disgrifiad swydd gwyddonydd cymunedol – project opal ... · cyflwyno er cymeradwyaeth y pennaeth...

Post on 19-Aug-2020






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Disgrifiad Swydd

Gwyddonydd Cymunedol – Project OPAL Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd


Sefydlwyd Amgueddfa Cymru fel ‘Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru’ ym 1907 drwy Siarter Frenhinol, a rhoddwyd Siarteri Atodol iddi ym 1991 a 2006. Daw ei chyllid yn bennaf o Lywodraeth Cymru fel Corff a Noddir gan Lywodraeth Cymru (CNLC).

Mae Amgueddfa Cymru’n cynnwys Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd, Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru, Amgueddfa Wlân Cymru, Amgueddfa Lleng Rufeinig Cymru, Big Pit Amgueddfa Lofaol Cymru, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau a’r Ganolfan Gasgliadau Genedlaethol.

Prif amcanion Amgueddfa Cymru yw hyrwyddo addysg y cyhoedd. Cyflawnir hyn drwy ofalu am, gwella a sicrhau mynediad at gasgliadau Amgueddfa Cymru, sy’n trafod y gwyddorau natur a daear, celf gain a chymhwysol, archaeoleg, a hanes diwydiant a chymdeithas Cymru.

Gweledigaeth Amgueddfa Cymru heddiw yw bod yn

amgueddfa ddysg o safon ryngwladol.

Mae grŵp rheolwyr uwch yr Amgueddfa’n cynnwys y Cyfarwyddwr Cyffredinol a phedwar cyfarwyddwr.

Strwythur yr uwch-reolwyr


Project OPAL

Cyfarwyddwr Cyffredinol

Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Cyffredinol a

Chyfarwyddwr Gweithredu  

Cyfarwyddwr Cyllid ac Adnoddau Corfforaethol

Cyfarwyddwr Addysg, Arddangosfeydd a Chyfryngau Digidol  

Cyfarwyddwr Casgliadau ac


Mae Amgueddfa Cymru wedi llwyddo i ddenu cefnogaeth ar gyfer Gwyddonydd Cymunedol trwy Broject OPAL a noddir gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr. Mae OPAL yn dod â sefydliadau sy’n gweithio â chymunedau lleol ynghyd i ddatblygu a darparu cyfres o brojectau amgylcheddol. Mae’r projectau hyn yn cynnwys datblygu a darparu offer, hyfforddiant a phrofiad ymarferol ar ystod o sgiliau gan gynnwys adnabod planhigion, anifeiliaid a ffyngau; arolygu a monitro planhigion ac anifeiliaid; asesu ansawdd cynefinoedd ac archwilio i agweddau ar newid yn yr hinsawdd. Mae’n rhaid i ddeiliaid y swydd fod yn fodlon teithio.

Yn ogystal â Gwyddonydd Cymunedol Amgueddfa Cymru fydd yn cwmpasu de Cymru, bydd dau arall yn y Gogledd dan faner Cofnod a’r Ymddiriedolaeth Natur.

Prif ddiben y swydd

Bydd Gwyddonydd Cymunedol OPAL yn gweithio gyda chymunedau yn ne Cymru i hyrwyddo OPAL a chynorthwyo aelodau’r cyhoedd i feithrin y sgiliau a’r wybodaeth angenrheidiol er mwyn deall a monitro’r amgylchedd yn well. Bydd y gwaith yn cwmpasu trefnu digwyddiadau cyhoeddus agored i hyrwyddo gweithgareddau a chynhyrchion OPAL a chydweithio’n agos ag unigolion neu grwpiau bach er mwyn cynnal astudiaethau maes a’u helpu i ddatblygu eu diddordebau amgylcheddol gan ddefnyddio adnoddau a ddarperir gan OPAL.

Yn atebol i

Pennaeth Pryfeteg.

