Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Basic of meditationMeditation is the conscious growth of the mental abilities. It includes Dynamic Meditation(動禪 ) and sitting in meditation(禪定 ).

Meditation –Does it really work?

Hidden Messages in the water-Dr. Masaru Emoto Experiment With Meditation At Brahma Kumaris

TIME Magazine: The Science of Meditation

sitting in meditation(禪定 )

Guideline 1.Sit up straight

2.Back, neck and shoulders should be relaxed

3.We sit still

4.During meditation our hands rest on our knees or in our lap

Guideline 5.We should keep our head well balanced and straight over our spine

6.The face is relaxed

7.As you wish you can keep your eyes open or close

Choosing your own meditation posture1.The tailor posture(裁縫坐 )2.Burmese posture(緬甸坐 )3.The lotus posture(蓮花坐 )

What to do with your breathing ,month and tongue

1.Abdominal breathing

2.Put you tongue against the upper jaw

As you finish

Dynamic Meditation(動禪 )

Dynamic MeditationBaduanjin qigong(八段錦氣功 )Tongzi bai Guanyin(童子拜觀音 )Junu bai Guanyin(玉女拜觀音 )

Baduanjin qigong 1.Two Hands Hold up the Heavens2. Drawing the Bow to Shoot the Hawk3. Separate Heaven and Earth4. Wise Owl Gazes Backwards or Look Back5. Sway the Head and Shake the Tail6. Two Hands Hold the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys and Waist7. Clench the Fists and Glare Fiercely8. Bouncing on the Toes

Tongzi bai Guanyin and Junu bai Guanyin

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