h=*le***s? *#a=d *il*re ffi#*l*rc*#r- · 2017. 9. 10. · i:+eie=;+-,-6--*. *i**:...

Post on 28-Aug-2020






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=*r+t+d fuia'ft ?* ** e* +r:i<*r*ltg

=r** **dy Eaw" **t ?:+ Iiked the fa:::': lif+ *+ n*a:#e 7e

w,,aldnt go.** e= * q**+i *?*ke, *f 5** a??ffitry. V*ry pr**d *nd v*ry h+n++t. l-l* had r*+ *r+rc=a.e*?

f:*ffi €*at I **tt# *t:t ** Effi$ * *it *f * *rear*r i:': €l=*t ** sas *lways **irc* ts try***":*tl'ri*g di#=r*v:t ry: t*e 5*r$:- *# r:*r=r grct **ur:* i* it-

It* r*v+r *e*#**, * h#r*l*r *Et *f *is l*f* a*d li# *:=r* *l+r:* +* ?fts far:* *€*r 5:i=

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Eth€E i=t#= *s:* i:* a3'**g= 5==* *r: i#=* th*r* Efiras s ==*i** *r:* ir: i:i* lif=, but it t=*v*r ffir?=€t*

=rrgtr'ai*g- € F=e=*a=*ilE+ E#i*g r?:e*= Sfi *i*cft* ia: **igfut, ab*r*i 1S st*ne FE*s i* hi*

**=:e le =r*= +lw=y= eEE drp-*# txlte: l.e* e+**t #ts, +Ets *r**** t** fan*. wrking *r

{E** E€s*l,**::*a: A=a**iat'e*e #l***a Brs**h }{*:a.sEe*4 EEap 3**?1t-

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*xz'lffisE=t' =**e$ $=*r, si=*= #gi:t!"

*l.:€s*#Ey ==*3!r:g * *# &ar=ily

**'*e I r*r==*r***i *E=* €i;s':= ** g*t s:=*tE=.* ti#€G3=t *€Ei=*l* ?*EEi*g ia.:t* ?**

=kre =€+r: le+r=**" a *.pi* *f**$ r+** *rc*r:d €E=* fuas+.L*x= i*i*a*=E En fu+re** i*e*Ee*# *icri **r** i:= fui= E*t*r y*=f* *=*€*+r WEE h*:,a*s i*t*r*t*# Ea.: :v=*a=:*t===r b*:it*. ecgeF?is?* *E* g*i*g**sa* +r rei=€s *se* dr*sek te*ay Ei#*,L*= .*# i* h.i*g *=*s ry*= *=*r f*r?= -+ *re+

=t =EE= * r*=Eis +f s:i.=i**

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E€E*q *iffi =r+a.cg=*

##Effi *ree.se=*-E5€:= *yAr4 i= Era:q S==: E*&E="-EABd+ *EEE *#*L*:aa+ +c?d tEi+rcE*e* *s* ir= {rywr* g#H-r*.*#r #rycr:ea w** €:+ Fz#p +f**r+ *r#{+ HE#< #cffi ag}* *r:*s-cEi*r *f b=;*Er=g w::p*rcE*,?:=* ?=r*p+t# #r*=*t €€* b=iisd?cay #ere t* *r##=.."""f****-TEe g# E.E*iEtf

=rs=* *ay i=

kEeeg**=&E*.=?#i**r#t*rsc*t*!=, c€:scr 9!#r **€*r:n*r:ffiEt e* s#ffiE *#Fr

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ll+ *#J &gn*= i+ S-* *l+.gtut-e*i#{#* ac=r*E *r*s re in a-**s:G* ##- E** l=rE*s#F is##€#

=r:# M fry## ts E?aF#

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=f&1ffi g# 3f * gm# tue=-- * E

tl*.€ftt l"d Hp G*", REE"#*c?rr*n


#ae Fr€e*€"ee**::,&c.mi***e *te€*l: F€*r+*l*tt*r, E€ay ?**?

. A** le* *l***= q?*re a i:at, wtri*?: E* *r:*=rs****t #ir*at*.

