b.a./b.com./b.sc. degree examination, dec. - 2013 ... · b.a./b.com./b.sc. degree examination, dec....

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(DICS 31)


(Examination at the end of Final Year)


Time : 1 1/2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50

SECTION - A (2 × 13 = 26)

Answer any TWO of the following questions

1. Explain the Great discoveries, results and their uses to human beings.

Y�ß«− EÉßÑS¾Þ Ï�Ã( È�v�� ß—Å”��È"�#à È"�ç"� È"�.§"�È�ÛP�! PÞ!Ã(YÞ!( Hß«¼$�.YÞ!È"�#ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

2. Describe the salient features of Paleolithic and Neolithic periods.

¬*”�� ¾A‡¼!�#YÞ!È"�# È"�(¿¼!�# P�”��› ¾A‡¼!�#YÞ!È"�#à È"�#T½ ÉßѼ!�(È"�#ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

3. Describe advantages of Auto mobiles and Aeroplane.

Ev]È2�#R³$�Ä6� È"�(¿¼!�# ÉÈ"�.§�à Hß«¼$�.YÞ!È"�#ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

4. Explain the uses of satellites and raders.

Õ*v��RÄ$�v6� ¾A|�¾‹ YÞ!(¿†b ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

5. Write about Medieval period.

È"�(¤ Þ�½¼!�#YÞ!† YÞ!(¿†b ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

6. Describe the changes in the field of Agriculture.

È"�½È"�Õ*¼!�( ¾Þ †YÞ!†Ä] È"�bd§"� È"�.¾Þ (−ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

SECTION – B (3 × 4 = 12)

Write short notes on any THREE of the following

7. (a) Vitamins ÉuÉ(§6�Ö

(b) Fertilizer J¾Þ (È"�'Ã(

(c) Synthetic Fiber AÔ†œÞ�v��P‹! RD—²¾‹

(d) Paper PAZ”��È"�#

(e) Green Revolution ß×�¿”�� Éß«ÇÈ"�È"�#

(f) Solar energy ßÔ.¾Þ ½ Ì!�P�!›

(g) ICBM L2AÔ2´2JÈ6�(2

(h) Social Justice Õ*†A—(PÞ! §�½¼!�(†

(i) Telephone v$�Å°M§6�

SECTION – C (3 × 4 = 12)

Answer ALL questions

8. Fill in the blanks

a) ________ period is between Ancient and Modern periods.

~¬*c§"� ¼!�#YÞ!†0 E¤ Þ�(¨PÞ! ¼!�#YÞ!† È"�(¤ Þ�½ YÞ!à PAÄR¨ª ________ ÉÌ!�¢PÞ!¿†a��²|��§"�¡2

b) ________ Micro organisms causes infections.

________ D§X� ßÔ.PÞ!ˆ®P�!È"�#à È"�ç"� È"�.§"�È"�'¨P�! D§X�PÞ! È�½¤ Þ�(Ã( ßÔ†®PÞ!É(Õ*›¾ #2

c) ________ cough related disease.

________  Þ�YÞ!(\ ßÔ†²†¤ Þ�RÈ2�(§"� È�½¤¡2

d) ________ discovered stream Engine.

________ EÉ¿ ¼!�(†~”��È"�#§"�( PÞ!§"�(Y�§2�§"�(2

9. Choose the correct answer.

ßÔ¿R¼$�(§"� ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#§"�( YÞ!(¿›†a��(È"�#2

a) Radio was discovered by

i) Marconi ii) Graham bell

iii) Faraday iv) Darwin

¾X |��¼$�.§"�( PÞ!§"�(Y�¨§"� È�¾2 È"�¾Þ (2

i) È"�.¾\S¨ ii) ®YAß×�†³$�Ä6�

iii) °*¾Þ |X� iv) |�¿Ë§6�

b) Men in West Asia found copper around

i) 4000 B.C. ii) 3500 B.C.

iii) 3000 B.C. iv) 4500 B.C

È"�.§"�È"�'|Þ�( ß«ÍdÈ"�( EAÔ¼!�.Ä] K ßÔ†È"�”��Ö¾Þ †Ä] ¾AZ PÞ!§"�(Y�§�ª¾Þ (2

i) ®P`!ß«Q2 8444 ii) ®P`!ß«Q2 7944

iii) ®P`!ß«Q2 7444 iv) ®P`!ß«Q2 8944

c) The heart of computer is

i) Key board ii) Mouse

iii) CPU iv) Printer

PÞ!†ß«Q½u¾‹ PÞ!( YÞ!(†|2� È"�†v��¡2

i) P�!³]¾Þ (} ii) È"�“ŒÔ

iii) AÔ2A«2¼!�# iv) ~A«†u¾‹

d) Bacteriology

i) Study of animals ii) Study of Plants

iii) Study of Bacterial iv) Study of Batterie


i) i†”��(È"�'à D¤ Þ�½¼!�(§"�† ii) È2�#PÞ!Sà D¤ Þ�½¼!�(§"�†

iii) ³RP�!w¿¼!�. YÞ!(¿†b D¤ Þ�½¼!�(§"�† iv) ³RuÀ D¤ Þ�½¼!�(§"�†

10. Match the following.

a) Pests i) blood cloting

b) K. vitamin ii) insulin

c) Sugar iii) Alan Tring

d) Computer iv) Agriculture.

i”��ß«¾Þ (a��(È"�#2

a) c|Þ�Ã( i) ¾Þ PÞ!› ßÔS†¤ Þ�È"�#

b) ÉuÉ(¯Œþ ii) F§"�(ßÔ(ůŒþ

c) a��P2!S¾Þ iii) DïŒþ ~v��†Y‹!

d) PÞ!†ß«Q½u¾‹ iv) È"�½È"�Õ*¼!�(È"�#




(Examination at the end of Third Year)

Part - II : English


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

1) Answer any ONE of the following in about 400 words: (20)

a) Examine the greatness of Milton as a poet.

b) ‘Samson Agonistes’ is a drama of Temptation and its conquest’’. Discuss

c) Draw a brief character sketch of Dalila.

