-1 cure cure wrtitt!roljd fits!

Post on 12-Dec-2021






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Kennedy and Son, Attorneys-at-Law,

O^rlialo, - , OMirK iii HaiiKiuMly hull'llinr. owi i i im- |

• r'» Ai*i -i »*in. iv*:,.

HANSON KliNM'DY Attorney- at-Law,

Ol'Hl’K front mom o\rr I'lly *';*>'ii "lore on Front Hi reel.



J. P. NORVELL, A Itorncj 21I lain.

r.\iiM*i.i:, k\.

outer H» A*lillr A II** "■* iMllllilllU, opp.. II, Ilf I'ourt'lloiiAc. mui-ii-ifJ


A (torn* Ixtu\


Wii.i. imiaituk in ai i i ii i * «»r ui: in Nicholas an.I uljoitilin; « "«.• *

OiUi'0 uvtrllir | uiin * i '* li. »nk. •*M'1 -' *>

.A.1TJDY lAoIiTTIH-li:,

iil^risT. Olttec In F.*rm, , '■* II.ink Hull.mom-


Smith Mouse, I l'TI'III OA. U\

\v. W. MM ITU, Proprietor.

d vNi.v Iiori.i IN nil • HO i »'i.i n;.-i I t / il us* urroninm lHll.'ii, f >' *1 **ll» n- i lion paid lo • mil hid i el • I Iravfl, < • Mini 1'oUMH‘HIioms Hnl|l|*l# Uoouta. ii.n.oiul'10. mh#I®*0«.

william X. Dorsey MUCH KHHOltR To



YYj%vciAW 1’IIE MERCURY. In The Lon# Rim.


Vannnr Ulrl* i»m Hoolhlitrks.


l'\L : ;> >3T ( i'- ■>. » ,/

Dealer in

Rough 1M) DressedL umber DOORS, HMNDS, WINDOW-SASH.


much. SHI), I,Ml! nil CEMENT, A ml other kinds of Ruildiiig Material;

ai-MMIi <inil * %l/l\

ri. R. KELLER.

SUBSCRIPTION | «>ne year. In aiWam-.e • • «

.* I HIk months. In mlvnnoc - l . Three montiik, in advance

• Righteousne** triumph*. ( A recent Vwwar graduate war relat- The Union Labor Par __ Of course we rou.1 not employ tin- Ing some of her experience us house- huve decided rn hold u

Editor ju(‘*"lreruent of )cai», hardly of wo- keeper during the lllhew of her mother, Indianapolis, Mureh Tth -ur,,!r **"1 w* must lukeii|ia lapse ofnml whs commeoling upon the India- .MWI, nomlo.tliur a so

time ao romprehelialve tl.at we can poaltiou ofaervalit glrla it. tlie United , *

*• Hur,,|y *»y Of.nythlng; "It remains. " States to black the honta of the nieD of ‘ 7 “1 ,

•.IS "ni-la-tmaoeot." .I.. lu ho,taehohl. In England, "^woulh . . su *■-vl* ,,my fl'le In rampant victory, she aald, where there la only one hired f a , ‘‘ wa,‘

Contagious Rlnnd Pldannlng.

9 Col. B. H. Kleaer, editor and pro- M W ^ / prl.tor of the Opelika, Ala, Tlmea, ■—wrltea: "While a young man I eon- || A ■ traded a dlaeaao which atuek to me ]j| ll g _ Cor year*. For live year, peat I walk-

w ed With difficulty. Finally I tried 8. __ 8.8. After uaing half a doieel, hottlca,

---— — -r— t could walk aeven tnilea in a .lay,

and I have not hud a return of the old NO. 2. Ho* "luce, I am sixty-eight yeara

"I'li and, thnuka to 8. 8. H., I feel now ““^—i^— like i. young malt,"

General News ^r' t^nghin, of savannah, (la., who had a well developed caae of

The Union Ichor Parly of Indiana lKj|""n,"‘'' »l*l«*'* » have decided to hold a convention at f‘ ^ .. ''"H"" ludianapolla, March Tth, for the pur- “kl,'« H- «• «• He wrltea: -After ua- noau of nombi.tlfiu ... '"I "** ll",||ll'lll“ a abort time. I waa

General News.

ludianapolla, March Tth, for the pur- ? . \ ,MMe of nominating a State ticket l"', ",H ... 11 "l,nrl 1 »»"

, entirely cured, and I am, to-.lay, a iwr- It I had the exeluaive privilege of feetly well men.”

aenit.g wl.laky In Lexington for one Mr. F. W()8l,| No 2|| Nlir||, Ave.

year I Won Id n t want any more re- „U1., Chicago, writea: "f deem It „,y nmrkiHl h kimu ind mm _rn«.... ...... '"J

I Notion tbe prln(<Hl allp on yoarpapor and ,, , J ' ; e. that yon keep paid ahead. Money tan Hy ,,llly reign ao (a-reli-te.. be.an In an ordinary letter, but I a perf.-ctly offended aollla ‘may cry out it.

and fulael.wal ait crowned upon .. girl, the |a.l|ahlng of the men'a al.oea la nmrk,,‘l H k«,"*l»g one.-[ Drummer. ,|llty ,u ,|IHUj, ynll fl)r lhe,.ure

throne. They may triumph ao utterly, j accepted aa one id l.er itiltlea. Then r,IM ,nea"*1'" lmve alaiut done the reived from your excellent medic they may reign ao peralateutly, that another Va«s.r girl recalled the time ,<,wn lrrea|wctlve of aloe, age or heauty, I contracted a eevere caae of Iritanl

Will Sell on Very Small Mar¬ gins for Cash.

bei.n in an ordinary letter, hut.« perfectly oirended aollla‘may cry oul ill iiiouru- when a ritimlier of her elammatca helu- u,,<* ,ll,w ,kul '*iey have apent their aonlng nlaiut two yeara ago Hearing • irnrewheaMniina rajiatered letter or by fulneaa or ill ludlgimllon : "t> Lord, ed toehlne Hie hooie of a gentleman for<’"'"le chleken-|«.x l.aa made Ita ap- of your medicine I went ton drug More P®*t®l money order. AddmNHlI isttorRlon* l|i>vi' , . . iM'iti ilih*** Mnil u■ 11 i . . ibiyto u. R. KSI.I.RB rariiiiie, Ry. . K ‘ vloifltig ot (liu college. He wan, iiii.Hh P^*ra,,w H,ul » gcnnl many I lie proprietor of which pemumltnl me - - ■ Longer than your lifetime, or tlinu «till, n trinteo of Viw-nr. He <#eeupl*Hi b»r the hid a 11 people, to buy n preparation of hi* own, which

Diiue, it may Ik*. Longer than any one of the gueat chamber*, and when ““[Wohmouil Climax. lie aahl whm r sure cure, luved tix

mid cia«M uiMtter.) *r * @ 0-0 *eB'1 ° ProD*H‘l 0Hn h»to the future. "Bui he went to bed lie left Ida alioee outalde Tbe will of the late William Hilton, Iniillea of hla atuff, and grew worae all ^ What will tlnully abide?" that I* the of the door hm if he were in u hotel, of Hoaton, hequeathea KMKI.UOO lu equal the time. At last I got dlfljiHted. and

W. I. LORSIT' THIS mpehek:* Ni*winap«sr Adrorllalnc Hun au <10 Hiiruca HI.),wli«ro Milvortiw- ■■■»■«

fi?iargy rz NEW YORK.

THAT COLUMBUS BUGGY CO’S inVEOTICRRC nt80ie'iw*iswliM)ot»n*'« HUVCVI I leCRv ih.f paper. Of stilt'" wstimttM

oo sdwvOismf sp«cw wrhwn if* C»<csf o. will find H on Mo si


lueNiion. Home of the glrla who were up at uu «•“»»»* to haa widow ami daughter, and denpaired ofacure. I met n ft tend who What floes abide now from all the early hour naw the Itonta, and thought $640,000 to public eharitlea and uiht told me that your medicine had cured

lifeof past u gee? It would U* a good joke to do the boot- Him. I went tothe same drugght again

Not the material fotm* <»f thing*, not black act them solve*. They did, and I Fourteen year* ago a bottle of milk «lemande«l your mefliciiie. Here- the external condition* In wliieli truth when they returned the ehoea they placed In a well at Owenatioro, Ky. to h^'tantly * >l«l me twelve iKittle*, and I found ita hindrance, or error its atucR Iii each a handsome bouquet ot utad, fell into die water. The other tt,u n,,w perfectly cured. I write thD

M il1*!*! j | Moweru. The Iruatee waa half aliaalied flay the well waa cleaned out, and uu- ^,r *H,,,ctlt of aufferera, to proven t ifn y Ideas live. ami altogether surprlaetl when lie real- der about ail feet of mud waa found the ,,u*,r deceived by falae repreaen* ( uly principles remain, to hold do- I/.lkI how he had been homired. Tra* Imttle, and the milk waa apparently aa Thanking you again for the

mlinion over the eaitli uud lo luaplre dltion—tloaigh lliia fH-currefl hut a little aweet and g<N»d a* the day it was out ,K*nt*rtt received from your medicine, I


"Blue gahss hobte; |



Gaatral KoaVack^-

Nyrlb, Easi. West anil iioflite.:

r imi i.i n i ui:tm i*i n


KKiKNlr induccfl me to try Halva- li'tii nil for my rheumatic foot, I uhihI 1,0 i'ltlloallrn. of tiuul awctulcticy. It ami the rheuiuatiain i« entirely gone. ' "‘"I'tuouitii'^ rulcl in (lie ancient

John H. Am>kkm>k, Hull , M.l. olliwi of the ea*r. Ilut tli.-ir maguill-

meu with their own life. while ugu-lelle hie mime aa that of I in. Corruption may mark un epoch. Beiimm J. Lowing, the liirturiaii.— o

Penecution may ilnmiiieer. Huttlilaia [New York Sun. m» indication of tiuul aaceiidcncy. — - Voluptuousut'H* rule«l in the ancient The Heathen in Hi* IHiudne**

l*imiive ami uiisolieiU*l testimony <t, u’ ’ ' H 1 Him only (lie t

from every reel Ion continue every claim ",,w ... "I"11 "" .. mnile for the aomlerful efficacy ct Dr. ... “l“l Hull'. Cungh Syrup. Price 86 celtla. ,‘“w,-r I"'1 f ,rl1' •'«

VoluptiiousucNM ruled in the ancient The Heathen in Hi* lllindne** cities of the ea*t. Hut their maguifl- --

cence I* dust, and only the pure truth Refuses to believe Ihcglad tidings which now shims out upon u* from their giant wo,,W transfoiin Iii* whole life

Power put f'»rlh ii* armed hand to health may yet la*" he,r* Nevertheless, crush the infant Faith in heathen Mil* i* tiu<*; consumption can he cured

Tiik wife of John Jacob Astt>r diil Rome Hut heathen Rome is not, uml PJ4r,l?il,,t‘,‘l**v *’-v ust* of ‘Jooeh'i

remain res|HM‘tfully yours."

rvTvti ... . Tl,e w"rk "f n>uxlrucllng the alian- Mr- ««»• «• WMIm.u, Jr. ufHalem, [New York Sun._ ,|e» ... Sat ear. for the convtct. wa"

- .. . , u „ „ ....... , iH'iaou, ami waa Irealwl aeveral

' ... il_"is llli"'lll, "J at mu!'. Mr. Cheif \!t rw-elvcln.la .. W‘"' ,ner' "rJr **"'< P""*"h. ouly ...... .TrS.T.£

'‘rt-rtr!!-1'". Which will Itegiu Januarye||i*h" Ti',J »»<' >"'<h gave me rlieuiuatUm

D lieve the ghoi: li.llogH that perfect Dill.-, for To car loa.ia ofatecl raila have , "M,k All health inay yet Ik* theirs. Nevertheless, t,ecu receive*I 1iillmtureslnvep.it- till* I* tine ; const,niptioti can lie curd ' ash in them. This made me still worse, perm.meull.v l>y the use Hm-cliV I" 'l>e IMMrlet Court of New York „.H „ .... ..'

the hamlsoiite thing in her will when the iiifiut Faiih stretches its .cepler she Ikquealhe*! large sums of money lo lieuevoleiit iiiHtitutious. There is no lietter way ot Immortalizing one's self. Deeds of charity, when done in the

Mexican Syillp, which, hy lli'lillg Hie "rguiiixation :uui M.'.eimiliuiinu of uli

tliecc mir.apnrllla iillnilureahtvcp.il- afli In llicni. Tliia limit.' me mi ill woraa, aa it tlruve the |hiiwiii fUrtller Into my .... . - —- .. 1 •III.. HIT

l Ily a aervaut gill haa auetl for ami rc* layateui. A frleiul limkUeiM almuhl

over lamia ... the imperial iioinl-li'ment el"|e. '"ihc ilupply'' ami fl" "f W“K'''' ,,,IB ,ler- take .Swlft'a Hpw-itlc, ami it cured ""k11'"- Npreail ..r luliercuhiua matter, eoulroln ,I"IIbw 11 wellt *" »n officer of the of Hie tilmal ... the nu-r.

Let u* estimate not what prevails in *yuipl«»ui*, and restores health amt <,",**'ti ami the other tive to tier att»»r-

and Carriages Am: the best in the world,

Deeds of cliariiy, when dfitie in tliw I one time, hut what prevails in all linn*. 7*rt ,*' **,*!' * * ''b" btiv e u*ed it, unit.* ney. i » . to o* pun*.,. h,*w pinimI thfMi* ind* * ..ii

right kind of spirit, will be remciutiered < L‘*t us notice not the transient shape oi „t cjv,. ,( a ,.j,(l, rlMt. y0|J' un* long after the giver rests in the grave, tiling*, lint theiioisrles* spirit that leup* Reiul wiiat it ha* ihuic for this yomi^

—— out of them. holy: uta«« |*u iriak ii.n i,..n..4.s. I. ...i ••(iiMich's Mexlem Hvrim Ini* uiven

or Mie lilofsl poison, drove the ineifMiry ami paiush tad of my system, uml to-

The kill got ■.atlafaclh.il, IIiiiI'h ,|„y I am a» well av I ever waa."

For sale hy all druggists.

i l mult ed.** of • III in *1 citizen* u In* il-e I hell) suy so.

Ami T>\*» 11 uml ml i.m m ul tlieni any thesnme.

ninn ]TnmrnftfiiiiTMnnliinnr

--- out of them. .^hau-l.V MhvI „ m , , Read The Death Boll, ... uml Mk.u Ihaeu.", “**•' "■ I Alter the volleying luuakctry uud , M':*k '"P •»« given | - mailed Uee

wldi I ?’"/;! •Iru'"" mei«i,,i'l l» r,'h"U,",hil,“Tl!«1 «r any TMK Mwtrr HPhcmu Drawer .1. Hcadaciie you ate lldgetv uerv.iu- I ntareii uf Ideav, hivlatbli* uud with ail- ivliiilever.ua tile heal remedy for eiiuglia, •* «e . ty mu, lie lltly designated, and Atlanta, (la. New Yiuk, t.'.T W. Btrt and generally out ul aurta, uud want tn r,H'l»ivi* «hd all lung Irmihlea A young **11 <*«“• »•••»« renal uud veaieul s,rwt. brace up. ilruce up but not with slim-' We must reckon us successful not tiu *' 1,1 IU> •*,,,I'|"V win* had lieeu forcetl maluiiics, thut i* to wry, tlmse that affect ■— •••

oh!:.h' tnriA'r'v.:;:. .thli,>! ",ai i- *■»“»">"" >i'K *..i.*r .....i u'17!::i,A'hV ..t nr h'^r, nave a remark- *vk «... mm, me ...

batl w hisky, and which slimulale you i 1,1,11 outward signs <*| pnw lias, by the list* of Mil* remedy, ! l,ro|“l,,euce—wc liatl almost said— thatceitam members of tin* Christian for mu | tour, and Mien leuve you in u t>r» but tlie thing that uhnles, the iilea* Ih*cii rcstoiv«l In health, amt i* at work I'^pomlcmuee. Bright's disease uml Church at H tun ford have tleteniiiiie«l woise couditiou than before. What that went nut of Paul's dungeon, uml ,,ur,,*,,g her living, ami euj iyiug he.illii. diabetes in the chronic sluge aic rarely to liave arrcsletl all those unlay persons you want is ail alterative Mud will purl-' from lonely Patinos ; out horn arenas « ... , ri.KMlMi, cured, and gravel, catarrh of the hlad- (principally young men) who comrre-

i .........- -* w: ,r,,Ji'',,,K'u.. ... "**» •«•»«>. «a,e»i...„,,„„d,K.M..„dW,„.e.i,„« go

Treuti*e on RIimhI ami Hkm D.scase* uiailetl flea.

Tiik Hwift Hpkcifiu Co., Drawet A, Atlanta, Da. Now Yoik, t.’»7 W. 8WI

the kidneys or bladder, have a remurk- Wt: see from tlie Iideiinr Journal able proiniiieuoe—we liinl almost said— that ceitam members of the ('hrisliaii

itl ;ui liu* lamn in knew ll Uml u*c tliem.

ty your uhaal .tan lieitfUiy aetiuliof Iv.; frem the ll.mca ,d Liver ami Kidue>s, restore your vitul- , .. . , .... ity,' and give renewed health uml!1 r»ll,,l*r H ^'‘Mrot stake and the bloody strength. tSucii u meilieine yttu will suafTold of Hitlney ; from the psalm* in

cured, and gravel, catarrh of the Hud- (principally young men) who enngro- der and enured*, slay many. Yet at gate about the door* and sometimes go the, didst t, wiieii the trouble uiwrely inside the church lo create a disturbance i,mounts to inactivity of the oigim* of some kind. This i* a move in the

V I a 0 ! j3

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1=3 !? 1 iy2t-

IlijS; JlllJ mi i HM i

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g i u 1

III! * * • b si 5 (ihkk w b k k j

I iintiiiii .1- mi

for lit.'in. Id nil. Ii**i Ill'll I

.imihnuo cuu'ui iiiiu ouu i uL»iiniZiUUinAi\nuno <<i. ■•'tilling- : lini a lariioi cyi"'Imil on Ills farm for l lit* purpttiu*.

• 1,1 v • i. .I l«»t of PLOW* nidi » I’i.TI ^ A Tolls a* ynacaii nnd any where. I i.e lil t i\IA K U liu* Best Foree Pump on idu murUei. d • •• * i i •; ».1.5 V A Toll wl I purl * Mu foulest elst enr. I VVt'lM 11: amt I: \ ULY UKKA!»I- AST roOK HToVKHnntl UANUKH srt-

s 11*«*h % t».\ I. mi, hTON r * M Isf su|H*tIof Iii it!I dlliont. i - i * or in.'ni"'Vi-itiimi'ii Kooits will tell you ttiot I'lo it<*t rlatm c«*o niUt’i/

i" \ <i »:oo.: ii iii> Hpi finllli ». l.i'-lili n IIiinu I luive iiiuliy iincIuI « « "I I ' »*** «l to nIhiw you il >uu will call. •

sirengtli. Hucti a medicine you will scaffold of Sidney ; from the psalui* in Col. Clark and Hcerctary I truce, of' ,'ll,ou,‘*rt lo inactivity of the oigim* of some kind. This i* a move in the find in Electric Bitters, andI only fin the little cabin or the Muylfiwer ami the JiH kcy Club, yesterday arranged a ! 1,1 vo,Vet*» ll,M danger may be nullified right diiectiou. The house of Uml i.

V?.1!.1* lts ut ll,UIUHl1 4 Howell's gfie |se«oeful council on the shores oi schedule of stake* to he run at the1 {,y c,ml P,WM,I|R loulo and tiltir- i»y no means u place to carry on silly imcg 91 ore. I . .. .. ..i ll..im.. . . . .. . , '

Itl’SPKl If tTI.V, MlfUs,


T -L i S

i 3 B 2S=3 ■ a a ■ ■ * 4 r.: 'Wvn

m mu


Diiig Slorv j the I'vuceful vmiueil "ll Hie aluirva ul wliwlulv of nt ikw til lu- run at lliv 111111 I'ivi'siiul rrnal Imilo ami .liar- I'y n" iiivuiih u pluuu ti> carry oil nilly _ j Hiv Delaware. "pring ineetliig, from May 1 lilt to iHtli,' e1*1*' Hovtetter'vBtouiocli liittera, wliieli canduet, .uvii hh laiigliiiig uml miking

Nkahi.y uli of lbe young lailiw ofl Reckouiiig by Ibmc rtumlurilv, I re- Inola-lvo. It lu uu followu : llurut-1 *l“l11,rl“ D'v riqulalle amouut of lone to lu tbeebtireb, while the aervicee ure White Cloud, Kuo , buva uigueil u sul-! wedruw from llie lumli of liuuiau bourne Smkes for two-yeur-oldu, l,H' "rk»h", Wltliuutiiver-excitiiig them, going on. It it liu- height ot III t.r.-ed- euiu pledge that, "llod helping me," ! *d*lu'V the I enroll lliul rigliieoiniieeu added, live furlong.; Alexander Slukee, I u,,<* lllu <>ue of whivli iu eouvenlenl, iag, and u .top "lionlil tie pill ut ouee they will helm forth atvtalu from the , SrlliixxpliM—itbut ouly U.ul’e lawa remuin ditto; HuiinynuuleStakes, $1,(100 milled,! ul1’* *nv"*vea II" elaborate preparation. •<> it- ... in eliuteli h uu.- Of gum and Mang, uud not keep "“I'fenie. "lx furlong*; Kiulueky Hiindieup, | ^’"IH'pela, a u.uui coneouQltalil uf renal getting I" be ipulu common of lulu cniupauy.witli young men who use I.e A groat leeaou to Imu'ribe uu tile bau- iJ-iilk) uddnl. alt age*, one uml uipiurler I <'",*'P*l*bite( and delilllly, which they among the younger cIuku ; thie aliould liaivo, alroug dilnk, or profane lull- neraol a liulhin ; u greut Ichmiii to write mile-; Merohanlu’ Hiindieup, three | Invariai'ly produce, are remedied by it. aleo lie broken up. The ebureli la niude gguge. on (lie Walla of Senate-houxeu; to piint yeum old uml upwardx, #1.000 udded, M" "I*" “r‘‘ couallputlon, uiulariul, lo woralilp III. All giuul Cliilailun |uui-

—— — deep iu tile lieurtu of Ihoae who louke one and oiie-eiglilli mileu ; Flmi-mloif fbeunmtlc and uervoux ailuieiilv. |>le will do well lo illMUHIilteiiunoe uli MOTHERS. (tie luwu uml decide Hie dealiiliea id a llumlieiip, dillo, one nnd three eighth-' —*—- III conduct duiing the holirvnf womlilp. - people. M. Iau-kwooii. miles; C'lmtupngiie llumlieiip, ditto,! o.O* *rlfl» with any Throat or --—-

There HIV "ll the skin of evert huninn - one uml ohe-Hlxleelilli miles Vlltheso . n ». Lung Diaeua. If you have TlloruH eleelrle earn have come In-

K?' ‘'TbnZh,h™!?iuIim 6omlfj'4nAN ..T, TT"' '"TV"" ..- "iU ... *"<b - rh^‘ntlwl,h^ip°iWh^pUg'Sug” !.. 'I;'1'*1 *‘111 be-till demand for ft l„s..o‘!iae ?!'r!o^.mo ls . I U,t 4" }‘'ar" ,l kn‘,w ”“h 1 Louisville Times. u«> Acker'. Engluh ltemedy L/pravS* " .."gli, the iotr.slue-

_y»H* of gimi ami slang, uud not keep HUP,tM,ie. ,Mtnpuny with young men who u*e to- bacoo, strong diink, or prufuue Ian- 1,1 u gMugc. the w

-— deep in MOTHERS. i tiie !u\v«

- people. M. c. Lockwood. I frhvre me on Hie skin of every hiiuian *•- l.laiing, child and udull alike, li.dtKi.ono | A man who has pruetieeil medicine

tHM* -* t hrough tliese |Kjres iu Mie foi m for -to >* ais ought to know sail from ot inseiistl'le iH rspiralion, is expelled1 .. . .. _ , ...O... ... ...Lier ..It,.' "ug',|i f'”'1 **•»« I o' says. ) more Mum one ipmiter of the iiotuiNh- uteiil taken into (lie system. The mi- poi.tunee of keeping open these |tcrsp|r-

ToLKIH), ()., Jail 10, I8N7. Messrs. F. J Clienay A Co.— Ueulle-

\\ 1 at Am I To Do.

