pärnu, nr 17 10.01 - eesmärk 17 10.01.2016.pdf · baldoni pres. rc roma castelli romani claudio...

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Pärnu, nr 17 10.01.2016

11 jaanuar 2016

Klubi koosolekul teeb ettekande Kristjan Puusild.

Teemaks Facebook.

DG Ritva Heinonen Rotarypiirkonna 1420

kuberner Helsinki City West RC

Urmas Rahnel Pärnu Rotary Klubi


Koosolekud: esmaspäeviti kell 12 Ammende Villa Mere pst 7, Pärnu www.parnurotary.ee

K.R. Ravindran Rotary International President 2015-16

Rotary Club of Colombo Sri Lanka

18 jaanuar 2016

Klubi koosolekul teeb Enn Rand` kutsel ettekande

Ene Roost, Pärnu Aasta Naine 2015


Kuu Sündmus Vastutaja

Jaan Vocational Services Month

E 11 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne K. Puusild

E 18 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne E. Rand

E 25 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne T. Rapp

Veeb Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

E 1 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne V. Rubin

E 8 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne R. Sillaots

E 15 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne M. Sooaru

E 22 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne A. Soovik

E 29 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne A. Sutt

Märts Water and Sanitation Month

E 7 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne S. Suursild

E 14 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne T. Talvaru

E 21 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne M. Talvoja

E 28 Iganädalane koosolek Ammende villas ja ettekanne Ü. Tankler

21. jaanuar

URMAS RAHNEL 24. jaanuar

KALLE LAHE 26. jaanuar

MAIT TALVOJA 27. jaanuar

VILJAR RUBIN 30. jaanuar

SIIM SUURSILD 31. jaanuar



Lp. klubivennad

Aasta viimane õhtu tõi kurvastava sõnumi: meie hulgast lahkus kauaaegne klubivend,

klubimeister Tõnu Laks.

Tõnu oli ainult 56 aastane. Täis elutahet, ettevõtlikkust ja tegutsemislusti. Tõnu vedas pikka

aega meie klubi spordiüritusi. Tema organiseeritud välisreisid olid alati väga meeleolukad.

Üritustel, kus Tõnu viibis, võis olla teisi esinejaid aga üheks põhitegijaks kujunes alati Tõnu.

Tema oli tihti seltskonna hing. Nagu ta ise ütles: „My name is Laks. Sir Tõnu Laks“.

Sügava kurbusega mäletame lahkunud klubivenda.

Urmas Rahnel

Teave sekretärilt. Palun kõigil aegsasti teatada enda ettekande teema! Oleme saanud kutse osalemaks 6. veebruaril 2016 teatris Endla heategevuslikul etendusel „Tramm nimega Iha“. Tegemist on naiste Lions klubi Pärnu Koidula iga-aastase projektiga, mille tuludega aidatakse Pärnu Toimetulekukooli. Küsi pileteid sekretärilt. 28.mai – 1.juuni 2016 Rotary International Convention Koreas , Soulis.

9.jaanuaril jätsid klubivennad koos väga paljude leinajatega hüvasti Tõnuga. Leinatalitus

toimus hotell Strand suures konverentsisaalis.

Tihti valitakse mõne piirkonna või kollektiivi sädeinimest. Leinasaali seinale oli projekteeritud

Tõnu pilt, kus ta hoiab käes põlevat säraküünalt. Oma tavalise rõõmsa muigega. See viimane foto

jääbki meile Tõnu meenutama kui üht sädeinimest.

Kogu leinatalitus oli läbi viidud väga hästi. Ka muusika valik „Speak Softly, Love“ ja

„El Condor Pasa“ ning teised palad olid läbi mõeldud ning puudutasid täpselt Tõnu elu ja selle


Urni ja raamitud foto saalist välja kandmise au anti just Tõnu Rotary klubi kaaslastele, president

Urmasele ja Viljarile. Head teed tähtede poole! Nagu soovis seda ka proua, kes talitust läbi viis.

