- 1931 - the kendrick... · 1 ij snbseriptir>n pries 1.50 in k@vanr]e kendrick)- latah...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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IjSnbseriptir>n Pries


In k@vanr]e




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{Continued on inside)

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-! I Ii '.

I]ts,gO; 14

I t!

, n; -: C]d]d en"Fr'ozen, In Sc]ml.Bus.".-,','CASH,dGRAIN,. STEjDy',*" Lo.ai rim . en.ep..«.d .o™KelldrlCk V1Sltel Bp 0118 perhaps one oi the sadde t i...,,,r!UTURES,,MOSTLY;:LThtgg'rr'":::age to early fruit in last weeks cold .....,.;..~,. - .. of news m many„years 'was,f]bshed'spell. A'pricots .were'rotecterr,,:by not ' ~g-'~ I, . g) ' '. g '' " $ :~:'I, ! ov'er the wires last'week end,w'hen jt 'While'ash 'grain'markets, he]4.'..:.',;-',';i':—,'„".'i

rrrbm Ldwt«o Moh«y ' btdnig crt'utt 'bio'ont 'b 'iaige crop' Of SVOFSt FsOOS!SS. Ill PklStO~ was dtiicovered that rive etdtd!i u!and 'steady during t hywee eek'nding Ma t.rrp

i st]];:herbert. Mielke .stay«over. night is expected -with "a lighter cherry ', -' ',,:.'..:..'-, '~ . '- - - the,"driver, of„a school'bus had fr'otzhtenbn 28; urider.,'.a fair]y:a

-,trrpjth 'Walter Silflo'w,'onday,"' '


Mrs. Ida Silflow called on Mrs. been removed but orchards are in ..- ..:.,~t„':- ", -! .;,::,, in'.'a ', huge--'.snowdrift 'near ':Holly, -weakeii4'd-"-;:a']id-;.'new cropsowheit:d]Ie-

«.- School was not in sess~«Fr~day winter aiid increase'd moisture. -, ',,, .:.:,'.. -,',:,,; ..:..', .:..;- -;., dren,ijn-',the

~'DMr. and .Mrs',: Russell 'odgers ':,.'-.. " '- .- - .

' . ' .'' ''',"",".,' ' .'. - - ..':-..; -" '.G

ent Sunday ''at the"-'Jake Berremr]n!'INTERESTING; -ITEMS:,i,: . ': -. Kendrick and the:-.Potlatch. valley . r y - rr i .:q...r „-, '.,:...;.:,.„- . '" -"ESTINGe;HAvNDICA'P!

~':the 'w'ate'r',:it'".]eavin'murchr 'mud '.-;,:';; -:- ri'.-. ',,„...,.. e::;P,jnc!I'ar."'wm. enLnug'";: c ors;::..rrz:."=','-".„'-:."-;,„4

ei g.,Carrie'i..,.Ou:,.: ueS S: WOre rgaiy-,; s,,t.:,.....,,..,;:...', . L . t,y....- .,-''--.-:-,-.,:...„.'rfr'. Wa',''. e: ig:;.:m

Ill i'",. ~

' ' '- ', -". " ',"...',...', -ir,,'v -.".'"';';-; -.;; ":, --. ',v., -. i '-*t*-,.„...;,,-,,-„„,;....„,,:',,:,-„..ngorma

'-. n.„,,nsasry.„air "g',M"perigee 1,"i,,.=;i,",.='„'~'~isjr3


rig, rsy ones, rs. e rens an extent t at t e wa'ter soon'overe -; ~ -.- .,- -.'-:;.-.,': -, ',. '.....,:,.„; -;,''-.,;:."-.'',„.™,.'s»ce-'.;;;g,,x;::oj)e;,!',gr'eatesr4-;ri;.":: ..'.:.-.'"-,',!-;:~j-.rI!

:,,Cridlebaugh, la t Thursday even]i>P aye .: 's and the. railroad tracks,'making ., - .': ~ .- '.:.:,. ',...,- ', ''; -'..pal',:,",cet'iit'~pin"',<:vv,ash]iigt'p]i:,". z "br-,;-"~<ij,p:

Mrs. O. G. Ehlen left th'e early'

-, - . „.—....,,' lieve he ]>ad„-more than '$4.00'orth effectt sheet: iron, pajiite'd': green, and!,wrj':ntu""''"""s '-'" 't'i',"'"'-'"'"'"" ",';"='".'.:,"'

'"';ents.on Fix Ridge- for 'a few,days.; .,:,':',,, '.. 'short-cut iround, his'hoiise'."Mrs. M, A. DeobaM 'reports 'hat down Main street .a

-,;She was for'ced;to':.stay longer than ' . '.:.. -.......:' High water and "bad roads. had no rack ainted; reen 'nd-inform'a'tion: ' .''''*-~i ""-< '" I"'=""""-".-:"""-'-:-»-"" *'-'::"'"'t:'~''n!,', she Planned because of the high .; ..:,' .,": ..'e'rror .foi'ickliffe' Rt 'Smith,. ilot '' t

'' i' 'erea 'outs,:dwou"

e, ""'' "" " "..;""-"-""as~5;:"-"""-"'=-'-': '-"'t "„-'.--."=-'."-''t',y:.';"-"=".s-."'-~y"."'many of her fine chickens were. killed corner; . contin'uing,, dow'n the '.street'..:,,:...', rac... parn~e,,",gree-" - a"., '"p,. p"'n:„-',riIllinojs'!pier!

by dog n -'Monday,. March 24, for se'vera] .blocks,: floorrrng. bas'i"'aters of this,.week., " .,'",;,'.:.; . of Smiths'ast mail 'that plies 'be'-'. a 'recta'tend','; A ''membershi —:will::.be.""4 p,clock iir of stores and h~~~~~ pn the way.. P -: aPprrecrate".: -- mern"-ership w

!u were]'Mr. and -Mrs. Jake 'Berreman the afternoon.'' '..-...,Several of ther]>ujldjnrgs'I>ad wa er pn . d. S

'h..k.'.:,'" ., '. ',,,...'.-: is::,seas'pants t>whteatd:acreagrh"::wti11':;.'tp.",'.,"-„~:-,. b'I

-Lewiston visitors last Saturday '''S I h

" "' '- t' tween Kendrick, Lel'and;- Cameron g'ven- tp ariyone locating, the' n-:this"'seians!

