maggie bera portfolio

Post on 07-Feb-2017






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MaggieBera Portfolio


Cringe-worthyAuditionRoomBehaviorsThatMakeTheCreativeTeamBarf The art of auditioning isn't as subjective as you think. Please DON'T be that actor... it'll take a long time to overcome some of these. 1. Singing a cut that's FAR too long. You sound so lovely singing with your guitar... awh that's awesome you're pretty skilled at guitar... alright now you're just showing off a little... O.K. we get it *checks the schedule* crap we have 6 more to go before the hour ends and we're going to lose this room. What am I having for dinner tonight? Maybe I'll stop by Chipotle and then I can call Mom and... STOP. You shouldn't be singing long enough for the creative team to start thinking this way. You will completely lose everyone on the other side of the table if you "overstay your welcome." Instead, give 'em a run for their money with a short and sweet number that will want them calling you back ASAP for more. 2. Not knowing a song in your book. Hey what else is in your book? Expect to hear that often, especially if you are auditioning for a brand new show that's still in the works. The team will want to hear a song you really love or perhaps are extra comfortable with. However, if the writer of the musical gets up and looks through your book and choses a song that you don't know... then you might as well start running your nails across a chalk board. Rough. 3. Not knowing the material you are auditioning for. O.K. It's one thing when you are auditioning for a show in it's baby stages... But if you come in and audition for Eliza in My Fair Lady and you don't know "I Could've Danced All Night," reevaluate your life choices. In all seriousness, you will have wasted everyone’s precious time by faking it through a well known song you should have been prepared for, and risk infuriating the team. 4. Riffing a classic song. NOOOOOOO! *throws up a little in mouth* 5. Not living in the final moment of your song. You've given an ABSOLUTELY beautiful rendition of your song, you get to the final


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phrase, you hold on to that last note for dear life and then you slump your body back to it's normal state and you look for the approval of the creative team before the pianist even finishes. Not only is it a major buzzkill, but you have subsequently taken everything good away from your audition by ending like this. 6. READING off the paper when running the sides. Whether you got your material a week or a day in advance, try as hard as you can to really know what you are saying. No one expects you to be memorized, but if you are actually reading right off the page..... once again you will have wasted everyones time. Think of how many people the casting director could have called in to audition for the same role. 9 times out of 10, preparation beats raw talent. 7. Coming in and looking NOTHING like your headshot. This one's really unfortunate, and the reason behind that is because the creative team may have been expecting something COMPLETELY different. They could have called you in specifically because of your look, but if you don't match the picture they have before them, then you have already lost some major points. 8. Lying on your resume. You just nailed your audition and you are about to leave on a high note (no pun intended) and then they pull out a banjo and ask you to play. Well, it does say you play banjo on your resume. You haven't touched a banjo since you were in 3rd grade when your dad took you to lessons for one day. Why dare to put yourself if that situation? Yikes.

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An Actor’s Guide To Casting Directors ACTORS FORGET YOUR TROUBLES GET HAPPY AND LISTEN UP. This summer I had the incredible honor to intern and assist the impeccable Michael Cassara at Michael Cassara Casting. A genius at what he does, Michael showed me how he runs his business as a top tier Casting Director in New York City. There was something so magical, as a performer myself, about being on the other side of the table. Y'all, if you are grinding every day, waking up at the crack of dawn just to be seen and feeling so under water with how this business is run, I have some insight for you that might find extremely helpful. (I am an actress just like you. Hear me out here!) The Casting Director is the middle man between your agent and the job. The casting director sometimes has a large say in how the actual CASTING goes, however, he or she is primarily in charge of who the creative team will see in the room and when. That translates to thousands of emails and calls back and forth to agents to set up appointments. It also means working with the creative team to figure out the specifics, what they request from the actors and what they want to see. Therefore: it is extremely important to make a strong relationship with the Casting Director. It takes a casting director a while to REALLY get to know you as a performer. Acclimate yourselves. Look up some top casting agencies and check out how they prefer to receive headshots and resumes. Email? Mail? Are you allowed to slip in your info under the door? Keep them updated if you're with a new agency, if you booked a new job, if you perhaps relocated. And please, keep it short and sweet. Staying active goes a long way and when you wiggle your way in, you will come up in conversation. We ALL stress about representation and agents. But I have news for you. ***You don't necessarily need an agent to be a working actor. But if you are trying to get your little LaDuca in the door, then have some guts and build a relationship with the person who can get you right in front of the creative team! Consistency is KEY. This one is a big one here. The more often you prove yourself as a well-prepared, professional and highly-skilled actor or actress, the better. I can't stress the importance of a solid image as a performer because for a casting director, this is PRIME.

