august 2012 bayside beacon - clover...

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Bayside Staff:

Pastor Terry Rolen Senior Pastor

Pastor Chip Taylor Pastor of Student Ministries

Pastor Shawn Viars Pastor of Worship Ministries

Pastor Carol Taylor Pastor of Children’s Ministries

Molli Craddock Director of Adult Ministries

Pastor Tim Willoughby Pastoral Counselor

Jeannie Zier Children’s Ministry Assistant

Rick Kuntz Children’s Ministry Assistant

Cody Bracy Student Ministry Director

Zach Shaner Student Ministry Director

Harry Motter Facility Manager

Emily Baber Office Administrator

Sheila Lopreato Admin. Asst. & Receptionist

Heidi Petitt Adm. Asst. to Children’s Ministry

Tracey Glisson Adm. Asst. to Worship Ministry

Lori Horne Adm. Asst. to Student Ministry

Anthony Ricker Director of Technical Ministries

August 1, 2012

A Publication of Bayside Community Church

Join Us For Worship Sunday: Sunday School & Morning Worship: 9:00 &10:45 am Wednesday: Activities for children and adults at 7:00 p.m.

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and

not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31 I grew up watching reruns of the Andy Griffith Show. I was glued to the black and white sitcom every time it lit up my television set. Still today, I have a hard time scrolling past it when I’m flipping through the channels. I almost always find myself pausing a least for a moment to watch a bit of the May-berry Sheriff and his one bullet depu-ty. So I, like millions of others, was a bit saddened to hear that the star of the show passed away a few weeks ago. In honor of the passing of this Ameri-can icon, Andy Griffith, allow me to recount one of my favorite Andy Grif-fith episodes. In my opinion this par-ticular show is chocked full of lessons on parenting, failure, responsibility, and redemption. In the episode little Opie had a new sling shot. He takes target practice at everything in sight. He hears a nest of birds takes aim and inadvertently kills the mother bird. Opie’s offense leaves three little chicks without the care of their mother. Andy masterful-ly harnesses his anger. He requires re-sponsibility from his son. The boy must become a sort of surrogate parent for orphaned Winkin’, Blinkin’ and Nod.’ Emotional attachment develops as Opie cares for the needy birds. He

does a good job raising them. They eventually out grow the cage and need to be released. The pivotal moment arrives. Opie, in order to fulfill his role as loving parent must let them go. Pass or Fail. They will fly or fall. The cage door is opened and one by one the chicks are released. They each fly away. Winkin’, Blink-in’, and Nod’ soar from the cage to the tree top. Perched high above they sing a new song. Opie grieving-ly looks back at the empty cage, turns to his Dad and frets, “Paw, the cage looks awfully empty.” And Andy Taylor, ‘Paw’ to millions delivers one of the most profound lines in the history of television when he replies, “Yes, but aren’t the trees nice and full.” That episode captures the pain and satisfaction of letting go. We know that letting go is a normal yet diffi-cult part of life. All growth requires taking the risky journey from places of safety to new heights. Honestly, it’s some times even more frighten-ing to watch those we love take this journey. But we can never let comfort become the cage that iso-lates others (or us) from God’s abundance. Be encouraged today child of God to go, soar, and sing…triumphantly! Pastor Terry

The Bayside Beacon

A Lesson in Letting Go from the Andy Griffith Show

  The Bayside Beacon 

In a few days the Games of the XXX Olympiad will begin. We will watch young Olympians compete at the highest level. Young athletes we’ve never heard of before, with success in their disciplines, will become household names. Yet, what we know is that these overnight successes have been years, some-times decades in the making. Countless hours of training and preparation has gone in to ready them for peak performance in their “moment.”

