Тексты для чтения на английском языке для 5 класса

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5-6 класс

Тексты для чтения на английском языке

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Тексты для чтения на английском языке.

5­6 класс

Правила чтения в английском языке можно усвоить только одним

способом: читать, читать и читать! Тексты разных уровней сложности

помогут школьникам освоить и развить навыки чтения, а также пополнят

активный и пассивный словарный запасы, расскажут много интересного,

пробудят в детях желание учить язык для того, что бы быть

современным и образованным. В каждом уровне сложности

представлены тексты, соответствующие наиболее популярным темам

школьной программы: Семья, Режим, Погода, Дом ... Освоив правила

чтения на более легком уровне, можно переходить к следующему. Тогда

формирование навыков будет происходить последовательно и



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Начальный уровень сложности ............................................................ 3

Средний уровень сложности .............................................................. 18

Высокий уровень сложности .............................................................. 35


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Начальный уровень сложности

About myself / О себе

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ann. I am twenty. I am a student. I

study at the university. I am a prospective economist. I like this profession,

that's why I study with pleasure. My parents are not economists, but they

support me in my choice. We are a friendly family and try to understand and

support each other in any situation. Understanding and support is what I

need in friendship as well. Some of my friends study at the same university.

After classes we usually gather to­gether, discuss our plans or problems and

have some fun. We have a lot of hobbies.

Sometimes we go to the disco, sometimes organize a picnic in the open air,

play sports or watch a nice film. One of my hobbies is cooking. So when my

friends come to my house, I bake their favourite apple pie. I also like

reading. One of my favourite authors is Chekhov. I like his books, because I

can analyze the characters, their way of life and find answers to my

questions. My friends also like reading. We sometimes discuss our favourite

authors, their books, the style of their writing and ideas depicted in their

books. I like making new friends, so, if you like, you may become my friend

as well.


Let me introduce myself — позвольте представиться

a prospective economist — будущий экономист

to support — поддерживать

to gather together — собираться вместе

to have some fun — развлекаться

to analyze — анализировать


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I go shopping / Покупка

My name is Katya. I am a student. In two years I will become a teacher of

biology. My profession is my hobby as well. I visit the bookstores of my town

regularly and buy new books in biology. It helps me to learn all the novelties

in my profession I often discuss the books that I have bought, with my

friends at the university When I go shopping, I buy not only books, but also

some other things, that I need.

I live in Dnepropetrovsk. It is a large city. There are a lot of shops here. If I

go shopping, it is not easy for me to choose the right place at once. I am

fond of fashion and always try to buy new clothes in order to look

fashionable and at­tractive. It is not an easy task. I have to try on a lot of

dresses, skirts and blouses till I choose what I really like. If I need a dress

for a special occasion, I go to a shop with my best friend Olya. She is always

ready to help me and I try to fol­low her advice.

Sometimes Olya and I go shopping just for fun. We walk along the streets,

visit different kinds of shops and buy some trifles that raise our mood. We

may buy something tasty and organize a small party for our friends. I should

say that shopping is my hobby, It is the best treatment for me when I am in

a bad mood.


a bookstore — книжный магазин

a novelty — новинка

a treatment — лекарство

attractive — привлекательный


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Learning foreign languages / Изучение иностранных языков

I am a student. I am a prospective teacher of biology. One of my hobbies is

the English language. It is the most popular language on earth. Many people

learn in order to build a successful career or find friends abroad. As for me, I

find this language one of the most beautiful in the world. That's why I

decided to learn it. I like to listen to English songs. I am glad that I can

understand what some song is about without anybody's help.

I started to learn English at school and now I continue to learn it at the

university. I often stay at the university after classes, because I am a

member оf a research group. I like research work, that's why I often search

for new information Most of the articles of foreign colleagues are in English.

New ideas in science happen so quickly, that it is impossible to translate

everything into different languages at once. But I think it is very important

to learn about new ideas as quickly as possible.

My dream is to visit one of the English­speaking countries. I would like to

communicate with its people and learn something new about its culture. But

now I have some friends abroad. I can send letters to them via the Internet.

Most of them are also students. We often discuss our plans for the future. I

think young people are very much alike all over the world. And it is very

interesting to learn a foreign language and be able to understand it.


prospective — будущий

successful — успешный

research — исследование

to be alike — быть похожим

to communicate — общаться


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My family / Моя семья

Dear Ann!

I have read your letter at "e­mailfriends" and would like to make friends with

you! Let me introduce myself. My name is Hans. I live in Berlin. I am 20. I

live with my parents. My mother is a doctor. When I feel bad, she is the first

to help. I also love her apple pie, which she makes every Sunday. Cooking is

her hobby. My father is a teacher His hobby is working in a little garden in

front of our house. As my future profession is agronomist, I help him look

after the trees and flowers. My younger brother Nick is not fond of nature.

He spends ail his free time with his computer. We are both students. We

study at the same university. We are all different, but when we gather

together on Sundays, we can talk for hours. We discuss our family needs

and plans for the future. I think we are a united and friendly family!

I would like to know more about your family!

Yours, Hans


to make friends — познакомиться

Let me introduce myself — позвольте представиться

the first to help — первый, кто приходит на помощь

a doctor — врач

cooking — приготовление еды

hobby — хобби

to spend (all) one's free time — проводить (все) свое свободное время

to gather together — собираться вместе

for hours — часами

to discuss — обсуждать


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My pastime / Мое времяпрепровождение

My name is Ann. I am a student. I am a future economist. As I study at the

university, I do not have much free time. My classes finish at 4 p.m. Then I

have to do my homework for the next day. I have a lot of friends at the

university and sometimes we stay after classes together and help each other

with our home tasks. When we are ready with the tasks, we usually visit a

cafe. We eat our favourite ice­cream and drink a cup of tea or coffee. On

weekends, I have more free time and can visit my friends. We usually go to

a disco and have a lot of fun there. Late in the evening, I read a book or

watch TV with my family.

On holidays I can meet my friends and relatives more often. I sometimes

organize a party for my close friends. I cook something tasty and lay the

table. We sit around it, discuss our student life and our plans for future.

When the weather is bad, I usually sit on my sofa and call my friends. I like

talking on the phone, though my mother doesn't approve of it. She usually

says, I should spend more time preparing for my classes. I like my future

profession. Economics is my hobby. That's why I sometimes dedicate all my

free time to searching for some new information in economics.


favourite — любимый

on weekends — на выходных

a relative (s) — родственник

to lay the table — накрывать на стол

to discuss — обсуждать

to approve of — одобрять

to dedicate — посвящать

searching for some new information — поиск новой информации


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My favourite book / Моя любимая книга

I am a student. In two years I will become a teacher of biology. I have to

read a lot of books on biology. But I also read books on art, science and

history. My parents are fond of reading. We have over 300 books of our

favourite authors at home. Among them are plays by Shakespeare, historical

novels by Walter Scott, detective stories by Conan Doyle and many others.

When I have free time I read my favourite book by Hemingway «For Whom

the Bell Tolls». Hemingway often describes in his books the events of the

World War I and World War II, in which he took part. He was born in

Chicago in 1899 and died in his house in Idaho in 1961. His books depicted

the tragedy of war. The unique style of Hemingway, his realistic manner of

writing brought him great success and the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The main characters of my favourite book often find themselves in a difficult

situation. The war influenced their lives greatly and made them stronger.

They have to face death almost every minute and overcome their fear. But

they do not lose the ability to love and share their feelings. Even in the last

minute in his life, one of the principal characters supports his beloved and

wishes her to become happy after his death This book changed a lot in my

views. Now I think that the most important thing in lite is to find a person

who can understand and support you in any situation, and whom you may

take care of.


