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Post on 28-Jun-2020






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Back Relaxing Treatment ▶ Upper Body (Chest/Abdominal) Draining▶ Lower Body (Socket/Knee Back) Draining▶ Detox Herb Bandage and Heating ▶  Relaxing Full Body Massage

RELAXING COURSE Using Paul Scerri’s Natural Herbal Oil for relaxing and draining treatment. It relieves fatigue and stress by adjusting the flow of blood and lymph due to stiffness in the shoulders and waist, cooling, autonomic nerves and hormonal balance. By giving deep relaxation to the mind and body, cells are activated vigorously.

minutes ¥

minutes ¥

HEAD MASSAGE Cerebrospinal Fluid Treatment Eliminates head stiffness that causes aging.

Décolleté, Shoulder, Neck, Massage ▶ Head Massage ▶ Arm Massage


A treatment that focuses on the three main flows throughout the body: blood, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid. Carefully relieves the stiffness of the neck, décolleté, and head using stretch massage to reset daily stress. It leads the brain and nerves to deep relaxation, enhances the circulation of body fluids throughout the body, and revives beauty and health.

Basic Paul Scerri

デコルテ・肩・首マッサージ ▶ ヘッドマッサージ ▶ 二の腕マッサージ

minutes ¥

minutes ¥¥

※Tax not included

A French radio wave beauty machine “WINBACK” with Power Tree that is said to be as five times effective than hand. The synergistic effect of radio waves and power tree that deeply warms the body and promotes metabolism that expels fat and waste from the body. It leads to a tight body without sagging or swelling. It is a course where you can enjoy slimming and relaxation at the same time.

フランスのラジオ波美容機「WINBACK」と、ハンドの5倍の効果があるといわれるパワーツリーをミックス。深部までしっかりと温めて代謝を促進させるラジオ波とツリーの相乗効果で、脂肪や老廃物を体外へ排出。たるみやむくみのない引き締まったボディへと導きます。パーツ痩せも期待できる、痩身とリラクゼーションが一度に味わえるコースです。WINBACK×POWER TREE

Drain accumulated body waste, refreshing the body.

You can choose 2 Parts of WINBACK x Power Tree(Back, Waist, Arms, Thighs and Hips, Calf) ▶ Full Body Detox Massage


むくみや凝り固まった脂肪などが原因で出来てしまったセルライトをエンダモロジーの特殊ローラーがしっかりとキャッチして分解&燃焼! さらに絞り取るような手技のマッサージで、ボディメイクしながら溜め込んだ老廃物を体外へ排出します。即効果が実感できる、今すぐサイズダウンしたい人にぴったりのプログラムです。


ΤϯμϞϩδʔͰηϧϥΠτέΞ マシンとハンドテクニックで、徹底的にセルライトにアプローチエンダモロジー

Full Body Endermologie ▶ Full Body Slimming Massage

ENDERMOLOGIEUsing Machine and Hand Technique, focusing in cellulite thoroughly

Cellulite that has been produced due to swelling or hardened fat is firmly caught by Endermologie Special Roller and then decomposed and burned. In addition, a massage with a squeezing technique is used to discharge collected body waste out of the body. It is a perfect program for those who want to immediately slim down and feel the immediate effect.


CLEAR SKIN UP Hydrogen Water Cleansing for clear skin.

Rest the skin with facial cleansing and hot towel. ▶ Remove pore dirt and active oxygen with Hydrogen Water. A revitalizing clear feeling. ▶ Lift Up with serum forfirm skin. ▶ Carefully loosen the back, décolleté, shoulders and neck. ▶ Face massage that gives you more skin clarity and elasticity. ▶ Tighten with high-concentrated carbonated pack. ▶ Feel comfortable with a head massage in a pack. ▶ Moisturize with ample amount of lotion and cream.

フェイスクレンジングとホットタオルでお肌を休めます。 ▶ 水素水で毛穴の汚れ、活性酸素を除去。透き通るクリア感が蘇ります。▶美容液を届けながらリフトアップ。ハリのあるふっくらとしたお肌に。▶背中・デコルテ・肩・首のコリを丁寧にほぐし、緊張を緩めてリラックス。▶フェイスマッサージでより透明感ともちもちとした弾力を。▶高濃度炭酸パックで引き締め▶パック中のヘッドマッサージで心地よく夢の中へ▶たっぷりのローション&クリームで潤い仕上げ。思わずふれたくなる素肌に。


minutes ¥¥


Cleaning your face and hairline using Hydrogen Water, which is finer than water particles. Removes dirt and clogged pores that cannot be removed by regular cleansing, even 「active oxygen」. It brings out an amazing shine and clarity. LIFT UP with Beauty Serum Introduction + Lift Up Roller!

水素水クレンジングで 澄み渡るような透明肌に。

Treatment Flow




Warms to promote lymph at the same time tightening effect.COLLAGEN FACIAL x HEAD 20 MINUTES Anti-aging with Head and Facial W Effect

Winback Draining Effect and Power Tree to discharge waste,deep warming to balance the autonomic nerves and relaxation.Carefully loosen the neck, décolleté, and face line massage.Tighten stiff, firm, or stagnant skin, improving skin gloss and firmness. Polish your skin to make it 7 years younger.