Is Hc /ourf {/ursfit/fl t/ic iirsl S/«; IT/Xfi J/A- t»»iW»fpromptly diwesiiiigl * g, . , , . , * , ,g M'e food euliai. li was lo oik*ii the ,

( i / / .\ - J fi i‘ 1» C(t / (‘ i';. lift lift Jr. it /XfSSt S mo If pm.e* of theskiUiNud to assimilate the j ... • , . /> . j .. that Dr. Biteher formulated I w,id

Oj ( ,1 (’4 ‘/(('ll i*i' r // X It (Cliff Ofl/1Jl\ • 'iisloriii I .oostt bowels, iKtustipuliou, pari

II.m: 'll"- ; Kl, .mol In D'sigh ; High Ann ;.tin,el, Light run and eni|gf..nu whli-li ant *u cm- lnu, ,, , , , ., ... * ‘ slant among Infaiilu mid elilldreti, and ,

1‘" 1' 1 ..-""i '■ ■ .. ever made ; New .. I.ilu-tulor ; Nelf wldcli kill one third of all children ,lnl S' 11i11r - ■:I■ > -li i '-ling I'loouglmul ; 1'ew-c 1'."-, lo-io-e h s. li-d-teju Iwlore ihey uro live yearn old, arise you il. .. i I.i.-ii Mnelilm-wurruiil.d lor I'lVi: VliAltS, priocflmlly from theae «MMM. ll Is Him

Nurlli linn ad.

Lev. Covington. Lv«. Uilnuiun. . I.Vt*. I'srls. An. MillorNlnirg Arr. OutIInIc Arr. Jftltnwoii.. Arr. Jd'iysvlllf

Lv«* M hy *v 111e I.Vi* InUason t. V u • ur11 nI •• i.V" NlllllurshUiK Arr I'url* . Arr I.Htlmtiou.... Arr Covington.

b k s <1 % 4 xi

•: DRAM If.

No.' .1 So. .Vi I*||II> , Mail) ,

l x. Still. K.x. sun.

i?;no I* in s7:!i-i ii iii. 4:4V» j» in' Ktlft ■ to. |. iu. 8:10 ii iii . ■ »: 11 i' no

. 0:01 ii iu. b e* p iii. 0:1 a n in. '• i. p in.

. I»': «i a in. ":l'i |i m

No. hi. No. iii. Du ID Daily. Fx. sun. I'.'X.Kllll.

i ■ Q III L’:-m p iu 0 tl a in. 1 '-0 p III

., 7• a iii . • '.'s i' in.

. 7:|ii a M V HI p m ... 8:10 a in. •"»: 1 •** p iii.

Hull iiiny: ; I *

SetMlli; limit o

' '. .r...n ...VO. | ■ r-1 ■ | i - . - —W... WHi'IC-

atom valves msm u child's Isuly is ..| men: I liave been in the general prue- oml only to lliul of promptly dlge.llng ,l(.e uf most JU years, the food cnlott. It was lo open Mie ! , ,, , * ' pmerj of the skim mid to uxsimilate tiie UHl1 wou1,1 NU>’ ,hl»l ttl1 «»y practice f»Hsi Mint Dr. Pilcher formulated I wad experience, have never seen a pre- t'lisioria 1,00*0 ls»wels, const I pat ion. j parutlon thut I could puseriU* with as fevers and eruptions which are so con- much coi.lldrnoo oi sm-e.ss I

’ll,,' ^ . Lung Diteaxa. If you Lava Tiiocuh electric cars have coiiio in-

15.ii - rh^Ztlwi,h^l„°i Wi^p^gT *.* there w-iil lu- sill.... ,..r use Aoker'a English Remedy nnd piwvsiU "orses. It was tlioiigiit the introduc- further trouble. It is a IKwitive oure^1 1 *• »n of steum curs would s uiii euu**«i and we guarantee It. Price 10 and SOu (lie ei|uiuo race to tiecuiuoextinct; t'Ut

Tureman A Howell, Dn.oll.t.. „1H llulll|k.r |11>r,„k ik ...

Tiie s\ mpioin* of till li. iiniicsh me uu- happily bill too \tcil known They |

differ in ddlt'i'cnt individuals to some i extent. A billion* mail is seldom a!

Mo* equine race to become exi inot; hm the iiumiH'r of hones is greater Ilian

Tiik year 1888 will utl'ord opporluui ev, r’ “,1'1 I"*'*"1 ure higher. The rull ty In carry out Hie giuul reaoluli.m U“ve indu'd enhanced lUe value threatened for so muuy years. It is "* horses,

never too late to do kinnI, and if you ru».

liave failed in the performance of (lie All tits stopped Free by lir. Kline’s resolutions In tiie pu»t, it should not Ureal Nerve Restorer. No tit* after first **lmil among infants and children, and

which kill one third of all children llH" 1 uie. manufactured hy

paratioii that I iNiuld prcNcrit>e with as breakfast enhr. Too frequently, ulasj much conlhfence id slice*** us 1 can bus till excellent ap|K*lite for liquids |

but none for solid* of a morning.

All tits stopped Free by Dr. Kline's real Nerve Restorer. No tils after Iirsl

JOHN McKEE, Agent,


CURE wrtiTt!RoljD

priiicinally from M»es»* causes. It i* Mute* from tbe wonderful tetmils allciidanl \ upon Mie use of Custoria iu regliluMug j the stomach and tM^wels mid keeping}^'

Have presenlHii it a great many M'liguc will Imrdly lumr ins|H'elioii at I ,ir . , , and 2.00 ti and I . .-(I'et-t i- woiiderfid, and 11 “Y .. Oft ..uml furr.sl, I T Dr say iu .elusi.hat I have 11 rough a, all . v.-uts, '' I'Uot. for 11,1. dslpl.i., I*.

j i . . ... —•'■**•'• ”'■* Y Itini.iiri, A.N If ii in (III cr II mi

H deter you from beginning now. The ‘fey1** U*«. Marvelous cures. Treulhe

l,a‘lift great duty you have lo perform Is JVa'1 |!!t.'Ml1ir k'i,1’"1 „t;,frru !" JU f«l. 1.1 .. . ... 8euJ «Dr. Kilue.USI Areh HI. I'liila

open (lie pores of the skin, that ('asloria I would not cure, if they would take it m

... . , ,•«, ... ... , .... ! pttper for u year. .\ll else, as a couse -t t" llo.l a caae ot t- "turrit that it Hie digestive aysieu, Is wliolly out qUt|,ee, will follow. Tai.kinii about short uuurUlil|ie ro uuld not cure, if they would take it ao "f "«•« uml Diuriheaor Cmislipation -...—-- minds us thut Ihu courting of tl.u

riling t" directions. may ho u symptom or Hie two tuny To Consumptivea. ehorlginal of Australis consist, simply Youm truly. ullernule. I here are often lle.nor- - h. kmwklug the woman of hie prefer-

L- I,ool"K.oLi'' , "r11el'"" ... There Header, oeu you believe llm! Hie Ure- ence down with a club .ml carrying ... ull| O^^HumuH'W may be gld",mss „„d of,"„ I,.... affileU one-thlrdof mankind with her off We will give *100 for any cues of mol aeldlty ... ll duleuee ami.ernes, a disease for which there i. no remedy? oseinu. 't.rrl, that can not la. cured with iu the pit of the etonmehe. ..rr.ot u. y. Melee's "ffolded Mddieal iuei.de

all. (alarrh lure, lake,, inter- all this il not Cf. e, a eure try 'Iriwu's Dis.s.very” haseure.1 huudred. of ea«-» I. sleu

4 | u*!iM»t M«*wei, it c.wls tail u Mill -and of cniisuiiipthiu, uud iucu arc living to it»tf mu J. I*. ( !IKNK\ & 1 O , ruiedn, O. thoU*uiids uiL-sl its etUiuey. ...u.-i ...... .. amiiliii


NOI’K Imi ll Hi li ml 4 nr.' <lmiy i>. i w «-i, ( Wiiiclifitiir l.i'Xln^Ii»ii , anil t’"\ ii4;i,m ;1 trslQN urs ilully eveopt *utulny.

UlrtHit oiiiiaoolIonm ure iiuui,' m WIui’Iich tm wUli iM>,'H:tp«*uko ainl diil,, it»,- fiu.si'f ling, AhIiIhU'I. Miiiiliuat"ii, i liaiksniii, \y. Vs..aiiil KiiNt.'i u ulticH.

Fust Lino. Not*. :t mol 4 nni vln WIiicIick.

'.e.n * *'*>’ t t’RK I do nut mean moroly to slop them for u lime, and thou Imve tliem re¬ turn ineatn. I .mkan a uadkaL CURE.

1 have made the illsra.so ot


A life long study. I waurant my remedy to < i me the worHt easoa. Ilecause otliors liavo failed Is no rcuson for nut now receiving a euro, bond at.01100 for a treatbo «ud u 1‘hks Hiri-rm t«tr. rtolld 1 rams, with 1‘uiiiinni st. « p»,|D Bond at oncofora treatUo

t srs. between Ciuclniiui 1 hu,I Klclimnu.l of »»y Ineai.uuuc Kimbuv. Ulve Kipress NH .ituil w lliclii'Htiir aiiil U uHliiiiKloii. 1 •. * ' Rod Post tifth e It costs you nothing for A ThroiigtrriCHiitsaud llugg.u-f i lit'chcd to lr,a,» R*»d U ulll euro you. Addrcs»

any dsHtinatlnn reueliiid by u ihIIiod.i. H. C. ROOT. M. C. 183 Piarl St ,NtwToU f.u mouhk, d. a. ki:i:i,y. nKffiWm

I’Uss'r Agulits, TliO. I'itha'i Akl.. t ovliigtun, Ky. Lex lug l (Mi, U >

il. K. ttlINTINUTON. Iti dev r. iisaural UliiuuHi t'evliigtun, liy.



m qiiircil it* world-wide reputation, cording to din Willi plenty of water for the Isuly, Your* pure an fm the lungs uud Uastoria to assimii de Mie fiKst there nerd tic 110 1 unaccounted for sickness among chil¬ dren. C'astorlM i* a vegetable pre- We will g Muiptiou wiMiout morphine or other Ciduirh that imns.tie pnipeity Thirty yeara exleo- *ive u*e bus giveli it a ld»tory never . iMuilod i*y aiudher meilieine. ’ intlly.

Deb20 4t J-F. I’ll

cording to direetioii*.

Yours truly, L. L Uohhi'cii, M. D.

To ('oiisiiinptivcs.

Y-V \vf\vv ‘woukl enjoy your dlnoar * J 'j'1 ^ and are pro vented by Dy s-

l>«pila. use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a noaiUvo cure for Dyspepsia, In disestiou, Flatulency and Consti(>atlou. Wo guarantee them. 25 nnd 50 cents.

J. F. UlIKNKY A Uo , Toletln, () fcaiy'Sold tty Dniggists, 75 eta.

Di*u*troil* Kilo, t* o! a Kiss. The LtK'iil l>ii|i(ii',

ulor nttlicU one-third of munkitnl with her oil. Till* form of wool uu 1* a* t-fll a disease for which there is uo remedy? caciou* a* brief, and in certainly coin- Dr. U. V. INeiee's "Uolded Mddieal meiulahJe oil the s«u»re ot economy. It Discovery" has cured hundred* of t:u»eH i" als<» quilt* as delicate a way of arrang¬

'd consumption, uud iucu sic living to i»g mutters us the luetiitsls sometimes day—healthy, robust men—whom •*u»pl»»ye<l in this country, where tho

1 phy*iciuus proiiouneed iueursble, U*- parciita of the luide knock her down

eighty three, widow. I'a., worth f-HOUhOO,

VfllT •?wl1 dve a! home uml mu lie inun Y llll money ul work loi u*. Ilian ut tm, I llll Mdiig else In Mils wm Id « upltiil * ^ not ueetieil ; yu are Miarietl lie».

I lot ti sexeh ;auII uu>'h. Any one tint tlu tin work. I.ursu '•uriiliiuH Mu. hoiii iliHt h|hii. Cosily Olltltt anil teniiM Iree. Ilelli r not tit • lay. CohlM you mtihiio: lo h>n.i tm your ml , tlreHH ami Itii'l out: ll > on uie wise you w in 1 Mo so at once. II. II m.i.i.i 1 A I o., I’m llini't J dal tie. «iec-i iv


THE CHIEF For tho Oath. Tollot uml Laundry.

Snow *W hi to s mi Ab«olutuly Purs. I* your dunlor tloos not keee Wbltu cloud Host

sum! IU cents tor hhiupIu enko to Hat uiak«r<-.


poriitm to liMUieaus dtms more for his Uompsuy has sued Janie*Uordmi lieu- own town than any other tell men, und ,.eu for mi ullcgcd liliel in a recent arli- iu all tail ness, mail with man, htM.ught »|e saying the company was a colossal

iiiiiiiitii\ Muim.K wmx

! X ■ LiMI!IA S

dfeestiou, Flatulency and ConMipatloo. "‘♦•Ker, of Ontario, N from J500 to *ir>,Ui)0 in free liuch for the / ** °U Wo guorsutus thorn. 86 and 60 «0U. V., has Iwguu a suit against l>.iiili'l HI- hoiivUt "I the oommiinlty In w liloli II is , 1

lursup,** llowall, Druul.u. .."""I tbe most ..it mill il, |lK.„„..|, Bai.l Jo.lgo Davl.l I,,vis not n ,. , v V tliut plaiv, for il.iuiugr. tu lliv uino,nit long u-forv l,v ili.-il. No ollior iigi m-v _Y'

Mna Hahaii 11. MfCajiKNY, ugvil of KS.MHI l..r kissing In r nn tin* li ft „r will ,In this, 'f’l.v v.filor in ino- Tid*'IWIIU vlglity llirvv, whlnw. of Wvstebestvr. vb«* last MvpIvnilH-r. .. lliul porlion to 1.1. ni.-aiis .loos i„..r, for I,Is Uomn.nv has , IV, worth *S"lMHk), Ole,I suiklenly Killian I'suir lo tier lions.I I'Ushn-s. own town tliuli any olii, r ten men, uuil nett ,,r su wile wliil* alone with Iwr eal In b»r .leguiil with her liusliaiul, ami when the bus in all lulu,ess, u,m with man, lie ought ele saving the niaiisiou. She tool live.1 a heriult life, burnt went out ul tiie room for a mo- to he supporte.1, not Ih-ouu.-o you may hunoii si'lieme ami has uo ehiblren to Jntn rlt her vast nieut lie "U.l.lenly ... over uml happen lo like him or u.hniru Ills wilt- are Sfkklouil' piuperty. kisse.1 lo r, wfierel.y she was thrown lug, hut bemuse a ha ul paper i» the nmioauv' also

„ , *!* . 7 till', a nervous proatrutiou. uinf heeuuae best Inveslinent n eoiuuiunlly e.n

\ . *' “i".' otlli* shook at Killian's hasty uet she make. ll may not he l.rilllui.t or The beat salve iu th* worl.l fur outs, was physically Inc.'pacllutvl from crowilerl will, more thourhis hot .

bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rlleuui, fever hniiseloihl .non., i.„ u , . lU"Uglila, hut A Sw ill-h , sores, tetter, chapneil bamla,chilhlulno- \'luHis for s. vernl w.eks Ihmlidully it is more of u lauiefU lo u eorns, and all nkiii eruptions, uud iMisi- |,4*lllw|1 “dmit* that he kissed her, hut community, preuchvr or teucher. l^n- Some men t lively cures piles, or no pay re.|iiirc<l. be says ll* bus regiuihsl her aa his own ,|,-rst«n.l us now, wo il" not mean milre rh-u.s. It Is guarantee'! lo give perfect autlsfan- clill.l, ..ml his ad was only one ot m„n,llv or iindleetimllc hm n„,.„ tlou, or money refuuiteit. Price S» eta, tt||U9lio" In her lie will ..' in.., ““ U'ruat upnu tl per box. bor sale hy Tureman & Ilow- ,. , itiull.\ , und >et oil the moral question Minute chis* i ell. Hllt I ‘*1‘ lNew \ork you will llml the majority of u,e h.eul Johnson No i

-- - -— Times. .

__ ' cause one lung is almost gone. Send hi the highest bidder

... I i . . 1,1 il* slumps for Dr. Fierce'* ^ ... - si?, ‘7 m'"'r .Bl‘r b-sik on coa.uiui'Uoll ami kimlre.l ,f ,,,e ,,f "«»•**»•

i L'i.WU In tree liuck tor lhe . A«l'lre«. Worl.l'a Di-pons,- , , t the community in which it s r„ . . ... k_. I* her crown of i

ty alHllcal AssiH’ialioii. tttkt Main 8t., , , / saitl Judge David Djvis lint |ju|yA|0 ^ y ll'*w t|Ulckly does Ml ire he died. No other agency ’ __’ _ and ehrouic weakite*

ImcIi ^eur every local paper gives fiom if>00 to $5,000 in tree Imck for the hcnellt «f the community in which it is

y Medical Association, OBJ Malll lit., . U of ghuy Rut ala* ! iutfalo, N Y 1 ,W does the nervoti* dvliility

_ 9-__ and ehrouic wenktie** of the sex euu*e

Tiik T«irilla Mold ami Hdver Mining bloom ofyoulh to)pa*s away, khar;*-

'ompaiiy has sued JsmesUordou lien- lovely features, and emaciate >ett fer mi alleged liliel iu a recent urti- fonndetl form! There i* imi one le saying the com puny w us a colossal re,,H'^V which will restore the failed

, , ,, i i , i i M ° U b* he supp4irttHl, not liecutise you may bunco scheme. Tile damages elaimtal r°ses slid hiing tiaek the grace of yotitli

klZl.1 J ... OV,7 U“' b»i'pcn to like bill! nr mluilru his writ- sre #.'g«l,(HXi The President of the " *“ Dr. Pierce's "Fa.orll. IWrlp- I . ' 1 * 7 4l*" ""W" lug. but because a local paper i» the company also sued for #260 000 dumu- ^%,n," a sovereign remedy lor the tils- illlii a ller NOUS pr.isirutlon. uml because best inveslinent n eoiuuiunlly can cases peculisr lo females. 11 is oil* of

per Isix. For sale liy Tureman <fc How ell.

nij, pieut tier or teaeiier. 1 n« Some men are boru rich, some uc- I os now, wc do not incun ipdre richus, und otticis have riel es

or lutellect'iully, tint liuaii- tlmist u|nio tliem- To Hie latter for- and yet on the moral ipiealioti mnule cl-ou la-longs Mr ('bus A.

| you will llml the im j .rlly or me I,-cal J.dinson, No. .176 W. Ohio Hired, Chi- papula ale on the light side of the „„

tw. A. ImLL&iSON.I | —tiuporlsrs uuU Reuli'r* lu

Italian Marble, » Istrki ^Atirr(tfisilr Uuuumrul.s, YiUfl'ie. \J '

HA'flHFAt'TION (iUAUANTI':i-;|l. Mar.I Viu. |

(' VTA It MU *hMOpl»'Treat liii'iil in V ■ A I A It IL 11 Wi, Miaiugli Itl I till' coavlues, li. N. LiUliXtUUi II A i

773 liiou'l NlU'vl, Newark N. J.

Commercial College lexVncton, ky OicupiraJ Luri/e Hull* it ml 7 J$ootn*.

Cheapest S. Bust Business Col/ejo in the K'c tllul"'»f llitHur *u4 is«ld MxhIhI uY*r sll iittiM I'.dio... ,, WwrM ji YmmbIUuh. M«-««ux of llwoL-k'-t |»lii« ■ t Ill rt'l llt'sliri •« r Nustly lhUi , I-ul-" ' Itl I 'I, B1M8 W Hl'kM ll"l Kiili'lgy Cuulilrl-'., "'Mill lirmlnul. s lu nH*llit''x. Id T* m’l" n vinpb-n | IIu.h

, » "U,s. - "O.I I.ol l|.«.» k.. pill*, UuslosM ArlW'iuuih! Pin", 1 | ship, l ouimvl' Ul I »», U-> liiiti'IUi" ! Iliihklhg J. ini 8, i,

!l»iiu,»' tuflu/- I.ur.,*, lt<it|iics« I'racii c. kf-i.-«i,iii* f,,, ' . fl ,l1"1 l ool t.r I ult iluwllUM « II, , I I ulil"". Mull""' r r sul ll'si'l lu ■ iii,, fanuli Atiri

Sll'ii l II"I"I. f> D.-W ritliiK k«4 irltaru.'lii si i rlulllr «j )'■>' ap'Clul I' l-'llCH I". I lu'dlls. Hint c.l| li' I 1, ?*“!'“ u,l'*1;1' .l'1,* ll'"lb'« UtM.c. frpunut UHSum.ut i-, l xlh • i.k'i> i’rlii' if »l viuploytd,

C <'Mi id aiii * Ounran uf M,~.| kvi'lug, II V p j« , , A r "hliivlitf Shi I'vfosuahlp. *h. u lakeii »loi„ L,, ... ,, ,, | Cr.ll.-g* ... • 11 .lay si. l night. SlUiWa »*<. !'*!»„,, . ., , ,

ho iil> C /* Aiiatig' menu cut b* h-al- win, ,• I ai.1.4 l.ti it uluap'Ullt [•" ti nib u-t this Cuilcg, ,\u (luu. fultr uu«, (Irw-luaiis t'uiiautci l mu, ... i , •uTwjs. taOJfeM, W ilitur U. Mauillt, t'tsa'i, Lt kliitfluu, L t

I oilles are ollvrnl plain in,,||,u.ik J ut lilt'll' lltllll' M t,|OWII "I' 4'<l 11111 r \ I I. V U

1 liitk'Nuli’ Ictus" PriilHalilf. uunuiife. ilttinl eay .nit h« iinule. !•.v.-ry 1 ItTitu lurnlt.lt. al. I ai 1 lu 11 in 1 h im-, AtlilriHsi ArlUllu N'etaile- woikfu., l:o Mh sll't l, New York i lly,

miv AAfter irrtr >u»rs‘ Fjt'liniTit'll sk|nuli'iiitx In tb«

I'fwt’W atiitn ul iH"i<* lh»U Out lluiiilrsd

irioujt*n,t •DiilifHlidiis fur Cttiwuu is Hid Ullltod Slat''* Slid t-'irwtjn VdUU. trios, tho publishers of (Its Sr'isniifla Aiuoricftii euuoi'tis lo si-t b* soltoiLiira for pHtouls, is. usla. t ruilo maiha >opy- riHbls. tile., f.'i tho t'litltfd Mti, . and

*0 uliiHlu pslouls in t tino ls, Kit^lanJ. IrtBM, «" nidtiiy. Slut all citier oountrii'S Tl.str sipsri- SHOU 1h uuoauHlvd budlkar fwciltttos ttro uuatu- pttNSoJ.

|)r»v*tngs stfl spooirtcHtlou* |,r«p«r<>d and XUd lit U10 IsliulOfti'ii on aliorl utilico. Tonus vary i"**oiiablii. No 0 liar go fur siHnilnsliuu vf mods!* ur drHHtnjlH Ain why mall frou

I stoitla"i>tfkfiia<l lliroujfli ftliimiACo iranotlosJ Intbo St lKV I'II'll AMKItlr'ANa'.hwb bti tlio Urtfoat ct rot 1st mu aa.1 la tl,., in..«t liiilusuii*| iiowsuator uf iu kiit.l published lu Ibo tawrid. i tl" tilvShtAgva Of SUdk » UdlKO UYHy I'SluUlw* audHraUiuU.

