Открытые данные: определение, основные принципы и...

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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Открытые данные: определение, основные принципы и механизмы работы с открытыми данными


  • 1. : , , http://about.me/Irina.Radchenko http://iRadche.ru , , 2013 www.hse.ru

2. ( ) , , , ( ), () .2 3. 3 4. Open Government LicenceCreative CommonsOpen Data Commonshttp://creativecommons.org/choose/ http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-governmentlicence/version/1/open-government-licence.htm 4 5. 5 6. ( ) ( ..) () ( Gopher ..)19902013: Linked Open Data: The Essentials. A Quick Start Guide for Decision Makers. http://www.semantic-web.at/LOD-TheEssentials.pdf 6 7. -: http://5stardata.info/, http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html 7 8. (Linked Open Data)8 9. (Linked Open Data)9 10. 10 11. 11 12. 12 13. ? - API ! ! , ? 13 14. 14 15. : http://visual.ly/open-data-movement 15 16. 16 17. : http://www.oecd.org/statistics/ 17 18. : http://data.un.org/Default.aspx 18 19. : http://open-data.europa.eu/ 19 20. : http://datos.fundacionctic.org/sandbox/catalog/faceted/ 20 21. : http://datos.fundacionctic.org/sandbox/catalog/faceted/ 21 22. : https://explore.data.gov/catalog/raw 22 23. data.gov: http://www.data.gov/opendatasites 23 24. : http://www.data.gov.uk/data 24 25. : http://www.opendata.cz/ 25 26. : http://www.dati.gov.it/ 26 27. Open Knowledge Foundation: http://datahub.io/dataset 27 28. ( ): http://hubofdata.ru 28 29. Open Knowledge Foundation: http://okfn.org 29 30. Sunlight Foundation: http://sunlightfoundation.com 30 31. Knight Foundation: http://www.knightfoundation.org/ 31 32. Open Data Institute: http://theodi.org/ 32 33. CKAN (Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network): http://ckan.org/ 33 34. Socrata: http://www.socrata.com/ 34 35. Virtuoso: http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com 35 36. Quandl: http://www.quandl.com/ 36 37. DataMarket: http://datamarket.com/ 37 38. : http://liberalconspiracy.org/2013/09/19/astonishing-graphic-how-uk-house-prices-have-risen-relative-toearnings/ 38 39. : http://www.nestoria.com/ 39 40. : http://prescribinganalytics.com/ 40 41. : http://road.cc/content/news/93687-bikes-faster-public-transport-most-london-journeys-under-8-miles 41 42. : http://theodi.org/case-studies 42 43. 1. ? 2. ? 3. - ? 4. ? 5. ? 6. ? 7. - ? 8. ? 9. , ? 43 44. 1. Daniel Lathrop, Laurel Ruma. Open Government: Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice: https://github.com/oreillymedia/open_government 2. Joshua Tauberer. Open Government Data: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007U69DKU 3. Antti Halonen. Being Open About Data: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008F6CLCG 4. Open Government (Routledge Revivals): A study of the prospects of open government within the limitations of the British political system: http://www.amazon.com/Open-Government-Routledge-Revivalsebook/dp/B00BMUTMEW/ 5. Jonathan Gray, Lucy Chambers, Liliana Bounegru. The Data Journalism Handbook http://www.amazon.com/The-Data-Journalism-Handbook-ebook/dp/B008KSAPG8 6. Simon Rogers. Facts are Sacred: Text only ebook: http://www.amazon.com/Factsare-Sacred-ebook-ebook/dp/B00B72L1HQ/ 44 45. 1. Tile Mill: http://gis-lab.info/qa/tilemillbegin.html 2. : http://gis-lab.info/ 3. Geojournalism Handbook: http://geojournalism.oeco.org.br/ 4. : http://schoolofdata.org/ 5. : http://opendataschool.org/ 6. (): http://www.theodi.org/ 7. : http://www.osgeo.org/geodata/community 8. ( ): http://datadrivenjournalism.net/ 9. - : http://datadrivenjournalism.ru/45 46. () 1. CKAN: http://ckan.org/ 2. Open Knowledge Foundation: http://okfn.org/opendata/ 3. - : http://radar.oreilly.com/2013/01/open-data-business-models-deloitteinsight.html 4. : http://datacatalogs.org/ 5. Sunlight Foundation: http://sunlightfoundation.com/ 6. Knight Foundation: http://www.knightfoundation.org/ 7. Public Sector Information: http://epsiplatform.eu/ 8. ? http://blog.ldodds.com/2013/02/09/what-is-adataset/ 9. : http://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ 10. : http://data.un.org/ 11. NASA: http://data.nasa.gov/ 46 47. ! http://iRadche.ru http://about.me/Irina.Radchenko@iRadchehttp://iRadche.livejournal.com/ https://www.facebook.com/iRadche http://www.slideshare.net/iRadche

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