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영어를 베우다


영어를 배우는 새로운 방법

2013년 8월 출판


우리가 가진 경험으로 확연히 다른 영어공부를 체험 할 수 있습니다.

Leo Languages는 당신에게 딱 맞는

코스를 제공합니다.


레벨과 예산에 맞춘 완벽한 영어 해결책

ILH어학 교사 집에서 거주하며 배우는 코스


English in Margate해안가에서 배우는 질 높은 어학코스

Home Group 6 어학 교사 집에서 소수로 배우는 코스



English in a Castle바다가 가까운 아름다운 성에서 배우는 코스

Languages Now원어민 교사가 직접 찾아오는 코스

Language Teacher Guide해외도시를 어학 교사와 돌아보는 코스




16 All Abroad Languages당신에게 맞춰진 코스









Junior Residence영국 공립학교에서 거주하며 배우는 코스15


18 Train to Teach English원어민 과 외국인 영어교사를 위한 코스


City English런던 문화를 어학 교사와 배우는 코스


ILH의 스타일

우리는 20년이 넘는 기간 동안 ILH식의 어학연수 코스를 제공해왔습니다.

오랫동안 쌓아온 경험으로 교사와 함께 생활하며 공부하는 방법이 즐겁고 가장 효과적으로 배울 수 있는 것으로 증명 되 있습니다.

주 15시간,20시간, 혹은 30시간 중에서 수업시간 선택이 가능하고, 살기 좋은 집에서 어학교사와 함께 생활하며 공부 할 수 있습니다.

여러분의 선생님은 여러분의 관심이나 원하는 것에 맞춰 수업을 진행하고, 수업의 진행속도도 여러분의 능력에 맞춰 진행하므로, 단 기간 안에 외국어를 다루는 자신감을 갖도록 도와줍니다.

홈스테이 체험

ILH에서의 어학체험은 숙박과 모든 식사가 포함되어 있어, 수업 후에도 교사와 그의 가족과 함께 여가 활동이나 가족생활을 즐길 수 있습니다.

교사와 생활하므로 항상 외국어를 쓰게 되고 하루 종일 배울 수 있게 됩니다. 수업 중 뿐만 아니라, 식사, 외출, 여가활동 중 살아있는 외국어를 배울 수 있습니다.

생활하게 되는 가정은 여러분의 관심, 식사제한 등 특별한 요구를 검토한 후에 결정됩니다.

International Language HomestaysWWW.ILH.COM



ILH는 20년이 넘는 기간동안 다양한 학생을 상대로 어학연수를 제공해 왔습니다.

완벽한 학습환경집중해서 학습 할 수 있도록, 시작부터 끝까지 새새한 준비가 되어 있으며, 여러분만을 위한 오리지널 코스는 개인적인 관심,학습희망, 그리고 목적도 고려한 후에 완성됩니다.

어학교사의 집에서 생활하게 됨으로 여러분은 온전히 그 언어에만 집중하는 생활을 보낼 수 있습니다. 그런 환경 속에서 살아있는 표현들을 배우게 될 수 있습니다.

전문직을 위한 외국어

경영인 코스비즈니스 혹은 전문직, 또는 전문용어를 필요로 하는 사람들을 대상으로 개강하고 있습니다. 코스 참가전의 영어 레벨 테스트, 전문용어 교육, 그리고 학습교재가 코스에 포함 되어 있습니다.

분야 별로 전문용어를 배울 수 있습니다. (예: 법률,금융,회계,마케팅,영업,항공,의료 등..)

시험 대비 코스나이와 상관 없이 어학시험을 준비하시는 분들을 위해 개강하고 있으며, 오리지널 시험 대책 교재가 포함 되어 있습니다.

현지 지원현지 직원이 여러분의 머무를 곳을 엄선하고, 처음부터 끝까지 체재 하시는 동안 도와드립니다. 현지 직원은 코스나 체재지에 대한 희망사항을 들어드리도록 항시 준비 되어있습니다.

ILH의 교사들마치 집에 있는 것처럼 살기 편한 환경을 제공하고, 1대1 교육에 능숙하고 교육열이 있는 어학교사가 여러분의 선생님으로 선택 됩니다. 여러분의 연령, 관심, 학습목적을 고려하고, 현지 직원이 가장 적합한 선생님을 찾아 드립니다.






이탈리아, 포르투갈, 일본

기간 무제한

영어 능력

초보부터 상급자를 위한 코스


1人 (1대1레슨;가족,부부,개인에게



매주 15시간,20시간,25시간,30시간

중 선택 가능

코스 기간 일년 내내

연령 모든 연령


“ 어학교사와 함께 하는 도시 체험 “추가 옵션


ILH코스에 관광을 추가

시티 플러스나 시티 경험등을 추가하시면 어학학습뿐 아니라

관광도 즐기실수 있습니다. 가까운 마을이나 역사적 명소를

어학교사와 함께 방문함으로, 그 배경을 알고, 여러분이 배우게

될 외국어를 한층 깊게 배울 수 있습니다.

ILH코스에 지역문화 체험을 추가

은 취미 플러스를 추가하시면 반나절 혹은 일일여행을

즐기는 기회가 주어집니다. 체재지에서 가까운 역사적 명소,

문화센터등에 어학교사와 함께 방문합니다. 배우고 있는 지역의

전통, 문화, 유적 등을 체험하기 딱 좋은 기회가 됩니다.

ILH코스에 활동시간을 추가

이 옵션을 추가하시면 어학학습을 은 취미, 승마나, 골프, 댄스,

조정 등의 스포츠로 시작해 요리와 스쿠버다이빙등 여러분이

좋아하시는 활동을 마음껏 즐기실 수 있습니다.

여러분에 있어서 최고의 경험이 될 수 있도록 ILH의 모든 코스는 자유롭게 커스텀 할 수 있습니다. 도착전 골프, 테니스, 승마, 댄스등의 스포츠나 문화 체험들을 예약하실 수 있습니다.


중.고등학생을 위한 쉐어 코스

국적이 다른 학생 한명 혹은 두명과 함께 홈스테이를 체험하고

싶은 중.고등학생에게 딱 맞는 코스입니다. 이 코스는 영어를

배운적이 있는 학생을 대상으로 개최됩니다.


주 15시간에 걸쳐 어학스킬을 친근하고 편한 환경에서 배우게 됩니다. 다른 나라의 학생과 함께 교사의 집에서 함께 수업을 받는 새로운 경험을 즐기는 학생도.

ILH 교사들

학생들은 남 잉글랜드에 사는

따뜻한 가정에서 선생님과 함께

생활하게 됩니다.


켄트주와 에식스주에는 다양한 역사적 성들, 중세의 모습을 남긴 마을이나 해안, 아름다운 정원 풍경등 학생의 여가시간을 즐길 수 있는 볼 것들이 풍부합니다.

쉐어 코스

다른 국적의 학생들과 함께

배우면서, 젊은 중.고등학생에게는

영어를 쓰며 대화를 하고 싶다는

마음을 일으키는 가장 적합한







영국 켄트주와 에식스주

기간 2주에서 4주

영어 능력

중급자를 위한 코스

최대인원 3人

수업 매주 15시간

코스 기간 6월에서 8월까지

연령 는14- 17세까지


“ 배우며 만드는 새로운 친구를 “

주의사항: 본 코스는 추가옵션입니다. 참가자는 일년중에서,

언제든지 희망 지역에서 1대1 코스를 예약 할 수 있습니다.


우리가 제공하는 영어학교학교는 남동 잉글랜드의 켄트주 마게트라는 곳에 위치하고있으며 여름에는 런던이나 근교에서의 관광객들이 넘쳐나는 해안가에 인접한 마을에 있는 18세 이상을 대상으로한 친근감 넘치는 영어

학교입니다. 18세 이상의 성인을 대상으로 일이나 시험, 취미등 개개인의 목적에 맞춘 영어를 배우는 수준 높은 코스를 제공하고 있습니다.


학교는 마게이트의 중심부에있으며, 19세기초기에 지어진 역사적인 건축물을 학교로서 사용하고 있으며, 앞 마당에는 영국다운 잔디 밭이 펼쳐져있습니다.


학교가 소개하는 홈스테이 가정들은 전부 wi-fi 가 사용이 가능하고, 학교에서도 걸어 다닐 수 있는 거리에 위치하고 있습니다.


친근하고 실력 있는 교사들이 다양한 교재를 사용하여 열정 있는 수업을 하고 있으므로, 여러분도 본교에 오시면 만족스러운 어학체험을 하실 수 있을 겁니다.

켄트를 둘러보다

“잉글랜드의 정원”이라 불릴 정도로 아름다운 켄트주에는 정원풍경이나 역사적 건물들을 둘러 보시지않겠습니까? 학교 스탭들이 동행하는 여행이 정기적으로 개최되고 있습니다.

친구들과의 만남

교내에는 학생들에게 인기있는 커피숍 (wi-fi , 당구 사용가능)이 있으며 항상 음악이 흘러 나오는 커피숍에서 학생들은 쉬는시간이나 방과후 시간을 이용하여 편한 마음으로 세계 각국의 친구를 만들고 있습니다.

마게트 주변지역

마게이트, 브로드스테어스, 램즈게이트- 이 3개의 마을을 합친 지역 일대는 사네트섬이라 불리고 있습니다. 인구는 140,000 명 정도이고 넓은 쇼핑장소와 박물관, 미술관, 영화관, 클럽 등의 시설들도 있습니다.











코스일반 영어 코스 (표준/집중)일반영어코스의 목적은 영어로 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기, 듣기 능력을 늘리고, 문

법 단어 발음등을 함께 발전시켜나가는 것입니다. 오후의 코스에는 희망에

따라 비즈니스나 시험대책등의 옵션코스를 개최하고 있습니다.

복합&개인 영어 코스오전중의 표준코스에 더해 오후에는 개인의 목적에 특화된 개인레슨을 조

합하거나, 종일 1대1로 완전 개인 목표에 맞춘 개인영어 코스를 수강 할 수

도 있습니다. 거기다 평일에는 워킹런치라는 어학교사와 점심을 함께하면

서 살아있는 영어를 배우는 옵션도 준비되어 있습니다.

시험 대책 코스IELTS, TOEIC, BULATS, Cambridge First Certifi cate 와 Cambridge

Advanced English등의 시험대책코스를 제공하고 있습니다. TOEIC 과

BULATS에 대해서는 본교에서도 시험을 치룰 수도 있으며, 그외에 시험

에 대해서도 근교에서 치룰수 있습니다.

올 인 원 파켓복합코스, 어학교사와의 런치, 일일 여행, 공항 이송, 홈스테이에서의 개인

욕실등이 포함됩니다.

잉글랜드의 정원1주일 단위 옵션으로써 4월부터 9월까지 개최되고 문화체험 일일 여행을

오전코스와 함께 하거나, 다른 코스와 함께 들으 실 수 있습니다.

