festival nacional de inglés 2015

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Reglamento para la organización y ejecución del Festival del Ingles 2015


Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 1 DIRECCINDEDESARROLLO CURRICULAR Guapara la organizacin del Festival de Ingls 2015 Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 2 Autoridades Ministeriales Sonia Marta Mora Escalante Ministra de Educacin Pblica Alicia Vargas PorrasViceministra Acadmica de Educacin Mario Enrique Alfaro Rodrguez Directora de la Direccin de Desarrollo Curricular Anabelle Venegas Fernndez JefaDepartamento de Primero y Segundo Ciclos Rigoberto Corrales Ziga Jefe del Departamento de Tercer Ciclo y Educacin Diversificada Comisin Redactora Ana Isabel Campos, Asesora Nacional de Ingls ( Coordinacin) Marianella Granados, Asesora Nacional de Ingls Michelle Leip, Peace Corps Response Sandra Araya, Asesora Regional de Ingls de Gupiles Max Arias, Asesor Regional de Ingls de Liberia Randall Centeno, Asesor Regional de Ingls de San Jos Norte Andrs Mendoza, Asesor Regional de Ingls de Heredia Gilberto Vquez, Asesor Regional de Ingls de Cartago Ronald Vargas, Asesor Regional de Ingls de Alajuela Manuel Rojas, Asesor Regional de Ingls de los Santos Revisin Filolgica, Norma Abdallah Ortega Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 3 Participacin en sesin de validacin Ronald Vargas ChavarraAsesor Regional de Ingls de Alajuela Carmen Jimnez Vsquez Asesora Regional de Ingls de Aguirre Gilberto Vquez CrdobaAsesor Regional de Ingls de Cartago Merlyn Jimnez RodrguezAsesora Regional de Ingls de Coto Sonia Bolivar ArayaAsesora Regional de Ingls de Caas Sandra Araya AcuaAsesora Regional de Ingls de Gupiles Andrs Armando MendozaAsesor Regional de Ingls de Heredia Manuel Rojas MataAsesor Regional de Ingls de Los Santos Diana Sanchn OrozcoAsesora Regional de Ingls de Nicoya Shirley Rojas Leiva Asesora Regional de Ingls de Norte-Norte Paola Artavia MoyaAsesora Regional de Ingls de Occidente Bernardo Romano PizarroAsesor Regional de Ingls de Peninsular Omar Arias PorrasAsesor Regional de Ingls de Puriscal Gabriela Castillo Hernndez Asesor Regional de Ingls de San Carlos Ezequiel Rojas Gutirrez Asesor Regional de Ingls de San Jos Central Gabriel Espinoza BarrantesAsesor Regional de Ingls de San Jos Oeste Yazmn Mayorga LealAsesor Regional de Ingls de Santa Cruz Adran Carmona MirandaAsesor Regional de Ingls de SarapiquJuan Carlos Dodero GiustoAsesor Regional de Ingls de Turrialba Michelle LeipVoluntario del Cuerpo de Paz Gupiles David Burns Voluntario del Cuerpo de Paz Santa Cruz Mark PigottVoluntario del Cuerpo de Paz GupilesDorotia VieraVoluntario del Cuerpo de Paz Turrialba Lindsay HorneVoluntario del Cuerpo de Paz GupilesLaura Campos BarqueroDireccin de Gestin y Evaluacin de la Calidad Lizzette Vargas MurilloDireccin de Educacin Tcnica Comercio y Empresa Ana Isabel Campos CentenoAsesora Nacional Primero y Segundo Ciclos Yamileth Chaves SotoAsesora Nacional Tercer Ciclo y Educacin Diversificada Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 4 Marianella Granados SiriasAsesora Nacional Tercer Ciclo y Educacin Diversificada Yaudy Ramrez Vsquez Asesora Nacional Primero y Segundo Ciclos Contenido Justificacin ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Objetivos del Festival de Ingls .................................................................................................................. 7 Descripcin del Festival de ingls ............................................................................................................... 8 Beneficiarios ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Lineamientos Generales ........................................................................................................................... 12 Etapas del Festival de Ingls ..................................................................................................................... 15 Institucional .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Readers theather ............................................................................................................................ 15 Conversations ...................................................................................... Error! Marcador no definido. Role-play: .......................................................................................................................................... 17 Spelling Bee: ........................................................................................ Error! Marcador no definido. Impromtu speech: ............................................................................................................................ 18 Festival de Ingls en el nivel Circuital, Regional y Nacional ................................................................. 19 1.Spelling Bee ................................................................................................................................... 19 2.Impromptu Speech ........................................................................................................................ 21 Cronograma 2015 ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Propuesta para Presupuesto Nacional 2015 ............................................................................................ 27 BIBLIOGRAFA: .......................................................................................................................................... 29 Anexos ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 5 English Festival Justificacin CostaRicahaexperimentado,enlosltimosaos,uncambiosignificativoen diferentesreasdesudesarrolloenpartepor losretosqueimponenlastecnologas delainformacinycomunicacin,lasnuevastendenciaseconmicas,sociales, culturalesypolticasenquevivimos.Estonoslleva,comoMinisterio,arepensarla formadeprepararalosestudiantesparaqueenfrenteneficientementelosnuevos retos. El desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa del ingls se convierte en una de lasherramientasmsimportantesquedebeposeerelestudianteparaenfrentarlas demandas del siglo XXI. Los Programas de Estudios de Ingls son el marco referencial oficial que orienta elaprendizajeyenseanzadeesteidiomaenloscentroseducativos.Losobjetivos generales de los programas proponen que la niez costarricense sea sensible a otras culturasyamplensusconocimientosdelmundo;quetenganoportunidadespara adquirirundominiolingsticodelinglsquelespermitacomunicarseeneseidioma con otras personas del mundo.Para lograrlo los estudiantes necesitan oportunidades de exposicin y uso del idioma ingls tanto dentro como fuera de las aulas.SeproponelarealizacindeunFestivaldelInglsanivelnacionalconsus respectivasetapas:institucionales,circuitalesyregionalescomounaactividadque promueve el logro de estas aspiraciones. Una de ellas es dar igualdad de oportunidad a los estudiantes de las 27 Direcciones Regionales del pas para demostrar su progreso en elaprendizaje el ingls, el cual segn los Programas de Estudios incluye elementos lingsticos(vocabularioygramtica),funcionales(situacionesdeusodelidiomaen contextosrealesoseudo-reales)yculturales(aspectossocio-lingsticos)queen formaintegralyprogresivapermiteneldesarrollodelacompetencialingsticaen esteidiomaextranjeromedianteeldesarrollodelashabilidadesdehabla,escucha, lectura y escritura. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 6 Esimportantedestacarqueenelao2011nacienlaDireccinRegionalde LosSantoslainiciativadeimpulsarunconcursodenominadoSpellingBee(Deletreo) donde todos los estudiantes con el apoyo de los docentes deletreaban una listadepalabraseningls,tomandocomobaseloscontenidosyunidadesdelos Programas de Estudio. Los resultados fueron muy exitosos en lo referente a participacin estudiantil e integracindelosdocentes,padresdefamiliaycomunidad.Estomotivalasesor regionalacompartirlaexperienciaconotrasregioneseducativas.Elaopasado participaroneneleventonacional20DireccionesRegionales.Larespuestatan positivadeestudiantes,docentes,padresdefamiliayAsesoresRegionalesalconcurso Spelling Bee demuestra que es pertinente y responde a la necesidad que tienenlosestudiantesdelpasdetenermsoportunidadesyespaciosde participacin en lasdistintas reas del saber, particularmente en ingls.Conelpropsitodeatenderestanecesidad,lasautoridadeseducativas apoyadasenlasAsesorasNacionalesdeinglsdelaDireccindeDesarrollo CurricularyunaComisindeAsesoresRegionaleshanplanteadolaposibilidadde transcenderel Concurso Spelling Bee y transformarlo en un Festival de Ingls que dalosestudianteslosespaciosrequeridosparademostrarsusconocimientos, destrezas,habilidades,actitudesycompetenciasenloscomponenteslingsticos, funcionales y culturales que integralmente forman parte del proceso de adquisicin del ingls como lengua extranjera segn lo establecido en los Programas de Estudios. En primer lugar se propone fortalecer el concurso Spelling Bee, incorporando las recomendaciones obtenidas en el proceso de validacin con Asesores Regionales yVoluntariosdelCuerpodePaz.Ensegundolugarseamplalaparticipacin estudiantilaotrasmodalidadesenelnivelinstitucional(Readerstheater, Conversations, Role-plays e Impromptu speech) y otra en el nivel circuital, regional y nacional, impromptu speech. La modalidad Impromptu speech impondr un desafo para los participantes, debern integrar de forma espontnea en un breve discurso los tres componentes: el lingstico, el funcional y el cultural. Esperamos que este nuevo retomotivetambinalosprofesoresdeinglsjuntoconsusestudiantesabuscar Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 7 nuevasestrategiasparaundesarrollomsefectivodelacompetenciacomunicativa en los estudiantes.Las modalidades propuestas para el Festival de Ingls, as como losproductosesperadosdelosparticipantes,seencuentranalineadosconlos propsitosdelaprendizajedelinglsennuestrosistemaeducativo,lapoltica educativaylosenfoquesmetodolgicospropuestosenlosProgramasdeestudio oficialesdelMinisteriodeEducacinPblica,paraingls.ElFestivalcomoproceso seirajustandoyrevisandocontinuamentedemodoquerespondaaloscambios curriculares y necesidades de la sociedad. El Festival Regional de Ingls se convierte entonces en espacio de aprendizaje y disfrute del ingls. Es tambin una oportunidad para que los estudiantes y docentes interacten y se apoyen mutuamente y los aprendientes puedan demostrar los logros alcanzados en las aulas en aras de convertirlos en usuarios fluidos del idioma ingls. DentrodelosbeneficiosdelFestivaldeInglsensusdosmodalidades podemos mencionar los siguientes: 1.Promoverelaprendizajedelidiomainglsenformainnovadoraenaspectos especficosdelidioma:fonemas,vocabulario,pronunciacin,concienciafonolgica, gramtica,fluidez,desarrollodedestrezascognitivas,socio-afectivasypsico- motrices,competenciacomunicativa,integracinhabilidadeslingsticas(habla. Lectura, lectura y escritura) 2.Promoverenlapoblacinestudiantillaparticipacin,lainteraccinsocial,el liderazgo,larecreacin,laautodisciplinaylaconfianzayelfortalecimientodela identidad y el sentido de pertenencia.Objetivos del Festival de InglsObjetivo General:Promoverenlapoblacinestudiantilylacomunidadeducativaactitudespositivas paralaadquisicindelinglsmediantelarealizacindeunFestivaldeInglsenel Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 8 nivel institucional, circuital, regional y nacional como espacio de exposicin al ingls y uso del idioma por parte de los estudiantes.Objetivos Especficos: 1.Proveeralosestudiantesdeunespaciodeinteraccinyusoelidiomainglsen situacionessignificativasycomunicativasquelosmotivenalograrunmejornivelde desempeo lingstico. 