8/27/20151 sermons from science -- aug 2013 科学布道 -- 2013 年 8 月 sermons from science is...

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04/19/23 1

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 2

Astrobiology: The Science of Could天体生物学 : 莫非科学 Anything “could” happen.  Shouldn’t science deal with

what does happen and what did happen?  The “could” word is rampant in astrobiology literature and origin-of-life studies.

“Antifreeze on Titan could affect its chances for life” (Astrobiology Magazine): 14 uses of the word “could” and 6 of “might.”

“Billion-Year-Old Water Could Hold Clues to Life On Earth and Mars” (Astrobiology Magazine): 8 “could” and 4 of “may” or “might.”

“Life On Earth Shockingly Comes from out of This World” (Science Daily): 8 uses of could and may.

04/19/23 3

Astrobiology: The Science of Could天体生物学 : 莫非科学 “A Stepping-Stone for Oxygen on Earth” (

Astrobiology Magazine): 6 uses of could and may. “Martian Clay Contains Chemical Implicated in the

Origin of Life, Astrobiologists Find” (Science Daily): 5 instances of could, may, or might.

“More Evidence That Ancient Mars Could Support Life Found by Old Rover” (Space.com): 3 instances of could, may, or might.

“60 Billion Alien Planets Could Support Life” (Space.com): 8 instances of could, may, or might.

04/19/23 4

Astrobiology: The Science of Could天体生物学 : 莫非科学 The hedging words are often key to the evolutionary

ideas in the articles: e.g., in the antifreeze article, “These molecules could ultimately serve as the basis for life”; in the billion-year-old water article, “This water could be some of the oldest on the planet and may even contain life; in the Mars rover article, “NASA’s Curiosity rover found that the Red Planet could have supported microbial life in the ancient past”; in the out-of-this-world article, “icy comets that crashed into Earth millions of years ago could have produced life building organic compounds”.  No life, of course, has ever been found beyond Earth’s biosphere.

04/19/23 5

Astrobiology: The Science of Could天体生物学 : 莫非科学 We need a new word to describe the propensity of evolutionists

to speculate out of thin air with the power of suggestion to lend a false air of scientific credibility to their confabulations.  We’ll coin the term perhapsimaybecouldness index to measure that property and add it to our growing Darwin Dictionary (a helpful guide to understanding our commentaries).

Whenever you hear an evolutionist using the could word, as in “life could have emerged from methane clathrates in Titan’s subsurface ocean,” remind him or her that could works both ways.  Since it’s an imprecise, rigorless, unmeasured, hypothetical, speculative, imaginative, unscientific way to describe nature, stop them immediately with the response, “But then again, life might not have emerged from methane clathrates in Titan’s subsurface ocean, if there is such an ocean; life could have been designed.  What do you know about it?”

04/19/23 6

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 7

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 8

Bizarre Creatures With Incredible Design令人难以置信的奇异生物设计 Communal glow:  A short post on 

Science Now shows that the glowworms that snare insects in New Zealand caves coordinate their light to maximize their catch.

Whale of an oxygen tank:  How do fin whales hold their breath and keep from imploding when they dive down 650 feet?  That mystery was explored in a brief “Science Shot” on Science Now:

04/19/23 9

Bizarre Creatures With Incredible Design令人难以置信的奇异生物设计 Think you’re under pressure? Try diving 200 meters below

the ocean. That’s where fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) spend their time feeding. That kind of pressure would rupture our blood vessels, but whales do just fine. To figure out why, researchers compared whale arteries to those of pigs, chosen for their relation to the whale’s land-loving ancestors. Then they ran saline or water over and through the vessels. The arteries, which draw blood away from the heart, stiffened in the fin whale, while the pig arteries stretched out and collapsed under far less stress, the team reports online this week in The Journal of Experimental Biology. The finding suggests that the whales benefit from naturally occurring collagen around their arteries. Firming up to withstand the depths, this connective tissue may be what keeps whales from feeling the squeeze.

04/19/23 10

Bizarre Creatures With Incredible Design令人难以置信的奇异生物设计 More than one way to evolve a breath:  Speaking

of oxygen down deep, Nature News claims that “Animals have evolved a variety of ways to get oxygen under extreme conditions.”  Featured creatures are northern elephant seals that can hold their breath two hours underwater, ray-finned fish that possess a unique form of hemoglobin, and deer mice that live at high elevations.  The article appeared to care less about the design of oxygen deliver to tissues in these well-adapted animals as in their evolution, saying without elaboration,

04/19/23 11

Bizarre Creatures With Incredible Design令人难以置信的奇异生物设计 Rezende … says that whereas the studies show that

animals have found several ways to increase the amount of oxygen delivered to their muscles, all follow one unifying theme: all the adaptations help the animals to perform better under difficult conditions. And this is so useful that it has evolved multiple times through different pathways. “Increased oxygen delivery is almost always associated with high performance,” he says.

High performance has also evolved in several different pathways in racing cars, but.…  News flash!  A beetle’s iridescent colors have survived for 49 million years!  Extra, extra, read all about it in New Scientist.

04/19/23 12

Bizarre Creatures With Incredible Design令人难以置信的奇异生物设计 There they go again; misusing their own

evolutionary theory.   The phrase “allowed such-and-such an animal to evolve such-and-such an adaptation” is nonsense.  We’ll allow you a trip to the moon without a space suit.  Go ahead when ready.  Evolutionists cannot use evolve as an active verb, “to evolve a” whatever.  Opportunity is not fulfillment.  An unguided process gives no permission.  Whatever happens, happens in Darwin’s “Stuff Happens” Law, whether the environment allows it or not.

04/19/23 13

Bizarre Creatures With Incredible Design令人难以置信的奇异生物设计 When they say, “animals have evolved a variety

of ways to” whatever, there’s another fallacy.  They’ve personified evolution as something animals or Mother Nature does on purpose for a goal.  Stupidest mythoid is this one: “this is so useful that it has evolved multiple times through different pathways.”  Evolutionists wield their theory like a magic wand, saying, “Abracadabra!  It evolved!” to account for everything, including high performance oxygen delivery to muscles.  How many mutations did that take for natural selection to filter through?

04/19/23 14

Bizarre Creatures With Incredible Design令人难以置信的奇异生物设计 Added to the mythoid mix is convergent

evolution again; animals “have evolved” multiple ways to get oxygen to high-performance muscles; saber teeth evolved in two completely unrelated mammals, separated by 125 million years in their mythical timeline.

Those of us who love animals should be able to enjoy the discoveries without the Darwin Party sales pitch.  The evolutionary hype is like those annoying pop-up ads that distract attention from the real story, which is intelligent design.

04/19/23 15

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 16

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 17

Are Starfish Eyes Missing Links? 海星眼睛是缺失的环节? Starfish are found to have “primitive” image-forming

eyes on the tips of their arms.  Do these represent links between simple and complex eyes?  Some reporters seem to think so.

Deborah MacKenzie at New Scientist leapt at the opportunity to score one for Darwin:

We have known about the sensors that starfish have at the ends of their arms for 200 years, but no one knew whether they are real eyes that form images or simply structures that detect changes in light intensity.

We finally have an answer: they appear to act as real eyes. The discovery is another blow to creationist arguments that something as complex as a human eye could never evolve from simpler structures.

04/19/23 18

Are Starfish Eyes Missing Links? 海星眼睛是缺失的环节? In a similar vein, PhysOrg asked if it is a “missing link in

eye evolution.”  Dr. Andrews Garm at the University of Copenhagen experimented on blue sea stars.  When deprived of the photosensors, starfish wandered aimlessly, but their fellow stars with intact sensors migrated toward the coral, where the food source is.  The article contains photos of the starfish and its photoreceptors.

Surprisingly, after 200 years of knowing these photoreceptors exist, nobody had checked to see if they are capable of providing directional cues to the animals.  New Scientist said they are “good enough to show the way home” but more primitive than the compound eyes in arthropods.  MacKenzie continued the evolutionary angle:

04/19/23 19

Are Starfish Eyes Missing Links? 海星眼睛是缺失的环节? In evolutionary terms, says Garm, it

is interesting because starfish eyes are structurally close in form to the hypothesised first image-forming eyes.

For instance, light receptors in more advanced eyes are built either out of modified cytoplasmic projections called microvilli, or out of filament-shaped cell organelles called cilia. Starfish eyes contain both structures, so “have features that look a bit ancestral”, says [Dan-Eric] Nilsson [Lund University].