Prif dasgau a chyfrifoldebau

Ysgogi cymunedau yn ne Cymru i fonitro’r amgylchedd trwy:

• Ddatblygu cysylltiadau cyfredol yr Amgueddfa yn yr ardal yn rhwydwaith o unigolion sydd â diddordeb mewn ymestyn eu hymwybyddiaeth a’u dealltwriaeth o’r amgylchedd.

• Datblygu capasiti o fewn grwpiau trwy ddarparu addysg a hyfforddiant mewn sgiliau maes sylfaenol ar gyfer monitro amgylcheddol, a hynny’n seiliedig ar ddeunyddiau a ddarperir gan OPAL.

• Hyrwyddo lansio’r arolwg Cymru gyfan newydd yn ne Cymru trwy gynnal digwyddiadau cymunedol a darparu hyfforddiant ym methodoleg yr arolwg i grwpiau ac unigolion.

• Cynorthwyo mewn digwyddiadau cymunedol eraill, yn ôl y galw.

• Cynorthwyo gyda datblygu cynhyrchion a gwasanaethau OPAL trwy rannu adborth a phrofiad a gasglwyd o ddarparu addysg ecolegol yn seiliedig ar waith maes i’r cyhoedd.

• Casglu a choladu data a gynhyrchir trwy’r arolygon maes a’i gyflwyno i OPAL. • Casglu gwybodaeth gan y grwpiau a’r unigolion sydd ynghlwm â’r

gweithgareddau arolygu. • Datblygu a chytuno ar raglen a chynllun gweithredu ar gyfer y project a’u

cyflwyno er cymeradwyaeth y Pennaeth Pryfeteg. • Darparu gwybodaeth a diweddariadau rheolaidd i’r Pennaeth Pryfeteg am

lwyddiant yn erbyn y targedau a’r cerrig milltir y cytunwyd arnynt gan Amgueddfa Cymru ac OPAL, a hynny er mwyn darparu adroddiadau i OPAL a monitro cynnydd.

• Cydweithio â’r ddau Wyddonydd Cymunedol yng ngogledd Cymru o bryd i’w gilydd i gydlynu gweithgareddau ar y cyd.

• Mynychu cyfarfodydd, gweithdai a chynadleddau yn ôl y galw.


• Caiff ystod eang o ddigwyddiadau a rhaglenni o ansawdd uchel eu cynllunio, eu cyfleu a’u darparu i’r ystod lawn o gynulleidfaodd ar draws de Cymru.

• Ymgysylltir yn rhagweithiol ag ymwelwyr mewn cymunedau, yn enwedig y rheini sydd mewn ardaloedd o amddifadedd.

• Darperir gwybodaeth ac adnoddau i deuluoedd, pobl ifanc, oedolion a grwpiau cymuned er mwyn iddynt ymgysylltu â’u hamgylchedd lleol.

• Caiff gwybodaeth am niferoedd ac ansawdd yr ymgysylltiad eu cyflwyno i OPAL at ddibenion monitro perfformiad a gofynion gweithredu rhanbarthol eraill ac er mwyn cefnogi’r targedau a’r cerrig milltir y cytunwyd arnynt.

• Proffil uwch i faterion amgylcheddol yn ne Cymru. • Gwaith tîm effeithlon a defnydd effeithiol o adnoddau.

Manyleb y Person Bydd angen i’r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus allu dangos enghreifftiau o’r canlynol (gweler “Canllawiau Recriwtio” am gyngor ar sut i lenwi’r ffurflen gais):


Gwybodaeth Ofynnol

Gwybodaeth brofedig o bynciau amgylcheddol, yng nghyd-destun Cymru’n enwedig.

Dealltwriaeth o’r angen i fonitro a gwerthuso rhaglenni yn erbyn nodau ac amcanion strategol.

Gwybodaeth o Broject Opal.

Gwybodaeth am yr amgylchedd dysgu ehangach, gan gynnwys digidol ac ar-lein.

Profiad Gofynnol

Profiad o weithio gyda grwpiau yn y sector gwirfoddol neu gymunedol, rhwydweithio a datblygu a chynnal cysylltiadau.

