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Bùi Minh Phƣơng – Bùi Ngọc Anh – Phạm Thị Loan



Gồm Ngữ pháp cơ bản và Ngữ âm cơ bản

Có bài tập kèm theo từng chuyên đề ngữ pháp

Giới thiệu một số chủ đề giao tiếp cơ bản

Hà Nội 2014

Mục lục

LỜI NÓI ĐẦU ................................................................................................. 1

PART I: GRAMMAR ......................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER ONE: THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ ..................................................... 4

LESSON 1: THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN ........................................................... 4

LESSON 2: THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN ................................................ 8

LESSON 3: THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH ....................................... 13

LESSON 4: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN ....................................................... 17

LESSON 5: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN ............................................. 20

LESSON 6: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH .................................... 21


CHAPTER TWO: CÁC THÀNH TỐ TRONG CÂU .............................. 24

LESSON 1: DANH TỪ VÀ SỐ TỪ BẤT ĐỊNH .................................. 24

LESSON 2: TÍNH TỪ ........................................................................... 27

LESSON 3: TRẠNG TỪ ....................................................................... 28

LESSON 4: MẠO TỪ ........................................................................... 31

LESSON 5: GIỚI TỪ ............................................................................ 34

LESSON 6: ĐỘNG TỪ KHUYẾT THIẾU ........................................... 38

CHAPTER THREE: CÁC LOẠI CÂU ..................................................... 41

LESSON 1: CÂU HỎI ........................................................................... 41

LESSON 2: CÂU SO SÁNH ................................................................. 44


LESSON 4: MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ ...................................................... 51

LESSON 5: CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG ................................................................. 54

LESSON 6: CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN .............................................................. 59

LESSON 7: CÂU GIÁN TIẾP .............................................................. 63

PHỤ LỤC ................................................................................................... 67

Table 1: V + to V ................................................................................... 67

Table 2: V + O + to V ............................................................................ 69

Table 3: V + V_ing ................................................................................ 70

Table 4: V + to V/V_ing ........................................................................ 71

Table 5: V + V_inf ................................................................................. 71

Table 6: Adj + prep ................................................................................ 72

Table 7: Irregular verbs .......................................................................... 74

PART 2: PRONUNCIATION – COMMUNICATION ........................................ 77

LESSON 1:................................................................................................. 79

LESSON 2:................................................................................................. 87

LESSON 3:................................................................................................. 97

LESSON 4:............................................................................................... 101

LESSON 5:............................................................................................... 105

LESSON 6:............................................................................................... 111

LESSON 7:............................................................................................... 117

LESSON 8:............................................................................................... 121

LESSON 9:............................................................................................... 130

LESSON 10:............................................................................................. 140

1 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Các bạn học viên thân mến!

Nắm bắt đƣợc nhu cầu học Tiếng Anh của rất nhiều bạn sinh viên các khối

ngành kinh tế, kĩ thuật nhƣng không biết bắt đầu từ đâu và không biết học nhƣ thế

nào, lớp học Tiếng Anh cơ bản của PAL đƣợc mở ra nhằm trang bị cho học viên

những kiến thức nền tảng nhất để có thể yêu lại Tiếng Anh từ đầu.

Cuốn giáo trình này là tài liệu trong suốt quá trình học tập của các bạn học

viên khi tham gia khóa cơ bản. Cuốn sách đƣợc chia làm 2 phần:

Phần 1: Grammar ( bao gồm những đề mục ngữ pháp cơ bản và bài

tập luyện tập sau mỗi bài học)

Phần 2: Pronunciation and Communication ( cách phát âm các âm

cơ bản và các chủ đề giao tiếp)

Quyền lợi của học viên PAL:

Đƣợc học lại từ đầu những kiến thức nền tảng và cơ bản nhất về ngữ

pháp, đƣợc hƣớng dẫn luyện phát âm và các chủ đề giao tiếp cơ bản

Đƣợc kèm riêng nếu nhƣ trình độ tiếp thu kém hơn so với các bạn

trong lớp

Đƣợc giảng viên trực tiếp hỗ trợ và giúp đỡ giải quyết những khó

khăn mà các bạn mắc phải trong suốt quá trình học

Đƣợc học bù lại các buổi nghỉ ( nếu có việc bận và xin phép nghỉ trƣớc

buổi học)

Yêu cầu đối với học viên tại PAL:

Hoàn thành bài tập về nhà theo yêu cầu của giảng viên

Phải luôn nỗ lực vì sự tiến bộ của bản thân

Đi học đầy đủ, đúng giờ. Trong 1 khóa không nghỉ học quá 3 buổi

(nếu nghỉ học quá 3 buổi sẽ phải bảo lƣu và chuyển sang khóa sau)

Không mất trật tự, tôn trọng giáo viên và thực hiện đúng nội quy lớp


Chúng tôi trân trọng thời gian và công sức các bạn bỏ ra để đi học, hi vọng

nhận được sự hợp tác từ phía các bạn để mạng lại giá trị cao nhất

Xin chân thành cảm ơn!

PAL English center.

2 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r






3 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Trƣớc khi bàn sâu vào các chuyên đề ngữ pháp trong Tiếng Anh, các

bạn cần nhớ đƣợc 7 ĐẠI TỪ NHÂN XƢNG trong Tiếng Anh và các yếu tố liên

quan đến nó:


I My Mine Me

We Our Ours Us

You Your Yours You

They Their Theirs Them

He His His Him

She Her Hers Her

It Its Its It

ĐTNX: Dùng để xƣng hô, đóng vai trò làm chủ ngữ trong câu

Tân ngữ : là đối tƣợng nhận sự tác động của hành động., tân ngữ thƣờng

đứng đằng sau động từ hoặc giới từ

Tính từ sở hữu : Tính từ sở hữu đứng trƣớc danh từ để bổ nghĩa cho

danh từ để nói xem danh từ đó là của ai.

Đại từ sở hữu: dùng để thay cho 1 tính từ sở hữu và 1 danh từ. Ngƣời ta

dùng đại từ sở hữu để tránh khỏi phải nhắc lại tính từ sở hữu + danh từ

đã đề cập trƣớc đó.

4 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r




Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn giản để :

Nói về thói quen hàng ngày hoặc những hành động đƣợc lặp đi lặp lại

Để nói về những sự thật hiển nhiên hoặc những điều đƣợc cho là đúng

Nói về lich trình xe cộ, tàu thuyền , lịch chiếu phim( vì xe cộ đã đƣợc lên lịch trình

sẵn, lặp đi lặp lại với 1 chu trình liên tục và cố định)



(+)S + tobe + Adj/N/ Prep

(-) S + tobe not + adj/ N/ Prep

(?) Tobe + S + Adj/ N/ Adj?


(+) I/ you/ we/ they/ Nsn + V-infi

He/ she/it/ Nsi + V(s,es)

(-) I/ you/ we/ they/ Nsn + don’t + V + O

He/ she/ it/ Nsi + doesn’t + V + O

(?) Do/does + S + V ?- Yes, S+ do/does ; No, S+ don’t/



1. Cách thêm -S, -ES đối với những chủ ngữ là ngôi thứ 3 số ít

o Cách thêm -es:

Sau các động từ tận cùng bằng “ch, ss, o, sh, z, x” ta thêm es

Khi một động từ tận cùng bằng “1 phụ âm + y”, ta biến y thành ies

Các trƣờng hợp còn lại thêm “s”

2. Cách đọc đuôi “s”, “es”

“ES” đọc là /z/ khi thêm sau động từ tận cùng bằng “o”

“ES” /iz/ khi thêm sau các động từ tận cùng bằng “ch,ss,sh,z,x”

5 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

“S” đọc là /s/ khi thêm vào sau động từ tận cùng bằng các âm : /p/k/t/f/ (xét

về mặt âm chứ không xét về mặt chữ cái. Một cách tƣơng đối, s /s/ khi đt

tận cùng bằng : p,k,t,f hoặc tận cùng bằng “gh” mà “gh” /f/



Các trạng từ chỉ tần suất : always/ usually/often/ sometimes…

Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian xác định thời gian ở hiện tại hoặc trong

tƣơng lai


Ex 1 : Complete the sentences using one of the followings:

Cause(s) close(s) drink(s) live(s) open(s) speak(s) take(s) place

1. Ann speaks German very well.

2. I never

3. The swimming pool ……… 9 o‟clock and................. at 18.30 everyday.

4. Bad driving ................. many accidents.

5. My parents .................. in a very small flat.

6. The Olimpic Games ………….. every 4 years.

Ex2 :Put the verb into the correct form:

1. Jane doesn’t drink(not/drink) tea very often.

2. What time .............................................. (the banks/close) in Britain?

3. “Where ............................................ (Martin/come) from?” – “He‟s Scottish.”

4. “What ..................................... (you/do)?” – “I‟m a student.”

5. It ....................... (take) me an hour to get to work .

6. How long ............................... (it/take) you?

7. I .......................... (play) the piano but I ................................... (not/play) very well.

8. I don‟t understand this sentence.What................................. (this word/mean)?

6 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Ex3: Use one of the following verbs to complete these sentences. Sometimes you need

the negative:

Believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate

1. The Earth goes around the Sun.

2. Rice doesn’t grow in Britain.

3. The Sun ................... in the East.

4. Bees .......................honey.

5. Vegetarians ................ meat.

6. An atheist ...................... in God.

7. An interpreter …………from one language into another.

8. A liar is someone who ............... the truth.

9. The River Amazon................. . into the Atlantic Ocean.

Ex4: Ask an questions about herself and her family:

1. You know that An plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her.

How often do you play tennis?

2. Perhaps An‟s sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask An.


3. You know that An reads a newspaper everyday. You want to know which one. Ask



4. You know that An‟s brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask An.


5. You know that An goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.


6. You don‟t know where An‟s mother lives. Ask An.


Ex5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì Hiện Tại Đơn:

1. I (be) ________ at school at the weekend.

2. She (not study) ________ on Friday.

3. My students (be not) ________ hard working.

4. He (have) ________ a new haircut today.

5. I usually (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00.

6. She (live) ________ in a house?

7. Where your children (be) ________?

7 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

8. My sister (work) ________ in a bank.

9. Dog (like) ________ meat.

10. She (live)________ in Florida.

11. It (rain)________ almost every day in Manchester.

12. We (fly)________ to Spain every summer.

13. My mother (fry)________ eggs for breakfast every morning.

14. The bank (close)________ at four o'clock.

15. John (try)________ hard in class, but I (not think) ________ he'll pass.

16. Jo is so smart that she (pass)________ every exam without even trying.

17. My life (be) so boring. I just (watch)________ TV every night.

18. My best friend (write)________ to me every week.

19. You (speak) ________ English?

She (not live) ________ in Hai Phong city.

8 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



1. Dùng để diễn tả sự việc đang diễn ra ở thời điểm nói.

2. Diễn tả sự việc diễn ra xung quanh thời điểm nói ở hiện tại

3. Dùng để diễn tả những thay đổi đang diễn ra trong thời điểm nói.

4. Diễn tả tƣơng lai khi nói đến những công việc bạn sắp xếp để làm.

5. Dùng với always để diễn tả hàm ý phàn nàn của ngƣời nói trƣớc 1 hành động lặp

đi lặp lại quá nhiều lần


(+) S + tobe + Ving

(-) S + tobe not + Ving

(?) tobe + S + Ving?


Now = at the moment = at this time = at present

It is + giờ



1. tận cùng bằng “ie”, ta đổi “ie” thành “y” rồi thêm “ing”: die/ dying

2. Nếu động từ tận cùng bằng “phụ âm + e”, ta bỏ “e” trƣớc khi thêm “ing”: hope/


3. Những động từ có một âm tiết kết thúc bằng một phụ âm mà đứng trƣớc nó là một

nguyên âm thì ta nhân đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm “ing”: stop/ stopping (trừ “y” và


4. Những động từ có hai âm tiết mà trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai thì ta cũng nhân

đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm “ing”: prefer/ preferring, regret/regretting,



Nhóm động từ chỉ sở thích, ƣớc muốn: Like, love, hate, want, need, prefer

Nhóm đt chỉ các hoạt động mang tính trí tuệ:Know, realize, suppose, mean,

understand, believe, remember, forget,…

Nhóm động từ mang tính sở hữu, chứa đựng:Belong, contain, consist, have

Nhóm động từ chỉ cảm giác:hear, feel, touch, smell, taste,…

9 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Ex 1: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs:

1. Look! He (run)………

2. Please be quite! My father (sleep)…….

3. My sister (listen) ………………….to music at the moment

4. They (work) …………………right now.

5. It is 6p.m. My mother (cook)…………………, my sister (watch)

…………………TV, my father (read) ……………...newspaper.

6. Listen! The bell (ring)……………….

7. Lena and Sam (lie)…………………..on the beach now.

8. Look! The bus (come)…………

9. He (always/make)……………………noise at night

10. I am busy now. I (decorate)………………….my house

Ex2: Use the words in brackets to complete the questions:

1. “IsCollin working this week?” “No, he‟s on holiday.” (Collin/ work)

2. “Why .................... at me like that? What is the matter? (you/ look)

3. “Jenny is a student at university.” “Is she? What .......... ?” (she/ study)

4. .................... to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/ listen)

5. How is your English? ...........................better? (it/ get)

Ex 3: Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative:

1. I‟m tired. I’m going(go) to bed now. Goodnight!

2. We can go out now. It isn’t raining(rain) any more.

3. “How is your new job?” “Not so good at the moment. I .........(enjoy) it very


4. Catherine phoned me last night. She‟s on holiday in France. She ....... (have) a

great time and doesn‟t want to come back.

5. I want to lose weight, so this week I ............ (eat) much.

6. Angela has just started evening classes. She ........................ (learn) German

7. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They ................................ (speak) to

each other.

10 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Ex 4: Read this conversation between Brian and Sarah. Put the verb into the correct


Sarah: Brian! How nice to see you! What ................ (you/ do) these days?

Brian: I .......................... (try) to be a supermarket manager.

Sarah: Really? What‟s it like? ....................... (you/ enjoy) it?

Brian: It‟s all right. What about you?

Sarah: Well, actually I ............... (not/ work) at the moment. I ......................... (try)

to find a job but it‟s not easy. But I‟m very busy. I (decorate)……………….. my flat.

Brian: .......................... (you/ do) it alone?

Sarah: No, some friends of mine .............(help) me.

Ex 5: Complete the sentences using one of these verbs. You don’t have to use all the

the verbs and you use a verb more than one:

Get change rise fall increase

1. The population of the world is rising very fast.

2. Ken is still ill but he ................. better slowly.

3. The world ............................. . Things never stay the same.

4. The cost of living .......................... . Every year things are more expensive.

5. The economic situation is very bad and it .................. worse.


Ex 1: Put the verbs into the correct forms:

1. The River Nile…………………(flow) into the Mediterranean.

2. This book is mine. That one…………………(belong) to Pierre.

3. Look at Joan. She …………………(bite) her fingernails. She must be nervous.

4. We usually …………………(grow) vegetables in our garden.

5. Let‟s go out. It…………………(not/ rain) outside.

6. Every morning, the sun…………………(shine) in my bedroom and ……………

(wake) me up.

7. Jim is very untidy. He ……………………….. (always/ leave) his things over the


8. Ann…………………(seem) very happy at the moment.

9. He‟s a photographer. He …………………(take) a lot of photos.

10. Oh! What‟s the matter with your hand? It…………………(bleed).

11 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Ex 2: : Put the verbs into the correct forms:

1. A: What …………………………….(you/ do)?

B: I……………………………(write) to my parents. I …………………(write) to them

every weekend.

2. A: What………………………(you/ do)?

B: I…………………(taste) the sauce. It…………………..(taste) too salty.

3. Peter has lost his keys again. He …………………(always/ lose) his keys.

4. Who …………this house……………(belong) to now?

5. Don‟t make noise! The baby …………………(sleep).

6. I‟m sorry but I ………………………….(not remember) your name now.

7. Where is Mary? - She …………………(cook) in the kitchen.

8. He …………………(have) a lot of money at the moment.

9. He usually…………………(go) to work by train but today he …………………(travel)

by bus.

10. A. Excuse me! What time . …………the next train (leave)?

B. It …………………(leave) in ten minutes.

11. She …………………(have) English lessons on Thursday mornings.

12. A: What time …………………(you/ usually/ finish) work?

B: Normally I …………………(finish) work at 5 o‟clock, but this week I

…………………… (work) until 6 to earn a bit more money.

13. A: I think we …………………(go) the wrong way.

B: I don‟t think so. The sun …………………(rise) in the East, remember. It‟s behind

us, so we …………………(travel) west.

14. A: …………………(you/ look) for someone?

B: Yes, I …………………(need) to speak to Neil. Is he in?

A: Yes, But I …………………(think) he‟s busy. He …………………(talk) to the

boss at the moment.

15. A: I …………(want) a new computer. I …………………(save) up to buy one.

B: What‟s wrong with your computer?

A: It …………………(get) out of date now.

16.English men very seldom …………………(talk) on the underground. They

…………………(prefer) to read their newspapers. At the moment, those two men in the

corner …………………(talk) but they …………………(not talk) English.

Ex 3: Put the verbs into the correct forms: present continuous or present simple

1. Let‟s go out. It isn’t raining(not/rain) now.

2. Julia is very good at languages. She speaks(speak) 4 languages very well.

3. Hurry up! Everybody ........................... (wait) for you.

12 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

4. “ ....................................... (you/listen) to the radio?” “No, you can turn it off.”

5. “ ....................................... (you/listen) to the radio everyday?” “No, just


6. The River Nile ............................ (flow) into the Mediterranean.

7. Look at the river. It .............................. (flow) very fast today, much faster than


8. We usually ....................... (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we

.......................................... (not/grow) any.

9. “How is your English?” “Not bad. It ......................... (improve) slowly.”

10. John is in London at the moment. He ........... (stay) at the Park Hotel. He ...............

................................................................... (always/stay) there when he‟s in


11. Can we stop walking soon? I ...................... (start) to feel tired.

12. “Can you drive?” “I ....................... (learn). My father ......................... (teach) me.”

13. Normally I ................. (finish) work at 5, but this week I ........................ (work)

until 6 to earn a bit more money.

14. My parents ............... (live) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived

anywhere else. Where ................................. (your parents/live)?

15. Sonia .......................... (look) for a place to live. She ....................... (stay) with her

sister until she finds somewhere.

16. “What ...................................... (your father/do)?” “He‟s an architect but he

............................................... (not/work) at the moment.

17. The train is never late. It ............................... (always/leave) on time.

18. Jim is very untidy. He ..............................................(always/leave) his things all

over the place.

13 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



Diễn tả những hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại, vẫn còn đang

diễn ra ở hiện tại hoặc đã hoàn thành và có kết quả ở hiện tại

HTHT không có thời gian xác định cụ thể trong quá khứ


(+) S + have/has + V3(_ed/C3)

(-) S + haven’t / hasn’t + V3

(?) Have / has + V3 +…?

Yes , S + have/ has

No, S + haven’t/ hasn’t


1. Since / for

Since : mốc thời gian (thời điển bắt đầu hành động)

Mệnh đề với since:

Trƣớc since dùng HTHT, sau since dùng QKĐ:

FORTHE LAST + Thời gian

2. Just : vừa mới (sau have/ has)

3. Already: đã xong

4. Ever: đã từng

5. Never: chƣa từng

6. Lately = recently : gần đây

7. Up to now = till now = so far: cho đến bây giờ

8. Yet: vẫn chƣa (cuối câu phủ định và nghi vấn)

9. Số lần tính đến thời điểm nói


1. Câu bình phẩm



This is the biggest house I have ever seen

I have never seen a bigger house than this one

Ever --------- so sánh nhất

Never -------- so sánh hơn

14 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

2. Đây là lần thứ bao nhiêu ai đó làm gì

It/ this is the first/ second/ third/…time S + have/ has + V3

This is the second time I have ever read that book.

Đặc biệt: cấu trúc :

It is the first time S + have/ has + V3

S + have/ has V3 before

3. Đã bao lâu kể từ…

It is + khoảng thời gian + SINCE + S + V2 (QKĐ)

It is 3 years since we last met

4. Câu hỏi với WHEN và HOW LONG


How long-- HTHT

When did you start learning English?

How long have you learnt English?


Ex 1:Use the words given to make sentences. Use the present perfect:

Dear Harry, Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.

1. I / buy / a new car ...................................................................................................

2. My father / start / a new job ....................................................................................

3. I / give up / smoking ...............................................................................................

4. Jack and Rose / go to Brazil ...................................................................................

5. Susan / have / a baby ..............................................................................................

Ex 2: SINCE or FOR

1. I have lived in London ___ six months.

2. I have danced___ I was small.

3. She hasn't had a day off ___ three months.

4. I've lost so much flexibility ___ I injured my leg.

5. They have all improved in attitude ___ the headmaster talked to them.

6. Wars have been happening ___ centuries, it won‟t ever change.

7. I haven't been on holiday ___ ages.

8. I haven't eaten that much ___ Christmas.

9. I haven't been on holiday ___ last year.

10. We haven‟t talked to Ms Hoa ___the last month.

15 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Ex 3: Make questions from the words in brackets:

1. (ever / ride / horse?)Have you ever ridden a horse?

2. (ever / speak / famous person?) .............................................................................

3. (always / live / in this town?) ..................................................................................

4. (most beautiful place /ever / visit?) What ...............................................................

Ex 4: Complete the answers. Some are positive and some are negative. Use the verbs

from this list:

Be be eat happen have meet play read see see try

1. “What‟s Andy‟s sister like?” “I have no idea. I’ve never met her.”

2. “How is Nicky these days?” “I don‟t know. I ................................. him recently.”

3. “Are you hungry?” “Yes. I ...................................... much today.”

4. “Can you play chess?” “Yes, but I .......................................... for ages.”

5. “Did you enjoy your holiday?” “Yes, it‟s the best holiday ......................... for a

long time.”

6. “What is that book like?” “I don‟t know. I ................................... it.”

7. “Is Rome an interesting place?” “I have no idea. I ................................. there.”

8. “Brian was late for work again today.” “Again? I .............................. this week.”

9. “Do you like salmon?” “I don‟t know. I”

10. “The car broke down again yesterday.” “Not again! That‟s the second time it

............................................. this week.”

11. “Who‟s that woman by the doctor?” “I don‟t know. I .............................. before.”

Ex 5:Write questions with “how long” and “when” or rewrite the following sentences:

1. It‟s raining.

How long has I been raining?

When did it start raining?

2. Kate is learning Italian.

(How long / learn?) ................................................................................................

(When / start /learn?) .............................................................................................

3. I know Martin.

(How long / know?) ................................................................................................

(When / first / met?) ................................................................................................

4. Bob and Alice are married.

(How long?) ............................................................................................................


5. (Susan has been in France for the last 3 weeks.) She went ..................................

6. (You‟re working in a hotel. You started in June.) I‟ve ...........................................

16 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Ex 6: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect or past simple:

1. “Where is your key?” “I don‟t know. I’ve lost it.” (lose)

2. I was very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep. (be)

3. Mary ................................ to Australia for a while but she‟s back again now. (go)

4. “Where is Ken?” “He ............................. out. He‟ll be back in about an hour.” (go)

5. I did Spanish at school but I .......................................... most of it. (forget)

6. I meant to phone Joey last night but I ........................................... . (forget)

7. I ............................a headache earlier but I feel fine now. (have)

8. Look! There‟s an ambulance over there. There ................................ an accident.


9. They‟re still building a new road. They ....................................... it. (not/finish)

10. “Is Margaret still here?” “No, she ...................................... out.” (just/go)

11. The police ...................... three people but later they let them go. (arrest)

12. Anna her address but I‟m afraid I ........................ it. (give, lose)

13. What do you think of my English? Do you think I .............................. ? (improve)

Ex 7: Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use present perfect or past simple:

1. (it / not / rain / this week)It hasn’t rained this week.

2. (the weather / be / cold/ recently) The weather ......................................................

3. (it / cold / last week) ...............................................................................................

4. ( I / not / read / a newspaper yesterday) .................................................................

5. ( I / not / read / a newspaper today) ......................................................................

6. (Ann / earn / a lot of money / this year) ..................................................................

7. (she / not / earn / so much / last year) ....................................................................

8. (you / have / a holiday recently?) ...........................................................................

17 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



Thì quá khứ đơn đƣợc dùng để:

Diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra và hoàn toàn kết thúc tại một thời điểm

trong quá khứ và không còn liên quan đến hiện tại.