“ 아름다운 비치에서 단 500m의 거리에

위치 “


Luton AirportStansted Airport

w Airport

Gatwick Airport




Ashford InternationalStation (Eurostar)

0 100 km

Ebbsfleet InternationalStation (Eurostar)






Eurotunnel train to Europe

Kent International AirportLondon

Stansted Ai



기간 무제한

영어 능력

초보부터 상급자를 위한 코스

(초급자 분들을 위한 개별코스도

준비 가능합니다.)

최대인원 12人(평균 8人)

수업 매주 20번에서 40번의


코스 기간 일년 내내

연령 18+


“ 단순한 언어학교이상의 인생에 추억으로 남는 경험을 제공합니다 “


마게이트에 와서 공부하다

남동 잉글랜드에 위치한 마게이트와 주변지역은 수도 런던에서도

비교적 가깝고, 명소나 역사적 지역이 풍부하게 존재합니다.

다양한 활동도 참가 할 수 있으며 이런 다양한 볼 것들이

아름다운 해변가에서 걸어서 5분에 위치하고 있습니다. 어학연수와 함께

만족스러운 추억을 남기시는 건 어떨까요?

• 아름다운 해변가와 런던 중심부에서 90분 이내의 거리

• 친근하고 18세 이상의 의욕 있는 세계 각지에서의 학생들이 있는


• 체인 학교가아닌 개인이 운영하는 학교

• 높은 실력과 친근함을 겸비한 선생님들이 제공하는 개인 학습

• 역사적인 학교 건물과 좋은 선생님들

• 일반영어, 시험대비, 그리고 비즈니스 영어 등의 다양한 코스

• 주변 지역에서의 취업체험/학교에서의 취업체험&어학학습 프로그램

• 멀티매디어 자습실은 야간까지 개방

• 친구를 만들기 좋은 커피숍도 야간 개방

• 질 높고 , 학교에서도 가까운 홈스테이

• 교내 커피숍에서 매주 열리는 이벤트들

• 켄트주의 명소를 방문하는 일일 여행과 주말 GTS투어회사 기획의

에딘버러,더블린,파리,암스텔담,브리쥬등의 여행을 정기적으로 계획

아름다운 바닷가에서 배우는 언어

고속교통으로 런던을 방문 할 수 있는 가까운 거리



“ 중.고등학생들을 위한 독창적인 어학연수 코스 “



편안한 환경에서의 학생과 선생님 혹은 학생간의 교류 시간이 있습니다. 실력 있는 선생님이 학생 한명 한명에 맞춰 수업을 하며 자신감이 생기도록 서포트 해줍니다.

야외 활동

다양한 여가시설, 문화 체험, 스포츠 프로그램등이 평일 오후에 개최되며, 매달 중순 토요일에는 관광버스투어로 런던으로 일일 여행, 유명한 대성당이 있는 켄터베리 관광이 있습니다. 입장료 교통비 등은 참가비에 포함 됩니다.


위스터블은 켄트주에 있는 아주 매력적인 해안가 마을입니다. 작은 개인경영의 가게들이 있는 중앙거리, 해운 문화, 그리고 현재도 운행중인 항구 어시장 등으로 유명합니다. 마을은

아름다운 비치와 아기자기한 돌맹이가

가득한 산책로, 그리고 거대한 성과

정원, 수영장, 볼링장 등을 포인트로

삼고 있습니다.

숙박 환경

학생들은 위스터블 지역에 거주하는 호스트 패밀리와 함께 생활하게 되며 모든 식사가 포함되어 있습니다.





홈 그룹 6 스타일

홈 그룹 6는 새롭고 창의적인 영어 학습 방법입니다. 최대 6

명의 소그룹으로 친구를 만들며 재미있는 선생님 집에서 편안한

환경으로 공부를 할 수 있습니다. 학생은 선생님 댁에서 친근감

넘치는 가족과 함께 생활하며 영어를 배우게 됩니다. 수업이 끝나면 학생은

야외활동 전문가와 함께 명소를 도는 투어를 즐길 수 있습니다.

체재지 영국스터블

기간 2주,4주 ,6주 중 선택가능,

개별적인 그룹은 기간조정이


영어 능력

초보부터 상급자를 위한 코스

최대인원 6人

수업 매주 20번의 수업 +

야외활동/일일 여행

코스 기간 6월에서 8월 사이,

그룹참가는 기간조정가능

연령 는14- 17세까지

성에서 배우는 영어 스타일

아름다운 성은 어학연수에 적합한 훌륭한 장소입니다. 학생은

그 역사적 유적지에서 아름다운 정원을 만끽하면서 위스터블의

매력 넘치는 마을에서 개최되는 가지각색의 흥미로운 문화

프로그램을 즐길 수 있습니다.


켄트주의 풍부한 문화유적을 코스의 중심으로 삼고 주변 지역과 역사적 기원들을 주제로 한 프로젝트를 하게 됩니다. 팀 공동으로 작업하며, 과제 그리고 발표하는 기회가 주어집니다.

야외 활동

문화 체험 프로그램으로써 지역 주변의 역사적 명소와 박물관, 오래된 성들과 관련 있는 장소를 방문하며, 옵션으로 댄스, 연극 그리고 아트 워크샵에 참가가 가능합니다. 그리고 런던행 관광버스투어도 체험하실 수 있습니다. 모든 입장료와 교통비는 참가비에 포함되어 있습니다


위스터블은 켄트주에 있는 아주 매력적인 해안가 마을입니다. 작은 개인경영의 가게들이 있는 중앙거리, 해운 문화, 그리고 현재도 운행중인 항구 어시장 등으로 유명합니다. 마을은

아름다운 비치와 아기자기한 돌맹이가

가득한 산책로, 그리고 거대한 성과

정원, 수영장, 볼링장 등을 포인트로

삼고 있습니다.

숙박 환경

학생들은 위스터블 지역에 거주하는 호스트 패밀리와 함께 생활하게 되며 모든 식사가 포함되어 있습니다.





체재지 영국스터블

기간 여름해외코스는 2주

혹은 4주로 구성되어있고, 개별적인

그룹은 기간조정이 가능합니다.

영어 능력

초보부터 상급자를 위한 코스

최대인원 14人

수업 여름해외코스는 매주24

번의 수업, 그룹참가는 조정가능

코스 기간 해외코스

참가는 여름에 2주, 그룹참가는


연령 여름 해외코스는16- 17

세까지, 그룹참가는 조정가능



“ 장려한 성에서 배우는 여왕의

영어 “


“ 런던 혹은 브라이튼에서 배우는 여행 “City English



매일 색다른 도시탐험이 기다리고 있습니다. 헌법, 문화적 혹은 역사적 유산, 금융, 시장 박물관 등…


영국의 수도이자 세계에서 가장

유명한 도시 중에 하나인 런던은

역사적 과거와 활기가 넘치는 현재가

동시에 존재하는 장소입니다. 역사와

혁신적인 건축물과 문화의 융합은

항상 변화하며 멋진 도시를 만들어

가고 있습니다. 활기가 넘치고

창의적인 도시 브라이튼은 그 도시의

에너지와 바다의 자유로움을 한번에

체험 하실수있습니다. 상징적인 관광

명소부터 조용한 해변가까지 볼 것이

넘치는 코스 입니다.


그 마을의 문화나 역사적 흔적을 발견하며, 작은 프로젝트나 패어 워크를 통해서 매일 영어를 발전 시켜 갑니다. 박물관이나 극장 방문, 스포츠 이벤트, 레스토랑, 그리고 클럽까지 모두 도시영어 코스에서 체험 하실 수 있습니다.

숙박 환경

브리타니아 학생 서비스의 협력하에

런던 혹은 브라이튼의 중심부에서의

수준 높은 주택에서의 자유로운

시설이 준비되어 있습니다.






도시 영어 스타일

반 친구,동료나 친구와 함께 세상에서 가장 유명한 수도와 잉글랜드에서 가장 신비로운 해안도시를 재발견하기 딱 좋은 코스입니다. 두 매력적인 도시를 돌아다니며 배우고, 런던 혹은

브라이튼의 멋진 모습을 찾는 여행을 어학교사가 인도해 줍니다.


런던 혹은 브라이튼에서 영국

기간 유연하게 대응 가능

영어 능력

중급자 이상을 위한 코스


그룹에 맞춰 인원 조절 가능

수업 매일 평균 6시간

선생님과의 대화시간이 있습니다.

코스 기간 일년 내내

연령 14세 이상 (18세 미만의

참가자는 그룹리더의 동반 필수)


이 코스는 중고생을 대상으로 개최되고 있습니다. 활동과 기획등을 통하여 즐기면서 영어를 배우는 식의 수업에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 중고생을 가르친 경험을 가진 교사들 중에서 엄선된 교사들이 수업을 진행합니다.


램즈게이트는 켄트주의 해안가에 인접한 활기 넘치는 항구마을로 켄터베리에서는 약 24KM이며 도버, 딜, 샌드위치의 자연보호 해안도 가까운 거리에 있습니다. 또한 램즈게이트는 왕실 항만으로써 유명하고, 손님 많은 카페와 요트나 소형선이 정박하는 항구와 아름다운 해변가가 유명합니다.

야외 활동

스포츠 활동, 박물관, 성지 산책, 관광버스로 가는 런던 일일 여행 등이 계획되어 있습니다.

숙박 환경

학생들은 시내의 근대적인 건물에서 생활하며 센터장과 어시스턴트들이 그곳을 감독하고 있습니다. 모든 식사가 제공되며, 어느 시기에는 비슷한 중.고등학생을 위한 프로그램을 켄터베리에 있는 켄트 대학교에서 제공이 가능 합니다.







기간 여름해외코스는 2주

혹은 4주로 구성되어있고, 개별적인

그룹은 기간조정이 가능합니다.

영어 능력

초보부터 상급자를 위한 코스

최대인원 14人

수업 여름해외코스는 매주20

번의 수업,그룹 참가는 조정가능.

코스 기간 해외코스

참가는 여름에 2주, 그룹참가는


연령 여름 해외코스는12-15

세까지,그룹참가는 조정가능

주니어 레지던스 스타일

램즈게이트에 위치한 세인트 로렌스 대학내에 밝고 근대적인

건물안에 교실과 숙박시설이 설치되어 있습니다.



“ 세인트 로렌스 대학에서의 영어 유학 “

주니어 레지던




우리가 제공하는 것들어학교사 가이드는 홈스테이를 하는 것이 아니라, 개인이 호텔이나 아파트 등의 거주지를 마련하고 현지에서 외국어를 배우고 싶은 사람을 대상으로 열리고 있습니다. 어학교사 가이드가 여러분의 사는 곳에서 개인 수업을 하러 가거나 밖에 있는 명소들을 돌며 배우는 레슨도 있습니다. 이 두 가지를 잘 조합하고 희망사항을 가능한 수용하는 자유로운 설정이 가능합니다.

어학교사 가이드는 정식의 자격을

가지고 있고 1대1 레슨과 명소 가이드에도 상당한 경험이 있는 교사 입니다.

