
Post on 14-Nov-2014






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0001. Mother gives me ten dollars for lunch a day. 媽媽每天給我十元吃中餐。0002. The abbreviation for ante-meridiem is A.M., those hours between

midnight and noon. 午前的縮寫為 A.M.,指的是介於午夜到正午間的數小時。0003. He had great ability as a general. 他有做將軍的本領。0004. He is an able lawyer. 他是一個能幹的律師。0005. The boy is curious about everything. 這個男孩對任何事情都很好奇。0006. We flew above the clouds. 我們在雲層上飛行。0007. A rumor is abroad. 謠言四播。0008. He is absent from classes today. 今天上課他缺席。0009. I accept your excuse. 我同意你的辯解。0010. He was killed in a traffic accident. 他死於車禍。0011. You cannot achieve much without work. 若你不努力,不能有多少成就。0012. A bridge was laid across the river. 一座橋橫架在河上。0013. It is an act of kindness. 這是慈善的行為。0014. We must take action before it is too late. 我們必須及早採取行動。0015. Put this sentence into the active. 把這句寫成主動語態。0016. The sports activity will last all morning. 整個運動活動將會持續一上午。0017. The actor made us all believe he was a spy. 這演員讓大家都相信他是個間諜。0018. I think it was an actress pretending to be a fairy.我想是個女演員在假扮仙女。0019. Actually, you owe me more than this. 事實上,你欠我的比這要多。0020. I've added two more classes to my schedule. 我加選了兩門課。0021. A newly born child is often called an addition to the family.

一個新生的小孩常常被說為家庭中新添的一員。0022. I can't read the address on the letter. 我看不懂這信上之地址。0023. You must adjust yourself to new conditions. 你必須使自己適應新環境。0024. I admire your frankness. 我欽佩你的坦白。0025. I admit that it’s a mistake. 我承認錯誤。0026. They adopt a strong attitude towards this matter.

他們對於這事採取堅定的態度。0027. When I am an adult I will make all my own decisions.

我長大成人之後就能自己做決定。0028. They advanced three steps at his command. 他們遵照他的命令前進三步。0029. It is to his advantage. 這是對他有利的。0030. Advertisements help to sell goods. 廣告幫助推銷貨物。0031. My advice to you is to work hard. 我對你的勸告是努力工作。0032. The doctor advised him not to drink excessively.


0033. It is my affair, not yours. 那是我的事情, 不是你的。 0034. He affected great zeal to do this. 他假裝熱心要做這事。0035. Don't be afraid of dogs. 不要怕狗。0036. He grew weak in after years. 在以後的歲月中,他變得衰弱了。0037. He came yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午他來。0038. Please say that again. 請再說一次。0039. I am against your plans. 我反對你的計畫。0040. After his wife's death he aged quickly. 在太太死後他老得很快。0041. He left 10 minutes ago. 他十分鐘前離開了。0042. He agreed to my idea. 他同意我的意見。0043. The school is two kilometers ahead. 學校在前面兩公里的地方。0044. I aided him with money. 我以金錢助他。0045. The Aids is a very dangerous disease. 愛滋病是種非常危險的疾病。0046. He could not aim straight. 他瞄不準。0047. We aired the room by opening the windows. 我們打開窗戶,使房間通風。0048. Our bags disappeared into the belly of the aircraft.

我們的袋子在飛機的行李艙中不見了。0049. The local airline flies to Lake Powell. 當地的飛機航線有飛往包威爾湖。0050. Our airplane had a lotus painted on its tail. 我們的飛機在機尾有蓮花的圖案。0051. We can all meet at the airport before flying out. 起飛前在飛機場見。0052. They were alarmed at the news. 這消息使他們焦慮不安。0053. We put all of our vacation pictures into an album.

我們將所有假期的照片放入相簿中。0054. The two brothers look very much alike. 兄弟兩人長的很像。0055. Although old, he is still very much alive. 雖然年老,他仍非常活躍。0056. I gave him all the money I had. 我把所有的錢都給了他。0057. Smoking is not allowed here. 此處不准吸煙。0058. I almost dropped the cake. 我幾乎把餅掉了。0059. He lives alone. 他獨自居住。0060. We walked along the road. 我們沿著路走。0061. Please read aloud so that I can hear you. 你大聲唸, 讓我聽的到。0062. Before you can read you must learn the letters of the alphabet.

在你學習閱讀前,必須要先學會字母。0063. He had already gone. 他已經走了。0064. Were you at the film? I was also there. 你去看電影了嗎? 我也有去看。0065. They are generous although they are poor. 他們雖然貧窮卻慷慨。0066. He is altogether wicked. 他完全是個壞人。0067. The sun always rises in the east. 太陽總是由東方升起。

0068. I am your best friend. 我是你最好的朋友。0069. Call an ambulance. 叫輛救護車來。0070. America has an interesting history. 美國有段饒富趣味的歷史。0071. The American dream is for everyone to have the same opportunity

for success and freedom. 美國夢就是要讓所有的人享有同等的成功與自由的機會。 0072. I live among the mountains. 我住在群山之中。0073. The amount of seven and eight is fifteen. 七加八的總數是十五。0074. He was wearing a very ancient looking hat. 他戴一頂形式非常古代的的帽子。0075. He started to shout and sing. 他開始又叫又唱。0076. She is a perfect angel. 她是一個完美可愛的人(天使)。0077. Anger does no good. 憤怒無濟於事。0078. I shall be angry if you break that. 妳把那件東西打破的話,我會生氣的。0079. Snakes, fish, and birds are all animals. 蛇,魚,鳥都是動物。0080. He hurt his left ankle at the broad jump. 他跳遠時傷了左踝。0081. The teacher announced to the students that there would be a test

next week. 老師向同學宣佈下星期考試。0082. He was annoyed about the whole thing. 他對整個事情感到氣惱。0083. Your egg is bad; have another. 你的蛋壞了,吃另外一個。0084. Although I wrote a month ago, I've had no answer yet.

雖然我一個月前就寫了信,至今還沒有得到答覆。0085. We watched the ant carry our cracker away. 我們看著螞蟻搬走餅乾屑。0086. His gift was unknown to any except himself.

除了他自己,沒有人知道他擁有那特別的天賦。0087. Is anybody here? 有人在此嗎?

0088. Anyone can come here. 任何人可來這裡。0089. Is there anything in that box? 那盒子裏有沒有什麼東西?0090. He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him anyway.

他可能不喜歡我去探訪他,儘管如此,我還是要去看他。0091. You can go anywhere you like. 你可隨意去任何地方。0092. "The Royal or State Apartments may be seen every day from 1 to 5

o'clock". 皇家廳房每天一時到五時可供參觀。0093. I apologized for being so rude just now. 我為剛才粗魯的行為道歉。0094. The sun appeared on the horizon. 太陽出現在地平線上。0095. His sudden appearance quite surprised me. 他的突然出現使我很驚奇。0096. The apple trees are fruiting early this year. 今年蘋果樹很早結果。0097. You can apply those rules to this case. 你可引用那些規則於這案子。0098. We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard work.

終年努力工作後, 我們都重視這一天的休假。

0099. He is easy to approach. 他易於接近。0100. I was born on April Fools’ Day. 我出生於四月的愚人節。0101. We are ready. 我們(是)準備好了。0102. You haven't cleaned the area under the table. 你沒有打掃桌子下面(的區域)。 0103. What’s your area code? 你的區域號碼是多少?

0104. He argues well. 他這人有辯才。 0105. They walk arm in arm. 他們挽臂散步。0106. He was so tired he fell asleep in the armchair. 他累到坐在椅子上就睡著了。 0107. Every nation needs an army to defend itself. 每個國家都需要軍隊來自我防衛。0108. We sat around the table. 我們圍著桌子坐。0109. I arrange them in pairs. 我將它們成對排列。0110. The police arrested the thief and put him in prison.

警察逮住這賊並送入獄中。0111. We arrived home late. 我們到家時已晚了。0112. John is not an arrogant man. 約翰不是一個傲慢的人。0113. We studied the art of the early Japanese. 我們研究早期的日本藝術。0114. Read the article one time carefully. 仔細閱讀文章一遍。0115. He is a great artist. 他是一個大藝術家。0116. His artistic achievements are great. 他的藝術成就是很大的。0117. They all rose together as one man. 他們全體一齊起立。0118. Asia is an economic giant. 亞洲是經濟巨人。0119. Asian medicine is widely accepted everywhere. 亞洲的醫學普遍被接受。 0120. I asked who he was. 我問他是誰。0121. He is asleep. 他睡著。0122. We have two laboratory assistants here. 我們這裡有兩個實驗室的助教。0123. Let us assume it to be true. 讓我們假定這是真實的。0124. He was at the door. 他在門口。0125. Attack is the best defense. 攻擊乃最好之防禦。0126. He attended the meeting. 他參加會議。0127. You must pay attention to the teacher. Don't let you’re attention

wander. 你必須注意聽老師講課,不要分散注意力。0128. There was a large audience. 聽(觀)眾很多。0129. August is the hottest month of the summer. 八月是夏天最熱的月份。0130. She is aunt to all the children in the street. 她是街上所有孩子的”阿姨” 。0131. Australia is home to the kangaroo. 澳洲是袋鼠的故鄉。0132. The Australian outback is a dangerous place to live. 澳洲內地不適合居住。

0133. Winter comes after autumn. 秋去冬來。0134. They have tried all available means to open the door.

他們曾經試用所有可用的方法來開這個門。0135. We average 8 hours’ work a day. 我們平均每天工作八小時。0136. Avoid bad company. 避免與壞人為伍。0137. He is aware of his rudeness. 他知道自己的粗魯。0138. "Go away! Go away!" he reiterated. ”滾開!滾開!”他再三叫道。0139. He has a baby face. 他有張娃娃臉。0140. I have to baby-sit tonight. 我今晚要當臨時保姆。0141. We pay the baby sitter ten dollars an hour. 我們付臨時保姆一小時十元美金。0142. The war is all back history now, and our two countries are good

friends. 戰爭已成過去的歷史,我們兩國現在是友邦了。0143. Don't look backward, focus on the future. 別回頭看過去,要專注未來。0144. His behavior has a bad effect on other people. 他的行為對他人有不良的影響。0145. To play badminton requires a high net, birdie-ball, and a racket.

打羽毛球需要一張高網、羽球及球拍。0146. His father is bad-tempered. 他父親脾氣很壞。0147. We bagged a rabbit. 我們獵獲了一隻兔子。0148. The cake is baked in an iron pan. 這餅是在鐵鍋中烘的。0149. The smells of fresh cookies from the bakery made my mouth water.

從麵包房傳來剛出爐的餅乾香味讓我垂涎三尺。0150. Romeo gazed up to Juliet on her balcony. 羅蜜歐凝視著在陽台上的茱麗葉。0151. The Earth is a ball. 地球是一球狀體。 0152. His cheeks ballooned as he got fatter and fatter. 他長得愈胖,臉頰就愈圓。0153. The monkey peeled his banana and then threw the peeling at me.

那猴子剝了香蕉,把香蕉皮丟給我。0154. The band of our school is newly organized. 我們學校的樂隊是新組成的。0155. Where do you bank? 你在那存款?0156. I wonder if a banker gets tired of counting money?

我在想,不知道銀行家會不會數錢數到煩?0157. There were bars on the windows to keep intruders out.

在窗戶上有閂,用來防止入侵者。0158. Everyone looked forward to the annual steak barbecue.

每個人都期待年度牛排烤肉的到來。0159. I had a haircut at the barber's yesterday. 昨天我在理髮店理髮。0160. The dog barks at the postman. 那條狗對郵差吠。0161. His motives are base. 他的動機是卑鄙的。

0162. Baseball is the national game of the U. S. 棒球是美國的全國性球戲。0163. It is rather damp in the basement. 地下室很潮濕。0164. The basic instinct is to run from a house on fire.

面對失火的基本本能就是趕快離開房子。0165. The farmers form the basis of a nation. 農民是一個國家的基礎。0166. She bought a basket of peaches. 她買了一籃的桃子。0167. Let's play basketball. 我們來打籃球吧。0168. A bat does not have good eye sight and flies by sonar.

蝙蝠的視力不佳,他們是靠著聲納飛行。0169. He baths every morning. 他每天早上洗澡。0170. This room is very cheap because the bathroom's so small.

因為浴室很小,所以這房間很便宜。0171. "To be or not to be, that is the question." ”生存還是毀滅,那就是問題所在。”0172. Children were running about on the beach. 孩子們在海灘跑來跑去。0173. Beans are rich in protein. 豆類富於蛋白質。0174. That man is as cross as a bear. 那個人粗暴如熊。0175. I can’t bear her nagging. 我不能忍受她的嘮叨。0176. This old man has a long beard. 這老人有長鬍子。0177. He beats the carpet with a stick. 他用棒子打地毯。0178. Your soup was really beautiful. 你的湯真是做得美味極了。0179. "Why can't you do it now?" "Because I'm too busy".

”為什麼你現在不做?” ”因為我太忙了。”0180. He became king. 他成為國王。0181. The machine is bedded in cement. 那機器安置在水泥上。0182. A bedroom isn't only for sleep; it is a room to play in.

臥房不是只用來睡覺,也是遊戲的地方。0183. He was stung by a bee. 他被蜜蜂所螫。0184. I like beef better than pork. 我喜歡牛肉甚於豬肉。0185. There is about five percent of alcohol in beer. 啤酒大約含有 5%的酒精。0186. She stood before him. 她站在他前面。0187. "Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin."

”你們坐好了沒有? 好,我要開始了。”0188. It is expected that a beginner soccer player will make mistakes at

first. 剛開始學足球的人會犯錯是預料中的事。0189. She knows that subject from beginning to end. 那方面她懂得很透徹。0190. He behaved well. 他行為良好。0191. I gave him a good, swift kick in the behind. 我朝他屁股又快又狠的踢了一腳。

0192. Americans have a strong belief in personal freedoms.

美國人對個人的自由有強烈的信念。0193. Do you believe in everything the Bible says? 你相信聖經上所說的每句話嗎?0194. The bell signaled that dinner was served. 鐘響代表晚晚餐已經好了。0195. A telephone belongs in every home. 每戶家庭都有電話。0196. The price is below twenty dollars. 價格不及二十元。0197. This belt is too short for me. 這條皮帶給我用太短了。0198. They sit on a bench in the park. 他們坐在公園裡長椅上。0199. The cat curled up beside the puppy and went to sleep.

貓在小狗旁蜷縮而臥的睡著了。0200. Besides looking left, you must look right before crossing the street.

過馬路前,除了看左邊之外,右邊也要注意。0201. After a long struggle, we bested them. 經過苦鬥之後,我們把他們打敗了。0202. You want a bet? 要打賭嗎?0203. Now that he's better he can play football again.

他既然已經康復,可以不再玩足球了。0204. A girl is between a child and a woman. ”女孩” 介於 ”小孩” 與 ”婦人” 之間。0205. The results were beyond expectations. 結果是出乎意料之外。0206. A bicycle has two wheels. 自行車有二個車輪。0207. This is a big tree. 這是一顆大樹。0208. This is a bilingual dictionary. 這是一本雙語字典。0209. I can't pay now: please bill me later. 我現在不能付款,請以後開帳單給我。 0210. Biology is a fascinating study of life. 生物學是一門具有吸引力的生命研究。0211. The birds are busy building their nests. 鳥兒正忙著築巢。0212. Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快樂!0213. We need only a bit. 我們只需少許。0214. My monkey doesn't often bite. 我的猴子不常咬人。0215. A good medicine tastes bitter. 良藥苦口。0216. After her husband died, she dressed in deep black for the rest of her

life. 她丈夫過世後,她終其生都穿著黑色喪服。0217. Write your name on the blackboard. 把名字寫在黑板上。0218. If anything goes wrong, don't blame me. 假使有甚麼事故發生,不要歸咎於我。0219. Leave a blank after each word. 每個字後面均留空白。0220. The child was wrapped in a blanket. 這小孩被裹在毛毯裡。0221. A blind man can not see. 瞎子不能看見。0222. Someone is blocking our plan. 有人在阻礙我們的計劃。0223. Young Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be

very good at the game yet.

小哲里米是初出毛廬,因此我們不指望他在這次比賽表現得很好。0224. A blouse looks good with both pants and skirts.

短杉搭配長褲或裙子都很好看。0225. His death will be a terrible blow to his family. 他的死將使他的家庭大受打擊。0226. The news of the accident came as a bolt from the blue.

那件意外事件的消息來得有如晴天霹靂。0227. Are you going to board the train or just stand there?

你是要上火車,還是要站在那邊呢?0228. I am ready to put the next board up on our fence.

我準備好要在我們的圍牆上放下下一塊木板。0229. Are you going to America, by boat, or by air? 你到美國是搭船還是搭飛機?0230. We wear clothes to keep our bodies warm. 我們穿衣使我們身體保持溫暖。0231. Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. 水在攝氏一百度沸騰。0232. A bomb blew the building apart. 一顆炸彈炸掉了整棟建築。0233. He broke his rib bone. 他跌斷了肋骨。0234. My favorite present is a book to read. 我最喜歡的禮物就是有一本能閱讀的書。0235. You'll have to book early if you want to see that show.

你要看那場表演的話,要早一點訂座位。0236. The bookcase was filled with every kind of books.

書架上擺滿了各式各樣的書。0237. Her yawn told him she was bored with the movie.

她的呵欠告訴他,她覺得電影很無聊。0238. Listening to travel tales for the fifth time is boring.

聽了五次的旅遊故事很無聊。0239. He was born rich. 他生來即富有。0240. I borrowed some money from him. 我向他借了一些錢。0241. Who's your boss? 你的上司是誰?0242. Both eyes were green. 雙眼都是綠色的。 0243. We had a lot of bother finding our way here. 我們經過很多麻煩才找到這裡。0244. This bottle leaks badly. 這瓶子漏的很厲害。0245. Bottoms up! 乾杯!(底部朝上!)0246. Everyone bowed as the Queen walked into the room.

女王走進房內時,每個人都鞠躬致敬。0247. The boy ate three bowls of rice. 小男孩吃了三碗飯。 0248. He goes bowling every Saturday. 他每週六打保齡球。0249. She's eaten a box of chocolate. 她吃了一盒的巧克力。0250. "Come here, boy!" shouted the old man. ”小伙子,過來!” 那個老人喊道。

0251. Scientists say we use only one tenth of our brains.

科學家聲稱我們只用了大腦十分之一的功能而已。0252. Extending from the tree trunk were four branches covered with

beautiful leaves. 從樹幹延伸出去的四根樹枝覆蓋著美麗的樹葉。0253. Those who climb Mt. Everest are brave. 敢爬艾佛勒斯峰的人很勇敢。0254. He doesn't just write for fun; writing is his bread and butter.

他寫作並不只是為了樂趣而已,那是他謀生(麵包和奶油)的方式。0255. Who broke the window? 誰打破窗戶?

0256. We breakfasted early. 我們很早吃早餐。0257. This house was made of red bricks. 這房子是用紅磚蓋的。0258. The soldiers blew up the bridge. 士兵將橋炸掉。0259. He wrote me a brief letter. 他寫封短信給我。0260. Bright lights lit up the dark sky. 明亮的燈光照亮了黑暗的天空。0261. Bill has a brilliant mind. 比爾是個才氣縱橫的人。0262. I’ll bring more chips. 我會多帶一些洋芋片。0263. Britain no longer rules Hong Kong. 英國已不再統治香港。0264. The British drink a great deal of tea. 英國人喝茶喝得很多。0265. The road was broad and straight. 路又寬又直。0266. She broadcast the gossip all over town. 她到處散佈閒語。0267. You've been like a brother to me. 你就像我的親兄弟一般。0268. She has dark brown hair. 她有深棕色的頭髮。0269. Brunch is a meal between breakfast and lunch.

介於早餐和午餐時間所吃的就是早午餐。0270. He brushes his teeth every morning. 他每天早上刷牙。0271. It’s only a drop in the bucket to him.

對他而言,那只是九牛一毛(水桶中的一滴水)。0272. Come for buffet tonight. 今晚來吃自助餐。0273. Most bugs have six legs. 大多數的昆蟲都有六隻腳。0274. That house is built of brick. 那房子是用磚蓋成的。0275. Houses and churches are buildings. 房子和教堂是建築物。0276. We can use the bun to make a cheese sandwich.

我們可以用小圓麵包來做起士三明治。0277. His car bumped a car. 他的車撞到卡車。0278. We need a bundle of kindling to start a good fire.

我們需要大量的引火物來起火。0279. The house is burning! Help! 房子失火了!救命呀!0280. My heart burst with pride for my son. 我的心中滿是對兒子的驕傲。0281. I saw him on the bus. 我在公共汽車上見到他。

0282. Other people's quarrels are a lawyer's business. 別人的爭執是律師的業務。0283. The businessman sold many toys to the store. 那商人賣許多玩具給這家店。0284. There is a bus stop in front of my apartment. 我的公寓前面有個公車站。0285. To forget his troubles, he busied himself with answering letters.

為了把煩惱忘卻,他讓自己忙於回信。0286. It's not cheap, but it's very good. 這不便宜,但相當好。0287. The smell of the butter kills me. 奶油的味道令我受不了。0288. Butterflies have beautiful wings. 蝴蝶有美麗的翅膀。0289. Push the button for me, please. 請幫我按按鈕。0290. When prices are low, he buys. 價格低廉時,他才買。0291. He walked by me without noticing me. 他從我旁邊走過卻沒注意到我。0292. The vegetable cabbage is a healthy food. 包心菜是一種健康的食物。0293. Let's store the extra blankets in the cabinet. 把多餘的毛毯放在櫥櫃裡吧!0294. The crate is being lifted by a huge cable. 鋼索吊起了板條箱。0295. A cafeteria offers many selections of food to eat.

自助餐廳提供多種的食物選擇。0296. The bird escaped from the cage. 鳥兒從鳥籠中逃出。0297. We caked the wall with mud. 我們在牆上塗上泥巴。0298. You will find each month of a year on the calendar.

在日曆上可以找到一年當中的每一個月份。0299. He called for help. 他大聲求救。0300. After the storm the seas were once again calm.

暴風雨之後,海面再度恢復平靜。0301. I will take my camera. 我會帶照相機去。0302. Let's camp out on his doorstep until we get our tickets.

我們就在他的門階前露營,直到拿到票為止。0303. Everyone on campus knew about the team loss.

校園裡的每一個人都知道這隊輸了。0304. In this factory they can fish to be sent abroad.