Hành động lặp đi lặp lại trong quá khứ

Liệt kê một chuỗi các hành động nối tiếp nhau trong quá khứ

Diễn tả những hành động xảy ra đồng thời


a. Tobe

(+) You/ we/ they/ Nsn + were

I/ he/ she / it/ N si + was

(-) S + wasn’t / weren’t +…

(?) Was/ were + S +…?

b. Ordinary verbs

(+) S + V-ed/V2 + O

(-) S + did not + V-nguyên thể+ O

(?) Did + S + V-nguyên thể?


yesterday, ago

last week/month/year

in the past, in + năm (QK ), .....

Các cấu trúc khác:

Diễn tả thói quen trong quá khứ và hiện tại không còn thói quen đó nữa

Used to + V inf = đã từng …

Be/Get used to + V_ing/ Noun = quen (dần ) với …

Cách đọc đuôi “ed”:

Đuôi “ed” có 3 cách đọc:

/id/ khi thêm vào sau đt tận cùng bằng t/d : visited, decided,...

/t/ khi thêm vào sau các đt tận cùng bằng các âm vô thanh ,thƣờng tận

cùng bằng: p/k/f/s/ch/sh/x : stopped, cooked, laughed, watched,

washed, fixed

Các trƣờng hợp còn lại đọc là /d/ : played, studied,...

18 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Ex 1: Use the correct forms of TO BE in past simple tense

1. Yesterday …….Monday. I was at school.

2. Mom and Dad ……………… home yesterday. They were at the hospital.

3. The weather……………… nice. It was windy and rainy.

4. ……… he free all day yesterday?

5. She…………….tired last night.

6. I…………… in London last month.

7. ………you at Nina‟s house yesterday.

8. I…………with him yesterday.

9. …………..they happy last week?

10. He………… at school yesterday.

Ex 2: Use the Past form of the verbs:

1. Yesterday, I (go)______ to the restaurant with my friends.

2. We (drive) ______ around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space.

3. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant yesterday, the place (be) ______ full.

4. The thief ______ (not tell) the truth last night.

5. I (lend) __________ my penknife to someone, but I can`t remember who it was


6. The waitress (tell)______ us to come back in two hours.

7. My brother and I slowly (walk) ______ back to the car. Then we (see) ______ a

small grocery store.

8. She (spend) ____ all her money last week

9. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) ______ some sandwiches.

10. That (be) ______ better than waiting for two hours.

11. I (not go) ______ to school last Sunday.

12. She (get) ______ married last year?

13. What you (do) ______ last night? - I (do) ______ my homework.

14. I (love) ______ him but no more.

15. Yesterday, I (get) ______ up at 6 and (have) ______ breakfast at 6.30.

16. I_____(stay) at home all weekend.

17. Angela ______ (go)to the cinema last night.

18. My friends ______ a great time in Nha Trang last year.

19. My vacation in Hue ______ (be) wonderful.

20.Last summer I _____ (visit) Ngoc Son Temple in Ha Noi.

21.My parents ____ ( be) very tired after the trip.

19 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

22. I _______ (buy)a lot of gifts for my little sister.

23. Lan and Mai _______ .(see)sharks, dolphins and turtles at Tri Nguyen aquarium

24.Trung _____ (eat) chicken and rice for dinner yesterday.

25. They ____ (talk) about their holiday in Hoi An.

Ex 3:Write complete sentences. Use the past simple of the verbs.

1. I / go swimming / yesterday.


2. Mrs. Nhung / wash / the dishes.


3. My mother / go shopping / with / friends last Monday.


4. Lan / cook / chicken noodles / dinner.


5. Nam / I / study / hard / last weekend.


6. My father / play / golf / yesterday.


7. Last night / Phong /listen / music / for two hours.


8. They / have / nice / weekend.


9. She / go / supermarket yesterday.


10. We / not go / school/ last week.


Ex 4: Choose the word that has the different pronunciation of “ed”

1. A. talked B. painted C. asked D. Liked

2. A. worked B. stopped C. forced D. Wanted

3. A. studied B. invited C. stayed D. Played

4. A. waited B. mended C. objected D. Faced

5. A.linked B. washed C. naked D. Matched

6. A. hoped B. openned C. assumed D. Lied

7. A. marked B. stopped C. needed D. Walked

8. A. succeeded B. devoted C. prevented D. Coughed

20 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn đƣợc dùng để diễn tả:

Một hành động đang xảy ratại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ

Hai hay nhiều hành động đồng thời xảy ra trong quá khứ

Một hành động đang xảy ra thì có một hành động khác chen vào (hành động đang

xảy ra mang tính quá trình đƣợc chia ở thì QKTD, hành động chen vào mang tính tức

thời đƣợc chia ở QKĐ)


(+) S + was/were + Ving

(-) S + wasn’t / weren’t + Ving

(?) Was/ Were + S + Ving?

Yes,S + was/were

No, S + wasn’t / weren’t


Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian xác định chính xác thời điểm hành động xảy ra trong quá


Hai liên từ thƣờng đƣợc sử dụng trong thì quá khứ tiếp diễn:

When and while

Mệnh đề đi vs When thƣờng chia ở thời quá khứ đơn

Mệnh đề đi vs while thƣờng chia ở quá khứ tiếp diễn

Tuy nhiên chúng ta căn cứ vào tính chất của hành động (tính quá trình hay tính

tức thời để chia động từ cho phù hợp)

21 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



Diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trƣớc 1 thời điểm hoặc 1 hành động khác

trong quá khứ

Note: Khi 2 hành động cùng xảy ra trong quá khứ , hành động xảy ra trƣớc chia

ở quá khứ hoàn thành, hành động xảy ra sau chia ở quá khứ đơn


(+) S + had V3

(-) S + hadn’t V3

(?) Had + S + V3?


By, before, after, when,...

Note: mệnh để đi vs “before”, “when” luôn ở quá khứ đơn

mệnh đề đi vs “after” luôn chia ở quá khứ hoàn thành.

22 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Future simple tense Be going to

Uses &



Diễn tả nhƣng hành động sẽ xảy

ra trong tƣơng lai nhƣng không

có kế hoạch, dự định từ trƣớc mà

đƣợc quyết định ngay tại thời

điểm nói


George phoned while you were out.

OK. I‟ll phone him back..

Diễn tả một gợi ý

Shall we go out for dinner?

Diễn tả một lời đề nghị, yêu


Ex: Will you give me a cup of coffee,


Dự đoán:

I think/ hope/ expect/ suppose…


I am afraid/ sure that

I fear that



I think it will be better

Diễn tả nhƣng hành động sẽ

xảy ra trong tƣơng lai và có kế

hoach, dự định từ trƣớc


- Where are you going to

spend your holiday?

- We are going to visit

Halong Bay.

Dự đoán có căn cứ, dựa trên

những bằng chứng ở hiện tại

The sky is very dark. It is going to






I/we + shall + V (shall chỉ đi vs 2 chủ

ngữ là I và we)

I/you/ we/ they/he/she/it/N + will + V

S + be + going to + V

S + will not (won’t) + V S + be not + going to + V

Will/ shall + S + V?

Yes / no

Be + S + going to + V?

Yes / No

Adverbs Các trạng từ xác định thời gian trong tƣơng lai:


Next week/ month/ year/Saturday/…

In (on) + thời gian trong tƣơng lai ( in 2050,…)

In + khoảng thời gian (trong vòng bao lâu nữa) (in 2 days = 2 days

more: 2 ngày nữa)

In the future

From now on

23 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


“will” or “be going to”

1. A: Are you two going out?

B: Yes, why?

A: It just said on the radio that (1) …………………………….(it snow).

B: Oh, did it (2) …………………………….(I/take) my big coat then.

C: Good idea. So(3) …………………………….I

2. A: We‟ve run out of biscuits.

B: Yes, I know. (4) …………………………….(I/get) some this afternoon.

I‟ve got them on my list.

3. A: Jane „s had her baby.

B: Really? That‟s wonderful! (5) …………………………….(I/send) her some


A: (6)…………………………….(I/visit) her this afternoon. (7)

…………………………….(I/give) them to her for you if you want.

4. A: Casablanca is on at the Arts Cinema this week.

B: Yes, ( 8) …………………………….(I/see) it with Roger.

5. A: Oh. I haven‟t a clean shirt. (9) …………………………….(you/wash) one for me?

B: No, (10) …………………………….(I/not). You can do your own washing.

6. A: I haven‟t got enough money to get home.

B: OK (11) …………………………….(I/lend) you some if you like. How much do

you want?

A: Two pounds is enough. Thanks a lot. (12) …………………………….(I/give) it

back tomorrow.

7. A: What (12) …………………………….(you/buy) Jill for her birthday?


A: She hasn‟t got a CD player.

B: Oh. (13) …………………………….(I/buy) her a record then.

8. A: Hello. Where are you going?

B: To my evening class. I‟m learning Swedish. And next week (14)

…………………………….(I/have) a chance to speak it for real. (15)

…………………………….(I/go) to Sweden for three weeks.

9. Tim……………………….(retire) before he reaches 65. He mentioned it at the

meeting recently.

10. “I think I……………………….(walk) home across the park.” “That‟s a good idea.”

24 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r





Danh từ đếm đƣợc (Countable Nouns): Là danh từ có thể dùng đƣợc với số đếm,

do đó nó có 2 hình thái số ít và số nhiều.. eg: one book, two books, ...

Danh từ không đếm đƣợc (Uncountable Nouns): Không dùng đƣợc với số đếm,

do đó nó không có hình thái số ít, số nhiều.

Danh từ không đếm đƣợc thƣờng tồn tại dƣới dạng chất lỏng, chất

bột, 1 số danh từ chung, danh từ mang hàm nghĩa trừu tƣợng.


Some / Any

đều dùng với cả danh từ đếm đƣợc và không đếm đƣợc

Some: Thƣờng đƣợc sử dụng trong câu khẳng định và câu mời.

Any: Thƣờng đƣợc sử dụng trong câu nghi vấn và câu phủ định.

ANY Có thể đƣợc sử dụng trong câu khẳng định với nghĩa “ bất kì”

Many/ much: nhiều

Many: đếm đƣợc, số nhiều

Much: không đếm đƣợc

Lots of = a lot of : nhiều (dùng với cả dt đếm đƣợc và không đếm đƣợc)

Few/ a few, little/a little:

Few/ a few + dt đếm đƣợc (I have a few friends.)

Little/ alittle + dt không đếm đƣợc( There is a little milk in the


Few/ little: ít và không đủ để làm gì

A few/a little: ít nhƣng đủ để làm gì


Chỉ riêng danh từ đếm đƣợc mới có số nhiều.

Thƣờng thì số nhiều của danh từ hình thành bằng cách thêm S vào số ít.

Số nhiều của danh từ tận cùng bằng s, ss, sh, ss, ch hoặc x và một vài danh

từ tận cùng bằng o hình thành bằng cách thêm “es”: tomatoes buses brushes

kisses boxes churches

25 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Tuy nhiên, một số danh từ mƣợn gốc nƣớc ngoài hoặc danh từ tóm lƣợc tận

cùng bằng “o” thì chỉ thêm s: dynamos (máy phát điện),pianos, kilos, photos,


Danh từ tận cùng bằng phụ âm +y thì đổi y => i rồi + es

Danh từ tận cùng bằng f hoặc fe thì bỏ f hoặc fe rồi thêm ves:

Calf , half , knife , leaf , life, loaf , self , sheaf, shelf , thief , wife, wolf

CHỈ ÁP DỤNG CHO CÁC DANH TỪ TRÊN, các danh từ còn lại tận cùng bằng

f/fe vẫn thêm “s” bình thƣờng: Handkerchief - handkerchiefs , Safe- safes

Một số danh từ có dạng số nhiều đặc biệt:

Foot-feet, Tooth- teeth, Goose- geese, Man- men, Woman- women, Louse- lice,

Mouse- mice , Child- chilren , Ox-oxen,Fish- fish, Sheep – sheep, Deer – deer

Các danh từ sau đây luôn là số nhiều và dùng với động từ ở số nhiều:

Clothes (quần áo), police (cảnh sát), spectacles (mắt kính), glasses (mắt kính),

binoculars (ống nhòm), scissors (cái kéo), pliers (cái kìm)

Một vài danh từ tận cùng bằng ics (thƣờng là tên gọi của các môn khoa

học)nhƣ :

Acoustics (âm học), athletics (điền kinhmathematics (toán học), physics (vật

lý), linguistics (ngôn ngữ học), phonetics (ngữ âm học), politics (chính trị) ....

luôn có hình thức số nhiều nhƣng lại đƣợc coi là dt số ít

Các danh từ sau đây có hình thức số nhiều, nhƣng lại mang nghĩa số ít:

News (tin tức), mumps (bệnh quai bị), measles (bệnh sởi), rickets (bệnh còi xương),

billiards (bi-da), darts (môn ném phi tiêu),...


Ex 1: Xác định xem các danh từ sau đếm đƣợc hay không đếm đƣợc:

luggage, darkness, air, water, exam, desk, news, money, tree, hair, noodles, flour,

knowledge, advice, time, sand, homework, furniture, soap, food, money, Economics

health, work,cake, education, milk, sugar, rice, bread, suggestion, wine

Ex 2: Điền thêm a little và a few vào chỗ trống:

1. I have _________ sugar.

2. My sister has ________ ancient coins.

3. There is _________ coffee in my cup.

4. There are _________ books on the table.

5. Give me _________ time.

6. He needs _________ minutes to finish the test.

7. We‟ve got _________ valuable pictures.

8. She only eats _________ meat.

26 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Ex 3: Viết dạng số nhiều của các danh từ dƣới đây:

Ex 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu

1. Peter never feels lonely. He has got ______ friends

a. much b. so much c. many d. a great amount of

2. My mother needs ______ milk to make a cake.

a. a b. some c. any d. many

3. How _____ apples are there in the basket?

a. many b. much c. some d. any

4. There is not ____ when they get older.

a. some moneys b. a few money c. much money d. many money

5. Not ___ teenagers spend ____ time on reading books

a. much/ many b. many/ much c. much/ much d. many/ many

6. If you have…..time at the end of the exam, check your answers

a. fewb. A few c. Little d. A little

7. Give me ……minutes and I „ll be ready

a. fewb. A few c. Little d. A little

8. Could you help me with….. excercises I don‟t understand

a. fewb. A few c. Little d. A little

Ex 5:Sửa lỗi trong những câu sau (mỗi câu 1 lỗi):

1. I‟ ve got a little apples. ==>

2. There is a few sugar in my coffee. ==>

3. We have a few expensive picture. ==>

4. She usually drinks a little milks. ==>

5. There is a few books on the desk. ==>

6. There are a little tea in the cup. ==>

27 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


1. Chức năng bổ nghĩa : bổ nghĩa cho danh từ

2. Vị trí:

Đứng trƣớc danh từ

Các tính từ chỉ phẩm chất đứng trƣớc danh từ hoặc sau 1 số động từ nối sau:

Be, become, get, grow

appear, seem

make, keep

nhóm các động từ chỉ cảm giác (look, feel, taste, touch, hear, …)

Paint + O + adj (sơn…thành màu gì)

Turn + O ( biến thành…)

3. Thứ tự của các tính từ:

Quy tắc :OSACOMA (O: opinion, S: shape, A: age, C: colour, O: origin, M:

material, A: aim)

a long black hair, a black leather handbag

4. Một số tiền tố, hậu tố tạo thành tính từ

Tiền tố: un, dis, in, il, ir : thêm vào trƣớc 1 số tính từ để tạo thành từ trái nghĩa

Hậu tố:

_less(tính từ trái nghĩa) ><_ful: careful >< careless, hopeful><hopeless

_like: (giống…) : childlike (ngây thơ)

_ish (thêm vào danh từ chỉ màu sắc tạo thành tính từ láy): redish, blackish

_ing/_ed: good looking, interesting, amazing, disappointing,…

_able/ ible( tính từ mang nghĩa có thể…) : drinkable,eatable, sensible (có

cảm giác), …

_ous: danger => dangerous, courage => courageous

28 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



1. Phân loại,vị trí:

Trạng từ chỉ cách thức: happily, fast, quickly,well, badly,…: thƣờng đứng sau

động từ

Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn: here, there, on, in, near, beside ,…

Note: The bus is coming here nhưng Here is coming the bus

Nếu here/ there đứng đầu câu thì thực hiện đảo ngữ (đảo động từ lên trƣớc

chủ ngữ)

Trạng từ chỉ thời gian: now, then, today, soon, later, last…: thƣờng đứng cuối câu

Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually ,often, sometimes, rarely ,seldom, …: đứng

trƣớc động từ thƣờng và sau tobe

Trạng từ chỉ mức độ: very, rather, quite, fairly, a bit, pretty, little, much,…

2. Cách thành lập:

Các trạng từ chỉ tính cách: adv = adj + ly

Tận cùng là “e” => thêm “ly” bình thƣờng trừ: truly, wholly, duly

Tận cùng bằng able/ible => ably/ibly

Một số tính từ và trạng từ cùng dạng:

Early, enough, far, fast, hard, high, ill, just, late, little, long, short,straight, much,

near, pretty, well, wrong, right

Tuy nhiên có 1 số từ vừa là adj, vừa là adv nhƣng khi thêm “ly” tạo

thành nghĩa bóng: coldly, warmly, nearly, lately, …

Một số tính từ không thể thêm “ly” để tạo thành trạng từ, ta dùng:

In + a/an + adj + way

Eg: She behaves in a diferrent way

3. Chức năng bổ nghĩa:

Đứng đầu câu nhằm mục đích chuyển ý, chuyển đoạn:

Actually, really, in fact, certainly, surely, obviously, perhaps, luckily,


Bổ nghĩa cho động từ (trạng từ chỉ cách thức): she sings beautifully

Bổ nghĩa cho tính từ, hoặc 1 trạng từ khác (trạng từ chỉ mức độ): very,

quite, rather, …

Chú ý: 2 Trạng từ: RATHER and QUITE

Quite: dùng với tính từ mang hàm nghĩa tích cực:

Nếu sử dụng danh từ ghép vs quite: quite + a/an + adj + N

Rather: dùng với tính từ mang hàm nghĩa tiêu cực

29 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Ex 1: Điền dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc vào chỗ trống, thêm –ing hoặc –ed

1. The film wasn‟t as good as we had expected (disappoint)

The film was…………….

We were …………………with the film.

2. Iana teaches young children. It‟s a very hard job but she enjoys it. (exhaust)

She enjoys her job but it‟s often …………………

At the end of a day‟s work, she‟s often…………………

3. It‟s been raining all day. I hate this weather. (depress)

The weather is…………………

The weather makes me…………………

4. Clare is going to the United States next month. She has never been there before.


It will be an………………… experience for her.

Going to new places is always…………………

She is really ………………… about going to the United States.

5. Jane doesn‟t enjoy her job any more and would like to do something different.


Jane is…………………with her job.

Jane‟s job is…………………

6. Are you ………………… in football? (interest)

7. The football match was quite…………………. I enjoyed it. (excite)

8. Do you easily get…………………? (embarrass)

9. The two-hour delay was …………………(annoy)

10. It was a really …………………experience (terrify). Afterwards everybody was

very ………………… (shock)

Ex 2: Chọn và chia dạng đúng (tính từ hay trạng từ) của từ trong ngoặc.

1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very ………………… (quick)

2. Tom doesn‟t take risks when he‟s driving. He‟s always …………………(care)

3. Sue works …………………. She never seems to stop. (continuous)

4. Alice and Stan live …………………together. (happy)

5. Her English is very ………………… although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.


6. I cooked this meal …………………for you, so I hope you like it. (special)

7. Everything was really quiet. There was …………………silence. (complete)

8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me …………………(perfect)

9. Do you usually feel…………………before examinations? (nervous)

30 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

10. I‟d like to buy a car but it‟s …………………impossible for me at the moment.


11. I‟m getting quite…………………(hunger)

12. We could walk …………………around the aircraft. (free)

13. She went to bed…………………(late) and she was sleeping…………………(bad)

14. The man looked …………………(thoughtful) around the room.

15. The young/ The young man with dark hair is my boyfriend.

16. I‟m sure you could win the match if you tried…………………(hard)

17. She said that she would come home …………………(soon)

18. We became …………………(sick) after eating the contaminated food.

19. He drove as…………………(fast) as he could to the hospital.

20. I‟ll …………………(happy) make dinner if you want me to.

21. What‟s wrong? You look …………………(terrible)

22. The car was …………………(serious) damaged.

23. Please keep…………………(quiet)

24. She fell and hurt herself quite …………………(bad)

25. The noise makes learning …………………(difficult)

Ex 3 : Choose the best answer:

1. He was wearing a ________ shirt.

a. dirty blue old b. dirty blue old c. Blue old dirty

2. Pass me the ________ cups.

a. plastic big blue b. big blue plastic c. big plastic blue

3. All the girls fell in love with the ________ teacher.

a. handsome new American b.American new handsome handsome


4. I used to drive ________ car.

a. a blue old German b. an old German blue c. an old blue German

5. He recently married a ________ woman.

a. young beautiful Greek b. beautiful young Greek c. beautiful Greek young

6. This is a ________ movie.

a. new Italian wonderful b. wonderful Italian new c. wonderful new Italian

7. She is a ________ supermodel.

a. beautiful slim Brazilian b. Brazilian beautiful slim c. slim Brazilian


8. It's in the ________ container.

a. large blue metal b. blue large metal c. blue metal large

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1. Definite articals : a/an

Dùng a hoặc an trƣớc một danh từ số ít đếm đƣợc.

a) “an”

An đƣợc dùng trƣớc từ bắt đầu bằng âm nguyên âm (xét về cách phát âm,

chứ không xét về mặt chữ cái).

Cẩn thận với: Một số từ bắt đầu bằng h câm: an heir, haft an hour ; Một số

danh từ bắt đầu bằng “u”( nếu u /ju/ => dùng a): a uniform, a university ; Các

từ mở đầu bằng một chữ viết tắt: an S.O.S/ an M.P

b) Dùng “a” với:

o Dùng a trƣớc các từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm.

o Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lƣợng nhất định nhƣ: a lot of/a great deal

of/a couple/a dozen.

o Dùng “a” trƣớc 1 danh từ chỉ tên riêng: A Mr/ Mrs + Tên để nói đến 1

nhân vật hoàn toàn lạ đối với ngƣời nói

2. Cách dùng mạo từ xác định "The"

o Dùng the trƣớc một danh từ đã đƣợc xác định cụ thể về mặt tính chất, đặc

điểm, vị trí hoặc đã đƣợc đề cập đến trƣớc đó, hoặc những khái niệm phổ thông, ai

cũng biết.

a) Các trƣờng hợp bắt buộc dùng the

Danh từ đã xác định cụ thể ( có thể đƣợc xác định bởi 1 cụm từ đứng sau

nó), danh từ đƣợc nhắc đến lần thứ 2

Những vật mang tính duy nhất trong vũ trụ (The sun, the moon, the earth,

the sea, the world,…)

Dùng trƣớc số thứ tự

Dùng trong so sánh nhất

The dùng trong 1 số cụm từ nhƣ: the rest(còn lại), the only( duy nhất)

The + adj = danh từ chỉ ngƣời, số nhiều: chỉ 1 nhóm ngƣời chung đặc điểm

The + nhạc cụ

The +tên nƣớc số nhiều, tên nƣớc liên bang

b) Các trƣờng hợp không dùng The

Danh từ không xác định

Các danh từ chỉ trò chơi, môn thể thao(golf/ football/…), môn học( Maths,

literature, history ,…), ngôn ngữ ( Vietnamese, English, Chinese,…), chất liệu (wood,

iron , plastic,…), phương tiện( by car/ bike/ train/…),màu sắc( yellow/ red

/black…),bữa ăn( breakfast/lunch/dinner/…), danh từ riêng(Hanoi University,...)

32 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Ex 1: Use a or an to fill in the blanks:

1. …..ugly colour

2. …..united country

3. …..unfinished poem

4. …..early class

5. …..honest person

6. …..used car

7. …...useful book

8. …..European country

9. …..useful book

10. …..old engine

Ex 2: Choose the best answer

1. Salem doesn‟t like .................. talkative people.

A. × B. the C. many D. a

2. It‟s true that................ rich lead a different life from the poor.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

3. Mary lives in .................Canada near Lake Ontario.

A. the B. × C. a D. an

4. The explorer crossed ...............Pacific Ocean in a canoe.

A. an B. a C. the D. x

5. She has been playing ..............flute for ten years.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

6. For breakfast we usually have ................... coffee and toast.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

7. What time do you start ................ work in the morning?

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

8. Barbara hopes to go to ................ university next year.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

9. They went on a cruise down .................Nile and saw the Pyramids.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

10. Sharah thinks ........... life is more difficult in a foreign country.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

11. The judge sentenced the thief to six months in ................... prison.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

12. I‟ve noticed that ..................Spanish eat a lot of vegetables

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

13. A volcano has erupted in .............Philippines recently

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

14. . ................ examinations always make him nervous.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

15. We went to ............... cinema twice a month.

A. an B. a C. the D. ×

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Ex 3: Put the articals into the suitable blanks (if necessary)

1. This is..........beautiful painting. Does..........artist live near here?

2. I toothbrush his morning and I can't find it. I'm sure I put it


3. Can you get..........fresh cream cake when you go out? on..........corner

usually sells it.