“This shows what visual task drove this important step in eye evolution,” says Garm. “Navigation towards large stationary objects – here the reef – that were preferred habitats.” In other words, he thinks our eyes may have first evolved so we could find our way home.

04/19/23 20

Are Starfish Eyes Missing Links? 海星眼睛是缺失的环节? PhysOrg said that the structure on the blue sea star,

“except for the lack of true optics, resembles arthropod compound eye.”  Neither article mentioned the whole-body lenses on brittle stars, another echinoderm (8/23/01).

In other echinoderm news, PhysOrg reported that some starfish are able to shed arms to prevent overheating.  Nature News reported a Cambrian fossil that they claim is an early echinoderm.  It lacked arms, but had five-fold symmetry.  It “resembled an egg with its tapered end planted in the sea floor,” the article said.  “Its mouth opened upward and its body spiralled down.”

04/19/23 21

Are Starfish Eyes Missing Links? 海星眼睛是缺失的环节? Nice try, Darwin Party, but no score.  Starfish

are not ancestral to arthropods or vertebrates.  Eyes appeared abruptly in separate phyla during the Cambrian explosion, as seen in molluscs, jellyfish, comb jellies, and arthropods (trilobites and the Burgess Shale animals), and in some extinct phyla.  Trilobite eyes were very complex but appeared abruptly like all the others.   If starfish represented a transitional form, why do starfish still exist hundreds of millions of years later with the same “primitive” eyes?  Where’s the evolution?

04/19/23 22

Are Starfish Eyes Missing Links? 海星眼睛是缺失的环节? The authors made another tactical blunder in their

evolutionary tale.  “Visual tasks” do not “drive evolution.”  You can’t drive an aimless mechanism on a random walk.  Eyes don’t evolve “so we could find our way home.”  That makes no sense theoretically or evidentially.  All living things have some common “tasks” including finding their habitat.  Why don’t plants have eyes?  Why don’t seeds have eyes so they can find the right soil?  Many plants and animals could have benefited from sight but didn’t “evolve eyes.”  You can’t use “evolve” as an active verb.  Evolution is whatever happens, without anyone guiding it or needing it.  Once again we see evolutionists misusing and misunderstanding their own theory.

04/19/23 23

Are Starfish Eyes Missing Links? 海星眼睛是缺失的环节? The fact is, each animal has the senses it

needs for its place in the ecology.  Everything is equipped for its role.  The story should have been that starfish are more amazing than previously thought, not that they represent a missing link.  Maybe the evolutionists are panicking at the release of Stephen Meyer’s best-selling book, Darwin’s Doubt, laying out the case for intelligent design as seen in the Cambrian fossil record.  For a shorter explanation of the Cambrian explosion, see Illustra’s film Darwin’s Dilemma.

04/19/23 24

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 25

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 26

New Biomimetics Projects新仿生学工程 These recently-reported attempts to mimic

nature show that the biomimetics revolution continues, with no end in sight.

Splitting hydrogen:  Bacteria make it look so easy, taking hydrogen molecules and dividing them at room temperature.  Nature published a whole paper on attempts to imitate the hydrogenase enzymes in hopes of improving fuel cells.  The only mention of “evolution” had nothing to do with Darwinism.  It was about the “evolution” of hydrogen gas from the artificial metalloenzymes the team developed.

04/19/23 27

New Biomimetics Projects新仿生学工程 Bird smartphones:  A new generation of “radically

better” smartphones may some day employ magnetic field sensors inspired by how birds navigate, reported Science Daily.  European researchers “are the first to successfully create perfect one-dimensional molecular wires of which the electrical conductivity can almost entirely be suppressed by a weak magnetic field at room temperature,” the article said.  “The underlying mechanism is possibly closely related to the biological compass used by some migratory birds to find their bearings in the geomagnetic field.”  Need we mention the new documentary Flight: The Genius of Birds, with its story about the world record holder for global navigation?

04/19/23 28

New Biomimetics Projects新仿生学工程 Ant-i-cancer:  A new cancer antibiotic was reported

by PhysOrg to be “inspired by nature’s fungus farmer, the leaf cutter ant.”  The ants don’t get the credit, though.  The antibiotic is produced by a bacterium that lives in symbiosis with the ants.

Bionic ear:  Researchers at Princeton are “combining electronics with biological material” to produce a “bionic ear” that can both receive and transmit sound, Medical Xpress reported.  The antenna, shaped like a human ear and printed with a 3-D printer, can pick up radio signals and transmit the signal to speakers.

04/19/23 29

New Biomimetics Projects新仿生学工程 Big Dog:  A video clip on Live Science shows a

walking tank called “Big Dog” undergoing field tests as a support machine for the Marines.  Carrying 400 pounds for up to 20 miles, the four-footed robot can follow soldiers over a variety of terrains.  Just the sight of it might frighten the enemy to submission.

Knuckle-walker:  A German team has developed a four-legged robot that imitates the knuckle-walking of apes.  PhysOrg said the team is thinking of developing machines to serve on spacecraft or to support astronauts.  Video clips in the article show the robot ape stabilizing itself on wobbly surfaces.  In the future, improvements to its “spinal column” may allow it to stand up and pick fruit.

04/19/23 30

New Biomimetics Projects新仿生学工程 Biomimetic air conditioning:  National Geographic listed no

less than five new cooling technologies inspired by “Mother Nature’s craftiness.”  Featured animals are termites, birds, whales, and even ticks, that secrete a substance to absorb moisture from the air.  Humans were in the list, too, for the “logarithmic spiral shape found in such phenomena as tornadoes, whirlpools, and even airflow in the human trachea.”  A biologist who wrote a book on biomimetics said,

“With biomimicry we’re able to apply fresh thinking to traditional manufacturing, to undo the toxic and energy-intensive mistakes of the past,” said [Janine] Benyus, who is part of a group that hopes to lead a new revolution in design by imitating nature. “I wish we had been at the design table at the Industrial Revolution.”

04/19/23 31

New Biomimetics Projects新仿生学工程  As usual, none of these articles mentioned Darwinian

evolution. Mentions of evolution in biomimetics articles seem to be

waning.  Maybe scientists are seeing it as superfluous in their focus on design engineering and intelligent technology.

How would Darwinists try to rescue their myth from these developments?  Would they say that humans are evolved animals just imitating other animals, like mockingbirds?  Let them try that angle (one of Charle’s Angles).  It will backfire, because it will mean their own logic is a product of unguided, meaningless processes.  We can reply, “You’re only saying that because natural selection made you utter various sounds.”

Benyus decried the “energy-intensive mistakes of the past” during the Industrial Revolution.  Why didn’t Victorian scientists realize the models of good technology all around them?  Let’s make up for lost time.

04/19/23 32

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 33

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 34

Underwater Forest Discovered: How Old? 发现水下森林:有多老 ? Sixty feet down in Gulf waters off the coast of

Alabama, stumps of an old cypress forest have appeared.  How can they be 52,000 years old when the wood still smells like cypress?

The discovery was reported by Live Science.  It includes a five-minute video tour of the area which the discoverers are keeping secret till it can be thoroughly documented.  Hundreds of Bald Cypress stumps as large as two meters in diameter are found over a half-square-mile area, several miles from the coast of Mobile, Alabama in the Gulf of Mexico.  Fish, anemones and other marine creatures have taken up residence in the forest, causing it to decay more rapidly.

04/19/23 35

Underwater Forest Discovered: How Old? 发现水下森林:有多老 ? The video clip claims the stumps are

12,000 years old, but the text says they have been radiocarbon dated at 52,000 years old.  The article claims that they might have been uncovered by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  Before that, they may have been covered in sand, preventing oxygen from accelerating decomposition.

04/19/23 36

Underwater Forest Discovered: How Old? 发现水下森林:有多老 ? Yet it appears incredible the trees could be that

old.  For one thing, “The forest contains trees so well-preserved that when they are cut, they still smell like fresh Cypress sap,” one of the divers said.  For another, are scientists ready to claim that no hurricane of Katrina’s proportions occurred in the alleged 12,000 years since the trees sank below the surface?  Now, the trees are decaying so rapidly, the discoverers fear scientists only have two years to examine the site and perform more radiocarbon or tree-ring date calculations.  Divers said they could break off chunks of the wood with their hands.

