.I’a 510 coup. '19 111 coup. ’IB 1 ! do Niwlaina.,^ I . U.S.A'a 5*0 eat*.'«>11 UBA’aUDooap. 4* UK 1040 Bt(lH*rod.... )0sk i*40cnp«*a 107V VtrriniAi ax. ooop . IS Dot’s now ............. g Tssu. Si t t lolp... *0 O.AK, O ils 87 h i .... ---- N. Y.O. W . Y.O Kris CU^o and Alton. .IU loip. ia , saw.... Mltsoarl tlxts...... M. a- 41 .. a it B.R. . Owajuit Scrip W).' tt N B ^ A l)V8R]CISEM^NTa. Agents VYanted fitf^r Ne^ Rilmer’s Boijk,1® A Cfm.Uvt* fiuirtv lerP«meri',y.,W»hdMi7dJli’ i VTCTy dcpa.iment ->.f /'frWui.mc: tvy a pAstolW Fnrtncr ai tiror. liiuc^teuiwl Dtoil’ A ny, fpcuro toir tery al oir.'. K. B TkRAT*COu Vah ft I AJrO tatiw , N* Y. is 4<( ROOK AfciENTa W.% nTED VO a s6‘ T e n l re,€is WallStvceL I’iov„ai,c.,l the raetctl ewlUnj) b.jnk Out One Apcnt roporte 78 ord,re tn5 dare. Il Inc’irdes all that i« myatcrloo* an* Inieroatlni; tc tha lorn« .>] eiH-colatlon. lSji-ar-' e««rle.ncu of Itip anth(,r: nrfMin and i.ivo» of vkcuerblw, mew, ru ,k OouWAndrasoy uchers. Pilled wit* )UA*tk*,Uo:a». I" svetoa t Serd for MHariarl to WOSTUISXSJ'ON, DUSTIN A CO., Ilsrllortl, Ci >n. ,lff£.vra WA-Vp 5,7V-A IW te *900 wp WwoA'V- cma-ppmew. .V.W 9WAff«. Xrniri rMtgsHmend O e s *a ftxxyttat lo C m ra o fin - ttU Hew Uw*. ” 01’R FA TUBBS M OUSB OS, The Unwritten Word. By D aniel March , author of the uopnlar ** NWhi 8coa«».'' Th»« master of thoucht and Ifcngu lUUce ia,»he Qiecat Thl* master of tho^_. ^ *how»oftmto\&rletkca aod beauuea \a,the Or cat Boa.«e, wlih It* Bloomlnyf tl'tyr ora, SlnMur bltd*. WAyltip palm’, Itollmg oloude, Beaattlui bow, Sa cred Moom alu5 Dellghilul ltia-ore. Mlihtjr Gees uu, Tnumflcrma votcee, Bitaluit heavena aid v**t tml verse vrltb countless boenrs In mlUlnns nf VmrJdK sud rctds to ss in each tke r nwtluoo Wert. ■ ' US tod paper, prntio ouaravlngs and suptrbMndl ng. Kondtor circular, m which Is a tun t.efcrlptlcn nui Ufi' v sal coamcndatlant by the prctS imdlstsre i bUK a or feotlnftftchi Mm. 4 ^ AGENTS WANTED FOR THB PHYSICAL LIFE of WOMAN. TWSXrr-JCIFTH m o USAM) Jro\Y JiXAbr, BY GEORGE H. NAPH&YS^tt. 0. The most ramarkabls tacceis of lho d|y. , Is I pv with onproofdomed tap’dlty. U dauntaiv rcrw Man and Woman uudbt lo k n ow ,lit (Sm II orwltliunpfeofdomodtap’tlUy. ■ir<fisi*t5rw“ d i ovcrte Mao and Woman oiwbt toknowsiai-fliw do. llwtUfAve muohiqflartnit, .A t (be oiu* ntpfthbie wm upon tbo *\ngle and mu-ftwi rife, if t» * ---------------‘ dhy Pref.Wm. A.UammoWda rtoH ty recomftioodod \ Hit*, liopktu*. Ui)?. 11>V notl* Mr*. U etc. Ntrtnp oaly. Seim etamulurnampb oKMKU bo * URt*’ MAUuBAwTpnHllin 11 O r Fin fhs ]) J hf li’vlM ,( Ve gf t ami r ^ Jj[ t A* t i l l . \N ’ f . C' ■A . 1. ,. A rr HMANi N ; '1 1 1 ; - 1,> 'G ilumai an. to , \ imltxotil VdUaclolJhfe^ >ira Vinna, M .1)., afli hi* devote* 87 yMfs iu Amirtua jXxirai.- 4tV & .V % w 'h "m rsdlaltiU. 43)4 ,qat*-U4K n .teuam> *XU*ABUR—Kij/ ■pwa’T - ia i * do csnl 114 met. cteottii mi L*k»Shore. DM TolptoM Wsbaoh.. MW "JB WM USLurtf. IB) lUtltll OanVtU ..... ,l4\>* citu.te m ” . loovs TEEnffefc® Mavr T«rk rio d M tir jatowday, (1*- V ttttd Smith it Hayasris Uusry aafl aaehiaa shop, Loa* (*0,000, RaoxUrro, 8. Tht sum** of thi Nsw Totkbnx^Lu* ccsc*fs*d ia tba lata aehbssy if* Joseph Denisli, sliaj HMlftas; Oharlts Hnight, iMd ttoBdte W. Kk«a, allaa Cbsrlu Ad- totoi a ^b* Uttar U oi|« of tb* most notori- tk* eoaantty,and wte da-i b*n*dfa th* yavwsy hank robbery. It is Who to *t krge, ta John w. Raad,t alls* Jack Rand, of Bq*- ton. T**|4iiki*(<i>tta*n4i *ad eonwey taki* I* * liitta ovw 100,000, which u b*- ii*vad to ba m r y do liar take*. The offi- t e * Wd OMtet} art working ap tbo ctsfl, uuL th* prtiiafiaaiy Muasinxtaoi will take pitcttakfcn Ptlio* Jtadgs Eton, btut th* tiwr hM not yit 1 mm -fixed. RtOMMOWl I, fl. OrtlnalM hM baM Jwatd by Dawid J. Bun,FrMid«t ot Oi* Cbaahw o t Com- m m *i fiteMiri HttlflMd, U. 8. A.; John Puftellj CMfcma Dittetirttiiag: Con writ ta*; Ufi Uue Dampovt, Jr^ Prcddmt o f .the i»t Ntataul Btatk ted Tztetnrar of tb* R, ltaf OonurittM — OMUttaf tbit orrang*-- m«eta for distaikwtiit ths fond rcesirtd htellLta* f*J *p*r*tlo*. Th* Commlltte