That moment for some will begin with fingertips on a starting line, for some toes on the edge of a diving board, for others hands raised on the corner of a gymnastics mat. With the pride and support of their homeland, each individual’s ability will be on display for the World to observe. It will be their moment to shine. Everything they have worked for will matter in that mo-


As Christians we resonate deeply with such Olympic themes as training, perseverance, honor and victory because we too are in a great competition. Our Apostolic trainer, St. Paul called on the themes of sport to inspire and instruct Christ-followers toward the worthy prize of godliness and the ultimate reward of heaven. God’s Word teaches us that now is our time to shine. “Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky…” (Phil 2:15).

On August 5th we will be starting a sermon series through the book of Philippians. Philippians is a training guide for how we can compete with joy at the highest level. Join as at Bayside as we seek to apply its principles and win the most important prize of life…and have fun doing it!

August 5 Finish What You Start / Philippians 1:1-11

August 12 Live Up To the Hype / Philippians 1:12-29

August 19 Be Remarkable / Philippians 2:1-11

August 26 Time to Shine / Philippians 2:12-21

September 2 Understand the Scoring System / Philippians 3:1-11

September 9 Dig Deep / Philippians 3:12-21

September 16 Joy in Everything / Philippians 4:1-7

September 23 Contentment Always / Philippians 4:8-23

The Bayside Church Board of Elders cordially invites you to the

Installation Service for

Reverend J. Terry Rolen Sunday, August 12, 2012

at 2:00 p.m. Bayside Church of God 3380 State Road 580

Safety Harbor, FL 34695

Reception to follow

Bayside Interim Pastor, Tim Willoughby, and retiring Bayside Pastor, Tom Bates, will be presiding over the ceremony to formally install Reverend Rolen as Bay-side’s next senior pastor. Other special guests will also be taking part in the installation service.


  Living a Life of Balance Is your life out of balance?  Are you being tossed about by the waves of life?  Do you find yourself spiritu‐ally or emo onally needy? How does your life measure up to the example we have of Jesus' life and the Bible's encouragement for each of us to live lives of balance?  Would you like a safe, invi ng place to learn and discuss your journey?   

Join the Morning Glories ladies connect group as they begin with a fresh, new ap‐proach on Tuesday, August 7th.  They will be studying the Women of Faith study book en tled, Living a Life of Balance.   This connect group meets at 9:30 am each Tuesday in room 204 at the church.  Don't miss the first session!  Contact Arlene Varra  at 727‐386‐4571 for more informa on.  Study guides will be available for $8.00. 

Event #1:  TAMPA    Date: 09/21/2012 ‐ 09/23/2012 Price: $159.00 per couple  Tampa Marrio  Waterside 700 S Florida Ave Tampa, FL 33602‐5404  Special getaway hotel room rate: $139.00/ night   Hotel phone: 813‐221‐4900 

The  conference  rate  listed  above  is  a  group  discount  rate.   When  registering,  please  use  the  group  name  “Bayside”  for  a  discounted          conference rate. For more informa on and to register, visit   

Getaway Schedule:   The  format of the weekend combines general sessions  (with messages delivered by a three‐person speaker team) and designated  mes set aside for projects to complete as a couple. The "Date Night" on Saturday gives you and your spouse the opportunity to spend a roman c evening alone.  

Getaway Hotel:  Family Life recommends that you enhance your getaway experience by staying overnight at the getaway hotel. You are re‐sponsible for making your hotel reserva ons. When you call the hotel to make your room reserva on, men on that you are a ending Family Life's Weekend to Remember.  

Event #2:  FORT MYERS    Date: 09/28/2012 ‐ 09/30/2012 Price: $159.00 per couple Sanibel Harbour Marrio  Resort & Spa 17260 Harbour Pointe Dr Fort Myers, FL 33908‐2795  Special getaway hotel room rate: $129.00/ night   Hotel phone: 239‐466‐4000  

There are two events sponsored by Family Life Ministries that will be held  in Florida  in  September.    The  church  staff  and  Elders would  like  to  encourage Bayside couples to a end one of those events.  In fact the Elders have agreed to underwrite a por on of the cost ($60) for any Bayside couple who a ends 

one of these events.  A er a ending one of the events, simply present your receipt to Pastor Tim Willoughby and we will reimburse you.  This is a great investment for your marriage and one that will return great benefits.   