Mrs. Depba]d .was busily engaged their'floors several inches 'deep, among '."..''".e,"av'ng ma e", ». rack oMr's " . -' - da~ly tr~ps'ithpflt ' hitcli pf ':any

Ida Stoneburner, Emma, Hartung, ! -, . -. ", ' kind:or. Iossrof "tiiiie..: He everi beat. '. por Oie shoot. of: p ri].e12 {if'he]d} '- "'.'.:" ""-''" - ''"''i:-:: ""='; "; -".':.:=.j".-'-"=:.'-'."'::!-::;.";jin" ffguring 'nd ~r~ti~g, 'ivhen she'hem bei~g the:; p~stoff~Ce, Sturde- .. " ';.,:".,Y pard '.or, ~etu~~, p, .checkIng '.s „.,:,L59;]Q,

'. Mr and Mrs Ed Gertje 'r and ...'- . 'he 'airp]anne in b'.'more 'tlian an'! hour the nKendrick 'Ga'zette: is'- offerin'a'says she heard a chicken. squawk. vants'il office and rooms, the Farm'-..., . ', '.; -...,.:,r the shoot p ",Ap ',{'.-.,dj'on:':;With„",''ave«rage,"~'yie]ds! .'r'the'-'=.jnidfj;.'-":,::;.;";:;;="~~+

; Mrs., Herman Meyer, Lewrence .. ', '. '-... 'Wednesda mo'rniii 'tIre fane -hav- ":,'r . rfzSh'e did not pay much attention as 'ers.Bank,>the.rear of Brown's garage, v ',c -, . ', ... the Kendrick. Gazette,:.is- o eri g a'ated-."spring','''":w'h'eat'..;tjreedings",wouj

the noise stppped, 'Abprit 4 'o'lock and perhaps orie-'f two others we; ..Y,g P - box -«'. s«tjpn'ry as. fi. st P'- a« ']«>nroCuce" about-'48,0npp ppp'.,'.br "utshet]ss':"of-;.'::;;,,-:,--,:;,:-.,';~I'-l

.': 'Abitz an'd . G. F. - Gridlebaugh and ing been scheduledvto come over toxvn the-'un''.u" is a ain,offerin ."a ."she went 'tp do her'hores, and. to did .not learn about. 'ractically. a]I ., t"e'u" cl"b ' ag '" o,er "g: .hard spring,, '47ygjpppp brus$ )e]sbt„'"'pf. '.";.!'

'Selma Wegner. about 9:30 a.u m., brniging mail" from bpx. pf she]]si'her surprise she found 'any large families occupying homes on the low- ..'.',,,-; ..."...,". pf„she ' ' ' .'.; ., - durum', 'nd: 26ppp,'000,'~i':birshher]s.:;.'.'op,...—,;.'.'-".„:.-";-':;;fy



"A Fami]y Affair" tered over the place. 'Upon investi- families to the homes 'of friends on .g" - deePer hold 'on the sPortsmen -of 221,000,000 'bu'shels 'r cpmbpayred'':,:i'itk-'':.

gation she found that 15'ther fine the hill where they would be safe.... ".-Y' nes ay morn- Kendrick and scores, handicaps. and'pptoximatet]y,'. 247'pppppp ':bung'sgejsr


There will be a real "Fam']y 'Af-~ . ing'luicing.off the''sidewalks in front guns are 'the. great'opic of cori-:'d

fair". at the Audian Theatre pn prj Barred Rock chickens were missing; from danger should the river go high-f h.. '. -,.;,, ., pro uced in 1930;.

day and Saturrlay nights Apri] jp 14 'ere left, but nearly all were er during'he night. ', ' ''.

- oreign crop pr'ospects, 'showed "!litof their places'of .business-where the versation.b Las't:Sunday'. W. B. peo- p'-';

znd 11, when the all-school play of c 'PP " he skin Pulled frp Th'e . railroad company, aided by T'h L ~ tf b d fi" '

' ...' c ange durmg 'the, week.: Trading.flood had,left much mud.. - bald was'dded to.the'list of. shooters'l 'ha

that name is given. It is a comedy in thej . acks She late~ fpu"d 've the toivn, had, a sma]1 crew at work I I f hh,....,.,'' . in .. uropean,:.mai'kets, 'was;;;-of.r:ont'yo-The Lewiston Tribune and first- and 'for tlie first" time at the, traps; F„

three acts and .will start at 8 o'lock. the missing ones with their backs a-'uring the forenoon piling. sandbags ' 'K d' 0 ' k ' mo crate..volume and.prices,.dec]jried .

':.'-"I j'4,='lI-'ass! mail 'from the south wa's-. re- ma'de.more tharr a fair score, gettirig

most tom 'off. Mrs. Deobald «said t e along the,tiack where the water wasceived in:Kendrick - at 10 o'lock 13.out of a possible 25. For. the first

daniage was done in less than an hour breaking over. This helped very ina-Wednesday mornin'g by airplane, the time. at'the traps and almost a non- „s

I I b . Yo . ill ha to'see it and 'that there must have .been at terially and held the water at about i T 'b h I b I

venture being sponsored by the Lew- user of a shotgun this score is indeed

hp f il ff; least three dogs at .work on the an even. ]eve/ in the business section h S . J h A''f L ' ' .' wa d under...generaIIY..- favo ab]egee cu s. ou.wi ave o see. i iston Tribune, the plan belonging to a good one.

t e St John Airline of Lewistpn All'we ask is tjrat you come'ut wturn put in other fami]ies than your f " . during the forenoon, but the gradual rIh '

f I d d fweat er conditions. A bill prov]ding.-e" sac o mai ivas roppe rom and try this sport, it ivil] speak for I'his is the third tiine such de- wear against the railroad grade made or an import. duty on, wheat',;,has

Following is the cast: struction of her flocks has haPPened. it imperative thatgspmething more ~ 'd h' h d' . een introdiiced in.the British- Indian" .P]aire iii ~Mal st~~~t and it justijtse and get areal hold in np time

Dan G'll spic a good fellow whose In 1925 she lost lnany valuable chick- be done tp save the busiiless and h b Th I f Kmissed hittmg a car that was stand-. at.a]I,ing. at the curb,- The people of.Ken

ima ination runs away with ]rim. ens and again in 1926 she lost several, lower end of town and a large crewd