他們在工廠把魚裝入罐頭內,送到國外。0305. Canada borders on the U. S. A. 加拿大與美國接壤。0306. St. Edwards Islanders made us welcome with their Canadian

hospitality. 聖愛德華島民以加拿大式的熱情來歡迎我們。0307. Due to rain we are going to cancel the game. 因為下雨,我們準備取消比賽。0308. He's got a cancer in his throat. 他喉嚨長癌。0309. We need one more candle for the birthday cake.

我們需要多一點的蠟燭來插生日蛋糕。0310. A piece of chocolate candy is just what I need right now.

我現在需要的就是一片巧克力糖。0311. Clouds capped the hills. 雲覆蓋在山上。0312. He’s our captain. 他是我們的隊長 (上尉,船長)。0313. This train has a restaurant car. 這火車有餐車。0314. Everyone in the office needs to sign the "get well" card.

辦公室裡的每一個人都必須簽下「早日康復」的卡片。0315. I don't care to play football; I'd rather go for a walk.

我不喜歡玩足球,我寧願去散步。0316. She put a lot of time and energy into her career.

她投入了許多的時間和精力在事業上。0317. Careful consideration was given before making the decision.

在做決定前必須要仔細思考。0318. He was careless and ran into the door. 他粗心撞到門。0319. White carpet may be pretty but it will show all the dirt.

白色地毯雖然漂亮,但髒了很容易看到。0320. The vitamin K in a carrot is good for the eyes.

胡蘿蔔中的維他命 K 對眼睛有利。0321. The monkey carried her baby on her back. 猴子把小猴背在背上。0322. I read the Snoopy cartoon in the Sunday paper.

我在星期日報(Sunday paper)中看到史奴比的卡通。0323. Police are still investigating the case. 警察還在調查案件當中。0324. They wouldn't cash my check without an account.

沒有戶頭就他們就沒辦法讓我把支票兌現。0325. Put the cassette into the recorder. 把卡式錄音帶放進錄音機裡。0326. The knights laid siege to the castle. 騎士準備包圍城堡。0327. You're like a cat on hot bricks today. What's wrong?

你今天這樣坐立不安的(像貓坐在熱磚上)。 出了什麼事呢?0328. The dog caught the ball in its mouth. 狗用嘴巴接住了球。0329. Too much rain will cause the dam to overflow. 雨量過多會導致水壩溢流。0330. Put the CD back into its case. 把光盤放回盒子裡。0331. There was one light in the ceiling. 在天花板上本來有盞燈。0332. They celebrated his birthday. 他們慶祝他的生日。0333. The prisoner cell was 8'x8'. 囚房大小約為 8'x8'。0334. He lost his cell-phone. 他的手機丟了。0335. Do you have one cent in your pocket? 你口袋裡有沒有一分錢?0336. Kids were playing at the play center. 小孩在遊戲中心玩耍。0337. How long is a centimeter? 一公分是多長?0338. The business should thrive with its central location.

生意應該會因為位處中心地點而繁榮。0339. The 19th century began in 1801. 十九世紀始於 1801年。0340. Fruit Loops is just another sweet cereal. 水果圈是另一種的麥片。0341. We will wait for a certain person before we leave.

我們在離開前要等一個特定的人來。0342. Certainly we shall wait. 我們一定會等。0343. The cat is sleeping on the chair. 貓睡在椅子上。0344. Only the chairman of the committee can make that decision.

只有委員會的主席可以做決定。0345. The police used chalk to outline where the body fell.

警察用粉筆畫出屍體掉落處的輪廓。0346. There is a chance we can win. 我們有贏的機會。0347. The leaves change from green to brown. 樹葉由綠變黃。0348. Try to channel your abilities into something useful.

設法把你的才幹導向有用的途徑上去。0349. Each chapter in the book had a title.書中每一章節都有小標題。0350. The main character was Mr. Higgins. 主角是海斯金先生。0351. Let's charge over to his house and demand a reason.

我們一起衝去他家討個公道。0352. The notes in his chart said he was healthy. 圖表中的註解顯示他的健康良好。0353. The old lady saw the thief running up the street and chased him on

her bicycle. 老婦人看見小偷跑到街上,於是騎腳踏車去追他。0354. I was very lucky to get it so cheap. 我運氣好,買到便宜貨。0355. To cheat is dishonest. 欺騙是一種不誠實的行為。0356. Take the check to the bank and deposit it. 把支票拿去銀行存起來。0357. The flowers will cheer her up. 花朵使她精神振奮。0358. I have a cheerful day. 我今天過得愉快。0359. Who is the cheerleader? 誰是啦啦隊隊長?

0360. Not only mice love cheese to eat. 不是只有老鼠喜歡吃起士。0361. The chemical was discovered after many tests.

化學製品是經過多次測試之後才發現的。0362. He majored in Chemistry. 他主修化學。0363. Bring the chess board over here and we can play.

把西洋棋盤帶來,我們可以一起玩。0364. I just love fried chicken. 我就是愛吃炸雞。0365. The chief of the tribe was not available for interviewing.

部落的首領不方便接受採訪。0366. A child sat upon Santa's lap. 小孩坐在聖誕老人的腿上。

0367. Childhood is such a short time in our lives. 童年是生命中一段短暫的時光。0368. Blowing bubbles is not childish. 吹泡泡不是幼稚的行為。0369. Her voice had a childlike quality. 她的聲音有孩子般的音質。0370. Lift your chin and look bravely into his eyes. 抬起下巴,勇敢的盯著他。0371. China has an ice festival each year. 中國每年都有冰雪節。0372. Patience is a virtue the Chinese posses. 堅忍是中國人的美德。0373. What do you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year? 你如何慶祝舊曆年?

0374. Never eat chocolates before dinner. 飯前絕不可吃巧克力糖。0375. What influenced you when you made your choice?

你作決定時,受了什麼的影響。0376. Please choose which movie we'll go see. 請選擇我們要去看哪部電影。0377. It is hard to eat rice with just one chopstick. 只用一根筷子很難吃飯。0378. Our family gathers to celebrate Christmas. 我們全家團聚在一起慶祝耶誕。0379. Pooh was too chubby to fit through the window.

圓圓胖胖的維尼熊塞不進窗戶裡。0380. Very few women are churched today; it's an old custom which is

dying out. 現在很少婦女生產後到教堂去謝恩,這個舊習俗已經逐漸式微。0381. Are you interested in cinema? 你對電影有興趣嗎?

0382. Make a circle around the fire. 在火邊圍成一圈。0383. Each citizen must obey the laws of their country.

每個國民都必須遵守國家的法令。0384. He is the mayor of this city. 他是這個城市的市長。0385. I am here to claim my lost ball. 我來這裡認領遺失的球。0386. A clap of approval made Simon the winner of the contest.

鼓掌定案決定讓賽門成為比賽的贏家。0387. I class that as wickedness. 我認為那樣是邪惡的。0388. This statue has classic Roman features. 這個雕像有典型的羅馬特色。 0389. In New York they play classical music in the subways.

他們在紐約的地下道演奏著古典音樂。0390. Who is the class leader? 那一位是班長?

0391. Mike is a classmate of mine. 麥可是我的同班同學。0392. Please go change into clean clothes. 請去換上乾淨的衣服。0393. Jack needed time to clear himself of burglary charges.

傑克需要一點時間來澄清自己是強盜的指控罪名。0394. That new clerk comes in late every day. 新來的店員每天遲到。0395. A clever boy found the treasure. 一個聰明的男孩找到寶藏。0396. Hawaii has the best climate. 夏威夷擁有宜人的氣候。0397. We can climb the rock when it stops raining.

雨停了之後我們就可以開始攀岩。0398. I clocked him while he ran a mile. 我替他計時跑一英哩。0399. Close the windows. 把窗子關好。0400. You are not even close. 你出的價碼差太多(不夠接近)。0401. The king and his ministers closeted themselves together while they

talked about the government's difficulties.

國王與大臣在密室中商討政府面對的難題。0402. Pick your clothes up off the floor. 把你的衣服從地上撿起來。0403. We couldn't see through the cloudy water. 我們無法看透混濁的水。0404. Kathy joined the chess club. 凱西加入了西洋棋俱樂部。0405. We need a coach for our soccer team. 我們的足球隊需要一名教練。0406. The children were enjoying coasting along on their bicycles.

小孩喜歡騎腳踏車滑下斜坡。0407. It was definitely cold enough for a coat. 絕對是冷到需要穿外套了。0408. The cockroach seems almost indestructible. 打不死的蟑螂。0409. Americans love their coffee. 美國人喜歡自己的咖啡。0410. I found a coin in my pocket. 我在口袋裡找到一枚硬幣。0411. Coke has many meanings: coal dust, slang for cocaine, and the

famous soft drink. Coke 一詞有許多解釋:煤塵、古柯鹼、以及著名的清涼飲料(可樂)。

0412. It's a cold day for July, isn't it? 就七月來說,今天天氣很涼,不是嗎?0413. We are here to collect donations for the poor. 我們在這裡為窮人募款。0414. He had a collection of over fifty arrowheads.他有超過五十種以上的箭頭收藏。0415. After high school I plan to attend college. 高中畢業之後,我打算要上大學。0416. The child is coloring the picture. 小孩正把圖畫塗上顏色。0417. Rainbows are so colorful. 彩虹色彩豐富。0418. We did comb the countryside looking for the lost puppy.

我們在鄉間徹底搜尋走失的小狗。0419. Why don't you come when you know your dinner's ready?

你既然知道晚餐弄好了,為什麼還不來呢?0420. We try to comfort him. 我們試著安慰他。0421. Make yourself comfortable. 請不要客氣。(讓自己舒服)0422. Penguins are comic by nature. 企鵝有著滑稽的天性。0423. He did command them to stay away from the horses. 他命令他們遠離馬群0424. Care to comment on what happened? 可以發表意見說說是怎麼回事嗎?0425. It is the common desire of France and Britain to defeat the enemy.

擊敗敵人是法國與英國的共同願望。0426. I was grateful for Jean's company when I traveled up to Edinburgh.

我感謝琴陪我北上愛丁堡。0427. We can compare the prices before buying.買東西前可先比價。0428. Don't complain! 不要抱怨!

0429. Tell the complete truth. 把所有的事實全講出來。0430. Almost every home has a computer in it. 現在幾乎每家都有電腦。0431. He likes to play computer games. 他喜歡玩電腦遊戲。0432. I can’t concentrate my mind. 我無法專心。0433. It is our concern too. 這也是我們所關心的。0434. He spoke as a confident attorney pleading his case.

他以相當有自信的律師角色為他的客戶辯護。0435. We have confirmed the report. 我們已證實此報導。0436. The conflict is not over. 衝突尚未結束。0437. Confucius has given us much to ponder. 孔子留給我們許多思考的空間。0438. Don't confuse them with details.別讓他們因太多細節而搞混了。0439. We congratulate him on his success. 我們恭喜他成功。0440. A hearty congratulation on your promotion. 由衷的恭喜你升官。0441. You need to carefully consider the punishment. 你得仔細考慮懲處的事情。0442. You are very considerate. 你很體諒人。0443. Let's contact the control tower. 我們跟控制塔聯絡吧。0444. I can’t find my contact lens. 我找不到我的隱形眼鏡。0445. We must contain the oil spill. 我們必須抑制原油外漏。0446. The fighting continued for a week. 戰鬥持續了一個星期。0447. The pre-nuptial contract was signed by both parties. 雙方簽署了婚前合約。0448. This fort controls the whole valley. It must be defended whatever

the cost. 這碉堡控制著整個山谷,應該不惜代價加以保衛。0449. There are two convenience stores in my neighborhood.

我家附近有兩家便利商店。0450. Our house is very convenient for the shops. 我們家到商店去很方便 0451. We should not be having this conversation. 我們不應該有這段談話。0452. His father is a good cook. 他父親是個好廚師。0453. If I cook the meat this morning we can have it cold this evening.

如果我早上把肉煮好,晚上我們就可以吃冷的了。0454. My favorite cookie is chocolate chip.我最喜歡的餅乾是巧克力片。0455. I like Chinese cooking. 我喜歡中國菜。0456. Open the windows to cool the room. 打開窗使房間涼快一點。0457. Jean always copies the way I dress. What I wear today she wears

tomorrow. 琴老是學我穿衣服,我穿什麼她明天就穿什麼。0458. Corn was a staple of the Navajo Indian Tribe. 玉米是印度納瓦霍族的象徵。

0459. He fell and hit his head on the corner of a box. 他跌倒時,頭碰到箱子的一角。0460. You are correct. 你是對的。0461. The cost is too high. 價格太高了。 0462. Cotton exported from Egypt is in high demand.

從埃及進口棉花的需求量相當高。0463. We need a new living room couch. 我們的起居室需要一張長沙發。0464. John had a bad cough this morning but felt well enough to go to


約翰今天早上咳嗽得很厲害,但他覺得還可以去上班。0465. We could buy a new house if our present house would sell.

如果目前的房子能賣掉,我們就會買新房子。0466. To count sheep is supposed to help you get to sleep. 數羊能幫助入睡。0467. Some parts of this country are much warmer than others.

本國有些地區比其他地區溫暖。0468. A drive in the countryside was welcomed. 在鄉間開車是非常愉快的。0469. In Hawaii each island is a separate county in the state.

在夏威夷,每個島都是獨立的郡。0470. I ate a couple of eggs at breakfast. 我在早餐時吃了兩個蛋。 0471. It took courage to run the white rapids on the river.

在激流中行駛是需要勇氣的。0472. He’s taking courses here. 他在此地修課程。0473. He has to go to court this morning. 他今天早上要到法院出庭。0474. The Polish and Russian languages are cousins.

波蘭語和俄國語是同種語言。0475. I want to cover that story. 我想要報導那故事。 0476. That cow needs to be milked. 母牛需要擠奶了。0477. A cowboy’s life is colorful. 牛仔生活多采多姿。0478. I saw a crab run across the beach. 我看到一隻螃蟹爬過海邊。0479. My favorite colored crayon is red. 我最喜歡的蠟筆顏色是紅色。0480. He acted as if he were crazy. 他的行為有如瘋子。0481. Cream your butter well before adding the sugar and flour.

把黃油打成奶油狀再加糖和麵粉。0482. We've created a beautiful new house out of an old ruin.

我們把破屋重建成一棟美麗的房子。0483. This is a creative writing. 這是個有創意的文章。0484. It is a crime to steal. 偷竊是犯罪的行為。0485. No water is a crisis in a desert. 在沙漠中缺水是個危機。

0486. The old lady was really cross when the boy's ball broke her window.

那男孩的球打破了老太婆的窗戶她很生氣。0487. A crowd of fans surrounded the actress. 一群影迷圍繞在女演員的身邊。0488. I don't like crowded elevators. 我不喜歡擁擠的電梯。0489. The cruel master beat his slaves mercilessly with a whip.

殘酷的主人用鞭子無情地鞭打奴隸。0490. She cried with grief when she heard news of her friend's death.

聽到朋友死亡的消息,她傷心地哭了。0491. A culture reflects the values of its people. 文化反映出人們的價值觀。0492. A cup is a most useful utensil. 杯子是最有用的器皿。0493. There is no cure for AIDS. 愛滋病是無藥可治的。0494. It is a curious mind that seeks wisdom. 追求智慧需要好奇的心。0495. An ocean current can easily take you out to sea.

洋流可以很輕易的將你到海洋中。0496. The curtain fell after the play's first act was over.

幕簾第一幕表演結束後落下。0497. The road was one curve after another. 道路彎彎曲曲。 0498. It is the custom to remove your shoes at the front door.

在門口脫鞋是一種習慣。0499. We value each customer that comes into our store.

我們尊重每一位進來店裡的顧客。0500. How did you get that cut in your hand? 你手上的傷口怎麼來的?0501. She wore the cutest little dress you ever did see.

她穿著一件你從來沒見過的最可愛的小衣服。0502. I wish my dad would teach me karate. 我希望老爸能教我空手道。0503. He gets paid daily. 他每天領薪水。0504. An insurance man will assess the damage. 保險員會評估受損程度。0505. She loves to dance to fast music. 她愛跟著快速節奏的音樂跳舞。0506. She’s the dancing queen. 她是舞后。0507. That sign warned of danger. 這訊號警告有危險。0508. It is dangerous to swim here. 在這裏游泳是危險的。0509. Can cats really see in the dark? 貓在黑暗中真的能看見嗎?0510. Data supplies information. 資料提供訊息。0511. I can't date that house exactly, but it must be very old.

我不能正確地說出那棟房子的年代,但一定是很古老的0512. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have 3 daughters. 仲斯夫婦有三個女兒。0513. Dawn is the perfect time to start fishing. 破曉時分是捕魚的最佳時刻。0514. We can see by day, but not by night. 白天我們看得到,夜晚則不能。

0515. It's so cold outside that my fingers feel dead. 外面很冷,我的手指都麻木了。0516. A deaf person may still understand what is being said.

聾子還是可以懂得人家在說什麼。0517. He knows how to deal with children. 他知道怎樣對付孩子。0518. He's my dearest friend. 他是我最要好的朋友。0519. Car accidents have caused many deaths. 車禍造成很多人死亡。0520. I won't debate the issue with you. 我不跟你爭論這話題。0521. You owe the debt. 你欠了債務。0522. December is usually a cold month. 十二月通常是最冷的月份。0523. Your words have decided me. 你的話使我作下決定。0524. In political matters, decision can be very difficult.

政治上的事務有時很難下決定。0525. She decorated the room with flowers. 她用花裝飾房間。0526. A decrease in attendance will hurt our profit.

出席率減低會影響到我們的利益。0527. The deep lake is home to many fish. 深潭中居住著許多魚。0528. Deer come down and nibble the bushes. 鹿跑過來,一點一點地啃著灌木叢。0529. A degree in business is most valuable. 商業方面的學位是最有價值的。0530. The delay saved our lives. 這次的耽擱救了我們的命。0531. We had some delicious cakes after dinner. 我們在晚飯後吃了一些美味的蛋糕。0532. I can deliver that for you. 我可以把那傳遞給你。0533. I demand equal rights. 我要求平等的權利。0534. Democracy is one form of government. 民主政治是政府的一種體制。0535. We will decide by democratic vote. 我們會以民主投票的方式來決定。0536. A dentist will examine your teeth. 牙醫會檢查你的牙齒。0537. I deny saying that. 我不承認我有這麼說。0538. I'm not going to repair the clock; that's your department.

我不要修理鐘,那是你的事。0539. That department store belongs to him. 那是他的百貨公司。0540. You can depend on its raining. 你可以依賴天氣下雨。0541. Have the witness describe the car. 有目擊者描述那台車。0542. The guard did desert his post. 警衛怠忽職守。0543. The desert is hot during the day and cold at night.

沙漠白天很熱,晚上很冷。0544. The design was modern. 這個設計很現代。0545. To succeed is his greatest desire. 成功是他最大的盼望。0546. My desk had my initials carved in it. 書桌上刻有我名字的縮寫字母。

0547. He gave me a desperate look. 他給我絕望的眼神。0548. Mary had eaten so much she didn't want a dessert.

瑪莉吃太多了,不想吃甜點。0549. Who will determine the outcome? 誰會決定最後結果?0550. Let's develop a plan. 我們來計畫一下吧。0551. Dial his number please. 請撥他的電話號碼。0552. She lost her diamond. 她遺失了鑽石。0553. Keep the diary locked. 把日記鎖住。0554. Look it up in your dictionary. 在你的字典上查它。0555. He'll die if he doesn't eat. 他不吃東西就會死。0556. Proper diet and exercise are both important.

適當的飲食和運動對健康都很重要。0557. The difference between 5 and 11 is 6. 5和11 相差6。0558. A goat is different from a sheep. 山羊和綿羊不同。0559. We are in difficult times. 我們目前處境艱難。0560. No money does present a difficulty. 沒有錢什麼都很困難。0561. Dig another hole for the tree. 為樹挖另一個洞。0562. Due to diligent efforts we all got to go. 我們都得去認真努力奮鬥了。0563. I'm busy cooking dinner. 我正忙著作晚餐。0564. We uncovered a bone of a dinosaur. 我們挖掘到恐龍的骨骸了。0565. A foreign diplomat gets to travel. 外交官開始旅行。0566. Some plants need direct sunlight. 有些植物需要陽光直射。0567. I'll give him direction while you're gone. 如果你走了,我會給他方向指示的。0568. The cruise director had our activities planned.

巡航指導者將我們的活動作規劃。0569. Don't dirty your hands. 別把手弄髒了。0570. The sun has disappeared below the horizon. 太陽隱沒在水平線下。0571. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 哥倫布於公元 1492年發現了美洲。0572. We need to discuss an escape route. 我們需要討論逃脫路線。0573. Our discussion was over. 我們的討論結束了。0574. If his shoe comes untied it'll dish his chances in the race.

如果他的鞋帶鬆開,那會毀掉他在賽跑中得勝的機會。0575. It's apparent she was dishonest in business. 很明顯她在做生意上不誠實。0576. It is some distance away. 有一段距離。0577. We'll divide the candy in half. 我們會把糖果分半。0578. Division is only part of the math course. 除法是數學課程的一部份。0579. I feel dizzy. 我覺得暈眩。0580. What are you doing? 你在做什麼?

0581. Silently we do pray. 我們靜靜的作禱告。0582. You should see a doctor. 你得看看醫生。0583. Let the document speak for itself. 讓文件自己說話。0584. We were dogged by bad luck during the whole journey.

一路上倒霉事老纏著我們。0585. She has a pretty doll. 她有個漂亮的洋娃娃。0586. The dollar has risen in value against the yen. 美金價值比日圓高。0587. Dolphins live in the bay. 海豚住在海灣中。0588. Mary rode a donkey to Bethlehem.瑪麗騎著一隻驢子去伯利恆。0589. Good luck is often the door to success.好運常是通往成功之門。0590. Place a dot over the "'i" and cross the "t".

請在"i"上面畫一點,然後在"t"上面劃橫線。0591. Double your socks to keep warm. 穿兩雙襪子保暖吧。0592. Double Tenth Day is celebrated with parades. 雙十節有閱兵典禮慶祝。0593. You doubt my honesty? 你懷疑我的誠信?0594. I must resist eating that doughnut. 我得抗拒油炸圈餅的誘惑。0595. The government easily downed the opposition. 政府輕易地擊敗反對黨。0596. Is anyone downstairs yet? 有人在樓下嗎?

0597. Let's go downtown. 我們到市中心去吧。0598. I've been there dozens of times. 我去過那裡幾十次了。0599. I worked hard to have a Dr. in my name.

