26401 st. josaphat drive • warren, mi 48091 1740 • fax ... · 7/15/2018  · князь...

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July 15, 2018 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 1

26401 ST. JOSAPHAT DRIVE • WARREN, MI 48091 Rectory & Office: 586-755-1740 • Fax: 586-755-1399

www.stjoschurch.com • Email: stjucch@aol.com Parish Centre: 586-758-7711 • www.stjosaphatbanquets.com

Email: stjosaphathall@aol.com

Pastor: Fr. Mario Dacechen, OSBM

Cell: 917-842-2819 • Email: madario88@gmail.com

Assistant: Fr. Walter Rybicky, OSBM

Cell: 586-457-3314 • Email: FrWalterR@yahoo.com

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays - closed

(Office is closed for lunch 12:00 –1:00 p.m.)

IC Schools: 586-574-2480 • www.icschools.org / www.icschools.net

SUMMER SCHEDULE OF DIVINE LITURGIES Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian); 11:00 noon (English)

Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. (Ukrainian); 4:00 p.m. (English)

Holy Days & Obligatory Feasts: 9:00 a.m. (Ukr.) and 7:00 p.m. (Eng.)

Confessions - During Liturgies and only 1/2 hour before Liturgies during Summer Saturday 4:00pm, Sunday 9:00a.m. & 11:00a.m. and all Holy Days

To arrange for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion & Funerals - call the Office first.

For Weddings make an appointment with the Pastor, at least 6 months ahead.

Святий Володимир Великий

"Прийдіть вірні, заспіваймо

духовну пісню і прославмо Христа,

який світло прославив чесного

Володимира Великого князя" (Канон утрені празника). Поміж великими і світлими

мужами нашої княжої держави

святий Володимир Великий, наче

сонце, сяє своєю невмирущою

славою, величчю і заслугами. В

історії Руси-України його записано

золотими літерами не тільки як могутнього і розумного

володаря, але передусім як хрестителя, просвітителя і

ревного апостола християнської віри. Свята віра, яку

він прийняв у візантійському обряді, стає з часом

серцем і душею нашого народу й держави. Вона стає

сильною моральною основою нашого народу, основою

нашої культури, звичаїв і обрядів. Вона завжди була

великою моральною силою для нашого народу,

передусім у дні його горя і руїни. Тією християнською

вірою наш народ довгі-довгі сторіччя жив і

кріпився, тією ж вірою він і сьогодні живе і кріпиться в

неволі безбожного комунізму. І в тому якраз велика

заслуга святого Володимира Великого, що дав нашому

народові цінний скарб святої віри. Він вічно житиме у

серці нашого народу як його хреститель, апостол і


Охрестившись сам та знищивши поганські ідоли,

князь Володимир насамперед охрестив (prod. na stor. 3)

St. Volodymyr the Great,

Equal to the Apostles,

Grand Prince of Kyiv

“Being taught by God ineffable

heavenly wisdom, you acquired a

rich understanding of His faith and

hastened to His beauty. Thus, you

cleared your spiritual eyes and raised

them up to the understanding of the

true faith. Therefore, we cry out

in celebration: Blessed is God, Who

illuminated your heart with a

spiritual light, O glorious luminary Volodymyr.”

Christianity was already in parts of the realm of

Kyivan-Rus’. The Greek merchants were Christian, and

Volodymyr’s grandmother, Princess Olha was a Christian.

Under Volodymyr’s reign the nation was baptized changing

it from a pagan nation worshipping false gods in darkness

to worship of the one true God who is the Light of the

world, bringing them the light of Christ and the true faith.

He placed our nation on the same level as the other

Christian nations of the East and West.

