nonmeasurability with respet to marczewski's...

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Nonmeasurability with respet to Marczewski’sideal

Robert Ra lowskiWroc law University of Technology, Poland

Kyoto, 13 November 2014

Notation and Terminology

X - uncountable Polish space, Perf(X ) - all perfect subsets of XLet I ⊆ P(X ) be a fixed σ-ideal containing all singletons.

I non(I ) = min{|F | : F ⊆ X ∧ F /∈ I},I add(I ) = min{|A| : A ⊆ I ∧

⋃A /∈ I},

I cof(I ) = min{|B| : B ⊆ I ∧ (∀A ∈ I )(∃B ∈ B)A ⊆ B},I cov(I ) = min{|A| : A ⊆ I ∧

⋃A = X},

I for a fixed family of perfect subsets P ⊆ Perf (X ) letcovh(I ) = min{|A| : A ⊆ I ∧ (∃P ∈ P) P ⊆


Marczewski ideal

E. Marczewski (Szpilrajn), Sur une classe de fonctions de W.Sierpinski et la classe correspondante d’ensembles, Fund. Math. 24(1935), 17–34.

Definition (Marczewski ideal s0)

Let X be any fixed uncountable Polish space. Then we say thatA ∈ P(X ) is in s0 iff

(∀P ∈ Perf (X ))(∃Q ∈ Perf (X )) Q ⊆ P ∧ Q ∩ A = ∅.

cov(s0) = covh(s0) - well known

Definition (s-measurable set)

Let X be any fixed uncountable Polish space. Then we say thatA ∈ P(X ) is s-measurable iff

(∀P ∈ Perf(X ))(∃Q ∈ Perf(X )) Q ⊆ P ∧ (Q ⊆ A ∨ Q ∩ A = ∅).

Laver tree

We say that the tree T ⊆ ω<ω is a Laver tree if

I there is a stem s ∈ T i.e for any t ∈ T t ⊆ s or s ⊆ t,

I for any t ∈ T if s ⊆ t then {n ∈ ω : tan ∈ T} ∈ [ω]ω.

For tree T define [T ] = {x ∈ ωω : (∀n ∈ ω) x � n ∈ T}.LT set of all Laver trees.

l0 ideal

Definition (ideal l0)

Let X be any fixed uncountable Polish space. Then we say thatA ∈ P(X ) is in l0 iff

(∀T ∈ LT)(∃S ∈ LT) [S ] ⊆ [T ] ∧ [S ] ∩ A = ∅.

cov(l0) = covh(l0) - well known

Definition (l-measurable set)

Let X be any fixed uncountable Polish space. Then we say thatA ∈ P(X ) is l-measurable iff

(∀T ∈ LT)(∃S ∈ LT) [S ] ⊆ [T ] ∧ ([S ] ⊆ A ∨ [S ] ∩ A = ∅).

Cardinal coefficients for s0 and l0

Theorem (Judah-Miller-Shelah, Repicky )

add(s0) ≤ cov(s0) ≤ cof (c) ≤ non(s0) = c ≤ cof (s0) ≤ 2c

Judah H., Miller A., Shelah S., Sacks forcing, Laver forcing and Martin’s

Axiom, Archive for Math Logic 31 (1992) 145-161.

Cleary ω1 ≤ add(l0) ≤ cov(l0) ≤ c holds.

Theorem (Goldstern-Repicky )

It is relatively consistent with ZFC that add(l0) < cov(l0).

Goldstern M., Repicky M., Shelah S., Spinas O., On Tree Ideals, Proc. of

the Amer. Math. Soc. vol. 123 no. 5, (1995). pp. 1573-1581.

Cardinal coefficients for s0 and l0

Theorem (Judah-Miller-Shelah, Repicky )

add(s0) ≤ cov(s0) ≤ cof (c) ≤ non(s0) = c ≤ cof (s0) ≤ 2c

Judah H., Miller A., Shelah S., Sacks forcing, Laver forcing and Martin’s

Axiom, Archive for Math Logic 31 (1992) 145-161.

Cleary ω1 ≤ add(l0) ≤ cov(l0) ≤ c holds.

Theorem (Goldstern-Repicky )

It is relatively consistent with ZFC that add(l0) < cov(l0).

Goldstern M., Repicky M., Shelah S., Spinas O., On Tree Ideals, Proc. of

the Amer. Math. Soc. vol. 123 no. 5, (1995). pp. 1573-1581.

Complete Laver tree

Tree T ⊆ ω<ω is a complete Laver tree, iff, every node t ∈ T isinfinitely splitting.The set of all complete Laver trees is denoted by the cLT.Moreover, recalling the definition of the ideal cl0, we have

Definition (ideal cl0)

We say that A ∈ P(ωω) is in cl0 iff

(∀T ∈ cLT)(∃Q ∈ cLT) [Q] ⊆ [T ] ∧ [Q] ∩ A = ∅.

