amabwiriza y a minisitiri n° ministerial instructions n...

AMABWIRIZA YA MINISITIRI MINISTERIAL INSTRUCTIONS 01119.23 YO KUW A 01/08/2014 01119.23 OF 01108/2014 ON YEREKEYE UBURYO BWO PLACEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVANTS GUSHYIRA ABAKOZI MU MY ANYA AFTER 2014 RESTRUCTURING OF NYUMA Y'IVUGURURA RY'INZEGO PUBLIC SERVICE INSTITUTIONS Z'IMIRIMO YA LETA RYAKOZWE MUMWAKA WA2014 ISHAKIRO TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTRUCTIONS MINISTERIELLES 01119.23 DU 01108/2014 PORTANT MODALITES D'AFFECTATION DES AGENTS DE L'ETAT APRES LA RESTRUCTURA TION DE LA FONCTION PUBLIQUE DE 2014 TABLE DES MATIERES UMUTWE W A MBERE: RUSANGE INGINGO PROVISIONS GENERAL CHAPITRE PREMIER: DISPOSITIONS GENERALES Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo aya mabwiriza Article one: Purpose of these instructions agamije Ingingo ya 2: Abarebwa n'aya mabwiriza Article 2: Scope of application Article premier : Objet des presentes instructions Article 2: Champ d'application Ingingo ya 3: Amahame agenderwaho mu Article 3: Guiding principles for Article 3 : Les princ1pes guidant gushyira Abakozi mu myanya placement of public servants !'affectation des agents de l'Etat Ingingo ya 4: Ibyiciro by' Abakozi bari mu Article 4: Categories of public servants Article 4 : Categories des agents de l'Etat myanya irebwa n'aya mabwiriza governed by these instructions regis par ces instructions Ingingo ya 5: Uko ibikorwa bikurikirana Article 5: Steps followed m mu kubahiriza aya mabwiriza implementation of these instructions Ingingo ya 6:1tsinda rishinzwe gushyira Article 6: Panel responsible for these Article 5 : Etapes a suivre dans Ia mise en application de ces instructions mu bikorwa ivugurura ry'Urwego implementation of the restructuring of the institution Article 6 : Le jury charge de Ia mise en application de Ia restructuration de I' institution 1

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INGINGO .:;;:C;:;.;H~A::;:;P....;:T;,..::;E;;.;:;R.:.....__---=O..:...;N=E: PROVISIONS


Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo aya mabwiriza Article one: Purpose of these instructions agamije

Ingingo ya 2: Abarebwa n'aya mabwiriza Article 2: Scope of application

Article premier : Objet des presentes instructions

Article 2: Champ d'application

Ingingo ya 3: Amahame agenderwaho mu Article 3: Guiding principles for Article 3 : Les princ1pes guidant gushyira Abakozi mu myanya placement of public servants !'affectation des agents de l'Etat

Ingingo ya 4: Ibyiciro by' Abakozi bari mu Article 4: Categories of public servants Article 4 : Categories des agents de l'Etat myanya irebwa n'aya mabwiriza governed by these instructions regis par ces instructions

Ingingo ya 5: Uko ibikorwa bikurikirana Article 5: Steps followed m mu kubahiriza aya mabwiriza implementation of these instructions

Ingingo ya 6:1tsinda rishinzwe gushyira Article 6: Panel responsible for

these Article 5 : Etapes a suivre dans Ia mise en application de ces instructions

mu bikorwa ivugurura ry'Urwego implementation of the restructuring of the institution

Article 6 : Le jury charge de Ia mise en application de Ia restructuration de I' institution

1 ~

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Ingingo ya 7: Inshingano z'itsinda Article 7: Responsibilities of the Panel Article 7 : Attributions du Jury charge de rishinzwe gushyira mu bikorwa ivugurura responsible for implementation of the Ia mise en application de Ia ry'urwego restructuring of the institution restructuration de }'institution




Ingingo ya 8:Kugenzura Article 8: Verifying performance isuzumabushobozi n'ibisabwa ku myanya evaluation and job profiles for public y' Abakozi bo mu cyiciro cya mbere servants of the first category


Article 8 : Verifier I' evaluation des performances et les profils d'emploi pour les agents de l'Etat de Ia premiere categorie

Int!ine:o ya 9: Kugenzura Article 9:Verifying performance Article 9: Verifier }'evaluation des isuzumabushobozi n'ibisabwa ku myanya evaluation and job profiles for public performances et les profils d'emploi des y' Abakozi bo mu cyiciro cya kabiri servants of the second category agents de l'Etat de Ia deuxieme categorie



Ingingo ya 10: Uburyo bwo gushyira Article 10: Modalities to place public Article 10: Modalites d'affectation aux Abakozi mu myanya yagize impinduka servants on reformed posts postes qui ont subi des changements

Ingingo ya 11: Gushyirwa mu mwanya Article 11: Provisional appointment w'ubuyobozi by'agateganyo

Ingingo ya 12: Gushyirwa mu myanya Article 12: Acting position y'ubuyobozi ku buryo bw'ubusigire


Article 11: Affectation proviso ire

Article 12 : Interim

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Ingingo ya 13: Gushakirwa umwanya mu zindi Nzego za Leta

Article 13: Redeployment Article 13 : Redeploiement

Ingingo ya 14: Agaciro k'uburambe mu kazi ka Leta

Article 14: Valu of work experience in Article 14: Considerer l'experience public service professionnelle dans Ia fonction publique

In2:in2:o ya 15: Guhagarikwa Article 15: Suspension for job removal or by'agateganyo kubera ibura ry'umurimo -redundancy

Ingingo ya 16: Raporo ku ishyirwa mu Article 16: Report on placement of public myanya y'imirimo nyuma y'ivugurura servants after restructuring

Article 15 : Suspension pour suppression ou manque d'emploi

Article 16 : Rapport sur l'affectation des agents de l'Etat apres Ia restructuration


Ingingo ya 17: Ubujurire Article 17: Appeal

Ingingo ya 18: Isubukura ry'ipiganwa mu Article 18: Resuming recruitment in Nzego za Leta public service

Ingingo ya 19: Ivanwaho ry'ingingo Article 19: Repealing provision z'amabwiriza anyuranye n'aya

Ingingo ya 20: Igihe iteka ritangira Article 20: Commencement gukurikizwa



Article 17: Appel

Article 18: Reprise du recrutement dans Ia fonction publique

Article 19: Disposition abrogatoire

Article 20 : Entree en vigueur

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Minisitiri w' Abakozi ba Leta n'Urnurirno,

Asubiye ku mabwiriza ya Minisitiri no 03119.21 yo ku wa 1 0/07/2009 yerekeye isuzumabushobozi no gushyira Abakozi mu myanya nyuma y'ivugurura ry'Inzego z' Imirimo ya Leta;

Amaze kubona ko nyuma y'ivugurura ry'Inzego z' imirimo ya Leta hari imyanya y' imirimo yahinduriwe ibisabwa, inyito, intera, yongewe mu mbonerahamwe y' imyanya y'imirimo cyangwa yavanywemo;

Mu rwego rwo gushyiraho uburyo bunoze bwo gushyira Abakozi mu myanya nyuma y' Ivugurura ry'Inzego z' Imirimo ya Leta ryakozwe mu mwaka wa 20 14;


The Minister of Public Service and Labour;

Having reviewed Ministerial Instructions N° 03/19.21 of 10/07/2009 on performance evaluation and placement of public servants after public institutions 'reform;

Considering that there are certain job positions whose profiles, job title andgrades have changed after restructuringand which were either addedon or removed from organizational structures of vanous institutions;

In the framework of establishing clear modalities for placement of public servants after the restructuring of public service institutions in 2014;


Le Ministre de Ia Fonction Publique et du Travail;

Revu les Instructions Ministerielles N° 03/19.21 du 10/07/2009 portantevaluation des performances et affectation des Agents de l'Etat apres la reforme de la Fonction Publique;

Considerant qu'apres la restructuration des institutions publiques, quelques postes d'emploi ont subi des changements en ce qui conceme les profils requis, les titres des postes, grades, quelques postes ont eteajoutes ou supprimes sur differentes structures organisationnelles;

Dans le cadre de mettre en place les modalites d'affectation des Agents de l'Etat a pres la restructuration de la F onction Publique de 2014;

Inama y' Abaministiri yo ku wa 29/07/2014 After consideration and approval by the Apres examen et adoption par le Conseil des imaze kubisuzuma no kubyemeza; Cabinet in its session of29/07/2014; Ministres en sa seance du 29/07/2014;


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INGINGO -=C=H=A;;:;....PT=E=R::..;:...._ __ O=N:....;.E=: PROVISIONS


Ingingo ya mbere: Icyo aya mabwiriza Article One: Purpose of these instructions agamije Aya mabwiriza agena uburyo bwo gushyira The present instructions determine modalities mu myanya Abakozi ba Leta nyuma for placement of public servants after the y'lvugurura ry'Inzego z' Imirimo ya Leta restructuring of public service's institutions harimo Inzego Nkuru za Leta, Minisiteri, including State High Institutions, Ministries, Ibigo bya Leta, Komisiyo z'Igihugu, !nama Public Institutions, National Commissions, z'igihugu, Inzego zihariye, Intara n'Inzego National Councils, Specialized Organs, z'Imitegekere y'Igihugu zegereJwe Provinces and decentralized administrative Abaturage, nk'uko ryakozwe mu mwaka wa entities, as done in 2014. 2014.