Avamine kell 12. Kohal oli 30 liiget, kohaloleku protsent 81. President avas koosoleku , protokollis sekretär. Läinud aasta viimastel tundidel lahkus meie seast igavikku Tõnu Laks. Jüri Feofanovil oli ettevalmistatud fotode klipp Tõnu tegemistest. President pidas kõne Tõnu meenutuseks ning palus kõigil mälestada lahkunut minutilise leinaseisakuga. Samuti võeti pits viina klubivenna mälestuseks. Tõnu elule tegi tagasivaate ning kommenteeris eredamaid seiku Mati Tiimus - sõber ja kaaslane ülikoolis, ühikas, töös ja Rotary klubis. Klubivendade meenutused- Tõnu sattus oma ülevoolava energia tõttu nii Venemaa kui muu maailma televisiooni. Huvitavaid seiku meenutati koos käidud reisimistelt kogu maailmast. Tõnu oli kohusetundlik, samuti olid tema korraldatud kalastamise võistlused huvitavad. Tõnu iseloomustasid kiire taip ja ideede genereerimise võime. Ta luges palju ajakirjandust ja populaarteaduslikku materjali. Tõnu toetas nõu ja jõuga abivajajaid ning heade ideede ellu viimist. President tegi lühiülevaate lähenevatest üritustest, millest võimalik osa võtta.

Esmaspäev, 4.jaanuar 2016

Meile on tulnud kutse külastamaks Roomat. 19 Roomas asuvat Rotary klubi aitavad meid erinevates küsimustes. Rohkem infot allpool toodud kodulehelt.

Dear fellow Rotarians worldwide,

Rome and the Jubilee of Mercy, wanted by Pope Francis, are waiting for you.

We, Rotarians of Rome, want you to know that it is our desire to give you support for your visit in the city. There is a dedicated website www.giubileoguide.it, which you can view in your native language, where to find useful information. Registration is free (click here), and you can send us your queries on Rome. We will be happy to reply.

We will also try and support you with problems that you may encounter during your stay in Rome.

You will be able to take part in the events that the numerous city Clubs organize during the week from Monday to Friday, so we can have the chance to get to know each other better. You can confirm your presence at one or more events through the website.

It is important that you are aware that you have friends in Rome who want to make you feel at ease. We are not travel agents; however, should you require so, we will do our best to give you all our support.

Please pass this message along to the members of your club.

We are looking forward to receive your messages at info@giubileoguide.it and hopefully to meet you in Rome. Warm regards,

Lucia Viscio

Pres. RC Roma


Gloria Maria


Pres. RC Roma


Giada Gibilaro

Pres. RC Roma Sud


Piero Sandulli

Pres. RC Roma


Alessandro Bani

Pres. RC Roma

Appia Antica

Giancarlo Muci

Pres. RC Roma Sud



Pres. RC Roma

Castelli Romani

Claudio Spalvieri

Pres. RC Roma Sud


Paolo Camarri

Pres. RC Roma


Sara Savastano

Pres. RC Roma E-

Club Rom@.it

Nando Carbone

Pres. RC Roma Est

Franco Laurenza

Pres. RC Roma

Nord Ovest

Antonello Langiu

Pres. RC Roma Foro


Cesare Ortis

Pres. RC Roma


Mauro Covino

Pres. RC Roma


Antonio Gatti

Pres. RC Roma

Circo Massimo

Gian Paolo


Pres. RC Roma

Nord Est


Massella Ducci


Pres. RC Roma


Giovanni Vitaloni

Pres. RC Roma


Foundation honoree creates opportunities for the poor.

Susan Davis shares a photo with school children in Pakistan. Davis co-founded BRAC USA to advance the mission of BRAC -- Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee -- which is dedicated to fighting poverty. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Susan Davis

For her work to mitigate extreme poverty around the world, Susan Davis has received many honors. But the 2015-16 Rotary Foundation Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award has special significance.

“It feels like a circle of completion,” says Davis, who was a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar in 1980-81, doing graduate studies in international relations at Oxford University in England. “Rotary invested in me when I was young, and now is celebrating the harvest.”

A decade ago, Davis co-founded BRAC USA to advance the mission of BRAC -- Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee -- the world's largest nongovernmental development organization, which was founded after Bangladesh’s partition from Pakistan in the 1970s. The U.S. branch is dedicated to fighting poverty and to creating opportunities for the poor in Africa and elsewhere.

