advancing sustainable tourism in taninthayri

DR. ANDREA VALENTIN 19. DECEMBER 2016 Advancing sustainable tourism in Taninthayri တနသၤာရီတိုင္း၏ တာဝန္သိ ခရီးသြားလာမွုလုပ္ငန္း တိုးတက္ၿခင္း

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Advancing sustainable tourism in Taninthayri

တနသၤာရတငး၏ တာဝနသခရးသြားလာမလပငနး တးတကၿခငး

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Background to researchသေသသနၿပၿခငး အေၾကာငးအရာ

To analyse the potential of tourism development in Tanintharyi in order to deliver sustainable, inclusive and participatory benefit to the visited communities

အလားအလာရေသာ ခရးသြားလပငနး ဖြၿဖးတးတကမမားက စစစေလလာၿပးတနသာၤရတငးတြင တာဝနသခရးသြားလာေရးလပငနးမား ေဖာေဆာငရန၊လညပတစရာေနရာရ အသငးအဝငးမလမားပးေပါငး ပါဝငလာၿပး အကးအၿမတ ရေစရန

Semi-structured interviews with public, private and third sector organisations and community representatives across the region (n=153)

တနသာၤရတငးအတြငးရ အမားၿပညသမား၊ သကဆငရာအဖြအစညးမား ႏငအသငးအဝငးတစခကကယစားၿပသမားက အေမးအေၿဖမားၿပလပသြားၿခငး(အငတာဗးအေရအတြက=၁၅၃ခ) In order to unpick some of the complex issues surrounding the

development of sustainable tourism in Tanintharyi region တနသာၤရတငးအတြငးရ တာဝနသခရးသြားလာေရးလပငနးမားဖြ႕ၿဖးတးတကေစရနအတြကခကခရတေထြးေသာအေၾကာငးအရာမားကပမနားလညသေဘာေပါကႏငရန

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Our positionကြႏပတ႔၏ သေဘာထားႏငရပတညခက

To support the sustainable use and planned development of Tanintharyi’s tourism

resources through increased knowledge and building of alliances, for the benefit of all

stakeholders. တနသာၤရတငးရ ခရးသြားအရငးအၿမစမားက

တာဝနသအသးခၿခငးႏင ဖြ႕ၿဖးတးတကမကအေထာကအကၿပရန၊ခရးသြားလပငနးႏင သကဆငေသာအသငးအဝငးတစခလးအားအကးအၿမတရရေစရန အသပညာမားတးတကၿမငမားရနႏင


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Tourism in Myanmar

Immense increase over the past five yearsလြနခေသာ၅ႏစအတြငးခရးသြားဥးေရ ၿမငတကလာသည

CAUTION: statistics arelikely inflated, many critics point to inconsistenciesသတၿပရန၊ ကနးဂဏနးအခကအလကမားသညေဖာငးပြလာၿပး၊ မသငေလာေသာ ေဝဖနစရာအခကမားစြာရပါသည Despite unclear numberstourism is on the riseမရငးလငးေသာကနးဂဏနးမားၿဖစေစကာမ၊ခရးသြားမားအေရအတြက တးတကလာသညမာသသသာသာ ၿဖစပါသည။

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Tourist arrivals in Tanintharyiတနသာၤရေဒသသ႔ ခရးသြားမား လာေရာကမဥးေရ

In 2012 Mergui had a total of 1,158 visitors – arrival through marine vessels

၂၀၁၂ခႏစတြင ၿမတကြနးဆြယမားသ႕ပငလယေရေၾကာငးမတစဆင ေရာကရမဥးေရ ၁၁၅၈ေယာာကရခပါသည ။

After the opening of the Ranong/Kawthaung border (August 2013), the number of arrivals increased substantially

ၾသဂတလ ၂၀၁၃ခႏစတြင ရေနာငးႏငေကာေသာငးနယစပက ဖြငလစၿပးေနာက ခရးသြားလာသဥးေရတးပြားခပါသည။

MoHT data: ဟတယႏငခရးသြားလာေရးဝနၾကးဌာနမ ထတၿပနေသာအခကအလကမား

MoHT in Lampi Ecotourism Plan (2015 - 2018)

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Myanmar’s Tourism Commitmentsၿမနမာႏငင၏ အတညၿပထားၿပးေသာ ခရးသြားလပငနးမဝါဒမား