Ingingo ya 2: Abarebwa n'aya mabwiriza

Aya mabwiriza areba Abakozi bagengwa na Sitati Rusange 1genga Abakozi ba Leta bakorera Inzego za Leta mu gihe izo Nzego ziba zimaze gukorerwa ivugurura.

lnzego zifite sitati zihariye, zihera kuri aya mabwiriza zigashyiraho uburyo bwihariye bwo gushyira Abakozi mu myanya nyuma y' ivugurura ry ' izo Nzego.

Article 2: Scope of application

These instructions shall govern public servants governed by the general statutes for public service after restructuring of public service ' institutions.

Institutions with special statutes shall base on these instructions and establish specific modalities for placing public servants after their restructuring.


Article premier: Objet des presentes instructions Les presentes instructions determinent les modalites d' affectation des agents de 1 'Etat apres la restructuration des institutions de la Fonction Publique qui a touche les Hautes Institutions de 1 'Etat, les Ministeres, les Etablissements Publics, les Commissions Nationales, les Conseils Nationaux, les Organes Specialises, les Provinces et les entites administratives decentralisees, telle que faite en 2014.

Article 2: Champ d'application

Les presentes instructions s'appliquent aux agents de l'Etat regis par le Statut General de la Fonction Publique apres la restructuration des institutions de la Fonction Publique.

Les institutions disposant des agents regis par le statut particulier se basent sur les presentes instructions et mettent en place les modalites specifiques pour 1' affectation de leurs agents apres la restructuration.

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Ingingo ya 3: Amahame agenderwaho mu Article 3: Guiding principles for Article 3 : Principes guidant !'affectation des agents de l'Etat gushyira Abakozi mu myanya placement of public servants

Amahame ashingirwaho mu gushyira Abakozi mu myanya nyuma y'ivugurura ni aya akurikira:

1 o Amanota yemeJwe mu isuzumabushobozi no kuba umukozi yujuje ibisabwa (qualifications, skills and competences) ku mwanya w'umurimo asabirwa gushyirwamo ni byo bishingirwaho mbere na mbere mu gushyira Abakozi mu myanya y'imirimo iri ku mbonerahamwe nshya y'imyanya yimirimo y'Urwego;

2 o Umukozi ushyirwa mu mwanya agomba kuba yarabonye amanota y'isuzumabushobozi angana cyangwa ari hejuru ya 60%;

3 o U mukozi wa Leta wagize arnanota ari munsi ya 60 % asezererwa nta mpaka ku munmo we mu R we go yakoreragamo nta n'imperekeza kubera ubushobozi buke nk'uko biteganywa n' Iteka rya Minisitiri w'Intebe no 121 /03 ryo kuwa 08/09/2010 rishyiraho uburyo bukoreshwa mu Isuzumabushobozi

Guiding principles for placing public Les principes qui doivent guider !' affectation servants after restructuring shall be as des agents de l'Etat apres la restructuration follows: sont les suivants :

1 o Marks approved m performance evaluation and the fact that a public servant meets the required job profile (qualifications, skills and competences) for a gtven job position, shall be the first criteria to base on for placing public servants on posts of the new organizational structure;

2 o A public servant to be placed must have got marks that are equal or supenor to 60% m performance evaluation;

3 o A public servant who has got less than 60% of marks m his/her performance evaluation shall be automatically removed from office based on poor performanceand shall not be entitled to termination benefits as provided for by Prime Minister's Order N° 121/03 of 08/09/2010 establishing the procedure of


1 ° Les points approuves dans 1' evaluation des performances et le fait d'avoir le profil exige (qualification, connmssance et competences) sur un poste d'emploi donne, sont les criteres de base auxquels on se refere pour !'affectation de l'agent de l'Etat dans la nouvelle structure organisationnelle;

2 o L'agent de l'Etat qui peut etre affecte est celui qm a obtenu dans !'evaluation des performances une note egale ou superieure a 60% ;

3 o L'agent de l'Etat qui a obtenu moins de 60% des points dans !'evaluation des performances doit etre demis d'office de ses fonctions pour faible performance. Celui-ci ne beneficie pas des indemnites de depart conformement a 1 'Arrete du Premier Ministre N° 121103 du 08/09/2010 fixant les modalites d'evaluation des

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n'Izamurwa mu Ntera ry' Abakozi ba Leta;

4 ° Iyo Umukozi yaburiwe umwanya bitewe n'ivugurura, ashakirwa undi mwanya w'urnurimo mbere na mbere unganya intera n'uwo yari asanzwemo mbere;

5 ° Iyo Umukozi atabonewe undi mwanya w'umurimo unganya intera n'uwo yari asanzwemo mbere, ashakirwa undi mwanya mu cyiciro cy'imirimo (professional category) kibarizwamo umwanya yahozeho mbere;

6 ° Mu gihe umwanya w'umurimo wazamunwe Icyiciro cy'imirimo (professional category) ushyirwamo Umukozi binyuze mu ipiganwa;

7 ° Iyo Umukozi aburiwe umwanya w'umurimo mu Rwego yakoragamo, ashyikirizwa Minisiteri y' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo, agashakirwa umwanya w'umurimo mu zindi Nzego za Leta hakurikijwe ibiteganywa mu ngingo ya 13 y'aya mabwiriza;

performance appraisal and promotion of public servants;

4 ° Where, as result of restructuring, a public servant's post has been removed or the incumbent IS m redundancy, he/she shall be offered anotherjob position by considering in the first place, available poststhat have the same grade as the one he/she was occupying before restructuring;

5 ° Where no job position of the same grade as previous has been found for a public servant, he/she shall be offered another job position falling under his/her previous professional category;

6 o Where a job position has been upgraded and shifted into another professional category, it shall be filled through open competition;

7 ° Where no job position has been found for a public servant within his/her employing institution, this shall be reported to the Ministry of Public Service and Labour that will look for him/her another job position elsewhere m public service m


performances et de promotion des agents de 1' Etat;

4 o Lorsque !'agent de l'Etat manque un poste d'emploi a cause de Ia restructuration, il est affecte aun autre poste en tenant compte d' abord des postes vacants ayant le meme grade que celui auquel !'agent de l'Etat etait avant la restructuration ;

5o Lorsqu'aucun poste de meme grade que celui auquell'agent de l'Etat etait avant, n' est disponible, cet agent doit etre affecte a un autre poste de Ia meme categorie professionnelle que celle du poste anterieur;

6 ° Lorsque le poste d'emploi a change sa categorie professionnelle a Ia hausse, !'institution concemee doit recruter par concours l'agent de l'Etat qui do it I' occuper;

7 o Lorsqu'aucun poste d'emploi n'a ete trouve pour !'agent de l'Etat dans son institution de travail, ceci est signale au Ministere de la Fonction Publique et du Travail qui lui cherche un poste d' emploi ailleurs dans la fonction publique conformement aux

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8 ° Irnyanya cyangwa tmirimo yar1 isanzwemo Abakozi bagengwa n'amasezerano mu Nzego za Leta, ikaba yarashyizwe mu mbonerahamwe nshya y'imyanya y'imirimo, ishyirwamo Abakozi bagengwa na Sitati Rusange igenga Abakozi ba Leta bari basanzwe mu Nzego za Leta hakurikijwe ibiteganywa mu ngingo ya 9, iya 10 n'iya 13 z'ayamabwiriza;

9 o Amasezerano y'akazi Abakozi (Contractual Staff) bavugwa mu gace ka 8° k'ingingo ya 3 bagiranye n'Inzego za Leta agomba guhita arangizwa, hubahirizwa neza ingingo zayo ziteganya uburyo bwo kurangiza amasezerano bagiranye n'Inzego bakorera kandi hubahirizwa Itegeko rigenga Umurimo mu Rwand.a.

accordance with article 13 of these instructions;

g o Job positions and jobs that were occupied by contractual staff and have as result of restructuring, been incorporated into the new organizational structure, shall be filled by public servants governed by the general statutes who were working within public serv1ce following provisions of articles 9, 10 and 13 of these instructions;

9 o Existing employment contracts concluded with staff members referred to in point go of this article, shall be terminated by carefully abiding by termination clauses stipulated by those contracts and the Law regulating Labour in Rwanda.

dispositions de 1' article 13 des presentes instructions;

8 ° Les postes et emplois anterieurement occupes par des agents de l'Etat sous contrat de travail et qm ont ete integres sur la nouvelle structure organisationnelle suite a la restructuration, doivent etre occupes par les agents de l'Etat regis par le Statut General de la Fonction Publique qui travaillaient deja au sein de la fonction publique ; conform~ment aux dispositions des articles 9, 1 0 et 13 des presentes instructions;

9 o Les contrats de travail existants conclus avec les agents dont mention au point go du present article, doivent etre resilies en se conformant scrupuleusement aux clauses de resiliation prevus par ces contrats mns1 qu'a la loi portant reglementation du travail au Rwanda.

lngingo ya 4: lbyiciro by' Abakozi bari mu Article 4: Categories of public servants Article 4 : Categories des agents de l'Etat myanya irebwa n'aya mabwiriza governed by these instructions regis par les presentes instructions

Abakozi ba Leta barebwa n'aya mabwiriza Public servants governed by these Les agents de l'Etat regis par les presentes bari mu byiciro bibiri: instructions shall be into two categories as instructions sont dans deux categories

follows: suivantes:


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1 o Icyiciro cya mbere kigizwe n' Abakozi 1 °The first category is composed of 1 °La premiere categorie comprend les agents de l'Etat suivants: bakurikira: following public servants:

1. Abakozi basanzwe mu myanya y'imirimo itarahinduriwe ibisabwa, ntihindurirwe intera, ntihindurirwe inyito kandi n'umubare w' imyanya ihuriye ku munmo umwe bakora ukaba utaragabanutse;

11. Abakozi bakora ku myanya yahinduriwe inyito ariko ibisabwa n'intera ntibihinduke kandi n'umubare w'imyanya ihuriye ku mur1mo umwe bakora ukaba utaragabanutse.