04/19/23 37

Underwater Forest Discovered: How Old? 发现水下森林:有多老 ? Learn to ask the questions the reporters don’t

ask.  None of them ever questions the evolutionary dates, even when they lead to absurdities, like expecting fresh-smelling wood to be 52,000 years old, or asking people to believe thousands of years went by with no hurricanes strong enough to expose the forest.  And how did the forest last as it gradually sank, unless a catastrophe buried it rapidly?  The presence of this preserved forest silently cries for a recent catastrophe.

04/19/23 38

Underwater Forest Discovered: How Old? 发现水下森林:有多老 ? Creationists argue that radiocarbon dates

are unreliable before the Flood, because the atmosphere changed drastically.  Putting that together with the evolutionary absurdities, we can reason that the forest was probably buried around the time of the Flood or after.  It’s a stretch, though, to think five thousand years went by without a disturbance, so it may be younger than that.  The old date for such fresh wood, though, is clearly incredible.

04/19/23 39

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 40

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 41

Animal and Plant Tricks 动物和植物的技巧 There’s no end of amazing tricks in the living world –

adaptations that aid their success.  Finding them is one thing.  Explaining them is another.

Electric webs:  There’s electricity in the air around spider webs, Science Now says in “Spider Silk Grabs Electrically Charged Insects in Midair.”  Flying insects pick up static electricity as they fly (a honeybee can pick up 200 volts).  Spider silks get a charge out of greeting the food service, flexing up to 2 mm at a fast rate of 7 m/s when the prey approaches.  More study is needed, Live Science cautioned, to see if all flying insects, such as the spiders’ preferred diet of flies, pick up static electricity.

04/19/23 42

Animal and Plant Tricks 动物和植物的技巧 Jumping fish:  A swamp dweller called the

mangrove rivulus has a unique hopping method, Live Science reports.  Unlike the largemouth bass that flexes into a C-shape and jumps but gets nowhere fast, the rivulus does a unique tail flip that sends it on the path to progress (see video clip in the article).  On land, the mostly-hermaphroditic fish can live for up to two months feeding on insects while absorbing oxygen through its skin.

04/19/23 43

Animal and Plant Tricks 动物和植物的技巧 Self-cleaning guillemot eggs:  The eggs of

the guillemot, a seabird, are covered in small conical pimples that shed water, the BBC News reported.  This helps them avoid the saltwater and detritus in the birds’ crowded colonies.  The roughness of the shell may also give the eggs a better foothold on the rocky cliffs where the females lay their eggs.

04/19/23 44

Animal and Plant Tricks 动物和植物的技巧 Bat battery:  Using elastic energy stored in their

wing tendons, fruit bats get better mileage, Science Daily reports.  When taking off, this “recycled energy” stored from previous wing flaps gives them an extra boost.  This ability is apparently unique among small mammals.  The article ends with a touch of biomimetics: “This research will likely have relevance for the development of autonomous micro aircrafts and potentially also amphibious search and rescue vehicles.”

04/19/23 45

Animal and Plant Tricks 动物和植物的技巧 Jerboa jumps:  Jerboas are little desert

rodents that look like a cross between a mouse and a kangaroo (see picture in Science Daily).  The small bipedal jumpers have not been studied much.  Science Daily says that their hops, skips and jumps allow them to compete with four-footed rodents in Old World deserts.  The unpredictability of their trajectories gives the jerboas a way to coexist in the niche occupied by quadrupedal rodents.

04/19/23 46

Animal and Plant Tricks 动物和植物的技巧 RNA regulates flowering time:  There’s

new insight into how perennial plants know they are old enough to flower, and that the right season has arrived.  An article on Science Daily reports that “Alpine Rock Cress Uses a Ribonucleic Acid to Measure Its Age and Tell When It’s the Right Time to Flower.”  The concentration of a small RNA “works like an hourglass,” the article explains.

04/19/23 47

Animal and Plant Tricks 动物和植物的技巧 One can hypothesize about the origins of these

adaptations by considering horizontal and vertical axes of information.  The horizontal axis represents variations of existing genetic information.  The vertical axis would require gain or loss of information.  With that in mind, we might suspect that the guillemot egg did not require intelligent design, since it represents accentuation of existing dimples in the eggshell.  The most-dimpled ones survived the salty, steep environment to bring a new generation of birds, whereas others were more susceptible to damage or falling. 

04/19/23 48

Animal and Plant Tricks 动物和植物的技巧 The RNA hourglass in flowering plants, though,

appears to be a system that required programming from the beginning.  There’s nothing about a particular small RNA molecule that would signal a plant to flower unless other systems exist to measure its concentration and use that metric to signal downstream processes.  Try your skill with each organism to see where on the axes the adaptations might lie, realizing that scientific explanations are not necessarily part of science, especially when speculation exceeds testability.  Avoid just-so stories.

04/19/23 49

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 50

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 51

Ancient Text Found in Jerusalem from David’s Time在耶路撒冷从大卫的时代发现的古文 Inscriptions are rare but valuable artifacts in

archaeology.  Though short and simple, a fragmentary inscription on a jug sets a record as the oldest ever found in Jerusalem, from the era of David and Solomon or before.

Announced by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the inscription consists of about six letters in Canaanite script.  Its meaning is unknown.  PhysOrg and Live Science reported it, too, mentioning other recent finds from the era.

04/19/23 52

Ancient Text Found in Jerusalem from David’s Time在耶路撒冷从大卫的时代发现的古文 The jar fragment with the letters inscribed on

it was found outside the southern end of the Temple Mount wall by Eilat Mazar, excavator of the old City of David, who dates it to the 10th or 11th century BC.  Since it appears to be written in Canaanite rather than Hebrew script (although others are uncertain that is the case), it could have been written by one of the Jebusites conquered by David when he made Jerusalem his capital.  A lot depends on the date.

04/19/23 53

Ancient Text Found in Jerusalem from David’s Time在耶路撒冷从大卫的时代发现的古文 Todd Bolen on BiblePlaces Blog cautions that

Mazar has been criticized in the past for dating artifacts from the time of David.  The basis for her dating of this inscription has not yet been published.  Other archaeologists besides Mazar are involved in the analysis of the fragment, though, and various experts are beginning to weigh in on the possible meaning of the inscription.  George Athos believes its placement on a large storage jar suggests it was a royal jar, not one used by commoners.

04/19/23 54

Ancient Text Found in Jerusalem from David’s Time在耶路撒冷从大卫的时代发现的古文 Every inscription from the Holy Land is particularly valuable,

so this is certainly a welcome addition to the collection, especially if it sets a record as the oldest found in Jerusalem.  The text appears to be too ambiguous to shed much light on the time, being brief and difficult to decipher.  It will have to be considered in the context of other artifacts.  Its provenance also needs to be described in detail, and the date narrowed down, before it can be relied upon.  At the very least, it shows that someone had the expertise and reason to inscribe text on a large storage jar before firing it, whether from the early monarchy of David and Solomon, or prior to the conquest of Jerusalem by a Canaanite official.  That suggests advanced urban life existed, not just scattered nomadic groups run by local chieftans, as some minimalist schools believe.

04/19/23 55

Ancient Text Found in Jerusalem from David’s Time在耶路撒冷从大卫的时代发现的古文 Exciting as these discoveries are, we should not let

them diminish the importance of the most valuable inscription of all, the Hebrew Old Testament.  That inscription is lavish in its information content.  It was not inscribed on pottery, but rather passed on from generation to generation with the utmost of care by specially trained scribes who believed it to be the word of God.  Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, including the complete Isaiah scroll, we know that the Messianic prophesies therein, written down well before the time of Christ yet so accurately fulfilled by Him, testify to its supernatural origin.  No other inscription comes close.

04/19/23 56

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 57

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 58

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 The wonder of muscle inspires both awe

at its design and opportunities for evolutionary storytelling.

Fifty years of assumptions about how muscle fibers work is being set aside, reported PhysOrg, with the discovery that its components don’t just slide in one axis, but bulge out in 3-D.   The article, titled “Biceps bulge, calves curve, 50-year-old assumptions muscled aside,” states:

04/19/23 59

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 The basics of how a muscle generates power

remain the same: Filaments of myosin tugging on filaments of actin shorten, or contract, the muscle – but the power doesn’t just come from what’s happening straight up and down the length of the muscle, as has been assumed for 50 years.