4. It's.......... very nice school and ..........teachers are all very hard-working.

5. "Look! There's in" "Yes, it's from next door."

6. There's.......... man at ..........door. He wants to see you.

7. We stayed in.......... very nice hotel. was comfortable and

was excellent.

8. I bought jacket last week but yesterday two of ..........buttons came off.

I'm taking it back to

9. I had ..........bath this morning but ..........water was a bit cold.

10. I was at ..........airport, waiting for ..........friend to arrive.

11. A man decided to rob ….bank in the town where he lived. He walked into

……… and handed .... note to one of …… cashiers……….cashier

read………note which told her to give ………man some money. Afraid that he might

have………….gun, she did as she was told…… then walked out of

………building, leaving………note behind. However, he had no time to spend

………money because he was arrested …..same day. He had made ……..mistake. He

had written ……… note on back of …… envelope. And on … other side of

………envelope was his name and address. This clue was quite enough for ……

detective on the case.

12. He is ………only man that I put belief in.

13. I bought ……….cake yesterday. I have eaten ….. piece, ……….rest is for you

14. ……….Thames is one of…….longest rivers in ……England

15. Do you know that…..Europe and………America are separated by…….Atlantic


Ex 4: Translate these sentences into English:

1. Chúng tôi đi xem lễ vào chủ nhật

2. Chúng tôi đến nhà thờ để gặp cô ta

3. Chúng tôi thường đi học sớm

4. Bố tôi thường đến trường để nói chuyện với các thầy cô giáo của chúng tôi

5. Jack thường đi ngủ sớm

6. Jack đi đến giường lấy cuốn sách để đọc

7. Anh trai tôi bị đau bụng, ngày mai tôi sẽ đưa anh ấy vào bệnh viện.

8. Ngày mai bạn sẽ đến bệnh viện để gặp vị giáo sư đó chứ?

34 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r




AT: dùng trƣớc giờ, một thời điểm: at 6 oclock, at 9p.m, at midnight, at


At cũng đƣợc dùng trong những cụm từ:

At the moment/ at this time/ at present, At the same time, At

Chrismas/ at Easter

At the age of, At the beginning of/ at the end of

ON: đƣợc dùng để chỉ thứ, ngày:

IN: đƣợc dùng trƣớc tháng, năm, mùa, thế kỉ,các buổi trong ngày ….

Note:không dùng in, on, at trƣớc các từ nhƣ: next , last

FOR: dùng để chỉ khoảng thời gian, xem hành động diễn ra trong vòng bao


DURING : dùng để nói về 1 hành động kéo dài trong suốt 1 quãng thời

gian bao lâu

BEFORE: trƣớc

AFTER : sau

BY + thời gian: trƣớc ….., không muộn hơn…..


AT: dùng trƣớc danh từ chỉ địa điểm nhỏ: nhà máy (factory), sân bay (ải

port) , bệnh viện (hospital) , trƣờng học (school), bƣu điện (post office),…

IN: dùng trƣớc các địa điểm lớn: thành phố (city) , làng mạc (village), đất

nƣớc (country),…

In còn đƣợc dùng trong 1 số cụm từ nhƣ: in bed, in prison/jail,…


Above/over: bên trên (có khoảng cách về không gian)

On: trên( có tiếp giáp bề mặt)

UNDER: dƣới

IN FRONT OF: ở đằng trƣớc của…


BY: cạnh

BETWEEN: giữa 2 ngƣời/ 2 vật

OPOSITE: đối diện

ON THE RIGHT OF : bên phải của…

ON THE LEFT OF : bên trái của…

35 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

NEXT TO/ BY: bên cạnh


FOR: cho… : Let me do it for you


Dùng BY để nói về phƣơng tiện đi lại

đi bộ: on foot

Một số cụm từ đi với BY:Little by little, day by day, by mistake, Learn by


Ngoài ra mỗi danh từ/ động từ/ tính từ lại đi với giới từ riêng:

reason for st, solution to a problem, famous for, responsible for,

interested in, fond of,…..



Khoảng chừng

Về cái gì đó Ex: What do you think about ?


Chống lại, trái với Ex: struggle against ... đấu tranh chống lại

Dựa vào : I placed her her against the trunk :Tôi để cô ấy dựa vào gốc cây.


Vì , cho : I bring something for you : tôi mang vài thứ cho anh

chỉ thời gian: I have lived here for 2 years : tôi đã sống ở đây đƣợc 2 năm

Chỉ nguyên do: I was punished for being lazy : tôi bị phạt vì lƣời


Từ (một nơi nào đó ): I went from home ( tôi từ nhà đến đây)

Chỉ nguồn gốc : I am from Hanoi ( tôi từ HN đến)


Little by little : dần dần

day by day : ngày qua ngày

by mistake : do nhầm lẫn.

Learn by heart : học thuộc lòng.

Be in debt : mắc nợ

Be in good health : có sức khỏe

Be in danger : bị nguy hiểm

Be in bad health : hay đau yếu

Be in good mood : đang vui vẻ

Be in tears : đang khóc

36 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

In short, in brief : tóm lại

In fact : thật vậy

In other words : nói cách khác

In one word : nói tóm lại

In all: tổng cộng

In general : nói chung


Ex 1: Put in the correct prepositions AT / ON / IN:

1. Columbos discovered America …………… 1492.

2. You can see the stars …………… night, if the sky is clear.

3. Tom isn‟t here …………. the moment. He‟ll be back …………. five minutes.

4. The course begins ……….. 7 January and ends ………… 10 March.

5. Tom‟s grandmother died ……….. 1977 ……….. the age of 79.

6. The price of electricity is going up …………. October.

7. Ann works hard during the week, so she likes to relax …………. weekend.

8. I can‟t be at home ………… the morning. Can you phone me ………. the

afternoon instead?

9. Jack‟s brother is an engineer but he‟s out of work ……….. the moment.

10. …………. Sunday afternoons I usually go for a walk in the country.

11. Tom doesn‟t see his parents very often these days- usually only ………..

Christmas and sometimes…………. the summer for a few days.

12. The telephone and the doorbell rang …………. the same time.

13. I walk up a lot of stairs everyday. My flat is …………. the third floor and

there is no lift.

14. We went to the theatre last night. We had seats ………… the front row.

15. It can be dangerous when children play football ………….. the street.

16. I can‟t find Tom ………… this photogfaph.

17. Do you take sugar ………….. your coffee?

18. You can find the sports results ………….. back page of the newspaper.

19. Sue and Dave got married …………… Manchester four years ago.

20. Paris is ………….. the river Seine.

Ex 2: Fill in the blanks using correct prepositions:

1. Cenk lives ………….. 810 İstiklal Street.

2. The course begins …………. 8 June and ends ………….. October.

3. Peter is …………. class 2 B.

4. Peter goes to school ………….. Monday …………. Friday.

5. Students haven‟t got any lessons …………. the weekends.

6. Sheila gets up …………. 6.30 every morning.

7. Mike and his family go for a walk ………… the evenings.

37 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

8. Michael has got a lot of posters and pictures ………….. cars ………. the wall

………. his room.

9. I go to school ……….. bus, not ……….. foot.

10. I went to bed ………… midnight and got up …………. 10.00 ………. the


11. Mozart was born ………….. Salzburg …………. 1756.

12. There is a car in ……….. ………….. our house.

13. Who is sitting ………….. to you?

14. There is a light …………… the table.

15. Hurry up! We are going to the cinema …………… five minutes.

Ex 3:Choose the best preposition:

1. I won't see you______ Friday. (till/ for/ in)

2. You must clean this table _____ ink spots. (out of/ of/ from)

3. He is just getting _______ his severe illness. (out of/ out/ over)

4. My house is just ______ the street. (on/ across/ beside)

5. My mother is a true friend ______me. (for/ to/ with)

6. Aren't you glad that you went to the party with us_______all? (after/ in/ with)

7. He made a speech______ this subject. (on/ at/ in/ from)

8. He complained ______ the children ______ the mess they've made. (of-about/

about-to/ to-about/ about-of)

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1. Can/could

- Diễn tả khả năng

- Yêu cầu, nhờ ai đó làm gì

2. May/ might

- Phỏng đoán

- Xin phép

3. Should/ had better

- Khuyên

- Đƣa ra ý kiến, quan điểm

4. Must/ have to/ ought to

- Must:

Dự đoán chắc chắn

Phải làm gì

- Mustn‟t : không đƣợc làm gì

- Have to : phải làm gì

- Phân biệt : must và have to

- Ought to

5. Will/ shall/ would

- Yêu cầu ( will/ would you.....?)

- Gợi ý (Shall we...?)

39 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Ex 1: Choose the best answer:

1. He said that he _________ enter the examination room because he was late.

A. mustn‟t B. couldn‟t C. needn‟t D. might not

2. “__________ taking me downtown on your way to work this morning?” – Not at


A. Can you B. Why don‟t you C. Could you please D. Would you mind

3. You haven‟t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. You ______ be really


A. must B. might C. will D. can

4. “Why are you so late?” – I _________ take my aunt to the airport. The traffic was


A. might B. could C. had to D. should

5. Susan ___________ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.

A. might not B. couldn‟t C. can‟t D. mustn‟t

6. Ted‟s flight from Britain took more than 11 hours. He _____ be exhausted after

such a long flight.

A. had better B. can C. must D. should

7. You ________ take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards.

A. has to B. had better C. can D. could

8. Your wedding ring is very precious. You ___________ lose it.

A. must B. could C. needn‟t D. mustn‟t

9. “How old do you think Peter is?” - “I just looked at his driver‟s license. He ______


A. might be B. may be C. must be D. should be

10. You ________ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about

paying on time.

A. don‟t have to B. mustn‟t C. couldn‟t D. can‟t

11. It‟s a school rule. All the students _________ wear a uniform.

A. have to B. might C. must D. need

12. Passengers _______ smoke until the signs have been switched off.

A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. mightn't

13. This is the key. You _________ remember to take it with you when going out.

A. should B. have C. Mustn‟t D. need

14. You _________ introduce me to Dr. Gray. We have already met.

A. shouldn‟t B. needn‟t C. mustn‟t D. couldn‟t

15. “I have got a headache.” – “You _________ go to see the doctor.”

A. may B. could C. should D. might

40 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

16. _________ you tell me the way to the post office?

A. Can B. Could C. Would D. A,B,C are correct

17. I dont think you _________ be in love at this age.

A. Should B. Can C. Could D. May

18. “_________ we go out for dinner?” “ good idea!”

A. Will B. Shall C. Can D. Could

19. _________ I go out for a while?

A. May B. Should C. Must D. Will

20. You _________ go to bed early to keep your health.

A. Should B. Had better C. Need D. A & B

Ex 2: Find and correct the mistakes:

1. There is (A) no parking sign here so (B) you would better (C) take your car out

of (D) here now.

2. If (A) you are (B) free today, you would join (C) our party at (D) the club?

3. The manager would dismiss(A) his secretary if (B) the secretary makes such

(C) stupid mistakes in (D) the reports.

4. The men (A)can working (B) better (C) than they did (D) last year.

5. If (A) the boy had come (B) home last night, he will have (C) seen a gift lying

(D) on the table.

6. The New Year‟s Eve (A) party can be held (B) in a person‟s house to celebrate

(C) the changing of (D) the calendar next week.

7. Do (A) you please tell (B) us the way to the nearest (C) post office here (D)?

8. When you feel tired of (A) working so hard (B), you will take (C) a break to

relax (D).

9. There is (A) a “No Parking” sign, so (B) you won‟t park (C) your car here (D).

You have to be (A) hurry if (B) you do not want to miss (C) the last (D) bus.

41 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r




1. Yes/ no question

2. “or” question

3. Wh- question

what, where, why, when, how, which, who, whose


Ex1: Put the question word into the suitable gap:

1. _____do you like best?

2. _____don‟t you go by bus, Max?

3. _____ do you get up in the morning?

4. _____ brothers are there in your family?

5. _____do you often go at the weekend?

6. _____ is Peter‟s birthday?

7. _____ do you live?

8. _____ are you doing at the moment?

9. _____ old is your father?

10. _____ can I find the book ?

Ex2: Choose the best answer for the question:

1. When did you start to for this company?

A. Because I like marketing

B. 1 year ago

C. I like the job very much

2. How long have you learnt English?

A. For about 10 years

B. I love English very much

C. It is very interesting

3. Whose bag is it?

A. It is the red bag

B. Tom‟s

C. I prefer the other one

4. Why didn‟t you come to my birthday?

A. Oh, it is a good idea

B. Sorry, I had a business

C. It‟s my fault

42 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

5. Do you like watching films on TV or at the cinema?

A. Yes, I do

B. No, it is not my hobbies

C. I like both

6. What would you do if you had 1 billion VND?

A. I dont think so

B. I would take a trip around the word

C. Certainly, I would

7. How often do you play tennis?

A. It is my favorite sport

B. He plays better than me

C. Once a week

8. Can you play the guitar?

A. No, I can

B. Yes , I do

C. Yes, I can

9. How many books did you buy yesterday?

A. 2

B. I don‟t remember the name of the book

C. I went with my father

10. What time will the teacher come back?

A. In 2 minutes

B. About 2 p.m

C. For a long time

Ex 3: Write the suitable answers to these questions:

1. How much time do you spend watching films a day?

2. Do you like listening to music?

3. How much does your bag cost?

4. Which dress do you like, the red or the blue one?

5. Where is the post office?

Ex4: Translate into English:

1. Anh trai của bạn có thƣờng xuyên gặp bạn không?

2. Buổi hội thảo sẽ bắt đầu lúc mấy giờ?

3. Tại sao bạn lại không đi học ?

4. Bạn có thích chơi cầu lông không?

5. Giá của cái tủ lạnh này là bao nhiêu thế?

43 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


44 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r




So sánh ngang bằng với tính từ:

S + TOBE + AS + ADJ +AS + O

So sánh bằng với danh từ:


Bảng tính từ và danh từ tƣơng ứng:

Adjective Noun

Old Age

Wide Width

Long Length

Deep Depth

Tall/high Height

Short Shortage

Heavy Weight

So sánh bằng với LIKE và AS


AS + mệnh đề


Phân biệt tính từ ngắn và tính từ dài:

Tính từ ngắn: có 1 âm tiết hoặc có từ 2 âm tiết trở nên nhƣng tận cùng bằng :

y/ er/ ow

Tính từ dài: có từ 2 âm tiết trở nên và không tận cùng bằng các đuôi kể trên

Cấu trúc:

TT ngắn: S1 + tobe + Adj _ER + THAN + O

TT dài: S1 + tobe + MORE + adj + THAN + O

Chú ý: phân biệt:



3. SO SÁNH NHẤT (so sánh 1 cá thể với 1 tập hợp)

Cấu trúc

TT ngắn: S1 + tobe + THE + adj _EST

45 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

TT dài: S1 + tobe + THE MOST + adj


Of/ of all/ among

Chú ý:most/ best đứng ở cuối câu


Adjectives Comparative Super comparative

Good/well Better The best

Bad/ badly Worse The worst

Far Farther/ further The Farthest/furthest

Little Less The least

Many/much More The most

Một số quy tắc thêm “er”, “est”

4. SO SÁNH KÉP: (2 lần so sánh hơn)

Dạng 1: SSH and SSH: càng…càng…

S + tobe + adj_er and adj_er (đối với tính từ ngắn)

S +tobe + more and more + Adj (đối với tính từ dài)

Dạng 2: sử dụng cặp mạo từ : the…the : càng…càng…

THE + adj/adv (SSH) + S + Tobe/ V, THE adj/adv (SSH) + S + tobe/ V


Ex1: Choose the best answer :

1. My sister is not…………… as my


A. So old

B. Old

C. As old

D. A & C

2. Your pencil case is ………… as


A. Not as

B. As cheap

C. Cheaper

D. A&C

3. Vung Tau is not ……….. as Nha


A. so beautiful

B. Beautiful

C. More beautiful

D. The same beautiful

4. Girls are…………………….as


A. So intelligent

B. As intelligent

C. More intelligent

D. Less intelligent

5. You didn‟t go home ……………

as Mary did.

A. As early

B. So early

C. More earlier

D. A&B

6. Are you …………….clever as he


A. As

B. So

46 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

C. Not

D. A&C

7. I am………….. as Sam.

A. As young

B. So young

C. Younger

D. A & C

8. I run ……………. as my brother.

A. So fast

B. As fast

C. Less fast

D. B &C

Ex 2:Give the correct forms of the following words:

E.g. The modern car is more expensive than the old one. (EXPENSE)

1. My English this term is___________ than that of last year. (GOOD)

2. Her math result is__________ than her English result. (BAD)

3. Detective books are__________ than science fiction ones. (INTEREST)

4. Lan is__________ than her sister. (LAZY)

5. He feels__________ than last year because his study results are__________.


6. He is__________ at maths than at any other subjects. (GOOD)

7. Phuong can speak English__________ than Minh. (FLUENT)

8. Her voice is__________ than her sister‟s. (BEAUTY)

9. Her literature result is much__________ than it was last year. (GOOD)

10. Cinderrella danced__________ than any other girls at the ball. (GRACE)

11. I like geography__________ than biology. (MUCH)

12. Chemistry is__________ than physics. (EASY)

13. Rabbits run__________ than tortoises. (FAST)

14. Nam is bad at art but Minh is even__________. (BAD)

15. Lan is her________ sister. (OLD)

16. She can pronounce English words__________ than she could last term.


17. The country is _________than the city. (QUIET)

18. In this class, the students are talking __________ than the teacher. (LOUD)

19. We should have studied __________ (HARD)

20. I can learn a subject __________ if I like it and __________ if I don‟t like it.


Ex 3: Complete each sentence with a comparative or superlative form of the adjective in


1. The Nile is…….. river in the world (long)

2. I was disappointed as the film was ……..than I expected. (boring)

3. Most planes go a lot……..than trains (fast)

4. Yesterday was one of…… of the year (hot)

5. I think this book is much ………than the other one (good)

47 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

6. The twins are the same height. Tim is not ……..than Sue (tall)

7. The first exercise was very easy but this one is ……..(difficult)

8. This classroom is……. than the one next door (big)

9. This is ……..TV programme I „ve ever watched (bad)

10. I have never seen a …… than that one (interesting)

Ex 4: Rewrite the following sentences with the same meaning:

1. He hasn‟t got as much work to do as I have. I have more

-> I have got ____________________________________________(than)

2. Her dress has the same price as Rita‟s.

-> Her dress is ________________________________________(as…as)

3. Nguyen Trai Street isn‟t as long as Tran Hung Dao Street.

-> Nguyen Trai Street doesn‟t have __________________________(the same)

4. As he comes nearer to the hospital gate, he becomes more nervous.

-> The ________________________________________________( the…,the…)

5. We sit near to the stage. We can see well.

-> The_________________________________________________(the…,the…)

Ex 5: Complete these sentences using the following clues:

1. The test / not nearly / easy / as / I thought

2. I‟d like / see / Michael Jackson / live / concert / than any / performer.

3. Going / train / much / faster / going / car.

4. The hotter / weather / getting, the / unpleasant / I / feel.

5. The sooner / you / leave, / earlier / will / get/ your destination.

48 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



1. Danh từ không đếm đƣợc, Ving, mệnh đề ( that/ the fact that/ what/all…+ mệnh

đề) làm chủ ngữ -> coi nhƣ danh từ số ít

2. N1 + giới từ + N2 làm chủ ngữ -> chia theo N1

3. Một sốmôn học, môn thể thao, bệnh,…mặc dù ở hình thức số nhiều nhƣng vẫn coi

nhƣ số ít ( Maths, Physics, mumps, rickets,…)

4. The number of…/ a number of… + Nsố nhiều

The number of…..(chỉ tổng thể) => số ít

A number of…….(many, a lot of) => số nhiều

5. Đại từ bất định-> coi nhƣ số ít

6. Each / every + N số ít -> số ít

7. The + adj => số nhiều

8. Danh từ chỉ quãng đƣờng, khoảng thời gian,số tiền,…-> coi nhƣ số ít

9. Nếu có 2 danh từ làm chủ ngữ nối với nhau bằng: -> chia theo S1


A long with


Together with

As well as

Accompanied with


10. Either, neither:


Neither : (bản thân từ này đã mang hàm nghĩa phủ định)

Either...S1…or…S2…( hoặc cái này, hoặc cái kia, 1trong 2)

Neither…S1….nor…S2….(Cả 2 đều không)

Chia theo S2

11. Not only…. But also….: không những…mà còn…-> chia theo S2

12. Both …and… : cả 2 đều…, vừa…vừa…


Ex 1:Choose the best answer :

1. Most of the people here (know/ knows) each other

2. Some of my friends (live/ lives) abroad.

3. All of us (think/ thinks) he is wrong

4. Some people (have/ has) difficulty with the lecture, but most


49 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

5. Experience (develops/ develop) talent

6. Having time to paint often (mean/means) having good time.

7. That he (have/has) angered the boss (please/pleases)the workers.

8. John a long with 20 friends (is/are) preparing a party.

9. The quality of these records (is/are) not very good.

10. If the duties of these officers (isnt / arent) reduced , there will not be enough time

for them to finish the project

11. Advertisements on TV (is/ are) becoming more competitive than ever before.

12. The television news (is/are) at 10 a.m

13. Darts (is/ are) often played in pubs

14. The number of tigers in this forest (have/ has) reduced recently.

15. Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie theater tonight.

16. A number of reporters (have/ has) been at the conference

17. Everybody who (have/ has) a fever must go home immediately.

18. Each student (have/ has) answered the first three questions

19. None of the officers here (is/are) allowed to have guns

20. One of our jobs (is/are) to help prevent crime

Ex 2: Verb form:

1. None of this cheese (be)______ good

2. Not one of my shirts (be) ______ clean

3. None of us (speak) ______ English well

4. Everything I like (be not) ______ available in the shop

5. I find that everywhere (be) ______ booked up.

6. Some of our luggage (be) ______ stolen last night

7. None of my brothers (remember) ______ my birthday.

8. Trusting people (require) ______ faith

9. Chairs and tables (be) ______ furniture

10. Measles (be) ______ an infectious disease

11. Neither of my sisters (be) ______ married

12. Every room (be) ______ being used.

13. Physics (seem) ______ to interest Jane.

14. The police (look for) ______ a dangerous criminal now.

15. That he failed the exam (make) ______ his parents upset.

Ex 3: Choose the best answer

1. The piano as well as the pipe organ _____(have/ has) to be tuned for the big


50 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

2. The mayor together with his two brothers _____(is/are) to be indicted for accepting


3. Neither of my two suitcases ______(is/are) adequate for this trip.

4. There ______(is/are) a list of committee members on the head-table.

5. Everybody in the class ______(have/has) done the homework well in advance.

6. The jury ______(take/takes) their seats in the courtroom.

7. Neither the teacher nor the students _____(seem/seems) to understand this


8. ______(have/has)either my father or my brothers made a down-payment on the


9. John or his brother _____(are/is) going to be responsible for this.

10. A few of the students _____(are/is) doing so well they can skip the next course.

11. Either the Committee on Course Design or the Committee on College Operations

______(decide/decides) these matters.

12. One of my instructors ______(have/has) written a letter of recommendation for


13. Either my mother or my father _____(is/ are) coming to the meeting.

14. The dog or the cats_____ (is/ are) outside.

15. Either my shoes or your coat _____(is/ are) always on the floor.

16. One of my sisters _____(is/are) going on a trip to France.

17. The man with all the birds_____ (live/ lives) on my street.

18. The movie, including all the previews_____ (take/ takes) about two hours to


19. The players, as well as the captain_____(want/ wants) to win.

20. Either answer _____(is/are) acceptable.

21. Every one of those books_____ (is/ are) fiction

22. Nobody_____ (know/ knows) the trouble I've seen.

23. Mathematics_____ (is/are) John's favorite subject, while Civics_____ (is/are)

Andrea's favorite subject.

24. Eight dollars _____(is/ are) the price of a movie these days.

25. Your pants _____(is/are) at the cleaner's.

26. There _____(was/were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there _____(is/ are) only

one left!

27. The committee _____(leads/lead) very different lives in private.

28. The Prime Minister, together with his wife_____(greets/ greet) the press cordially.

29. All of the CDs, even the scratched one_____(is/are) in this case.

The price of these jeans_____ (is/are) reasonable.