Profiad perthnasol o raglenni dysgu mewn sectorau diwylliannol neu dreftadaeth, cymuned neu ieuenctid eraill.

Profiad o ymgysylltu â grwpiau trwy ddulliau blaengar er mwyn creu ac annog diddordeb.

Profiad o ymgysylltu â grwpiau o gymunedau o amddifadedd neu’r rheini sy’n ‘anodd eu cyrraedd’.

Profiad perthnasol, yn gyflogedig neu’n wirfoddol, mewn amgueddfa, oriel neu leoliad addysgol.

Profiad o gynllunio, trefnu a darparu rhaglenni a digwyddiadau project.

Profiad o ddarparu rhaglenni ac adnoddau ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd dysgu ffurfiol ac anffurfiol, gan gynnwys ysgolion, teuluoedd, pobl ifanc ac oedolion a chymunedau.

Profiad o gyfleu gwyddoniaeth i gynulleidfaoedd heb wybodaeth o’r pwnc.

Cymwysterau Academaidd / Safon Addysg

Gradd mewn ecoleg, gwyddor amgylcheddol neu bwnc perthnasol a/neu brofiad cyfwerth.

Gradd meistr mewn ecoleg, gwyddor amgylcheddol neu bwnc perthnasol neu gyfwerth.

Sgiliau Gofynnol

Sgiliau cyfathrebu rhagorol, ar lafar ac ar bapur, a’r gallu i ymdrin ag ystod eang o ddefnyddwyr, yn enwedig y rheini nad ydynt yn wyddonwyr ac sydd o gefndiroedd amrywiol.

Y gallu i gyfathrebu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg neu barodrwydd i ddysgu.

Y gallu i feddwl yn greadigol wrth ddarparu rhaglenni ac adnoddau.

Y gallu i gynllunio ac amserlennu’n effeithiol.

Lefel uchel o allu cyfrifiadurol a gwybodaeth o becynnau Windows. Gallu defnyddio’r rhyngrwyd, e-bost a’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn hyderus.

Sgiliau trefnu rhagorol gan gynnwys y gallu profedig i gynllunio a gweithredu projectau ar amser ac yn unol â’r gyllideb.

Ffactorau Personol Gofynnol

Sgiliau rhyngbersonol rhagorol a’r gallu i weithio’n effeithiol ac yn hyderus ar bob lefel ac ymgysylltu ag ymwelwyr.

Y gallu i weithio’n hyblyg, gan gynnwys ar benwythnosau a gŵyl y banc yn ogystal â’r gallu i addasu i arddulliau dysgu a darparu gwahanol.

Y gallu i weithio o’ch pen a’ch pastwn eich hun.

Agwedd gydweithredol tuag at weithio mewn tîm ac adeiladu rhwydweithiau.

Dealltwriaeth o egwyddorion amrywiaeth a chydraddoldeb o safbwynt gwaith Amgueddfa Cymru a’r gallu i’w rhoi ar waith.

Y gallu a’r parodrwydd i deithio ledled de Cymru a chynnal arolygon maes ac ymgysylltu â chymunedau.

Cymwyseddau penodol i’r swydd hon

Bydd angen i’r ymgeisydd llwyddiannus allu dangos enghreifftiau o’r canlynol (gweler “Canllawiau Recriwtio” am gyngor ar sut i lenwi’r ffurflen gais):

Cymhwysedd Craidd Esiampl Ymddygiad

Gweithio’n Bositif gydag Eraill Aelod gwerthfawr o dîm sy’n darparu cefnogaeth i eraill ac yn cyfrannu at feithrin diwylliant agored a gweithle cynhyrchiol.

Gallu casglu gwybodaeth mewn ffordd drefnus y gellir ei hadalw.