Instead, University of Washington-led research shows that as muscles bulge, the filaments are drawn apart from each other, the myosin tugs at sharper angles over greater distances, and it’s that action that deserves credit for half the change in muscle force scientists have been measuring.

04/19/23 60

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 It makes sense; if fibers stretched in

only one direction, why would biceps bulge outward?  The fact that muscle fibers don’t simply slide past each other but buckle, generating forces in multiple dimensions, adds to the wonder of its design.

04/19/23 61

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 Fish Muscle Evolution Humans are not the only animals with muscle, of course;

fish use muscles, too.  Muscle imprints from extinct fossil fish provided a backdrop for evolutionists from Australia to manufacture “A Muscular Perspective on Vertebrate Evolution,” Shigeru Kuratani wrote in Science about their paper in the same issue, “Fossil Musculature of the Most Primitive Jawed Vertebrates.”  The amazing design of muscle was less important to these evolutionists than whether or not certain fossils can be placed into an ancestral sequence.  The puzzle of how soft muscle imprints could be preserved for 400 million years was less important to them than divining phylogenetic trees from the data.

04/19/23 62

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 Although they assumed the evolution of fish, the paper’s

authors actually had little to say about evolution.  “Their evolutionary importance hinges on whether eubrachythoracid musculature is specialized or primitive relative to that of sharks” is one example of a reserved statement; another, “Hypothetical reconstructions are not able to recover the full complexity of this musculature, either on the basis of biomechanical analysis or phylogenetic bracketing, and are thus liable to give a false picture of muscular evolution at the origin of gnathostomes.”  In the end, they could only hope that future studies of “exceptionally preserved fossils will continue to provide essential data for the reconstruction of vertebrate soft anatomy, particularly in groups with no close living relatives.”

04/19/23 63

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 Kuratani, though, couldn’t get enough evolution

into his Perspective article.  In every case, though, he merely assumed evolution, without showing how the fossil actually helps establish a sequential list of lucky mutations leading to muscular fish:

On page 160 this issue, Trinajstic et al. systematically describe the muscle anatomy of three fossil animals from the earliest jawed vertebrate group, the placoderms, which evolved soon after the acquisition of the jaw.

04/19/23 64

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 Knowledge of the morphology of these earliest jawed

vertebrates, especially with respect to soft tissues such as muscles, is necessary for understanding how vertebrates evolved.

How vertebrates evolved:  This hypothetical scenario of neck and cucullaris muscle evolution builds on the data presented by Trinajstic et al. and uses a simplified vertebrate phylogeny.

The primitive shoulder girdle in placoderms, as suggested by Trinajstic et al., may be an intermediate state of neck evolution that simultaneously reveals the beginnings of a jawed vertebrate novelty, the cucullaris.

04/19/23 65

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 At one point, though, Kuratani was stumped.  A complex

feature was found in the primitive ancestor.  His response?  He just swept aside the concern, and proceeded on with his “hypothetical scenario” –

The presence of the transverse abdominal muscles in placoderms is another mysterious finding of Trinajstic et al., because this muscle has been thought to be present only in tetrapods. Phylogenetic importance or homology aside, this muscle is potentially similar to a component of the trunk muscle in tetrapods, the abaxial muscle, which also develops as the result of myoblast migration and interactions between myoblasts and the embryonic mesenchymal environment of the lateral body wall.

04/19/23 66

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 If the muscle patterns reported by Trinajstic et

al. are found to reflect the general morphology of the placoderms, it would suggest that the developmental bases for the muscle anatomy of modern jawed vertebrates were present, in primitive form, around the time of the appearance of the functional jaw. This would stimulate even greater curiosity about the anatomy of more ancient stem gnathostomes such as ostracoderms, because the beginning of the jawed vertebrate body plan is likely to be buried in the anatomy of these animals.

04/19/23 67

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 Can “phylogenetic importance or homology” be cast aside

so whimsically by an evolutionist?  Wouldn’t casting aside those matters undermine evolution itself?

This exposè has been brought to you by Creation-Evolution Headlines, just the latest in its 12-year arsenal of similar examples of handwaving and pseudoscientific fabling about evolution in major scientific journals.  They can’t hide their dumbfloundering confabulations any more.  We are showing them to the world.  Flex your muscle and take up the fight to restore the truth of design to science, which these DODO dogmatists twist into mythoids about evillusion.  (For definitions of these terms, see our Darwin Dictionary.)

04/19/23 68

Muscle Power Is Designed, Not Evolutionary 肌肉力量是设计,而不是进化 Enjoy your muscles today.  It’s uncanny how

we can order muscles to do things.  Our general orders, like orders from a general, set the armies of actin and myosin molecules in motion in ways we can’t begin to fathom from our command perspective.  Your muscles deserve good treatment.  Feed them well and give them some good healthy work to do every day, then enjoy how good they can make you look.  Finish it with sincere thanks to your Creator who granted us these wonderful systems.

04/19/23 69

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 70

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 71

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 The race continues between scientists desperately

seeking a rationale for harvesting human embryos and those who say, having adult stem cells and iPS cells available, they are unnecessary – and their use is unethical.

Now ear this (ES):  Using mouse embryonic stem cells (ES), researchers at Indiana University have grown inner ear hair cells complete with hair bundles, Science Daily reported.  The cells were grown in a culture that allowed them to hang freely instead of growing on a flat surface as in previous attempts.  It was not clear from the article whether embryonic stem cells, as opposed to iPS or adult stem cells, were required for the success.

04/19/23 72

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 Liver vs die-er (iPS):  A different organ

was grown with induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) – a tiny liver grown in a mouse embryo with iPS cells from a human.  Human livers are in high demand for transplants; many die before they become available.  A way to regenerate them would be a huge help.  Nature News described the process:

04/19/23 73

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 The researchers make the liver

buds from three types of human cells. First, they coax induced pluripotent stem cells into a cell type that expresses liver genes. Then they add endothelial cells (which line blood vessels) from umbilical cord blood, and mesenchymal stem cells, which can make bone, cartilage and fat. These cell types also come together as the liver begins to form in the developing embryo.

04/19/23 74

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 The scientists got the cells to “talk to each

other and make the organ.”  Live Science added, “The human ‘liver buds’ grew blood vessels and produced proteins such as albumin that are specific to humans.”  The article also said that when transplanted into a dying mouse, the new liver allowed it to live longer.  Treatments for humans with this technique will probably take years, but in the meantime, the researchers are getting good results trying to grow a pancreas, too.  The original paper is in Nature.

04/19/23 75

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 Whoops; long-held assumption was wrong

(ES):  Science Daily published a short article about how a long-held assumption about embryonic stem cell differentiation was wrong.  A certain transcription factor Nanog is not expressed only in one allele, as was previously believed, but in both.  Significance?  “it raises the question for other genes. For some genes, there might be similar issues.”

04/19/23 76

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 Safer alternative (iPS):  A better way to

reprogram adult cells into iPS cells was reported on PhysOrg.  By developing “designer transcription factors,” researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have found ways to make the reprogramming process more efficient, and safer, too.  Science Daily described another initiative at the University of Toronto that likened their work to reverse-engineering gourmet dinners by finding out that all the chefs used a device called a measuring cup.

04/19/23 77

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 Epigenetics of muscle stem cells (AS): 

Keeping the pool of stem cells quiescent in muscles is important, but little is known about how they are maintained, and how they change with aging.  In Current Biology, researchers at Stanford found “direct evidence that, with age, epigenetic changes accumulate and may lead to a functional decline in quiescent stem cells” in mouse muscle.

04/19/23 78

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 Maintenance crew (ES):  Also in 

Current Biology, a team of European and Japanese researchers identified a couple of factors, an inhibitor and a cytokine, that appear to be involved in maintaining embryonic stem cells in a totipotent state by shielding them from other differentiating factors.  Their research was done with mice.

04/19/23 79

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 The next step down the slippery slope: 

The controversy over genetically-modified (GM) foods pales in comparison to what’s coming, the BBC News reported.  It’s synthetic biology – the creation of new living organisms, designer creatures with invented genes, not just chimeras of animals with mixtures of existing genes from different organisms.