1. Public servants occupying job positions whose job profiles, grades, and job titles have not been changed and whose jobpositions' number related to the same job did not reduce;

11. Public servants occupymg job positions whosetitles have been changed but did not change on job profiles and grade and the number of their positions of the same job did not reduce;

1. Agents de l'Etat occupant les postes qui n'ont pas change leurs profils exiges, leurs grades, leurs titres et pour lesquels le nombre des postes de travail composant le meme emploi n'a pas ete reduit;

11 . Agents de l'Etat occupant les postes qui ont change leurs titres mais n'ont pas change leurs profils exiges, leurs grades et pour lesquels le nombre des postes de travail composant le meme emploi n'a pas ete reduit;

zo Icyiciro cya kabiri kigizwe n' Abakozi 2°The second category is composed of 2°La deuxieme categorie comprend les bakurikira: following public servants: agents de l'Etat suivants:

1. Abakozi bakora ku myanya yahinduriwe ibisabwa;

11. Abakozi bakora ku myanya yahinduriwe intera;

iii. Abakozi bakora umunmo umwe wagabanyirijwe umubare w'imyanya;

1v. Abakozi bakora ku myanya

1. Public servants occupymg job 1. positions for which job profiles have changed;

Agents de l'Etat occupant les postes qui ont change de profil exige;

11. Public servants occupymg job positions whose grade has changed;

iii. Public servants performing the same job for which the number of job positions has been reduced;

11. Agents de l'Etat occupant les postes qui ont change de grades;

iii. Agents de l'Etat occupant le meme emploi dont le nombre des postes de travail a ete reduit ;

1v. Public servants whose job positions 1v. Agents de l'Etat dont les postes ont ete


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yavanywe y' imyanya bakoramo;

ku mbonerahamwe y' imirimo y'Urwego

v. Abakozi bajya mu myanya mishya yongewe ku mbonerahamwe y'imyanya y'imirimo y'Urwego.

have been organizational institution;

removed trom structure of

the an

v. Public servants to fill new job positions added on the organizational structure of an institution.

suppnmes sur la structure organisationnelle de 1' institution;

v. Agents de l'Etat qui doivent occuper les nouveaux postes mis sur la structure organisationnelle de !' institution.

Ingingo ya 5: Uko ibikorwa bikurikirana Article 5: Steps to follow in implementing Article 5 : Etapes a suivre dans Ia mise en mu kubahiriza aya mabwiriza these instructions application des presentes instructions

Intambwe ya mbere: Mu gushyira mu bikorwa aya mabwiriza, Umuyobozi w'Urwego cyangwa undi yabihereye ububasha agomba kubanza, guyatangaza ku cyicaro no kuri website y'urwego no guhuza Abakozi b'Urwego bose, akabasobanurira impinduka zabaye mu mbonerahamwe y'Imyanya y'Imirimo y'Urwego, akanabasobanurira aya mabwiriza agena ibijyanye no gushyira Abakozi mu myanya nyuma y'ivugurura.

Intambwe ya kabiri: Umuyobozi w'Urwego agaragaza urutonde rw'amanota y'isuzumabushobozi ry' Abakozi .bose ku myaka ya 2012/2013 n'uwa 2013/2014, ryakozwe hakurikijwe Iteka rya Minisitiri w'Intebe No 121 /03 ryo kuwa 08/09/2010 rishyiraho uburyo bukoreshwa mu

First step:to implement these instructions, Premiere etape :en vue de la mise en the head of institution or any other senior application des presentes instructions, le official he/she may delegate to do so, shall dirigeant de !'institution ou un autre dirigeant first and foremost publish these instructions qu'il a deleguee a cet effet, publie ces at the office and website of the institution instructions au bureau et site web de and gather all public servants of his/her !'institution et -rassemble tout d'abord tous institution to explain them both changes les agents de l'Etat de !'institution pour leurs occurred on their organizational structure and expliquer les changements effectues sur la modalities to place public servants after structure organisationnelle ainsi que les restructuring as laid down by these modalites d'affecter les agents de l'Etat apres instructions. la restructuration, comme prevues par les

presentes instructions.

Second step: the head of institution shall Deuxieme etape: le dirigeant de !'institution avail marks of performance evaluation of all disponibilise les notes obtenues par les public servants for fiscal years 2012/2013 agents de l'Etat suite a !'evaluation des and 2013/2014 as done in accordance with performances aux annees budgetaires Prime Minister's Order N°121103 of 2012/2013 et 2013/2014 comme faits 08/09/2010 establishing the procedure of conformement a 1' Arrete du Premier Ministre performance a praisal and promotion of No 121103 du 08/09/2010 fixant les modalites


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isuzumabushobozi n'izamurwa mu Ntera public servants. ry' Abakozi ba Leta.

d'evaluation des performances et de promotion des agents de l'Etat.

Intambwe ya gatatu: Gushyiraho itsinda Third Step: Establishment of a panel in Troisieme etape: creation d'un jury charge rishinzwe gushyira mu bikorwa ivugurura charge of implementing the restructuring of de mettre en application la restructuration de ry'Urwego. an institution. !'institution.

Intambwe ya kane: Itsinda rishyikiriza Umuyobozi ubifitiye ububasha 1myanzuro y'isuzuma yerekeye Abakozi bakwiye gushyirwa mu myanya.

Intambwe ya gatanu: Abayobozi babifitiye ububasha bashyira abakozi mu myanya, abatabonewe 1myanya bakohererezwa Minisiteri y' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo.

lntambwe ya gatandatu: Minisiteri y' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo ishyira Abakozi baburiwe 1myanya mu Nzego bakoragamo mu myanya y'izindi Nzego za Leta iyo hari imyanya ihari kandi bujuje ibisabwa kuri iyo myanya.

Forth Step: the panel provides to the competent authority evaluation based recommendations indicating public servants and respective posts to occupy.

Fifth Step: competent authorities appoint public servants and the head of institution submits to the Ministry of Public Service and Labour a list of public servants who were not placed.

Sixth Step: The Ministry of Public Service and Labour shall redeploy public servants who were not appointed in their employing institution if there are vacant posts for which they meet required job profiles.

Ingingo ya 6: Itsinda rishinzwe gushyira Article 6: Panel in charge implementing mu bikorwa ivugurura ry'Urwego the institution's restructuring

Itsinda rishinzwe gushyira mu bikorwa The panel in charge of implementing the ivugurura ry'Urwego rigomba kuba rigizwe institution's restructuring shall be composed n' Abayobozi nibura batatu (3). Umuyobozi of at least three (3) officials. The head of w'Urwego ashobora kugena abandi Bayobozi institution may designate other officials to be biyongera mu Itsinda. Amatsinda ateye ku part of the panel. Panel shall be organized as


Quatrieme etape: le jury soumet a l'autorite competente les recommandations basees sur !'evaluation, en indiquant les agents et les postes respectifs a occuper.

Cinquieme etape : les autorites competentes affectent les agents de l'Etat et le dirigeant de !'institution soumet au Ministere de la Fonction Publique et du Travail la liste des agents de l'Etat qui n'ont pas ete affectes.

Sixieme etape: Le Ministere de la Fonction Publique et du Travail redeploie les agents de l'Etat qui n'ont pas ete affectes dans leur institution de travail s'il y a des postes vacants auxquels ils remplissent les profils exiges.