ItoiFStea ao o rtaaizsd a* |o ioiura r«li*f t* IB thsrerifctvit by tte lata-cstaoity. Th* trosm m n k d n i tyjtob yhatarday from Nortbsrm. dtite - i Avaaru ,Ga,,fl. Mntcr^ttaManWagtakMup aatoag uu |je qhsffidlaioad :»rk*t,.. Mtw Tsu. AUY, A INI COTTON-NowlBOl-’HV *IMUtei IP****. VLOUR-* Iwtttr oa law aetd" Rsetopls, BOO fl D*mlr, 0 *1*1 ii- A I BOO 50 Ibr tiparans But* ic* WHtera i UowUWP to eholte ■xtn Blata 8 15*8 It SOMO* «o ***** ««(• WtttsnS 10* s 65 1 Ooaaoa lo chotci roaaq hoop ouoatBetea . tT B YLOUK—Qolst Sals! HO BVmll I at I 96® tm WH1AT—Dvooplur- ’ RieU. 84,000(*1M at 1180X M No. t ipilax lM Wtaiw.filitMid BBterWHitrte. c»XN— ytaiw. RsoslpU 7,000 *al*t, tajlOOii XXOO10B Ear N«W Wxsd Wt*t*ro. OATl-qnlsb Kacta. S .OOO : ulM 14.00041 tigQ*B for lfMt!ra rOBXe-Rasdy. Raealpts 100burala tt KOK Ysv dim *. BBar—*1*147. OUT-MBATB—Qolll. maKD-n*ll. ICOMMtte «Ut*X)1 SOt8l«l» Mtoad 1 11# >*tu»t a iw* Btrrrak-iintat. itato cmioi bsom tor sun, unnwa— d « u , mom aoato-scasua. tabif *ta(*«u, BUGASB—QnitL M IJ4M# tow Oita. PYTROLXUM-aiSAtr. UMHM. Um, Chronic Itbonmsliu tioar»1gi» m tho Urti li emlacul MPI ... ___ Khoyunlilun snd honnliils iptciily.andll. Mcllcii 1'roicrston publicly (nmiuupwlki Ih*' cl asii horlljr fn HhosmstldCOaiplstaU. (fit® ■ony.) Iub pieutsniandigtreuiWptor — wirrmmpd ftv« rrum minerals *rd .Itrin nil • idiosude preparation, a licmcal;monhtol), snd svtrr mod utmct rollian otth a pirwliaullU hirtrUeii, i«nt l\u pirn lot taflanmithry ( b s Xi 5H-. !*fif I, IM iJ.F Lime for Sale. r ix Un'lei’ljnwl II, DOWmateHi to Quick Urns, burnt m bUklln a t Chasmxiit In MV)title’ lo •lltpsrokaien’. Kniijsly lu, sABsns- IM * snd qUllU.^ nnAU'psatsdi It cidms ihypwotu in f ALSO-Ot7TV S T O N E ) Tor Window Hills, DoM-StSLlTaaM'taM*, Oow- fM~ Patronspo lollclleA Chaumont, April 14 1170. 1. OAK)ft. IB*r «9m noM* eMBATCirr xmibcj ovt-cali- ■ute see It it Rut's KvwsIlaoM, No. 1 Alum. inr mviluab's lor nsaAvtaw Iw* -Jtsil'fyM, v. aft. Stains, Mlldsw ffojn tha hud I,ps jxrrorilo**. wilh- out ths illthlMt liJsryUth* ao^M U o^ hbrlc- Rous* kerwsii, Bo*k jt*«p«4 s*d Should got os wlthoat II, FliuMte aplMlf r vJUMOfiNT XlLXst. V ----------- RIMOVID TO J, D. 3XJD0*’* CUT whf(• ordeil c*te hs Itft A»I«IB K C . FCFtLtR. apidtr , orrtcA mmov MRAT MAHIMT, Wk bs pronptffiUotlofL Noaralpla In tho Head, NcatHlnta tn Ih* Moif. csl suvlco erttonal ch’tvesaul bj |ott*». AUxjrdCM ' sont by Kipress Collccica on Hell' ‘ Dtpot '01 Urutdwsy. , _______ tire in -u p •a «Nt» 0'iil, MYSTERIES OF M| BjJ. n. UttADtl. K4IIC7 sffsd . ... fUkllTlflli 01 AInfl Ipfstfhr WfitlA'hli UnMnn*s,thiLacrl> , tntiin’JJfluoenkrsvl UKNTH wAJIl ont tamu and a ful trw*. NAUOSA pall, ta. The New Article of Fo6t(f For twonty Hto qonta^p pity oi your Dniggist or GY^f|,pkpSkii ago of Boa turod fVoni puro Irish M p« or Ojufe. aftcen, wluoU will injiko »i«O 0 l; uATts of Blwtq Hji»go, fttiC'n flfltfl u&nrity oj jffliifardij Ironms, Oiyarfotto It is by far ths clioupwhtthoAUaltei and most doljcioufl^od .jytejrld. BailSea" " " 35 PARK ^Lip pLpTAlorgfll - s d S -i 8 eqr~x, This woiiflorfnl vogotjtbiG j tive It thu ■ lioot-anclior of ibo and debilitated. ,A*' tt -fonife cordial for lho ftgoflcri- haa no equal among,atot|ia< It! a remedy 191 tho ijqryo to -wlilch women nro eij jept, it 1* b i^ w c I M M kp ptt stimulant. Ip oil, cliipltfol^dpl' toinpcrate or frigidy-it itchbita J " dflc iu ovmy spools toil»d wllich un derittifics, 1^ 1 y f,J«lrbtijrt)h •odrMftloi 1 For mle by all drilggiiti, , ,.,,1 W h MnrchS-Cm t I fl LIflf()P'2.i05v r»* » wWtME&t gem* ARM AOT F M BAU, tee.. veld finite, with b*r», rat ... — meat ’'•sBtnnanajBTSSTTTfSB'N** 1 _ f: x u n , -tovNte Work!, teaowfayirtdSB ” ' ST BpecM MfjRftbk StiM W jrjgiito S t m *1 ~~ ____________ m m * Hitei ito if toantafi **fl >g f | j *a | mnj ipewi Tf--- - vesBS&attmt afc.ise as oplMir Wo, illBtxMrtfataS*, -^ta IBBARU MAIs BA TAX BTAHDAKD*CAl» OF TH* tnutioaTinta. torfl*ta**ir*t ^ ■ oowwth. Ip 1> ^ t * . trot. feE*iaJlta*ata M O fll CAHDY. TOP fiTMAT IOOGH! A M M U III 0***a****v»t,4te>«to« ta4-# WM lW , «4 a c,i.