2) Answer any ONE of the following in about 400 words: (20)

a) ‘‘Shakespeare was not of an age, but for all time’’. Discuss

b) Examine ‘A Midsummer-Night’s Dream as a Shakespearean comedy’.

c) Sketch the character of Theseus.

3) Answer any ONE of the following in about 400 words: (20)

a) Give a general estimate of G.B. shaw as a dramatist.

b) ‘‘The play, The Apple Cart ‘ is an account of the struggle of two minds’’.


c) Discuss ‘The Apple Cart’ as a political satire.

4) Answer any Two of the following in about 400 words. Choosing one from each

section. (2×10=20)


a) Write a note on the structure of the novel ‘‘ The Financial Expert’’.

b) Comment on the role played by Margayya.


a) Sketch the character of Dr. Primrose.

b) Comment on the structure of the novel, ‘The vicar of Wakefield.’

5) Annotate any FOUR of the following Choosing any two from each section. (4×5=20)


a) The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact:

b) The course of true love never did run smooth.

c) To you your father should be as a God; One that compos’d your beauties:

d) Lord, what fools these mortals be!


6) a) Happen what may, or me expect to here, Nothing dishonourable, impure,


b) ‘‘But what is strength without double share of wisdom?’’.

c) This day to Dragon is a solemn feast, with sacrifices, trimph, pomp and games;

d) Afford me place to show what recompense Towards these and intent for what

and have misdone Misguided.

� � �


(Examination at the end of Third Year)

Part - II : English


Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

1) Answer any ONE of the following in about 300 words (20)

a) What are the features of the classical Age?

b) Describe the salient features of the Age of Milton.

c) Discuss the characteristic features of “the Elizabethan Age”.

2) Answer any ONE of the following in about 300 words (20)

a) Discuss the salient traits of the Age of wordsworth.

b) Describe the characteristic of the Age of Tennyson.

c) What are the significant features of the Hardy.

3) Critically comment on the achievements of any TWO of the following in 150

words each: (2x10=20)

a) Spenser

b) Pope

c) Charles Dickens

d) Keats

4) Answer any TWO of the following in about 300 words (2x12=24)

a) Write an essay the Indo-European family of Languages.

b) Discuss the characteristics of Old English

c) Trace the Indian Element in English language.

d) ‘English is an International Language’. Explain.

5) Define and illustrate any FOUR of the following (4x4=16)

a) Personification

b) Irony

c) Hyperbole

d) Metaphor

e) Simile

f) Epigram

g) Alliteration

h) Synecdote


(DAECO 31)


(Examination at the end of Final Year)

Part II – Economics


Time : Three hours Maximum Marks : 100

SECTION - A (2 × 20 = 40)

Answer any TWO of the following questions.

KÈ��¨ ¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2KÈ��¨ ¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2KÈ��¨ ¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2KÈ��¨ ¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2

1) Explain Time Reversal Test and Factor Reversal test for testing Fishers ideal Index.

"—ßѾ‹ ¼&�#PÞ�S E Þ�¾ÞÐ ßÔ.c ßÔ†T½§"�( ß«À…/�†a1�(uPÞ�( PAÃÉß«¾Þ½ È"�(¿¼!�# PA¾ÞPAà Éß«¾Þ½¼!�( ß«À…Þ�ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†a1�(È"�#2

2) Critically examine the Indian Population Census Collection Methods.

·7¾Þ”1� ��Ì!� i§�·7 Ä&�PÞ�Sà ;ÔPÞ�¾ÞÏ� ß« Þ�¦”1�(ç"�( ÉÈ"�(¾ÞЧ�”1�»PÞ�†YA ß«¿Îņa1�†|/�2

3) Define Pie diagram and draw the pie diagram for the following data.

È"�ü!�( ß«v7¨ª ¨¾ÞËb†b0 ®P/�†¡  Þ�”�›†Ì!�È"�#§"�PÞ�( È"�ü!�( ß«v7¨ª [¼!�(†|/�2

Group of consumer goods

ɨ¼&�.YÞ� È"�ßÔ(›È"�'à ßÔÈ"�# �¼!�(† Consumption Expenditure

ɨ¼&�.YÞ� È"�½¼!�(† Food - Eؾކ

Cloths – È"�Õ‰NÃ(

House Rent – F†v/� ³7|Þ�(YÞ�

Fuel – F†¤ Þ�§"�È"�#

Others – F”1�¾ÞÈ"�#Ã(






4) What is Rank correlation coefficient? Calculate Rank correlation coefficient for the following


PQv/� ßÔß×�ßÔ†²†¤ Þ� YÞ�(Ï�PÞ�È"�(§"�YA§��É(B ®P/�†¡  Þ�”�›†ÌA¨P/� PQv/� ßÔß×�ßÔ†²†¤ Þ� YÞ�(Ï�PÞ�È"�#§"�( Ä&�P/�S†a1�(È"�#B

Marks in Economics

D¾ÞŸÌAßÔ‰†Ä] È"�.¾Þ(SÃ( 45 47 60 38 46

Marks in Statistics

YÞ�Ï7†PÞ�ÌAßÔ‰†Ä] È"�.¾Þ(SÃ( 60 61 58 48 55

SECTION - B (3 × 15 = 45)

Answer any THREE of the following questions.

