mittlerer schulabschluss schuljahr 2018/2019 englisch...around all day. c making a clever decision...

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Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 1 von 20

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung _____/____________ Klasse / Name

Mittlerer Schulabschluss Schuljahr 2018/2019



Montag, 6. Mai 2019, 09:00 Uhr

Unterlagen für die Prüflinge


Überprüfe die Seitenzahlen und stelle so fest, ob du alle Unterlagen erhalten hast.

Trage bitte rechts oben auf diesem Blatt und auf deinen Arbeitspapieren deine Klasse (oder den Kurs) und deinen Namen ein.

Schreibe deinen Namen und deine Klasse auch auf deine Entwurfsblätter (= Kladde) und auf deine Reinschrift.

Kennzeichne bitte deine Entwurfsblätter (= Kladde) und die Reinschrift. Die Arbeitszeit beträgt 135 Minuten. Erlaubtes Hilfsmittel: ein zweisprachiges Wörterbuch (Englisch – Deutsch/

Deutsch – Englisch)

______________________ 1 Hinweise zu den Erleichterungen für neu zugewanderte Schülerinnen, Schüler und Prüflinge bei Sprachschwierigkeiten in der deutschen Sprache finden sich auf S. 2.

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 2 von 20

Erleichterungen für neu Zugewanderte

Entsprechend der „Richtlinie über die Gewährung von Erleichterungen für neu zugewanderte Schülerinnen, Schüler und Prüflinge bei Sprachschwierigkeiten in der deutschen Sprache“ (MBlSchul Nr. 08, 7. Oktober 2016, S. 60) erhalten die betroffenen Prüflinge für die Sprachmittlungsaufgabe eine Verlängerung der Bearbeitungszeit von 10 Minuten. Daher wird die Gesamtbearbeitungszeit für diese Schülerinnen und Schüler um 10 Minuten verlängert. Somit werden für die betroffenen Prüflinge die folgenden Erleichterungen gewährt:

Die Gesamtbearbeitungszeit wird um 10 Minuten auf 145 Minuten erhöht. 

Ein nicht-elektronisches Wörterbuch Deutsch – Herkunftssprache / Herkunftssprache – Deutsch wird für die gesamte Prüfung bereitgestellt.

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 3 von 20

Aufgabe I Hörverstehen

I.A Class Trip to Ireland – Fill in the Grid

Listen to the radio interview about a class trip to Ireland.

Fill in the grid with one aspect per box. If you write more than one aspect, only the first one counts.

There are some examples given. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 15 seconds before you

listen to the recording for a second time. You now have time to look at the task.

___/ 9 p. Source text (adapted) and image: (last access: 02/10/2018)

Mandy Alex Jenny

My best experience


(Wicklow) mountains


A must-do in Ireland

go shopping

(1) (1)

Be careful of

(1) (1) (1)

My advice for you in Dublin

(1) (1)

get free city map

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 4 von 20

I.B How to Travel around Europe Cheaply – Short Answers

Listen to Ben, talking on his YouTube channel.

While listening write short answers. Write one aspect per question. If you write more than one aspect, only the

first one counts. There is an example given (0). You will hear the recording twice. You will have 15 seconds before you

listen to the recording for a second time. You now have time to look at the task.

0. What is Ben talking about?

saving money while interrailing (0)

1. What mistake did Ben make?


2. What should you do when using public transport?


3. Where can you use computers for free?


4. How can you let a guide know that you enjoyed the city tour?


5. What can you get at your school office?


6. What do good hostels provide?


7. What does Ben like best about interrailing?


8. How can you plan your route in advance?


___/ 8 p. Source text (adapted): (last access: 02/10/2018)

Source image: (last access: 02/10/2018)

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 5 von 20

Aufgabe II Leseverstehen

II.A World’s Most Dangerous Travel Situations and How to Avoid Them – Multiple Choice

Travelling is one of my favorite things to do, but I wouldn’t be able to keep travelling if I didn’t take a number of precautions to ensure the safety of myself and my things. In fact, recent surveys have shown that people are cancelling their travel plans due to everything from concerns about diseases to worries about terrorism. Although personal safety should of course be your number one concern, that’s no reason to stop travelling altogether! Here are some tips to make sure that your trip goes off well without any problems:

Pick a Safe Destination

You should sign up for a website called so that you’ll be among the first to know if anything changes in the current situation abroad, such as whether there are protests taking place.

