欢迎来苏州! (上有天堂,下有苏杭) paradise in heaven; suzhou and hangzhou on...

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Paradise in Heaven; Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth. In the old days wealthy families used to settle here from all over China and built great mansions and exquisite gardens in this land of fish and rice.

Welcome to suzhou !

苏州园林( Suzhou garden )

拙政园 拙政园 Humble Administrator's GardenHumble Administrator's Garden

留园 留园 Lingering GardenLingering Garden

沧浪亭 沧浪亭 The Surging Wave PavilionThe Surging Wave Pavilion

狮子林 狮子林 Lion Grove GardenLion Grove Garden

拙政园(拙政园( zhuō zhèng yuánzhuō zhèng yuán ))

Humble Administrator's GardenHumble Administrator's Garden is the largest classical landscape garden in suzhou garden .

留园(留园( LiúyuánLiúyuán ))

Lingering garden is famous because of strange stones.

沧浪亭(沧浪亭( cāng làng tíngcāng làng tíng ))

The surging waves pavilion is one of the oldest existing gardens.

狮子林狮子林( ( shī zǐ línshī zǐ lín ))

Lion Grove Garden is one of the four most famous and representative gardens of ancient classical style in Suzhou City.


虎丘 Tiger Hill

寒山寺 Hanshan Temple

虎丘 hǔ qiū

到苏州而不游虎丘,乃是憾事。 —— 苏轼

Tiger Hill is 36 meters high, 630 meter in perimeter with a totalarea of 20 hectare (200,000 sqm). Formed about 150,000,000 years ago, Tiger Hill's history can be traced back to 2500 years ago, the same time with the ancient Suzhou city.

寒山寺( hán shān sì ) 枫桥夜泊 (fēng qiáo yè bó )

【唐 】 张继

yuè luò wū tí shuāng mǎn tiān ,月落乌啼霜满天,jiāng fēng yú huǒ duì chóu mián 。江枫渔火对愁眠。gū sū chéng wài hán shān sì ,姑苏城外寒山寺,yè bàn zhōng shēng dào kè chuán 。夜半钟声到客船。

The temple was first built between the years 502-519. It was named after Han Shan, a Tang-dynasty monk who lived there. Through the years, the temple had undergone several rounds of destruction and restoration.

我想去……。( I want to go to … )…… 怎么走? (How to get to …)真漂亮! (How beautiful !)

苏州特产( Suzhou Local Products )

碧螺春( Bi Luo Chun tea ) 丝绸( silk )

碧螺春( bì luó chūn )

“Biluochun” tea is one of the best tea in China.

Suzhou Silk is famous for China,it feels cool and comfortable,so,Lot’s of people are crazy of it.

丝绸( sī chóu )

Here are some classic style can for you enjoy.


碧螺春味道很好。 ( "Biluochun" tea tastes good. )

丝绸很舒服。( Silk is very comfortable. )


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