대상자개인, 가족 혹은 소수그룹을 위한 기획으로 해외여행이나 해외출장지에서 현지의 언어를 배우며 방문지에 대해 더 배우고 싶다 혹은 보통 여행과 다른 약간 새로운 여행을 경험하고 싶은 분에게 추천 드리는 코스 입니다. 세계 각지에서 제공이 가능합니다.





우리가 제공하는 것들무엇을 원하시는지 알려주세요. 거기서부터 저희는 시작합니다. 여행을 즐기면서 가장 효과적으로 그 나라의 외국어를 배우는 코스를 만들 수 있습니다. 관광명소를 돌거나, 즐겨 하시는 야외 활동을 선택 하실 수 있습니다. 예를 들면 이탈리아에서 이탈리아 말을 배우면서 본격적인 이탈리아 요리를 배우거나, 스페인에서 스페인어를 배우며 스쿠버다이빙을 즐기시는건 어떨까요? 코스의 내용은 참가자의 수만큼 많습니다.

숙박 옵션으로는, 홈스테이, 학생 기숙사, 아파트, 호텔 등이 있습니다. 이 중 어느 숙박지에서도 개인 욕실을 준비 할 수 있습니다.

대상자모든 사람이 참가 대상자입니다. 어느나라, 어느활동이든 상상 이상의 싼 비용으로 희망에 응하는 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.


우리가 제공하는 것들보통 1주에서 2주간의 집중 어학코스를 제공하게 됨으로 기업이나 학교등에 자격과 경험있는 교사를 파견합니다. 의뢰인의 기업이나 학교등은 교사의 숙박시설을 제공해 주실 필요가 있습니다.

오더 매이드 코스는 본래 있는 코스 수업에 추가로 혹은 특정의 수강자의 희망에 따라서 구성 됩니다. 이 코스의 목적은 이미 배우고 있는 언어를 실제로 사용하며 회화능력의

발전과 자신감입니다.

대상자기업이나 학교등의 단체를 위해 질 높은 원어민 교사를 손쉽고 효율적으로 파견함으로 세계 각지에서 가능합니다.


“ 외국어로써 영어를 가르치는 자격 있는 교사가

되다 “


자격 있는 영어 교사가 되다

집중 교원 양성 프로그램, 집중 교원 개발 프로그램의 양 프로그램을 어학 학교 내에서 제공합니다. 참고 코스에 따라 다르지만 코스에는 실제로 수업을 참관하고 실전으로써 수업을 하는 훈련이 있습니다.

공인 TESOL 코스 - 트리니티 대학

(Trinity College) 런던

이 코스는 4주간 집중코스로 외국어로써 영어를 가르키는 지도력을 갈고 닦고 영어 지도자의 정식자격을 취득하고 싶은 분들을 대상으로 개최되고 있습니다. 대학 입학 전에 시간이 있는 학생중에 일하며 여행을 하고 싶은 분, 캐리어를 변경하고 싶은 분, 또는 이미 교직에 있지만 지도력을 향상시키고 싶은 분들에게는 딱 맞는 인증서가 될 수 있습니다.

교원 개발 프로그램

이 코스는 2주간의 단기 집중코스로 관련 있는 교육론이나 외국어로써 영어 지도력의 기술과 능력을 습득하고 싶은 분들을 대상으로 개최하고 있습니다. 해외의 소.중.고등학교에서 지도하고 있거나, 혹은 영어로 수업을 하고 싶다고 생각하시는 교원에게 알 맞는 코스 입니다.(수업내용은 언어에 관한 종합학습) 인증서는 코스참가와 프로그램 완료를 필수 조건으로 하고 있으며, 코스 종료 후에 발급 됩니다. 지도경험이 있는 영어교사는 수업참관이 코스에 포함되어 있습니다.



체재지 영국마게이트

기간 2주에서 4주, 개별적인

그룹은 기간조정이 가능합니다.

영어 능력



최대인원 12人

학습 단위

60시간 혹은 130시간

코스 기간 일년 중에서 기간

설정 가능, 그룹참가는 기간조정가능

연령 18+

레오 랭귀지는 저에게 30년 넘게 공 들여온 어학 교육에 총집합 입니다.

어학 교육을 시작했을 때를 생각해보면, 교회 홀에서 놀고 있는 10대의 어린이들을 상대로 영어를 가르치던 여름이 생각 납니다.

브리스틀 대학 졸업후 런던에서 영어 교육코스를 수료후 80년대 중반에는 어학 교사 집에서 거주하며 배우는 교육법을 앞서 실행하던 가족경영의 교육사업을 보게 되었습니다. 90년대 초반에는 저의 기업 Students Reservations를 설립하고, 현재 Leo Languages로써 활동하고 있습니다. 1995년에는 남동 잉글랜드에 19세이상을 위한 영어 학교를 개교하고, British Council 인정, English UK회원자격을 취득 했습니다. 또한 개인 경영의 어학 학교의 세계적인 네트워인 IALC회원으로써도 학교가 초대받고 있습니다.

Leo Languages의 지휘하에서 이 팸플릿을 통하여 다양한 코스를 많은 여러분에게 제공 할 수 있는 것을 영광으로 생각합니다.



개인 번호: +441843 227700 (내선 번호 9202)휴대 전화: +44 7939 208591 전자 매일: adam@leolanguages.com

여러분의 연락을 기다리고 있겠습니다.

Leo LanguagesThe TowersHawley SquareMargateKent CT9 1PHUnited Kingdom

전화 번호 +44 1843 227700팩스 번호 +44 1843 223377전자 매일 info@leolanguages.com


Leo Languages는 Student Reservations 의 거래 명칭 입니다.

주소: The Towers, Hawley Square, Margate, Kent, CT9 1PH 영국

영국 공인. 영국기업등록번호 02724410 | VAT넘버 GB 624 513 462



Course Information and Price List 2015


The modern wayto learn a language



Enrol online at http://www.leolanguages.com/enrol

Price List www.leolanguages.com

A complete language solution whatever your level or budget

ILHLive and study in your teacher’s home


English in MargateQuality language courses by the seaside

Home Group 6Study in a small group in your teacher’s home



English in a CastleStudy in a beautiful castle by the seaside

Languages NowLearn online, face to face

Language Teacher GuideExplore a foreign city with your teacher




WorldwideAdults & Juniors

United KingdomAdults

United KingdomJuniors

United KingdomJuniors

WorldwideAdults & Juniors

WorldwideAdults & Juniors

Junior ResidenceLive and study in an English public school23

United KingdomJuniors

26Train to Teach English

For native and non-native speakersUnited KingdomAdults


22United KingdomJuniors

English on SeaAll-inclusive packages by the seaside

Bank Details & Terms of Payment



International Language HomestaysWWW.ILH.COM


England - Counties Kent, Sussex, Essex, Suff olk, Devon, Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cotswolds

England - Cities London, Bath, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, Liverpool &Manchester

Scotland Edinburgh, Glasgow & the Highlands

Republic of Ireland Dublin, Cork & Shannon regions

Malta Various locations on the island

France Dordogne, Charente, Deux Sevres, Provence, Normandy & Brittany

Spain Andalucia & Costa Blanca

Italy Portoferraio & Caminata

USA Boston, San Francisco, New York & Florida

Canada Toronto, Vancouver & Vancouver Island

Australia Sydney

New Zealand Auckland


France Paris (Versailles), Nice, Montpellier, Toulon, Tours, Saint Raphael, Avignon, Provence Region & Marseilles



Northern Germany (includes Cologne, Dusseldorf, Munster, Paderborn & Hannover areas)

Central Germany (includes Frankfurt)

Eastern Germany (includes Berlin)

Southern Germany (includes Stuttgart & Munich areas)

Austria Vienna & Rauris (near Salzburg)


Italy Rome, Pisa, Marsiliana, Portoferraio, Aosta, Trento & Caminata


Spain Madrid, Barcelona & Alicante


Portugal Lisbon & Porto


China Guangdong (Hong Kong International Airport)


Japan Tokyo


Romania Iași

Teachers families may live in the outlying areas of the cities, rather than in the centre.

Languages and destinations



• Arrival and departure any Sunday throughout the year. Lessons start on Monday.

• Fees are for one week’s full board accommodation (up to 7 nights) and tuition.

• There is a 10% discount for short stays of 4 days (3 nights). The full number of hours will be taught.

• Weekly fees (up to 7 nights) include: - Full-board accommodation and tuition in the teacher’s home - Individual lessons with pre-course level assessment test and use of suitable course materials - Certifi cate of Attendance at the end of the course - Minimum of at least two or three accompanied outings per week, to places of local interest - Certifi cate of attendance and progress report sent after the course

• Share your course: friends and relatives with a similar language level can share the lessons, accommodation and add-ons in the same teacher family. There is a 15% discount on the course for each student for this option.

There is a supplement of £60, €80 or $80 for all stays that include the Christmas period (25 and/or 26 December) or the New Year period (31 December and/or 1 January). For a stay that includes both the Christmas and the New Year periods the supplement is charged twice.

For a fi rst booking with International Language Homestays there is a registration fee of £50, €80 or $80.

Standard Course

Our Standard Course is available worldwide for as many weeks as required, for all ages and levels

Private Bathroom OptionWith this option, students are guaranteed a private bathroom. Available worldwide. Weekly supplement is £140, €210 or $210. Two students on the Private Bathroom Option would share the supplement payable.

Extra DaysUp to 2 days’ additional accommodation can be arranged to allow for fl ight schedules, subject to availability (not normally available in July and August).

Family BookingsRelatives and friends sharing the host teacher family with the student will be charged at the daily rate shown for Extra Days Homestay. A discount of 50% will apply to children under the age of 6. We can only accept children of that age if they are accompanied and supervised by an adult who is not taking lessons.

Language Destination CurrencyNumber of hours’ tuition per week Extra

Day’s Homestay15 20 25 30


England - Counties STERLING £ 720 £ 820 £ 920 £ 1020 £ 70

England - Cities STERLING £ 820 £ 920 £ 1020 £ 1120 £ 80

Scotland STERLING £ 720 £ 820 £ 920 £ 1020 £ 70

Republic of Ireland EUROS € 1070 € 1230 € 1390 € 1550 € 70

Malta EUROS € 1070 € 1230 € 1390 € 1550 € 70

France EUROS € 920 € 1080 € 1240 € 1400 € 70

Spain EUROS € 870 € 1020 € 1170 € 1320 € 70

Italy EUROS € 1160 € 1320 € 1480 € 1640 € 80

USA, Canada US DOLLARS $ 1350 $ 1550 $ 1750 $ 1950 $ 100

Australia, New Zealand STERLING £ 820 £ 920 £ 1020 £ 1120 £ 70

French France EUROS € 1160 € 1320 € 1480 € 1640 € 80

Italian Italy EUROS € 1160 € 1320 € 1480 € 1640 € 80

Spanish Spain EUROS € 1160 € 1320 € 1480 € 1640 € 80

Portuguese Portugal EUROS € 1160 € 1320 € 1480 € 1640 € 80

GermanGermany EUROS € 1160 € 1320 € 1480 € 1640 € 80

Austria EUROS € 1160 € 1320 € 1480 € 1640 € 80

Chinese China STERLING £ 820 £ 920 £ 1020 £ 1120 £ 80

Japanese Japan STERLING £ 1680 £ 1880 £ 2080 £ 2280 £ 150

Romanian Romania STERLING £ 720 £ 820 £ 920 £ 1020 £ 70



• For business and professional people with specifi c needs related to their job• Pre-course client appraisal• Specifi c work-related language teaching• Specialist course materials which the student keeps• Full-length course report in addition to the standard course report

Available in England (Kent & Essex) & Ireland (Dublin Area) between 27 June - 16 August

£650 per week for UK€800 per week for Ireland

Course Options

A course of 15 hours per week for younger students aged 13 - 17 who wish to share the lessons and host teacher with one or two other students of a diff erent nationality.

