annular solar eclipse 2010

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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多美丽的光环啊!What a beautiful blazing ring

配乐 : 我的太阳Music: O Sole Mio

A Total eclipse in the umbra. 日全食B Annular eclipse in the antumbra. 日环食C Partial eclipse in the penumbra 日偏食

非洲和亚洲有千万人在星期五见到了日食。日食路径从非洲乍得开始,经过刚果共和国、乌干达、肯尼亚和索马里进入印度洋,再经过亚洲马尔代夫、印度南部、斯里兰卡一部分、缅甸和中国都能见到日食。Thousands of people in Africa and Asia viewed an eclipse Friday as the moon crossed the sun‘s path blocking everything but a narrow, blazing rim of light. The path of the eclipse began in Africa - passing through Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Somalia before crossing the Indian Ocean.The path then continued into Asia where the eclipse could be seen in Maldives, southern India, parts of Sri Lanka, Myanmar and China.

The moon passes between the sun and the earth during an annular solar eclipse over the skies of the Rift Valley town of Nakuru, 160km (99 miles) west of Kenya's capital.

马尔代夫 Maldive

印度 India

缅甸 Myanmar

An image of the annular solar eclipse is seen on a shadow falling on the ground formed by a bifocal spectacle in Bangalore, India.

The sun is seen partially blocked by the moon through ceilings of Chinese ancient buildings during a solar eclipse observed in Kaifeng, in central China's Henan province, Friday, Jan. 15, 2010. The eclipse is known as an annular eclipse because the moon doesn't block the sun completely.


天津 Tianjin

大连环食日落 An eclipsed sunset at Dalian, China 昆明 Kunming

Sunset on the Yellow River

Drops into the sea at Qindao

Sunset at Weihai beach

Sunset in Yantai, China

Good bye, Blazing Ring

Meet next annular solar eclipse on May 21, 2012 (China local time) in South China, Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan

It would be an eclipsing sun rise in the morning.

下次日环食将于2012年 5

月 12



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