Volodymyr was searching for a religion. He sent envoys

to the Latin West, the Jews, the Muslims and the Greeks in

Constantinople. They were not impressed with the worship

of the Latins, Jews and Muslims. His envoys arrived in

Constantinople and the Emperor had the Patriarch prepare

the massive Cathedral of St. Sophia-Holy Wisdom for the

celebration of the Divine Liturgy. They were moved by the

beauty of the liturgy and reported to Volodymyr; (cont. on pg. 3)


July 15, 2018 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 2

LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, July 15, 2018 (Pr. Bk. pg. 225, 386)(Mol. st. 219, 374)

1 Cor. 1: 10-18; Mt. 14: 14-22

9:00 — For The Parish

11:00 #126 Health & God's Blessings for Happy Birthday

Erica Sowirka — Family

Monday, July 16, 2018 (Mrt. Athenogenes)

1 Cor. 11: 31-12:6; Mt. 18: 1-11

8:30 #2592 + Daria Kaskiw — R. & O. Karanec Prayer Families: S. Hulyk / M. Plichota

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 (GMrt. Marina)

1 Cor 12: 12-26; Mt. 18: 18-22,19:1-2,13-15

8:30 #209 + Irene Lonchyna — M. Nakoneczna Prayer Families: T. Hundich / S. Piwtorak

Wednesday, July 18, 2018 (Mrts. Hyacinth & Emilian)

1 Cor 13: 4-14:5; Mt. 20: 1-16

8:30 #2354 ++ Ivan & Sophia Kalytiak — K. Iwanyckyj Prayer Families: W. Husak / M. Petryshyn

Thursday, July 19, 2018 (Ven. Macrina)

1 Cor 14: 6-19; Mt. 20: 17-28

8:30 #294 Health & God's Blessings for Lesia Florchuk

— Friend Prayer Families: V. Irhibayev / T. Petryna

Friday, July 20, 2018

(Prop. Elias)

Jas 5: 10-20; Lk. 4: 22-30

7:00 #298 + Luba Fedorko — O. Zanke

8:30 #2391 + George Surowy — Family

#2555 + Paul Onachuk — Wife & Family Prayer Families: I. Ivaniv / S. Petrovitch

Saturday, July 21, 2018 (Ven. Simeon & John)

Rom. 14: 6-9; Mt. 15: 32-39

8:30 #2448 ++ Anna, Wasyl, Teresa & Ivan Kulczytsky

— O. Papiz

#235 + Pauline Futiak - 40th day w/panakhyda — Family

4:00pm #038 ++ Natalie & Edward Holowchak

— D. & K. Holowchak

Prayer Families: L. Jachnycky / A. Petrouleas

Sunday, July 22, 2018 (Pr. Bk. pg. 226, 388)(Mol. st. 220, 376)

Gal 1: 11-19; Jn. 10: 1-9 9:00 — For The Parish

Health & God's Blessings for Happy 90th Birthday

Maria Lewyckyj 11:00 #2274 + Bohdan Andrushkiw — Wife Vera & Family

Altar Cleaning

Maria Tytusa and Maria Weliczko

Fr. Bernard Panczuk, OSBM,

Fr. Lawrence Lawryniuk, OSBM,

Emily Berezowsky, Eugene Berezowsky, Carol

Berry, Thomas Binkley, Renee Bosbous,

Jackie Curtin, John DeHate, Alexandra Eillis, Irene Erard,

Gregory Gazda, Vasyl Halayda, Rebecca Holowaty,

Dorothy Kail, Suzanne Kotas, Irene Krasicky, Ulana

Kushner, Christine Lash-Farion, Allyson Logan, Bohdan

Melnyk, Virginia Michaluk, Brian Miller, Kathy Mooney,

Irene Nehaniv, Sophia Nigrans, Patty Oleksik,

Tamara Olszewski, Lily Ondusky, John Paluch, Sharon

Peper, Marty Peters, Pauline Pokorski, Christopher Portalski,

Anna Lou Randall, Walter Roback, Catherine Rozmanek,

Pearl Sawchuk, Nestor Scherbey, Kornel Senyk, Stephan

Shenduk, Pauline Shenduk, Rosemary Smith, Maria

Kuchar-Soroka, Olha Soroka, Mary Spear, Michael Tereck

Jr., Lisa Thompson, Mike Tomaszewski, Danylo Truss,

Halyna Truss, Lori Truss, Teri Turak, David Tyro, Olga

Wojtyshyn, Adya Lash-Wynarczyk. **Also, please pray for all our elderly that are ill, in nursing homes

and home bound.**

Pray For All The Men & Women in Military Service - In Active Duty

- From our parish & families -

Nicholas Bensette, Lina Calice, Vlady Calice, John Darga,

Nicole Iwanuisz, Jordan Wingon, Stanislav Zibrivskyy (Please inform the office of any updates