There is a fi xed two-way arrival and departure transfer fee of £160 (for London airports and Kent Eurostar Stations) or €100 (for Dublin airports). Transfers will normally be shared.

• This course is not suitable for either very low levels (less than 2 years’ English) or for advanced students.

• Minimum of at least two or three accompanied outings per week, to places of local interest.

• If a student wishes to have additional weeks before or after the Summer Special Course period he/she may book the one student programme for the additional weeks.

• If there is no partner for any part of the stay during the course dates the student will receive 15 hours’ one-to-one tuition per week at the same price. Please note we cannot guarantee a partner student.

• Students are placed with other students of the same sex and accommodation is generally in twin rooms.

• The activities will depend on the location of the teacher and what is available.

Summer Special Course in Southern England & Ireland (Dublin Area)

Available worldwide £150, €180 or $180 per week. Please add therelevant supplement to the standard course fee

Executive Plus

• Preparation courses for the following English examinations: Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET), Cambridge First Certifi cate in English (FCE), Cambridge Advanced English (CAE), Cambridge Profi ciency in English (CPE), IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC. Preparation courses for non-English examinations available upon request.

• Examination preparation material provided

Exam preparation courses are possible in other languages e.g. DELF - Diploma in French Language Studies, and DELE - Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language

Examination Preparation

Available worldwide £60, €80 or $80 per week. Please add therelevant supplement to the standard course fee



• A full day visit to a city of interest accompanied by your teacher or an adult family member.

• This option includes transport costs to and from the chosen city. Students would pay any entrance fees both for themselves and for the accompanying person.

Course Add-ons

For certain activities (for example the cream tea afternoon) the student will be accompanied. For sporting activities such as tennis or golf a partner will be arranged.

Students would pay any hobby and entrance fees both for themselves and for the accompanying person.

Students under the age of 18 choosing the one student standard programme (excluding students who have booked the City Plus option or the Summer Special Course) must also book Hobby Plus. The student will have 24/7 supervision and includes at least 3 accompanied cultural outings per week with transport included.

With this option, students may enjoy their hobby whilst on their language homestay.

Hobbies may include:

This option is available for students who are placed in a city location.

The student will have three accompanied trips with their teacher or an adult family member to visit a place of interest, theatre, concert etc. (the choice is theirs) within the city. There will be accompanied visits on three separate half days. Transport costs for both student and teacher are included.

Students would pay any entrance fees both for themselves and for the accompanying person. Students under the age of 18 going to London or cities in the USA must take the City Plus option.

City Experience

Available worldwide £200, €250 or $250Price per city experience, currency depending on destination

City Plus

Available in all our city locationsworldwide

£240, €300 or $400 per weekPlease add the weekly supplement to the standard course fee

Hobby Plus

Available worldwide £75, €90 or $90 per week

• horse-riding• tennis• golf • sailing• swimming• dance

• cookery• fl ower arranging• aromatherapy• antiques• art galleries• painting

• country pubs• cream tea afternoon• boot or antique fairs• sporting or cultural events• visiting castles / stately homes



Point of arrival Location of host teacher Each way

London (Heathrow, Gatwick and City Airports and St. Pancras International)

London region £75

Kent, Essex or Sussex £130

Stansted AirportLondon region or Kent £130

Essex £80

Channel ports, Ashford and Ebbsfl eet International StationsKent £65

Essex £120

Edinburgh Airport Edinburgh region £45

Dublin Airport Dublin region €70

Transfer serviceFixed prices for the following destinations in the UK and Ireland. A fuel supplement may be applied in exceptional circumstances.

For all other destinations, transfers can be arranged, with prices depending on the point of arrival and thelocation of the host teacher. Students may share the transfer with another student.

Students under 18

All students under 18 and travelling alone must book the transfer service. This will automatically be applied to the booking unless it is stated at the time of the reservation that a parent or guardian will take the student to the host family. On departure all students under 18 will be taken inside the departure

lounge and shown the check-in queue. We charge a supplement of £15, €20 or $20 for this service. All students under the age of 18 travelling alone must carry with them: passport and visa if applicable, letter of consent to travel, and airline, train or boat ticket.

Unaccompanied Minor Service to/from the airport - When a student is registered with the airline as an Unaccompanied Minor we charge a supplement of £50, €70 or $70. On departure the driver will check the student in with the airline and then wait in the departure lounge for the fl ight to depart. This supplement covers all the extra parking and waiting. It is important to specify at the time of booking with ILH whether or not the student will be registered with the airline.

All airlines have diff erent policies regarding Unaccompanied Minors, and diff erent ages where they require this service, so it is best to contact the airline directly regarding their policies.

Eurostar TrainsEurostar Trains do not allow children under 12 to travel alone. With regards to children aged 13-17,Eurostar should be contacted directly by the parents or the agent to arrange this.

In the UK and the USA, students under the age of 18 requesting a city location must choose the City Plus option.

Students under the age of 18 not taking the Summer Special Course or City Plus option must also book Hobby Plus (see page 7 for more details).



Bookings are subject to our Terms and Conditions. You can read the full terms and conditions at the following web address: http://www.ilh.com/how-to-book/cancellations-terms-conditions/

GeneralInternational Language Homestays Ltd considers the choice of family to be more important than a specifi c town and reserves the right to change the area if there is no compatible family in the area chosen. International Language Homestays Ltd reserves the right to place a student with more than one host teacher on a given course and also reserves the right to change the allocated teacher before or during the course.

InsuranceInsurance against cancellation, accident, illness, loss of property, theft or any accidental damage the student may cause to the property of others is the responsibility of the student and personal insurance is strongly recommended. We recommend using Guard Me. See page 16 for details. The student is liable to pay for any damage you cause at your accommodation.

All EU students travelling to an EU destination are advised to obtain the European Health Insurance Card. International Language Homestays Ltd will not accept any responsibility for injury or damage caused to persons or property during the stay.

Junior studentsFor all students under the age of 18, a parental consent form, included in the enrolment process, must be completed and sent to us in advance of any course.

Stays of 28 nights or over for students aged under 16 are considered by UK authorities to be a private fostering arrangement. There is a supplement of £200 for any such stays to cover the additional administration required.

Dietary requirementsWe will do our best to accommodate special dietary requirements. We reserve the right to charge a supplement for students requiring any diet where the family will need to buy special products (e.g. gluten free bread).

Special needsWe will try to accommodate students with special needs. Bearing in mind that our students are generally housed in homestay accommodation, it may not be possible to admit students with a disability.

Medical conditions and illnessEnrolments are accepted on the understanding that the student has no illness or infi rmity which might adversely aff ect the success of the stay, and that any transmissible disease suff ered by the student must be declared at the time of booking. We reserve the right to terminate the course without refund of fees if this condition is breached.

Class hours missed because of student illness or absence during the course are forfeited and any recuperation of missed class time is at the sole discretion of the host teacher. Class hours not given because of host teacher illness or unforeseen absence will be refunded on a pro rata basis.

Arrivals and departuresArrivals at the host teacher’s home should normally be during the late afternoon or early evening. As a matter of courtesy we ask students travelling independently to contact their hosts in advance to advise them of approximate arrival times. Departure transfers before 07:00 will normally require a taxi and will not be undertaken by the host teacher. Departure on the last day should normally be no later than the student’s original arrival time on the fi rst day.

If an arrival transfer is requested, we must receive travel details as soon as possible (minimum of one week before arrival) so that an arrival transfer can be arranged. When an arrival transfer has been requested we will automatically pass on details of the student’s arrival time to the host teacher.

Additional expensesWe recommend that students allow a minimum of £80, €100 or $100 per week for pocket money expenses during their stay.

If you have booked through an agent their terms of contract may apply to you, but we reserve the right to apply our own terms.

Terms and Conditions

Academic Support and WelfareILH host teachers are carefully selected to ensure high standards of homestay tuition in a safe, welcoming and comfortable environment, enhancing the language learning experience. Our local organisers keep in regular contact with students and teachers to check on academic progress and welfare. Quality control is maintained by a system of monitoring and student questionnaire feedback. At the end of the course, the student will receive a certifi cate of attendance and course report.


School Information

Registration Fee: £50The maximum class size is 12 students1 lesson = 45 minutesThe minimum age for all courses is 18

High Season = 28 June - 30 AugustLow season = 1 January - 27 June & 31 August - 31 December


ENGLISHIN MARGATE English in Margate


Key Facts

Welcome Pack including Margate Map and tourist information Use of the self-study centre

English in Margate photo identity card Notebook for vocabulary and grammar

Membership of the Hawley Club and free internet facilities Leaving certifi cate and course report

In-house programme of Social Activities year-round Access to our online learning platform “Let’s Learn English” for the duration of your course

20 Lessons (Standard) 9:30 - 11:00 & 11:30 - 13:00

32 Lessons (Intensive) 9:30 - 11:00 & 11:30 - 13:00 14:00 - 16:30 Monday - Thursday

30 Lessons (Summer Intensive) 9:30 - 11:00 & 11:30* - 13:00 14:00 - 16:45 Tuesday - Thursday

Morning break: 30 minutes Afternoon break: 15 minutes

Typical Timetable for our Standard & Intensive Courses

Course Price includes:

Opening Hours:We are open from 8:45am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday and from 7:45pm to 9:45pm two or three evenings per week, except on National Holidays. During opening hours, students are welcome to use all the school facilities, which include self-study area, social club, internet café and bar, and table tennis room.

Calendar 2015EiM is open from Monday 5 January to Friday 18 December, but will be closed on the following National Holidays: 3 to 6 April, 4 and 25 May, 31 August, and 21 December to 3 January 2016. The fi rst day back for students in 2016 will be Monday 4 January.

On national holidays there are no classes. Students have the option of joining a teacher-led excursion (transport not included) instead of classes. Any missed individual classes will be taught on another day. When the national holiday is on a Monday, students arriving will have their induction on the Tuesday. However, the above does not apply to our Christmas Break (from 21 December to 3 January), where no trips may be off ered as the Centre will be fully closed.

First DayOn arrival, students receive a Welcome Pack as part of English in Margate’s Induction programme. This contains comprehensiveinformation about the school as well as relevant details about the local area, including transport and recreational facilities. During the Induction, students are given both a written and oral test to determine their levels, followed by a tour of the school. After a mid-morning break, during which they have the chance to meet other students, they join classes at 11:30 (in summer this will be an introductory class).