KKKKÈ��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2È��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2È��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2È��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2

5) Define Standard Deviation and Explain the characteristics of good measure of disperson.

~¬NÈ"�.Ï/�PÞ� Éa1�ç"�È"�#§"�( ¨¾ÞËb†b0 MPÞ� È"�(†b ÉßÔ›¾ÞÏ� P[Ô1� ¼&�#PÞ�S Ã…Þ�Ï7ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†a1�(È"�#2

6) What is an Index Number? Explain the uses and limitations of Index Numbers.

ßÔ.c ßÔ†T½ D§"�YA§��É(B ßÔ.c ßÔ†T½Ã Hß«¼&�.YAç"�(0 ß«¿É(”1�(ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†a1�(È"�#2

7) Explain the merits and demerits of Mode and Find out the value of Mode for the following data.

³7ß×�Ú!�PÞ�† ¼&�#PÞ�S YÞ�(Ï�0  QÒNç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†b0 G ®P/�†¡  Þ�”�›†Ì!�È"�#§"�PÞ�( ³7ß×�(Ú!�PÞ� ÉÃ(È"�§"�( PÞ�§"�(Y[§"�(È"�#2

Class Interval

”1�¾ÞYÞ�‡ D†”1�¾ÞÈ"�# Frequency


10 - 20

20 - 30

30 - 40

40 - 50

50 - 60

60 - 70

70 - 80

80 - 90

90 - 100










8) Calculate the Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the following data.

®P/�†¡  Þ�”�›†ÌA¨P/� PA¾‹Ç "«¼!�(¾‹Ö§e� ßÔß×�ßÔ†²†¤ Þ� YÞ�(Ï�PÞ�È"�#§"�( YÞ�Ï/�†a1�(È"�#2

X : 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52

Y : 8 7 6 5 9 8 6 3

9) Calculate Regression coefficient of Y on X for the following data.

®P/�†¡  Þ�”�›†Ì!�È"�#§"�PÞ�( Y Ê( Þ� X ~ß«‡YÞ�È"�(§"� YÞ�(Ï�PÞ�È"�#§"�( YÞ�Ï/�†a1�(È"�#2

X : 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18

Y 4 7 5 8 6 18 10 8 12 10

10) Find Quartile deviation for the following data.

G ®P/�†¡  Þ�”�›†Ì!�È"�#§"�PÞ�( a1�”1�(¾AŸ†Ì!� Éa1�ç"�È"�#§"�( YÞ�Ï/�†a1�(È"�#2


È"�¼!�(ßÔ(Ö Frequency


15 - 19

20 - 24

25 - 29

30 - 34

35 - 39

40 - 44

45 - 49








SECTION – C (3 × 5 = 15)

Answer any THREE of the following questions.

KÈ��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2KÈ��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2KÈ��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2KÈ��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2

11) Sampling Method

§"�È"�$§� ß« Þ�¦‡2

12) Histogram

Õg¬N§"� ß«u†

13) Importance of Statistics

YÞ�×ê†PÞ� ÌAßÔ‰ ~¬NÈ"�#T½”1�2

14) Central Statistical Organisation

P��†~ Þ� YÞ�×ê†PÞ� ßÔ†ßÔŸ2

15) Range


16) Least Square Method

PÞ�¨ßßÑ{ ßÈ"�¾A\à ߫ Þ�¦‡2




(Examination at the end of Final Year)

Part – II : Economics (Elective)


Time : Three hours Maximum Marks : 100

SECTION - A (2 × 20 = 40)

Answer any Two of the following questions

KRÈ��§�¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�(KRÈ��§�¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�(KRÈ��§�¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�(KRÈ��§�¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#

1) What is Public Revenue? Explain the classification of Public Revenue.

¿ê¾Þ”1� ¾Ag꽆YÞ� È"�#T½ ßÔ.~”1�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2

2) Define Tax. Discuss the effect of Taxation on Distribution and Production.

ß«§"�(ª D§"�YA ¨¾ÞËb†b0 ß«†"«Ï/� È"�(¿¼!�# H”1�−‡›Rl« ß«§"�(ª ~ß«¿êÈ�¨ª a1�¿d†ß«'È"�#2

3) Comment on the current Indian Fiscal Policy.

~ß«ßÔ(›”1� ¿ê¾Þ”1� PQÌ!� ɤ �§"�†Rl« È�½R꽨†a1�(È"�#2

4) Critically examine the role of current Finance Commission in Centre-State Relations.