"For Whom the Bell Tolls" — «По ком звонит колокол? »

to depict — изображать

unique — уникальный

to influence — влиять

to overcome — преодолевать


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My working day / Мой рабочий день

I am student Classes at the university begin at 8.30, so I have to get up at 7

o'clock on week days. When I wake up, I usually lie in bed for 5 minutes and

then stand up. I try to make my bed every day, but sometimes I forget to

do it. Then I open the window, breathe in the fresh air deeply and do my

morning exercises. I am usually in a hurry, so I do not have much time for

that. Then I go to the bathroom, wash myself and clean my teeth After that

I dress and brush my hair. Later, I go to the kitchen, greet my family and

have breakfast.

After breakfast I take my bag and go to the university. Usually it takes me

30 minutes to get there. I try to come several minutes before the bell,

because I do not want to be late for classes. I greet my groupmates and we

go to the classroom. I study with pleasure, so 3—4 classes a day is not

much for me. I often have to stay after classes at the university and go to

the university library or a laboratory. Then I go home and have my dinner.

After that I may have a short rest. Then I have to do my homework. It takes

me 3—4 hours. In the evening I watch TV with my family or talk with my

friends on the phone.

I go to bed at about 11 o'clock.


to wake up — просыпаться

to breathe in — вдыхать

to be in a hurry — торопиться

to brush one's hair — причесываться, расчесывать волосы

to dress — одеваться


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My favourite season and weather / Мое любимое время года и погода

There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Every season has its fine days and is pleasant in its own way. As for me, I

try to enjoy each season of the year. I like warm and beautiful days of early

autumn. People often call this period «Indian Summer». In winter the trees

are covered with white snow and look beautiful. Besides, winter is a time of

joy. Winter holidays are always connected with presents, good mood, parties

and a lot of fun. When spring comes, the air is full of freshness and aroma of

flowers. Summer brings warmth and new joys.

My favourite season is summer. As I am a student, I may enjoy my summer

holidays. They are always full of fun. The weather is usually fine, it is warm

and the days are the longest in the year. I may spend a lot of time with my

friends. When it gets very hot, we usually go to the river, sunbathe swim

and play different games. Sometimes, the weather gets cold. Dark clouds

bring thunder and lighting and it starts raining. But I like summer

thunderstorms, they make the air fresh and we can see a rainbow across the

sky. Besides, in summer the first fruits and vegetables appear. My favourite

fruit is a melon. But I also like peaches, plums and cherries. Summer is a

really good time for me.


"Indian Summer" — бабье лето

to cover — покрывать

freshness — свежесть

thunder — гром

lighting — молния

a thunderstorm — гроза

a rainbow — радуга

a melon — дыня


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My best friend / Мой(я) лучший(ая) друг (подруга)

My best friends name is Mariya. We study at the same university. I've known

her for 4 years. If you see her, you'll like her at once. She is a pretty girl of

21 with long dark hair and a slim figure. But I like her not for her beauty.

Mariya is very smart. She is one of the best students in our group and

almost always knows the answer to the teacher's questions. She is a very

diligent student and is always ready with her homework. Mariya is a very

good friend. She is eager to help, when her help is needed. When I have

problems, she is the first to comfort me. I also try to help her and to support

her in any situation. We share a lot of our secrets. I am sure, her advice is

the best one, because she understands me.

It seems to me, we've known each other for ages. Mariya's family is also

very nice. She lives with her parents. They seem to be a very friendly family.

We have the same hobbies with Mariya — music, dancing and cooking. We

enjoy parties, so we often organize them for our friends. Then we cook

something tasty, watch TV, dance and have a lot of fun. I am sure we will

remain best friends forever.


the same — тот же самый

slim — изящный

diligent — усердный

to need — нуждаться

to comfort — успокаивать

to share — делить

to remain — оставаться


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My house and flat / Мой дом и квартира

I live in a new nine­storied house in Borodiya Street. In front of the house

there is a flower bed and a children's playground. My family lives on the

third floor. We have two rooms in our flat: a living room and a bedroom. Our

living room is the largest in our flat. There is a big bookcase in it. My parents

are teachers. Literature is their hobby. That's why we have a lot of books at

home. I also like to read, and when the weather is bad, I usually sit in our

living room and read my favourite book. Besides reading, you may also

watch TV in this room. There is a big TV­set here and we often watch TV in

the evening in a family circle. In front of the TV­set there is a big sofa and

two armchairs. We like to sit here and discuss our family life.

My bedroom is my study as well. It is not big. But I have here everything I

need. There is a desk, a chair, some bookshelves and a sofa. My favourite

place the room is my desk. It is the best place to work and to dream.

My parents sleep in our bedroom. Before going to sleep, we all gather

together in the kitchen, drink tea with biscuits, and discuss our plans for

tomorrow. Our kitchen is also very cozy. There is little furniture in it. That's

why it looks wider. There is also a small round table in the middle of the

room. We have here our meals.


nine­storied — девятиэтажный

a flower bed — клумба

a Bookcase — книжный шкаф

furniture — мебель


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My favourite TV programme / Мои любимые ТВ программы

I am a student, so I do not have much free time. But when I have enough

time I often watch TV. You may see and hear a lot of interesting information,

while watching TV. I like nature, sport and fashion, so I usually watch TV

programmes, which are connected with my hobbies. But most of all I like

nature. That is why my favourite TV programme is "In the World of

Animals". It is a weekly programme. As I watch it not often, I wait for it


It usually starts with amazing facts from the world of nature. So I feel

interested from the very beginning. Most of all I like to learn something new

about the sea inhabitants — different kinds of fish, whales, dolphins, etc. I

like dolphins. I may watch them for hours. I have learned a lot about them

from the programme "In the World of Animals". They are very smart. That's

why these creatures may help people in different spheres оf life. They may

also bring a lot of fun with their tricks, especially to children.

I do not like game shows, where people play games or answer questions in

order to win money or prizes. But I like to answer questions about animals

in my favourite TV programme "In the World of Animals". I have already

won several times! I am glad there is such a programme that brings me a lot

of fun and interesting information.


to watch TV — смотреть телевизор

weekly — еженедельный

impatiently — с нетерпением

amazing — удивительный

an inhabitant (s) — обитатель

a whale (s) — кит

a dolphin (s) — дельфин

a trick (s) — трюк

to win (won. won) — побеждать


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My everyday meals / Мое ежедневное питание

My name is Anya. I study at the university. As I am a student, I do not have

much time for my meals. Usually I have two or three meals a day. I often go

to bed late at night and then I do not have enough time for breakfast in the

morning. Some of my friends do not eat in the morning at all. I prefer not to

eat a lot in the morning. I drink tea or coffee and eat sandwiches with butter

and cheese, or sometimes jam.

At about 12 o'clock I have a snack. I drink orange juice with pies or eat an

apple, My dinner is at three o'clock. There is a canteen at the university and

a lot of students and teachers have their dinner there. Here everyone may

find something to their taste: soup or borsch for the first course, meat or

fish with vegetables for the second course. I usually choose fish soup, fried

fish with mashed potatoes, and biscuits with tea. It is usually loud in the

canteen at dinner time. Students discuss their student life here and make

plans for the evening.

I do not usually have supper. But before going to bed I often drink a glass of

warm milk with biscuits or a cup of tea with honey. It helps me sleep well

and feel healthy next morning.


a snack — закуска

a canteen — столовая

for the first course — на первое

for the second course — на второе

mashed potatoes — картофельное пюре


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My summer holidays / Мои летние каникулы

I am a student. Every day I have to visit classes and do my homework. I

work hard to achieve my aim. I want to become a teacher of biology.

Sometimes I get tired and need a good rest. Then I meet my friends and we

have a lot of fun. But the best me to rest is my summer holidays. When

summer comes, I can meet my friends every day. I can visit my relatives

more often. We may talk for hours, discuss our family life and plans for


I have a lot of hobbies. They are music, nature and communication. In

summer I have more time for my favourite music and may listen to it for

hours. Almost every summer I spend in the village, where my parents live. I

try to help my parents with the house work and spend with them my free

time. In my native village I have a lot of friends. With some of them we

studied at the same school and still have common interests and hobbies. In

the evening we gather together, go for a walk or organize a party.

