michael krigline january 25, 2015

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Michael KriglineJanuary 25, 2015

Perseverance with Purpose


LOGOI’ll Press On


• There’s a road—it’s so well traveled, that no guide is ever needed,

• You just follow close behind the throng as it travels on;

• 有一条路——太多人走过,从来不需要引导,

• 往前走的时候,你只需要紧紧随着大溜;

(M Krigline 1988; trans. by Simon)

LOGOI’ll Press On


• But in the opposite direction there’s a path that’s steep and foggy

• It’s there behind the Man of Sorrows that you’ll hear the pilgrim’s song

• 但在相反方向,有一条路,充满峭壁迷雾• 那条路上,在忧患之子的身后,你会听到


LOGOI’ll Press On

我要直奔Chorus 副歌(Congregation sings Blue parts)

I’ll press on when I am weary,我虽疲惫, 还要直奔I’ll press on though trouble’s near me虽诸多麻烦, 我还要直奔I’ll press on after I fall,跌倒之后,我要直奔

and though my friends all stay behind. 虽我的朋友都已退去

(M Krigline 1988; trans. by Simon)

LOGOI’ll Press On

我要直奔Chorus 副歌(Congregation sings Blue parts)

(Michael) Tis a cross, no bed of roses, 那是十字架,不是玫瑰床,

that points the way to victory,它指引着胜利之路,

(all) So I’ll just keep my eyes on Jesus and press on.


(M Krigline 1988; trans. by Simon)

LOGOI’ll Press On


• You know, the pilgrim’s road ain’t easy through the swamp of selfish pleasure

• Between the mountains of temptation through the caverns of despair.

• 要知道,天路不易走,要经过一己私欲的沼泽

• 要穿梭诱惑的山峦,越过绝忘的洞穴。

LOGOI’ll Press On


• Oh sure there’s sunshine and there’s rainbows after storms of test and trial

• But through the joy and through the sorrow the pilgrim keeps singin’ on

• 不过,阳光当然会有的,经过考验与试炼的暴风雨之后会有彩虹

• 可无论是喜是忧,走天路者歌声不歇

LOGOI’ll Press On

我要直奔Chorus 副歌(Congregation sings Blue parts)

I’ll press on when I am weary,我虽疲惫, 还要直奔I’ll press on though trouble’s near me虽诸多麻烦, 我还要直奔I’ll press on after I fall,跌倒之后,我要直奔

and though my friends all stay behind. 虽我的朋友都已退去

(M Krigline 1988; trans. by Simon)

LOGOI’ll Press On

我要直奔Chorus 副歌(Congregation sings Blue parts)

(Michael) Tis a cross, no bed of roses, 那是十字架,不是玫瑰床,

that points the way to victory,它指引着胜利之路,

(all) So I’ll just keep my eyes on Jesus and press on.


(M Krigline 1988; trans. by Simon)

LOGOI’ll Press On


• So when you find the journey easy take heed ‘cause you’re headed nowhere

• Just past the lights of Vanity Fair there burns a fire you don’t want to see.

• 所以,当你发现旅程很容易的时候,要当心,因为最终你不会到达什么地方

• 浮华名利过后,有烈焰燃烧,可是你不想见到的

LOGOI’ll Press On


• Look for the road that’s been less traveled marked with blood and pointing upward

• Along the way of Him who wrote the song to lead the way to victory

• 寻找那少有人走过的路,路上血迹斑斑,越攀越高

• 这是他走过的路,是歌者的路,是引向得胜的路

LOGOI’ll Press On

Chorus (Congregation sings Blue parts)

I’ll press on when I am weary,I’ll press on though trouble’s near meI’ll press on after I fall,

and though my friends all stay behind.

LOGOI’ll Press On

Chorus (Congregation sings Blue parts)

(Michael) Tis a cross, no bed of roses,that points the way to victory,

(all) So I’ll just keep my eyes on Jesus and press on.