Tins Isrjo' 1 ml siilcnilidlf llluatrst l iiawsuoMt Is pitbliabod WI'.KIil.ir si nuu >o*r. fiT«ns n'tiiiitlod lu ho lb" boot paper du»»t»d to mImm. IHtHillBUlCS, lllVOUtiOUn, "IIa'lll.'Ofll',< Works, 4U<1 "thi'r dopHrluioiits ot iiidiutrul |<ro«rHM. pub- Iiwii•««] lit suy pounlry. It coiitsius llio usiusa of 41I I'sloutoos siij IniI.i of ov«ry invsution p*isu(«4 Mvh wsah. Try U four miguUis lor uus dollsr. Oold by *11 iiowsds*lur*. Blf you h*vit *11 inroiilion to pslsnt writ* t*

uiiu * fit., piibli -liors uf Hoisuiitto A h.iqi.^s rfei'Viff*': 'Ll*._-

Thk lixcrntive Uommllh-e of tl..- DrunkenuuM Hendneks MuiiUillent A**«m J il|un, of Poaitinely

1 Indianapolis, have llfi.ooo iu th(. (re»*- iu Dl ^ ury, and only r«qtiire ^.*l,tmmi more

Tiie committee arc cotnddcring sevi rai jj t,a|| (lt,

tlw.lt|tis. _ ten Without I

Tiik wholesale dctiucllnii of chick- ukl,1*<11

■ oes oa. .. r-.uo.os ouaiy act an* Uiuke. It may not lie brilliant ur —-- Hi* greatest laams ever uuuferre.1 up- as pliyslcul y inc.ipacdate.1 from cruwdcd witli inure tliuuglila, l.ut A Slvcdhh t akiurt-Maker’s Lurk. "» the huiaau luce, fur It preserves Hi:,I lusehold duties fur several weeks liiiuiielally it is luur* of u benefit lu u _ wliiuli is fslr«»t aud dearest lu all mau-

be kissed her. hut community, preacher or teacher. I'u- Suutu men are burn rich, sume ae klutl-llie heaulvgmd health of wumun. . ..ed her aa his »wi. .. now. we ... mean ,p„r, r,,-h«., and other, inive rid « — — 111.1. and Ills act was only one ot morally or tiilellcetimlly, l.ut lloau- thrust U|a,n tliem. To Hm latter for- W*JI 1,1 'V..lilnglou ntlion to tier, lie will defend tin dally; uud yet on the moral question in.,ale class tadnnys Mr Cl,as \ •••W.-I.lji, la , found at the depth ,f

it until llm very I lap—[New \ ork you will llml Hie muj.'iiiy ol the l.-eal Johnson, No. .176 W. Ohio Street fill- fu«l t«|*'k"ry outs well presurv-

... i*.»|>um are on llm rigid aide of lire , ago, an I who was Hi* lucky balder uf *?' ‘““1 "u'y ''“k '*"W'l clleehsl runkenuesa or thu Liyuor Habit 'fuesllun. T' -dsy llm erlflot’s of local uim teulli of liekel No. Li,8pi wliieli ,,ll"ul ,ialr * l,u»liel Tlreu they earn* Poaitinely Cured hy administer- |>u|ier» do llm unut work fur llm least drew Hi* Iirsl eapllal prixe of Ilfgl.lXXI “I1"11 “ *'ig of wissl and a pair of deer's

irrtf Dr. Hainea'Qolden SpoctHe money of any mem,u earth. Hiilsa-rilie |n the IK'tula'r drawing of Hi* laitilal- ,‘"r‘1’'' “'ll1*'11 weru soft, hul msiu liar- for your loeal paper, mu a« n el,aiIly, an* State Isillery. A Traveler reporter T'‘“ *•'••'»»» Jug lu a lluiher-

ll can U* given iu a clip of eolfec or hut ..sun invesim.ui. fomul Mr. Johmmu. a very lutdllgent T11 • but thme 1* not a hickory

» without the kllow ledge of the per- * young Swvde, twenty seven yeur* itl ,Ut "* 1 1 ‘,u»»l).

ii taking il it; i* alMolutely huimfess imuim UoouiImx. age, a cuhiuet maker t*y iKcupalion. |),( HULI.'B liahv Wvruo aiv«»mnli*h

-d **—*i-!y L.iJirili.p*v‘: vi. *«i ALnea

»*q; Di. Maine*’ Qolden Hpudtlc

It can he given III a cup of coffee or tea without I lie kllow ledge ol the pel* son taking it it; is ali*tiiiiteiy huimle**

money of any iucu tin earill. Sul mm In¬ fer your local paper, not us a chaiily, hut a* an iiiVcMtuicui.

SOU taking il it; la alsmlulely harmless 1 ,,, ,r ... ami willelleel u laniuaueut and apeedy ! •‘■"bal'ly no "im thing bus euuaed Diii-.i U ii .1 . 1 Mich a general revival o| trade ut Tililf • me Whethe. the patient I* a,....derate (|lf||| iV Drug hlufe aa their

drinker or uu alcoholic wieek. Thou- giving away lo their customer* of *n

tree lit tile county.

HIK HI,"I,wale d'-sliuetloi, of chick , .... .. , a euomei maker hy occupation, |ln. Butl.'u B»lw Hvrun aivuim,11*1,.

ens hy elmler. can I,.. l.y a few "" “ "l""ly -„eh"a"gem.,a| revival !!l'l'n,de al''lw wl,;‘' B'* |>™'“ “* Am.rl.-a ea its ol.jevt so quickly and so salM.oln- "f tianler's i'hiekeu i'ltuleru •■» b*'■be l >* i'alleot is a moderate lV. ||11Hl.hv I hog Store as ilmlr “'•‘•l"un d employment at Ids trad* iu rily that Its praises, are In the umoH, of

Cure. This remedy I,as slissi llm lest, 1,r,,,l“'r "r “u aleoholle wreck- Thou- giving a way In llmir eusioinels of ao t'ldeago. Having Ihree lime* la-fore every mother Hold for i", cents and Is warranted. Hue 111* big most, r. ‘*rui.km..la liave la c.ad* many . "md b ittles >.f Dr. King's purehu-asi tickets in Hie lottery and Persons living hi unheulthv local!

....... ^ •;.^ ...-....7!^.';^. * ithoul tin ir , vuluahfe arth’le Iroiu tin* fad that it al- wr,u* when tie found that hi* last iu* l»y taking an occasional di**e of l*axu-

Rkn \\ (iLLt'Ma ia aaid to la* Mid yeara knowledge, *»i»d to-day ladieve they ! ways cures and never disappoint*, veal men t had t«roiighl him a return dor. I'riee nuly 2-r> 4*eut*. •*ld. lie iMtught thu farm on which he 'I'4*1 drinking of their own free will, t'ouuIjh, Uolds. Apthina, Rronci itia, of ^l i.DOO Chicago, g\ikaiiNMW Trav* —

now resides ul 7So per acre, and paid foi 11 Never Falls. Tiie system once iui-, ‘!e |'..U"? ****,11 ‘rJ•’:l 1 a“,'1 *“"* 'bseuses eler, Nov. f, At Uarroillo,,, Ky., tiru ur glnalud iu

it ill woik at 2Tk' u day. He i* wliil I*• **K,4l*t*'*i with the M|trcillc it become* huvimi l.v lm HIh,- ,» nhil'l.iiiVl.. fi?.!.* Mimwni-k'n «lrug *tore, which wa* de¬ ll iu woik at 25c

able to ride on horseback and frequently a>l li,u'r in4|a*wlhilily for the liquor large

ways cures and never disappoints, rough*, folds. Asthma, Rronct-itia, Uroiip, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You cull lest it before buying l.y gel I log a Ilia) Imltle flee,

gb|[llros'lwsy, Nvs York, k UHUdbuuk sbwul UUUi«d fi««.


vft-iits hi* relative*, xcii.

lKeiiluekiuo fill-

t \. 1.KI1WA.MW, I " uslilagt'ai. I*, r. |

Heial loi l'irt ulur*. I’.tVr', “ii; BooiUr at haad. U U tLu caly aa fit

appelite lo exi»t. Fol lull parlieulai*. addles* UOLDk-N M'F.HHi' Uo., |H.i

Rice at., UiueiiiUtttl, O. {.Ifec.G lyr |

lOvery IhiMIc warranled.

... bis Joyful surprise was L-su easily avoid all hilhnu* attacks great When lie found that Ills last III- hy taking an .a'esslonsi .lose of Uxu Vestment I,ail brought bln, a return ,|ur. Price unly ar, cent*, of J>l Chicago, Aik*u*aW Trav ••• eler, .Nov. 6. At Carrollton, Ky., tire or giuaUal iu

***' " Hrowuldf* «lrug atore, which wax de- A I'UiUim paper eomplaluN lliul atroyed, mt weie W. L. Hmith'a grta^ry

llteru are in that Slate "hs> many law- and general store and t Jrabmeyer's >l',s, 'lu*'<"r*. preachers, editors uud clothing cslahlislinirul. I'm.I |,M,

4V wvv Df tbe gusi tlilugsuf this aueslion suggtsis ilscll: . hf* *r« aorrvwfully lot „tU111|ri,

Uunnidkiumi that a great many >1,H' preacher*, editor, uud duthlug eatablDhiiieiit. i'..l men ol mean* are not permitted to run ,r*“ul**' ,u“* 1,01 ci»t»ugl» iucu who earn Uu»ul #.rjO,ll»lO; partially Insured their own huaiue*. lheiu*elv*tf, in* l*»Flr living hy th#«weal of their brow." —

oil Sugg**!, iicelf: I* Ihl* a free *•* - Carter llarrUm waul* ail Mia Ameri-

•y. A Dlitsu fc.N white mail, ejeetcit Iroiu cau women to drv*. a* |a>r (he min ere

*"* aeolufaddaUti*at kultou, Ky., relurutsl rule. “We would Iheu liave our hatter

, in a considerable quantity, haa with a double-barreled ahot gun and halve*i|re*aed, he aaya, “to please an

sliuek in a mine in Roanoke bred into the crowd, wouudiog *eveu artUtio *ye, wllti«»ut the preaeut waste

Va' lorsons, ouc fatally. uf l.-iuslv livalth andstrvugtl,."


T1IE MERCURY. W. K--* ---

ernt.iNMiii) ivbrv . szz


1. R. KELLER, Editor

SUBSCPIPTION RATES. One vcar.ln advance • • stx month*, tn advance Three month*, in adraace

itlec the printed *t tp on your paper and t y cep paid ahead. Money tan

ordinary letter, bnt is perfectly run y> lien >*ent iti a r 'glsD-roil letter or by

postal money order. Add res* all letter* leg¬ ibly to U. II. Kai.hr.lt, Carl tale, Ky.

(Entered In the Carlisle roalofhre bh Hoe- ond ( ln«« matter.

THURSDAY, JAN., 12.1888



For Sheriff— F. It. IIKNItY. Deputy Sheriff-lit A. RATLIFF.

Countable—JOHN IIAHVIA .

111st rl but Ion of committer* in Hit* Sen¬ ate. He wna made Chairman of the

I committee on Public Health, ami I* on tin* ennmilttee on Charitable fiintltu-

1 (loim. Mr. Kenton waa not lucky enough to 11 raw n chnirmtin*hip, hut lie got good committee*.

The House ha* pn**»-d a hill to pity grand Juror* two dnlfttm per day.

.lodge Cole hna been here eevernl day* waiting for the appointment of a committee to InTeatignte hi* conduct of the Rowan Circuit Court. Of course I would not prejudge the ease, hot from What I can learn the fuel* will Ih* brought out, hurt who they may.

1 Mr. Cook, of Warren County, hns in* ' trod need a hill to prohibit the adulter* | at ion of food, medicine und drink. Thl* I* a Hep In the right direction,

* and that a Cook introduce* it make* the matter of more importance.

People who vl*lt here any that Mil* I* the Hotierest body over seen here. A glorious report.

The flr*t two hill day* 156 hill* were

Introduced, and there will he plenty more. (I. R. K.

Mason Cotnty Circuit Court i* in aessioti at Muyaville, Judge Cole pre¬



Frankfort, Jun., 9,1888. Dear Mercury:

Since inv la*t, Frankfort ha* had quite u lively time. The Democratic ciucua h»*t WcducHilay night nomitm- t hI Hon. Jua. Beck for the IJlilted Ntat«NH Senate, hy ucolumutioii, and

Jim McKknzir -till retulu* a tail hold oil the Mexican miaaiou, and lie will gel it if the tail doesn't pull out

For the llrst time since the day* of

content over tlit* Lihruriuiiship wa* quite u spirited affair. Seven fair can- didute* entered the race, and thin fact TlTK total mini her of acres of land in

brought u largo crowd of ladies to the the State I* 26,167,71H». The assessed Hall of the House, so that when Sena* value of same Is $224,oh*!,752, and the tor Harris called the caucus loonier number of city, or town lot*, In placed the Hall was packed almost to stillo-

cation. The racosoon nuriowtd down to u three cornered tight between Mi*. Hanson, (present incumbent.) Mi**.

at 08,908, valued at $1211,062,.101.

Thk Cluelnnoti Enquirer says that •when the war breaks out in Europe

Mary Drown Day, and Miss Montgoui* and the name of tieueral P.duhoiari* The ballot on which the bind noil comes along as the winner of a

most one waste be dropped, was w tell* great victory, there will be a chance to etl with great eagerness. Mrs. Han- clean up all the 'pi' hi the newspaper soil was largely in the leud fiom the olllces. first, and when on this hall* t she threw u few of her votes to Miss Mont Hon. t . R. Brooks tell* u* that he

gomcry, in older to drop Mrs. Day, 1,01 1,eslru to enter into a contest the huudicds of Fruukfort ladies who ,or l*H‘ Detnocialie liutliiuutiou lor liud conic to u»*i»t their towushuiv, * 0,1 K'e*14, and i* not a candidate.

be. Mi*s Montgomery got oue more "IM uctm vote than Mrs. Day and on the next Detnodat.

ballot Mrs. Hunsou won the raev, the v ... Cti.NGKiti

Hanson voters who hud gone to Miss |j\m| , Montgomery returning to Mrs. Han i*u.,,m son. Tims we see the same tactics **

... use of the Used to defeat the sterner sex for otllce

, , , , . stamp, alu used to defeat those ol the gentler. . , . Mis. Hanson lias made u line olllcer, " "u *. M .1

Charles A. hut as she was running tor a third term ^ ( ^ ^ siie lost some votes tliat would have

otherwise gone to her. The able and i»riyj

detuaiid Ills services.— [Sentinel-

Ctti/ctat: It i» my privilege to suggest, lor your cuiisitieiuliou, a name lor ttu one position set aside for (ha waning

Kentucky womanhood. She whose beauty, whose purity und intelligence, have held kingdoms at her sway, re¬ minds lis in Ibis election licit We

is now agitating the statistician* upon

increase and progress ot the races Those who maintain that it is upon

.I.M.U- .1 ... U , Jm> A U)I|,|„,II, W„ alone, ami upon that record 1 tag that ' ' ... , . expression of a candid Judgment. Ito- Norton, i.J.tilcnn, r Is. <*uigliloi expression of a candid Judgment. Hi* Aorton, i.j.tiirnn, p . c. » *ingu a splendid triumph, the n cord <>t a Chuilc*T Donnell und Titos. Kennedy. Kentucky woman that make* me a* I After consultation the committee ..rmhi ul uiy n .livity u» tl... ..1,1 iv|...rlc,t IC*>uinii ol hi* birthnght, w hen slum! , mg on the hunks of the yellow Tibet i •he following : ho thanked the (Jisls he wolsiiiped | llnai/vut, Thai we view the con* that he was a Uoniuu citizen I have i -I i net ion of the contemplated railroad the honor to nominate, and ask lor hci known a* the Charleston, Kentucky A support, Mrs. Virginia Hunsou. Western Railroad, a* ail enterprise ul

After the eutu ti* adjourned the great h1."' greatest importance to kastern , . .. - , , Kentucky, Wild especially to Nicholas

.•I.m.l uiljourniHl to the l hj.IIuI ll.m-l, •j,1„*illK ,!» it wm .|,r.»,«l. on where the Hon. James H. Deck hud undeveloped section of Kentucky, sur- spread a most delightful banquet, and passingly licit in coal, iron ore*, lim¬ it »r two hours tin* elioisest viamls, and ber*. etc, und bringing u* in direct

costliest wines were discussed amid music and eloquence.

Dill* have been Introduced to abol¬ ish the Kuilroud Commission, the

communication with the South Allantic sc hoard. Charleston, S C., ami the city of Chicago on the Luke and the great Northwest.

lit ault't (l, That our Senator ami Rep-

... '"*• ■"1 uJ*”ii Agriculture, the Ueological Bureau, honorably means as Representative* to ami no one need he aatouiahed it some | procure the passage through the l.cgi* ieforim-r brings in a hill to aiiolish the . lalure of all fair and liberal amend-

Auditor’, . 111.A. it lC.-aolntor un.l on }», lh',1 "’.‘.'l! Auditor’, . III.Am ii K.«ulllt,r und mi of w»l.l . ... ... ... ! nillrimd, Inoklnu tu lt» tlirouitli

Aholisher thl* lusty bids fair to excel I, . j j, county, making Car I lute a point, however, many propose and few dl** Jno a. Campbell, no*e. Wm. Norton,

On Friday la*t Mr. Jidm 1*. Newman Introduced a hill to secure the proper amendments to the chuitcr id the Charleston, Kentucky ami Western

Titos Kennedy, C. T. Donnkli., T. J. ( I I.KNN, F. K. t 'oNUI.KToN.

On motion td Thu*. Kennedy, K*q , iUilioad, iiliil it biok* to us that the ihr Chairman appointed the following hill w ill gti ilirough w iiln-ut iniii’li gentleman to go to Fraukforl Jiuid urga

Its ehietopt*osllion will come the passage of the amended charb*r, to-

come hcfori* the l.igi*latui'<* John A. LuRiie, Jiio. A Campbell, O. log III ih fi it the will id the peiiple 11 •« v c. Smith, Charles 11. IN teisoll, (leo. W. should he sal upoll, ami within the Hruiuhlettc, Dr. T. C Hel'iuliio, Kd lu-Xt I'* w’ WitU* we will lean I how Rice, Col. T. 8. Calks, Juhll Conley, many Repriseii tat Ives ami Smutois Rohcil Oveihy, John (J, Dlair und grtul railroad moinqsdies own. Harvey llowc.

l*rof. Vance wh»i iiiicM liveil In Car* on motion all elti/eu* from all imrta lisle is In-re with the RiiicVille boom In of the eoimlv, friendly to I hi* road, are chuige. lie is getting ,u chillier for a requested to u*e their influence in se-

railioad horn Cumberland Hap to euiiog the passage of the anietltle^l lltlshurg, J*u , one lor u sheet ruilruuil, ( barter. u ho|i‘l, mill a Male und Female Col* Til© meetlug was utlemietl hy the lege Ini 1‘lm villc, w here lie claims ten | farmers, mechanics, laboiers, thudors, thousiiliil people will be hy Spring lawyer*, hankiis, ineiehauts, und bus* Oue tiling 1* certain, the inmmtuius moss men from the various precinct* of are going to he developed, ami we mu**l j the county, uml the liveliest Interest get ih the sw im m lw left otd In Hie vviim muiilfesttd in ladialf td the road, j cold. T. C. IlKItNhoN, Ch'iii. I

Di. lte>huliJ* came i>ul Well ih the i J. A. CiiAPPtl.L, Heel*)


Kentucky get* three ('huirmnnshlp* —McCreary, Private Land Claims; Stone, War Claim*, nml Lali'ion, Fx* pend it u re* In the War Department. Tito delegation i* other wise disposed of a* follow* : McCreary, oil Foreign Relation*; Rrecketirldgc, Way* find Mean* mid Meichnnt Marine ami Ship¬ ping Intcicst*; Laffoon, secoml on Public Jifitid*: Tatill c -, Claim* utnl Census; ('u ruth, Pacific Railnanl*; Montgomery, Po*t-» dices amt P«-*t* raids and I,**v« i * ami Improvements on the Mississippi River; Stone, ILiilioail* mid Canal*; Thomas, Patents and Civil Service Deb dm; Hunter, Ale.- hollc Liquor Tralile and Invalid Pen¬ sion* ; Finley, Pension* nml Revision of the Laws.

Rki*rIv*knt,\tivi: Skitli: will oiler a bill providing that tin* C'Minlles *liall pay for their record hooks instead of certifying the account* to the Auditor for payment out of the State Treasury. He will also oiler a bill requiring the

counties to pay one-half the cost of maintaining their pauper Idiot*.

A tin cting of the temperance people of Nicholas. County was In-Id at the Court-house in this citv last Monday for the purpose «.f selecting a committee- man from each precinct, and to call a

convention, to ho held in Carlisle, Jan¬ uary 21. lass, at In o’clock, to choose «b leg it - to attend tile Congressional Cell vent ion.

The following were selected a* com¬ mitteemen :

Rio Lick*- Klsle Hawkins, John G. Morris.

Klllsvlllc—S. T. Sugg, J. K. Scott. Hcadquaric.t* S. T. Harlow, Jerome


Carlisle—W. C. McCracken, W. P. Ross.

Buzzard Roost-J. D Blake, J. W. Blake.

I'iiion—Wat Kookeiididl'er. w. H. Com NO It AM,


CUT m STORE. James A. Chappell.

mm THEY 00! KOI NDED IN 1825.

•ESTO PBRPETUA." At A. Drbansky’s New Store!

Land, Stock and Crop


Jack Chinn, the celebrated horn* man, is a candidate ftir Sheriff in Mer¬ cer Comity.

At home again • nr rambling* o'er We’ll try and gh e y hi the m

once more,

Rlcltard Kerns, of Illii.ci-, i-* making lii* relatives and friend* a visit in thl* vicinity.

Rev. Clco. II. Cannon returned to Iti* ministerial work in Pike County lust week. •

did the same thing for Dr. Woods for reconstruction, there i* not a single Public Printer and Hinder; but the t.,,|0reil man in either house of Con*

John J. Crowe ha* bdu n charge of J. I. Myers' black-unlth shop, ami e-U* (lie patronage of the people.

Rev. Samuel lioihir i* tin pastor for Murphy's Chapel thl* year. Serviee* •ini Sunday in < ach month.

J. T. Crayeraft returned home lo-t j week With a ear b ad of h i-e> . He will stall South in :• few il iy-if not sold here.

Taylor McIntyre, ner.-nipanied l»> lii* sister Mettle, and Mi-- I’lllb- llain i 11 < ii i have lelt u* to idh ml sehool at Millcrstairg.

Harry H- iuilton nliirmd Imtnr Friday night hoiu an eight w>el;s \; it to lii* brother .It II and dll' r ft I. II !- ill Monroe, C »niity Mo.

We are finite son y to b-e otu esteem- cd friends,Wm. .Memand.l W . II.noil- ton, who g<» w ilh I heir lamiiie Piin ar Shelby ville, Ky., to make tlu-lr future borne.


Mrs. Ouy, fill lliul their cniullilnl.- Is «ml run »n»rd lu wait iiiiuiy wits to be .ltuigUturod; und .o it was to lnu,,y yonis. At some tiim* I lie |mrty

li.'.I.I) HIM..

Mr* N. W. Fowle ami cliiidren are vi-itiug in Carlisle.

Conor ess man Bust), of New Voik, t die red i* resolution Instructing the Postmaster Clclicrul to disiatutiime the use of the new green two-ceut postage stamp, iiiul to ietuni to the tena culla shade In u-e for several years t»ast. Mr. Charles A. Dana i* ulleged to U*respon¬ sible for tin- resolution.

Miss Linda Dotson i- on a j rofi.K ' tl visit to relatives in Bom bon.

A PRIVATE letter received by a gen- eloquent young Representative from tiemau of this place from Judge J. M. Bourbon placed Mrs. Hanson and youi Thomas, of Paris, says there euu t*e no humble servant in nomination, ami mumier of doubt that the P., <1. & F. he know* how to do Mich thing* nicely, railroad will be built litis spring, and I he following is his speech placing tout the (surveyor* may lie expected in Mrs. Hanson before the caucus. County not later than next week.

Mr. C/minnan am/ (Unfit m> n of (lit —[Owingsville Outlook.

Fceback cV Sanford hav«- --| etied «»ul with a full stock "f g *' l.-at i'. ii l« i vilb .

Riclmid I .in v ill-* and family, of Mt Sterling, an- visiting hi* lather •^ tills place.

Eld. Manley will preach In i next Saturday night. Sunday and Stimhy night.

Bruce Jtilciiic and Jana* Fceback have been sworn in a* Mai shut* ••] Burtcrville.

Uih-y D»ds »n let* imnul to Miller* burg, where he will cultivate tubacm mi Mr. lb -tVfarm.

Raid. Huddle-mi sold to Joseph A Hell lo acres of land for

The number of cattle in Kentucky in ls*7 was 7*19,821, valued at ffl.ofl9,8iM.

Jolm Stent, colored, sold to Ockeiuan .V: Outhrcy .15 acres of laud for $5i)0


The number of thoroughbred gelding*

in Kentucky In ISH7 was 120, valued at i 517.712.

The number of hor/es and mares in Kentucky In 1887 was .147,700, valued at 510,81(1,259.

W. B Rut 11 tl sold thirty heiuLof I mule* to (J. \V. Bramtdctt at $7J per

lo- id I i-t Momlay.

Pott* (V Hii(Lmid Robt. McVcy, Sr , • .n li -hipped a car load of inulcs to North Carolina last week.

Mr. It. P. Fcx sold his liny saddle gelding to Mr. Wilson, of Carlisle, far •rl7o. [Richmond Climax

For S »|t-—A pair of red bay Norman f irm marc-, three-year old*. Wciglit about 2..100. e. r. DoNNKI.L.