'd I f II

ready bemg ar]]us'ted accordingly.tt ' ' drick and Juliaetta fully. appreciate

J ]1 p'rs. Deobaid says: 'his is a big of citizens werrt to work after dinner. h' h h 'b Must Register To Vote ' his is reg arded as'rinly a tern/dr'ary,


jthis service on the part of the Trib- measure 't

or uis o son, iis gar ne, a ug'Jorkins Jobson, his gardner, a high i]pss to me.and I would thank t e in the evening and piled hundreds of P bliI'. I'f you ivant to vote at the corn- measure 'to be effective until, March;ld

authority on potato bugs..'Wm. Holtl

w'i pf "- " gs ' " " bags of sand; cinders, mud, boulders, The K „d; k his I ~ d; ing vilhge election, to be held on . ' r d exports of wheat fell

Deacon Sniith ivhp f~~d~ it d~ff~~~lt if tliey would keep tliem at home. and everyt]ring else. they could get ' T d f 1] Tuesday, April 28, Ypii must register .p s.ig tiy,:.tpta]jng 14! misse ues ay a ternoon to al ow

tp be ood under adverse circum-I Not only the loss, but the suffer- hold. of to stay the water from fur-I

* '" ' —and to register you wi]1 have to kaj] -; " g. e':w, of. which 8'896rwt! tiose residing in the country to get, ...ppp. bu 'h ]:—:- '' . !:;"

B b Pry ing to the birds is unthinkable. t]ier encroachments on the town. h~

h d h f't the Gazette office and register ivitli,

Sally,,Dan's good-heated little cook, they ~u~~e~d~d in doing and a f pssible The t n u I t W. I. McCreary, ~illage clerk. Reg~s-

whp,'nlike most 'omen, can ig tfu] 'h y arty sigh of relief was given when they, ~', .

h fl d e .. tratjpn closes Saturday evening, k Sea ports, an'd,4,654',000 bushels

keep a secrct ........Eleanor Herres One of the niost enjoyable gather- felt they had accomplished their pur- Th t~

I d'

-.I Aprj] 25, at 9 o'lock. rom 'rth ~mericaI: Low priceZr

Miss Camspn his housekeeper, in ings of the season was given at the pose. The river began falling about b B ~ ], If you fail to register you wii],-be.i-a. e tending.'t'p,:.r'educe 'offerings o(:

the matrimonial marki'.t and meansI

Wade Keene home last 'Saturday this time —dropping about a foot in s stem was br k spmetime Tuesday tillable to cast your vote, no matter~

pu .em:>.'.emjspttere.-',wheat andmay'usiness....................Eldiva Janes !evening at 6:30 o'lock, the occassion 30 minutes —and further damage ivas

b th fl d ]ere jt™crpsscs the liow long you have been a resident "esu t jn'.a sharp reduction in acreage

'ouisIaoa,a dark brunet, on the war-.being in honor ot Wade's birthday. avcrtcd from this source. The rai „,„Th t,,„,ii b „msbt t oi thc precinct Don't ncgiect to do!seeded

this yo'ar,',accordiag to trade

path ................;.....;.Walton Morey IAll Partook pf a delicious two- also ceased falling about this time, .

th b k .uri«I -th< water rethis,'reports. At the close of the market I,'I".

course dinner, fp]lpivcd by bridge ending one of the longest doivnpours ' '; ~, ' ','arch 27, Np. 2 Manitoba ivas quoted

b I I bout tie E ster Se~c s at M. E. Ch~~~h Ierppp at 4c

A P]easant Party - . Such a delightful time ivas enjoyed any time.. f h. r .I

' tine Rosafe at 60~pc'; Australian w»eratTliree programs of special interest at 63i/c, and Russian avera

A very pleasant evening was spentlb everyone that they al] left ivish- Thc Leivjston-Spokane passer>ger spring supplying !the..town .syst m.at tlic Ware home Wednesday when,ing Evade would have at least two train came into Kendrick on time Bud McNcal was marooned in hisy

have been arranged for Easter un- ples at 60c pcr bushel. United Statesh h h h A

fpl]pivjiig ypiiiig pepple gathered, birthdays a year.. Tuesday riiormng and went '» far» home by, Tuesday's flpod, his foot- ' ' ':30,

''day at the Methodist church A,Np. 2 hard winter was offered dur-I j

tp spend the evening: Miss Irene Da- Tivo cpnsplatipn Prizes iverc Bovard where they encountered a bridge 'cross'he Potfatch havingcommumty unrise ervice at:3'ing the iveek at 71yrysc cr bushel.p

vis, Bessie Mprey, Nettic Mae Mc-'ivarded, one to Wm. Watts an dirt slide,and in one place the track been sivept away, part of it landingxxy ll

a. m. wil] start the day —a prpgranr l Domestic cash wheat markets held

Dowel] M„„gare't McDpwel], Agnes, the other tp Mrs. Hardman, and "g ivas rinder ivater, 'ecessitating 'ts on the opposite side of the rjihcr fromat 11 o'lock by the Sunday sch«i generally unchanged during the iveek.

ennedy Eleanor Herres, Mae prey- score ivcnt tp the Ramey s. return tp Kendrick, ivhere theY tied his home, and several rods down, I' '

r> e ' t ve c further re uce sn~t will fpllpiv and the day ivi]1 close i Marketings of both sprin and vrin- .'r,',I

ivith a special musical r>rogram by ter ivhcat iverc further re uce antag anil- Neva AVare; Charles Davis, The guests ivere: Mr. and 'M"s up an<I 'remained uiitil thc track ivas

Athe choir and a short scrrnon by the, current offerings iverc cncral] read-

Arthur Poster, Neivt. Morey, George Gep..Lcjth, Mr. and Mrs ~ c]eared and put in condition so they While the river did much damage '] .bl I']