If you are a mom who: 

Is pregnant or has a child (age newborn ‐ Kindergarten)  Desires to make new friends 

Is looking for opportuni es for growth through trusted re‐sources 

Enjoys giving back to the community Come take the plunge and check us out! 

We meet the first Friday of the month (Sept‐May) from 9:30‐11:30am to give you a  me to relax, use your crea vity and start some new friendships with other moms going through the same stage of life. 

The MOPS Steering Team is hard at work planning and preparing for our regular mee ngs that will start back up again in the Fall. In the mean me, we will get together for some relaxed play dates during the summer.  Come join us! 

For more informa on: e‐mail Julie Miller at visit find us on Facebook: h p:// 

Remember—our FIRST MEETING of the year is September 7th!  Come join us and see what MOPS is all about. 

Pastor’s Welcome Class Would you like to meet some other people who are new to Bayside? 

Would you like to learn more about our programs and philosophy of ministry? 

Would you like to meet our pastors in an informal se ng and ask 

them ques ons? 

If so, Pastor Rolen will be offering a Pastor’s Welcome Class  beginning Wednesday September 19th and con nuing for 6 Wednesday nights from 7:00—8:00 p.m., mee ng in room #203.  You may register by calling the office or using the tear off sec on of the Sunday worship folder.  

Bayside Prayer Ministry—ASAP You may no ce people around the church with name badges that show their name and a set of praying hands. These name badges indicate that they are part of the Bayside Prayer Ministry. We stand ready to pray with those in need of prayer a er each service at the front of the church or where ever you may find us around the church. Please do not hesitate to ask us to join with you in prayer for any of your needs or to intercede for the needs of others that may be on your heart.  The Bayside Prayer Ministry would like to extend our most sincere appre‐cia on to all of you that have volunteered to be “Alter Prayer Partners”. We will be holding a short briefing for the “Alter Prayer Partners” on   Aug. 19th a er the second service at the front of the sanctuary for about 30 to 45 minutes. We will cover func on and resources that will be availa‐ble for this ministry. We encourage all that are “Alter Prayer Partners” to a end this short mee ng. 

  The Bayside Beacon 

A network of caring people reaching out to lend a hand

Care Connec on is here!   A team of loving people are eager to extend a hand to assist with transporta on, light household chores, meals, light maintenance, and visita on for those in our Bayside family who have immediate needs.   

We are ready to hear from you.  There are mul ple ways to reach the team: Visit the Bayside website at  Click on Care Connec on.  OR Email careconnec OR Call 727‐669‐7212 extension 206.   

Please provide your name, type of assistance needed, your phone number or email address, and the best  me to reach you.  A team member will contact you directly. 

Molli Craddock Director of Adult Ministries 

Connecting with our Community On June 30, Bayside volunteers partnered with the Mission Smiles organiza on to provide free dental services to clients of the Ma e Williams Neigh‐borhood Family Center in Safety Harbor.  During the clinic, 24 guests received pro‐fessional dental services that included a total of 3 clean‐ings, 6 fillings, and 37 extrac‐ons.  The dollar value of the 

dental services donated to the community was $6,699.    While the free dental services are important and valuable, 

the more important feature is that this is designed to be a spiritual contact for all guests.  Each guest is guided through a one‐on‐one spiritual discussion and receives prayer for spiritual and personal needs.  This unique ministry is largely guided and directed by Linda Tubaugh, a regular Bayside 

a endee.  Linda’s heart of compassion for those in need is truly an inspira on.  