Article 6 : Le jury charge de Ia mise en application de Ia restructuration de I' institution Le jury charge de la mise en application de la restructuration de !'institution doit etre compose de trois (3) dirigeantsau moins. Le dirigeant de !'institution peut designer d'autres dirigeants qui s'ajoutent au jury. Les

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buryo bukurikira:

Muri Serivisi za Perezidansi ya Repubulika, Itsinda rigizwe n'Umuyobozi w'Ibiro bya Nyakubahwa Perezida wa Repubulika cyangwa undi yabihereye ububasha, ari na we uyobora Itsinda, rigizwe kandi n'Umuyobozi Mukuru w'Imirimo Rusange hamwe n'Umuyobozi w'Ishami rifite imicungire y' Abakozi mu nshingano ze;

Mu Nteko Ishinga Amategeko/buri mutwe , Itsinda rigizwe n'Umunyamabanga Mukuru, Abayobozi nibura babiri bagenwa na Biro, n'Umuyobozi ufite imicungire y' Abakozi mu nshingano ze;

Mu Rukiko rw'Ikirenga, ltsinda ngtzwe n'Umunyamabanga Mukuru, abandi Bayobozi nibura babiri bagenwa na Nyakubahwa Perezida w'Urukiko rw'Ikirenga, n'Umuyobozi ufite imicungire y' Abakozi mu nshingano ze;

Muri Serivisi z'Ibiro bya Minisitiri w'Intebe Itsinda rigizwe n'Umuyobozi w'Ibiro bya Nyakubahwa Minisitiri w'Intebe, Abayobozi nibura babiri bagenwa na Nyakubahwa Minisitiri w'Intebe, n'Umuyobozi ufite imicungire y' Abakozi mu nshingano ze;

follows : jurys sont organises comme suit :

In Services of Office of the President of the Au sein des Services de la Presidence de la Republic, the panel shall be headed by the Republique, le jury est dirige par le Directeur Director of Office of His Excellency The de Cabinet du Bureau de son Excellence le President of the Republic or any other senior President de la Republique ou une autre official he/she may delegate to do so, it shall autorite qu'il a designeea cet effet. 11 also comprise of the Director General of comprend auss1 le Directeur General des Corporate Services and the Director Services Generaux ainsi que le Directeur responsible for human resources charge la gestion des ressources humaines; management;

In Parliament/each Chamber, the panel shall comprise of the Clerk, two officials at least designated by the Bureau, and the Director in charge of human resources management;

In Supreme Court, the panel shall comprise the Secretary General, two officials at least designated by His Excellency the Chief Justice, and the Director in charge of human resources management;

In Services of Office of the Prime Minister, the panel shall comprise of the Director of Office of Right Honourable Prime Minister, two semor officialsat least designated by Right Honourable Prime Minister, and the Director responsible for human resources management;

12 §

Au Parlement/chaque Chambre, le jury est compose du Secretaire General, deux autorites aux inoins nommes par le Bureau, et le Directeur charge de la gestion des ressources humaines ;

Au sein de la Cour Supreme, le jury est compose du Secretaire General, deux autorites au moms nommes par son Excellence le President de la Cour Supreme, et le Directeur charge de la gestion des ressources humaines;

Au sein des Services de la Primature, le jury se compose du Directeur de Cabinet du Bureau de son Excellence le Premier Ministre, deux autorites au mains nommees par son Excellence le Premier Ministre, et le Directeur charge de la gestion des ressources humaines;

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Muri za Minisiteri, ltsinda rigizwe na Minisitiri an na we uriyobora, Umunyamabanga wa Leta (aho bari), Umunyamabanga Uhoraho hamwe n'Umuyobozi w'Ishami ufite Abakozi mu nshingano ze;

Mu Ntara n'Umujyi wa Kigali, Itsinda ngtzwe na Guverineri w'Intara cyangwa Umuyobozi w'Umujyi wa Kigali ari na we uriyobora, Umunyamabanga Nshingwabikorwa n'Umuyobozi ufite imicungire y' Abakozi mu nshingano ze;

. Mu Bushinjacyaha Bukuru, Itsinda rigizwe n'Umushinjacyaha Mukuru an na we uriyobora, Umushinjacyaha Mukuru Wungirije, Umunyamabanga Mukuru, n'Umuyobozi ufite imicungire y' Abakozi mu nshingano ze;

Mu Bigo bya Leta, Komisiyo z'Igihugu, Inzego zihariye n'Inama z'Igihugu, ltsinda rigizwe n'Umuyobozi Mukuru w'Ikigo ari na we uriyobora, Umuyobozi Mu~.uru w'Ikigo Wungirije iyo ahari, abandi Bayobozi nibura babiri bashyirwaho n'Inama y'Ubuyobozi, n'Umuyobozi w'Ishami ufite Imtcungtre y' Abakozi mu nshingano ze;

In Ministries, the panel shall be headed by the Minister and composed of the Minister of State (if applicable), Permanent Secretary, and the Director responsible for human resources management;

In Provinces and Kigali City, the panel shall headed by the Governor/Mayor of Kigali City, and composed of the Executive Secretary and the Director responsible for human resources management;

In the National Public Prosecution Authority, the panel shall be headed by the Prosecutor General, and composed of the Deputy Prosecutor General, the Secretary General and the Director responsible for human resources management;

In Public Institutions, National Commissions, Specialized Organs and National Councils, the panel shall be headed by the Head of the Institution, the Deputy Head of the Institution where applicable, other two Officials at least designated by the Board of Directors, and the Director responsible for human resources management;

Au sein des Ministeres, le jury est dirige par le Ministre, et compose par le Secretaire d'Etat (la ou il est), le Secretaire Permanent, et le Directeur charge de la gestion des ressources humaines;

Au sein des Provinces et Ville de Kigali, le jury est dirige par le Gouvemeur/Maire de la Ville de Kigali, et est compose par le Secretaire Executif et le Directeur charge de la gestion des ressources humaines;

Au sein de 'l'Organe National de Poursuite Judiciaire, le jury est dirige par le Procureur General et compose du Procureur General Adjoint, le Secretaire General et le Directe~r charge de la gestion des ressources humaines;

Au sem des Etablissements Publics, les Commissions Nationales, les Organes Specialises et les Conseils Nationaux, le jury est dirige par le dirigeant de !'institution, le dirigeant adjoint de !'institution si applicable, deux autorites au moins nommees par le Conseil de 1' Administration ams1 que le Directeur charge de la gestion des ressources humaines;

Mu Karere, Itsinda rigizwe na Komite In decentralized administrative entities, the Au sem des entites administratives Nyobozi y' Akarere, Umunyamabanga panel shall be headed by the Mayor of the decentralisees, le jury est dirige par le Maire


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Nshingwabikorwa, n'Umuyobozi w'Ishami ufite imicungire y' Abakozi mu nshingano ze; Umuyobozi w' Akarere m we uyobora Itsinda.

Ingingo ya 7: Inshingano z'itsinda rishinzwe gushyira mu bikorwa ivugurura ry'Urwego

Itsinda rishinzwe gushyira mu bikorwa 1vugurura ry'Urwego rishinzwe ibi bikurikira:

1 °Kwerekana urutonde rw'imirimo igaragara mu mbonerahamwe nshya y'Urwego;

District, and composed of other members of the Executive Committee of the District, the Executive Secretary ofDistrict, and the Director responsible for human resources management.

Article 7: Responsibilities of the Panel in charge of implementing the institution's restructuring

The panel responsible for implementation of the restructuring of the institution shall have the following responsibilities:

de District, et esta compose par d' autres membres du Comite Executif de District, le Secretaire Executif de District ainsi que le Directeur charge de la gestion des ressources humaines.

Article 7 : Attributions du Jury charge de Ia mise en application de Ia restructuration de l'institution

Le jury charge de la mise en application de la restructuration de !'institution a les attributions suivantes:

1 °Showing job positions on the new 1 °Montrer les postes d'emploi de la nouvelle organizational structure of the institution; structure organisationnelle de !'institution;

2°Gusuzuma ibisabwa byose kuri buri 2° Analyse the complete job profile for each 2°Faire !'analyse du profil complet requis mwanya w'umurimo; job position; pour chaque poste d'emploi;

3°Gusuzuma ubushobozi bwa buri Mukozi hashingiwe ku bisabwa kuri buri mwanya w'umurimo;

4 °Gusuzuma amanota umukozi yagize mu masezerano y'imihigo y'umwaka wa 2012/2013 na 2013/2014;

3°Evaluate the performance of each public servant by taking into account the job profile for each job;

4 o Assess marks obtained by a public servant in his/her performance evaluation of fiscal years of2012/2013 and 2013/2014;

3°Evaluer les performances de chaque agent de l'Etat en tenant compte du profil requis pour chaque poste d'emploi;

4°Faire !'analyse de la note obtenue par l'agent de l'Etat au cours de !'evaluation des performances des anneesbudgetaires 2012/2013 et 2013/2014;

5°Gushyira Abakozi mu byiciro bibiri 5°Classify public servants into two 5°Classifier les agents de l'Etat dans les bivugwa mu ngingo ya 4 y'aya mabwiriza; categories referred to in article 4 of these categories dont mention a I' article 4 des

instructions; presentes instructions;

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6°Kugeza ku Muyobozi ubifitiye ububasha 6°Submit to the competent authority 1myanzuro y'isuzuma yerekeye Abakozi recommendations resulting from the bakwiye gushyirwa mu myanya. evaluation done indicating public servants to

be placed and respective posts.