Croesawu Dysgu, Newid a Chreadigrwydd

Ymroddiad i ddysgu. Gallu amsugno cymaint o wybodaeth a phrofiad perthnasol â phosibl. Ymroddiad personol i ddysgu, tyfu a newid yn barhaus.

Ymroddiad i Ganolbwyntio ar Gwsmeriaid

Dealltwriaeth fod pawb y dônt i gysylltiad â nhw yn gwsmer.

Dangos ymroddiad gwirioneddol ac ymarferol er mwyn sicrhau canlyniadau rhagorol i gwsmeriaid.

Cyrraedd Canlyniadau Effeithiol Rheoli llwyth gwaith ac ymddygiad personol yn wyneb gofynion cystadleuol a blaenoriaethau sy’n newid.

Dangos egni a phenderfyniad wrth gyflawni amcanion personol, tîm a sefydliad.

Ymrwymiad i amrywiaeth a chyfrifoldebau cymdeithasol

Dangos ymroddiad i egwyddorion amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant.

Hyrwyddo ac arddel arferion sy’n lleihau effaith amgylcheddol y gwaith.

Hyrwyddo Iechyd a Diogelwch ym mhob agwedd o waith Amgueddfa Cymru.

Telerau ac amodau gwasanaeth


Cyflog cychwynnol Gradd D £22,448.26 - £28,911.21

Penodir yr ymgeisydd i’r lefel isaf ar y radd hon fel arfer neu.

Hyd y contract 2 flynedd 6 mis

Oriau’r contract

37 awr yr wythnos.

Cyfnod prawf Mae cyfnod prawf o 6 mis yn berthnasol i’r swydd hon.

Mae pob penodiad newydd yn ddibynnol ar dderbyn geirdaon boddhaol, adroddiad meddygol ac Archwiliad o Euogfarnau Troseddol yn ogystal â phrawf o’ch hawl i weithio yn y DU.


Manteision gweithio i Amgueddfa Cymru

Gwyliau blynyddol 27 diwrnod adeg penodi, yn codi i 32 diwrnod ar ôl 5 mlynedd o wasanaeth, ynghyd ag un diwrnod braint adeg y Nadolig ac 8 gŵyl banc (ar gyfer staff amser llawn). Defnyddir sail pro rata i gyfrifo gwyliau staff rhan amser.

Oriau Hyblyg Rydym yn gweithredu system oriau gwaith hyblyg er mwyn galluogi staff i daro cydbwysedd rhwng eu bywyd cartref a gwaith ac er mwyn helpu i reoli eu hamser mewn ffordd sydd mor effeithiol â phosibl. Mae’r cynllun yn agored i bawb heblaw staff sy’n gweithio ar sail rota. Caiff staff newydd wybod a fyddan nhw’n cymryd rhan yn y cynllun ai peidio adeg eu penodi.

Pensiwn Rydym yn cynnig cynllun pensiwn galwedigaethol cyflog terfynol i weithwyr parhaol. Ar hyn o bryd, cyfraniad y gweithiwr yw 9%.

Datblygiad a Hyfforddiant Hyfforddiant Cychwynnol

Mae’r Amgueddfa wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu cyfleoedd datblygu a hyfforddi ardderchog ar gyfer pob gweithiwr cyflogedig. Rydym yn darparu sesiwn Hyfforddiant Cychwynnol cynhwysfawr ar gyfer pob aelod newydd o staff ar ôl eu penodi.

Talebau Gofal Plant: Mae cynllun talebau gofal plant ar gael sy’n golygu y gallwch dderbyn rhan o’ch cyflog fel talebau gofal plant nad oes rhaid talu treth na chyfraniadau Yswiriant Cenedlaethol ar eu cyfer (gwerth hyd at £55 yr wythnos). Gellir defnyddio’r talebau i dalu’ch darparwr gofal plant.

Arferion Gweithio sydd o Gymorth i Deuluoedd

Rydym yn cynnig amrywiaeth o arferion gweithio sydd o gymorth i deuluoedd fel enghraifft absenoldeb mamolaeth/tadolaeth, absenoldeb mabwysiadu, seibiant gyrfa, absenoldeb estynedig ac amrywio oriau gwaith.

