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  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    ASP 2009 Batch

    CLASS 3

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Direct Marketing

    Organizations communicate directly with

    target customers togenerate a response

    and/ora transaction It involves a variety ofactivities,including

    databasemanagement, direct selling,

    telemarketing, and direct response ads

    through direct mail, theInternet, and

    various broadcast and print media.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Eg :Tupperware,Discovery Toys, and


    Dell Computerand Gateway haveexperienced tremendousgrowth in the

    computerindustry by selling a full lineof

    personal computers through direct


  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Oneof themajor toolsofdirect marketing

    isdirect response advertising, whereby

    a product ispromoted through an ad thatencourages the consumertopurchase

    directly from themanufacturer.

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    DM hasmeant more discretionary income butless timeforin-storeshopping.

    The availability ofcredit cards and toll-freephonenumbers has alsofacilitated thepurchaseofproductsfrom direct-response ads.

    Morerecently, therapid growth oftheInternet isfueling thegrowth ofdirect marketing.

    The convenienceofshopping through catalogs

    oron a companys website and placingordersby mail, by phone,oronline has led thetremendousgrowth ofdirect marketing.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Direct-marketing tools and techniques arealso beingused by companies thatdistribute theirproducts through traditional

    distribution channelsorhave theirownsalesforce.

    Direct marketingplays a bigrolein the

    integrated marketing communicationsprogramsofconsumer-product companiesand business-to-businessmarketers.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    These companiesspend large amountsofmoney eachyeardeveloping and maintaining databases containingthe addresses and/orphonenumbersofpresent andprospective customers.

    They use telemarketing to call customers directly andattempt tosell themproducts and servicesorqualifythem assales leads.

    Marketers alsosend out direct mail piecesrangingfromsimple letters to detailed brochures, catalogs, andvideotapes togivepotential customersinformation abouttheirproductsorservices.

    Direct-marketing techniques are alsoused to distributeproduct samplesor target usersofa competing brand.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Interactive/Internet Marketing

    Interactive media allow fora back-and-

    forth flow ofinformation whereby users

    canparticipatein and modify theform and

    content of theinformation they receivein

    real time.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Unlike traditional formsofmarketing

    communicationssuch as advertising,

    which areone-way innature, thenew

    media allow users toperform a variety of

    functionssuch asreceive and alter

    information and images,makeinquiries,

    respond toquestions, and,ofcourse,makepurchases.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Themost prevalent perspectiveon theInternet is that itis an advertisingmedium, asmany marketers advertisetheirproducts and serviceson the websitesofothercompanies and/ororganizations.

    Actually, theInternet is a medium that can beused toexecute all theelementsof thepromotional mix.

    In addition to advertisingon the Web ,marketersoffersalespromotionincentivessuch as coupons, contests,and sweepstakesonline, and they use theInternet toconduct direct marketing,personal selling, and publicrelations activitiesmoreeffectively and efficiently.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    While theInternet is a promotional medium,itcan also beviewed as a marketingcommunications tool initsownright. Becauseof

    itsinteractivenature,it is a very effective way ofcommunicating with customers.

    Many companiesrecognize the advantagesofcommunicatingvia theInternet and are

    developing Web strategies and hiringinteractiveagenciesspecifically to develop theirwebsitesand make thempart of theirintegratedmarketing communicationsprogram.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Sales Promotion

    Sales Promotionisgenerally defined asthosemarketing activities that provideextra valueorincentives to thesalesforce,

    the distributors,ortheultimate consumerand canstimulateimmediatesales.

    Salespromotionisgenerally brokeninto

    twomajorcategories: consumer-oriented and trade-orientedactivities.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Consumer-oriented sales promotion is

    targeted to theultimateuserofa product or

    service and includes couponing,sampling,

    premiums,rebates, contests,sweepstakes, andvariouspoint-of-purchasematerials

    Thesepromotional toolsencourage consumers

    tomake animmediatepurchase and thus can

    stimulateshort termsales.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Trade-oriented sales promotion is targeted

    toward marketingintermediariessuch as

    wholesalers, distributors, and retailers.