After lunch, there is an afternoon orientation tour of Margate.

* During July and August break times may vary, while still keeping the same number of contact hours.



Academic SupportOne of the key features of our Academic team is the degree of hands-on support off ered to students from the moment they arrive until their departure. In real terms, this means an ongoing process of communication and checks with all students, including feedback questionnaires at various points during their stay. Students are welcome to express their opinions to their classroom teacher as well, particularly if they have concerns over their placement and class level. In addition, fortnightly tests and a system of 1-to-1 tutorials enable us to assess and monitor the progress of all students, ensuring appropriate classroom provision.

For students who wish to add additional elements to their learning programme, our self-study centre, open weekdays from 8:45am to 9:30am, 11am to 11:30am, 1pm to 5:30pm and on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7:45pm to 9:45pm (also Tuesday in July/August), off ers the ideal practice opportunity, with assistance from staff available whenever necessary.

WelfareWith academic progress being so closely linked to a student’s personal circumstances, we have a strong system of pastoral care in place, based on care and confi dentiality. During their stay, therefore, students can be sure of fi nding a sympathetic and helpful member of our Welfare team who will off er the appropriate advice and guidance, with the individual’s best interests always in mind.

Terms and Conditions


Enrolment English in Margate (EiM) accepts all bookings on the understanding that the student is 18+ years of age and has an English level that we consider to be between elementary and advanced. We do not accept profi ciency students on group courses. We reserve the right not to allow a student to start a course if they do not meet these criteria, or to place the student in a class with fewer lessons and a diff erent syllabus, with no right of fi nancial compensation, to better suit the needs of the student. English in Margate may alter or cancel the course programme, change teachers and location and alter dates from those stated in the brochure without prior notice.

Enrolments are accepted on the understanding that the student has no illness or infi rmity which might adversely aff ect the success of the stay, and that any transmissible disease or pertinent medical condition suff ered by the student must be declared at the time of booking.

All students must agree to the disclosure of their data to appropriate bodies such as the UK Border Agency or the British Council as required by the Data Protection Act.

EiM does not accept responsibility for any loss, damage or misadventure students may suff er in the family, the school or elsewhere, or if students miss classes due to circumstances beyond our control. Students are liable to pay for any damage they cause at their accommodation.Students are strongly advised to take out appropriate travel and medical insurance before travelling to England. We recommend using Guard Me. See page 16 for details. EiM acts solely as the agent (not the principal) in providing homestay accommodation for students.

EiM is insured with Public Liability Insurance. Students are advised that the school, its employees and its representatives accept no responsibility for personal injury and/or loss of/ damage to personal property on school premises. This condition also applies to public and private places when students are on school activities and/or excursions. The school will not be responsible for resolving any issues that arise from lack of insurance cover on the part of the student.

EiM reserves the right to use photographs taken in and out of class for promotional purposes. If a student objects to his or her photo being taken, they should indicate this at the time of booking. These photos have no commercial or contractual value.

Enrolment confi rmation and paymentOnce a completed application form and deposit have been received and accepted, the student will be sent confi rmation by email with an invoice for the balance due. Fees must be paid in full four weeks before the start of the course. The course and accommodation will be cancelled if payment is not received and the student does not contact us about this. For methods of payment, see page 27.

Cancellations and refundsFull fees for all courses are payable and are non-refundable unless we receive a cancellation notice at least 28 days before the scheduled date of arrival, in which case the £200 deposit is forfeited. All cancellations must be notifi ed in writing to the school and are only validated with written acknowledgement of receipt from the school. EiM cannot refund fees to students who start the course late, miss classes, choose to exchange their course for one of lesser value, or leave early for any reason. There is no refund for lessons lost due to public holidays. If the course is cancelled from 28 days to 7 days before the start of the course, 50% of the fees will be refunded; there would be no refund if a cancellation is made less than 7 days before the start of the course.

Accommodation and HolidaysWe are happy to consider a request for a change of homestay but an administrative charge of £30 may be incurred at the school’s discretion. For long-stay students we ask that at least two weeks’ notice is given.

The school must be informed of any guests staying in self-catering accommodation. A supplement of £30 per night per person will be charged for any guests staying overnight.

If the student is on a long course they should pre-book the number of weeks’ holiday they wish to take before the start of the course. All students must notify the school of the specifi c dates of the holiday they wish to take at least two weeks in advance. Students who wish to book a holiday with less than one week’s notice may do so at the school’s discretion.

VisasIt is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have the correct visa type and appropriate leave to remain in the UK. If that is not the case, the course will be terminated and tuition fees forfeited. If a visa invitation letter has been issued and the visa application is refused, a refund minus any costs incurred would be made upon receipt of a copy of the visa refusal document.

If the student has booked through an agent, their terms of contract may apply to the student, but we reserve the right to apply our own terms.


1 General English Courses

The Standard Course, which students can join on any Monday, focuses primarily on the key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Underlying this is an emphasis on the communicative approach in which we encourage students to develop conversational fl uency. This course takes place every morning throughout the year and would suit anyone wishing to have more free time in the afternoons to devote to private study or exploration of the local area.

The Electives system enables our students to select a varied course programme catering to their particular needs and preferences. The nucleus is a ‘Lifeskills’ component comprising contemporary English usage for work, social and travel situations. Allied to this are specifi c options such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and conversation. We also off er a fully-integrated Business English course. Lessons take place in the mornings and on four afternoons weekly (three afternoons weekly during July and August).

Visiting EiM is not just about the language classes. It can also be an opportunity to discover more about the history, culture and sights of Kent, the Garden of England, so it is ideal for a more mature student wishing to combine language study and sightseeing. The course price includes preparatory lessons and 5 afternoon excursions accompanied by a teacher as well as an afternoon tea and lunches, with transport and entrance fees included. This one-week option may be added to another course.

Dates Start any Monday for any duration

Levels A1 to C1

Lessons per week 20

Price £195 per week £185 per week for 8 weeks+

Standard Course

Dates Start any Monday for any duration

Levels A1 to C1

Lessons per week 32 30 in July/August

Price £245 per week £225 per week for 8 weeks+

Intensive Course

Dates Starting 13 April, 11 May, 15 June, 13 July, 10 August and 9 September for one week Any start dates are possible between April and September for closed groups of 6+

Levels A1 to C1

Lessons per week 40 (includes preparatory lessons in the school and guided excursions with a teacher)

Price £650

The Garden Of England Experience with a teacher-guide

This course is aimed at students with little or no previous experience of English language learning and is designed to raise all-round levels to enable a smooth transition into an Elementary class. The main focus is on oral communication, although the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are all covered, together with grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Dates 5 January, 2 February, 2 and 30 March, 27 April, 1 June, 31 August, 28 September, 26 October and 23 NovemberLength Minimum 8 weeksLevels A1-Class Size Maximum 6 students

Lessons per week 20 lessons plus guided self-study for the fi rst 4 weeks; 32 lessons in the following weeks

Price £345pw for the fi rst four weeks, £225pw for the following weeks

English for Beginners

SampleProgramme Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:30-11:00 Preparatory lesson Preparatory lesson Preparatory lesson

Preparatory lesson Preparatory lesson Day-trip

with other students to destinations like London, Oxford or Cambridge.

11:30-17:30 Broadstairs and Ramsgate (seaside towns), Sandwich (Medieval town), Canterbury Cathedral

Selling (village),Chilham (village),Canterbury (historic city)

White Cliff s of Dover,Rye (Medieval town)

Hollingbourne (village),Leeds Castle

Turner Contemporary (art gallery), Canterbury Cathedral,Whitstable (seaside town)



English for Nursing

Lessons per week 20 Standard + 12 English for NursingPrice £245 per week

This afternoon option will provide appropriate communicative fl uency and key vocabulary for nurses or prospective nurses seeking to work in the UK or in an English-speaking environment. Four distinct units of work are presented each week, enabling students to join at any time. The course can be taken in two stays of two weeks and can be added to a longer stay.

Dates Start any Monday for 2 - 4 weeks

Levels B1 upwards

English for Specific Purposes (ESP)Professional Fields Available: Aviation, Law, Engineering, Tourism & Catering, Oil & Gas, Banking

Lessons per week 20 Standard + 12 ESP

Price £245 per week

These afternoon options will enable course participants to build upon existing specialist knowledge, and to enhance and consolidate work-related performance. Language skills from the diff erent professional fi elds, focussing on vocabulary, expressions and pronunciation, will be developed by means of scenarios, role-plays and case studies. Four distinct units of work are presented each week, enabling students to join at any time. The course can be taken in two stays of one week and can be added to a longer stay.

Dates Start any Monday for 1 - 2 weeks*

Levels B1 upwards

English for Business

Lessons per week 20 Standard + 12 English for BusinessPrice £245 per week

A 4-week course which will help students to develop an appropriate level of fl uency in key areas such as negotiating, meetings and using the telephone. The programme incorporates a combination of key vocabulary and task-based learning involving role-plays and interactive work. Four distinct units of work are presented each week, enabling students to join at any time. The course can be taken in two stays of two weeks and can be added to a longer stay.

Dates Start any Monday for 4 weeks

Levels B1 upwards

Bi-component courses (under Erasmus+ scheme)

Lessons per week 32 (including preparatory tutorial)Price (until 30 June 2015) 1 week + 1 week €1158 2 weeks + 2 weeks €1953 2 weeks + 4 weeks €2253

EiM in association with Shadows Professional Development Ltd off ers to teachers of all subjects, under Erasmus+ funding, Bi-component courses comprising 1 or 2 weeks preparatory courses at our centre followed by 1 to 7 weeks attachment at a local primary or secondary school. Homestay accommodation is provided throughout the stay. For teachers of English to adults an attachment is also available here at our centre under the Erasmus+ funding. For mainstream primary and secondary teachers of all subjects in the UK we can also provide an intensive language course, under Erasmus+ funding, in France, Germany and Spain.

Dates Start any Monday for 1 - 2 weeksPreparatory course + up to 7 weeks School Attachment

Levels B1 upwards

Accommodation Homestay with single room, half board during the week and full board at weekend: €190 per week

Includes free 15-minute pre-arrival chat/interview with our academic staff . This option provides you with your personal teaching team who will design the course programme around your specifi c language requirements. Naturally, you will still benefi t from all of the school’s facilities and join in with the social life of the school. All group courses can be taken as a one-to-one option.

Dates Start any Monday for any duration

Levels A1- to C2

Lessons per week 20, 30 or 40

Lessonsper week Low Season High Season

20 £680 per week £760 per week30 £960 per week £1080 per week40 £1200 per week £1360 per week

Personal English Course

*(Closed groups can be quoted for any length of stay and any tailored programme of study)


2 English for Specific Purposes and Personal English Courses


Price to add to any course. In the business world it is often as important to know how to use language in a social situation as it is in the offi ce. We off er a bistro lunch with a teacher. Conversation can focus around general or business situations. You can add any number of working lunches to any course, from one during your stay to one each day. This lunch may also be shared with one or two other students.