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Myanmar’s Tourism Commitmentsၿမနမာႏငင၏ အတညၿပထားၿပးေသာ ခရးသြားလပငနးမဝါဒမား

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Destination Tanintharyiတနသာၤရတငးအတြငးရ ခရးသြားမားလညပတရန ေနရာမား

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Tanintharyi – Mainlandတနသာၤရတငး၏ အဓကကေသာ ကနးေၿမ

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Strengths Weaknesses

• Unique destination in the world, with pristine beaches and striking fauna and flora

• Unique Moken culture• Growing interest from local and international investors• First national park eco-resort approved - Lampi• High tour operator interest • High local community interest in ecotourism • High media interest• Basic infrastructure for tourism exists • Highly diverse destination: mountains, rivers, coastal

marine tourism, urban tourism, heritage sites (e.g. Dawei)• General stakeholder support for developing sustainable


• Access – Restrictive Tourism Policy• Few tourists currently visit the region• Permissions required• Benefits of tourism go to relatively few• Infrastructure lacking, including marinas, piers• Lack of tourism knowledge and skills• Waste management basically inexistent• Overfishing, dynamite and drip net fishing• Deforestation• Unclear regulations and weak enforcement• Local communities have little engagement with tourism• Seasonality• Little dialogue between tourism stakeholders• Little understanding on what sustainable tourism means

and each stakeholder’s role and responsibility

Opportunities Threats

• Job and income creation • Using visitor entrance fees and permission funds for

conservation related activities• Advancing environmental education programs through

sustainable tourism development • Setting up functioning waste management system,

beginning with areas that are frequented by tourists• Creating benefits for local population, e.g. through SME

business or community based tourism• Reviving traditional culture by promoting meaningful

encounters between hosts and guests• Engage local communities in conservation management

• Land speculation and land grabbing in the name of tourism development

• Lack of public beach access• Weak enforcement of environmental laws leading to

further depletion of fragile ecosystems• Unsustainable development with little local benefits• Commodification of culture • Climate change: changes in temperature, precipitation, sea

level rise, flooding, erosion, loss of biodiversity• High costs of developing accommodation on islands with

relatively few tourists• Little tourism fees are used locally for conservation

tourists not happy to• Cruise tourism leading to economic leakage • Political instability

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အားသာမ အားနညးမ• ကမာၻတြငၿပငဘကကငးေသာေနရာေဒသမား၊ ရားပါးတရစာၦနႏင

ရားပါးအပငမားရေသာကြနးမား လသမေရာကေသးေသာကမးေၿခမား

• အႏငးမေသာ မကနတ႔၏ ရးရာဓေလမား• ၿပညတြငး၊ ၿပညပ ရငးႏးၿမပႏသမား မားၿပားလာၿခငး• ပထဆးေသာ ေဘးမေတာ လနပeco-resort ခြငၿပၿခငး• ခရးသြား ကမၸဏၾကးမား စတဝငစားလာၿခငး• ေဒသခၿပညသမားမ ecotourism ကစတဝငစားလာၿခငး• သတငးဌာနမားက စတဝငစားလာၿခငး• ခရးသြားလပငနးအတြကအေၿခခအေဆာကအအမားရၿခငး• မတကြၿပားေသာလညပတစရာေနရာမား: ေတာငမား, ၿမစမား,

ပငလညကမးေၿခမား, ၿမ႕မား, ေရးေဟာငးေနရာမား (ဥပမာ. ထားဝယၿမ႕)

• တာဝနသခရးသြားလာေရး ဖြ႕ၿဖးတးတကရနအတြကေဒသခမားမအကအညေပးၿခငး

• ခရးသြားလပငနးမဝါဒ၏ တားၿမစမမား• ေဒသတစခလးသ႔ ခရးသြားဥးေရနညးပါးၿခငး• ခြငၿပမန႔မား လအပၿခငး• ခရးသြားလပငနးမဝငေငြမားေဒသခမားရရမနညးပါးၿခငး• အေၿခခအေဆာကအအ လအပခကမား• ခရးသြားလပငနးႏင ပတသတ၍ အသပညာနညးၿခငး• အမကမားက နညးစနစကက စမကြတကၿခငးမား မရၿခငး• အဆမတန ငါးမားၿခငး, ဒငးနမကအသးၿပၿခငးႏင