Our extreme apprecia on goes to the pro‐fessional team,    Dr. John Raulerson, Dr. Cameron How‐ard and Dr. Katy Barlow, Marga‐ret Kovacs, 

NEW for Adults…..Coming Sunday, August 19…. REAL LIFE is a new opportunity for you to connect with others as you move along your spiritual journey.  Open discussion of biblical, personal and current topics relevant adults will be found in this group.  The group is designed for ages 25‐40, married or single and will meet each Sunday at 10:45 in room 201.  Travis Bates & Kristy Rolen will be facilita ng.  You’ve been looking for a way to plug in…..this is it!  Email Travis at for more informa on. 

Leadership Breakfast Meeting When:    Saturday, August 18, 9‐11 am Where:   Church Café Who:       Teachers of adult Sunday School classes                   Facilitators of adult connect groups                  Leaders of Wednesday night groups What:     Con nental Breakfast and Discussion 

Teachers, facilitators, and leaders, please don’t miss this oppor‐tunity to interact with each other as we re‐connect to discuss individual and group opportuni es and plans for the fall.   Your contribu on to the overall spiritual health of the Bayside family is invaluable….and so is your presence at this important mee ng.   Please RSVP to Molli by August 15.  email: or phone: 727‐669‐7212, ext 220.   

Like nothing else, small groups (called Connect Groups here at Bayside), have the power to change lives.  They’re the ideal route to discipleship – a place where the rubber of biblical truth meets the road of human rela onships.   

Groups will be forming in September… for details on how you can join! 

Join a Group This Fall!

  The Bayside Beacon 


7/1 886 $ 27,648.71 175.00 7/8 711 16,839.58 340.00 7/15 919 34,406.78 332.00 7/22 725 27,652.74 240.00 7/29 NOT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF PRINTING

For The Record

Dan Boesswetter Ruth Woolums Morgan Osmanson Jim Williams Caleb Roberts Frank Medley Rick Melvin Maureen Andre Paul Wahnish Caitlin Finch Diana Jones Aloma Alford Krista Snelling Koby Schluderberg Patty Schickel Jane Morgan Elayne LaRosa Doris Green George Hurst Nicholas Murad RoseMarie Uva Paul Spencer Jackson Tracy Mary Spencer Kimber Lee Jennings Ruth Miller Clark Sartor Jack Uhl Allison Lee Malia Kucera Ginny Bland Linda Sherman Jorda Jones Rev. Bill Giesler Frank Nelson John Graziano Millard Ash Connie Lukachek Jo Tubergen Brenda Toler Helen Henry

For a complete listing of prayer requests of our friends and family, please stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a copy. Also, if you have asked for prayer for someone, please call us or email us with an update. That will assist us in keeping our prayer request list current.

Please Remember In Prayer:

All American Day Awards Congratula ons to our winners in the Apple Pie Bake‐Off: 

Adult Division Best Tas ng     Jane Willoughby Best Looking    Bob Barter Most Original Presenta on   Dena Matheny 

Youth Division Best Tas ng     Ryan Tatum Best Looking    Grace Long Most original Presenta on    Shayla  Brennan 

 Congratula ons also to the winners of the Pinewood Derby: 

Pre‐K, K & 1st Grade: 1st   Wendy Pope  2nd   Connor Hall 3rd   Joshua McSheffrey 4th   Charlie Pope  2nd & 3rd Grades: 1st   MaryPaige Woody 2nd   Morgan Ormanson 3rd   Jasmine Petree 4th   Ryleah Wallace  4th & 5th Grades: 1st   Roy Woody 2nd   Cameron Boutwell 3rd   Tris an Maddex 4th   Brendan Hall 

We’ve  all  heard  the  popular  proverbs  “Give  a  hand up, not a hand out” or the ever popular “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a  life me”.     By the way, many Chris ans mistakenly assume that the second is from the Bible, but  it  is actually an ancient Chinese prov‐erb.   While both of  these proverbs  sound great,  like 

most  things  in  life, are a  lot easier  in  theory  than  in prac ce.   This,  I have  to admit,  is probably  the most difficult aspect of  serving on  the Missions Commi ee.   Some mes I try to  imagine what Jesus would do if  he were  on  the Missions  Commi ee.   What missionaries and charity organiza ons would He support  and which ones would he dismiss?    To whom would He grant a fish and to whom would He  lovingly give a fishing pole?  If only  the Bible gave  us  some  examples  of  when  Jesus  denied someone charity,  than we would have a Biblical model of when to say “Sorry, but no.” 