51 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



1. Mệnh đề quan hệ ( relative clause)

Chức năng: làm rõ nghĩa cho danh từ

2. Đại từ quan hệ (Relative Pronoun)

Chức năng: thay thế, nối

3. Giới từ + ĐTQH

4. Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ


Ex 1: Choose the best answers.

1. Isadora Duncan, _______ dance techniques revolutionized ballet, had a tragic

personal life.

A. where B. whose C. whom D. who

2. Thanks to modern technology, people _______ steal from shops can be identified

using closed circuit television.

A. which B. when C. where D. who

Đại từ thay cho…

Who Chủ ngữ là ngƣời (thay cho


Whom Tân ngữ là ngƣời (thay cho


Whose Sở hữu, cả ngƣời và vật

Which Chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ là vật

That Chủ ngữ là ngƣời hoặc vật

Where Nơi chốn

When Thời gian

why Lí do ( reason)

52 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

3. The Queen gave out medals for services to the community, most _______were

given to famous people.

A. that B. for whom C. of which D. X

4. I can‟t imagine ________ she wants to go to Canada in the winter.

A. what B. why C. where D. who

5. I‟m glad that the snacks ________ we served at the reception were very popular

with the guests.

A. where B. what C. X D. whom

6. There is now a radio station called “Talksport”, ______ broadcasts sports twenty

four hours a day.

A. where B. which C. who D. when

7. The teacher _________ books are very interesting used to teach us history.

A. that B. why C. whose D. whom

8. The children ________ sang at the party were from the local school.

A. whom B. X C. where D. who

9. All of his staff, _______ he had good relations, admired him greatly.

A. of which B. that C. with whom D.


10. Barbara Cartland, ________ light hearted romantic novels were popular, died

earlier this year.

A. whose B. whom C. which D. of which

11. Blenheim Palace, _____ Churchill was born, is now open to the public.

A. when B. where C. which D. that

12. The meal, ________ we had paid 20 pounds, was tasteless.

A. for whom B. about what C. for which D. X

Ex 2: Fill in each gap with a suitable relative pronoun:

1. The man________hat blew off in the wind chased it across the park.

2. The buiding..............walls are made of glass is the place.........I work.

3. The movie.............we are talking about is fantastic.

4. The little girl from ........... I borrowed this pen has gone

5. The playing the piano is my son.

6. She gives her children everything........they want.

7. Why dont you disagree with everything.........I say.

8. This is an awful film. It is the worst ........I have ever seen.

9. I have recently gone back to the town.........I was born.

10. What is the name of the has been broken down.

11. We enjoyed the city .............we spent our vacation.

53 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

12. Do you know the boy.............father is a teacher.

13. They wanted to know the reason..........I was late.

14. He always wears clothes ..........are too small to him

15. Mr Green is the man .........I have talked about.

16. Peter .........I met in Jane „s school is an excellent student.

17. This house...........he bought in 1980 is being repaired at the moment.

18. This is the house...........Uncle Ho used to live.

19. May day is a day ..........people hold a meeting.

20. The we saw yesterday is also a pianist.

Ex 3: Re-write the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original.

1. There‟s the lady. Her dog was killed.


2. I have a friend. He‟s a wonderful skater.


3. Scrabble is a very enjoyable game. I play it every weekend.


4. Vielha is a nice village in the Pyrenees. I usually spend my summer holidays there.


5. He received the parcel. He was waiting for it.


6. Pete has become a singer. You met him last year.


7. Terenci Moix didn‟t like publicity. His novels were best-sellers.


8. The mountain is 3000 metres high. They climbed it.


9. I was happy to see my friend. He has been living in London for three years.


10. He has lost the ring. Everyone admired it.


11. Do you know the exact date? We are going to meet then.


12. He‟s the man. They were talking about him.


54 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



1. Cấu trúc chung của câu bị động

No. Tenses Active Passive

1 Present


S + V1 + O S + am/is/are + V3 + by O

2 Present


S + have/has + V3 S + have/has been + V3 + by


3 Present



S + am/is/are + V_ing S + am/is/are being + V3 + by


4 Future


S + will + V_infi S + will be + V3 + by O

5 Past


S + V2 + O S + was/were + V3 + by O

6 Past



S + was/were + V_ing S + was/were being V3 + by O

7 Past


S + had V3 + O S + had been + V3 + by O

8 Modal


S + MV


might/…) + V _infi

S + MV


might/…) + be V3 + by O

2. Một số cấu trúc bị động đặc biệt

55 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Ex 1: Change into passive voice:

1. My father waters this flower every morning.

2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.

3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.

5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.

6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.

7. Tom will visit his parents next month.

8. The manager didn‟t phone the secretary this morning.

9. They moved the fridge into the living room.

10. I won‟t hang these old pictures in the living room.

11. The German didn‟t build this factory during the Second World War.

12. The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day.

13. Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema.

14. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week.

15. Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum?

16. Some people will interview the new president on TV.

17. How many languages do they speak in Canada?

18. Are you going to repair those shoes?

19. He has broken his nose in a football match.

20. Have you finished the above sentences?

Ex 2: Change into active voice:

1. This tree was planted by my grandfather

2. The rubbish hasn't been collected.

3. Is recycled paper being used?

4. Will a new school be built very soon?

5. A lot of work is done by him everyday.

6. Many trees are cut down to make paper.

7. English is considered the most international language.

8. These doors should be shut before 5pm.

9. Many lakes and rivers have been destroyed by pollution from factories.

10. I was given a beautiful glass on my birthday by Hung.

11. Rice is grown in most Asian countries.

12. Some funny stories are told by Tom

13. After class, the chalkboard is always arased by one of the students.

14. The project will be completed next month.

56 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Ex3: Choose the best answer :

1. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.

A. A lot of money on food were spent

B. A lot of money was spent on food and clothes

C. A lot of money were spent on food and clothes

D. Money was spent a lot on food and clothes

2. The restaurant serves seafood every Monday.

A. Seafood is served every Monday.

B. Seafood was served every Monday.

C. Seafood are served every Monday.

D. Seafood were served every Monday.

3. Mary informed the police of the news

A. The police was informed of the news.

B. The news was informed of the police.

C. The police were informed of the news.

D. The police of the news was informed by Mary.

4. The ambulance is taking the boy to hospital.

A. To the hospital is the boy being taken.

B. The boy is being taking to hospital.

C. The boy is being taken to hospital.

D. The boy is taken to hospital.

5. The engineers will construct a bridge over this house.

A. This house will be constructed over a bridge.

B. A bridge will be constructed over this house.

C. This house will be being constructed over a bridge.

D. A bridge will be being constructed over this house.

6. Someone has stolen his gun.

A. His gun has been stolen.

B. His gun has stolen.

C. He has been stolen the gun.

D. The gun has been stolen him.

7. We have to tell Mary about our change in plans.

A. Mary has to be told about our change in plans.

B. Our change in plans should be told for Mary.

C. Mary is told about our change in plans.

D. Our change in plans is told to Mary.

57 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

8. We thought you were serious when you said you were leaving.

->You were thought ___________ when you said you were leaving

A. to have been serious

B. to being serious

C. to be serious

D. to have been seriously

9. The directors have fired those lazy clerks

A. Those lazy clerks have been fired.

B. Those lazy clerks has been fired.

C. Those lazy clerks had been fired.

D. Those lazy clerks were fired .

10. They didn‟t explain anything about that .

A. Nothing was explained about that .

B. That wasn‟t explained anything by them .

C. Anything weren‟t explained about that .

D. Something wasn‟t explained about that .

11. They showed his photograph on television.

A. On television they have his photograph shown.

B. His photograph was shown on television.

C. His photograph is being shown on television.

D. The television was shown his photograph.

12. We must find this killer.

A. This killer we must find.

B. This killer is found.

C. This killer be found.

D. This killer must be found.

13. They signed the contract at lunchtime.

A. They were signed the contract at lunchtime.

B. At lunchtime the contract were signed

C. The contract at lunchtime was signed .

D. The contract was signed at lunchtime.

14. Someone ought to do something about it.

A. Something about it ought to be done.

B. Someone ought to be done about it.

C. Something ought to be done about it.

D. It ought to be done something by someone.

58 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

15. People should send their complaints to the head office.

A. Their complaints were sent to the head office.

B. The head office was sent their complaints.

C. Their complaints should be sent to the head office.

D. The head office should send their complaints.

16. People don‟t use this road very often.

A. This road don‟t be used very often.

B. This road is not used very often.

C. This road is used not very often.

D. This road is not often used.

17. Miler has taken a lot of photographs.

A. Photographs have been taken by Miler.

B. Photographs have been taken a lot of by Miler.

C. A lot of photographs were taken by Miler.

D. A lot of photographs have been taken by Miler.

18. The teacher gave us two very difficult exercises.

A. We were given two very difficult exercises.

B. Two very difficult exercises were given to the teacher.

C. Two very difficult exercises were given to us.

D. Both (A) and (C) are correct.

19. They said that he was alright .

A. He said he was alright.

B. They were said him was a right .

C. He was said he was alright.

D. He was said to be alright .

20. The lawyer is interviewing the witness.

A. The witness is interviewed

B. The witness is being interviewed

C. The lawyer is interviewed

D. The lawyer is being interviewed

59 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



Type/ use “if” clause Main clause

1. Type 0 (diễn tả sự thật

hiển nhiên, giả định chắc

chắn sẽ xảy ra)

( present simple


If S + V1

(present simple


S + V1

2. Type 1: (điều kiện có thể

xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc

trong tƣơng lai)

( present simple


If S + V1

S + will + V_infi

3. Type 2: (điều kiên không

thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc

trong tƣơng lai)

(past simple tense)

If S + V2

S + would + V_infi

4. Type 3: ( điều kiện không

thể xảy ra trong quá khứ)

(past perfect tense)

If S + had V3

S + would have V3

5. Combination of type 2 and

3 (điều kiện trong quá khứ,

kết quả ở hiện tại)

If + S + had V3 S + would V_infi

6. Wishes

Điều ƣớc trong câu điều kiện là điều ƣớc không thể xảy ra ( không có thật)

Điều ƣớc không có thật ở hiện tại Wish S + V2

Điều ƣớc không có thật trong quá khứ

Wish S + had V3

Điều ƣớc không có thật trong tƣơng lai Wish S + would V_infi

If only = S + wish


Ex 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms:

1. If she (had) a lot of money, she _____ (fly) to New York.

2. If I (have) ________ a typewriter, I could type it myself.

3. If I had known that you were in hospital , I (visit) ________ you.

4. You could make much progress if you (attend) ________ class regularly.

5. If I (know) ________ his telephone number, I would give it to you.

6. If you (arrive) ________ ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

7. If he (study) ________ harder, he can pass an exam.

8. She may be late if she (not hurry) ________.

9. Tell him to ring me if you (see) ________ him.

60 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

10. If you (speak) ________ more slowly,he might have understood you.

11. What (you do) ________ if you got fat ?

12. If you are kind to me, I (be) _______ good to you.

13. If I had known that the baby was hungry, I (feed) _______ him.

14. If it (not, rain) _______ a lot, the rice crop wouln‟t grow.

15. If today (be) _______ Sunday, we wouldn‟t have to work.

16. If she had had your address, she (write) _______ to you.

17. We lost the match. If you (play) _______ for us, we (win) _______.

18. They would not be paid unless they (do) _______ their work well.

19. If I became very rich, I (build ) _______ a hospital for the poor.

20. If he (give) _______ up smoking, as his doctor orders, he will be soon well again.

21. He (not, have) _______ an accident if he had not been driving so fast.

22. If she (write) _______ more carefully, she might not have made too many


23. You would have to stay in bed unless your health (improve) _______.

24. If I (have) ________ a typewriter, I could type it myself.

25. You could make much progress if you (attend) ________ class regularly.

26. If I (know) ________ his telephone number, I would give it to you.

27. If he (study) ________ harder, he can pass an exam.

28. She may be late if she (not hurry) ________.

29. Tell him to ring me if you (see) ________ him.

30. If you (speak) ________ more slowly,he might have understood you.

31. It‟s a pity you missed the party. If you (come) ________ you (meet) ________ my

friend from Hungary.

32. If we (have) ________some tools, we (be) ________able to repair the car, but we

haven‟t had any with us.

33. Thank you for your help. If you (not help) ________me, I (not pass) ________the


34. It‟s a beautiful house, and I (buy) if I (have) ________the money, but

I can‟t afford it.

35. If he (train) ________harder, he (be) ________quite a good runner.

36. If Claire (listen) ________to her mother, she (not marry) ________David in the

first place.

37. It rained every day in our holiday. If we (not take) ________.the TV with us, we

(not have) ________anything to do.

38. I wish I(have) ________ the money to buy some new clothes, but I can‟t afford it

at the moment.

39. I wish the government (do) ________something about the air pollution in this city.

61 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

40. I‟m getting really soaked! I wish I (not forget) ________my umbrella.

41. That was a lovely meal, but I wish I (not eat) ________so much.

42. Come on children! It‟s time you (be) ________in bed.

43. Suppose you (see) ________a ghost, what would you do?

44. I‟m so annoyed about my car accident. If only I (be) ________ more careful!

45. If only you (not put) ________your coffee on the top of the book.

Ex 2: Use “if” in place of “unless”

1. We won‟t go out unless it stops raining.


2. I will call the police unless you give back my bicycle.


3. You wouldn‟t be able to do this exercise unless your English were good.


4. Unless we had enough rain, we couldn‟t grow rice.


5. The fishermen couldn‟t have caught a lot of fish unless they had had good nets.


Ex3 :Rewrite these sentences by using the conditional sentence:

1. She can‟t be employed because she doesn‟t have a college degree.

→ If _____________________________________________

2. I don‟t have enough money. I can‟t go on a long holiday this year.

→ If ______________________________________________

3. He is very slow, so we won‟t give his such an important task.

→ ______________________________________________

4. I‟ll have to work this Sunday, so I shan‟t join your picnic.

→ If ______________________________________________

5. He works overtime to get more money because he has to pay father‟s debt.

→ If ______________________________________________

6. City life isn‟t enjoyable because everything is very expensive.

→ If _____________________________________________

7. She got bad mark because she didn‟t learn hard.

→If ______________________________________________

8. Be careful or you will make accidents.

→If ______________________________________________

9. I got lost because I forgot the map.

→If ______________________________________________

10. They were very angry because their friends didn‟t come on time

→ If ______________________________________________

62 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Ex4: Choose the best answer

1. I can‟t understand what he sees in her! If anyone treats / will treat / treated me like

that, I am / will be / would be extremely angry.

2. If you help / helped me with this exercise, I will do / would do the same for you

one day.

3. According to the timetable, if the train leaves / left on time, we will / would arrive

at 5.30.

4. If it is / will be fine tomorrow, we go / will go to the coast.

5. If we find / found a taxi, we will get / would get there before the play starts.

6. It‟s quite simple really. If you take / will take / took these tablets every day, then

you lose / will lose / lost / would lose weight.

7. I don‟t like this flat. I think I will be / I am / I’d be happier if I lived / live / will

live /would live in a house in the country.

8. I can‟t play football, but I‟m sure that if I will do / do / did, I play / will

play / would play a lot better than anyone in this awful team.

9. I phone / will phone / phone you tonight, are you / will you be / would you be in?

10. Why didn‟t you tell me? – If you told / had told me, I had / would have


11. If Bill didn’t steal/ hadn’t stolen the car, he weren’t / wouldn’t be / hadn’t beenin

prison now.

12. If Ann weren’t driving / didn’t drive / hadn’t driven so fast, her car didn’t

crash /wouldn’t crash / wouldn’t have crashed into a tree.

13. Let me give some advice. If you smoked / would smoke / had smoked less,

youdidn’t feel / wouldn’t feel / wouldn’t have felt tired.

14. What bad luck! If Alan didn’t fall / hadn’t fallen / wouldn’t fall over,

he won / would win / would have won the race.

15. If you invited/had invited me last week, I was able/had been able/would have

been able to come.

16. I‟m sure your letter hasn‟t arrived yet. If it came/had come, I‟m sure

I noticed/hadnoticed/would have noticed it.

17. We have a suggestion to make. How do you feel/would you feel if

weoffered/would offer/had offered you the job of assistant manager.

18. If you lent/had lent us the money, we paid/would pay/had paid you back next


19. I wish Peter doesn’t live/didn’t live/wouldn’t live so far away from the town

center. We‟ll have to take a taxi.

20. I feel rather cold. I wish I brought/had brought my pullover with me.

63 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r




a) Thay đổi về thì của động từ:

Nếu động từ tƣờng thuật dùng ở thì quá khứ, chúng ta phải áp dụng 1 sốquy

tắc nhất định về lùi thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp.Thông thƣờng, động từ

trong câu gián tiếp sẽ đƣợc lùi lại 1 thì so với câu trực tiếp

Câutrựctiếp (direct speech) Câugiántiếp ( indirect speech)

Hiệntạiđơn Quákhứđơn

Hiệntạitiếpdiễn Quá khứtiếpdiễn

Hiệntạihoànthành Quákhứhoànthành

Tƣơnglaiđơn Tƣơnglaitrongquákhứ (would)

Quákhứđơn Quákhứhoànthành

b) Thay đổi một số đại từ nhân xƣng, tính từ sở hữu, tân ngữ

c) Thay đổi về trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn, thời gian



Say => said to sbthat :nóivới … rằng…

Tell => told sbthat :kể,bảo…

hope, admit, offer, refuse, promise, advise, threaten, warn

Ask sb to do st: yêu cầu ai làm gì

Hope that…/ hope to do st: hi vọngsẽ…

Admit doing st: thừanhậnđãlàmgì

Offer to do st:đềnghịmìnhlàmgì

Refuse to do st:từchốilàmgì

Promise to do st:hứasẽlàmgì

Advise sb to do st:khuyênaiđónênlàmgì

Threaten sb to do st:đedọaailàmgì

Warn sb against doing st:cảnhbáoaiđóđừnglàmgì

Apologize to sb for doing st: xinlỗiaivềviệcgì

Thank sb for doing st: cảmơnaivề…


Ex1: Rewrite these statements into reported speech. Use the verbs in brackets:

1. I don‟t want to eat this soup, it‟s too hot! (say)

Tony ………………………………………………………

2. There is a serious car crash on the street (remark)

Mandy ……………………………………………………

64 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

3. We‟re going on holiday next month (tell)

My friends …………………………………………………

4. The team has scored 3 goals today (comment)

The radio …………………………………………………..

5. You must phone me as soon as you arrive (say)

Mum ………………………………………………………..

Ex 2:Change these questions into reported ones:

1. Are you in time for the conference, Tom?

I ………………………………………………………

2. When does the next train leave?

The traveller …………………………………………

3. Have you ever eaten insects, Terry?

Mary …………………………………………………

4. How many bothers have you got, Anne?

I ………………………………………………………

5. Have you seen Peter recently , Tom?

Martha ………………………………………………..

Ex 3:Change these sentences into reported speech

1. “ I don‟t want to meet him again”, she said

She said……………..…….........................................................................................

2. “ Can you swim?”, he asked me.

He asked me……………………..................................................................…..........

3. He explained, “ I didn‟t break the vase”.

He expained…………………....................................................................……….....

4. My mother said, “ I am cooking now”.

My mother said…………….......................................................………………….....

5. “ What time does John get up?”, he asked me.

He wanted to know………….........................................................…………………

6. “ I like this book”, he said

He said………………….........................................................………………………

7. “How beautiful she is!”.

He exclaimed................................................................………………………….......

8. “Have you ever seen that film?”, he asked me

He asked me……………………………................................................................…

9. “ I went to Do Son last week”, she said

She said…………………………........................................................................…...

10. “I never eat meat”, he explained

He explained ……………….……........................................................…………......

65 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

11. “ I‟ll never get married,” Tom says

Tom says……………………........................................................…………………

12. “If I were you, I would kept silent”, he said

He advised me …………………................................................................……….

13. “You had better keep silent”, she said

She advised me……........................................................……………………………

14. “I want to know the answer”, he said

He said…………….........................................................……………………………

15. “ Please don‟t tell anybody what happpen”

She asked me…………........................................................………………………...

16. She said, “I am taller than my husband”

She said ………………...................................

18. “ I went to see him yesterday”, she said.

She said………………………………........................................................................

19. “ I shouldn‟t do like that if I were you. Isn‟t it very dangerous?, she said

She advised….............................................................................................................

20. “ Please give me some money. I haven‟t eat anything since morning”, he asked.

He asked……………............................................…………………………………..

21. “ Hurry up, Lan!”.

He told Lan.................................................…………………………………………

22 . “ I feel like going to America soon”.

The woman looked forward to …......….................................………………………

23. “ It‟s really nice of you to help me”, Peter said to Jack.

Peter thanked………….for ……………..........................................……………….

24. “ Don‟t play games on computer all day”, Tom‟s mother said to him.

Tom‟s mother warned ……..against ...................................………………………..

25. “ I hear you passed your driving test.Congratulation!”, Peter said to me.

Peter congratulated ………. on ……….....................................……………………

26. “ I‟msorry. I didn‟t do my homework,” John said to his English teacher.

John apologised …………...for …………....................................…………………

27. “ I always want to become an English teacher,” Mary said.

Mary dreamed of …………………………......................................……………….

28. He said , „ This house was built in 1980”.

He said .......................................................................................................................

29. “ Will Tom be here tomorrow?”.

She wondered ..............................................................................................................

30. “ Please don‟t smoke in my car”

He asked his friend......................................................................................................

66 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

67 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Table 1: V + to V

Verb Meaning Examples

Agree Đồng ý I will agree to lend you some money if you

promise to return it on time

Aim Nhằm mục đích This campaign aims to protect the environment

Appear Dƣờng nhƣ He appears to be tired after the trip

Arrage Sắp xếp I will arrange to meet you next week

Ask Yêu cầu He asked to be taken to the cinema

Attemp Nỗ lực I attempt to get the scholarship this term

Assume Cho rằng, thừa nhận He assumed to steal the car

Bother Bận tâm Don‟t bother to take care of me

Beg Cầu xin The child begged to go out

Choose Lựa chọn I choose to stay at home while my brother goes

out with my parents

Consent Đồng ý He consented to takethe children to school

Compel Ép buộc They compel us to wear uniform at school

Decide Quyết định I decided to take an English course

Decline Giảm My mother declines to buy clothes this month.

Demand Yêu cầu The children demand to have new clothes in the

new year

Determine Quyết tâm I determined to finish this assignment before

going to bed

Expect Mong đợi We expect to get scholarship this term

Desire Ƣớc muốn I desire to be a teacher in the future

Fail Thất bại I failed to persuade him to participate in the


Fear Sợ He fears to see the ghost

Guarantee Đảm bảo The agent guaranteed to exchange a new one if

the cooker is broken in 2 weeks

Guess Đoán He guesses to be promoted because of his


Happen Tình cờ I happened to see you on the way to my work


Hope Hi vọng I hope to see you soon

Hesitate Lƣỡng lự My sister hesitates to sign the cheque

Intend Có ý định We intened to do this work a long time ago

Invite Mời He invited me to reach his house for some tea

Learn Học I am learning to cook so that I can make

delicious dishes for my husband

68 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Long Mong mỏi We are longing to see you

Manage Cố gắng We are managing to control the company

Mean Có ý định I meant to give you a call last night but I forgot

Need Cần I need to improve my English

Neglect Xao nhãng I have had a part-time job, so I neglect to study at


Offer Đề nghị I offer to have some help from my classmates

Plan Có kế hoạch They plan to finish this work before his boss

comes back

Prepare Chuẩn bị We are preparing to have a trip to the


Pretend Giả vờ The boy pretended to sleep when I called him

last night

Promise Hứa He promised to return the money on time but he

hasnt given it back up to now

Refuse Từ chối He refused to help his father lift the case

Seem Dƣờng nhƣ He seems to get sick after the holiday

Swear Thề I swear not to talk to him again

Teach Dạy Dont teach your grand mother to boil an egg.

Tend Có xu hƣớng We tend to dress traditionally

Threaten Đe dọa The thief threatened to kill the victim.

Vow Thề Tom vowed to fight with his brother whenever he

is seen

Would like Muốn I „d like to become a teacher in the future

Want Muốn I want to take some photos here.

prefer Thích... hơn I prefer to learn English

69 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Table 2: V + O + to V

Verb Meaning Examples

Advise Khuyên My father advised me to study hard to have a

chance to get a good job.

