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(JEWELLERY)[Market Intelligence



JEWELLERY) DI KANADA Intelligence -ITPC Vancouver Tahun 2012


1300-1500 WEST GEORGIA ST.





Consulate General of The Republic of Indonesia

Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Georgia Business Center, 1300-1500 West Georgia Street Vancouver, British Columbia, V6G 2Z6, Canada Phone: + 1 604 696-6322 Fax: + 1 604 685-1520 Email :

Vancouver, 15 Agustus 2012

Nomor : 505-A/itpc-vancouver/VIII/2012 Kepada Yth. Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas Perihal : Market Brief : Peluang Pasar 1. Bp. Sekretaris Jenderal,

Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada. 2. Bp. Dirjen PEN,

Kementerian Perdagangan



Bersama ini disampaikan dengan hormat, Market brief mengenai Peluang

Pasar Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada, tahun 2012.

Besar harapan kami informasi dan data yang tertuang dapat bermanfaat

bagi pelaku bisnis di Indonesia.

Demikian, atas perhatian Bapak disampaikan terima kasih.

Indonesian Trade Promotion Center

Wakil Kepala,

Rina Yuslina

Tembusan Yth :

1. Bp. Sesditjen PEN, Kemendag;

2. Bp. Ka Badan P2KP, Kemendag;

3. Bp. Konjen Rl untuk Vancouver;

4. Bp. Kapus Informasi Pasar Ditjen PEN;

5. Bp. Kapushaka Kemendag.



Nilai impor Kanada untuk perhiasan mengalami peningkatan yang cukup

signifikan selama lima tahun terakhir, pada tahun 2007 adalah sebesari USD

855 Juta, meningkat menjadi USD 1.6 milyar pada tahun 2011, peningkatan ini

sebagai akibat meningkatnya demand terhadap produk perhiasan di Kanada,

peningkatan harga emas dan perak di pasar dunia, serta gencarnya media

penjualan barang dan jasa melalui internet/online marketing. Amerika Serikat

dan Asia (Cina, Thailand, India dan juga Indonesia) memegang perang penting

sebagai sumber pemasok perhiasan ke Kanada

Penulisan market brief ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat gambaran pasar

produk perhiasan di Kanada, dilihat dari pesaing, perilaku konsumen,

persyaratan impor barang dan beberapa aspek lainnya, diharapkan dapat

memberikan sekilas informasi tentang kondisi pasar ekspor untuk Perhiasan

(Jewellery) ke Kanada.

Kami menyadari bahwa penulisan Market Brief ini masih jauh dari

sempurna, untuk itu masukan, saran dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak sangat

kami harapkan demi perbaikan dan penulisan mendatang.

Vancouver, Juli 2012

Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Vancouver

Rina Yuslina

Wakil Kepala










1. Perdagangan Umum Ekspor dan Impor

a. Ekspor

b. Import




2. Regulasi Kanada 16


1. Peluang 31

2. Strategi 31


1. TPO dan atau Kedutaan Negara Kanada di Indonesia 33

2. Kadin Kanada di Indonesia 34



Asosiasi Produk Jewellery di Kanada

Daftar Pameran Jewellery Kanada 2012





Daftar Importir Kanada

Perwakilan Indonesia di Kanada






Tabel 1

: Perkembangan Neraca Perdagangan (Trade Balance) Kanada,

Indonesia, dan Dunia Perhiasan (Jewellery) , 2007-2011.

Tabel 2 : Total Ekspor Kanada Perhiasan (Jewellery), 2007-2011,

Tabel 3 : Impor Kanada Perhiasan (Jewellery) dari 50 Negara Asal Utama,


Tabel 4

Tabel 5



Impor Kanada Perhiasan (Jewellery) , HS 6 Digit per Kelompok,


Impor Kanada Perhiasan (Jewellery) , HS 6 Digit per Kelompok, 2012


Lampiran 6 : Precious Metal Marking Act.

Lampiran 7 : Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act,

Lampiran 8 : Custom Tarif Schedule

Lampiran 9


Marking of Imported Goods Order


Tabel III.1

Tabel III.2

Diagram III.1

Diagram III.2

Diagram III.3

Diagram III.4

Diagram III.5

Diagram III.6


Daftar Tabel dan Diagram Pada Analisa

Neraca Perdagangan Perhiasan (Jewellery) 2007-2011, (hal 5)

Impor Perhiasan (Jewellery) Kanada sesuai jenisnya (halaman 10)

Neraca Perdagangan Jewellery 2007-2011 (halaman 6)

10 Negara Tujuan Ekspor Utama Jewellery Kanada (halaman 7)

Importir Perhiasan Kanada dari 12 Negara Utama, Th 2011, (hal. 9)

Impor Jewellery sesuai Jenisnya, 2007-2011.

Importir Kanada HS 711311 Articles of Jewellery – Silver , Th 2012


Importir Kanada HS 711719, Th 2012 (Januari-Mei).


Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 1


Perhiasan merupakan pelengkap untuk fashion yang sering digunakan oleh

wanita segala usia, mulai dari anak-anak, remaja, orang dewasa sampai orang tua,

juga laki-laki pun banyak yang menggunakan khususnya cincin (perkawinan), anting

anting (trend untuk usia 18-35) dan kalung. Permintaan terhadap barang dan jasa

khususnya perhiasan dan asesories di Kanada dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekonomi,

demografi dan sosial seperti peningkatan gaya hidup juga peningkatan pendapatan.