Bailey, Hugh McDpivell, Teddy Frey- Car]son, Mr. and Mrs, Wm Watts could 'ciyntinuc tp Spokane. There tp thc road east pf tpivn, it ivas stillpastor. T ie pii ic is cprr ja y in- I] ~ taken hy mills shi crs and do- 1', t

tag and Russell Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. RPY Ramey Mr and haPPened to he only three or four passable and could be traveled veryPii'1, i iiras s i vjtcu tp t]rcse services. mesijc rnarketjn a encjes No 2

hard ivinter was upted a h I I

spies, cards and dancing ivcre tlie Mrs. W. J. Carroll, Dr. and Mrs. passengers on the train ivhen it ivas easily up as far as Waunchcr gulch.Mprchead Mr and Mrs Harp]d marppr>cd here T]'c Brady gulch road is jrr rat]icr Y

j 'icious refreshments were served. Thomas, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Rider, The Kendrick stockyards ivcrc tak- bad condition, the creek using thc Drifts from tivp tp five feet deep

prizes for pinochle were aivarded Mrs. Hardman, Nor]a Callison a" en aivay from their usual place by road-bcd tp travel in instead of i)s formed cluring the snow storm that i

in true "April fool" manner, Wa]- Mr. and, Mrs. Wade Keene. the flood and piled against the home piv„«bcd» It v,,]I t„kc cpnsidcrab]e entered its third dav Friday. Tucs-l

ton Mprey and Bessie Morey having Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jones and Mr. pf A, F. Wilcox, just at the west work tp put it in condition again. day night i]re lieavicst fall came and, o s a pc, ant a Forth Wpr h

loiv scores were awarded first prizes, and Mrs. W. L, McCreary were un- edge of tpivn, together ivith many Where the road crosses the creep eight inches pf snow ivcrc packed „d cxas con mpn porn s a

while Nettic Mae McDpivcll and lable tp atteii" s, trees, p]anks and d~b~~~ pf all ivest pf town, tjie usua] ampurrt pf uppii the ti]lcd spj]. Siipw was sp

Teddie Freytag made high scores kinds, the house being in about three that mail could be delivered r>nly on j

and were given the "booby prizes." Send in your nein items —please. feet of water. The A. Onstptt place, (Continued Orr Last page) horseback. !


I,i'- t-y

L '--;:-



"A ..aIIIiy A(i.-'air"Comedy In 3-Acts



The horse sale scheduled to take

place in Kendrick last Saturday did

not go over so big as the promoter

had hoped for. There was only a

fair crowd in attendance and 'the

bidding was rather slow and rather

.)o You.lea.ize--That the loss of but a few


Mrs. Walter Nead spent Tuesday

at the Roy Martin home.

Mrs. Glen Betts and Adella visited

at the Joe Kazda, home Tuesday


Frank Wilkens visited with his

son, Milton, at the Glen Betts home

Sunday evening.Johnnie and Roy Starr returned

home from Weippe Thursday.Emma Layes visited Saturday and

Sunday with Mildred Gibler.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Betts called

at the R. S..home Tuesday evening.

Francis Nead visited at the Smith

home Sunday.The W. A. Cowger family enjoy-

ed Sunday at the C. A. Betts home.

They had planned to motor to Mos-

cow, and visit, on the way with Rus-

sell. Betts, but the".weather, did not

permit.Mr. and Mrs.,Glen Betts and Adel-

la visi'ted "at 'th'e Wm. McClelland

home Friday.'Mr. and Mrs. Betts and son Roy,

JÃr. and Mrs. Homer Betts and Alma

Betfs all met at the 'the home of'Grandma Betts to help re-paper her

110use.. C. Auu Betts went. to look at his

Iraps Tuesday a'rid found, in one of

them ',a;laige Badger. He was very

proud of it.We have .,heard, from the C. A.

Cuddy . ho'iiie an'd th'ey 'r'e getting

along fine.,Mrs. '..tC. Clca'rk returne'd horn'e

Satu'rday froiii W'eippe., l,,ts 4''=4



Last, 'Friday 'e":ma'de decoratioiis

for Easte'r..W'e;made baskets'ull of

eggs to yut at',the win'dowsy Wemade''ggs

of -;differ'ent colors to .decorate

the . blackboard, vi e als'o fix'ed the.

si'nd ',table ivith Pussy willows and

c'olored'glass foi ponds.'Last Monday we chose 'ides for

baseball. Milton Wilke'ns.an'd Mable

Cow'ger were the'choosers. Those on

,Milton's . side, were...Irene 'Martin,

De'an Luce, Frank Cowg'er and Har-

old Starr. Those on Mable's i side

were Elbirtee'n Martin, Marie Sinith,Er'nest; Coviyger .a'nd 'Raymond Smith,

The number of, outs on Milton'

side were nine".aiid:scores eighteen.

.,Th'e 'number!-.df '.outs ori. Mable's

side were . nineu: arid, the scores also


Coitts Moiiey To Hit Edltoi

John W. Oulk of Kiniiah twill have

to pay a firie-and-.cots ~ of,.$104 for

striking Ralph Prescott, editor of'the Kamiah Progress,. who, published

a news item that offended Tulk.. Prescott alledged Tulk struck, him

because he printed. a story about an

auto accident in which Tulk figured.

Tule said . the story, estranged him

aiid his wife.*

. April Fooled Us

Following on tlie.heels of the con-

tinued storm peri6d,'pril came in

like the proverbial lamb and -fooled

everyone, 'for the.,first .day was about

as. fine as one would care to ex-

perience. But do not forget that. this

is April and that the old month is

full. 'of vagaries.

low—too low, in fact, to suit the

owner, for the sale ivas called off

after some six or seven horses had

been sold, the highest price paid

bemg $75.00.'Money is just a little bit tight right

now and there are not many of us

who. can step right out and buy a

high-priced team of horses and pay

spot cash —as 'was asked at Saturday'

sale.John Roach of Genesee was the

auctioneer, and when John can't talk

you out of your money —well, you

just "ain't got it" that's allv

Charter No. 141Report of Condition of theTHE'ARMERS BANK

of Kendrick in the State of Idaho,at the close of business on March

.25th, 1931.Resources

Ltoa'ns 'a'nd 'discoun'ts,,.....,, 4 78,044,51Overd'r'afts v .........................'....19.23Bends, stocks, and:.. secur-

ities, Pledg'ed,,$ 22,650.00,unpledged 47 000.00 ....;...29 650.00

Bankin'g house, '$5638.00FurniturII a n d f i x-tpres,:$ 2475,00.....;....r.......8113,00

Real, estate, owned. o'ther

, than ba'nkjng h'ous'e ........ 10,253.79Claims a'n'd judge'ments.;i..... 849.50Cash 'on hand, $3,270.72,

-Due .from banks,..$37,764.25 - ............;.„,.....41,034.9$

Checks . and other 'cash

items ...'.........;.....................891.00

Other assets ...........,.........,..559.42

TOTAL ..t..y.„.........,.......$169,415.42. Liabilities

Capit'al stock p'aid in ......$ 15,000.00Surplus ....'..;.....'.....'............'3,000.00Reserves t.............;...............,...'9,802.44Demand, deposits, 54,852.89,

Time deposits $86,760.09 141,612.98

TOTAL ..............;...........$169,415.42State of Idaho, County of. Latah —ss.