我努力工作是為了讓我的頭銜裡有博士兩字。0600. It was a big red dragon with black wings. 那是一隻大紅龍,有著黑色的翅膀。0601. The Dragon-boat Festival is most colorful. 端午節最精彩了。0602. Which do you like better: music or drama? 音樂和戲劇你比較喜歡哪個?0603. Draw your chair nearer to the table. 把你的椅子往桌子拉近一點。0604. The pictures are in the drawer. 照片在抽屜裡。0605. Do you dream at night? 你晚上作夢嗎?0606. In this old play, the actors wear the dress of 100 years ago.

在這齣古裝劇裡,演員穿一百年前的服裝。0607. My dresser takes up too much room. 我的梳妝台佔據了太多空間了。0608. He doesn't smoke or drink. 他不抽煙也不喝酒。0609. The club is having a membership drive. 這個會在發起吸收會員運動。0610. Who was the driver of the car when the accident happened?


0611. Drop the gun now! 放下槍! 0612. If you take that drug it will make you sleepy. 吃那藥會讓你想睡覺。0613. Go to the drugstore to buy aspirin. 到藥局去買些阿斯匹靈吧。

0614. He got a drum for his birthday. 他生日時收到鼓做為禮物。0615. The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun. 濕衣服在太陽下很快就會曬乾的。0616. Put the wet clothes into the dryer. 把濕的衣服放進烘乾機裡。0617. Let's have duck for dinner. 晚餐吃鴨肉吧。0618. It was a dumb, thoughtless thing to say.

這是一件沒什麼好說的事(說來愚笨且思慮不週之事)。0619. I love chicken and dumpling soup. 我喜歡吃雞肉還有水餃湯。0620. He swims every day during the summer. 他在夏天每天游泳。0621. It is your duty to take care of the baby. 你的責任就是要照顧嬰兒。0622. Each dessert was yummy. 每道甜點都很可口。0623. The eagle is USA's national bird. 老鷹是美國的國鳥。0624. You needn't shout into my ear like that; I can hear you perfectly


你不必大聲在我耳邊喊,我聽得很清楚。0625. The bush was planted early in the season. 這棵小樹是初春的時候種的。0626. Go earn your own money. 自己去賺錢。0627. Her earrings go well with her dress. 她的耳環跟她的衣服很配。0628. Earth is beautiful from space. 從太空看地球是很美的。0629. The room faces east, so we get the morning sun.

這個房間朝東,上午能照到太陽光。0630. Easter is a Christian sacred holiday. 復活節對基督徒而言是一個神聖的節日。0631. The sun rises in the eastern sky. 太陽從東方的天空升起。0632. John is easy to please. 讓約翰開心並不難。0633. Jack is an easygoing person. 傑克是個隨遇而安的人。0634. Eat your dinner! 吃飯了!0635. Don't go near the edge of the street. 別靠近街道邊。0636. Education is the key to new technology. 教育是新科技的關鍵。0637. Her crying will effect the decision. 她的眼淚會影響決定。0638. Listening is an effective communication skill. 傾聽是一種有效的溝通技巧。0639. My effort went unnoticed. 我的努力不被重視。0640. An egg was thrown into the crowd. 蛋被丟到群眾當中。0641. Listen to John singing! He must have had over the eight.

聽約翰唱歌,他準是喝醉了(高八度音)。0642. You mean eighteen survived. 你指的是有十八個人存活。0643. Eighty were left stranded. 有八十個人陷入困境。 0644. It's either a boy or a girl. 不是男的就是女的。0645. Either Mat or Lucy will have a key. 不是馬特就是露西有鑰匙。 0646. John is the elder brother. 約翰是哥哥。

0647. Now is the time to elect a new class president. 現在該選出一名新的班代了。0648. The election is next week. 選舉是在下禮拜。0649. Electric lights dotted the landscape. 電燈點綴了景觀。0650. She is certainly out of her element. 她一定是處在不適合的環境當中。0651. She is a retired elementary school teacher. 她是國小退休老師。0652. An elephant has a long trunk. 象有長鼻。0653. It's eleven o'clock. 現在十一點.

0654. I bet someone else took the purse. 我敢說是別的人拿走了錢包。0655. Just now I received your email. 我才剛收到你的電子郵件。0656. He meant to embarrass me in front of you. 他故意讓我在你面前難堪。0657. He felt embarrassed when she kissed him good night.

當她親他道晚安時,他感到困窘。0658. It is an embarrassing question. 那是個令人尷尬的問題。0659. Fear is a valid emotion. 恐懼是合理的情緒。0660. To emphasize that trait was rude of you. 你一直強調那個特點是很無理的。0661. We employ both men and women. 我們會雇用男性及女性員工。0662. Please empty the trash. 請倒垃圾。0663. So encourage him to leave. 鼓勵他離開吧。0664. He ended his letter with good wishes to the family. 他在信末祝福全家人。0665. I saw the enemy face to face. 我和敵人面對面。0666. Young people usually have more energy than the old.

年輕人通常比老年人有活力。0667. He is an energetic young man. 他是個精力充沛的年輕人。0668. The engine was left idling. 引擎在空轉。0669. The mountain road is very well engineered. 這山路修築得很好。0670. England has a Queen. 英格蘭有女皇。0671. My father is English, but my mother is Scottish.

我父親是英格蘭人,母親是蘇格蘭人。0672. An Englishman offered us tea on the train. 有英國人在火車上提供我們茶。0673. He has always enjoyed very good health. 他身體一向都很(享受)健康。0674. It's warm enough. 天氣夠溫暖。0675. Please do not enter without knocking on the door. 進來前請先敲門。0676. The entire team shaved their heads. 全隊都剃了頭。0677. The entrance is on the south side of the building. 入口處在大樓的南邊。0678. He sealed the envelope. 他封上信封。0679. We have a no-smoking work environment. 我們的工作場所(環境)是禁煙的。0680. I don't envy you your journey in this bad weather.


0681. We are an equal opportunity employer. 我們是提供機會均等的雇主。0682. I always use my eraser during a test. 我在考試時都會使用橡皮擦。0683. The error was all mine. 都是我的錯。0684. He seems especially fit for his age. 他看起來跟他的年紀特別符合。0685. I want to visit Europe. 我想到歐洲拜訪。0686. The restaurant had a European atmosphere. 這間餐廳有歐洲的氣氛。 0687. We were bathed in eve's loveliness. 我們沐浴在迷人的黃昏裏。0688. I don’t even know him. 我甚至不認識他。0689. By the time he gets home there won't much evening left.

等他回到家時,己接近夜深了。0690. If ever you need me, just call. 如果有需要就打電話給我。0691. Every jewel was put into the vault. 每一顆珠寶都放在保險箱了。0692. Everybody wants good health. 每個人都想要健康。0693. We have enough seats for everyone. 我們有足夠的座位給每個人坐。0694. Everything was in its place. 每樣東西都歸位了。0695. Did you look everywhere? 你到處看過了嗎?0696. He gave an evil laugh before disappearing. 他離開之前對我們邪惡的笑著。0697. An "X" marks the exact location of the treasure.

"X"所標記的是寶藏的確切地點。0698. I have been studying for the exam. 我一直在為測驗做準備。0699. The doctor examined her carefully. 醫生仔細地檢查她的身體。0700. Her rudeness was a typical example of her usual bad manners.

她的粗魯,正是她一貫態度惡劣的典型例證。0701. Here are excellent examples of pottery. 這個是傑出的陶器樣品。0702. I can go any day except Monday. 除了星期一之外我都可以去。0703. We exchange gifts. 我們交換禮物。0704. Many things can excite the killer bees. 很多東西都可能會刺激到殺人蜂。0705. The excited children were opening their Christmas presents.

興奮的孩子們正在拆他們的耶誕禮物。0706. He told us an exciting story. 他告訴我們一則很刺激的故事。0707. Have you any excuse for coming so late? 你這麼晚來有什麼理由嗎?

0708. You're getting fat; you should exercise more. 你發福了,該多做運動。0709. Planet Earth is not the only planet where life exists.

地球不是唯一有生命生存的行星。0710. The sign clearly said EXIT. 標示很清楚的寫著「出口」。 0711. I would expect nothing less from him. 我對他有相同的期待。0712. Diamonds are expensive. 鑽石越來越貴。0713. Our country has experienced great changes in the last 30 years.

過去三十年裏,我們的國家經歷了巨大的改變。0714. He is an expert at mountain climbing. 他是爬山專家。0715. Please explain the meaning of this poem. 請解釋這首詩的意義。0716. They are exploring this question. 他們在探討這個問題。0717. I'll export coffee starting next month. 我從下個月起就會開始出口咖啡。0718. She expressed her thanks. 她表示她的謝意。0719. He volunteered for extra duty. 他自願負起其他的責任。0720. She eyed me jealously. 她嫉妒地看著我。0721. The house faces the park. 房子面向公園。0722. Scientists attempt to find reasons for facts. 科學家嘗試替事實找出原因。0723. He works in a glass factory. 他在玻璃工廠做事。0724. Her health is starting to fail. 她的健康情況逐漸開始衰退。0725. Failure does not mean defeat. 失敗並不代表被打敗。0726. Fair weather is forecast for today. 今天的天氣預測是晴朗的。0727. The Fair has a pie-eating contest. 今天的集市有吃派大賽。0728. The clock fell off the shelf. It fell 3 feet. 這個鐘從架子上掉下來, 掉下了三呎。0729. The fall of snow blocked the highway. 下雪阻斷了公路交通。0730. We know it was a false identity being used. 我們知道這是身份被冒用。0731. My family is very large. 我的家庭很大。0732. What’s his family name? 他姓什麼?0733. Kyoto is famous for its temples and shrines. 京都以寺廟著名。0734. She fanned her face with a newspaper. 她用一張報紙搧臉。0735. Fancy working every day! 想想看,竟然每天要工作!

0736. The movie is fantastic and exciting. 這電影精彩又刺激。0737. He ran far into the night. 他遠遠的跑入夜色中。 0738. My sister lives on a farm 我姊姊住在農場裡。0739. It is hard for a farmer to leave his land and animals.

要農夫離開他的土地及動物是很難的。0740. It's fashionable to go to Bermuda for holidays. 到百慕達渡假是很時髦的。0741. The colors aren't fast, so be careful when you wash this shirt.

這些顏色易褪色,所以洗襯衫時小心一點。0742. He owns three fast food restaurants. 他擁有三間速食餐廳。0743. Excess fat can lead to health problems. 過胖會導致健康問題。0744. I have loved her like a father should. 我愛她就像父親愛自己的女兒一樣。 0745. Father’s Day means a lot to me. 父親節對我而言意義重大。0746. I need a new bathroom sink faucet. 我需要一個新的浴室洗手台的水龍頭。0747. It was impossible to fault her performance. 她的表演無懈可擊。0748. Surely he owes you a favor. 顯然他欠你一個人情。

0749. The books are my favorites. 這些是我最喜愛的書。0750. She has always feared mice. 她一向懼怕老鼠。0751. February is usually a very cold month. 二月通常很冷。0752. My fee will be expensive. 我的費用會很高。0753. Feed the baby first. 先餵食嬰兒。0754. Just feel the quality of the cloth! 摸摸這塊布的質地!

0755. I have a feeling that he'll come soon. 我覺得他不久會來。0756. See if those fellows want some beer. 看看那些人是否要啤酒。0757. This rose is female. 這朵玫瑰是雌性的。0758. A fence separated the two farms. 籬笆分隔著兩座農場。0759. I love a fall festival with all the food and rides.

我喜歡有個充滿美食與騎馬的秋天節日。0760. Her fever showed she was sick. 她的發燒顯示她生病了。0761. So few people came. 很少人來。0762. The sheep are in the field. 羊群在牧場上。0763. There are fifteen holes in the back yard. 後院有十五個洞。0764. Fifty wedding anniversaries set a new family record.

五十週年結婚紀念日創下了一個新的家庭紀錄。0765. I will fight for what is mine. 我會為屬於我的東西而奮鬥。0766. I figured that you'd want your tea. 我猜你想要茶。 0767. The house soon filled with children. 房子不久就擠滿了小孩。0768. I enjoyed watching the film a second time. 我很享受能二度看這部電影。0769. I won't go, and that's final! 我不去,就這麼決定!0770. They talked about it for hours. Finally, they decided not to go.

他們談論了幾個小時,最後決定不去。0771. I can't find my boots! 我找不到我的長統靴。0772. They fined him heavily. 他們重重地罰他錢。0773. She fingered the rich silk. 她撫摸著華麗的絲絨。0774. Have you finished your homework? 你已將家庭作業做完了嗎?0775. He's firing at us! 他在向我們射擊!0776. The house was burned down before the fire engine came.

在消防車到之前,房子已燒毀。0777. My uncle is a fire fighter. 我叔叔是消防隊員。0778. The fire station is between a police station and a clinic.

消防隊位於警局與診所之間。0779. The firm hired him. 這間公司錄取他了。0780. The jelly firmed quickly. 果凍很快就凝固了。0781. He was the first one who was there. 他是第一個到那兒的人。

0782. What’s your first name? 請問大名?0783. Let's go fishing. 我們去釣魚吧。0784. I see a fisherman on the shore. 我在岸上有看到一個漁民。0785. Fishing is my favorite sport. 釣魚是我最喜歡的運動。0786. She kept them in fits of laughter with her jokes.

她以笑話使他們發出一陣一陣的笑聲。 0787. This book costs five dollars. 這本書值五元。0788. We've fixed the date for the wedding. 我們已定下結婚的日子。0789. There's a flag on the bow of his boat. 在他的船頭有一面旗子。0790. I need a flashlight to see in the dark. 在黑暗中我需要手電筒。0791. He was late for work this morning because of a flat tire.

他今天早上因為輪胎洩氣而上班遲到。 0792. She owns a flat in downtown. 她在市區有間高級公寓。0793. Did you have a good flight? 你搭乘飛機一路愉快嗎?0794. I was floored by his argument and had to admit defeat.

我為他的辯論所敗,不得不認輸。0795. I need flour to make bread. 我需要麵粉來做麵包。0796. Watch the river flow into the sea. 看著河流流入大海。0797. This bush flowers in the spring. 灌木(樹叢)春天開花。0798. She works at a flower shop. 她在花店工作。0799. The flu does travel around the world. 流行性感冒在全球散播開來。0800. He speaks fluent Japanese. 他日語流利。0801. Music from the flute lifted my spirit. 長笛的音樂振奮我的精神。0802. Most birds and some insects fly. 大部份的鳥類會飛,某些昆蟲也會飛。0803. There are many flies on the cake. 蛋糕上有很多蒼蠅。0804. Children were the focus of the meeting. 孩子們是會議的焦點。0805. The steam has fogged my glasses. 蒸汽使我的眼鏡模糊不清。0806. The weather report predicts a foggy morning. 氣象報告預測有晨霧。0807. The boy followed his father out. 小孩跟隨父親出去。0808. Following the appetizer that main course was served.

開胃菜之後,接下來上的就是主菜了。0809. Food sustains life. 食物維持生命。0810. Don't fool with him. 別耍他。0811. I felt foolish waiting there for them. 我覺得站在那裡等他們很蠢。0812. Attached to the ankle is my foot. 跟腳踝連在一起的是腳。0813. Football season is so long. 美式足球季很長。0814. For Heaven’s sake, listen to me. 看在老天爺的份上,請聽我的。0815. Force 5 hurricanes hit the Florida coast. 五級颶風襲擊佛羅里達沿岸。

0816. He lives in a foreign country. 他住在外國。0817. I am a foreigner in this strange land. 我在這塊陌生的土地上是個外國人。0818. A large part of Africa is made up of thick forest. 非洲大部份都是濃密的森林。0819. Don't forget to bring the cases. 別忘了把箱子帶來。0820. To forgive makes the heart lighter. 原諒讓心更輕鬆。0821. The fork belongs on the left side of the plate when setting a table.

在餐桌上,叉子是放在左手邊的。0822. Steam forms when water boils. 水煮沸了就形成蒸汽。0823. Any formal dinner takes a lot of preparation.

任何正式的晚餐都需要花很多時間準備。0824. Saying goodbye to the crowd was the former diplomatic attache.

向人群說再見的人是前外交使館隨員。0825. He’s a man of forty. 他是四十歲的人。0826. The soldiers crept forward under cover of darkness.

士兵在黑夜的掩護下向前爬行。0827. Will you make up a four for a game of cards? 你願意為四人牌湊足一組嗎?0828. I am fourteen years old. 我十四歲。0829. There was a fox in the hen house. 在母雞雞舍裡有一隻狐狸。0830. France is home to the Eiffel Tower 愛菲爾鐵塔位在法國。0831. To be frank with you, I don’t like you. 老實跟你說,我不喜歡你。0832. The prisoner wished to be free again. 囚犯希望重新恢復自由。0833. Freedom comes with a price. 自由是有價的。0834. “Freeze!” “不許動!”0835. I have a freezer full of meat. 我的冰箱都是肉。0836. The freezing weather caused many deaths. 寒冷的天氣凍死許多人。0837. Exquisite French wine was delivered. 精緻的法國酒被送出了。 0838. He is a frequent guest of mine. 他是我的常客。0839. You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the market.

在市場上你可買到新鮮的水果和蔬菜。0840. He'll arrive on Friday. 他本星期五到。0841. He's a close friend of my brother. 他是我弟弟的密友。0842. A friendly dog came to meet us at the farm.

農場有一條友善的狗出來迎接我們。0843. Their friendship spanned decades 他們的友誼延續數十年。0844. Of course ghosts frighten me. 我當然怕鬼。0845. Toss the Frisbee high into the air. 將飛盤丟入空中。0846. One could hear the frog croaking. 可以聽到青蛙鳴叫。

0847. From the moment he saw her, he loved her. 他一見到她就愛上了她。0848. Write your name on the front cover of the exercise book.

在練習簿封面寫上你的名字。0849. Under her frosty face was a burning heart. 在她冷霜的面孔下有顆炙熱的心。0850. You’d better not frown. 你最好別皺眉頭。0851. The apple trees are fruiting early this year. 今年蘋果樹很早結果實。0852. Fry the potato first. 先炸馬鈴薯。 0853. The moon's at its full. 月亮正圓。0854. You're sure to have some fun at the party tonight!

今晚的宴會你必定會玩得很開心。0855. If the computer functions correctly, things get done.

如果電腦運作功能正常,事情就能完成。0856. What a funny story! 多麼有趣的故事啊!0857. I love antique furniture. 我喜愛古家具。0858. Don't try my patience any further. 別得寸進尺,我的忍耐是有限度的。0859. The future is uncertain. 未來充滿著不確定性。0860. I'm newer in the job but I'm already gaining experience.

在這件工作上我是生手,但我開使有經驗了。0861. Football is a game which doesn't interest me. 足球是不會引起我興趣的運動。0862. Put the car into the garage 把車停在車庫。0863. Garbage littered the streets 垃圾弄髒了街道。0864. In the backyard is the herb garden. 後院是芳草園。0865. We use gas to heat our house. 我們用瓦斯來溫暖室內。0866. Gasoline is stored in tanks. 汽油是貯放在油槽中。0867. Open the gate for the truck. 為卡車打開大門。0868. We gather the eggs at first light. 我們在黎明時收集雞蛋。0869. The general attitude was one of awe. 一般的態度就是害怕。0870. In the army he was a five star general. 他在軍中是五顆星的將軍。0871. We are the "X" generation. 我們是 X世代。0872. Her gift was generous to a fault. 她的禮物慷慨過頭。0873. Does anyone doubt he is a genius? 有人懷疑他是天才嗎?0874. Our gentle giant fell deeply asleep. 我們溫和的巨人沈沈睡去。0875. I know him to be a gentleman. 我知道他是個紳士。0876. Geography was my worst subject in school. 地理是我在學校最差的科目。0877. It was decided he must be German. 已經確定他是德國人。0878. Germany borders France 德國比鄰法國。0879. Her gesture of friendship was welcomed. 她友善的態度受到歡迎。 0880. I got a letter today. 我今天收到一封信。

0881. A ghost haunted the castle. 城堡裡有鬼。0882. Shakespeare is a giant among writers. 莎士比亞是作家中的巨擘。0883. He has the gift of speaking well. 他天生能言善道。0884. There are more girls than boys in this school. 本校的女生多於男生。0885. Give me the baby. 把嬰兒給我。0886. I'm glad he's got the new job. 我很高興他得到了新職。0887. I cut my hand on some broken glass. 破碎的玻璃割傷了我的手。0888. Does he wear glasses? 他有戴眼鏡嗎?0889. Woolen gloves are warmest. 毛手套最暖。0890. We have to glue the pieces first. 我們得先把每片黏牢。0891. The children are full of go. They run and play all day.

這些小孩子精力充沛,他們整天跑呀玩呀。0892. He kicked in the last goal of the game. 他踢進了比賽的最後一分。0893. The goat ate my hat. 山羊吃了我的帽子。0894. God can be found in each of us. 上帝在我們每一個人的身邊。0895. He wore a gold watch. 他戴著金錶。0896. Golden ringlets fell down her back. 金色的捲髮垂在她的背後。0897. Golf is a passion not a hobby. 打高爾夫球是一種熱愛而非習慣。0898. By behaving well you can be an influence for good.

只要行為端正,你會是個有良好影響力的人。0899. A good-bye is too hard on me. 說再見對我而言太難。0900. Many restaurants in Taipei serve goose. 台北很多餐廳供應鵝肉。0901. A new government has been established. 新政府已經成立了。0902. Potatoes are graded according to size and quality.

馬鈴薯按大小與品質分出等級。0903. Just how much is a gram? 一公克是多重?0904. Her grand hospitality made her famous. 她的十分好客使她出名。0905. My granddaughter is so special to me. 我的孫女對我而言特別重要。0906. Grandfather quit smoking last week. 祖父上週戒煙了。0907. Grandmother can't bake anything. 祖母不會烤東西。0908. My grandson is full of energy. 我的孫子充滿活力。0909. Grapes grow on my back fence. 葡萄長在我家後面的籬笆上。0910. Bill must have grassed on us. 比爾一定告發了我們。0911. Gray is a color made up of black and white. 灰色是由白色和黑色混和而成。0912. He's always talking about his connections with the great.

他一再談到他和大人物的關係。0913. A greedy child ate all of the donuts.一個貪心的小孩把所有的油炸圈餅全吃光了0914. Green apples are sour. 生蘋果是酸的。

0915. Please greet the guests. 請招呼來賓。0916. The branch broke and fell to the ground. 樹枝斷了,落在地上。0917. Our group set the standards for the debate. 我們的團體為辯論設下標準。0918. My fingernails aren't growing. 我的指甲沒有長。0919. Growth comes during the summer months. 在夏季的數月間成長。0920. The bank guard carries a gun. 銀行警衛有配槍。 0921. Guava is such a sweet nectar. 番石榴是一種甜蜜的果實。0922. My guess is that he didn't come because his wife wouldn't let him.