04/19/23 80

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 For those pioneering this new field, the science offers a

whole realm of exhilarating possibilities — dreaming up and building new organisms that will perform exactly what’s ordered. It is a vision for taking control of nature.…

Right from the start of each project, the ethical and environmental implications are considered — the aim being to head off the kind of reactions that GM produced.

Visions of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” come to mind.  David Shukman, science editor for the BBC, said that representatives from the UK, US and China are meeting to develop “codes of conduct” for this type of research.  They’re worried about public reaction.

04/19/23 81

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 Does anyone see any need

for ES cells, now that iPS and AS (adult stem cells) seem to have all the capabilities without the ethical problems?  Let them learn what they need with mouse embryos.  It’s hard to understand why some researchers still want access to human embryos.

04/19/23 82

Stem Cell Wars Continue继续干细胞战争 As for synthetic biology, the ethics of that will

depend on (1) whether human brain cells are being planted in animals, and (2) whether experimentation poses health risks, such as an out-of-control organism that reproduces with no predators to stop it.  Creating a designer bacterium that can detect cystic fibrosis or cancer is a good goal almost no one would object to, but there are boundaries that must be maintained.  Good intentions notwithstanding, scientists are on the verge of letting Frankensteins loose on the world.  They need the oversight of an informed, moral, concerned public.

04/19/23 83

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 84

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 85

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 What could identify intelligent design more than

the discovery of “quality control”?  Your cells employ QC every day.

In “How Quality Control Works in Our Cells,” Science Daily described “A cellular control mechanism [that] prevents the production of defective proteins in our cells.”  Many genetic diseases are associated with the breakdown of quality control mechanisms, a vital and necessary function for all life, as it is in artificial systems:

04/19/23 86

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 A person has hundreds of thousands of different

proteins that are constantly being produced and degraded. Like in any factory where raw materials are processed, there are various control mechanisms in the cell that check the quality of the products, namely the proteins.

The system discussed in the article is just one of these mechanisms.  It’s called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, or NMD.  “For the NMD quality control mechanism to be triggered, a large number of factors have to coincide with the defective mRNA,” researchers at the University of Bern found.

04/19/23 87

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 The way it works is by tagging a newly-transcribed

messenger RNA (mRNA) with an “assume bad” protein tag, called UPF1 (up-frameshift 1).  This tag is placed on all mRNAs as a default indicator it needs to prove itself worthy before proceeding.  On viable mRNAs, it is removed by the ribosome (the translating factory), but on defective ones, it remains.  It is recognized by the mRNA degrading machinery, which cuts it up for recycling.  “The protein UPF1 bound to the mRNA acts as an armed trap that only has to be triggered when needed to degrade the defective mRNA.”

04/19/23 88

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 There’s more.  “NMD also ensures that many

mutations in our genes do not cause any disease symptoms — as long as the second copy of the gene affected is still intact and thus a correct version of the body plan is available,” the article explained.

In multicellular organisms, NMD can miss its time limit to act on defective mRNAs.  This could lead to accumulation of bad mRNAs in the cell.  Fortunately, there’s another safety step:

04/19/23 89

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 However, the doctoral student was able to demonstrate

that NMD also recognises older, defective mRNAs as well as newly produced ones, which improves the efficiency of the quality control. “This result also indicates that the basic mechanism of NMD in single-cell and multicellular organisms is preserved and already developed early on in the course of evolution,” says Rufener.

Speaking of evolution, the research team spoke of evolution as the creator of this efficient quality control system: “To prevent faulty proteins from being produced due to these corrupted mRNAs our cells developed the NMD control mechanism in the course of evolution, which recognises defective mRNAs and degrades them efficiently.”

04/19/23 90

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 More QC Systems Transporter, Open Sesame:  Another part of

the cell, the mitochondrion, uses electricity to conduct proteins across the inner membrane.  A voltage-gated channel called TIM23 apparently has voltage sensors, reported Science Daily, and uses its voltage gradient to move its inner parts around, letting the protein cargo pass through.  The nature of the voltage sensors is still unknown.

04/19/23 91

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 A turnstile for protons:  protons (H+) and

calcium ions (Ca2+) are very small things, but gates in the cell’s outer membrane, made just for them, are able to let them in while keeping other small ions out.  A paper in Science Magazine describes how electrical contacts in the channel guide the molecules through the passageway single file, while blocking other small ions.  An article on PhysOrg described the importance of ion channels to the cell:

04/19/23 92

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 A team of researchers at Columbia Engineering has

used miniaturized electronics to measure the activity of individual ion-channel proteins with temporal resolution as fine as one microsecond, producing the fastest recordings of single ion channels ever performed. Ion channels are biomolecules that allow charged atoms to flow in and out of cells, and they are an important work-horse in cell signaling, sensing, and energetics. They are also being explored for nanopore sequencing applications. As the “transistors” of living systems, they are the target of many drugs, and the ability to perform such fast measurements of these proteins will lead to new understanding of their functions.

04/19/23 93

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 Starvation survival:  A process called autophagy allows a

cell to “eat” its own innards in order to survive starvation conditions.  Medical Xpress says there are no less than 18 proteins dedicated to this process.

Constant cleanup:  Even garbage collection is part of the cell’s quality control.  Without automatic janitorial services, cells could accumulate waste and even poisons.  Live Science described at least three mechanisms for keeping the cell clean: the proteasome enzyme, which degrades proteins tagged for trash, the lysosome organelle, a kind of “cellular stomach” containing enzymes that can digest unwanted material (including viruses), and exocytosis, a system that boots junk outside through the cell membrane.  Many diseases are linked to failure of these systems.

04/19/23 94

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 Darwin knew nothing about these things.  If such

information had been accessible to the scientists at Oxford and Cambridge in the 1850s, it’s likely Darwin’s theory would have been laughed out of town.  Darwin himself would probably have been so ashamed to suggest it, he probably would have shredded his manuscripts on his own to avoid a legacy of embarrassment.  Intelligent design would have been the leading movement of Victorian Britain, as well as on the Continent, and around the world, for the last 155 years, with no sign of it slowing down.

04/19/23 95

You’ve Got Quality Control你已经得到了质量控制 That’s why it’s so disgusting to see reporters saying stupid

things like, “our cells developed the NMD control mechanism in the course of evolution.”  Good grief; cells don’t develop anything.  They use the software that an intelligent designer developed and put into them.  And if “basic mechanism of NMD in single-cell and multicellular organisms is preserved and already developed early on in the course of evolution,” that’s not the course of evolution!  That’s the abrupt appearance of design, without which the cell wouldn’t even be there.  We must cure these people of their dumbfloundering confability, so that they don’t churn out material with a ridiculously high perhapsimaybecouldness index.  (See Darwin Dictionary for definitions of unfamiliar terms.)  Let the light of design shine in.

04/19/23 96

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 97

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 98

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) One would think astronomers would not be stumped in

2013 by common objects like the moon, meteors and stars.  But they are.  It’s driving them mad.

Moon madness:  The  lunacy begins with Earth’s moon.  Here is a body man has walked on, and he still doesn’t understand it.  National Geographic discussed “The moon’s mystery,” dispensing with all three of the most popular origin theories that were demolished by the Apollo program.  It also dispensed with the currently-leading theory of a glancing blow collision, showing that Apollo samples discredit the idea of another mass with different composition leaving no trace.  Variations of the model all have their weaknesses, so the answer must be in the futureware:

04/19/23 99

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) “The barn door is wide open, and now we have lots

of ideas,” Asphaug said. “There probably will be another ‘aha’ moment in five years or so.”

But for now, the moon holds on to its mystery. Natural History Magazine (5/13 issue, “Blue Moon” p.

7) corroborated the crisis, saying that the discovery that Earth and Moon share a similar composition works against the popular impact hypothesis: “Overall, the findings throw some big wrinkles into widely accepted theories of how wet the primordial Earth might have been, as well as just how the Moon was born.”

04/19/23 100

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) Speaking of the

moon, Space.com posted a handy guide to Earth’s moon, staying pretty much out of origin theories, only mentioning the impact model in one sentence without listing the problems.  Most of the article focuses on facts about the lunar orbit and the moon’s composition.

04/19/23 101

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) Chondrule madness:  Chondrules are curious molten

inclusions inside some meteorites that have defied explanation for decades.   “Blobs called chondrules in the fabric of rocks from space have long baffled scientists,” Richard A. Kerr wrote in Science Magazine.  “A new idea may shed light on their origins, but some experts have given up hope.”  He describes the pessimism at a recent conference:

How would you like your decades of research on a field’s central problem to be summed up by the statement that “these objects remain as enigmatic as ever”? That was part of the title of a session on the formation of chondrules at the 75th annual Meteoritical Society meeting last year.