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Present yourself as this way and the chances of being called in for an appointment by the casting director will skyrocket. Hey, maybe the first two jobs of the week weren't your jobs. But boy is that casting director rooting for you. They're going to sing your praises when you're finally right for something if you are consistently doing wonderful work in the room. Don't worry. It all comes back around. It ain't personal! Once I spent some time in "the room where it happens," (gross, sorry) I recognized the importance of separating yourself from your work. What is said behind the table is strictly to save time and find exactly what the creative team is looking for. It's a business. Make the Casting Director's job easy. Focus on what YOU bring to the table. Honestly, this is a life lesson. But it's so important as an actor that it's almost the difference between sanity and losing your mind. There are a thousands of people that do what you do... how are you unique? If you want the casting director to think of you as top tier, then figure out your strengths and really nail 'em to the ground. Ignorance is bliss, my friends. I'm not advising you to be a complete fool and always stay out of the loop. But you will never be able to truly know what the creative team is thinking. Maybe your role is already cast, but the team is afraid that a contract may overlap and the actor will have to pull out of the production. Bingo. Maybe they have the audition room for only 15 more minutes and scheduling is a bitch so they have to rush you. Calm down. Do what you can the best you can and STOP WORRYING ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE (easier said than done, I suppose.) Is it worth wasting time over that ninety seconds in the room? NAH. You can be whatever you want to be in life. But if you choose to be an actor at any given time, then be a damn actor! You don't have to be the agent, the casting the director, the choreographer, the musical director, the director. You don't have to do anyone's job but your own. Just do it well, respect yourself, and you're already well on your way.

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‘Hey Sexy,’ Cat Calling Is Sexual Harassment My body is not a public space. Almost a month ago, I began a wonderful casting internship in the heart of New York City. I wake up early, I pick out an outfit for the warm weather and long hours, I drive in from NJ to NY with my father who always dons a nice suit, and I make my walk from his office to mine. Every day, I make the same walk. Every day, I am met with the degrading eyes and hollers of disgusting men who wish desperately to project their masculine prowess on me. Every day, I am reminded of my "vulnerability" as a woman. On a daily basis, I will hear anything from "God bless you" to smooching noises a dog owner would use to call their pet back inside the house. I am harassed by men slowly driving by, smirking in their pickup trucks and yelling obscenities out their car windows. I hear "Smile for me like the pretty girl you are," "Say hello, gorgeous," "You have a boyfriend, baby?" "Come here and talk to me, mami." I have been "proposed to," I have been followed. I am NOT flattered by this, nor am I "asking for it." Nonetheless, as women, we are expected to behave in a pre-programmed way to any and all attention we get on the street from greasy strangers. When you consider the definition of sexual harassment, this form of masculine behavior involves one-directional communication that occurs without the consent of the individual. A group of construction workers gang up on an unsuspecting woman and she dares not say anything back. A man driving down the street is able to hide behind his steering wheel and speed off. It's fairly easy to get away with this if you don't allow space for her to accept or reject the attention. In other words, there is no consent. I am taught that, as a girl, I should be careful of what I wear, how I act, where I go alone and to always be on alert. From elementary school to high school, I was told if I wore shorts that were shorter than my arm's length or tank top straps that were less than two fingers wide, I was to be sent