我猜想他不來是因為他的太太不讓他來。0923. "May I borrow your pen?" "Be my guest!"

”我可以借你的鋼筆嗎?” ”請便(當我的客人)!”

0924. This map will guide us to the treasure. 地圖將會引導我們找到寶藏。0925. He played the guitar. 他彈吉他。0926. Put the gun down. 把槍放下。0927. What guy came to the house? 是什麼人到家裡來?0928. There is a basketball game in the gym this Saturday.

這星期六,體育館裡有一場籃球賽。0929. He has a habit of reading in bed. 他有在床上讀書的習慣。0930. The cat has left her loose hairs all over my clothes.

貓掉下的毛佈滿在我的衣服上。0931. I wouldn't pay for such a lousy haircut. 我不會付錢剪這種糟糕的髮型。0932. My hair dresser is late again. 我的美容師又遲到了。0933. You're taken the bigger half of the cake! 你倒揀了大半塊蛋糕!0934. You can't be in the hall without a pass. 沒有通行證你是進不了大廳的。0935. Halloween is full of trick-or-treaters. 萬聖節充滿了惡作劇的把戲。0936. Ham is the traditional Easter meal. 火腿是傳統的復活節餐點。0937. A grilled hamburger has fewer calories than when fried.

烤漢堡的卡路里比炸漢堡低。0938. Hand me the hammer. 把鐵鎚給我。0939. Which hand do you salute with? 你用哪隻手行禮? 0940. Hand me that book, please. 請把那本書遞給我。0941. I forgot my handkerchief. 我忘了帶手帕。0942. Put your hands on the handle. 把手放在方向盤上。0943. Handle the package with care. 小心處理包裹。0944. He is such a handsome, young man. 他是個英俊的年輕人。0945. They hang fish to dry in the sun. 他們把魚掛在太陽底下曬乾。0946. The hanger was thrown on the floor. 衣架被丟在地板上。0947. A funny thing happened. 趣事發生了。

0948. I'll be happy to meet him when I have free time. 我有空時,我將樂於見他。0949. The snow has frozen hard. 雪凍得硬梆梆的。0950. That sweater has hardly been worn. 毛衣幾乎沒穿過。0951. They are hardworking workers. 他們是辛勤的工人。0952. At the age of 60, he hung up his hat. 六十歲時,他停止工作(把帽子掛起來)。0953. I hate such cruelty. 我憎恨這種殘酷的事。0954. Do you have a pencil? 你有鉛筆嗎?

0955. I have been reading all morning. 我一個早上都在閱讀。0956. Where's he? 他在哪裏?0957. The car headed the procession. 遊行隊伍以這輛汽車為前導。0958. I have a headache. 我頭痛。0959. Health is better than wealth. 健康勝過財富。0960. I am healthy. 我很健康。0961. I can't hear very well. 我聽的不是很清楚。0962. My heart bled for him. 我的心為他淌血。0963. Heat the coffee before serving it. 喝咖啡前先加熱。0964. I carried the heater from room to room.我把暖氣機從一個房間帶到另一個房間。0965. Time hung heavy on his hands. 他覺得時間(很重)不容易打發。0966. That is the wrong height for drapes. 那是錯誤的窗簾高度。0967. Any helicopter is noisy on takeoff. 任何直昇機起飛前都很吵。0968. Hello, John! How are you? 喂,約翰! 你好嗎?

0969. Could you help me up? 請你幫忙扶我上去好嗎?

0970. They were all helpful children. 他們都是有用的孩子。0971. The fox did catch the hen. 狐狸的確有抓到母雞。0972. He wants to marry her, but she's only 15! 他要娶她,而她才十五歲哩!

0973. Come here please. 請到這裡來。0974. My hero is Mother Teresa. 德蕾莎修女是我心目中的英雄。0975. The broach is hers. 這鑿子是她的。0976. Let her speak for herself. 讓她為自己說話。0977. Hey! Where are you going? 嘿,你上哪兒去?

0978. Hi there, babe! 喂,小妞兒!0979. Let's play hide and seek. 我們來玩捉迷藏。0980. The price of food reached a new high this week.

這一週食品價格升到新的最高紀錄。0981. A new highway opened up between the two cities.

兩座城市間開闢了新公路。0982. We hiked in the country. 我們在鄉間徒步旅行。

0983. My car wouldn't get up the steep hill. 我的車開不上這陡峭的小山丘。0984. I look to him for leadership. 我希望他能是領導者。0985. What does he say for himself? 他為自己說了些什麼?0986. I threw my hip out playing soccer. 我在踢足球時摔到臀部了。0987. Ancient Egyptians used to hunt hippopotamus on the Nile River.

古埃及人曾經在尼羅河中獵捕河馬。0988. I hired a boat by the hour. 我按鐘點租了一條船。0989. Which coat is his? 哪件外套是他的?

0990. He studies Japanese history. 他研究日本史。0991. He hit me on the head. 他打我的頭。0992. Hitchhike is against the law in this State. 在本州沿途搭便車旅行是違法的。0993. A hobby is a good way to relax after a hard day at work.

嗜好是一天辛苦工作後放鬆的方法。0994. He held the flowers while she cut some more.

他拿著花,而同時她又多剪了一些花。0995. These roads are full of holes. 這些路滿是坑洞。0996. He's on holiday. 他在渡假。0997. "Where do you live?" "Well, Nigeria is my home, but I'm living in

London just now." ”你住在哪兒?” ”奈及利亞是我的家鄉,但是現在我住在倫敦。”0998. He felt homesick and alone so far from home. 遠離家讓他感到思鄉及孤單。0999. It seems the homework will never end. 功課好像永遠都做不完。1000. I remember him as honest, sincere, and loving.我記得他的誠實、真誠以及愛1001. Honesty in our dealings will bring its own reward.

我們誠信的往來將會有其回報的。1002. Honey on cornbread is yummy. 在玉米麵包塗上蜂蜜是很可口的。1003. Hong Kong is a seat of commerce. 香港是商業重鎮。1004. The bird hopped onto my finger. 小鳥跳到我的手指上。1005. I hope he'll come tomorrow. 我希望他明天會來。1006. What a horrible accident! 多可怕的意外阿!1007. An Appaloosa is a type of horse. 阿帕魯薩馬是馬的一種。1008. He went to the hospital. 他去醫院了。1009. He acted as host to his father's friends. 他當主人款待父親的朋友。1010. How hot is the water? 水有多熱呢?1011. He ate three hot dogs in one minute. 他一分鐘吃三條熱狗。1012. The most famous hotel in the Philippines is the Manila Hotel.

菲律賓最有名的旅館是馬尼拉飯店。1013. The bus leaves on the hour. 巴士整點發車。1014. The whole house was woken up. 全家都被叫醒。

1015. My mother is a housewife. 媽媽是家庭主婦。1016. The housework is never done. 家事永遠做不完。1017. How are you doing? 你好嗎?1018. We will help however you see fit. 看你覺得怎樣適合,我們會幫你。1019. Hualian is an interesting city to visit. 花蓮是個有趣、值得造訪的城市。1020. The elephant is a huge animal. 大象是一種巨大的動物。1021. To error is human. 人都會犯錯(犯錯是人性)。1022. Though it is humble, there is no place like home. 家雖簡陋,無處可比。1023. The day was humid. 這一天很潮濕。1024. I like your sense of humor. 我喜歡你的幽默感。1025. Scaring me is not humorous. 嚇我一點也不幽默。1026. Have you ever gone a hundred miles per hour? 你有試過一小時走一百哩嗎?1027. There should not be hunger in this world. 世界上不應該有飢荒。1028. He is always hungry. 他總是覺得餓。1029. They are hunting foxes. 他們在獵狐。1030. Any hunter could read the tracks. 任何獵人都能辨識這蹤跡。1031. You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. 做事匆忙,就會犯錯。1032. He hurt his foot jumping over a fence. 他跳過籬笆時傷了腳。1033. Her husband fell asleep during the game. 她的丈夫在遊戲中就睡著了。1034. I was at the airport picking up Jake. 我在機場接傑克。1035. Some wines are kept on ice. 有些酒放在冰上冷藏。1036. I've got a good idea. 我有個好主意。1037. His answer is identical with mine. 他的答案與我相同。1038. I don't want any ifs and buts - swallow your medicine at once.

我不要聽你的理由(如果﹍但是﹍),快把藥吞下去。1039. I intend to ignore his temper. 我打算不理會他的脾氣。1040. As a couple they seemed ill suited for each other. 這對夫妻似乎不適合對方1041. That image has vivid color. 這影像有著鮮豔的色彩。1042. I imagine that you are tired. 我猜想你疲倦了。 1043. Don’t be impatient with the children. 別對孩子們不耐煩。1044. We don’t like impolite persons. 我們不喜歡無禮的人。1045. We can import herbs from China. 我們可以從中國進口藥草。1046. The importance of food can not be underestimated.

食物的重要性是無法低估的。1047. It is an important event. 這是個重大事件。1048. That is an impossible plan. 那是個行不通的計劃。1049. We shall improve our testing procedures. 我們應該要改善考試流程。1050. There sure are a lot of fish in the lake. 在湖裡面當然有很多魚群。

1051. I inched my way through the narrow space between the cars.

我在車和車之間的狹窄空間蟻進。1052. Let's include that into the project. 我們把那加進計畫裡吧。1053. We are seven, including the guide. 我們七個人包括導遊。1054. Their income rose substantially. 他們的收入大大增加。1055. Increase your speed. 加快速度。 1056. He is an independent thinking boy. 他是個具有獨立思考個性的男孩。1057. Just indicate where we are going. 請指出我們要去哪。1058. Each individual will bring a sack lunch. 每個人都會帶一袋午餐來。1059. Jobs can be found in the construction industry. 在建築業可以找到工作。1060. Her influence is still being felt. 他的影響力還是存在的。1061. Information is critical at this time. 資訊在這個時候是很重要的。1062. The injury put her into the hospital. 她受傷進了醫院。1063. Ink is all over my blouse. 我的工作服上都是墨水。1064. Why do you have an insect in the jar? 為什麼你的罐子裡有昆蟲?1065. This coat is fur on the inside and cloth on the outside.

這件大衣裡面是毛皮,外面是布。1066. I insist that we return home now. 我堅持我們現在要回家。1067. Doesn't the music inspire you to dance? 那音樂沒刺激讓你想跳舞嗎?1068. This is an instance of his dishonesty. 這是他不誠實的一個例子。1069. The medicine gave instant relief. 這藥立刻減輕了病情。1070. We all like instant noodles. 我們都喜歡泡麵。1071. Any instrument from the bank will do. 銀行會採取一切手段。1072. Ants are intelligent insects. 螞蟻是聰明的動物。1073. Can I interest you in this book? 我能引起你對本書的興趣嗎?1074. I am interested in meeting him. 我有興趣見他。1075. How interesting! 真有趣!1076. International flights leave every hour. 每小時都有國際航班起飛。1077. We need an international airport. 我們需要國際機場。1078. I get a lot of information from the internet. 我從網路上獲得許多資訊。1079. Please don't interrupt me again. 別再打斷我。1080. But I want to interview both of you. 但是我想採訪你們兩位。1081. Come into the house. 到屋子裏來吧。1082. Let me introduce you to Mr. Jones. 讓我把你介紹給瓊斯先生。1083. So who did invent the wheel? 那是誰發明了輪子呢?1084. We are here to investigate the shot. 我們來這裡調查槍擊的。1085. An invitation just arrived from Macy 瑪西的邀請函才剛送到。1086. I invited him to the party. 我邀請他參加宴會。

1087. I hate to iron his shirts. 我討厭替他燙襯衫。1088. It is finally here. 終於到了。1089. I lived on an island. 我住在一個島上。1090. It can be fun. 它可以很有趣。1091. The last item is gone. 這是最後一件了。1092. My dog has its own bed. 我的狗有自己的床鋪。1093. The plant can't take care of itself. 植物沒辦法照顧自己。1094. It is cold, so put on your jacket. 天氣冷,該穿夾克了。1095. The train was jammed with passengers. 火車擠滿了旅客。1096. I was born on January 1, 1950. 我出生於 1950年一月一日。1097. Japan is a short flight from Taiwan. 從日本飛台灣算是短途飛行。1098. Japanese food is expensive. 日本食物非常貴。1099. Let's go listen to some jazz tonight. 我們今晚去聽爵士樂。1100. She was in a jealous rage. 他陷入極度嫉妒情緒當中。1101. Americans are always wearing jeans. 美國人總喜歡穿牛仔褲。1102. Mike's jeep was the perfect car for a day out at the beach.

在沙灘上競技了一天後,邁克的吉普車是最好的車。1103. The job doesn't pay. 這工作無利可圖。 1104. You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing.

你撞到了我的手肘,弄壞了我正在畫的圖。1105. He’s jogging in the park. 他在公園慢跑。1106. Will you join me in a walk? 你要不要同我一起散步?1107. It requires a joint effort to succeed. 這需要聯合努力才會成功。1108. I didn't think you meant that seriously: I thought you were joking.

我原先以為你並不當真;我以為你是在開玩笑。1109. Do you trust the journalist? 你相信新聞記者嗎?1110. Joy comes to me when I sing. 我唱歌的時候會覺得很快樂。1111. Who will judge next case? 下個案件由誰審判?1112. I like cooked vegetables with all the natural juices still in.

我喜歡吃烹調後保留原汁的蔬菜。1113. I was born in July. 我出生於七月。1114. He jumped the puddle. 他跳過水窪。1115. Summer vacation begins in June. 暑假從六月開始。1116. My boy is still a junior high school student. 我兒還是個國中生。1117. That is just what I think. 那正是我心中所想。1118. The female kangaroo has a pouch. 雌袋鼠有一個肚袋。1119. Kaohsiung is Taiwan's largest industrial center.


1120. She kept her promise. 她履行諾言。1121. You have to use ketchup on French fries. 你吃炸薯條要加蕃茄醬。1122. Here is the key to the car. 這是車鑰匙。1123. Key in your name and address. 鍵入你的姓名與地址。1124. He's crying because she kicked him. 他在哭,因為她踢他。1125. A kid is a young goat. kid 指的就是小山羊。1126. That mistake has killed his chance. 那個錯誤毀掉了他的機會。1127. Here is a kilogram of flour. 這裡是一公斤的麵粉。1128. The walk home is only 1 kilometer. 回家的路程只有一公里。1129. What a kind woman she was! 她心地好好! 1130. Haven't you got any other kind? 你有沒有別種的有嗎?1131. Today is Jake's first day in kindergarten. 今天是傑克第一天上幼稚園的日子。1132. I don't think we need a king anymore. 我不認為我們還需要一個國王。1133. The cook's kitchen is his kingdom. 廚房是廚子的轄區。1134. Let me kiss your cheek. 讓我親吻你的臉頰。1135. She is cooking in the kitchen. 她正在廚房燒菜。1136. He is flying a kite. 他在放風箏。1137. I am allergic to the kitten 我對小貓過敏。1138. The knee is important in soccer. 踢足球,膝蓋是很重要的。1139. My knife needs to be sharpened. 我的刀需要磨利了。1140. Hurry and knock on the door. 趕快點敲門。1141. I know that is true. 我知道那是真的。1142. Knowledge can set you free. 知識能讓你自由。1143. Koalas live in Australia. 無尾熊住在澳洲。1144. Korea is divided into to two parts. 韓國被分成兩部分。1145. It is hard to read the Korean signs. 韓文很難讀。1146. I am not sure which KTV(karaoke) you mean. 我不知道你指的是哪間KTV?1147. They lack the necessities of life. 他們缺乏生活的必需品。1148. Do you know where the ladies’ room is? 你知道女廁在哪?1149. There goes the mysterious lady. 神秘的小姐走了。1150. There are plenty of camp sites at the lake. 在湖邊有許多營地。1151. Wobbly on its legs the lamb suckled from its mother. 羔羊跪乳。1152. My lamp needs a brighter bulb. 我的燈需要亮一點的燈泡。1153. We landed safely. 我們安全登陸了。1154. Language is a means of communication. 語言是一種溝通的工具。1155. Lantern Festival is incredibly beautiful. 元宵節很美。1156. He wants to have his own laptop. 他想擁有自己的手提電腦。

1157. The country at large is hoping for great changes.

這國家普遍來說都希望有劇變。1158. Our holiday lasts 10 days. 我們的假期有十天。1159. What’s your last name? 你貴姓?1160. The bus arrived 5 minutes late. 公共汽車遲到了五分鐘。1161. It is later than you think. 比你想的還晚。1162. I have all the latest and greatest news. 我有最新、最棒的消息。1163. I have a dog and a cat. The latter is nicer than the former.

我有一隻狗、一隻貓;後者(貓)比前者(狗)乖。1164. They burst out laughing. 他們突然笑了起來。1165. The law forbids stealing. 法律禁止盜竊。1166. My lawyer stood before the judge. 我的律師站在法官前。1167. Please lay the package on the table. 請把背包擱在桌上。1168. What a lazy, inconsiderate boy! 又懶又沒用的男孩!

1169. In the last lap, #5 took the lead. 在上一輪比賽中,5號領先。1170. A leader will take responsibility for the actions of others behind him.

一個領導者會承擔所有挺他的人的所作所為的責任。1171. Leadership is a quality we need in our teachers.

我們的師資品質所需要的是具有領導能力。1172. The red leaf was a sign (that) fall was here. 紅色的樹葉代表秋天的來臨。1173. Why not learn another language? 為何不學另一種語言呢?1174. Giving him food was the least we could do.

給他吃東西是我們能做的最起碼的事。1175. The car left the road and hit a tree. 這車子開離了道路,撞上了樹。1176. Keep to the left. 靠左走。1177. He shook with his left hand instead of his right.

他是用左手握手,而非右手。 1178. A man has two legs; a dog has four. 人有二條腿, 狗有四條。1179. That is a binding legal contract. 那是一個必須遵守的法律合約。1180. You need a lemon to make lemonade. 你需要檸檬做檸檬汁。1181. Can you lend me $10? 你可以借我十元嗎?1182. Forty-five inches is the fabric length. 46英吋是這塊布料的長度。1183. Play less if your muscles are sore. 肌肉痛的話就少玩一點。1184. Each history lesson lasts 40 minutes. 每堂歷史課上四十分鐘。1185. She lets her children play in the street. 她讓孩子們在街上玩。1186. He sent a letter a day professing his love for her.

他每天寄一封信公開表示他對她的愛。1187. BLT stands for bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich.

BLT 指的是培根、萵苣(生菜)、蕃茄三明治。1188. I want her to learn to ride her bike on level ground.

我希望她在平地學騎腳踏車。1189. Our college library is one of the largest in the country.

我們學校圖書館是全國最大的圖書館之一。1190. The cat licked up the drops of milk from the floor.

這貓舔乾了地板上的牛奶滴。1191. Please snap the lid onto the container. 請把蓋子蓋回容器上。1192. The wounded man was lying on the battlefield. 這傷員躺在戰場上。1193. Don't lie to me! 不要對我撒謊。1194. The life processes continue until death. 生命的過程一直繼續到死為止。1195. Everyone could use a lift when they are down.

每個在下面的人都能使用電梯。1196. Travel light if you want to make good time.

想要玩得愉快,旅行就要輕便一點。1197. My light went out. 我的燈不亮了。 1198. Lightning started the forest fire. 閃電引發森林大火。1199. What kind of food do you like most? 你最喜歡吃什麼?1200. Do it like I tell you. 照我跟你說的做。1201. He was most likely a friend of hers. 他就好像她的朋友似的。1202. The speed limit is 65mph. 速限是每時 65哩。 1203. Signs of worry lined his face.憂慮的痕跡刻劃在他臉上。1204. This road links all the new towns. 這條路把所有的新城鎮連接起來。1205. The lion is called king of the jungle. 獅子被稱為叢林之王。1206. Don't pierce your lip! 別咬嘴唇!

1207. The container was filled with an unknown liquid. 容器中裝滿了不明液體。1208. Your name is not on the list. 你的名字不在名單上。1209. Are you listening or are you just pretending?

你有沒有在聽?還是你只是假裝在聽?1210. I drink a liter of water every hour. 我每小時喝一公升的水。1211. What a pretty little house! 多麼小巧玲瓏的房子啊。1212. Don’t litter! Please recycle! 別亂丟垃圾! 請回收利用!1213. This is a live show. 這是現場播出的節目。1214. Bread comes in a loaf. 麵包通同常都是一條裝的。1215. I am considered a local since I was born and raised here.

我在這裡出身長大,我是當地人。1216. The door won't lock. 這門鎖不住。1217. London was once again foggy. 倫敦一度又陷入霧中。

1218. Whimpering the lonely puppy begged for attention.

孤寂的小狗低吠的叫著乞求注意。1219. Were you there for long? 你在那裏很久了嗎?1220. We looked at him jumping. 我們看他跳躍著。1221. She has a loose tongue. 她愛說閒話。1222. I have lost my book. 我的書丟了。1223. Since I didn't win I was considered a loser. 我沒贏就表示我是個失敗者。1224. His memory loss devastated the family. 他喪失記憶令家人難以承受。1225. He has a lot of friends. 他有很多朋友。1226. Loud music could be heard for blocks. 音樂大聲到幾條街以外都聽的見。 1227. He loves playing the piano. 他愛彈鋼琴。1228. Come here, my lovely! 到這兒來,我的美人兒!1229. She was his lover to her dying breath. 他對她的愛,會持續到她死為止。1230. Profits have reached a new low this month. 這個月所賺的錢達到新低。1231. The servant is loyal to his master. 這僕人對主人忠心。1232. Good luck to you! 祝你好運!1233. Hidden in his pocket was his lucky rabbit's foot. 藏在口袋裡的是他的幸運符。1234. I was so busy I forgot to eat lunch. 我忙到忘記吃午餐了。1235. Ma'am is an abbreviation for madam and is a sign of respect when

addressing a lady. Ma'am 是女士的縮寫,是對小姐的尊稱。1236. The washing machine has gone wrong. 洗衣機壞了。1237. Frankenstein was considered a mad scientist.

科學怪人被認為是瘋狂的科學家。1238. People magazine is one of my favorites to read when traveling.