Using the natural isomorphism of the perfect set P = [T ], whereT is Laver tree or complete Laver tree, with ωω, we havecovh(l0) = cov(l0) and covh(cl0) = cov(cl0).

Definition (cl-measurable set)

We say that A ∈ P(ωω) is cl-measurable iff for every completeLaver tree T ∈ cLT there is a complete Laver tree S ∈ cLT suchthat

(S ⊆ [T ] ∧ [S ] ⊆ A) ∨ ([S ] ⊆ [T ] ∧ [S ] ∩ A = ∅).

DefinitionLet C ∈ {s, l , cl} then we say that a family A of sets isC -summable iff for every subfamily B ⊆ A the union

⋃B is an

I -measurable set.

DefinitionLet X be any uncountable Polish space and let us consider acardinal κ. We say that the family A ⊆ P(X ) is κ-point family iff|{A ∈ A : x ∈ A}| < κ for all x ∈ X .



Let X be any uncountable Polish space. Then there exists ans-summable family A ⊆ s0 s.t.

⋃A = X .

Proof.Let us enumerate X = {xξ : ξ < c} and let us defineAα = {xξ : ξ < α} ∈ s0 for any α < c. The familyA = {Aα : α < c} fulfills the assertion of the Theorem.

FactEvery Luzin and Sierpinski set is in s0.


Let A be a c-point family consisting of Luzin subsets of X suchthat

⋃A /∈ s0. Then A is not s-summable.

Proof.Let add(A, s0) = min{|B| : B ⊆ A ∧

⋃B /∈ s0}, then

add(A, s0) = c.Assume that

⋃A is s-measurable. Find a nowhere dense set

P0 ⊆⋃A

Enumerate {Pξ : ξ < c} of all perfect subsets of P0.Let us build a sequence (Aξ, dξ) ∈ A× X for ξ < c

I Aξ ∩ Pξ 6= ∅ and dξ ∈ Pξ for every ξ < c and

I {dξ : ξ < c} ∩⋃{Aξ : ξ < c} = ∅.

In the α-th step of induction the familyA0 = {A ∈ A : (∃ξ < α)dξ ∈ A} has size < c. Then

⋃A0 ∈ s0

because add(A, s0) = c. Therefore we can find Aα ∈ A \ A0 suchthat Aα ∩ Pα 6= ∅. Then choose any dα ∈ Pα \

⋃{Aξ : ξ ≤ α}.

The resulting family A is not s-summable because⋃{Aξ : ξ < c}

is not s-measurable.

RemarkThis is also true if we replace a Luzin set by a Sierpinski set. Theabove Proposition also holds for l-summability.


Let A be a c-point family consisting of Luzin subsets of X suchthat

⋃A /∈ s0. Then A is not s-summable.

Proof.Let add(A, s0) = min{|B| : B ⊆ A ∧

⋃B /∈ s0}, then

add(A, s0) = c.Assume that

⋃A is s-measurable. Find a nowhere dense set

P0 ⊆⋃A

Enumerate {Pξ : ξ < c} of all perfect subsets of P0.Let us build a sequence (Aξ, dξ) ∈ A× X for ξ < c

I Aξ ∩ Pξ 6= ∅ and dξ ∈ Pξ for every ξ < c and

I {dξ : ξ < c} ∩⋃{Aξ : ξ < c} = ∅.

In the α-th step of induction the familyA0 = {A ∈ A : (∃ξ < α)dξ ∈ A} has size < c. Then

⋃A0 ∈ s0

because add(A, s0) = c. Therefore we can find Aα ∈ A \ A0 suchthat Aα ∩ Pα 6= ∅. Then choose any dα ∈ Pα \

⋃{Aξ : ξ ≤ α}.

The resulting family A is not s-summable because⋃{Aξ : ξ < c}

is not s-measurable.

RemarkThis is also true if we replace a Luzin set by a Sierpinski set. Theabove Proposition also holds for l-summability.


Let A be a c-point family consisting of Luzin subsets of X suchthat

⋃A /∈ s0. Then A is not s-summable.

Proof.Let add(A, s0) = min{|B| : B ⊆ A ∧

⋃B /∈ s0}, then

add(A, s0) = c.Assume that

⋃A is s-measurable. Find a nowhere dense set

P0 ⊆⋃A

Enumerate {Pξ : ξ < c} of all perfect subsets of P0.Let us build a sequence (Aξ, dξ) ∈ A× X for ξ < c

I Aξ ∩ Pξ 6= ∅ and dξ ∈ Pξ for every ξ < c and

I {dξ : ξ < c} ∩⋃{Aξ : ξ < c} = ∅.