お顔からデコルテまでリンパ・血流促進マッサージ。冷えや疲れで凝り固まっていた身体の緊張がじわじわとほぐれていきます。▶ たっぷりの潤いコラーゲンパックを。▶ツボを刺激しながらヘッドマッサージ。頭をほぐすことで、お肌もぐんとリフトアップします。▶たっぷりの水分と潤いを届けるクリームを馴染ませます。ゆっくりと夢から覚めていきます。

施術の流れ Treatment Flow 施術の流れ Treatment Flow

First, relax by warming back area ▶ Rest the skin with facial cleansing and hot towel. ▶ WINBACKpromotes lymph while warming face, neck, and décolleté. ▶ Using Power Tree, scrape out and lift body waste. In addition, a massage is added, leadingto higher effect. ▶ Lift Up. You can feel slenderness to neck and décolleté. ▶ Tighten with nourishing modeling mask. At the same time hand and foot massage. ▶ After the treatment, a very clear glossy skin.

A 70-minute head massage and facial care to heal brain fatigue. For smooth blood and lymph flow. A program that gives your skin a glossy and clear feeling. Allowing you to experience relieving body fatigue effects. A beauty and healing plan for aging and relaxation.

minutes ¥ minutes ¥¥¥

※Tax not included

A massage to promote blood and lymph flow from face to décolleté. Tension of the body dueto coldness and fatigue will gradually relax. ▶Moist Collagen Pack ▶ Head massage while stimulating acupoints. Loosening your head will lift your skin up. ▶ Moisture and Cream Blend ▶ Slowly wake-up from a dream.

Version Up Popular Menu


Other designs are also under the same campaign prices.

ART feeART fee

( One color )( One color )

Campaign Price

Moisturizing HAND Care Course

※Tax not included

Cuticle care ▶ Finger Keratin ▶ Warm hand pack

With Glove Mask, moisturiz-ing care! Soft texture!With Cuticle Care, it promotes

the penetration of beauty in-gredients, and gently removes the hardened skin around the fingertips.


Campaign Price

Cuticle care, File, and Scrub


Campaign Price ¥

*Each Price

A serum that contains Nano-peptides and ingredients that effectively works on eyelash growth. In just 3 weeks of continuous use, your lashes will become longer, thicker, and darker. A simple Once-A-Day powerful treatment.

Natural or Dense

Eyelash Extension Eyelash Curl

We produce casual “beautiful eyes”.

*1 Time per person only






¥The “Next Generation Lash” in the eyelash and extension industry. Lightweight and less lash-ing. The tip is split into two for fuller sense of volume.

Upward Lash This is an extension technique recommend-ed for those who want to lift their eyelashes firmly. The roots are beautifully raised and the result is as if eyelash curler is used.


まつエク業界でブームの「次世代ラッシュ」。軽量でまつ毛の負担が少なく、先端が二股に分かれることで、ボリューム感がUPします。Flat Lash

*Please contact your eyelist for details.





Evolution of Eyelash Curl. “Lash Lift” !

You can make your eyelashes look longer, natural curl, and eyeliner effect. Look younger due to lifted eyelid effect. Best point is that it last longer than conventionaleyelash curls.

*Preferred Curl may be different depending on one’s eyelid shape and eyes, so please consult with our staff.

※まぶたや目元の形によりお好みのカールが 難しい場合もございます。 スタッフにご相談 くださいませ。

Classic KERATIN Eylash Curl

We use keratin that does not damage hair and beautifully designs curls.

6 Times Course¥




Eyelash Growth

A hot topic eyelash treatment told by our staff!Eye Cleansing ▶ Eye Shampoo ▶ Eye Stretch ▶ Hyaluronic-Acid Pack ▶ Eyelash Measurement ▶ Introduction of Serum

Easy care, just apply once a night.

Fully satisfied clients with the length and darkness, is now increasing!


Easy Care at your very home



*1 Time per person only

※Tax not included

Light Therapy “ Say goodbye to spots and sagging. ”

5Times : Polishing and VC + Collagen Introduction 1 Time each 3Times : Polishing 1 Time

Spot removal Skin beautifying

(Spots, Pores, Firmness, Skin beautifying , Redness)Improves various skin problems such as spots, uneven skin color, and pores at once. In addition to Light Therapy, that has become more powerful than before, the ability to increase collagen with high-frequency energy is a PLUS! The effect of rejuvenating the elasticity of the skin has increased. Powerful but less painful “Foto RF”. Please try it!

Foto × Radio Frequency

During Course Purchase PRESENT!

5 Times Course Purchase PRESENT!

*1 Time per person onlyFull Face 1 Time ¥




Infrared rays effectively deliver heat energy deep into the skin, and tighten strongly. It is a gentle and warm treatment which provides a firm and smooth skin that lasts for a long time.