E#s a *it r+reg!=. #+*t ttcir:g* t:a *eS** f*r +*ii*ger**e tiry:* ?r* **e?i* *u*rt* r*y pl***

=*d a*k#*r:d ** =*i*,

"H*ll, s*#s *ver =t

my plae*, *:ts. H**r: I es=r:t t* rc15**t fu*rff":*r*

=l** ar==

foi* kit*l:*r= t**l*, l_*x rs*= a* * r**+,tss:*d *r=irc.e+S

=lt*t =*rr** *f l=i= +id h*rses. He *r=ld*,t kr*f **n:***+ xS:* rxigl:t ill ir**t tfu*m. ll* t**#

*# &r:** +red ?':* wa=*? + bad ri*++ but :"r:.==€Fg

*r?rc =*t**='= **ing tri* lEr:cit.

t* s**rr**=:€ *::. #* rc-lS eit **t+.i: *r** a=.it+ *:=*i':= g*t *#ra*,

*f Ls- ts*= set+r S*r*:aga# a= it g*i *€ E+

kir *it in tlte **a:dtampt+n J*ckey *l** t*+i =*e*, fue.:t ** **s*t **t *cT tl.c* r**=**c=*=, Eli* sr{rr

>xE=g'- t* ?t-:* *st*r:€ *f p*#i#pati*g t:ir***lf i= *re5*e di$*t ktF=*rl+!tl*. ll= raever ait*a.:*# r*+vi*.

OA?.'ALEs$ats have been cultivated

for an estir*ated 45Cg yeersthroughout the worlci. Able tothrive in poor scil condiiions,iike most cereal grains, theyare extremely versaiile. Ar:

age-oid staple sf th€ humarldiet, cats are alsc used as

fadeier for animals. Cat stra-wis often used as a*imai bed-Cing, and cat €xtra.t .arr b€found in many skin crearns.

Cats (an aiso be csed fcr. brevring beeri Beiore thediscovery cf the grain's majorhealth benefits, there r,vere

differing attituder towardsthe ccnsumption of oats. The

English had a saying: "Oatsare only fit to be fed to horses

and Scoismen't But thescoitish vrere quick ic corne

to the humble grain's defenceby elaiming that tha::ks iathe ccnsumption of cats:

"Englanci has fine horses, butScotlanci has the finest men'l

Ft€*?* #&LL==Y

Fa.rniI r?h.]o : L *--R: M.edi rrrlo.Js . Kaqt"jSh Ellre, Che.iS Woad3,R;;*^' Eitis (O""),R*3*g

^"r Helera'E(tfs. Fio-.q a,.d Aoleion

Bd; A; ; ; ; il : -_ffi il; ;* " th;t; "#;"rn:'53 a c he * d 5,P aga-boy - Etl

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gf, XFff#*u--&'=E=-

TOURISM Austral!a hasbeen roundly criticisedas rnuch for its choice of the model to attracl cver-seas visiiors. as its slooan, "So rnrhere the bloodyheil are you"l Both taiieci io ir-npress and ihe touristni-lir cers,risa p;-rqinigci.

So ii l<as uiieriy uniersiandaDle ihai iis ;i-i-ls-

ilairrns v,,,or-;id spiii crrer when questicns fi'cnrpoieniiai visitors about CZ becare sc ouilaniiish ihat-Tourisrn Austraiia cecicied to pcst ii iemor-r its v.rebsite. The folioir.,ing ale ihe questions;and ihe 'ans\nJe rs'.

Q- Does ii ever r'ain in Australia? I have neverseen ii rain on Til, sc how do plants grou;?

A-We impcrt a1l plants fuliy-grown:,and then justsii around v,,aiciiing tnem'die. = :

Q- Vviii i r.ie abiaf-o see kangaroos in the streei?

A- Depencs cr hc'..! much you ve been drink-ing

Q- | want to walB:ftom Ferth to Sydney-can !

icilow- ihe rai lroaci: tiaeks? (Sweden)

Q-Can I wear high heels in Ausiraiia? (UK)

A-you are a British politician, right?

