gifts from denis perret-gallix - conference-indico (indico) · 2019. 3. 28. · gifts from denis...

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  • Gifts from Denis Perret-Gallix(デゥニ ペレ-ガリックスさんからの贈り物)April 2nd (2019) @KEK by Akio Sugamoto (菅本晶夫)

    TYL開所式 Sep. 17 (2009)Denis Perret-Gallix


    羽入佐和子 お茶大学長

    鈴木厚人 KEK機構長

    高崎史彦 TYL所長

    市井敏夫(湯浅親族) 浅野侑三(湯浅親族)Nicolas!


    Etienne !Augé IN2P3

  • Members are Denis Perret-Gallix, Jos Vermaseren, and Minami Tateya group lead by Yoshimitsu Shimizu.

    [1] in 1991 I first met Denis (ドゥニに最初に会った) in the “Blue Train (北斗星1号)” from Ueno to Sapporo to attend the JPS meeting. (日本物理学会出席のため)

    (28年前の南建屋の北海道学会出席旅行に同行した時  清水韶光さんが私にドゥニを紹介して下さった。)

  • [2] Establish TYL in 2009(湯浅年子ラボ設立)

    TYL: Virtual laboratory of KEK and France for their international collaborations. Toshiko Yuasa: Nuclear experimentalist, Poet of Waka, Painter and Essayist, student of the predecessor of Ochanomizu U., Professor of Ochanomizu U. and its predecessor. Working for long years in France under Joliot and Irene Curie. A role model of female researcher in science.

    Who is Toshiko Yuasa (1909-1980) & What is TYL?

    (ジョリオとイレーヌ・キュリーの下、フランスで長年研究を 行なった女性科学者の先駆け。原子核分光学。東京女高師卒、女高師及びお茶の水女子大教授。歌人、画家、エッセイストでもあった。TYLは日仏共同研究のバーチャルな研究所。)

  • Sketches by Toshiko

  • On the days I wanted to cry so hard Was behaving as if nothing unusual happened 

    A poem gifted to her student

    Toshiko’s art spirit makes strong determination in physics and in French-Japanese international collaboration. “Jusqu’au bout” (最後まで徹底的に)

    年子の芸術的精神が 物理と日仏共同研究 への強い覚悟を生んだ

  • One year before TYL establishment (TYL 設立1年前)1) Emi Kou launched “Hommage à Toshiko Yuasa" @ Paris, Nov. 24 (2008), as an event of 150 years anniversary of “French-Japanese Exchange”, following the request by François Le Diberder (IN2P3). Emi Kou is a graduate of Ochanomizu U., working now at Orsay as a directrice de recherche. She was awarded the 6th Toshiko Yuasa Prize (2018).

    (洪江美さんが、フランスのIN2P3のル・ディベルデ氏の要請に答えて「日仏交流150周年」事業として「湯浅年子に捧ぐ」を開催した。洪さんはお茶大の出身で現在、湯浅年子がかつて研究を行なった仏オルセー研究所の研究部長である。 第6回湯浅年子賞(2018)受賞。)

  • 2) This triggers to establish TYL.

    The only thing I did was to obtain, from a family of Toshiko, the permission of using the name Toshiko Yuasa for the laboratory; the request by Fumihiko Takasaki.

    (これがFJPPL(France-Japan Particle Physics Laboratory) に湯浅年子の名を冠し、新しい研究所を設立する契機となった)

    (私がやったことは唯一つ、湯浅年子のご親族 (市井敏夫氏)から湯浅年子の名前を使用する許可を取ったこと。 これは高崎史彦さんの要請。)

    3) TYL opened (開所)on Sep. 17 (2008). See the fist slide; Picture of its Opening Ceremony

  • [3] TY100 in Ochanomizu: 2009 was the year of 100 years anniversary of Toshiko Yuasa’s birthday

    1) Senior event on Sep. 26 (2009)

    2) Junior event on Nov. 8 (2009)

    Key lecturer: Dr. Hélène Langevin=Joliot (マリー・キュリーの孫). Title: “Toshiko Yuasa: A female researcher having the tradition of the Curies” Main organizer was Tachi Kaoru (館かおる).

    A message to young people who will lead 21century -from Toshiko Yuasa to young generation- Part 1: Approach to Toshiko (年子に迫れ), Part 2: Succeed Toshiko(年子に続け)

    Students planned this event.

  • with


    (Senior Event Poster) (Junior Event Poster)

  • Student organizers. A student cheerfully raising a paper-made spectrometer (分光器)is Azusa Minamizaki (南崎梓); now a science communicator of KMI (小林・ 益川研究所) in Nagoya U.

  • [4] Question raised by Denis in 2011: “What can we do, or what should we do”, by TYL and Ochanomizu U., after having Toshiko Yuasa as the name of laboratory. She is a woman pioneer in physics.


    1) A long discussion on Oct. 6 (2011) at Cafe Ease @Marunouchi.(丸の内「カフェEase」で長時間議論した)

    2) Denis asked me to give an answer to his question.