Allow Cho phép He allowed us to come into the cinema without


Challenge Thách thức The boy challenged me to take a running contest

Command Ra lệnh The boss commanded his staff to finish the plan

on time

Compel Thúc ép, bắt buộc Our teacher compels us to bring the text books

along when we go to school

Encourage Khuyến khích, động


When I have any trouble, my boyfriend always

encourage me to overcome

Forbid Cấm The guard forbids us to walk on the grass

Force Ép buộc My father forced me to enter the economics


Induce Xui khiến He induced his wife to tell a lie

Instruct Hƣớng dẫn The guard is instructing the visitors to park

Oblige Bắt buộc My mother obliged me to stay at home until she

got back from her work

Order Ra lệnh The boss ordered his staff to finish the plan on


Permit Cho phép The conductor permited me to bring the box into

the bus

Persuade Thuyết phục I will try to persuade my parents to let us go

picnic this weekend.

Remind Nhắc nhở Remind me to bring the coat along incase the

weather is cold

Request Yêu cầu The teacher requested us to do our homework

before coming to class

Show Chỉ bảo, hƣớng dẫn Can you show me the way to get to the post


Teach Dạy She is teaching me to make a cake

Tell Bảo He told me to keep quiet because the baby was


Train Huấn luyện The coach trained us to run as fast as possible

Urge Thúc giục My father urged us to hurry up

Warn Cảnh báo The police warned the man not to go alone at


Suspect Nghi ngờ The teacher suspected the students to break the


Trust Tin tƣởng He trusted his wife to tell the truth

Threaten Đe dọa The thief threatened the victim to kill him

70 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Table 3: V + V_ing

Verb Meaning Examples

Admit Thừa nhận The thief atmitted having stolen the wallet

Avoid Tránh I went on another way to avoid seeing him

Consider Xem xét, cân nhắc I consider going abroad for studying

Can‟t bear/

can‟t help/

can‟t stand

Không thể chịu đựng


I can‟t bear gettingany bad mark .



Hoãn The teacher delayed going camping because of

the weather

Deny Phủ nhận The thief denied having stolen the car

Detest Kinh tởm I detest eating fish

Dislike / hate Ghét I hate staying alone

Discuss Thảo luận Wedicuss finding the answer to this problem

Enjoy Thích, say mê I enjoy watching films with my friends

Escape Trốn thoát The crime escaped being in prison

Finish Kết thúc We finished building this house a week ago

Forgive Tha thứ I can‟t forgive anyone telling a lie

Feel like/ like Thích I like reading books

Imagine Tƣởng tƣợng I imagine going on a desert

Insist (on) Nhất quyết, khăng khăng The boy insisted on getting out of the hospital

although he hadn‟t recovered yet

Keep (on) Tiếp tục You have to keep on trying till the end

Look forward


Mong chờ We are looking forward to hearing from you

Mind Phiền, ngại Would you mind turning down the radio? I am


Mean Có nghĩa là What does the phrase “give a lift” mean? It

means letting somebody go with for a distance

Prohibit Cấm The sign prohibits wastingin the park.

Practice Luyện tập We practice speaking English everyday.

Prevent from Ngăn cản, ngăn chặn The sign prevents us from walking on grass

Resist Phản đối I resist hunting animals in the forest

Risk Liều, có nguy cơ He risks bathing in the deep lake although he

doesn‟t know how to swim

Resent Bực tức, phẫn nộ My father resented in loosing the keys in the


Recommend Gợi ý, giới thiệu He recommended buying that dress for my


Quit Hủy bỏ, dừng, từ bỏ I quit doing this asignment

Suggest Gợi ý They suggest going out for lunch

Spend Dành, tiêu tốn I spend 2 hours repairing the machine

Object (to) Phản đối I object to making him monitor

71 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Table 4: V + to V/V_ing

Không có sự thay đổi về nghĩa: begin, start, love, continue

Có sự thay đổi về nghĩa:

Verb To V/ V_ing : meaning

Stop V_ing: dừng làm gì He stopped driving because the car was

out of petrol.

To V: dừng lại để làm gì He stopped to buy some fruit for his


Like V_ing: sở thích lâu dài I like reading books

To V : ý thích nhất thời I like to go fishing now

Try V_ing: thử làm gì There is noone that can do this exercise.

I will try doing.

To V: cố gắng làm gì I am trying to pass the exam




V_ing: tiếc/ nhớ/ quên đã làm gì I regreted not telling you about the

truth sooner

I remember seeing you at my brother „s


Sorry, I forget buying you some food.

To V : tiếc/ nhớ/ quên sẽ phải làm

I regret to tell you some bad news

Remember to turn off the lights before

leaving the room

Don‟t forget to bring the raincoat along

incase it is rainy.

Table 5: V + V_inf

Verb Meaning Examples

Make Bắt ai đó làm gì He made me carry the box into the car

Let Để cho ai làm gì Let me stay alone, please

help Giúp ai làm gì He help me lift the luggage

Các động

từ chỉ cảm


See/hear/ watch/ feel/ …. I saw you climb the tree yesterday.


72 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Table 6: Adj + prep

Adjective + prep Meaning

Afraid of

Sợ Terrified of

Frightened of

Horified of

Scared of

Interseted in

Thích thú, say mê Fond of

Keen on

Excited about

Bored with

Chán Fed up with

Tired of

Addicted to Nghiện, đam mê

Amused at Say mê, hài lòng với

Annoyed at Tức giận

Angry with

Angry about

Tức giận với ai

Tức giận về việc gì

Ashamed of Xấu hổ

Aware of Biết rõ về

Bad at Kém về

Bad for Không tốt cho

Busy with Bận rộn với

Capable of Có khả năng về

Clever at Không minh, khéo léo về

Confident of Tự tin về

Conscious of Có ý thức, hiểu biết về

Contented with/ sastified with Hài lòng về

Delighted of Vui về

Different from Khác so với

Embarrassed at Bối rối về...

Familiar with/ to Quen với, thân thiết với

Famous for Nổi tiếng về

Fit for Vừa với

Good at Giỏi về

Good for Tốt cho

Greatful for Biết ơn

Involved in Liên quan đến

Kind of Tốt bụng với

Pleased at Hài lòng với

73 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Proud of Tự hào về

Ready for Sẵn sàng để

Responsible for Có trách nhiệm về

Right/ wrong in Đúng/ sai về

Shocked at Bị shock bởi

Sick of ốm vì

Skilled in/ at Có kĩ năng về

Sorry for Tiếc cho

Successful in Thành công trong việc...

Suitable for Thích hợp cho

Surprised at Ngạc nhiên về

Suspicious of Nghi ngờ về

Thankful for Cảm ơn, biết ơn về

Uesd to/ accustomed to Quen với

Worried about Lo lắng về

74 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


1. Cả 3 hình thức giống nhau

Infinitive Past tense Past participle Meaning

Bet Bet Bet Đánh cuộc

Cost Cost Cost Trị giá

Cut Cut Cut Cắt, chặt

Hit Hit Hit Đánh, đập

Hurt Hurt Hurt Làm bị thƣơng

Let Let Let Để cho

Put Put Put Đặt, để

Quit Quit Quit Từ bỏ

Read Read Read Đọc

Set Set Set Đặt, để

Shut Shut Shut Đónglại

2. Nguyên thể giống quá khứ phân từ 2 (đt ở cột 1 giống cột 3)

Infinitive Past tense Past participle Meaning

become Became Become Trở thành

Come Came Come Đến, tới

Run Ran Run

3. Động từ ở thời quá khứ giống quá khứ phân từ 2 (cột 2 giống cột 3)

Infinitive Past tense Past participle Meaning

Bring Brought Brought Mang đến

Build Built Built Xây dựng

Burn Burnt Burnt Đốt,cháy

Buy Bought Bought Mua

Catch Caught Caught Bắt, đuổi kịp

Deal Dealt Dealt Buôn bán, giao du

Dream Dreamt Dreamt Nằm mơ, mơ tƣởng

Feel Felt Felt Cảm thấy

Fight Fought Fought Chiến đấu, đánh

Find Found Found Tìm kiếm,tìm thấy

Get Got Got Nhận, kiếm đƣợc,


Have Had Had Có

Hear Heard Heard Nghe thấy

75 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Hold Held Held Cầm, nắm, tổ chức

Keep Kept Kept Giữ

Lay Laid Laid Đặt, để, đẻ trứng

Lead Led Led Dẫn dắt

Learn Learnt Learnt Học

Leave Left Left Rời đi

Light Lit Lit Đốt, thắp sáng

Lose Lost Lost Mất, thua lỗ

Make Made Made Làm, chế tạo

Mean Meant Meant Có nghĩa là

Meet Met Met Gặp

Pay Paid Paid Trả

Say Said Said Nói

Sell Sold Sold Bán

Send Sent Sent Gửi

Shine Shone Shone Chiếu sáng

Shoot Shot Shot Bắn

Sit Sat Sat Ngồi

Sleep Slept Slept Ngủ

Smell Smelt Smelt Ngửi

Spell Spelt Spelt Đánh vần

Spend Spent Spent Tiêu, dành

Spoil Spoilt Spoilt Làm hỏng

Stand Stood Stood Đứng

Strike Struck Struck Đánh

Teach Taught Taught Dạy

Tell Told Told Bảo, kể, nói

Think Thought Thought Nghĩ

understand Understood Understood Hiểu

Win Won Won Thắng,thu đƣợc

4. Cả 3 hình thức khác nhau

Infinitive Past tense Past participle Meaning

Be Was/were Been Thì,là,ở

Bear Bore Born Mang,chịu đựng

Begin Began Begun Bắt đầu

Bite Bit Bitten Cắn

Blow Blew Blown Thổi

Break Broke Broken Làm vỡ

Choose Chose Chosen Lựa chọn

Do Did Done Làm

Draw Drew Drawn Vẽ,kéo

76 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Drink Drank Drunk Uống

Drive Drove Driven Lái xe

Eat Ate Eaten Ăn

Fall Fell Fallen Rơi

Fly Flew Flown Bay

Forbid Forbade Forbidden Cấm

Forget Forgot Forgotten quên

Forgive Forgave Forgiven Tha thứ

Freeze Froze Frozen Đông lại,đóng băng

Give Gave Given Đƣa cho

Go Went Gone Đi

Grow Grew Grown Trồng,mọc

Hide Hid Hidden Trốn,ẩn nấp

Know Knew Known Biết

Lie Lay Lain Nằm

Ride Rode Ridden Đạp xe

Ring Rang Rung Rung lên

Rise Rose Risen Dậy, nhô lên

See Saw Seen Nhìn thấy

Show Showed Shown Cho xem,chỉ dẫn

Sing Sang Sung Hát

Speak Spoke Spoken Nói

Steal Stole Stolen Lấy cắp

Swim Swam Swum Bơi lội

Take Took Taken Cầm,lấy,mang

Tear Tore Torn Xé, làm rách

Throw Threw Thrown Ném,vứt

Wake Woke Woken Thức dậy

Wear Wore Worn Mặc,đội,mang,đeo

Write Wrote Written Viết

77 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



78 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Những nguyên tắc cần thiết trong khi luyện tập nói Tiếng Anh:

1. TỰ TIN Đây là điều quan trọng nhất

2. Phóng đại trong khi luyện tập.

3. Chăm chỉ luyện tập thƣờng xuyên.

4. Bắt đầu luyện tập phát âm chậm, chính xác, sau đó luyện nhanh dần đều, âm

sẽ tự nhiên và chuẩn.

5. Phát âm mạnh và rõ các âm cuối (cuối từ, cuối câu).

Những yếu tố cần nắm vững để có thể giao tiếp tốt Tiếng Anh:

1. Trọng âm của từ và câu (đôi khi phát âm có thể không chính xác nhƣng trọng

âm chính xác ngƣời nghe vẫn có thể đoán và hiểu đƣợc).

2. Từ vựng: từ, thành ngữ, tiếng lóng, ...

3. Âm chuẩn: trong giáo trình này, âm đƣợc hƣớng dẫn theo giọng Anh Mỹ.


79 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel : /˄/, /ǝ/, /ɜ:/

Consonant: /s/, /z/

Alphabet, numbers, ordinal numbers.

Topic: Say hello

Topic: Introduce yourself

- How to spell your name, read your phone number and your email.

- Vocabulary: Names of some universities, names of some jobs.


1. Giới thiệu chung về âm trong tiếng Anh:

Âm vô thanh và âm hữu thanh:

- Âm vô thanh (unvoiced): là những âm không làm cổ họng rung.

- Âm hữu thanh (voiced): là những âm làm cổ họng rung.

Các nguyên âm đều là âm hữu thanh, các phụ âm sẽ đƣợc chia

theo cặp, hai âm có khẩu hình tƣơng tự nhau nhƣng một âm là vô thanh, một

âm là hữu thanh.

Âm dài và âm ngắn: - Trong tiếng Anh, các nguyên âm thƣờng đƣợc chia thành cặp hai âm,

gồm 1 âm dài và 1 âm ngắn. Tuy nhiên, dài ngắn ở đây ít chính xác khi nói về

trƣờng độ (độ dài) của âm, vì trong khi nói, ta khó mà tập trung để xác định dồn hơi

thế nào là dài, thế nào là ngắn.

Trong âm Anh Mỹ, thƣờng có sự biến âm để phân biệt dài ngắn, khi

học cần chú ý điều này, nó hữu dụng trong cả nghe và nói tiếng Anh.

Khẩu hình miệng: Có 3 loại khẩu hình miệng cần chú ý: Kiss, Relax và Smile.

2. Vowel : /˄/, /ǝ/, /ɜ:/

- /˄/: mạnh

Cut /k˄t/ Nothing /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ Bus /b˄s/

Shut up! /ʃ˄t ˄p/ But /b˄t/ Money /'mʌni/

- /ǝ/: yếu

About / ǝ‟bɑƱt/ Teacher /ti:ʧǝ(r)/ Of /ǝv/

Open /ˈəʊpən/ Banana /bəˈnænə/ Sofa /səʊˈfə/

- /ɜ:/: dài

work /wɜːrk/ first /fɜːrst/ verb /vɜːrb/

80 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

thirty /ˈθɜːrti/ bird /bɜːrd/ early /ˈɜːrli/

3. Consonant: /s/; /z/

- Cách phát âm:

Six /sɪks/ Class /klæs/ Pencil /'pensl/

Star /stɑːr/ City /ˈsɪti/ Science /ˈsaɪəns/

Zoo /zuː/ Cause /kɔːz/ Music /'mjuːzɪk/

Rose /rəʊz/ zero /ˈzɪrəʊ/ Example /ɪɡˈzæmpl/

- Phát âm đuôi s, es:

+ Những từ kết thúc bằng các âm /ʃ/, /ʒ/; /ʧ/; /ʤ/; /s/; /z/: đuôi es

đọc là /iz/.

+ Những từ kết thúc bằng các âm vô thanh /t/, /p/, /k/, /f/: đuôi s

đọc là /s/.

+ Những từ còn lại, đuôi s, es đọc là /z/

Teaches Stops Learns

Misses Tips Runs

Judges Sports Sings

Masages Cats Tomatoes

Realizes Cakes Studies

Brushes Roofs Beds


1. Alphabet

Spell your name: How do you spell your name?

81 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

2. Number

Cách đọc số điện thoại

Cách đọc số có 3 chữ số trở lên: cơ bản giống tiếng Việt, bạn có thể dịch

word by word, nhƣng nhớ thêm từ “and” trƣớc khi đọc 2 số cuối cùng Ex:+ 1024 (Một nghìn không trăm hai mƣơi tƣ): Một nghìn là “one thousand”, không

trăm – bỏ qua, hai mƣơi tƣ là “twenty-four”

=> 1024 = One thousand and twenty four

+ 2467 (Hai nghìn bốn trăm sáu mƣơi bảy): Hai nghìn là “two thousand”, bốn trăm là

“four hundred”, sáu mƣơi bảy là “sixty-seven”

2467 = two thousand, four hundred and sixty seven.

3. Ordinal number

1st First 11th Eleventh 21 st twenty-first 31th thirty-first

2nd Second 12th Twelfth 22 nd twenty-second 40th fortieth

3rd Third 13th Thirteenth 23 rd twenty-third 50th fiftieth

4th Fourth 14th Fourteenth 24 th twenty-fourth 60th sixtieth

5th Fifth 15th Fifteenth 25 th twenty-fifth 70th seventieth

6th Sixth 16th Sixteenth 26 th twenty-sixth 80th eightieth

7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27 th twenty-seventh 90th ninetieth

8th Eighth 18th Eighteenth 28 th twenty-eighth 100th one hundredth

9th Ninth 19th Nineteenth 29 th twenty-ninth 1,000th one thousandth

10th Tenth 20th Twentieth 30 th Thirtieth 1,000,000th one millionth

Cách chuyển số đếm sang số thứ tự trong tiếng anh * Chỉ cần thêm TH đằng sau số đếm là bạn đã chuyển nó thành số thứ tự. Với số tận

cùng bằng Y, phải đổi Y thành I rồi mới thêm TH

82 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

-VD: four --> fourth, eleven --> eleventh


Ngoại lệ:

one – first

two - second

three - third

five – fifth

eight - eighth

nine - ninth

twelve – twelfth

* Khi số kết hợp nhiều hàng, chỉ cần thêm TH ở số cuối cùng, nếu số cuối cùng nằm

trong danh sách ngoài lệ trên thì dùng theo danh sách đó. VD:

5,111th = five thousand, one hundred and eleventh

421st = four hundred and twenty-first

* Khi muốn viết số ra chữ số ( viết nhƣ số đếm nhƣng đằng sau cùng thêm TH hoặc

ST với số thứ tự 1, ND với số thứ tự 2, RD với số thứ tự 3) VD:

first = 1st

second = 2nd

third = 3rd

fourth = 4th

twenty-sixth = 26th

hundred and first = 101st

* Danh hiệu của vua, hoàng hậu nƣớc ngoài thƣờng khi viết viết tên và số thứ tự bằng số La

Mã, khi đọc thì thêm THE trƣớc số thứ tự. VD:

Viết : Charles II - Đọc: Charles the Second

Viết: Edward VI - Đọc: Edward the Sixth

Viết: Henry VIII - Đọc: Henry the Eighth

* Cách đọc số tầng trong tiếng Anh:


1. Say hello

Cách chào hỏi khi gặp ngƣời quen (gặp và có thể nói chuyện

hoặc không) Hello


Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening*

Hey, John.

How‟s it goin‟?** *Goodnight là lời chào tạm biệt ( nhƣ goodbye). Đó KHÔNG phải là lời chào vào thời điểm ban


83 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

**Ngƣời bản ngữ thƣờng dùng dạng ngắn gọn của “going” là “goin” trong những tình huống giao

tiếp thông thƣờng

Tiếng lóng: Đối với bạn bè thân thiết, ngƣời ta thƣờng sử dụng tiếng lóng khi chào hỏi. Giới teen

thƣờng chào nhau bằng tiếng lóng. Những nƣớc nói tiếng Anh khác nhau cũng có cách chào riêng

của họ, nhƣ:





G‟day (Australia)

Chào hỏi trƣớc một cuộc trò chuyện Lƣu ý:

Đứng gần ngƣời quen đó

Diễn tả sự vui mừng khi gặp lại

Hỏi một vài câu hỏi và bắt đầu cuộc trò chuyện

Các cụm từ thƣờng dùng: Nice to see you.

Long time no see. (I haven‟t seen you in a while.)

What have you been up to?

How are things?

It‟s been a while. (It‟s been a while since I‟ve seen you.)

What‟s new?

Not much. (answer to What‟s new?)

Chào hỏi trong môi trƣờng kinh doanh Phép xã giao rất quan trọng trong môi trƣờng kinh doanh. Hãy đảm bảo sử dụng

ngôn ngữ lịch sự nhƣ “please” và “thank you”. Những chức danh, tƣớc hiệu và cả

cử chỉ cũng nên đƣợc vận dụng nhuần nhuyễn. Hành động bắt tay và mỉm cƣời

cũng phổ biến trong hầu hết các nƣớc nói tiếng Anh

Lƣu ý:

Introduce yourself with name and title. - Tự giới thiệu tên và chức danh

Shake hands. - Bắt tay

Express happiness to meet the other person. - Diễn tả sự vui mừng khi gặp

gỡ đối tác

Give or accept directions. - Hƣớng dẫn hoặc nhận sự hƣớng dẫn

Các cụm từ thƣờng dùng: Please have a seat.

Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.

He‟ll be right with you.

Can I offer you something to drink?

My pleasure.

84 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


A: Hello. I‟m Mia Conners.

B: Hi Mia. I‟m David Sinclair, and this is my partner Gina Evans. (hold out hand to


A: Nice to meet you Mr. Sinclair and Ms Evans. Thank you for taking the time to

meet with me today.

B: It‟s our pleasure. And please, call us David and Gina. Can I take your coat?

A: Thank you.

B: No problem. Please take a seat and we‟ll be right with you. I just have to take make

a quick phone call.

Chào hỏi ở những buổi tiệc hoặc sự kiện xã hội Who are you here with?

How do you know Jane? (party host)

I don‟t think we‟ve met.

Have you been here long?

Have you tried the cheese dip/dessert/punch?

Where did you get your costume?

The food looks great. I can‟t wait to try the dip.

I love your dress/shirt/hat. It really suits you. (looks good on you)

These decorations are wonderful. I love the table cloth/balloons/flowers. Ex:

A: I don‟t think we‟ve met. I‟m Stacey. (hold out hand to shake)

B: Hi Stacey. I‟m Carl.

A: Hi Carl. So, how do you know Jane?

B: Oh, Jane and I used to work together at a coffee shop.

A: Oh, you mean when you were working in Japan?

B: That‟s right. And how do you know her?

A: Actually, Jane is my cousin. Our moms are sisters.

B: No way! You two don‟t look anything alike.

2. Vocabulary

- Names of some universities:

Vietnam National University, Hanoi (Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội)

College of Foreign Languages (Trƣờng Đại học Ngoại ngữ)

College of Natural Science (Trƣờng Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên)

College of Social Science and Humanity (Trƣờng Đại học Khoa học Xã hội

và Nhân văn)

College of Economics (Trƣờng Đại học Kinh tế)

Foreign Trade University (Trƣờng Đại học Ngoại Thƣơng)

Hanoi Medical University (Trƣờng Đại học Y Hà Nội)

85 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Hanoi National University of Education (Trƣờng Đại học Sƣ Phạm Hà Nội)

Hanoi University (Trƣờng Đại học Hà Nội, formerly Hanoi University of

Foreign Studies - Trƣờng Đại học Ngoại Ngữ Hà Nội)

Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (Trƣờng Đại học Xây Dựng)- largest

and most famous in civil engineering

Hanoi University of Law (Trƣờng Đại học Luật Hà Nội)

Hanoi University of Industry (Đại học Công Nghiệp Hà Nội, high-

technology and engineering)

Hanoi University of Science and Technology (formerly Hanoi University of

Technology - Trƣờng Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội) - largest in technology.

National Economics University (Trƣờng Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân)

University of Transport and Communications (Trƣờng Đại học Giao thông

Vận tải)

Water Resources University (Đại học Thủy lợi)

Hanoi University of Pharmacy (Trƣờng Đại học Dƣợc Hà Nội)

Banking Academy of Vietnam (Học viện Ngân hàng Việt Nam)

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam)

Academy of Journalism and Communication (Vietnam) (Học viện Báo chí và

Tuyên truyền Việt Nam)

Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (Học viện Công nghệ

Bƣu chính Viễn thông

- Names of somes jobs:

Teacher: giáo viên

Student: học sinh

Doctor: bác sĩ

Nurse: y tá

Dentist : nha sĩ

Worker: công nhân

Farmer : nông dân

officer : nhân viên công chức

accountant : kế toán

receptionist : tiếp tân

secretary : thƣ kí

pilot : phi công

Waiter: ngƣời hầu bàn

Tailor : thợ may

Cook: đầu bếp

Sailor : Thủy thủ

Businessman : thƣơng nhân

Engineer : kỹ sƣ

Mechanic : thợ máy

architect : kiến trúc sƣ

singer: ca sĩ

Policeman : công an

Photographer :thợ chụp ảnh

electrician: thợ điện

bricklayer : thợ xây

plumber :thợ sửa ống nƣớc

carpenter : thợ mộc

86 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

3. Introduce yourself

- Hỏi tên: What‟s your name?

- Hỏi tuổi: How old are you?

- Hỏi email/sđt: What is your email/phone number?

- Hỏi quê: Where are you from?

- Hỏi nghề: What do you do?

- Hỏi trƣờng học: Which school/university are you studying in?

- ...

Ngƣời phƣơng Tây kiêng kỵ hỏi về tuổi và thu nhập.

Task: Introduce yourself in 5 - 6 sentences. Then ask and answer about you

and about another one.

87 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel : /ɑ:/

Consonant: /f/, /v/

How to talk about time (hour, date)

Topic: Your daily routines

- Talk about an ordinary day of you.

- Vocabulary: verbs.

Topic: How to travel

- How to ask and direct ways.

- Vocabulary: Some means of transportation.