I, W. J. Carroll, Cashier. of, theabove named bank,. do s'olemniy swearthat the ahorse stateirient is t'rue tothe 'best of my knoivledge and be-lief.

W. J. CARROLL, Cashier.Correct Attest


Directors.Subscribed and sworn to before

me this'28th 'day of,March, 1931.(Seal) J.~E. RICKERT,

.Notary .Pubhc.

baby chicks costs more

than a sack of our

Q. K. Baby Chix Food', Star'ting

Mash, Growing Mash, Mash, 'Rgtgi

Mash, Ge'n'eral Purpose 1Nashv

'We have scratch too. ¹W 'lour

pri'c'es on aII.

8 O'lockru yg

,.'ri.-Sat., A ~r. '..!."1-,'.

An All-School PlayCRS't

DAN GILLESPIE, a good fellow, whose imagination runs, away,

with .him .....,......,...............,............,......................,,.....JACK FIXJORKINS JOBSON, his gardner, a high authority on potato

bugs,.........;...„.............;.........,.....,...........,............WM. HOLTDEACON SMITH, -who finds it rather di8icult to be good under

. 'adverse circumstances „....'.....................,...............,..........BOB FRY, -,,i

SALLY; Dan's good heartetd little cook, who, unlike most. women,

.can keep a secret,....,....;,,;.......................,.ELEANOR HERRESMISS CAMSON, his housekeeper, in 'th'e matrimonial m'arake't and

meatis b)isiness ....,.'.'...,..'..............,,„.............-ELDWA JANESLOUISIANA, a dark brunet, on'the warpath.. WALTON MOREY

Specialties Between The ActsI'I AdulbI,30c StudeiitII, 36c '


''he Coinmunity cl'ub met Thurs-IC"""IL t: 'ii i, " 'dawy aft'eino'on .with Mrs..C. 'H, Pip-


I - .;.:."- .,',- '' '; ''- '.. - ." Mr. ind '.mrs. 'Earl Akins 'a'n'd A'g-

l '1 i '1. '. 'n'es .spe'nt 'Srinday 'at .the Doc. 'B'etts

'he W. A..Recce and L. J keec'efaimilie's w'er'e. Suri'daiy .visitors at the

FRIDAY E.i E. McGuire honie,Jb '. Th'e .. Young 'People's ch'o'ir, have

SATURDAY'' ~"'. been practicing 'or' the 'a'ster pro

SUNDAY " . ', . gr atm

'lail'Are'd '.P'ettit'nd Margaret- Cardsp'ent-Sun'day wi'th Op'al Sackett.'red 'looin, who 'spe'nt the win-

ter with .his aurit; Mrq. Mu'rray, re-!, 't'urn'ed fo his'ome in Canada lastj A,: ' . week.

','Mr.".Fisher drove up from. Lewis-ton'Friday ievenin'g aft'er. Mrs. Fisher'ari'd'.': Iiiliss',. Joh'nson. They returnedSuniduy 'by,,utai y-ui Wtbcliieutir.

Mr, anvd,,'Mrs. Jeter. Ca'ndler and

I.,:,;,', 'dau'ghter. 'Eleanor, spe'n't . Sunday atthe,J,"RI King hoine,

, 'mrs. 'Agnes Sackett and Mrs. Ad-'die. 'lackb'urn,. called at'he S. '.'Sutton: home- Monday.

.Are, Printers Citizsensp

! IIIII I':'::"::::-:;:-'-:„.,',,, ~ jl..':...One sentence in President Hoov;

iii .'", -""ili 'I I+::, cv'ii 'veto, ul,. tlic Muscle Sliuulu. bill

comes. h'ome, to printers .with . pe-

culiar. force. This is jt:",I am firmly opposed to the

government eiitering "'nto an'


;.business the major purpose of '.v ir

.;.wuhich is competition with ourcitizens."

j' ': Somebody should . gently but . firm

ly call the attention of. the presidentl, '

to -the printing of envelopes by theI

'" . ' 'overnment in direct competition wit

printers.But maybe the president doesn'

Do'rothy 'Mackail look upon.. printers as citizens.—Hailey Times.

. Frank Fay . Thousands of Cattle Perish

. Noah .Beery, Newspaper . dispatches report thatthousands of cattle had perished in

the''blizzard of last week in westernKansas and eastern Colorado. The

All Signs Fail carcasses will be shipped to Kan-'sas City and Hutchison,


hard thing to locate would where they will be rendered. Suchbe an old married man who thinks a fats are used in the making of soap

t twedding'ring on a woman s finger is and for other purposes.a sign that she is devotirig her lifeto makirig some man happy. Read the ads.—keep posted.



VoHmer 'Cilleariwatier Ce.KENDRICk IDAHO

THE KENDRICK OA~E"Pulse of the


every 'Fridayat'elndrtc1r,'daho,

bjP. C. McCr'cary

I'nde'pendent iii Polibcs,


Kendrick .Presbyterian Church

Sunday s'ch'ool"at 10 'a. m.Ch'ristian Endeavuor 'at 6:39 p. m

The L'utheran Church

Otto G. Ehlen, 'Pastor

Ca'meron, Emanuel:9,:30, Sunday school.

. 10:30 Divine services. ip, English.,7,'30 p. in. Thursday, Apiil 2, ser-

vices with communion in English.. 10:00 a. m. Friday, services in Ger

man, with, Communion.Juliaetta, Zion:


p.,m. unday school.:. 2;00 Divine services in English.-

2:00 p. m. Good Friday services inGerman witli Co'mmunion.

Subscription $1.50 per "year,

E'ntered 'it the p'osto'ftic'e at'en-drick, . Idaho, as secoiid-cl'ass'nalt'matter.

Juliae4a M."E. Church

Rev.. L. E. Taber',. Miiiister

Services at: Julia'etta Methodistchur'ch first Sunday of each, month

at 7:30' m. Third Sunday, 11:30a. mr and 7:30 p. m.

Methodist Episcopal Church

Corabelle M. Teachman, Pastort

6:30 a. m. Easter morning sun-

rise service, Everyone invited.10:00 a. m. Church school. Wel-

come for all.11:00 a. m. Easter program by the

Sunday school.1:30 p. m. Special musical pro-

gram'by the choir and a biief Eastersermon.