Price to add to a Standard Course for each 45-minute lesson. Includes free 15-minute pre-arrival chat/interview with our academic staff . This option combines the benefi ts of a morning Standard Course (20 lessons) with individual classes in the afternoons to meet your specifi c business, academic or general English language needs. You may choose between 4, 8 and 12 individual lessons per week.

Combination Course

Dates Start any Monday for any duration

Levels A1 to C1 Price £42 per lesson

Lessons per week 4, 8 or 12

Working Lunch

Levels A2 to C1 Price £45 per day


Self Study Plus

Self Study Plus, licensed by “Let’s Learn English” and incorporating the useful, interactive “Grammar Doctor”, will allow you to maximise your learning opportunities. The programme can be used on PC, laptop or any mobile device and, of course, in our self study centre. If you wish to continue using Self Study Plus after your course the cost is £25 for a 3-month period.

Price Included in the registration fee for the duration of the course

Package includes:• Standard course in mornings (20 lessons per week) and 10 individual lessons per week in the afternoons• 2 working lunches with a teacher per week• Executive homestay or self-catering apartment with private bathroom and wi-fi • Half-day trip on Friday each week (transport included)• 15-minute pre-arrival chat/interview with academic staff • Local area bus pass• Arrival and departure transfers (Includes Gatwick/Heathrow/Stansted/City/Ashford/Ebbsfl eet/Ports of Dover/Folkestone)

Executive Package

Dates Start any Monday for any duration

Levels A1 to C1

Lessons per week 20 standard + 10 individual

Price Executive homestaySelf catering apartment

A friend or partner can accompany the student and share the same Homestay accommodation without lessons for £180 per week (this includes a local area bus pass) or have Self-Catering accommodation without lessons for £84 per week.

Low Season High Season£950 per week £1050 per week£1000 per week £1150 per week

English and Golf

Price £200 per week* the morning course will need to be paid for separately

What is included:

What is not included:• Green fees (approximately £25-30 per round) • Golf clubs (you can bring your own or hire some here)

Dates Start any Monday – this option needs to be added to a morning course (Standard or Personal)*

Levels A1 to C1

• 3 rounds of golf in the afternoon• playing partner

• Conversational English during rounds• door-to-door transport


Course Start Finish Exam Deadline Exam Date Duration Lessonsper week

Priceper week

FCE February 2 March 13 January 30 March 13 6 weeks 32 £245

FCE April 27 June 5 April 25 June 9* 6 weeks 32 £245

FCE June 29 July 24 June 26 July 29* 4 weeks 32 £245

FCE July 20 August 14 July 9 August 20* 4 weeks 32 £245

FCE September 1 October 9 August 29 October 10 6 weeks 32 £245

FCE November 2 December 11 October 30 December 12 6 weeks 32 £245

CAE February 2 March 13 January 30 March 14 6 weeks 32 £245

CAE April 27 June 5 April 25 June 10* 6 weeks 32 £245

CAE June 22 July 17 June 19 July 23* 4 weeks 32 £245

CAE July 27 August 21 July 10 August 21 4 weeks 32 £245

CAE September 7 October 16 September 5 October 17 6 weeks 32 £245

CAE November 2 December 11 October 30 December 12 6 weeks 32 £245


3 Exam Preparation Courses

For students taking exams, there is an exam supplement of £225 (except BULATS or TOEIC). This one-off supplement covers the cost of the examination fee, course book, internal mock exam and transport to

and from our local test centre. Should the test centre be further afi eld, transport will still be included.

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the required examination for entrance into UK, Australian and New Zealand institutes of higher education, and is increasingly becoming one of the most important English exams for adult learners. The aims of the course are to familiarise you with the specifi c format of the examination and to develop appropriate strategies and skills for the techniques involved.

The Cambridge First Certifi cate in English (FCE) and Certifi cate in Advanced English (CAE) are exams suitable for people who require English for professional or study purposes. Each requires knowledge of all the language skills and the ability to use everyday written and spoken English at B2 level and above. The aims of the course are to familiarise students with the specifi c format of the examination and to develop appropriate strategies for the skills involved.

IELTS Courses

Cambridge FCE & CAE Courses

Levels: CEFR B1 to C1* Students may join the intensive afternoon course for an additional £55 per weekThe PM (afternoon) only options are taken in conjunction with the Standard or Personal English course.

** Exam dates might change, please check at the time of booking.

Start Finish Exam Deadline Exam Date ** Duration Lessons per week AM/PM Price

per week

February 2 February 27 January 17 February 28 4 weeks 12 PM £85

March 30 April 24 March 14 April 25 4 weeks 12 PM £85

April 27 June 5 April 25 June 6 6 weeks 20 AM * £195

June 15 July 10 May 30 July 11 4 weeks 12 PM £85

July 6 July 24 June 13 July 25 3 weeks 32 AM+PM £245

August 24 September 18 August 8 September 19 4 weeks 12 PM £85

September 14 October 9 August 29 October 10 4 weeks 12 PM £85

October 26 December 4 October 24 December 5 6 weeks 20 AM * £195

FCE Levels: CEFR B1 to C1CAE Levels: CEFR B2 to C1

Lessons per week 32 (28 lessons in the fi nal week for courses ending with the exam on a Friday)

*Please note the exam dates for the FCE course are Tuesday June 9, Wednesday July 29 or Thursday August 20, and for the CAE course are Wednesday June 10 and Thursday July 23: extra accommodation days will be required.



The TOEIC test is a worldwide standard for measuring English profi ciency in the workplace. It has become a very popular way for companies to evaluate the English level of their employees. Therefore, taking the exam can help students access a wider job market. EIM is a registered TOEIC test centre. You can add a TOEIC test to any course. There are two kinds of tests: Reading & Listening, which is paper-based and can be booked at any time, and Speaking & Writing, which is computer-based and can only be taken on the third Tuesday or Wednesday of any month. You can choose which test you would like to take or take both. If you take both, this will most likely be on diff erent days.

BULATS (Business Language Testing Service) is a recognised test of business English. It is used internationally for business and industry recruitment, for identifying and delivering training, for admission to study business-related courses and for assessing the eff ectiveness of language courses and training. The test is computer-based and includes three parts, Reading & Listening, Speaking, and Writing, which can be taken separately or combined.

(Preliminary English Test, Test of English as a Foreign Language, Cambridge Profi ciency in English, Business English Certifi cate and Key English Test). All the above exams except CPE may be taken on a Combination Course or as a Personal English Course in the afternoon. CPE may be taken as a Personal English Course.

Dates Any time

Levels A2 to C1

Price Reading & Listening Test: £40Speaking Test: £50Writing Test: £50

Dates Any time

Levels A2 to C1

Price Reading & Listening Test: £125Speaking & Writing Test: £150




Other costs to consider:

We off er a weekly bus ticket with unlimited travel around the local area for £12.00 (subject to change)

Bank charges - Travel and medical insurance - Course book refundable deposit of £20 (payable on fi rst day)

We recommend that students allow a minimum of £80 per week to cover weekday lunches, our social programme including excursions (eg Canterbury, London) and general pocket money expenses during their stay.

Transfer ServiceWe can organise taxi transfers from your point of arrival to your accommodation in Margate and for your return.

Price each way

London Airports: (Gatwick, Stansted, City): £120London Airport: (Heathrow): £125Channel Ports: (Dover, Folkestone): £60Eurostar Stations: (Ashford, Ebbsfl eet International): £65

(Please note that transfers may be shared)

Price as of Summer 2014: £5.25 per weekEnglish in Margate recommends Guard Me for your personal insurance during your time in the UK.The insurance covers: Personal Accident; Medical; Cancellation; Curtailment; Travel Delay Benefi t; Personal Items; Luggage Delay; Personal Liability. The policy may be booked online with Guard Me.

Insurance (in partnership with guard.me international insurance)



People often fi nd it easier to get the job they want if they have had experience working for an English-speaking company in the UK, in addition to having a good level of English. The combination of a language course and internship in a Britishcompany enhances language improvement and skills. Students learn on an intensive language course followed by an internship in a local company. Accommodation can be provided at an additional cost, please see page 18 for more details.

Each candidate must have a minimum of an intermediate level of English: this will be assessed with a Skype or telephone interview. During the internship, the student receives continuing support from our Internship Manager. At the end of the placement, the student receives a certifi cate from the school and a report from the company.

Examples of internships that can be off ered• Teaching/ Activity Work in schools/playgroups (UK DBS Check required for an additional £65)• Administration• Retail• Kitchen• Food Service• IT• Hairdressing• Plumbing• Electrical• Other skilled trades

This internship scheme is also available to minigroups, where accommodation can be arranged for accompanying teachers/group leaders.


• A minimum of an intermediate level of English (confi rmed by telephone interview)• Aged 18+• Enthusiasm, fl exibility and the desire to work hard (35-hour week)• Students should be EU Citizens or from the EEA or have a Tier 5 Visa• Insurance to cover both public & private liability while at work


• Bus pass ticket off ering unlimited travel around the local area during the internship• Entry to school Social Club evenings and evening and weekend events in the school throughout the stay • Continuing support from the Internship Manager• Certifi cate of attendance and report for the Intensive General English course• Certifi cate for the Internship issued by English in Margate• Report for the Internship issued by the company

English Plus Internship Programme*

4 Internship Programme

Lessons per week 32

Hours of work per week Max 35

Price £245 per week for the Intensive course £400 for the fi rst 4 weeks of Internship £75 per week for additional weeks of Internship

* Please note that the Intensive English Language Course is the only part of the programme accredited by the British Council

Dates Start any Monday for a minimum of 2 weeks intensive English language course followed by a minimum of 4 weeks Internship

Levels B1 upwards*

*For students with a level lower than B1, a longer period within the school before the internship will be necessary in order to achieve B1 level. Internships from 5 to 12 weeks have an arrangement fee of £500 then £40 per week for additional weeks.



5 Accommodation

Early and Late Arrivals and DeparturesA £20 supplement is charged for students arriving/departing from their accommodation before 6am or after 10pm.

HolidaysIf you wish to take a holiday during your course, the school cannot guarantee that you will be able to leave your luggage with your homestay family. Arrangements must be made privately with the family.

Christmas HolidaysIf your course starts before and continues after our Christmas holiday, we can arrange for you to stay in a homestay family. However, there is a supplement of £100 per week over this period and this would be on a full-board basis. Students cannot book a course that starts during the Christmas period.

All accommodation is generally within walking distance of the school and in the Margate area. If a student is not located in the Margate postcode area, a free weekly bus pass is provided. All accommodation is available throughout the year and comes with free wi-fi internet access.

Homestay £135 per weekStudents have a single room (unless 2 students booking together ask to share). Homestay is half-board during the week and full-board at weekends.

Executive Homestay £195 per weekThis guarantees a higher-quality home and above-average size bedroom with private bathroom facilities. In addition, many of the rooms have televisions. A weekly bus pass, off ering unlimited travel around the local area, is included. There may be another student of a diff erent nationality in the home at the same time. Executive Homestay is half board during the week and full board at weekends.