1. Vowel: /ɑ:/

Card /kɑːrd/ Guard /gɑːrd/ Father /'fɑːðər/

Start /stɑːrt/ Aunt /ɑːnt/ Garden /'gɑːrdən/

2. Consonant: /f/, /v/

- Đây là hai âm răng môi => âm đƣợc tạo thành có sự ma sát của răng và môi.

- /f/

Five /faɪv/ Phone /fəʊn/ Photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/

Half /hæf/ Coffe /ˈkɔːfi/ Fan /fæn/

- /v/

Vest /vest/ Very /ˈveri/ Every /ˈevri/

Live /lɪv/ Leave /li:v/ Have /hæv/


1. How to talk about hour

- Câu hỏi đơn giản nhất đặt ra để hỏi thời gian là: “What is the time? / What

time is it?”. Một cách lịch sự hơn, bạn có thể hỏi: “Do you have a watch? / Would

you tell me the time?”

- Có nhiều cách để nói về thời gian, nhƣng cách đơn giản nhất là It’s + giờ +

phút (+ o’clock nếu giờ là giờ đúng)

Ex: 1h15‟: It‟s one fifteen.

12h: It‟s twelve (o‟clock)

- Ngoài ra ngƣời ta còn có các công thức giờ hơn, giờ kém:

88 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

+ Giờ hơn: It’s + phút + past + giờ

+ Giờ kém: It’s + phút + to + giờ

+ Một số cụm từ đặc biệt nên nhớ: half past + giờ (giờ rƣỡi), a quarter

past/to + giờ (giờ hơn/kém 15’) Ex: 1h15‟: fifteen past one/a quarter past one

16h30‟: thirty past sixteen/ half past sixteen

22h45‟: forty-five past twenty-two/ a quarter to twenty-three.

- Task:Ask and answer about time.

2. How to talk about date

- Hỏi: What is the date? / What is today‟s date?

- Các thứ trong tuần:

Monday:Thứ Hai

Tuesday:Thứ Ba

Wednesday:Thứ Tƣ

Thursday:Thứ Năm

Friday: Thứ Sáu

Saturday: Thứ Bảy

Sunday: Chủ Nhật

- Các tháng trong năm:

January :Tháng Giêng

February :Tháng Hai

March :Tháng Ba

April :Tháng Tƣ

May :Tháng Năm

June :Tháng Sáu

July :Tháng Bảy

August :Tháng Tám

September:Tháng Chín

October:Tháng Mƣời

November :Tháng Mƣời Một

December :Tháng Mƣời Hai

- Các mùa trong năm: Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall, Winter

- Viết ngày tháng: Thứ + , + Tháng + Ngày (Số thứ tự) + , + Năm

- Cách đọc năm:

+ Trường hợp 1:nếu năm có dạng Y00Y hoặc YY00

Đọc nhƣ số đếm bình thƣờng.

+ Trường hợp 2: không thuộc 2 dạng trên

Chia 4 số thành 2 phần 2 số để đọc, đọc theo số đếm

Ex: 1423 => 14|23: fourteen twenty-three

- Cách đọc ngày tháng: 2 cách

Cách 1: Ngày, tháng, năm => The + ngày (stt) + of + tháng, năm

Cách 2: Tháng, ngày, năm => Tháng + the + ngày (stt), năm

Ex: 9/3/1996: The ninth of March, nineteen ninety-six

March the ninth, nineteen ninety-six


1. Talk about your daily routine

89 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Vocabulary:

- Task: Describe a day of you, then describe a day of another one.

90 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

2. How to travel

- Means of transportation (phương tiện giao thông)

Lƣu ý: go/travel/... + by + tên phƣơng tiện

walk = go on foot

91 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Preposition (giới từ):



On the left of:

On the right of:

In front of:


ở giữa


ở bên trái

ở bên phải

ở đằng trƣớc

ở đằng sau

- Một số địa điểm:

Bus stop:

Post office:


Gas station:





Traffic light:





Trạm xe buýt

Bƣu điện

Nhà ga tàu hỏa

Trạm xăng

Siêu thị

Bảo tàng

Sân vận động

Lăng tẩm

Đèn giao thông

Vòng xuyến

Ngã tƣ

Ngã ba

Chỗ giao nhau

- Cách hỏi đường:

excuse me, could you tell me how to

get to ...?

xin lỗi, bạn có thể chỉ cho tôi đƣờng đến

… không?

excuse me, do you know where the ...

is? xin lỗi, bạn có biết … ở đâu không?

I'm sorry, I don't know xin lỗi, tôi không biết

sorry, I'm not from around here xin lỗi, tôi không ở khu này

I'm looking for ... tôi đang tìm …

are we on the right road for ...? chúng tôi có đang đi đúng đƣờng tới …


is this the right way for ...? đây có phải đƣờng đi … không?

do you have a map? bạn có bản đồ không?

can you show me on the map? bạn có thể chỉ cho tôi trên bản đồ không?

92 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Cách chỉ đường:

it's this/that way chỗ đó ở phía này/kia

you're going in the wrong direction/way bạn đang đi sai hƣớng/đƣờng rồi

take this road đi đƣờng này

go down there đi xuống phía đó

take the first on the left rẽ trái ở ngã rẽ đầu tiên

take the second on the right rẽ phải ở ngã rẽ thứ hai

turn right at the crossroads đến ngã tƣ thì rẽ phải

continue straight ahead for about ... tiếp tục đi thẳng khoảng ... nữa

keep going for another ... tiếp tục đi tiếp thêm … nữa

it'll be ... chỗ đó ở …

on your left bên tay trái

on your right bên tay phải

straight ahead of you ngay trƣớc mặt

Take the first/second/... left/right Rẽ trái/phải ở ngã rẽ đầu tiên/thứ hai

Go right/left into... Rẽ phải/trái vào ...

- Task: Ask and answer about how you go to our class. Then practice to direct

(use the map in the next page)

93 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

94 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Activity 1: When did these famous writers live? Listen and write down

when they were born and when they died.

Activity 2: Listen to these people saying when they were born. Write

down the dates. For example, if you hear, “I was born on the 28th

of July,

1953” write 28/7/53

1. 6/6/39 4………………….

2……………… 5………………….

3……………….. 6………………….

95 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Activity 3:

Do this excercise before you listen:

Task 1: Find out the places the speakers give direction to and write A, B, C or D on

the map:

96 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Task 2: Listen again and fill in the blank:

97 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel: /ᴐ:/, /ɒ/

Consonant: /t/, /d/

Topic: A memorable vacation

- Vocab: words about tourism

- Talk about a vacation you had.

Topic: At the hotel.


1. Vowel: /ᴐ:/, /ɒ/

- /ᴐ:/

ball /bɔːl/ talk /tɔːk/ before /bɪˈfɔːr/

saw /sɔː/ short /ʃɔːrt/ daughter /ˈdɔːtər/

- /ɒ/

Dog /dɒg/ Job /dʒɒb/ Sorry /'sɒri/

Box /bɒks/ Clock /klɒk/ Doctor/ˈdɒktə(r)/

2. Consonant: /t/, /d/

- /t/

Eat /iːt/ Table /ˈteɪbl/ Twenty /ˈtwenti/

Tea /tiː/ Hotel /həʊˈtel/ Thailand /ˈtaɪlænd/

- /d/

Door /dɔːr/ Food /fuːd/ Dinner /ˈdɪnər/

Deep /di:p/ Lady /ˈleɪdi/ Address /əˈdres/

- Chú ý hiện tƣợng chuyển âm và nuốt âm /t/


1. A memorable vacation

- Vocabulary:

Luggage/baggage: hành lý

Voyage: Hải trình

98 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Task: Talk about a memorable vacation of you in 5-6 sentences, remember

to use past simple tense. Use these following clues:

- When did you take it?

- Where did you go?

- How did you go?

- Where did you visit?

- How did you feel? (amazing, interested, tired, bored,... )

2. At the hotel

- doorman : ngƣời canh cổng

- spacious : rộng rãi

- bellman : ngƣời hầu phòng

- cosy : thoải mái

- entrance : cổng

- piece : mảnh, mẩu

- baggage : hành lý

- main : chính, chủ yếu

- trip : chuyến du lịch

- correct : đúng

99 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- book :đặt (phòng, thức ăn,... )

- The Reception Counter: Quầy tiếp tân

- Check in: Đăng ký

- I‟m sorry to hear that: Rất tiếc khi nghe điều đó.

- See…off: Tiễn ai đó

- Baggage: Hành lý

- Check out: Thanh toán

- There are three pieces in all: Có tất cả ba thứ hành lý

Luyện tập các bài hội thoại sau:


A: Good morning, sir. Welcome to

our hotel!

B: Good morning.

A: I am a bellman. Is this your


B: Yes.

A: May I help you?

B: Thank you very much.

A: Are you looking for something?

B: Where‟s the service counter?

A: It‟s over there, sir.

B: Certainly, thank you!


A: Good afternoon, madam.

B: I‟m waiting for the taxi. I‟ve

checked out.

A: May I help you?

B: Yes.

A: Let me carry

B: That is very kind of you.

A: That‟s my pleasure.

B: Hope to see you again, too. Good-


A: Good bye!



Receptionist : Good afternoon, Orion Hotel, how may I help you?

Customer : I‟m ringing to confirm a booking I made (1)...................... ago. I was

expecting an (2)............ but I haven‟t receivedanything.

Receptionist : I‟m sorry the line is rather bad, would you mind repeating that,


Customer : Yes, I made a reservation on your website under the name of (3)

.........., George (4).............

Receptionist : Could you spell your surname for me, please?

100 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Customer : Yes, that‟s (5)........................

Receptionist : And when was the reservation for?

Customer : (6)................... to the (7)...................

Receptionist : Sorry, did you say the (8)................. ?

Customer : No, the (9)..................

Receptionist : Let me just check if we have your details on the system. Ah… yes,

here we are.

Customer : I put down one double and one single room, but I wonder if I could

change that.

Receptionist : I‟m terribly sorry I didn‟t quite catch that. Would you mind

speaking up a little?

Customer : Yes, I wanted to change the number of rooms. Is it possible to have

(10)............ doubles instead of (11).... singleand (12)....... double?

Receptionist : Let‟s see…oh hold on a moment. I‟ve got someone on the other

line. (Speaks to other customer) yeah, yeah…would you mind if I

rang you back. I‟m just dealing with a reservation. Thanks.

Customer : Sorry?

Receptionist : Yes, sorry about that Mr. (13)..............., I‟m just getting your

booking details up now. Yes, we do haveanother double available for

those nights. Was there anything else?

Customer : Well, I wanted to know if you did vegetarian food for the evening

meal. It wasn‟t clear from thewebsite.

Receptionist : Yes, we do, but by prior arrangement. But now you‟ve requested

it, I‟ll put that down in thebooking. How many people was that for?

Customer : Just myself

Receptionist : Very good. Anything else?

Customer : Well, we‟ve got a very early return flight on the (14).........., so we‟ll

need an alarm call at about (15)................, Ishould think.

Receptionist : No problem sir, I‟ll arrange that now. Was that all?

Customer : I think so.

Receptionist : So you‟d like two double rooms for the nights of (15)........ to the

(16)......... (17)................ inclusive, vegetarianprovision for one and

an early morning call on your departure. Is that correct?

Customer : That‟s right

Receptionist : If we can help you with anything else, just give us a ring. We look

forward to seeing you in (18)..............

101 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel: /ǝе/, /е/

Consonant: /k/, /g/


- Talk about your plan.

- Describe something or somebody.


1. Vowel: /ǝе/, /е/

- /ǝе/

Cat /kæt/ Hand /hænd/ Map /mæp/

Black /blæk/ Captain /ˈkæptɪn/ Manner /ˈmænər/

- /e/

Check /tʃek/ Ready /'redi/ Breakfast /'brekfəst/

Member /'membər/ Ten /ten/ Jealous /'dʒeləs/

2. Consonant: /k/, /g/

- /k/

Car /kɑːr/ Talk /tɔːk/ Chemistry /ˈkemɪstri/

Key /kiː/ Close /kləʊz/ Architecture /ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər/

- /g/

Game /ɡeɪm/ Big /bɪɡ/ Again /əˈɡen/

Girl /ɡɜːrl/ Begin /bɪˈɡɪn/ Hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/


1. Talk about your plan (remember to use present perfect tense)

- What is your recent plan?

- Why did you choose that plan?

- How long have you done it?

- What are the results that you have gained?

- ...

102 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Task: Imagine that you are planing to do volunteer. Talk about your plan.

Begin with: My recent plan is doing volunteer to help ... in ...

Cancer patient:



The poor:

The illiteracy children:

The minority:

The martyrs‟families:

Remote ares:



Food and drink:




2. Describe something

- Mẫu câu: This is .../That is ...; These are.../ Those are...; There is/are ...

- Một số danh từ:













- Một số tính từ miêu tả:

















Task: Describe something in your classroom

103 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Activity 1: Listen and fill in the blank:

Describing Things

Some things are different shapes.

They can be described by their shape.

A circle is (1)............

A compact disc is a circle.

A (2)................. has four equal sides.

A rectangle is similar, but two of the sides are (3).................

A triangle has only (4)............ sides.

Have you ever seen anyone play a triangle in an orchestra?

The word "triangle" can stand for an instrument or a shape.

An oval is (5).................., but it is not round.

An egg is an (6)............ shape.

The floor is (7).............

If something is (8).............., it has no bumps or lumps

Silk is smooth.

Some things are (9)................

Sandpaper is rough.

If something is (10)............., it is not sharp or pointed.

A dull knife will not cut bread because the blade is not (11).............

If something is (12)................., it has a sharp end.

A sharp pencil has a pointed end.

A pencil that has been used a lot, and hasn't been sharpened has a dull end.

Some things are (13).................

A teddy bear is soft.

It feels good to touch.

Some things are (14).................

A rock is hard.

Soft can also represent a noise level.

If you have a soft voice, it is not very (15)................

If someone tells you to speak softly, they want you to speak (16)................

"Loud" is the word used to describe noises that hurt your ears.

A big truck will make a loud noise.

Sometimes your (17)...................... will tell you that your music is too loud.

104 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Activity 2:

Task 1: Do this excercise before you listen:

Task 2: Do the following excercises while you listen:

a. Which six activities do the speakers say they are going to do?




Bungee jumping

Go up the Eiffel Tower

Visit Notre Dame cathedral

Visit the old parts of the city

Go round the Louvre

Go to the Musee D‟Orsay

Visit Monmartre and look at the views

b. Underline the best option to complete these sentences:

1. A dirtboard is a board with wheels that you stand on / a board with no

wheels that you stand on /a board that you sit on .

2. To go canyoning you need ropes and a helmet / a guide and special

equipment/ropesandspecial equipment .

3. Zip-wiring is scary and difficult / easy and exciting / scary but exciting .

4. Paris looks so beautiful at night / on television / in the photos .

5. The impressionist paintings are in the Louvre / the Musée D‟Orsay / the

Rodin Museum .

6. The famous Rodin statue is called The Worker / The Thinker / The

Philosopher .

7. The girl is going to Paris for the weekend / four days / five days .

8. She‟s going with her friend / her boyfriend / her family .

105 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel: /ɪ/, /i:/

Consonant: /p/, /b/

Topic: Food and drink

- Vocab: Names of some food and drink

- How to invite somebody to have a meal or have a drink

- How to communicate in a restaurant


1. Vowel: /ɪ/, /i:/

- /ɪ/:

Fish /fɪʃ/ Six /sɪks/ Chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/

Him /hɪm/ Begin /bɪˈɡɪn/ Dinner /ˈdɪnər/

- /i:/:

Sheep /ʃiːp / Eat /iːt/ Vietnamese /vjetnəˈmiːz/

See /siː/ Believe /bɪˈliːv/ She /ʃiː/

2. Consonant: /p/, /b/

- /p/:

Pen /pen/ Piece /pi:s/ Punish /ˈpʌnɪʃ/

Stop /stɑːp/ Cheap /tʃiːp/ Picture /ˈpɪktʃər/

- /b/:

Big /bɪg/ Best /best/ Baby /ˈbeɪbi/

Boy /bɔɪ/ Bank /bæŋk/ Business /ˈbɪznəs/


1. Vocabulary

- Các bữa ăn trong ngày: Which meal do you think is the most important

meal in a day? (Bữa ăn nào trong ngày mà bạn nghĩ là quan trọng nhất? )

106 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Một số nơi để dùng bữa:

Restaurant: nhà hàng

Cafes: tiệm bán đồ ăn nhẹ, thƣờng phục vụ cùng đồ uống.

Cafeteria: quán ăn tự phục vụ

Luncheonette: quán ăn bụi

Food stall: quán ăn nhỏ (kiểu dựng một gian hàn ở vỉa hè)

Food street vendor: gánh hàng rong bán đồ ăn

- Một số món ăn và đồ uống:

Starch Vegetable Meat Dessert Drink




Sweet potato

























Apple juice




Tea/ Coffe

- Một số tính từ để miêu tả món ăn:

Hot/chilly: cay nóng

Sour: chua

Gorgeous: lộng lẫy, tuyệt vời

Tasty/delicious: ngon lành

107 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Salty/savoury: mặn

Sweet: ngọt

Rare: tái

Raw: sống

Stale: ôi thiu

Rotten: hỏng (trái cây)

- Một số cách chế biến: cách chế biến + tên loại thịt/rau => món ăn

Boiled: luộc

Poached: chần

Fried: rán, xào

Roasted: nƣớng

Pan-seared: áp chảo

Mash: nghiền

Stewed: hầm, kho


Task: Talking about what you want to have for your meal. Begin with: For

my breakfast/lunch/dinner, I want...

2. How to invite somebody to have a meal or have a drink

- Cách mời ai đó đi ăn uống với mình:

Would you like to have breakfast/lunch/dinner/a drink/a cup of tea/a

cup of coffee with me?(trang trọng)

What about going somewhere for lunch? (thân mật)


- Cách trả lời:

Trang trọng: Yes, I‟d love to./I‟m sorry but ...(đưa ra lý do)

Thân mật: That sounds great./ Certainly....


- Cách mời trong bữa ăn:

Mời người trên: Have a good meal.

Mời thân mật: Enjoy yourself.

Mời khách thử món gì đó: Here, try this./Would you like to try this?

3. How to communicate in a restaurant

Could I see the menu, please? Cho tôi xem thực đơn đƣợc không?

Can I get you any drinks? Quý khách có muốn uống gì không ạ?

Are you ready to order? Quý khách đã muốn gọi món chƣa?

Do you have any specials? Nhà hàng có món đặc biệt không?

What‟s the soup of the day? Món súp của hôm nay là súp gì?

108 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

What do you recommend? Anh/chị gợi ý món nào?

What‟s this dish? Món này là món gì?

I‟m on a diet: Tôi đang ăn kiêng

I‟m allergic to …: Tôi bị dị ứng với …

I‟m severely allergic to …: Tôi bị dị ứng nặng với …

I‟m a vegetarian: Tôi ăn chay

I‟ll have the …: Tôi chọn món …

I don‟t eat …: Tôi không ăn…

I‟m sorry, we‟re out of that: Xin lỗi, nhà hàng chúng tôi hết món đó rồi

Is that all? Còn gì không ạ?

Nothing else, thank you: Thế thôi, cảm ơn

How long will it take?:Sẽ mất bao lâu?

It‟ll take about… minutes: Khoảng … phút

Enjoy your meal!:Chúc quý khách ăn ngon miệng!

Some more bread: Thêm ít bánh mì nữa

Still or sparkling: Nƣớc có ga hay không có ga?

Would you like any coffee or dessert?:Quý khách có muốn gọi cà phê

hay đồ tráng miệng không?

The bill, please : Cho xin hóa đơn

Could we have the bill, please? : Mang cho chúng tôi hóa đơn đƣợc không

Can I pay by card? Tôi có thể trả bằng thẻ không?

Do you take credit card? Nhà hàng có nhận thanh toán bằng thẻ tín dụng


Is service included? Đã bao gồm phí dịch vụ chƣa?

Can we pay separately?:Chúng tôi trả tiền riêng đƣợc không?

I‟ll get this: Để tôi trả

Let‟s split it = Let‟s share the bill: Chúng ta chia nhau trả đi

109 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Activity 1: Before you listen. Decide wheather these dishes are main courses

(M), desserts (De) or drinks (Dr).

Banana cake


Ice cream


Apple tart

Apple juice

Four cheeses pizza

Cheese burger

Chicken curry and rice

Orange juice

Chocolate cake

Seafood salad with bread

Activity 2: Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best answer to

complete these sentences.

1. For his main course, Andi chooses a normal cheese burger / a

doublecheese burger / a burgerwith chips.

2. For dessert, Andi chooses ice cream / chocolate cake / banana cake .

3. To drink, Andi chooses apple juice / fizzy water / still water

Activity 3:Write a number (1 -5) to put the questions in the order you hear


…………. Anything else?

…………. A cheese burger or double cheese burger?

…………. What would you like?

…………. Would you like a drink?

…………. What‟s your table number?

110 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Dialogue 1:

M: Chào buổi tối, John!

J: Rất vui đƣợc gặp anh, Mike!

M: Tôi cũng vậy! Bây giờ là 7h tối rồi. Hay chúng ta đi đâu đó ăn tối nhỉ?

J: Nghe hay đấy. Chúng ta đi đến nhà hàng BQ đi. Ở đó có món gà rán rất ngon.

M: Đồng ý.

Tại nhà hàng.

W: Chào mừng đến nhà hàng BQ!

M: Cho tôi xem thực đơn. Anh chọn chứ, John?

J: Ừm, cho tôi gà rán cay. Anh có gợi ý món gì không Mike?

M: Tôi chọn súp cà rốt và khoai tây chiên.

W: Quý khách có muốn uống gì không ạ?

J: Tôi uống coca

M: Tôi uống soda

W: Đƣợc rồi, 2 gà rán cay, 2 súp cà rốt, 2 khoai tây chiên, 1 coca, 1 soda, còn gì

nữa không ạ?

J&M: Thế thôi, cảm ơn!

W: Chắc chắn rồi thƣa các ngài! Mọi thứ sẽ đƣợc phục vụ trong 5 phút nữa.

Dialogue 2:

J: Cho xin hóa đơn!

W: Của ngài gồm có: 3 phần cơm, 1 cá nƣớng, 1 thịt lợn luộc, 1 khoai tây nghiền, 1

nƣớc chanh, 2 cà phê, còn gì nữa không ạ?

J: Đó là tất cả rồi.

W: Vậy, cơm 1 đôla 1 suất, cá nƣớng 5 đôla, thịt 7 đôla, khoai tây 1 đôla, nƣớc

chanh 2 đôla, cà phê 1 đôla 1 cốc. Tất cả là 20 đôla thƣa ngài.

J: Đã bao gồm phí dịch vụ chƣa vậy?

W: Tôi xin lỗi thƣa ngài? Ngài cần trả thêm 2 đôla phí dịch vụ. Tổng cộng là 22


J: Nhà hàng có nhận thanh toán bằng thẻ không?

W: Chúng tôi chỉ nhận thanh toán bằng thẻ với những hóa đơn nhiều hơn 100 đôla

thƣa ngài! Ngài phải trả tiền mặt.

J: Đƣợc, tôi hiểu rồi. Của anh đây!

W: Đây là hóa đơn của ngài! Hẹn gặp lại ngài!

111 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel: /Ʊ/, /u:/

Consonant: /θ/, /ð/

Topic: Shopping

- Vocabulary: Words about items, kinds of shop

- How to ask and answer in a shop


1. Vowel: /Ʊ/, /u:/

- /Ʊ/

Put /pʊt/ Foot /fʊt/ Woman /'wʊmən/

Wolf /wʊlf/ Should /ʃʊd/ Good /gʊd/

- /u:/

Too /tuː/ Soon /suːn/ Lunar /ˈluːnər/

Food /fuːd/ Flute /fluːt/ Bamboo /bæmˈbuː/

2. Consonant: /θ/, /ð/

- /θ/

Thief /θiːf/ Three /θri:/ Thousand /ˈθaʊznd/

Thin /θɪn/ Mouth /maʊθ/ Everything /ˈevriθɪŋ/

- /ð/

This /ðɪs/ Their /ðer/ Father /ˈfɑːðər/

Than /ðæn/ Without /wɪˈðaʊt/ Weather /ˈweðər/


1. Vocabulary: Words about items, kinds of shop

- Một vài từ để chỉ cửa hàng:

Shop: cửa hàng nói chung

Store: cửa hàng chứa các loại vật liệu (drugstore: hiệu thuốc)

Boutique: cửa hàng bán quần áo và nữ trang

Grocery store: cửa hàng tạp hóa

Market: chợ

112 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Supermarket: siêu thị

Shopping mall: trung tâm mua sắm

- Một vài danh từ chỉ người:

Cashier: nhân viên thu ngân

Salesperson: ngƣời đứng bán hàng sau quầy

Shoplifter: ngƣời ăn cắp đồ trong tiệm

Shopaholic: ngƣời cuồng mua sắm

- Từ vựng khác:

Cheque: séc => pay by cheque: thanh toán bằng séc

Cash: tiền mặt => pay in cash: thanh toán bằng tiền mặt

Change: tiền lẻ

Cheap: rẻ

Expensive: đắt

Discount: chiết khấu

113 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

2. How to ask and answer in a shop

- Hỏi:

Excuse me! How much is...?: Xin lỗi! .... bao nhiêu tiền?