Cynllun Benthyciadau Teithio

Gall staff wneud cais am fenthyciad di-log i brynu tocyn bws blynyddol neu chwarterol neu docyn trên tymhorol hyd at £1,500 neu feic hyd at £300.

Cynllun Iechyd a Ffitrwydd Mae'r Adran Adnoddau Dynol wedi sefydlu cynllun aelodaeth o glybiau

ffitrwydd i staff am bris gostyngol arbennig sy’n arbed 25% ar gost aelodaeth safonol.

Cyfarpar Sgrin Arddangos Bydd yr Amgueddfa yn trefnu (ar gyfer staff sydd fel arfer yn defnyddio offer sgrin arddangos (OSA) am gyfnodau parhaus neu bron yn barhaus am awr neu fwy ar y tro bob dydd) i gael cyfradd ostyngol ar sbectol yn Specsavers.

Cynlluniau Buddion: Beneden Healthcare Society Darparwyr gofal iechyd o'r radd flaenaf heb orfod talu yswiriant meddygol drud. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar Fewnrwyd yr amgueddfa neu ewch i www.beneden.org.uk Cymdeithas Gwasanaethau Iechyd ac Ysbytai Cymru (WHA) Gall WHA eich helpu gyda chostau gofal iechyd bob dydd megis costau deintyddol, optegol a ffisiotherapi. Mae rhagor o fanylion ar y wefan www.whahealthcare.co.uk Cynllun Undeb Credyd Rydym yn cynnig ffordd hawdd i weithwyr ymuno ag Undeb Credyd Caerdydd. Aelodau’r cynllun yw perchnogion a rheolwyr Undeb Credyd Caerdydd, sefydliad cynilo a benthyg gaiff ei reoli er lles ei aelodau. Mae’n lle syml a chyfleus i gynilo ac yn caniatáu benthyciadau isel eu cost. Ceir rhagor o fanylion gan yr Adran Adnoddau Dynol.

Cynllun Gostyngiad i Staff Mae gan bob aelod staff hawl i ostyngiad o 20% yn siopau’r Amgueddfa

a gostyngiad o 25% yn y caffis.

Undebau Llafur Mae gan aelodau staff yr hawl i ymaelodi ag undeb llafur cofrestredig a chymryd rhan ar unrhyw adeg briodol yng ngweithgareddau’r corff rydych chi’n rhan ohono, gan gynnwys ymgeisio am swydd a’i chyflawni. Yr undebau a gydnabyddir gan yr Amgueddfa yw Prospect, PCS a FDA.

Sut i wneud cais: Dylai ymgeiswyr am y swydd lenwi'r ffurflen gais sydd ar gael ar dudalen Swyddi ein gwefan sef www.amgueddfacymru.ac.uk Mae'r ffurflen yn rhoi cyfle i chi egluro sut mae eich cymwysterau, eich profiad a’ch rhinweddau personol yn eich gwneud yn ymgeisydd addas ar gyfer y swydd hon Dylech dychwelyd eich ffurflen i’r cyfeiriad ebost hwn: ad.swyddi@amgueddfacymru.ac.uk neu ei phostio i’r: Adran Adnoddau Dynol Amgueddfa Cymru Parc Cathays Caerdydd CF10 3NP Ffôn: (029) 2057 3306 Ffacs: (029) 2057 3370

Sylwer bod rhaid i bob cais am swydd ein cyrraedd erbyn

5.00 pm ar y dyddiad cau. Ni fyddwn yn derbyn ceisiadau ar ôl hynny.

Bydd angen i chi gyflwyno'r ffurflenni Archwilio Cefndir a Monitro cyn i ni brosesu eich cais.

Defnyddiwch y darn o’r ffurflen gais dan y pennawd “Y swydd yr ymgeisir amdani” i nodi’r glir ai swydd llawn neu rhan amser sydd gennych mewn golwg (neu’r ddwy).