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home. But somewhere along the line, I presume boys learn that masculinity comes in the form of unwanted comments, gestures and actions forced on a stranger in a public place without their consent. Somewhere along the way, boys find that "real" men actually bond over the objectification of women. That Stanford student that raped an unconscious woman? He made sure to send pictures of what he was doing to all of his friends. What mother has ever taught her children to treat women that way, and actually high-five over it? When I respond, I feel like I have given in. When I ignore, I am ridiculed. Unfortunately, even when a woman is upset by this “flattery,” they are likely to be dismissed as being oversensitive, and the blame is placed on the woman. Inner dialogue turns into: "Was the group of men staring at my chest because I chose to wear a tank top?" "Did the man who stared as I passed by say, 'Damn ma, nice a**' because I was wearing my favorite pair of high-waisted jeans?" Actually, no. Not at all. In my case, it has nothing to do with my stupid tank top or my jeans. It has nothing to do with the fact that I have blonde hair or like to wear flowery dresses or long skirts that swish when I walk on warm days. It is the fact that I am a woman walking by myself, and that there are men that exist to blatantly use me as a means to feel powerful. It is 2016 and I still have to watch what I wear and where I go alone. But I should be flattered, right?

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Nobody Puts Bernie In A Corner Published May 16, 2016: A closer look at the tumultuous relationship between millennials and Bernie Sanders. Have you ever wondered why millennial voters are so deeply in love with presidential candidate Bernie Sanders? Millennials are going mad for a candidate who is leading his campaign with unmistakable clarity, justified outrage, and a plan to completely transform the system we know today. A particularly unlikely contender, Bernie is that wild, white-haired Independent from Vermont, most likely found hunched over a podium jabbing his finger at a corrupt system. I mean, compared to a stone-cold Clinton and The Donald, how can you not love the guy? Anyone remember that time he was visited by a little birdie in the middle of his rally in Portland, Oregon? Of course you do. Some are fascinated by his kooky hairdo and loud persona. His slogans are brilliant and his social media campaign is superb. A Democratic socialist? Sounds dangerous. But I'd like to think young, educated voters deserve much more credit than that. For the first time ever, millennials, AKA Generation Y, will make up the same proportion of the U.S. voting age as the Baby Boomers. Their vote is JUST as important as the rest of the nation, contrary to popular belief. Millennials have grown up during the worst recession since the 1930s. They watched their parents nervously struggle with funds. They quickly developed their own anxiety about the future as they graduated into one big giant mess. The average student leaves college with $28,000 in student loans, on top of a frightening uncertainty about landing jobs and affording homes. Bernie reminds us of the promises we were granted as children. The biggest generation of all time, we were told our futures would be brighter than ever. Gender was irrelevant, race was just the color of someone's skin, looks were temporary and superficial. We could achieve anything we set our minds to.

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Flash forward 20 years or so, and we are forced to realize just the opposite. We are heartbroken by youth killed on the streets, enraged by a woman's pittance of a salary when compared to her male counterparts. We are furious with rates of inflation, pondering the difficulty of finding a well-paying job that keeps up with the rents. Most importantly, we are perplexed by the idea that the majority of the wealth in our country resides within a small portion of the nation's most privileged. Point blank: In Bernie, we see our childhood ideals, we see equality, we see justice, and most importantly, we see ourselves. Here's the downside. When you have such an outsider running for President under a political party he or she has never been a part of, you will run into problems getting through the primary. Political parties exist for a reason. Yes, Bernie, I also dream of living in a country with a political system that thrives without corporate influence, universal healthcare, and free education. However, in the US political system... this is likely a fantasy. Though Bernie may very well not be the next POTUS (who can say for sure?), we can all agree the man has made a profound impact on the political agenda. By transforming the dialogue within the Democratic party, Bernie has successfully highlighted the idea that the current political system encourages economic and social inequality. Remember, young people’s sense that America needs a moral rebirth is not just economic. Millennials are revolutionaries for social rights, particularly for black Americans, gay couples, and women. They are fiercely devoted to protecting civil liberties and most importantly, value integrity and authenticity. Ultimately, young people feel gutted by great expectations. Ask not why a majority of millennials are in favor of Bernie Sanders. Ask how close are they are in ushering in a true liberal political revolution.