What does ... cost?: .... giá bao nhiêu?

Is this on sale?: Cái này có bán không?

What is the price after discount?: Sau khi chiết khấu giá bao nhiêu?

What‟s the total?: Tổng cộng hết bao nhiêu?

Do you take/accept cash/credit card/cheque?: Cửa hàng có nhận thanh

toán bằng tiền mặt/thẻ tín dụng/séc không?

May I try it on?: Tôi có thể thử nó chứ?

Do you have this in extra small/small/medium/large/extra large size?:

bạn có còn hàng này cỡ XS/S/M/L/XL không?

Can I return this if I need to?: Tôi có đƣợc trả lại hàng không?

- Vấn đề của bạn:

I‟m afraid, you gave me the wrong change:bạn trả nhầm tiền rồi

It doesn‟t fit:Nó không vừa với tôi rồi.

It‟s wrong size:Không phải cỡ này.

I need to return it/ I need to take it back:Tôi muốn trả lại nó.

- Khuyến mại:chú ý tìm nhé

Buy one get one free: mua 1 tặng 1

Buy one get 50% off your second items:mua 1 giảm 50% cho sp thứ 2

Buy now pay later:mua trả góp

All out-of season stock on sale: xả hàng cuối mùa.

114 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Activity 1: Look at Barry‟s shopping list. Listen and tick the things he buy. And

find the reason why he doesn‟t buy the other things?

Things to buy Yes No/ Why

Orange juice







Activity 2: Listen to the script and answer these following question:

1. Why does he hate shopping?

a. Because it wastes time.

b. Because it‟s one of the most popular hobbies in the world.

c. Because it‟s boring.

2. What is window shopping?

a. Shopping at the mall having glass window.

b. Walking around without buying anything.

c. Walking around shops just to buy something.

3. What does he prefer doing?

a. Shopping online.

b. Shopping in the morning on a weekday.

c. Shopping on a Saturday afternoon during sale seasons.

115 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Đoạn 1:

A: Chào mừng quý khách đến với cửa hàng M&J. Tôi có thể giúp gì cho bà hay bà

muốn xem qua trƣớc?

B: Tôi không chắc nữa. Tôi muốn tìm mua một số đồ mùa đông.

A: Bà có thể xem ở 2 kệ đằng kia.

B: Cảm ơn. Ồ, chiếc áo len này thật đẹp và mềm mại. Nhƣng trông có vẻ hơi to. Cô

có cỡ nhỏ hơn không?

A: Tôi nghĩ là có. Để tôi tìm xem. Đây rồi, của bà đây.

B: Tôi có thể thử nó không?

A: Tất nhiên rồi, phòng thử ở ngay kia thƣa bà.

B: Chắc chắn rồi. Cảm ơn.

A: Nó có vừa với bà không?

B: Không tồi. Nhƣng tôi không thích màu này lắm. Có màu khác không?

A: Có màu đỏ, vàng và nâu nữa thƣa bà.

B: Cho tôi lấy chiếc màu vàng.

A: 25 đôla thƣa bà.

B: Cửa hàng nhận thanh toán bằng séc chứ?

A: Tôi xin lỗi thƣa bà, nhƣng chúng tôi chỉ chấp nhận thẻ và tiền mặt.

B: Vậy tôi sẽ thanh toán bằng thẻ.

A: Cảm ơn bà. Chúc bà một ngày tốt lành.

Dialogue 2:

A: I‟m going to the mall.

B: When?

A: This afternoon at 2:00. Do you want to come?

B: I‟d love to. I need a new skirt.

In the clothing store:

Salesperson: Can I help you?

Customer: I‟m looking for a skirt.

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S: Let me show you. All the skirts are on sale today. They are 25% off.

What size are you looking for?

C: I wear a size 6 petite.

S: The petite sizes are on this rack. What color do you like?

C: Maybe light blue or pink.

S: Okay. How about this one? The pink and white stripes match your


C: I don‟t like stripes. I would like a skirt without stripes.

S: Okay. Let‟s see. Here we have a hot pink skirt. Do you like this one?

C: Oh yes, I do. Oh, what about this blue one? This is a beautiful skirt.

Can I try the pink and the blue skirts on?

S: Of course. The dressing room is behind the cash register on your left.

C: Thank you.

The customer comes out of the dressing room wearing the pink skirt.

S: Oh, that skirt looks beautiful on you. It fits very well.

Did you try on the other skirt, too?

C: Yes, I did. But it doesn‟t fit. it is too tight on my waist.

I like this one very much. How much is it?

S: Regular price is $58. It is $43.50 on sale.

C: That‟s a good price. I‟ll take it. Where do I pay?

S: The cash register is next to the escalator. Follow me, please.

How will you pay? Cash or charge?

C: With Visa. Here‟s my credit card.

S: Thank you. $43.50 plus tax. That‟s $45.75. Sign here please.

Would you like your receipt in the bag?

C: Yes, please.

S: Okay, here is your bag. Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

C: Thank you. Good-bye.

117 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel: /еǝ/, /ɪǝ/, /Ʊǝ/

Consonant: /ʃ/, /Ʒ/

Topic: Your house

- Vocab: words about house

- How to ask and answer about address.


1. Vowel: /еǝ/, /ɪǝ/, /Ʊǝ/

- /еǝ/

- /ɪǝ/

ear /ɪər/ hear /hɪər/ really /ˈrɪəli/

beer /bɪər/ clear /klɪər/ career /kəˈrɪər/

- /Ʊǝ/

tour /tʊər/ jury /ˈdʒʊəri/

sure /ʃʊər/ poor /pʊər/

2. Consonant: /ʃ/, /Ʒ/

- /ʃ/

She /ʃi:/ Sure /ʃʊər/ Ocean /ˈəʊʃn/

Shop /ʃɒp/ Special /ˈspeʃl/ Machine /məˈʃiːn/

- /Ʒ/

Asia /ˈeɪʒə/ Casual /ˈkæʒuəl/ Television /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/

Usual /ˈjuːʒuəl/ Measure /ˈmeʒər/ Conclusion /kənˈkluːʒn/


1. Vocab: words about house

- Flat: chung cƣ

- Penthouse: căn hộ áp mái

air /eər/ hair /heər/ wear /weər/

care /keər/ share /tʃeər/ upstairs /ʌpˈsteəz/

118 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Detached-house: nhà riêng lẻ

- Semi-detached house: nhà liền kề

- Vật dụng trong nhà:

119 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Tên đơn vị hành chính:

Province: tỉnh

City: Thành phố

District: quận huyện

Town: Thị trấn

Village: làng

Alley: ngõ, hẻm

Unit: ngách

120 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

2. How to ask and answer about address

- Hỏi: What is your address? / Where do you live?

- Trả lời:

I live in + tên tỉnh, huyện, xã, phường, thị trấn, làng.

I live on + tên đường

I live at + số nhà

Ex: I live in Thai Binh Province.

I live on Lang Street.

I live at 137A, Alley 1194, Lang Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi.

Task:Describe your house. Begin with:

I live ....My house has ... rooms ....


I live at 137A, Alley 1194, Lang Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi, in a

apartment for rent on floor 4. My house has 3 rooms: a living room – which is also

the bedroom, a bathroom and an attic. I share it with two close friends. I feel totally

comfortable staying there.


Listen and complete these following sentences

1. He decided to move out in ..................

2. He searched for department near ......................

3. A rental ..................... is something he has to signed.

4. A deposit is something he might ................ .................. when he move out.

5. The apartment has ............ rooms.

6. The landlord put in ........... ................. and had the ................ painted before he

move in.

7. He has to pay ............. for rent and ............. for other services.

8. His dog has to stay with .......... .................... for now.

9. For now he has .............. things in his apartment.

It‟s not as ..................... and ................. as his parents‟ place.

121 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel: /ǝƱ/, /ɑƱ/

Consonant: /ʧ/, /ʤ/

Topic: Helping (How to ask and answer when you need a help)


- Describe somebody

- How to ask and answer when you need help.

- Weather


1. Vowel: /ǝƱ/, /ɑƱ/

- /ǝƱ/

Go /ɡəʊ/ Old /əʊld/ Shoulder /ˈʃəʊldər/

Road /rəʊd/ Phone /fəʊn/ Potato /pəˈteɪtəʊ/

- /ɑƱ/

How /haʊ/ Loud /laʊd/ Accounting /əˈkaʊtɪŋ/

Now /naʊ/ Mouse /maʊs/ British Council /ˈbrɪtɪʃ ˈkaʊnsl/

2. Consonant: /ʧ/, /ʤ/

- /ʧ/

Child /tʃaɪld/ Catch /kætʃ/ Cheese /tʃiːz/

Chips /tʃɪps/ Change/tʃeɪndʒ/ Chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/

- /ʤ/

Age /eɪdʒ/ July /dʒuˈlaɪ/ Jealous /ˈdʒeləs/

Joke /dʒəʊk/ Enjoy/ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ Germany /ˈdʒɜːrməni/


1. Describe somebody

- Vocabulary:

122 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Một số tính từ miêu tả:

123 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Face (Khuôn mặt)

round /raʊnd/: tròn trịa

He has a round face.

oval /ˈoʊvl/: trái xoan

She has an oval face and black hair.

square/skwer/:vuông chữ điền

She has a square face.

Eyes (Mắt)


bright/braɪt/: sáng, long lanh

The baby has big bright eyes.

small /smɔːl/: nhỏ

narrow/ˈnæroʊ/:hẹp, ti hí

Asian women often have small narrow eyes.


That girl with slanting eyes over there is my sister.

Hair (Tóc)

124 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



That woman has beautiful long straight hair.


That bald guy over there is a professor at my university.

curly/ˈkɜːrli/: xoăn lọn

That guy with curly hair really looks like Hercules, doesn't he?

wavy/ˈweɪvi/: xoăn gợn sóng

My mother's hair is wavy.

spiky/ˈspaɪki/: dựng đứng

He has spiky hair like Son-go-ku.

Complexion (Làn da)

125 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


That movie star has a really dark skin.


She has a beautiful fair skin.

tanned/tænd/: rám, cháy nắng

She has a tanned skin after her vacation to Hawaii.

pale/peɪl/: xanh xao, nhợt nhạt

His skin is very pale. He lools like Dracula.

Nose (Mũi)

crooked/ˈkrʊkɪd/: gãy, khoằm

That guy has a crooked nose.

upturned/ˌʌpˈtɜːrnd/: hếch

That girl with upturned nose is so cute.

straight/streɪt/: thẳng

high/haɪ/: cao

126 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

This actress is so pretty with fair skin, long black hair and high straight nose.

Clothes (Trang phục)

casual/ˈkæʒuəl/: giản dị, bình thƣờng

She only wears casual clothes at home.

scruffy/ˈskrʌfi/: lôi thôi

shabby /ˈʃæbi/: nhếch nhác, tồi tàn

messy /ˈmesi/: lôi thôi

He looked so scruffy/ shabby/ messy.

smart /smɑːrt/: lịch sự, thanh nhã

tidy /ˈtaɪdi/:gọn gàng

She looks very tidy and smart in that suit.

Task: Describe somebody in the class.

127 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Chú ý: Khi miêu tả ngƣời trong tiếng Anh, ngƣời ta thƣờng hạn chế dùng những tính từ

mang ý nghĩa tiêu cực. Thay vì thế, ngƣời ta ƣa dùng dạng phủ định để diễn tả ý tƣơng tự.

Ex: Thay vì nói “She is ugly” (Cô ấy xấu), ngƣời ta sẽ nói “She isn‟t very beautiful” (Cô

ấy không đƣợc xinh lắm)

2. How to ask and answer when you need help

- Hỏi:

Can you give me a hand with this?:Đây là lối nói trực tiếp dùng khi nói

chuyện với ngƣời thân hoặc bạn bè.

Could you help me for a second?:Câu này khá trang trọng và tế nhị

hơn, cụm từ “for a second” hàm ý chúng ta sẽ không làm phiền ngƣời

khác lâu, và chuyện chúng ta nhờ vả không khó.

Can I ask a favour?:Đây là một lời mở đầu chung chung cho việc yêu

cầu giúp đỡ

I wonder if you could help me with this?:Câu khẩn cầu này khá trang

trọng, đƣợc dùng trong trƣờng hợp bạn chƣa quen biết ngƣời nghe hoặc

đó là sếp bạn.

I could do with some help, please.:Cách nói này rất trực tiếp và bày tỏ

ngay rằng bạn đang rất cần sự giúp đỡ.

I can't manage. Can you help?: Câu này chứng tỏ bạn đang mắc phải

vấn đề nghiêm trọng và rất cần sự giúp đỡ. Bạn hay nghe câu này từ

ngƣời nào đó đang có quá nhiều vấn đề phải giải quyết cùng lúc.

Give me a hand with this, will you?/Lend me a hand with this, will

you?:Dạng khẩn cầu trực tiếp. “Lend me a hand” trang trọng hơn một

chút và là lối nói cũ so với “give me a hand”.

Could you spare a moment?: Thể hiện bạn biết sự bận rộn của ngƣời

kia và chỉ mong họ giúp bạn chút ít.

I need some help, please.: Câu hỏi trực tiếp và ngƣời hỏi không mong

chờ một tiếng nói “Không!”, dạng này thƣờng đƣợc dùng khi bạn là cấp

trên của ngƣời nghe.

Would you mind + V_ing: Cách hỏi lịch sự, khách sáo


- Trả lời:

Nếu bạn đồng ý giúp:

OK. (Đƣợc)

Sure. (Chắc chắn rồi.)

I'd be glad to. (Rất sẵn lòng.)

128 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Yes, of course. (Vâng, tất nhiên rồi.)

Nếu bạn muốn từ chối:

I'm sorry, but… (Tôi xin lỗi, nhƣng…)

I'd like to, but… (Tôi muốn, nhƣng…)

I'd really like to help you out, but….(Tôi rất muốn giúp anh, nhƣng…)

3. Weather

- Hỏi: What is the weather like today? (Thời tiết hôm nay thế nào?)

- Trả lời: It‟s + thời tiết (tính từ)

- Từ vựng:

129 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Listen and fill in the blank:

My Body

On the top of my (1).................., I have (2)...................

Below my hair is my (3).....................

I have two (4)..................

I have eyebrows and eyelashes.

Below my eyes, I have a (5)..................

My mouth is below my nose.

I have (6)..................

If I open my lips, you will see my (7)...................... and my tongue.

Below my mouth is my (8)....................

On the sides of my head, I have two (9).......................

My cheeks are on either side of my nose.

My (10)................... holds up my head.

My neck attaches my head to my (11)......................

On either side of my chest are my (12).......................

My (13)...................... hang down from my shoulders.

I have wrists on my arms.

My (14)..................... are attached to my wrists.

My (15)....................... are part of my hands.

I have ten fingers and ten fingernails.

My (16)......................... is at the back of me.

Further down, there is my (17).........................

If I wear a belt, I put it on my waist.

My hips are below my waist.

My (18)......................... come down from my hips.

My legs are made up of my (19)..............., my (20)..................... and my calves.

My knees can bend.

My ankles are below my legs.

My (21).......................... are attached to my ankles.

My (22)......................... are part of my feet.

I have ten toes and ten (23)....................

I am me from the (24)................... of my head to the (25).................... of my toes.

130 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Vowel: /ɑɪ/, /ᴐɪ/, /еɪ/

Consonant: /r/, /w/

Topic: Sports

- Vocab: Names of some sports, some words in a sport game.

- Introduce your favourite sport.

- Advantages and disadvantages of playing sport.

Topic: Books, Music and Films.


1. Vowel: /ɑɪ/, /ᴐɪ/, /еɪ/

- /ɑɪ/

die /daɪ/ surprise /sərˈpraɪz/ Silent /ˈsaɪlənt/

like /laɪk/ childhood /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ Aisle /aɪl/

- /ᴐɪ/

Voice /vɔɪs/ Choice /tʃɔɪs/ Enjoy /ɪn'dʒɔɪ/

Appointment /ə'pɔɪntmənt/ Poison /'pɔɪsn/ Employee /ɪm'plɔɪiː/

- /еɪ/

H /eɪtʃ/ Later /ˈleɪtər/ Straight /streɪt/

Plane/pleɪn/ Exchange/ ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ Amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/

2. Consonant: /r/, /w/

- /r/

“R” beginning “R” middle “R” ending

Read /riːd/ Grass /ɡræs/ Admire /ədˈmaɪər/

Red /red/ Bright /braɪt/ Later / ˈleɪtər/

Rock /rɒk/ French /frentʃ/ Actor / ˈæktər/

Right /raɪt/ Crowd /kraʊd/ Harbour /ˈhɑːrbər/

Rat /ræt/ Travel /ˈtrævəl/ Nature / ˈneitʃər/

Roof /rʊf/ Drive /draiv/ Composer /kəmˈpəʊzər/

- /w/

Week /wiːk/ Wood /wʊd/ Wonderful /ˈwʌndərfl/

Warm /wɔːrm/ Weather /ˈweðər/ Language /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/

131 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Question /ˈkwestʃən/ Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ Queen /kwiːn/

Twenty 'twenti Twins /twɪnz/ Twelve /twelv/

Sweet /swiːt/ Sway /swei/ Swim / ˈswɪm/


1. Sport

- Vocabulary: Names of some sports

Word Meaning

Arena a level area for holding sports events, surrounded by seats for


Amateur engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment;


Athlete a person who trains for and competes in a sport

Athletics 'track and field' events of running, jumping, throwing, etc.

132 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Award to give someone something as a reward for high achievement

Beat to defeat someone in a game or a competition

Captain the leader of a team

Catch to grab and hold something that has been thrown

Champion a top-rated, highly successful player

cheer on to shout encouragement to a team or a player

Coach a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team

Compete to take part in a contest or a competition

Competition an organized event in which people compete to win

Competitor a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest

Contest a game or event in which people compete to win

Court a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as

tennis or basketball

Course an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports

Cup a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest

Defeat to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat

Defend to protect one's goal rather than attempt to score against one's


Draw to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie

Event a particular contest in a sporting programme

Fan a person who supports a particular sport, team or player

Field a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g. hockey field

final score the score at the end of a game

Fitness the condition of being physically fit and healthy

Goal an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a

target such as between goal-posts, through a hoop, or into a net.

133 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

gym /


a room or building equipped for physical exercise

half-time the interval between the first and second halves of a game

Judge a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance,

usually by awarding points

League a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a


Leisure free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment

Lob a shot that is hit in a high arc, usually over the opponent's head

Manager the person in charge of a sports team

Medal a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or

an honor

Object the thing you want to get or achieve; what you aim to do

Offside In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby,

hockey, etc.)

Opponent the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival

Pass to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team

Penalty a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the

rules of a sport

Perform to carry out a practised activity, such a play a sport

Performance an instance of competing in a sports event in public

Physique the form or shape of a person's body

pitch (1) a playing field (British)

pitch (2) a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball

Player a person who plays a sport


(U.S. spelling;


to repeatedly do something in order to develop one's skill

134 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Professional a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport

Record the best performance that has been officially measured and


Referee a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest

Rules the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is


Score the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game

Serve to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash,

volleyball, etc.)

Shoot to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in

soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)

Skill the ability to do something well

Spectator a person who watches an event

Sportsmanship an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness

in winning or losing

Stadium a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators

Strategy a plan to achieve an objective

Tackle to challenge an opponent who has the ball

Tactics an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective

Talent a natural aptitude or skill

Teammate a fellow member of a sports team

Teamwork the combined action of a group of people

Tie a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a


Tournament a series of contests between a number of competitors, who

compete for an overall prize

Trainer a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness

135 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Train to teach a skill over time through instruction; to practise a skill

Trophy a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a


Umpire a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest

Victory the act of winning a game or contest

Whistle a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

- Task:Do you love sports or not? Talk about (dis)advantages of sports.

Introduce your favourite sport (if you have )

2. Books, music and film

- Books: Which kind is that book?

1. Science fiction

2. Satire

3. Drama

4. Romance

5. Horror

6. Travel

7. Fary tale

8. Science

9. History

10. Poetry

11. Encyclopedia

12. Dictionary

13. Comic

14. Novel

15. Diary

16. Journal

17. Biography

18. Autobiography

19. Fiction

20. Non – fiction

a. Alex Ferguson

b. Britamica

c. Dai Viet Su Ky Toan Thu

d. Gone with the wind

e. Harry Potter

f. Kieu‟s Story

g. Mai mai tuoi 20

h. On origin of species

i. Oxford‟s advanced learners

j. Rich dad, poor dad

k. Road trip USA

l. Romeo and Juliet

m. Sleeping Beauty

n. Spider man

o. Steve Jobs

p. The Davinci Code

q. The Haunting of Hill House

r. The Wall Street

s. Turtle and Rabbit

t. War and peace

- Film:

136 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

Exercise: Describing a film

Example:In the following text, Simon and Rebecca are talking about and

giving their opinions about the film 'Saving Private Ryan'.

From the context, try to guess what the meaning of the words/phrases

in bold are. Then do the quiz at the end to check if you are right.

- Rebecca: 'One of my favourite films is Saving Private Ryan. I know

it's a war film, but I love it.'

- Simon: 'It's a classic. It's got a brilliant cast, there are so many

excellent actors in it like Matt Damon, Vin Diesel etc... And of course, there is Tom

Hanks as the main character Captain Miller. It's one of his best films.'

- Rebecca: 'Plus there are some very good cameo roles. The famous

actor Ted Dansen is in the film for about 3 minutes. It's a shame that he wasn't in

the film for longer. Also, do you know that although the film is set in France during

the D-Day invasion, it was actually filmed in the south of England?'

137 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Simon: 'Yeah, I read it somewhere. I think it was one of the best

films directed by Steven Spielberg. I love the opening scene when they are landing

on the beach on D-Day. That scene has some of the best twenty minutes of action in

the whole history of cinema for me. The special effects are excellent, with the

explosions and the people being blown up. It looks so real.'

- Rebecca: 'It's an excellent scene, I always remember the stunt of the

men on fire. But for me, I like the scene when the men are walking in the

countryside and talking about why they have to save Private Ryan. The dialogue is

excellent, I can imagine that I would say that if I were in a similar situation.'

- Simon: 'The film has an excellent plot. How they have to go and save

a soldier whose 3 brothers have all died fighting and how they have to go behind

enemy lines to do it.'

- Rebecca: 'I think it's a real story, although they probably changed

some things. To be honest, I can't remember the film's score. Can you remember

the music in the film?'

- Simon: 'Not really. I think there was some music with trumpets at the

beginning in the graveyard. But apart from that, I only remember the Edith Piaf

song at the end. But that's not part of the score. Did I tell you that when the

film came out in 1998, I was living in Madrid? So, the first time I saw it, it

was dubbed into Spanish. I didn't speak much Spanish then, so I didn't understand

a lot. It's a shame that it didn't have subtitles, so I could have read the dialogue.'

- Rebecca: 'Dubbed films are strange. The voices are always very

different to the original voices of the actors. Oh, by the way, have you seen the TV

series Band of Brothers?'

- Simon: 'No I haven't.'

- Rebecca: 'Well, it's very similar to Saving Private Ryan. It's set

during the second world war and it follows a group of American soldiers. It stars a

lot of unknown young actors as the soldiers.'

- Simon: 'I'll have to watch the series.'

138 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Music: Kinds of music

Blues nhạc blue

Classical nhạc cổ điển

Country nhạc đồng quê

Dance nhạc nhảy

Electronic nhạc điện tử

Folk nhạc dân ca

hip hop nhạc hip hop

Jazz nhạc jazz

Latin nhạc Latin

Opera nhạc opera

Pop nhạc pop

Rap nhạc rap

Rock nhạc rock

Singer Ca sĩ

Love song Tình ca

Rhythm Giai điệu

Lyrics Lời bài hát

Band Ban nhạc

Plot Cốt truyện

Task:Talk about a book, or a song or a film in 10-15 sentences.

139 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r



Created in (1)............. with seven member nations, FIFA (Federation Internationale

de Football Associations) is the international governing body of (2)...................... Soccer

is the most widely watched and played game in the (3).......................... FIFA organizes

the World Cup, which takes place every four years.

