ace energizers

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Girl in BolgaFlickr photo by Empower Playgrounds

Beth KanterBeth’s Blog

Energizers are activities done in between sessions in training or during a class. The purpose of the energizer is essentially to awaken a sleeping audience or activate a jaded audience.

Energizers are typically done right after lunch and mid-afternoon breaks when energy tend to be low.

The energizer can be connected to the content or just a movement exercise.


When in doubt, start moving …

Flickr photos by clogozm and suburbanchicken


• Movement gets oxygen to the brain, the brain loves oxygen

• More oxygen, better processing of information

• Training sticks better …

Everyone Will Share One During the Training and We’ll Add to the Wiki

This energizer is documented on the wiki to show you an example!

You’ll learn how to do this soon too!

Inspiration: Kenyans Collectively Sing Anthem

Organizers said the grassroots effort was aimed at promoting unity in the east African nation, where ethnic violence left more than 1,000 people dead after disputed elections four years ago.

"The whole point is to unite Kenyans in one action and provoke reflection about personal responsibility," said organizer Al Kags. "We decided to go with the national anthem because it is the main prayer that binds us together. It's a clarion call that transcends all boundaries -- physical, mental, tribal, you name it."

Francis Mwiwa, 29, crawled out of bed to join in the singing from the Toronto suburb of Brampton. "At the very least, I hope singing the national anthem together jolts regular Kenyans into looking at the big picture," Mwiwa said. "Ethnic and tribal differences are obsolete. Instead of fighting amongst ourselves, we should be busy competing with the rest of the world."

The movement started on social media, and later expanded offline.

Sing Your National Anthem

MaterialsMusic player, speakers & computerBeach ball or medium-size ball


1. Gather in a circle2. Toss a ball to music3. When music stops, the person with the ball has to go into the middle of the circle and sing their country’s national anthem4. This continues until all anthems have been sung

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