book 2 people of god

Post on 11-May-2015






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Divyabodhanam Book 2: People of God. Part 1


The People of God

Believers in the Indian Orthodox Church

Fr. C.C. Cherian

(Book 2)


• To understand our calling as people of God

• For an active participation of all members

• To understand the mission of the people of God

• To learn about the various stages of Malankara Church History


Participation of God’s People as revealed in the Bible

Lesson 1 – General Introduction

• Old and New Israel – Israel was chosen people of God –

Exodus 19:5-7 (treasured possession out of all the people)

– Church is new chosen people

1 Peter 2:9 – “called you out”

“the Israel of God” (Galatians 6:16)

- Church (ecclesia) = called out; assembled gathering– Church exists as Body of Christ

• Ordained ministers are a part of that body• All believers are different parts/members

– Church – spiritual and mystical doctrine of church– Outward org secondary to sacramental

• “There is a special ordained ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons; yet at the same time the whole people of God are prophets and priests.” – Ware, p. 249

• “Bishop and people are joined in an organic unity, and neither can properly be thought of apart from the other.” – Ware. P. 250

• “The bishop is the divinely appointed teacher of the faith, but the guardian of the faith is not the episcopate alone, but the whole people of God, bishops, clergy and laity together.”

Lesson 1 – Terminology

• Almayar – “Olmoyo” / Wordly- this term should be avoided

• Laity – Laos (Gk.) – people• Aymeny – “Haimne” / Believer• Priest – Kohno (Syr.) / Purohithan

– Elder, Presbyter (Gk.), Kaseeso (Syr.)

• Bishop – Episkopoi (Gk.) – Overseer• Deacon – diakonos (Gk.), msamsono(Syr.)

Servant• Ecclesia -

• Paulose Mar Gregorios on Difference between Protestant and Catholic views of church:

• “With the Reformation debate in the Western Church, ‘the invisible Church’ and its relations to the ‘visible Church’ becomes a central issue for the West. Protestants generally emphasized the spiritual rather than the sacramental aspect of the Church. The radical Protestant view emphasized the ‘invisible’ Church over against the faithful community of the spirit as it actually existed. The Reformation puts its emphasis on hearing the Word and receiving it in faith as the constitutive act for the Church, while Roman Catholic emphasis falls on the institutional and hierarchical structure of the Church. In the Orthodox understanding the Church is seen as inclusive of Christ and the Apostles as foundation, a community spanning all time and all space, but quite fully present in the local Church.” – PMG, The Church and Authority p. 15

ClericalismTypical expressions of this clericalism include:

• Clergy see themselves as political powerbrokers, playing a direct role in affairs of state. Clerical elitism.

• The church projects an image of power and privilege, with its preferred spiritual imagery emphasizing God as a cosmic monarch.

• The role of the laity is conceived in largely passive terms -- "pay, pray and obey."

• Little premium is placed on evangelization or faith formation, with pastoral care understood largely in terms of administering the sacraments.


• Power versus vocation• “Clericalism suffocates; it makes part of itself into the whole sacred

character of the Church; it makes its power and a sacred power to control, to lead, to administer, a power to perform sacraments, and in general, it makes any power a “power given to me.” – Fr. Alexander Schmemman

• Clericalism separates all “sacredness” from the lay people." (Feb. 2, 1982, p. 310).

Lesson 2 – The Biblical Basis

• First priest is Adam – put in Garden to offer it back to God, to stand as mediator between creation and God.

• God’s people in OT– Promise to Abraham – Gen 12:1-2; 13:14-17– Covenant – Exodus 24:8; Lev. 26:9-12*– Promises new covenant – Jer. 31:31

• God’s people in NT– New covenant – 1 Cor. 11:26; Matt 26:28

Lesson 2 – Biblical Basis

• True High Priest is Jesus Christ (Heb. 4:15*; 7:24)

• Believers share in priesthood through H. Baptism (1 Pet 2:9; Heb. 8:6-13)

• Radical Equality• Hebrews –

– Priesthood is the gift of Jesus Christ to Church– To ensure man’s salvation through mediatory

sacrifice before God.– Centered on H. Communion (order of


Lesson 2 – Biblical Basis

• 1 Peter 2:5; 9-10– Deut 7:6; Ex. 19:6– Holy Priesthood – Every believer who receives

baptism is partaker of Christ’s priesthood.

• Rev. 1:5,6; 5:10– Priesthood and Kingship together

Lesson 3 – Royal Priesthood

• Church performs the priestly ministry of Christ, in partnership with Christ.