These are the challenges that each commi ee member are faced with every month.    I  share  this  challenge with  you not because we desire your empathy or a pat on the back, but to let you know how much we covet your prayers.   Please pray for discernment and wisdom and that the decisions made by our commi ee embody the love of Christ. 

          Tim Neisinger           Commi ee Member 

Need to reach a Bayside Staff Member?? If you need to reach a staff member a er hours or if you call the office and it goes straight to voicemail, please use the extension #’s below and leave us a message.  We will get back with you as soon as possi‐ble.  Or—you may email any of us by using our first name followed by (727) 669‐7212 Pastor Terry  Ext. 202 

Pastor Chip  Ext. 204 

Pastor Shawn  Ext. 207 

Pastor Carol  Ext. 223 

Molli  Ext. 220 

Pastor Tim  Ext. 203 

Zach  Ext. 214 

Jeannie  Ext. 205 

Rick  Ext. 205  

Emily  Ext. 201 

Sheila  Ext. 200 

Lori  Ext. 233 

Heidi  Ext. 205 

Tracey  Ext. 215 

Harry  Ext. 212 

Anthony  Ext. 221 

6th, 7th & 8th Grades: 1st Tori Maddex 2nd Luke Hilkert 3rd Alex Hilkert 4th Megan Neisinger  ADULT/Open: 1st Daniel Byrd 2nd Doug Hilkert 3rd Ancel Curry 4th Denise Barter 

  The Bayside Beacon 

To My Bayside Family, Thank you for the beautiful dish garden and pastoral visits while my husband, Waid, was in the hospital recently. We are incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful church family and appreciate all the prayers and well wishes. Kim & Waid Braley

Pastor Chip Taylor Student Ministry

Cody Bracy Harbor Director

Zach Shaner Harbor Director

OnJune27thwedepartedonacharterbuswith55highschoolstudentsandadults.Ourdestina-tionwasDenver,ColoradofortheInternationalYouthConvention.Alongthewaywestoppedinseveralcitiesstayingatchurcheseachnight.DuringourtripwestayedinJoplin,MissouriforthreedaystoworkwithRebuildJoplinafteradevastatingtornadorippedthroughtheirtownalittleoverayearago.TherestofourtripwasinColoradowherewewentwhitewaterraftingupinthemountains.Wethenjoinedover4,000otherstudentsfromaroundtheworldatIYC2012tolearnandpraiseourGod.Overallthetripwasamazingandwearesothankfulforeachandeverypersonwhomadethistrippossible.Goddidsomeawesomethingsinthelivesofeveryonewhowentonthistrip.Iencourageyouto indastudentwhowentandaskthemtotellyouabouttheirexperienceandwheretheysawGodwork.Wearesoex-citedforIYC2014,whichwillbeinNashville,Tennessee.Andoneofourveryown,BetsyBlair,madeitontheStudentLeadershipTeamandwillbeapartoftheplanningandpreparationforIYCNashville.Wearesoexcitedforherandfortheconvention,2014can’tcomefastenough! Zach

Myrtle Agoncillo Summer Intern

Caleb Buyer Summer Intern


  The Bayside Beacon 

Bayside, First off I just want to say how awesome this summer has been. I can truthfully say it has been one of the most ful-filling experiences I have ever had. God has truly blessed my time here with all of you incredible people. From the days in the of-fice, to the Saturday hang-outs with students, to the many trips we took, there has never been a dull moment, and I’ll never forget my time here. I have learned and experienced so much, and I am so excited to continue my ministry, even though it means parting with Bayside.