Melasma ・Pores

(Melasma, Pigmentation, Dullness, Firmness, Beautiful Skin)

Toning Laser

Polishing and VC + Collagen Introduction (1Time each) ポリッシング&VC+ コラーゲン導入各1回


Sagging ・Tighting

ePLUS Sublime(Lift Up, Tightness, Sagging, Smaller Face)

*1 Time per person onlyFull Face 1 Time顔全体1回

*1 Time per person onlyFull Face 1 Time顔全体1回

It solves melasma that has been difficult to treat, brown pigmented acne scars, scars, persistent pigments, and uneven skin color that has been appearing year after year..

“ Preparing your skin this winter. ”

¥ *1 Time per person onlyFull Face 1 Time顔全体1回

Introduce hyaluronic acid and vitamins ultrasonically. In addition, Vitamin A and C are recommended at this

time to prevent dryness by Ion Introduction.

Medical Este

~ Revive with Vitamin A, Professional care ~

Moisturizing Hydrating

Introduce active ingredients such as Vitamin A to theskin through Ion Introduction and Adhesive Mask.

¥*1 Time per person only

Full Face 1 Time顔全体1回

*1 Time per person only

Full Face 1 Time顔全体1回


Full Face 1 Time顔全体1回 ¥

Cool Vitamin is Included in this courseこのコースには、「クールビタミン」が付きます

Cool VitaminPrepare with Vitamin A

Together with LIGHT Therapyis Recommended !

Cool Vitamin is Included in this course


Improve small wrinkles, Firm up Focus FrownThree types of peptides are introduced to the forehead,between eyebrows, and the corners of the eyes that areprone to aging. With Vitamin Ion Introduction, FIRM result.

The cause of illness and aging is said to be “bad active oxygen”. Active oxygen is also generated by stress, UV, additive food intake, smoking etc. If left untreated, cells and blood vessels rot, causing illness and aging. Hydrogen does not have any other antioxidants, and has the property that it only binds to active oxygen that is harmful to the human body. Recommended for beauty and health!

HIGH-PURITY Hydrogen drip

Antioxidant,anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, DNA Repair, wrinkle suppression

Our clinic’s Hydrogen Drip can deliver 99.9999% pure High-Purity Hydrogen to every corner of the body.

Ulutimate inner care!

(Dr. Otaki)




Expected benefits/effects期待できる効果moisturized skin, skin whitening, fatigue, obesity recovery, stiff shoulders,etc.

*1 Time per person only *1 Time per person only¥ ¥

10 Times the whitening effect than arbutinElectroporation x HUMAN STEM CELL CULTUREWith the Special Electricity, the cells can be temporarily shaken to create a gap, allowing the active ingredient to penetrate directly into the skin. By introducing HUMAN STEM CELL CULTURE, containing many growth factors that make beautiful skin, firmness, and elasticity. With Collagen with W, in this season that makes skin easy to dry, it will make it deeply moisturized.



※Tax not included

Full Face 1 Time顔全体1回

Full Face 1 Time顔全体1回

Full Face 1 Time顔全体1回





*1 Time per person only

Safe and Effective Treatment with

Water Light Injection

At the same time the skin’s water retention increases, the skin texture is adjusted to a glossy feeling from the inside. It is a very popular menu that can protect your skin from dryness this winter.

「Latest Medical Care」







Since the Hyaluronic Acid content is twice the normal amount, it deeply moisturizes the skin.

It contains Glutathione, which has a stronger antioxidant power than Vitamin C.

Argireline coated with Botox combination, it moisturizes skin plus helpsfirmness.



Now that your skin is hidden, now is the time to remove unwanted hair this winter here in Decollte Ashiya Clinic. Why don’t you stop that troublesome hair self-removal, and aim fora body where you can fully enjoy wearing swimsuits and summer fashion from now on?


PRP Therapy

Hair Removal

By controlling the balance of the muscles, not only your facial wrinkles will improve, but you also regain youthfulness, smaller face, and lift up effects. There is no down-time, and the effects last for about half a year.




¥ ¥


(Platelet-Rich Plasma) Among the beauty skin treatments at this clinic, PRP is the most repeated program by our clients recently. This is a therapeutic method that is currently attracting attention by taking out platelets from your own blood and injecting it into your skin, making various skin benefits such as improvement of wrinkles, sagging, and dullness.

Ultimate Anti-Aging with your very own cells

Under eye darkness Hollow Eyes Skin Elasticity


Lift Botox Between Eyebrows/ Forehead/ Eye Corner


Full Body

*Please come to the clinic shaven a day before. If you are shaved in our clinic, there will be a charge of ¥1000 shaving fee.

¥ ¥


Full Body (w/o Bikini Line/Buttocks)1 Time 1 Time

Below Elbow / Below Knee Upper Elbow / Upper Knee *Choose any 2 places


1 TimeBelow Elbow  Below Knee   Upper Elbow  Upper Knee

Why don’t you stop that troublesome hair


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