ခတေၿမာကမားစြာပါေသာပကကြနမားအသးၿပၿပးငါးဖမးၿခငး• သစေတာၿပနးတးမမား• မရငးလငးေသာစညးမဥးမားႏင ဥပေဒကလကနာမနညးၿခငး• ေဒသခမားကခရးသြားလပငနးမားႏင ထေတြ႕မနညးပါးၿခငး• ရာသဥတေဖာကၿပနမမား• ခရးသြားလပငနးႏငသကဆငရာမားတြင

မေဘာငအနညးငယသာရၿခငး• တာဝနသခရးသြားလပငနးႏငပတသတၿပးနားလညမနညးၿခငး၊

တာဝနယမ တာဝနခမမားနညးပါးၿခငး

အခြငအေရးမား ၿခမးေၿခာကမမား• အလပအကငအခြငအလမးႏင ဝငေငြမားဖနတးႏငၿခငး• လညပတသမားထမ ဝငေၾကးေကာကယၿခငး၊ ခြငၿပမန႔ေၾကးမား

ေကာကခၿပး ရရလာေသာေငြက ကြနးမားထနးသမးၿပၿပငရာတြငအသးၿပၿခငး

• တာဝနသခရးသြားလပငနးကအသးခၿပး သဘာဝပတဝနးကငဆငရာသငတနးမားေပးၿခငး

• ခရးသြားမားအေရာကအေပါကမားေသာ ေနရာမားတြငေကာငးမြနေသာ အမကစမကြတကၿခငး စနစမားကစတငထားရၿခငး

• ေဒသခမားအတြကအကးအၿမတမား၊ ဥပမာ၊ အေသးစားႏငအလတစားစးပြားေရးမား၊ ေဒသကအေၿခခေသာခရးသြားလပငနးမား

• အမရငေဒသခမားႏငခရးသြားမား အၿပနအလနယဥေကးမမားႏးေနာဖလယၿခငး

• ကြနးဆြယမားၿပၿပငထနးသမးၿခငးလပငနးစဥမားကေဒသခမားပ

• ခရးသြားလပငနးဖြၿဖးတးတကရန အမညကသး၍ ေၿမမားကသမးဆညးၿခငး

• အမားၿပညသလညပတႏငရန ကမးေၿခမားေလာနညးလာၿခငး• သဘာဝပတဝနးကင ထနးသမးေရးဥပေဒမားက

လကနာမနညးၿခငး• ေဒသခမားအတြက အကးအၿမတ အနညးငယသာရရေသာ

တာဝနမ ဖြၿဖးတးတကၿခငး• ေကာငးမြနေသာ ထးတမးအစဥအလာမား• ရာသဥတေဖာကၿပနၿခငး: အပခနေၿပာငးလၿခငး, မးရြာၿခငး,

ပငလယေရၿမငတကၿခငး, ေရလြႊမးၿခငး, ဇဝမးစတမားဆးရးၿခငး• ခရးသြားအနညးငယသာေရာကရေသာ ကြနးမားေပၚတြင

အကနအကမားေသာ တညးခစရာမားေဆာကလပၿခငး• ခရးသြားလပငနးမရရေသာ ဝငေငြမားကၿပၿပငမြမးမသည

လပငနးမားတြငအနညးငယသာၿပနလညသးစြၿခငး• သေဘၤာၾကးမားအသးၿပေသာခရးသြားလာေရး လပငနးမား

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Tanintharyi coastal areaတနသၤာရေဒသရ ပငလယကမးေၿခ ဧရယာမား

Unique area, highly diverse in species, habitats and ecosystems တႏငးမရေသာေနရာမား၊ မတကြၿပားေသာမးစတမား၊ ေဂဟစနစၿဖစတညရာေနရာမား Environmentally sensitive and economically valuable သဘာဝပတဝနးကငအရ အာရခစားမလြယေသာ၊ စးပြားေရးအရ အဖးတနေသာ Provides benefits such as protection from the elements, food, and

also opportunities for renewable energy သဘာဝအငအားမား၊ အစားအေသာကမား၊ ၿပနလညအသးၿပႏငေသာစြမးအငမားက

သဘာဝအေလာက အကးအၿမတ ၿဖစထြနးေစၿခငး Important to human activities, supporting employment and

providing aesthetic value လသားတ႔၏လပေဆာငစရာမား အတြကအေရးၾကးၿခငး၊ အလပသမားငားရမးၿခငးမားက

အေထာကအကၿဖစၿခငး Economic growth making use of marine and coastal

resources means mounting stress on valuable ecosystems ပငလယကမးေၿခႏငပငလယရသယဇာတမားကအသးၿပ၍စးပြားေရးဖြ႕ၿဖးတးတကေအာင