Nilai impor Kanada untuk perhiasan mengalami peningkatan yang cukup

signifikan, selama lima tahun terakhir, pada tahun 2007 sebesari USD 855 Juta,

meningkat menjadi USD 1.6 milyar pada tahun 2011, peningkatan ini sebagai akibat

meningkatnya demand terhadap produk perhiasan di Kanada, peningkatan harga

emas dan perak di pasar dunia, serta gencarnya media penjualan barang dan jasa

melalui internet/online marketing, termasuk perhiasan. Amerika Serikat dan Asia

(Cina, Thailand, India dan juga Indonesia) memegang perang penting sebagai sumber

pemasok perhiasan ke Kanada.

Dilihat dari demografi, Kanada merupakan Negara No 2 terluas di dunia,

setelah Rusia. Bentuk negara adalah federasi yang memiliki 10 provinsi yaitu British

Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brrunswick,

Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Founland & Lambrador, serta 3 wilayah territory

yaitu Nuvaut, Yukon dan Northwest Territories. Populasi Kanada yang berjumlah

34.482.800 jiwa, berasal dari berbagai negara, baik sebagai imigran, permanen dan

non permanen. Dengan rendahnya tingkat kesuburan dan peningkatan harapan

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery

hidup, penduduk Kanada mengalami

penuaan secara cepat dan cenderung

lebih urban, namun demikian

statistic Canada kalangan tua berusia 65

tahun, memiliki kekayaan tertinggi kedua

di negeri tersebut.

Kanada memiliki real income

GDP atau disposable

meningkat sejak 2001. Sementara itu

2006, pemerintah Kanada membentuk inisiatif yang disebut

dan Corridor Initiative

penting perdagangan bilateral dan investasi Kanada dengan negara

serta mata rantai pensuplai

Dengan demikian penulisan market

gambaran pasar produk perhi

konsumen, persyaratan impor barang dan beberapa aspek lainnya

Jewellery) di Kanada

hidup, penduduk Kanada mengalami

penuaan secara cepat dan cenderung

lebih urban, namun demikian menurut

kalangan tua berusia 65

kekayaan tertinggi kedua

Kanada memiliki real income

disposable income terus

ementara itu dibidang infrasturktur, pada bulan Oktober tahun

2006, pemerintah Kanada membentuk inisiatif yang disebut Asia-

(APGCI). Inisiatif tersebut mendukung pertumbuhan

penting perdagangan bilateral dan investasi Kanada dengan negara

serta mata rantai pensuplai lainnya.

Dengan demikian penulisan market brief ini dimaksudkan untuk

gambaran pasar produk perhiasan di Kanada, dilihat dari pesaing, perilaku

konsumen, persyaratan impor barang dan beberapa aspek lainnya

Page 2

pada bulan Oktober tahun

-Pacific Gateway

Inisiatif tersebut mendukung pertumbuhan

penting perdagangan bilateral dan investasi Kanada dengan negara-negara di Asia

ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat

, dilihat dari pesaing, perilaku

konsumen, persyaratan impor barang dan beberapa aspek lainnya.

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 3


Kajian penulisan ini meliputi Harmonized System Code 6 digit yaitu :

HS 7113.11 Articles of Jewellery-Silver (perhiasan dari perak)

HS 7113.19 Articles of Jewellery - Precious Metals Other Than Silver (perhiasan

logam mulia selain perak)

HS 7113.20 Articles of Jewellery - Base metals clad with precious metals (perhiasan

logam tidak mulia dilapisi logam mulia)

HS 711719 Imitation Jewellery of based metal Other than Cuffinks and Studs. (imitasi

dengan dasar logam)

HS 711790 Imitation Jewellery of Non-Metal –(imitasi bukan logam).

Dalam penulisan ini untuk seterusnya menggunakan sebutan perhiasan (jewellery)


Beberapa Trend dan peluang perhiasan di pasar Kanada

1. Ethics and Ethnics : beberapa trend yang berkembang adalah conflict free

diamond, eco friendly gold, environmental preservation. Sementara minat atau

preferensi konsumen di Kanada dipengaruhi oleh kultur negara asal, sebagai

contoh Italian–Kanada menyukai emas 18 karat, Cina-Kanada menyukai 24 karat,

Indo Kanada menyukai anting anting dan kalung yang besar dan lain sebagainya.

2. Menurut Swarovski (pemimpin dalam perhiasan Kristal), trend utama di tahun 2013

dipengaruhi oleh budaya global antara lain transparency disain, warna warni

dalam ungu, biru dan silver black, yang menciptakan misterius dan magic mood,

serta warna hitam putih yang menawan,

3. Dengan meningkatnya disposable income, konsumen mencari sesuatu yang unik,

dan perhiasan yang kontemporer,

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 4

4. Perilaku konsumen dalam melakukan pembelian perhiasan dan asesories, juga

dipengaruhi oleh Fashion industry.

5. Perhiasan laki laki : Menurut Wedding Bells Canada, cincin kawin (pernikahan)

bagi banyak pria, merupakan perhiasan pertama yg mereka pernah miliki.