Be Smart About Your Belongings

I spent a couple of months living in a big city. Before my trip I read all about the safety risks that I might face there, and I knew I had to make wise choices. While I was travelling there, I left my passport and wallet locked up in the safe in my accommodation and carried only a photocopy of the passport and a small amount of cash with me every day. Nevertheless, there have been certain places where I’ve carried around my passport in a money belt during the day. Of course, what safety precautions you take will vary depending on where you are—so look online for destination-specific tips before you leave. And wherever you are, don’t leave your backpack, camera, phone or anything else just sitting there unattended—that’s just common sense!

Know the Local Thieves

Unfortunately, travellers are often the target of scams1, either because they don’t know the area well enough or because they are distracted by something else in their surroundings. The last thing you want is to find out that the friendly guy who is helping you is only trying to distract you while your pocket is being picked!

______________________ 1 scam: a situation in which you are betrayed or robbed by one or more people

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 6 von 20

Again, I recommend checking out common country-specific pages, for example do a general search for “common travel scams” so you can be careful and know what to look out for.

Be Wary of the Roads

If you’re used to driving in North America or Europe, then driving in, say, India could be a bit of a shock, because there are so many more cars on much smaller streets. In other countries, you’ll often find that pedestrian laws are ignored or don’t exist, and even typical traffic laws like lane dividers and speed limits are viewed more like suggestions than as enforced rules! Make sure you know ahead of time what you’re looking for — or hire a guide that you can trust!

Get Familiar with Your Surroundings

One of the first things I do when I arrive somewhere is pick up a map. Usually you can find these at airport info booths or at the tourist information office downtown. Or, if you’re staying at a hotel, you may be able to get one from the hotel’s concierge desk. I like having a paper map rather than just using my phone because then I don’t have to worry about my phone’s battery dying. Even if I never end up using my paper map, it’s nice to have that “backup plan” in my bag just in case! The last thing you want to do is walk through an unsafe area after dark, so make sure you know where you’re going and what areas you should avoid.

Although there’s no denying that the world can be a dangerous place to travel around, there is no reason why your worries should keep you from travelling entirely. Source text (adapted) and image: (last access: 26/06/2018)

I.B Multiple Choice Tick () the correct statement (a, b c or d). Only one option is correct. There is an example given (0).

0. The author… a never travels.

b loves travelling.

c travels every other week.

d doesn‘t like travelling at all.

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 7 von 20

1. People are travelling less because of …

a precautions.

b recent polls.

c health problems.

d potential safety risks.

2. is a

website you can join in order to ...

a check out the best prices.

b learn about the current weather.

c find out about current warnings.

d get information from your national department of foreign affairs.

3. Travelling safely includes…

a travelling to big cities only.

b carrying your most important things around all day.

c making a clever decision about what to carry around.

d travelling with only a copy of your passport.

4. Travellers can avoid becoming a victim of thieves by … a acting thoughtfully and forward-


b sleeping in hotels.

c travelling with other people.

d trusting the local people.

5. Driving in other countries… a is no problem.

b is always a shock.

c is never an option.

d can be challenging.

6. Pedestrian laws… a are the same in North America and Germany.

b aren’t always followed.

c depend on speed limits.

d are suggestions only.

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 8 von 20

7. Always carry a paper map… a to avoid talking to the concierge.

b to find the next tourist information.

c in case your phone stops working.

d to feel safe in unsafe areas.

8. Travelling the world… a should not be done alone.

b is not recommended for worried people.

c can be dangerous.

d needs to have a “back up plan”.

__/8 p.

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 9 von 20

Aufgabe zum Erreichen der Note E1: What makes travelling dangerous? Explain four dangers mentioned in the text. Write full sentences in English by using the information from the text. Don’t quote from the text, use your own words. ________________________________________________________________




















____/4 p.

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 10 von 20

II.B Things I Wish I Had Known Before Riding Across the Country - Find the Mistake


Before I decided to ride across the country for the first time, I hadn’t even taken an overnight bike camping trip, nor ridden my bike farther than 60 miles in a day. I had no idea what to worry about, what to pack or what to expect. And maybe that’s the right way to do it. After all, nothing can really prepare you for that first big bike journey. That said, I could have maybe done a little more preparation before I set out on a two-month trip alone with little more than a phone card and a $15 tent. Here are some of the things that I wish I’d known before I left home!