Cordial invitation to all to worshipwith us at our Easter day serv'ices.

4> m m ~. t t t ~ t. m 1 4. b t- u m m u > m+~m m m'vm"t m u u"o m Ym m m''+'iW,'arness Oil-,",

111g artdRepairing

.ti rt

F0000 'llIt

ti ~

Ii 1

Don't Foyr'g'et'~

Our,"'ho'e Repairing~ ~ . trit

~ ~ ~ ~

N. E. Walker'.: Kendrick - Idaho,"',

Charter, No.iS

, Report of Condition of theKENDRICK STATE BANK

of Kendrick, Idaho, in"the.. State ofIdaho, at the .close of business onMarch 25th, 1931.

Res o'urcesLoans and discourits ........$150,495.97Overdrafts .............................181.39Bonds, stocks and securities

Pledged .$56,388.25l Unpledged,$ 03,930.50 ....,.;....,120,318.75

Banking house, $4,650.00Furniture a n d fi x-tures '2,650.00....................7,300.00

Claims and judgements ...... 2,189.60Cash on- hond, $5,536.28,

Due from Banks$67,421;65 ...........................72,957.93

Transit or collection ac-count ............................'........585.52

TOTAL ......................$354,029.16Liabihhes

Capital stock paid in ........$15,000.00Surplus ............................10,000.00 ',—Undivided profits —net,........ 769.17Reserves................,.............15,050.00Demand deposits $152,829,80

Tinie deposits $160,-— 380.19 .......;.........................313,209.99

To Dedicate 'New Chapel

The chapel being completed onBig Bear Ridge, there will be anEaster program in the morning, fol-lowed by a,basket dinner at noonand then dedication services in theafternoon.

W. R, Johnson of Lewiston, Sun-day School organizer, will be presentand will bring a speaker.

Everyone is urged to be present.

Try a want ad. if you have anythingto sell. They get results.

~ ~ , t it

~ tttt ~ kt ~ t ~ ttmt ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~~ t ~ 't t m ~ t'0 ~ t \ u u mm'I m u m

Right, and Also President

"Prosperity cannot be restored byraids upon 'the treasury," de'clared

President Hoover recently.His statement is hardly open to

doubt, even though it is'ot so spec-tacular as those'f the politicians who

like to hand out the private citizen'shard-earned'tax 'inoney on the. theorythat such a procee'ding always gains

many votes.

Boost for Kendrick. Your town.

TOTAL .........;.............$354,029.16State of Idaho, County of Latah —ss.I,'. B. Thompson, 'Cashier of theabove named bank, do solemly swearthat the above statement is ti'u'e tothe best. of my knowledge and belief.

H. B. THOMPSON, Cashier.Correct Attest:


Directors.Subscribed and sworn to before

me this 27th day of March, 1931.(Seal) E. H. EMERY,

Notary Public.

When you are in Kendrick, stop atthe Hotel Kendrick —clean beds, andgood, things to eat. 14-

'--. pt> -:-::-:- b/tu.

III +'~ramcaas +

~ ~ ~ ~

=I~14.t .;.;,.Mmrlll ~ r a

i ~ 1I


White —sacked ...........4/cWhite —bulk ...............44cRed ..................... 44cRed bulk ..........................41c



I~I:~II!) I'' ~

R I I tu

Ig~g+ss ill tttt4I Sa Ill'

eg ~ ut'uttttmt

'or Insurance and Real Es-

tate Loans. Rates the lowest,

service the best.WhiteRed—evdrmyv sound in the stilness of the night:jars oII your over-

'worked nervesOats ..................................................65cBarley.....'.................,70c

We invite you to make this bank

your headquarters, serid j'n your

deposits by mail.

—you constantly fear for the safety of your i5l4081es 6f all

kirids 'L. S.LaHATTJIiw'eler -Kieiiid'rbickyou want to protect yourself and yburv faIntily

Safety Deposit Boxes for your

papers at very low cost.

Place Your Valuables, In One OfOur Safe Deposit Vault —'BoxesFor As Low As $1.50 Yearly.

Hjtvc yotir %'ate hea, Jewelry

and Clocks repaired by Me and

Save Money and Trouble.

I Do The Work Rightll

"30 Years Experience at Your


Save Here and Prosper


THE FAiRMERS BANKE. A. Clarke, Pres,

N. S. Vollmer- Hopkins, Vice-Pres.O'. J. Carroll, Cashier

No Timepiece Too Small or Too




II'!I Tl

tit it t MSC

u m



III, l4 i

mt> I





"Auto",:, Sto;;,Phon

jN. Eybt',



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11'li t

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sb:m..t. Mttmm t ~




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I ti:stt,

it l

:-::;:-':t4 CI

I tip




::S)~1ing~ Blue Stone, 10 pounds for $1,0A

$ 00

+ Formaldehyde, pint 50c

A Copper Carbonate, 5 pounds for $1.50

A Strychnine Alkaloid, powdered, per ounce $1,00

A Phosphorus, I/4 pound 75c

A Semesan Bel, for potatoes, I/4 pound 50cAA.:RED CROSS

e Po.4A PRANK NESBIT, Proprietor . Phone 242

I Phone 242 . Night Service 357

In Our Busy Spick an'pan


<<<<.o ~'l"I ~ '.~

tong t.Ilttions


as urCfyIIII denature.

)l I';In t


i] %hree-cc~~''-:Those

~il'ib]ighII n,']js, 1'I ] ix,Ari't,'i

ay]or~rfnd Mr

'A,I!'I I',

- Mrs.a a I

f hone




~1]th aplostess.-e:s The

',lli ]I-S. Irwi

'' "I'I RPrankrs.


R'nd Mr

jNye, h


fr. anis,


f'll. It;'-


ood For Month OfAs Long As

y Lastsfor l6 ye~Plug tnk doooWd Jooodles]IIJ mote lodcccl Jonl<( 4F leaduug mak

Goodyear leads inof sales because G

leads in value gi

4 CANS SUNBRITE CLEANSER 26CtA Swlfts Product, 4 cans

PRINCESS GRAHAM FLOUR, Fine 9ggor Course, 9 lb. sack





%c i'i(')~,


Get,our offer on Iatesg Lifetime/

.Goodyear'oiible Eagles,Heavy Duty All.'Weathers,Standard All -'Weathers

or Pathfirtders.F. --.