Mempelai pria menjadi lebih terlibat dalam proses desain dan bersedia untuk

menghabiskan uangnya pada cincin kawin mereka. Band yang lebih besar dan

lebih luas dengan bentuk yang tekstur yang unik adalah pilihan sangat populer

bagi pria. Juga menjadi semakin umum bagi laki-laki muda usia 18 - 35 tahun

untuk mengenakan cincin perak di jari mereka serta anting-anting perak.

6. Penjualan banyak dilakukan melalui internet atau online, menurut Statistik Kanada,

penjualan terbesar online dilakukan oleh pembeli usia antara 16 sampai dengan

24 tahun sebesar 46.9%.

7. Shift to Value : dengan situasi ekonomi saat ini, pemasok atau supplier harus

menemukan cara yang inovatif untuk membuat nilai lebih, karena konsumen akan

semakin banyak beralih ke harga yang lebih rendah namun menginginkan kualitas

yang baik/tinggi.

8. Corporate Sosial Responsibility (CSR) atau tanggung jawab sosial marketing

perusahaan, pembeli melihat dan peduli atas total proses produksi, termasuk

pembuangan limbah pabrik. Eksportir harus menyampaikan kepada pembeli

laporan yang dipublikasikan tentang tanggung jawab sosial atau Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR), pembeli ingin bekerjasama dengan penjual untuk tingkat

kepatuhan yang sama. Sementara hak hak buruh saat ini belum sepenuhnya

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 5

dilihat oleh pembeli sebagai suatu hal yang sama pentingnya dengan isu isu


9. Environmental friendly packaging : peningkatan permintaan untuk kemasan ramah

lingkungan, bisa didaur ulang dan digunakan kembali. Perusahaan kemasan harus

mempertimbangkan alternative innovative untuk kemasan tradisional, solusi hijau

seperti plastik biodegradable terbuat dari tumbuhan dan tas kain yang dapat

digunakan kembali.

III. 1. Perdagangan Umum (Ekspor dan Impor)

Selama kurun waktu 2007-2011 neraca perdagangan perhiasan (jewellery)

Kanada selalu minus bagi Kanada. Ekspor Kanada ke dunia tertinggi dicapai

dalam tahun 2007 sebesar USD 281,21 Juta, dan ekspor terendah pada tahun

2009 sebesar USD 195,27 Juta, sedangkan impor tertinggi dicapai pada tahun

2011 sebesar USD 1.161,43 juta dan terendah tahun 2009 sebesar USD

803,34 Juta. Demikian pula Neraca perdagangan Kanada dengan Indonesia,

selama 5 tahun (2007-2011) selalu negative bagi Kanada, impor dari Indonesia

tertinggi dicapai pada tahun 2011 dengan nilai USD 9.71 Juta. [Tabel-1:

Neraca Perdagangan (Trade Balance) Kanada, Indonesia dan Dunia, Produk

Jewellery, Periode 2007-2011].

Tabel III.1 Neraca Perdagangan Kanada-Indonesia, Produk Jewellery 2007-2011

Negara 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Indonesia Total Exports

53 -- -- -- 76

Total Imports 5,552,744 5,698,333 5,900,721 7,368,394 9,714,787

Trade Balance -5,552,691 -5,698,333 -5,900,721 -7,368,394 -9,714,711

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery

Diagram III.1 Neraca Perdagangan Kanada

Sumber data : Statistic Canada

a. Ekspor

Ekspor perhiasan (

(2011) untuk 5 negara tujuan utama

Hongkong, Australia, United Kingdom, Uni Arab Emirat.

Amerika Serikat

Kanada. Ekspor

dibanding perdagangan dengan negara lain,

77.82 persen dari total ekspor atau sebesar USD

periode 2007-201

dengan nilai sebesar USD 229 Juta, ,

sebesar USD 1

2007-2008, namun sejak 2009













Jewellery) di Kanada

.1 Neraca Perdagangan Kanada-Indonesia, Jewellery 2007

Sumber data : Statistic Canada

perhiasan (Jewellery) dari Kanada ke dunia selama tahun terakhir

untuk 5 negara tujuan utama berturut turut adalah

Hongkong, Australia, United Kingdom, Uni Arab Emirat.

Amerika Serikat : Amerika Serikat merupakan mitra dagang utama bagi

kspor Jewellery Kanada ke Amerika Serikat merupakan terbesar

dibanding perdagangan dengan negara lain, selama tahun 2011,

dari total ekspor atau sebesar USD 166

2011, ekspor tertinggi ke Amerika Serikat dicapai tahun 20

nilai sebesar USD 229 Juta, , dan terendah pada tahun 200

sebesar USD 147,99 Juta. Ekspor ke Amerika menurun selama periode

2008, namun sejak 2009-2011 mulai meningkat kembali.

2 3 4 5










Page 6

Indonesia, Jewellery 2007-2011

selama tahun terakhir

berturut turut adalah Amerika Serikat,

Amerika Serikat merupakan mitra dagang utama bagi

ke Amerika Serikat merupakan terbesar

selama tahun 2011, mencapai

166,79 juta. Selama

, ekspor tertinggi ke Amerika Serikat dicapai tahun 2007

dan terendah pada tahun 2009

Juta. Ekspor ke Amerika menurun selama periode

gkat kembali.










Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery

Sumber Data : Statistic Canada

Hongkong : Merupakan

dengan total ekspor

pangsa/share ekspor sebesar

yang sama tahun lalu


Australia : merupakan negara tujuan ekspor Kanada ke 3 terbesar selama

tahun 2011 dengan total ekspor USD

sebesar 3.08 persen

yang bernilai USD

Inggris : Merupakan

ekspor tahun 2011 sebesar

1.61 persen terjadi penurunan

sebelumnya yang mencapai USD

United States (U.S.)

United Kingdom (U.K.)

Jewellery) di Kanada

Sumber Data : Statistic Canada

Merupakan negara tujuan ekspor Kanada ke 2 tertinggi untuk

dengan total ekspor tahun 2011 sebesar USD 15,33

ekspor sebesar 7.15 persen, apabila dibandingkan periode

yang sama tahun lalu sebesar USD 10.27, terjadi peningkatan sebesar

merupakan negara tujuan ekspor Kanada ke 3 terbesar selama

2011 dengan total ekspor USD 6.60 Juta atau pangsa ekspor

persen, terjadi penurunan -47.85 % dibandingkan

yang bernilai USD 12.66 Juta.

Merupakan negara tujuan ekspor tertinggi ke 4 dengan nilai

2011 sebesar USD 3,44 Juta, atau pangsa ekspor

terjadi penurunan sebesar 71 persen dibandingkan tahun

sebelumnya yang mencapai USD 11.87 Juta.

0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0%

United States (U.S.)

Hong Kong


United Kingdom (U.K.)








Diagram III.2 : 10 Negara Tujuan Ekspor Utama

Jewellery Kanada 2011

Page 7

ekspor Kanada ke 2 tertinggi untuk,

15,33 Juta dengan

, apabila dibandingkan periode

terjadi peningkatan sebesar

merupakan negara tujuan ekspor Kanada ke 3 terbesar selama

Juta atau pangsa ekspor

% dibandingkan tahun lalu

egara tujuan ekspor tertinggi ke 4 dengan nilai

pangsa ekspor sebesar

persen dibandingkan tahun


Diagram III.2 : 10 Negara Tujuan Ekspor Utama

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 8

Uni Arab Emirat (UAE) : Merupakan negara tujuan ekspor ke 5 bagi

Kanada selama tahun 2011 nilai ekspor Kanada sebesar USD 3.42 Juta

atau pangsa sebesar 1.59 persen. Apabila dibandingkan dengan periode

yang sama tahun lalu (nilai USD 2.64 Juta) terjadi peningkatan 49.4 %.

Indonesia berada di peringkat ke 92 untuk tujuan ekspor Kanada, dengan

pangsa ekspor 0.000035 %. Ekspor Kanada ke Indonesia selama tahun

2011 adalah USD 76. Emerging market, India berada di peringkat ke 8,

tujuan ekspor Kanada, dengan nilai ekspor USD 1,37 Juta atau pangsa 0.64

persen. Negara ASEAN lainnya yaitu Singapura dan Thailand masing

masing diperingkat ke 10 dan 12 dengan pangsa ekspor 0.56% (USD 1.2

Juta) dan 0.46% (USD 975.730 ) sedangkan Malaysia di peringkat ke 17

dengan pangsa 0.21 % (USD 445.059). [Tabel 2 : Total Ekspor Kanada

Produk Jewellery, Tahun 2007-2011].

b. Impor

Lima negara importir atau pemasok utama ke Kanada untuk perhiasan

(Jewellery) adalah Amerika Serikat, Cina, Thailand, India dan Italy. Analisa

perkembangan impor lima negara importer utama perhiasan (Jewellery)

Kanada tahun 2011 seperti dibawah ini :

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery

Diagram III.3 : Impor

Amerika Serikat

Kanada, dengan nilai tahun 2011 sebesar USD 38

32.92%, Amerika Serikat memiliki keunggulan harga dan kualitas.

Cina : merupakan Negara pemasok nomor 2 ke Kanada setelah

Serikat, dengan nilai impor sebesar

sebesar 22.99 persen

(USD 230.38 Juta

keunggulan harga dan

Thailand : merupakan

Amerika Serikat dan Cina,

pangsa impor

keunikan perhiasan permata yang cantik.



Jewellery) di Kanada

: Importir Perhiasan Kanada dari 12 Negara Utama Th 2011

Sumber Data : Statistic Canada, Juli 2011

Amerika Serikat : merupakan negara pemasok utama perhiasan ke

Kanada, dengan nilai tahun 2011 sebesar USD 382 Juta atau pangsa impor

32.92%, Amerika Serikat memiliki keunggulan harga dan kualitas.

: merupakan Negara pemasok nomor 2 ke Kanada setelah

dengan nilai impor sebesar USD 266,96 Juta atau

persen, apabila dibandingkan periode yang

Juta), maka terjadi kenaikan sebesar 16

keunggulan harga dan item produk yang sangat bervariasi.

merupakan negara pemasok nomor 3 bagi

Amerika Serikat dan Cina, dengan nilai impor sebesar USD

pangsa impor 11.97 persen. Thailand memiliki keungulan kualitas dan

keunikan perhiasan permata yang cantik.