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Post on 20-Jun-2020




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Page 1: a . « e r a . ‘snyshistoricnewspapers.org/.../ed-1/seq-7.pdf · No. 7^ Nassau St. New Yor & city, «-----7^0U tr’i r»orwe*t*n Ca« Unr Oil U less objt. Ctionable to tbu taulo

teatXO0&&* eaiUble Ior MSSxttiy, Stafiy oro&erpurjxxs-o Call at 4 Stone £t

■'7^y< i ' ’t x* 'T r ic e * D o w n - ’ ■ ^I b t v e 1Mb d * y come d o w n o n p r ic e s o d a ll k in d *

o f P IC T U R E S t o tbe o ld e n t i m e s p r ic e . Call a t t-he < 3 tj P h o to g ra p is P u l c ^ s l a th ^ ^ ^ c n l t s a r a l B lo c k Witer'omi. ' tf. TTtAKK Pt Jprtotfr.

Jl. Bostsbs, Operator.__________ may-ij&wlm

"ty;ty of M.iUinery Goods eTer offer* d in tbe city, con

, slttinp <j££in were, Lnoe*, *n4 £»a* fe-Edgca, Jpckfly*, BonnclE, OrenadSnea lor Veils Crape, la verytSuag asnally Jonnd In a First CIs*s 313311

Storo. caa bo hmnd s t No. 28 Jkrqted®, over Arcade Entmngi ^>jiMascending one liipM of stairs lo «xxaralnoUhts choice ittle nest of Fiiwtrt, n,-d we «ae bound uoijell. Don’t forget tire place, al So. S5 ircade^np itdlro.


? i m P » g e—JOsoellsay, Btori w. Sketch** uS fOctlJ. , , . ,7*. •»

eon* Ifaxte-Bditorials, CionitDnnibattoaa. Current. Tojxtcssnd Persons) Qoselp. ' 1

X bird Pace—Local Column, Bolin ess Hollcds. ^TuVpSfltac Hbw% and lCadret Reporta.

IF oui ih P ese —Tcs-tsblo-Chat. Hmacouus, Do men Ic Social and Newty.

0 f~ SrniKo has Ovkhid, and eucb a <31«pliy of ifintY hats, eay ribbons, ana exquisite Slower* ae

i X / J J H f f r f T ajapr2Sd2w . I. L. J l u n T I f lG 'r o y 10 Arcade.

dood ’B y I 'ntoh'alr." ’ T Tlelaine bm(d for 'only 12 KO. Imlta>

pnrUoo Firft (JosUly Switch'Bral' ^

- ju u i it i tp * } \ r ?3 k*Y« nrranfe- j mtm one o i the largest tnd mbit mklible Im porting FluhflAT Aeriattoln New Yottc< oz guch Au vorable terms, lhat tbey can bell to Merctamta and Cheese Factory Agents, at as low prices mu cad be pnrchased of any 'Wboleeale Jobbing Eonjwi iajDew York. Ail persona wishing ifie krtfelo Wit3 dcPweU to call on them before purchasing elsewhere.

No. 3, Washington Ilaco, Water to wq, N. Yi»\ . ■ i o t —rr-—h ----- --------—■ -------

pg gaiarlLC f-r the Hair frr !a_*o b y allTXriigpUta.pff~Kftsarine f_>r ihe Hair for sale by all I>iu gists.

’TifcSntfi DtVtfrces legally obtalnehin Net Yprk* jj,dh na, Illinois and other States, for persona fromT

State or country, legal everywhere ; deiertlon, itfa, tknmcsp nop-aapport, etc, lafflqlent capsc: no

cstK VO bhargu until dlrorte obtained.

a ^ ta ftILin&rt%sToBows, until forUu||totioe:

L ave for Home, S 23 tun.-, 12 tn. , 6 lOp.tp.- For Oga«asbBr& 3 a.m. 4 15 p.ip. 9 15 p.ip. on Satufdaya. Leave WaL Jiinrt'fi for Cape Virncent, 8,4 a. 8 50 p. m. 9 05 p. m.

Anrve ftvtm Rome, 8 4(1 a. m. 3 55 p. m. 9 07 p.m. From Ogdensburg, 11 40 a. at- 3 litt p. tn. At JnmcBon from tba Capa, 8 lo a. ia. t;i6 p, ru, ,

W. W. Saamrc A Co. Pabllaben' Agent!. rfV.bon« Bttiidlnga, N. Y., are amborixed to contrict fc^V tlllly tn<gtja^h,_


c . Ccoaaisex. Aaxwi ■.-------------------iS-"a; ~a fciV imSm -jp K jjlU jp &

C m vri S tre e t, Watertoini. •’

,pubv free.

Add. >** mlldSm

w—bv —- x,w— AdviceBtuluess testahllsbed flftaasi ye ra.

M. HUUSB, Attorney,No. 7 Nassau St. New Yor & city, «--------------------------------

7 0U tr’i r»orwe*t*n Ca« U n r Oil Uless objt. Ctionable to tbu taulo and smell. It li more readily ti Jtcn by dcllcato .persons and cblfcdres. is morAeasi I/S* rimUated, Jnd is prodnctivb of more inimedlat. i than other kinds of oil are,

D b . J. M a e io n . S ims s a y * : “ F or some yc*jg I had given np t h o o#o o i 'C 'fd l l r t r O U ailogetla cr; bnt

Ub timtinn v’&s called byPr. Sayre Zc Peter Holler’s r»»i Llvt'r Ui*t. ITiBve peretrtbed te fljfloat daily, and ha ve tv try r visvn to be perfectly uiUAfictf With It.”

paid by o il D r u g g i s t s . _________ A pr 9d3m em ^

gBUING IUACHB * BS POB SAW.‘l V o 8 edon J Uand t r^rin^ Trfadhliioa. '

O r o the H< >»o Im proved, sn^ th e other* F t t k le und L y o n - B oih ln p e r fe c t« T d ir.

A p ply a t *9 SLono Street. nray4d6t

J O T B D PT X B L IC . 1‘rte rablfcsTohePehTnoclflkd, th x t l havoro*

covered f.*om sickness, and have n'Skmed ^ r ta i Houso an 81gn Paintlog. Qmlnlnx’, and Traper- Hunglng, a nd tnaj bo seen, or orders left <st B. P. Bolchktn’a, will receive prompt at tonhao. >

Apfiddw fc

tbAsui Mttlkar will •ooaoaca'io MAalfti t>a. inbabtta ta$ I lbIn city with P C H S F R E 8 E 3 Jf/ LJC

fgr ki, nn lttjriilaj, Uarcb 31. 18*10.’ An «t' Till tti foh ** 1’enpiiin atCoi

8fio« Bloio, ' i tun. a”, wbo wtab ton \o»t« ordtrlT m c h ^ d lm H. E B C E K lt

t a, ki« .dlsca*«ii. ncnp« .as dch Uuy, rlnfitDg In thecu rg, srm- lnui cml#f ton s ]oa* ot^iror, ciofc&d bv txnUwcretioa In joath, ex isrtce, <5 c .emule weakness* womb dleoM«P, scr JtuJu, tkln dlfcascs, •*'*!’ it s all Its fortxrs, eao»h lore thi. bfct and 21*. . uOinlatho bones, old > crve, ernptb'D,i Ac. spcvduv cured — Balsam Cc»jivla and Mo, ~cary dtssardod Sold la Watertowo . N Y. by N. M. Smith. DraegigU Prico A3 per box Sent by nall o* trtic'l of prlco Iwb94dlya p r j - s a , o jtfa 5 .o io s » 5 h » o k ^ ;

A V -, * t75B*rr«ls B niao’t Apploa,SO Boxoa OraDjaiiind 1 o n o m ,

Al«o-l ho Pamooa 8ASIU A Lt S AR 1B1A_B COP- F&A. Dcaitn aio oi|>ccm,ly Intcroatod la calling at tbo Row Blodt Tea, Grocery aod Fruit Bwiro or

t ;i r .,i iv - a - a v p o t i u a P '

B c J d I n | - 6 v t t P l a a ^ 7cnoTCRtrotnscnoNs.