I’m not being dramatic when I say it will be very hard for me to leave this place. I’ve never felt so at home with a group of people as much as I do here, and I attribute that to all of you. So many of you have gone out of your way to make me feel wel-come, and you did it well. I love this congregation and the hearts that you all have. I’m so excited for all of you, with Pastor Terry now here and ready to start a new season in Bayside’s life. I see even greater things in Bayside’s future and I am so excited to hear about them! There are so many things that I could say, but I can easily sum it up with this, I love you guys and appreciate you so much. My prayer is that you would continue to rise up leaders in your church and empower them the way you did me. The knowledge and experience I’ve received this summer will be inval-uable in the years to come, and I am forever grateful. Thank you so much for everything! -Caleb Buyer Summer Intern 2012 Bayside, Wow! This summer has gone by so fast and I can’t believe it's already that time to say good-bye. I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you have done for me and eve-rything you have done to make me feel so welcomed. You all have been nothing but supportive and kind and I really do appreciate all the help that you have given us this summer. It's been a blessing meeting so many generous and serving people and I will never forget any of you. Although I will be leaving, I will always keep Bayside Church in my heart, and I hope to always be in yours. Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement this summer.

I have learned so much while I was here; from organiza-tion skills, preparing a talk for The Gathering, planning skills, responsibility, working with others, communication skills, building relationships, and so much more. God has re-molded my heart and has been with me every step of the way this summer. Without Him my heart would not have come out stronger than it was when starting this internship. I will never forget the memories made this summer and the people that walked through this jour-ney with me. Thank you Chip, Cody, Zach, Lori, Caleb, and all the Bayside Students for making this summer unforgettable, teaching me so much, and changing my life. Thank you Bayside for your support and bighearts, thank you to my boyfriend, friends, and family for motivating me, being here for me, and always being my number one fans. I love you Bayside and I will miss you very much! With Love, Myrtle Agoncillo

My Least Favorite Newsletter Ever In the past three years there have been many times where I haven’t been the biggest fan of writing newsletters, but there has never been a time where I have been as opposed to writing one than right now! And the reason of such opposition is because this is my final newsletter as a Director of Student Ministries here at Bayside. As of August 12th my wife and I will be saying goodbye to our amazing friends and family and heading to the awesome city of Phoenix, Arizona.

As many of you know, serving here at Bayside is an amazing opportunity for any young man or woman trying to begin their career in ministry. It is a chance to learn the ropes of full-time ministry, so to speak. I have been completely blessed to have had three years here and to be able to serve such a great church community. You have wel-comed me, loved me, accepted me, helped shape me, prayed for me, and last but not least, allowed me to learn how to minister for the benefit of the kingdom of God.

As of August 12th Kristen and I will start our new exciting journey together in Arizona. Kristen will be pursuing a master’s degree in Human Rights and Social Justice at Arizona State University, where she will be continuing her dream to help fight the social injustice of human trafficking. And I will be answering God’s call by starting my own baseball ministry for kids and teens in the Greater Phoenix area. We are extremely excited about the doors that God is continuing to open up for us, and trying our best to listen to his leading daily.

I want to personally thank each one of you for everything that you have given Kristen and me. I also want to thank The Harbor—you guys have been my family since I was in eighth grade!! To the coaches, thank you for all your love and support and, most of all, your friendship. To the students of The Harbor, you are loved by Kristen and me be-yond belief. Please know that you are amazing students that have unbelievable potential to love your community like no other group of students ever has! Know that we will miss you like crazy, we are extremely thankful for you and PROUD of you, and we will always keep you in our hearts!