St. Josaphat Church,

Immaculate Conception Church


Immaculate Conception School

is having their

Annual Sunflower Festival

August 4th & 5th, 2018

on the grounds of St. Josaphat Church

We are looking for volunteers (to work before, during

and after the festival). Please call the church office at

586-755-1740 for more information.

We will be making Varenyky / Varenyky:

Tues. July 24th at 8:00am…. (peeling potatoes, onions) Wed. July 25th at 8:00am….. (making varenyky)

We will be making Holubtsi / Holubci:

Wed. Aug. 1st at 8:00am… (prep) Thurs. Aug. 2nd at 8:00am Please - if you can, bring in baked goods for our bakery table during the festival.

July 15, 2018 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 3

своїх дванадцятьох малолітніх синів у джерелі на місці,

що сьогодні відоме в Києві під назвою Хрещатик. За

його наказом охрестився столичний город Київ та

ввесь народ. Святий Володимир Великий відійшов до

вічности 15 липня 1015 року. Його поховали у

Десятинній церкві, у каплиці святого Климента, де вже

спочивала його жінка Анна, яка померла ще 1011 року.

St. Josaphat Church Renovation - $200

In Honor of Alexander & Irene Maritczak's

50th Wedding Anniversary

Lidia Jurkiw-Gulawsky

George & Zenowia Jurkiw

“We did not know whether were on heaven or on earth, for

surely there is no such splendor or beauty anywhere upon

earth. We cannot describe it to you: only this we know is

that God dwells there among men, and that their service

surpasses the worship of all other places. For we cannot

forget such beauty.”

Volodymyr and the people of Rus’ were baptized, and

he built churches, abolished the death penalty, married off

his concubines to his soldiers, freed slaves, and performed

many works of mercy. His conversion was not superficial

but true. His holiness was manifested not in miracles, but

in deeds. He is called ‘Equal to the Apostles’, ‘another

Constantine in word and deed’, and ‘most glorious

ambassador of Christ’.

“Like fragrant myrrh the glory of our enlightener, the

great Volodymyr, spread abroad. For, having loved Christ,

he destroyed the pagan idols and built Christian churches.

For this, he received the heavenly kingdom and an

eternal crown.”

Calender of Events

Aug 4th-5th…... Sunflower Festival at St. Josaphat

4-ho -5-ho serpn] .... Son]'nykovyj Festyval/ - sv. Yosafata

Sept 22nd………Ukrainian American Veterans Post #101 35th Anniversary Banquet Sept 23rd …….. Right to Life Baby Shower at St. Josaphat Sept 30th…….…Fall Sunday Liturgy schedule – 8:30 & 10:00am (Ukr.) & 12noon (Eng.) 30-ho veresn] …Osinyj Por]dok Liturhij (Nedil]) – 8:30 & 10:00rano (Ukr.) & 12pp (Anh.)

Sept 30th….… UNWLA Br#96 -50th Anniversary Banquet – featuring duet "Gerdan" from Washington DC

Transportation Needed

An elderly parishioner is looking for a ride to church

1-2 Sundays per month from Macomb Township

(area of Card and 21 Mile Road). Please call Pauline

Pokorski at 586-840-7628.

Elderly Care Needed

I am looking for someone to assist my 93 year old Sister

who uses a walker with daily needs and activities. Also to

be able to stay at the house 4 to 5 days plus nights.

For more information, please call Gloria Sankuer at


Please Note:

We will not be holding a Rummage Sale. We are asking if

you would not drop off items near the garage. The items

that will be left will most likely be thrown out. Thank you.