A supplement of £20 per week will be required for diets that require buying specifi c products, e.g. gluten-free, soya, etc.

Additional Homestay GuestsAdditional Homestay guests not requiring tuition, such as a partner or family member, are charged at £210 per week (or £250 per week for Executive Homestay) plus a registration fee of £50. They may use the school facilities including internet café and Hawley Club. Students and guests should leave the family home by 9am in the mornings on weekdays.

Additional Night HomestayAdditional night homestay accommodation is usually available on request before or after your course. This is charged at £30 per night for Homestay and £35 per night for Executive Homestay.

There is a £30 accommodation placement fee on all homestay bookings.

Add £84 per week for any additional adults, or £42 per week for any additional children (under 12 years) sharing the room.

Low Season Self-Catering Package£375 per week for stays of 3 weeks or more


An additional person sharing the same room would be an additional £275 per week.

Shared Student Houses Low Season High Season

Single occupancy in Twin Room with shared bathroom (Churchfi eld) £224 per week £238 per week

Single occupancy in Twin Room with private bathroom (Culver) £238 per week £252 per week

Single occupancy in Double Room with private bathroom/kitchen (Culver) £294 per week £364 per week

Whole House (maximum 5 people - Churchfi eld) £550 per week £650 per week

Individual Student Flat in Omega HouseSingle occupancy in Twin Room (Flats 1 & 2) £294 per week £364 per week

• London airport or Kent Eurostar arrival transfer• Residence with private bathroom near the school

• Intensive Course (exam preparation courses possible)• Friday afternoon excursion

Self-Catering Close to SchoolWe off er high-quality self-catering accommodation, all of which are close to the school and have single, twin and double rooms. All accommodation off ers wireless internet access, and regular housekeeping services are provided. Students will be asked to pay a refundable deposit of £100 prior to or on arrival at the school. This covers any loss, damage or breakages in the accommodation. Any damages or losses will be deducted from the deposit.



6 Social Programme

The social life that you experience as a student at English in Margate is very important to us. Taking part in the additional activities that we provide and recommend while you study allows you to put into practice what you learn and take your English to a new level, while having fun and creating lasting friendships with your fellow classmates. Our unique social programme that is created each month has something for everyone, whether you want to learn more about British history and culture, visit famous places of interest, or just relax with your friends.

The basic social programme for a week consists of two main elements, the Hawley Club evenings and excursions to destinations close by and further afi eld.

Club Evenings: English in Margate has its own fully-licensed bar called the Hawley Club which gives students the opportunity to purchase alcohol in the evenings as well as an assortment of hot and cold drinks. The club is equipped with an internet café, wi-fi , a pool table, and arcade game machine, and is a great place for students to get together and socialise in a relaxed atmosphere. We also have a dedicated table tennis room!

Since our homestays are within a very short distance from the school and the town centre, you can take full advantage of our Club and the activities we organise. The club is open two or three evenings per week between 19:45 and 22:00 when we off er a variety of activities for you to enjoy including casino nights, fi lm evenings, cultural talks and more. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we organise Cinema Evenings, Pub Trips and Salsa Dancing.

Monday nights are an excellent opportunity for new and existing students to meet and get to know each other in a fun and memorable atmosphere.

In addition, there are 2 full-day accompanied excursions organised every month to places such as London, Oxford and Dover Castle, and four half-day accompanied trips to local areas of interest such as Canterbury, Whitstable and Sandwich. Students will quickly discover that there is always something on off er socially and culturally to suit all tastes.

All these activities are publicised in our monthly Social Programme which is sent to all students and displayed on our classroom noticeboards. At English in Margate we believe that taking part in the social activities we organise will provide you with a full and enriched experience that you won’t soon forget. Make sure you don’t miss out.

Sample Two Week Programme

SATURDAY/SUNDAY Arrive in Margate

MONDAY Induction followed by an orientation tour of Margate. Welcome evening in the Hawley Club

TUESDAY Cinema trip in the evening

WEDNESDAY Breakfast Club before morning lessons. Evening Salsa Dancing in Margate

THURSDAY Evening Cultural Talk by a teacher. Karaoke at a local pub after

FRIDAY Afternoon trip to Whitstable with a teacher. Taste fresh Oysters at the local harbour

SATURDAY Full day excursion to Oxford with a teacher, one of England’s two great university cities

SUNDAY Free time with host family or visit a local town (Broadstairs, Ramsgate, Sandwich and more)

MONDAY Welcome evening in the Hawley Club – an opportunity to meet new students

TUESDAY Evening visit to a local micro pub in Margate Harbour

WEDNESDAY Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. Explore a local town in the evening (Broadstairs or Ramsgate)

THURSDAY International Food Evening in the Hawley Club followed by karaoke at a local pub

FRIDAY Afternoon trip to Canterbury with a teacher. Visit Canterbury Cathedral and explore the city

SATURDAY Full day trip to London. Visit a selection of famous attractions

SUNDAY Free time with host family and coastal walk or bike ride




The package price for two weeks includes:

• Transfer on arrival and departure (London airports, Kent ports and Eurostar stations)• Full board homestay accommodation• 20 lessons per week in the home of the teacher • Culture and leisure activity programme every weekday afternoon• All transport provided• Full-day trip to London• End-of-course Certifi cate of Achievement

Maximum of six students in each teaching group.

Morning Afternoon

SUNDAY Arrival

MONDAY Lessons followed by lunch WHITSTABLE - Orientation Tour and Harbour Visit

TUESDAY Lessons followed by lunch FAVERSHAM - Heritage Centre & Swimming

WEDNESDAY Lessons followed by lunch WHITSTABLE - Beach and Bowling

THURSDAY Lessons followed by lunch CANTERBURY - Cathedral and Walking Tour

FRIDAY Lessons followed by lunch MARGATE - Seaside, Beach & Art Gallery

SATURDAY Full-day trip to London (sightseeing, museums & shopping)

SUNDAY Free time with the homestay Host

MONDAY Lessons followed by lunch BIRCHINGTON-ON-SEA - Quex Park Museum

TUESDAY Lessons followed by lunch CANTERBURY - River Boat Trip & Gardens

WEDNESDAY Lessons followed by lunch HERNE BAY - Mini Golf and an Ice-Cream

THURSDAY Lessons followed by lunch CANTERBURY - Beaney Musem and Shopping

FRIDAY Lessons followed by lunch WHITSTABLE - Scavenger Hunt & Goodbye Tea Party

SATURDAY Departure

Dates 14 June - 27 June 12 July - 25 July28 June - 11 July 26 July - 8 August(Any time of year for groups)

Age 14-17 years

Levels A2 - B2

Lessons per week 20 (15 hours)(This can vary for groups)

Location Whitstable, Kent

Price £1480 for 2 weeks£50 supplement per additional night required


Sample Programme



Dates All year round, stays of 1-2 weeks for groups of any size

Age 12+ years

Levels A2 - B2

Lessons per week 24 (18 hours)(This can vary for groups)

Location Whitstable, Kent

Price £475 per week £875 for 2 weeks

The package price (based on a group of 14 students with 1 leader free of charge) includes:

• Full board homestay accommodation (students will be placed in pairs)• Study in Whitstable Castle set in beautiful grounds - no more than 14 students per class• Integrated language skills with a focus on history and culture• Project work includes team building, presentations and assignments • Excursions and activities on three afternoons• Optional workshops in dance, drama and art • Full-day trip to London• End-of-course Certifi cate of Achievement

Morning Afternoon

MONDAY Lessons followed by lunch WHITSTABLE - Orientation Tour and Harbour Visit

TUESDAY Lessons followed by lunch Lessons - (Project)

WEDNESDAY Lessons followed by lunch Lessons - (Project)

THURSDAY Lessons followed by lunch CANTERBURY - Cathedral and Walking Tour

FRIDAY Lessons followed by lunch MARGATE - Seaside, Beach & Art Gallery

SATURDAY Full-day trip to London (sightseeing, museums & shopping)

SUNDAY Free time with the homestay Host

MONDAY Lessons followed by lunch DOVER CASTLE - Tour of the Wartime Tunnels

TUESDAY Lessons followed by lunch Lessons - (Project)

WEDNESDAY Lessons followed by lunch Lessons - (Project)

THURSDAY Lessons followed by lunch CANTERBURY - River Tour & Shopping

FRIDAY Lessons followed by lunch WHITSTABLE - Goodbye Picnic Party

SATURDAY Departure on Saturday or local excursion if departure on Sunday


Sample Programme


Closed Groups package price (based on 14 students plus 1 leader free of charge) includes:

• Full board homestay accommodation• 20 - 28 lessons per week • Full activity programme (includes entrance fees)• Full-day trip to London• End-of-course Certifi cate of Achievement• 24-hour supervision

International Course package price includes:

As Above plus • Transfer on arrival and departure (London airports, Kent ports and Eurostar stations)



Dates International Courses: 28 June - 23 August All year round for closed groups

Age International Courses: 13 - 17 years Closed Groups: 12+

Levels A2 - B2

Location Margate, Kent

Lessons per week 20 - 28

Price International Courses: £600 per week for weeks 1 and 2 £525 per week for weeks 3 and 4Closed Groups: £480 - £320 per week

£25 per week for hot lunches on week days£35 per week for a single bedroom£56 per week for private bathroom£50 supplement per additional night required or £75for an additional day including a Full Day Trip

Morning Afternoon

Week One

SUNDAY Arrival and transfer from the airport to your Homestay

MONDAY Lessons followed by lunch THANET - Orientation Tour of the “island”

TUESDAY Lessons followed by lunch PROJECT WORK - Followed by free time

WEDNESDAY Lessons followed by lunch CANTERBURY - Cathedral and Walking Tour

THURSDAY Lessons followed by lunch PROJECT WORK - Followed by free time

FRIDAY Lessons followed by lunch MARGATE - Explore the town and Turner Contemporary

SATURDAY Full day trip to London

SUNDAY Free day with your Homestay

Week Two

MONDAY Lessons followed by lunch WHITSTABLE - Bowling and the harbour

TUESDAY Lessons followed by lunch PROJECT WORK - Followed by free time

WEDNESDAY Lessons followed by lunch BROADSTAIRS - Dickens House and beach games

THURSDAY Lessons followed by lunch PROJECT WORK - Followed by free time

FRIDAY Lessons followed by lunch WESTGATE - Cinema

SATURDAY Departure and transfer to the airport from your Homestay

Sample Programme


Morning Afternoon


MONDAY Lessons followed by lunch THANET - Orientation Tour of the “island”

TUESDAY Lessons followed by lunch Lessons - (Project)

WEDNESDAY Lessons followed by lunch CANTERBURY - Cathedral and Walking Tour

THURSDAY Lessons followed by lunch Lessons - (Project)

FRIDAY Lessons followed by lunch MARGATE - Seaside, Beach & Art Gallery

SATURDAY Full-day trip to London (sightseeing, museums & shopping)




Closed Group package price (based on 14 students plus 1 leader free of charge) includes:

• Full board residential accommodation• 24 lessons per week• Culture and leisure activity programme• Full-day trip to London• End-of-course Certifi cate of Achievement


Dates Any time of year for closed groups

Age 12+

Levels All

Lessons per week 24 (18 hours)Location Kent Price £650 per week (based on package below)


Sample Programme for closed groups

Dates July and August for international courses

Age 12 - 16

Levels A2 - B2

Lessons per week 20 (15 hours)

Location Sussex

Price £800 per week

Morning Afternoon


MONDAY Lessons followed by lunch ACTIVITIES - Sports Afternoon

TUESDAY Lessons followed by lunch BRIGHTON - Sealife Centre and Pier

WEDNESDAY Lessons followed by lunch ACTIVITIES - Outdoor Pursuits

THURSDAY Lessons followed by lunch BATTLE - The 1066 Experience

FRIDAY Lessons followed by lunch ACTIVITIES - Creative Workshops

SATURDAY Full-day trip to London (sightseeing, museums & shopping)


Sample Programme for international courses

International Course package price includes:

As above for closed groups plus • Transfer on arrival and departure (London airports, Kent ports and Eurostar stations)

24 2015

Applying terms and conditionsIf you have booked through an agent their terms of contract may apply to you, but we reserve the right to apply our own terms.

