雙 喜 臨 門 萬錦第333旅團童軍榮獲 榮譽童軍獎和愛丁堡公爵銀獎...

Post on 20-Jun-2020






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The Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church 天主教中華殉道聖人堂

32nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeNovember 6, 2011


專 欄 文 章 分 享 Features

On October 22, 2011 (Saturday), venturer scouts Jason Che-ung, Douglas Fung, Eugene Lei and Jeffrey Li received the Queen’s Venturer Award while rover scout Evelyn Lam received the Duke of Edinburgh Award (Silver). The award presentation ceremony was held at Queen’s Park, Toronto, the former in the morning and the latter in the afternoon and was officiated by the Lieutenant Gover-nor of Ontario, Mr. David Onley.

The Queen's Venturer Award is presented to Venturers who have acquired competence and skills that will be of considerable use to themselves, their venturer company and their community. These Venturers will have also been recognized by their venturer company, the advisor, and Scouts Canada as being worthy of receiv-ing this award. The Award signifies that a Venturer has, in the opin-ion of those who know the Venturer, both the character and ability to be of significant help to other people.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme is about challenge. It is also about providing the opportunity to accept a challenge. The Award offers young people the opportunity to set a personal goal and achieve it. Along the way, they learn about qualities like responsibility, trust, and the ability to plan and organize themselves. There is no competition between participants. The only people with whom they compete are themselves. Self-motivation is fundamen-tal to the Programme. The criterion for gaining an Award is based on individual improvement based on each participant’s starting point and potential. There are three levels of “AWARDS” – Bronze, Silver and Gold. Participants have to fulfill the different requirements of the four sections of the Programme – Service, Expeditions, Skills, and Fitness.

In addition, the awards are of special importance when, in the future, writing up resume to apply for admission into universities or for job. If interested in scouting, please contact our Group Commis-sioner, Cindy Kwok, by calling 416-910-3753.

於2011年10月22日 (星期六) 在多倫多女皇公園省督府內舉行的頒獎典禮中,萬錦第333旅團的深資童軍張恩銘、馮睿君、李而津和李子謙獲頒授榮譽童軍獎、而樂行童軍林苑勛榮獲愛丁堡公爵銀獎,頒授榮譽童軍獎的儀式是在上午、而頒發愛丁堡公爵銀獎儀式則在下午進行,由安省省督翁利主禮。



此外,獎項對未來報讀大學或求職寫履歷時大有幫助,如對童軍活動有興趣,請致電 416-910-3753與旅團總監郭袁淑嫺聯絡。

(1) Queen’s Venturers :(from left) : Leader Sandra Ip, Venturers Douglas Fung, Eugene Lei, Jason Cheung & Jeffrey Li and Leader Melvin Iu(左起) ﹕ 領袖葉幸婷、深資童軍馮睿君、李而津、張恩銘和李子謙、及領袖姚嘉墀

雙 喜 臨 門萬錦第333旅團童軍榮獲

榮譽童軍獎和愛丁堡公爵銀獎Double Achievement

Scouts of 333rd Markham Scout Group receivedQueen’s Venturer Award & Duke of Edinburgh Award

撰文 Article ﹕郭詠觀Jason Kwok圖片 Photos﹕李以立/郭詠觀 Daniel Lei/Jason Kwok

(2) DEA Award :(from left) : Leaders Jason Kwok & Cindy Kwok, Rover Evelyn Lam and her dad and sister(左起) 領袖郭詠觀和郭袁淑嫺、樂行童軍林苑勛和她的父親及妹妹

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