alkanes presentation

Alkanes By:Evan Johnson

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Post on 22-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Alkanes presentation

Alkanes By:Evan Johnson

Page 2: Alkanes presentation

Definition:● Alkanes have a saturated single bond

● Their bond angle is 109.5 degrees because of its tetrahedral


● The rotation of these alkanes is free with its open mobility and

lesser bond

Page 3: Alkanes presentation

Butane contains 4 Carbons & 10 Hydrogen molecules

2,3 dimethyl Hexane’s parent chain has 6 total carbons and 2 methyl groups (which is off the 2nd and 3rd carbon)Picture Slide I

Page 4: Alkanes presentation

3 ethyl pentane’s main/parent chain contains 5 carbons and contains an ethyl group off of the 3rd carbon

Picture Slide II

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Examples•Some examples of alkanes being used are from polar regions that helped develop fuels. Such is kerosene and gasoline. •They also help with anti-corrosive

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Summary● Alkanes have a saturated hydrocarbon single bond

● Their bond angle is 109.5 degrees because of its tetrahedral


● The rotation of these alkanes is free with its open mobility and

lesser bond because of their lack of electrons