When I am in the village, I like to observe the life of animal and plants. It is

interesting and useful for me. And when I spend time with my friends, we

usually go to the river, lie in the sun, do sports and have a lot of fun. After

my summer holidays I am full of energy and desire to study further.


hard — тяжело

to achieve — достигать

to need — нуждаться

communication — общение

favourite — любимый

to gather together — собираться вместе

to do sports — заниматься спортом

desire — желание


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My plans for future / Мои планы на будущее

My name is Svetlana. I am a student. I study in Donetsk. I am 19 years old.

I am a student of the third year of study. I have a lot of plans for future.

And my first dream is to graduate from the university and start working as

an economist. My future profession is my own choice. I study with pleasure.

I would like to earn my own money and become more independent.

Nowadays everyone dreams about a successful career. I also want to

become a very good economist. I like to communicate with people, so I will

be happy to organize and lead a project in the sphere of economics. I am

also fond of foreign languages, English and German. I plan to visit Germany

and the USA in order to practice my language skills and learn something

new about the customs and traditions of these countries. I want to see the

famous Statue of Liberty and other places of historical interest with my own


When I succeed in my career, I plan to create a family and have children. My

parents have three children. I think we are a united and friendly family. Each

evening we gather together in our kitchen and discuss our plans for the next

day. I also would like to have such family traditions that will unite my family.

If I realize all my plans, I will become happy. And then, perhaps, I will plan

something new for future.


to graduate from (the university) — заканчивать (высшее учебное


would like — хотел бы

independent — независимый

a career — карьера

successful — успешный

to communicate — общаться

to be fond of smth — увлекаться чем­либо

customs and traditions — обычаи и традиции

to realize — осуществлять


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My favourite writer / Мой любимый писатель

I am a student, that's why I should read a lot of books. I like reading.

Literature means a lot in my life. It helps me to understand other people

better. I often analyze the characters of the books and it helps me to

understand the world and myself. I read books by different authors:

Russian, Ukrainian, German, and English.

My favourite Russian writer is Darya Dontsova. She is a popular Russian

writer of modern prose. The works of this author are smart and really

interesting. According to her own words, her novels are based on real facts.

That arouses the reader's interest and provokes their own analysis of the

events. When I got acquainted with her books, I was really impressed by her

wit and humor. The main characters often find themselves in a difficult

situation, but they do not give up and try to find the way out. Some of the

characters of her books are mean and jealous. Some of them are deeply

feeling, faithful and tender.

When I read books by my favourite author, Darya Dontsova, I have a feeling

that I may meet her characters even in my native town. I always try to

watch an interview on TV with Darya Dontsova. She has a happy family that

supports her in her work and in difficult situations. She has a strong

character, and she is optimistic. Her brain works as a good computer and

she knows how to derive benefit from it. I always recommend my friends to

read her books.


smart — остроумный

to arise — возникать

wit — остроумие

mean — подлый

jealous — завистливый


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Средний уровень сложности

About myself / О себе

Let me introduce myself. My name is Mariya I am a 20­year­old student

from Donetsk. I study at the university in my native town and my future

profession is bookkeeping. I live with my parents and my elder sister Lena.

We are a friendly family. Lena is 2 years older than me. We share our room

and tell all our secrets to each other.

We are very much alike: open­hearted, smart and merry. That's why we

have a lot of friends. I like organizing parties for our friends as we often

gather to­gether, discuss our plans and have fun. My hobby is music. I play

the guitar and write my own songs. They say, I have a nice voice. My family

and friends often ask me to sing to guitar their favorite songs. Cooking is

also my hobby. My Mom cooks very well. She has taught me how to cook a

lot of delicious dishes from Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. My favorite dish is

French soup, which I cook for the whole family.

In the evening, I often watch TV with my family and discuss my plans for the

next day. On weekends, I often meet my friends or stay at home and read

books. I like novels by Dariya Dontsova. I sometimes discuss her style and

ideas with my sister. Literature, cooking, TV — I have a lot of topics to talk

about and make new friends.


bookkeeping — бухгалтерия

older — старший (сравнительная степень сравнения англ.

прилагательного old­older­the oldest), здесь: старший по возрасту

elder — старший в семье (old­elder­the eldest)

to share — делить

delicious — вкусный

a dish (es) — блюдо

cuisine — кухня

on weekends — на выходных

a novel — роман


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I go shopping / Покупка

My name is Dima. I am a student of the second year of study. I study at the

university. My hobby is music. When I have free time I usually go to the

biggest music shop in my town and buy CDs with my favourite music. I have

a big collection of CDs at home, but I can not resist the temptation of buying

a new CD. That what I like to buy most of all.

But when it comes to buying new clothes, I am really at a loss. I do not

follow fashion very much. That's why I almost always have problems with

finding the clothes that suit me. When I need new clothes, I usually go to a

shop with my fried or relatives. Some of them are fond of fashion and may

advise me the clothes that are becoming and suit me best.

As for food, I like to go to a supermarket and buy there everything my

family needs. I often go shopping with my mother. She buys healthy food

for our family fruits and vegetables, fish, honey, cheese and turkey. As for

me, I buy what I most of all: biscuits, candied fruit jelly, shrimps and

sweets. I buy them not only for myself but also for the whole family. That's

what I like shopping for. I can buy things that I like and it raises my mood.


to resist the temptation — устоять перед соблазном

to be at a loss — быть в затруднении

candied fruit jelly — мармелад

shrimps — креветки

a turkey — индейка

to raise — поднимать


- 20 -

Learning foreign languages / Изучение иностранных языков

I am sure learning foreign languages is very important nowadays. People

start learning a foreign language, because they want to have a better job, a

possibility to study abroad or take part in international conferences. People

want to have a possibility to get a higher education abroad or even start

their career there. The most popular among foreign languages are English,

German, Italian, French and Spanish.

I have chosen English as a foreign language, because it is the most

widespread language on the Earth. About one billion people speak or

understand English. English is the language of international communication

in many areas of life: trade, tourism and sport. The latest results of scientific

investigations are also translated into English. Many books of the best

modern writers and poets are translated into English. Sometimes, it is the

only way to read and understand the latest works of foreign authors,

Japanese or Turkish, for example.

Language is a means of communication. We learn it in order to find new

friends abroad and get acquainted with other cultures. Some of my friends

have already moved to the USA and Canada. They often write me letters in

English and I am glad that I can understand them without anybody's help.

This communication helps me to learn new English words and master my

speaking skills.


widespread — распространенный

communication — общение

investigation — исследование

to get acquainted — познакомиться

to master — совершенствовать


- 21 -

My family / Моя семья

Dear Hans!

Thank you for your letter! I will answer your questions about my family with

pleasure. Today is Sunday, so we are all together. It is raining, that's why

we are all sitting in the living room. My Mom is reading. She is a teacher of

literature, so she reads a lot. She is a slim woman of about 40. Her pupils

like her for she is an easy­ going and a kind person. Reading is her hobby.

Besides, she is fond of cooking. When

we gather together after a working day, there is always something tasty on

the table. My father helps her sometimes with the house work. He is a

doctor and has very little free time. He works a lot. When I was a child, I

often visited him at the hospital and saw him at work. He always listens

attentively to his patients and gives them his advice. His patients trust him

and that makes his work easier. He decided to become a doctor, because his

father, my grandfather, was a doctor too. They look very much alike. All my

grandparents are retired now. They all live in the village, where my parents

come from. They are happy to see the entire family when we come to them.