လပၿခငးသည ေဂဟစနစက တးတကမားၿပားလာေအာင လပေဆာငၿခငးပငၿဖစသည။

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Main general impacts in Tanintharyi coastal areaတနငးသၤာရ ပငလယကမးေၿခ ဧရယာမားတြင အဓကကေသာေယဘယသကေရာကမမား

Residence in the coastal zone and continued human encroachment on islands

ကမးေၿခဇမားတြငေနထငမမားႏင အၿခားအရပမေၿပာငးေရြ႕လာၿပး ကြနမားတြငအေၿခခေနထငၾကသမား

Fisheries and aquaculture ငါးဖမးၿခငးမားႏင ပငလယထတြငေမြးၿမေရးကနမားထညသြငးေဆာကလပၿခငးမား Shipping ရြကလြငၿခငးမား Tourism ခရးသြားလာေရးလပငနးမား Land-use (agriculture, industrial development) ေၿမယာသးစြၿခငး (စကပးၿခငးမား၊ စကမစကရ ဖြ႕ၿဖးတးတကၿခငးမား Climate change ရာသဥတေဖာကၿပနၿခငးမား

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Resulting general challengesေယဘယ စနေခၚမမား၏ ရလာဒမား

Loss of marine resources due to destruction of coral reefs and overfishing သႏာေကာကတနးမား ဖကဆးၿခငးႏင ငါးတရားလြနမားၿခငးတ႔သည ပငလယသယဇာတမားက

ပကစးဆးရးေစႏငပါသည Pollution of marine and freshwater resources – waste disposal စြန႔ပစအမကမားေၾကာင ပငလယႏင လတဆတေသာ ေရအရငးအၿမစမားက ဆးရးေစႏငပါသည။ Soil degradation and loss of land resources (e.g. overuse of fertilizer,

erosion) အေရအေသြးနမေသာေၿမၾသဇာမားကအသးၿပၿခငးေၾကာငေၿမဆလြႊာမားကပကစးေစႏငပါသည

(ဥပမာ: ေၿမၾသဇာမားလြနကစြာအသးၿပၿခငး) Air pollution ေလထညစညမးမမား Loss of cultural resources, social disruption ရးရာဓေလမားေပာကကြယၿခငး Loss of public access အမားၿပညသမေရာကရႏငၿခငး Natural hazards သဘာဝေဘးအႏရာယမား Climate change rising sea levels, acidification, temperature rise ရာသဥတေဖာကၿပနၿခငး၊ ပငလယေရၿမငတကလာၿခငး၊ အကစစသဘာဝရလာၿခငး၊ အပခနၿမငတကၿခငး

Page 20: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

The impacts of coastal tourismပငလယကမးေၿခ ခရးသြားလပငနးမား၏ သကေရာကမမား

Coastal tourism is inherently controversial. ပငလယကမးေၿခ ခရးသြားလပငနးသညပငကအားၿဖငအၿငငးပြားဖြယၿဖစပါသည

Massive influxes of tourists can have a huge impact…ခရးသြားမားစၿပေရာကရလာၿခငးသညအကးသကေရာကမၾကးၾကးမားမားရပါသည

Adding to the pollution, waste, and water needs of the local population

ေလထညစညမးမမား၊ အမက ႏငေဒသခလဥးေရအလက ေရလအပမ

Putting local infrastructure and habitats under pressure

ေဒသခအေၿခခအေဆာကအအမားႏင စတဖစးမေအာကတြငေနထငရၿခငး

Page 21: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Examples of private sector impactsေဒသခမားမ အကးသကေရာကမ ဥပမာမား

Some tourist resorts empty sewage and other wastes directly into water surrounding coral reefs and other sensitive marine habitats

အခ႕ခရးသြားအပနးေၿဖေနရာမားမ ေရဆးေၿမာငးမားၿဖငစြန႔ထတၿခငး၊ စြန႔ပစအမကမားသႏာေကာကတနးမားဆသ႔ တကရကေရာကရသြားၿခငး၊

Careless boating, diving, snorkeling, and fishing can substantially damage coral reefs – e.g. through touching, or dropping anchors (and not mooring)