Best Wishes, Health, Happiness and God's Blessings.

Happy Birthday

Kornelia Prybula, Lydia Taraschuk, Lubomyr Jachnycky,

Alex Tarnavsky, Wolodymyr Czubatyj, Mary Previti,

Frank Wolicki, Diana Mordowanec, Terrie Nicholson,

Cheryl Kapitanec, Oleg Doubrovski, Gregory Sobol,

Michelle Pierce, Anthony Stadnyk, Hope David,

Daniel Bolde, Alexandra Fedorak, Luka Krynytsky,

Anthony Bachynska

Mnoha] Lita!

Names printed are for birthdays for this week — from Sunday thru Saturday

Please Note: Organizations that need to place flyers into the bulletin, please

bring them to the church office by noon on Wednesdays.

We ask for 400 copies and a $20 payment per week.

Orhanizaci\, ]ki xo;ut/ davaty lystivky do b[lytynu,

prosymo prynesty do cerkovno\ kancel]ri\ v seredu

do poludn] - 400 kopi\ i $20.

Please Note: Organizations that plan picnics / events requesting a priest for Divine Liturgy, please contact the church office at least three weeks in advance.

Orhanizaci\, ]ki planu[t/ maty Sv. Liturhi\ pid;as lita,

prosymo povidomyty cerkovne b[ro try tywni napered.

July 15, 2018 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 4

St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church

26400 Ryan Road, Warren, Michigan 48091

(1 block south of 11 Mile/I-696) 586-755-1740


4-ho serpn]

12:00p.p. ……………….. Vidkrytt]

1:00p.p - 5:00p.p. ……..... Misty Blues Band

2:00p.p. …………….… "Echoes of Ukraine"

Dyt];a Tanc[val/na Hrupa

5:00ve;. ……………….."Echoes of Ukraine"

Molodiwna Tanc[val/na Hrupa

6:00ve;. - 10:00ve;. ..."Jetz"-muzy;na hrupa

pid provydom Nestora Kryvoho

10:00ve;. ……………... Zakrytt]

nedil], 5-ho serpn]

12:00p.p. - 8:00p.p …

Ukrains/ka muzyka: DJ Andriy

2:00p.p. ………….. "Echoes of Ukraine"

Dyt];a Tanc[val/na Hrupa


Tanc[val/nyj Ansambel/

4:00p.p. - 8:00p.p …. Muzyka:

The George Brothers Band

5:00p.p. …………. Lotere]

6:30ve;. …………"Echoes of Ukraine"

Molodiwna Tanc[val/na Hrupa

8:00ve;. …… Zakrytt]

prodavci lotere]



i amerykans/kyj xar;


Ukra\ns/kyj Son]'nykovyj


subota, 4-ho serpn], 2018


nedil], 5-ho serpn], 2018

July 15, 2018 St. Josaphat, Warren, Michigan Page 5

St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church

26400 Ryan Road, Warren, Michigan 48091

(1 block south of 11 Mile/I-696) 586-755-1740


August 4th

12:00noon ................ Opening

1:00pm—5:00pm..... The Misty Blues

2:00pm ...................... Echoes of Ukraine

Children's Dance Group

5:00pm....................... Echoes of Ukraine

Adult Dance Group

6:00pm—10:00pm.... The Jetz

(led by Nestor Krywyj)

10:00pm............. Closing


August 5th

12noon—3:00pm.....Ukrainian Music

- DJ Andriy

1:30pm...................... Echoes of Ukraine

Children's Dance Group

3:00pm...................... Kolomeyka Dance Ensemble

4:00pm—8:00pm.....The George Brothers Band

5:00pm..................... Raffle Drawing

6:30pm..................... Echoes of Ukraine

Adult Dance Group

8:00pm.............. Closing Ukrainian


Festival Saturday, August 4, 2018 & Sunday, August 5, 2018

Traditional Ukrainian

& American Food







Children's Bounce House

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