2% Hong Kong






1% Indonesia




Supplier Produk Perhiasan Kanada

Tahun 2011

Page 9

Kanada dari 12 Negara Utama Th 2011

pemasok utama perhiasan ke

2 Juta atau pangsa impor

32.92%, Amerika Serikat memiliki keunggulan harga dan kualitas.

: merupakan Negara pemasok nomor 2 ke Kanada setelah Amerika

atau pangsa impor

, apabila dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu

16%. Cina memiliki

bagi Kanada setelah

dengan nilai impor sebesar USD 138.99 juta atau

Thailand memiliki keungulan kualitas dan

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 10

India : merupakan negara pemasok nomor 4 bagi Kanada dengan nilai

impor sebesar USD 119.96 Juta atau pangsa impor 10.33 persen.

Komunitas India banyak yang bermukim di Kanada.

Italy : merupakan negara pemasok nomor 5 bagi Kanada, dengan nilai

impor sebesar USD 66.86 juta atau pangsa impor 5.76 persen. Keunggulan

perhiasan Itali memiliki keunikan dan kualitas yang baik.

Perkembangan impor Kanada dari Indonesia selama lima tahun terakhir

(2007-2011) terus meningkat. Pada tahun 2011, Indonesia berada di

peringkat ke 12 sebagai pemasok/ suplier Kanada, dengan nilai USD 9.71

Juta (pangsa impor 0.84 %). Dua peringkat diatas Indonesia adalah Israel

dan Uni Arab Emirat, 2 peringkat dibawah Indonesia adalah Swiss dan

Jerman. [Tabel-3 : Impor Kanada Perhiasan (Jewellery) dari 50 Negara Asal

Utama, 2007-2011).

Impor berdasarkan per HS 6 Digit :

Tabel III.2. : Impor Jewellery sesuai Jenisnya, 2007-2011

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

HS 711311 - ARTICLES OF JEWELLERY- SILVER 81,378,223 98,798,862 113,714,319 162,603,458 221,507,197 HS 711319 - ARTICLES OF JEWELLERY - PRECIOUS METALS (OTHER THAN SILVER) 591,761,095 652,318,433 518,222,410 647,292,855 701,017,367

HS 711320 - ARTICLES OF JEWELLERY -BASE METAL CLAD WITH PRECIOUS METAL 6,893,596 4,309,235 2,939,720 3,246,503 5,920,583

HS 711719 - IMITATION JEWELLERY OF BASE METAL - OTHER THAN CUFFLINKS AND STUDS 130,493,563 137,147,540 125,209,044 159,643,264 172,835,154

HS 711790 - IMITATION JEWELLERY OF NON-METAL 44,481,240 41,069,248 43,252,838 56,542,544 60,151,485

Total 855,007,717 933,643,318 803,338,331 1,029,328,624 1,161,431,786

Sumber : Statistic Canada

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 11

Diagram III.4 Impor Jewellery sesuai Jenisnya, 2007-2011

Nilai Impor tertinggi Kanada untuk HS 711319 Article of Jewellry precious

metal other than silver, atau perhiasan logam mulia selain perak, tertinggi

kedua adalah HS 711719 Imitation Jewellery based metal atau perhiasan

imitasi berbasis metal, sedangkan ke 3 adalah Silver Jewellery atau

perhiasan dari perak, yang keempat adalah perhiasan imitasi bukan logam

HS 711790 dan yang kelima adalah perhiasan dengan dasar logam dan

logam mulia, atau HS 711320.

HS 711311 Articles of Jewellery – Silver

Nilai impor meningkat sejalan dengan peningkatan harga emas dan

platinum. Impor silver jewellery juga mengalami peningkatan dalam lima

tahun terakhir secara signifikan $ 221.51 milyar di tahun 2011. Lima

pemsok utama untuk produk HS 711311 pada tahun 2011 berturut turut

adalah Thailand, Cina, Amerika Serikat, India dan Itali. Kanada mengimpor










2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

HS 711311 -

HS 711319 -

HS 711320 -

HS 711719 -

HS 711790 -

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery

Article of Jewellery Silver

di peringkat ke 7

3.59 Juta pada tahun 2007 ke nilai USD 5,02 Juta pada tahun 2012.

negara dibawah Indonesia adalah Hongkong dan Spanyol.

berhasil dalam mencari pasar Kanada

(Januari-Mei) Impor dari Indonesia adalah sebesar USD 2.16 Juta, dan

berada di peringkat ke

Thailand (USD 36.92 Juta), Cina (USD 15.13 Juta), Amerika Serikat (USD

12.25 Juta), India (USD 6 Juta), Itali (USD 5.98 Juta).

Kanada Produk Perhiasan (

Diagaram III.5

Sumber data









Hong Kong




Jewellery) di Kanada

Article of Jewellery Silver dari Indonesia senilai USD 5.02 Juta a

di peringkat ke 7. Selama lima tahun mengalami peningkatan dari USD

3.59 Juta pada tahun 2007 ke nilai USD 5,02 Juta pada tahun 2012.

negara dibawah Indonesia adalah Hongkong dan Spanyol.

berhasil dalam mencari pasar Kanada untuk produk ini. Dalam tahun 2012

Mei) Impor dari Indonesia adalah sebesar USD 2.16 Juta, dan

berada di peringkat ke 6, Lima Negara sebelumnya berturut turut adalah

Thailand (USD 36.92 Juta), Cina (USD 15.13 Juta), Amerika Serikat (USD

a), India (USD 6 Juta), Itali (USD 5.98 Juta).