時人雜誌是我在旅行時最喜歡看的雜誌之一。1239. Do you believe in magic beans? 你相信有魔術豆嗎?1240. The magician made the elephant disappear. 魔術師把大象變不見了。1241. Mail will not be delivered today. 今天不會送信。1242. Mailman hates dogs. 郵差討厭狗。1243. The main event was at our church. 最主要的事件發生在我們的教堂。1244. The landscape company will maintain the museum grounds.

景觀公司將會維持博物館的土地。1245. I'm crying because it is a major disappointment.

我會哭是因為那非常令人失望。1246. Major is a rank found in the military. 少校是軍中的一個官階。1247. At UCLA his major was business. 他在加州大學洛杉磯分校主修商業。1248. The children are making a lot of noise. 孩子們吵得很(製造很多噪音)。

1249. In most birds the male is bigger and more brightly colored than the

female. 大部份鳥類雄的體型都比雌的大,而且羽毛的顏色也較鮮豔。1250. Shopping at the mall is a great pastime. 在購物中心消費是我最大的消遣。1251. If you are old enough to fight in the army and vote, you are

considered a man. 如果你夠大,能服役跟投票的話,你就是個男人。1252. He manages a large company. 他管理一家大公司。1253. Any manager will fire someone for stealing. 經理會把偷竊的人開除掉。1254. Mandarin is a difficult language to learn. 中文是很難學的語言。1255. The sweet taste of mango lingers on my tongue. 芒果的甜味還停留在口中。1256. What manner of discipline do you suggest for the offense?

對於這犯罪行為,你建議用哪條法規來處理呢?1257. How many letters are there in the alphabet? 這個字母系統中有多少個字母?1258. They fought over the treasure map. 他們為了藏寶圖在爭吵。1259. I met her last March. 我去年三月認識她的。1260. The hot cups have marked the table badly. 熱杯子把桌子弄得都是痕跡。1261. Marker doodles were all over the walls. 整片牆上全都是亂塗鴉。1262. There's no market this week. 這星期沒有集市。1263. Marriage is a sacred commitment. 婚姻是神聖的承諾。1264. He's married to his work. 他跟他的工作結婚。1265. Would you marry again if asked? 如果有人要求,你會再結一次婚嗎?1266. I had such a marvelous day. 我度過不可思議的一天。1267. She wore a mask to the masquerade ball. 她戴著面具出席化妝舞會。1268. A mass of people were waiting to be let into the store.

有一大群人等著進入店內。1269. He never mastered the art of public speaking. 他從來沒有掌握演講的技巧。1270. Place the dinner plate on the mat. 將晚餐餐盤放在墊子上。1271. Match two of the same pictures and you win a prize.

把兩張一樣的圖片配在一起你就贏了。1272. Material for your drapes is expensive 你的窗簾材料很貴。1273. You must take math to pass high school. 你必須要學數學才能從高中畢業。1274. I don't talk to my employer about private matters.我不想跟我的雇主談私事。1275. It doesn’t matter. 那不要緊。1276. Maximum is the opposite of minimum. 最大的相反就是最小。1277. He may come or he may not. 他也許來也許不來。1278. May is in the spring of the year. 五月是一年的春天。1279. Maybe we will stay longer. 也許我們可以待久一點。1280. Come with me. 跟我來。

1281. She cooks a hot meal in the evenings. 她到了晚上便煮一頓熱呼呼的晚飯。1282. What does this French word mean? 這個法語詞是什麼意思?1283. Do you know the meaning of this word? 你知道這個字的意義嗎?1284. Mediation will find the means by which the two parties can agree.

調解可以找出雙方都能同意的方法。1285. His inheritance gave him riches beyond measure.

繼承到的遺產讓他的財富無法計算。 1286. There's not much meat on that bone. 那根骨頭沒多少肉。1287. It is nearly impossible to find an honest mechanic. 難找到誠實的技工。1288. Put the bottle of medicine away. 把這瓶藥拿走。1289. His best work was in the medium of oil paints.

他最好的作品是用油畫顏料畫的。1290. I met him in the street. 我在街上遇見他。1291. The meeting is usually an hour long. 會議通常會持續一小時。1292. Summer is a time when melon is plentiful. 夏天是甜瓜多產的時節。1293. He is a member of the band. 他是樂團的成員。1294. I have pleasant memories of our friendship.

對於我們的友誼,我有許多愉快的回憶。1295. Men’s room is in that way. 男用洗手間在那邊。1296. Paul couldn't read the menu as it was written in Spanish.

菜單用西班牙文書寫,保羅看不懂。1297. I have a message from the President. 我有來自校長的信息。1298. What metal is this sword made of? 刀是用哪種金屬做成的呢?1299. The meter said it had 20 minutes left on it. 儀表顯示還剩下二十分鐘。1300. Our method of deduction was simple. 我們的推演方法很簡單。1301. I use the defrost function on my microwave. 我用的是微波爐的解凍功能。1302. Joey was the middle child in his family. 喬伊在家裡排行中間。1303. At midnight the clock struck and Cinderella ran from the ball.

午夜鐘響時,灰姑娘離開了舞會。1304. He might come or might not. 他或許來或許不來。1305. He is mild and gentle. 他溫文儒雅。1306. Can you run a full mile? 你可以跑完一英哩嗎?1307. Reporters said there were numerous military forces in the city.

根據報導,在城市裡有多起軍事武力行動發生。1308. The farmer whistled as he milked. 農夫一邊擠奶一邊吹著口哨。1309. She ordered a milk shake and French fries. 她點了一份奶昔和薯條。1310. She thinks her husband is a man in a million.


1311. He said to the little boy, "Mind! Don't go too near the edge of the


他對這小男孩說:”小心!不要太靠近懸崖邊。”1312. The reward money is now mine. 獎金現在是我的。1313. No ticket was issued since it was a minor offense.

因為這是輕罪,所以沒開罰單。1314. Legally children under 18 are considered a minor.

低於十八歲的小孩算是未成年。1315. I major in math and minor in economics. 我的主修是數學;副修是經濟學。1316. My report received a grade of A minus. 我的報告分數是 A減。1317. The train arrived at exactly 4 minutes past 8. 火車在八點四分正到站。1318. Don't break a mirror, it may represent 7 years of bad luck.

別打破鏡子,那會帶來七年壞運氣。1319. The falling rock just missed my head. 落石差一點就打中我的頭。1320. Miss Hudson will soon be married and become a Mrs.

哈得森小姐很快就會結婚,變成太太了。1321. He searched in vain for the missing jewelry. 他徒然無功的尋找遺失的珠寶。1322. Don't mistake him; if he says he'll punish you, he'll do so.

別看錯他,如果他說要處罰你,他做得出來。1323. Mix the drinks carefully. 小心的把飲料混在一起。1324. The little boy enjoys making models. 這小男孩喜歡做模型。1325. Sleek modern utensils hung in the kitchen. 發亮的新式器皿吊在廚房裡。1326. I'd like to speak to you for a moment. 我想和你談一會。1327. He'll arrive on Monday evening. 他將在星期一晚到達。1328. He doesn't usually carry much money on him. 他身上通常不帶很多錢。1329. That monkey looks like you. 那隻猴子長得像你。1330. There's a monster in my closet. 我的衣櫥裡有怪物。1331. What month is this? 這個月是幾月?1332. Our rent is paid monthly. 我們的租金是月付的。1333. In 1968 man landed on the moon. 人類在 1969年登陸月球。1334. One moon cake is enough. 一個月餅就夠了。1335. Next Monday is Moon Festival. 下週一是中秋節。1336. She has to mop the kitchen floor at least once a day.

她每天至少要把廚房地板拖洗一次。1337. I wish our bonus was more evenly distributed.

希望我們的獎金能更平均的分配。1338. I must go to the shops some time during the morning.


1339. I flicked the mosquito off my arm. 我把手臂上的蚊子拍掉了。1340. Most people will take the week off for the holiday.大部分的人都會放假一週。1341. Hunger is often the mother of crime. 飢餓常是犯罪的根源。1342. Mother's Day is in May. 母親節在五月。1343. I motion that we adjourn. 我做手勢表示休會。1344. His motorcycle is so noisy 他的摩托車很吵。1345. He looked down from the top of the mountain to the valley far


他從山頂往下眺望下面深幽的山谷。1346. Over the shelf scurried a mouse. 架子裡有老鼠在移動。1347. He crept into the corner, mouthing curses.

他悄悄地移到角落,嘴裡喃喃地詛咒著。1348. The child moved just as his father was taking a photograph of him.

孩子的父親正為他拍照,他卻移動了一下。1349. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a movement. 我的眼角瞄到了有動作。1350. Watching movies is his only hobby. 看電影是他唯一的嗜好。1351. He owns three movie theaters. 他擁有三間電影院。1352. Mr. Tolken wrote the trilogy- The Lord of the Rings.

托爾金先生著作了魔戒三部曲。1353. Mrs. Cunningham is our new librarian. 康寧漢太太是我們新的圖書館館員。1354. It will save you a lot of time if you take the MRT(Mass Rapid Transit).

如果你搭大眾捷運可以省下很多時間。1355. How do I know if Ms. Tsing is married? 我要怎麼知道青女士結婚了沒?1356. I don’t like this MTV(Music TV). 我不喜歡這音樂電視節目。1357. I don't read much because I don't have the time.我不常看書因為我沒有時間。1358. Just add water to dirt and you have mud. 把水加到泥裡就會變成泥巴。1359. The National Palace Museum is very famous. 故宮博物院很有名。1360. Her voice was music to my ears. 她的聲音我聽起來就像音樂。1361. The musicians at this hotel are wonderful. 這家旅館的樂師很棒。1362. I must leave at 6. 我必須六點離開。1363. My mailbox was empty. 我的信箱是空的。1364. I cut myself in the kitchen. 我在廚房把自己割傷了。1365. We'll nail that agreement. 我們就這麼說定了。1366. They didn't name their baby for a week, and then they named him

John. 他們有一個星期沒有給嬰兒取名字,後來才給他起名約翰。1367. Each place setting had a napkin. 每個位置都擺設有餐巾。

1368. The river narrows at this point. 河在這裡變窄了。1369. Our nation believes in personal freedoms. 我們國家相信個人自由。1370. How many national parks do you have? 你們有幾座國家公園? 1371. I prefer products made from natural ingredients such as herbs.

我喜歡天然原料製成的產品,像是草本植物。1372. Nature is sensitive to man's intrusion. 大自然對人類的入侵是很敏感的。1373. Do we ever truly outgrow naughty behavior?

我們真的長大擺脫頑皮的行為了嗎?1374. He got more and more nervous as the day neared.

日子接近的時候,他變得愈來愈緊張。1375. Our car was not nearly as fast as we had expected. 我們的車沒有預期的快1376. The detour was a necessary inconvenience. 繞道必然不方便。1377. After hours on the computer, my neck aches.

打了幾小時的電腦,我的脖子開始痛了。1378. After the accident the necklace could not be found.

意外發生之後,就找不到項鍊了。1379. Children need milk. 孩子們需要牛奶。1380. I just nicked myself with the needle. 只是自己被針刺到了。1381. To her relief, the test results were negative.

測試結果成陰性反應,讓她鬆了一口氣。1382. Neighboring to the south is the Clankton farm.

鄰接在南邊的是 Clankton 農場。1383. As slaves neither parents nor children would be free.

身為奴隸,不管是大人或小孩都沒有自由。1384. My nephew is coming for a visit. 我的外甥來拜訪我。 1385. He gets nervous before a test. 他考試之前很緊張。1386. The wind blew the nest out of the tree. 風將鳥巢吹落樹。1387. I've never met him and I hope I never will meet him.

我從未見過他,我也希望永遠不會見到他。1388. We sell new and used furniture. 我們賣新舊傢俱。1389. Football is all that is on TV on New Year's Day.

新年的電視節目就只有足球而已。1390. Do you have a date for New Year's Eve? 你除夕有約嗎?1391. New York is not only New York City. 紐約不只是紐約市。1392. Our latest news of our son was a letter a month ago.

有關兒子的最新消息是從我們一個月前收到信裡所得到的。1393. What newspaper do you take? 你訂什麼報?1394. What line comes next in the poem? 詩中下一行是什麼?

1395. Let's have a nice chat. 我們來好好談談。1396. Her niece is turning 13 tomorrow. 她的姪女明天就 13 歲了。1397. The moon gives light by night. 月亮在夜裡放光芒。1398. I can put the nine ball into the side pocket. 我可以九號球打進旁邊的球袋。1399. You have to be nineteen before you can join. 你要滿十九歲才可以參加。 1400. Ninety survived the crash. 墜機事件有九十個人生還。1401. The noes won and the idea was dropped.

反對的人贏了,這意見也就擱了下來。1402. Nobody wanted to volunteer. 沒有人想要自願。 1403. He gave me a nod of approval. 他向我點頭表示同意。1404. Try not to make any noises when you go into the bathroom.

你進入浴室的時候盡量不要弄出聲音來。1405. It's very noisy in this office. 這辦公室很吵。1406. None came forward. 沒有人能前進。 1407. Do you know who invented the noodle? 你知道是誰發明麵條的嗎?1408. I like to eat lunch by noon. 我喜歡在正午吃午餐。1409. Neither my husband nor I was inclined to accept the invitation.

我和我先生都沒打算接受邀請。1410. North is the direction we will go. 我們要朝北方走。1411. The northern half of the Earth is called the Northern Hemisphere.

地球的北半部稱為北半球。1412. The fall broke his nose. 他摔倒弄斷鼻子。1413. "You shall not kill."--The Bible ”你不可殺人。”-聖經。1414. He left me a note saying he would be gone. 他留字條告訴我他離開了。 1415. I kept a notebook on my trip abroad.

我用筆記記下我到外國旅行時的經歷。1416. Nothing came of the investigation. 調查之後什麼也沒發現。1417. She was wearing a new dress, but he didn't even notice.

她穿了一件新衣服,但他沒有注意到。1418. This novel is full of adventures. 這小說充滿了冒險。1419. This device is novel to us. 這種裝置對我們而言很新奇。1420. Thanksgiving falls in the month of November. 感恩節是在十一月。1421. Spring is here and the country is beautiful now.

春天到了,鄉間現在很美。1422. The number of chairs in the room is 10. 房間裏椅子的數量是十張。1423. Several nurses assisted the doctor. 有好幾位護士協助那位醫生。1424. You will obey the house rules. 你必須遵守房屋的規則。1425. He has no definite object in life. 他沒有確定的人生目標。

1426. I object to investing more money on the project. 我反對再投資此計畫。1427. It occurred to me that it was mother’s birthday.

我忽然想起今天是母親的生日。1428. The ocean is as far as the eyes can see. 海洋無邊無際。1429. What time is it? It's 9 o'clock. 幾點了? 九點。1430. It is neither too hot, nor too cold, in October. 十月既不太熱也不太冷。1431. A bus load of children passed us by. 一車的小孩從我們旁邊經過。1432. We stood off to the right letting them pass. 我們站往右邊讓他們通過。1433. I accept your offer. 我接受你出的價錢。1434. I work in an office. 我在一間辦公室工作。1435. There before stood the officer. 那裡之前站了一個警官。1436. An important official called to see us. 一位重要的官員來拜訪我們。1437. How often do you go there? Twice a week. 你多久去一次? 一星期兩次。1438. Oil was found on our land. 在我們的土地上發現石油。1439. The message clearly OK'd cookies be served.

訊息清楚的顯示餅乾可以吃了。1440. How old are you? 你年紀多大了?1441. Let's omit the second page. 我們跳過第二頁。1442. Lay the book on the table. 把書放在桌上。1443. Do it just this once. 只做這一次。1444. Only one person came. 只有一個人來1445. Onions are made up of many layers. 洋蔥有很多層。1446. You are my one and only. 你是我的唯一。1447. All the windows were open. 所有的窗子都開著。1448. We operate as soon as the patient gets here.

病人一到我們馬上就開始動手術。1449. The operation went well. 運作的很好。1450. Did I ask for your opinion? 我有問你的意見嗎?1451. We have few opportunities to speak Russian. 我們很少有機會說俄語。1452. We could go tonight or tomorrow. 我們可以今天出發或明天出發。1453. The orange smelled sweet and delicious. 這柳橙聞起來香甜可口。1454. He ordered a large double scotch from the bar man.

他向酒保要了份大杯雙人份蘇格蘭威士忌。1455. This is an order. 這是命令。1456. What is an ordinary person going to do with that?

一個普通人要那做什麼用?1457. Such an organization needs funding. 這樣的機構需要資金。1458. We intend to organize the library. 我們打算要組織一間圖書館。

1459. That is other people's money 這是別人的錢。 1460. This is our home. 這是我們的家。1461. Ours was the winning design. 我們的作品曾經是得獎設計。1462. The truth will always come out. 真相總會大白於世。1463. She has an outgoing personality. 她個性外向。1464. It's quite dark outside -there's no moon. 外面很黑-沒有月亮。1465. It is hot [fresh] from the oven. 剛出爐的。1466. He pushed me and I fell over. 他推我, 我跌了下來。1467. The rock was thrown from the overpass. 石塊是從天橋上丟下來的。1468. The soldier served overseas. 軍人在海外服役。1469. Why are you late for work? I overslept. 為何上班遲到? 我睡過頭了。1470. You are 20 pounds overweight. You should go on a diet.

你體重超重,應該節食。1471. Who owns this house? 誰擁有這幢房子?1472. I am the owner. 我是擁有者。1473. His ox worked from sun up to sun down. 他的牛從日出做到日落。1474. The party begins at 7 P.M. 宴會晚上七點開始。1475. She packed her husband some bread and cheese for his dinner.

她為丈夫包好一些麵包和乾酪作為晚餐。1476. Finally the package arrived. 包裹終於到了。1477. Turn the page please. 請翻頁。1478. This is meant to reduce your pain. 這是故意要減輕你的痛苦。1479. Looking at his picture reminded her of their painful separation.

看著他的照片使她想起痛苦的分手過程。1480. He painted the door blue. 他把門漆成藍色。1481. I need a painter to do this room right. 我需要油漆工來好好整修房間。1482. My painting was appraised at $1,000.00 我的畫被估價為$1000.00。1483. The cupboard filled with shoes fell over and it took half an hour to

pair them again. 放滿鞋子的櫃子翻了,結果花了半個小時才把鞋子一雙雙配好。1484. Do you sleep in pajamas? 你穿睡衣睡覺嗎?1485. She looked pale and unwell. 他臉色蒼白,看起來很不舒服。1486. Usually cooking pots have two small handles but pans have one long

handle. 通常烹飪用的鍋有兩個小把手,而平底鍋只有一個長柄。1487. I think the panda is everyone's favorite animal.

我想熊貓是很多人喜歡的動物。1488. Your pants are on backwards. 你的褲子穿反了。1489. Papaya has a lot of seeds. 木瓜有很多子。1490. Are you finished with your paper? 你報告寫完了嗎?

1491. He was granted a pardon and released from jail. 他被赦免出獄了。1492. My parents are both quite well. 我的父母都很健康。1493. Paris the city of romance and intrigue. 巴黎是個充滿浪漫與神秘的城市。1494. The 10K Run will be around the park. 10 公里就能跑公園一圈了。1495. Don't park the car in this street. 不要在這條街上停車。1496. Is there a parking lot near by? 附近有停車場嗎?1497. That parrot is so noisy. 那隻鸚鵡很吵。1498. The war parted many men from their families.

戰爭使許多男丁與他們的家人分開。1499. I have no particular interest in her. 我對她沒有特別感興趣。1500. You will be my partner in crime. 你將會是我的共犯。1501. A party of school children are going to France.

一個小學生團體要到法國去。1502. Give me your pass so you can get in. 先出示通行證我才能讓你進去。1503. The number of airline passengers is growing rapidly every year.

搭飛機的旅客人數每年都快速成長。1504. I drove past the terminal looking for her. 我開車經過終點站在尋找她。1505. My past is my business. 我的過去是我的事。 1506. Please paste your picture on the poster. 請把你的照片貼在海報上。1507. It is dangerous going off the path. 走離開那條小路是很危險的。1508. Dogs are such patient, loving creatures. 狗兒是能忍耐又可愛的動物。1509. He has a patient at the clinic. 他診所裡還有病人。1510. That is sure a busy pattern in that fabric.

那鐵定是建築裡最令人眼花撩亂的圖案。1511. We will pause before resuming the movie.

在重新開始看電影之前,我們會先暫停一下。 1512. This man is in the pay of the enemy. 這人是被敵人收買的。1513. I hate PE (physical education) class. 我討厭體育課。1514. We all wish for peace on earth. 我們都希望地球和平。1515. Last night I had such a peaceful sleep. 昨晚我睡的很安穩。1516. I love a sweet, juicy peach in summer. 夏天的時候,我喜歡多汁又甜的桃子。1517. What do you mean I am shaped like a pear? 你說我身材像洋梨是什麼意思?1518. He lives by his pen. 他以寫作為生。1519. Should I sign this paper in pencil or ink?

我應用鉛筆還是墨水筆簽這文件呢?1520. This race has peopled this island through all recorded history.

自有歷史記載以來,他的族人都居於此島。1521. Pepper is an invigorating seasoning. 胡椒粉是一種能振奮精神的調味料。

1522. He went to Italy to perfect his singing voice. 他去了意大利提高歌藝。1523. We will perhaps reconsider the request. 我們或許會考慮你的要求。1524. This period of play is over. 遊戲的時間結束了。1525. Would you call a week-old baby a person? 出生才一星期的嬰兒能算人嗎?1526. Please don't mind what I just said, it is nothing personal.

請別介意我剛才說的話,那與你個人無關。1527. My pet is a cute puppy. 我的寵物是隻可愛的小狗。1528. I have yet to visit the Philippines. 我還沒去過菲律賓。1529. I phoned him up last night. 我昨晚打電話給他。1530. You must have your photo on your passport. 你的護照上必須要有照片。1531. The photograph must be a certain size. 照片有一定的大小。1532. I am just the photographer to take your passport photo.

我就是要幫你拍證照照片的攝影師。1533. The crash was a classic case showing the laws of physics.

撞擊就是最典型的物理定律。1534. She plays the piano very well. 她鋼琴彈得很好。1535. I don't know which of the 3 dresses to pick--I like them all.

這三件衣服我不知道挑那件好,我全都喜歡。1536. The food is ready for the picnic. 要野餐的食物準備好了。1537. The artist has pictured him as a young man in riding dress.