2.Promoverespaciosdeconvivenciaeinterculturalidadparaquelosestudiantesse integrenatravsdeunaparticipacindinmica,sanayenriquecedoraenelnivel institucional, circuital, regional y nacional. 3.Motivaralosestudiantesasercreativos,independientes,pensadorescrticosque contribuyan al desarrollo del pas en el siglo XXI. 4. Involucrar a los diferentes actores de comunidad educativa: estudiantes, docentes y padres para apoyar el proceso de enseanza y aprendizaje del idioma ingls. Descripcin del Festival de ingls El festival de ingls debe ser llevado a cabo en todas las etapas: institucional, circuital, regionalynacional.CadaReginEducativaseorganizarsegnlassiguientes especificaciones. 1.Enelfestivaldeinglsinstitucionalparticipanlassiguientesmodalidades:Spelling Bee, Impromptu Speech, Conversations, Role-plays y Readers theater. 2.EnelFestivaldeIngls2015anivelcircuital,regionalynacionalparticipan nicamente dos modalidades: Spelling Bee e Impromptu Speech. En el futuro las modalidades podran rotar ao con ao de la siguiente forma Spelling Bee e Impromptu Speech / Spelling Bee y Conversations/ Spelling Bee y Role-plays. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 9 3. Los estudiantes participan en la modalidad Spelling Bee a partir de Segundo Ciclo. EnlamodalidaddeImpromptuSpeechparticiparandesdeelPrimerCiclohastala Educacin Diversificada. 4.LaparticipacindelniveldepreescolarenlasdistintasetapasdelFestival (institucional, circuital y regional) ser definido por el Asesor(a) Regional de Ingls, elcomitregionalorganizadorylasdocentesdepreescolar,porconsideracinalas caractersticasparticularesdecadaReginenloreferenteacoberturaylas caractersticasdeestaofertaeducativa.Laparticipacindelosestudiantesde preescolar llegar hasta la etapa regional. 5. La modalidad de impromptu speech en Primer Ciclo y Segundo Ciclo se realizar usando lminas o fotografas como estmulo visual para que en forma espontnea los nios(as)participantesserefieranaellasdeacuerdoconunafuncinlingstica especfica. En Segundo Ciclo se aumentar la complejidad del impromptu speech para locualsefacilitaralestudianteademsdelafuncinlingstica,unapregunta generadora que utilizar para orientar su presentacin (Ver anexos con las funciones). 6.ElAsesor(a)RegionaljuntoconelComitdeapoyotomaranlasprevisionespara queenelFestivalcircuitalyregional,losparticipantesdeprimariacuentenconlos estmulos visuales requeridos para desarrollar sus discursos. 7. La participacin de los estudiantes de Primer Ciclo en Impromptu Speech llegar hasta la etapa regional. 8.EnlaetapanacionaldelFestivaldeInglsparticiparannicamenteun representante de Spelling Bee de Segundo Ciclo y un representante de secundaria. Adems, participar un representante de Impromptu Speech de Segundo Ciclo y un representante desecundaria para un total de 4 estudiantes por Regin Educativa. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 10 9. Cada institucin educativa deprimaria ysecundaria ser responsable de organizar su propio festival de ingls, esto como resultado del trabajo conjunto y organizado del CentroEducativoytodoelpersonaldocente,conelapoyodelDepartamentode Ingls. 10. El festival circuital lo planear el Supervisor correspondiente junto con un comit de docentes de ingls y directores de su circuito. 11.ElfestivalregionalseorganizarbajolatutelayresponsabilidaddelAsesor(a) Regional de ingls, en conjunto con una comisin nombrada por el Asesor(a) Regional deIngls,lamismatendrelrespaldodelossupervisores,JefesdeAsesoras PedaggicasyDirectoresRegionales.Estacomisinnoformarpartedeloscomits circuitales,colaborarnicamenteenlaorganizacindelcertamenregionalyen coordinar la participacin regional en el Festival de Ingls a nivel nacional. 12.Elfestivaldeinglsnacionalprogramadoparaelao2015estacargodela Direccin Regional de Educacin de Gupiles y se realizar del 16 al 18 de noviembre del 2015. 13.LaspalabrasquesernutilizadasenlamodalidadSpellingBeesernenviadas va correo electrnico a los y las Asesores(as) Regionales. 13. Es importante incluir actividades culturales relacionadas al idioma meta durante el desarrollodelFestival,siendolaculturaunejefundamentalenelaprendizajedel ingls, no obstante estos no sern evaluados como parte de la competencia. Beneficiarios Los beneficiarios son estudiantes de preescolar, primaria, y secundaria del sistema de educacin pblico que reciben ingls como lengua extranjera. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 11 Beneficios de la participacin en el festival del ingls Se presenta una gran oportunidad en donde los(as) estudiantes podrn: Usar el idioma ingls en sus diferentes funciones. Percibirelprocesoenseanza-aprendizaje,conunpropsitoparala comunicacin. Compartir con sus padres y comunidad el dominio lingstico adquirido por los ellos.Disfrutardeunentornoenelcual,todosellostienenigualoportunidadde mostrarymedirsuaprendizajedelidioma meta,sinimportarsu nivelsocialo econmico. Tener una razn ms para amar el idioma y establecer lazos culturales. EvidenciaralasautoridadesdelMEPydocenteslalabordocenteteniendo como parmetro el aprendizaje del estudiante en el idioma meta. Presentarse ante una audiencia con seguridad y aplomo. Participar y aprender de otros estudiantes dentro y fuera de la institucin. Poner en prctica su produccin oral en el idioma meta. Ganar protagonismo en un campo diferente, atractivo y relevante. Mostrarse ante la comunidad como personas que responden a los retos, segn la necesidad de la sociedad de la cual son parte. Demostrarsushabilidadeslingsticasysucapacidadparaautocorregirse. Recibir reconocimiento y motivacin para seguir adelante, en el aprendizaje del idioma. Aprender de la experiencia en s y construir carcter, entre otros. Es una gran oportunidad en donde los(as) docentes pueden: Contribuir al cumplimiento de los fines de los Programas de Estudio de Ingls, que el estudiante se comunique y queuse el idioma meta. Compartir los logros con los estudiantes. Celebrar el gusto por el idioma. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 12 Proyectarse dentro y fuera de la institucin. Ganar prestigio y reconocimiento por la labor realizada. Exponer su creatividad y profesionalismo ante la comunidad educativa. Compartir con otros colegas y funcionarios. Crecer como profesionales, y ganar experiencia. Promover el trabajo colaborativo. Actualizar conocimientos y tcnicas. Repasar vocabulario de uso frecuente incluidos en los contenidos de los programas de estudio de ingls ElFestivaldeInglsserelespacioparaevidenciarloslogrosdelosdocentesysus estudiantesdentrodesuscontextosespecficos.Sedebedevisualizarcon unapticapositiva que fomente e incentive el aprendizaje del idioma. Los participantes llegaranfelicesyorgullososalevento,aserescuchados,amostrarloaprendido, segnsea su nivel de competencia; lo importante es participar, perder el temor. Hay el convencimiento,queunavezqueel/laestudiantedaesepaso,estarmsmotivadoa volveraparticipar.Esapuertaqueparanosotroscomoadultosparecepequeita,para ellospuedeserunmundodediferenciaentrederribarbarrerasoalcontrario, levantarlas. Dell Hymes dice: "In speaking of competence, it is especially important not to separatecognitivefromaffectiveandvolitivefactors,sofarastheimpactoftheoryon educationalpracticeisconcerned"(Hymes,Dell(1966).OnCommunicative Competence, p. 64). (Cuando se habla de competencia comunicativa, es especialmente importante no separar los factores cognitivos de los factores afectivos y de la voluntad, en cuanto al impacto de la teora en lo que a la prctica educativa se refiere.) Lineamientos Generales 1.ElFestivaldelInglsesunaactividadinstitucionalquedarealcealacomunicacin verbalendichalengua.Esteconstadecuatroetapas:institucional,circuital,regionaly nacional.Enprimariaysecundariasecelebranenlascuatroetapas,mientrasqueen Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 13 preescolar (en instituciones donde se imparte ingls en este nivel)se realizar segn lo determinen el Asesor(a) Regional, el comit regional y las docentes de preescolar. 2.Losdocentesdebenrealizarelprocesodepreparacinyparticipacindetodoslos estudiantes de la institucin. 3.Las participaciones deben reflejar el trabajo realizado en las aulas durante el proceso deenseanza-aprendizajecotidianoynoserunamerafabricacinrealizadaporel/la docente u otra persona ajena al sistema educativo slo para efectos del festival. 4.Todaslasinstitucionesdeprimariaysecundariapblicas debenrealizarlaetapa institucional,asistiralacircuitalyregional.Ysusganadoresparticiparnenelmagno evento nacional. Aquellas instituciones que no realicen el evento institucional, no podrn participar en ninguna de las siguientes etapas. Los procesos deben ser completos. Todas lasinstitucionesqueparticipenmsalldelaetapainstitucionaldebernpresentar candidatos en las dos modalidades del festival, anteriormente mencionadas. 5.A nivel de pre-escolar, la participacin llegar hasta el evento regional. 6.Losdiscursosoconversacionespuedenser elaboradasypracticadasenlasaulas o fuera de ellas. 7.Enelfestivalcircuitalseseleccionarncuatrorepresentantesenlamodalidadde impromptu speech (Primer Ciclo, Segundo Ciclo, Tercer Ciclo y Educacin Diversificada) para ir al evento Regional y tres representantes en Spelling Bee (Segundo Ciclo, Tercer CicloyEducacinDiversificada).EnelFestivalRegionalseseleccionarandos representantes deSpelling Beey dos representantes de Impromtu Speech para ir al eventonacional:unodeprimariayunodesecundaria.Lasparticipacionesdelnivel preescolar sern definidas por el Asesor(a) Regional y su comit de apoyo. 8.Es importante que los padres de familia conozcan los procesos que se llevan a cabo en el English Festival, como lo son la organizacin, dinmica y calendarizacin. Estos temas deben ser analizados en la reunin oficial de padres de familia con los docentes de ingls Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 14 y tambin deben ser expuestos durante reunin de personal. El apoyo de todo el personal es sumamente importante para que el evento sea un xito. 9.Losparticipantespuedenusarelmaterialdeapoyoqueconsiderennecesario,sin embargo,dichomaterial,aunqueayudeacontextualizarlasconversaciones,noser evaluado. Cada institucin se encargar de llevar el material de apoyo necesario para sus presentaciones a los certmenes circuital, regional y nacional. 