hvorfor vi elsker steria damene

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Hvorfor vi elsker Steria Damene?

IMCS Jentesamling - 23. mai 2012


1. Kjønnsblandede team gir bedre resultater

2. Kjønnsblandende team gir bedre arbeidsmiljø


Forsøke å verifisere hypotesen gjennom eksisterende forskningsresultater

Forskningen er i stor grad rettet mot kjønnsblanding i toppledergrupper Finnes også en god del forskning på kjønnsblanding innen finans Fant en undersøkelse på konsulentteam

Blanding mellom forskning med simulering og på reelle situasjoner

Lite forskning fra Norge

www.steria.comThe Impact of Gender Composition on Team Performance and Decision-Making: Evidence from the Field*

We investigate whether the gender composition of teams affect their economic performance. We study a large business game, played in groups of three, where each group takes the role of a general manager. There are two parallel competitions, one involving undergraduates and the other involving MBA students. Our analysis shows that teams formed by three women are significantly outperformed by all other gender combinations, both at the undergraduate and MBA levels. Looking across the performance distribution, we find that for undergraduates, three women teams are outperformed throughout, but by as much as 0.47 of a standard deviation of the mean at the bottom and by only 0.09 at the top. For MBA students, at the top, the best performing group is two men and one woman. The differences in performance are explained by differences in decision-making. We observe that three women teams are less aggressive in their pricing strategies, invest less in R&D, and invest more in social sustainability initiatives, than any other gender combination.We find that teams with an equal gender mix perform better than male-dominated and female-dominated teams in terms of sales, profits and earnings per share.

Jose Apesteguia, Ghazala Azmat, Nagore Iriberri†, February 2011

www.steria.comIntelligens, risikovilje, problemløsning

There is mounting evidence that mixed teams perform better than those composed mainly of men or women. The inclusion of females in a team has a positive impact on the collective intelligence of the team. Research and development labs with gender parity among research staff produce more patents and research papers. Gender-mixed teams provide better balance in intellectual risk-taking behaviour, which differs between women and men.

Women and men tend to use different problem-solving strategies, so having both on the team produces more options to come up with the best solution. They also engage in different types of social networks and interactions, and social sensitivity is another factor that has been shown to benefit collective intelligence.

So there is no doubt that including women in decision-making would benefit both the process and the outcomes, but there is a caveat: there must be a sufficient proportion of them in order to produce the positive effects, and studies have shown this should be at least 30 per cent. At this point female team members stop being seen primarily as “women” and start being treated as professional members of the team.

Ms Elizabeth Pollitzer, Financial Times , November 2010

www.steria.comWomen Matter

McKinsey’s series of reports, called Women Matter, document how the quality of the workplace is better in companies with nearly gender-balanced leadership teams. And they document that those companies are also more profitable, something discussed at length in Avivah Wittenberg-Cox‘s book How Women Mean Business: A Step-by-Step Guide to Profiting from Gender Balanced Business.

McKensey & Company, en serie rapporter

www.steria.comBest ideas come from work teams mixing men and women

Teams of workers come up with the most innovative ideas if they are made up of even proportions of men and women, according to researchers. A study published yesterday by the London Business School found that professional teams with an equal gender split were much more likely to experiment, share knowledge and fulfill tasks, regardless of whether the team leader was a man or a woman.

An even mix allowed "a psychological safe communication climate" and self-confidence among members, which in turn provided fertile ground for innovation, says the report from the school's Lehman Brothers Centre for Women in Business.

The report concludes that teams work best with an even mix because individuals tend to contribute less fully and confidently if they are in a minority. This applies to men as much as women, according to Lynda Gratton, professor at the centre and lead author of the study. She said: "It is not about gender, it is about minorities. Our data shows that whenever anybody is in a minority they suffer, and as a consequence the team suffers."

Lucy Ward and John Carvel, The Guardian, 1. November 2007


The Impact of Gender Diversity onthe Performance of Business Teams:Evidence from a Field Experiment

The key finding of this study is that of a causal inverse u-shaped impact of the share of women in a team on the business outcomes of the team. Performance peaks when the share of women is around 0.55.

An important feature of the context of the college where we conducted our study is that men and women are of similar quality and that the numbers of men and women are roughly equal. This is currently not the case in the group of people qualified for a position in a board of directors: men outnumber the women in that group. To get to equal numbers, experienced and qualified men have to leave and inexperienced and perhaps not yet qualified women have to enter the group. This is exactly what happened in Norway and what explains the reduction in firms' performance. Our study shows that if there are enough women that are equally qualified as men, it is in firms' best interest to increase the share of women in their boards. This kind of evidence may provide incentives to firms to diversify their management teams. It would therefore not be surprising if results like those reported in this study have in the end a larger impact on the position of women in boards of directors than enforcing policies that ignore supply constraints, such as the quota set in Norway and other countries.

Sander Hoogendoorn, Hessel Oosterbeek, Mirjam van Praag

www.steria.comThe Influence of Team Diversity on Team Performance in a Consultancy Setting

The second proposition noted that gender diversity between teams has a positive influence on inter-team performance. Looking at the BlauN indexes concerning gender across the case studies, it can be seen that case A is the only case where the teams are not equally diverse concerning this variable. The other three case studies, which were equally diverse between the teams according to the BlauN index, had a clearly shorter delay than case A. This indicates that the teams should be equally diverse concerning gender.

When looking at each team separately concerning gender, it can be said that gender diverse teams perform better than a homogeneous group concerning gender. Case B was the most diverse case concerning gender, both within the consultancy firm team as in the client team. Also, case C and case D had at least one male individual present in each team, which worked out much better than an all female team. This finding is also supported by Hoffman and Maier (1961) who stated that gender diversity within teams stimulates creativity, which is useful for solving complex problems.

Robin A. J. Priems, 11. August 2011

www.steria.comPraktisk eksempel

ISS Danmark


Kjønnsblandede team leverer bedre økonomiske resultater Kjønnsblandede team er:

Mer kreative og innovative Bedre risiko-ballanserte Bedre på problemløsning Bedre til å dele kunnskap Bedre til å gjennomføre Bedre i stand til å ta riktige beslutninger

Kjønnsblandende team gir et bedre arbeidsmiljø Optimal fordeling er jevnt fordelte team, de positive effektene kommer til syne

ved minimum 30% kvinneandel Siste punkt er en utfordring for Steria generelt og IMCS spesielt

Viktig å fokusere på å rekruttere flinke jenter Viktig å fokusere på å beholde de flinke jentene vi har Viktig å fasilitere gode jentenettverk for å kompensere for tallmessig underlegenhet

generelt og i prosjekter

Hypotesen bekreftes!




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