P��†~ Þ� * ¾AßÑŠ ßÔ†²†¤ �ÃÄ] ~ß«ßÔ(›”1� É”1�› ßԆߗ(† ¼&�#PÞ�S ¬N~”1�§"�( ÉÈ"�(¾ÞЧ�”1�»PÞ�†YA ß«¿Îņ߫'È"�#2

SECTION - B (3 × 15 = 45)

Answer any THREE of the following questions

KRÈ��§� È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#KRÈ��§� È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#KRÈ��§� È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#KRÈ��§� È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#

5) Define Public Expenditure? Critically examine the Peacock-wiseman hypothesis of Public


~ß«·!�(”1�Ë È"�½¼!�(È"�(§"�YA§��È��. ¨¾ÞËb†b0 "«PAP‹�*RÈ��je�È"�.§e� ¼&�#PÞ�S ~ß«·!�(”1�Ë È"�½¼!�( "Ô �¦†”�¨ª ÉÈ"�(¾ÞЧ�”1�»PÞ�†YA ß«¿Îņa1�(È"�#2

6) Explain the burden of internal and external public debt.

~ß«·!�(”1�Ë D†”1�¾Þ\”1� È"�(¿¼!�# ²"×�¾Þ\”1� ²#Ï� ¿ê¾ÞÈ"�#§"�( ÉÈ"�¿† ß«'È"�#2

7) Discuss the sources of public debt.

~ß«·!�(”1�Ë ²#Ï� È"�$Ìêç"�( a1�¿d†a1�(È"�#2

8) Explain the pricing policies of public enterprises in India.

¿ê¾Þ”1� ��Ì!�†Ä] ~ß«·!�(”1�Ë ¾Þ†YÞ� ßÔ†ßÔŸÃ ¤ Þ�¾Þà ɤ �§�¨ª ÉÈ"�¿†a1�(È"�#2

9) Write a Note on different components of Budget.

²|��mve� ¼&�#PÞ�S Éɤ Þ� ¿êYAç"�( YÞ�.¿d§"� ßÔÊ(…Þ� ~È�¼!�#È"�#2

10) What is Progressive Tax? Explain the merits and demerits of Progressive Tax.

ß«'¾QYAÉ( ß«§"�(ª D§"�YA§��É(B ß«'¾QYAÉ( ß«§"�(ª ¼&�#PÞ�S YÞ�(Ï� QÒNç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

SECTION – C (3 × 5 = 15)

Answer any THREE of the following questions

KRÈ��§� È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#KRÈ��§� È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#KRÈ��§� È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#KRÈ��§� È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#ç"�( ~È�¼!�#È"�#

11) Public Finance Vs Private Finance

~ß«·!�(”1�Ë É”1�›† Vs Rl«È��u( É”1�›†

12) Proportional Tax

D§"�(¬N”1� ß«§"�(ª

13) Sinking Fund

²#Ï� ÉÈ��.a1�§"� ¨¤¡2

14) Mod VAT

È��.|‹� È�½ve�

15) Deficit Budget

²|��mve� Ä]u(

16) Corporate Tax

PA¾[−¾�ve� ß«§"�(ª


(DAECO 33)


(Examination at the end of Final Year)

Part - II : Economics


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100


Answer any Two of the following questions. (2 x 20 = 40)

KÈ��¨ ¾�†|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2

1) Explain the causes and consequences of Rural unemployment in India.

¿ê¾Þ”1� ��Ì!�†Ä] ®YAÊ(Ï� ¨¾Þ( Q½YÞ�”1� È"�ç"� K¾Þ−|Þ�( PA¾Þ×êç"�( È"�(¿¼!�# ß—Å”�ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†a1�(È"�#2

2) Explain the Impact of Rural development programmes on weaker sections in India.

¿ê¾Þ”1� ��Ì!�†Ä] ²Ãs×�§"� È"�¾A\ÃRl« ®YAÊ(×ê¸È"�’¡¦ ß«œÞ�PÞ�È"�#à ¼&�#PÞ�S ~ß«¿êÈ"�È"�#§"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

3) Analyse Trends in Rural and urban literacy rates in India.

¿ê¾Þ”1� ��Ì!�†Ä] ß«uwÏ� È"�(¿¼!�# ®YAÊ(Ï� D…Þ�¾AßÔ½”1� ¾�uÇÄ]¨ ¬gPÞ�|Þ�ç"�( ÉÌ��Ç"ц߫'È"�#2

4) Describe the causes for Rural – Urban migration in India.

¿ê¾Þ”1� ��Ì!�†Ä] ®YAÈ"�.à §"�(†|/� ß«uw×êÃPÞ�( È"�ÃßÔ ¬gÈ"�'uPÞ�( YÞ�à PA¾ÞÏ�È"�#ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†a1�(È"�#2


Answer any Three of the following questions. (3 x 15 = 45)

KÈ��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2

5) What is Rural Development? Explain the scope of Rural development.

®YAÊ(×ê¸È"�’¡¦ D§"�YA§��É(B ®YAÊ(×ê¸È"�’¡¦ ß«¿¤¡¨ ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

6) Explain the Role of Rural Industrialisation in Rural Development.

®YAÊ(×ê¸È"�’¡¦Ä] ®YAÊ(Ï� ¬N¿®ÌAÊ(PÞ�¾ÞÏ� ¬N~”1�§"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

7) Explain the important sources of Rural credit in India.

¿ê¾Þ”1� ��Ì!�†Ä] ®YAÊ(Ï� ß«¾Þß«‡P/� H§"�ª È"�#T½ E¤ �¾ÞÈ"�#ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

8) Explain the importance and problems of small scale industries.

b§"�ª ”1�¾ÞØ ß«¿®Ì!�È"�(à ¼&�#PÞ�S ~¬NÈ"�#T½”1�§"�( È"�(¿¼!�# DÉ J Þ�(¾[S§"�(a1�(§"�ª ßÔÈ"�(ßԽç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

9) Explain the problems of Health, Nutrition and medical care in Rural areas.