Q-Are there supermarkets in Ausiralia arri rs

milk available al! year rcunci? {German;';

A-No, we are a peaceful cl,;iilsalion of vegarihunter/gatherers. Milk is illegai.

Q-Please serd a list of all dcctors in Austra-iia

urho can dispense rattiesnake serum. iUSA)A.-Rattlesnakes lii,e rshere YOU ccme frorn. All

Ar-rstra.lian snakes are per-fectly harnrless. can besafely handled anci make good Pets.

Q-l nave a q'-:estioii abr,lul, .:i iarnous allrrlai irr

,qustraiia. but I fcrget iis naire. il s a kinci ;-tibearand iir,'es in iIees. i,JSA)

A-ii's calies a Dro0 3ear. Iirev ai'e s+ caiiiii:ibecar.rse they droo oui ol gurrr trees anci 9at ih*brains of anyone ',valking underneath then. vioi--t

can scai'e ine,-n oii b,u spra.ving yourseif 'r,'ilh J-'u-

nian urine before ycu go orii waikir.q.

Q-Do you have perfume in Ausiraiia? {France)A-lJo, WE don't srink^

Q-l have developed a nevr prodr-ict tha'l is ihefountain of youth. Can you iell me whete I cansell it in Australia? (USA)

A-An;,',a,11s r.s sign iiicant n um bers ol Americansgather.

Q-Can you tell me the regions in Tasr-naniawhere lhe femaie population is smaller than ihemale populaticn? (ltaly)

A-Yes gay nightclubs.

Q-l was in Australia in 1969 on R&R, and I wantio contact the girt I dateci while I was staying inKings Gr-gss. Can you help? (USA)

n.Ve$anO you still will have to pay her by thehour.

Q.Witf i'be?ble to speak English mosi places I

ga3=.{!.S.4)= ,z:'

.,';=:aAtY=!,t you'll have io learn it first'

.::1. . Henry Casson.






A-Sure, it's onlyJhjQq,thousand miles; take lots

Q-ls it safe to run around in ihe bushes in Aus-tralia? (slveden)

A-So it's true what they say about Swedes.

Q-Are there any ATM's in Australia? Can youse nd.fi e,r:e Ii st.sf th-et-!j i n Erisban e, Cai rns',Townsville;:ahd HervEy.j,Bay? (U61".;" ' '''

A Wha! did your last slave die of?

O.:,C-enyg1.r.,gfvEme:Ss-rf q,'ihl.o.i.p,a!.oir.,absu!hipp.o.,'.iacing.,lnAE3trali_6?(USA):=:ij;;',.'

R:A-fri-Ca is the big triangle-shaped continentsouth-irf.Europe:AtlS,tra-lia is that big island inthe middle$the Pacific which dpes no1...,oh-ior-g€i'it' sir re!;''hi p po racin g'is evenlTi.r eEeiay ni ghtin Kin gs, C ross* Come- gakgd+,,:.-, -.:.:.,,,. -.,, :....... -:: :.:.:. t. :1

Q-Which direction is north in Aus-trajia? (USA)

A- Face so;rih and then turn 1 B0 degrees. Con-tact us when you get here and we'll send you therest of the directions.

Q-Can I bring cutlery into Australia? (UK)

A-Why? Just use your fingers like we do.

Q-Can you send me.the.Vjenna Boys' Choirschedule? (USA)

A- Aus tri-a is that quaint little country border-ing Ger-man-y, which is...oh.forget-il, sure, theVienna Boys Choir play,s evgry Tuesday nigh.!,i11

Kin gs Cross, straight aiterthe fi ippo races. eomenaked.




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* g#*t *lr€***yo tlt=**r*ffi*r!r sr #*hr: Ettis

***r*s*g*** gi* *r*d +B*tr lz {+*nd str*€t

ts-s **as# +r+1*"e pr6raily- Fffiffil-,*tsz*il:- bheltis€ bre ren*-ryt. €u *r*ith*5{@ftdntail-*n:

fEs HssE-*rea Sssffiieti*s #es**s Srffish E{*eml*tkr, B,Eay t**?ie.

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