We have many relatives. My aunts, uncles, and cousins live in different parts

of Ukraine. On holidays we often gather together and have a very good


Yours, Ann


readily — с готовностью

all together — все вместе

slim — стройный

easy­going — легкий в общении

tasty — вкусный

the house work — домашние хлопоты


- 22 -

attentively — внимательно

to be very much alike — быть очень похожим

to be retired — быть на пенсии

to come from — быть родом из

relative (s) — родственник (и)


- 23 -

My pastime / Мое времяпрепровождение

My name is Yuriy. I study at the university in Donetsk. As I am fond of

economics, I study with pleasure. I hardly have free time for my family and

friends on week­days. I often dedicate all my time after classes to searching

for new information in economics. Not all my friends understand it. But

sometimes we stay together in the library and help each other with our

tasks. It makes the work easier.

On weekends I have more time for my hobbies. These are computers and

sport. We often gather together with my friends and play computer games.

As I often win, I like to spend my pastime with my friends in a computer

club. When the weather is fine, I often play football with my friends.

Sometimes I spend my pastime with my family. Our relatives come to our

home and we enjoy talking to each other and discussing our plans for the

future. Most of all I like summer holidays as I can have fun every day and

enjoy life as it is.


to be fond of — увлекаться

hardly — едва

to dedicate — посвящать

searching for new information — поиск новой информации

to be in good mood — быть в хорошем настроении

to have fun — развлекаться

to relax — расслабляться


- 24 -

My favourite book / Моя любимая книга

They say that good books cannot become old. I can say the same about the

books of a unique English writer of the 19th century, Charlotte Bronte. She

is one of the best representatives of the English realism trend. My favourite

book by Charlotte Bronte is the novel that brought her fame, «Jane Eyre».

«Jane Eyre» is an autobiographical novel. The main character is a shy girl,

who has, however, a strong will and is independent. From her childhood

Jane learned that she could rely only on herself. She came from a poor

family, studied at Lowood institution for poor chil­dren, where she had to

face many difficulties. But she learned to overcome her fears and troubles.

She was also able to sympathize with other people and give a helping hand

in a difficult situation.

As Charlotte Bronte herself, Jane worked as a governess. Jane fell in love v.

th her master, Mr. Rochester. Later, she found out that Mr. Rochester was

married and she had to leave his house. A new life was not easy for her, but

she managed to overcome everything and become happy with her beloved,

after he had lost wife. There are many realistic and romantic details in the

novel, Deep feelings of the main characters helped them not to lose their

ability to share feelings.

There are many screen versions of the novel and the book is still read with

great interest.


a representative — представитель

to overcome — преодолевать

to sympathise with smb — сочувствовать кому­либо

a governess — гувернантка

the main character — главный герой


- 25 -

My working day / Мой рабочий день

I am a student of the second year of study. My name is Vadim. I am a

prospective teacher of mathematics. Every day I have my hands full. Usually

I do not have a lot of tree time, so I have to plan everything beforehand. I

get up at 6.30. I wash my face, clean mv teeth, dress my sportswear and go

to a sports ground. Jogging in the morning wakes me up. brings me energy

and fills me with a good mood. After my morning exercises, I go home, take

a cold shower and have my breakfast. I do not eat much in the morning, a

sandwich with butter and cheese or jam and a cup of tea. I am glad all the

members of my family have their breakfast at the same time. We may wish

each other a good day and discuss our plans for the evening.

After breakfast I take mv coat and a bag, and go to the university. It doesn't

take me much time, so I am not usually late for classes. I have 3—4 classes

a day After classes I have dinner with my friends in the university canteen.

Then I have to go to the library and get ready for my classes or to write a

report. After that I meet my friends and spend the rest of the evening with

them. We go for a walk, discuss our student life, and make plans for the

weekend Sometimes we visit a sports centre and play bowling or skate


I come home at about 8. We have our supper, which is usually light, watch

TV, communicate with my parents, listen to my favourite music. Then I go to

bed at 11 o'clock.


cheese — сыр

beforehand — заранее

jogging — пробежка

to wake up — пробуждать


- 26 -

My favourite season and weather / Мое любимое время года и погода

The four seasons of the year are beautiful and pleasant. Summer is the most

colourful season. There are a lot of flowers at this time. It is the best time to

travel, to spend several weeks at the seaside or in a village. Autumn brings

all kinds of fruits and vegetables. We may also enjoy some warm and

pleasant days in September. Winter covers everything with glittering snow.

Making a snowman and playing snowballs are among hobbies of many

children and grown­ups. But everything and everyone waits impatiently for

spring. Spring is the favourite season for many people.

As for me, I like spring for its first warm days. When the snow begins to

melt and streamlets can be seen everywhere in the streets, the air becomes

fresh and it is filled with aroma of flowers. The sky looks extremely blue and

the first tiny leaves begin to appear. The ground is covered with fresh green

grass and the first spring flowers. The sun shines brightly and the warmth

brings new hopes and joy. People feel younger and stronger. When the days

become warm enough we may have a walk in the woods or by the river, play

ball­games, lie in the sun and even have a swim. It is my favourite season,

because it always brings new hopes and expectations, new joys and a lot of



to cover — покрывать

glittering — сверкающий

snowballs — снежки

a streamlet — ручеек

expectations — надежды


- 27 -

My best friend / Мой(я) лучший(ая) друг (подруга)

Let me tell you about mv best friend. His name is Yuriy. We have known

each other for ages. We live in the same town and went to the same school.

Now we study at the same university And though we study at different

faculties, we see each other almost every day. My best friend is the first to

come and support me in any difficult situation. We have a lot in common.

We both do sports regularly. That's because we want to be strong and look

handsome. We really look very much alike. We have short dark hair, grey

eyes and a sport figure. We also have many similar features of character:

we are merry, smart and active.

As Yura is an easy going person, he can easily make friends with anyone He

likes communicating with new people. Yura likes travelling. We often visit

new places, especially in summer. We have already been to the Crimea,

Poltava and Lvov. This year we plan to visit the Carpathian Mountains.

Yura's hobby is computer games. He can spend hours in the virtual world. As

for me, I like the Internet, where I find interesting information and make

friends with people all over the world. But my best friend lives in Ukraine. I

am glad I have such a friend as Yura.


for ages — очень давно

though — хотя

to support — поддерживать

to have a lot in common — иметь много общего

to play sports — заниматься спортом

a trait of character — черта характера

easy­going — общительный

travelling — путешествия

all over the world — по всему миру


- 28 -

My house and flat / Мой дом и квартира

I live in the centre of our town. My family has a big flat in a modern nine­

storied house. We also have a car, and the garage is not far from our house.

In front of the house there is a children's playground and a small garden. In

the evening I like to sit in the garden and watch children playing.

Our flat is on the fourth floor. It is a big and nicely furnished flat. There are

four rooms in it: a living room and three bedrooms. Our living room is just

across the corridor on the right. Here you can see a bookcase and a nice

cupboard. There is also a sofa and two armchairs in the room. The curtains a

beautiful thick carpet and nice pictures on the walls make this room cozy.

We often sit here in the evening, watch TV and drink tea with biscuits. My

mother is fond of reading, she often sits here in her favourite armchair and

reads a book.

As for me, my favourite place is my bedroom, which is my study. Our

bed¬rooms are furnished very much alike. There is a sofa, a wardrobe a

desk and some bookshelves there. The only difference is the colour and

style. If you enter my room, you'll know much about me. There are a lot of

photos on the walls. As I like to travel, I bring many photos from each

country, I visit. The best of them hang on the walls. My desk stands near the

window, and it is the best place to work for me in our flat. When I get tired,

I often sit on the sofa and listen to my favourite music.