®YAÊ(Ï� ~¬N†”�ÃÄ] E¾QYÞ�½0 ¬a"ÑwPAؾÞ0 RÈ�� Þ�½ ßÔ†²†¤¡”1� ßÔÈ"�(ßԽç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

10) Explain the problems of Rural Labour in different sectors in India.

¿ê¾Þ”1� ��Ì!�†Ä]¨ Éɤ Þ� ¾Þ†YAÃÄ] ®YAÊ(Ï� ®ÌAÉ(PÞ�(à ßÔÈ"�(ßԽç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2


Answer any Three of the following questions. (3 x 5 = 15)

KÈ��¨ È"�$|Þ�( ~ß«Ì!�ªÃPÞ�( ßÔÈ"�.¤ �§"�È"�#Ã( ~È�¼!�#È"�#2

11) Rural Banks.

®YAÊ(Ï� »ê½†PÞ�(Ã(2

12) I.T.D.A.


13) Surplus Labour.

É(YÞ�(Ã( ®ÌAÉ(PÞ�(Ã(2

14) Agro based Industries.

È"�½È"�ÕN¼!�.¤ �¾Þ ß«¿®Ì!�È"�(Ã(2

15) Inequalities in Land distribution.

·!�. ß«†"«Ïz�Ä] DßÔÈ"�.§"�”1�Ã(2

16) Importance of Rural Education.

®YAÊ(Ï� É Þ�½ ~¬NÈ"�#T½”1�2

● ● ● ● ●

(DAPOL 31)


(Examination at the end of Final Year)

Part - II : Political Science


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100


Answer any Two of the following questions. (2 x 15 = 30)

1) Discuss the political philosophy of Ancient Greeks.

~¬�c§"� ®[PÞ (à ¾Ai©‡ ”��”�˨ª a��¿d†a��(È"�#2

2) Explain Plato’s theory of Justice.

"«Çv] ¤ Þ�¾Þ)» +Ô �¦†”��È"�#§"�( ÉÌ!1¢PÞ ¿†a��(È"�#2

3) Examine Aristotles theory of state.

D¿Õ�wv61Ä81 ¾Ai½ +Ô �¦†”��È"�#§"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

4) Write an essay on Kautilya’s Arthasastra.

P<v61Ã(½¨ D¾Þ)ŸÌAßÔ‰È"�#R@« MPÞ È�½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( ~È�¼!1#È"�#2

5) Explain Manu’s political ideas.

È"�(§"�( ¼C1#PÞ S ¾Ai©‡ ·FÈ�ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†a��(È"�#2

6) Discuss Benthams utilitarianism.

³C1†œ�ÏŒý$ÏŒý$ÏŒý$ÏŒý$ Hß«¼C1.YÞ È� Þ� +Ô �¦†”��È"�#§"�( a��¿d†a��(È"�#2 SECTION-B

Answer any Three of the following. (3 x 10 = 30)

7) Explain Plato’s Republic.

"«Çv] ¿ß« ÇP‹ §"�( YÞ .¿d ~È�¼!1#È"�#2

8) Explain Gandhiji’s political ideas.

YA†¤¢l ¾AiPO ¼!1( ·FÈ�ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

9) Examine Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s views on society.

ßÔÈ"�.iÈ"�#R@« Dr. B.R. D†³P1 Þ�S¾‹) ·FÈ�ç"�( ~È�¼!1#È"�#2

10) Discuss M. N. Roy’s ideas on governance.

ß«¿¬�ç"�R@« M. N. ¾AÃŒü$ÃŒü$ÃŒü$ÃŒü$ ·FÈ�ç"�( a��¿d†a��(È"�#2 11) Give an account of Rousseau’s concept of general will.

¾Þ).ÕQ i§R�a��h +Ô �¦†”��È"�#§"�( YÞ .¿d ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

12) Examine Manu’s Caste system.

È"�(§"�( PÞ (à ߫ Þ�¦‡¨ ß«À…6 †ß«'È"�#2 SECTION-C

Answer any Three of the following. (3 x 5 = 15)

13) Political thought of J. P. Narayana.

J. P. §�¾A¼!1(Ï1 ¾AiPO ¼!1( ·FÈ�Ã(2

14) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

Dr. B. R. D†³P1 Þ�S¾‹)2

15) Gandhiji.


16) Revolutions.


17) Gandhiji on Property.

E+Ô›R@« YA†¤¢l ·FÈ�Ã(2

SECTION-D (10 x 2 = 20)

18) a) Answer the following in 1 or 2 sentences.

i) Aristotle on Education.

É Þ�½R@« D¿Õ�wv61ËŒüËŒüËŒüËŒü2

ii) Gandhiji on Ahimsa.

D+×1†ßÔR@« YA†¤¢l2

iii) Moderates.

É(”��È� Þ�(Ã(2

iv) Hobbes.


v) Locke.

ÄFP‹ 2

vi) Rousseau.


vii) General will.


viii) Manudharma Sastra.

È"�(§"�(¤ Þ�¾Þ)» ÌAßÔ‰2

ix) Manu Smriti.

È"�(§"�( ßÔ» ’‡2

x) Kautilya’s Arthasastra.