Kanada Produk Perhiasan (Jewellery) Berdasarkan HS 6 Digit, 2007

Importir Kanada HS 711311 Articles of Jewellery Th 2012 (Januari-Mei)

Sumber data : Statistic Canada,

0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000

Page 12

Juta atau berada

Selama lima tahun mengalami peningkatan dari USD

3.59 Juta pada tahun 2007 ke nilai USD 5,02 Juta pada tahun 2012. Dua

negara dibawah Indonesia adalah Hongkong dan Spanyol. Thailand sangat

Dalam tahun 2012

Mei) Impor dari Indonesia adalah sebesar USD 2.16 Juta, dan

6, Lima Negara sebelumnya berturut turut adalah

Thailand (USD 36.92 Juta), Cina (USD 15.13 Juta), Amerika Serikat (USD

(Tabel 4 : Impor

Berdasarkan HS 6 Digit, 2007-2011).

Articles of Jewellery – Silver ,


Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 13

HS 711319 – Article of Jewellery Precious Metals (Other than Silver)

Selama lima tahun (2007-2011) Amerika Serikat selalu memimpin pasar,

nilai impor Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2011 sebesar US$ 333.23, diikuti

oleh India (US$96.72), Cina (US$ 60.81), Itali (US$ 47.85) dan Mexico (US$

27.76). Pada tahun yang sama, Indonesia berada di peringkat ke 15, dengan

nilai sebesar USD 3,51 Juta, terjadi peningkatan dari nilai USD 490.718

dalam tahun 2007 ke nilai USD 3.51 Juta atau sebesar 616.55 persen.

Sementara untuk tahun 2012 (Januari-Mei), Indonesia berada diperingkat

ke 14 dengan nilai impor sebesar USD 1.39 Juta atau pangsa 0.53 persen.

Pemimpin pasar tahun 2012 untuk produk ini adalah Perancis, diikuti oleh

Amerika Serikat, Cina, Pakistan dan India. [(Tabel 5: Impor Kanada

Perhiasan (Jewellery) Th 2012 (Januari-Mei)].

HS 711320 – Articles of Jewellery-Base Metal Clad With Precious Metal,

Impor Kanada untuk produk ini mengalami turun naik selama 5 tahun (2007

– 2011), mencapai nilai USD 6.9 Juta ditahun 2007 dan menurun ke USD 3

juta ditahun 2009, kemudian naik kembali dan mencapai nilai USD 5.9 Juta

pada tahun 2011. Sementara itu pada tahun 2011, pemasok utama adalah

Amerika Serikat, Perancis, Cina, India dan Pakistan, sedangkan dari negara

ASEAN adalah Indonesia berada pada peringkat ke 7 (nilai USD 75.775).

Thailand di peringkat ke 10 (nilai USD 65.649). Sementara tahun 2012,

Indonesia berada diperingkat ke 22 dengan nilai impor sebesar USD 3.391,

apabila dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya pada periode yang sama mencapai

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 14

nilai USD 65.241 maka terjadi penurunan sebesar 94.80 persen, salah satu

hal karena masuknya beberapa pesaing ke pasar produk ini antara lain

Thailand, Peru, Jepang, Itali.

HS 711719 Imitation Jewellry of Base Metal-Other Than Cufflinks And


Impor Kanada untuk produk perhiasan imitasi ini selama 5 tahun

memperlihatkan nilai yang cukup signifikan, dari USD 130 Juta dalam tahun

2007 meningkat ke USD 173 dalam tahun 2011. Cina, Thailand, Amerika

Serikat, India dan Korea Selatan merupakan lima supplier terbesar tahun

2011. Sementara Indonesia berada di urutan ke 12 dengan nilai USD

507.270. Dalam tahun 2012 (Januari-Mei) Indonesia berada di posisi ke 11

dengan nilai impor USD 207.336, sedangkan urutan 5 importir utama masih

sama seperti tahun 2011 yaitu Cina, Thailand, Amerika Serikat, India, Korea


Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery

Diagram III.6 Importir

Sumber data : Statistic Canada, Juli 2012

HS 711790 – Imitation Jewellery of Non Metal

Impor Kanada untuk produk perhiasan imitasi

tahun memperlihatkan nilai yang cukup signifikan, dari USD

dalam tahun 2007 meningkat ke USD

Amerika Serikat,

terbesar tahun 2011.

nilai USD 593.417.

Selama tahun 2012 Indonesia berada di peringkat ke 7, dengan nilai impor

USD 230.167, namun apabila dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu

(sebesar USD 351.549) terjadi penurunan sebesar

terjadi penurunan nilai impor produk ini dari

United States (U.S.)

Korea, South

Hong Kong


Jewellery) di Kanada

Importir Kanada HS 711719, Th 2012 (Januari

Sumber data : Statistic Canada, Juli 2012

Imitation Jewellery of Non Metal

Impor Kanada untuk produk perhiasan imitasi non metal

tahun memperlihatkan nilai yang cukup signifikan, dari USD

dalam tahun 2007 meningkat ke USD 60.15 dalam tahun 2011. Cina,

Amerika Serikat, Thailand, India dan Korea Selatan merupakan lima supplier

terbesar tahun 2011. Sementara Indonesia berada di urutan ke


Selama tahun 2012 Indonesia berada di peringkat ke 7, dengan nilai impor

USD 230.167, namun apabila dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu

(sebesar USD 351.549) terjadi penurunan sebesar -34.50%. Hal ini

terjadi penurunan nilai impor produk ini dari beberapa negara pemasok,

0 20000000 40000000 60000000



United States (U.S.)