But my brother likes our kitchen. He likes the smell of our mother's apple pie

and everything she cooks for us. Our kitchen is rather big, so everyone has

their favourite place here. We often sit around our table and discuss our

family life. We also have our meals in the kitchen. We often gather here in

the morning and in the evening to have breakfast and supper or have a

snack. I think that this is my family that makes the flat so cozy and



cozy — уютный


- 29 -

to enter — входить

to be furnished — быть обставленным (о комнате)

to have a snack — перекусить

a wardrobe — гардероб


- 30 -

My favourite TV programme / Мои любимые ТВ программы

My name IS Yulya. I am student. One of my hobbies is travelling. I have

already visited many parts of Ukraine but my dream is a world tour. As I am

student, I do not have enough money for it. The only way out is my

favourite TV programme "Around the World". It is a daily programme, so I

have an opportunity to visit different countries every day without leaving my


Each programme is dedicated to one country. I am fond of foreign

languages, English and German, so I watch the programmes about English

and German speaking countries with special interest. It is a good chance for

me to learn something new about these countries and their citizens. I may

see places of historical interest, which I have only read about. I listen to

legends, connected with famous people and see the places they were born


The latest programme was dedicated to England. I had an opportunity to see

old castles, learn their long history and get acquainted with their inhabitants.

As I am fond of the Beatles, I wanted to know something new about the

most success¬ful pop group the world has ever known. The Beatles have

always been in the news headlines, films and sometimes scandal. Their song

«Love Me Do», which in 1962 entered the British hit Parade, in 1982, was

again in the Top Ten! A lot of people still long tor the music of the Beatles,

the music of freedom and piece. The next programme will be dedicated to

the USA. I hope to learn something about Elvis Presley, who influenced the

famous Lennon and McCartney early songs.


a world tour — кругосветное путешествие

daily — ежедневный

to be fond of smth — увлекаться чем­либо

a castle (s) — замок

a headline (s) — заголовок

to long for — грустить


- 31 -

My everyday meals / Мое ежедневное питание

My name is Sergey. I am a university student. Every day I have three or

four classes, so I do not usually have much time for meals. Cooking is not

my hobby, I usually eat what my mother cooks for me or go to the student

canteen. In the morning we gather together in our kitchen at 7 o'clock and

have our breakfast. It is a family tradition. My mother lays the table. There

are different kinds of sandwiches, sausages, bacon with eggs and jam. I

often drink a cup of tea or coffee and eat a sandwich with butter and cheese.

As there is a student canteen at the university, I often go there for dinner

after classes. There you may choose between different kinds of soup, meat

and fish dishes and desserts. I often choose borsch for the first course and

beefsteak for the second one. For dessert I often take stewed fruit or jelly.

In our university canteen I usually have dinner with my friends. We may

discuss our student life and make plans for the evening.

I often come home at about seven. As I am often hungry after a long day. I

do not have a snack in the evening. My supper is a full meal. My mother

usually cooks mashed potatoes with meat or sausages, and salads, of

course. After supper I do my home work, play computer games and watch

TV. Before going to bed I sometimes eat some fruit or drink fruit juice.


a canteen — столовая

for dessert — на десерт

stewed fruit — компот

a sandwich (es) — сандвич, бутерброд

bacon — бекон


- 32 -

My summer holidays / Мои летние каникулы

My name is Lena. I am a prospective teacher. Every day I have a lot of tasks

to fulfill. I hardly have time for my family and friends because of it. That's

why I wait for summer holidays each year. In summer I have more time for

communication hobbies and fun. What I like to do most of all in summer is

doing sports. I like team sports. That's why I like to do sports with my

friends. It brings me energy a good mood and a lot of fun.

Spending time with my friends is what I like about my summer holidays. We

can discuss our student life and make plans for future. I never get tired of

my friends and I am always glad when they call me and invite me to go to

the river or a disco. Sometimes I organize a party for my friends at home.

Then I cook something tasty for them.

I like spending time at the seaside. I spend there a couple of weeks with my

parents each year. I like to lie on the sand and listen to the sounds of the

sea. It makes me relax and fills me with harmony and energy. After such

rest I am ready to continue my studying again.


prospective — будущий

to fulfill — выполнять

hardly — едва

to make plans — строить планы

to get tired of smb or smth — уставать от кого­либо, чего­либо

studying — учеба


- 33 -

My plans for future / Мои планы на будущее

My name is Sergey. I study at the university. I am a prospective lawyer. I

have wanted to become a lawyer since I was 15. Now I am a university

student and work hard in order to become a good specialist. In a year I will

graduate from the university and start my own career. I think a lot about

this moment, and about further opportunities.

A lot of my friends plan to go abroad and start their career there. Some of

them do not want to return home. As for me, I would like to become a

successful lawyer in my country and will do my best to realize my dream. I

plan to work after classes at the university and consult students and

teachers of other faculties, if they need juridical help. I want to gain

experience and refine my knowledge this way. When I have my diploma, it

could be easier for me to find a good job.

I hope to have a successful career. Along with that, I would like to have my

own house and buy a car. Then I could travel abroad during my vacation and

see the cities, I have only dreamed about. These are Prague and Vienna. It

would be nice to stay for some time in these beautiful cities. It would be nice

to travel there with my family. If I realize all my plans, I will become happy.

And then, perhaps, I will plan something new for future.


prospective — будущий

an opportunity — возможность

to go abroad — поехать за границу

juridical — юридический

to refine — усовершенствовать

vacation — отпуск


- 34 -

My favourite artist / Мой любимый художник

I have many favourite artists. Among them are writers, painters and

musicians. When I have free time I often read my favourite books or listen

to my favourite music. When I have a spare day, I sometimes visit Kiev

Museum of Russian Art. I like the museum, for there are many masterpieces

there. But the most interesting works for me are the paintings by Ivan


Ivan Aivazovsky was born and died in Theodosia. As he studied and lived in

Russia for some time, he is considered to be a Russian painter. He studied at

the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg Ivan Aivazovsky was a painter of

seascapes. Aivazovsky produced about 6,000 paintings, depicting mainly

scenes on the Black Sea and turbulent seascapes, including The Ninth Wave

Black Sea, Amid the Waves, Flood i Sudak, and Storm. He also painted sea

battles (such as Siege of Sevastopol) and Ukrainian landscapes (Harvest in

Ukraine, Winter Scene in Ukraine, Wedding in Ukraine, Odessa at Night.

Crimean View in Moonugnt, View of the Crimea, and Harvest in the Crimea).

Aivazovsky established a picture gallery in Theodosia, which he donated

later to the city. The Aivazovsky Picture Gallery in Theodosia has some 400

of his works, as well as paintings by Crimean seascape artists and a small

collection of seascapes by Western artists. Ivan Aivazovsky depicted sea and

the people who lived by the sea. He dedicated many of his works to the

struggle between the people and the sea. He showed strong will and courage

of those people and the power of the sea.


masterpiece — шедевр

to consider — считать

"Amid the Waves" — «Среди волн»

"The Ninth Wave" — «Девятый вал»

to dedicate — посвящать


- 35 -

Высокий уровень сложности

About myself / О себе

Hello! I am Jane. I am 21. I am a student. I consider it to be a special time

in my life. Student life is always full of fun, new impressions and knowledge.

I like being a student. Each day I learn something new and communicate

with my friends. We meet almost every day. Sometimes we stay at the

university after classes to prepare our homework for the next day or just to

talk about our student life.

I like spending time with my friends. We often visit each other. I can talk

with them for hours. They can help me and support me in any situation. I

can say the same about my parents, with whom I live. My mother is a very

wise woman. She understands me. We are not only close relatives, but also

close friends. We have the same favourite colours — green and blue. These

are the colours of nature and the sky. Our family hobby is travelling. We like

seeing new places, meeting new people, exchanging our impressions. We

often travel in summer and in winter. I adore Turkey, Egypt, and France.

These countries have their own traditions, unique nature and culture.