InsuranceInsurance against cancellation, accident, illness, loss of property, theft or any accidental damage the student may cause to the property of others is the responsibility of the student’s parent/guardian and personal insurance is strongly recommended. We recommend using Guard Me. See page 16 for details. Leo Languages will not accept any responsibility for injury or damage caused to persons or property during the stay. All EU students travelling to an EU destination are advised to obtain the European Health Insurance Card.

Parental consentFor all students under the age of 18, a parental consent form, included in the enrolment process, must be completed and sent to us in advance of any course. Stays of 28 nights or over for students aged under 16 are considered by UK authorities to be a private fostering arrangement. There is a supplement of £200 for any such stays to cover the additional administration required.

Dietary requirementsWe will do our best to accommodate special dietary requirements. We reserve the right to charge a supplement for students requiring any diet where the family will need to buy special products (e.g. gluten free bread).

Special needsWe will try to accommodate students with special needs. Bearing in mind that our students are generally housed in homestay accommodation, it may not be possible to admit students with a disability.

Medical conditions and illnessEnrolments are accepted on the understanding that the student has no illness or infi rmity which might adversely aff ect the success of the stay, and that any transmissible disease suff ered by the student must be

declared at the time of booking. We reserve the right to terminate the course without refund of fees if this condition is breached. Class hours missed because of student illness or absence during the course are forfeited and any recuperation of missed class time is at the sole discretion of Leo Languages. Class hours not given because of teacher illness or unforeseen absence will be refunded on a pro rata basis.

Additional expensesWe recommend that students allow a minimum of £80, €100 or $100 per week for pocket money expenses during their stay. PhotographyWe often use images of students - not identifi ed by name - in our publications. Parents should inform Leo Languages if they do not wish their child to be photographed or to appear in any of our publications. Personal propertyParents must take appropriate measures to protect their children’s valuables and other personal possessions. Expensive items such as jewellery, MP3 players, video games and designer clothing should not be brought to the UK. Student disciplineLeo Languages reserves the right to apply any suitable disciplinary measures to those who upset their fellow students, break school rules, or break UK law. In certain cases we reserve the right to send a student home, at their parents’ expense, and with no refund on fees paid.

Examples of disorderly conduct are:• Threatening behaviour and abusive language• Involvement with illegal drugs• Buying or being in possession of cigarettes or alcohol• Theft or vandalism• Bullying

DamageStudents must pay for malicious damage they cause to property in their accommodation or on school premises. Leo Languages reserves the right to refuse admission to or dismiss a student for misconduct or non-attendance. Expelled students must return home at their own expense and with no refund of fees paid.

Junior Programmes Terms and Conditions

Advice for travel:We advise students to bring a rucksack, pencil case, pens, and a warm waterproof. Also, pack trainers, towels and swimming things for days involving sports or the beach. Hosts will provide a packed lunch and drink every day. Students who bring a mobile phone charger or any other electrical equipment will need a UK adaptor. A parental consent form, included in the enrolment process, must be completed and sent to us in advance of any course.






Language Teacher Guides can be booked 7 days a week between 08:00 and 20:00. There is a minimum of 3 contact hours per session. The client may book 2 sessions in one day (for example 09:00 - 13:00 and 16:00 - 20:00) but the same Language Teacher Guide cannot be guaranteed. The minimum contract is 6 hours.

Clients may share the class/visits with a spouse or family member at no extra charge providing they have approximately the same language level. If two or more unrelated clients share the class/visits each one will be charged the hourly rate less 20%, but only one session fee will be payable per session.

The currency invoiced depends on the destination. UK is £ - Pound Sterling. Ireland, France, Germany, Malta, Spain and Italy are € - Euros. USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are $ - US Dollars. Clients pay all expenses (including those of the Language Teacher Guide) incurred during contact hours: transport, entrance fees, light refreshments. In the event of cancellation, a cancellation fee of 50% of the contact hours’ fees is charged.



Dates Any time of year

Age Any

Levels B1 upwards

Languages Lessons and practice are given in the language spoken in the country visited. English lessons and practice may, as an alternative, be given in most destinations.

Price There is a one-off registration fee of £20, €30, or $30 (depending on destination) on the fi rst booking. Each contract is charged on an hourly basis at the rate per contact hour of £50, €80 or $80. There is a further charge per session of £25, €35 or $35.

Destinations UK: London & Edinburgh Ireland: Dublin & Cork USA: New York & San Francisco Canada: Toronto & Vancouver Australia: Sydney New Zealand: Auckland Malta France: Paris & Nice Italy: Milan, Florence, Rome & Pisa South Africa: Cape Town Germany: Frankfurt, Munich & Stuttgart Norway: Oslo Spain: Madrid & Barcelona Other destinations available upon request

Lessons 45- or 90-minute blocks

Times Between 9am and 5pm UK time or on request

Course Types General Language Business Language Exam Preparation Language for Specifi c Purposes (eg Law)

We off er you the opportunity to learn or improve in a foreign language such as English,* French, Spanish, Italian or German from the comfort of your home, workplace or anywhere you choose, and to benefi t from having no travel costs to a language centre. Our programme is aimed at one or more individuals, regardless of language level. All you need is a quiet room with a good internet connection and a Skype address – and the desire to learn or improve.

Your course will be personalised through a preliminary 15-minute Skype lesson which is free of charge. This will enable us to eff ectively prepare an appropriate programme of work to meet your needs. The course may be extended at any time and by any duration. In addition, a Certifi cate of Achievement will be awarded upon completion.

*For students of English we include in the course fee a 3-month licence for the highly popular online language programme ‘Let’s Learn English’. This self-study package is the ideal complement to your course, an easy-to-use learning platform which focusses on all the skills areas as well as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Dates Within any 4-week period

Age 18+

Levels A1- to C1

Price £240 for an 8-lesson block + one-off £25 registration fee




Train to Teach English as a Foreign Language at English in Margate and gain the TRINITY Cert TESOL.

What is Cert TESOL?The Certifi cate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, awarded by Trinity College, London, is accredited at level 5 of the National Qualifi cations framework.

The programme includes a minimum of:• 130 hours of guided learning• 6 hours of teaching practice• 4 hours of observation

On successful completion of the programme, you will receive a Certifi cate from Trinity College, London. We will, additionally, be happy to provide a reference to any employer who requests one during your future job search.

Cert TESOL Course accredited by Trinity College, London

Teacher Development Programme

1- or 2-week intensive courses aimed at primary or secondary school teachers

Courses include:• All tuition and teaching materials• Use of the school’s multimedia self-access facilities after class• Membership of our social centre, the Hawley Club• A social programme including a minimum of three evening activities• End-of-course Certifi cate


Homestay with a local family £135 per person per weekExecutive Homestay with a local family £195 per person per weekSelf-catering private apartment From £224 per week Sep-Jun and from £238 per week Jul-AugPlease see page 18 for more details about accommodation

Course 1- or 2-week duration, 30 hours per week, Monday-Friday

Price £350 per week +£50 Registration Fee

Dates Available all year round for closed groups

Class Sizes From 4 - 10 students. Please enquire for a tailor-made course or diff erent size groups

Levels B1- to C2

Levels C1 upwards

Course 4-week duration, Monday-Friday

Price £1000 +£50 Registration Fee

There is a 15% discount for 2+ people booking the same course together

Dates Spring 9 February 6 March 13 April 8 MaySummer 25 May 19 JuneAutumn 5 October 30 October

Start Finish


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Terms of Payment• A £200 deposit, to include the registration fee, is payable at the time of booking.

• Payment in full must be made four weeks before the start date of the course or as specifi ed on your invoice.

• Payment should be made in the relevant currency to the correct bank account - see above for details.

• Bank charges are the payer’s responsibility. The amount invoiced must be received in full and any underpayment must be settled before the course starts.

• If a course is cancelled by the client more than 28 days before the scheduled course start date a cancellation fee equal to the deposit will be charged (i.e. £200, €300 or $300, depending on the currency invoiced). If the course is cancelled from 28 days to 7 days before the start of the course, 50% of the fees will be refunded; there would be no refund if a cancellation is made less than 7 days before the start of the course. No refund of fees will be made once the course has started.

• If a course is postponed within 4 weeks of the scheduled arrival date, an additional fee of £150, €200 or $200 will be charged.

Bank Details

Making payments for International Language Homestays, Junior Residence & Language Teacher Guide:Payments should be in sterling (£), euros (€) or US dollars ($) according to your invoice. All currencies not listed should be paid in sterling (£). Please note that any bank charges must be paid by the sender.

Credit card payment at the following secure web address: http://www.ilh.com/payment/

Bank transfer: Please ask for bank details if required

Making payments for English in Margate, English-on-Sea and Train to Teach English:Payments should be in sterling (£) or euros (€) according to your invoice. All currencies not listed should be paid in sterling (£). Please note that Natwest Bank’s inland payment department charge 7 GBP for all payments received in sterling, so if paying by bank transfer, you must add 7 GBP to the total amount to be transferred.

Credit card payment at the following secure web address: http://www.englishinmargate.com/payment/

Bank transfer: Please ask for bank details if required

Making payments for Home Group6, English in a Castle & Languages Now:Payments should be in sterling (£), euros (€) or US dollars ($) according to your invoice. All currencies not listed should be paid in sterling (£). Please note that any bank charges must be paid by the sender.

Credit card payment at the following secure web address: http://www.leolanguages.com/payment/

Bank transfer: Please ask for bank details if required

Get in touch


Published 07/2015Leo Languages Ltd. Registered in England Company No. 8122032Registered Address: The Towers, Hawley Square, Margate, Kent, CT9 1PH, United Kingdom

Leo LanguagesThe TowersHawley SquareMargateKent CT9 1PHUnited Kingdom

Phone +44 1843 227700Fax +44 1843 223377Email info@leolanguages.com

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