6°Soumettre a l'autorite competente des recommandations basees sur 1' evaluation faite en indiquant les agents de l'Etat a affecter et le postes correspondants.



Ineineo ya 8: Kugenzura Article 8: Verifying performance Article 8: Verifier !'evaluation des isuzumabushobozi n'ibisabwa ku myanya evaluation and job profiles for public performances et les profils d'emploi pour y' Abakozi bo mu cyiciro cya mbere servants of the first category les agents de l'Etat de Ia premiere

Itsinda ngenzura niba Abakozi bari The panel shall verify whether public basanzwe mu myanya ivugwa mu cyiciro cya servants occupying posts of the first category mbere, barakorewe isuzumabushobozi ku have undergone the performance appraisal mihigo y'umwaka wa 2012/2013 n'uwa for years 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 through 2013/2014 bikozwe mu matsinda ateganywa panels as provided for by Prime Minister' s n' Iteka rya Minisitiri w'Intebe no 121103 Order N°121103 of 08/09/2010 establishing ryo ku wa 08/09/2010 rishyiraho uburyo the procedure of performance appraisal and bukoreshwa mu Isuzumabushobozi promotion of public servants. n'Izamurwa mu Ntera ry ' Abakozi ba Leta.


Le jury verifie si les agents de l'Etat de la premierecategorieont subi 1' evaluation des performances pour les annees 2012/2013 et 2013/2014 faite par lesjurys conformement a 1' Arrete du Premier Ministre No 121 /03 du 08/09/2010 fixant les modalites d'evaluation des performances et de promotion des agents de l'Etat.

Itsinda rigenzura kandi ko Abakozi bujuje The panel shall also verify whether the Le jury verifie aussi si les agents remplissent ibisabwa ku myanya y'umirimo hashingiwe incumbents meet the required job profiles in les profils d'emploi reqms ~uivant la


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ku mbonerahamwe y' imyanya y' imirimo nshya y'Urwego. Ababyujuje kandi bagize amanota y' isuzumabushobozi angana nibura na 60% bakomeza gukora kuri iyo myanya uko bisanzwe kandi abo ntibagomba gushyirwa mu myanya bundi bushya.

Iyo umwanya wahinduriwe inyito ariko intera yawo itarahindutse kandi n'ibisabwa kuri uwo mwanya bitarahindutse ugereranyije n'uko umwanya wan umeze mbere y'ivugurura, Umukozi awugumamo, agahabwa ibaruwa iwumushyiraho kuri iyo nyito nshya.

Abakozi batujuje ibisabwa ku myanya y' imirimo bari bariho bahita binjizwa mu cyiciro cya kabiri cy' Abakozi bavugwa muri aya mabwiriza.

lne:ine:o ya 9: Kugenzura Isuzumabushobozi n'ibisabwa ku myanya y' Abakozi bo mu cyiciro cya kabiri

Isuzumabushobozi rishingira ku manota y'isuzumabushobozi ku mihigo y' Abakozi bo mu myanya ivugwa mu cyiciro cya kabiri, ku mwaka wa 2012/2013 n'uwa 2013/2014 nk'uko byakozwe hashingiwe ku Iteka rya Minisitiri w' Intebe no 121 /03 ryo ku wa 08/09/2010 rishyiraho uburyo bukoreshwa

accordance with the new organizational structure. Public servants who meet required profiles and have got at least 60% of marks in performance evaluation shall continue to occupy their posts as usual. For these public servants it is not necessary to appoint them anew.

Where onlythe job title has been changed but the grade and job profiles have not been changed if compared to the status of the post before restructuring, the incumbent shall remam on that post and be g1ven an appointment letter indicating the new job title.

Public servants who don't meet job profiles required on posts they were occupying shall be included into the second category of public servants referred to m these instructions.

Article 9: Verifying performance evaluation and job profiles for public servants of the second category

Evaluation of public servants of the second category shall base on marks of their performance appraisal for fiscal years 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 as done m accordance with Prime Minister' s Order N°121/03 of 08/09/2010 establishing the procedure of performance appraisal and


nouvelle structure organisationnelle de !'institution. Les agents qui remplissent le profil reqms et ayant obtenu une note equivalente a 60% au moms dans !'evaluation des performances, continuent d'occuper leurs postes sans exiger d'autres lettres d' affectation.

Lorsque seul le titre d'emploi a change alors que le grade ainsi que le profil d'emploi sont restes les memes comme avant la restructuration, !'occupant y reste mais re<;oit une nouvelle lettre d'affectation precisant le nouveau titre_ de ce poste d'emploi.

Les agents de l'Etat qui ne remplissent pas les profils d'emploi requis sont ajoutes aux agents de la deuxieme categorie dont mention aux presentes instructions.

Article 9: Verifier !'evaluation des performances et les profils d'emploi des agents de l'Etat de Ia deuxieme categorie

L' evaluation des agents de l'Etat de la deuxieme categorie doit etre basee sur les notes obtenues dans !'evaluation des performances des armees 20 12/2013 et 2013/2014 comme faites suivant 1' Arrete du Premier Ministre N° 121103 du 08/09/2010 fixant les modalites d'evaluation des


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mu isuzumabushobozi n'izamurwa mu Ntera promotion of public servants. ry ' Abakozi ba Leta.

Hakorwa kuri buri Mukozi, impuzandengo y'isuzumabushobozi ryakozwe mu myaka 1maze kuvugwa haruguru kandi amanota mpuzandengo abarirwa ku 100.

lyo Umukozi afite amanota y'isuzumabushobozi ry 'umwaka umwe gusa mu myaka ivugwa haruguru kubera impamvu zmyuranye, 1cyo gihe abarirwa amanota y'umwaka umwe yakoreweho isuzumabushobozi, kandi na yo abarirwa ku 100.

For each public servant, the panel shall calculate an average of marks of performance evaluation of above mentioned years. The average shall be calculated on percentage basis.

In case a public servant, for any reason whatever, has marks of one fiscal year only between the two fiscal years referred to above, the panel shall consider marks of that one year for his performance evaluation. His/her marks shall be calculated on percentage basis.

performances et de promotion des agents de l'Etat.

Pour chaque agent de l'Etat, le jury fait la moyenne des points obtenus dans 1' evaluation des performances de deux annees ci-haut mentionnes. La moyenne se calcule en pourcentage.

Lorsque, pour une raison quelconque, l'agent de l'Etat a les points d'evaluation des performances d'une seule annee parmi les annees ci-haut mentionnees, le jury tient en consideration ces points d'une seule annee. Ces points se c'alculent en pourcentage.

lyo Umukozi yinjiye mu kazi hagati mu If a public servant has entered the public Lorsque l' agent de l'Etat a entre en fonction mwaka wa 2013/2014 ku buryo atari yageza service in the course of the year 2013/2014 au cours de l'annee 2013/2014 de sorte qu'il igihe cyo gukorerwa isuzumabushobozi, icyo that he/she has not undergone any n'a pas encore subi !'evaluation des gihe Umusaruro n'Imyitwarire Umukozi performance evaluation,the performance and performances, les performances et habilite yagaragaje kuva yashyirwa mu mwanya ni skills exhibited from the time of his/her qu'il a exhibees des son entree en fonction byo bisuzumwa hashingiwe ku bikorwa appointment shall be considered to evaluate font objet d'evaluation. Le jury dont mention amaze gukora n'imyitwarire amaze him/her. The panel referred to m these aux presentes instructions evalue ses kugaragaza. ltsinda nvugwa mun aya instructions shall evaluate his performance performances et habilite en utilisant la fiche mabwiriza rimukorera isuzumabushobozi and skills by using the usual evaluation form. ordinaire d 'evaluation. Les points se hifashishijwe ifishi 1sanzwe His/her marks shall be calculated on calculent en pourcentage. y' isuzumabushobozi kandi akagenerwa percentage basis. amanota abarirwa ku 1 00.


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Ingingo ya 10: Uburyo bwo gushyira Article 10: Modalities to place public Article 10: Modalites d'affectation aux Abakozi mu myanya yagize impinduka servants on reformed posts postes qui ont subi des changements

lyo umwanya umukozi yan asanzwemo wahinduriwe ingazi ntambike, uwo mukozi awugumamo 1yo afite amanota y'isuzumabushobozi ahagije kandi yuJUJe ibisabwa kuri uwo mwanya.

lyo umwanya umukozi yan asanzwemo wahinduriwe intera ukajya ku ntera yo hasi, uwo mukozi akaba afite amanota y'isuzumabushobozi ahagije kandi yuJUJe ibisabwa kuri uwo mwanya, awushyirwamo iyo abyemeye. lyo atemeye uwo mwanya, ahagarikwa by'agateganyo kubera ibura ry'umurimo.

lyo umwanya Umukozi yan asanzwemo wahinduriwe intera ariko ntuhindur.e icyiciro cy'imirimo (Professionals 4, 5, 6; or Support staff 7, 8, 9) ubarizwamo Umukozi wari uwusanzwemo awushyirwamo 1yo yujuje ibisabwa kuri uwo mwanya.