10.La salida de los estudiantes para participar en las etapas circuital, regional y nacional debern apegarse a los protocolos establecidos por el MEP en la circular DM-0005-01-11. 11.La participacin de los estudiantes en el certamen nacional se realizar por medio de una boleta de inscripcin, la cual se adjunta en los anexos. Cada asesor regional de ingls establecer los mecanismos ms adecuados para su certamen regional. 12.Elpadredefamiliaoencargadodeberfirmarunaautorizacinanticipadamenteal certamenparaqueasuhijo(a)lepuedantomarfotografas.Dichaautorizacindebe llevar nombre completo del padre de familia, firma y nmero de cdula. 13.Losestudiantesseharnacompaarporsuprofesorencadaunadelasetapas,a excepcin de la etapa nacional, para la cual seelegir solamente a uno de los docentes cuyoniovayaaesaetapa.Estedocenteserseleccionadoporelasesorregionalde ingls.Encasodequesedesigneaunadelegacinregionalparaqueacompaealos participantesalFestivalNacionaldeIngls,todoslosgastosserncubiertosporlos participantes o por la Direccin Regional en caso que as lo disponga. 14. La presencia del asesor de ingls en el evento regional y nacional, es indispensable. Como requisitoparaasistiralaetapanacional,deberhacerseacompaarporsu representacin regional de participantes. 15. La decisin de los jueces es inapelable. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 15 16. ElFestivaldeinglsdebeestarincluidoenelPATinstitucionalyenelPOACircuitaly Regional. Etapas del Festival de Ingls Institucional ElFestivaldeinglsenelnivelinstitucionaldebeofrecerunaampliagamade escenarioslingsticosparaeldisfruteyusodelidiomametacomomediode comunicacininternacional.Todalainstitucineducativadebeparticipar.Eldadel ingls se celebrar en todas los centros educativos del pas entre los meses de mayo y junio. Algunasactividadesquesepuedenconsiderarparalaetapainstitucionalsonlas siguientes,perolasprioridadessernlasdosmodalidadesseleccionadasparaeste ao (Spelling Bee e Impromptu Speech) y sern las nicas que se evaluarn. 1. READERS THEATER DESCRIPCIN Readerstheater(TeatrodelLector)esunaactividaddelecturaenlaquecada estudianteinterpretaunpersonajeconlaexpresividadnecesariaparadarlevida (Martnez, Roser y Strecker, 1999). Comomtododerelecturaproporcionaunsentidoalarepeticin;promuevela atencindelnioentornoalossignificadosypersonajesdeltextoypropiciaasun mayor anlisis, con el fin de lograr la interpretacin oral ante una audiencia. De esta manera, proporciona al nio un contexto socio cultural (cuando se convierte en actor y debe representar un personaje) para el trabajo con el texto (Cairney 1992). Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 16 Los pasos para llevar a cabo el teatro de lector: Los estudiantes: 1) Eligenun cuento. 2) Observan las ilustraciones e identifican a los personajes. 3) Escuchan la lectura de la obra por parte de la gua. 4) Leen el guion en silencio. 5) Buscan el significado de las palabras que no conozca. 6) Comparten con sus compaeros lo que comprendieron. 7) Analizan las caractersticas de los diferentes personajes. 8) Elijen el personaje que mejor se adapte a sus caractersticas. 9) Elaboran el disfraz o la mscara para representar a su personaje (opcional) 10) Identifican y subrayan los dilogos de su personaje en el guion. 11) Leen la obra entre todos. 12)Cadaunoleeenvozaltaeldilogodelpersonajequeeligi(enordende aparicin,siaslodesean)yescuchanconatencinlalecturadelosdems personajes. 13) Practican sus dilogos y los presentan. 2. CONVERSATIONS DESCRIPCIN Esta es la oportunidad que se les brinda a los estudiantes para que utilicen el idioma en forma oral mostrando lo aprendido. Consiste en la presentacin de dilogos entre dos personas, que intervienen de forma alterna al expresar sus ideas. Los temas de la conversacinsedesprendendelasfuncionesytpicos/temasdesarrolladosen programas de estudio. Pasos para llevar a cabo la actividad Los estudiantes: Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 17 1)Se organizan en parejas o grupos (mximo 4 estudiantes). 2)Elijenalazarunasituacinrelacionadaconlosobjetivosyfuncionesdel programa 3)Enformaespontneainicianunintercambiodeinformacinreferenteala funcin y tema en dos minutos o ms. 3. ROLE-PLAYS DESCRIPCIN LosRolePlays(juegosderoles)sonminipresentacionesdeteatro.Losalumnos creansituacionesenlasqueelvocabulariooestructurasgramaticalesquehan aprendidoenelaulapuedanserutilizadosensituacionespseudo-reales.Paralos estudiantesestetipodeactividadtienemuchosbeneficios.Mediantelaplanificacin dedilogosqueimitanconversacionesensituacionesreales,descubrenquedeben aprenderaexpresarseeninglstantodeformaoralcomoescritasiquierenser partcipes del proceso comunicativo. Los pasos para llevar a cabo el juego del rol: Los estudiantes: 1) Forman grupos de 3 -6 personas.2) Eligen un tema del programa de estudios. (Los docentes pueden tenerlos escritos en hojas de papel.)3) Escriben un guion con los roles de cada persona en el grupo usando el vocabulario y la gramtica que han aprendido en la clase.4)Practicanconsugrupoycreandisfracesydecoracionesparasupresentacin. (Decoraciones y disfraces son opcionales.) 5) Presentan su juego de rol en frente de la audiencia.6) Los jueces evaluarn el desempeo basado en una rbrica. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 18 4. SPELLING BEE Es una competencia de deletreo en la cual los participantes deletrean una palabra en vozaltaletraporletra.Sielestudiantedeletreala palabracorrectamentedurantesu primer intento, se queda en la competencia y pasa a la prxima ronda. 5. IMPROMPTU SPEECH Consisteendesarrollarunpequeodiscursosobreuntemayfuncinespecficaen forma espontnea. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 19 Festival de Ingls en el nivel Circuital, Regional y Nacional Estas etapas constarn nicamente de las siguientes modalidades: 1. SPELLING BEE DESCRIPCINUn spelling bee es una competencia en la cual los participantes deletrean una palabra en voz alta letra por letra.. Si el estudiante deletrea la palabra correctamente durante su primer intento, se queda en la competencia y pasa a la prxima ronda. Si un estudiante deletrea mal una palabra, el participante es eliminado. La competencia sigue hasta que haya un nico ganador. Durante el proceso de deletreo el estudiante puede solicitar al jurado, usando el idioma meta, que le proporcione un ejemplo de la palabra en una oracin o que le pronuncie la palabra. Las palabras a deletrear forman parte del vocabulario de estudio en cada uno de los niveles y ciclos de los Programas deEstudiosdeInglsvigentes.EsimportantedestacarquelosProgramasde Estudiossonflexibles,yofrecenejemplosdeaspectoslxicosygramaticales, (aunque)eldocentepuedeagregarotrospatroneslingsticosdeacuerdoalos intereses y necesidades de los estudiantes (p. 38). El Spelling Bee se lleva a cabo para motivar la participacin estudiantil en actividades relacionadasconelingls,apoyareneldesarrollodelacompetencialingstica (fonologa,morfologa,lxicoyotrasdimensionesasociadasalaprendizajedeun idiomacomosistema)ymsparticularmentesobrealroldelaprendizajede vocabulario en el proceso de adquisicin de un idioma,Krashen seala que A large vocabularyis,ofcourse,essentialformasteryofalanguage(p.439(Unamplio vocabulario es, por supuesto, esencial para el domino de un idioma). El marco Comn Europeo de Referenciapara las Lenguas tambin establece el rango de palabras que un aprendiente debe conocer y utilizar para cada una de las bandas (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). Por ejemplo, un estudiante en la banda de usuario bsico A2 debe tener a su disposicinunvocabulariode1500a2500palabras.PorlotantoelSpellingBee vieneacontribuirenlaadquisicindevocabularioencontextomedianteactividades Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 20 ldicasysignificativasdehabla,escucha,lecturayescrituraquesedesarrollanen forma integral a partir del Segundo Ciclo. As mismo, se desea que por medio de este eventoelestudianteseaexpuestoalaconcienciafonolgicadelaspalabras,las cuales sern incluidas en el nuevo programa de estudio para el 2017. Los pasos para llevar a cabo la actividad: Los estudiantes:1)Losestudiantesescogendeunacajitaalazarunapalabraestudiaday aprendida en contexto en el aula de ingls. 2)El estudiante puede solicitar al docente o sus compaeros la pronunciacin de la palabra o un ejemplo de la palabra en contexto. 3)El estudiante deletrea la palabra. Si lo hace bien continua en el evento con losdemscompaeros(os)quelohaganexitosamente.Sevaneliminandohasta tener un nico ganador. ETAPAS Para el Spelling Bee 2015, habr competencias institucionales, circuitales, regionales ynacional.Losorganizadoresyparticipantessonresponsablesderealizarsus competenciasdentrodeltiempoestablecidoantesdelafinalnacionalprogramada para el 17 de noviembre en Gupiles, Limn. PARTICIPANTES Cualquier estudiante que est registrado en las escuelas y colegios pblicos del MEP puede participar en la modalidad del Spelling Bee en el Festival de Ingls dentro de su respectivo nivel (primero, segundo). Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 21 El Spelling Bee costarricense como parte del Festival est dividido en dos niveles: 1. Nivel Bumble Bee: (Primaria): Cuarto, Quinto y Sexto grados competirn entre s. 2. Nivel Queen Bee: (Secundaria): Stimo, Octavo, Noveno, Dcimo, Undcimo yDuodcimo grados competirn entre s. ***Cadaasesorregionaldeinglsserelresponsabledeenviarlaboletade inscripcindelamodalidadSPELLINGBEEdelosestudiantesquerepresentarna suDireccinRegional.Elasesordebevelarporquelaboletaestcompletay correctamente llena. Las boletas de inscripcin de los ganadores debern enviarsea lasAsesorasNacionalesdeInglsdePrimeroySegundoCicloyTercerCicloy Cuarto Ciclo a ms tardar el viernes 16 de octubre, 2015 al correo electrnico de: (yaudy.ramirez.vasquez@mep.go.cr(lhorne1@binghamton.edu) ( tel:8317-41-65) Quinesenlafechaestablecidanohayaninscritoasusparticipantes,nopodrn participardeleventonacional.VoluntariosdelCuerpodePazapoyarnalas Asesoras Nacionales en estos procesos. ***Paraobtenermsinformacinsobreestaactividad,leerelmanualSpellingBee 2015. (Ver anexos) IMPROMPTU SPEECH DESCRIPCIN Eldiscursoespontneoesunaexcelentetcnicaparaexpresarenpblicode forma natural, en unperodo corto de tiempoel conocimiento adquirido en las aulas, sinquemedieunapreparacincontroladaymemorstica.Elpropsitodeldiscurso espontneoesdaralosestudianteslaoportunidaddedesarrollarlahabilidadoral enfocadaentemascomunicativosdelidiomainglsconbaseenlosprogramasde estudio.SeesperaqueestapartedelFestivalcorrespondaaunaprcticacotidiana Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 22 similaralaclasedeingls,dondeelestudiantehagausodelidiomametapara expresarse de acuerdo con el nivel que cursa y su competencia lingstica. Paraefectosdel festival,losestudiantesdebernescogeralazardos funciones de acuerdo a una lista extrada de losProgramas de Estudios Oficialesde Segundo Ciclos, Tercer Ciclo y Educacin Diversificada, y desarrollarla en forma oral en un tiempo determinado. Es una actividad para estudiantes de Segundo Ciclo yde stimo a duodcimo ao. Los pasos para llevar a cabo la actividad: Los estudiantes:1)Seleccionandeunacajitadosfuncionesrelacionadasconuntemadel Programa de estudios. 