As]d about our'Club Plan"Ride as you pay!

,", The'esda]'pray.~And Thpaper o

;«Mrs. ITRUCK TIRES! New Goodyear

Pathfinder HEAVY DUTY-Fred N"appointc',for Apr:, A d

.'Was sec

TheI! Case oIl Paris~. school

) ing, iniv, peop]e

I ; to theA ful

~ the Gle

tt club's s

Specis, the MeIand the


'j:werejnwere ei

I, ment oiRev.


The,; Thursda

I ular.meI a] and.'Progracr,l Lunch 2

sup, ass

Sever:l.'ity ha]1':.'. P.'season.

'r treasure,;: to the'.; tice wo

Mr.':: are the

'April 1,," parent 4,


Aii gigeg lotv CtgissgfL Save en gnbgg, ion-

Wc have sold Goodyear'ires for many years because they h'ave proved the Beat'. JUNO SWEET JUNE PEAS, NO. 2 PgthCans, EachKENDRICK GARAGE CO.


KENDRICK, IDAHOPEANUT BUTTER, I lb. Glass Jars 29thE ohaoh

sUN RIPE BRAND RIPE oLIvEs ) 6Large CanPrinting of All



<iI3=< vLittle Flashes of This and That

Kendrick, Idaho, March 27, 1931Vol. l.

Pub]]shed in the Interesttcof the People of the EntirePotlatch Courttry by the Ken-drick Hardware Company,Harold Thomas, Editor. "The Home of Good Things to Eat and Wear"


Phone 182 'hone 182

Well folks, now that the ex-citement of the flood is over,we'l open our paper with thisone:Mary had a little skirt,.A dainty bit—and airy!It didn't show a bit of dirt-But gosh! How it showed Mary


Mrs, Oscar Raby left Saturday fora short visit with relatives atnore.

Mrs. 01]ic Hardeman and dang]iter Or]inc, of Peck spent the wee]cend at the home of her sister, Ihfrs

Wade Keene and familyJohn Roach, auctioneer, from Gene

see anil Cornclius Sweeney ofsame place were in attendance at t]i<

horse sale here last Saturday.Mr. and ]Ifrs. E, S. Thornton

Spokane arrived last Friday cvciiing for a visit with Mrs. Thorntonsfather, A,.E. Janes and Eldwa.

Mr. and Mrs, James Keclcr,have spent the past s'everalhere ivith Mr. Kecler's mother pr]o"to her death, have returned to


at Alliance, Nebraska.

An Inducement To Keep On"The doctor says I will have to give

up smol<ing.""Oh, dear I Can'I you hold out

til I have enough coupons for thc P'lor clock?"

The time for garden plantingis right at hand —come in andget 'our seeds. We have thebest and priced as they shouldbe priced —right!

What's the name of your car]]I call.her Shasta.Because she's a daisy?No; because she has'ta have

i!as, oil, air and she'has'ta havesomething all the time.

An ey

year wiFridayp Ill.tend.

Say, have you seen thosebutcher knives wre are featur-ing at 17c? If you don't needa butcher knife,pbuy one any-way and lay it aside for fu-ture reference. It may be yearsbefore they are so cheap again. Mrs.

Nutt antendedMethodiand Frii

"He threw his slippers at meanil told me to go to the devil,"sobbed the unhappy daughter.

"You did right, coming hometo mc," answered the mother.

Wardcow Mc


]los. is the time to get those

Advertisers appreciate your trap]e]

Ag s s s

?tfr. and ]hfrs. Harry Wright and ir

~ Mr. and Mrs. Jess Armer speiit (Continued Frdm Page ] )

several days in Leiviston last week.Farfn .. eecs....,,,,,,.„, ...,.„,....,.... S...,~ V fMr. and Mrs. A. Dorendorf enter > u c " a c e s

ined the A, Sivanson, M, Forest ited. This i» really nothing new for

~ Anna Kimb]ey and A]fred Swanson this little streain as 't has been

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I.ockhart and

~ Jeanne spent Monday at the John .Geo. P. Barnum ivas injured per-

A D b hDarby home. haps more than any other business

The 'nna Kimble family visited house by the flood, his loss being

Saturday with the Rose Farrington estimated at from $-00 to $

A family.s

A nowdriveway being badly damaged and

A creeks higher than they have been be'ng badly e p e a

of all kinds deposited around theirwarehouse. Is,certainly is some snarl,

A S h 1 N t The Kendrick-Rochdale Co., wasc ool otes

also somewhat damaged by waterThose who have'een neither ab-

th dentering t eir grain pits ill t eir ee-,

Cecil Trail Ida Forest and Bethb b d d h f b

Darby. There were no "tardies" this ggmug eI Isix feet.

nThe Cedar Creek road is badly

Mrs. Alfred Swanson visited schoolashed near the oM Van Wert p]ace

Frida .Fr'y.and it is estimated that it wi]1 take

Bill Dorendorf, has Put 'uP 'the .the neighborhood of $2,000 t fix

school election notic'es. I


/ driven their Nash sedan up to the

Q I'' '' ''"'' 'r':river and gone across'he foot-bridge,', Theat PrICea GSeveral from the neighborhood at- to their home, parking their car on'I bitt„~ . ——,tended the fttneral of Grandma Keel- the opposite side of the river. Later

er Thursday. We wish to extend our. the footbriclge went out and the river ' P%.pX'll Ml

8., heartfelt symPathy to'he grieving rose and covered their se'dan —andrs noir all they could do was stand and i Suppi

The Henry Loeser family movedo ulconit h

ccfill lllNI 'goback to their 'hotnestead som'e days There were many wash-outs on the

eo t'te!"eoI 'to." N. P. both north and south of town,The John Darby family enJoyed a the worst, perhaps, 'eing between

e o cto."

volume, Ivisit from 'Mrs. Hazel Steelsmith Kendrich and Arrow. Here the river

opdyear l tTllursday night.'ut a channel through the railroad

mngr . ''. t lh ] tThe Abe Dorendorf and Rose Sar- alltl tire itigltway,near the Alhrigltt

rington families were Kendrick visi- p]ace and cs again using the old rivertors Saturday, where they visited channe] which was changed by the ',

I ~ cafmtg~l l~ s . railroad several years ago. Two rail-'he Alfred Swanson family enter- road bridges are a]so out betweenv. tained the A. Swanson, Mr. Forest here and Arrow Junction, It is ex-