In the α-th step of induction the familyA0 = {A ∈ A : (∃ξ < α)dξ ∈ A} has size < c. Then

⋃A0 ∈ s0

because add(A, s0) = c. Therefore we can find Aα ∈ A \ A0 suchthat Aα ∩ Pα 6= ∅. Then choose any dα ∈ Pα \

⋃{Aξ : ξ ≤ α}.

The resulting family A is not s-summable because⋃{Aξ : ξ < c}

is not s-measurable.

RemarkThis is also true if we replace a Luzin set by a Sierpinski set. Theabove Proposition also holds for l-summability.


Let A be a c-point family consisting of Luzin subsets of X suchthat

⋃A /∈ s0. Then A is not s-summable.

Proof.Let add(A, s0) = min{|B| : B ⊆ A ∧

⋃B /∈ s0}, then

add(A, s0) = c.Assume that

⋃A is s-measurable. Find a nowhere dense set

P0 ⊆⋃A

Enumerate {Pξ : ξ < c} of all perfect subsets of P0.Let us build a sequence (Aξ, dξ) ∈ A× X for ξ < c

I Aξ ∩ Pξ 6= ∅ and dξ ∈ Pξ for every ξ < c and

I {dξ : ξ < c} ∩⋃{Aξ : ξ < c} = ∅.

In the α-th step of induction the familyA0 = {A ∈ A : (∃ξ < α)dξ ∈ A} has size < c. Then

⋃A0 ∈ s0

because add(A, s0) = c. Therefore we can find Aα ∈ A \ A0 suchthat Aα ∩ Pα 6= ∅. Then choose any dα ∈ Pα \

⋃{Aξ : ξ ≤ α}.

The resulting family A is not s-summable because⋃{Aξ : ξ < c}

is not s-measurable.

RemarkThis is also true if we replace a Luzin set by a Sierpinski set. Theabove Proposition also holds for l-summability.


Let A be a c-point family consisting of Luzin subsets of X suchthat

⋃A /∈ s0. Then A is not s-summable.

Proof.Let add(A, s0) = min{|B| : B ⊆ A ∧

⋃B /∈ s0}, then

add(A, s0) = c.Assume that

⋃A is s-measurable. Find a nowhere dense set

P0 ⊆⋃A

Enumerate {Pξ : ξ < c} of all perfect subsets of P0.Let us build a sequence (Aξ, dξ) ∈ A× X for ξ < c

I Aξ ∩ Pξ 6= ∅ and dξ ∈ Pξ for every ξ < c and

I {dξ : ξ < c} ∩⋃{Aξ : ξ < c} = ∅.

In the α-th step of induction the familyA0 = {A ∈ A : (∃ξ < α)dξ ∈ A} has size < c. Then

⋃A0 ∈ s0

because add(A, s0) = c. Therefore we can find Aα ∈ A \ A0 suchthat Aα ∩ Pα 6= ∅. Then choose any dα ∈ Pα \

⋃{Aξ : ξ ≤ α}.

The resulting family A is not s-summable because⋃{Aξ : ξ < c}

is not s-measurable.

RemarkThis is also true if we replace a Luzin set by a Sierpinski set. Theabove Proposition also holds for l-summability.

The c-point family assumption cannot be omitted.

Proposition (CH)

There exists an s-summable family A of Luzin sets such that⋃A = R and A is not a c-point family.

Proof.Let {xξ : ξ < ω1} be an enumeration of R and let {Cξ : ξ < ω1} beany sequence of Luzin subsets of R. The familyA = {

⋃η<ξ Cη ∪ {xη} : ξ < ω1} is s-summable family of Luzin

sets and⋃A = R. Obviously A is not ω1-point family.

Abraham, U., A minimal model for ¬CH: iteration of Jensen’s reals,Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 281(1984), 657-674.Judah H., Miller A., Shelah S., Sacks forcing, Laver forcing and Martin’sAxiom, Archive for Math Logic 31 (1992) 145-161.

Repicky M., Perfect sets and collapsing continuum, Comment. Math.

Univ. Carolin. 44,2 (2003) 315–327.

add(s0) = c = ω2

Moreover, in the Sacks model

ω1 = add(s0) < cov(s0) = c = ω2

(see proof of the Theorem 1.2 )Judah H., Miller A., Shelah S., Sacks forcing, Laver forcing andMartin’s Axiom, Archive for Math Logic 31 (1992) 145-161.

TheoremAssume that covh(s0) = c holds and let A ⊆ s0 be any c-pointfamily of subsets of the Polish space X with

⋃A /∈ s0. Then there

exists a subfamily B ⊆ A s.t.⋃

B is not s-measurable set.

Proof. Let A ⊆ s0 be an s-summable c-point family such that⋃A /∈ s0. Then, by assumption thre is a perfect nowhere dense set

P ⊆⋃A. So let {Pξ : ξ < c} be an enumeration of perfect

subsets of P. By transfinite induction we can choose(Aξ, dξ) ∈ A× X for ξ < c such that

I Aξ ∩ Pξ 6= ∅ and dξ ∈ Pξ for every ξ < c and

I {dξ : ξ < c} ∩⋃{Aξ : ξ < c} = ∅.