2)Delasdosfuncionesseleccionadas,escogernnicamenteunaparasu discurso, en la que se sientan ms cmodos y competentes. 3)Seleccionantambinelnmeroquedefineelordenenquepresentarsu discurso. 4)En un recinto aparte, ellos preparan un esquema de las ideas que desarrollarn eneldiscurso,deacuerdoalafuncinqueseleccionaron.Tendrnveinte minutosparaesto.Dichoesquemapodrtenerfrasesypalabrasclaves solamente. En dicho recinto, habr un adulto imparcial 5)A cada alumno se le dar una pequea pizarra para que realice su esquema.6)Losparticipantesmostrarnsuspizarrasaladulto,yentregarnsus marcadores antes de salir del recinto. 7)Regresan a la sala de presentaciones, y segn el orden asignado, realizarn su presentacin.Eltiempodecadapresentacindependerdelciclo correspondiente.EnPrimerCiclolapresentacinoraltieneunaduracin mximade1minuto.EnSegundoCiclotendrnunaduracinmnimade1 minutounamximade1.30minutos,enTercerCiclounmnimode1:30 Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 23 minutos y un mximo 2:00 minutos y en Educacin Diversificada un mnimo de 2:00 minutos y un mximo de 2:30 minutos. 8)En el caso de primaria Primer Ciclo, la actividad se llamar Impromptu Speech with pictures. Y los estudiantes recibirn de 1 minuto mximo para desarrollar unafuncindelprogramadeestudio,acompaadadeunestmulovisual previamenteescogidoporelestudiantealazar.Ensegundociclolos estudiantesdispondrnde1:30minutosmximopararealizarunimpromtu speechapartirdepreguntasotemascorrespondientesalasfunciones seleccionadas. Tambin podrn apoyarse en los estmulos visuales disponibles para ese fin. 9)EnprimariasoloelrepresentantedeSegundoCiclovalanacionalyen secundaria solamente se escoge a un estudiante, puede ser de Tercer Ciclo o de Educacin Diversificada. ETAPAS Este festival se llevar a cabo en los niveles institucional, circuital, regional y nacional. ElganadordelaetaparegionalserelestudiantequerepresentarasuDireccin Regionalcorrespondienteenla etapa nacional.Habr unganador deprimariayotro de secundaria por Direccin Regional en cada una de las modalidades ( Spelling Bee y Impromptu Speech). PARTICIPANTES ConrespectoalaparticipacindelosestudiantesenlaactividaddeImpromptu Speech, es importante aclarar que aquellos que ya poseen un nivel lingstico de alta calidad, adquirido en alguna institucin privada, o por ser nativos del idioma ingls o porcualquierotromedio,ynologradocomopartedelsistemaeducativopblico, participarneneleventocomoedecanes,maestrosdeceremoniaoenactos Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 24 culturalesduranteelevento,paradarlerealcealmismo.Todasestasactividades tienen que estar relacionadas con el idioma ingls. Estos estudiantes no son parte de la competencia. JUECES Las categoras de Impromptu Speech and Impromptu Speech with pictures deben contar con al menos 3 personas como jueces (anunciador, cronometrador, anotador). Lostresjueces evaluaranlas presentacionesdelos participantespor medio de una rbrica (ver anexo). Sus roles individuales son los siguientes: 1) El anunciadorElanunciadoreslapersonaencargadadellamaralestudiantealescenarioy presentarlafuncinquelecorrespondedesarrollarenelspeechopresentarel estmulo visual en el caso del Impromptu Speech with Pictures. Elanunciadortambinserelencargadodeevaluarlaspresentacionesdelos participantes por medio de una rbrica.2) El cronometrador El encargado del tiempo inicia un cronmetro, una vez que el estudiante empieza su participacin.CadaestudiantequeparticipaenelImpromptuSpeechtieneasignadountiempo mnimo y mximo segn el ciclo correspondiente. Para los participantes de un nivel de PrimerCiclo(Primergrado,Segundogrado,Tercergrado)lapresentacinoraltiene una duracin mxima de 1 minuto. Las participaciones de los estudiantes de Segundo Ciclo tendrnuna duracin mnima de 1 minuto y una mxima de 1.30 minutos,en Tercer Cicloun mnimo de1:30 minutos y un mximo 2:00 minutos y en Educacin Diversificada un mnimo de 2:00 minutos y un mximo de 2:30 minutos. CadaestudiantequeparticipaenImpromptuSpeechwithPicturesrecibirpara desarrollarsupresentacinelestmulovisualescogido.EnSegundoCiclolos estudiantes utilizarn las preguntas generadoras que se les facilitan para organizar su Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 25 ImpromptuSpeechypuedenapoyarseenmaterialvisualqueestardisponible para ese fin. Elcronometradorinformaralparticipantedesutiemporestantepormediodeun cartelconlafrase:"30segundos"ycomunicarcuandoeltiempomximoasignado secomplete.Elparticipantetendrtiempoparafinalizarlaltimaoracin,perono podr continuar una vez que el tiempo asignadoconcluya. 3) El anotadorEslapersonaencargadadedarelseguimiento alasparticipacionesydellevarel control de los puntos ganados por cada estudiante de acuerdo a su desempeo.Serecomiendaqueeljuradoestformadopordocentesdeinglsconunexcelente nivel lingstico, o hablantes nativos del idioma. Nota: Cabe sealar que cada comisin en las diferentes etapas, tiene la potestad de definir la cantidad de jueces que considere necesarios para la actividad, respetando el mnimo establecido de tres. ***Cadaasesorregionaldeinglsserelresponsabledeenviarlaboletade inscripcindelamodalidad.Ambosrequisitossonindispensablesparala participacin de los estudiantes se haga efectiva. El asesor debe velar porque la boletaestcompletaycorrectamentellena.Lasboletasdeinscripcindelos ganadoresdebernenviarsealcorreoelectrnicodelasAsesorasNacionales deInglsdePrimeroyaLinsayHornevoluntariadelCuerpo dePazquiennos ayudarenesteproceso,amstardarelviernes15deoctubre,2015 (yaudy.ramirez.vasquez@mep.go.cr)(lhorne1@binghamton.edu)(tel:8317-41-65) quin a esta fecha no haya inscrito a sus participantes, no podr participar del evento nacional. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 26 Cronograma 2015 EtapaParticipaModalidad en que puede participar Fecha InstitucionalPreescolar (participativo), Primaria, Secundaria Spelling Bee(preescolar no) Speech Readers theater (preescolar no) Conversations Role-plays mayo julio CircuitalPrimaria, SecundariaSpelling Bee Speech agosto RegionalPreescolar (participativo), Primaria, Secundaria Spelling Bee Speech Para preescolar slo: Conversations, role-plays, y Speech.Septiembre- al 14octubreNacionalPrimaria, SecundariaSpelling Bee Speech 16-18 noviembre ***El asesor regional deingls decidir la fecha exacta de larealizacin de las actividades y las dar conocer a toda su Regional. As mismo, decidir si realiza las actividades con las modalidades en diferentes das. ***RecordarquelafechalmiteparainscribiralFestivalNacionalserel16de octubre. ***CadadelegacindelasDireccionesRegionalesdebercostearsesupasaje de autobs hasta San Jos y viceversa. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 27 Presupuesto para Festival Nacionalde Ingls 2015 CadaCentroEducativoycircuitoeducativoseorganizarsegnsusposibilidades para cubrir los gastos del evento en la etapa institucional y circuital. LasDireccionesRegionalesdeEducacin,segnsusposibilidades,asignarn presupuesto para cubrir los gastos de alimentacin en el evento regional. Los gastos detransportedelasdelegacionesinstitucionalesestarnacargodecadainstitucin participante.Se asignar un presupuesto especfico al Festival Nacional de Ingls por partedelaDireccindeDesarrolloCurricularqueestsujetoadisponibilidad presupuestariapara gastos de transporte y alimentacin para los das de la actividad. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 28 Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 29 BIBLIOGRAFA: Cairney, T. (1992). Enseanza de la comprensin lectora. Madrid: Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia. Krasen, Stephen. (1989). We acquire vocabulary and spelling by reading: Additional Evidence for the Input Hypothesis. The Modern Language Journal. Volume 73, issue 4. (440-464) Martnez, M.; Roser, N.L. y Streker, S. (1999). I never thought I could be a star: A readers theatre ticket to fluency. The Reading Teacher, 52 (4), 326-334. Ministerio de Educacin Pblica. (2004) Programas de Estudios de Ingls de PrimerCiclo. ResultadosdeEvaluacinDiagnsticanoveno2010:FactoresAsociadosYalgunos aspectos sobre calidad para la asignatura de ingls. Hymes, Dell (1966). On Communicative Competence, p. 64. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 30 Anexos Funciones para el Impromptu Speech Primero y Segundo Ciclos GradeNivelFunctions:Impromptu Speech with pictures 1 Institucional Expressing greetings, leave-takingsand personal introduction Talking about the weather with simple phrases.Talking about clothing with simple phrases.Describing my nuclear family members. Using Pictures Circuital Expressing personal feelings. Describing pets with simple phrases Regional Describing types of food items. Describing classroom items in simple form. Nacional En esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. 2 Institucional Expressing greetings, leave-takingsand personal introduction Talking about family members. Describingphysical appearances of family members or friends with simple phrases. Circuital Expressing feelings. Describing domestic animal Expressinglikesanddislikes about food. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 31 Regional Describingwhatpeopleare wearing. Describing classroom objects Describing occupations NacionalEnestaetapaseincluyenlas funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. 3 Institucional Expressing greetings, leave-takingsand personal introduction Describing myself Describing my nuclear and extended family Circuital Describing personal hygiene habits. Describing exercises. Describing my daily routine. Describing my house. Regional Describingdomesticandfarm animals. Describing different ways to take care of animals, plants, natural resources and environment. Nacional En esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. Functions Impromptu Speech Topics 4 Institucional 1. Exchanging formal and informal greetings, leave-takings and introductions. 2.Discussing on health problems What are most common forms of greetings, leave takings and personal introductions in English? Which are the most common health problems affecting your community? Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 32 Circuital 1. Describing nuclear and extended family. 2.Expressing ideas about types food and beverages Describe your nuclear and extended family. Which are the best typical dishes and beverages in your community during a holiday or celebration? Regional 1. Expressing opinions about Costa Ricas tourist attractions. 2. Talking about pollution. Why do you recommend visiting Costa Rica/ your province/ community? How is pollution affecting your community and how can you prevent it? Nacional En esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. 