When a horizontal step of a job position has been changed, the incumbent shall remain on that post if he/she has got required marks in performance evaluation and meets the relevant job profile.

When a post has been put on lower grade than before, the incumbent who accepts it, shall be appointed on that post if he/she has got required marks of performance evaluation and meets the relevant job profile. If the incumbent does not accept that post, he/she shall be suspended for reasons of redundancy.

When a grade of job position has been changed but the job position has remained within the same job category (Professionals 4, 5, 6; or Support staff 7, 8, 9), the incumbent shall be appointed on that same job position if he/she meets the relevant required job profile.

Lorsque le poste d'emploi a change son echelon horizontal, 1' occupant y est affecte, s'il a obtenu la note exigee dans !'evaluation des performances et remplit le profil d'emploi requis.

Lorsque le post~ d'emploi a ete mis sur un grade inferieur par rapport au grade anterieur, !'occupant du poste qui accepte, est affecte ace poste s'il a obtenu la note exigee dans !'evaluation des performances et remplit le profil d'emploi reqms a ce poste. Si !'occupant n'accepte pas le poste il est mis en suspension pour manque d'emploi.

Lorsque le grade du poste d' emploi a change mais le poste reste dans la memecategorie professionnelle ( categorie professionnelle 4, 5, 6; ou categorie du personnel d'appui 7, 8, 9), !'occupant de ce poste y est affecte s'il remplit le profil d'emploi requis.

lyo hari Umuyobozi wari ku rwego rwa 3 If there is a public servant on 3 job level who S'il y a un agent de l'Etat au poste de niveau waburiwe umwanya w'Ubuyobozi, ashyirwa is inredundancy, he/she shall be placed on 3, qui manque un emploi, il est affecte a un


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ku wundi mwanya mushya w'Ubuyobozi cyangwa ku mwanya wa Specialist iyo uhari kandi akaba afite Job Profile isabwa kuri uwomwanya.

Inzego zirangije gushyira mu myanya abari Abayobozi, ariko zigasigarana imyanya iri ku rwego rw'Ubuyobozi cyangwa iya Specialist itarimo Abakozi mu mbonerahamwe y'imyanya y'imirimo yazo, zihita zishyikiriza Minisiteri y' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo urutonde rw'iyo myanya y'Ubuyobozi cyangwa iyo ku rwego rwa Specialist itashyizwemo Abakozi.

Iyo umurimo wari ufite imyanya myinshi ikorwamo n' Abakozi benshi, ariko mu mbonerahamwe nshya uwo murimo ukaba waragabanyirijwe umubare w'imyanya, mu gushyira Abakozi mu myanya 1s1gaye hakurikizwa uko bakurikirana mu manota babonye mu isuzumabushobozi no kuba bujuje Job Profile isabwa kuri iyo myanya.

Mu gihe hari abanganya amanota, umwanya uhabwa ufite uburambe kuri ako kazi kurusha abandi. Mu gihe banganya n'uburambe umwanya uhabwa ufite amahugurwa asumba ay 'abandi. Mu gihe banganya n' amahugurwa, umwanya uhabwa ufite impamyabumenyi isumba iz'abandi.

another job position of a director's level or specialist's level if the post is available and the candidate meets the relevant required job profile.

Institutions that have finalized the placement of public servants who were on director's level but remain with vacant positions of director or specialist's level on their organizational structure, shall submit to the Ministry of Public Service and Labour the list of those remaining vacant positions on director or specialist's level.

If the job was composed of more job positions occupied by several public servants, but the number of job positions has been reduced through restructuring, the placement of public servants on the remaining job positions shall be done in accordance with the order of their marks while giving privilege to the one who got more marks and who meet the relevant required job profile.

Among those who have same marks, priority shall be given to the one with more seniority on that post. If they have same seniority, priority shall be given to the one who got more training courses.If they got same training courses, priority shall be given to the one with higher academic qualification. If


autre poste vacant ayant le mveau de directeur ou de specialiste lorsqu'il remplit le profit exige pour ce poste.

Les institutions qui ont finalise !'affectation des agents qui etaient aux postes de niveau de directeur, mais qui restent avec d'autres postes vacants au niveau de directeur ou specialiste sur leur structure organisationnelle, doivent soumettre au Ministere de la Fonction Publique et du Travailla liste de ces postes vacants qui sont au niveau de di~ecteur ou specialiste.

Lorsque l'emploi etait occupe par plusieurs agents de l'Etat et que le nombre de postes de ce meme emploi est reduit a cause de la restructuration, 1 'affectation des agents aux postes qm restent doit etre faite suivant l'ordre des points obtenus en privilegiant celui qui a eu la note superieure et qui remplit le profil requis.

Lorsqu'il y a ceux qui ont eu la meme note, celui qui a plus d'experience au poste est privilegie. Aux experiences egales, celui qui a plus de formation est privilegie. En cas des memes formations, celui qm a la qualification academique plus elevee est privilegie. En cas de meme qualifieation, la

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Mu gihe banganya n' impamyabumenyi, umwanya uhabwa umukozi ufite ubumuga. Mu gihe bose bafite ubumuga, umwanya utangwa hashingiwe ku ihame ry'uburinganire.

same academic qualification, priority shall be g1ven to a public servant living with disabilities, if all live with disabilities, the post shall be filled in by taking into account gender.

In2:in2:o ya 11: Gushyirwa mu mwanya Article 11: Provisional appointment w'ubuyobozi by'agateganyo

Muri 1y1 ngmgo, gushyirwa mu mwanya w'ubuyobozi by'agateganyo bisobanura ko hari umukandinda wagize amanota ahagije mu isuzumabushobozi akaba yujuje ibisabwa kandi akaba an we usabirwa n'Urwego akorera ko yazemezwa n' Inama y' Abaminisitiri kuri uwo mwanya.

Mu gihe hategerejwe ko Inama y' Abaminisitiri yemeza Abakozi mu myanya y'Ubuyobozi na Specialists Abakozi basabirwa gushyirwa mun 1yo myanya bahabwa n'Umuyobozi ubifitiye ububasha amabaruwa abashyira mu · myanya by'agateganyo kugira ngo abe an yo ashingirwaho mu kubagenera imishahara n ' ibindi bemererwa n'amategeko bishingiye kuri iyo myanya mishya bashyizwemo.

For the purpose of this article, provisional appointment shall be used in case there is a candidate proposed by an institution to be appointed by Cabinet on a given post.This candidate should have got the required marks in performance evaluation and must meet the relevant job profiles.

While waiting for their full appointment by the Cabinet, public servants including specialists whose requests are pending Cabinet approval shall be given provisional appointment letters by the competent authority. Those letters shall serve as the basis for allocating to them salaries and fringe benefits provided for those new posts in accordance with relevant laws.

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personne handicapee est privilegiee, s' ils sont to us handicapees on affecte 1 'agent en tenant compte du genre.

Article 11: Affectation proviso ire

Dans le cadre du present article, l'affectationprovisoire signifie qu'il y a un candidat que !'institution propose pour occuper un poste auquel 1 'affectation sera definitivementdecidee par le Conseil des Ministres. Ce ~andidat doit avoir obtenu la note exigee dans !'evaluation des performances et remplir le profil d'emploi requispour ce poste.

En attendant la confirmation de leurs affectations par le Conseil des Ministres, les agents de l'Etat incluant les specialistes qui attendent cette affectation definitive re<;oivent des lettres d 'affectation provisoires octroyees par l' autorite competente. Ces lettres servent de base pour payer des salaires et d' autres avantages lies a ces postes conformement ala loi.

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Ingingo ya 12: Gushyirwa mu myanya Article 12: Acting position y'ubuyobozi ku buryo bw'ubusigire

Article 12: Interim

I yo urnwanya an uw'ubuyobozi ukaba If there is a vacant managerial job position to Lorsqu'il y a un poste managerial vacant utarashyizwemo Umuyobozi by 'agateganyo which no provisional appointment was made pour lequel aucune affectation provisoire n'a usanzwe mu Rwego kandi usabirwa by the competent authority, the head of ete faite, le dirigeant de !'institution designe kwemezwa n'Urwego rubifitiye ububasha, institution shall designate an acting public l'agent de l'Etat qui doit assurer !' interim a Umuyobozi Mukuru w'Urwego agena mu servant to occupy the post while waiting for ce poste en attendant que ce poste soit nyandiko Umukozi ugomba kuba akora muri filling the post through recruitment or occupe suite au recrutement ou nomination. uwo mwanya ku buryo bw'ubusigire igihe nomination. hategerejwe ko uwo mwanya ushakirwa Umuyobozi binyuze mu ipiganwa cyangwa mu ishyirwaho.

Ingingo ya 13: Gushakirwa umwanya mu Article 13: Redeployment zindi Nzego za Leta

Iyo Umukozi yari asanzwe mu mwanya ariko ukaba waravanyweho cyangwa waravugurur1we inshingano ku buryo atacyujuje ibisabwa bishya, uwo Mukozi ashakirwa undi mwanya mu Rwego asanzwe akoramo ujyanye n'ibyo yujuje bis.abwa kuri uwo mwanya; atawubonerwa agashyirwa ku rutonde rw' abagomba gushakirwa indi myanya ijyanye n'ibyo bujuje bisabwa mu zindi N zego za Leta.