Out of everything I packed, my sleeping bag was where I wish I’d spent a little extra money. I had no idea how bitterly cold it could get at night. In the mountains, my sleeping bag, a flat fold of polyester was no warmer than sleeping in a paper bag. The minute I reached a town I spent half my budget on a nice, lightweight sleeping bag I still use to this day.

Extra clothes or a repair kit — chances are, you won’t use half the stuff you thought you’d need in advance. The good news is, you can always send extras home or your friends send you things to post offices along the route (like cold- or warm-weather clothes). Before my first tour, I had no idea post offices even let you do that. But once I got used to it, I had cookies and warm socks waiting for me at every stop. Just make sure to find a small-town post office (smaller towns are less likely to misplace the package). And make sure you’ll be passing through that town on a day the post office will be open.

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 11 von 20


So many friends and family members warned me that riding alone would be dangerous that I started to wonder if they might be on to something. But eventually what I discovered is that the vast majority of people were trusting and kind. The hospitality I’ve experienced on bike tours from strangers has since been unparalleled. Families saw me on the roads and invited me to stay at their houses; elderly church-goers offered to make me food. Yes, even me — at the time, a tattooed kid with short, messy hair in a black hoodie covered with punk patches. I’m so glad I ventured outside my bubble long enough to learn that this country is made up of quirky, amazing characters worth connecting with and swapping stories.

Before I left, I wish I’d known about WarmPlaces—a site that helps set up traveling bike tourists with potential hosts—or some of the other great websites to finding free or low-cost lodging, like talking to other bike tourists in advance or getting tips from blogs.

When I first set out, what I’d always labelled small towns were practically bustling metropolises compared to the zero-stoplight places I would spend most of my nights in while bike touring. But what those tiny villages lacked in city services they often made up for in convenience and hospitality. Lots of 200-person towns not only allow free camping in the city park but also provide showers and other resources at the local swimming pool or firehouse. And sometimes, even if a city doesn’t have that kind of program set up, you can negotiate a safe place to pitch your tent for free with the local sheriff—or sleep in the basement of a local church.

Source text (adapted): (last access: 04/01/2019); Source image:

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 12 von 20

Find the mistake and correct it on the line below. You do not have to rewrite the complete sentences, the correct words are

enough. Sometimes it´s one wrong word, sometimes there are more wrong words.

0. The article is about information Caitlin Giddings would have liked to have had before going on a hiking tour. ___________riding across the country __________________________

1. Caitlin had already been on a cross country bike tour before the one she describes in the article.


2. She spent most of her travel budget on a new sleeping bag.


3. It is better to use post offices in smaller towns because they are easier to find.


4. Before she left for her tour she was told that it could be lonely to ride across the country on her own.


5. WarmPlaces is a site for all tourists who want to find cheap accommodation.


6. Caitlin prefers larger cities because of the conveniences and hospitality they offer.


7. Only a few villages let you use their communal facilities.


8. You can talk to the sheriff about where to put your tent for a low price. ______________________________________________________(1)

___/ 8 p.

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 13 von 20

Aufgabe III Sprachmittlung

Let’s go Glamping!

Bei dieser Aufgabe geht es nicht um die wörtliche Übersetzung, sondern um die sinngemäße Wiedergabe der entscheidenden Informationen in der jeweiligen Sprache (Deutsch oder Englisch). Manchmal gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten, eine Aussage zu formulieren. Entscheide dich für eine Möglichkeit. Beachte, aus welcher Perspektive du sprichst (z.B. über jemand anderen).

Es gibt ein Beispiel (0).


Zusammen mit deiner Freundin/deinem Freund bist du gerade an der Rezeption eines “Glamping“-Campingplatzes in Norfolk. Ihr möchtet dort “Glamping“, die luxuriöse Variante des Campings, ausprobieren und sprecht mit einem Rezeptionisten. Dein/e Freund/in hat noch viele Fragen, aber er/sie versteht nicht so gut Englisch. Du vermittelst zwischen dem Rezeptionisten und ihr/ihm.


Freund/in: Ich habe auf der Webseite schon gelesen, dass Bettbezüge, Handtücher und Geschirrhandtücher im Preis inklusive sind. Aber gibt es eigentlich eine Feuerstelle?