5 Institucional 1. Exchanging formal and informal greetings, leave-takings and introductions. 2. Discussing diseases and health problems. What are some formal and informal ways to greet say good bye and introduce someone in English? Which are the most common diseases in Costa Rica and which are the symptoms? Circuital 1. Talking about family ties, roles and activities. 2. Explaining what celebrations represent and mean. Describe your family and their duties at home. What are the most popular celebrations in Costa Rica? How are they celebrated? Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 33 Regional 1. Describing places. 2. Discussing issues on the prevention of natural disasters. Which are the most visited places in Costa Rica? What are the most common natural disasters in Costa Rica and how can they be prevented? Nacional En esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. 6 Institucional 1.Receivingandleaving messages on the phone. 2.Describingdiseasesand epidemics in the world. 3.Describingandcomparing families. Talkingaboutwaysto leavetelephone messagesandanswering the phone. Whatarethemost commonillnessesinthe worldandwhicharethe symptoms? Describe and compare types of families in Costa Rica and the world. Circuital 1. Describing folk tales. 2.Commentingonholidaysand celebrations. Whataresomeclassic CostaRicanlegendsor folktales? Which is your favorite holiday and why? Regional 1.Describingthefloraandfauna of Costa Rica. 2.Expressingopinionsabout places in the world. 3.Expressingopinionsabout technology. DescribingCostaRican beauties:itsfloraand Fauna. Whichisyourfavorite destinationintheworld and why? How does technology can affect the environment? Nacional En esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 34 Nota:LasfuncionesaevaluarenlasetapasdelfestivaldeInglssoninclusivas.Porejemploslas funciones circuitales incluyen las institucionales y las circuitales , la etapa regional incluye las funciones institucionales,circuitualesyregionalesylaetapanacionallasincluyetodas.Lasfuncionesse ajustaran cuando se aprueben Nuevos Programas de Estudios. Institucional Funciones Circuital Funciones de la etapa insitutucionaly circuital

Regional Funciones de la etapa insitutucional,circuital y regional NacionalFunciones de la etapa insitutucional,circuital , regional y nacional Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 35 Tercer Ciclo Y Educacin Diversificada AoNivel ( Functions)Speech Topics 7 Institucional 1.Giving personal information (greetings, leave takings, introductions/ identification of oneself to others) 2.Giving information about classroom objects oIntroduce yourself to the audience.oDescribe the most important objects that you use in your classroom Circuital 3.Locating places. (9- goods and services) oDescribe the location of goods and services that are found in your community.oDescribe your community. Regional 4.Understanding and using sequences. (instructions)oGive instructions on how to operate an electrical appliance in your house. NacionalEn esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. 8 Institucional 1.Talking about people and their families.2.Describing peoples physical appearances & personality traits.3.Comparing people.oDescribe your friends or family including personality traits and physical characteristics. o Compare and contrast 2 people in your life. Circuital 4.Giving information about means of transportation and schedules. oTell us about the way people travel in your community.(include cost, schedules/timetables, and preferences) Regional 5.Talking about routines. 6.Giving information about travel plans. oDescribe your daily routine. (schedule, routines, people involved, etc.)oDescribe your vacation plans. (Where will you go? How often do you plan to visit that place? Who will go with you?, etc.) Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 36 7.Locating, and offering goods and services. 8.Expressing likes, dislikes, and preferences. 9.Identifying occupations describing what people do.oDescribethelocationof yourfavoritegoodsand servicesinyour community.oDescribeyourfavorite andleastfavorite activities.oDescribetheoccupations ofyourfamilymembers or friends. NacionalEn esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. 9 Institucional 1.Identifying, classifying, describing, and analyzing sports. 2.Giving information about (sports/leisure). 3.Expressing preferences (famous athletes and musicians) 4.Identifying and describing electrical appliances. oWhich is your favorite sport and why? oWhat kinds of leisure activities are popular in Costa Rica? oWho is your favorite athlete or musician? Why? oExplain how to use the most important electrical appliance in your home or school. Circuital 5.Comparing technology in the past, present, and future.oCompare the use of technology in the past, present, and future. Regional 6.Expressing advantages and disadvantages of technology. 7.Expressing opinions and giving suggestions about nature and conservation. 8.Identifying and analyzing environmental issues.oDescribe the advantages and disadvantages of technology (computers, cell phones, ipads, etc) oChoose one environmental issue and share your suggestions on how to improve the situation. (using modals) Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 37 NacionalEn esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. 10 Institucional 1.Reporting and describing events (achievements of our national athletes) 2.Expressing ideas and information about Costa Rican art, music, and crafts. 3.Comparing events related to Costa Rican art, music, or crafts.oDescribe one of Costa Ricas famous athletes. oWhat is Costa Ricas most outstanding contribution to the arts? Circuital 4.Convincing people to do something (related to Costa Rican typical food). 5.Reporting our current events, holidays, and celebrations.oConvince a foreigner to eat one of Costa Ricas traditional meals. oTalk about your favorite holiday or celebration in Costa Rica. Regional 6.Stating cause and effect of the misuse of natural resources. 7.Persuading, instructing, or directing others to do something (related to tourist attractions in Costa Rica). 8.Requesting and offering information on symptoms of different common diseases, epidemics, and illnesses.oHow does deforestation affect Costa Ricas biodiversity?oDiscuss the problem of global warming (cause and effects/ possible solutions) oGive advice to a traveler about a place to visit in Costa Rica. oDiscuss how to cope with the common cold or another disease. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 38 9.Approving or disapproving practices, governments, policies, etc. 10.Comparing facts and events related to possibilities, advantages, disadvantages, and facilities on careers, jobs, and lifestyles.oShould Costa Rica preserve its democratic tradition? Why? oDiscuss one policy or decision that your government has made and whether or not you agree with it.oWhat career would you like to have in the future? Why? NacionalEn esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. 11 y 12 Institucional 1.Describing procedures related to food, eating habits, and behaviors at the table.2.Discussing possibilities and probabilities ofdoing something (tourist aspects worldwide)3.persuading someone to do something (related to tourist aspects worldwide).oDescribe what meal time is like with your family.oDescribe your dream trip to a tourist destination.oConvince someone to visit a famous tourist destination. Circuital 4.Agreeing and disagreeing morals and values 5.Requesting/inviting others to do something related to gender roles.6.Requesting/ inviting others to do something related to senior citizens/minority groups. oDescribe your familys values. Why are they important to you?oIs it possible to achieve equality among genders, minority groups, etc..? How? Regional 7.Describing situations/ facts related to mass media and communicationsoDoes exposure to mass media (television, newspapers, internet) influence our thoughts? How?NacionalEn esta etapa se incluyen las funcionesinstitucionales, circuitales y regionales. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 39 Nota:LasfuncionesaevaluarenlasetapasdelfestivaldeInglssoninclusivas.Porejemploslas funciones circuitales incluyen las institucionales y las circuitales , la etapa regional incluye las funciones institucionales, circuituales y regionales y la etapa nacional las incluye todas. InstitucionalFunciones Circuital Funciones de la etapa insitutucional y circuital

Regional Funciones de la etapa insitutucional, circuital y regional NacionalFunciones de la etapa insitutucional, circuital , regional y nacional Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 40 ENGLISH FESTIVAL ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR PICTURE CUES FIRST CYCLE Students name: ____________________________________ Points obtained ______ Judges name: ______________________________________ Circuit No.____ School: ____________________________________________Region_____________

Criteria Exceptional 5 pts Very Good4 pts Average3 pts Limited2 pts Emergent1 pt Total Use of languageCommunication Student communicates an outstanding message related to a pictures description with no hesitations.Student communicates a very clear message related to a pictures description with one or two hesitations. Student communicates a clear message related to a pictures description with three or more hesitations. Student has difficulty in conveying the message, related to a pictures description Student has great difficulty in conveying the message, related to a pictures description Vocabulary Student always uses the vocabulary related to the picture described including words that are above expected grade level. Student mostly uses vocabulary related to the picture described within expected grade level.Student sometimes uses vocabulary related to the picture described within expected grade level.Student rarely uses vocabulary related to the picture described below expected grade level. Student almost never uses vocabulary related to the picture described. Task completion & Time _____ minutes/ seconds Student fully completes the requirement of the task. Length of speech : 0:51-1:00 Student almost completes the requirement of the task. Length of speech0:41-0:50 Student partially completes the requirement of the task. Length of speech0:31-0:40 Student fairly completes the requirement of the task Length of speech : 0:20-0:30 Student minimally completes the requirements of the task. Length of speech : 0:01-0:10 Delivery Verbal and nonverbal Student always uses effective eye contact, vocal clarity and appropriate pace. Student most of the time uses effective eye contact, vocal clarity and appropriate pace.Student sometimes uses eye contact, vocal clarity and adequate flow.