The number of thoroughbred stalliou* in tlu-State III 1887 was 205, und their valin* wa* $2i'0,ot>7. Woodford County i- port- H valued at $50,02.5, nearly our- fourth of tin* total value.

W’aknIM; — All person* indebted to

me for m asoii* to my horses are re«|ut*st- cd '(» call and *cttle ami save expense.*, or I will levy on colts for payment.

('. T. Donnell.

The < otntm-rciul says: At theopen- ing of tin- season hogs were worth $4 f.O per hundred and now they have retich- cd 55 «i" The prospects for packers arc very bright, a* ilie number of hog* in tile West bus decreased 175,000. The

• ! u crop liehig *> short in (lie pyrk- producing State- and owing to the hog* being IL-ht and of an infeiior quality, me-* pork and iartl are going to be fiiicy article* in the market.

SKt kkt.Vrv Lamar lias formully re- -igned his pocitiotl in the C'ul-inet.


Ih the colored race in tlu* United chivalry, Ini' tin- worth and merit of I Stutcs dying out ? is thequcsiiou which

The turnpike t L . ri.m at B ii t.-i ville was not legal, a* tin-notice* w- it* not signe-i The Coinini.—i--t«-• i- ickveer deu-d another eleetimi next Wi dm -.1. v the l.sih.

generous men!—have opened to hei the decrease, fouml their tlu* ry upon | Ui.Milnlilfliw.lDtnlK'li l.utawIiikIclive* ,hef,ii.t tlmt it ilmv- not kton naoc with nue of (illiciul position. We have ... , ... . I,«•.<..! not lor von-. Ho- voi.v inmon..' of tl.o »i.h..lotion, Itiulit mill JiHticv, Unit I'OIIII'S from or in Utn »uiue ratio. ’lUny ilo not luko i-lilfo nml Mtugglf, nml loving mii'io into nucoiiut tiio vnsl mlJition tlmt 1. I'u-e. H in tru. Hint Uniily lii -im ...arK uuulf to tlm liitlor l.y tin- euii* piisoiied, and iioii wliet-ls still toll * , , , ovti tlm uublvat, I'Uii-.’t, untl bunt Him ««'"•» "f ull huro|iumi nutli.i.iili!U-o t-omea from hutuun lives. [Commonwealth.

It is a pleasure to make a nomina¬ tion for u position troni which pollti KA1LKOAD MEETING, eal ideas and political prejudice huvt ta-en ciminated. There cun he but out- . question lor your solution this evening enthusiastic nueting of tlo- clli- miil that, the quistiotl of elliciciicy. zeiia nf Nicholas County was held at I desire to pit-sent the name •»! u lad> the Court-house III Carlisle, Jan. 7, I88S of vtliour UIOMU Blvi-IjI U.iTiliii-in un.l , lu.n,llull cull.tlm censure, il there he such, must pruuoiici ,, the lieiit-Uielion, “good and lulllitiil Uliair und J. A. ( happen appointed servant,” I tit-sin* to present toyou .Secretary. The Secretary staled tin- Ho- name ol a woman who lias left an 0f the meeting to Im.- to hike such

ul'on •!]»' pi'lloil of tlm Stall'. „ ,|wlu,.,| tt.lvi»:,bl.. to history in which she lives. 1 noun- . . . . n He the widow of as biuvu a sohlici express the sentiment % of Hi" people of and pure a man a* (i-ul has yet given Nicholas in regard to the building of lo tench the wotld true heioisin and the proposed C., K. & NV. ruilroml. On vulor; bul 1 usk ior Imr ini nruKiiilion ||n „f Ml, j,,,.. A. r„ni|.l,.ll » ot lier luislaind'.* meiit ; history will 1 In-uor its imnioital name. What I ‘ ‘mimitlee of six w.ih appointed to pre- wish is Imt tlu* icwuid of individual pare and report rcuolut Ion* lor I lie con- meiit. Exuuiine the leeonl; a iceord n-tUratioii of the meeting Chairman

Forty years ago «-LI l nde .1 dun y JCckmun, now living in tlm Hildreth la-lid of Licking River, thi* < unity, came to Nielmi i-County from L’etin- sylvutiia. Tin- Hist m in with w hom he became intimate af:er hi- rniv.d Wa* Ivlmoii Cot I iu*t i ( Panther ('it 11; with whom In- ate l;i* tlr-t Chrlstim s dinner. IB* i* ii -w* io triug !"> yt ar* of age, tint, notwitlmt.lini ng, walked 12 mile* lasf Christina* to enj--,\ the In- pilttlity of his llrst Nielhda* Coiril.v friend, a* he ha* in past real*. II-* i- .1 promising to lelurti > >r a iiiilliday din¬ ner.

To i uk Editor—riea*o Inform your reaJ- or* that I ha v i- h positive remedy for the above nanad UL-mm-. hy it* timely use tliou*aud« of ImpcIi•** c.w* have been permanently cured 1 alimli to* i'1'i 11 » *end two bottle* of my rtme¬ lt y huki to any of your readers who liave con »umpti'-M if they will send nio their express amt p t nifleo addrc*a. Respectfully. T A SLUCTM. M l.. lSllVnr! sL, New York.

I Doc. 21,1&87—Omo

FARM FOR RENT! I :• -in- to n at !*» acre* of hunt near Pis

' • I.Mieh, known a* lln- Jlio. Rail* fiirm. --ul i • i I i, i > mi it a good ho uwe it ml iieces*

• i v liopi iiveiaent*; III aim state of enltlva- ii'iii; |>h-niy <*| water. It not rented pvt-

• I - ti. I. I***. It will bo ruuU-d l at-lid.v :m in oVIoek a. in., on the tnetniseM.

K. II. It AI.IX, HcelJ-Im Hharpstmi'K, Ky.


Otic town want* signal Mags.

Wt* are solid fur the ih-sv railroad. Let her come.

Frank Pott* ami family «l -p irt"d f«»r Boone County, Mi—ouri. their future lioiuc. Huceess to you, Frank.

Jidm R. Thomas having ti iih d with Cupt. Rogers for the Hutching* firm, will return in February to iv-idc on Hie same.

Mr. John (2raves and sister, Matlie, • »f Henry County, are visiting ilieir *intcr, Mr*. Janie* t'lioiu e,

Some of the hoys limiighl they had struck it rich win-ll they di-<.-van-da deer near Loeu-t (Jruve ('tiliieh. t hey gave chase am! when in led pihsiiit K ran to CnelcJoe Bo»dli lor profee.i-ai. Whin lie fastened it tqi in tin- luni.-e il proved to he a pet.

F.-tly Kennedy, w ho haa be n very low wiili pneumonia is aide to lx- up. Hi* brother'Sam, who Is ulso confined lo hi* la d with the .-time disease, is belief.

Notice to Bidders ! Tie - m. hi tuna Council of l bo City «»f Carlisle

m i.m. untile - all person.* desiring to put in i-i-is tor lC-btlng the I amp* for waul city inuol

i • so in (Inn lor (lie regular meeting in lebiauiy. at wlildi lime tin* bids will bn

• • '• n- I and n ad. and action taken tlu-raou. lbe iil-lil. is are mill I red to put In bid* for .'gluing im.t denning only , and whoever I* nwarded the position must enter Into a

' will!, 11 . . >n ; i .n't will, l lie Cull I it-11 oiil I if at I in' .mi. 111. i ottncil otdlgaMug | idm-if to do the work according to It* dl- I red Ion.

Hone by order of tho Common Council, lull. 2. INS*.

JOHN M CAMPIIKI.L. Is cl2-21 t.lty Clerk.

PUBLIC SALE! n . Mast, i i on mi i--loner ot l lie N IcholuM

Clnonciy i ouri, will on ilm

I Kill Nay ol l-Yb.,

Died.—Jami.uy 1th, Mrs. William Kennedy and her father, Samuel Smitii, at thesaitiu lime and place, only fifteen minutes intervening betuvdi

| their deallis. Both liaving pneiiumuia. It bus been our lot to pi-* llu-iiigii many sad scene*, imt ii -ecuis this was the saddest ol all. 1'lie mourning

'friends around llie two death beds Wen weeping fonuutlier, grandlallit r, sister, father, not knowing which would l>. the llrst to cross the river of death. Mis. Kennedy lias been confined to her room for near two years, and just when her friends had begun to indulge in lilt- fond hope of her ultimate recov¬ ery, that fell dcslioycr pneumonia *ev- t*red the silver chord ol life, and she is gone from earth to a lar brighter home in Heaven. Could the sympathies ol kind b lends and neighbors assu ige the grief of the stricken ones their teals would soon Ik- dried up. Willie the gulden ehuin that iioimd a once united family is broken here nil «- • 11 ti. our prayer is thutil may lie united in Heav¬ en, without tin- loss of a - iugtu link.

Di< d, Jail. 5th, iii I iiit child of SamiK I Rut i ill*.

Occasion a i„

sell on tin- premises, the farm of the laU* Hr. ti. 4*. lull* In Nleliola* C’.mnty. Tblssilo will :iIt.i'il :i Hplemlld iipporiuiiily to uay oiu- ile-li'im: to parcIniMc n good hoiuu. The farm consl-t* ol uliuost

233 Acres of Land, All III grusHcxtiept ulmat 20 acres, 1UU acres "I ii virgin soil, hrst-clas* laud for the pro- • uiei ioii of tobacco or any crop. The supply ol Wul.'i on Ilm place Is abuinlaat anil has be.-ii during the most severe droughts ever Known in this country. The (Min bason it a go'MI dwelling bouse, slock burn, stables, tow slu (Is. two orchards, and several con ve¬ in. i.i tut- for ealv-'s, youngntoca, etc. Ii Is Minuted on tlm C.uie Run turnpike als»at 7 mil. ' lioiu Cmlislu, In one ol the Im-hl m igliborhood* In tlm county, eon veil leu l to i liurclies and schools, uad Is a nio-l dcoliable III HIM'.

TIm -ale will take place ul II o'clock, a. iu. *•••' written notices us to terms.

A. A. TK.MI'ldiMAN, Ad in'r of li.< . Farris, dec’d.


An Excellent

Fai m For Sale I

li'ulii idher railroad -joi poraliois, who wit: F. K. Cniigk-toil, Boom- Ingli*, d«i ind want nppusllig Ulus. Wien J. (ili-uil, K. F. Slime, A J. Hilda,

A Nlliv Till UK.

There are uiy few tiling* ill this life of wlik'h we may in* abnohiti ly eertuiii, hut thlw i* one* ol tin in, tlmt Dr. 1*1* n i-'* “I'leabant i’urgullvt- IN-IJt-ln" have no equal uh a ealharlie iu deiangi in. nt* of tit*.- liver, stomuehe and bewtl-. Tltey am very small and (heir action is

plea-ant. Rui'ely Vegetal Iu, ja fleetly hurmlcfctf, 26 eetilo a vial. All druggist-.

i (»IT Kit Ft lit SALIC M\ FARM OF ON K 1 III NI'ltKh ana Hi XT Y Acres, tltiU)

nl laml • Itualcd six miles south ol Cuilislc, lv •. , on :b>. • lullslu -v Itogurs’ Mills 'turn- pike. Th.- larnt H--no of lac best Improved i.u m* lo ib.- county ; plcul.v ot uuver lailtng water. It ha-mi It a comfortable Imu-e ol six rooms. A barn uml ull accessary out building-. All UImls of fruits. Ab.milloi t> or thirty five acres In Timber, rest tu Ora--und work laud.

Il not sold privately bclorc middle ol I ebnmry, Inss, will Hum l»e-old publicly.

J A*). A. YOUNG, Carlisle, Ky.



Massii; Hka.h|.ky, tin* illicit m dri inoiiiahst ol Abeialeeti, i* out iu a eurd ill the I’ai is Ki llllU'Uiull ubuslllg Ibis papur for its *t riel urea oil Ids eoiu-•• iu marrying buhle* in long eioliie*. 1'ei • boitufly we have no desire to adopt the "shotgun policy” tow.ihl the "S.jiiiie,' hut w<- have given trill) lair Winning w hat he may espeel if he U<' p- up Id* priO'llee ol "inlihjng lbe phidit- " - -| Fleiuing*huiK Tltin-s Duuociut

t'hidcc thoads of Cltfirr-, Ulnger Ale, 1 Pop, ' (triibge Cider, l.t^pmudc, do,,

lit way son bund.

Your Hatiimage Respectfully .Solicited.

TIKIS. UAVKUr, t‘rot,’r.

One O.M.r llt'low Ihi' New I.I'liK Sh.re,

When it was known Inst week that the Hying artillery of the City Store hail arrived in Cincinnati, there was n genuine commotion among' the Dry Goods Stores. The city had just two days before

been treated to a tremendous

cannonading from the hill tops of Ohio and Kentucky,

but those were blank curt- ridges fired to announce that

the big City was this year 1(H) years old. But when the

Hying urtilery arrived, they knew tlmt meant business.

They lmd been marking up the price of goods, but when

our Captain pulled up in front of tlieir big murhlc stores they did just like the

old raccoon did when Davy (’ri>eket was about to draw

n head on him. ‘‘Is tliat you Mr. Crockett ? Well then

don’t shoot I’ll come down.” And down they did come, or

else there would have been a smash of plate glues, and a

tumbling of walls would have called out the whole fire de¬ partment, and sent telegrams

to Gov. Foraker for the

Buckeye” militia ou the double quick, bet us now transfer the scene buck to

Carlisle, the living artillery has been hauled into the Imr- acks and bright and clean as a new silver dollar awaits

tile order for the next foray.

But look into the good City Store; see the piles of cottons,

prints, ginghams and all sorts

of staple goods. Our first class dark prints at Scents

per yard, our heavy brown cottons by the piece at 7 cts,

per yard, one bleached cot¬ tons. Sen Islands lti yards to the dollar, canton cottons, handsome new spring ging¬ hams, handsome new cali¬ coes. book all through our store and see if you ever saw

a better looking stock so

clean and fresh, no old moth eaten or musty stuff—all

new, nice and bright. New floor oil cloths at 25

cents |»er yard. New line of corsets from 25 cents each and up. Don’t hesitate to buy your cottons now, they are more likely to advance. I wish to announce to the farmers that Tobacco Cotton is going to be au object this Spring. I bought twenty thousand yards of it and am now ready to take orders for it. will deliver it at my ex¬ pense at the following points (Jeo. b. Carters, Oak Woods Hawkins A Fceback, Blue bicks; Myers, Cowans, and Ewing Stations ; Bethel, Sharosburg, Mooreficld and all points reached by the K. (it. K. and the stage lines.

When you come to Car¬ lisle to buy any kind of mer¬ chandise be sure to come

! right to Headquarters, the people’s City Cash Store, you will find a thoroughly live and wide awake house brimful of push, pluck and vim. No long prices, every dollar a hot dollar, put to work at once to muke anoth¬ er nickel. Farewell to long profits and long winded credits, we have sited a bush¬ el of tears over you, but you are gone, peace to your ashes. We still have about 50 eloaks to sell and we are selling them every day, now is the time to get a bargain. I thank my friends and custo¬ mers for the prompt and lib¬ eral manner with which they liave nut their aeeouuts. There is not another store iu Kentucky which bus as good a paying set of customers as the City Cush Store. We go by that as will' everything else—by the law of universal kindness. As President Lin¬ coln said, “with mulicc to¬ ward none, charity for all,” the good City Cush Store witii all her army of bright eyed customers is still liiurch- iug on to victory und eternal glory. Most truly Yours,

•I. A. CiiAri-Ki.i.,

City Cash Store, i

Blankets, Comforts, Shawls, Cloaks, Hosiery Gloves,

Boots, Shoes, Men’s & Boys’ Overcoats, Suits, <fec.,

AT BOTTOM PRICES. Cheaper than you would expect to buy them.

We have a few hundred yards of prints which we

will close out at 2*80 per yard.

Gr. TLm. HEYMANT. .. Malinger.

Grand Clearance Sale AT-

S. McMAHILL'S New Store. Now is the time to get genuine Bargains in Dry

Goods, Notions, Men’s Boots, Ladies, Misses and Children’s Shoes.

Examine Our Goods Before Purchasing Elsewhere.

If you desire to buy MORE goods, BETTER Goods, For LESS MONEY than anywhere else in Central Ky., remember the place,

=S. M’HAHILLS^^ Opposite Lamar House.

Seasonable Goods! Ratliff, Howe & Co.


Made to Order

Imported Muenroiia,

New York Cream Cheese,

Brook Trout, Tomato Sauce, Imported and Domestic

Sardines, Mustard Sardines,

Columbia River Salmon, Dried ('hipped Beef,

Cooked Corn Beef, London Layer Raisins, California

Layer Raisins, New

Layer Figs, Cooking Figs.

Californa Raisin Cured Prunes,

Turkish Prunes,

California Dried Peaches. Tennessee Dried Peaches,

New England Condensed

Mince Meat, Guaranteed Fresh Butter and Soda



Y»hl Brilliant, Turf and Prrfwt Lti#a n tb WOULD.

(’em lb nr J Miihlirnl llrfiarlioi’ Pmr. Tim AUK MIK A*TltANH»*AUK8T and


Julius A.Krenkle Ami forooflnr** «f midiirHiK-t- to tlu- «y«* ran not In- 0xo«*lli*l. '-iiitLIInu Hit- wearer to raatl Inf hour* without fiUiuuo. In fact, the) uro


—Next Door to St. Cloud Hotel, -


Pepairing done promptly and reasonably, using tin- very best of material. I also sell ready made goods in Men’s, Women’s & Children’s Shoes and Roots at Bottom Prices for CASH.

Te»(iinohUI* from the lending j>hy"loiaua III the t'llltcd State*, call In- given. who Itavo hail tlu-lr Might I in proved hv tlinlr im*.

HawEvs' Patent Extenaion

sritrwj *:yic The Finest in Existence.

All Eyes Fitted and the Fit Quaran- ted at the Drug Store of

Kenney A I fills, Carlisle, Ky.

, Tlii-sc (lias*' -urc not Nup|4tt*l hi |iriliit«r« ' at any price. | None ireiiulhe unleAM the liana- iiawkkm In

•lamped tiu frame. I W Hul.KH VI.K DEPOTS ; Atlanta, Ga.j Aua* I till, Texan. K **ptl, ly.

HAIR BALSAM the popular favorite for druwlng Ute hair, ttenteruig cuter whan | yrav. and prw»»i.Un* UaiulrulT. II cImiuiv Ui. anaip, atop) Ute | It cImum Ui. araJp. atop) Uta I tear fain.w. and U «ure to pUwa*. I

tor. and tt M at I’rogirUU. U

HINDERCORN8. ' Thaaafaat. auraa* and boat cure for Coma, Buntooa. Ae. fttoiM. ail pnln. Iiiura oomfort W Hi. fwi. Mavar (alia to cum. U vunta at L>ruggWU. UkkoA m ‘Nx, ». Y.

G .W. GRIMES, M. 0. l‘li>Mlriaii and NurK'-oia.


STATEMENT —Of ths Comlltlon of the—

Giltco Hi Jmlgo llollldny'a bullUlug. IIuvlng hH-utcl here for the practice of my

I profeaaloti, 1 otter lay Her vice* to the pul.tic. i Keahlelice ill Fuat Kml - ill the Thou. John- I aon huime.

I AllGEMT uml liloNt coionlete Ht«K-k III l'«nJ 1 * llitl Kentucky. Gill Motto Ite-t g'MMtl Illl'l Isiw.'Ht I'oiiNlNtfllt I'rlfCM.

i * thee houra from V u. m. to 7 p. iu. Ducn -im.

I*. tAMItol.l,, I,.- slug ion, My. I 77 unit 7M W. Main Hlrcet. IJaul ly


C’arltalc, Kentucky, Dec. dl, HM7


Real FaHate..4 tl.llk 2b Rank Furniture, .. I,Too no Deiuaud 1.ouhh. 12,’iuu 00

UvordrafU.. 4,t.rr2 r.i Litau* and DlatiouuU. 222,171 78 Due from Uuukg. 08,407 :tJ CoHh audCVh IteiUM . 2o,oo7 o;i

Ml 1.1 KUMiCRG, KY.

TIIAVEu few choice pure hrcl Light llruhmu ami Wyamloite t'oukeielM for

i Wile at 81.110 and 82 00 euch. AUo, eggs In soHbou at 81.00 for III. Thu cuah mu t m-coiii- pttiiy each order.

HatlMiacthm guaruuteed. I 1’(Dec-1m F. A. IIEltREItT.

Liebig Company's

'extract of meat]

LI A 111 I.I I IKS.

C apital Block Hurplua Fund. Profit ami Loh«. ... Dua Bauka . Due Depositors ....

...» 77,000 00 . 2.,000 00

... '1.020 82

... 2,204 47 . 2*8.722 08

m REWARDED are thimi who read ihlMund then act; they will find honorable employment that will not lake them Irnm their homes

| and htmlllcH. Tm- proittMure luige anti sure for uveiy ImlUHlriouH oerMon, many have made ami htu now makiug aevurul hundn-d

, dollara a month. ItUeasyioi any one lo muke 86 and upwardH per day, who I- will¬ ing to work. Either Hex, young or old ; cap-

, Itul not ueeded; we Mart you. Everything


liiuraaltd (iauie liy IIAKU.V LltKIli. Highly recoin mended a* a nightcap luuicad

of Alcoholic drinks

(Kuuiue only with fuc-Mlniili* of Huron Lleliig’n Hignuliire in lilue 144-rOhK iulu-l.

S«dd by BlorcUis-purH, Grocern and Drug- glHtN everywhere.

Net earuluga past 8 months.88,068 21 Diutrlhuted aa follows: Divtdeud 4 pur OUllt. . $.1^88 00

Added to aurplua iuud . 2,808 00 Addtid to Profit A Iams , 070 21


! Hal not ueeded; we Mart you. Everything new. No MpcclHl uhilly re«|iilrud ; you, te.td- el , c-tu do ft un well as uny oue. write us at once lor full pui tlculuru. which we mall tree. Addrcau silusou «t Co., kVrrtlaud, Maine

l u. laliuud deposits of 6 years standing ; Mr*. Martha Kendall, June I88i. IM «is Jane Hatcher, ool. July •* .. .’t no Gao. T. Gould, August “ 2 k) Mary Hlout, col December " . I ftU

V. E. CONGLKTGN, t ashler. Huhtcribud and swore to before lue, hy

K. E. < ougleloii, Cashier of the above nam¬ ed Hank, this Jun. 2nd, 18*8.

JbO. N. Itoas, Nolury Public.


MVIHfl HKA WoNliERHcklsl hi thousuuda llriKr “• (nouH, but are surpassed by the Vffifi marvels oi lnvcullou. Those who

are In need ol protttublc work that can be d-tin- while living ut home should at once send tlu-lr uddrcsH to Hallelt A Co., Portland, Muiuo.aud recleve free, full In- lorniuilon how either sex. of ull ag«h, can earn from 8 • to ft26 per day and upwards wherever they live. You arc Ntartcd free. 4 apltal not rc«iutred. Boiiu tiavo made over v-ii) In u single day ul this work. All sucoeod.

Opened for the Fall Hesslou -

W Meplembep .VII., 1**7. ,*t


PRINCII-AL8, llrary 1*. Itlioilrs.

HInn *ulli(- .Ueliilyre.

ALL Pertous are warned not lo Ircspa-s upon my farm adjoining RurlerOlle.

«d to t'Ulorce the law against td to tulorce the law against tins uotreu.

udmeuiwW.il. MARTIN, M 1).

Terms fur Tulllou of Twenty Weeks : Advanced Glade .... on Intermediate... tMJ Pi Unary, . . _ . . . p.' uu

S. J. Daugherty’s

MARBLE ui ERA1ITE WES No. 6 West Second Strut.


fiuildiug Stouo Alwujs cu Hand. by mull win ri'ct-lvu lln, atiu. ....... . w-uru-r* bymiili wilt ruuvlvu i.uiw

All IU, lligUvr Ilnui.'liM iuu,hi win, |>ruui|iuu«utluu un ir Uillv.r.Jlu u,rwia Uuu, Ko.pIub. »c. AnlllSWI.lv


• I


VVhiiiiMO . -— Gl Is 11 will


Are youdlutu y«»ur rn*t hy as with pain of ci oncii and g--t BootIII HO H V Hi lta value la Ini' poor little HUf upon It, motlie It. It curesdys the stomach at softens tin- ge • ml gives tone tain. Mms.Wi ciiii.i'hkn Tart I* the prescript Lest female im ITnlted (Rates,r throughout tin Its.