04/19/23 102

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) For half a century, meteoriticists—scientists who

study meteorites—have been trying to understand the origin of chondrules: once-molten, millimeter-size blobs of rock that a 19th century scientist called “drops of fiery rain.” Chondrules riddle 85% of the rocks that fall to Earth from the asteroid belt, so meteoriticists are deeply intrigued. And scientists have long presumed that the recipe for making the four rocky planets, including Earth, consisted largely or entirely of chondritic rock. They would like to know how their main ingredient came to be. Yet only two of last year’s 14 talks in that chondrule formation session directly addressed the topic, and both of them described a decades-old idea that has made little headway: chondrules splashing off colliding planetesimals.

04/19/23 103

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) There is no “unifying paradigm,” and “the field of

possible formation mechanisms has hardly been narrowed in decades.”  John Wood gave it up years ago and took up oil painting.  His student lamented, “However [chondrules] formed, they formed beyond our experience. How do you ever prove it?”  The only new idea sounds like a hard sell:

But there may be reason for hope. A collaboration of astrophysicists and a meteoriticist has just floated a new mechanism: humongous “short circuits” in the still-forming solar system. All it has to do is run the gantlet of skeptical meteoriticists and astrophysicists.

04/19/23 104

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) Alan Boss puts this idea on “the

bottom of the list.”  Others are similarly skeptical.  No model has worked.  Nobody was there to see what happened.  One optimist placed his faith in futureware: “Sooner or later, someone’s going to come up with a mechanism that solves it all.”

04/19/23 105

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) Star madness:  One would think that stars, the most

plentiful objects astronomers can see, would be understood by now.  In “How did the universe get its stars? An astronomical puzzle,” Space.com shared the dirty secret that most star formation theories rely on previous generations of stars; they have no idea how the first generation of stars formed.  It’s a controversial question, and it’s an important one, an astronomer remarked.  Without original stars, you have no heavy elements, which theory says formed in stellar interiors.  Once again, the solution was sloughed off to some hopeful day in the future.

04/19/23 106

Mystery Moon (and Meteorites, and Stars) 月球之谜(陨石,和星星) We just thought you should know that textbooks

bluff about these matters.  People need to know how real scientists feel.  They’re frustrated, some are worn out, some are ready to leave and take up oil painting.  At least that involves intelligent design.

Say, if the “barn door is wide open,” why not let the Biblical creationists in?  They have an answer: the universe was created on Day One, and the stars and moon on Day Four.  That’s they ‘aha’ moment they need, if they just weren’t so closed minded to intelligent causes.

04/19/23 107

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 108

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 109

Longevity of DNA Estimated预计 DNA 的长寿 How long can DNA survive in a fossil?  Claims

of ancient DNA can be compared with a new estimate based on a crime scene.

A re-investigation of the 1960’s Boston Strangler case has given researchers a chance to study the condition of the perpetrator after 50 years in the grave, Rachael Rettner of Live Science reported.  Because DNA degrades over time, it has a “half-life” even under ideal conditions of keeping it frozen.  From Slate Magazine’s article about Richard III’s remains, Rettner writes,

04/19/23 110

Longevity of DNA Estimated预计 DNA 的长寿 Last year, researchers estimated that the half-life

of DNA — the point at which half the bonds in a DNA molecule backbone would be broken — is 521 years. That means that, under ideal conditions, DNA would last about 6.8 million years, after which all the bonds would be broken. But DNA would not be readable after about 1.5 million years, the researchers said.

According to Slate, the DNA of Egyptian mummies has degraded.  Amber is also not a good preserver of DNA.  You can’t tell by outward appearance, the article said.  DNA’s “shelf life” is fairly low:

04/19/23 111

Longevity of DNA Estimated预计 DNA 的长寿 The decay rate of DNA depends on the conditions of

its storage and packaging. Above all, it depends on whether the DNA is exposed to heat, water, sunlight, and oxygen. If a body is left out in the sun and rain, its DNA will be useful for testing for only a few weeks. If it’s buried a few feet below the ground, the DNA will last about 1,000 to 10,000 years. If it’s frozen in Antarctic ice, it could last a few hundred thousand years. For best results, samples should be dried, vacuum-packed, and frozen at about –80 degrees Celsius. Even then, ambient radiation is likely to render DNA unrecognizable before it celebrates its millionth birthday.

04/19/23 112

Longevity of DNA Estimated预计 DNA 的长寿 Both articles claimed the

oldest DNA found so far, in permafrost, is 450,000 to 800,000 years old.  Neanderthal DNA said to be 100,000 years old has been sequenced by paleoanthropologists, but “When it comes to modern humans, the oldest DNA recovered so far has been only about 5,000 to 7,000 years old,” the Slate article said.

04/19/23 113

Longevity of DNA Estimated预计 DNA 的长寿 Back in 2004, the upper limit was stated to be 400,000 years

(1/6/04, see also 9/4/06), but then last month (6/17/13), horse DNA in permafrost said to be 700,000 years old was found.

These claims should be remembered if ancient DNA older than that is confirmed in future finds.  Biblical creationists will deny the ancient ages, of course, saying that they are based on evolutionary assumptions.  But if intact DNA is found in a dinosaur or other fossil older than the upper limit they just stated, it could have the effect of falsifying the evolutionary timescale.  Since evolutionists are such staunch believers, though, most likely the reaction will be, “Well, what do you know; DNA can survive for 65 million years.”  That’s what they have already done with certain proteins and soft tissues that should have been long gone.  The rest of us should remember what they said beforehand about DNA’s upper limit age, and not let them get away with it.

04/19/23 114

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 115

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 116

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? The idea that honeycombs in beehives self-

assemble is as old as Darwin.  A new study claims to reinforce the idea, yet honeybees are not just bystanders in the process.

Honeycombs have long been admired as examples of functional design in nature.  The hexagonal packing is the most efficient method of maximizing storage area while minimizing building materials.  Is this an example of design in nature, or natural laws at work?  Maybe that’s a false dichotomy.

04/19/23 117

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? Nature News announced the self-assembly

theme in an article entitled, “How honeycombs can build themselves.”  Writer Philip Ball recounts how Darwin thought of self-assembly: “The idea that the bees might first make circular cells, which become hexagonal subsequently, was proposed by Charles Darwin,” he writes, “But he was unable to find convincing evidence of it.”  That evidence has supposedly been forthcoming in a new study by an engineer in the UK:

04/19/23 118

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? Engineer Bhushan Karihaloo at the University

of Cardiff, UK, and his co-workers say that bees simply make cells that are circular in cross section and are packed together like a layer of bubbles. According to their research, which appears in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, the wax, softened by the heat of the bees’ bodies, then gets pulled into hexagonal cells by surface tension at the junctions where three walls meet.

04/19/23 119

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? This finding feeds into a long-

standing debate about whether the honeycomb is an example of exquisite biological engineering or blind physics.

Further reading, however, shows that the bees are not mere bystanders, even if they employ the natural laws of “blind physics” —

04/19/23 120

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? It might seem like there is not much left for the

bees to do once they’ve made the circular cells. But they do seem to be expert builders. They can, for example, use their head as a plumb-line to measure the vertical, tilt the axis of the cells very slightly up from the horizontal to prevent the honey from flowing out, and measure cell wall thicknesses with extreme precision. Might they not, then, continue to play an active part in shaping the circular cells into hexagons, rather than letting surface tension do the job?

04/19/23 121

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? Good question.  Another physicist noted that if bees’

body heat were so important to the process, the whole hive would melt down.

Live Science stated that the honeycomb, “once thought to be an incredible feat of math-savvy insects” has been “explained by simple mechanics.”  Later in that article, though, is the suggestion that bees focus their body heat to shape the hexagonal cells after first carving them out as cylinders.  Another biologist spoke of the “the mechanisms that honeybees manage to build very precise cells,” suggesting there is more going on than “simple mechanics.”  That biologist also hinted that humans could learn something from the bees’ techniques.