Student is inconsistent in the use of eye contact, vocal clarity and flow.Student uses ineffective eye contact, vocal clarity and makes description difficult to follow. Total StagesInstitutionalCircuitRegionalNational Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 41 ENGLISH FESTIVAL ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR PICTURE CUES SECOND CYCLE Students name: ____________________________________ Points obtained ______ Judges name: ______________________________________ Circuit No. ____School: ____________________________________________Region_____________

Criteria Exceptional 5 pts Very Good4 pts Average3 pts Limited2 pts Emergent1 pt Total Use of languageCommunication Student communicates an outstanding message related to a pictures description with no hesitations.Student communicates a very clear message related to a pictures description with one or two hesitations. Student communicates a clear message related to a pictures description with three or more hesitations. Student has difficulty in conveying the message, related to a pictures description Student has great difficulty in conveying the message, related to a pictures description Vocabulary Student uses all the vocabulary related to the picture described including words that are above grade level. Student mostly uses vocabulary related to the picture described within the grade level.Student sometimes uses vocabulary related to the picture described within the grade level.Student rarely uses vocabulary related to the picture described below the grade level. Student almost never uses vocabulary related to the picture described. Task completion & Time _____ minutes/ seconds Student fully completes the requirement of the task Length of speech : 1:00-1:5 Student adequately completes the requirement of the task. Length of speech : 0:37-0:59 Student partially completes the requirement of the task. Length of speech:0:26-0:36 Student fairly completes the requirement of the task. Length of speech : 0:11-0:25 Student minimally completes the requirements of the task. Length of speech : 0:01-0:10 Delivery Verbal and nonverbal Student always uses effective eye contact, vocal clarity and appropriate pace. Student most of the time uses effective eye contact, vocal clarity and appropriate pace.Student sometimes uses eye contact, vocal clarity and adequate flow.

Student is inconsistent in the use of eye contact, vocal clarity and flow.Student uses ineffective eye contact, vocal clarity and makes description difficult to follow. Total Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 42 ENGLISH FESTIVAL ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR IMPROMPTUD SPEECH - THIRD CYCLE Students name: ____________________________________ Points obtained ______ Judges name: ______________________________________ Circuit No. ____ School: ____________________________________________Region_____________ CriteriaExceptional 5 pts Very Good4 pts Average3 pts Limited2 pts Emergent1 pt Total Language Use Organization of ideas Students ideas are always clear, logical and well organized. Students ideas are usually logical and well organized.Students ideas are often logical and organized. Students ideas are not quite logical and organized. Students ideas are not logical and organized. Vocabulary Student uses sophisticated and varied vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic above expected grade levelStudent uses appropriate vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic within expected grade levelStudent uses some appropriate vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic within expected grade level Student uses limited vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic below expected grade level. Student uses inappropriate vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic below expected grade level. Sentence structure and grammar Student makes no sentence structure and grammar errors at all. Student makes one or two sentence structure and grammar errors. Student makes three or four sentence structure and grammar errors. Student makes five or six sentence structure and grammar errors. Student makes seven or more sentence structure and grammar errors. Pronunciation Student exhibits no errors in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is always clear.Student exhibits one or two deviations in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is mostly clear. Student exhibits three or more deviations in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is sometimes clearStudent exhibits five or more deviations in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is rarely clear. Student exhibits too many deviations in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is not clear at all. Task completion & Time _____ minutes/ seconds Student completes the requirement of the task fully. Length of speech : 1:46 -2:00 Student completes the requirement of the task adequately. Length of speech : 1:31 - 1:45 Student completes the requirement of the task fairly. Length of speech : 1:21 -1:30 Student completes the requirement of the task partially. Length of speech : 1:11 -1:20 Student completes the requirements of the task minimallyLength of speech :1:00 -1:10 Delivery Verbal and Non-verbal Student shows highly effective of eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Student shows good combination of effective eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Student shows some use of eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Student uses inconsistent eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Student uses inappropriate eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Total StagesInstitutionalCircuitRegionalNational StagesInstitutionalCircuitRegionalNational Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 43 ENGLISH FESTIVAL ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR IMPROMPTUD SPEECH -DIVERSIFIED EDUCATION Students name: ____________________________________ Points obtained ______ Judges name: ______________________________________ Circuit No. ____ School: ____________________________________________Region_____________ CriteriaExceptional 5 pts Very Good4 pts Average3 pts Limited2 pts Emergent1 pt Total Language Use Organization of ideas Students ideas are always clear, logical and well organized. Students ideas are usually logical and well organized.Students ideas are often logical and organized. Students ideas are not quite logical and organized. Students ideas are not logical and organized. Vocabulary Student uses sophisticated and varied vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic above expected grade levelStudent uses appropriate vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic within expected grade levelStudent uses some appropriate vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic within expected grade level Student uses limited vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic below expected grade level. Student uses inappropriate vocabulary to express ideas suited to the topic below expected grade level. Sentence structure and grammar Student makes no sentence structure and grammar errors at all. Student makes one or two sentence structure and grammar errors. Student makes three or four sentence structure and grammar errors. Student makes five or six sentence structure and grammar errors. Student makes seven or more sentence structure and grammar errors. Pronunciation Student exhibits no errors in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is always clear.Student exhibits one or two deviations in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is mostly clear. Student exhibits three or more deviations in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is sometimes clearStudent exhibits five or more deviations in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is rarely clear. Student exhibits too many deviations in pronunciation, intonation, and stress. Communication is not clear at all. Task completion & Time _____ minutes/ seconds Student completes the requirement of the task fully. Length of speech : 2:46 - 2:5 Student completes the requirement of the task adequately. Length of speech : 2:31 - 2:45 Student completes the requirement of the task fairly. Length of speech : 2:21 - 2:30 Student completes the requirement of the task partially. Length of speech : 2:11 - 2:20 Student completes the requirements of the task minimallyLength of speech :2:00 - 2:10 Delivery Verbal and Non-verbal Student shows highly effective of eye contact, vocal clarity, and voice projection and pacing. Student shows good combination of effective eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Student shows some use of eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Student uses inconsistent eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Student uses inappropriate eye contact, vocal clarity, voice projection and pacing. Total Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 44 Fecha lmite de envo: 15 de Octubre, 2015 Ministerio de Educacin Pblica Asesora Nacional de Ingls Festival de Ingls 2015 BOLETA DE INSCRIPCIN Etapa Nacional I PARTE- Datos Generales Direccin Regional de Educacin de: Nombre del Asesor(a) Regional de Ingls: Nmero de telfono: Correo electrnico: II PARTE- Datos de losParticipantes Modalidad en la que participa Nombre del estudiante InstitucinTelfonoCorreo electrnico EdadSexo Bumble Bee Queen Bee Impromptu Speech with pictures Impromptu Speech III PARTE- Datos de docente de ingls que acompaa a la delegacin La delegacin viajar en transporte propio ( ) **La delegacin viajar en transporte brindado por la organizacin del evento ( ) ** Cada delegacin se costear el transporte hasta San Jos y Viceversa. La organizacin provee transporte de San Jos a Gupiles y viceversa. Favor enviar esta boleta llena a los siguientes correos electrnicos yaudy.ramirez.vasquez@mep.go.cry lhorne1@binghamton.edu Nombre del Docente InstitucinNmeros de telfono Correo electrnicoSexo Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 45

Manual 2015

Written in collaboration between MEP and the Peace Corps - Costa Rica School Year 2015

Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 46 This manual has all of the information necessary to have a successful institutional, circuit, regional, and national Spelling Bee in a spirit of friendly competition. Included you will find the description of the Spelling Bee, rules for the Bee facilitation and participation, information about word lists, and helpful practices to teach spelling. Enjoy!