မဆငမၿခငေလမားေမာငးၿခငး၊ ေရငပၿခငးႏင ငါးဖမးၿခငးမားမာ သႏာေကာကတနးမားကပကစးေစႏငပါသည (ဥပမာ၊ ထေတြ႔ကငတြယၿခငးမား၊ ေကာကဆးအၾကးစားခၿခငးမား)

Marine animals are disturbed by increased number of boats

ေလအစးေရတးပြားလာၿခငးေၾကာငေရသတဝါမားကပကစးေသေၾကေစႏငပါသည Collection of marine souvenirs such as corals and shells can have

negative effects on the local environment သႏာေကာကတနးမားႏငခရခြမားကအမတတရလကေဆာငအတြကမလအပဘပမရာေဖြစေဆာငးၿခငးမားကလညးသဘာဝပတဝနးကငကထခကေစႏငပါသည

Page 22: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Learning lessons from other countries?

Overdevelopment for tourism has the same problems as other coastal developments, but can have a greater impact as the tourist developments are located at or near fragile marine ecosystems

Massive unsustainable tourist developments have been built in different areas in the world - including airports, marinas, resorts, and golf courses Mangrove forests have been removed to create beaches Tourist developments such as piers have been built on top of coral

reefs Nesting sites for endangered marine turtles have been destroyed by

large numbers of tourists on the beaches

Let us develop the area, but let’s do so sustainably by learning from these mistakes !

Aiming high: let’s position Tanintharyi as a unique responsible tourist destination in the world

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အၿခားႏငငမားမ သငခနးစာမား သငယၿခငး

ခရးသြားလပငနး အလြအကြ နဖြၿဖးတးတကၿခငးသညလညး အၿခားေသာေကာကတနးဖြၿဖးတးတကၿခငးမား ကသ႔တညေသာၿပသနာမားရပါသည။သ႔ရာတြငအၿခားေကာငးမြနေသာခရးသြားလပငနးသကေရာကမမားရသလပငလယေဂဟစနစမားကလညးပမေကာငးမြနလာႏငေစပါသည။

တစကမၻာလးအတငးအတာအေနၿဖငအခ႕ေနရာမားတြငလညးတာဝနမခရးသြားလာမဖြၿဖးတးတကမမားေဆာကလပထားပါသည။ ေလဆပ၊ ပငလယႏငသကဆငရာမား၊အပနးေၿဖစခနးမားႏငေဂါကကြငးမားၿဖစပါသည။ သာဓကအားၿဖင လမေတာမားကခတထြငရငးလငးၿပးကမးေၿခဖနတးမမား ကမးေၿခမ ပငလယသ႔သြယတနးထားသည တတားမားက သႏာေကာကတနး မားေပၚတြင

တညေဆာကထားၿခငး ပငလယကမးေၿခမားတြင ခရးသြားဥးေရမားၿပားလာေသာေၾကာင လပမားဥဥစရာ

ေနရာမားဖကဆးခရၿခငး ကြႏပတ႔ကဤဧရယာမားကဖြၿဖးတးတကေအာငလပေဆာငခြငၿပပါ၊ သ႔ရာတြင အေပၚက

ေဖာၿပခေသာ သငခနးစာမားက သငယၿပး တာဝနသခရးသြားလပငနးက ေဖာေဆာငၾကပါစ႔ ရညမနးခကၿမငၿမငထားပါ၊ တနသၤာရေဒသက တစကမၻာလးတြင အႏငးမေသာ

တာဝနသခရးသြားလာေရး ေနရာအၿဖစ ၾကးစားၾကပါစ႔

Page 24: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Examples of mass tourism in coastal areasပငလယကမးေၿခ ဧရယာမားတြင ခရးသြားလပငနးမား မားၿပားလာမ၏ဥပမာ

Benidorm, Spain, in the 1960sဘာနဒြနး၊ စပနႏငင၊ ၁၉၆၀

Benidorm, Spain, todayဘာနဒြနး၊ စပနႏငင၊ ယခ

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Mass tourism VS small scale tourismခရးသြားလပငနးမား မားၿခငးႏင ခရးသြားလပငနးမား နညးၿခငး

Page 26: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Suggested compromiseညႏငး ေဆြးေႏြး တငပငၿခငး


ႏစခစလးေရာစပၿခငးZoning for mass tourism

(e.g. Maungmakan, Kawthaung islands)ခရးသြားဥးေရ အေၿမာကအၿမားအတြက ဇမား သတမတၿခငး

(ဥပမာ.ေမာငးမကန၊ ေကာေသာငးကြ နး)AND

Zoning for small-scale eco-resorts

(e.g. Titzit beach, Lampi)ခရးသြားဥးေရအနညးငယ၊ ေဂဟ-အပနးေၿဖေနရာ ဇမား သတမတၿခငး

(ဥပမာ.သစဇစကမးေၿခ၊ လနပ)