04/19/23 122

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? If honeycombs were the product of blind physics alone, why

are they so precise in beehives?  Columnar basalt is an example of natural law at work without design.  When some lava flows cool, they crack into polygonal shapes, usually hexagons—but not always.  Displays like Devil’s Postpile in California, spectacular as they are, show the limits of natural law; irregular polygons, falling into piles at the base.  Nothing forces them to assemble at precise angles or thicknesses for any conceivable function.  Similarly, bubbles on the surface of water can sometimes assume hexagonal borders due to surface tension, but are rarely free of defects.  Honeycomb hexagons, by contrast, are very orderly and regular, maximizing space and minimizing wax, for a specified purpose: creating space for honey storage and the raising of young.

04/19/23 123

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? Another example can be found with arches.  Natural arches can be

very large and spectacular, but we can tell intuitively whether an arch is natural or designed.  The Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the arches in a basement supporting a building, or the arches in a Roman aqueduct spanning a canyon for miles, would never result from natural law.  Why do they differ from Delicate Arch in Utah?  Delicate Arch doesn’t do anything.  It has no specification, no purpose.  There, a sandstone fin eroded, weakest part first, till the most stable structure – an arch – formed and enlarged till it stands near to collapse, joining other arches in the park where gravity took over.  No mind was involved.  The man-made arches, though, required a mind. They function for artistry (commemorating a military victory), for architecture, or for carrying water.  Because they function, the design specs for them are more critical and precise.  Some Roman aqueducts, still standing today, maintained a very, very slight declination to keep the water flowing for over 30 miles, despite hills and canyons along the route.

04/19/23 124

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? Just because bees know how to use surface

tension does not mean they are bystanders in a blind process of physics.  On the contrary, knowing how to use natural law efficiently is evidence of intelligent design.  If a bee can start with a round hole and use surface tension to help mold it into a hexagon, the bee is working smart, just as much as an engineer using gravity to advantage.  The bee doesn’t just let nature do it.  The bee supervises the result, ensuring that the resulting honeycomb meets the requirements for precise wall thicknesses and inclinations of the cells.

04/19/23 125

Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?蜂窝只是碰巧,或蜜蜂设计它们? The intelligent design in the case of honeycomb

construction resides not in the brains of the bees themselves, but in the instinctive abilities programmed into them.  They carry out the programmed instincts like miniature robots.  That presupposes a robot-maker.  Who was it?  That’s an interesting question, but it’s beyond the scope of intelligent design theory.  Just as one can tell an aqueduct was designed without knowing the designer, one can infer intelligent design in honeycombs from the specified complexity observed, whether or not certain natural laws come into play during its construction.  The observation of design does not require knowing the designer, but makes belief in a personal, purposeful God, such as the God of the Bible, the most reasonable step of faith in the direction the evidence points.

04/19/23 126

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 127

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 128

Parallel Universe of Microbial “Dark Matter” Revealed 揭示微生物平行宇宙的“暗物质” As scientists continue to find incredible diversity in the

smallest of organisms, realizations of all we’ve been missing are changing conceptions of life.

Microbes: they live in and on us, and all around us – in the soil, in the air, and deep in the earth and seas.  “How many microbes are hiding among us?” Science Magazine asks.  It’s been hard to know, because most cannot be cultured in the lab.  New sequencing technologies are starting to shed light on the “dark matter” of the living world, as EurekAlert termed it in a Department of Energy press release reprinted by Astrobiology Magazine.  Eddy Rubin, leading a discovery initiative for the DOE, likens it to a new Lewis and Clark Expedition into unexplored territory.

04/19/23 129

Parallel Universe of Microbial “Dark Matter” Revealed 揭示微生物平行宇宙的“暗物质” “Microbes are the most abundant and diverse forms of

life on Earth,” said Tanja Woyke, DOE JGI Microbial Program Head and senior author on the Nature publication. “They occupy every conceivable environmental niche from the extreme depths of the oceans to the driest of deserts. However, our knowledge about their habits and potential benefits has been hindered by the fact that the vast majority of these have not yet been cultivated in the laboratory. So we have only recently become aware of their roles in various ecosystems through cultivation-independent methods, such as metagenomics and single-cell genomics. What we are now discovering are unexpected metabolic features that extend our understanding of biology and challenge established boundaries between the domains of life.”

04/19/23 130

Parallel Universe of Microbial “Dark Matter” Revealed 揭示微生物平行宇宙的“暗物质” One of the boundaries being challenged is the distinction

between viruses and microbes.  When you find a virus so large it contains more genetic material than some eukaryotes, how do you classify it?  Elizabeth Pennisi writes for Science Magazine,

“It’s like finding a sasquatch,” says Elodie Ghedin, a virologist at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. That’s one of the amazed reactions to the discovery, reported on page 281, of two new viruses with by far the largest genomes ever seen in a virus, including one that’s bigger than the genomes of some parasitic eukaryotes. The virologists in France who unearthed the massive viruses—the biggest one is 1 micron long, a hundred times the size of many viruses—suggest that their finds challenge the longstanding view that viruses don’t qualify as life.

04/19/23 131

Parallel Universe of Microbial “Dark Matter” Revealed 揭示微生物平行宇宙的“暗物质” “It is clear that the paradigm that viruses

have small genomes and are relatively simple in comparison to cellular life has been overturned,” says Curtis Suttle, a virologist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. The genome of one of the viruses is 1.91 million DNA bases long, while the other runs 2.47 million bases. That dwarfs some bacterial genomes and edges into the eukaryotic realm.…

04/19/23 132

Parallel Universe of Microbial “Dark Matter” Revealed 揭示微生物平行宇宙的“暗物质” This means that the division of life into archaea,

bacteria and eukaryotes may be up for revision again.  Efforts to sequence genomes of unknown microbes so far have only been a drop in the bucket, there’s so much more out there to discover.

Another thing this means is that our planet is awash in coded genetic information.  From the bottom of the sea to the edge of space, Planet Earth is the information planet!  No other place we know has instructional code to build organisms that function with respiration, digestion, reproduction and all the other functional systems that separate life from nonlife, but Earth has it in super-abundance.

04/19/23 133

Parallel Universe of Microbial “Dark Matter” Revealed 揭示微生物平行宇宙的“暗物质” Creationists and intelligent design advocates would

expect our Privileged Planet to be the Information Planet – and so it is.  Functional information, possessing purpose, complexity, and integration, does not emerge from rocks.  It is the organization of the raw materials into information that sets it apart from everything else we know in the universe. Creationists would also expect the information to be organized into a system with hierarchical organization, networks and functional interactions from the micro to the planetary scale – and so that is, too.  The information in viruses is part of that system.  Most viruses are beneficial; the few that are “virulent” are products of the curse due to sin, Biblical creationists believe.

04/19/23 134

Parallel Universe of Microbial “Dark Matter” Revealed 揭示微生物平行宇宙的“暗物质” Ariel Anbar might try to make “the case for alien life”

(Arizona State press release) but it is illogical to extrapolate a position from one instance.  “Is life a universal phenomenon, a planetary process just like plate tectonics?” Anbar asks. “Or is life some weird statistical fluke?”  That’s a false dichotomy.  From our universal experience with intelligent causes, we can deduce – whether alien life is discovered or not – that life is the product of an intelligent cause.  From other signposts we can narrow down the nature and identity of that Cause.   Hint: it is not a blind, aimless process of natural selection.  Follow the evidence where it leads, instead of the imagination of Creator-deniers.

04/19/23 135

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 136

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 137

Cassini Shoots “Blue Dot” of Earth 卡西尼号拍摄的“蓝点”地球 Another epic photo of Earth from space was taken

on July 19 of Earth from Saturn by Cassini, and released on July 22.  From Mercury, the MESSENGER spacecraft also portrayed Earth as a small dot.

Many articles reported the photo-op, such as this one on Space.com, which reminded earthlings that such photos provide perspective:

It’s not often that some event comes along to really show humanity its true place in the universe, but two NASA spacecraft have just managed just that.

04/19/23 138

Cassini Shoots “Blue Dot” of Earth 卡西尼号拍摄的“蓝点”地球 It may not be often, but many images of Earth from space

have been taken since the famous Christmas Eve “Earthrise” photo by the Apollo 8 astronauts in 1968. Galileo, Cassini, and some of the Mars missions have turned toward Earth to snap photos on their journeys.  The earlier Earth-facing photo taken by Cassini from behind Saturn has been a classic since 2006 (Astronomy Picture of the Day, 10/16/06).