Peidiwch ag anfon CV, dim ond ffurflenni cais gaiff eu hystyried.

Yn anffodus, oherwydd y nifer o geisiadau a ddisgwylir mewn perthynas â’r swydd hon, ni fydd yn bosibl i ni ysgrifennu’n bersonol at bob ymgeisydd aflwyddiannus. Fodd bynnag, bydd cyfweliadau yn cael eu cynnal fel arfer o fewn tair wythnos i’r dyddiad cau.

Noder, bydd y gost o anfon y ffurflen gais ac unrhyw atodiadau yn ôl i’r Adran Adnoddau Dynol yn fwy na phris un stamp dosbarth cyntaf.

Mae Amgueddfa Cymru yn gyflogwyr cyfle cyfartal. Croesewir ceisiadau o bob rhan o'r gymuned.

Job Description

Community Scientist – OPAL Project National Museum Cardiff


Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales was founded by Royal Charter in 1907 as the ‘National Museum of Wales’ and was granted Supplemental Charters in 1991 and 2006. It derives its funding in the main from the Welsh Government as a Welsh Government Sponsored Body (WGSB).

Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales consists of National Museum Cardiff, St Fagans: National History Museum, the National Slate Museum, the National Wool Museum, the National Roman Legion Museum, Big Pit: National Coal Museum, the National Waterfront Museum and the National Collections Centre.

The key purpose of Amgueddfa Cymru is the advancement of the education of the public. This is to be achieved by caring for, enhancing and giving access to the collections, which cover earth and natural sciences, fine and applied art and the archaeology, and industrial and social history of Wales.

The Vision of Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales today is to be

a world-class museum of learning.

The senior management group consists of the Director General and four Directors.

Senior management structure  


Director General

Deputy Director

General and Director of Operations

Director of Finance & Corporate Resources

Director of Learning,

Exhibitions and Digital Media  

Director of

Collections & Research  

OPAL Project

Amgueddfa Cymru has been successful in attracting support for a Community Scientist under the OPAL Project, funded by Big Lottery. OPAL brings together institutions who work with local communities to develop and deliver a programme of environmental projects. The projects include the development and provision of tools, training and practical experience covering a range of skills, from the identification of plants, animals and fungi, to surveying and monitoring flora and fauna, assessing habitat quality and investigating aspects of climate change. It is essential that the post holder has a willingness to travel.

In addition to the Community Scientist based at Amgueddfa Cymru who will have the remit to work in south Wales, there will be two OPAL Community Scientists based in north Wales, hosted by Cofnod and by the Wildlife Trust.

Main purpose of the post

The OPAL Community Scientist will work with communities in south Wales to promote OPAL and support members of the public to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to better understand and monitor the environment. This work will range from arranging open public events to promote OPAL activities or products, to working closely with individuals or small groups in undertaking field-based studies to support the development of their environmental interests using resource materials provided by OPAL.

Responsible to

The post-holder will report to the Head of Entomology.

Key Tasks and Responsibilities

Engaging communities in south Wales in environmental monitoring by:

• Developing existing Museum contacts in the region into a network of groups and individuals interested in furthering their awareness and understanding of the environment

• Building capacity in groups by providing education and training in basic environmental field-based monitoring skills based on materials supplied by OPAL

• Promoting the launch in south Wales of a new Wales-wide survey by running community-based events and providing training in the survey methodology to groups and individuals

• Assisting at other community-based events, as required • Supporting the development of OPAL products and services by providing

insight and lessons learned from their own experiences delivering field-based ecological learning to the public

• Gathering data generated by the field surveys and collating that data for submission to OPAL

• Collecting information about the groups and individuals involved in the survey activities

• Developing and agreeing a programme and operational plan for the project and submit for approval to the Head of Entomology

• Providing regular information and updates to the Head of Entomology concerning achievements against targets and milestones agreed between the Museum and OPAL in order that timely reports can be provided to OPAL in order to monitor progress

• Liaising with the two Community Scientists based in north Wales and from time to time co-ordinate joint activities

• Attending meetings, workshops and conferences as appropriate


• A wide range of high quality, events and programmes taking place across south Wales for the full range of audiences are planned, communicated and delivered.

