kingsman the secret service translation act i scene i

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Kingsman: The Secret Service TranslationAct I Scene I

John Blackman Steve Wiles

Character ListLucentio ……………… Eggsy Baptista ……………… Berlin

Tranio ……………… Harry Hart Katherine ……………… Roxy

Hortensio ………………Charlie Bianca ……………… Amelia

Gremio ……………… Rufus Biondello ……………… Digby

SettingIn the dormitory at the Kingsman Headquarters.

Eggsy is the last to arrive in the dormitory.

Meeting each other for the first night.

People are talking about and making fun of Eggsy

Listening to Marlin give orders on what to do and what they will encounter.

Character ProfileGary “Eggsy” Unwin (Major): Lucentio

The movie starts out by following the recruitment and training of a potential secret agent named Gary Urwin A.K.A. Eggsy into a secret spy organization.

Then later in the movie Eggsy joins a mission to tackle a global threat from Richmond Valentine.

Character ProfileHarry Hart (Major): Tranio

Guy that recruited eggsy spy for kingsmanthen he dies at the concluding part of the movie

Character ProfileCharlie (Major): Hortensio

Charly is the villain of the movie, there was only 3 left in training Charlie, Gary, and Roxy were the last candidates but Charlie terrible failed a test where he was to be tied to the rails of an oncoming trail

This fearfully revealed “Kingsman’s” information to a lunatic in exchange to keep his life.

Character ProfileRufus (Major): Gremio

friends with charlie

talks about eggsy

Character ProfileMerlin (Minor): Baptista

The tech guy in the secret service.

Leads the test for the new candidates for being next Kingsman.

Merlin gives orders and is protective towards the recruits like Baptista is to his two daughters.

Character ProfileRoxy (Minor): Katherine

She becomes the new lancelot.

One of the two girls to be a kingsman.

Doesn't let anyone take her down and speaks her mind.

Character ProfileAmelia (Minor): Bianca

One of the two only women that have been chosen

to be a kingsman.

Is one of the girl guys like.

Character ProfileDigby (Minor): Biondello

Talks to eggsy.

Picks on eggsy at times.

TranslationACT I



[Enter Eggsy and Harry Hart]

Eggsy; So we are here no in Hesdquarters for the my dad was here once , now im goin to fullfill my lifelong dream. here i can fulfill my dad and make him prob of me

Harry Hart: Yes you will. your father is the one that saved me.

Eggsy: Thank you Harry i wish i meet my father before he was gone. wait where are the other people.

Translation[Enter Merlin, Roxy, Amelia, Rufus, and Charlie. Eggsy and Harry Hart stand by]

Merlin: Ok! everyone listen up if you want to be the new Lancelot you must learn and take the ways of the last Lancelot. you can take in and learn the old ways.

Rufus: Learn the new way, you mean. old way is not the right way. How about you, Charlie? Are you still interested in learning the old way?

Roxy: (to BAPTISTA) May I ask, sir, if it’s your intention to scare us, by telling us the old way is harder and that its not working for me maybe these guys?

Charlie: We’re not your little scared bunnies, that’s for sure! Not until you improve your thoughts on us, girl!

Roxy: Don’t worry, I couldn’t care less. The only possible thing I could think why you would be a scared little girl. is beating you in the test to come.

Charlie: May the strength and knowledge keep me ahead of both these women!

TranslationRufus: Me too, man!

Harry Hart: (speaking so that only LUCENTIO can hear) Wow! This’ll be fun to watch! This girl is either completely crazy or incredibly skilled in everything.

Eggsy: But her friend seems quiet and well behaved, as a young girl should be. Shh, Harry.

Harry: Indeed. Let’s keep quiet and watch this mess.

Merlin: (to GREMIO and HORTENSIO) Gentlemen, since I’d like to make good on what I’ve said on the ways of the old and new.

Roxy: What a spoiled little brat.he'd make herself cry now, if he could think of a reason.

Amelia: Be happy in his unhappiness. Sir, I will follow everything you say. I’ll take comfort in my books and trainings, reading and practicing my tactics.

TranslationEggsy: Listen Tranio! That’s Minerva’s voice you hear.

Charlie: Merlin, will you really be this cruel? I regret that our goodwill should cause Kingsman new member.

Rufus: Why are you locking us away, Merlin? Why does the whole group need to be going through this all?

Merlin: Gentlemen, I’ve made my decision. That’s all there is to it.

Roxy: Am I to be dictated to, like a child? Told when to come and where to go?

Rufus: What you have to offer is nothing anyone wants.

MINERVA’SMinerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom. (In Greek mythology, she is called Athena.)


Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom. (In Greek mythology, she is called Athena.Minerva’s voice you hear.

TranslationCharlie: So will I, Signior Gremio. But a word, I pray. Though the nature of our quarrel yet never brooked parle, know now upon advice, it toucheth us both, that we may yet again have access to our fair mistress and be happy rivals in Bianca’s love, to labor and effect one thing specially.

Harry: Sir, is it possible that a person could fall in love so suddenly?

eggsy: O Tranio, till I found it to be true, I never thought it possible or likely. But see, while idly I stood looking on, I found the effect of love in idleness And now in plainness do confess to thee That art to me as secret and as dear As Anna to the Queen of Carthage was, Tranio, I burn, I pine, I perish, Tranio, If I achieve not this young modest girl. Counsel me, Tranio, for I know thou canst. Assist me, Tranio, for I know thou wilt.

Harry: Master, this is no moment to lecture you. The heart won’t be reasoned with. If love has touched you, love has touched you—end of story. But, as the Roman Terence advises, now that you’re a captive, it’s time to buy back your freedom at the lowest possible cost.

Eggsy: Yes, you’re right. Please go on. I feel better already, and I know there’s more good advice where that came from.

Harry: Master, you were so focused on the girl herself, I wonder if you missed the main point here.

Eggsy: Oh no! I saw sweetness and beauty in her face of the kind that humbled great JaveHe saw it in Europa that time she brought him to his knees in Crete.


Jove, or Zeus, king of the gods, fell in love with Europa, a mortal maiden, and changed himself into a bull, carrying a Europa across the sea to Crete, where he

raped her.

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