TheoremAssume that covh(s0) = c holds and let A ⊆ s0 be any c-pointfamily of subsets of the Polish space X with

⋃A /∈ s0. Then there

exists a subfamily B ⊆ A s.t.⋃

B is not s-measurable set.

Proof. Let A ⊆ s0 be an s-summable c-point family such that⋃A /∈ s0. Then, by assumption thre is a perfect nowhere dense set

P ⊆⋃A. So let {Pξ : ξ < c} be an enumeration of perfect

subsets of P. By transfinite induction we can choose(Aξ, dξ) ∈ A× X for ξ < c such that

I Aξ ∩ Pξ 6= ∅ and dξ ∈ Pξ for every ξ < c and

I {dξ : ξ < c} ∩⋃{Aξ : ξ < c} = ∅.

α-th step

At the α’th step of the induction, the union⋃{A ∈ A : (∃ξ < α)dξ ∈ A}

doesn’t cover Pα (as covh(s0) = c.) As such, one can find anA ∈ A such that A∩Pα 6= ∅ and A∩ {dξ : ξ < α} = ∅. After this,find d ∈ Pα \ (A ∪

⋃{Aξ : ξ < α}) and put Aα = A and dα = d .

For B = {Aξ : ξ < c} we have⋃

B is not s-measurablecontradicting the assumption that A is s-summable. �

TheoremIt is relatively consistent that there exists a partition A ∈ [s0]ω1 ofthe real line for which there exists a subfamily B ⊆ A such that⋃

B is not s-measurable and ω1 < c.


Let Pα denote the finite support iteration of Cohen forcing oflength ℵα, let P = Pω1 and let Aα = R ∩ V Pα for α < ω1 in V P.By c .c .c . argument we have in V P, R =


Aα and|Aα| = ℵα < c = ℵω1 for all α < ω1.Consequently Aα ∈ s0 and A = {Aα+1 \ Aα : α < ω1} is apartition of R consisting of s0 sets.Then B =

⋃B is not s-summable, where

B = {Aα+1 \ Aα : α < ω1 and α odd} ⊂ A

Let P ⊆ R be an arbitrary perfect set in V P. Its Borel code belongsto V Pβ for some β < ω1. Then for every α with β ≤ α < ω1 thereis a perfect set Pα ⊆ P coded in V Pα+1 disjoint from Aα since|Aα| < ℵα+1 = cV

Pα+1 . Therefore B ∩ P 6= ∅ and B \ P 6= ∅. �


Let Pα denote the finite support iteration of Cohen forcing oflength ℵα, let P = Pω1 and let Aα = R ∩ V Pα for α < ω1 in V P.By c .c .c . argument we have in V P, R =


Aα and|Aα| = ℵα < c = ℵω1 for all α < ω1.Consequently Aα ∈ s0 and A = {Aα+1 \ Aα : α < ω1} is apartition of R consisting of s0 sets.Then B =

⋃B is not s-summable, where

B = {Aα+1 \ Aα : α < ω1 and α odd} ⊂ A

Let P ⊆ R be an arbitrary perfect set in V P. Its Borel code belongsto V Pβ for some β < ω1. Then for every α with β ≤ α < ω1 thereis a perfect set Pα ⊆ P coded in V Pα+1 disjoint from Aα since|Aα| < ℵα+1 = cV

Pα+1 . Therefore B ∩ P 6= ∅ and B \ P 6= ∅. �


Let Pα denote the finite support iteration of Cohen forcing oflength ℵα, let P = Pω1 and let Aα = R ∩ V Pα for α < ω1 in V P.By c .c .c . argument we have in V P, R =


Aα and|Aα| = ℵα < c = ℵω1 for all α < ω1.Consequently Aα ∈ s0 and A = {Aα+1 \ Aα : α < ω1} is apartition of R consisting of s0 sets.Then B =

⋃B is not s-summable, where

B = {Aα+1 \ Aα : α < ω1 and α odd} ⊂ A

Let P ⊆ R be an arbitrary perfect set in V P. Its Borel code belongsto V Pβ for some β < ω1. Then for every α with β ≤ α < ω1 thereis a perfect set Pα ⊆ P coded in V Pα+1 disjoint from Aα since|Aα| < ℵα+1 = cV

Pα+1 . Therefore B ∩ P 6= ∅ and B \ P 6= ∅. �


Let Pα denote the finite support iteration of Cohen forcing oflength ℵα, let P = Pω1 and let Aα = R ∩ V Pα for α < ω1 in V P.By c .c .c . argument we have in V P, R =