John V

for the 4


lions |»po

I l.ki- (Ii tuy llintiltH t for their kind that 1 will Jiii and la-st atm ever had and

EuglKh H| all Hard, H ami BlemlHli H|mvln, Curl Men, Sprain*, Cough*, etc. bottle. Wm Howell, Drug

A11 porHotia dildcd to til note nr nvou and pay Imt money to pay


My ai-pouu come aud act I ir.* 1 want my

ItogerM A 1 that thoeo ov w ird und mi-i No joke, bu do not conn* f

The men v for lust >4*»r txvors this ye. cheaper than who don't car

ltd., Mi»iik<

kind ou hum! minutes by \V This never ft Howell, DruKi


All iiiiii

itutl t Ik*

TIiom* Iim%

214*4*4811 II IM


wlllioul 1

|l*MM |Mlill

t’OII Pi I III 3


To My Frl

1 will make cion

year and conic prom account.

Now Im the tuy Hue of Im clime out, po*it

I.oil An I am «oii

home, I take t all who have i they mUHt call gooila will tm h


To the citizei iiIuh County :

Having this tereet Iu the In Butrin, we tu thunk the pul liberal putronuj Kood will to the may receive th erous aup|K>rt. retnuiuN with tl ofourhookH ui

H|>ectrully U8k | Name.

J. J. Juu. 12, 1-SKN.

All permniM H. CL KobciU. to cull und Ni l

ItiK olalmH uk> preHt-iit them ti

ai.l m.

The linn of la tllikiluy liiuso J. J. Hhucklefo IiIn iutercht to t

Juil. 12, I8NN.

We hereby et mas of J. J. Hit Oh! Htuud nil i ui

retuainiuK with

Juu. 12, I8H8.


e! >ves, /Cl*


:e. ry


ll \if

Pmr. IKMT AND »Ki.r, the aye ran rer to read t, tlioy ure


physicians i. who have r use.




t Guaran-

i of

si*-. Ky.

to peddler*


it, liu.: Aua* >•••1*7 ly.

ELD! ock In CenJ Hu*t gtMHlfl

IOU, Ky IJaul ly



IJIKIIi. •Ml* I it tdeu*l

simile of in Mint

mu! Drug*

I II I >U tMillilM a««d by | ho III Oho who work llial

i* Nhoulti at lull A Co., »©, full lll- i ag< h. . mi il upwards iinU-i frie HtUilu over

ill Mumvil.



MONEY! MONEY! t* what we want^ Money in what we must have. Yam* aeeonni in due and we witt eacpeet pan to cati and settle. SMITH Sf \*T9ICH.




A dvici: TO .?IOTlH:IIM.

Areynudlsturhrd nt night unit brokeu oi y«»ur rent by nNlrk rhlld Muttciihg uml < i> Ihk With pull) nl cutting t« * t h ? 11 A**, send at ODOM Mild g*l M bottle Of Mum. WlNAf.OW’S Moor III NO HYKUI' roll t ‘II t l.tlUB N l>>ntlNW. It* value fa Incalculable. It Mill relieve flu poor llllle MUtfuier liimiedhitely. Depend upon It, mothers, there In no mistake about li.lt ourea dysentery mid dlurh«a-n,regulates the atoinucli and bowels, cures wind colic, aoftcini tin* gums, reduce** inlhimmutl<<m. and give* tone ana energy to the whole sys- t oIII M KM. Wl.NMMlW’M KoOrllINO H* Id I* I on i'll 11. |*H K N TrarillMl la pleiiaiint t<* tnat. . Mini |« the proscription *»l one Of the o|de-t and Ii«*at female uurnca uml phyaieuina in Hu¬ ll ntted States,nml la for aide b> nil dioggl"t* throughout the world. Price 2* eenta m hot* tie. May llMy.

Mints Currie nml MltmU* Mnnti will Tin* Drawing. l>o found ot I heir homo with their 1 - Millinery goode until Spring, nm) are The following were tho lucky onss In very gruteful for psat favoraaml patron- inir drawing Iasi Monday.

Hewing Machine—Wm. Young. "Cross uml Crescent"—C has.

age and ask a continuance of the same

For Male

Jolm R' ronling is :i«rnl

for I hr Cincinnati Weekly

Enquirer. itnil nil *nh«rri|>

lion* |»roni|»lly fortt ni tfrtf.

A € nrtf.

1 take (bis method of returning tuy thanks to my friends uml patrons for their kimluewi, and to inform them that 1 will Jtuvf, this Spring, the fl ue«t and laatt stock of clothing, that I have ever had and at very reasonable prlees.

Jar. Mann. w *

English Hpavin Liniment removes all Hard, Nofl, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Hlooil Spavin, Curbs, Hplints, Hweeney, Ntl- flea, Sprain*, Ho re nod Swollen l'liroat. Coughs, etc. Have $50 l»y use of one bottle. Warranted by Tureman A Howell, Druggists,Carlisle.

Mol Ire.

Ali persons knowing themselves in* deldt'd to tile UOdemiglKHl, either l»y note nr •("count, are requested to eall and pay immediately, as 1 want Die

money to pay my debts. 24nuv2m. T. C. Hkmndon.

My aecounls are now due, so please come and settle at once by easli ot note as 1 want iny books closed up.

J AS. M ANN. w *

II JIumI lie Paltf.

Rogers <k Bostain request u« to say that those owing them must come for- wird ami settle at once and save cost. No joke, but a reality, to those who do not come forward and settle.

—*•« m The nil'll win. wtlli* llieir me,unit,

for liwt >«*ar promptly ran expect (hr fivorn Hit. year, uml buy their prooerie* I'to-up. r limn tli.He lnng-wimlc.1 ones who .tou t rare if they never pay.

Hati.hk, Howk&Co.

Itetl, Muiiko, anil Senile!ne of every kiml on tniniHii or anlmalu eitre.l In lilt minute* by Woolfont'e Sunitary J.otiou Tbia never fail*. Hobl by Tureiinin & Howell, Uiuaaieta,Carl lull*.


All SfCOUlitM are non title

anil llie money M an let I

TImmm- lta\ Iiik luiiK ■■■tNelletl

aeeuuiilN will l»e Nitetl in

January «|unrlerlj (our I

without I'ii t Iter not lee, un¬

ion* |»nill by neat Comity

Court Hay

ui:nhi:v a oii.i.n

To My Frleniln ami l*iitrims

L will be compelled to make clone collections this

year and depend on you to

come promptly and pay your

account. J. F. Fiuth.

Now is Die time to get harguiiiH in my line of business, ns I aui going to

closeout, positively. 11 auk v Ogdkn,

Jeweler. -— m •+• w -

buiiig Io Move.

As 1 am going to Paris to make my home, 1 take this opportunity to notify all who have repairing in my shop that they must cull at once and gel it, or the goods will be wild for charges.

Harry Ogdkn, Jeweler.

Police lo I'mlllork.

To the citizens of Carlisle and Nich¬ olas County :

Having this day disposed ofour In¬ terest lu the lumber business to F. M. Beale, we take this opportunity to thauk the public for their kind uml liberal patronage. Wo also extend our good will to the new Arm, uml trust they tuay receive the same liberal and geii* erous HUp|Hirt. Mr. James France, who remaius with Die new firm, has charge of our books und accounts, uml wo re¬

spect fully ask prompt settlement of the same.

J. J. SHACKLEFORD & Co. juu. 2, 1888.

225 acres of land adjoining the farms of Jus. T. Talbott, Thus. McDlintock ami Mrs. Pollock, belonging to Mr. J G. Witherhy. of Han Diego California Tcims easy and price low. Apply to

Titos. McClintock, Agent. Millersburg, Ky.

Late styles in H. V. Young A(W line hand sewed shoes Just received at IjCo'h.

Don’t buy your Carpets or Oil Clothi until you go to IV J. Hutchings A Hon

Du* furniture dealer-*, and fM*e their •Mortment.

Humk of our rorrceponUeutfi are still j writing it 1887.

P. 1>. Hu ay has moved to the James Fisher residence on Die hill.

M. Hamilton.

"Lights of Temperance"—C. W. Mathers.

"The Rook Open"—J. M. MeCon- nnughhay.

"Thompsons Poems"—Mrs. Emily Fish back.

"Treatise on Horse"—H. R. Owing*. •*Knight Templar Abroad"—Nathau

Young. We the undersigned supervisors here¬

by certify Diat the a hove drawing was honestly nud fairly conducted in the presence of numerous witnesses.

R. H. ClfAM!*, Ed. Bourbon News. J. W. Pow Li NO, Forctnau Mercury.

Ol'U i

they wi ! imddH sre looking ns though sure of success this year.

('YNTiiiAN \ hasorgaidzetl n Uniform Rank of K. P. with forty inemts*rs.

Mon i i I iiisTo (Company played to a parked house here last Wednesday.

PnUTMA8TKK, H. C. Metcalfe, has charge of the weather in tliis vicinity

Tiik Millersburg Deposit Rank do dared u semi annual dividend ofper cent.

i.cghs'tod in our last to say that Inwclps New Year’s (lift was a

Wi: J. D. boy.

KVANALl.tsT MooDY opt»ned in Louis villi* Sunday with a packed house —5,000.

Tiik Natural (las ('ompany at Cyn- thlaim have quit in disgust, having sunk $5,000.

TlIK Law and Order League are put¬ ting some of our citizens to "soma" lit¬ tle trouble.

IlAfHiAHb A Rknton have taken editorial charge of the Winchester Democrat.

Cardwkll, who killed Hunter, in Jessamine County last week has beeu acquitted.

Till: Mozart Hall Company have put in some elevated seals in the back of their hull.

W. H. H. J nil khon, of Millersburg, has leased Die’Purnell House in that city, for a period of two years.

A Law and Okdkk Lkaook lias been organized in Ml. Olivet loauppreoH liquor selling and gambling,

Tiik $l0ft bill** exhibited in Turemuu A Howell’s windows last Wednesdny drew a gm»d crowd around tile sl*»re.

W. A. Him., Jk , of Paris, will have charge of the new puper, under Dr. II. C. Keiioe, to Is* issued here next week

A nkw ferry ls»at has been put in operation across Licking River at junc¬ tion of Panther (’reek turnpike by Day A Wells.

11. M. Kahuis has Is-en appointed special City Collector of taxes, vice Cbas. R. Morford, ami Jno. M. Camp¬ bell Clerk.

Mrs. Laura Nkal, of North Mid- dletowu, has been grunted u |»ensioii— being the widow of a Mexican War veteran.

Tiik editor of the Ml. Olivet Tribune

been arrested for druwiug a pistol on N. A. Throckmorton, Chairman of the Town Council.

John Smith, a poor, Itliml soldier of Ml. Sterling, has been grunted pension arrears of $18,1173, and $73 per month Die rest of his lift*.

Tiik little soil of Jolm Fitzgerald, of of this county, who bus beeu suffering from a broken arm,is getting along very > nicely at present.

— - -- ■ - - - —

So.mi: onk found u gmsl sized roll of I money oil Die streets of Riehmoud some |

I time since, and no one has yet turned up to cluim up. Hlrunge!

A btkkkt railway i*ompany has beeu organized ut Piueville, and T. O.1 H. Vunee, formerly of tliis city, is oueofj the incorporators.

Mrs. E L. Johnson will sell26 ucres of laud, some stock, feed, etc , at her home ill Millersburg, next Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

— - --- Ciiam. Mii.i.kr, of this county, was

lined twenty-live dollars aud ten days in jail by Judge Nor veil last week, for carrying concealed weupous.

Weather Signal.

No. 1, White Flag, indicates Clear or Fair weuther.

No. 2 Blue Flag Rain or Suow. No. 3, Black Triangular Flag, Tem¬

perature Signal. No. 4, White Flag, with black

Square in center, Cold Wave. Interpretation of Signals—1The small

streamer is merely a starting point from which to begin to read.

No. 1, alone Indicate* Fair weather, Stationary Temperature.

No. 2, alone, indicates Rain orHuow, Stationary Temperature.

No. 1, with 3 following, indicates Fair weather, colder.

No. 3 with 2 following, indicates Warmer Weather, Rain or Snow.

No. I with 4 following indicates Fair Weather, Cold Wave,

The indications are given for 24 hours, U'gitining with 7 a. in. eaeli day.

Fora masqued robbers met John Hanley and wife, formerly of this city, in Kansas City a few nights ago, and declared a semi-annual dividend of John's gold watch and $20 in cash. Mrs. Hauly hud her ears covered with a muffler, and saved her tine diamond

I cur rings. She gave them some sharp I criticisms for their im|>olite way of transacting business, and they told her in a very unchivulric manner to hush up, or they w’ould shoot her.—[Bourbon N ew«.

Court-Day—Notwithstanding the disagreeable day quite n large crowd was in town and a large business was done by all our merchants. Collection good. Not; much stock offered, Hut what was sold brought fair prices. Quite a numlicr of private sales of hors¬ es nt good ligures.

Lost Pourkt Book—On Monday I last, either in Carlisle or on the runt between here and Bethel, a leather pocket Isstk containing $217 and four

| copper cents, and a Rath Oouuty tax receipt for $3.40. Finder can return to

this office or the undersigned and get a liberal reward, as I have worked hard to earn the money.

Jkkfurson IIam, Bethel, Ky.

Attention, Sir Knights !

There will Ik* a meeting of Carlisle Cmnmnndery No. 18 Knights Templar, at the new Masonic Hall on Friday evening next at 0:30 o'clock. A full attendance is desired.

Done by order of W. W. Howard, Em. Com.

T. J. Gl.KNN, Recorder.

With our system of mailiug, we can't fail to mull a paper to every sub¬ scriber on our list. Yet there are some complaints from sultscribers, that they don’t get their p*|»ers. The cause Is nothing more nor less than careless¬ ness on the part of the employes iu the postal service.

Jamkm and Thomas Kknnkdy, of tliis city, have nurdiased " The City Drug Store" in Ml. Sterling, and will take possession in a few days. We i>e- speak for these young men u liberal share of patronage, aud vouch for their ability ns upright and hottest gentle¬ men iu ull tlieir dealings.

TlIK Ashland House, Lexingtoii, uuiler Die management of Messna Col¬ lier A Green, is doing a large business, and it deserves all it gets. The table Is always supplied with the very best the markets afford, and Die other aecoiu- inodutious are first-class. When iu Lexington don’t forget to stop at Die Astilaud.


*K you have friends visiting yon, or If yon are going away from home on a visit, drop us a notice. We And our personal column one of the moit Interesting in onr paper.

W. J Saunders, of Ewing, was in town Monday.

Georgn B. Powers, of Winchester, was In town Monday.

Miss Hudie Long, ofHarrisou is vis¬ iting her cousin, George Long.

Col. R. R. Champ, of the Bourbon News, was lu town Monday.

Mrs. Dunlap Howe returned Monday from a visit to Flemlngsburg.

Will Bramble!I has gone to Green- castle, I ml, to attend school.

Wm. Wise left Thursday for Indian¬ apolis on a prospecting trip.

Wm. Doyle left Tuesday for a months visit tu his uncleat Pittsburg, Pa.

Mrs. Wilson (nee Rossel,) of Ciuciun- ati, is visiting relatives iu this county.

Mrs. J. W. Carlin returned Friday from her visit to her old home iu Geor¬ gia.

Mhw Katie OfConner has been visit¬ ing her mother In this city, during the past week.

W. A. Hill, the Paris marble man, was down Monday looking after his customers.

Miss Corra Porter, of Maysviile, has l»een visiting relatives in this city dur- the past week.

Judgo Chas. Lytle left Monday for Hot Springs and will tie absent two or three mouths.

Mins Mary Clay Baxter has returned from Hamiltou College ou account of illness.

Homer Berry, of Paua, III., has l»eeii


K INC ART—'To the wife of George Klncart | of this comity, on the 5th ln»t., n daughter. I


HOSSKLI.-UAFKIN— At the residence of the bride's father, near Headquarter**, R. It. Rossel I and Miss Ella Qaffln.

BARLOW-MORRIH—At Headquartcra, In this county, John H. Barlow and MImn lift- tie Morris.


LYNAM— On the9th Inst., lu thD county. | Mra. Harry I.ytmni.

FOOTER— On Haurday Inst, at Ids home near Miller's Htatlon, in this county. Mr. Jerry P. Foster, aged about M years. Obitu¬ ary left over for want of space, will appear next-week,

CARLIN—In this city on Monday morn¬ ing, Trlnnee daughter of Rev. J. W. aud Alice Uarllu, aged 2 years and :i months. A lengthy notice crowded out.

FORMAN-On Monday last, near l.lttle Rock, Bourbon County, Miss Celestlne For¬ man, (laughter of Mr. Wesley Forman.

DALLAS.—The death of Mrs. Cynthia Dallas, who pussed away on Hnturday, Jan. 7, isss.nt her homo, removes from the com-1 niuntty a name and a face rendered familiar | by at) unbroken residence of seme 50 years. She was born lu Harrison County, in IHIH, I and formed one of quite a uumemu* family. | Hlie frequently alluded with evident delight to the circumstances which led her to unite I with the Christian Church, at Paris, lu her | early womanhood. For some time prior to her marriage nud up lo the tluieol her death slio resided iu Carlisle. Hliu has outlived most of her contemporaries. As a woman, Mrs. Dallas was exceedingly unpretentious, and her demeanor In life was honest ami humble. There wus no attempt to he any¬ thing other thnu she really was—a plain and sincere Christian woman. Her religious lire was characterized by piety, prayerful¬ ness and unvarying faithfulness, .she was a woman of decided convictions in all matters pertaining to life and godliness. Her con-1 sisteut life and zeal for the Lord were a con¬ stant Inspiration to her Christian friends. I

L. GUT MANN & CO., <* J ewelers,


Dcnlcrs in Watches, Clocks, Silver and Plated Wares, Spectacles, Ac. All goods warranted as represented.

(t^Plicpniring Solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed ■jm

M. O. DEVOSS, Manager.

Darnall & Colliver, COAL DFALER8



Jas. Archdeacon, CARLISLE; ICY.,

— M ABU , ACTITRKIt or —



Buck Wagons, Sulkies, .-Skeleton Wagons, Carts. Drays, &c.

teT Kopniring, ninl all Branch** of Hlai'kamithing Done Promptly.

Will sell you the best Coni at most reasonable prices,

and give yon choice of 10 of the best Fire Com¬ panies in the world to indemnify von

against loss. «1VE VN A CAM,.

Dot l-Otn |


Fresh — Bread I AND

Cheap Groceries.

Children Cry mo niTeupn’p » FOR PITCHER’S

We keep constantly on hand

a select stock of Groceries, which we sell at the

lowest prices ;

Also fresh Bread and Rolls

| baked daily. Give us a call.

GRATER BROS. In her declining years «du* found her chief

visiting relative*) in this city during the delight in conversing about the welfare of pH nt week. i bur Master'a Kingdom. The community

... ,,, . . bears willing testimony to her devotion as a W. T. Henry will leave this week for] wife, uml her luterest in her children whs

Naples, Florida, to tqtend the reuialuder truly motherly, of thesobut three survived I of the wiutt*r. | ber deuth, uud mini.stored to tier lu Iter lust |

Mr. F. H. Wilsou, of Denver, Colo¬ rado, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. W. B. Lee, of this city.

Mrs. \V. T. Buckler lias gone to Ocala, Fla., to atteud the sick bed of her daughter, Mrs. Tom Waller.

Wai. Craig aud sou Newt, left Mon-

Hlnuss. We trust they will cherish her memory und Imitute her godly life. Mho was no sit auger lo trouble, uml hente her fond affection for the lourteentli chapter of John, "Let not your heart l>e troubled," from which I her fliueral discourse was prrtichod on Him- day last to a largo and wceplug congroga-' turn. «ut sho lias exchanged tin* storm** of life for the ptaouef heaven, "Blessed are the

. , deud who die in the Lord fiont henceforth : day morning for a three month’s trip yea »aith the Splrl? that they may rest from through Kentucky and Tennessee. their labors, hum their works do follow

Mr. John Craig, of Lancaster, was th*m'_ the guest of his brother, Wm. Craig’s family, from Uaturduy until Monday.

Miss Lida Saunders returned to her home in Lexingtou, Thursday, after a short visit to Miss Minnie Stewart.

Casloria hhw M M M CAPITAL PRIZE, $150.0

Centaur Liniment is the most, wonderful Paln-Curer the world lias ever known.


* We do hereby certlly that we sunervl^ the arrangement* lo- all the Monti.Vv n m

Hlate (Jittery Loin puny and in purnou man- SdThitCM,llr0lt,l° |,r,|wliig*% thcmnelvcn,

thesanio are comluciou with Imiii- esty. fatrnoMM.and in go.,,1 ruiih toward tin parties, nml wc authorise ttie Com puny i,, use tlilM cortlOcat**, With fnc-slniiles^or^our slguaturus attached, lu I In advertisements"



Mr. Altiert Hostetler has returned home after u two week’s visit to hi* J father in Galatiu Couuty, who lias. kieen <|Uite ill.

Misses Crotia aud Lizzie Coons, und Miss Ollie Coons, of Bath County, ac¬ companied by W. W. Scott, C. 11. Me-j Cormick uud Joseph Hon, spent New Year’s week with friend* in aud mar Mt. Sterling.

Mr. Joseph Hou, of Gaiutiu County, is vtailing his uud •, Andy Conns, ami other friends uml relatives in this ami adjoining couutie*.

Souutor B. F. Reynolds, Kepreseutu-

Wbsu n*by WM sirk, wo gsro )i«r CMtoria,

WUon sho wm a Child, she rrio.1 for CMtoria,

Whoa oho boeamo MUn. aha rlimg to CMtoria,

Wh«u sho had Childrau, oho gavo Vieoi CMtoria,

NOTIfti Of IM0RI'0IUT1(I\ Know all men by tbeso presents :

That wo tli.- uudorolgiMHl, tin hereby aunty, elate otirsolvoM together, and become iucor- |N»rated tinder t'liapter ill ol tin- General .statutes ol Kuutiicky with |M*wer tn sue and bo ailed by the cnr|N»|-Hle name, to luivc a common Mttul, willi power to alter -ami- at pleUHUie. and with power to render the onart-H *r liiierc*ti»or theHtticklnyhlerN trails- lot-aide uud to prescribe the mode of m ik¬ ing NUt-li transfer, with power to exempt the private property of luemhcrN from liability

... for corporate debit*; to make t-nnlracij, ac¬ tive El Kclitou uml (’lei k Keller were quire and transfer properly, po-scsHing the 111 ivcimiii, Uini A-Ieik l\»lli*r were M,n„. In such respect a*t prlvute In¬

al home from Saturday until Momlay. I'V,"!.®."-*"?.' ,u’_ ‘ by-laws,

Dealer in all kinds of | Furniture, Window- Shades, Brackets, Pic-

/ture Frames, &c. at the

Lowest Cash Prices, Delivered Anywhere.

||IKI>MtTtUI.Vtj anil. I.IIKiMlINU a SHU'I A I,TV, |


With the finest assortment of CAMKKTM anil ItolihX, together with the clisn|*o*-t CAHI-Xconstantly on Ituuil. Don’t be afraid to call on iin, wo can furnish you any milflt you may desire, tiom Du- FINEST to the

UlfB Evil llrulou, ol lit. Sterling, litt. Ix-eu I In' gueat ut Mr. mill Mr.. T. C. Colliver for the ptt.l week.

and make till rules uml rogulailomt deemed expedient lortlie management of It.s atlalrH not luctnislMtont with cxtMting laws.

Isl.Ttio underMlgneil are the iiuiiion ttf the Ineorporatom; M. V. Itostuiu uml vv. j. Komietly. The name of the corporation Mlmll

Will Hnvil wlm liau Immoi in I,wliu..u be the Carlisle Milling Company, and it, ll). nn\u, Wlio uas lain lu imtiaua principle place **i husluess Carlisle, Ky. r about a year is hvre visiting his sis- -’ml. The general nature **f the btiNiuess

... ./ „ , 4 * i proi*oAcd to no transacted Ih the operation *»f for ter, Miss Mary Boyd, of the Ht. Hotel.

Miss Carrie Muusou returned Mon¬ day from her visit to Ciucinuati, ac-

I pro|*osed to betraiiMucted U the operation of Cloud a Hour mill ami the buying and helltug of

! all kind** of cereals amt such other business 1 u« Ih Ineldeiilul thereto, wltti )H>wor t*> carry I on hucIi business ax a natural person.

.'trd. The amount of capitul stock author- Ise«l to be Issued In the name of said cornu-

... _ ... ^ . . rutlon is twenty-flvethtyusantl dollars, tltvl- eorupanied by Mins Halil© Camptiell, ' detl into sbureHof one tbmiHaml dollars each, who U tlm on. Hl of Mr- r ..n \| w......h The same to lie paid In at the time ami In Who is Hie guest or Mrs. Holl M. Waugh, ma manner to be det mil tied by the Hoard of

hrauk Carr, the affable railroad agent im. The said corporation Is to commence nt Riehmoud, was over to see liis old business ou the «h day of Februaav, mss, .. , . ’ . , . „ , , anti to terminate 25 years from said date, friends in tills city last Monday uud uulek* sooner disaolv.Hi by a two-thinlM

Koteof the Capital stock.