T a ttlin l, 0»TMfT«a«|

Tom»t8 and all Vegetable Flacta, j

m . a . w w x u .P A S n lO N A B L B

C loak a u d D r e s s H a lte r ,AD of tn*hlf4rt»tyliia of l^ttoms Trltatosi'obd

Plain,kept conatantJyonhaxid.nlN o , I S A r c a d e 'W aM rtow m H .r.


—Gold, 1UJ—Tho farmers w»nt rain.—Ladies desire what men admire —

beaaty.t-A bottle falling Irom a man’s pockiit

las e'ening-, excited curiosity.—Turin, of lata, bas had four fires of con­

siderable importance.—Hiss Edgarton, the star of the lecLtra

field, at Oswego to-morrow evening.—Jfiemembsr the grand entertainment at

"Washington Hall this evening—a grand, il­luminated moving metro polygram, or N bw York by daylight and gaslight.

—Richmond Fisk is delivering a seriet io( lectures to the students of the Bt Lawrm ice University.

— Oswego Cotlnty Farmers have £uen bitten by tho “Sickle Bar” swindle If they had read their local papers, thoy woubd not hare been taken in. Patronize tlie county papers, and keep out ot tho clutches of tb» swtndloTS.

— Simuel Dailey, of Llsboh, on Wedne a-_ day, while in Ogdcnsburg, picked up s pocket boofc containing (180.25, had tho owner looked up, and gavo it back to him. Honoris due Mr. D.

—Tho Horticultural Association hold t meeting to-morrow at 2 p. o , at ths Com­mercial College) Rooms. A large attend­ance ie desired.

Wisconsin cinrgyfnkn wind hu boen pTSieJilog againstmarriagA is ucertaincd to havo nyie wives living in different, parts 0lt£<*c£tljitxy:' " • , >

— A ppecial mooting of the D. P. Society is sppoiDtod lor this ovenuig, at Ti c’clock, to Consider mi^teyspf grave imports nee.—

vo y.momDer Should he present,—A Vermonter, on n bet, has tgned to

htmesi himself in a sttlky, sod drsw a man weighing one hundred pounds a mils in 15 minutis.

— A youth, with a turn for figures, had fivo to hoil,aad being told to boil thism throi'attlhatei ciiii rhatl*d th«n a ' t iartter of an liouy altogether. V

— A correspondent up north, writes that an egg weighing 4} ounces, and whoSi circncnfcrcncci aro respectively 8 snd 7 in- oheA ffkn be; fwk at the (tore of E, B-Alreen at OxBow. It is the product of a hen of the common barnyard varioty, aed owned

Jinder Laidlow. Tho “biddy"

, /W t U P » i'f f i ^

lovdfl\|t*rk>qa |o bpdllyhcalth is that of g^of: espcdally when it lv deep­ly sealed snd' Indulged. By enfeebling tho

wbdte nervous system, it depresses tho i of;the heart,jAhd retard* tie’ tircn-

of the hfood. It priy* upon tho mind, ss Will as pn tho body, and U nonr-

a . « e r a . ‘sto get started lofbowe. Appy aness toWtu they ad fceen'Welging tos Creely in tlx •‘flowing bowl.” .aThsy woull!. h i- t eatds

only been heard—pot seen.—An amusing little incident Cook plans

last evening, which- no doubt wiH be ot in­terest, to thu young and inwrpwrienoed.— Shortly after the shades of bight W gath­ered ov«r th^city wad tha baitlw-ota sum* mer evening fairly bgtu, a youth and gem1 tie msnd who by aiohe fWitilaa. bad meat upon the (trust, came leiiuyly wulkt.eg bo- ward a plaoa wher* tet aMrehandaH was sold. She steppsd ia to ataks a ptirehaael while he trained outfi^e to grswt htt wrhaa dhe b^toiRb,'htaihMii, b^MIliad long an in yaln.ahe'caxns n o ^ h o tf^ i-W * ’ nr way :

Tout na« nut nwweGdt,‘ that aterw,"IUve,g«aonHi,iO*!etrtwo Uefc iooo.

Utica io R^mirja.28, Shaw aodoomnasoeedj'Etna,-U] road.

lished in ’\>r,ti!fi*adUty’r Common Ooattjl, lows:

n Theruday, April tractors,

th farm near Jlhctland ml-

hos pnb inga of tha read U fol-

m o t l o n

lo t io n

d, aa w.sll as pnlplnlgyccejto tii* Qtmdtd riegroe of

excess.* —A lew days Sjnco a story of sn elope-

'bioitrflt Btfi^wCompj w xnUbro&d, which has pr^vin ts be ssritewhAt difeeront than tjvxs first reported. A msyried msn ran tWaywitli an orpht'n gnl, ■ vho#o age ts fourteen yoaxs They w-ero ov srhauled at Romo hy th* girl’s guardian, aad returned. To “clsp the climax," the worthy guardian places tint gixl in th* charge ot th* delin­quent husband and hia wife, and they adopt her, for safe keeptng, we suppose. Barnes Corners people arc much excited over the affair.