• Believers are not just recipients of the ministry but partners in the ministry

• Church’s ministerial role in the world– To be a priest over creation; – to mediate for the world; – to show the world what the real values of life

are. – To be prophetic voice -justice

Lesson 4 – Ministry of Jesus Christ(Various Titles)

• Servant – Phil 2:7• Deacon – (helper/servant) – Rom 15:8-9• Apostle (Sleeha)– Heb 3:1; Mark 9:37 – sent

by God • Episcopos (guardian ) – 1 Pet 2:25*• Shepherd – John 10:11; 1 Peter 2:25, 5:4• High Priest – Heb 7:26 (cf. High Priestly

Prayer)• Christ himself commissioned

– 12 Disciples as Apostles – Matt 10:1– 72 as Evangelists – Luke 10

Lesson 5 – Apostolic Church Life

• Development of various ministries• 1 Cor. 12:28*• Three fold ministry emerges in NT• Founded on Apostolic Teaching – (Acts

2:42, 6:2)• Episcopos – Titus 1:7; 1 Tim 3:1 (Episcopos

– God’s steward)

“Where the bishop is present, there let the congregation gather, just as where Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church” – Ignatius of Antioch

• Presbyter (elder) – Titus 1:5• Deacons – 1 Tim. 3:8• Laying on of hands – 1 Tim 4:14*

Lesson 5- Apostolic Church Life• They devoted themselves to the apostles'

teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42

• Worship• Collective action in the mission of the church

– Church prayed and fasted and sent missionaries (Acts 13)

– Evangelism work of the church as a whole

• Participation in helping the poor– Gifts for the needy (2 Cor. 9:12; Acts 9:36; 1 Cor 16:1-


• Holiness of the church– 1Thess 4:7; not the standards of the world (Rom 12:1-


• Believers play a role in building up of Church

Lesson 5 – Apostolic Church Life

• UNITY• Church as one body of Christ(Rom 12; 1

Cor 12)• One family of God (Eph 2:19)• One bride and one Bridegroom (Eph 5)• One body, one Spirit, One Lord, One Faith,

One Baptism, one God – Eph 4:4-6

Lesson 5 – Apostolic Church Life

• How church dealt with conflict• Matter over circumcision• Acts 15:6 – Council convened• Acts 15:13 – James the final word (The

first Archbishop of Jerusalem); the brother of our Lord. (Anaphora of St. James)


• Participation of God’s people in the early church

Lesson 2 – Status of Believers

• Illuminated – Heb 6:4• Initiated – • Perfect• Favorites of Heaven • Worshipers of the true God• ICTUS (Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior)• Theophorus (Bearers of God)• Christophorus (Bearers of Christ)

Lesson 2

• Rights and Responsibilities of believers– Participation in H. Qurbana and Sacraments– Praying the Lord’s Prayer– Receiving the teachings

Lesson 3 – Minister – Believer Relationship

• Ministers not over the church but in the church.

• The Church is the people united to the bishop, the flock clinging to its shepherd. The bishop is in the Church and the Church in the bishop. – Cyprian of Carthage

• People of God are the guardian (stewards) of the faith. Episcopate is the teacher (proclaim)

• Apostolic succession of bishops

Lesson 3 – Minister – Believer Relationship

• See in light of the fact that Church is one and the same with the Lord

• Hierarchical Structure, Apostolic Succession, Episcopate, Priesthood

• The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. – 1 Cor. 12:12

4 Traits of the Church

• One• Holy• Catholic - Universal• Apostolic

Catholic• St. Cyril of Jerusalem

      “And the Church is called ‘catholic’ for being in the entire world from one end of the earth to the other and for teaching wholly “KATHOLIKOS” and lacking nothing of all the doctrines that must become part of man’s knowledge… and for subjecting every race of men… to godliness and for curing completely (KATHOLIKOS) and healing every sort of sin, commited either through the soul or the body, and for being of possession of every notion of virtue in word or in deed that can be named, as well as every spiritual gift.”

• “catholic” is understood • 1) as universal in both a geographical (ends of the world)

and qualitative sense, as embracing men of different races, cultures and social positions;

• 2) as possessing the fullness of truth; • 3) as having the fullness of saving power which defeats

every sin or evil; • 4) as having the fullness of holiness and grace; and • 5) as consequently, a unique characteristic.

( - Fr. Milan Savich)

Relationship Between Church and God

• Image of the Holy Trinity – complementary roles. Fr’s pre-eminence;

• The Body of Christ – Continuation of the Incarnation

• Continued Pentecost –– “Where the Church is, there is the Spirit, and

where the Spirit is, there is the Church.” Irenaeus– Church is the temple and dwelling place of the H.


Seven ranks of the Priesthood

• Baptism (alternate - Amdono)• H. Chrism (alternate Mawdyono – exorcist/

confessor)• Singer (Syr. Mzamrono)• Reader (Syr. Qoruyo)• Sub Deacon (Syr. from Gr. Apodiakno)• Full Deacon (Syr. Mshamshono)• Priest (Syr. Kohno)

Unit II Lesson 1 – Basic Orthodox Principles

• Church is the People of God – cooperation of all in their particular role. (worship)

• Through Baptism – General Priesthood• H. Qurbana as the center of Church• Importance of Special Priesthood• Infallability & supreme authority – Church• Autonomy And National Character

Unit III – Lesson 5 – Role of Women

• Women are integral participants in Church• Nature of women must be recognized. (gender

difference must be acknowledged)• Devoted and Strong Woman• Arenas for Women to work

– Family– Church (Smajam, house visit, charity, worship, Sunday

school)– Student’s Movement– Society – motivated by Christian principles

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