In many ways, the development of FIFA follows the organization of the

(4).................. of football/soccer itself. At the start of the (5).......................... century it

was primitive in its organization and loosely structured. However, by the end of the

century, FIFA had affiliations in all six continents, with over (6)............................

member countries. Alongside the International (7)...................... Committee, FIFA is the

largest sports organization in the world. At the time of FIFA's creation, soccer had gained

a following in several countries, in large part due to British settlements. It was not until

(8)....................... that the sports of soccer and rugby were formally separated in England.

While both sports were important in British culture in the nineteenth century, it was

soccer that took off around the world at a much more

accelerated rate. As the twentieth century progressed, countries like Holland,

(9)......................., Spain, Brazil, and many others became as good as, and in many cases

better at the game than, the founding (10)....................

The World Cup began in 1930 in Uruguay. By then, FIFA had attained enough

power and the game was so widespread that a world (11)................................... was

justified. By the time the 1998 World Cup was staged in (12)..........................., 112

countries competed. Despite the sport originating in England, that country did not win a

World Cup until (13)........................... One notable exception to the soccer fanaticism that

is seen in many countries around the world is the U.S.A. There has always been a

problem developing soccer in the country that dominates so many other (14)......................

and (15)....................... sports. One of the main reasons for this is the country is inundated

with its professional sports system. For one reasons or another, the U.S.A. has opted for

sports traditionally played in relatively few countries: American-style football,

(16)..........................., and what many consider to be the quintessential American sport,

baseball. There is also the problem soccer presents for American television networks.

Successful sports in the U.S.A. have usually been ones appropriate for

commercial television. Soccer, with its two 45-minute (17)................ and long,

uninterrupted play, is less than ideal for commercials and advertising-based American

television. The (18)............... recent evolution in soccer has been in the (19)....................'s

game. The 1999 Women's World Cup held in the U.S.A. was an unqualified success.

Indeed, FIFA's president proclaimed that "the future of football is (20)......................."

140 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Consonant: /l/, /j/, /ŋ/, /h/



Topic: Family

- Vocab: words about relatives.

- Talk about how important your family is.

Topic: Thanking and Apologizing.

Topic: How to comment about something and reply comments.


1. Consonant: /l/ , /j/ , /ŋ/, /h/

- /l/:

Light /laɪt/ Eleven /ɪˈlevn/ Collect /kəˈlekt/

Tell /tel/ Help /help/ Already /ɔːlˈredi/

- /h/:

Hand /hænd/ Husband /ˈhʌzbənd/ Perhaps /pərˈhæps/

Hill /hɪl/ Happy /'hæpi/ Ahead /əˈhed/

Chú ý: hiện tượng nuốt âm “h” ở đầu từ

- /ŋ/:

English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ Bank /bæŋk/ Hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/

Thank /θæŋk/ Ring /rɪŋ/ Typing /'taɪpɪŋ/

- /j/:

Young /jʌŋ/ Yes /jes/ Usual /ˈjuːʒuəl/

Student /ˈstjuːdnt/ Interview /ˈɪntərvjuː/ Queue /kjuː/

2. Reduction

Từ gốc Rút gọn

Want to Wanna

Be going to Gonna

Got to = have to Gotta /gɒdə/

Have to /haftə/

Has to /hastə/

141 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

You are Your

They are Their

Because /kəz/

And /n/

For /fə/

Kind of Kinda

Example: My father and I have to go out for lunch because my mother

and my sister got to go on business.

3. Stress

a. Nguyên tắc 1: Âm “ə” không bao giờ nhận trọng âm.

b. Nguyên tắc 2: Các tiền tố không bao giờ nhận trọng âm (a, in, im, il, dis,

be, re, pre, pro, post, sur, ex)

c. Nguyên tắc 3: Những từ có 2 âm tiết nếu không thuộc 2 nhóm trên thì

thƣờng nhấn âm 1.

Chú ý: Những từ có 2 âm tiết vừa là danh từ/tính từ, vừa là động từ

thì danh từ/tính từ nhấn âm 1, động từ nhấn âm 2. Khi thay đổi trong

âm, cách đọc cũng thay đổi.

d. Nguyên tắc 4: Những hậu tố luôn nhận trọng âm (ade, oon, aire, ee, ese,

eer, oo)

e. Nguyên tắc 5: Những hậu tố quy định nhấn âm 2 từ dƣới lên (ial, ian, ic,

ics – trừ „politics, ion – trừ „television, ental, sure)

f. Nguyên tắc 6: Những hậu tố quy định nhấn âm 3 từ dƣới lên (acy, ate,

ity, ety, ence, ent, entary, ical, inal, ishment, ison, ogy, omy, ous, ude,

try, ural, ular)

g. Nguyên tắc 7: Những từ có 3 âm tiết trở lên, nếu không áp dụng đƣợc

các nguyên tắc trên, thì thƣờng nhấn âm 3 từ dƣới lên.


1. Family

How many people are there in your family?

How much do you love your family?

How important is your family to you?

142 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

2. Thanking and apologizing

a. Thanking

- Thanking:

Thank you./ Thanks./ Thank you very much./ Thanks so much.

Thanks a heap./ Thanks heaps./ Thanks a bunch.

Many Thanks./ Loads of thanks

Sincerest Thanks./ Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I can't thank you enough.

Thank you for + V_ing/N.

That‟s very kind of you + to V

Thank you just the same: dù sao cũng cảm ơn bạn.

I owe you one: tôi chịu ơn bạn.

I shall remember your kindness: tôi sẽ ghi nhớ lòng tốt của bạn.

You‟ll never know how thankful I am: bạn không biết tôi mang ơn

bạn như thế nào đâu.

143 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

- Response:

You‟re welcome.

Not at all.

Don‟t mention it.

That‟s my pleasure./ My pleasure.

I‟m glad you like it. (trả lời khi người khác cảm ơn mình đã tặng quà)

b. Apologizing

- Apologizing:

Sorry/Excuse me/Pardon me.

I am sorry for + V_ing.

I am so sorry about st.

I want to apologize (to you) for + V_ing.

It‟s my fault + to V.

- Response: (chấp nhận lời xin lỗi)

That‟s OK./ That‟s allright.

Never mind.

I‟m not really bothered.

It‟s not your fault.

Don‟t worrry.


- Compliments:

You look great/beautiful/... in ....! (You look great in that shirt!)

What (a/an) + adj + N + you have! (What a elegant suit you have!)

How + adj + N + is/are! (How faint your complexion is!)


Chú ý:Khi dùng “pretty + adj”, nếu nhấn mạnh vào pretty thì có ý chê bai,

nếu nhấn mạnh vào adj thì có ý khen

- Response:

Thank you for your compliment.

It is nice compliment.

You must be joking/kidding.

You have got to be joking/kidding.

That‟s very nice/kind/sweet of you to say so.

I have been looking for it for ages/a long time.

144 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Listen and fill in the blank:

My (1)....................................... are coming to visit us from Calgary, Alberta.

My father is very happy because they are his parents, and he is glad that he will see


We don't see them very (3)............................. because Calgary is a long way from


My grandparents have two sons: my father and my Uncle Bill.

Uncle Bill is married to my (4)...................... Susan.

They have a daughter who is my (5).........................

My cousin is a lot older than I, so we do not have a lot in common.

They also have a son who is the same (6).................. as me.

He is my favorite cousin because we both like the same television shows and the



I have two brothers and one sister.

My brothers are (7).................. younger than I.

They are (8)........................., so they have the same birthday.

My sister is one year older than I.

People say that my sister and I look alike.

We both have blonde hair and blue eyes.

My mother's parents live near (9)........................

They are the grandmother and grandfather who visit us often.

My mother does not have any brothers or sisters.

She is an (10)....................... child.

I like it when all my family is together.

I don't have a lot of cousins like some people do, but I have fun with my


My uncle will often take my cousin and me to the movies.

I like to take my grandparents for (12)....................... so that they can see my

school, and they can meet my friends.

My parents (13)........................ to my brothers, my sister and I a lot.

We are a very close-knit family.

People who have close families are very lucky.

145 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


Chọn từ có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết khác các từ còn lại

1. a. recently b. conduct c. attitude d.


2. a. banquet b. schedule c. diameter d.


3. a. birthday b. cowboy c. enjoy d.


4. a. disease b. humour c. cancer d.


5. a. persuade b. reduce c. offer d.


6 . a. farmer b. farewell c. factory d.


7. a. cattle b. country c. canal d. cover

8. a. money b. machine c. many d.


9. a. borrow b. agree c. await d.


10. a. paper b. tonight c. lecture d.


11. a. money b. army c. afraid d.


12. a. enjoy b. daughter c. provide d.


13. a. begine b. pastime c. finish d.


14. a. reply b. appeal c. offer d. support

15. a. profit b. comfort c. apply d.


16. a. direct b. idea c. suppose d. figure

17. a. revise b. amount c. contain d.


18. a. standard b. happen c. handsome

d. destroy

19. a. about b. around c. between d.


20. a. knowledge b. enjoy c. science d.


21. a. because b. method c. standard d.


22. a. ashtray b. music c. severe d.


23. a. farewell b. thoughtful c. toward

d. approach

24. a. bridegroom b. bamboo c.

wedding d. survey

25. a. healthy b. remain c. alone d.


26. a. explain b. obtain c. promise d.


27. a. confide b. agree c. maintain d.


28. a. precede b. suppose c. decide d.


29. a. abroad b. noisy c. hundred d.


30. a. passion b. aspect c. medium d.


31. a. exist b. evolve c. enjoy d. enter

146 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

32. a. doctor b. modern c. corner d.


33. a. complain b. machine c. music d.


34. a. writer b. baker c. builder d.


35. a. provide b. adopt c. happen d.


36. a. result b. region c. river d. robot

37. a. constant b. basic c. irate d.


38. a.become b. carry c. appoint d.


39. a. engine b. battle c. career d.


40. a. attract b. destroy c. level d. occur

41. a. spaceship b. planet c. solar d.


42. a. brilliant b. daily c. extreme d.


43. a. appoint b. gather c. threaten d.


44. a. button b. canal c. failure d.


45. a. disease b. humour c. cancer d.


46. a. persuade b. reduce c. offer d.


47. a. farmer b. farewell c. factory d.


48. a. cattle b. country c. canal d. cover

49. a. money b. machine c. many d.


50 a. borrow b. agree c. await d.


51. a. paper b. police c. people d.


52. a. damage b. destroy c. demand d.


53. a. ancient b. attack c. alive d.


54. a. person b. purpose c. possess d.


55. a. ruler b. river c. retire d. rapid

56. a. sentence b. suggest c. species d.


57. a. attack b. defeat c. beieve d.


58. a. release b. pleasure c. leaver d


59. A. study B. reply C. apply D. Rely

60. A. deficiency B. deficit C.

reference D. Deference

61. A. employee B. referee C.

committee D.refugee

62. A. tenant B.common C. rubbish


63. A. company B. atmosphere

C.customer D. Employment

64. A. animal B. bacteria C. habitat


65. A. neighbour B.establish C.

community D. Encourage

147 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r

66. A. investment B. television C.

provision D. Document

67. A.writer B.teacher C.builder D.


68. A. decision B. deceive C. decisive

D. Decimal

69. A. exchange B. purpose C. casual

D. Fashion

70. A. efficiency B. environment C.

communicate D. reputation

71. A. adorable B. ability C.

impossible D. Entertainment

72. A. engineer B. corporate C.

difficult D. Different

73. A. popular B. position C. horrible

D. Positive

74. A. selfish B. correct C. purpose D.


75. A. permission B. computer C.

million D. Perfection

76. A. scholarship B. negative C.

develop D. Purposeful

77. A. ability B. acceptable C.

education D. Hilarious

78. A. document B. comedian C.

perspective D. Location

79. A. provide B. product C. promote

D. Profess

80. A. different B. regular C. achieving

D. property

148 | P A L E n g l i s h c e n t e r


1. “ Thank you for taking the time to come here in person.” “ _______________”

A. It‟s my pleasure. B. I don‟t know what time that person comes.

C. I‟d love to come. What time? D. Do you have time for some gossip?

2. “ I have a terrible headache.” “ ___________”

A. Maybe I‟m not going to the doctor‟s. B. Not very well. Thanks.

C. Maybe you should take a rest. D. Not bad. I‟m not going to the doctor‟s.

3. “ Do you want me to help you with those suitcases?” “_________”

A. Of course, not for me. B. No, I can‟t help you now.

C. No, those aren‟t mine. D. No, I can manage them myself.

4. “What does it cost to get to Manchester?” “__________”

A. It‟s interesting to travel to Manchester. B. It depends on how to go.

C. I always go by train. D. I don‟t like to go by train.

5. “ __________” “ Yes. Do you have any shirts?”

A. Could you do me a favour? B. Oh, dear. What a nice shirt!

C. May I help you? D. White, please!

6. “What‟s the best place to eat lunch?” “__________”

A. I‟ll have a soup, please. B. There‟s a great restaurant at the corner of the street.

C. I usually eat lunch at twelve. D. Twelve would be convenient.

7. “Maybe you can take a vacation next month.” “ __________”

A. Nothing special B. You‟re welcome.

C. It‟s very expensive. D. I don‟t think so. I‟m teaching all summer.

8. “What do you think of your new DVD player? ” “ ___________”

A. I love it. B. My brother gave it to me.

C. It was a gift from my brother. D. I always put it there.

9. “ How have you been recently? ” “___________”

A. It‟s too late now. B. Pretty busy, I think.

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C. By bus, I think. D. No, I‟ll not be busy.

10. “Do you need a knife and a fork?” “__________”

A. No, I‟ll just use a frying pan. B. No, I‟ll just use chopsticks.

C. No, I‟ll just use a can opener. D. No, I‟ll use a cooker.

11. “You are so patient with us.” “_________”

A. Thanks, that‟s nice of you to say so. B. Thanks. Have a nice trip.

C. I‟m fine, thanks. D. I know. I have trouble controlling my temper.

12. “Can I try your new camera?” “_________”

A. I‟m sorry I can‟t. Let‟s go now. B. Sure. I‟d love to.

C. Sure. But please be careful with it. D. I‟m sorry. I‟m home late.

13. “________” “Yes, about ten cigarettes a day.”

A. Do you smoke? B. What‟s the matter?

C. Anything else? D. Well, you should stop smoking.

14. “How well do you play?” “__________”

A. Yes, I used to play tennis. B. I don‟t play very often.

C. No, I don‟t play very well. D. Pretty well, I think.

15. “___________” “ No, nothing special.”

A. Did you watch the live show last weekend? B. Did you do anything special last


C. Did you have a great time last weekend? D. Did you go anywhere last


16. “Didn‟t you go to the conference?” “ ___________”

A. No, I went there with my friends. B. That sounds nice, but I can‟t.

C. Don‟t worry. I‟ll go there. D. I did, but I didn‟t stay long.

17. “________” “ No, thank you. That‟ll be all.”

A. What would you like? B. It‟s very kind of you to help me.

C. Would you like anything else? D. What kind of food do you like?

18. “What was the last present that you received? ” “___________”

A. A fashion hat B. It depends on the situation.

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C. Several times. D. I think it‟s OK.

19. “Let me drive you home.” “ ___________”

A. No problem. B. Don‟t worry. I‟m all right.

C. I usually drive home at five. D. It‟s me.

20. “May I leave a message for Ms Davis?” “ ____________”

A. I‟m afraid she‟s not here at the moment. B. No, she‟s not here now.

C. She‟s leaving a message to you now. D. Yes, I‟ll make sure she gets it.

21. “Your boss looks like the aggressive type.” “__________”

A. Yes, he really wants to get ahead. B. Yes, he‟s quite gentle.

C. Really? I‟ve never seen him lie. D. Right. He „s so quiet.

22. “How can this dress be so expensive? ” “___________”

A. Yes, it‟s the most expensive. B. What an expensive dress!

C. You are paying for the brand. D. That‟s a good idea.

23. “I get impatient when the teacher doesn‟t tell us the answer.” “__________”

A. Yes, it‟s hard to think of the answers. B. Yes, I wish she‟d hurry up.

C. Yes, she would know the answers. D. Yes, she speaks too quickly.

24. “Did you play tennis last weekend?” “____________”

A. It‟s my favourite sport. B. I worked.

C. Do you like it? D. Would you like to come with me?

25. “May I speak to the manager? ” “ _____________”

A. He always comes late. He is not very well. B. Thank you. Good bye.

C. I‟m afraid he is not in. Can I take a message? D. I‟m afraid not. He works very hard.

26. “Where‟s the view? The advertisement said that this place has a great view of the

sea.” “________”

A. It has good facilities. B. It‟s convenient to see it.

C. You can find it very convenient. D. You can see it from the back.

27. “Why did you turn the air conditioner on? ” “____________”

A. I think it is bad condition. B. I can‟t see anything.

It‟s a little hot in here. D. It‟s a good idea.

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28. “There is a baseball game tonight.” “__________”

A. Great. Let‟s go. B. I‟m not a real fan of hers.

C. Don‟t mention it. D. Thanks. I‟d love to.

29. “___________” “ Yes, I do. I like them a lot.”

A. What do you think of tennis? B. Do you like sports?

C. Do you prefer tennis or badminton? D. How often you play tennis?

30. “____________” “ No, I‟m not. I feel awful.”

A. How are you? B. Are you feeling OK?

C. Is there anything wrong? D. What‟s the matter?

31. “Where will you go on vacation?” “___________”

A. Probably to the beach. B. The beach is nice, isn‟t it?

C. Probably I won‟t think of. D. I have a four-day vacation.

32. “_________” “ I think the vase is broken.”

A. Can I help you? B. Why is it so expensive?

C. What is it? D. What‟s wrong with it?

33. “What do you do for a living?” “___________”

A. I get a high salary, you know. B. I want to be a doctor, I guess.

C. I work in a bank. D. It‟s hard work, you know.

34. “I wonder if you could do something for me?” “__________”

A. It depends on what it is. B. What‟s it like?

C. No, thanks. D. I‟m afraid I won‟t come.

35. “Haven‟t you put an advertisement in the paper yet?” “__________”

A. I‟m not sure. Really? B. I will, the first thing in the afternoon.

C. I‟m with you there. D. I can get a paper for you right now.

36. “Have you noticed that the manager wears something green every day? ”


A. I know. He is a good manager. B. Sure. He will do that.

C. I know. He must like green. D. He‟d rather do that.

37. “_____________” “ No, I don‟t play the piano.”

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A. What kind of music do you like? B. Do you play the piano?

C. Do you earn a lot by playing the piano? D. What kind of music do you like?

38. “Excuse me. I‟m your new neighbour. I just moved in.” “_______________”

A. Sorry, I don‟t know. B. Oh, I don‟t think so.

C. I‟m afraid not. D. Where to, sir?

39. “How about an evening riverboat tour? ” “______________”

A. No, it‟s good to do so.

B. Actually I‟ve never gone on an evening riverboat tour.

C. No, I‟ve never gone on an evening riverboat tour.

D. Actually I‟ve gone twice this week.

40. “Can you come over after the show? ” “____________”

A. That would be nice. B. No, I didn‟t.

C. Please, go ahead. D. Why don‟t we go to the show?

41. “I think the pants are alittle big.” “ ____________”

A. Are they big enough? B. You should get a bigger pair.

C. Yes, maybe a little. D. Yes, they are not big at all.

42. “__________” “ Yes, it‟s OK. But could you clean your room first? ”

A. Would you like to go to Helen‟s party this weekend?

B. Can I go to Helen‟s party this weekend?

C. What time does Helen‟s party begin this weekend?

D. I don‟t like the noise at parties.

43. “How late will the bank be open?” “___________”

A. Its services are very good indeed. B. It is two blocks away.

C. It is not very far. D. It will be open until 6 pm.

44. “Will the maths teacher give us a test this week? ” “______________”

A. I doubt whether it‟s easy. B. Yes, the test was difficult.

C. I don‟t think he will come. D. No, he probably won‟t.

45. “What does this thing do?” “__________”

A. I think it‟s a waste of money. B. It sure does.

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C. It peels potatoes. D. I can use it well.

46. “____________” “ Yes, I have a date.”

A. Do you have any plans tonight? B. Can I have an appointment with Dr. Adams?

C. What‟s the time, please? D. Are you free tonight?

47. “May I take my break now?” “_____________”

A. No, you didn‟t break it. B. I think I need five minutes.

C. I‟ll be back in five minutes. D. Yes, of course.

48. “Do you support the proposal to build a new airport?” “____________”

A. No, not really. B. No, I like it.

C. No, I don‟t think you are right. D. Yes, I‟m against it.

49. “Your job is pretty routine, then?” “________________”

A. Yes, sometimes it‟s a little boring. B. Yes, it‟s really exciting.

C. Yes, I love exciting work. D. Yes, It‟s different every day.

50. “____________” “Oh, but it‟s boring”.

A. Don‟t you like the news? B. Would you prefer news to films?

C. I think you should watch the news. D. You often watch the news, don‟t you?

51. “I think the new resort will ruin the environment.” “__________________”

A. I‟m afraid so. B. Don‟t you think so?

C. I agree. It sounds nice. D. Let‟s go there.

52. “_____________” “OK. Where shall we go?”

A. Shall we go the jazz concert? B. Have you done the shopping?

C. Oh, reading books and going shopping. D. I want to go shopping.

53. “Would you mind sending those flowers to Mr. Brown? ” “______________”

A. Sure, I‟ll do it now. B. I would if I were you.

C. He wouldn‟t mind. D. No, I can handle it myself.

54. “I‟ve got two tickets for the show.” “_________________”

A. Oh, anything else? B. Thanks. I can afford the tickets.

C. That‟s great. When is it? D. Oh, let‟s go and get the tickets.

55. “Go two blocks and then you are there.” “________________”

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A. Excuse me. How can I get there? B. Ok, thanks.

C. No, thanks. D. I‟m sorry I don‟t know.

56. “Would you like to order now? ” “ _______________”

A. Yes, I like beef steak. B. Yes, I‟d like beef steak.

C. It‟s excellent. D. Yes, a table for five.

57. “___________” “ Oh, really? Why?”

A. What do I do next? B. When do you have class again?

C. You have a doctor‟s appointment at ten. D. Our tomorrow‟s class has been canceled.

58. “Hi, I‟d like some information about driving lessons.” “______________”

A. I‟m afraid I can‟t drive. B. Sure, could I have your name and address?

C. From 9 am to 5 pm. D. Sure, please do.

59. “I think golf is really great.” “_________________”

A. Do you? I think it‟s boring. B. Don‟t you believe so?

C. Neither do I. D. Almost every day.

60. “That was a boring book.” “_______________”

A. No, it‟s very boring. B. Yes, it was exciting.

C. It certainly was. D. I think it will be good.

61. “Guess what! I‟ve just been invited to the manager‟s house for dinner.”


A. What‟s that? B. Oh, how nice. C. Well done. D. Really? I don‟t think so.

62. “So are things at school, Tom?” “______________”

A. Well, I can‟t agree with you. B. I was not good at it.

C. Oh, pretty good, actually. D. It‟s my pleasure.

63. “Do you fancy going to a movie this evening?” “_______________”

A. I‟m sorry. I don‟t know that. B. Not at all. Go ahead.

C. Not so bad. And you? D. That would be nice.

64. “We‟ve been there before.” “______________”

A. Oh, have we? B. How nice! C. How lovely! D. No, we didn‟t.

65. “Could I speak to Ann?” “____________”

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A. This is Daisy speaking. B. Can I take a message?

C. Just a moment. I‟m coming. D. I‟m sorry. Ann‟s not in.

66. “Well, it‟s been nice talking to you.” “______________”

A. Yes, nice to have met you too. B. Oh, yes. I‟m afraid so.

C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Have you been here long?

67. “Did you hear about the robbery the other day?” “________________”

A. Yes, It was great. B. No, what happened?

C. Oh, no. D. Oh, sure. Thanks.

68. “I don‟t think we should exercise late at night.” “_____________”

A. Neither do I. B. So do I. C. I think so,too. D. I don‟t, niether.

69. “Sorry, the manager is not here.” “_______________”

A. Can I take a message then? B. Can I speak to the manager, please?

C. Can I leave a message then? D. Would you like to leave a message?

70. “It was very kind of you to help me out, Paul? ” “________________”

A. I‟m glad you like it. B. Thanks a million.

C. That was the least I could do. D. You can say that again.

71. “I hear The Golden Bride is a very good film.” “____________”

A. Yes, it‟s very exciting. B. No, I don‟t here that.

C. Yes, it‟s boring. D. No, I hear it, too.

72. “What would you like to do at the weekend?” “______________”

A. I like to do a lot. B. I can‟t stand it.

C. I‟d like to see a football match. D. I don‟t like the weekend.

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