畫家把他畫成身穿騎服的年輕人。1538. Have some more pie. 再來點兒餡餅。1539. Please hand me a piece of fruit. 請給我一片水果。1540. I have one pig to sell. 我有一隻豬要賣。1541. Get rid of that pigeon. 趕走那隻鴿子了。1542. Don't pile your rubbish there. 別把你的垃圾堆在這裡。1543. I wish I had my own pillow. 我想要有自己的枕頭。1544. A pin will hold the skirt together. 一根別針就能把裙子別在一起。1545. I love white pineapple from Hawaii. 我喜歡夏威夷的白色鳳梨。1546. Tiny pink lips pecked my cheek. 粉嫩的小唇輕啄了我的臉頰。1547. As soon as dinner is over, out comes the pipe.

晚餐過後,接下來就是抽煙斗。1548. As a reward for being good, Karen bought all the children pizza.

孩子們表現良好,凱倫請他們吃披薩。1549. Isn't that picture placed too high on the wall?

牆上的畫是不是掛得太高了?1550. Though the dress was plain, she looked elegant.


1551. Many died while crossing the American Plain. 許多人在橫跨美洲大陸時死了。1552. The police worked out a plan to catch the thief. 警察訂下精密計劃捉賊。1553. Try to plane away that high spot in the wood. 把木材上那突出的地方刨掉。1554. We live on planet Earth. 我們住在行星地球上。1555. Don't uproot that plant. 別把植物連根拔起。1556. We need to plant our garden this month. 我們這個月必須得在花園裡播種。1557. The ring was only plated with gold. 這戒指只是鍍金的而已。1558. She is over there on the train platform. 她在火車月台的那端。1559. Can Bob come out to play with me? 包勃能和我去玩嗎?1560. “Romeo and Juliet” is a famous play by Shakespeare.

“羅蜜歐與朱麗葉”是莎翁名劇。1561. A cricket team has eleven players. 板球一隊有 11 個球員。1562. The south of France is the playground of the rich.

法國南部是有錢人享樂的地方(遊樂場)。1563. We had such a pleasant conversation. 我們的談話很愉快。1564. It is hard to please him. 討好他很難。1565. Please follow me. 請跟我來。1566. I am pleased to meet you. 很高興遇見你。1567. The pleasure is all mine. 這都是我的榮幸。1568. My four plus your five equals nine. 我這邊四個加上你的五個,總共是九個。1569. He spent some of the money as we asked, but he pocketed most of


他照我們的要求花了一點錢,但他卻暗槓了大部分錢。1570. My favorite poem is by Keats. 我最喜歡的一首詩是濟慈寫的。1571. Do you see the point? 懂了嗎?(看出重點了嗎?)1572. She pointed to the house on the corner and said, "That's where I


她指著拐角的房子說,我就住在那裏。1573. Poison is considered a woman's weapon. 毒藥是女人的武器。 1574. The police have caught the murderer. 警察已抓到了殺人犯。1575. Get a policeman. 去找警察。1576. His brother is a police officer. 他的哥哥是警官。1577. Where is the police station? 警察局在哪裡?1578. The policy says no children allowed. 規定說小孩不可以。1579. What polite well-behaved children! 多麼有禮貌又規矩的小孩!

1580. Lead pipes will pollute the water. 鉛管會污染水。1581. The men were clearing all the pollution off the shore.


1582. I see his toy sailboat on the pond. 我在池塘看到他的玩具帆船。1583. When it is hot we jump into our pool.

天氣熱的時候,我們就會跳進我們的游泳池中。1584. He was too poor to buy shoes for his family. 他窮得無法替家人買鞋子。1585. I want popcorn and a movie. 我想要看電影吃爆米花。1586. I like pop (popular) music. 我喜歡流行音樂。1587. Beards are popular among young men. 年輕人時興留鬚子。1588. The population is shifting to the countryside. 人口都轉移到鄉下了。1589. Pork is not allowed in kosher cooking. 在清靜食物當中是不允許有豬肉的。1590. My position is still the same. 我的立場還是一樣。 1591. I like his positive attitude. 我喜歡他積極的態度。1592. Politics has been called the art of the possible. 政治又稱為可能的藝術。1593. The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.

隊員名單將於今天公佈。1594. I must post off all my Christmas cards this week.

這星期我必須寄出所有的耶誕卡。1595. Send me a postcard when you get there. 你到的時候寄張明信片給我。1596. The game was postponed until next week. 比賽延到下週。1597. The pot was not full of gold. 罐子裡沒面沒有裝滿金幣。1598. Would you like some more potatoes? 還要多點馬鈴薯嗎?1599. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of tomatoes.

一磅的羽毛跟一磅的蕃茄重量是一樣的。1600. Powder was found on the jacket. 在夾克上面找到粉末。1601. Man is the only animal that has the power of speech.

人是唯一能說話的動物。1602. I would say that was a powerful statement. 我認為那是一份強而有力的聲明。1603. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。(練習創造出完美。)1604. Give praise that we live. 為我們能活著而歌頌吧。1605. Let's pray. 我們來禱告。1606. Jade is a precious stone. 翡翠是很珍貴的石頭。1607. Would you prefer that I come on Monday instead of on Tuesday?


1608. Please prepare the table for dinner. 請擺好桌子吃晚飯。1609. Do you want your birthday present now? 你現在就想要生日禮物嗎?1610. Now that the sports competitions are over, Lady de Vere will present

the prizes. 現在運動比賽已結束,德維爾夫人將頒獎。1611. He is President of the company. 他是公司的董事長。1612. Stop the press. 停止打壓。

1613. We will press the grapes and make juice. 我們會把葡萄壓成汁。1614. He pretended that he didn’t know me. 他假裝不認識我。1615. She is a pretty little woman now. 她已經是個漂亮的小婦人。1616. He seems pretty overworked to me. 他的工作量似乎比我還多。1617. The clothes in this shop are priced high. 這商店衣服的價格定得很高。1618. The priest was summoned. 牧師被召喚來。1619. The primary reason we came was to see you.

我們來的主要原因是要來看你。 1620. Hail to the Prince. 歡迎王子。1621. I didn’t know she was a princess. 我不知道她是公主。1622. We have a new principal at our school. 我們的學校有新校長。1623. The principle of saving money is sound. 省錢的原則是很周全的。1624. He came to print the Bill of Rights. 他是來印人權法案的。 1625. It is not easy being a printer. 當個印刷業者並不容易。1626. They were sent to prison for robbery. 他們因為搶劫而被送入監獄。1627. Any prisoner caught in the yard will lose exercise privileges.

任何在庭院裡被抓到的囚犯將失去做運動的權利。1628. This is private property. 這是私人財產。1629. I won first prize. 我得到第一名。1630. He probably walked home. 他可能走路回家。1631. The unemployment problem in this area is getting worse.

這地區失業問題愈來愈嚴重。1632. The magician produced a rabbit from a hat. 魔術師從帽子裡變出一隻兔子。1633. This is a great new product for skin. 這是皮膚方面的新產品。1634. The school musical production was cancelled. 學校的音樂成果展取消了。1635. My new history professor is Professor Ward. He is Professor of

History at my university. 我的新歷史教授是沃德教授,他是我們大學的歷史教授。1636. The central heating system of the building is programmed to start

working at 6 o'clock each morning.

這建築物的中央暖氣系統設定在每天早上六點開始操作。1637. We'll progress as quickly as we can. 我們會盡快取得進展的。1638. My project is finished. 我的計畫剛完成。1639. I will hold you to that promise. 我會記住你的承諾。1640. I pronounce you "Man and Wife" 我宣布你們成為夫妻。1641. To propose we stay here another week would be heavenly.

提議多停留一週的意見很棒。1642. Please protect the sapling with a cover. 請用遮蔽物來保護樹苗。1643. Protection does not come cheaply. 提供保護的費用並不便宜。

1644. They're poor but proud; they never borrow money or ask for help.

他們雖然窮但很自豪,他們從不向人借錢或求助。1645. He proved that lightning is electricity. 他證明閃電是帶電的。1646. I'll provide the meat for the barbecue. 我會提供烤肉用的肉。1647. The sentencing was made public. 這是公開判刑的。1648. It is impossible to pull the truck alone. 單獨一個人要拉動卡車是不可能的。1649. We need to pump the water out of the basement.

我們得把水抽出地下室。1650. Pumpkin is a healthy vegetable. 南瓜是健康的蔬菜。1651. Cries, "Punish the thief!", rang out in the town square.

一聲聲「懲罰小偷!」傳遍了整個小鎮的廣場。1652. My puppy is so cute and cuddly. 我的小狗很可愛,令人想抱他。1653. I still want to purchase the house. 我還是想買房子。1654. Purple is considered a regal color. 紫色被視為是王室的顏色。1655. What’s your purpose to the United States? 你到美國的目的為何?1656. It seems I have lost my purse. Did you see it?

我的錢包好像掉了。 你有看到我的錢包嗎?1657. Please help push the stalled car off the roadway.

請幫忙把拋錨的車推離主要道路上。 1658. Put the chair nearer the fire. 把椅子放靠近火爐一點。1659. Can you solve this puzzle? 你能解這個謎嗎?1660. Quality is what will sell the product. 賣產品也是賣品質。1661. A quarter won't buy much any more. 四分之一元(25 分錢)買不了什麼東西。1662. The young king has a pretty queen. 那年輕的國王有個美麗的王妃。1663. I asked you a question and you didn't answer.

我問你一個問題而你沒有回答。1664. A quick trip to the gas station and we will be on the road.

趕快到加油站,然後我們就可以上路了。1665. The quiet, soft breathing of a baby brings joy to the heart.

嬰兒安靜的、柔軟的呼吸聲,讓心中充滿喜悅。1666. He quit and opened his own store. 他辭職自己開店。1667. I'm quite ready to go if you are. 我已全準備好,你要走我就可以走了。1668. How did you do on the math quiz? 你的數學小考考的怎樣?1669. Raising rabbits for profit is becoming more popular.

有越來越多人以養兔子獲利。1670. The race was cancelled due to a rainy track.

這場比賽因為下雨跑道濕滑而取消。1671. I heard it on the radio. 我在收音機廣播中聽到的。

1672. Railroads move a tremendous amount of freight across the country.

鐵路在國內的貨物運輸量相當龐大。1673. The crops need rain. 農作物需要雨水。1674. A rainbow appeared. 一道彩虹出現了。1675. Take your raincoat; you’re going to need it. 帶著雨衣肯定可以派用上場。1676. Almost every day is a rainy day in Oregon. 奧瑞崗州幾乎每天都下雨。1677. Raise your hand if you agree. 同意的話請舉手。1678. Wandering the open range let me see how vast the land really was.

在開闊的牧場上漫步,我才知道這土地到底有多寬廣。1679. Our state is known for its rapid growth. 本州是以快速成長而聞名。1680. At auction the rare, well preserved tapestry commanded an

excellent price. 一條罕見、保持良好的鏽帷在拍賣時賣了個好價錢。1681. The trap held a disease carrying rat. 陷阱補到了一隻帶有疾病的老鼠。1682. I don't care to play football; I'd rather go for a walk.

我不喜歡玩足球,我寧願去散步。1683. The shopkeeper reached for a packet of tea. 店主伸手拿了一包茶葉。1684. He reads well for a 6-year old. 以一個六歲大的孩子來說,他閱讀能力不錯。1685. Ready made dinners have become quite popular in double income

households. 現成晚餐在雙薪家庭中是相當受歡迎的。1686. They were fighting for real. 他們真的在打架。1687. He didn't realize his mistake. 他不知道自己的過錯。1688. Did he really say that? 他真的那樣說嗎?1689. Tell me the reason for your absence. 告訴我你缺席的理由。1690. The lake receives the water from this river. 這湖容納這條河流入的水。1691. I read about the many recent delays. 我有聽說最近許多耽擱的事情了。1692. I heard the recently funded project will be again hiring new people.

我聽說最近新成立的專案會開始雇用新人。1693. He’s hanged a lot. I can’t recognize him. 他變了很多,我認不出他來。1694. Don't record this conversation. 別把這段對話記錄下來。1695. They are out to recover the missing car. 他們出去找回遺失的車子。1696. That building is just an ugly rectangle.

這建築只不過是個醜陋的長方形物體。1697. Try to recycle our household trash. 試著把家庭垃圾回收。1698. I shall wear red for the ceremony. 我在典禮中要穿紅的。1699. Close the refrigerator door; it is wasting energy.

把冰箱門關上,免得浪費電。1700. He refused my offer. 他拒絕我的提議。1701. My regards to your chef, the dinner is delicious.

我很佩服你的主廚,晚餐很好吃。1702. We drove through the wine region of France. 我們開車穿越法國的酒鄉。1703. We regret to inform you that you were not chosen for the position.

很遺憾,我們得通知您並未錄取這項職務。1704. Our regular hours are 9 -5; Mon-Fri.

我們的正常上班時間為週一至週五的上午九點到下午五點。1705. I reject that premise entirely. 我拒絕了所有的財產。1706. He is a relative of mine. 他是我的一個親戚。1707. You’ve been working hard these days. You’d better relax.

你最近工作勤奮,最好輕鬆一下。1708. You can enjoy the relaxing weather there. 你可以享受那邊令人懶洋洋的天氣。1709. Much remains to be done. 還有許多事要辦。1710. I shall always remember that terrible day. 我將永遠記得那可怕的一天。1711. Must I remind you to take out the trash? 需要我提醒你把垃圾拿出去嗎?1712. This house rents at $1,000 a month. 這所房屋每月租金一千元。1713. The repair was finally complete. 修復工作終於完成了。 1714. I repeat, the store is closing in 5 minutes.

我再重複一次,本店將於五分鐘之內關門。1715. My reply was final. 我這是最後的回應了。1716. What time do you have to report? 你們什麼時候要報到呢?1717. The reporter pursued the witness for a story. 記者說服目擊者把事情講出來。1718. The Republic of China won gold metals at the Olympics.

中華民國在奧運當中贏得金牌。1719. We require your attendance to graduate. 我們要求你出席畢業典禮。1720. I respect what you say, I just disagree. 我尊重你說的,但是我還是不同意。1721. He is a responsible, capable young man. 他是一個負責又能幹的年輕人。1722. You’ll be sorry the rest of your life. 你會後悔一輩子。1723. I always rest for an hour after dinner. 晚飯後我總要休息一小時。1724. Does this restaurant have a license? 這家餐廳有執照嗎?1725. That restroom is very clean. 休息室非常乾淨。1726. No rain resulted in a drought. 沒雨水導致乾旱發生。1727. He retired last year. 他去年退休。1728. What time does your husband return? 你丈夫何時回家?1729. He reviewed the whole of his past life. 他回顧整個過去的人生。1730. We will revise the test tomorrow. 我們明天會改考卷。1731. Chinese live on rice. 國人以米為主食。1732. I feel rich with my family and friends. 跟家人朋友在一起讓我覺得很充實。1733. Can you ride a bicycle? 你會騎腳踏車嗎?

1734. The quote is, "Right is Might". 引言是:「力即理。」1735. Is it your right hand that is hurt? 是你的右手受傷嗎?1736. I’ll do it right away. 我馬上做。1737. I lost my wedding ring. 我遺失了結婚戒指。1738. Ring the fire with stones. 用石頭取火。1739. The sun rises in the east. 太陽從東方升起。1740. I fished in the river. 我在河中釣魚。1741. It's not really a road, only a path. 那不算是什麼大道,只是小路而已。1742. Don't rob him of his heritage. 別搶他的遺產。1743. I want a robot that will do my homework for me.

我想要一個機器人來幫我做功課。1744. The rock became a symbol of where the Pilgrims landed in America.

這岩石已經成為清教徒登陸美國的象徵了。1745. Let me rock the baby to sleep. 讓我把嬰兒搖睡吧。1746. What role [do] you play? 你扮演什麼角色?

1747. That looks like a tasty sweet roll. 那看起來像可口的甜甜圈。1748. Sorry. We’re running out of roller skates. 抱歉,輪式溜冰鞋賣完了。1749. He likes to go roller-skating. 他喜歡溜冰。1750. The rain's coming in; the roof needs mending.

雨水漏進來了,這屋頂需要修理一下。1751. He's rooming at our house. 他租我們家的地方住。1752. You can eat roots. 你可以吃根莖類食物。1753. Mountain climbers need good ropes. 登山者需要好的繩索。1754. On the table was a red rose just for her. 桌上的紅玫瑰是要給她的。1755. Charities need our help round the year. 慈善機構整年都需要我們的幫助。1756. Plant another row of beans. 種另一排的豆子。1757. Just row and we'll be over the rapid soon.

只管往前划,我們馬上就會渡過急流了。1758. The princess glided down the royal, red carpet. 公主走上了皇家的紅地毯。1759. Rub olive oil on both sides of the meat before grilling it.

要烤之前,在肉的兩面都塗上橄欖油。1760. I am allergic to rubber. 我對橡膠過敏。1761. What a rude and crude remark! 多麼無理又粗野的言詞!

1762. Ink will ruin my new sweater. 墨水會毀了我的新毛衣。1763. First rule: stay out of the street. 規則第一條:遠離街道。 1764. Hand me the ruler so I can measure this. 把尺遞過來,我才能測量。1765. You run faster than anyone. 你跑得比其他人快。 1766. Don't rush into marriage. 別急著結婚。

1767. Russia is a country in great transition 俄國正面面臨巨大轉變。1768. The Russian language is a harsh sounding language.

俄國話聽起來有點刺耳。1769. He was a sad little man. 他是悲哀的小男人。1770. Put your valuables in the safe. 把貴重物品放在保險箱內。1771. They returned home safe and sound. 他們安然無恙地回來。1772. The safety of the ship is the captain's responsibility.

船的安全是船長的責任。1773. The fishing boats were 15 sail in number. 這些漁船總共有 15艘。1774. Which sailor did you say came down the plank? 你是叫哪個船員去木板那?1775. Samantha was on a diet and only ate a salad. 莎曼薩在節食,只吃沙拉。1776. The sale of my house hasn't been easy but now Mr. Smith is

interested and I hope I'll make the sale.

我的房子一直未能出售,但現在史密斯先生有興趣,我希望能成交。1777. I am so tired of that salesman calling me. 我很厭煩售貨員一直打電話來。1778. Salt is still used as a preserver of meat. 鹽巴還是有被用來保存肉類。1779. Shall I play some different kind of music or would you like more of

the same? 我播放別的音樂好嗎﹖還是你喜歡多聽點同一類的音樂。1780. Please sample this new product and tell me what you think.

請針對這項新產品做抽樣檢查,然後再告訴我您的想法。1781. Sand came rolling into our shoes. 沙子跑進我們的鞋子裡了。1782. I'm very busy today but I'll try to sandwich that job in after tea.

我今天很忙,但我會設法在喝茶後抽空去做那一件工作。1783. Chocolate can always satisfy my sweet tooth.

巧克力始終都能讓我滿足愛吃甜的慾望。1784. He'll arrive on Saturday. 他將於星期六抵達。1785. You need a saucer under that cup. 你需要一個茶托放在杯子下。1786. Help! Save me! 救命啊!救救我吧。1787. "What did you say?" I said, "You're standing on my toe!"

你說什麼﹖我說:〞你踩到我的腳趾了!1788. Don't look at the scale to see how much I weigh.

別看磅秤想知道我的體重。1789. Why won't you come on the trip? Are you scared?


1790. That scarf doesn't go with that outfit. 這圍巾跟那裝備不搭。1791. I'm ashamed of you, making a scene in the restaurant like that.

我為你感到羞恥,你竟在餐館當眾吵鬧。1792. He schooled himself to listen to others because he knew he talked

too much. 他約束自己聽別人說話,因為他知道自己講得太多了。1793. Science has made remarkable progress. 科學有了顯著的進步。1794. He is a scientist with the University. 他是大學裡的科學家。1795. Here, ride my scooter to work. 來,騎我的速克達機車去工作。1796. He did score another point after we left. 我們走了之後,他又得了一分。 1797. Sure I want to screen my calls. 我當然會想要篩選我的來電。1798. Most of the earth is covered by sea. 地球大部份為海洋覆蓋。1799. Some people don’t like seafood. 有人不喜歡海鮮。1800. The search went on. 搜尋還在進行。 1801. During the deer season he goes shooting each week.

在獵鹿季節,他每週都去打獵。1802. He seated himself near the window. 他坐在窗口附近。1803. It will take only a few seconds. 只要幾秒鐘就搞定。1804. He finished second. 他得第二名。1805. Give me the best not the secondary product. 給我最好的,不要次級品。1806. Can you decode the secret message? 你可以將秘密訊息解碼嗎?1807. Executive secretaries can earn a lot of money. 執行秘書可以賺很多錢。1808. Which section are our seats. 我們的座位在哪一區?1809. See! Here comes the train. 看!火車來了。1810. An avocado seed is quite large. 鱷梨樹的種子相當大。1811. Seek and you shall find the meaning of life. 去尋找,你們會找到生命的意義。1812. She always seems to be sad. 她看上去老是很憂鬱。1813. The seesaw came down with a bang. 翹翹板碰的一聲掉下來。1814. He is seldom ill. 他很少生病。1815. She will select the final design 她會挑出最後的設計。1816. She is rather selfish. 她頗為自私。1817. I'd like to buy your house if you're willing to sell.

如果你願意賣的話,我想買你的房子。1818. The semester is finally over. 這學期終於結束了。1819. If you need money I'll send it. 如果你需要錢,我會送來。1820. I sense danger; let's leave now. 感覺到有危險,我們現在就離開。1821. We can pay with separate checks. 我們可以用個別的支票付款。1822. My birthday is in the month of September. 我的生日在九月。1823. After a few jokes his speech became serious.

開了幾個玩笑之後,他才一本正經地演說。1824. Not everyone can afford to engage a servant to work for them.

不是每個人都請的起傭人幫忙的。1825. Let me serve your dinner on the patio. 讓我在院子裡提供你晚餐吧。

1826. The service was impeccable. 這服務是無懈可擊的。1827. They are beautiful knives but I already have a set.

這是一組很美麗的刀具,但我已經有一組了。1828. The boat set us on the shore. 這艘船讓我們在岸邊下船。1829. Seven came to see the new house. 有七個人來看新房子。1830. Seventeen won't fit in the van. 17 個人擠不進小貨車裡。1831. What will you do with seventy of them? 你要如何處理他們七十個人?1832. Several of the apples are rotten, and several more have worm holes.

這些蘋果當中有幾個是爛的,更有幾個有蟲咬的洞。1833. I asked for a vanilla shake. 我要香草口味的奶昔。1834. We shall have to see which child is chosen. 我們應該要看看哪個小孩被選中。1835. Houses come in all shapes and sizes. 房屋有種種的形狀和大小。1836. We haven't enough books for everyone: some of you will have to


我們的書不夠每人一本,所以你們當中有些人要合著看。1837. Shark soup is on the menu. 菜單上有鯊魚湯。1838. The meeting starts at 3 o'clock sharp: don't be late!