• Proactive engagement with visitors in communities, especially those in deprived areas.

• Information and resources for families, young people, adults and community groups to enable them to engage with the environment in their locality.

• Information on numbers and quality of engagement for performance monitoring and other operational reporting requirements are fed through to OPAL and support agreed targets and milestones

• A higher profile for environmental issues in south Wales • Efficient team working and effective use of resources

Person Specification

The successful applicant will need to demonstrate the following (please see the “Recruitment Guidance” for advice on how to complete the application form):


Knowledge Required

Demonstrable knowledge of environmental topics particularly in Wales.

Understanding of need to monitor and evaluate programmes against strategic aims and objectives.

Knowledge of the Opal Project.

Knowledge of the wider learning environment, including digital and online

Experience Required

Experience working with voluntary or community sector groups, networking, developing and maintaining contacts.

Relevant experience of learning programmes in other cultural or heritage, community or youth sectors

Experience of engaging with groups in innovative ways to create and stimulate interest.

Experience of engaging with groups from deprived communities or those classed as ‘hard-to-reach’

Relevant experience, whether paid or voluntary in a museum, gallery or educational setting.

Experience in planning, organising and delivering project programmes and events

Experience of delivering programmes and resources for informal learning audiences, including, families, young people and adults and communities

Experience in communicating science to non-science audiences

Academic Qualifications / Standard of Education

A degree in ecology, environmental science or a related subject and/or equivalent experience.

A masters degree in ecology, environmental science or a related subject or equivalent

Skills Required

Excellent communication skills, both written and oral, with the ability to address and engage a range of users, especially non-scientists from varied backgrounds

Ability to communicate in Welsh or a willingness to learn.

Creative thinking in delivering programmes and resources

Ability to plan and schedule effectively

A high degree of computer literacy with knowledge of Windows-based applications. A confident user of internet, email and social media.

Excellent organisational skills including demonstrable ability to plan and deliver projects to time and budget

Personal Factors Required

Excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to deal effectively and confidently at all levels and engage visitors.

Ability to work flexibly, including at weekends and bank holidays as well as an ability to adapt to different learning styles and methods of delivery.

An ability to work on own initiative.

A collaborative approach to team working and building networks.

An understanding of the principles of equality and diversity in relation to Amgueddfa Cymru’s work and the ability to apply these in practice.

An ability and willingness to travel across South Wales to carry out field surveys and community engagement.

Competencies Specific to this Post The successful applicant will need to demonstrate the following (please see the “Recruitment Guidance” for advice on how to complete the application form):

Core Competency Example Behaviours

Working Positively with others A valued member of the team who provides support to others and contributes to creating an open culture and productive working environment.

Accumulates knowledge and information in an organized, retrievable way.

Embracing Learning, Change and Creativity

An appetite for learning. Soaks up as much relevant knowledge and experience as possible.

Demonstrates a personal commitment to continuous learning, growth and change.

Commitment to Customer focus Recognises that everyone with whom they come into contact is a customer.

Demonstrates a genuine and practical commitment to deliver excellent results for customers.

Delivery of effective outcomes Manages own workload and own behaviours in a context of competing demands and changing priorities.

Demonstrates energy and determination in meeting personal, team and organizational goals.

Commitment to Diversity & Social Responsibilities

Demonstrates a commitment to the principles of diversity and inclusion.

Encourages and adopts practice that reduces the environmental impact of activities.

Champions Health & Safety across the entire Museum’s work.


Terms and conditions of service Starting Salary Grade D £22,448.26 - £28,911.21

Appointment will normally be to the minimum of the salary scale for this grade.