Michael KriglineJanuary 25, 2015

Perseverance with Purpose


Michael KriglineJanuary 25, 2015

Perseverance with PurposePerseverance with Purpose


Michael KriglineJanuary 25, 2015

Perseverance with PurposePerseverance with Purpose


Bill & Kitty

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

--James 1:2-6 (NAB)

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it. But he should ask in faith, not doubting… --James 1:2-6 (NAB)

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. --Thomas Carlyle (influential Scottish author, historian, philosopher, 1795-1881)

http://wp.krigline.com/perseverance_with_purpose/ Perseverance with Purpose

Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.--Julie Andrews (English actress/singer, 1935- )

In the realm of ideas everything depends on enthusiasm... in the real world all rests on perseverance.---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet, 1749-1832)

http://wp.krigline.com/perseverance_with_purpose/ Perseverance with Purpose

Perseverance just means staying on track.坚持不懈就是保持在轨道上。

Michael’s grandfather

Perseverance is about the journey, not the destination. 坚持是关于旅程,而不是终点。

Perseverance recognizes limitations, opportunities, and even the need to make changes; but perseverance doesn’t give up. 坚持会认识到限制、机会,甚至是做出改变的需要;但是坚持不会放弃。

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 1. Perseverance means to stay on track, but be willing to transfer to a different train (and remember that tracks imply both limitations and freedom).


http://wp.krigline.com/perseverance_with_purpose/ Perseverance with Purpose

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 1. Perseverance means to stay on track, but be willing to transfer to a different train (and remember that tracks imply both limitations and freedom). • We can only have true eternal-life-giving

liberty within the limitations of the path set out for us by the One who paid so dearly for our freedom.

http://wp.krigline.com/perseverance_with_purpose/ Perseverance with Purpose

Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel, 1904-1991)

For one in four Americankids, their first book is a Dr. Seuss book.

www.krigline.com.cn/grinch.htm (movie study guide)

Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel, 1904-1991)44 children’s books 44 本少儿读物four movies 四部电影 two Oscars 两个奥斯卡奖 Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖

www.krigline.com.cn/grinch.htm (movie study guide)

Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel, 1904-1991)

u He was fired from his first writing job. u He started working on a PhD at Oxford University, but (failing again) he dropped out.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Seuss#mediaviewer/File:Ted_Geisel_NYWTS_2_crop.jpg https://www.flickr.com/photos/suzymushu/3323912148/ Below the photo it said “Ethan Bloch; Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!; Courtesy of Dr. Seuss Enterprises”

Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel, 1904-1991)u Ted wanted to be a cartoonist. u In the Great Depression ( 大萧条— ) he created advertising campaigns.u Advertising had made him relatively successful.u He created his own kids’ book in 1932, but no one would publish it.

Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel, 1904-1991)The first three publisher rejected his new children’s book….

https://www.flickr.com/photos/suzymushu/3323912148/ Below the photo it said “Ethan Bloch; Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!; Courtesy of Dr. Seuss Enterprises”

Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel, 1904-1991)The first three publisher rejected his new children’s book…

• Tell your partner how many publishers you would be willing to submit your work to, without giving up hope.

Partner discussion

https://www.flickr.com/photos/suzymushu/3323912148/ Below the photo it said “Ethan Bloch; Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!; Courtesy of Dr. Seuss Enterprises”

Thomas Edison said, “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” --Thomas Edison (inventor, 1847-1931)

生活中很多的失败者是那些当他们放弃的时候没有意识到他们已经多么接近成功了的人。 -- 托马斯 · 爱迪生

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thomas_edison_gl%C3%BChbirne.jpg From a friend; source unknown

Thomas Edison said, “Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged. ” --Thomas Edison (inventor, 1847-1931)

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thomas_edison_gl%C3%BChbirne.jpg From a friend; source unknown

Dr. Seuss (Ted Geisel, 1904-1991)

Although sometimes terribly discouraged, Dr. Seuss didn’t give up.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/suzymushu/3323912148/ Below the photo it said “Ethan Bloch; Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!; Courtesy of Dr. Seuss Enterprises” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Seuss#mediaviewer/File:Ted_Geisel_NYWTS_2_crop.jpg

“Michael, you hold the record for earning this degree in the longest amount of time. You started a dozen years ago, but you didn’t give up. Congratulations!” –Dean Mullholland (CIU)

Michael’s graduation; 1999

u I’ve also needed a lot of perseverance during this past year.

http://wp.krigline.com/perseverance_with_purpose/ Perseverance with Purpose

u I’ve also needed a lot of perseverance during this past year. u Each application (to a university or for a job) was sent in hope, and each rejection was hard to bear.

http://wp.krigline.com/perseverance_with_purpose/ Perseverance with Purpose

Each step took time and money. I wondered if it was worth it. But something kept telling us that it was important to be in Xiamen during this season of our lives.