Ali persous iudeldetl to the estate of H. G. RoIhjiU. deetused, ure requested to cull und Ht-ltle, uml all persons huv- iug elaluiH against suit! estate, must present them to me properly proven 2t.| M. J. RoiiKHTd, Adiu’x.

m ••• m

IklhNol ill ion Police.

Tile flriu of J. J. Hhm'klc(oid & Co. Is this day dismil veil by inutuul eotrseiit| J. J. Hliut-kleford retiring, having Hold his interest to F. M Beale.

J. J. Hiiacki.i i iihd,

J. W. FltANCK. Jail. 2, 1888.

We hereby nontinue Die lumber Uni- lies* of J. J. Hliiit-klefoiil <k Co., ut (lie old stuud on rail roud street. Mr. Fiuttee reiuaiuiug with Die new eoueern.

F. M. t’l'ALK, J. W. Franck.

Jttt). 2, 1888.

Tiik Mkkcuky is iu something toward having a street lump pluotsl on the It. M. Bark’s corner, near the depot, at foot of second street.

— —- —

M. V. BosTAIM has purchased 8. G. Rogers’ interest lu the mill site uud en¬ gine iu this city, uud Die old mill iu

Iin* suburbs for the sum of $.3iinm)cuhIi.

Mh. W. J. Kknnkdy deeire* u* to n turn IDs sluoere thunk* to his neigh¬ bor* uml InotuU who were so kind to hi* family during hi* lute bereavement.

♦ • - —— Wi: are indebted to Mr. uud Mrs. I

J ms Dooley for a share of the nice lot •*! | cake, fruit, candies, UUts and grapes sent tlieii) by Mr. Dooley’s, slater, Mrs. Murlhu Marr, of Muishull, Mu.

Would it nut be u-gomi ideu for (lie street lamps to bo left burning ou the j

Killkd—While erossiug the bridge, uear Die old Jail Tuesday uioruiug,

Burry," Die line English pointer lie-

longing to Jno. D. Howell was ruu over by the uortli bound traiu and iustuutly killed. There has l>eeu much lamentation among our hunters, us lie wus an extra line dog.

Mu. llAttKibON McCormick, of For¬ est Red eat, inis bought of Mr. Win. MeCruckeu a residence ill Dorslaua, uud the saw ami grist mill of Chris. Higgins, und will move to towu. He puitl — for (he mill and $525 for Die house.

Burned—A sixteen-year old color «d girl, of tliis county, wniie popping corn iu front of a lire place, last Saturday caught Are and wus so severely burned that she will die from Die effects.

Torn Watkins, who bus charge of

Die IlillstHtro section on the C. A S. E., will work a section ou the Maysviile A Rig Handy road IFkiningshurg Ga¬ zelle.

Dks Tilton uud Grimes In consul¬ tation w ith Dr. Duwnou, of Cincinnati, on Die cuse ol Mrs. Foruittu Gillepie yesterday, did operate, ihiukiug hei too feeble lo under go the operation.

Jno. 1. Fish Kit hu* been re-elected

principal streets, an hour or so longer Cashier of die North Middletown Hank,

when there Is uu entertainment of any ulHi l‘,H increased $300. We are kind iu towu. delighted ut Ihe good news.

presented our foremsu with a handsome pair of driving gloves.

Miss Lmuiule Mock, the beautiful bruuette who has beeu the guest of Miss Fannie MeHhuue for Die past week, returned to her home in Millers- burg Tuesday, mueb to the regret of all her Cynthluua friends. She was said lo be the iuo«t graceful dsmvr at the hop Xmas.—[Cyuthlaoa Deiuocrut.


Mayor HarueU la much better.

Mrs. Forman Gillispie ia no better.

J. K. Owen's child is dangerously ill.

"Wink," youngest sou of Kobt. Gar¬ rett is very low with pneumonia.

lira. J. P. Foster Is ill with bron¬ chitis.

Mrs. Jim Campbell, uear this city, is low with malarial fever.

Claude Ratlitf, who lias beeu couflued to tils room for several days is improv¬ ing.

Geo. Heerest, who bus beeu very low for several days with catarrhal fever is some better.

Mrs. John Goodman is very ill with malarial fever ami her husband is also colt fined to his bed.



lltfV. J. W. Uirli the Baptist Church uing and night.

rliu, will preach iu uext Muuday tuor-


The following list of letters rcuiuiu unclaimed iu the |Mjst office at Carlisle, Nicholas Couuty, Ky., for the week eudiug Saturday, Jau. 7, 1888, aud will be held two weeks -subject to au additional charge of one cent each - person* culling tor Die same will pleuse say "advertised:"

Marti it, Vaut-y Miller, Mrs. Hue Hcreetnn, J. J. TUoiuas, Mr. Doss

11 C. Mktvalfk. P. M. Carlisle, Ky.

During Die year 1887 there died iu Gvorgetowu aud Scott County twelve peraoua wb<sa- united agea reached MV7 years.

5th. The ntlHlrn of Haiti Corporation Hhail he munuaeti by a Hoard uf DirmtirMeoiuiiuM- etl of uot Iohn than two aiid not luoro tliuo five purHttns stockholder** lu Haiti rorpora- tlou, the Freddeut. Meeretary Hint Treasurer, uud Hitch oilier ollit-ers uod aueiits ia may from time to time ho Hpptdutotl l>y Haiti Hoard of Directors said President, Hecrelary and Treasurer to he elected by the Hoard of Directors out of tlieii owu number. The un¬ dersigned Incorporators shall ho the Hoard of Director* of said I'-orporatton, with power to inci ruse the uumher to live, uutil tile first Huturdsy in Marclt, ISSN, hi which lime the Hoard oi Directors shall be elected by the Stockholders, ami shall hold their term of olhce for one year, und until their successors are duly elected amt qualified, uud uunually thereafter on tile first Saturday In .Mureli, thu Uourd of Director*shall he elected t>y llie Htoflkbolder*.

Tito Httaril of Directors shall annually elect the President, Secretary ami Treasurer.

till) The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the Corporation Is ut any time to subject Itself shall not exceed the suiu of |15,UUU.

7th. The nrivutft property ol the stock- li old ora shall tie exempt trout corporation debts aud limn all t oriiorutlon liuhlimes.

Witness our bunds, tilth the 7th day o| Jan¬ uary, 1 HtM.


A Beautiful

The patronage of our friends aud the public generally, In respectfully sol lo led ami sails faction guaranteed.

D. J. HUTCHINGS & SON., Piper Block.

SHOE! 9.' yju iLiKir©

New Froaess $l.f t Sho©.

lutroduolug our new shoo to (lie tratle we shall try aud prove that wo uro giving some¬

thing out inly new lit you til a speoiaily, al«o more value, wear and comfurt than cau he found iu uny shoo now ou (lie market lor the price.

1st. It taiuadu entirely free from Lasting uud Solo Laying Nulls, by a New Method of lusting.

2nd. A smooth luncrsolu free wear out sioi klugs.

Hr-d. They are Double Mole, not welled und filled with paper. nil. They are stitched by a lock stitch inoetiine, that is ©qua! to the best Hand Hewed. 5th. They two Silk Fitted aud trimmed inside with calf.

titli. They are made of the Host Tannery Gulf, Glove Kid or Uoudola Top, worked Hut¬

ton Holes, frlp or 1 tn i. Lace Congress, lu ull stales of lasts, plulu or cap m plalu box to«,

surface stitched or t-UaniicI, uml will lake the place of llaud Hewed Hhoos at half the |prleJ

•’row ull tucks, pegs, nails or threat, to hurt the feet or

uud will wear better.

J. W. B. LEE, Suit! Agent, Carlisle, Ky.


On frVl.runrj) Hili, issn,

1 will sell at public suit* one uf the iiioust llllle huiuoa lu Central Kentucky, contain lug I’ASi acres of fluu blue grans land, so acres good tobacco luud, I mile irotu North MlildletoH n ami Immediately on tile Cano Khlgc turnpike. The luud Is uenily all in grass, fencing lu first t lass ooudlliou, uml • verythtug Just ready to muko money on, Tile dwelling Isa line frame ( f seven rooms, vuraudu iu front with porch tin the ell. If is i-ousidcred one of the host frame houses In Hourhou < ouuty. The P. F. U. If. if. runs III about uiilo of the hotise, One of flu- best schools lu Ky . Is situated at North Middletown : also churches, Ac. There is a flue orchard of I5u trees wit It plenty of small fruit. The yard contain* about t acre* ami well tllletl a till evergreens. Tills home must he seen to ho uppiccluted, uml not oil- 1 eu sueli a ujaeels offered Without uny re¬ serve bid ll goes t*» the highest blildei, ami those wanting u holm are invited lo come aud see before day of sale. i

At tiie same time ami place thu foiloalug pel stiltuI properly will he nold : 276 situ* ks 1 of ooru with goad (>'0*1 lot to feed ou : leu itairels of bread corn lu crib ; 4 cows uml calves; t *ow uud i>lg»; 2 work mules; 2 hoi •< a 1 a ogou, nearly new, i *lod; i yearling belt er. 6 double plows ; ti shovel*; 1 luower uud ! rake; 1 buck wagon; lmwlmggt; I rock a wgy; 4 avis geur»; 2 culling Iroxcs; Itousuliold I and kltcheu furniture ; ihs ol liacou ; 5u* ihsofiard. 1-aiul will he sold lu .'i pay mints ‘B cash, Uaiaucc in 12 and in month* with *i | pei vent Halt- comiuctuie piumpliy at lu o't look.

F. K. TiltiMAH, Agl. I

F. M. Peale & Co. HUCt l-Xsoit s TO-



Wo the iimlurslgned Hunks and Hankers pay aii Prizes tiruwn In the LmTlsiaua

Htute Lotteries wlitcli may he presoiitetl at our (uHintvrit. 1


t’ri'H. Limlniunu NH||nlm| Hunk. P. LANAUX,

I’rcH. Hlule Xttllonul llurik. A. BALDWIN,

l*re». New Orleuna Nulioiml llunk. CARL KOHN,

I'rtH. Ciiinii Nulioiml Ituuk.


Over Half A Milliou Distributed

Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporate.I n. ikoh l„r ,6 jeur.iiy

l-'Ki-lulure for Kllueutlouul ,.„u Ctmrfl.blo pur pow.—wltli » eapiui uf,l,(M^<»l-to

" eu iuuJu."” V“ ,^-00'' *«• «!»»

By an overwhelming popular vote u. frauehlMo ... J-

Htute ( oust 11 u ttou adopted Utxwubvr 2 1K7I»

TKeonlyl^ry rtW ^ by the people u/ tiny Mutt. ▼ '

It never Scalea or tn. ■ I. hr.ug *ln|. Number Brnwlng.

• nke pl.ee I, Wunrlerly ,„ul», lr Ihree monthu. (Harm, June, Hepieui brr uud Dumuber.)

A bPLKNDIll OPI'OKTI blTV ..... »1» a EonriivE. “iKtuIani!

^LAHH li. IN TIIK ACADEMY NKW OKI.KAMI. II KM.AV vik, mug giaib .m mi il. iy

OK MUSK . February Drawing.

CAPITAL PRIZE, $t50,000. A0riBt-~Tltk«li ar, Tta Dollars o.i,

Tealka 11. •ISU.U0U.airsi.ouo

uh.UOU. 6U.IX4)

Halves $5. rriihm $2. 1 CAPITAL PKIZFof 1 GRAND I'RIZK of 1 GRAND PHIZ*, of 2 LA KGK PltlZKH of 4 LAIIGK PltlZKH of

2u PltlZKH of 50

jot Approx Imal Ion Priaca of

UU l.UWU V »»

Office and Yard Neai- Passenger Depot. Give them a call.

. 2U.UUI lU.MtO VU.USU -.»>«» . 2o,‘ltd i.«»ou. 2U.UUU ©OU. Z5.WJU •'UU.... .-tu.uui aoo 4o,mjo

... «u,u*u Mi.uuu ZU.Hil

“JU. I0.UUJ . 50 Jas

2,17VPrises, amoun..ng tu. iwi6.uiu Aupllcatloii for ralo.oluU. .lioulU only t,e

UrTjTu: W

Kor furiuor Information write ol.arl> giving ull addle.. 1-o.fHl A.le., k.m.L Money Urders, or New York Kxohsrige In ordlnury letter Cu reucy by Kxpress < a our ugpuusoj a«ldiess«'ti 1

* A. DAIlPlin,

or M. A. DAUPHIN, ••»- * Wusiilugtou, D.C.

Address Registered Letters to New Orlcuua Nalluual Hank,

New Orleaut. g.e.

It KM KM liElt Pr»j,M',*oe *»f , * . ••'•s.v General* llesuregard

uud Karly, who ure In charge of the draw¬ ings is a guarantee ol absolute fairness uud lulegrilv, that Die oIiuiic. h ure ali equal, uml that no one can ponslbiy divtuu wiiuL nn in tier will draw a prlxu.

RKMKMHKR that the payment «f all Prizes is 4.1 Ak4Y|'*:i;|| HI’ t'OI'lt NATIONAL MAN MM of New "’leau., »«l“ III. Tk'krUniv -igo.,1 by II.. prnlilobl of an iuslllniton whose chartered rlghtsarerec ognlxed lu tile highest * units ; therefore, beware of uuy imitations or uimuiaioui scheme*. 7

has reVi.luUotiU.sl the world during the last iiulf century Nut least among the wonder of iuveiitiv© pIngres. Is a

method uml »y*t«iu ol work that can la- per Itiriueti ull over they country without sruu rating the workers from their homes. Pay liberal ; any one can Uu the wmk ; sliht i •***• f.°Uhg or old ; m.special ahllily u-qulr- J’?1’. V,*P'UJ hot u> i-dud; you ale slurleui free. I Ut this out aud leturu to usuud we will semi >ou free, seam-thlug «d gn at \ nine and luiporluuce t*» you, IhaT wlTl stuit you in liilsiUeeM*. which will bring >ou in more “‘.V“oy UU>1!,.U|X ©I** IU the lirami milflt free

Taint a to., Add i ess

Augusta, Maine.


YVK H^V>: ,,l'*N*" ■' I IIAI. V ? yard iu * Uillslc, and have ..It hand a

full supply of all kinds ol t-oai. All of our coal is kept under cover, uud is dry uud lu

‘ "rU.,r- v Vu“r Pannage U respect ^iuiSln’sMlIL ‘,n“ u‘w: Bogrra





Wh**ro nn> ih "rallim* fU*«|f lYu/t-n nn l tfea<),

lYrrhnnrr, up m **•■: Weak nml ntormy ulioro, i >!i, il..ulilfn^ heart •

Far purple h«.|*h The.' •>' .If, In Kuiuijr cohv, Tliul’i! uy■•'Uf!ii,rii hfri'B

Tm I t in.-'ff.i i i.*ir northern home once morw

W !i ;itsf the Ameera ill"? lYlsonoil they Ho

r M vomit. Ii»*r.llr« «. f imr* or min. «>li. dtMilitirifi lirnjf I

T’.i v only nlfi-p l» |ow 'i’li »«ift, w IiHh ermine hiiow Whil.' winter wind* nlmll blov.

In* nml snillu upon you n<*.>n a

UlMract tin II ott* situation, •null snoxv house for till' h ;

Tlu*li* war vow-el h rain order. und of claw. too. for il w. lift Into every otln r without rt'jxtirtl toil ttfw won* often r< • I or ml buttle in wii fft.ro»f tiin



Ml t I llioln to \>\

o.l to Ik mi M i. .him?

lei - m

than kru|i cr ;"•! nml



. lilt* <Uj—R'O. I’' 'SScM. (M'l- it ■••«. t»l"> Oou .i » Or. Irv—Tl || r 1,1 f*r!f Ini fir ■. • t r r>' | la-.ij , ,

v«1 t a 11 I I i . : ", I I , r . 1-1 fiii.in/fifllMfll /rvff.'l U'A- I

Strtp i viMinilo slime mi-ht- .

| trip'*, liiilUm«r*\ Mil., V. k, a. I

i |i:*m


SALVATION OIL, "The Oreatest Cure on Earth for Pain,”

rjuicklv than any <ly. Rheumatism,

Will relieve more other known remedy. Neuralgia, Swellings, Druises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost¬ bites. Backache, Wotmds, Headache, Toothache, Sprains. &c. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle.


Cooking Stoves, Heating- Stoves.

Paror Stoves. |

ni nr

XtheXeclIpse \X Tlii' “ Kdipsi-. ‘ is a new

k‘atlt'1- in <’coking StoM-s !

Ucimtifiil in (!< sign, ittnl I’tillv

gntinmtiiil ns ;t ISnkn- ttuil

('linking Slew.;mil iis low in

|ificf ns any sieve weiviiing

ns ninny |ionmls.

I slnkc iny rcpiiliition its n

stoic 111 ii11 iii giiarniiUving' il

ns goml if net lu'ttiw 1 linn I lie

I icst.

i~ in* ileil to cull

its merits lor

4 Itiil Its my* TIm-ho many day*:

i ill -.. ary hours ii. vrr I nn) the Ob, ilouhtliu; heart •

The ntormy i-luuil* on high Veil the mum* autmy *ky That himjd t for spring la nigh)

hall wake the summer Into golden mirth.

Pair It •• Is ilnwl. nml light Isquoacheit in night*

V. bat sound can break the silenw of il« Oh, doubting beat s '

The sky Is overensS, Yet stars shall rl<«* ut hut, brighter for dark ms past.

And ntigi'ls' silver voice.i stir the air - AUebi.da Aline Pro.

awl ,tl tin

flu* l

• IF


• ilsiny. 1n* I*

infer fi t mi m

: ivulVId... lot i Arctic win! .-ctw, nn l wl

i tin Sill I •

pair? I sir


t ontinucil hue iwnv that ilia

• t! i»* Im

i: a c i \ lioily

nml examine

t Iteinsclvcs.


* to It iih is usually d lu a tin s'i.iji, i u iil ii I s, i make u Hpeeiiili.v of


Mantles and Grates. Tiin OEIOIl'Til.li



.V Co.

jonri f r;r.TH door to Kntliti'. Howe


Illlj&Jpr v-.r-

SMi-M.: -, ••

Invalids’ Hoitri fiUlf) of i.lilbl, e

(a| .*.o ( ALL CHHONI';

Path n* .ii il • I b tn id I at b ■ a . nu«-< ss|isl|y u- ll • e its. *.r - ii 1 t " IiivjIiJs Uu.dc-: . ul us. Ad Ir CAL A’S.ICI vrm:;, ,

-J Irslili:

o y F.

*ehn k«

il I'¬

Ll r. l-i.-r. id all i'.-h (•ut udm l.--lllg u I’hriHib- worn at. ,d Hip'll l it leal In .1IIIII ill uduptliu;

Dr. Pieroc’ In tho r - til of 11 . Iiileriiul e.m:;t slt . ami tiler ration, Il i « ■ 1H ll puli i ltd ir.-iu-1-til, .1.11 mid ii-a-1 im . mid impai i • \ i. to tin- wif i, rfy-'ti-ta. It < >■ KtoUUldl, llldlg -i,l lull. Id’ >.it n nervuiw pi-oMti-aiion, i-xbatiNi l leepleiistf .s, III I'itlf-r tion in iUl h> 'itn yuorudfirive wrapper m

for in llainiiMilioit

-I • ellle. It II C .if. t itle. I. III. i. > i- nml sin i.gth III 1 V. • M U It* KS id lliur. ii.uk hick,

bllity and I’rmi i ip-

PRICE $1.00, Send 10 oeiitri in HtmnpM

TreatItte on lligi-ue. . . I pipel-. uV« re.lt. Ad'll < W elllV Ml.l.icin Ahkox.IATION, llutlub), N. V.

under our j« stiti-r uud bottle.

on ni\ itoiTU.a i nn $0.00.

• III-. IMetn.-’g lurgo \\ ..mi. It i ICO piigetf,

"M» >* In l-l N- I .Mulu Ml.ft,

\CVCC5 Xonsawt.





TILLS. owoxts ..X't S-IHI.JOl s uii.l eA’K'IIAlt'l’lC

stcr. siEadacws, l*.lions IKenilm-lii , lllXXlllOHH, V oiisl I pit- I ton. t II.I i u e - lioii, ill.I III lioilH AllitcKs,

i.roinpily niied l v Dr, Pli-r.e's ••teamin' k'nrtfiitl vo l*e||el»>. . veutii a n I d, by J»riiK:'.l»ifd.

cs kxM-

.should be use.I u lew luoiitU* Itciorv t oiitliti-miiiL b*oil lot bpok ” To M”» ufeu-V Utuiiol b >

. b Ha 1>» U.IO K la. i I. AT oil Co. AI -ituu, (ia.

Sure i-DOugh. u storm « :»tn*.“ tearing il .wii from the nortliwe»t that .1 » !;. »! uh if ii hail Cedric to ‘tnv for si v. hilc, uii.l. :»> 1 < l a. liia wonl, Ik^utvbik. with Nan* if.); a. -I 11 or l-Vy car-old l.rotl.er «-f tin- former— Ahwaiiak Uy name sallicil ■ > it i t lit.- ilm-c Ula. l to tackle un\ wal¬ rus that mi^lit l>- found out enjovin^ am It wiatlei-. All hough iluring tlunc hop e, If shore winds, the walribcd yi-n- «-rally ;•<< sailing out l>‘ sen ori the ralcci • i i o that hrnik«IT frc.ni the edge < f the -•hoi ice. our two hunters mi-it- lucky isi I luliu;; all old otic that had found it mu. \ciiudit to stav ut home, ami u;» part pay¬ ment for their cxiaft-urc in mucIi fearful wi • 111 tliej found it i u-\ t tb" I rule lo taking udvantsp-c . f tin* din tin- wind v.-sih inakitiK. To cut up Iti.s CiTi'iu* v.;|, hut the Wol’U Of H f'.’W UIO- itil’dt hut. ►hoi t as il was. it was long o:i.u ;!i tor I he tide, then lit in;: r.i|.iilly, I hit tin-;.rcat Held of slioro kv a footer ; o mom and elevate it clear of t!i>- r ef, \. liif'li ; • far had acted sis u huge hrake to hold il to the laud, and with a ripping, roaring iio'imc, like the clone volley of mud,, ir. from n l.attaliun of men i-r the ci:. hoi' a mar tlmiidcrU-li c!i aviug the air, they heard thin field • f ice on which they el*>o.i tearing loouo from the main hole, and by tho time they reached the

crack, lit t) \aids away, it had Income o large that il would Imvo been

.. dangerous experiment to attempt ( • I up in p. ; fur in hi.t |M'i‘|M>tuttlly ice I ult-n s.ult.'itiie Eskimo in a stranger to the art «>f swimming. The/hIcksI anil looked at each other foi a minute, griu- n.ng a H.rt of sickly smile that the t'uu- • asiaii re|K*ats when ho chases Ins silk Ustvcr down a muddy street on u windy day in • the presence t»f a large and up- piiolutive audieiiec." They were udriit in one of King Frost's men-of-war with¬ out ra ider, uiii or coiu|>ass, and, worst . f i.II, th> \ ilid not know how long they had I een druftul for. An inspection re- \ealetl the eruft to he ultoiit -100 yurds long over all, about *joo yariLU'um, with

armor six to eight feet thick, carrying two guns with a crew of tiixee, and pro¬ visioned for two or three wis*ks with ouo vvalruu weigliing nearly a ton. 1 .should have added that a sledge and three or I our dog . were • tu b'd up abaft I ho main hatch, tlie former of which might do for I'm-l and llu latter fur t«•***1 in ease of an ouiergeiiey or t«m» long a cruise.