My other hobbies are music and theatre. I often visit the theatre. I

sympathize with the characters on the stage. I try to understand them and,

finally, I find it easier to solve my own problems watching the play. I

understand my family and friends better. I am grateful to them for being so

close to me, for their understand­ing and support.


to consider — считать

an mpression (s) — впечатление

to exchange — обмениваться

unique — уникальный

to sympathize with — сочувствовать

to be grateful to smb — быть благодарным кому­либо


- 36 -

I go shopping / Покупка

Shopping is a new kind of hobby or just a waste of time? A lot of people find

it the best treatment for a bad mood. Buying new clothes may bring

pleasant emotions and change image for the better. But a lot of people

consider shopping to be a waste of time and money. Men usually do not like

to go shopping very much. And women cannot resist the temptation of

buying a new becoming dress.

I am a girl of 20 and consider clothes to be very important in my life. I like

to go shopping when I need something new. Usually I do not buy anything

at once. I like to try on several dresses of different styles and cut, till I

choose what suits me best. I can say, that's one of my hobbies. When I have

some free time I can walk along the streets for hours, look at the shop

windows and decide what could suit me best. When I need a dress for a

special occasion, I go shopping with my mother. She is keen on fashion and

may help me choose the best cut and style. Sometimes I go shopping with

my best friend Tanya; we usually help each other to buy clothes for a new


Buying food is not so interesting for me. I usually do not have much time for

that. That's why I often go to the nearest supermarket, where I may buy

everything I need. Along with fish, milk, fruit and vegetables that I usually

buy, I also choose something sweet, like biscuits or a cake. That makes

shopping in a supermarket more pleasant.


becoming — к лицу

a cut — покрой

to resist the temptation — устоять перед искушением

consider — считать


- 37 -

Learning foreign languages / Изучение иностранных языков

Foreign languages are absolutely necessary for people nowadays. More and

more people of different professions decide to study foreign languages in

order to raise their professional level. Making business nowadays means the

ability to speak at least one foreign language. Among the most popular

foreign languages in Russia are English, German, Spanish. French and


English is the language of business correspondence, many foreign

newspapers and magazines, and communication between people of different

nationalities all over the world. Reading foreign literature in the original,

understanding foreign films without translation, making friends with people

of other nationalities may make our intellectual and cultural horizons wider.

Foreign languages often bring new perspectives in career and private life.

Many aspects of our Life, like science, entertainment, business, studying

became international. Many Russians decide to receive good education, start

their career or just spend some time abroad. Upon returning to Russia they

are able to share their knowledge, experience and information gained abroad

with their colleagues and friends.


to raise — поднимать

a perspective — перспектива

entertainment — развлечение

in the original — в оригинале


- 38 -

My family / Моя семья

There is a photo from my family album. This is one of the latest photos. My

whole family is in it. There are four of us. My parents are in the centre. To

begin with, I am going to talk about my father. He is neither old nor young

and works as a businessman at the office. He is a handsome man with dark

hair just beginning to go grey. As he is a bread­maker in the family, he often

works overtime. He is sociable, sincere and reliable. I can rely on him in any


My mother is a few years younger than my father. She looks slim and pretty

in the photo, so she is in life. She is an elegant and an intelligent woman.

She loves my father and the whole family. She does a lot for us. Shopping

and cooking for the family are among her every­day chores. She is a

university teacher and is re­spected both by her students and colleagues. I

must admit, she is a very understand­ing person and often is the first to

give a helping hand in a difficult situation.

In front of my parents sits my grandmother, my mother's mother. I do not

have other grandparents. She is retired now. To tell you the truth, I do not

feel the generation gap between us. She would listen to my endless stories

about my friends and my university life. I do not always follow her advice,

but I should say, my granny is a wise person and an easy­going one. They

say, I look similar to her. Maybe, that's why I'm sitting near her. Here 4 of

us are happy and smiling.

To cut a long story short, we are a united and friendly family.


the latest — последний

to be neither old nor young — ни стар ни молод

а handsome man — красивый мужчина

a bread­maker — кормилец


- 39 -

overtime — сверхурочно

sociable, sincere and reliable — общительный, искренний и надежный

an elegant and an intelligent woman — элегантная и умная женщина

I must admit — я должен признать

I look similar to — быть похожим на


- 40 -

My pastime / Мое времяпрепровождение

I like studying. Each day I learn something new at the university. I like

economics, which is my future profession. But student life means also having

free time and a lot of fun. That's what I like my student life for. After classes

I have some time to do my home work and relax. The best way to relax is

having fun with my friends. I am an easy­going person, but some of my

friends say, I am too talkative. I like talking to my friends about our student

life and our plans for the future. I often go to a cafe with my best friend. We

can spend hours drinking tea or coffee and dis­cussing the latest news at the


When I come home, I have a short rest. Then I start calling my friends and

making plans for the next day and for the weekend. As dancing is our

hobby, we often go to a disco. They say, I am good at it. It is also a chance

to meet new people and communicate with them.

On weekends, I sometimes stay at home and listen to my favourite music,

which makes me feel happy. I often listen to music with my friends when we

organize a party. I like cooking, so when my friends come, there is always

something tasty on the table. I know a lot of delicious dishes from Ukrainian

and Russian cuisine and every time I try to prepare something new for my

friends and family.

Each year I wait for summer holidays. It is a chance to spend more time

with family and friends, for travelling and meeting new people, and visiting

new places. I love the sea. I can spend hours listening to its sounds and

watching its waves. It fills me with peace and hope. After such rest I feel

happy and am ready for studying.


a lot of fun — много развлечений, веселья

to relax — расслабляться

easy­going — общительный


- 41 -

talkative — разговорчивый

to communicate — общаться

delicious — изысканный, вкусный

cuisine — кухня

to fill — наполнять


- 42 -

My favourite book / Моя любимая книга

There are many good books. My parents have a big library at home, and

when I have spare time I read some of the books that my parents read

when they were of my age. I do not think that books written in the 19th,

18th centuries or even earlier may not be useful for a contemporary reader.

There are over 300 books in our home library. Among them there are plays

by Shakespeare, historical novels by Walter Scott, detective stories by

Conan Doyle and many others. But sometimes, I buy a new book.

Contemporary writers have their own style and manner. They write about

problems that people have to face nowadays.

One of the books I have recently bought is written by a modern French

writer, Francois Lelord. It is called «Hector's Trip». It is a modern bestseller,

and is already translated into several languages. It is a story of a young

doctor, who decided to make a world tour in his search tor happiness. He

wanted to understand what happiness means for him and whether it means

the same for all people around the world. Hector meets many people on his

way. Some of them look happy but the reasons for that were different. He

learned that happiness does not depend on money or fame. Hector met and

made many friends in different countries. He observed their way of life and

came to conclusion that there are very many reasons for happiness, so that

it is not possible to unite all of them. One may become happy, if they find

their own answers to the questions «What is happiness?» «How I may

become happy?» Hector found his own way to happiness, he understood,

that he really did not have to travel so far to find it. In conclusion, I think

the problems touched upon in the book could be interesting for any young

person. I always advise all my friends this book to.


contemporary — современный

a conclusion — вывод

to depend on — зависеть от

fame — слава


- 43 -

My working day / Мой рабочий день

I have to work hard in order to achieve success. As I am a student, I have to

visit classes, go to the library, a laboratory, and spend a lot of time

preparing for the seminars. In order to complete all the tasks I have to plan

everything beforehand. My working day starts at 6 o'clock in the morning. I

wash, clean my teeth, dress my sportswear and go to a sports ground.

Jogging in the morning wakes me up, brings me energy and good mood.

After my morning exercises I go home take a cold and hot shower and have

my breakfast. As I want to keep fit, I often cook oatmeal with fruit and drink

a glass of fruit or vegetable juice.

After breakfast I put on my coat and go to the university. As I live far from

the university, I take a bus. I come to the university several minutes before

the bell because I do not want to be late for classes. My classes are over at

3 pm, so I usually have dinner in the university canteen at that time. But my

working day is not over. I often have to go to the library in order to prepare

for seminars or write a report, as I do not have all the necessary books at

home. It may take several hours to accomplish all the tasks. When I go

there with my friends, we may help each other with the tasks.