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12 Facts About The Texas State University Musical Theatre Program Everything you need to know about one of the top up and coming performing arts programs in the country. Are you a college hopeful auditioning for BFA Musical Theatre programs? Are you studying at Texas State University and wonder what that fairly new, beautifully lit new performance art building is? Are you just interested in the arts? Allow me to introduce you to the Musical Theatre program at Texas State University. 1. The program offers instate tuition to all out-of-state students. Texas State musical theatre students hail from all around the country, including California, Michigan, Florida, Oregon, Washington, New York, Maine, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Georgia, and more. A $1,000 scholarship qualifies all non-resident students for in-state tuition. Check out the cost comparison here. 2. The program uses a conservatory approach with a liberal arts education. Taught by Broadway professionals, the curriculum provides extensive training for the actor in all areas. Additionally, the student is required to take liberal arts classes expanding their understanding of self, culture, and society, helping the student to become an educated citizen-artist. 3. It's run by Broadway, film and television actress and director Kaitlin Hopkins. Kaitlin's Broadway credits include "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" (original “mama who”), "Noises Off" (“Belinda” 2002 revival), "Anything Goes" with Patti LuPone (Lincoln Center 2002); half dozen cast album credits such as "Bat Boy-the Musical" (Meredith Parker) and "Bare: A Pop Opera" (Claire). She has appeared in over 50 television shows and films. She is the daughter of Oscar nominated actress Shirley Knight and award winning producer Gene Persson. 4. Texas State recently built a $40.9 million Performing Arts Center. The building houses a 400-seat theatre, a 300-seat recital hall, a grand lobby, rehearsal space, a scenery shop, staging areas and classrooms. It was completed in the winter of 2014. 5. Each year, the program accepts approximately 12-14 students into the

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freshman class. The smaller class size allows the program to provide highly individualized training. 6. This year, over 600 students applied for a chance to be accepted into the program Due to the large number of applicants, students must submit a video prescreen in order to be seen for an audition. Of that number, around 200-230 students were given the opportunity to audition in person. 7. The production season consists of nine-12 productions. The University holds six to eight plays and two musicals, in addition to creative thesis productions by graduate students, graduate-directed scenes and countless opportunities. 8. The Texas State Musical Theatre page uploads all the latest clips from their MainStage productions (and more)! Check out production videos, galas, master classes and more here. 9. Freshmen are allowed to perform their first year! Students are required to audition for all plays and musicals. Freshmen are permitted to take part in MainStage shows their second semester. 10. The program hosts a long list of guest artists. Broadway and film directors, producers, casting directors, agents, actors from around the country are invited to generously interact and teach the students of the BFA program. Each artist holds master classes, lectures, mock auditions and even guest performances. 11. The musical theatre program has only been around for a few years. Since it was founded in 2009 by Kaitlin Hopkins herself, the program has skyrocketed. 12. Fun fact: Professors Kaitlin Hopkins and her husband Jim Price graciously host an Easter party for all Musical Theatre majors and faculty. A wonderful celebration to look forward to each year.

MaggieBera Portfolio


The Story Of She (a Poem) Empathy is in the eyes of the beholder. You notice She as she walks by. She looks beautiful today. You make eye contact with She and nod your head good morning. She returns the smile. You go on with your day. You don't think of She. You notice She as she walks by. She did her hair differently today. You are on your phone, but you wave hello. She waves back. You go on with your day. You don't think of She. You notice She as she walks by. She has on all black today. You are sipping your iced coffee and forget to say hello. She probably doesn't notice. You go on with your day. You don't think of She. She is not here today. You don't have to open the door for her. She is probably sick. You go on with your day. You don't think of She. You wonder if She is doing alright. She hasn't posted on Facebook. You go on with your day. You don't think of She. She looks gorgeous this morning. You go on with your day. You are glad She is alright. You notice She as she walks by. She is in bright blue dress today. You give her a wink and a smile. She does not see. You go on with your day. You are bummed. You notice She as she walks by. She is wearing her new pumps today. You admire She and greet her eagerly.