Lnst oVwnldgl to We were taking a twi­light stroll her* snd there, seeing the

„ snd getting items of interest, wa observed ujxtn the Square a mammoth show* wngon, decorated aod adorned hi gorgeoussfyte—around which were stand­ing a countless number of boys and some mSn, nltfarUli thrir hands in their pockets, ts if kuspltig back the loose change. Al 'fhst wt wendeWd—finally we were dose enough to peruse npon tbe great cover, in

black lef tea, exam ine these trace*.— ;le»rn ‘stMetbTcfe new, we marched

boldljftbfi mrri the traces, feeling safe, and quite sttn) no ot e conld beat us, for we had no pockets, and tlaei ,bq loo** ^badgec We examined the traces, and fouftd that somewhere—sometime — they had been tplfdCd by a wooderfdlonaent, which ths proprietor of the establishment was then retailing- This w«s tbe only peculiarity the iraterexhibited. But the man who talked said it would stiok wood, glass, mar ble, or anythdag so closely that no hmnan ingennity conld SepBSte them. 'We aaked

ThcHonfo snd Lot fonnsrlvoccnptDd tivfeniv" F. ajTmop g, opf ,VIjvll(on qaart’ aad Prospect Htsafe. Tfce 0B8 «f I

most pubfiiancifll snd befit bom in lno dt/. pier n a lejgo lot. aod snrroondod by ibq tretis, (apples, port, p»o»*. th*rtl« 8< groat t&ttadabce. wirgo Qordo&, eontamtog


Bo ilS-

>y ibd dfc- -cO(Wy located on a texgoia wttft treti*, (apples,great hbtindance. grapo vice*, rafp-be ry. ittawbcrry nnd flower beils,

" v s ‘. n * ^ : 5 Ii * d . s i , , i „ , %Adjoining tbo above, and rani'isg tbrocgh oo Ibnos*

14O r s tm Q b T h a iwlu e h to>?etM«»4r«*par&tely, at a benzalu, JPDtjHiriieT p a r tlcnlaxB, ccqalro of Loti 8.cxrn.-WSiHl JAJCE3 A. BgLL

H a S I Q M A I S 1W ould, in fo rm . th e CStizen* of

W ate rtow n EBid’ V ic in ity tha-t be has rem oved tp , ,

t i f W I M B lC "nt with an Itqrfrp

o Q m 1- - Ssq

• C o m p ris in g styles in* ' 1 ♦ 4 *■»*• .«lP t f <4. . »■ «* . , .c Y O j ^ B ® ...f: e T t e E xL l'S BLOCKED ATiTDXBOliEiP b .yC . E A S T l^ K E

P r a c t ic a l H a tte iv - • -lBqMwhr : : —p a u m t c , t ’

G L A Z I N O a’ X» « i i i & * ’■* >4»i ; '

P A T E R H A l f - B l E f G

. t .. . t*P i I H 7 ,0 n A S D E I .A S l S f t A I I *

s ..Ini M J U . 1 & n - U , , h% tte a # > * x » w,w «,„ woik sa1

■tiArcRW' - a1 ACXXritaU A i1 5 » -

“ ^ * * 1 SICE TOP1 WtdOYif'J*AddrcfP, eUticg stylo asd price, Dia vr ap96dSl* W S i .

Oommares Cocnmlttw* of th* House will |* M fi t£<UyJto oonatdw tbe sulyect of w»ter *oBuauai<)*ti<)B bstwoem th* *aat and w**t, aa* ridiiotio* of tolls of New York Otnili, ai providsd for ie Bccnets bill

^N*w York, 0.At tba mseflug of tbo Rtpublican Qsner

al ObhiBaitiA iu t stMste(, the proposition to appoint a oomuiltae to conaldsr the expt- tU*B«y o f ealhag ipoh nwtnb*n oi the par- tylo ooukxlb«ln tovards buildtig a large Republican hill oa fhe joint stock prtnci-.pie, erntlwnria* ii Bdvisabl* wu unanl-

ettihHrfoMetl.J k ^ Kdsoa ant ia tho United State*

Okcnit acaart foe tklsdiitrlet yesUrday, for fctftWtiiif hetriBr trwvmsatt to the

2 % S w n aliifSi«-< S l ^ lgeftat the Pacific~ railroad lOoaputy. It wlU t>« retasm

bend that thia case wa* orrigiulty com- meaed hefors Judge Biabfhford in the State Saprens Court, but application was (dbae^aaiatly mad* to hsva it traailtrred ,to t)M Pedenal Court. Judge Blatchrord aRatward ttecidad that the filing of the ap­plication aad papers with th* clerk of the Federal Courtremofsd the eased* facto from th* Stkte conrta witkentaey fiirther aigu- ment or ordsrg but Jadgs Rarasrd diasent- •d frOU this opintoo, holding that the ease

b e lo t* bin. In prior to avoid cocfilof- of jnriadiotion between the two

the centie of the terminus of l/'ailiu rtrteti, Wd.^r tending in a o( Academy street, to he known anu nated, when surveyed asd recordod, ai -“ “t Un Street, that theeaid-«tre*t shnJllbv tbate rods wide, apd » survey o i thb fame b* made and recorded.

BT*A one hone lutnbir wagnw tor daleby (m8 d3t-wJ> t . B, faawiLi*

- - ■- -i - - - i i ’■ »tWFoiBxma—a Uaat two m il* Osnl! iW

•taadlnjj top, aadsasrlr 0,w- Enqiuw St 11 Ar“ *• JMdSteU •

IF " Nsw Sttlki. —LsdiVa tim m oollar* and cuffi ln white, and black end w hi teg entirely new atyle* just received at ths one price comer store.

H T Now style of all wool dr u t good*, for mourning, just received at ths on* pricecomer storo.

t # "Wahtwd.—Two first cissa painter# and paper hanger*, lsunsdiataly, bom Ma­vra need apply. Enquire it No. 25 factory 8t- W. a Swcrua.


- E F Rxoolax, meeting of Watertown Typographical Union No. 1ST, at Typo­graphical Hall, Friday STaniag, Itay 6th 1870. Gao. M. Ocvoaxj,

Rac. A Oor. Eteniary.W J o * fbr dlggtnj a osltar 40txli0 and

laying atone wall tor a m will b* 1st.G»o. W. lTaowia.

( W Hxuxnujt A Cow sot hsv* just re­ceived a large (took oi Teas, Oofieae, aad Sugara, which they Mil cheap lor cash-— They also haws Dtklsarth'a aoa-wxplofivw fluid for sala

EF" Lotte’itteD r. Edw’d 8. Laming ormorly of ttdadty:

Vuroxua, Mxooi talk. 1910.N.M. Bstra.kM.-Iksnend D r . B l m s - omtlon o{ Rbvaoih, uS XUTtkm* tlocare (Seiaaa

tbxsisyotawaxxnaolOeaiad. Iteaaltsfiwt acqalittlcm to tha rm*«|1n», sad

H S S E rntaiu a slid toslo saA I »ATha “Blxlr*’ U t bso_____________a vtrtaes of Ih* dnf. TSd.tAa virtaeaSd,oo __ _A*quaa rvpaUtlOM tad poUoftOtt

sa*rtw's *— *-b s i i i i

itiSwrvfaand(or IMbotUy bt _tbe 11th day ol Jolt, 1170. it ICVeloek, a. lasuUon ts Utsrsaxx htTBl * ’• J S M R f lo f May, 1870, t» tho sold Oyc f f r w l i i t o «pp p e o c o , CoroDi k«s icy P*TiOM