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Zoning examplesဇမား သတမတၿခငး ဥပမာ

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The Visionစတကးဥာဏအေမာအၿမင

A sustainable future, where healthy ecosystems support, and are supported by,

thriving local communities and a vibrant economy

တာဝနသေသာအနာဂတ၊ ကနးမာေကာငးမြနေသာေဂဟ-စနစအေထာကအက၊ ေဒသခအသငးအဝငးမား၏

ဝငးဝနးေထာကပမႏင ေကာငးမြနေသာစးပြားေရးတးတကမ

Page 29: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Proposed Actions


promoting co-operation between sectors and of cross-sectorial development models;

involving local people in drafting tourism policy and decisions

Socio-economic factors

Creating new job opportunities;

promoting local purchasing of food and building material;

setting up networks of local producers for better marketing;

development of new products to meet the needs of tourists

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စမခန႕ခြမမား သကဆငရာ ဌာနမားၾကား ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကၿခငး ခရးသြားလပငနး မ၀ါဒအၾကမးႏင ဆးၿဖတခကမား ခမတရာတြငေဒသခၿပညသမားက ပးေပါငးပါ၀ငေစၿခငး

စးပြားေရးဆငရာခန႕ခြမမား အလပအကငအသစမား ဖနတးေပးၿခငး ေဒသထြက စားေသာကကနမားႏင ေဆာကလပေရးပစၥညးမားက၀ယယအသးၿပေစၿခငး

ေဒသခထတလပသမားအတြက ပမေကာငးမြနေသာေစးကြကမားရရရနကြနရကတစခ ဖြ႕စညးေပးၿခငး

ခရးသြားမား လအပေသာ ထတကနအသစမားက ထတလပၿခငး

Page 31: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Proposed Actions

Environment improving control and enforcement of environmental standards (noise,

waste management, drinking water, bathing water, waste-water treatment, etc.);

identification and protection of endangered habitats; creation of buffer zones around sensitive natural areas; prohibition of environmentally harmful sports in jeopardized regions; strict application of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), and

Strategic Environmental Assessment Procedures

Knowledge environmental management; training people involved in coastal tourism about the value of historical

heritage; training protected area management staff in nature interpretation; raising environmental awareness among the local population; introducing a visitors information programme, including environmental


Page 32: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri


သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာ သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာ အဆငအတနးတစခ ေပၚထြနးလာေစရန စနစတကထနးသမးၿခငးႏင

ဥပေဒအတငး လကနာေဆာငရြကၿခငး (ဆညသမား၊ စြန႕ပစအမကစမခန႕ခြၿခငး၊ ေသာကေရသးေရမား၊ေရဆးေရညစမားအား စနစတက စြန႕ပစၿခငး စသညျဖင)

မးစတမားခြၿခားေရြးထတၿခငးႏင အႏရာယရေသာမးစတမားမ ကာကြယၿခငး ပကစးလြယေသာ သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငေနရာမားက ဇတစခအၿဖစ သကမတထားရၿခငး သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကင ထခကေစနငေသာ အားကစားယာဥမားက တားၿမစၿခငး (ဥပမာ.ေရေပၚစး

ဆငကယေမာေတာယာဥမား) သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာ အကးသကေရာကမ႕သေဘာထားဗဟာမားက လကနာရန

အသပညာေပးၿခငးမား သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာ စမနခနခြမမား ေရးေဟာငးသမငး၀ငသႏာေကာကတနးမား ခရးသြားလပငနးႏင သကဆငေသာသမားက

သငတနးေပးၿခငး ထနးသမးေစာငေရာကထားေသာ ပတ၀နးကငရ စမခနခြေရး၀နထနးမားက

သဘာ၀အတငးထနးသမးေစာငေရာကရန သငတနးေပးၿခငး ေဒသခလထက သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာ အသပညာမားက နားလညေစရန ပညာေပးၿခငး ခရးသြားမားက လညပတၿခငးဆငရာ သတငးအခကအလကအစအစဥမားကမတဆကေပးၿခငး၊

သဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာမား အသေပးၿခငး

Page 33: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Immediate next steps

All stakeholders shall:1. Contribute to the development of a comprehensive conservation

action plan to protect Tanintharyi’s reefs and forests; 2. Help include marine protected area management into TNI’s long-

term planning and policy; 3. Support the establishment of a network of marine protected areas

for Tanintharyi for the protection of biodiversity and sustaining ecosystem goods and services.