  • 3) My proposal to Denis for the TYL special event (Oct. 19, 2011) (ドゥニへの私の提案)

    (1) Events requested by our graduate students   (学生さんの要望): 1) Interactive Workshop; not the usual one-way lecture or seminar by a tutor to the audience, but the two-way or multi-way communications between tutors, between tutors and the attendants, or between the attendants. (マルチ・インタラクティブなワークショップ) 2) Frank discussion with the great physicists  (偉大な物理学者と気軽に話しをする場)

  • (2) Events requested by Ochanomizu University

    1) “Toshiko Yuasa Prize”(湯浅年子賞):realized in 2013.

    2) “Toshiko Yuasa Workshop”(湯浅年子ワークショップ)

    Before establishing “Toshiko Yuasa Prize”, Denis and I, with Junji Haba (幅淳二), Fukuko Yuasa (湯浅富久子)and Kaoru Tachi (館かおる)had a number of meetings at JPS meetings (物理学会)or at Ochanomizu U.. All these meetings were arranged by Fukuko Yuasa, without whom “Toshiko Yuasa Prize” wouldn’t have been realized. (湯浅富久子さんがいなかったら湯浅年子賞はできなかった)

  • (3) A proposal for the three day event (3日間イベント): !

    ◯The first two days (最初の2日間): “Interactive Workshops” @KEK and the institutes located near KEK, NIMS, AIST, JAXA etc. (Denis had a strong opinion of involving these institutes in Tsukuba) and the frank discussion with the great physicists. !

    ◯The last day(最後の日): The ceremony of“Toshiko Yuasa Prize” or the “Toshiko Yuasa workshop” @Ochanomizu U., inviting executives. !

    It’s desirable that the tutors and attendants of “Workshops” are composed by 50% men and 50 % women (my opinion).


  • Speech by Denis, at the party after the ceremony of the 1st Toshiko Yuasa Prize on March 26 (2014) was recorded as MP3. Let us listen to it.

    日時:3月26日(水) 15:00~17:00 場所:お茶の水女子大学    人間文化創成科学研究科棟・全学共用研究棟    6階大会議室 プログラム:    羽入佐和子(お茶の水女子大学学長)挨拶    幅 淳二(Director, Toshiko Yuasa Lab.)挨拶    選考結果報告    授賞セレモニー    受賞者講演    ◯山崎美和恵    「湯浅年子博士に関する研究と著作活動」     山崎俊嗣親族・東京大学大気海洋研究所教授・舘かおる本学教授                             (受賞者急逝のため)      ◯市川温子「ニュートリノ振動実験への寄与」


  • In 2013 KEK started the event to encourage high school female students, oriented to S & T.

    This is organized by Mihoko Nojiri (野尻美保子), and Gi-Chol Cho (お茶大)helps it.

    This year’s camp will start here tomorrow. 明日からここで「理系女子 キャンプ」が始まる。

  • After the key discussion with Denis on Oct. 6 (2011) @ Marunouchi, Yoshimitsu Shimizu (清水さん)invited us to “Restaurant Imaiya” (今井屋)in the same Marunouchi Bdg 6F (丸ビル6階), and treated us with the Kushiyaki dinner.

    I remember clearly the view from the restaurant; Tokyo Station was reformed to its original style with illumination.

    I deeply miss Denis.

    [5] Final remark: Denis gave us a lots of gifts; based on his strong determination to invite many women to the science community. We have to seriously listen to his voice message.

  • (補足1)「スライド#1の人物」!From left to right: !◯Fumihiko Takasaki (高崎史彦) (Japanese TYL Director, KEK), !◯Etienne Augé (国立原子核素粒子研究所IN2P3/CNRS dep. Director), ◯Atsuto Suzuki (鈴木厚人)(KEK Director General), ◯Nicolas Alamanos (宇宙原理研究所/仏原子力庁CEA/Irfu Dep. Director), !◯Sawako Hanyu (羽入佐和子)(Ochanomizu Univ. President) ◯Yuzo ASANO (浅野侑三)(Yuasa’s Family), ◯Toshio ICHII (市井敏夫)(Yuasa’s Family), ◯Denis Perret-Gallix (French TYL Director, CNRS/IN2P3)

  • (補足2)Toshiko Yuasa Scholarship 湯浅年子記念特別研究員奨学基金(2012-)

    A research fellow is selected at Ochanoizu U., and she is nominated to the French Embassy to obtain the French government fellowship. The fellowship supports to stay 3-8 months in France.お茶大で選出された研究員をフランス大使館に推薦しフランス政府給費留学生として3-8ヶ月フランスに留学させる制度。

    This scholarship was founded by Mitsuo Sakai (坂井光夫), a junior friend of Toshiko Yuasa, by collecting money from persons related to Toshiko. (湯浅年子の後輩の坂井光夫が関係者から基金を集めて設立した仏留学制度)

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