i oU t t w 11 d*Y

J g - g g

thcrairStb* tnkliicf'If-^SSSt ' 1 inof° * " ict ! **

V A. *• WtoMILOCX.HOCK,B oi Joa. Jbi

oflML T


D AM, a (hovo«xh bnt a*Sr«, ty Iw will stand U wy state* tMiaasos

I a , " ‘colts, ronfl

S & ^ ' i S T V S S ^ ^ ^ t e i *r»u. ti* I also ractlra* Srst t m l ia s *' ° l M y w oil site nekltexeolls. IwUl in>*edbl Mstoitaatss^lAW!. • <>Termt—Por S«i*on, po, set lias of Mrrlcw. * Tb as­sure, $*0. whs* prorw an loaL

ftscksts Birtxrr, If. Y., ap ii itau iwa^ZiwiwitQ v r n t o i j a con

(Buck 0oat*4 PUIi Wfi A period mtwUtal* lor Co*

cocloks, more ccaaesM kB* Ir**' to* i*dtnis.(Nd i*#te

ilteto’tot* Mgbly tbe Mtdical Fscnltj hire u 4 M Bajups. l*t wittimbhli__________ ^ ______________


if it would stick hasbanfi and wifet^rmly

dinrces, no rlqpementa, no diacordtogetfasr. - JHa soberly informed us i***!% < >

Vouldever wrist with a box oi this wonderiql u rici* ior;tbe bouse. Believing this, aad r e memixriiig fhat'ivahadA iriend Vhiif. beed- tijuBttMh borrbwadKOflte’lWM eite*f»<«iw-fitead, puxchieed a


fott ca tyour right band bscomaa jo u r left

B Medical Fscult; hire u 4 M Bmsps Apwtpbt with tetter p*tUe»l*res*5 w**| «»k»tlt ta*. nohtaleftoa •Wlitto wbyWllsas, wk»laV«s***•“ W W E SB bw m -

esfi'f. I f H A N A L L t d

T H B M * M * r o s M T O R T

, , ,4Sf*w(jYd'World'*Wriiatnilton special tdegmphn

that tha Howard fnvrwtigstion was con tin- a*d yesterday. lYaatdwhaxgs U>* inventor of tbs patent bvick ot which ths University is bril^ adhtnd to h is statement that Gen atal Hovratd u d Ocwnpany had produced • worthlw »ateoai, though h* maintained that tho iavtoUoa wa* a good on*. Tesfi- moey fully su*ta)na ,the charge that )»by diifreedwte^ r‘*9, b»«fht this patent and ' - th*a paid tie fuadi rote tbeir own pockets for using tt in anettBg ths University building.• ’ , * l f i O B i C F l l

The wetting o t fiw committee of the ■' thkt

AFTKliNOON B K S r a C H E S .

Rocur.svsu, fi. ifing oi 8Uato8portftncr»'.'

.... w caiW feoUkc plsoo <»r ta tlrisoitjr, and tr

coatin,ue four dajAfiB A JuV IM .m , 0 „ 8.

"* WffebnVia- m tlio tvt w iMva-ct oi tf,, water worts cxplodul a! IG uM, ik thxi morning. TlK) Cnfiinecr snrt tlrcui«n wire tho .only persona in the tmilcling. The fire­man vas blown through the roufand land­ed 50 feet irom the building, llo will pro-

The engineer a mot m«#h litir.. Building was blown to |>iicc&. Loss ah >ut (100,000.

N e w Y o u r , 8.

The McFarland trial—Tbo announcement

ooprtilJ submit I alter to Judge Nelson.


the coptmll on both aids* tgrcefi to th* whole

Tb* arguments fa tks can will h* aad to to day.

WaaruMOToN, fl.The Senate Einanoa Oommttt** yester­

day rtsum«d tha oonaidentton of the bill fof tas tadpofiou of iutetntl revenue taxes. Bamatery bontwali haviag bmn invited waa in aanftiMMS with thus for upward! of aa boor. Tha OenunittM informed blm What tfjt«U ptepOMd to do by way of r»- ducing U ^ te l taXAticn, and rsqnestlng hia vlswa. It waa finally agiesd that ths bill *W d terayh.'Ntad, rivaling fan* on aU ealsa excspt whh''Y. tobacoo, and it- oo tne*. Obi or Uo o.*W ktttera will probably ba laelixtM, bnt t2'*T °f D0 material lapertaaos. It era* mcgnsttd that aotna ohug* «hoold ba mad* to to* !ncoai tax, by lnentaini the •xesnp'i00 to tea thawufi dollsru Tfse ItacrsUry In- dkteted that It* would not dbj&t to tkts, u it arould act rtfiuc* the rmuMmcr* than four ct |wp aiUfou " th e Qpkunittee agree a* to nduciag tha tax to fl pur ot., and us oppomd to any taKfssM of tx*viptlo*. Tbe

of Um tax an th * stticlm ecnmen- t*d la Um bill; which laclsdea etlm, licaa- jcc, grow r»e*ipti, ■pmcJol taxe* o t all kind*, ssBBflteturw'i Ux, Aa, wtu, it u baUuvad, ndaam (he vwveaaa upwards of (40,000,0**. Ths prapcssAblll, it amr»,

Mtfttog U» visw*,«f .tfty Ways ana Mean* Ommlttea. Thay will never O OdHki bdflp fh* income tax at tha prea- M%if|{t*. Huy ;h*T* virtually agreed to teduq* it to I par os*A, asd iacresae th* uwyUom. to fiS.OOO. Xvsn this bUl will, tte diipUntaTy oppoaud vbeu tt tome* up to e coeaidmtlau, bat Ih* inepraMten is Utef it os* b« osmid. s

tj«!CA«0, t.

to-day attracted ad immense throng to the court room this morning. It transpired at an early hour that for ressoms unk noun to tho public, Judge Davis woald not sum up for lho prosecution, and that his connection with the cose vras tlius virtually ended. This rumor caused much scnatian among the friends of Richardson, and t t waa unhesi­tatingly asserted that outsldw influence hid b*en brought to boar to prevent.. Judge Davis from summing up, as wvas Uis In ten tion-

Wk*n the Recorder bad taken his seatthe Ifdraed counsel for tbe defence, Gra- hqpi, commenced his oioilng speech amid trcalbleaa silence.

Tho Ounard atoamer Siberia, ftom Liver­pool, which is aome days overdue, was spoken on tho 80th of April, with her shaft brolcen, bring then 1,300 miles west oi Iceland. 6be was putting back lor Queens­town, ,

Mhfiiak FrMBI* aad Itaok BXarle*LoknoK,. t—1 P. H.

Oocn'i—Moncj 94. Accoanl Amwlcap BecurlUea quiet.Mo’a .1669, «H : or 1868, old 6? ; 1687, SO 5,1,.10-40'a, S8J(.Btockl qallLErie, IVJfs Illluot! CAOtrat, lll)f ; Oroat, Watci ■

'IHX ivuirco, S.