Korea, South




Hong Kong




Page 15

Th 2012 (Januari-Mei).

non metal dalam selama 5

tahun memperlihatkan nilai yang cukup signifikan, dari USD 44.48 Juta

dalam tahun 2011. Cina,

India dan Korea Selatan merupakan lima supplier

Indonesia berada di urutan ke 8 dengan

Selama tahun 2012 Indonesia berada di peringkat ke 7, dengan nilai impor

USD 230.167, namun apabila dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu

34.50%. Hal inipun

beberapa negara pemasok,


Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 16

seperti Cina, Thailand, Philipina, Korea Selatan) kecuali dari Amerika

Serikat, India, Perancis yang mengalami peningkatan. [(Tabel 5: Impor

Kanada Perhiasan (Jewellery) Th 2012 (Januari-Mei)].

Produk Perhiasan Indonesia di Pasar Kanada

Berdasarkan Pengamatan selama pameran Alberta Gift Show dan Montreal

Gift Show th 2011, terdapat beberapa Exhibitor perhiasan Kanada yang

menjual produk perhiasan (dari silver dan batu-batu mulia) berasal dari

Indonesia, mereka memesan kepada pengrajin di Bali sesuai dengan disain

yang diinginkan.

Pengrajin perhiasan Indonesia sulit memasarkan sendiri barangnya ke luar


Produk perhiasan imitasi banyak didominasi oleh made in Cina, sedangkan

menengah keatas oleh disain Eropa dan beberapa Cina.

1. Regulasi

1) Kebijakan Perdagangan Produk Perhiasan (Jewellery)

• Precious Metal Marking Act and Regulation; (lampiran 6: Precious Metal

Marking Act)

Tujuan dari pada peraturan ini adalah :

a) untuk memastikan bahwa informasi yang diberikan kepada konsumen

tentang kualitas logam mulia tidak menyesatkan atau menipu, dan

b) untuk menyediakan deskripsi seragam dan kualitas penandaan artikel

logam mulia, termasuk perhiasan, jam tangan, bingkai kacamata,

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 17

dan lainnya di pasar Kanada sehingga membantu konsumen dengan

keputusan pembelian mereka.

Hal yang dilarang yaitu :

� Seorang dealer dari penerapan tanda untuk sebuah artikel

menjamin daya tahan atau keausan pada pelapisan logam mulia

untuk jangka waktu tertentu.

� Seorang dealer (manufacture atau importer), menjual atau

mengimpor ke Kanada dengan mengiklankan setiap artikel

logam mulia dengan cara yang menyimpang atau menyesatkan

mengenai kandungan logam mulia.

� Dealer harus memastikan bahwa:

Setiap kualitas atau mutu yang dinyatakan dalam artikel adalah

faktual, demikian pula untuk terdaftar trade mark Kanada juga

harus dinyatakan, selanjutnya harus dapat memberikan bukti

bahwa trade-mark tersebut terdaftar jika diminta.

• Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations (Lampiran : 7 )

• Customs Tariffs Act and Custom Tariff Schedule for Jewellry (Lampiran :

8). Perhiasan yang diimpor ke Kanada akan kena custom duties. Tingkat

pajak yang harus dibayar untuk Jewellery secara umum dijelaskan pada

chapter 71 Canadian Custom tariff dan antara 0 % sampai 8 %

tergantung jenisnya dan asal negara.

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 18

• Marking of Imported Goods Order; http://laws-,_c._535.pdfand ; (Lampiran 9 : Marking of

Iimported Goods Order)

• Applicable bilateral trade agreements.

2) Persyaratan Mutu, Label dan Kemasan

• Persyaratan Mutu :

Kualitas dan pasokan harus konsisten dan dapat diandalkan, serta produk

harus menawarkan kelayakan komersial nyata untuk pembeli Kanada.

Komunikasi yang erat sangat penting, karena pembeli membutuhkan umpan

balik yang konstan dari pemasok. Secara konsisten tersedia untuk

menjawab pertanyaan dan memberikan informasi, dan pastikan bahwa ada

penghubung yang bisa berbahasa Inggris atau Perancis. Hal yang juga

penting adalah mengirimkan sampel item produk, karena ini adalah hal

yang sangat berorientasi visual. Pengecer besar mengharapkan pemasok

memiliki kemampuan akses internet untuk komunikasi cepat. Faktor-faktor

ini semua penting dalam mempengaruhi keputusan pembeli, dalam

kompetisi dengan supplier lainnya yang melakukan penawaran.

• Pelabelan dan Kemasan

1. Pedoman Kanada atau Canadian Guidelines untuk penjualan dan

pemasaran berlian, batu permata berwarna dan mutiara, menyatakan

bahwa: Setiap “berlian” atau “batu permata” berwarna, telah sebagian

atau seluruhnya dibuat melalui campur tangan manusia HARUS

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 19

diidentifikasi sebagai sintetis, komposit, rakitan, imitasi buatan, atau

simulasi, yang sesuai.