1839. She is going to be promoted. 她將會被提拔。1840. There are sheep in the meadow. 草地上有羊群。1841. We need a king size sheet for the bed. 我們需要特大號的床單。1842. I am too short to reach the shelf. 我太矮了,夠不到架子。1843. The polished surface shone in the sun. 磨亮了的表面在太陽下發出光芒。1844. What is the difference between a ship and a boat? 艦和小船有什麼不同? 1845. I'm flying to America but my car is being shipped.

我現在飛往美國,但我的汽車正由船運送。1846. I want to buy John a new shirt but I don't know his size.

我想買件襯衫給約翰,可是不知道他的尺寸。1847. A car accident put her into shock. 一場車禍造成她的衝擊。 1848. I can't find my other shoe. 我找不到另外一隻鞋子。1849. The boys went to shoot some basketball. 這些男生們去投籃了。1850. I need to stop at the flower shop first. 我得先到花店。1851. I went shopping today in town. 我今天上街去買東西。1852. To be a shopkeeper, you have to work long hours. 當店長工作時間長。1853. Washed up on shore was a baby seal. 被沖上岸的是隻小海豹。1854. The driver stopped short when the child ran into the street.

那小孩跑進街道時,司機猛然煞車。1855. His shot went to the right of the goal. 他把球射到球門的右邊。

1856. I knew if I kept at it I should succeed. 我知道如果我堅持下去就應該會成功。1857. He shouldered his way to the front, shouldering others aside.

他用肩膀擠開別人,走到前面。1858. Please don't shout at me. 請別對我大吼大叫。 1859. He showed his ticket at the door. 他在門口出示他的門票。1860. Go shower and then we can leave. 去淋浴之後,我們就可以走了。1861. Shrimp in stir fry is my favorite dish. 炒蝦子是我對喜歡的菜餚。1862. He shrugged his shoulders saying nothing. 他聳聳肩沒說話。1863. Shut the gate so that the dog can't get out. 把大門關上,狗才不會跑出去。1864. He is shy by nature. 他生性怕羞。1865. He began to feel sick as soon as the ship started to move.

船一開動,他就立即覺得噁心。1866. The main dish was meat, with various vegetables as side dishes.

主菜是肉,加上各種蔬菜作為小菜。1867. Keep the stroller on the sidewalk not in the street.

把嬰兒車放在人行道上,而不是街上。1868. The sailors gave a shout when they sighted land.

一看見陸地,水手們高聲呼喊。1869. She put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet.

她把手指放到嘴唇上作勢要大家安靜。1870. I have to sign in before nine. 我九點前要簽到。1871. Can you silence the children so that I can work?

你能不能使孩子們安靜點好讓我工作?1872. I was surprised how silent he was while watching the movie.

我很訝異他看電影時那麼安靜。1873. No, silly, I didn't mean that! 不,傻瓜,我不是那個意思!1874. Silver is considered a semi-precious metal. 銀算是次等珍貴的金屬。1875. The speeches were similar but raised different issues.

這些演講都很相似,但是所提出的議題不同。1876. Write a story in simple English. 用簡單易懂的英文寫一則故事。1877. On her small income they live very simply.

他們靠她微薄的收入過著非常簡樸的生活。1878. Her husband died 10 years ago but she's since remarried.

她的丈夫於十年前去世,但她後來又結婚了。1879. That was a most sincere apology. 那是很誠懇的道歉。1880. Come sing with the chorus after school. 放學後來一起跟合唱團唱歌吧。1881. Singapore is such a clean city. 新加坡是一個很乾淨的城市。1882. I have always dreamed of becoming a famous singer.

我總是夢想成為一個知名的歌手。1883. I want to meet some nice single men to date.

我想和一些優秀的單身男子約會。1884. The sink is clogged. 水槽阻塞了。1885. Did you have to sink my boat in the bathtub? 你非得在浴缸把我的船弄沈嗎?1886. Thank you, sir. 謝謝您,先生。1887. Joan and Mary are sisters. 瓊和瑪莉是姊妹。1888. They all sat keeping warm by the fire. 他們都坐在爐火旁邊取暖。1889. There are six balls in the box. 盒子裏有六顆球。1890. Sixteen candles burned on the cake. 蛋糕上點了十六根蠟燭。1891. Sixty miles per hour seems slow. 每小時六十哩算慢的了。1892. What's the size of his book collection? 他的藏書有多少呢?

1893. All she wants to do is skate. 她只想去溜冰。1894. Let's ski in the Alps. 我們去阿爾卑斯山滑雪。1895. Her skill in swimming is well known. 他的泳技很著名。1896. Under his skillful hands, her surgery went without a flaw.

在他技術熟練的巧手之下,手術進行得非常順利。1897. He skinned his knee when he fell. 他跌倒的時候,擦破了膝蓋的皮膚。1898. I think she is too skinny to be healthy. 我覺得她太瘦了,應該不健康。1899. The skirt ripped as she climbed over the fence 裙子在她爬越籬笆時撕破了。1900. The sky turned dark as the storm came near. 暴風雨來臨時,天空轉暗。1901. It seems he wants to sleep away his life. 他似乎打算睡一輩子。1902. Her eyes fluttered, head bobbed letting me know she was sleepy.

她的眼睛一直眨,頭一直點,我就知道她想睡覺了。1903. The shoe was slender, stylish and oh I wanted it so badly.

這雙鞋子看起來修長又時髦,我很想要。1904. All we could do was watch the car slide on the icy road into the


我們只能看著車子從結冰的道路上滑進溝渠中。 1905. There was a slim chance it would work. 它能運轉的機會不大。1906. He did slip into a coma. 他確實陷入昏迷。1907. I asked for cozy, sheep skin slippers. 我買了一雙舒適的羊皮拖鞋。1908. The train slowed as it went around the curve. 火車轉彎時速度減慢下來。1909. He writes so small, I can't read it. 他字寫得那麼小,我無法辦認。1910. He is a smart boy. He should know what I’m talking about.

他是個聰明的小孩,應該知道我在說什麼。1911. Here, smell this: what do you think this liquid is? 來,聞聞看這是什麼液體。1912. She smiled at me: how wonderful! 她向我微笑,多好啊!

1913. I don't smoke now, though I used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day.

雖然我過去每天要抽二十支香煙,但現在不抽了。1914. Fruit makes a great snack. 水果是很好的點心。1915. A snail leaves a trail as it slides. 蝸牛在爬行時會留下痕跡。1916. I never met a snake I liked. 我從來沒見過喜歡的蛇。1917. My sneakers got wet walking in the rain. 我的運動鞋在雨中行走時淋濕了。1918. What a sneaky thing to do! 做什麼偷偷摸摸的事!1919. He snowed everyone with his charm and entertaining stories.

他用吸引人又有趣的故事欺騙了大家。1920. The snowman melts when the sun comes out. 太陽出來,雪人就融化了。1921. Snowy landscapes look beautiful on cards. 雪白的景色在卡片上看起來很美。1922. We thought it would work, and so did she. 我們認為這可行,她也一樣。1923. Move so we can get past. 移動一下我們才能過去。1924. Soap is hard to make. 肥皂很難做。1925. Soccer is the number one sport in both Europe and South America.

足球在歐洲和南美洲都是最流行的運動。1926. They attended since it was their social obligation.

他們出席是因為這是他們的社會責任。1927. Society is quite complex no matter where you may live.

社會不管在哪都是很複雜的。1928. There is a hole in his sock. 他的短襪上有一個洞。1929. He ordered a whisky and soda to start the evening.

他晚餐先點了威士忌和蘇打。1930. We've had this sofa for over fifteen years. 我們買這套沙發已15年多了。1931. I like a soft pillow to sleep on. 我喜歡睡軟的枕頭。1932. Let’s have a softball game! 我們來比賽壘球!1933. Can I give you anything? Any soft drink, please.

要喝什麼? 不含酒精的飲料都可以。1934. His brother wanted to be a soldier. 他的哥哥想當軍人。1935. This house is as solid as a rock. 這房子如岩石般牢固。1936. Our solution was to refinance the house. 我們的解決方法就是再為房子籌款。1937. That will solve your problem for now. 現在這樣就可以解決你的問題了。1938. He asked for money and I gave him some. 他要錢,我給了他一些。1939. Somebody said she would be here. 有人說她會出現在這。1940. Someone has to lock up the house. 總要有人把這房子鎖起來。1941. I think I dropped something. 我想我掉了東西。1942. Sometimes I wonder why I ever listen to him.


1943. The call for help came from somewhere in the canyon.

從峽谷的某處傳來求救聲。1944. The sons of the first discoverers are still on the islands after


首批發現者的後裔隔幾世紀之後仍然住在島嶼上。1945. Which song is your favorite? 你最喜歡那首歌。1946. I'll be going soon so I won't have another drink.

我馬上就要走,所以我不想再喝了。1947. After shopping my feet are sore and tired. 購物過後,我的腳又痛又累。 1948. Sorry, you can't come in. 抱歉,你不能進來。1949. After getting to know him, you’d know he wasn't such a bad sort.

瞭解他之後就知道他不是壞人了。1950. First we sort the laundry and then wash it.

我們把要洗的衣服先分類再放進去洗。1951. Some people believe in the immortality of the soul. 有些人相信靈魂不滅。1952. Sound travels at 1,100 feet per second in air. 聲波的速度是每秒1,100呎。1953. Soup is so good on cold days. 寒冷的天氣喝湯很舒服。1954. The milk tasted sour. 這牛奶有酸味。1955. My source told me to investigate them. 我的消息來源告訴我要調查他們。1956. The house faces to the south. 這房子朝南。 1957. Surely you have heard about Southern hospitality.

你一定有聽過南部人的熱情。1958. We need two bottles of soy-sauce. 我們需要買兩瓶醬油。1959. In the space of 10 miles the road goes up 1,000 feet.

在十哩的距離中,道路上升了一千呎。1960. Spaghetti is just one form of noodle, there are many more.

義大利麵條只是多種麵條當中的一種。1961. Speak now or forever hold your peace. 現在就講話,不然就保持安靜。1962. Our speaker was funny and inspiring. 我們的發言者很有趣也很會激勵人心。1963. Ice cream is on special this week only! 冰淇淋特價優待,只限本週。1964. The President's speech lacked sincerity. 校長的演講缺乏誠意。1965. Speed is not what is needed on rainy highways.

下雨的路上需要的就是順利的行車速度。1966. Let me spell you on duty so that you can have your tea.

讓我接替你值班,好讓你能喝茶。1967. Spelling is not my favorite subject. 拼字不是我最喜歡的科目。1968. He's spent his life writing this book. 他用了一輩子的功夫寫這本書。1969. I was bit by a spider and got very sick. 我被蜘蛛咬了,覺得很不舒服。

1970. We all have a spirit within us. 我們每個人都有靈魂。1971. A wooden spoon is best for white sauces. 吃白醬最好用木製湯匙。1972. She came in today sporting a fur coat. 她今天來時穿著毛皮大衣炫耀一番。1973. Can you spot our man out on the lake? 你可以在湖上認出我們的人來嗎?1974. She spread butter on the toast. 她將奶油塗在吐司麵包上面。1975. He sprang to his feet and sprang over the wall. 他忽然跳起來跳過了圍牆。1976. Early towns were built around a Town Square.

早期的小鎮都是建立在鎮的廣場周圍。1977. This is called the "terrible 2's" stage in childhood development.

「恐怖的兩歲」是兒童成長的階段。1978. The stairs seemed to go on forever. 這階梯好像爬不完。1979. He stammered out a few words. 他結結巴巴地說出幾個字。1980. The stamp in the library book shows it must be returned tomorrow.

圖書館書上的戳記說明書必須明天歸還。1981. I couldn't get a seat on the bus, so I had to stand.

我在公共汔車上找不到座位,所以得站著。1982. There is a standard to uphold in our firm. 我們公司有一套標準在維持。1983. In the list the starred questions are the most difficult.

在這列表中冠有星號的問題最難。1984. She started for the door before I could stop her.

我還來不及阻止她,她已經動身朝著門走去。1985. Theaters tickets must be used on the stated date.

戲院門票必須在指定日期使用。1986. Guards were stationed around the prison. 衛兵派駐在監獄四周。1987. Our logo was on the stationery. 我們的商標印在文具上了。1988. They work at a stationery store. 他們在文具行工作。1989. Can you stay for dinner, or must you go? 你可以留下來吃晚飯,還是非走不可?

1990. Steak costs too much to have very often. 牛排太貴,不能常吃。 1991. My bicycle was stolen while I was in the shop.

我在店內的時候,腳踏車被偷走了。1992. Steam could be seen for miles coming from the power plant.

發電廠散出的蒸汽在數哩之外就可以看到。1993. Step lightly into the room. 小聲的走進房間。1994. He poked the corpse with a stick. 他用棍子戳了屍體。1995. The wind was stilled. 風靜止了。1996. My boss was stingy and unfair. 我的老闆吝嗇又不公平。1997. I can't stomach his jokes. 我無法忍受他的玩笑。

1998. After eating all that food I have a stomachache.

把所有的食物都吃光了之後,我就胃痛了。1999. Indians would grind the corn with a stone to make masa herina.

印地安人會把玉米用石頭磨碎後做成 masa herina。2000. He put his hand out as a signal to the bus to stop.

他把手伸出,向這輛公共汽車作出停車信號。2001. I sent her to the store for milk. 我送他去店裡面買牛奶。2002. I'm storing my television with a friend. 我正準備把電視機放在朋友那裡。2003. Another storm is due in on Tuesday. 星期二會有另一場暴風雨。2004. Stormy weather means a fire in the fireplace tonight.

暴風雨的天氣意味著今晚壁爐要生火了。2005. Her story did not ring true. 她的故事不全然是真的。2006. The kitchen needed a new stove. 廚房需要新的爐子。2007. A straight line is the shortest distance between 2 points.

兩點間以直線為最短。2008. The street he stood in was strange to him.

他所站立的那一條街道對他來說是陌生的。2009. I'm a stranger in this town. Can you tell me the way to the station?


2010. Straw is used in making adobe bricks. 稻草常備用來做泥磚。2011. Strawberry is our family's favorite ice cream.

我們家最喜歡草莓口味的冰淇淋。2012. The pipe broke and water streamed onto the floor.

水管破裂,於是水就流到地板上。2013. Ask his advice on gardening; that's right up his street.

請教他有關園藝的事,那正是他的興趣所在。2014. Stress can become a health issue. 壓力可能會導致健康問題。2015. Their English teacher is strict with them. 他們的英文老師很嚴。2016. We must strike while the opportunity presents itself to protest the


當有機會為稅抗爭時,我們當然要反擊。2017. She is not very strong after her illness. 她在病後身體不太強壯。2018. We struggle to make financial ends meet. 我們還在為達成經濟目標而努力。2019. Whether he is a student or not, he must serve in the military.

不管他是不是學生,他都得服役。2020. He studied the shape of the wound. 他仔細察看傷口的形狀。2021. That was stupid of you. 你真傻。2022. The letter is expressed in a formal style. 這封信以正式的文體寫成。

2023. These people have been subjected by another tribe.

這些人民曾經受異族統治。2024. You can ride the subway across town. 你可以搭地下鐵穿越市區。2025. She succeeded the second time she took the examination.

她第二次參加考試通過了。2026. Success is different for different people. 成功是因人而異。2027. Her ability makes her successful in everything she does.

她的才能使她做什麼都能一帆風順。2028. Such sightings happen in the desert. 這種視覺效果常發生在沙漠中。2029. Any sudden movement will set off the alarm.任何突然的移動都會觸動警報器2030. He was suddenly aware we were being watched.他突然察覺到我們被監視了2031. I can’t suffer your insult. 我不能忍受你的侮辱。2032. Sugar is the cause of most people's weight problems.

糖份是造成人類體重問題的主因。2033. I suggested going for a walk. 我提議去散步。2034. I need to get my suit cleaned. 我需要清洗西裝。2035. Her choice suits me fine. 她的選擇很適合我。2036. Our teacher asks us to summarize our reports. 老師要我們摘要報告。2037. We summered by Lake Geneva. 我們在日內瓦湖畔避暑。2038. She sat sunning herself in the garden. 她坐在花園裡曬太陽。2039. He'll arrive late Sunday night. 他星期天晚上會到。2040. What a sunny day for a picnic! 晴朗的天氣,多麼適合野餐阿!2041. Nascar races are super fast. 全國運動汽車競賽協會競賽是非常快的。 2042. Going to the supermarket can be fun. 去超市是可以很好玩的。2043. I had a light supper. 我吃了一頓清淡的晚餐。2044. My supply of vitamins ran out. 我維他命的供應用完了。 2045. Support for the children must come from both parents.

對孩子的支持必須來自父母雙方。 2046. That's the truth, as sure as I'm standing here.

那是實情,就像我現在站在這兒樣千真萬確。2047. I surf all around the world. 我在世界各地衝浪。2048. The cooking surface held an even temperature. 爐面上溫度維持均勻。2049. Let’s go surfing! 走!衝浪去!2050. Chen is a common surname. 陳是一個常見的姓氏。2051. If you want to surprise her, propose to her at the baseball game.

你想要給她驚喜,要在棒球場向她求婚。2052. He got what he wanted, a surprised reaction to his proposal, but he

was also surprised when she said,”No.”

他得到他想要的,包括對他的提案的訝異反應,但是當她說「不」時,他也訝異。2053. We have to survive this layoff. 我們必須在裁員中生存。2054. Each year the swallows return to the Capistrano Mission in


每年燕子都會回到加州的燕子教堂。2055. I saw a black swan on the lake. 我在湖邊看到黑天鵝。2056. A sweater is perfect for windy weather. 風大的時候最適合穿毛衣。2057. Sweep even the corners of the room. 連房間角落都要打掃乾淨。2058. One can become addicted to sweets. 吃甜食會上癮。2059. She swam him across, holding his head up. 她托著他的頭幫助他游過去。2060. He lost his swimsuit diving into the pool. 他在潛水的時候掉了泳裝。2061. I used to love to sit in my swing at night and look at the stars.

我以前晚上喜歡坐在鞦韆上看星星。2062. The symbol of love is the heart shape. 愛的符號是心型。2063. He claims to have a special system for winning money on horse


他說對賽馬自有一套贏錢的辦法。2064. When we arrived at the restaurant we asked for a table for 2 in a

corner. 我們到了飯館後,要了角落上的一張雙人桌子。2065. Table tennis is my favorite sport. 桌球是我最喜歡的運動。2066. Taichung is a city known for it's culture and education.

台中是以文化及教育聞名的城市。2067. The tail of the dragon whipped from side to side. 龍的尾巴會擺來擺去。2068. Tainan has an excellent soccer team. 台南有相當傑出的足球隊。2069. Taiwan is an island. 台灣是一個島。2070. The Taiwanese people are friendly and very progressive business

people. 台灣人非常友善,在商業上也非常進步。2071. Now that the enemy forces have taken the airport, the end of the

war is nearer. 敵軍已佔據機場,戰事就快結束了。2072. The girl has a talent for music. 那女孩有音樂的天分。2073. Human beings can talk; animals can't. 人會說話,動物不會。2074. She was a very talkative person. 她是一個非常健談的人。2075. Paul's the tallest man I've ever seen. 保羅是我見過的人之中身材最高的一位。2076. I love the sweet taste of tangerine. 我喜愛橘子的甜味。2077. The gas tank was nearly empty. 貯油槽快空了。2078. Have you finished taping all the presents up yet?


2079. The arrow hit the center of the target. 箭頭射中了目標的中心。

2080. Our task was to get funding for the project. 我們的任務就是要為此計畫募款。2081. I always taste the wine before allowing the waiter to fill my glass.

侍者給我倒酒之前,我總是先嚐一嚐。2082. You can get around the city by taxi. 你可以搭計程車逛這城市。2083. In Britain, tea is usually drunk with milk and sugar in it.

在英國喝茶通常加牛奶或糖(或兩樣都加)。2084. I teach boys history and my wife teaches girls French.

我教男生歷史,太太教女生法語。2085. My husband's a history teacher in a local school.

我丈夫是本地一所學校的歷史老師。2086. How do you celebrate the Teacher’s Day? 你們怎麼慶祝教師節?2087. He is a member of our team. 他是我們這隊的一員。2088. I use my teapot everyday for brewing tea. 我每天都用我的茶壺泡茶。2089. He has tears in his eyes. 他眼中有淚。2090. It was hard to tear him away from his work. 很難把他跟工作分開。2091. Turning 13, he was not officially a teenager.

13 歲之後,他就真正變成青少年了。2092. The captain could speak to policemen on the shore by radio


船長能夠用無線電話與岸上的警察聯絡。2093. Watching television is how most people spend their free time.

看電視是大多數人消磨時間的方式。2094. Did you tell Aunt Joan the news about Paul? 你告訴瓊伯母保羅的消息了嗎?

2095. I watched the temperature climb higher and higher. 我看著溫度越來越高。2096. We must go to the temple to make offerings. 我們必須到寺廟去許願。2097. Ten to one the train will be late. 八成這班火車會晚到。2098. She likes playing tennis. 她喜歡打網球。2099. Don't forget the tent for camping. 別忘了露營用的帳棚。2100. The term you are looking for is: Consolidate. 你在查的辭是:鞏固。2101. We had a terrible time on holiday. 我們的假期過得很不快樂。2102. The restored car looked terrific. 整修過後的車看起來很棒。2103. You can't drive by yourself until you've passed your driving test.

要通過駕駛考試才能單獨開車。2104. We were told by the Economics Professor another textbook will be

required. 經濟學教授告訴我們會需要用另外一本教科書。2105. They arrived earlier than usual. 他們比往常到得早。2106. The old lady thanked me for helping her across the road.


2107. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for the many blessing we have.

感恩節是要感謝我們能擁有幸福的時刻。2108. Have you eaten all that chocolate we bought?


2109. The cat sat on the flat hat. 貓坐在這頂平的帽子上。2110. I do enjoy attending the theater to see a play or hear a symphony.

我很喜歡到劇院看歌劇或聽交響樂。2111. They ought to wash their faces. 他們得洗(他們的)臉。2112. He bought them drinks. 他請他們喝酒。2113. Pride oozed out of themselves. 傲慢在他們之間漸漸蔓延開來。2114. We lived in the country then. 我們那時住在鄉下。2115. There! Do you feel better now? 怎麼樣,(你)好些了嗎?

2116. I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了, 所以未能來。2117. These books are our future, our past, our present.