Where the job position has been removed from the structure or has been given a new job profile that the incumbent does not meet the new required job profile, that public servant shall be placed to another job position in his/her institution in accordance with his/her profile. If no job position is found for him/her, he/she shall be put on a list of public servants to be deployed in other public institutions.

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Article 13 : Redeploiement

Lorsque le poste a ete supprime sur la structure organisationnelle ou le profil requis pour ce poste a ete renouvele de sorte que 1 'occupant du poste ne remplit pas le nouveau profil, l'agent de l'Etat qui occupait ce poste est affectea un autre poste pour lequel il remplit le profil dans son institution. S'il ne trouve pas un poste d'emploi dans son institution de travail il doit etre mis sur la liste des agents de l'Etat qm doivent etredeployes dans d'autres institutions publiques.


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Minisiteri y' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo ni yo 1suzuma amadosiye y'abatabonewe 1myanya mu Nzego bakoragamo ikanabashakira aho bashyirwa mu zindi N zego za Leta igendeye ku bishingirwaho mu gushyira Abakozi mu myanya igendeye ku mahame ateganywa mu ngingo ya 3 y'aya mabwiriza.

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour Le Ministere de la Fonction Publique et du shall be responsible for review of files of Travail doit analyser les dossiers des agents public servants who faced redundancy in qui n'ont pas trouve des postes d'emploi their respective institutions and shall ensure dans leurs institutions et proceder a leur their redeployment to other public redeploiement dans d' autres institutions institutions in accordance with modalities of publiques conformement aux modalites placement of public servants contained in d'affectation prevues par ces instructions et these instructions and by taking into en tenant compte des principes dont mention accountprinciples referred to in Article 3 of a I' article 3 des presentes instructions. these instructions.

Ingingo ya 14: Agaciro k'uburambe mu Article 14:Value of work experience m Article 14:Considerer l'experience kazi ka Leta public service professionnelle dans Ia fonction publique

Igihe Umukozi yashyizwe mu mwanya ufite intera m hasi y'iy 'uwo yan asanzwemo mbere y'ivugurura, uburambe bw'uwo Mukozi ku mwanya w'intera yo hejuru yahozeho, bugumana agaciro.

Mu gihe Umukozi yahagaritswe by'agateganyo kubera ibura ry'umurimo, nyuma akaza kubona umwanya mu zindi Nzego za Leta uri ku rwego rumwe cyangwa urwo hasi y'urwo yakoragamo; agumana uburambe yari afite ku mwanya w'umurimo yakoragamo mbere.

Umukozi ushyizwe ku wundi mwanya nyuma y'ivugurura agumana uburambe yari afite ku mwanya yakoragaho bushingirwaho mu gupiganira imyanya y'imirimo mu Nzego za Leta cyangwa mu kuzamurwa mu ntera

When a public servant has been appointed to a job position of lower grade than he/she was before restructuring, his/her expenence linked to his/her former post shall be taken into consideration.

A public servant,who has been suspended due to job removal or redundancy, if gets another job of same or lower grade than the one of the post he/she was occupying before suspension, his/her work experience linked to the post he/she was occupymg before suspension will be taken into consideration.

The public servant who IS appointed to another job position because of restructuring shall keep his/her work experience resulting from his/her former post. This experience shall be taken into consideration m case


Si 1' agent de 1 'Etat a ete affecte a un poste de grade inferieur par rapport a celui du poste qu'il occupait avant la restructuration, son experience professionnelle liee a son ancien poste doit etre tenu en consideration.

L'agent de l'Etat, qui a ete suspendu a cause du manque d'emploi, lorsqu'il obtient un autre emploi dont le grade est inferieur ou egale a celui du poste qu' il occupait avant la suspension, son experience professionnelle liee au poste auquel il a ete suspendu doit etre consideree.

L'agent de l'Etat qui a ete affectea un autre poste apres la restructuration garde son experience professionnelle liee au poste qu' il occupait avant la restructuration. Cette experience compte lorsqu' il veut postuler sur

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ntambike. he/she wishes to compete for other job un autre poste dans la fonction publique ou positions in public service or in case of en cas de promotion horizontale.

Hitawe ku biteganywa mu gika cya gatatu cy'iyi ngmgo, tyo Umukozi aptgamye umwanya w'umurimo utandukanye n'uwo yan yashyizwemo bitewe n' ivugurura akawutsindira kandi akawushyirwamo, agomba kubanza kuwumaraho igihe giteganywa n'amategeko kugira ngo abe ashobora kuwuhindura binyuze mu ipiganwa.

horizontal promotion.

In consideration of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if a public servant compete for and get a job position different from the one he/she was appointed to because of restructuring, he/she shall be required to remain on that job position he/she competed for before changing it through competion in accordance with timelines set by the law.

lne:intw ya 15: Guhagarikwa Article 15: Suspension for job removal or by'agateganyo kubera ibura ry'umurimo redundancy

Nyuma y'uko Urwego rukoze After performance evaluation and placement isuzumabushobozi kandi rugashyira abakozi of public servants done by respective mu myanya, ariko hakagira Abakozi basigara institutions, public servants who will remain batabonewe tmyanya mun urwo Rwego; without being placed m their respective mbere yo gutanga raporo ivugwa mu ngingo institutions shall immediately be suspended ya 16 y'aya mabwiriza, Urwu Rwego by their employing institutions for reasons of rurabanza rukabahagarika by'agateganyo job removal or redundancy. Their employing kubera ibura ry 'umurimo, kandi rugahita institutions shall also allocate to them 2/3 of rutangira kubagenera bibiri bya gatatu (2/3) their recent net salaries for a period not by'umushahara bwite bari bagezeho mu gihe exceeding six months. If the six months kitarenze amez1 atandatu (6). lyo amez1 elapse without being appointed in public atandatu ( 6) ashize batabonye akazi mu service they shall be paid terminal benefits in Nzego za Leta, basezererwa nta mpaka kandi accordance with the law.

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En tenant compte des dispositions du paragraphe precedent, lorsque l'agent de 1 'Etat postule pour un poste et 1' obtient alors que ce poste est different a celui auquel il avait ete affecte a cause de la restructuration ; il doit rester sur le poste qu' il a obtenu a travers le recrutement avant de le changer encore par recrutement conformement aux delais impartis par la loi.

Article 15 : Suspension pour suppression ou manque d'emploi

A pres 1' evaluation des performances et 1' affectation faites par 1' institution concemee, les agents de l'Etat qui n'auront pas ete affectes dans leurs institutions respectives, doivent etre immediatement suspendus par ces institutions pour suppressiOn ou manque d' emploi. Leurs institutions de travail leur octroient 2/3 du salaire net recent pendant une periode n'excedant pas six mois. Si les six mois s' ecoulent sans obtenir un autre emploi dans la fonction publique, ils doivent etre demis d'office et alloues les indernnites de depart

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bagahabwa imperekeza nk'uko amategeko abiteganya.

Ingingo ya 16: Raporo ku ishyirwa mu Article 16: Report on placement of public myanya y'imirimo nyuma y'ivugurura servants after restructuring

Nyuma y'Isuzumabushobozi n'ishyirwa mu myanya ry' Abakozi, buri Muyobozi w'Urwego agomba guhita akora raporo igashyikirizwa Minisiteri y' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo kandi Komisiyo ishinzwe Abakozi ba Leta ikagenerwa kopi.

Iyo raporo igaragaza ibi bikurikira:

1 °Urutonde rw' Abakozi bose b'Urwego n'amanota y'isuzumabushobozi bahawe mu mwaka wa 2012/2013 na 2013/2014;

After performance evaluation and placement of public servants, every head of institution shall prepare and submit to the Ministry of Public Service and Labour with copy to Public Service Commission, the report on placement of public servants after restructuring.

The report shall indicate the following:

1 °List of all public servants of the institution and their respective marks of performance evaluation for the fiscal years 2012/2013 and 2013/2014;

2°Urutonde rwerekana uko Abakozi 2°List presenting the categorization of public bashyizwe mu cy1c1ro cya mbere n'icya servants in the first and second categories; kabiri;

3 °Urutonde rwerekana uko Abakozi bagize icyiciro cya mbere bagumishijwe mu myanya na profiles zabo;

3°Table presenting how public servants of the first category remained in their posts and their job profiles;

conformement a la loi.