At lu t the trip vvtiiA not a very «*VOr® • no a/* long a;, fliey could feel the prolcc- t ion • ' the roust, hut the further away they tp.t the higher the waves were swell* lug. 4ii*l in the course of two or three lion ■ the urf was dashing over the ut: thei- side and living in line spray and

I froth across tli«- little cold weather cruis¬ ers and making tilings uueoiufort'uble generally.

i i In-re wu * some compacted hiiow under the lee of a line of high hummocks that

I had once uiarkcd the place of tlie reef from w inch llie storm had torn the great Ho.-, and In ic our three INkimns busied tlicmsclv .-u in I*milling a comfortable igloo > r snow lion-.-, which would protect them from the ni.uhti, and two smaller

| * io were made uloii;- i»le, one to store the meat to k« • p it |root tlie hungry dogs atld thi- oils l to prolix l (lie dogs them* s. Iw . It is ycry'seldom tliut these jh-*# II • ■. • . hui-'d sit* Ii snow kennels for their do ■ .. iiunevi’i; -dd . i stormy the wculher. hut now the lining i pi. iv l't *.on I heir ini aud the want of Kometbbui m do to


Tlie rcenc of the adventure that I shall relate i«* in North Hudson'a bay. and tin time was Into In February. 1ST)). 1 had I een among the native* . f this region of the great bay -the Iwitlik INkirno *i:»ee i (lie fall U-fore getting ready for a sled-.,, j rttrney to King Wiiliam'i* L-md, in the j .'i tie ocean, which tlu>e natives had ! uid could 1s*st le started in the early 1 piiiig, and 1 Jj.id therefore set the lirst i

week in Apr^nn al out the time of i>ut departure.

Due of tin* most necessary articles of •apply for such a sledge journey w.-u oil | to cook our fiKxl, hv the native method. \ and givo Us light at night, and the seal ' and walrus in tho Ikiv were the source* ; >n which wo depended for this material. |

The contemplated sledge trip was to Ik* an overland one, and until we stood on | tlie shores of the An*tic sen, probably a ! month or two after starting, no oil pro¬ ducing animal could Ik- met. oral wo » llu-roforo urged our hired Eskimo to iv j prompt in getting us a good supply. | l in n therecatne inusuperstition of tin -e j

al and walrus hunters that they cannot itch those animals or eat their lles.h

until the reindeer meat of the full hunting seas, .n had been disposed

i. and, n* onr venison supply won large tliis purtieular autumn, it was well along in January before the change was made. This was . .(lowed by one of llio-e liv |K-rlK»r an httrricanes whose piiHli.uiinating feature '. a • l onsist.-iiey, and after Its three w* eks f l.<>re:d blowing was over, and we were

i ...ly starved in our ice (Hilaces, we awied out and stared tlu- situation in

tac face that it was hardly two month* until our departure, with no oil on hand uti 1 little 1 ik. IiIukkI ..f being able to pur ebase any of the liatiws in tlieir depleted ccniiition. M> own natives then fore v. eiit to work with a will to supply tli '.. liciency, working early and late and t.iking many risks on the tn-neherou* ice that they otherwise would not have done. It was in taking one too many of these i i ks that the material for my story waa furnished me.

kqueesik and Nanncmk (the Ell ow : iid the l’ohir Bear.were two as faithful and trustworthy walrus hunters as were to I e found in tli" wholu Iwillik trils* of Eskimo, and this saying v.aa no small c ■mpliinent in its line, f..r the name i .. iliik means walrus eating Eskimo, from the large number of tlu-so animals killed by this tribe, and w hich really formed their chief supply ..f fi>xl. Ikqta-esik

i - in fact over anxious to see that every¬ thing in general and the walrus oil in particular would 1 ■ j udv f.-r the tri|» on time, for though an Iwillik by adoption ince lie was a liOy, he was l y birth a

chilluk, a Ixind that live 1 «»u tho l’olarsea. wli.-i’e we :;ld prolxibly visit, and he fciiovv.d a true patriotic deairc to v i.-*it liis native land.

By the iUth or Oath of February it was quite evident that I kqueesik' unusual energy would Ik.* properly rewarded if th vveathtr only ri'inaiued go-.sl. but this vv.ui tomciliing ia which no reliance could !•• placed whatever, idtliou.di my Net-

; liiiiuk wulru*. hunter ojH'nly av..we l that good vv« athcr or bad vveatia-r lie was i .jug t*> see that, uh far a * oil was eon- c. rm d, we hould have no delav in -t.irt-

> pas Of tlu

m a

dreamed of. were hurled forward by the c-ont.-n* came eraaliing t«v.etlK-r.

The snow hut built 1 being housed, they lu their situation fairly in was not a very invitingo of life, it is true, was j • xpcricticrd jh i*s<ai-*»tii h a situation, and tbeM*grea as oak, in the de4,th « t ; very seldom went t > | they did it waa U .mu t would crush tin t i I • tv..- to the surviving In Ids tin e.rnpc. But ir the storm c they might lighter southern v in* tliem back, nr al h\.s v.’jui on them nml tin t :t that il was likely I storm from the tin and Iw reduced to :-tic'll n iall cal. * ,-ach mid nil wa re > on.stmitly overt u-.-nm;

. ’ lh.it lifl would I

a btlg on a lot of il. .ii ; • av alt-• t in rnpitl.

Again, their ship mi -I t bring into foreign |*oit from whieli. thotigli sif. they eeulil tiev. r return, or only after long interval; for there was a ease anion the Iwillik F^Uimo, a mar. whom F had left that very morning, win twenty years Ivf. re. had been carri* away by an ice line and laudctl lhr< weeks later on the southern shore < Southampton Island, and from there It; I won a long, lonesome year nml a ha i citing from the nativ» s ■ f that Mrm land hack t<> his U-loveil Iwillik. win his friends and relatives had long i iiu given him up a* having joined tint gre. Eskimo majority in tli*- land v. her th fountains siKMitcd pure al oil and th houses where built of Mocks of froi'e! reindeer and walrus meat.

* ops oi in. iii. ii mu« ct IS01 tn limp ' !>ay in the clear blue distance. That

i ht their ll.v* struck something, and f ii. «!.' bglit grinding of the edge* Slowed

t, I,. plainly that many pieces of ice wore i, ; , i I*.-, ping them company on tho outer edge

l‘ ii -. .n kind. l -'tuk, and oh tliio shortly ceased it a,,I ’ • 1,1:11.1 ! "Mfi evident that otlu.-A* im oniing ice waa iih a v I. V. . T a 1 1 11 t,"’,n «»nd the ne:i. mid that they

: .,p ,, t •; j '•> re landed on tlu- shore ice or not far frum it.

X. \t m M-r.h ’ li .ht revealed to them tiiiti’. bad 11 mil • of “pack" to cress,

’i'h th< " ear fully did, leaving tho • i*m to keep h< tic. mid tills biwa -lit ' in 0*1 the Hi. 1- > ,1.111,* t:ft?cn miles

• !b ‘ h 'i *. mul if ever t^WVlMr "dogs 1 whipped i- l poumled this team

i.cinly \\v:>. and nightfall saw them J , 1 > ... in;,’a d. vipiiimof their |)crii-1

• adve'itim . try in ; to prove tho navi-\ '"biv - I t!m lIu-i -on’M bay route in tho

• III f an A retie v int. 'r. Frcslcriek !. it), a in N*'W York Mail anil Express. 1

Pretty Htorlei X.*l All I’rorod. Tin* ar * facts, ray masters, not at nil

carrying out tho prottv pictures of the [ 1 write* whose girlv girls in family

•• r an ! 1" . < f pioperty have only to :. up liv ii- jH-Tif. nnd write a ninganne

• le. or - into fruit raLsing or liee- l. ; i ig, ni d buy a farm and new fur m. li the hoe.tlie lirst se ison on the pi . tits. Mi.Jit theie lv.loubtablo young v eu :i but ccnde- eeml to give the rest • f tlm world .• mo inkling of their secret mu 1 e d Every your the competition of i d life o'. * i more intense, till no favorite \ i:h ; iftn and genius feels socure in I. r place. «.r keep., it but at cost of . Ice pic- * vlgilauco and oiTort.

The thousand successes aro off sot by t. ::s «>f tiioc- lids..f Wituieii to whom life i * a constant -train of Ixxly and thought, v iih < n!y lightening enough of the tod to I v endurable. It is enough to know, from nn d;. ;.l rejwrts, that the majority

f cult; vat d women are aged at 50, with th" wiinkl * and gray hair fit for 75, : ud - Km after die of overstrain, or break

•»wn in mind. Imbecility and hysteria it i1 *- . to say nothing of insanity,

1 v* 1 d the ctmulaid of clleetive kilsir, t -ilcctunl nnd piiysical, rapidly lowers, IAfttUso the .Mamina of tho race is worn •.nit.—L'onmo]n)litan.



How *w.-*«t it were, if wlfImut f.-.-l.l.- frl fhl. Or *1x11*11 of the iln-iulful. iH-nutmitn night. An nnut'l ennu* t<> n«, nml wo couM Iw-rtr To kco him N*ni0 fmm tho Klimt sir At ovonlnn 111 ntir n->m, nml l***n.| on ours Hi* rilvlnn syoi*. nml lirlnj? tin from lit* tK*wrm Nows of il*-nr frli-nU*. siul chiMirn who hftff

in-* • r wo shall know foivror.

L-llth Hunt.

% Dhpiim. of A«lvitui-«*(| AtfO— l.lltln Known

of It* ('.iiimm.

In the fortydlrst annual 1. |**>rt of the registrar g. nernl of Knglnnd. published in l.sso. it ii mnserteil t*ait the nundier of deaths from canfltr was A.'418 in 1M51, and l ’.ntH in IM7N, Imt us the population ■**»*" *t«hl Inriosd !iad largely increase*! in this period, tho increase in frequency will be more dis- _ tinctly nppnttiftted hy tho following qn..-' POET'S SONG, tafion from tliis report: "Tlie avciago [ annual mortality (from CAiioer) during tli" the years IHAO-V'VI trim804 In 1,000,- 000 living. In tho live years 1870-’74 ic was 4 i:l, while In the year f§?S It was aitl."

In New York city the proportion of deaths from cancer in 1875 was 400 to 1.000.000. In 1885 it was 530 to 1,000.- 000. According to tho reports on vital f # , . , . , -tatistics of tho census of the Uulted ^ the fashion for lighting up the lail States of 1880, tho proportion of deaths , ^ society devote«-s by curioim and

, beautiful wax candles in magnificent I candelabra* and candlesticks is rapidly



' Tbn port's song* arc liki< melodious hlrda Thai soar ami slnar a»K.vi* ihr 1 . «»«•!»..f words; And grrat his rapture when, from time to time, lie siiarce one wit It a . ilrery m*t ..f rlirim-

Alimii-I Mlntum Peck In Tin- CYltlr.


The Matri l tl« t *»ril In MndiO-n Tliu«-«. (’•iuIIm fur tin. Chim-ti Trade.


The only eliauct* in case tho lice collisions with < flit»»ii :!»their sn**v. i:i tile sea. But hit h’nt collision was for toward the wi oi’ other ice cak tiliore ice or blov. u was forming a w long but coni inn-■ > ail sizes, from th •mullcst p

pf t udtleii danrer ivn IhMitd, in come of i • hers, split direct b hott -" nnd drop tlu-rn

•li a clumc" f. i- a vi - •* l.ourlv -I, * lug ). . it her M.h* a loti*

l.*m from the o'.'t. f tome big

’ In

> I : I

IiuiuIitmI y.inl* v. i : . I a mimhi r i . th i ismv of •tlilt s ill ll'll:;lll -mid whet • tin.ymint '*(t..:i!itata form* lutiii" b i built r.;;:<i-il a lava!, front!' ‘1 hull, water to - top thu iminus xv.'tvi • s jjJ "lliur* i • my l*at 1 ruala-rs i »' at* i an x.11 v i-vur iluxi < <1 bv i-«»m i« • . "vouc iho art of man. 1 V.., o... • . , It liiim ’ . II 1 l vu sis'ii m vissc-l off tlu? ! truth of lltukvh'-i Ktivir that a fii iward ainl in a bowl a.; : lorni (hat made i fi r ha* ing luvn ini|»ossibli? for. l.i’.d * rah Itku my •* ' i'imc-s. lo ku-p 111V !' . h :• mo on th dm . \\*e xv*T’ ta kina up and dov. a Just 1

in front < f 1 hv rmil 1..,: 1T..I •1 Omaha to gut tllisdi !*• ntt'-uipt that haven •un Willie xvouM Iiavo 1 ua :du if wu 1... 1 It x.a- grand. 1 plungutl into lli Ifiimiii, lee. A t reel. ■ day. a 1 was finaliv loun i. 1...voxel', ami t' : h « • i • •l burnt it xvo Mailc-ti, lit din.' ..ins, ives I'll v , e!i ..I, ■ if I,.- .i i two ii-i'pi.i ksu 1 all a mfi * apart. b-.;t • :. Brat !:*v 1 II uri tending for mil- - in li t >011 I to! I l . rj gout as X’. - got tin ui ll lli,. v. , m’«.!ll, 1 ll' ard •f in Anu- down to half .. .in.: ...v. ' -v: iv xvi n't 1 through thu iii-x i" ! .-«• . tho XVflll ;• vm u xvont r. as still as a riv blowing that 1

twelve knot, mi 1 By 2 o’* lu* k p.

and they v.i-:v ;.t t! what to do 1. >r u h all the xvalru > 1!

ilthoi ut 111 pi

m. IvlU’.-’-S h.

lire extract t'u

lane* t< the .semM: it. Naini' by fashion hide « f tli skin tlion while wi- Ikqm "-ii;' matcher all ut v tobacco, ipieosik

n tla

oil. I -ut tli l I-in i>

.v; drits, cut I

Wel’e pi •d hi

md Ik.! ituocl w list. In u

for.-, u bright ccotc laid, thougii lianii. lieat the I o i-e to were sitting oil tl.e the dismal pro.-pn-'. had raw It. 1. \ ; was not • ) IkuI, a.* il diet of their 1. they could only *• with honi'* lu t - up ing walrus llippcr. aUdit th.-!.' mi ut not qiuility, and th>- that ; ti' ply win n 1

and Ibis latter did i; had. as the lloalin

J toi head 1 hen -

.tt,*h to

. i thi.v

•lippo! :;t, I

and t.-ve t to HU I

i d a pic

ii»’ I’. ’" ipplv w..

t » • i.ntaiii nifiT solid shore ice murhed when Should they »

ul tiu-i ' ; they


;tdru.i tl had oil in the

1 t?..- j i c* I

lat! >tt tliciv own little L ; ■ J

f ice, howorer, to hunt for an tho drifting waters might them from it -> |h:;t th.y never return, and thL* bihty would coniine their lours to a very limited area, ^

animal ‘ "pai r-.m 1

could pi * ha. ,

hunting , -*o, take

isnutl it ail in all. liovvever dark and their outlook si’ciiiisl, tlierv* v.-t r*- many bright |Ko«il.iiit;i . Invoking through the black cloud nnd alter the first depr« .* idol) was over they I iked at tilings in a far more cheerful 1 lit. Th. y went to sleep early b> save their oil. curling upon tin* snow Mil in ili -ir reindeer clothes a not unusual circumsiuic ". for th. y of'ca stay out al uiglit to hunt, I nil !in r a small igloo to 1.1 p in the only eli.mg" being to witlidrav. their ui’iic* » * - :» tin ir slivveH and fold them on their barn breurita, a common practice uinoug tli"-a tieoplu when in a chilly, fir* !. .. snow house or taking 11 nap in their « i"-l.< . It was alm**st certain that they vvi.uld not he missed tli*’ first night ut th" wl luge sullh icnt to can.- <• alaiaii. 11 * nightly absences of lull 1 lei's are tnx-u.’iit wla-n

.Irnny I.iml'i* Dicnlty. Her standard wa-i wna-rcly high. Of

her pnp'l* at the Koval College i*f Music, it i -aid th .' kept them aa close to their ?. .!■*;•. Mr. Buskin kept his draw- 11.;; c! * t n the curves of a snail shell, llei 1 - iitmi-ut of what she doomed iin- • • • t *:i • uri 1 lv must have boon pain- 1 <11; ’th* .\uiwii-an vi-itors. if whose re-

pti*•:* v. : ail: "What is it you want?" ' ask.-d. standing vary civet, "Ob,

. 1. I hn 1 ! . wi- ho^icil t*» have • • • ing you and making * "Well, here is my vvitii a whisk round, .. Now." with a deep .11 g. * home and say that

It is u relief to read "she v.aa v. rv |>*nilent ■ t all rude."— Chicago

ho :t Wtuimn. You ought t»

|k ;d; hi • | ioco in schocl 'll l .• a great statesman

I . r of the |. ople; a - 1 «' tiny, 1 bliouldn't

v president. uid II • may grow up

1 man. Imt he’ll never 1 c

nd g him to sign the plods for life."—Omaha World.

T't" world owes ns a living, but wi have to enforce payment.

/Hlilalglit Funt-ra! at Hca. On t.f the steerage i>assengcrs died a

‘.’•■w after wo left New York, and wo . ; I to witness a sea funeral, but the matt r was kept as quit t rus jKissihlo and

w < rned disposed to talk about it. The captain said it would have a depress- ii - effect on the pj'.fesengcrs to see *.].• man hit . d. so ho would not namo tho time when the funeral would take place.

About 10 o'clock the next night one of tli.- [ : ngern waa walking aft and saw -"iii" of the sailors placing the body in a | lain vv don box, nnd rushed forward v- iti* th.- intelligence. Going totiio stern, v.* aw tin in nailing on the lid, but they

mcltidod not to put him overboard until we we:.- all asleep; s • we had t*» repress our curiosity for the time being. At midnight, however, the steamer stopped ' r a few minutes, and those passengers who were not asleep inquired the cause. No r*... :i was given, but lliosowho wire • 1 tl ait r deck enjoying the moonlight oil the Ben, saw Mime sturdyaailora attacli

wm r t • tlu* Mix and heave it over- hoard. Th. re was u splash, then u liell w;u rung, tho c-ngiuu started and the emigrant's fun r il was over.—Cor, Balti¬ more Sun.

Tllr. Yuiiiterbtlt's Hcotuh A (l.’pn -ing iiithnaiion comes to us

ii m liv.-r tin* ocean that Scotch pi|ien) v. ill >m n I *- the rage with fashionable

York .. i-iety. If such is the c;u*e, th 1 ag;- will extend v aerallv through¬ out t!i o. . ininiity. and very few pipers •. !!l cape it aiiv.. Mr. \Y. K. Vumler- l-iit ha- . loved r. lamily \ ijs’i-, and it i ■ piv i that tli.• example thus s*-t

be i-llov\. I by r any. Fuel will In* 1 : 1 to ih ‘ fir- for pipers when tli* < liby \i .'lomauiue-* discover, wind

• t p. | * have known for a long time, ; . . 1.1 ■ . i’ V* ales lias at least olio 1 , and 1 .*•:*!; ps more. As a curiosity,

■ ’ 1 j ip. r may be for a i-liort time . I--r:i!*. 1 i i tli" haunts of civilization. F ’ 11 • I*- I >.i" > to th inountaiu uud the ’ .-"id ll. | ;-t. !:d leUVe:. tliclll, tl

i 1 eountrv, at hi.1 i<ril.— rid.

[■•ll: \.i

watching a m L*ul hole or xvltua sun • .h has takun llu m l' ar uxvay.

Hero tliuy wi iv, ilifii. Bailin'’; aw av in thu di-ad of night with ;• lijrlitud Hllip tliut rollI«1 * •any tlioUMinda of t i its of freight, and this, t*x», in tli* very mid.-.t of an Arctic winter and despit, th" a -ertioiis of many newspapero of the At (antic ►eahoard that, jealous of their Canadian cousins and their proponed Hudson hay route to l*!n 'md, h - •

►tantiy usts iicii that it is oiilv navigahl" for u month or two during very favor able hummer--. The Money i.i -lit wore out its weary length, n;>d when ut lu o'clock the day lsv.au breaking there was some sign of cc.*utl .1 in the h-ormy quarter, but they could hear the outlying ie • pad; grow ling like di. taut thunder, though their little island of leu was still intact and in cutupai:.lively smooth water.

To their agreeable surprise tlu* signs k'-pt on for the Utter, and home three hours later— the length of the short day ►aw tlu* storm *vie e and the cut ly evening gave them u hrerji from the fioutli w hich, couplul w ith th.- n i l! cm cun. 1 1

in the hay, s*’jit them iloaliug toward lioi.ic, the happiest * i"W in the I'olar scum. Mite that night .-. I’olar Uar broke into their store igloo, before even the do; were uwureof its presence, uud they got out to savi) tlieir meal. A tculili’ ensu« 1

I with the dogs, ail unsuccesslul shot wa fin d uud bruin went scurrying aw av v* ith

l the dogs in* Imt pursuit, one of tla ill I never coming buck, but whether h - wa

loot *»u u cake of ice in ihedarkneHs lloating uwuy, or tho B ar made 1

1 of him w a * uever known. All tluit night tlie long Miullu rn

of the mi broke on the ice in a pl« I air that sang of home, and next *!.■

( •.ii;;lillia or tie* Ainllt-ni'**.

'.Via* I.;, j.ot l..tii nnnoyt-d at a lecture Fiat iatolerahlo nui-ance, a coughing

i;’hbor? One 1 c u or woman can do- . I . pi -a-llle < f a holla* fill of |M ople

a c ni. 'king, which ii largely ' a. a i l' all, John L> Stisldard was

11 -.* 1 > 1 in .ove I one evening at the .. my l.v a . I.'.nw of c<aighs all over and : ... i i tlir.t ho Hopped in the

: ! ..lecture aud suggested that 1 .• i* I4 c I ii was certainly unnecessary,

ii |. ople inuil cough they would l.n.1 uud tho uudienco by coughing

tlieir handkerchiefs. The result .I that tiie habit could lie controlled, 1 t' • r. wus hardly a cough heard dur-

i'." real oi the evening, l’lniad. 1- ■ •hi.)

Curlmi't \ ..ii.'xiiuIuii t uUi.ui,

t<1 the 111 >>! t curious customs of the •'•im'.i* 1 - 'data mg i.i the house of mouru- 1 .'*•■). .onus lit e depurls tlie dead is • lad in white uud laid Upon his lied. Belativ. ..leinviud to eome, musicians uie order* d, uud iliaaing, singing ami uihum nn.-nhs u> i: | t upincess.mil> until tin* tut. 1 mi nt Ii.e* taken place, Tills ft done with u view to distract tiie lumily of tiled.. 1 i'i| and to drive (heir grief away, lam l.y piusacrs, uitkuowti to the family, an allax.etl to enter uud to taku part in then- truitge ainusenieuUpf tho living ill t he pn « lice 1 f the dead.—F. 1). Jl<. . . " Wurtegg in New York Hun.


1 ram; llu W it. i III:

by il-i I ingtoii Ci itii

For a Uuiiiy Day. (to Extravagant Husband) For

• tuike, Geoi re, tlou't s|u nd so money needlessly. Don't you

• 1 light to Fix by : uiiithing foe

1 1 ha\e done that, dear. Wlutt, 1 should like to know?

lid A gum coat, love. Wash-1


Is for*’ the liElit bet ill tiwfV could in ke out

la private watch your thoughts; in tin family watch your U’UilK-r; in company

v t> !» your tongue. uuo*l lloiaekeep-

from cancer to the total number of deaths reported from known causes waa 80.08 to 1,000. '

Cancer is a disease of advanced age. It is found in all ugiti, but in very unequal

I proportions. In 8,103 cases tlie propor- I lion of deaths under 5 years of ago wrw

15.05 per 1,000, while from 0 to 10 it is only 2.82 [K-r 1,000, and from 10 to 15 t.fiO |H*r 1,000. From the ago of 15 tho proportion gradually rises in each quin- quenium. until tietwixm the ages of 50 and 55 it reaches B10. f8|wr 1,000. After this |H’riod the proportion gradually di¬ minishes, ivs tho number of those living after this |K>ri*tdof life diminishes.

Jonathan Hutchison, of London, w lujee opinion on all questions of pathology ie .'onsidorod authority in all j»art.s of the (earned world, in tho most nblo devniHsioti which has ever b**en held on this subject, that U'fora tho Pathological and Clinical moiety of Glasgow in 1885. said: "Of the cauaM which uudcHio tho proclivity to cancer, and which render some races mil simie families more* prone than others, we as yet know but little. What little wo do know would lead us to U lieve that it hits nothing to do with tho diet or with liniate. Tho herbivorous animals aro

liable to it ns well as the carnivorous, and *> far as I know it prevails in all parts of iho world where the conditions are favor- ifile to longevity. Wherever, from wlmt- \er cause, they are not so, there cancer

becomes relatively infre*|uejit. It b nl- most unknow n in thoeo t.f our domcotlo auiinalH which arc ua*-d tor ftmil. f.* the -iniplu reason that wo never let them <ro\v old, while in dogs, cats, homee mid is.s*-*i it is common.

Dr. Billings rays: "Tho increase of mortality from cancer with adxaiK-ing »g» may U* explained either ou tin* theory that the cause of cancer lxs.*oines more |Mitential in advoncetl ago ut the I cried of physiological decay or on tho theory that the pri'di-.pix-«ition to cancer K longs to the strongest and longest livetl." The fact is settl.^1 lieyond ques¬ tion that in thin**1 (Kiptilations where hut

vv reach old age cancer is pr*q>oruoii- itely rare. New York Tribune.