P<v61Ã(½¨ D¾Þ)¦ ÌAßÔ‰È"�#2

b) Answer the following in 1 or 2 words. (5 x 1 = 5)

i) Total Revolution.

ßԆ߫Q¾Þ)] Éß«ÇÈ"�È"�#2

ii) Greek Political Philosophy.

®[PÞ ( ¾Ai©‡ ”��”��ˆ2

iii) Caste System.

PÞ (à È"�½È"�ßÔŸ2

iv) Salt Satyagraha.

Hß«• ßԙ齮YÞ ß×1È"�#2

v) Hobbes sovereignty.

ß×1»ŒýÖ Õ�¾Þ)Ë·rÈ"�.¤¡PA¾Þ)È"�#2

● ● ● ● ●

(DAPOL 32)


(Examination at the end of Final Year)

Part - II : Political Science


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

SECTION - A (2 × 15 = 30)

Answer any Two of the following

1) Discuss the emergence of A.P.

E†~¤ Þ� ¾AßÑŠ DÈ"�”��¾Þ)Ï1§"�( YÞ .¿d a��¿d†a��(È"�#2

2) What is the role of C.M. in Andhra Pradesh.

E†~¤ Þ�¾AßÑŠ†Ä] È"�#T½È"�(†~‡ ¬�~”�� KÉ(v612

3) Write an essay on working of Council of Ministers.

È"�(†~‡È"�¾Þ)\È"�# ß«¨š¾Þ)(R@« MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( ~Ðé¼!1#È"�#2

4) Write an essay on State Legislature.

¾AßÑŠ ÌAßÔ§"�ßÔ·!1R@« MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( ~Ðé¼!1#È"�#2

5) Discuss Powers and functions of state Judiciary.

¾AßÑŠ ¯é½¼!1(Õ�¦¯éà D¤¡PA¾AÃ(0 ɤ Þ�(ç"�( a��¿d†a��(È"�#2

SECTION - B (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any Three of the following

6) What are the powers and functions of Governor.

YÞ È"�¾Þ)ª¾Þ)( D¤¡PA¾AÃ(0 ɤ Þ�(Ã( KÉB

7) Write an essay on Estimates Committee. D†a��¯éà ßԆߗ(È"�#R@« MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( ~Ðé¼!1#È"�#2

8) What are the circumstances leading to Telangana agitation.

”j�ÆYAÏF H Þ�½È"�.¨P6 §é¿š+Ô§"� ß«¿+ÔŸ”��(ÄP1ÉB

9) Explain the role of Political Parties in A.P.

E†~¤ Þ�~ß« R�Ì81Ä] ¾AiPO ¼!1( ¬�Àwà ߫¨š¾Þ)(§"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#22

10) Write an essay on Samaikhyandra agitation.

ßÔRÈj�(PA½†~¤ Þ� H Þ�½È"�(È"�#R@« MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( ~Ðé¼!1#È"�#2

11) Discuss 73rd

constitutional Amendment Act.

;7È"� ¾AjF½†YÞ ßÔÈ"�¾Þ)Ï1 a��uw†§"�( YÞ .¿d a��¿d†a��(È"�#2

12) Write an essay on Tribal movements in A.P.

E†~¤ Þ�¾AßÑŠ†Ä] Z¿i§"� H Þ�½È"�.ÃR@« MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( ~Ðé¼!1#È"�#2

SECTION – C (3 × 15 = 15)

Answer any Three of the following

13) a) State legislature.

¾AßÑŠ ÌAßÔ§"�ßÔ·!12

b) State Judiciary.

¾AßÑŠ ¯é½¼!1(È"�½È"�ßÔŸ2

c) High Court.


d) Political Parties.

¾AiPO ¼!1( ¬�ÀwÃ(2

e) Regional Political Parties.

~¬�†š¼!1( ¾AiPO ¼!1( ¬�ÀwÃ(2

f) TDP.

”j�Ã(YÞ ( R�Ì!1† ¬�Àw


YS ¾AiÌR1T¾Þ) ¾j)|6�} PA†®Yj ßÔ( ¬�Àw2

SECTION – D (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all questions

14) a) Answer the following in 1 or 2 sentences.

i) Peasant movements.

R¾j)”��(à H Þ�½È"�.Ã(2

ii) Tribal movements.

Z¿i§"� H Þ�½È"�.Ã(2

iii) Indian Federation.

·F¾Þ)”�� ßÔÈ"�.T½2

iv) Z.P.

kÄFÇ ß«¿ßÑ™Œþ2

v) M.P.P.

È"�(†|Þ�à ~ß«jFß«¿ßÑ”��(›2

vi) Gram Sabha.

®YAÈ"�( ßÔ·!12

vii) Ashok Mehta Committee.

DÌ]P‹ Èj�(ß×1™é PÞ É(v612

viii) Balwant Roy Mehta Committee.

²Ãˆ™Œþ ¾AÄŒý$ Èj�(ß×1™é PÞ É(v612

ix) Estimates Committee.

D†a��¯éà ßԆߗ(È"�#2

x) Separate State.

~ß«”R�½PÞ ¾AßÑŠÈ"�#2

b) Answer the following in 1 or 2 words. (5 × 1 = 5)

i) Who is our C.M.

È"�(§"� È"�#T½È"�(†~‡ JÈ"�¾Þ)(2

ii) Who is our Deputy C.M.