Another classic, the “pale blue dot” photo of Earth in a beam of sunlight taken by Voyager in 1990 at the edge of the solar system, inspired opposite conclusions: that we are insignificant, according to Carl Sagan, and that we are designed for a purpose, according to The Privileged Planet.  The new Cassini image shows Earth not as pale, but as a rather bright and brilliant blue dot.

04/19/23 139

Cassini Shoots “Blue Dot” of Earth 卡西尼号拍摄的“蓝点”地球 For more views of the new Cassini photo, see the Cassini website,

Astronomy Picture of the Day July 22 and July 23, and video clip on Space.com.

How could God care about beings on such a tiny speck?  That question has been a huge stumbling block to many since modern astronomy revealed the vastness of the universe.  Remember a couple of things.  For one, human beings are about halfway on a scale from the very small to the very large.  For another, God’s concern for us is not based on our physical size; He is omnipresent, which means all of God is present at every point in space.  For one more, we almost have to be the size we are (given the laws of nature) to be held gravitationally to a body the size of the Earth, so that we can live and move and have fellowship with one another.  Everything about our world – its star, its moon, its diameter, its composition – is exactly right for life.  Watch the Privileged Planet documentary (watch entire documentary on YouTube in 12 segments), and marvel at how the world God made for us allows us to explore the farthest reaches of space, and to begin to grasp the mind of God.

04/19/23 140

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 141

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 142

Toddler Beats Artificial Intelligence Computers 幼儿击败人工智能电脑 Artificial intelligence, despite decades of work, still

cannot match some of the mental capabilities of a 3-year-old.  Computers have no common sense.

“To create a robot with common sense, mimic a toddler,” says a story on New Scientist.  The article is an interview with Ben Goertzel, who is trying to get A.I. up to toddler level and beyond.  “Step one is to make an AI program that understands the world, and itself, in a basic common-sense manner,” he said.  “I think the best way to get there is to build a robot toddler.”

04/19/23 143

Toddler Beats Artificial Intelligence Computers 幼儿击败人工智能电脑 Computers and robots are very good at fast searches

through vast amounts of data.  They can also outperform chess champs.  But prudence and sound judgment at even a 3-year old level are beyond them.  According to Live Science, “Machines can’t yet be programed to form intuitions about the physical world without doing extensive calculations, and they seem to fail at answering open-ended questions.”

A.I. researchers in Zurich believe they have developed a chip that will make the breakthrough: chips that mimic the brain.  Medical Xpress tells about the new neuromorphic chips.  We’ll have to wait and see if the robots have sense enough to come out of the rain before they short out.

04/19/23 144

Toddler Beats Artificial Intelligence Computers 幼儿击败人工智能电脑 Human brains have some pretty sophisticated wiring,

including a new method of signaling described in another article on Medical Xpress.  Exosomes provide a kind of “delivery on call” capability, the article says.

Another article on Science Daily said that cells have a “zip code” capability that is linked to learning and memory, including redundancy to ensure proper delivery.  In addition, PNAS published a paper that says “Flexible frequency control of cortical oscillations enables computations required for working memory.”  The brain also finds it easy to pick out salient sounds from background noise, Science Daily said, by tracking frequency and time.

04/19/23 145

Toddler Beats Artificial Intelligence Computers 幼儿击败人工智能电脑 But it’s not just the squishy hardware in brains that

makes them excel over computers in so many ways.  Where is the seat of common sense?  Can a computer judge a piece of music?  A robot can dance, but can it “know” that it is dancing?  Before A.I. gets close to making humanoid robots, there will still be ample time for philosophers and theologians to debate the nature of consciousness, and even simple questions about qualia (our sensations of attributes of things) – the “hard problem of consciousness” according to philosopher David Chalmers, who believes science will never solve it (see Evolution News & Views video clip).

04/19/23 146

Toddler Beats Artificial Intelligence Computers 幼儿击败人工智能电脑 A.I. is a variety of biomimetics, the imitation of nature. 

Trying to reproduce simple intellectual tasks our brains take for granted should be a good way for scientists to learn humility, and conclude intelligent design.  Unfortunately, too often, the opposite occurs.  That’s a sign of human stubbornness and pride – more evidence that underscores the Biblical view of man created in the image of God but fallen into sin.  That’s why Jesus, knowing the mind of a toddler He created, said to the prideful adults of His day, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3).

04/19/23 147

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 148

Sermons From Science -- Aug 2013科学布道 -- 2013 年 8月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from Dave Coppedge’s website http://crev.info. May God have all the glory.

Let us pray for Dave Coppedge’s fast recovery from cancer surgery.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 149

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 Epigenetics has become a hot topic in biology.  There are

players “above DNA”– some heritable – that may be more important than the genetic code itself.

Unto the 3rd and 4th generation:  A headline on Science Daily sounds almost Biblical: “Gene Mutations Caused by a Father’s Lifestyle Can Be Inherited by Multiple Generations.”  Moses had said that a father’s sins can affect offspring; was he stating a fact of epigenetics unknown in his day?  He was undoubtedly referring to spiritual effects, but it’s becoming apparent to scientists that “a father’s lifestyle has the potential to affect the DNA of multiple generations and not just his immediate offspring,” because changes in the regulation of genes can be passed on through the gametes of his children and their children.

04/19/23 150

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 Reversible damage:  A paper in PLoS

Biology states that epigenetic changes are reversible.  Working with yeast, a team said, “The results presented here suggest that epigenetic control within an individual cell is reversible and can be achieved via regulation of histone acetyltransferase activity.”  With the previous entry, this suggests that offspring are not doomed to suffer their father’s lifestyle problems.

04/19/23 151

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 Work out and modify your fat: 

Science Daily reported evidence that workouts make epigenetic changes to your fat cells.  A researcher at Lund University in Sweden said, “Our study shows the positive effects of exercise, because the epigenetic pattern of genes that affect fat storage in the body changes.”

04/19/23 152

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 Work out and fix your nerves:  Damage to

neural stem cells from mutations can be reversed by exercise.  That’s a finding announced in Medical Xpress: mutational damage to CHD7 (a gene that codes for an epigenetic regulator) that inhibits neurogenesis in mice, and presumably in humans, can be completely reversed by exercise: “After the running exercise the CHD7 mutant neurons were fully rescued: They were able to create functioning networks.”

04/19/23 153

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 The pursuit of happiness:  Research reported

on Science Daily shows that your body responds differently to “different kinds of happiness.”  The “hedonic” kind (pursuit of pleasure, likened to “empty calories” in food) produces more stress, whereas the “eudaimonic kind” (the pursuit of purpose and noble meaning in life, as meant in the Declaration of Independence), produced less stress and greater sense of satisfaction with life.  The effects can be measured in epigenetic markers on genes.

04/19/23 154

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 Extra layer of information:  As you grow, epigenetics modifies the

genes in your brain.  An article on Medical Xpress says that epigenetic information adds to genetic information content:

Changes in the epigenome, including chemical modifications of DNA, can act as an extra layer of information in the genome, and are thought to play a role in learning and memory, as well as in age-related cognitive decline. The results of a new study by scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies show that the landscape of DNA methylation, a particular type of epigenomic modification, is highly dynamic in brain cells during the transition from birth to adulthood, helping to understand how information in the genomes of cells in the brain is controlled from fetal development to adulthood. The brain is much more complex than all other organs in the body and this discovery opens the door to a deeper understanding of how the intricate patterns of connectivity in the brain are formed.

04/19/23 155

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 These and other recent stories represent

a major paradigm shift in genetics.  Gone is the old “Central Dogma” that considered genes the master regulators.  The path of information flow is not simply DNA to RNA to protein anymore; it’s a much more dynamic, elaborate choreography, the intricacies of which scientists are only beginning to understand.

04/19/23 156

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 Needless to say, the discovery of “an

extra layer of information” above DNA is worrisome to Darwinism but confirming of intelligent design.  It’s also helpful to know that our actions and choices can affect our genes and those of our children.

04/19/23 157

More Evidence for Epigenetic Controls on Genetics更多表观遗传控制的证据 We’ll take this opportunity to again

promote the recent book on the subject by Woodward and Gills, The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA.  Hear a podcast by Dr. Woodward on ID the Future.  Watch a short presentation by Woodward and Gills on YouTube.

04/19/23 158

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

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