An Aut-lenl Ulghl nt Wiiy.

William Wordsworth was going to Lowtlier t 'ostle, to lx* present ut a dinner given in his honor, Mr. Justice Coloridgo md tlie present lord chief justicu U-in - *f the company. They ikikhiiI dow n Pat-

terdalo by Ullsw-ater. and, leaving llio •liaise, they struck across some fields t«>- ward the castle. Suddenly the |>ath ended in a blind wall. The pool mut¬ tered something, and attacked the feneg a* if it were u living enemy, and crying >ut, "This is the way, an ancient right *f way, too," |tus-Kil on. That evening,

after the ladii'a had left the room, Mr. Justice Coleridge said to Sir John Wal¬ lace, who was a near resident and a

uest: "Sir John, I fear wo committed trespan tinlay; we came over a broken down wall on your estate." Sir John xvincd nettled, and said that ho wished lie could have caught the man who broke it down; he would horsew-hip him. Tho grave old !>ard at tho end of the tablo heard the words, the fire lkishod into hia eyes, and, rising to his feet, he answeredr

i broke your wall down. Sir John. It was obstructing an ancient right of way, and I xvill do it again. I am a Tory, but scratch mo on the Kick deep enough, and you xvill find the Whig in me yet."— Hie Argonaut.

llall* or Ohl Times.

The "society bulls" of old times were •onductod with great propriety and re¬ serve. The claim of every |**n*iui to bo admitted lutvlug U-eii determined by tho res|K)nsibh* committee, then* was a sort of temiximry equality on the iliK»r, and every gentleman had tho privilege to in¬ vito a lady, without the formality of an introduction, to figure in the dunco as his partner. After it was ox’er. he escorted lier Kick respectfully to her seat, without presuming, if unknow n, to remain stand¬ ing K’foro her or to sit bv her side. During the intervals of darn ing tho gen¬ tlemen walked up und down between tho rows of ladles that densely lined the hall. No woman, married or single, joined in this prometiading with a nude compan¬ ion, and the eye of a lynx could not have detected the slightest flirtation. Tho word itself was not known.—American Mgozinc.

Abritlaitui I.Iim-oIii'm Sturlen. I u.sk«d Col. Nicolai uKuit tho char¬

acter of Mr. Lincoln's stork’s. "There is an erroneous notion ubroad,"

he said, "that Mr. Lincoln's stories were largely of a sort that could not U* re¬ pented in the presence of ludies, The simple fact is that lie was remarkable for two characteristics in this connection: For the aptness of Ids stories und for his drnumtiu |s»wer in telling tliem. He did not tell a story for its ow n nuke, hut lx*- cause it illustruteil some imme»liau* |Htiiit in the situation. He never dragged in u story, but used it us an effective instru¬ ment «»f expressionM—Washington Cor. Chicago Herald,

,|m»lt**r'i u«-«| Spot. Since fhu first ap|tearonce of fhe great

red sjMit oil thu planet Jupiter, some niiu* years ugo. Mr, W. f. peiming. |lu> well known English astronomer, bus made uK»ut iiOQ oK-K-rvations of tlie phenome¬ non. He believes the red s|K>t to be a feature of Jupiter's atmosphere, und not of the surface of thu planet. - Arkansuw Traveler.

There uro ninu British missionary societies now laboring in Africa, w ith un aggregate annual ex|x-ndituro of $1,00U,« 000.

Duiurlliiny lu mart* milurvu. The great drugoii drawn in a recent

t'hinese procession in Suu Francisco by six L'liinanii'ii is described us follows: From u |x(int just tnidpr the mansard roof of the dragon's laud to within three f*-**t of hki tail there is a network of electric wire . all eouimunieutiiig with a eomplh eali ii iiuu'hine ltx-ut*-*i in * Us** proximity to Ids lower jaw ami out of sight. One of the men who march under it, at a given siguul, touches mi phony button, ioi'I tfi> . U• trUiit) 1 an * ♦ the huge jgwt to ily o)M'ti, disch*sing a mouth like a tunnel, filled with frightful fangs and darting tongues of file. Philadelphia Full. _

The Chinese school children in San Francisco un* said to lie o« bright and in¬ telligent us their xvldte mAimiImules.

tiaijr'a aaioMiat muu 11 iu*inot. Italy )un uKait 1.450 uatioiuil monu¬

ments to can- for; they (along to mod¬ ern times uud the middle uges. Tho budget allows a little uioro than $200,000 for their preservation, but out of this inuft con.*- the eost of excavation* ut Route Ull* I'ouqx ii. FLicugo Herald.

A little boy buiug reproved on Sunday morning /or having u dirty face retorted: "Well, 1 wored dis face to Sun'ay 'cool, unybow. ' Charlotte*viUo (Va.) 1 luou lele.

increoMing. the trade in them* fine good: Lh eorres|>ondingly inereasing. lTp to the jmst six or seven years tli«’ hulk of fam v eundli-H went to clutrcli 01-ganixa- tions solely. Now the fashion i> to use them nt hrUlianl Imnquets, tnsty small dinners, at grand evening receptions, mh ciety’* |s*t charity Kills, tea parlies.in pict uru galleries, luillionaire hulls nnd stuib ie*, in renowned artists' studios, and mi the desks of grocery trade |xi|s-rs' etli- tnrs. There are four time* as many fan¬ cy candles sold now us there were three year* ngo.

The materials used in thi* modern en¬ lightened age are mostly wax and a com- |m wit ion of wax. The tallow di|*s of our forefather* an* now sent to South Amer¬ ica, the West Indies, and a few t>* the southwiwt. They, of course, lixe tlieir rotundity in iKissing into tropic warmth , ninl uru therefore usisl hy thu native* largely for lubricating thu outer cuticle of their bodi»*s. FundU-s are a composi¬ tion, 111 detail, of pa ratline, wax und stearic acid. The latter is the solid con¬ stituent of tallow, wax is really beegwux. refined by suu bleaching, and pnraf!lne 1* the nwiduum »»f petroleum from crude oil. Will 1 all other lines tin* advance¬ ment in the manufacture of randies is tli accord. Thu modern star candle or ad¬ amantine is a "thing of U>auty and joy forever''—or until smilled out.

It hits Urn found in the pout that the manufaeture of the very finest of fancy candles in this country does not pay. and Ktiglund. France uud Germany hold the traile, but on many other fancy line* the American manufacturers are taking it away (10m "over the water." For uj*- wards of two und u quarter centuries a Loudon house bus had the lend abroad its candle mukciv. The very Inter*t tyle* ure at once sent to tliis country, and this house has Ks-ii largely iu*trumental in rt-xoluliouiting the business here.

Vienna sends to tlii-* emintry fancy candles, noiue of which are |ax*uliar. K-ing nude of "Fen-sin," also ealltsl • *Oaokerite." **r natural earth wax. Extra lag candles are u*e*t also at Foster The large candle* are made for church trade but ure seldom made fancy. Tin lowering of prices in tin- |«ust few year* i» also remarkable. Fancy candle* that now cost $tlu js-r gross could hardly ln- hought then at the ►aim- priie per docen.

in the tailoring of fiuiey goiKi* iui or¬ dinary white candle is use*!, uml is gut terisl along tlie side-, by machinery. Then tlu1 culore*l wax i-* run intogutU-r*. and the candle is afterxvanl twisted by machinery. It is then dip|Ksl ;uul jioi- iidied. Analine dye* are now usisl in coloring. All these change*, the use of cheaper dye «tuff*. machinery, etc., have tended to lower priev*. Ortx'ery World.

Poirrrty In Muntmi'igru.

Montenegro i* already beginning to pay the (lenahy of such civilization us it has attaints I. Even in that little mountain state the unemployed, |Niii|H‘risin nnd emigration question and other like curses, usually considered the |*s-uliar pr*»j*Tty of the moat advanced |*s»pU,, are begin¬ ning to ruiae their heads. The prince and his uiimelers will soon K* face to face with a grave internal difficulty, and the cause assigned is that the harvest thi* year hu* liuen a Kul one. Tills is quite |to*Kible, hut in thu Kwt of years there is little to harvest in Montenegro except stone*.

The cause is a far more deeply Heated one. When an entire nation finds it* only industry diwtroyed at a single blow it mu*t either starve or turn to new em¬ ployment*. This is the case with Mon¬ tenegro. In the old days the quantity of thu harvest waa a matter of indifference; ita deficiencies were easily supplied. When f*Kxl ran short in th • prineijiality inhabitants made a raid on the ricli Turkish lowlands, carriisl o(f their neigh¬ bor*'produce und lifted the cattle. But since Wince Nicholas, no doubt with the best intentions in the world, has set to work to civilize hi * mountaiiuvr* and to turn thu light of Kurujieun publicity u|kin thom. tlieMi pleasant little habit* liuve, jierforce, liecouie things of the l*ust. And us the Servians object very strongly to u Montenegrin emigration, it is only too prolmble tluit thu state which withstood ull the forces of the sultan for centuries will fall to pieces through in¬ ternal disturKmccs. Loudon Globe.

.Until«*llea of Street Mini.

Where the untrained eye w ill ms* noth¬ ing Imt mire uud dirt, says Sir John I.uK K*k, science will often ruveul exquisite poHsibilities. The mud w u tread uudi r our feet is a grimy mixture of day aud Wind, soot uud water. Sejuirate the sand, however, as Ituskin oliM-rve* let thu atom* urrauge themselves in place ac¬ cording to tla-ir nuture and you have tlui ojul. S«*|*arutu the clay, aud it U - coiucs it while earth, fit lor thu finest jjorcelalni or, if it still further purities Itself, you have a sapphire. Take the soot, and if pro|>eriy treated it xvill give yisi a diamond. While, lastly, the water, purified uud distilled, xvill Keouie a dew- drop or crystallize into a lovely star. Or, again, y ou may boo in a shallow jhhjI either tliu mud lying nt the bottom, or the image of the sky above.» Arkansaxv Traveler.

1h« 4 IuImui uutl Ji’Imui Men,

Two uu’ii in a strongly built rowboat and acting in u rutlu r my sterious way may he seen almost daily fr*>iu thu dock* of thu rivers, Ono man paddles along slowly iuuI the other stands lu the stern of tlio Uud, holding a rope which hu pull* along very carefully. They glaucu con- htiuitiy from side to side, uud scan thu Hurfui’u of thu wuter around them.

Thu men are in the tint, am and jetsam business, und anything they cun find, from u lost piece of ro|ie to u isii |me. pays toll into their treasury. At thu end of tlu* ropu which is held hy the man in the stern ii the Knit D fixed 4 grapple, which is dragged as gently um jmssihle along the l>ottoiii of thu rivur, Thu grupplu is formed of two rows of liiMiks, one rnxv curved upward uud tiie other so sluqicd that it xvill not sink any distance into (lie mud while it is being hauled along. The slightest ohjool w hich the grapple touches, from a piece of soggy woo*I to u ship’s eahlo, is Instantly fell hy the man who handle* the ro|«, Hornet 1 nh-h It happens that u vi-ssel lose* an anchor with thu chain cable attached, it might imt !•** worth xvliiio for the vessel, i-ithei from reaaoir of delay or otherwise, to engage in thu work of recovering the lost arti¬ cle*. When the fact U-coines know 11 to the tlotsaui and jetsam men they under taku for a fixed amount to find it. if the vessel hu* h-tl jh>rl uud there is no oin- elsu to claim the thing lost il become* so much uioru vuluuhic to the grupplers.

Th* value of fimling a drowne*! KkIv d*-|K iui*. of course, on thu statu* of thu dcceuMud, or more correctly on the di-biro of thu friend* «*l the di-eeuMHl to r*H-ov**r it. Even for the body of a homeli-h* triuiip llu) city, llirouuh tiie coroner's office, pay* $2 for the find. New York Evuuiii!/ Sim

I Wo mu it oat or wo cannot live. Thia wo all know. But do xvo nil know that we die by eating ! Il i- Haul we dig our giavei with otu teeth.* How I .ish tiiic: sound * Yet it in feat fully true. Wo motel rifled at tie approach of the choh n nnd J alio xx lexer, yet there ih a dm coho const intly at tun doorH and n our houm»H far uioro dnugut otiB nn» defltruotivo. Mont people have i, tlieir own itoinnchti a poison, nioit hIoW, but <|tllt e an Il4t .! MS ! fit* g(«| U ,’

of thoso nmladicM which sweep iiu-i into otorniiv by thmiHuiida without warning in the timo<i of great epi deinioa. But it ih a mercy that, if xvo aro watchful, we can toll when we are thi enti tled. Tho following are among ihu symptoms, yet tin do not alxvavs necessarily appeal u tho saino 01 dm. nor are they ulwax the eaiim in ditTerent caseH. Tin it is a dull and sleepy finding; a bud

, tusto in the mouth, especially in tin- morning; the appetite is change

I able, sometimes poor and again il seems ns though the patient could not cat enough, and occasionally in appetite at nil; dullness and slug gishnema of tho mind; no ambit it 1

to study or xx o 1 k; inuro or less head n he and heaviness in thu head. dizziness on 1 miiig to tho feet 01

moving suddenly ; furred and coat 1 tonguo; 1 a dm "i a

stomach that nothing removes; hot xud dry akin at times; yellow tinge oi tho eyes, scanty mul high-colored urino; sour turiu in the mouth, frv mentiy nttendod by palpitation of the heart ; impaired vimon, with spots that suein to he sxx mill ing in tho air before thu eyes; a cough, with a grc"ind, colored expecto¬ ration; poor uiglit*'rust; a sticky slima about tho teeth aud gums isnd.s and feet cold and clammy

irritable temper ami b wols hound Up anil COht Ve. 'J bis dineaso Inu puzzled the I'hybienuis uml still puz zlus them. It is thu coiuiiirine*t ol iiimeut* and y-1 tL* most compli •uted am! mysterious. Sonictitin it is treated as consumption, some times as liter complaint, and then igain as inal.ni.i at.d e-.eii heart di* ••asu. But it* 1 1! t duro is that ot constipation ir. I iyspej siu. It aris* ► in the digestive organs and soon iffects all the other* through tin •orruptod ami poisoned nlootl. Often the vli.J" hr. ly including the nervous a* tun—is literally ttarved, ev*n when there is n* emaciation to tell the nnd story

Exi leriunce bn 1 shown that theretr put otm i.'.u • ly that run • rtainlx -ure this d in ! i?* stag*" nomuly, So *!.. 1 Extract of Boots 01

Mother Soi'g-e’s Curutivu Syrup. F uever faila i» >t. iicvi-i the1* 1*9. no titm should be l",t m trying other k.. colled reim-di * fur thuv xvill do m good. Get tlii* great xugctahh preparation, (discovert* 1 hy a venei able uurrtu x. hr •»- nniiio is a Iioum hold word in -in.any and bo aur* to get tlu g. t.'tii .u dole.

OIVL\ u:* l.V aLV fcN 1'iX'TORf.

Shaker 1. At-, tot lb*»ts or Hei gel s Syrup has raised me to good ealth after v# n doctor^ hadgnvt i

mo up to die \x-.th consumption.— So writes B I Grace, Kirkman

. Ky. I I IL’if IN TIM1.

u id m.t given up to r . -psia when I first Haw

tho advertisi-iii -nt <>f .-*lia!u 1 Extract of Boots or St-m -1 * Syrup. After using four boric * I win ahlo to at¬ tend to my busir • s v* !l as over. I know of 1 veral < -.-u s * -f chills and fever that h.iv*» l.«. n cure 1 hy it." 80 write* Mr. Th*»-«. I'ullum, of Tay¬ lor, Geneva Co., Ala.

* woma DOLLAR* A BOTTL*.

Mr. Thomas 1*. Evans, of the firm of Evans A Bro., Meielnuit«, Horn- town, Accomack Co., Ya, writes that he had been ni k xvith digestive disorders for many years und had tried muikv phyou-iauH and medi¬ cines without lieimfid. Ho began to use Shaker Extract of Hoots or Hei- gel‘» Syrup about thu 1st of Jan 1887, and was so much better in three week* tliut lio considered him self practically a well man. Ht add*: "I lmvo ut tlii* time oue hot tie 011 baud, ami if I could not get any more I would not take a ten dollar bill for if.”

All druggist*, or Address A. J. White, Limit. 1. Cl Warren SL.JN Y

Yille, Todd F • UK HEX" 1*

‘‘I hud b* . die with dy»j •

LESS THAN ONE CENT A DAY )>«<'ur«a IJ * uiui'UU N*» Nuibi*. I*hJu )••»*•. gh»r( Slurlv*. sk«ub*«. I'miu*. «M E*ch numUr lieunii Uu. »" l b »-luiuo im iiMlf. on* jw • •uUvri|>lluu ibAm ■

NEARLY TWO THOUSAND PAGES Of *h« cli’iiMit «orb« uf lh* U«t Amari Bu Bltlhurt Acuoi.f Dm C»in|>l«M No*«U *hioh !'»*• Blr*v)j Bi'|«kr«<l *r» ’ llrualuB • Ub/ou,'' - Hm •• Bindri’.'' "A (tolr-Wta Mbb.a "Kiitui XVifa," •• DoubIb* Du »»•..rti* DuMrtor." " l l»« XVhi,Ulo« Uu..».' A* Anahur," •• A I<*n4 ot I/**•." "Th# M»'l MonnUiu ttiBM," " Ai'i'U *uJ llrur Tlwrii. " Th* Terra - • oil# li nt.-' •• I'ram tli* lUnka." "eiiack bihI CounUr- l-h». k " ..i<- ne Th* •"»>•< npllon prK-* of lhl« " k>n« if Ml.' M iiiIIiIIm" I* Oil lluu B yen Nau'l l« I’oj.y $eul <u .»f IK mill in iUni[< A-lilr«*«



ji.:l Mj Inun* )'«fion» HoUoroit n 1 KLLUE 3GRLAT

_ ■ ■ NehveRestoher ■ Z'-dV/BlIAIN&NBMVB l>l»BA*M^ i m/9 turg I ,,.,t /•*■ thru .<./»./w«( Aui, A/i.V/.r, tn

INK .M IUI B l| l.k«» M dllt’Unl. Aj / .,ft4r Hr ll ./ ijt’M -It. I >• 4IIM •111 $1 Inal Ih.uJ. Ke j i j K*l |«tliauu. liMf |'«»"ij . wi,. „

>• ,> U. Mtlie... t i ll.f _ lu Du Kl.lNk .,.1 AihSi ri.iL 1.1|> ., f, • LMUtftfuU. khHrAML tHtTAli»n t K.tl ...


of 80Paqe\'M7of

\'0 Au.FW\J \<4


GARDEN It (.kvflandjjwA)' iftr^juljinyi,

Tv./i^crVilliici.^BvIto ik hr (jI’Ioju


Mexican Mustang

Liniment ounss

8eir%Uea, Bcratchcs, i Contrnrtei Lumbago, Bprainti Miiscles, Rhcuniatinu, Strains, Eruptions, Burni* Stitches, | Hoof Ail, Bealdf, Stilt'Joints, i Screw BUnge, Backache, 1 Worms, Bites, (UHj, Swinnejr, Bruises. Sores, Saddle Ualla, Bunions, Spnviu Piles. Corns, Cracks.

THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY SM^rmitllBlii-B for «*«r»rybotly rth llf w lit* i«. lBiin«*J

f<>r It. on...if tin* n*ABotu for tin- nr* nt ttui'ulariiy wf

iho Muatatw IJulmrnl l« f.*un<l In II* uiitv«*r«nl n p plliii lit III y. I *i*i ylHitr iii*.- I« ru.'i ii lurdlttii*.

Tho l.uuilM-rni'iu m i«It Iii i-asi* of Mi-chlont. Tho If oiiNowito ii.tin r. r 1 «iu*r«t family u»«

TUr fit 1111 lor DihhIb it t t In.* ti-aitiBuiid hi* nun. Tho .Xlrolinulc Hood* It always un hU work

bench. Tin* Minor ncc.lr tl III care of cmcrgclu-jr

Tho I'lonoor m-t.Nli oan’i not along without tl. Tho Knrmor noctla ll In 1*1« house, bl» atablc,

and Id* »t<*ck yarit.

Tho Mtonmbont mnn or ihr llouimnu nohll

(tin lllii-ral supply nil stand %-lmro.

Tho Ilorae>fnnr|or Hftla ll- It Is bU Last

friend nnd *«/«-»t rullnn •«. Tho Htock-u row or nooU ft —It will »s»a him

tbouaamls of dollar. Ami a w.*rld of inublo.

Tlio It u I Iron il inn u »w • d* ll snd will ncoit It BO Ion* a* lit* life U a round of uci ldentsatid daucars.

Tho Illicit woo it Ain n ii modi U. There la n.lin¬ ing like It a« on timid 'to for tho dangers to Uf«,

Uniti and i-umfort which uirroninl the pioneer.

Tho Morohnnt noi d* ItnUmt Id* ttoro among his oiii|>li*7i'4 i. A’Vldcni* will ha|i|*on, and when

tfcoao wm# tin* Muitang Uolnu-nl I* w ant**! atou.-o.

Koop n llnil It* lu tho II oust-. 'Tl* Iho boat < t •c inomjr.

Koop n Itotllo In tho Tnrtorr. ItslinmoJlaC*

use In case of accident savo* pain and I.m* uf *>4<•

Koop n lion I.- Alwnro lu lltn Hiublo lor

■ so nhrn wnntri!.

Tutt’s Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver dormtgen Iho whole ay*, twin, suit produoe*

Sick Headache, Dyspepsia. Costiveness. Rheu¬

matism. Sallow Skin and Piles. There In no hutlcr re in oily for Ihooe roiiiim.it Ulaenauw then Tuff's I.Ivor mils, a* a irtul will prow. Prlre.MOc.

Sold Everywhere.

ARBUCKLE8’ nam«‘ ..n t p ioFa :*» < ; c\»FFEK la a guaraatov vi ox^vlk’tvj

APdOSA C(>FFF7K 1i i all ftr.-’.t*ula»a *torort .rom Fuo Aihiut: u* tho Pacitla,

COFFEE is nrvor i: •>.- 1 .5. . . * .1 to tho air. Alxvay buy t’-t F . 1 in hermetically noabitoNS JH3Y . .. KAfiKri.


Between Cincinnati and Chicago. r*ullm*n Kl.rni.0 P ... «n.l l/l.... .... U .1,.. _ T*ullmsn Sleeping Cars snd lflcgant Reclining Chair Cara <>n Night Trains. M:igmrt. rnt 1'srlor Curs on I»ny Trains. Tho KiiUra Trains ruu thruugh without change.

Between Cincinnati and St. Louis. Solid Train*. Now Sleeping Cara and Kirat-claaa Loacht-t, through without change, via C. |. ht I. « J R ■ (Big F ll ... 1 I .v St i R'y (ihc line)

Between Cincinnati and Peoria. Klr„n.it n... Ilnlnu Cli.lr Car., tt.r....uh wllltu.it rh.i’K. .11,0 "t, |. Bt. L. i c. auJ I. M .V W- blu.it IJiie.'*

Al Chicago, St. Louia and Peoria close and Immediate connection* are mad* with all Lines to and from the Northwest, West and Southwest.

Thrum;Ii Tichcls mid llmritauc I heeka tosM principal i>oli«l»cB.t beot.uinod at any ticket oRkc,C. I. St. I.. ,V *'. It'y, also «u tin* fdnu at ■II cuupori lickct iifhces Inrotighmit the country. Curopany’g uffi, c* inCinciuuaUj N. W. cor. FouriJi K ,, bluets (Ksnkakt c Hullding); S. W cor! Fifth and U uinut btrectki and Central Urnoa 4>cpoi,cur. Third blitci and Cvntrul Avenue.

JOHN EGAN, Ueu'lTtgi'ranil Tkt. Aguat, CINCINNATI, U.


Cholera Cure!I

Tliousamis of dollars worth oi i hiikc-tts die- every year from Choi u.i it is more hital to r|ui kens than nil other di ,eases n.iidiliied Hut the discovery ot u remedy tltut /mitiivfy rum ir has been made, and to he con- vim ed of its i-lli. hi y only ret|nirrs n lu.il. A to veins liotlle is eituimh for one hundred i hifkens It i . nn.tr antecd. If, after iisin# two thirds of n bottle, the buyer is lint thoroughly satisfied w Ith ii as a mre for ('hit ken

C Tu.lc-ra, return il to the undersigned and vuui money wilt be refunded.

Stanley Keller, Agt..


top related