We bought return tickets, in faith. New York, Hong Kong, Jinmen… More papers. More waiting. More prayer and perseverance.

New York City – photo by M Krigline

u As our plans failed time and time again, we persevered because we are operating under orders from One who sees the bigger picture.

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 1. Perseverance means to stay on track, but be willing to transfer to a different train (and remember that tracks imply both limitations and freedom).


http://wp.krigline.com/perseverance_with_purpose/ Perseverance with Purpose

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 2. Remember that life is seasonal (but that means that both good and bad times will pass).


http://wp.krigline.com/perseverance_with_purpose/ Perseverance with Purpose

Five keys to perseverance2. Remember that life is seasonal (but that means that both good and bad times will pass).

“Son, you can endure anything if you know there is an ending date.” [Dr. Alan Krigline]“When trouble comes, I remember that the Bible says ‘it came to pass,’ it didn’t come to stay.”

[Grandfather Rube Holmstrom]



Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 3. Everyone fails; determine to be one of the few willing to get up and try again.

每个人都会失败;下定决心要作那少数愿意爬起来再次尝试的人之一。 • Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do. [Emerson, Lombardi, Goldsmith, Confucius…]

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted…” --Hebrews 12:1-3 (ESV)

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 4. You need a worthwhile goal—“a map” (but celebrate the major steps that lead to that goal).

我需要一个有价值的目标——“一张地图” ( 但要庆祝达到那目标的主要步骤 ) 。

Consider Jesus… who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross…

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 4. You need a worthwhile goal—“a map” (but celebrate the major steps that lead to that goal).

我需要一个有价值的目标——“一张地图” ( 但要庆祝达到那目标的主要步骤 ) 。

“me and my own success.”“ 我和我自己的成功。” There are much better things to live for.


Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 4. You need a worthwhile goal—“a map” (but celebrate the major steps that lead to that goal).

我需要一个有价值的目标——“一张地图” ( 但要庆祝达到那目标的主要步骤 ) 。


Michael’s boss gets the first book. 2008

Michael’s son gets a puppy!2006

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 5. To persevere, you need a good “map and compass” (but a GPS is even better).

要坚持的话,你需要一个好的“地图和指南针”(但是全球定位系统更好)。 goals = mapmoral values = compass


photo by M Krigline

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 5. To persevere, you need a good “map and compass” (but a GPS is even better). 要坚持的话,你需要一个好的“地图和指南针”(但是全球定位系统更好)。

People in every culture know that some things are right and some are wrong. AND more importantly, we all know that we sometimes

fall short of our own standards for right and wrong. 每一种文化中的人们都明白一些事情是对的、一些事情是错的。并且更重要的是,我们都知道有时候我们


5. To persevere, you need a good “map and compass” (but a GPS is even better). 要坚持的话,你需要一个好的“地图和指南针”(但是全球定位系统更好)。

If our goals are our map, and our moral values are our compass, I think wisdom is our GPS. 如果我们的目标是我们的地图,我们的伦理价值是我们的指南针,我想

智慧就是我们的全球定位系统。The GPS of life is a higher view, an authoritative voice

from One who understands the bigger picture. 生命中的GPS 指的是一个更高的视角,是一位知晓更大图画的


Where do we find wisdom? 我们到哪里寻找智慧?

If our goals are our map, and our moral values are our compass, I think wisdom is our GPS. 如果我们的目标是我们的地图,我们的伦理价值是我们的指南针,我想

智慧就是我们的全球定位系统。The GPS of life is a higher view, an authoritative voice

from One who understands the bigger picture. 生命中的GPS 指的是一个更高的视角,是一位知晓更大图画的


Where do we find wisdom? 我们到哪里寻找智慧? “But where shall wisdom be found? 然而,智慧有何处可寻?And where is the place of understanding? 聪明之处在哪里呢?Man does not know its worth…智慧的价值无人能知……It cannot be bought for gold, silver…or jewels…智慧非用黄金可得,也不能平白银为它的价值……贵重的红玛瑙,并蓝宝石,不足与较量;It is hidden from the eyes of all living…是向一切有生命的眼目隐藏……Even Death says, ‘We have heard [only a] a rumor of it with our ears.’ 灭没和死亡说:‘我们风闻其名[But] “God understands the way to wisdom…神明白智慧的道路, And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord’, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”他对人说:‘敬畏主就是智慧; 远离恶便是聪明!’” from Job 28