Finally, I want to thank the amazing people I got to partner and rub elbows with everyday. Harry, Emily, Sheila, Shawn, Molly, Carol, Jeanie, Heidi, Tracey, Anthony, Pastor Bates and Pastor Willoughby—I want to personally thank each one of you for your love, friendship, and partnership in ministry.

And now to the most amazing youth staff in the nation—Chip, Zach, and Lori! To Lori, thanks for always keeping the office light and fun to work in. Thanks for caring about Kristen and me beyond our job title. To Zach, thank you for being the best teammate and friend I could have ever asked for or ever hoped for. Your leadership has and will continue to do amazing things for the glory of God! I believe in you and know that God has called you to minster in a very unique and awesome way. To Chip and Lori Taylor, words can never express what you two mean to Kristen and me. Your lives have greatly affected Kristen’s and my relationship in the most amazing ways possible. Chip, I am so thankful for you and I love you as a father. Thank you for everything and for believing in Kristen and me. You have known me since I was in eighth grade and have meant the world to me since then. Your love and vision for this youth ministry has been captivating and inspiring. It was an honor to serve and learn under you and your leadership. Please know that I will miss all of you like crazy!


Cody and Kristen Bracy,

I Timothy 4:12

  The Bayside Beacon 

Pastor Carol Taylor  Children’s Pastor  

Promotion Sunday – August 26th Children should go directly to their new classrooms; they will remain in these classes all year. Extra‐special ac vi es planned every week – kids are encouraged to come for BOTH hours. 


9:00 - 10:15am 10:15am - Noon Preschool A (3 years old by Sept 1, 2013) Room #109 Room #109 Preschool B (4 years old by Sept 1, 2013) Kids’ Club Room #101 Preschool C (5 years old by Sept 1, 2013) Kids’ Club Room #108 Kindergarten (Kindergarten in Fall 2012) Kids’ Club Room #106 1st Grade Room #103 Kids’ Club 2nd Grade Room #106 Kids’ Club 3rd Grade Room #101 Kids’ Club 4th Grade Room #108 Kids’ Club 5th Grade Room #206 Kids’ Club

August Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:15pm

For Ages 3 – Entering 5th Grade

August 1  Bingo and Board Games (Bring your favorites)     August 8           Popcorn and Pajamas (Movie Night!)     August 15  Banana Night (Games, cra s, banana splits!)     August 22  NO ACTIVITIES     August 29  NO ACTIVITIES     Sept 5   Fall Kick‐Off  

No More TeamKID Don’t worry – we will s ll have 

great kid ac vi es every Wednesday including the monthly Store  

but there’s a NEW NAME for our classes – and lots of new 

stories, games, and surprises. Mark September 5 and join us for the 


SUNDAY MORNINGS KIDS’ WORSHIP – Preschoolers and kindergartners meet in Kids’ Club every Sunday at 9:00am.

Elementary students worship together in that room during the 2nd hour. Join us for singing Bible stories, skits, practical application,

and going down the Big Red Slide J

DISCOVERY ZONE is what we call our small groups where kids study the Bible and build relationships. 1st through 5th graders meet in classrooms at 9:00am;

Kindergartners & younger meet in individual classrooms during the 2nd hour.

KIDFAITH CLASSES starting in October Kids who are asking questions about salvation, heaven, baptism, or other spiritual

things may want to attend these upcoming classes. Watch for details in the next few weeks.

  The Bayside Beacon 

  The Bayside Beacon 

Ladies in Fellowship Together

Theme: “Celebrate 2012”

When: October 12 & 13

Where: Amway Center, Orlando

Hotel: Wingate - Orlando Airport Cost: $130/person – 2 women per room

– includes Conference fee ($89), lodging for one night and travel on Bayside bus (1st come 1st served)

****hot breakfast included****

3 women per room $120/person 4 women per room $115/person

*****box lunches NOT included*****

1st installment of $50‐ was due by Sunday, July 22nd but it is not too late to sign up!  The full amount is due in August . . . Sign‐ups in the lobby will take place at the Wom‐en’s Ministry L.I.F.T. table on 8/5, 8/12 and 8/19.  Don’t delay as there are only a lim‐ited number of  ckets and block of hotel rooms for this event!  Bayside bus will de‐part at 2pm from the church on Oct. 12th.  