Aα and|Aα| = ℵα < c = ℵω1 for all α < ω1.Consequently Aα ∈ s0 and A = {Aα+1 \ Aα : α < ω1} is apartition of R consisting of s0 sets.Then B =

⋃B is not s-summable, where

B = {Aα+1 \ Aα : α < ω1 and α odd} ⊂ A

Let P ⊆ R be an arbitrary perfect set in V P. Its Borel code belongsto V Pβ for some β < ω1. Then for every α with β ≤ α < ω1 thereis a perfect set Pα ⊆ P coded in V Pα+1 disjoint from Aα since|Aα| < ℵα+1 = cV

Pα+1 . Therefore B ∩ P 6= ∅ and B \ P 6= ∅. �

Big point families

If X is any Polish space then a family A ⊂ P(X ) is called abig-point family iff

{x ∈ X : |{A ∈ A : x ∈ A}| < c} ∈ s0.

TheoremIf cov(s0) = c and c is a regular cardinal and A ⊆ s0 is a big-pointfamily of Marczewski null subsets of the uncountable Polish spaceX such that

{(x , y) ∈ X × X : |{A ∈ A : x , y ∈ A}| = c} ∈ s0 × s0,

then there exists a subfamily A′ ⊆ A such that⋃A′ is a Bernstein



Let {Pξ : ξ < c} be an enumeration of all perfect subsets of X . Byinduction we will find a sequence of triples(Aξ, dξ, xξ) ∈ A× X × X (ξ < c) so that for every ξ < c,

1. |{A ∈ A : dx ∈ A}| = c,

2. the set Bξ = {x ∈ X : |{A ∈ A : x , dξ ∈ A}| = c} is in s0,

3. dξ ∈ Pξ \ (⋃{Bη : η < ξ} ∪

⋃{Aη : η < ξ}),

4. xξ ∈ Pξ ∩ Aξ and {dη : η < ξ} ∩ Aξ = ∅.Assume that for some ξ ∈ c, we have constructed (Aη, dη) for eachη < ξ. By the assumptions of the theorem there is a perfect setP ′ξ ⊆ Pξ such that for all y ∈ P ′


|{A ∈ A : y ∈ A}| = c and {x ∈ X : |{A ∈ A : x , y ∈ A}| = c} ∈ s0.

Now choose dξ ∈ P ′ξ \ (

⋃{Bη : η < ξ} ∪

⋃{Aη : η < ξ}); this is

possible because cov(s0) = c. Then (1)− (3) hold. Similarly wecan choose any xξ ∈ P ′

ξ \⋃{Bη : η ≤ ξ}. Then

|{A ∈ A : xξ, dξ ∈ A}| < c for all η < ξ. By regularity of c we canchoose Aξ ∈ A so that xξ ∈ Aξ and dη /∈ Aξ for all η ≤ ξ. Thisensures (4) and the construction is finished. Now setA′ = {Aξ : ξ < c}. Then

⋃A′ is a Bernstein set because by (3)

and (4) for every ξ < c, xξ ∈ Pξ ∩⋃A′ and dξ ∈ Pξ \

⋃A′. �

MAD s0 or l0-families and their s or l-nonmeasurability

TheoremThere exists a s-nonmeasurable m.a.d. family in Baire space.

RemarkThe same Theorem is valid in case l and m nonmeasurability.


Fix T ⊆ ω < ω a perfect tree such that [T ] is a.d. in ωω. Let usenumerate Perf (T ) = {Tα : α < c} a family of all perfect subsetsof T . By transfinite reccursion let us define

{(aα, dα, xα) ∈ [T ]2 × ωω : α < c}

such that for any α < c we have:

1. aα, dα ∈ Tα,

2. {aξ : ξ < α} ∩ {dξ : ξ < α} = ∅,3. {aξ : ξ < α} ∪ {xξ : ξ < α} is a.d.,

4. ∀∞n xα(n) = dα(n) but xα 6= dα.

α-th step construction

1. aα, dα ∈ Tα,

2. {aξ : ξ < α} ∩ {dξ : ξ < α} = ∅,3. {aξ : ξ < α} ∪ {xξ : ξ < α} is a.d.,

4. ∀∞n xα(n) = dα(n) but xα 6= dα.

Now assume that we are in α-th step construction and we haverequired sequence

{(aξ, dξ, xξ) ∈ [T ]2 × ωω : ξ < α}

which have size at most ω|α| < c then we can choose in [Tα] (ofsize c) aα, dα ∈ [Tα] which fulfills the first condition. Then chooseany xα ∈ ωω different than dα but (∀∞n)dα(n) = xα(n) thenx ∈ ωω \ [T ] and

{aξ : ξ < α} ∪ {xξ : ξ < α}

forms an a.d. family in ωω.

end of proof

Keppeing in mind

1. aα, dα ∈ Tα,

2. {aξ : ξ < α} ∩ {dξ : ξ < α} = ∅,3. {aξ : ξ < α} ∪ {xξ : ξ < α} is a.d.,

4. ∀∞n xα(n) = dα(n) but xα 6= dα.