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She does not hear. You go on with your day. You are embarrassed. You notice She as she walks by. She is absolutely stunning today. You pace ahead to get She's attention. She looks down. You go on with your day. You are disappointed. You notice She as she walks by. She is the most beautiful girl you have ever seen today. You try one last time, and compliment her on her beauty. She looks at you and opens her mouth to speak. She is blank. She is hurting. She is helpless. She wishes she could turn her brain off. She is not there. She was never there. She says "Thank you," with a smile. You go on with your day. You don't think of She. Have compassion for those around you. You never know what's going on behind a smile.

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Obama Is Do Nothing President: A Rebuttal Love 'em, hate 'em, or just like to debate 'em, be equipped with knowledge when the next GOP supporter shouts this phrase. Donald Trump on current president, Barack Obama:


Here is a SHORT LIST, a bit of light reading if you will, of the progress Obama has made in his eight years in office, much to Trump's ignorance. Since Obama came to office, he has... 1 . Progressed equality and social opportunity for WOMEN.

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Barack Obama has a long record of standing up for women. Remember in 2014 when he shattered another glass ceiling by appointing Janet Yellen to chair of the Federal Reserve? He also restored basic protection against pay discrimination for women and other workers by implementing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. He expanded funding for the Violence Against Women Act. P.S. Obama’s sweeping healthcare reform in the form of the Affordable Care Act successfully ended discriminatory practices by insurance companies (ultimately increasing coverage to 8.7 million more women and expanding their access to preventative services). 2 . Advanced treatment of SOLDIERS and VETERANS. Obama's support of the military is overwhelmingly strong. He put an end to the Bush-era policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan beyond their enlistment date. He signed and implemented the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act, making more money available to enable better medical care for veterans. With Congressional Democrats, he oversaw the largest spending increase in 30 years for The Department of Veterans Affairs, for improved medical and extended care facilities for veterans. He also oversaw a $4.6 billion expansion of the Veterans Administration budget to pay for more mental health professionals. Much to the GOP's chagrin, he increased the pay for soldiers by 1.3 percent, their greatest raise in five years (a topic controversial in its own right). 3. Protected and furthered rights for LGBTQ PEOPLE. President Obama has signed the only signature pieces of LGBTQ-inclusive legislation to be passed by Congress: The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and the first-ever LGBTQ-inclusive Violence Against Women Act re-authorization. He broadened benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees, publicly expressed his support for same-sex marriage and banned all federal contractors from discriminating against gay workers. His progress for the LGBTQ community is unmatched in history. In September 2015, the Obama Administration nominated the first openly gay Secretary of the U.S. Army, Eric Fanning. In March 2016, the Obama Administration appointed Raffi Freedman-Gurspan to Associate Director for Public Engagement, making Raffi the first transgender White House LGBTQ Liaison. 4. Improved the ECONOMY. Obama came into office during a severe crisis, and has had to deal with a radically obstructionist Congress. At the end of his first year in the White house, Obama's economic plans created and sustained 2.1 million jobs. Obama deserves significant credit for some shrewd and politically difficult moves early on his presidency, economists say, including the stimulus and the automobile and Wall Street bailouts. Even conservative economists have a hard time debating Obama's $80 billion auto-bailout, which led to the increase in hundreds of thousands of jobs.