Through sustainable marine ecotourism development, reach out to communities and take conservation action In encouraging community participation in conservation and

tourism initiatives, we can conduct various activities (e.g. ‘pride campaign’, site-specific education programs)

Encourage sustainable coastal resource use for tourism Coastal research and monitoring of tourism development Protected areas management with adequate infrastructure

Page 34: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

ေနာကအဆငမားက အလငအၿမန ေဆာငရြကၿခငး

ခရးသြားလပငနးတြင ပါ၀ငပတသကသမားအားလး လပေဆာငရန1. ပါ၀ငပတသကသမားအားလး ပးေပါငးေဆာကရြကခငးအားၿဖင တနသၤာရတငးရ

သနာေကာကတနးမားႏင ေတာအပမားက ကာကြယမ႕ေပးႏငပါသည2. ပငလယႏငသကဆငေသာ ကာကြယထားသညသဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကင စမခန႕ခြမမားက

ကညေပးၿခငးအားၿဖင တနသၤာရတငးရ ေရရညစမကနးမားႏင မ၀ါဒမားကအေကာငအထညေဖာနငပါသည

3. ပငလယႏငသကဆငေသာ ကာကြယထားသညသဘာ၀ပတ၀နးကင ကြနရကတစခဖြ႕စညးေပးၿခငးအားၿဖင တနသၤာရတငးရ ဇ၀-စနစ ေဂဟ-စနစမားကပမေကာငးမြနလာေစနငပါသည

တာ၀နသ ပငလယ ေဂဟ-ခရးသြားလပငနးဖြၿဖးတးတကမ႕ၿဖစေပၚလာေစရန ေဒသခမားကအသေပးၿခငး ႏင ျပနလညထနးသမးမြနးမမ႕အစအစဥမား လပေဆာငရန ေဒသခမားက ျပနလညထနးသမးမြနးမမ လပငနးမားတြင ပါ၀ငလာေစၿခငး

သႏာေကာကတနး အရငးအၿမစမားက တာ၀နသ ခရးသြားလပငနးမားတြင အသးခၿခငး ပငလယကမးေၿခမားက သေတသနၿပလပၿခငးႏင ခရးသြားလပငနး ဖြၿဖးတးတကမအေပၚ

ေလလာေစာငၾကညၿခငး လေလာကေသာ အေၿခခအေဆာကအအမားၿဖင ကာကြယထားေသာ ပတ၀နးကငဆငရာ


Page 35: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Suggested CORE principles

Tourism should be planned and managed within environmental limits and with due regard for the long-term use of natural and human resources

Integrated sustainable tourism planning, development and operation should form part of Tanintharyi government’s development strategy

The different types of tourism development should be considered for different areas, as well as the ways in which they link with existing land and resource uses, and socio-cultural factors (e.g. CBT in villages, eco-resorts in less fragile coastal zones)

Tourism should support a wide range of local economic activities, taking into account environmental costs and benefits it should not become an activity that dominates the economic base of Tanintharyi

Page 36: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Suggested CORE principles

Local communities should be encouraged and expected to participate in the planning, development and control of tourism with the support of TNI government and industry

Particular attention should be paid to indigenous peoples (e.g. Moken), women and minority groups to ensure the equitable distribution of benefits of tourism

All organizations and individuals should respect the culture, economy, way of life, environment and political structures in Tanintharyi

All stakeholders should be educated about the need to develop sustainable forms of tourism, including raising awareness on both positive and negative impacts of tourism, roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder about sustainability, and accountability measures

Page 37: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Suggested CORE principles

Education about sustainability, tourism and hospitality is essential among host communities and tourists

Marketing tourism in TNI should not mislead, the destination should be marketed responsibly and accurately

Research should be undertaken throughout all stages of tourism development – to monitor ongoing impacts, solve problems and to allow local people to respond to challenges

All stakeholders should work together to avoid potential conflict and to optimize the benefits to all involved

Page 38: Advancing Sustainable Tourism in Taninthayri

Thank you.ေကးဇးအထးတငရပါသည။