After everything is done, I have some spare time to relax and have fun with

my friends. We sometimes go to a cafe and discuss either our student life, or

the latest news at the university, or make plans for the weekend. But more

often we go for a walk to the park or visit a sport club, where we play

bowling or billiards. After that I go home, i come home at about 8 o'clock in

the evening. I usually have supper at that time, I eat a vegetable or fruit

salad, drink a cup of tea with jam or honey. Later on, I usually listen to my

favourite music, watch TV or read a book. At 10 pm I go to bed.


jogging — пробежка

a cold and hot shower — контрастный душ

to keep fit — следить за своим здоровьем

oatmeal — овсянка

to accomplish — выполнять


- 44 -

My favourite season and weather / Мое любимое время года и погода

"There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes". I fully agree with this

saying. There are very many things to enjoy in every season. Each year

starts with joyful winter holidays. Big, white snowflakes are falling thick and

fast and soon the ground, the roofs and the trees are covered with snow.

Children and grown­ups may make snowmen, play snow balls, go skiing,

skating or sliding down the snow covered hills.

In March the snow is melting faster with each day. It is very pleasant to

watch how the nature awakens from its winter sleep. The birds are singing,

the ground is covered with fresh new grass and the first tiny leaves begin to

appear. The air is filled with aroma of flowers and the people feel young and


Summer brings warmth and a lot of fun. We may enjoy swimming and

sports, meet our friends and spend more time with our families. It is the

best time for travelling. Summer is often full of unforgettable moments and

impressions. A summer thunderstorm often brings relief on a stuffy day. The

air becomes fresh and a rainbow appears in the sky.

I try to enjoy each season. But my favourite season is autumn. Beautiful

autumn flowers make the first cool days more pleasant. The early autumn is

often called "Indian Summer". The silver gossamer is flying in the air, the

trees are gold and brown, and the sky looks extremely blue. Many people

like these last warm days of the year. The fruit trees are heavy with juicy

apples, almost all fruits and vegetables could be seen in the market. It is

pleasant to stay at home with an interesting book and a cup of coffee on an

autumn gloomy day. Late autumn sometimes brings frost and soon soft,

white snow covers everything around.


a snowflake — снежинка

to slide — кататься с горы

to melt — таять

gossamer — паутина

gloomy — мрачный


- 45 -

My working day / Мой рабочий день

I have to work hard in order to achieve success. As I am a student, I have to

visit classes, go to the library, a laboratory, and spend a lot of time

preparing for the seminars. In order to complete all the tasks I have to plan

everything beforehand. My working day starts at 6 o'clock in the morning. I

wash, clean my teeth, dress my sportswear and go to a sports ground.

Jogging in the morning wakes me up, brings me energy and good mood.

After my morning exercises I go home take a cold and hot shower and have

my breakfast. As I want to keep fit, I often cook oatmeal with fruit and drink

a glass of fruit or vegetable juice.

After breakfast I put on my coat and go to the university. As I live far from

the university, I take a bus. I come to the university several minutes before

the bell because I do not want to be late for classes. My classes are over at

3 pm, so I usually have dinner in the university canteen at that time. But my

working day is not over. I often have to go to the library in order to prepare

for seminars or write a report, as I do not have all the necessary books at

home. It may take several hours to accomplish all the tasks. When I go

there with my friends, we may help each other with the tasks.

After everything is done, I have some spare time to relax and have fun with

my friends. We sometimes go to a cafe and discuss either our student life, or

the latest news at the university, or make plans for the weekend. But more

often we go for a walk to the park or visit a sport club, where we play

bowling or billiards. After that I go home, i come home at about 8 o'clock in

the evening. I usually have supper at that time, I eat a vegetable or fruit

salad, drink a cup of tea with jam or honey. Later on, I usually listen to my

favourite music, watch TV or read a book. At 10 pm I go to bed.


jogging — пробежка

a cold and hot shower — контрастный душ

to keep fit — следить за своим здоровьем

oatmeal — овсянка

to accomplish — выполнять


- 46 -

My favourite season and weather / Мое любимое время года и погода

"There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes". I fully agree with this

saying. There are very many things to enjoy in every season. Each year

starts with joyful winter holidays. Big, white snowflakes are falling thick and

fast and soon the ground, the roofs and the trees are covered with snow.

Children and grown­ups may make snowmen, play snow balls, go skiing,

skating or sliding down the snow covered hills.

In March the snow is melting faster with each day. It is very pleasant to

watch how the nature awakens from its winter sleep. The birds are singing,

the ground is covered with fresh new grass and the first tiny leaves begin to

appear. The air is filled with aroma of flowers and the people feel young and


Summer brings warmth and a lot of fun. We may enjoy swimming and

sports, meet our friends and spend more time with our families. It is the

best time for travelling. Summer is often full of unforgettable moments and

impressions. A summer thunderstorm often brings relief on a stuffy day. The

air becomes fresh and a rainbow appears in the sky.

I try to enjoy each season. But my favourite season is autumn. Beautiful

autumn flowers make the first cool days more pleasant. The early autumn is

often called "Indian Summer". The silver gossamer is flying in the air, the

trees are gold and brown, and the sky looks extremely blue. Many people

like these last warm days of the year. The fruit trees are heavy with juicy

apples, almost all fruits and vegetables could be seen in the market. It is

pleasant to stay at home with an interesting book and a cup of coffee on an

autumn gloomy day. Late autumn sometimes brings frost and soon soft,

white snow covers everything around.


a snowflake — снежинка

to slide — кататься с горы


- 47 -

to melt — таять

gossamer — паутина

gloomy — мрачный


- 48 -

My best friend / Мой(я) лучший(ая) друг (подруга)

One cannot live without friends. It is important for every one to share the

happy moments and feel sympathy and support in a difficult situation.

Making friends is easy, but one needs time to call someone the best friend. I

am happy to have such a person in my life. My best friend's name is Olya.

We are not very much alike but that does not matter. We understand each

other and we are always ready to give a helping hand. Olya is 21 and she is

a very smart person. She is one of the best students in our group. We

support each other in any situation. She can easily find the right words to

comfort or encourage me.

Olya is very beautiful. She has long hair, a slim figure, beautiful eyes and a

charming smile. She is a kind and sincere person, open­hearted and easy­

going. Her hobby is dancing. When she is on the stage, you forget

everything and enjoy her dancing.

When I visit her at her home, she always cooks something tasty. I like being

at her home. She has a friendly family, her mother is a wise woman, and

they can easily understand each other I think they are not only close

relatives but also close friends. I sometimes ask her mother for advice and

she finds the right words for me. Olya takes very much after her mother,

that's why it is so pleasant to communicate with her. I am happy to have

such a friend as Olya.


sympathy — сочувствие

to give a helping hand — протянуть руку помощи

to comfort — успокаивать

to encourage — ободрять

charming — обаятельный

open­hearted — искренний

a close relative — близкий родственник


- 49 -

My house / Мой дом

They say, a person's home is a reflection of their own character. It is a place

to work, to relax, and to meet friends. My family lives in our own house. It is

a small cottage in the suburbs of our town. It consists of the ground and the

first floor and has five rooms in it. There is also a garage for our car, a small

garden with beautiful flowers and fruit trees around the house.

If you come to our house, you enter our hall first. Here you may take off

your coat and shoes. The floor is covered with a fitted carpet, so you will feel

comfort¬able in our house. There is a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living

room. We have dreamed for a long time about such a big kitchen. There is a

big window and small curtains here, so the sunshine fills it, and makes it

cozy. There is a gas cooker, a refrigerator, a cupboard, a sink unit and a big

round table here. We gather, together every morning in our kitchen and

have breakfast and wish each other a nice day.