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5. Stimulated standards for HEALTH. The Affordable Care Act was designed to strengthen the Medicare program and ensure that it will continue to provide health security to our seniors for many years to come. More than 16 million Americans obtained health insurance coverage within the first five years of the ACA. People with pre-existing health conditions can no longer be denied coverage, more screenings are covered and prescription drug costs have lowered, saving $15 billion within the first five years of Obamacare. 6. Expanded and promoted DIVERSITY. Obama has presided over the most demographically diverse administration in history. The majority of top policy appointments within the executive branch are held by women and minorities for the first time in history. Meanwhile, since his first day in office, President Obama has been working to secure the future prosperity of the African- American, Hispanic, Native American and Asian-American Community through increasing access to health care, creating jobs, revitalizing schools and the development of targeted job creating investments in underserved communities. 7. Recuperated America's world REPUTATION. Don't believe me? He was the first US president to visit Cuba in more than 80 years. In fact, in just his first six months in office, he visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any previous president. He was also the first U.S. President to visit Jamaica in more than 30 years, working to restore relations with the country and signing a natural gas distribution agreement. He created a Rapid Response fund to assist emerging democracies with foreign aid, debt relief, technical assistance and investment packages in order to show that the United States stands with them. Calling on both Israel and the Palestinians to stop inciting violence, he offered $400 million to the people living in Gaza. He passed the Iran Sanctions Act, preventing war and encouraging the Iranian government to give up their nuclear program. He worked to keep our withdrawal from Afghanistan on track, despite GOP opposition. Although he was blocked by Congress, which seems to happen quite often, he ordered the closure of the prison at Guantanamo Bay. On his second day in office, he banned torture, reversed all Bush torture policies and put the U.S. in full compliance with the Geneva Convention. 8. Enhanced ENVIRONMENTAL resources. The Obama Administration has taken responsible steps to combat climate change, increase access to clean energy technologies and reduce the United States dependence on oil. He required states to provide incentives to utilities to reduce their energy consumption. He also created tax write-offs for purchases of hybrid and electric vehicles.

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To top it all off: Obama became the first President to simply say “Climate Change is a fact, and set up the first federal government protocols for dealing with the impacts of climate change.

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A College Students Letter To Her Grandparents A much needed thank you note to the most important people in my life. I am miles away from home and missing it more than ever as I stare at a string of photos of us that hovers over my bed. The closer I get to “becoming an adult,” the more important it is for me express my gratitude for you. You always said you couldn’t believe I was living on my own at school miles away… but it was only through your strength—and maybe your chocolate chip cookies—that I am where I am today. 1. Thank you for driving me everywhere. Thank you for picking me up after school and for taking me to and from voice lessons, birthday parties, soccer practice, school dances, the movies, baseball games, auditions, a friend’s house, dance recitals, club meetings, rehearsals, the mall… You were my lifeline, and mom and dad’s saving grace. 2. Thank you for sitting through all my favorite TV shows with me when you came over to babysit. No one laughed harder at "All That" and "Hey Arnold" as much as we did. 3. Thank you for letting me stay up past my bedtime when my mom and dad told you 8:30 p.m. at the latest. Thank you for carrying me up the stairs when I was too tired to walk. 4. Thank you for quite literally being my No. 1 fan. You were always there. The amount a grandparent can brag about their grandkid seems ridiculous when you are young, but when you lose sight of who you are as you grow older, you hold on to this for dear life. My grandparents never failed to make me feel special. 5. Thank you for going along with the joke... even when you had no idea what we were talking about. "What is a dab?" "Not sure but all the kids are doing it these days, Helen. " There is no one quite as cool as a grandparent… especially when they become the star of Vine overnight with a video impersonation of Lil TerRio. Did I mention my grandparents have their own IPhones, Facebooks, Instagrams, Snapchats and Twitter accounts? 6. Thank you for your wisdom. There is nothing better than a story passed down from earlier generations. Your grandparents have probably lived through it all. Respect that and listen. 7. Thank you for the pictures, the scrapbooks, the playbills you saved and the family photos you held on to.

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These are the memories I hold closest to my heart when I am alone at school. 8. Thank you for the adventures. The endless drives to Washington D.C. to see the monuments and the Christmas trees, the impromptu trips to the Empire State Building, the bicycle rides around the block and the family vacations. 9. Thank you for teaching me the value of unconditional love. I only wish to build a family someday as loving as you did. 10. Thank you for treating me as your equal. I will never be able to express how grateful I am to have had someone who listened with an open mind, understood, and offered advice from a loving standpoint. 11. Finally, thank you for your humor. When your friends want to hang with your grandparents, that's when you know they are pretty awesome. If you are lucky enough to still have your grandparents in your life, let them know what a joy it is to have them around. You never really know what you have until it’s gone. I love you today, tomorrow and forever.