Now set A0 = {aα : α < c} ∪ {xα : α < c} and let us extend it toany maximal a.d. family A. It is easy to chect that A is requireds-nonmeasurable m.a.d. family in the Baire space ωω. �

cl-nonmeasurable dominating mad family

TheoremIt is relatively consistent with ZFC that

I ω1 < c,

I ∃A ⊆ ωω A is m.a.d. and is not cl-measurable,

I ∃A′ ∈ [A]<c A′ is dominating family in Baire space.

Forcing notion

Let V |= GCH.T ⊆ ω<ω Laver tree such that [T ] - a.d. family.Forcing notion (QT ,≤): p = (xp, s

gp , sbp ,Fp) ∈ QT iff

I xp ∈ ω<ω and

I sgp , sbp are nonempty finite subtrees of T (finite subsets of Tclosed under restriction),

I Fp ∈ [ωω]<ω,

For t ∈ ω<ω and nonempty finite tree τ ⊆ ω<ω lett � τ =

⋃{s ∈ τ : s ⊆ t} be the maximal initial subsequence of t

that belongs to τ .


The order is defined as follows: for every p = (xp, sgp , sbp ,Fp) ∈ QT

and q = (xq, sgq , sbq ,Fq) ∈ QT we have p ≤ q iff

1. xq ⊂ xp ∧ sgq ⊆ sgp ∧ sbq ⊆ sbp ∧ Fq ⊆ Fp,

2. (∀t ∈ sgp ) xp ∩ t ⊆ (t � sgq ) ∪ xq,

3. (∀h ∈ Fq)(∀t ∈ dom(xp) \ dom(xq)) h(t) ≤ xp(t).

4. (∀h ∈ Fq)(∀t ∈ sbp ) t ∩ h = (t � sbq ) ∩ h,

5. (∀h ∈ Fq)(∀t ∈ sgp ) t ∩ h = (t � sgq ) ∩ h.

ClaimQT is σ-centered.

Proof.Let I = {(x , sg , sb) : x ∈ ω<ω ∧ sg , sb ∈ [T ]<ω}.For every v = (x , sg , sb) ∈ I the setQv = {p ∈ QT : (xp, s

gp , sbp ) = (x , sg , sb)} is a centered subset of

QT , because for any p, q ∈ Qv the conditionr = (x , sg , sb,Fp ∪Fq) from Qv is a common extension of p and q.Since I is countable QT is σ-centered and hence it satisfies thec.c.c . .

Generic elements

Let G ⊆ QT be a generic filter over V and in V [G ] let

xG =⋃{xp : p ∈ G},

SgG =

⋃{sgp : p ∈ G} and Sb

G =⋃{sbp : p ∈ G}.

cLT(T ) - collection of all complete Laver subtrees of T .

Claim(∀S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V ) Sg

G ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ) and SbG ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ),

Proof.Let S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V , t ∈ Sg

G ∩ S and n ∈ ω.We find m > n such that t_m ∈ Sg

G ∩ S .Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sgp . Let q ≤ p be any forcing condition.Then because S ⊆ T is a complete Laver tree one can find m ≥ nsuch that t_m ∈ S and the condition r = (xq, s

gq ∪{t_m}, sbq ,Fq)

is stronger than q. Then r t_m ∈ SgG ∩ S .

The conclusion for SbG can be proved in the same way.

cLT(T ) - collection of all complete Laver subtrees of T .

Claim(∀S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V ) Sg

G ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ) and SbG ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ),

Proof.Let S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V , t ∈ Sg

G ∩ S and n ∈ ω.We find m > n such that t_m ∈ Sg

G ∩ S .Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sgp . Let q ≤ p be any forcing condition.Then because S ⊆ T is a complete Laver tree one can find m ≥ nsuch that t_m ∈ S and the condition r = (xq, s

gq ∪{t_m}, sbq ,Fq)

is stronger than q. Then r t_m ∈ SgG ∩ S .

The conclusion for SbG can be proved in the same way.

cLT(T ) - collection of all complete Laver subtrees of T .

Claim(∀S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V ) Sg

G ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ) and SbG ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ),

Proof.Let S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V , t ∈ Sg

G ∩ S and n ∈ ω.We find m > n such that t_m ∈ Sg

G ∩ S .Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sgp . Let q ≤ p be any forcing condition.Then because S ⊆ T is a complete Laver tree one can find m ≥ nsuch that t_m ∈ S and the condition r = (xq, s

gq ∪{t_m}, sbq ,Fq)

is stronger than q. Then r t_m ∈ SgG ∩ S .

The conclusion for SbG can be proved in the same way.

cLT(T ) - collection of all complete Laver subtrees of T .