UPCOMING WOW RED HAT EVENTS AUGUST When: Friday August 3, 2012 Where: Jason's Deli, 25801 US Hwy 19N, Clearwater Time: 6 pm dinner/7:30 pm games  SEPTEMBER When: Friday September 7, 2012 Where: Bella Kouzina (formerly Pano's), 3101 SR 580, Safety Harbor h p:// Time:6 pm dinner/7:30 pm games  UN‐BIRTHDAY TEA PARTY When: Saturday September 22, 2012 Where: The Empress Tea House     h p:// New loca on:  12924 N. Dale Mabry, Tampa, Fl Time:  9:45 am Bayside bus leaves promptly at 10 am—11:30 am‐1:30 pm High Tea Sandwiches, scones, tea bread, desserts, tea Cost:  $21.19 each incl tax/gratuity The Empress Tea will allow us to pay individually cash, check, debit, charge cards Bayside bus leaves The Empress Tea House at 2 pm to return to Bayside rsvp: Grand Duchess Dee Nelson 

Mark Your Calendar: CHRISTMAS IS NOT TOO FAR AWAY… Plan on joining us for our CHRISTmas Celebra on and mark your December calendar early…Save the date for Dec. 8th from 10am‐1pm for our country club brunch!   

Lakewood Retreat   February 15 ‐ 17, 2013   Lakewood Retreat Center   Brooksville, Fl 

L.I.F.T. Presents

Beautiful Scars 2012 fall kick-off

Our theme for this event is “BEAUTIFUL SCARS” and will take place in The Lisa Hassell Center at our own Bayside Community Church. This is slated for Saturday evening, August 25th from 6:00‐8:30 p.m. and will include a delicious gourmet meal orchestrated by our own culinary ar st and Sweet Shop specialist, Caryn Poling….you won’t want to miss this special culinary delight! Cost for this special evening is an affordable $10‐ and includes inspiring tes mony from the Director of Created Ministries, Telisia Espinosa, based here in Tampa Bay who will speak of their ministry of saving women from the degrading lives of sexual slavery and breaking free from the bondage of such a life with the power of Jesus Christ and Created’s incredible reforma ve programs. Special music will be performed by our own Judy Amos.   Mark your calendars and invite your lady friends and family members to this phe‐nomenal eye‐opening event. Roasted pork au jus, glazed chicken with mushrooms smothered with a demi‐sauce and cheese layered eggplant parm will be your din‐ner choices upon sign‐up. Childcare for those 5th grade and under will be free for those in a endance. Sign‐up in the church lobby on August 5th, 12th and 19th. Con‐tact Norene Clark for further details or for registra on. 

  The Bayside Beacon 

Men Of Integrity 5 Bayside’s All-Inclusive Ministry For Men

Supporting Bayside’s mission - Accepting Grace through Christ,

encouraging spiritual Growth, Gathering with others in fellowship, Giving our time and talents to others, and Glorifying God through fellowship and worship.

Pinewood Derby July 1, 2012 Thank you to all the racers and volunteers for making this year’s race another success!

"It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is from the top."

~ Arnold Bennett

Captivating Quote

  The Bayside Beacon 




Bayside Community Church of God The Bayside Beacon 

3380 SR 580 Safety Harbor, FL  34695 

(727) 669‐7212 

Primetime Events

Thanks to Sandi Diem for hos ng our July lunch at Ivory Bistro. Our August lunch will be Tuesday, Aug. 14 at noon at the Olive Garden on US High‐way 19. Sign up at the welcome desk or in your Sunday School classroom. 

July Luncheon at the Ivory Bistro

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