Ootion acxn- Masdi UJ4 0rl«A8> n x .Red Wgxorn Wheat 9r OBd.. Rad Vf uter n l <9

ttoliorula. OaSd.Uacolpls o f irbait thb port fin lho pAit UiroodljB

S.SUQ quarlcra. moallx American.Oorw—90sLard qnlcl. Purk, qul*t. lQi,

O O M M E U l I l A l . .

itavf York Rtoak and Rateav Karkat*aamavBD roa *. r. ramxxx te co'i sca««,

Haw You, Mir &. 19T0 O.B.I’a 510 coup. '19 111

coup. ’IB 1! do Niwlaina.,^ I . U.S.A'a 5*0 eat*.'«>11 UBA’aUDooap. 4* UK 1040 Bt(lH*rod.... )0ski*40cnp«*a 107VVtrriniAi ax. ooop . ISDot’s now............. gTssu. S i tt lolp... *0

O .A K , O i l s 87 h i. . . . ----N. Y.O. W. Y.O Kris

C U ^ o a n d A l to n . .IU

loip. ia , saw.... Mltsoarl tlxts...... M.


.. a it B.R. . Owajuit Scrip W).'tt

N B ^A l)V8R]CISEM^NTa.Agents VYanted fitf^r Ne^ Rilmer’s Boijk,1®

A Cfm.Uvt* fiuirtv lerP «m eri',y .,W »hdM i7dJ li’ i VTCTy dcpa.im ent ->.f /'frWui.mc: tvy a pAstolW Fnrtncr a i tiror. liiuc^teuiwl D toil’ A n y , fpcuro toir tery al o ir . '. K. B T k R A T *C O u Vah ft I AJrOtatiw , N* Y . is 4<(

ROOK AfciENTa W.% nT E D VOa

s 6 ‘T e n l r e , € i s

W a l l S t v c e LI’iov„ai,c.,l the raetctl ewlUnj) b.jnk Out One

Apcnt roporte 78 ord,re tn5 dare. Il Inc’irdes all that i« myatcrloo* an* Inieroatlni; tc tha lorn« .>] eiH-colatlon. lSji-ar-' e««rle.ncu of Itip anth(,r: nrfMin and i.ivo» of vkcuerblw, mew, ru ,k OouW And rasoy uchers. Pilled wit* )UA*tk*,Uo:a».

I" svetoa t Serd for MHariarl to WOSTUISXSJ'ON, DUSTIN A CO., Ilsrllortl, Ci >n.,lff£.vra WA-Vp 5,7V-A IW te *900 wp WwoA'V-cma-ppmew. .V.W 9WAff«. X rn iri rM tg sH m e n d

O e s *a ftxxyttat lo C m ra o fin - ttU Hew Uw*.”01’R F A T U B B S M O U S B OS,

The Unwritten Word.By D aniel March, author of the uopnlar ** NWhi 8coa«».'' Th»« master of thoucht and Ifcngu

lUUce ia,»he QiecatThl* master of tho^_.

*how»oftmto\&rletkca aod beauuea \a,the Or cat Boa.«e, wlih It* Bloomlnyf tl'tyrora, SlnMur bltd*. WAyltip palm’, Itollmg oloude, Beaattlui bow, Sa­cred Moom alu5 Dellghilul ltia-ore. Mlihtjr Gees uu, Tnumflcrma votcee, Bitaluit heavena aid v**t tml verse vrltb countless boenrs In mlUlnns nf VmrJdK sud rctds to ss in each tke r nwtluoo Wert. ■'US tod paper, prntio ouaravlngs and suptrbMndl ng. Kondtor circular, m which Is a tun t.efcrlptlcn nui Ufi' v sal coamcndatlant by the prctS imdlstsre

i bUK a or feotlnftftchi Mm. 4



BY GEORGE H. NAPH&YS^tt. 0.The most ramarkabls tacceis of lho d|y. , Is

Ipv with on proof domed tap’dlty. U dauntaiv rcrw Man and Woman uudbt lo know,lit (Sm

IIor wltliunpfeofdomodtap’tlUy. ■ir<fisi*t5rw“ d i ovcrte Mao and Woman oiwbt toknowsiai-fliw do. llwtUfAve muohiqflartnit, .A t (be oiu* ntpfthbie w m upon tbo *\ngle and mu-ftwi rife, if t»*---------------‘ dhy Pref.Wm. A.UammoWda rtoHty reco m ftio o d o d \Hit*, liopktu*. Ui)?. 11>V notl* Mr*. U ” etc. Ntrtnp oaly. Seim etamulurnampb oKMKU bo *

U R t*’ M AU uBA w TpnH llin


Or F in f h s ]) J h f l i ’vlM ,(

Ve gf t am i r ^ Jj[ t A* t i l l .

\N ’ f . C' ■A. 1. ■,.A r r HMANi N ; '1 11; - ■ ■ 1 ,>

'G il u m a i an. to , \

imltxotil VdUaclolJhfe>ira Vinna, M. 1)., afli hi* devote* 87 yMfs iu

Amirtua jXxirai.- 4tV

& .V % w 'h " mrsdlaltiU . 43)4,qat*-U4Kn .teuam> *XU*ABUR—Kij/ ■pwa’T -ia i


do csnl 114 met. cteottii miL*k» Shore. DMT o lp to M Wsbaoh.. MW

"JB WM USLurtf. IB)lUtltll OanVtU.....,l4\>*citu .te m ” . loovs


Mavr T«rk r i o d M t i r

jatowday, (1*- V ttttd Smith i t

Hayasris Uusry aafl aaehiaa shop, Loa* (*0,000,

RaoxUrro, 8.Tht sum** of thi Nsw Totkbnx^Lu*

ccsc*fs*d ia tba lata aehbssy if* Joseph Denisli, sliaj HMlftas; Oharlts Hnight, iMd ttoBdte W . Kk«a, allaa Cbsrlu Ad- totoi a ^b* Uttar U oi|« of tb* most notori-

tk* eoaantty,and wte da-i b*n*dfa th* yavwsy hank robbery. It is

Who to *t krge, ta John w. Raad,t alls* Jack Rand, of Bq*- ton. T**|4iiki*(<i>tta*n4i *ad eonwey taki* I* * liitta ovw 100,000, which u b*- ii*vad to ba m ry do liar take*. The offi- te* Wd OMtet} art working ap tbo ctsfl, uuL th* prtiiafiaaiy Muasinxtaoi will takepitcttakfcn Ptlio* Jtadgs Eton, btut th*tiwr hM not yit 1mm -fixed.

RtOMMOWl I, fl.OrtlnalM hM baM Jwatd by Dawid J.