    Promotional and merchandising allowances,price deals,sales contests, and tradeshows are

    someofthepromotional toolsused to

    encourage the trade tostock and promote a


  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Amongmany consumerpackaged-goods companies,salespromotionisoften 60 to 70 percent ofthepromotional budget.

    Inrecent yearsmany companies haveshifted the

    emphasisof theirpromotional strategy from advertisingtosalespromotion.

    Reasonsfor theincreased emphasisonsalespromotioninclude declining brand loyalty and increased consumersensitivity topromotional deals.

    Anothermajorreasonis that retailers have becomelargerand morepowerful and are demandingmore tradepromotionsupport from companies

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Publicity/Public Relations

    Publicity refers tononpersonalcommunicationsregarding anorganization,product,service,oridea not

    directly paid fororrununderidentifiedsponsorship.

    It usually comesin theformofa news

    story,editorial,orannouncement about anorganization and/oritsproducts andservices.

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    The company ororganization attempts toget themedia to coverorrun a favorablestory on a product,service, cause,or

    event to affect awareness,knowledge,opinions, and/orbehavior.

    Techniquesused togainpublicity include

    newsreleases,press conferences,featurearticles,photographs,films, andvideotapes.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    An advantageofpublicity overotherformsofpromotionisits credibility.

    Consumersgenerally tend to be lessskeptical

    toward favorableinformation about a product orservice whenit comesfrom a source theyperceive asunbiased.

    Forexample, thesuccess (orfailure)ofa new

    movieisoften determined by thereviewsitreceivesfromfilm critics, who areviewed bymany moviegoers asobjectiveevaluators.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Anotheradvantageofpublicity isits low

    cost,since the company isnot payingfor

    timeorspacein a massmediumsuch as

    TV,radio,ornewspapers. While an

    organizationmay incursome costsin

    developingpublicity itemsormaintaining a

    staffto doso, theseexpenses will befarless than thosefor theotherpromotional


  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Publicity isnot alwaysunderthe control of

    anorganization and issometimes


    Negativestories about a company and/or

    itsproducts can bevery damaging.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Public Relations

    When anorganizationsystematically plans anddistributesinformationin an attempt to controland manageitsimage and thenatureofthe

    publicity it receives,it isreally engagingin afunctionknown aspublic relations.

    Public relations is defined as themanagementfunction which evaluatespublic attitudes,identifies thepolicies and proceduresofanindividual ororganization with thepublic interest,and executes a programofaction toearnpublicunderstanding and acceptance.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Public relationsgenerally has a broader

    objective thanpublicity, asitspurposeis to

    establish and maintain a positiveimageofthe

    company amongitsvariouspublics. Public relationsusespublicity and a variety of

    othertoolsincludingspecial publications,

    participationin community activities,fund-

    raising,sponsorshipofspecial events, andvariouspublic affairs activitiestoenhance an


  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Personal Selling

    Personal selling, is a formofperson-to-person

    communicationin which a sellerattempts to

    assist and/orpersuadeprospective buyers to

    purchase the companysproduct orserviceortoact on anidea.

    Unlike advertising,personal sellinginvolves

    direct contact between buyerand seller,either

    face-to-faceor through someformoftelecommunicationssuch as telephonesales

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Thisinteractiongives themarketer

    communicationflexibility; thesellercan

    seeorhearthepotential buyersreactions

    and modify themessage accordingly.


    communicationinpersonal selling allows

    thesellerto tailor themessage to thecustomersspecific needsorsituation.

  • 8/3/2019 adv & sal


    Personal selling alsoinvolvesmoreimmediateand precisefeedback because theimpact ofthesalespresentation cangenerally be assessed

    from the customersreactions. Ifthefeedbackisunfavorable, thesalesperson

    canmodify themessage.

    Personal sellingefforts can also be targeted to

    specific markets and customertypes that are thebest prospectsforthe companysproduct orservice.