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 5. To persevere, you need a good “map and compass” (but a GPS is even better). 要坚持的话,你需要一个好的“地图和指南针”(但是全球定位系统更好)。

The Christian life begins with a holy fear and reverence for the Lord, joined with repentance (“turning away from evil”) and belief

in the Gospel. This was Jesus’ first message, in Mark 1:15: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent

and believe in the gospel.” (ESV)

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 5. To persevere, you need a good “map and compass” (but a GPS is even better). 要坚持的话,你需要一个好的“地图和指南针”(但是全球定位系统更好)。

Hebrews 11:1 says: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Augustine said: “Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.”

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 5. To persevere, you need a good “map and compass” (but a GPS is even better). 要坚持的话,你需要一个好的“地图和指南针”(但是全球定位系统更好)。

If you ignore these universal virtues, sooner or later I think you’ll look back and realize you are lost.

Five keys to perseverance 坚持的关键 5. To persevere, you need a good “map and compass” (but a GPS is even better). 要坚持的话,你需要一个好的“地图和指南针”(但是全球定位系统更好)。

If you ignore these universal virtues, sooner or later I think you’ll look back and realize you are lost.

But there is joy for those who listen, just as there is freedom for those who obey.

Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance (ὑπομονή). And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it. But he should ask in faith, not doubting… --James 1:2-6 (NAB)“For the joy set before Him…” “Count it all joy…”

Five keys to perseverance 1. Perseverance means to stay on track, but be willing to transfer to a different train (and remember that tracks imply both limitations and freedom).2. Remember that life is seasonal (but that means that both good and bad times will pass).3. Everyone fails; determine to be one of the few willing to get up and try again.4. You need a worthwhile goal—“a map” (but celebrate the major steps that lead to that goal).5. To persevere, you need a good “moral compass” (but a GPS—heaven’s wisdom—is even better)


Heart-beat of LoveMichael Krigline, June 1984

Heart-beat of LoveMichael Krigline, 1984

Living in the shadow of Your hand, at times it’s hard to see.

The next step in your perfect plan is a mystery to me.

Heart-beat of LoveMichael Krigline, 1984

Living in the shadow of Your hand, at times it’s hard to see.

The next step in your perfect plan is a mystery to me.

Yet even now I know you’re near; Your Spirit testifies

And somehow guides me in a way that’s hidden from my eyes.

At times I feel I’m drifting in a boat, for Tarshish it is bound.

Nineveh seems far away and a map just can’t be found.

At times I feel I’m drifting in a boat, for Tarshish it is bound.

Nineveh seems far away and a map just can’t be found.

But I know the way to Tarshish from so many trips before;

O help me Lord to turn so I can reach the proper shore

Thy will be done, O Lord, though I don’t understand the way;

My spirit long to do your will, so what’s causing the delay


Thy will be done, O Lord, though I don’t understand the way;

My spirit long to do your will, so what’s causing the delay

Thy will be done, O Lord; Don’t let me stand in your way.

Turn me around ‘till I hear the sound of Your heart-beat of love ahead of me.


I never cease to be amazed at how You use someone like me

In spite of all the questions that I have at times like these.

I never cease to be amazed at how You use someone like me

In spite of all the questions that I have at times like these.

But Your love isn’t resting on the things You see in me,

As much as on Your view of whom, through Jesus, I will be.

Thy will be done, O Lord, though I don’t understand the way;

My spirit long to do your will, so what’s causing the delay

Thy will be done, O Lord; Don’t let me stand in your way.

Turn me around ‘till I hear the sound of Your heart-beat of love ahead of me.


You can reach Michael through the address at http://wp.krigline.com/about_us/For more of Michael’s music, visit www.krigline.com


or search for “Krigline” at iTunes or your favorite on-line music store.To hear Michael's concert of original music at The Bridge, July 5, 2014,

visit (you apparently need a Quicktime plug in):http://matb.org/Bridge/jiang_zuo_LIFE_TALKS/tiao_mu/2014/7/5_LIFE_TALK__2014-07-05-_yin_le_hui.html

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