Bun,FrMid«t o t Oi* Cbaahw ot Com- mm*i fiteMiri HttlflMd, U. 8. A.; John Puftellj CMfcma Dittetirttiiag: Con writ ta*; U f i U u e D a m p o v t, J r ^ Prcddmt o f .the i»t Ntataul Btatk ted Tztetnrar of tb* R, ltaf OonurittM — OMUttaf tbit orrang*-- m«eta for distaikwtiit ths fond rcesirtd htellLta* f*J *p*r*tlo*. Th* Commlltte ItoiFStea ao o rtaaizsd a* |o ioiura r«li*f t* IB thsrerifctvit by tte lata-cstaoi ty. Th* t r o s m m n k d n i t y j t o b yhatarday from Nortbsrm. dtite - i

A v a a r u ,Ga,,fl. Mntcr^ttaManWagtakMup aatoag uu |je qhsffidlaioad

:»rk*t,.. Mtw Tsu. AUY, A INI

COTTON-NowlBOl-’HV *IMUtei IP****. VLOUR-* Iwtttr oa law aetd"Rsetopls, BOOfl D*mlr, 0*1*1 ii- A I BOO 50 Ibr

tiparans But* ic* WHtera i UowUWP to eholte■xtn Blata 8 15*8 It SOMO* «o ***** ««(• WtttsnS 10* s 651 Ooaaoa lo chotci roaaq hoop ouoatBetea .

tTB YLOUK—Qolst Sals! HO BVmll I at I 96® tmWH1AT—Dvooplur- ’RieU. 84,000 (*1M at 1180X M No. t ipilax

lM Wtaiw.filitMid BBterWHitrte. c»XN—ytaiw.RsoslpU 7,000 *al*t, tajlOOii XXOO10B Ear N«W

Wxsd Wt*t*ro. ’OATl-qnlsbKacta. S.OOO: ulM 14.000 41 tigQ*B for lfMt!ra rOBXe-Rasdy.Raealpts 100 burala tt KOK Ysv dim*. BBar—*1*147.

OUT-MBATB— Qolll.maKD-n*ll. ICOMMtte «Ut*X)1 SOt8l«l»

Mtoad 111# >*tu» ta iw*Btrrrak-iintat. itato cmioi bsom tor sun, unnwa—d«u, mom aoato-scasua. tabif *ta(*«u,BUGASB—QnitL M IJ4M# tow Oita. PYTROLXUM-aiSAtr. UMHM.

Um, Chronic Itbonmsliu tioar»1gi» m tho Urti


emlaculMPI ... ___Khoyunlilun snd honnliils iptciily.andll.Mcllcii 1'roicrston publicly (nmiuupwlki Ih*' c l asii horlljr fn HhosmstldCOaiplstaU. (fit® ■ony.) Iub pieutsniandigtreuiWptor — wirrmmpd ftv« rrum minerals *rd .Itrin nil • idiosude preparation, a licmcal;monhtol), snd svtrr m o d u tm c t rollian otth a pirwliaullU hirtrUeii, i«nt l\u pirn lot taflanmithry (b s X i


Lime for Sale.

rix Un'lei’ljnwl II, DOW mateHi toQuick Urns, burnt m bUklln a t Chasmxiit In

M V )title’ lo • lltp sro k a ie n ’. Kniijsly lu, sABsns- IM * snd qUllU.^ n nAU'p sa ts d i I t cidm s ihypw otu i n f

A L S O -O t7T V S T O N E )Tor Window Hills, DoM-StSLlTaaM'taM*, Oow-

fM~ Patrons po lollclleA Chaumont, April 14 1170.

’ 1. OAK) ft. IB*r «9mnoM* eMBATCirr xm ibcj o v t -c a li- ■ u t e see It it Rut's KvwsIlaoM, No. 1 Alum. i n r mviluab's lor nsaAvtaw Iw* - Jtsil'fyM, v. aft. Stains, Mlldsw ffojn tha hud I, ps jxrr orilo**. wilh-out ths illthlMt liJsryU th* a o ^ M U o ^ hbrlc- Rous* kerwsii, Bo*k jt*«p«4 s*d Should got os wlthoat II, F liuM te aplMlf

r vJUMOfiNT XlLXst.V -----------RIMOVID TO J, D. 3XJD0*’* CUT

whf(• ordeil c*te hs Itft A»I«IB K C. FCFtLtR.

apidtr ,

orrtcA mmovMRAT MAHIMT, Wkbs pronptffiUotlofL

Noaralpla In tho Head, NcatHlnta tn Ih* Moif.

csl suvlco erttonal ch’tvesaul bj |ott*». AUxjrdCM' sont by Kipress Collccica on Hell' ‘Dtpot '01 Urutdwsy. , _______

tire in-u p•a «Nt» 0'iil,

MYSTERIES OF M|BjJ. n. UttADtl. K4IIC7s f f s d . . . .

fU kllT lflli 01AInflIpfstfhrWfitlA'hli UnMnn*s,thiLacrl>, tntiin’JJfluoenkrsvl UKNTH wAJIl

ont tamu and a ful trw*. NAUOSA pall, ta.

The New Article of Fo6t(fF or twonty Hto qo n ta^p pity

oi your D niggist or GY^f|,pkpSkii ago of Boatu rod fVoni puro Irish M p « or Ojufe. aftcen, wluoU will injiko »i«O 0l ;

uATts of Blwtq Hji»go, fttiC 'n flfltfl u&nrity oj jffliifardijIronms, Oiyarfotto

It is by fa r ths clioupwhtthoAUaltei and most doljcioufl^od .jytejrld.

Bail Sea" " "35 P A R K ^ L i p

p L p T A lo r g f l l

- s d S - i 8 e q r ~ x ,This woiiflorfnl vogotjtbiG j

tive It thu ■ lioot-anclior of ibo and debilitated. ,A *' tt -fonife cordial for lho ftgoflcri- haa no equal among,atot|ia< It! a remedy 191 tho ijqryo to -wlilch women nro eij je p t, it 1* b i ^ w c I M M k p p t t stimulant. Ip oil, cliipltfol^dpl' toinpcrate or frigidy-it itchbita J " dflc iu ovmy s p o o ls toil»d wllich un derittifics, 1^ 1y f,J«lrbtijrt)h •o d rM ftlo i 1For mle by all drilggiiti, , ,.,,1 W h

MnrchS-Cm t I

f l

L I f l f ( ) P '2 . i 0 5 v



g e m * ARM A O T F M B A U ,

tee.. veld

finite, with b*r», rat ... — meat

’'•sBtnnanajBTSSTTTfSB'N** 1_ f : x u n , -tovNteWork!, teaowfayirtdSB ” ' ’

S T B p e c M MfjRftbk S tiM W jr jg iito S t

m *1 ~~____________ m m * H i t e iito i f toantafi **fl >g f | j *a |

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vesBS&attm t afc.isea s

oplMir Wo, illBtxMrtfataS*,-^ta IB B A R U MAIsBA

TAX BTAHDAKD *CAl» OF TH* tnutioaTinta.

torfl*ta**ir*t ^ ■ o o w w th .Ip 1> • t * .t r o t . feE*iaJlta*ata

M O f l l C A H D Y .TOPfiTMAT

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