Claim(∀S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V ) Sg

G ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ) and SbG ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ),

Proof.Let S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V , t ∈ Sg

G ∩ S and n ∈ ω.We find m > n such that t_m ∈ Sg

G ∩ S .Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sgp . Let q ≤ p be any forcing condition.Then because S ⊆ T is a complete Laver tree one can find m ≥ nsuch that t_m ∈ S and the condition r = (xq, s

gq ∪{t_m}, sbq ,Fq)

is stronger than q. Then r t_m ∈ SgG ∩ S .

The conclusion for SbG can be proved in the same way.

cLT(T ) - collection of all complete Laver subtrees of T .

Claim(∀S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V ) Sg

G ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ) and SbG ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ),

Proof.Let S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V , t ∈ Sg

G ∩ S and n ∈ ω.We find m > n such that t_m ∈ Sg

G ∩ S .Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sgp . Let q ≤ p be any forcing condition.Then because S ⊆ T is a complete Laver tree one can find m ≥ nsuch that t_m ∈ S and the condition r = (xq, s

gq ∪{t_m}, sbq ,Fq)

is stronger than q. Then r t_m ∈ SgG ∩ S .

The conclusion for SbG can be proved in the same way.

cLT(T ) - collection of all complete Laver subtrees of T .

Claim(∀S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V ) Sg

G ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ) and SbG ∩ S ∈ cLT (T ),

Proof.Let S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V , t ∈ Sg

G ∩ S and n ∈ ω.We find m > n such that t_m ∈ Sg

G ∩ S .Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sgp . Let q ≤ p be any forcing condition.Then because S ⊆ T is a complete Laver tree one can find m ≥ nsuch that t_m ∈ S and the condition r = (xq, s

gq ∪{t_m}, sbq ,Fq)

is stronger than q. Then r t_m ∈ SgG ∩ S .

The conclusion for SbG can be proved in the same way.

ClaimFor every S ∈ cLT (T ) ∩ V the set

{z ∈ [SbG ∩ S ] : |xG ∩ z | = |xG \ z | = ω}

is comeager in [SbG ∩ S ].


For every n ∈ ω set

Un = {z ∈ [SbG ∩ S ] : |xG ∩ z | ≥ n ∧ |xG \ z | ≥ n}

is open dense in [SbG ] ∩ S ].Un open in [Sb

G ] ∩ S easy.Density:Let t ∈ Sb

G ∩ S be arbitrary, we show that there is t ′ ⊇ t s.t.[t ′] ∩ [Sb

G ] ∩ S ⊆ Un.


For every n ∈ ω set

Un = {z ∈ [SbG ∩ S ] : |xG ∩ z | ≥ n ∧ |xG \ z | ≥ n}

is open dense in [SbG ] ∩ S ].Un open in [Sb

G ] ∩ S easy.Density:Let t ∈ Sb

G ∩ S be arbitrary, we show that there is t ′ ⊇ t s.t.[t ′] ∩ [Sb

G ] ∩ S ⊆ Un.

Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sbp and let q ≤ p, k = max{|xq|, |t|}.We find t ′ ∈ S ∩ ωk+2n and x ∈ ωk+2n such that xq ⊆ x , t ⊆ t ′,t ′ � sgq = t, and for i < k + 2n,

1. if |t| ≤ i < k + 2n, then t ′(i) ∈ ω \ {h(i) : h ∈ Fq} andt ′ � (i + 1) ∈ S \ sbq ,

2. if |xq| ≤ i < k , then x(i) = min(ω \ {h(i) : h ∈ Fq}),

3. if k ≤ i < k + n, then x(i) = t ′(i),

4. if k + n ≤ i < k + 2n, thenx(i) = min(ω \ {t ′(i), h(i) : h ∈ Fq}).

Set r = (x , sgq , sbq ∪ {t ′ � i : i ≤ |t ′|},Fq) we have

r ≤ q ∧ r t ′ ∈ SbG ∩ S

Moreover, for any i < n

r (∀z ∈ [t ′])xG (k + i) = z(k + i) and xG (k +n + i) 6= z(k +n + i)

thenr [t ′] ∩ [Sb

G ∩ S ] ⊆ Un

Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sbp and let q ≤ p, k = max{|xq|, |t|}.We find t ′ ∈ S ∩ ωk+2n and x ∈ ωk+2n such that xq ⊆ x , t ⊆ t ′,t ′ � sgq = t, and for i < k + 2n,

1. if |t| ≤ i < k + 2n, then t ′(i) ∈ ω \ {h(i) : h ∈ Fq} andt ′ � (i + 1) ∈ S \ sbq ,

2. if |xq| ≤ i < k , then x(i) = min(ω \ {h(i) : h ∈ Fq}),

3. if k ≤ i < k + n, then x(i) = t ′(i),

4. if k + n ≤ i < k + 2n, thenx(i) = min(ω \ {t ′(i), h(i) : h ∈ Fq}).