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The All New Olympic Refugee Team Wins The Hearts of Millions The real Incredibles: the team shouldn’t have to exist, but it might spur governments into action. According to, a refugee is described as "a person who is outside his or her country of nationality and can't return due to a well-founded fear of persecution because of his or her race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group." As the 2016 Olympic games approached, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach saw an opportunity to focus global attention on the current crisis, and to give some of the athletes a chance to compete on the world stage. The IOC selected its first EVER Refugee Olympic Team consisting of 10 athletes who have been driven out of their home countries by violence. "These refugees have no home, no team, no flag, no national anthem," Bach said in a press release. "We will offer them a home in the Olympic Village together with all the athletes of the world." 1. Every member has fled his or her war-torn country. The athletes of the ROT have at some point escaped wars in Kenya, Syria, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Ethiopia. 2. These athletes are representing the some 65-MILLION forcibly displaced people around the world for the first time in history. Never before has a Refugee team existed in the Olympics. 3. FIVE of the ten members are from South Sudan, including James Nyong Chiegjiek, who avoided becoming a child soldier. When James was 11 years old, his father was brutally killed in the civil war. When he was 13, before South Sudan became independent, James left his home behind so he would not be recruited as a child soldier. He escaped to Kenya. The other athletes from South Sudan are Yiech Pur Biel, 21; Paulo Amotun Lokoro, 24; Rose Nathike Lokonyen, 23; and Anjelina Nadai Lohalith, 21. 4. Yusra Mardini, 18-year-old swimmer from Syria, swam for three and a half hours, guiding a small boat with 20 refugees. Heard this one, yet? Mardini is known for rescuing 20 people in a oat from capsizing after fleeing Damascus from the conflict in Syria. She used her talent in open water swimming to swim for three hours and help everybody survive the journey to Germany. 5. Shaken by the bombings and kidnappings in his hometown of Aleppo,

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Syrian swimmer Rami Anis had escaped to Istanbul in 2011 with two pairs of pants, two T-shirts and two jackets. Four years later, the Anis paid smugglers to ferry him and his younger brother from Izmir to the Greek island of Samos. It took another nine days for them to travel overland through Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Austria and Germany to Belgium, where they decided to stay. 6. No Olympic refugees, however, have been flung farther than judokas Popole Misenga, 24, and Yolande Mabika, 28. A civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo lasting five years killed more than 5.4 million people, including Misenga's mother, before officially ending in 2003. Fighting in the east has since forced 450,000 people to flee. 7. Every time Misenga and Mabika lost a competition, their coaches locked them in a cage and limited their access to food. Both fed up with the abuse, they escaped during the 2013 world championships in Rio and never left the city. 8. Guess what? These Olympians are anything BUT victims. We are currently involved in a major political crisis over the fear of letting refugees seek asylum in some of the world's richest countries. The problem is, there exists a stereotype that refugees typically face... victim or villain. Though a bunch of positive images will prove difficult to erase the fear that "bad guys" will sneak into a country, these Olympians do not seek your sympathy. Take Misenga pictured above... he CERTAINLY isn't starving in a corner helplessly waiting for someone to come rescue him. Try again. 9. More than ever, refugees like the Olympians are staying in limbo for decades. Fewer and fewer people are able to return home. That means that more people are being replaced, and fewer are finding solutions. “I thought I would be in Turkey for a couple of months and then return to my country," says Syrian member Rami Anis. Months turned into years. 10. The Olympic Team finally has it's own flag and national anthem. As a powerful symbol, the flag is a banner of bright orange crossed by a single black band. These are the colors that evoke the life jackets so many refugees have worn on their journeys to safety. For the ROT, the Olympics are much more than winning gold medals.

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