birds of new guinea (新幾內亞的鳥兒)

Post on 19-Aug-2015



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Birds of New Guinea新幾內亞的鳥兒

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Colorful headdresses are worn by many tribes during sing sings and are often decorated with beautiful feathers from the local birds of paradise. During sing sings, tribes may imitate the movement of birds; others may act out legendary battles.


Birds of Paradise 天堂之鳥"Birds of Paradise" is inspired by a National Geographic Magazine issue. There are about forty species that are currently classified as a bird of Paradise, most of which are located in New Guinea.「天堂之鳥」靈感來自發行的國家地理雜誌。大約有 40 種目前被列為「天堂之鳥」,其中大部分位於新幾內亞。

They aren't the cutest thing, but they are surely beautiful and definitely WOWs me. Such beautiful shapes and forms, with colourful feathers and extravagant plumes. They are a threatened group of birds, so hopefully this raises a bit more awareness for them!他們不是最可愛的東西,但他們肯定是美麗的,令人拍案叫絕。這麼優美的外形和種類,帶有色彩繽紛的羽毛和誇張的長羽。它們是鳥類受威脅的族群,因此希望本篇報導可以提升對鳥類多一點的體認!

Check out all the stunning pictures就請欣賞這些極為漂亮的照片

Lesser bird

Lesser bird

Lesser bird

Lesser bird

Brown Sicklebill 棕




鐮刀嘴鳥 的長而彎的鳥嘴,幫助它探索樹木和落葉中的昆蟲,提供它大部分的食物。

Brown Sicklebill (Drepanornis albertisi)Rarely witnessed and never before photographed, a buff-tailed sicklebill shows off its pectoral collar to a female watching from above. The sicklebill's long curved beak helps it probe trees and leaf litter for insects that make up the bulk of its diet.

Red Bird (Paradisaea Rubra) 紅鳥

Red Bird performing a courtship display 紅鳥求愛表演

Red Bird (Paradisaea rubra )Framed by its wiry tail feathers, a red bird of paradise is nature's valentine—an apt emblem for this family of birds famous for fanciful plumage and elaborate courtship rituals.

Ribbon-tailed Astrapia Bird (Astrapia mayeri) 織帶尾鳥

Ribbon-tailed Astrapia Bird mail in flight 飛翔中的織帶尾公鳥

Ribbon-tailed-astrapia Young male.織帶尾年輕公鳥

Brown-headed Kingfisher棕頭翠鳥

Black-headed Kingfisher 黑頭翠鳥

Blue Bird (Paradisaea rudolphi) performing inverted display藍鳥表演倒掛金勾

Blue Bird (Paradisaea rudolphi) 藍鳥

King Bird male on his display vine 國王鳥 ( 公 ) 和他的展示藤羽

King Bird male 國王公鳥

Parotia carolaeThe "ballerina dance" is one of at least six distinct moves in the repertoire of Carola's parotia, which has the most complex courting ritual in the bird of paradise family. Females scrutinize his act from above.

Parotia carolae 鳥的 “芭蕾舞蹈”是一種獨特的至少六個節奏動作,擁有最複雜的求偶儀式。母鳥從上面審視它的行為。


ired Bird十



The bird of paradise is actually named like this because of the interesting plumage and how the bird makes use of it during the mating season.


Twelve-wired Bird十二羽線鳥

Magnificent Bird male(cicinnurus magnificus)

Magnificent Bird (Cicinnurus magnificus)Far more vivid than its crow-like ancestor, a magnificent bird of paradise perches on a branch in its mountainous New Guinea habitat.

Astrapia stephaniae Foraging on its own, a Stephanie's astrapia's long black tail feathers, green head, and short bill make it easy to identify.

Astrapia stephaniae 自己覓食,它的黑色長尾羽毛,綠頭,短鳥嘴,很容易識別。

Wilson's Bird(cicinnurus republica)

Wilson's BirdWith whispered buzzes and clicks, he flashes his chest and shakes his handlebar mustache of a tail.

Wilson‘s Bird 求偶發出低微嗡嗡聲和卡嗒聲,它閃動胸部,搖動尾巴的長鬍羽。

Riflebird Paradise (Ptiloris paradiseus)

King of Saxony Bird 薩克森國王鳥

King of Saxony Bird 薩克森國王鳥

Goldie's Bird (male)

Goldie's Bird

Male Six-wired bird performing ballerina dance六羽線公鳥表演芭蕾舞蹈

Male six-wired bird, he rears up and spreads his wings so that they encircle his body like a ballerina’s skirt. He begins to dance, bobbing from side to side to side while shaking his head and waggling his six bizarre plumed wires. And all the while, his chest feathers flash with an ever-changing palette of orange, yellow, green and blue.六羽線公鳥他翹起尾巴,展開翅膀,身體圍繞像一個芭蕾舞演員的裙子。他開始跳舞,上下擺動,搖著頭從一邊到另一邊,擺動他的六根古怪的羽線毛。而這段時間,它胸前的閃光的調色板羽毛不斷變化,橙色,黃色,綠色和藍色。

Superb BirdFemale superb bird in sunbathing享受日光浴的 Superb Bird 母鳥

Male superb bird of paradise displayingSuperb Bird 公鳥

Superb BirdThis may be one of the strangest looking birds ever. This male bird spreads his wings in a mating ritual, hope to attract a female.這可能是有史以來最奇怪的鳥之一。公鳥在交配儀式中展開他的翅膀,希望能夠吸引母鳥。

If you can not open the Youtube, please click this video. 如果你不能打開 Youtude ,請點擊此影片。 Crazy birds island p

Birds Of Papau New Guinea

This shot shows the Male Superb Bird of Paradise (seen from the front) performing a courtship display in a rainforest in Papua New Guinea 在雨林巴布亞新幾內亞,這個鏡頭顯示了 Superb Bird 公鳥(正面)進行精湛的求愛展示。

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Music : 100 a Vogel - Music


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