Description of the Spelling Bee A spelling bee is a spelling competition in which participants spell a word aloud letter byletterbefore apanelofjudges.If theindividualspellsthewordcorrectlyonhisor her first try, he or she remains in the competition and advances to the next round. If an individualspellsawordincorrectly,theparticipantis eliminated fromthecompetition. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 47 Thecompetitioncontinuesuntilthereisonlyoneparticipantremaining,whois declared the winner. TheCostaRicanEnglishSpellingBeeisheldinordertoencourageparticipationin extracurricularEnglish-relatedactivities,tosupportthelearningofspellingand pronunciationinEnglish,to fosterhealthycompetitioninanacademicsetting,andto promote enthusiasm about learning English. We hope that you find this manual helpful in planning and implementing a spelling bee inyourownelementaryandhighschools.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecontact the MEP and Peace Corps coordinators listed in the contact information at the end of the manual. Happy spelling! History of the Spelling Bee InspiredbythesuccessofthespellingbeeorganizedbyPeaceCorpsvolunteersin Bulgaria,theCostaRicaEnglishSpellingBeeislooselyadaptedfromtheScripps sponsored National Spelling Bee held annually in the United States. While there were onlynineparticipantsinthefirstNationalSpellingBee,todayover11million participants compete to be the Scripps sponsored National Spelling Bee Champion. 1925: The first competition was held in Louisville, Kentucky. 2012: Peace Corps volunteers helped organize the first English Spelling Bee in CostaRica.ThisprojectbeganwithfourRegionalSpellingBeesheldin Guanacaste, Los Santos region, San Vito, and Limn. 2013: The Inter-regional Spelling Bee was held in Los Santos. 2014: The First Annual National Spelling Bee was held in Liberia, Guanacaste. 2015: The First Annual National English Festival will be held in Gupiles, Limn with the inclusion of the Spelling Bee as one of the events. For the 2015 Spelling Bee, there will be an Institutional, Circuit, Regional, and National competition. Organizers and participants are responsible for holding their competitions withintheallottedtimeframebeforethefinalnationalcompetitionscheduledbetween November 17 - 19, 2015 in Gupiles, Limn. Dates ToensurethatallschoolsareabletocompeteintheNationalSpellingBee,please usetheguidelinesbelowtoplanyourSpellingBeecompetitions.Thesearethe participation numbers for each level ( II Ciclo, III Ciclo yEducacin Diversificada). Institutional any time from May to June. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 48 InordertoplantheInstitutionalSpellingBee,pleaseworkwithyourdirector.One studentfromBumbleBeeandonestudentfromQueenBeequalifiesforthecircuit competition. Circuit any time from July to August.In order to plan the Circuit level Spelling Bee, please work with the Supervisor, other Englishteachers,andRegionalEnglishAdvisorinyourarea.Onestudentfrom Bumble Bee and one student from Queen Bee qualifies for the regional competition. Regional Any time from September to October 14th***InordertoplantheRegionalSpellingBee,pleaseworkwithyourRegionalEnglish Advisor. One student from Bumble Bee and one student from Queen Bee qualifies for the national competition. The National Spelling Bee will be held November 17-19 in Gupiles, Limn. For Regional English Advisors: Your regions participation MUST be confirmed no later than May 30th. Please send the confirmation to lhorne1@binghamton.edu(Lindsay Horne, PC Volunteer) A complete list of the personal information of all regional winners must be submitted totheSpellingBeePlanningCommitteenolaterthanOctober15th.Sendthis information to lhorne1@binghamton.edu(Lindsay Horne, PC Volunteer) Age Groups and Participation Rules AnystudentwhoisregisteredinMEPpublicschoolsmayparticipateintheSpelling Bee within their respective level, regardless of prior exposure to English. As an English Spelling Bee is difficult for anyone, even native English speakers, the Bee will be open to any student who would like to participate. The Costa Rican English Spelling Bee as part of the Festival is divided into two competition levels: 1.BumbleBeeLevel(ElementarySchool):Fourth,Fifth,Sixthgradeswillcompete amongst each other. 2.QueenBeeLevel(HighSchool):Seventh,Eighth,Ninth,Tenth,Eleventhand Twelfth grades will compete amongst each other. The Spelling Bee Panel Every spelling bee should consist of at least three staff personnel - the pronouncer and two judges. Their individual roles are as follows: 1.Pronouncer Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 49 ThepronouncercanbeanyEnglish-speakingadultotherthanthestudentsEnglish teacher. (If possible, its best to have a native English speaker for this role.)The pronouncer calls the student up to the stage.ThepronouncersaysthewordinEnglish,pauses,andthenrepeatsthewordin English again. The pronouncer says the words slowly,without distorting the standard pronunciation of the word.If a word has one or more homonyms, the pronouncer will indicate which word is to be spelled by providing the definition. (EXAMPLE: their, there, theyre) The pronouncer can repeat a word, provide a definition, or use the word in a sentence at the students request. (Each word, definition, and sentence may only be repeated a maximumof3timesperstudent.Inotherwords-thestudentcanheartheword, definition, and sentence a total of three times during their two minutes.) 2. Judges Thejudgeswilleachhave2roles.Onewillalsobethe TimeKeeper,andtheother will also be the Scribe. (See below for more details.)Thejudgesareresponsibleforevaluatingtheaccuracyofthewordsspelledbythe bee participants.Theymustagreeontheiropinionsofthestudentsspelling,BEFOREannouncing whetherthestudentspelledthewordcorrectlyornot.Iftheydonotagree,theycan askthePronouncertoopineaswell.Asalastresorttheycanaskthestudentto repeat the spelling.Both judges must also work together to uphold the rules of the competition. Thedecisionsofthejudgesarefinal.Nootherparticipants,teachers,oraudience members may approach the judges table during the competition. Judges are advised to follow the following protocol: Encouragespellerstofacethemwhenpronouncingandspellingthewords. (Watchinglipmovementsmaybecriticalindetectingmisunderstandingsor misspellings.) Thejudgesparticipateinanexchangeofinformationbetweenthespellerand pronouncer if they feel that clarification is needed. While judges are responsible for attemptingto detect a spellers misunderstanding, it is sometimes impossible to notice until a spelling error has been made. The judges are notresponsibleforthespellersmisunderstanding.(Remember:Thespellercan always ask for clarification). Judges may not disqualify a speller for failing to pronounce the word correctly either before or after spelling it or asking questions. ****Judge number 1 will also be the Timekeeper. Thetimekeeperstartsastopwatchafterthepronouncerstatesthewordforeach student. Each student will receive 2 minutes to spell his or her given word. Thetimekeeperwillinformthespellerofhisorherremainingtimebyshowingthe student signs indicating 1 minute and 30 seconds. Thetimekeeperannounceswhentwominutesarecomplete.Ifthestudentstillhas not spelled the word correctly after the allotted two minutes, the student is eliminated from the competition. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 50 ****Judge number 2 will also be the Scribe . The scribe is responsible for writing a list of all students eliminated in each round and reading those names at the end of each round.The Scribe will record the spelling of each students word on a tracker.(See the chart that we provided in the appendix.)The Scribe will track the number of times a student has asked for a word, definition, or sentence to be repeated. (Maximum of 3 times for each word, definition, or sentence) Reasons for disqualification: The judges will disqualify a speller who: Spells his or her word incorrectly or does not spell his or her word at all. Does not approach the stage or designated area when it is time to receive his or her word. Engages in unsportsmanlike conduct. Mispronounces the letters or changes the sequence of letters from those first stated. While spelling, says unintelligible sounds. The Speller The speller faces the judges, pronounces the word before spelling it, spells the word, and pronounces the word after spelling it. The speller says each letter distinctly and loudly so the judges can understand. The speller may ask the pronouncer to repeat the word again, define it, and/or use it in a sentence (no more than 3 times each). The speller is responsible for any misunderstandings of the word unless: The pronouncer never provided a correct pronunciation. The pronouncer provided incorrect information regarding the definition. The speller correctly spelled a homonym of the word, and the pronouncer failed to offer a definition. Teachers Role WhileteachersarenotapartoftheSpellingBeepanel(andmaynotapproachthe judgestableduringthecompetition),theyshouldkeepalistoftheirparticipating students during the competition. This written record should include the words that their studentsspellcorrectlyandincorrectly,andifthewordwasspelledincorrectly, teachersshouldhavetheincorrectspellingincludedintheirrecord.Thisrecordwill help resolve any discrepancies after the competition. The Rules and Procedures for Circuit, Regional, and National Spelling Bees 1. Students are ordered alphabetically based on their last name and sit in that order on the stage or allotted participant space. 2. The pronouncer calls the first students name. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 51 3.Thestudentstepsuptotheindicatedcompetitionspace.Onlythepronouncer, judges, staff and participants are allowed in this space. Teachers and parents are not allowed to approach the table during the competition. 4.Thepronouncerrandomlychoosesawordfromthewordlist.*ReviewWord SelectionDuringtheBeesectionofthemanualtounderstandhowthepronouncer chooses a word* 5.Thestudentcanaskforthewordtoberepeated,ifnecessary,uptothreetimes. The student can also ask the pronouncer to read the definition of the word and/or the example sentence (up to three times each). Students may not ask for the word to be translated into Spanish. 6. Once the student is sure that he or she understands the word, he or she states the word, spells the word, and states the word again. EXAMPLE: Apple. A-p-p-l-e. Apple. 