engineering management,

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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Managing People & Developing Leadership in

Technology Related Enterprises Engineering Management International Forum

工程管理国际论坛Beijing, China -- April 23, 2005北京 , 2005年 4月 23日


Sponsors and Co-sponsors: (Alphabetically listed)

主办 /协办 /支持单位 (按英文字母顺序排列 ): 

主办单位 : 美国机械工程师学会 (ASME),中国外专局 (SAFEA),清华大学 (Tsinghua University)

协办单位 : 国际工程管理认证中心 (EMCI),中国国际人才交流协会 (CAIEP), 清华继续教育学院支持单位 : ASCE, AIME, AIChE, CMES, US Embassy, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, etc.

Sunil B. Gupta

Sr. Mgt.

Middle Management

1st Line Management

Staff Engineering

Management Career “Pyramid”

Traditional Model

• MBA’s -

•Management Training Courses -

•Structured Workplace Learning Experiences-

•Engineering Management Certification -

What are the critical skills that get engineers successfully through the transition from

specialist to manager?

And how are they acquired?

Management Levels & Skills Mix

Michael K. Badawy, Developing Managerial Skills in Engineers and Scientists: Succeeding as a Technical Manager, 1982.

Administrative and Conceptual Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Technical Skills

1st Level(Supervisors)

2nd Level(Middle Managers)

3rd Level(Senior Managers)

Engineering Management Career

Team Leader

Project Leader


Project Tracking

Resource Expenditures

Customer Orientation

Quality Focus


Myers Briggs


Situational Leadership

Demonstrate Core Values

Managing Diverse Workforce


Conflict Management

Change Management

Team Building


Human Resources Mgmt

Branch Head (Middle Mgr)

Asst. Program Mgr


Innovative Thinking

Program Development Planning & Evaluation

Model/Reinforce Core Values

Resource Management

Technology Management

Process Oversight Management


Presentation/ Marketing Skills

Risk Management

Division Head (Sr Mgr)

Program Manager


Strategic Vision

External Awareness

Organizational Representation & Liaison

Directorate Head (Senior Mgr)




3 Cornerstones to the Top of the “Pyramid”

The secret of success is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. -Benjamin Disreali, British Novelist and Debater (1804-1881)


Mgmt Career Path



Technical Competence

Interpersonal/Team Skills

Mission/Organization Awareness

Written/Oral Communications

Problem Solving


Conflict Management

Human Resources Management

Negotiating Skills

Management Development Planning Considerations

Understanding of Diversity Issues

Team Building

Innovative/Creative Thinking

Coaching.Mentoring Skills

Project/Program Management Skills

Resource Management (Financial, People, etc.)

Risk Management

External Awareness (Organizational Awareness, Laws, Policies, etc.)

Strategic Planning

…and Others

Management Development Planning Considerations

Learn how to do the one-on-one performance evaluation

Unions? – get smart in labor relations

Learn HR policies and build relationships with HR reps

Learn how to work with “difficult” people

Diversity – understand benefits and issues - volunteer for Diversity Boards or Panels

Management books and journals – remember no one “guru” has all the answers – take the best from all your readings – case studies are particularly interesting and educational

Elements to Developing Successful Managers

Leadership vs. ManagementLeadership is about influencing people to follow

Management focuses on maintaining systems and processes

Managers maintain direction

Leaders create positive change

Leadership is influence

Leadership is …..

Setting the bar…then…Raising the bar

Management is …..

…Ensuring the bar is cleared…

Leadership vs. Management

Leadership is getting others to willingly follow you

Managers have respect due to position;

Leaders get respect because they make things happen – they drive positive change

A good manager may not be a good leader;

A great leader may not be a good manager

Keys to Preparing for a Successful Management Career

People Skills

Communications Skills

Management Skills

Technical Skills

It’s all about People…It’s all about People…

Key Focus Areas for Developing Managers

Continuously improve your Communications ability– written & oral communications

New Focus Area: International Communications

Negotiating – key skill to a manager’s future success

Financial Management/Budget Development – general theory and the specific organization’s accounting & budgeting practices

Communications Remember - actions speak louder than words

Manager is a Role Model - subordinates will imitate the manager’s behavior or attitude or act accordingly - they’ll listen closely to what’s said - but if the manager does something different….so will they.

Contradictions will impact Manager-Subordinate trust

How can you be trusted if you say one thing and do another?

Actions speak louder than words!


Managers are responsible for motivating employees

3 Factors influence Employee MotivationWill effort be recognized in performance appraisals?

What is the performance-reward relationship?

Do employees receive awards they really want?

Performance EvaluationPerformance Reviews - most difficult part of a Manager’s job

Difficult to discuss weaknesses with employees

Employees become defensive when receiving negative feedback - and possibly exhibit aggressive behavior

Employees have inflated sense of their own performance

Employees should be aware of where they stand throughout the year - not find out at review time

The Best Surprise is No Surprise!

Elements of a Successful Manager “Soft skills” will play a significant part in successfully transitioning from Engineer to Engineering Manager

A manager must have a strong desire to want to continue to develop himself/herself AND more importantly a desire to develop others

Become a Decision Maker – Managers have to make the “Tough Choices”

It’s all about People…It’s all about People…

Why is Engineering Management Certification Necessary?

For the individual engineers, building on their technical background, engineering management certification opens new career paths – a bridge that facilitates the transition from engineering practice to management.

Certification validates the knowledge and skills in marketing, finance, leadership, law, and cultural diversity. Moreover, the experience in managing business operations and technological and human resources enhances the opportunity of success in technology-based organizations in the global marketplace.

Engineering managers are distinguished from other managers by the fact that they posses both an ability to apply engineering principles & a skill in organizing and directing technical projects and people in technical jobs.

They are capable of designing, implementing, operating and optimizing sophisticated high technology enterprises in manufacturing, government or industrial service sectors of our global economy.

There is a growing need in technology driven enterprises to integrate engineering and management systems in order to ensure that the company thrives in global competition.

Engineering Managers are the managers for the 21st Century

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