Set r = (x , sgq , sbq ∪ {t ′ � i : i ≤ |t ′|},Fq) we have

r ≤ q ∧ r t ′ ∈ SbG ∩ S

Moreover, for any i < n

r (∀z ∈ [t ′])xG (k + i) = z(k + i) and xG (k +n + i) 6= z(k +n + i)

thenr [t ′] ∩ [Sb

G ∩ S ] ⊆ Un

Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sbp and let q ≤ p, k = max{|xq|, |t|}.We find t ′ ∈ S ∩ ωk+2n and x ∈ ωk+2n such that xq ⊆ x , t ⊆ t ′,t ′ � sgq = t, and for i < k + 2n,

1. if |t| ≤ i < k + 2n, then t ′(i) ∈ ω \ {h(i) : h ∈ Fq} andt ′ � (i + 1) ∈ S \ sbq ,

2. if |xq| ≤ i < k , then x(i) = min(ω \ {h(i) : h ∈ Fq}),

3. if k ≤ i < k + n, then x(i) = t ′(i),

4. if k + n ≤ i < k + 2n, thenx(i) = min(ω \ {t ′(i), h(i) : h ∈ Fq}).

Set r = (x , sgq , sbq ∪ {t ′ � i : i ≤ |t ′|},Fq) we have

r ≤ q ∧ r t ′ ∈ SbG ∩ S

Moreover, for any i < n

r (∀z ∈ [t ′])xG (k + i) = z(k + i) and xG (k +n + i) 6= z(k +n + i)

thenr [t ′] ∩ [Sb

G ∩ S ] ⊆ Un

Let p ∈ G be such that t ∈ sbp and let q ≤ p, k = max{|xq|, |t|}.We find t ′ ∈ S ∩ ωk+2n and x ∈ ωk+2n such that xq ⊆ x , t ⊆ t ′,t ′ � sgq = t, and for i < k + 2n,

1. if |t| ≤ i < k + 2n, then t ′(i) ∈ ω \ {h(i) : h ∈ Fq} andt ′ � (i + 1) ∈ S \ sbq ,

2. if |xq| ≤ i < k , then x(i) = min(ω \ {h(i) : h ∈ Fq}),

3. if k ≤ i < k + n, then x(i) = t ′(i),

4. if k + n ≤ i < k + 2n, thenx(i) = min(ω \ {t ′(i), h(i) : h ∈ Fq}).

Set r = (x , sgq , sbq ∪ {t ′ � i : i ≤ |t ′|},Fq) we have

r ≤ q ∧ r t ′ ∈ SbG ∩ S

Moreover, for any i < n

r (∀z ∈ [t ′])xG (k + i) = z(k + i) and xG (k +n + i) 6= z(k +n + i)

thenr [t ′] ∩ [Sb

G ∩ S ] ⊆ Un

ClaimIf F ⊆ ωω ∩ V is an almost disjoint family, then also the families{xG} ∪ [Sg

G ] ∪ F and [SbG ] ∪ F are also almost disjoint.

ClaimxG is dominating in ωω ∩ V .

For ω1 ≤ cof (κ) < κ, let Pκ fs-iteration of QT forcings of length κ.For β < κ xH ∈ V Pβ+1 name for H generic real where H ⊆ QT

over V Pβ

xHβ= (xH)Gβ+1

and similarly SgHβ

, SbHβ

Let A = ∅ and

I Aβ+1 = Aβ ∪ {xHβ} ∪ [Sg


I γ-limit then Aγ =⋃ξ<β Aξ

Let B such that A ⊆ B and B - ⊆-maximal a.d. family. B fulfillsassertion.

For ω1 ≤ cof (κ) < κ, let Pκ fs-iteration of QT forcings of length κ.For β < κ xH ∈ V Pβ+1 name for H generic real where H ⊆ QT

over V Pβ

xHβ= (xH)Gβ+1

and similarly SgHβ

, SbHβ

Let A = ∅ and

I Aβ+1 = Aβ ∪ {xHβ} ∪ [Sg


I γ-limit then Aγ =⋃ξ<β Aξ

Let B such that A ⊆ B and B - ⊆-maximal a.d. family. B fulfillsassertion.

For ω1 ≤ cof (κ) < κ, let Pκ fs-iteration of QT forcings of length κ.For β < κ xH ∈ V Pβ+1 name for H generic real where H ⊆ QT

over V Pβ

xHβ= (xH)Gβ+1

and similarly SgHβ

, SbHβ

Let A = ∅ and

I Aβ+1 = Aβ ∪ {xHβ} ∪ [Sg


I γ-limit then Aγ =⋃ξ<β Aξ

Let B such that A ⊆ B and B - ⊆-maximal a.d. family. B fulfillsassertion.

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