7. The student must say the word and its spelling loud enough for the judges to hear. 8. The judges decide if the word was spelled correctly or incorrectly. If the word is spelled correctly, the student returns to his or her seat. Ifthewordisspelledincorrectly,thejudgegivesthecorrectspellingofthe word.The student returns to his or her seat and waits for the round to end. At theendoftheround,ajudgereadsalistofstudentswhoincorrectlyspelled theirword.Alldisqualifiedstudentsleavethestagetogethertoaroundof applause.9.Thepronouncercallsthenextstudentinalphabeticalorder,randomlychoosinga new word for that student. ** For the institutional, circuit, regional and national competitions, the bee ends when there is only one student left. ** The entire Spelling Bee will be presented only in English. Additional Guidelines The student must spell the word correctly on the first try. This is considered incorrect: Apple, a-p-l a-p-p-l-e, Apple However,studentsareallowedtostopspellingandbeginspellingawordagain,as long as the letters are the same as the first attempt. This is considered correct: Apple, a-p-pa-p-p-l-e, Apple Studentsareallowedtobringawhiteboardandmarkerwiththemtothestageor designated area. Students may write the word first on their whiteboard before spelling the word out loud. The whiteboard must not be visible to the audience, judges or other participants. *Word Selection During the Bee Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 52 There is one word list per group (Bumble Bee and Queen bee). Each groups word list is divided into different levels of difficulty. Another secret list should be created by each RegionalEnglishAdvisor(circuitandregionallevel)andwillnotbesharedwiththe students orteachersbeforethecompetition. Thesecretlistwillbeusedwhen allthe wordsinthelisthavebeenspelled.Thewordsonthesecretlistshouldbemore difficult than those from the highest level.The topics for the secret list are:a) Environmentb) Healthc) Costa Rica and the English Speaking Countries: customs and traditions. Level 1 words are used for a practice round during the competition in order to prepare students, calm their nerves and review the procedure of the bee.After the practice round, thepronouncer chooses words from level 2 at random, and thecompetitionbeginsinearnest.Thenationalcompetitionwillbeginwithapractice round using the word from level 1 before beginning the competition officially with level 8. Iftherearemoreparticipantsthanremainingwordsinagivendifficultylevel,the pronouncer will continue by using words from the next difficulty level. The word selection proceeds in this manner until a winner is declared. End of Bee Procedure If all spellers in a round misspell their word, all students remain in the competition and a new word from that round will be given to each of them. If only one speller in a round spells his or her word correctly, he or she is the winner. If all of the words have been used and there are still spellers remaining, there will be a championshipwordlistwhichwillbesecrettotheteachersandspellers.Thewords will be secret but the topics will be given. Word Lists Each word list was created through collaboration between MEPEnglish teachers and PeaceCorpsVolunteers.ThewordsarebasedontheMEPcurriculumandinclude words that students should have learned, or will learn,in their classes. When placing the words into their respective levels, length of the word, familiarity of the word, and if thewordisacognatewerealltakenintoaccount.Additionally,whileawordmaybe short,vowelcombinationsorsilentletterscanmakeawordtrickytospell.Examples include mouth, limb etc. In those cases, the word was moved to a more difficult level. Institutional Competitions: It is expected that the levels 1 through 5 will be enough for the institutional competition, although this is largely dependent upon the number of contestants and the enthusiasm with which they studied. A practice round beginning at Level 1 will allow students to warm-up. The competition will officially begin at Level 2. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 53 CircuitCompetitions:Studentscompetinginthecircuitcompetitionshouldstudy wordsthroughlevel8.Apracticeroundbeginningatlevel3willallowstudentsto warm-up. The competition will officially begin at level 4. Regional Competitions: For the regional competition, the competition will begin with a practice round at level 5 and regular play will continue with Level 6 through level 15. NationalCompetition:Thenationalcompetitionwillbeginwithawarm-upround beginningatlevel1.Thecompetitionwillofficiallybeginatlevel8.Asecret championship word list will also be created for the national bee (with the same topics); howeverthislistwillnotbeshowntoanystudentsbeforethecompetition.The championshipwordlistwillalsobeusedifallwordsintheoriginallisthavebeen spelled but more than two students remain in the competition. The word lists include words that students have learned or will learn in the I, II, III and IV Cycles. The lists are separated either by spelling pattern or by theme based on the topics in the curriculum.Teachers will have the opportunity to use the word list as a study tool with their students during the institutional phase of the competition, even if many students choose not to participate. How to Practice Aspellingbeeisanewconcepttomanystudentsandthoroughlyexplainingthe purposeofthecompetition,howitisconducted,andtherulesofparticipationis extremely important to students success. Themainpurposeofparticipatinginspellingbeepreparationistohelpstudents developphonemicawareness&vocabulary.Thestudentswilldevelopconfidencein theirabilitytocorrectlyspellandrecognizeawidearrayofwordswhenreadingand writing in the English language. Developing phonemic awareness starts with teaching thelettersofthealphabet(correctpronunciation,order,sounds,etc)andprogresses to learning minimal pairs, spelling patterns & rules, and even exceptions to the rules. We recommend choosing no more than 20 words per week for your students to study. The best kind of practice is through a word study. The students can sort the words in order to discover spelling rules, patterns and exceptions. A typical week could be: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/word-study-new-approach-teaching-spelling Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 54 MondayIntroduce the spelling pattern by choosing words for students to sort with partners or in groups. (See below for more information about sorts.) Meet with students to discuss the spelling pattern, rule, or theme. You can do this in stations.group 1group 2group 3 teachercenter activitycut and sort cut and sortteachercenter activity center activitycut and sortteacher Homework that night could be for students to sort them again on their own or you could give students a spelling Tic Tac Toe assignment sheet for the week (See image below.) Tuesday: Students perform a timed word sort with their partners. One partner can read the word and the other partner has to sort or write it under the appropriate rule heading. (This turns the activity intolistening, speaking, reading, and writing practice!) Wednesday & Thursday: Activities to practice spelling (See the ideas below.)The students can also do a word hunt for their spelling words or other words that match the pattern in independent reading texts.Friday:Spelling posttest If studying a certain spelling pattern, the test can include other words that follow the pattern but were not on the original list. (For example: If studying the -at sound the word vat could be on the final test even if it wasnt on the original list. ) That will ensure that students are making generalizations about the language rather than just memorizing the order of letters in a given word. **Please note that the above schedule is just a suggestion and is not required. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 55 Spelling pattern sort: Students sort the words according to their spelling patterns. For example-ifyouarestudyingthelongavowelsound,thestudentscouldsortthe words on their list based on the way the long a sound is created in that word. Lets say their words are gate, hail, weight, hey, hate, play, neighbor, say, trail They could sort the words like so: rules/patterns >a_e-ai-eighayodd ball (doesnt fit under any category)hate gate trail hail weight neighbor play say Hey Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 56 *The tasks in the Tic Tac Toe game are completely adaptable and can include some vocabulary type activities, too. Here are some other options: Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 57 Below are some other fun activities to do with your students while practicing for the spelling bee Music Turntrickywordsintosongs.Forexample,spellawordtothetuneofTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star or the Happy Birthday song. Crossword Search Usehttp://www.puzzle-maker.com/CW/toinstantlycreateacrosswordswhere students have to correctly fit all the words into the chart Word Scrambles Use http://www.armoredpenguin.com/wordscramble/ to create a word scramble where students have to correctly unscramble words Hangman *(You can give it a different name.)The teacher chooses a word and put lines on the board to indicate how many letters are in the word The students in the class guess letters one by one. If the letter guessed is in the word, theteacherwritesitinthecorrectspace.Iftheletterisnotintheword,theteacher draws a head. The students continue guessing and the teacher continues to add correct letters and parts of the body when incorrect letters are guessed. When a student knows the complete word, they call it out. If it is correct, they get to choose the next word to spell. Have the entire class spell the word out loud. Alphabet Bingo Create bingo cards with a letter in each box.Theteachersaysaletterandthestudentsmarkoffthecorrectletterontheirbingo card. The first person to get a bingo wins, and calls the letters for the next round. Fly Swatter Players: Two teams of 2 to 6Supplies: Two fly swatters, each letter of the alphabet 1. Tape all letters to the chalkboard, or write each letter on the board. 2. Students line up in front of the chalkboard in two lines Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 58 3. The first student in each line has a fly swatter 4. Say one letter out loud 5. The first student in each line needs to run the to board and hit the correct letter with the fly swatter 6. The team that hits the correct letter first gets a point. NOTE: Once the student hits the letter you can ask them to make the sound that the letter makes, or state a word that starts with that letter. Step Up! Players: 4 minimum Supplies: masking tape, word lists 1. Divide your students into 3 teams. Its okay if teams do not have the same number of students. 2.Clearalargespaceinwhichstudentscanstand.Eachteamshouldstandina single-file line.3.Make4linesonthefloorwithmaskingtapeforeachteam.Placethelinesabout one foot apart. Students stand behind the last line of masking tape. 4. To begin the game, call out the first word for the first player on Team 1 to spell. 5. If the player spells the word correctly, s/he steps up to stand on the first line of tape, andtheentireteammovesforward.Ifs/hedoesnotspellthewordcorrectly,s/he moves to the back of her team, and the team does not move forward. 6. Call out a word for Team 2 and continue in the same manner. 7. Each time a word is spelled correctly, the entire team moves forward one line. 8. The winning team is the first one to reach the last line of tape. 9. Play several rounds as time allows. Silent Spelling Players: 4 minimum Supplies: Word lists, homemade whiteboards and whiteboard markers (or paper and pencil) Variation 1 1. Divide your class into two teams. Have each team line up on opposite sides of the classroom. 2. Give the first person in each team a dry-erase board and marker (or a clean sheet of paper and pencil). 3.Announcethefirstwordtobespelled.Note:Becausethereisnotalkingandthe writingishiddenfromtheotherteam,bothgroupscanspellthesamewordatthe same time. 4.Allteammembersaretoremainsilentasthefirstplayeroneachteamwritesthe spelling word. Educar para una nueva ciudadanaPgina 59 5. The player passes the board to the second player. He or she is allowed to keep the word as is, or to correct it. 6. When the teacher calls time, the second person on each team reveals the spelling of the word to everyone. 7. The teacher awards 1 point for every correct word. 8. For the next spelling word, the player with the board passes it to the third player on the team. Play continues in the same manner. 9. At the end of the time period, the winning team is the one with the most points. Variation 2 This time, ask the first person in each team to write only the first letter of the word on thedry-eraseboard.Shethenhandstheboardtothesecondplayerwhoaddsthe next letter, and so on. When a team member has added the last letter to the word, the next person on the team checks it. He may leave the word as is, or correct any or all of the letters in it. Group Spell Players: Teams of 2 to 5 Supplies:Setsofoneletterononepaper(all26lettersplusdoublesortriplesof common letters) Variation 1 1.Eachteamgetsasetofletters(all26lettersplusdoublesortriplesofcommon letters) 2. Say a word out loud two times.3. Give them 30 seconds to spell the word.4. Each team that spells the word correctly gets a point. Variation 2 1.Eachteamgetsasetofletters(all26lettersplusdoublesortriplesofcommon letters) 2. Say a word out loud two times and the first group to spell it correctly gets a point. NOTE: Make sure to spread out the teams so they do not copy each other Group Correct Players: Teams of 3 to 6 Supplies: Chalkboard and chalk Variation 1 1. Have teams lined up at the chalkboard 2. Say a word out loud two times. 3. The first person in each line writes the word 4. Give ten seconds to allow the second person in the line to correct it if they think it is neces

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