Fulfilling that mission hasn’t been easy. Davis’ work has been disrupted by floods, cyclones, earthquakes, and war. Even worse was the sudden and deadly Ebola epidemic in 2014 in West Africa. “I wasn't sure how to protect our staff and clients and accompany these vulnerable communities out of this tragic situation,” says Davis, who served as BRAC USA’s president and chief executive officer until her departure this month. She quickly contacted Ebola experts and connected them with BRAC USA’s representatives in affected countries. “I lost sleep and cried with each death,” she says.

Two of those deaths were particularly painful. Ophilia Dede, a BRAC credit officer in Liberia, and her husband succumbed to the virus, leaving behind a little girl. Davis helped set up a scholarship fund for her education. But she doesn’t allow such painful experiences to deter her.

“The urgency of the need and the tangible opportunities to make a difference keep me going,” she says. “And I have been blessed by seeing two big ideas — microfinance and social entrepreneurship — take root globally.”

From 1987 to 1991, Davis championed microfinance while working as a program officer with the Ford Foundation in Bangladesh. She developed a consortium that raised $175 million, increasing the availability of microloans in Bangladeshi villages to 44 percent from 5 percent, she says. Though debates endure over how much credit microfinance should receive for the country’s progress, conditions in Bangladesh have improved significantly: According to The Economist, life expectancy in the country rose from 59 to 69 during a 20-year span ending in 2010.

Davis also is co-author, with journalist David Bornstein, of the book “Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know.” And she is involved with Ashoka, a nonprofit organization that supports social entrepreneurship; as a director, she oversaw its expansion to the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia.

A resident of New York City, Davis is widely recognized for her work in the field of international development. She was appointed to the board of the United Nations Fund for International Partnership in 2012, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and has served on the boards of the Grameen Foundation, the Sirleaf Market Women's Fund, and the African Women's Development Fund USA. Davis has come a long way from the small town in southwest Louisiana, USA, where she grew up. The Rotary scholarship provided her first opportunity to live abroad. She believes that her Oxford experience allowed her to be taken seriously, and credits it with helping her land a job with the Ford Foundation.

Perhaps most importantly, says Davis, that Rotary-sponsored year gave her an entirely new perspective on power and privilege. “Oxford was larger than life in my imagination,” she recalls. “But when I became a part of Oxford and got to know the dons and the students, I realized that, whether rich or poor, we were all just human beings and all of us were vulnerable and full of imperfections.”

Davis will be honored at the Rotary International Convention in Korea in June.

By David Sweet / Rotary News

President Urmas Rahnel Past President Väino Hallikmägi

1 Sekretär Enn Rand 2 Sekretär Riivo Eensalu


Karmo Vunk

Avalike suhete

komitee esimees Jüri Feofanov

Varahoidja Mait Talvoja Noorsoovahetuse asjur Kristjan Puusild



Esimees Mati Tiimus Esimees Ivar Pinsel

Liige Kristjan Puusild Liige Henn Vallimäe

Liige Arvo Villmann Liige Riho Sillaots

Arvo Villmann ( 2 kordne ) Ervin Luur

Mati Sooaru Kalle Lahe

Jüri Feofanov (2 kordne )

1993 - 1994 Kalle Lahe 1994 - 1995 Jüri Lebedev 1995 - 1996 Jaan Laur 1996 - 1997 Vello Järvesalu 1997 - 1998 Väino Moor 1998 - 1999 Peeter Volkov 1999 - 2000 Arne Kalbus 2000 - 2001 Aivar Pärna

2001 - 2002 Margus Viira 2002 - 2003 Mati Sooaru 2003 - 2004 Arvo Vilman 2004 - 2005 Üllas Tankler 2005 - 2006 Ivo Aullik 2006 - 2007 Andres Ringo 2007 - 2008 Mati Tiimus 2008 - 2009 Ervin Luur

2009 - 2010 Margus Luih 2010 - 2011 Jüri Feofanov 2011 - 2012 Andres Laanemets 2012 - 2013 Rein Toodu 2013 - 2014 Arved Soovik 2014 - 2015 Väino Hallikmägi

Rotary District 1420

Piirkonna Kuberner – Ritva Heinonen

Pärnu RC juhatus ja ametnikud 2015/16



Rotary info: www.rotary.org www.rotary.ee

http://d1420.rotary.fi/ www.parnurotary.ee

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