@ . jJ and Anna Kimbley families Sunday. pected that it wil]'ake at ]east aA. 'Ekman week to make

tn~g~homewereMr.and Mrs.C.Craig,so trains can again go'hrough to; Mr. and Mrs. Bi]1 Dorendorf and I.ewiston. The ditcher, which had

children, Bill Z™merman, Walt Dor- been working north of Kendrickendorf, Be'rt Lesa and Earnie Loeser. was expected to arrive here Thurs-

el'olAu, ''. 'The F. Reiche family iv'ere Sunday day night or Friday morning and it

dinner guests of the A. Dorendorf is expected that regu]ar train servicefam'ly. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Doren- wi]1 be esstablished between Ken-dorf and sons aiid Mrs. Rose Far- drlck and Spokane.rington and children visited there in

the afternoon and were. supper guests. "Bright Lights"The Geo. Lockhart family visited 'The feature picture at the Audian

at the C. L. Trail home Sunday after- Theatre for Apri] 3, 4 and 5 wil] be"Bright Lights," with beautiful Doro-

o o othy McKail and Noah Beery 'in the

Delayed School N'otes leading roles. It is a thrilling dramaDavida Craig started to school enlivened by startling musical num-

here Monday. She has been going bers. Dorothy McKail, as a hulaat Le]and. dancer, reveals her strange past. on

Mary Loeser returned to school the 'night of her wedding to .a ParkTuesday after an absence of two avenue social leader.weeks; Miss MacKail as she drifts about


1 ~I Herman Loeser is absent on ac- the world does many novel and ec-mds at The Gazette centric forms of the terpischor can

The first grade were excused early art. The snake dance, Voodoo, Irish,Tuesday morning while the rest 'of clog, fandango and the latest modernthe grades worked on their "achieve- jazz steps are performed before thement tests." . o lavish backgrounds of the story. She

The seventh and eighth grades aie studied for si'x months hi preparationfinishing. the lessons in their Palmer for playing the role of Louanne,writing book,, preparatory to send- which she has wanted to do for someing them in 'and earning writing cer- time. She sings as well as dances.tificates. Miss Mackail came t'o the screen

All the grades have finished most from a career in the "Fo]lies" and

of their books and are either review- as a dancer at the London Hippo-

No. 42 iiig or using supplementary books drome, so she is well fortified fornow. the difficu]t role by experience.

1 t d b g glMiss Steelsmith has provided an Noah Beery, who every movie-fan

water and beverage glasses, "extra work box" in which any, pupil knoivs, has one of tice best "villian"those cups and saucers those

may put extra work on any subject roles in "Bright Lights" that he has~ sr rs

needed cooking utensils, roast- and receive an "extra work" grade ever portrayed —and ini crest does noters, or what have you ) on. their report cards. This plan has lag from start to finish in this won-

been very successful and the extra derful 100 per cent color picture.A woman went into the gro- work done is very satisfactory.

eery store and said: Have you Hot lunches are over for this year. Little Bear Road Improvedany Life Buoy? They were greatly appreciated while Hi Gi]]owa was in town Satur-The assistant, a youn'g Ameri-

1 1

w oway 1ias in own a

ican replied —Set the pace lady.t iey aste . day and made the remark that the

road up Little Beat ridge is now in

ix up your pumps an water'ednesday Bn]dge Club better shape than it has ever been

The ladies Bridge Club was de- before —due to recent work done onlightfully entertained by Mrs. H. B. that thoroughfare both by residents

f. Thompson ast Wednesday at her of that section anil by the road dis-1

Back-Door DeHveryLhome. This was the final play in the trict.s ort, everything to do the

ast week the Northern Pacificvhich has been going on a]l All these things make for better

seasoii. In the near future' the 'ix travel conditions and a better feelinglow est scores ivil] entertain the six between the community which it.ie car y ir, we, notice, additional char e thighest at .a 1 o'lock luncheon and serves and the people who have those

prize at a thiiigs in cliarge.drawing. A de]icious luncheon was The Gazette hopes it wi]1 not be The service will start soon andserved by thc hostess. 'ong before we wi]1 have many farm-

s besi]fes club to-market roads leading from Ken-m'embers were: Mrs. Wm. Deobald, drick and if there is any pressure

n d d. ] in d hMrs. E. A. Deobald, Mrs. E. H. that'can be brought to bear to ac- a g o merchants who'ave railEmery and Mrs. O. J. Morehead. 'omplish such a feat,. it ivi]] surely 1 iPi n mc in. Roy Ramey says

Mrs,, Lcith received high score at be done,bc s ill 'irill iillp cnlcnts.they are going to run a spur to tlie

Wednesday's gathering. back door of each business house s

Ho]y Week Services thus giving them back-door delivery

other day, made the wise ob- '020 Killed At Crossings Holy week services at the Mctho- "g'»1 ie train, Some servicewe claim.

servation that nothing is ever Feivcr persons tried to peat the dist church have . been handicapped

gained in a heated argument, engine across the track in ]930. by the floocl excitement and weather Pl easant Gatheringexcept possibly a black cye or Fata]ities due to ]iighivay grade conditions. Two more evenings rc-a bloody nose. crossing accidents were the ]owcst main, tonight (Thursday) and to-

A very Pleasant'thcrin k

since ]922, but even so, 202]] were iorrow, when it is hoped morc peo-n place at tlic J. B. Davis farm ]ioi11e

That also reminds us of win- killed and 5,517 injured. pie wi]] be able to come out and joinon Thursclay night oi last ivcck whee i1Mr. and Xfrs. John Reid ancl famil

dow shacles. Yes we have them] The Anierican Rai]way association in the services o', loving gratitude fcr iy,

reported today the fata]ities ivere 4tt5 what Christ has done for them.n 1 M

Mr. and Mrs. Houston Gros

Kendrick Hardwara Company less than in 1922, or a reduction ofand Mr, and Mrs. Max Deitrich

«Except]omcl Service" 19 er cent.gathered at the Davis home to listen

phone M2 to the old fiddlers'ontest over KW-Eendriolr, Idaho

"I know it. I just put some of the SC, Pullman.A wise husband makes his wife do Prohibition alcohol in the radiator and A Pl d'cl 1h

r sp en i unch was serveci atw at she wants to do. they went blind." midnight by Mrs. Davis

top related