Article 16 : Rapport sur l'affectation des agents de l'Etat apres Ia restructuration

Apres !'evaluation des performances et !' affectation des agents de l'Etat, chaque dirigeant de !'institution prepare un rapport sur !'affectation des agents de l'Etat apres la restructuration et le soumet au Ministere de la Fonction Publique dans ses attributions avec copie reservee a la Commission de la Fonction Publique. Le rapport do it indiquer ce qui suit :

1 °Liste de tous les agents de !'institution avec leurs points de 1' evaluation de performances respectifs pour les annees 2012/2013 et 2013/2014;

2°Liste presentant la categorisation des agents de l'Etat dans la premiere et deuxiemecategories ;

3°Tableau presentant comment les agents de l'Etat de la premierecategorie sont restes dans leurs places et leurs profils ;

4°Urutonde rw' Abakozi bo mu cyiciro cya 4°Table presenting how public servants of 4°Tableau presentant comment les agents de kabiri bashyizwe mu mbonerahamwe nshya the second have been placed in the new 1 'Etat de la deuxiemecategorie ont ete nyuma y' isuzumabushobozi, na profiles organizational structure, and their profiles; affectes dans la nouvelle structure zabo; organisationnelle et leurs profils ;

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5°Urutonde rw' Abakozi bo mu rwego 5°List of public servants provisionally rw'Ubuyobozi basabirwa kwemezwa appointed on managerial positions with files n'Inama y' Abaminisitiri, bashyizwe mu requesting their appointment by Cabinet, myanya by'agateganyo hamwe those files should contain: a copy of national n'ibyangombwa bikurikira: Fotokopi identification document, two passport photos, y'indangamuntu, amafoto abiri magufi, criminal record certificate not exceeding six 1cyemezo cy'uko atafunzwe cyangwa months, medical certificate, a certified copy yafunzwe kitarengeje amez1 atandatu, of degree and the CV; 1cyemezo cya muganga cyerekana ko ashoboye gukora akazi, fotokopi y'impamyabumenyi iriho umukono wa noteri n'umwirondoro we;

6°Urutonde rw' Abakozi batabonewe 6°List of public servants who did not find job 1myanya mu mbonerahamwe nshya positions to fill in the new organizational y'Urwego, baharagaritswe by'agateganyo, structure, these should have been suspended, bashakirwa 1myanya y'imirimo mu zindi and the Ministry of Public Service and N zego za Leta binyuze mun Minisiteri Labour ensure their redeployment. The list y' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo, 1myanya shall also indicate their former job positions, bakoragamo hamwe n'impamyabumenyi their degrees and CVs; n'imyirondoro yabo;

7°Urutonde rw'Imyanya y'Imirimo m ku 7°Vacant positions remaining on the new mbonerahamwe nshya itarabonewe Abakozi organizational structure, not filled by staff of bayishyirwamo mu bakozi bari basanzwe mu the institution. Rwego.

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5°Liste des agents de l'Etat affectes provisoirement aux postes manageriaux avec les dossiers demandant leur nomination par le Conseil des Ministres. Ces dossiers doivent contenir les documents suivants: copie de la carte d'identite, deux photos passeport, l'extrait du easier judiciaire n'excedant pas six mois, copie notariee du diplome et le CV ;

6°Liste des agents de l'Etat qui n'ont pas trouve les postes a occuper dans la nouvelle structure organisationnelle, ceux-ci doivent avou ete suspendus. Le Ministere de la F onction Publique et du Travail pro cede a· leur redeploiement. La liste doit indiquer auss1 les anciens postes, leurs diplomes et CV;

7°Postes vacants qm sont restes sur la nouvelle structure organisationnelle sans etre occupes par les agents de !'institution.

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Ingingo ya 17: Ubujurire Article 17: Appeal Article 17: recours

Umukozi wa Leta wumva atemeranya A public servant who disagrees with the L'agent de l'Etat qui n'est pas satisfait pour n'isuzumabushobozi yakorewe cyangwa decision of performance evaluation or the la decision prise dans son evaluation des uburyo yashyizwe mu mwanya nyuma way he/she has been appointed after performances ou la fac;on dont il a ete affecte y'ivugurura ry ' Inzego za Leta, ashobora restructuring, may appeal in the first instance peut faire recours! au premier degre devant le kujuririra icyemezo yafatiwe. Ku rwego rwa to the head of institution that took the dirigeant de !'institution qui a pris la decision mbere, aJuririra Umuyobozi w'Urwego decision and in second instance to the Public et au deuxieme degre devant la Commission rwafashe icyemezo atemera; ku rwego rwa Service Commission following time limits de la Fonction Publique. kabiri ajuririra Komisiyo ishinzwe Abakozi set by the law. ba Leta mu bihe biteganwa n'amategeko.

Ingingo ya 18: Isubukura ry'ipiganwa mu Article 18: Resuming recruitment in Nzego za Leta public service

Ibizamini byongera gukorwa mu Nzego za Leta, nyuma yo gushyira mu myanya abari Abakozi ba Leta bujuje ibisabwa, bakaba batarabonewe imyanya y' imirimo mu Nzego za Leta bakoragamo mbere y' ivugurura.

Recruitment shall resume in public service after having placed public servants who were working with public institutions before restructuring and who did not find jobs in their respective institutions, but meet required job profileson other job positions in public service.

Article 18:Reprise du recrutement dans Ia fonction publique

Le recrutement sera repris dans la fonction publique apres avoir affecte les agents de l'Etat qm travaillaient dans la fonction publique avant la restructuration mais qui ont manque 1' emploi dans leurs institutions respectives alors qu'ils remplissent le profil reqms sur d' autres postes dans la fonction publique.

Minisiteri y' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo The Ministry of Public Service and Le Ministere de la Fonction Publique et du itanga amabwiriza yo gusubukura igikorwa Labourshall issue instructions for resuming Travail donnera les instructions pour cyo gushaka no gushyira Abakozi mu the recruitment which was suspended by reprendre le recrutement qui etait suspendu myanya y' Imirimo itandukanye mu Nzego za Instructions of 03/06/2014 of the Minister of par les instructions du 03/06/2014 donnees


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Leta cyahagaritswe n' Amabwiriza yo ku wa Public Service and Labour, related to 03/06/2014 ya Minisitiri w' Abakozi ba Leta suspension of recruitment in public service. n'Umurimo, aJYanye n'Ihagarika ry'agateganyo ryo gukoresha amapiganwa no gushyira Abakozi mu myanya .

Nyuma y'uko Minisiteri y' Abakozi ba Leta After the Ministry of Public Service and n'Umurimo imaze gutanga ayo mabwiriza yo Labour Issues instructions of resummg gusubukura ishyirwa mu myanya ry'abakozi recruitment, the candidates who had passed ni bwo abakandida bari baratsindiye imyanya recruitment tests shall be appointed if their bazayishyirwamo mu gihe iyo myanya bari job positions are still vacant after baratsindiye yas1gaye mu mbonerahamwe redeployment. At that time the recruitment y'imyanya y'imirimo nshya y'Urwego process shall also resume in public service. nyuma yo kubanza gushyira mu myanya abari basanzwe an Abakozi ba Leta mu Nzego zinyuranye. Icyo gihe kandi ni bwo hazasubukurwa recruitment mu Nzego za Leta.

Ingingo ya 19: lvanwaho ry'ingingo Article 19: Repealing provision z'amabwiriza anyuranye n'aya

par le Ministre de la Fonction Publique et du Travail, qui portaient sur la suspension du recrutement dans la fonction publique.

Apres !'emission des instructions relatives a la reprise du recrutementpar le Ministere de la Fonction Publique et du Travail, les candidats qm avaient reussi aux tests de recrutement seraient affectes si les postes auxquels ils avaient reussi etaientrestes vacants apres le redeploiement. A ce moment le recrutement reprendra dans la fonction publique.

Article 19: Disposition abrogatoire

Amabwiriza ya Minisitiri no 03119.21 yo ku wa 10/07/2009 yerekeye isuzumabushobozi no gushyira Abakozi mu myanya nyuma y' ivugurura ry ' Inzego z'Imirimo ya Leta hamwe z'izindi ngmgo z'amabwiriza abanziriza aya ajyanye no gushyira Abakozi mu myanya nyuma y'ivugurura kandi zinyuranije n'aya mabwiriza, bivanyweho.

Ministerial instructions N° 03119.21 of Les Instructions Ministerielles N° 03/19.21 1 0/07/2009 relating to performance du 10/07/2009 portant evaluation des evaluation and placement of public servants performances et affectation des agents de after restructuring and other provisions of l'Etat apres la restructuration ainsi que toutes instructions prior to these instructions related autres dispositions des instructions relatives a to placement of public servants after !'affectation des agents de l'Etat apres la restructuring and contrary to them are hereby restructuration qm sont contraires aux repealed. presentes instructions sont abrogees.


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Ingingo ya 20: lgihe aya mabwiriza Article 20: Commencement atangira gukurikizwa

Aya mabwiriza atangira gukurikizwa ku munsi ashyiriweho urnukono. Agaciro kayo gahera ku wa 29/07/2014.

Kigali, ku wa 01/08/2014

Minisitiri w' Abakozi ba Leta n'Umurimo

These instructions shall come into force on the date of their signature. It shall take effect from 29/07/2014.

UWIZEYE Judith Minister of Public Service and Labour


Article 20 : Entree en vigueur

Les presentes instructions entrent en vigueur le jour de leur signature. 11 sort ses effets a partir du 29/07/2014.

Kigali, le 01/08/2014

UWIZEYE Judith Ministre de Ia Fonction Publique et du