È"�(§"� Hß«È"�#T½È"�(†~‡ JÈ"�¾Þ)(2

iii) Who is our Governor.

È"�(§"� YÞ È"�¾Þ)ª¾Þ)( JÈ"�¾Þ)(2

iv) Who was first C.M. to A.P.

E†~¤ Þ�~ß« R�ÔŒý Èj�# Þ�v61 È"�#T½È"�(†~‡ JÈ"�¾Þ)(2

v) Who is Potti Sreeramulu.

¬vv61w w¾AÈ"�#Ã( JÈ"�¾Þ)(2


(DAPOL 33)


(Examination at the end of Final Year)

Part - II – Political Science


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

SECTION - A (2 × 15 = 30)

Answer any Two of the following

1) Discuss nature and scope of International Relations.

D†™èþ¾Amš¼!1( ßÔ†²†¤§éÃ( ßÔË¿êÈ"�È"�#0 ß«¿¤¡¨ ^èþ¿d†^èþ$È"�#2

2) Write an essay on ASEAN.

ASEAN R@« MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( {Ðé¼!1#È"�#

3) Discuss the principles of Non-alignment.

DƧ"� É «§é§"� ßÔ.~™éç"�( "«¾zS§"�(È"�#2

4) What is the role of Security Council in U.N.

LPÞ ½¾Ai½ßÔÉ(‡Ä] ·!1~ Þ�™é È"�(†|Þ�Å ¬�~™èþ§"�( ^èþ¿d†^èþ$È"�#2

5) Evaluate India’s Foreign policy.

·F¾Þ)™èþÉ R�ÌA†YÞ É«§é¯é¨ª Éß—'ÆPÞ ¿†^èþ$È"�#2

SECTION - B (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any Three of the following

6) Trace the consequences leading to the I World War.

Èj�# Þ�v61 ~ß«ß«†^èþ ¼!1# Þ�¦È"�#§"�PÞ ( §é¿š+Ô§"� ß«¿ÏFÈ"�.ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

7) Write an essay on UNO.

LPÞ ½¾Ai½ßÔÉ(‡R@« MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�# ~Ðé¼!1#È"�#2

8) Discuss the impact of disintegration of USSR on World Politics.

~ß«ß«†^èþ ¾AiPO ¼!1.ÃR@« ÕQɼ!1(sŒý ¼!1$¨¼!1( Œþ Ébh§"�ª™èþ ~ß«·FÈ"�È"�#§"�( ß«¿Îņ߫'È"�#2

9) Explain Indo-Pak relations.

F†|6�¼!1. * ¬�P6 Õ�¦¯Œþ ßÔ†²†¤§éç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

10) Write an essay on NAM.

DƧ"� É «§é¯é¨ª YÞ .¿d MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( ~Ðé¼!1#È"�#2

11) What are the problems of III World Countries.

È"�$|Þ�È"� ~ß«ß«†^èþ R�ÌAà ßÔÈ"�(ßÔ½Ã( KÉ(v61B

12) Write an essay on SAARC. Õ�¾‹)SR@« MPÞ Ðé½ßÔÈ"�#§"�( ~Ðé¼!1#È"�#2 SECTION – C

Answer any Three of the following. (3 × 5 = 15)

13) India’s foreign policy.

·F¾Þ)™èþ R�Ì!1 É R�ÌA†YÞ É«§é§"�È"�#2

14) III World Countries.

È"�$|Þ�È"� ~ß«ß«†^èþ R�ÌAÃ(2

15) E.E.C.


16) International relations.

D†™èþ¾Amš¼!1( ßÔ†²†¤§éÃ(2

17) League of Nation.

¯é¯éjF‡ ßÔÉ(‡2

18) Foreign Policy.

É R�ÌA†YÞ É«§é§"�È"�#2

19) UNO.

LPÞ ½¾Ai½ßÔÉ(‡2 SECTIO – D (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all questions

20) a) Answer the following 1 or 2 sentences.

1) Veto system.

Év] ß« Þ�¦‡2

2) Bi-Polarity.

¡Ë¤ Þ�’È"�

3) W.H.O.

~ß«ß«†^èþ E¾pYÞ ½ ßÔ†ßÔŸ2

4) Peaceful coexistence

ÌA†‡¼!1#™èþ ßÔß×1lÈ"�§"�È"�#2

5) South South Dialogue.

 Þ�…6 Ï1  Þ�…6 Ï1  R�ÌAà ßÔ†·FßÑÏ1Ã(2

6) Neo coloniolism.

§"�ʧ"� È"�ÃßÔ Ðé Þ�È"�#2

7) Coloniolism.

È"�ÃßÔÐé Þ�È"�#2

8) Disarmament.

¨¾A¼!1#¤¢PÞ ¾Þ)Ï12

9) Super Powers

D®YÞ ¾AjF½Ã(2

10) Objectives of Foreign Policy.

É R�ÌA†YÞ É«§é§"� È"�#T½ D†ÌAÃ(2

b) Answer the following in 1 or 2 words. (5 × 1 = 5)

i) Indo US relations.

·F¾Þ)™èþ * DÈj�(¿PA ßÔ†²†¤§éÃ(2

2) International Affairs.

D†™èþ¾Amš¼!1( È"�½È"�ؾAÃ(2

3) Armament.

¨¾A¼!1#¤¢PÞ ¾Þ)Ï12

4) Nuclear Politics.