這些書是我們的未來、過去及現在。2118. My brother and sister are coming for their holidays. They arrive on

Monday. 我的兄弟姊妹要來渡假,他們星期一抵達。2119. My head's rather thick this morning after all that beer I drank last

night. 昨晚喝了那麼些啤酒,今天早上頭昏沉沉的。2120. A thief broke in and took most of my tools. 有小偷闖入,偷走了我所有的工具。2121. We should wait until the mist thins before driving on.

我們該等霧散開了才再開車。2122. What's that thing you've got on your head? 你頭上那個是什麼東西?2123. Do you still think in English when you're speaking French?


2124. We took third place. 我們位居第三。2125. Salty food makes one thirsty. 吃鹹的食物令人口渴。2126. Why give you only thirteen tokens? 為什麼只給你十三枚硬幣?2127. Thirty years is a long time to wait for the return of a POW.

用三十年的時間等待戰俘歸來是很漫長的。2128. Wait until you've heard this story! 先等你聽完這件事再說!2129. Those (people) who believe in freedom should be willing to fight for


相信自由的人會願意為了自由而戰。 2130. The hours of practice are long but I love it though.

練習的時間很長,可是我還是很喜歡。2131. The priest sat, deep in thought. 牧師坐著沉思。

2132. A thousand bees swarmed out of the hive. 成千隻的蜜蜂傾巢而出。2133. They threaten to take our land. 他們威脅要奪走我們的土地。2134. I told him three times to come home early. 我跟他說了三次要早一點回來。2135. A sore throat will make it hard to swallow food or water.

喉嚨痛的話要吞嚥食物或喝水都很難。2136. Aids research had a break through. 愛滋病的研究有所突破。2137. Throughout history man seems determined to repeat his mistakes.

整個人類的歷史似乎都一直在讓錯誤重演。2138. The pitcher threw a curve. 投手投了一個曲球。2139. Have you ever hit your thumb with a hammer? 你的大拇指有被鐵鎚打過嗎?2140. Elephants thundered through the brush, rushing towards the water

hole. 大象轟隆隆的穿過矮樹叢,朝水坑奔去。2141. He'll arrive Thursday. 他星期四到。2142. The pitcher warmed up in the bull pen, thus he was ready to relieve

his team-mate the next inning.

投手已經在練習區做暖身,因此他已經準備好下一局要取代隊友上場。2143. Entrance to the theater is by ticket only. 戲院憑票入場。2144. Hers was a tidy apartment. 她的公寓是一棟整潔的公寓。2145. Can you suggest a tie for this suit? 你可以幫這套西裝搭配一條領帶嗎?2146. Can you tie this for me? 你可以幫我綁這個嗎?2147. The tiger is a fierce animal. 虎是一種兇猛的動物。2148. We sat bundled tightly till day turned into night.

我們緊緊的坐在一起,從白天到晚上。 2149. The train is timed to arrive at 6 o'clock. 火車按時刻表六點該到達。2150. He is timid as a rabbit. 他很膽小。2151. Such a tiny nest, one could hardly see it in the branches of the tree.

這麼小的窩,很難在樹枝中發現。2152. Thanks for your tip on how to get ink out of shirts.

謝謝你告訴我洗掉襯衫上墨水的秘訣。2153. I'm so tired I could sleep for a week. 我累得能睡上一個星期。2154. What is the title of the novel? 那本小說的書名叫什麼?2155. She stood up and walked to the window. 她站起來走向窗口。2156. Let's toast to our host for the delightful evening.

為了慶祝這愉快的夜晚,我們一起向主人敬酒吧。2157. Are we going shopping today? 我們今天上街買東西嗎?

2158. I broke my toe. 我的腳趾斷了。2159. Do you cook with tofu? 你會煮豆腐嗎?2160. The people gathered together. 人聚在一起。

2161. I looked everywhere for a toilet. 我到處找廁所。2162. Is tomato considered a fruit or vegetable? 蕃茄是水果還是蔬菜?2163. Tomorrow will be my birthday. 明天是我的生日。2164. She burnt her tongue with hot tea. 熱茶燙到了她的舌頭。2165. Tonight is a very special occasion. 今晚是很特殊的日子。2166. You're going too fast; slow down! 你開得太快了,慢點兒!

2167. I have just the right tool for the job. 我有適合這做這工作的工具。2168. At about six, you loose your first baby tooth.

大約六歲的時候,乳齒就會開始鬆動。2169. I woke with a terrible toothache. 我因為牙痛而痛醒的。2170. I carry a toothbrush with me to work and school.

我去工作或上學時都會帶牙刷。2171. Can you top that story with one of your own? 你可以加一個自己的故事嗎?2172. We were each given a topic on which to write. 我們每個人都有一個主題要寫。2173. Total chaos ensued as the fire raged. 火勢蔓延開來之後就完全陷入混亂了。2174. The branches hung down and touched the water. 樹枝垂下來碰到水面。2175. They are going on a tour study. 他們要去遊學。2176. The troops were pushed further and further toward the edge of the

cliff. 軍隊被一步一步的逼向懸崖邊。2177. I dried myself on a towel. 我用毛巾擦乾身體。2178. The stone tower was all that was left of the castle.

石塔是那座城堡唯一留下的遺跡。2179. We went to the town to do some shopping today.

我們今天去市中心買了些東西。2180. Every child wants a toy to play with. 每個小孩都想要有玩具玩。2181. Sorrow has left its traces on her face. 悲愁在他的面容留下痕跡。2182. They will have to replace the track where the train derailed.

我們必須修復火車出軌處的軌道。2183. Radar will track the planes in the air. 雷達會追蹤空中的飛機。2184. Trade between countries brings its own adventures.

國家之間的貿易都會為各自帶來風險。2185. It is our tradition to open presents on Christmas Eve.

在耶誕夜拆禮物是我們的傳統。2186. I prefer traditional market to supermarket. 我偏好傳統市場勝於超市。2187. Traffic is most heavy around 5 o'clock each night.

每天到了傍晚五點,交通就開始擁擠了。2188. I love the sound of a train and its whistle as it thunders down the


我喜歡火車的聲音,還有鳴笛生伴隨著它壓過鐵軌的隆隆聲。2189. At school they should train young children to be good citizens.

學校應該把小孩訓練成好公民。2190. Trap a mouse with cheese. 用起士來誘捕老鼠。 2191. No one has the right to trash someone's good name with rumors.

沒有人有權力以謠言來毀謗別人的名譽。2192. The theater group traveled Europe from London to Athens.

劇團從倫敦到雅典走遍了歐洲。2193. My treasure is my family. 我的寶藏就是我的家庭。2194. She treats us as children. 她把我們當孩子一樣看待。2195. The treatment for cancer is often lethal. 癌症的治療通常會致命。2196. A tree feeds the atmosphere with air and cleans the air.

樹木提供大氣中的空氣,清潔空氣。2197. A trial is supposed to resolve the question of "guilt or innocence",

but it often does not. 審判應該是要解決有罪與否的問題,但通常並非如此。2198. There are three sides in a triangle. 三角形有三個邊。2199. I don’t know how to solve this triangular situation.

我不知如何解決這三角關係。2200. Mother tricked me into taking my medicine. 媽媽騙我吃了藥。2201. The boy put his leg out to trip the teacher. 那個男生伸出腿要把老師絆倒。2202. I'm sorry to trouble you, but can you tell me the time?

麻煩你真對不起,請問現在幾點?2203. The trousers showed grass stains on the legs and butt.

褲子的腿和屁股部分被草弄髒了。2204. Freight is hauled across country by truck. 貨物經由卡車運送到整個國家。2205. Is the news true? 這消息確實嗎?

2206. The trumpet could be heard for miles. 幾哩以外的地方都可以聽到喇叭的聲音。2207. A trust is one way to preserve your inheritance for your prosperity.

信託是保護你的財產的方式。2208. You must always tell the truth. 你要永遠說實話。2209. Have you tried this new soap? 這種新肥皂你試過沒有?2210. The weather's far too cold to only wear a T-shirt.

在這種天氣不能只穿一件T恤。2211. At the end of a long day I only want to soak in my tub.

漫長的一天結束之後,我只想浸泡在澡盆裡。2212. I usually go to the cinema on Tuesdays. 我通常在星期二去看電影。2213. My tummy is making noise, so I must be hungry.

我的肚子在叫了,我一定是餓了。2214. I like going through a tunnel. 我喜歡穿越隧道。2215. Benjamin Franklin once proposed the turkey be the official bird of

the USA. 富蘭克林曾提出以火雞做為美國的國鳥。2216. Turn the hands of the clock until they point to 9 o'clock.

把鐘的時針轉到九點。2217. Turtles are found in water, tortoises are found on land.

海龜生活在水中,路龜生活在路上。2218. TV is now digital. 現在電視有數位的了。2219. There are twelve months in a year. 一年有十二個月。2220. Twenty miles, and we’ll stop for gas. 再二十哩我們就停下來加油。2221. I work twice as hard as you. 我工作比你勤奮兩倍。2222. I've invited one or two friends round this evening.

今晚我邀了一兩個朋友來。2223. What type do you want to date? 你想跟哪種類型的人約會?2224. We'll type the letter for you. 我們會替你打這封信。2225. Typhoon season is upon us. 颱風季節接近了。2226. He is a typical Chinese. 他是個典型的中國人。2227. It was an ugly house. 那是一座醜陋的房子。2228. You'd better take an umbrella with you. 你身邊最好帶把傘。2229. As my son, your uncle is my brother. 身為我的兒子,你的舅舅就是我的兄弟。2230. They work under a kind leader. 他們在慈祥的領袖下工作。2231. The directions said to underline the correct answer.

根據說明,是要在正確的答案下面畫線。2232. Meet me at the Exit 99 underpass. 在地下通道99號出口碰面。2233. Do you understand this word? 你懂這個字嗎﹖2234. This dresser has a separate drawer for underwear.

這衣櫥有獨立的抽屜擺內衣。2235. The baby is underweight. 嬰兒體重太輕。2236. She seems unhappy about something. 她看起來為了某事在不高興。2237. Each cookie was uniform in both taste and texture.

每片餅乾在口味及外觀上都是一致的。2238. A UFO theme for a party is certainly unique.

以幽浮為主題的聚會肯定是獨一無二的。2239. The family is the smallest social unit. 家是最小的社群單位。2240. United we stand, divided we fall. 合則存,分則亡。2241. We can't be the only intelligent life in the universe.


2242. I was accepted into the university. 我已經獲准進入大學了。2243. I was their teacher until the semester ended.

到這學期結束前我都還是他們的老師。2244. Did you notice anything unusual? 你有沒有注意到不尋常的事?2245. Can you lift that box up onto the shelf for me?

你能不能替我把那個箱子抬到架子上﹖2246. Once upon a time he was very rich. 他曾經非常富有。2247. We heard footsteps on the upper floor. 我們聽到樓上有腳步聲。2248. Why are you so upset? 你為何心煩?2249. My room is upstairs. 我的房間在樓上。2250. Who us? 我們是誰?2251. Come visit the USA. 到美國玩吧。2252. Stop touching; use your eyes to look, not your hands.

不要碰;用眼睛看,不要動手。 2253. He sold used cars. 他賣舊車。2254. I'm not used to drinking. 我不習慣喝酒。2255. Money is always useful. 錢總是有用的。2256. Do you call that software user-friendly?

你認為那軟體具有使用者方便性的特色嗎?2257. We will meet at the usual time. 我們還是在平常見面的時間見面。2258. I'm not usually so late. 我通常不遲到。2259. The summer vacation is near at hand. 暑假就快到了。2260. We need a new vacuum cleaner. 我們需要一台新的真空吸塵器。2261. February 14th is not only Valentine's Day; it is my wedding

anniversary. 二月十四號不只是情人節,也是我的結婚週年紀念日。2262. This valley would be perfect to grow grapes. 這山谷應該很適合種葡萄。2263. Thank you for your valuable information. 感謝你的珍貴資料。2264. I value your friendship and want to stay in touch.

我很重視跟你之間的友誼,希望能保持聯絡。2265. The VCR is being phased out by the DVD.

卡式錄放影機已經逐漸被數位影碟給取代了。2266. Green beans are my favorite vegetable. 青豆是我最喜歡的蔬菜。2267. The vendor earns approximately $150 a day. 小販一天大約可以賺150 元。2268. It's very foolish to smoke, as it's known to be dangerous to health.

抽煙是愚不可及的事,因為大家都知道抽煙對身體有害。2269. This is the very thing I want. 這正是我想要的。2270. Each member of the SWAT team had a bullet-proof vest.


2271. Clearly it was a victory for the leading party.

很明顯這對執政黨而言是一項勝利。2272. Why not video the football game and watch it later?

為什麼不先把足球賽錄下來,晚點再看呢?2273. Several possible buyers have come to view the house.

幾個想買的人都來看過房子。2274. The whole village is going to the baker's funeral today.

今天全村都去參加麵包師的葬禮。2275. Sushi calls for rice vinegar. 壽司需要糯米醋。2276. Her violin was considered quite valuable. 他的小提琴是相當有價值的。2277. While we're in Europe we ought to visit Holland.

我們在歐洲時應該去荷蘭遊覽一下。2278. Perhaps it was a visitor to the exhibit that tripped the alarm.

可能是展覽會的訪客誤觸警報。2279. It was also decided to test them on their vocabulary.

也決定要測驗他們的字彙能力。2280. The chairman voiced the feeling of the meeting when he demanded

more pay. 主席要求加薪之舉道出與會者的心聲。2281. I prefer to play volleyball in the sand. 我比較喜歡在沙灘上打排球。2282. Please turn down the volume on that Hip Hop. 請把那嘻哈音樂的音量關小聲。2283. He lost by only one vote. 他以一票之差輸掉了。 2284. Every voter counts in this election.

每一個有投票權的人都會被算在這次的選舉當中。2285. The waist measurement was 32". 腰圍測量是 32"。2286. The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveler.

強盜埋伏著等待有錢旅客2287. The service here is terrible. We must complain to the waiter.

這裏的服務糟透了,我們要向服務生抱怨。2288. She worked part-time as a waitress while she was at college.

他上大學時兼差當女侍。2289. She usually wakes early. 她平常很早就醒。2290. He likes walking. 他喜歡散步。2291. Walkman is a trademark for the Sony CD player.

隨身聽是新力公司CD 播放器的商標。2292. Let's wall the prisoner up in the castle. 我們把囚犯關在城堡裏。2293. I lost my wallet in which there were 2 hundred dollars.

我掉了皮包,裡頭有 200 元。

2294. The poor boy wandered in the streets. 可憐的小孩流浪街頭。2295. He wanted to rest. 他想休息休息。2296. Is war necessary? 戰爭是必要的嗎?2297. They warmed their hands by the open fire.

他們在火旁邊取暖。2298. I’m warning you not to come closer. 我警告你不要更靠近。2299. Go upstairs and have a wash. 到樓上洗一洗。2300. He wasted his money, time and ability on worthless people.

他把金錢、時間、才幹白白花在不配幫忙的人身上。2301. I came to watch the super bowl with you. 我來和你一起看超級盃。2302. She bought a new wrist watch. 他買隻新的手錶。2303. You must water the plants every other day. 你每隔一天一定要給植物澆水。2304. The waterfall produces such a relaxing sound. 瀑布的水聲令人感到輕鬆。2305. I prefer a watermelon without seeds. 我喜歡無仔西瓜。2306. Remember to wave goodbye to your son. 記得向你兒子揮手說再見。2307. Is this the way out? 這是出去的路嗎?

2308. Shall we sit together, Mary? 瑪琍,我們坐在一起好嗎?

2309. His legs felt weak. 他雙腿發軟。2310. What sort of weapon was used in the robbery? 搶劫的時候會用哪種武器呢?2311. I always wear brown shoes. 我總是穿棕色的鞋子。2312. Weather is a fascinating subject. 天氣是一個迷人的主題。2313. She kept putting off her wedding. 她一直延後婚禮。2314. He'll arrive on Wednesday. 他星期三到。2315. He works a 60-hour week. 他一週工作六十小時。2316. The traffic is terrible every weekday. 平日的交通每天都是很亂的。2317. But on the weekend, the traffic is just as bad. 但是週末時,交通也是一樣糟。2318. They shop weekly in the town. 他們每週進城買東西(一次)。2319. The cost of shipping is determined by its weight. 運費價格是視重量而定。2320. They welcomed him with flowers. 他們用花歡迎他。2321. Well, what a surprise! 啊!居然如此!2322. The sun sets in the west. 太陽在西邊落下。2323. The western sky was ablaze with the sunset. 西邊的天空閃耀的夕陽光輝。2324. I can't go out, because the coat I brought is too thin to protect me

from getting wet. 我出不了門了,我帶來的大衣太薄擋不住雨會淋濕。2325. The whale has almost been hunted to its extinction.

鯨魚已經被捕到快要絕種了。2326. What time will you come? 你什麼時候來﹖2327. I can live with whatever decision is made. 不管做什麼決定,我都能生存下去。

2328. I do wonder who invented the wheel. 我在想是誰發明了輪子。2329. Since when has that been so? (那件事)從什麼時候起就是這樣的﹖2330. Do you know where to find the treasure map?

你知道在哪裡可以找到藏寶圖嗎?2331. He asked me whether she was coming. 他問我她是否會來。2332. Which do you want? 你要哪個?2333. I was studying while he was watching TV. 我在唸書而他在看電視。2334. Just wait for a while and then I'll help you. 等一會兒我就來幫你。2335. To lower your cholesterol, if eating eggs, discard the yolk and only

eat the whites. 為了降低膽固醇,吃蛋時只吃蛋白,別吃蛋黃。2336. Who's at the door? 誰在門口?2337. On the whole, our plan was plausible. 整體來說,我們的計畫應該可行。2338. Once discovered, whom did you think would represent you?

一旦被發現了,你想誰會代替你?2339. The prosecutor again and again asked, while holding the scarf,

"whose is this?" 檢察官握著圍巾,一次又一次的問著:「這是誰的?」2340. Why respond to the summons? 為什麼要對傳票做出回應呢? 2341. The river was deep and wide. 這條河又深又寬。2342. Hand me the shovel so I can widen the channel.

把鏟子給我,我才能擴大通道。2343. The width of the fabric will determine the layout.

建築的寬度將會決定整個設計。2344. My wife will be home at 5. 我妻子在五點時會在家。2345. I only had a glimpse of the wild, hairy beast. 我只瞥見那隻粗野多毛的野獸。2346. Free will makes us able to choose our way of life.

我們有自由意志所以能自己選擇生活方式。2347. She has such a willing heart. 她有這個意願。2348. Good, I came to win. 好,我一定會贏。2349. The path winds through the woods. 這條路迤迤邐邐穿過樹林。2350. Close the window. 關上窗戶。2351. Windy weather surprised us. 颳風的氣候出乎我們意料之外。2352. We wined and dined until late into the night. 我們又吃又喝,鬧到挺晚。2353. It felt as if an angel's wing brushed against my cheek.

那就像是天使的翅膀撫慰我的臉頰。2354. Now who will be declared the winner? 現在誰要公布誰是獲勝者呢?2355. We have no winter to speak of in Hawaii. 我們在夏威夷是沒有冬天的。2356. My father seems wise to me. 對我而言,父親是英明的。2357. I wish we had a cat. 要是我們有一隻貓多好。

2358. A man walked down the road with his dog. 有個人帶著狗上街。2359. Search within your soul for the answer. 在你的靈魂深處尋找答案。2360. Without fear we proceeded. 我們無畏的展開行動。2361. I left my wok at my apartment. 我把鍋子留在公寓裡了。2362. We could hear the wolf howling in the night. 我們在晚上時可以聽到狼嚎聲。2363. It will take a strong willed woman to survive the Australian outback.

一個意志堅強的女人才能在在澳洲內地中生存。2364. The men stood wondering before the ancient temple they'd

discovered. 那些人佇立在他們發現的古廟之前驚訝不己。2365. Niagara Falls is a wonderful sight. 尼加拉瓜瀑布令人嘆為觀止。2366. We need more wood for the winter months.

我們需要更多的木頭來度過冬天的這幾個月。2367. He sat rigid, his wooden demeanor making him seem


他嚴肅的坐在那,僵硬的舉動顯的不易親近。2368. The couple is walking in the woods. 情侶在樹林中漫步。2369. Tell me what happened in your own words. 用你自己的話把發生的事告訴我。2370. It takes a lot of work to build a house. 蓋房子很費事。2371. I forgot to bring my workbook. 我忘了帶作業簿。2372. She's a real worker; she gets twice as much done as anybody.

她是個真正能幹的人,做的事比其他人多一倍。2373. It’s a small world. 世界真是小。2374. The smell doesn't worry him. 他不在意那味道。2375. I promise if you come it will be well worth your effort.

我保證你來的話,你的努力都會值得的。2376. No one would want that job. 沒人會想要那份工作。2377. His wound was serious enough to put him into hospital.

他傷重的非得進醫院不可。 2378. Upon the wrist was a Rolex watch. 在手腕上的是勞力士的手錶。2379. He writes me a letter every day. 他每天給我寫信。2380. A writer is a person who writes. 作者就是寫作的人。2381. I wronged him by saying he could never improve his work.

我說他工作永遠做不好,實在冤枉了他。2382. A yard is three feet. 一碼是三英尺。2383. Yeah! We are going to the ball game! 好棒! 我們要去看球賽了!2384. I arrived here 2 years ago today. 我兩年前的今天來到這兒。2385. The earth makes a yearly revolution around the sun. 地球每年繞太陽一週。2386. That paper has yellowed with age. 那張紙因年代久遠變黃。

2387. Yes, we do care about you. 是的, 我們真的在乎你!

2388. Yesterday I was very busy. 昨天我很忙。2389. He has not come yet. 他還沒有來。2390. You are what you are. 你就是你。2391. She introduced her young daughter to her boss.

她向老闆介紹她的年輕女兒。2392. Is this your bracelet? 那是你的手環嗎?2393. Yours is coming by mail 你的東西會用郵寄送過來。2394. Consider yourself lucky. 想想你自己的好運。2395. Youth goes by so quickly. 青春時代很快就會逝去的。2396. You could smell the yummy chocolate chip cookies baking in the


你可以聞到從烤箱傳來巧克力碎片蛋糕的香味。2397. Zebra are incredibly beautiful. 斑馬十分漂亮。2398. Schools have a zero tolerance for weapons in classrooms.

學校不容許在教室裡有武器存在。2399. With a zip code your mail will be delivered sooner.

有寫郵遞區號信件會更快速送達。2400. The zoo was closed. 動物園已經關了。

編者:通識中心 英文組 鄭方山老師 (01/09 2006)

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