When we have dinner with our guests, we usually have it in our living room

is the biggest room in the house. The full­length curtains, elegant furniture

and a big thick carpet on the floor make the room the best place to relax,

watch TV and communicate with friends. The living­room suite, which

consists of a cupboard, a bookcase, a sofa, and three armchairs, is arranged

around three walls. A big colour TV­set and a video system near the window

can transform the room into a cinema. We often watch here our favourite


My favourite place in our house is my bedroom, which is also my study.

Every member of our family has furnished their rooms according to their

own taste. As for me, I have chosen modern furniture, which doesn't take

much place and can be easily transformed. The bedroom suite consists of a

bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe. There is also a small desk with a lap

top on it. The window overlooks our garden. I often sit by the window and

watch a beautiful sunset.


- 50 -


a reflection — отражение

a fitted carpet — ковровое покрытие

a gas cooker — газовая плита

a refrigerator — холодильник

a suite — мебельный гарнитур


- 51 -

My favourite TV programme / Мои любимые ТВ программы

A modern person cannot imagine their life without TV. It is a source of

interesting information, fun, and sometimes addiction. Everyone can find

here something to the own taste. One may watch a documentary, a soap

opera, a game show, a cartoon, news, etc. I do not often watch soap operas

as I find them dull. Sometimes, I watch news or a documentary, for I like to

learn about important events that just have happened in the world or about

interesting people and historical events. As I am not a hot­tempered person,

game shows, where people play games in order to win money or prizes, do

not attract me very much. I like to learn useful information that can make

my life easier and more beautiful.

One of my hobbies is fashion. There are a lot of TV programmes that give in­

formation about the latest trends in this sphere. My favourite programme is

"Your Style". It is a weekly programme, and I try to watch it each time it

appears on TV. It starts with giving the latest news from the world of

fashion, and showing the most interesting collections of the famous

designers. Then, fashion experts give their advice, how one may find their

own style and look attractive. I have already learned how to combine the

colours, how to choose the right length of a dress, how to look elegant and

charming. Clothes influence our character and mood and form he first

impression about us. That's why it is so important for me to find my own

style in clothes. They say, I always look attractive, elegant and fashionable.

That's because I am keen on fashion. They say, fashion is international. But

how else could I learn about the latest fashion trends if there were no TV?


an addiction. — зависимость

a soap opera — мыльная опера

a documentary — документальный фильм

hot­tempered — азартный

a trend (s) — направление

to be keen on smth — увлекаться чем­либо


- 52 -

My everyday meals / Мое ежедневное питание

My name is Oksana. I am a prospective teacher of biology. Nature is my

hobby. I know a lot about fruit and vegetables, and about their useful

qualities. My friends say I am fond of diets, healthy food and healthy way of

life. That's true. Food is an important part of our life; it may influence our

mood and health. That's why I always eat the dishes I prepare myself and

try to choose products, that are useful for my health.

I live in a hostel, so I do not have much time to prepare my breakfast in the

morning, as I share the kitchen with other students. But to cook oatmeal I

need 5—10 minutes. In order to make it tastier, I usually add fruits to it. I

also drink a glass of apple or orange juice in the morning. At about 12

o'clock I have my lunch. It is usually an apple, a banana or a glass of juice.

Sometimes I eat vegetable salad or drink tea with pies.

When I come home after classes I start preparing my dinner. It usually

consists of vegetable soup for the first course, stewed fish with vegetables

for the second one and stewed fruits or jelly for dessert. I do not have

supper, as I do not want to overeat before going to bed. But sometimes I

eat an apple or drink a glass of apple juice. I think, the food I choose is

healthy and helps me to keep fit.


a prospective teacher — будущий учитель

oatmeal — овсянка

to stew — тушить

stewed fruits — компот

to overeat — переедать


- 53 -

My summer holidays / Мои летние каникулы

My name is Sergey. I am a student of the second year of study. I study at

the university and want to become a teacher of mathematics. This is not an

easy profession and I have to work hard in order to achieve my aim. The

best time for me to relax and have fun is summer holidays. My friends

consider me to be a very active person. I enjoy sports and travelling. In my

summer holidays I often play football or basketball with my friends. It

makes me healthier and consolidates our friendship. Sometimes, we go to

the river and play volleyball on the beach. Then we relax lying in the sun or

swimming in the river.

Most of all I like hiking. It is the cheapest way to see beautiful places,

become stronger and make good friends. Many of my friends go hiking with

me. We start planning our route long before summer holidays. The best

place for me to spend summer holidays is the Crimean Mountains. Their

unique nature and climate always bring unforgettable impressions. Of

course, this type of travelling is not easy and sometimes dangerous. But I

am sure my friends will give me a helping hand in any difficult situation and

I am always ready to support them as well.

I have already visited many parts of Ukraine. My motherland is really very

beautiful, but I dream about going abroad and seeing the Alps in Germany,

Austria or Italy. This is my dream for future and I hope to realize it with my



to consolidate — укреплять

to hike — путешествовать пешком

a route — маршрут

to give a helping hand — помочь


- 54 -

My plans for future / Мои планы на будущее

My name is Lena. I am a fifth­year­student. In a year I will graduate from

the university and become an economist. As I am only 21, I have a lot of

plans for future. But everything I want to do, I have to discuss with my

husband. We have been married for one year. We are not only a husband

and a wife, but also close friends. It is a family tradition to discuss

everything and come to a mutual decision.

Of course. I dream about my own successful career. I also want to have

children and a happy family. That's the question, every young family has to

answer nowadays: career or children? There are many possible answers:

first career, then children; first children, then career; career without

children, etc. My parents and my parents­in­law have three children. We are

a big and friendly family. My husband dreams about having two or more

children. That's my dream too.

My husband has worked hard in order to become a good lawyer. I am also

ready to do best and achieve success in my profession. Along with that, I

would like to have my own house and a car. I would also like to spend my

vacation abroad and see the places I have only dreamed about. It would be

nice to travel somewhere with my family.


mutual — общий

to have to do smth. e.g. I have to do it. — Я должен это сделать

to do one's best — сделать все возможное

to achieve — достигать

a vacation — отпуск


- 55 -

My favourite composer / Мой любимый композитор

When I have free time, I often listen to my favourite composer, Wolfgang

Amadeus Mozart, His works fill me with new energy, help me to relax and

raise my mood. He was a very talented musician. His father taught him the

violin, piano and musical theory. Little Mozart began to write music at the

age of four. He wrote his first opera when he was eleven. When Mozart

became an adult, he moved to Vienna. He had been successful in this town

as a child prodigy, but as an adult he found it difficult to find a job.

In Vienna he met Haydn, who became his second father. Haydn supported

the young composer and helped him in his musical career. Mozart's operas

became very popular in the city. He did not spend much time thinking about

his next composition. Musical ideas sprang from his mind and he just had to

write them down. At this time he married Constance Weber and wrote one of

his most famous works — C­minor composition.

Mozart enjoyed a successful career. He worked a lot. He visited Prague with

his operas. Writing his last work Requiem, commissioned by an unusual

stranger, that it was his own requiem. He did not manage to finish his work

and died at the age of 35 from poor health. The Requiem was completed by

one of his pupils, Sussmary. Mozart's 49 symphonies and 18 operas are now

world­famous and are considered to have healing power.


to commission — поручать

violin — скрипка

an adult — взрослый

to complete — заканчивать

… и это еще не все!


- 56 -

Дорогие друзья!

Папы и мамы, уважаемые педагоги и, конечно же, ребята!

Мы очень рады, что вы читаете наши книги. Обещаем, что в библиотеке

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Ребята смогут скачать электронные книги в свой планшет – это

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забудете учебники дома и не получите замечание в дневник из­за


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Учителя приготовятся к урокам и проверят тетрадки в два раза

быстрее, а, значит, семья получит своего папу или маму не поздно

ночью, а ранним вечером. Наши пособия ­ методички и ГДЗ ­

помогут вам в этом!

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