hidden gems of andalucia

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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Hidden Gems of the South of Spain

Because there is more than Flamenco, beach and Paella

By @Jesus_MGarcia


One of the 17 autonomous communities of Spain Formed by 8 of the 50 provinces in Spain

8.5 million people – most populated region of Spain It’s 87,270 km² (Ireland island is 84,420 km²)

Sierra de Grazalema: rainiest point of the whole peninsula2,200 mm

Tabernas Desert:The only true Desert in Europe.Less than 250 mm

• Úbeda y Baeza

Tabernas and SorbasAlpujarra



•El Chorro

The hidden places

• Úbeda y Baeza

Úbeda y Baeza

Úbeda y Baeza

Location: Both cities from the province of Jaén

Added to the World Heritage Sites by the UNESCO

Best representation of the Spanish Renaissance

The province of Jaén is the producer of the best Olive Oil in the world

Natural monuments in the surrounding area: “La Cañada Real del Paso” or “la Dehesa del Moro”.


Úbeda y Baeza

UNESCO added both of them to the World Heritage Sites

Tabernas and Sorbas

Tabernas Desert and Sorbas

Location: Province of Almería

Only true Desert in Europe < 250 mm of rain a year

Setting for many Hollywood and Spaghetti Western films

Tabernas Desert

Mini-Hollywood• http://www.unique-almeria.com/mini-hollywood.html

Tabernas Desert

Sorbas Caves

One of the ONLY Three Gypsum Karst Caves in the world.

Very good English web about Almeria: http://www.unique-almeria.com

Website for tours in the province: http://www.james-cook.es

Web of Cuevas de Sorbas:http://www.cuevasdesorbas.com

Alpujarra Granadina

Alpujarra Granadina

Alpujarra Granadina




Location: Provinces of Granada

Route of the Alpujarra’s White Villages

Villages of Barranco de Poqueira (Poqueira’s Gorge)

Alpujarra Granadina

Hiking Eating Relaxing

Check this websites:http://hinlaalpujarra.blogspot.iehttp://www.alpujarras.eu/

Fuente Agria – A natural source of sparkling water

Ronda •


Location: Provinces of Malaga

About 100 km from the capital

A town built on a canyon


Three main bridges over the canyon:

• The New (Puente Nuevo)• The Old (Puente Viejo)• The Roman (Puente Romano)



“Balcon del coño”

El Tajo de Ronda

•El Chorro

El Chorro

El Chorro

Near Antequera. One of the best Rock Climbing Spots in Europe Caminito del Rey (King’s Little way) it’s considered one of most dangerous pathways in the world.


Watch this: http://youtu.be/y1Nd1qtk1Go

El Chorro

If you are not in adventurous mood – Guadalhorce artificial Lake

Final Notes

Best time to go to Andalucía: April – June (or Septmber –November)

City tourism: Seville, Córdoba, Cádiz, Granada… etc.

Other places worth visit:

• Sierra de Grazalema, and the white villages route• Antequera: The city, El Torcal and the Dolmens• Caves of Nerja• Parque Natural de Doñana• Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata• Sierra de Cazorla• and 1,000 more!!

Thank You!

For more info: http://www.andalucia.org/en/

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