Du: Is there a fireplace?_________________________________

1. Receptionist: Included is a fireplace which you can also use as a barbecue.

Du: _________________________________________________


2. Freund/in: Aha, das ist ja praktisch. Können wir auch Lebensmittel dafür bestellen?

Du: _________________________________________________


3. Receptionist: Sure, you can buy barbecue packs here. We also offer breakfast packs.

Du: ________________________________________________

________________________________________________ (2)

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 14 von 20

4. Freund/in: Ok, aber wo sollen wir die Lebensmittel denn im Zelt kühlen?

Du: ________________________________________________ (1)

5. Receptionist: There are two cooling boxes for each tent. That’s part of the “glamping” experience!



________________________________________________ (1)

6. Freund/in: OK! Ich muss auf jeden Fall noch wissen, ob es in dem Zelt auch ein WC gibt!



7. Receptionist: Of course, each tent is provided with it´s own.



8. Freund/in: Was für ein Glück! Wo können wir duschen?

Du: _________________________________________________(1)

9. Receptionist Every tent has its own hot water shower but you´re also welcome to use our luxurious pool area with showers.

Du: _________________________________________________


Freund/in: Da bin ich erleichtert. Das wird bestimmt ein großer Spaß. Lass uns buchen!

___/ 12 p.

Source image: (last access: 26/06/2018)

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 15 von 20

Aufgabe IV Textproduktion

Disappointment in Malta - Write a Letter of Complaint

You have just returned from your first summer holiday to Malta. The hotel you stayed in was not what you expected and what was stated on the Internet.

Write a formal letter to the hotel manager (Mr. Snyder) complaining about the situation.

Your letter has to include:

details about (online) booking (1)

your duration of stay (1)

complaints about four aspects from the list below that were different from what was stated on the Internet

Complain about one aspect in detail. (1)

o view o animationo noise o cleanliness o mealso internet connection o your own idea (max. 8)

In the end ask for some kind of compensation. (1)

Remember: This is a formal letter!

Write between 170 and 250 words.

Source images: (last access: 03/01/2019)

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 16 von 20

Seaside Hotel

Mr Jonathan Snyder Manager 18 St. James Avenue St. Paul’s Bay

SPB 3232






















Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 17 von 20





















Count your words before you hand in your paper. Don’t count names and German words. A short form (e. g. I’m, he’s, isn’t) counts as one word.

Number of words: _____________

Inhalt: 12 Punkte Sprache: 18 Punkte Gesamt: 30 Punkte

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 18 von 20

Aufgabe zum Erreichen der Note E1:

What would be your most important piece of advice on how to avoid a disappointing holiday?

Give a reason for your choice.

Write about 50 words.


















Inhalt: 2 Punkte Sprache: 2 Punkte Gesamt: 4 Punkte

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 19 von 20


Punkte 83 - 76 75 - 66 65 - 56 55 - 46 45 - 36 35 - 24 23 - 0


E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4

G 1

G 2 G 3 G 4,5,6




2 3 4 5 6

E 1

83 - 80

E 2 +

75 - 73

E 3+

65 - 63

E 4 +

G 1

55 - 53

G 2 +

45 - 43

G 3 +

35 - 32

G 4


E 2

72 - 70

E 3

62 - 60

E 4

G 1

52 - 50

G 2

42 - 40

G 3

31 - 28

G 5

16 - 10

E 1 –

79 - 76

E 2 –

69 - 66

E 3 –

59 - 56

E 4 -

G 1 –

49 - 46

G 2 –

39 - 36

G 3 –

27 - 24

G 6

9 - 0

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Schuljahr 2018/2019 Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Haupttermin Mittlerer Schulabschluss Englisch

Name: _______________________________________ Klasse: _________

Eng1-MSA-2019 Seite 20 von 20


Schülername: _______________________________ Klasse/Kurs: _________________

Nr. Kompetenz Bewertete Aufgaben maximale

Punkte erreichte Punkte

I. Hörverstehen

A Class Trip to Ireland – Fill in the Grid


B How to Travel around Europe Cheaply – Short Answers


II. Leseverstehen

A World’s Most Dangerous Travel Situations and How to Avoid Them – Multiple Choice + E 1 Aufgabe


B Things I Wish I Had Known Before Riding Across the Country - Find the Mistake


III. Sprachmittlung Let’s go Glamping! 12

IV. Textproduktion Disappointment in Malta - Write a Letter of Complaint.

Inhalt 12+2



Gesamtpunktzahl 83

Note: _______________________ Datum: _________________________

Unterschrift des 1. Korrektors: __________________________________

Unterschrift des 2. Korrektors: __________________________________

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