Contract Length

Two years six months

Contract Hours

37 hours per week.

Probation The post is subject to a probationary period of 6 months.

All new appointments are subject to the receipt of satisfactory references, medical report and criminal conviction vetting clearance plus proof of eligibility to work in the UK.


Benefits in working for Amgueddfa Cymru Annual Leave 27 days on appointment, rising to 32 days after 5 years service, plus a

privilege day at Christmas and 8 bank holidays (for full time staff). The days are pro-rated for staff who work part-time.

Flexitime We operate a flexitime system to enable staff to meet their work-life balance requirements and help manage their time as effectively as possible. The scheme is open to all staff except for those who work on a rota basis. New staff will be informed on appointment of their eligibility for the scheme.

Pension We offer permanent employees a final salary occupational pension scheme. (The National Museum of Wales Pension Scheme). The employee contribution is currently 9%.

Training & Development

Induction Training

We are committed to providing excellent training and development opportunities for all employees.

We provide a comprehensive Induction Training session for all new members of staff on appointment.

Childcare Vouchers We provide a childcare voucher scheme that enables you to take part of your salary in childcare vouchers, which are then free from tax and National Insurance contributions (up to the value of £55 per week).

Family-Friendly Working Practices

We offer a range of family-friendly working practices such as maternity/paternity leave, adoption leave, career breaks, extended leave and variable working.

Travel Loan Scheme Staff may apply for an interest-free travel loan to purchase an annual or quarterly bus or rail season ticket up to the value of £1,500 or a bicycle up to the value of £300.

Health & Fitness Scheme

We have established membership of fitness clubs at special discounted rates for staff where you can save 25% on the cost of standard membership.

Display Screen Equipment

We will arrange (for employees who normally use display screen equipment for continuous or near-continuous spells of an hour or more at a time on a daily basis) to have discounted rate on spectacles at Specsavers.

Benefit Schemes: Beneden Healthcare Society: Further information can be found on the Intranet or at www.beneden.org.uk.

WHA (Welsh Hospitals & Health Services Association) WHA can help you with everyday health care costs such as dental, optical and physiotherapy. Further details can be found at www.whahealthcare.co.uk

Credit Union Scheme: We offer employees an easy way of becoming a member of the Cardiff Credit Union. The Cardiff Credit Union is a savings and loans organization owned and run by its members for the benefit of its members. It offers a simple and convenient place to save and gives access to low cost loans. Further details can be obtained from the HR Department.

Staff Discount Scheme

All staff are entitled to 20% discount in our shops and 25% discount in our cafes.

Trade Unions Staff have the right to belong to a registered trade union and to take part at any appropriate time in the activities of the organization to which you belong, including the right to apply for and hold office. The Unions we recognise are Prospect, PCS and FDA.

How to apply:

Applicants for the post should complete our on-line application form which can be found on the Jobs page on our website at www.museumwales.ac.uk. The form provides the opportunity to explain how your qualifications, experience and personal qualities make you a suitable candidate for the position. Completed forms should be returned by e-mail to: hr.jobs@museumwales.ac.uk or posted to the: Human Resources Department Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NP Telephone: (029) 2057 3306 Fax: (029) 2057 3370 Please note that all vacancies close at 5.00 pm on the closing date.

No applications will be accepted after this time

We will need you to submit the Vetting and Equality Monitoring Forms before we can process your application.

Please use the section of the application form headed “post applied for” to state clearly whether you want to be considered for full-time or part-time jobs (or both).

Please do not send us your CV – we will only consider completed application forms.

Unfortunately, due to the number of applications we expect in respect of this post, it will not be possible to write personally to each unsuccessful applicant. However, interviews are normally arranged within three weeks of the closing date.

Please be aware that the cost of returning the completed application form and any attachments to the HR Department, will be more than the price of a single first class stamp.

Amgueddfa Cymru — National Museum Wales is an equal opportunities employer. Applications are welcome from all sections of the community.

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