DÏ1ËßÔ‰ ¾Ai©‡

5) Balance of Power.

ßÔÈ"�(™èþ$ý Ì!1P6 ›2


(DAPOL 34)


(Examination at the end of Final Year)

Part II – Political Science


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

SECTION - A (2 × 15 = 30)

Answer any Two of the following

1) Examine meaning and scope of Public Administration.

~ß«·!1(™èþË ¬�ç"� D¾Þ)¦È"�#§"�(0 ß«¿¤¡¨ ß«À…6 †ß«'È"�#2

2) Discuss the relationship of Public administration with Political Science.

¾Ai©‡ ÌAÕ‰�¨P6 0 ~ß«·!1(™èþË ¬�ïé ÌAÕ‰�¨P6 YÞ Ã ßÔ†²†¤ Þ�È"�#ç"�( ^èþ¿d†^èþ$È"�#2

3) Explain the importance of delegation in Administration.

¬�ç"�Ä]  Þ�™èþ¢™èþ ~¬�«§é§"�½™èþ§"�( ÉÈ"�¿†^èþ$È"�#2

4) Explain the types of leadership.

¯é¼!1(PÞ ™èþË ¾Þ)PÞ È"�#ç"�( ÉÈ"�¿†^èþ$È"�#2

5) What is the importance planning in Administration.

¬�ç"�Ä] ~ß«ÏFÛPÞ ~¬�È"�#T½™èþ KÉ(v61B SECTION - B (3 × 10 = 30)

Answer any Three of the following

6) Explain the views of Karl Marx on Bureaucracy.

H p½ZÕ�ËÈ"�(½†R@« PA¾‹)ÇÈ"�.¾‹)S Ö ·FÐéç"�( Éß«'ÆPÞ ¿†^èþ$È"�#2

7) Discuss the methods of effective Supervision.

ß ßÔÈ"�(¾Þ)¦È"�†™èþRÈj�(§"� ß«¾Þ)½ÈR�…Þ Ï1 ß« Þ�®™èþ$ç"�( ÉÌ!1¢PÞ ¿†^èþ$È"�#2

8) Discuss about Centralisation.

PR †~¢PÞ ¾Þ)Ï1§"�( YÞ .¿d ^èþ¿d†^èþ$È"�#2

9) Examine programme planning in an organisation.

È"�½È"�ßÔŸÄ] PA¾Þ)½®PÞ È"�( ~ß«ÏFÛPÞ §"�( YÞ .¿d ß«À…6 †ß«'È"�#2

10) Analyse Elton Mayo’s theory of Human Relations theory.

JÃw¯Œþ Èj�(¼C1. È"�.§"�È"� ßÔ†²†§éà +ԧ馆™èþÈ"�#§"�( ÉÌR1Ç+ц^èþ$È"�#2

11) Explain the significance of communications in an organisation.

È"�½È"�ßÔŸÄ] ~ß«Õ�¾AÃ( ßÔÈ"�.^é¾Þ)È"�#à ~¬�È"�#T½™èþ§"�( ÉÈ"�¿†ß«'È"�#2

12) Discuss about Delegation of Authority.

D¤¡PA¾Þ)  Þ�™èþ›§"�( YÞ .¿d ^èþ¿d†^èþ$È"�#2

SECTION – C (3 × 15 = 15)

Answer any Three of the following

13) a) Different types of Plans.

Éɤ Þ� ¾Þ)PAà ~ß«ÏFÛPÞ Ã(2

b) X Theory.

X +ԧ馆™èþÈ"�#2

c) Centralisation.

PR †~¢PÞ ¾Þ)Ï12

d) Functions of Line Agencies.

RÄC1¯Œþ Ki©Öà ɤ Þ�(Ã(2

e) Staff agencies.

Õ�wŒ— Ki©ÖÃ(2

f) Development Administration.

~ß«YÞ ‡ ¬�ç"�2

g) Span of control.

¨¼!1(†~™èþÏ1 È"�½È"�¤¡2 SECTION – D (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer all questions

14) a) i) Woodrow Wilson.

H~|p ÉÃÖ¯Œþ

ii) Unity of Command.

EjFt KPÞ ™èþˆ2

iii) Solo Model.

ÕQÄ] Èj�.|Þ�ÌŒý2

iv) Classical approach.

ßÔ†~ß«§é¼!1( ¤ Þ�’PÞ −œÞ�†2

v) Importance of Planning.

~ß«ÏFÛPÞ ~¬� «§é§"�½™èþ2

vi) Sources of Authority.

D¤¡PA¾Aà E«§é¾AÃ(2

vii) Likart.


viii) Importance of Public Administration.

~ß«·!1(™èþˬ�ç"� ~¬�È"�#T½™èþ2

ix) Micro-planning.

ßÔ.PÞ ˆ ~ß«ÏFÛPÞ 2

x) Delegated legislatives.

 Þ�™èþ›ÌAßÔ§"� ¨¾A»Ï1È"�#2

b) Answer the following in 1 or 2 words. (5 × 1 = 5)

i) Bureaucratic Theory.

H p½YÞ Õ�ËÈ"�(½ +ԧ馆™èþÈ"�#2

ii) Delegation in Administration.

¬�ç"�Ä]  Þ�™èþ¢™èþ2

iii) Motivation.


iv) Programme Planning.

PA¾Þ)½®PÞ È"�( ~ß«ÏFÛPÞ 2

v) Coordination.

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