2. Provinsi Quebec memiliki persyaratan tambahan mengenai penggunaan

bahasa Perancis pada semua produk yang dipasarkan dalam

yurisdiksinya. Rincian tentang instruksi pelabelan dapat diperoleh melalui


3. Istilah “karat”' pada berlian, tidak dapat digunakan atau menunjuk pada

karat berat atau kuantitas logam mulia.

4. Tidak dapat diterima/diperkenankan penggunaan kata “sempurna

(perfect)” untuk setiap atribut dari sebuah mutiara, mutiara budidaya,

batu permata berwarna atau berlian.

5. Dalam kaitannya batu permata berwarna (precious gemstone coloured),

istilah “semi precious” atau setengah mulia tidak boleh digunakan dalam

konteks apapun.

6. Informasi rinci harus disediakan pada paket ritel mengenai sifat produk,

isi, berat, komposisi, dan produsen.

7. Paket pengiriman luar harus diberi label dengan informasi berikut:

nama merek; jumlah produk; jumlah bersih dalam wadah langsung;

nama dan alamat importir; UPC / PLU atau kode bar lainnya, identik

dengan yang ada di produk individu; nomor lot (untuk mengidentifikasi

pengiriman individu).

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 20

Untuk paket ritel, informasi mengenai sifat dari produk, isi, dan produsen

harus disediakan. Label harus mencolok dan tulisan dirancang sesuai

dengan huruf ukuran minimal yang ditentukan dan angka.

8. Berikut ini harus ditampilkan dalam bahasa Inggris dan Perancis:

Nama dan alamat kantor pusat satu importir di Kanada; nama atau

deskripsi dari isi; ukuran, warna, gaya nama dan nomor; produk. . .

(Nama negara); UPC, PLU (harga look-up kode untuk penjualan eceran)

dan kode bar lainnya sesuai kebutuhan.

9. Apabila ada ketentuan peraturan pelabelan Kanada yang hilang, dan

barang tidak bisa dijual. Importir melaporkan bahwa penyebab utama

keterlambatan dalam rilis impor adalah label minim atau tidak layak

diterapkan. Dalam hal ini maka Importir harus berurusan dengan

pelabelan ulang. Meskipun produk akhirnya dapat dirilis untuk dijual, hal

ini dapat menyebabkan tertundanya kesempatan berharga untuk

penjualan. Masalah pelabelan seperti itu bisa mengakhiri hubungan

dengan pembeli sebelum memiliki kesempatan untuk berkembang. Untuk

itu, eksportir harus berkonsultasi dengan pembeli dan pembeli

menyetujui rancangan label sebelum dicetak.

10. Environmental friendly packaging : peningkatan permintaan untuk

kemasan ramah lingkungan, bisa didaur ulang dan digunakan kembali.

Perusahaan kemasan harus mempertimbangkan alternatif inovatif untuk

kemasan tradisional, solusi hijau seperti plastik biodegradable terbuat

dari tumbuhan dan tas kain yang dapat digunakan kembali.

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 21

3) Saluran Distribusi :

Pasar-pasar utama untuk produk perhiasan (jewellery) ke Kanada adalah

didistribusikan melalui kota kota besar yaitu Toronto, Montreal dan

Vancouver. Beberapa saluran distribusi yang sering digunakan adalah

(TFOCanada) :

- Saluran Distribusi Konsumen Umum : Untuk perusahaan atau

departemen store yang lebih besar seperti Birks, Sears dan The Bay,

Wal-Mart, Zellers dan Costco, cukup mendominasi bisnis. Wal-Mart,

Zellers dan toko diskon lainnya sebagian besar fokus pada perhiasan

yang harganya di bawah $ 500, selain itu pengecer atau retailer

mendapatkan sumber produk mereka melalui : Trade Show/Exhibition

(91%), Sales Representative (60%), Perdagangan melalui majalah

(35%), Pengecer lainnya (32%) dan Website (28%).

- Department store, toko kecil dan butik, khusus, cenderung dipasok oleh

distributor independen/ grosir. Perhiasan kostum dan beberapa

perhiasan perak baik yang dijual di toko-toko yang juga memasarkan

aksesoris seperti syal, jubah bertopi, syal, tas jinjing, dan dasi. Fashion

perhiasan yang meningkatkan aksesoris seperti klip syal permata bisa

dipasarkan kepada pembeli toko tersebut.

- Non-Retail Outlet termasuk internet dan toko yang menggunakan

metode seperti broadcasting infomercials melalui penyiaran televisi dan

radio; publikasi melalui direct response advertising, publikasi penerbitan

katalog tradisional dan elektronik, door to door selling, demonstrasi di

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 22

rumah rumah (in home demonstration), dan temporary display (instore

promotion) untuk menjangkau pelanggan dan memasarkan barang.

Seringkali, membutuhkan perwakilan di berbagai daerah di Kanada

seperti Toronto, yang merupakan daerah metropolitan terbesar dan

pusat perdagangan di Kanada, biasanya lokasi yang paling logis untuk

membangun representasi tunggal.

Broker : broker sering digunakan baik oleh eksportir maupun importir.

Pihak pengguna jasa membayar biaya jasa broker namun tidak

mempunyai hak untuk memiliki barang.

- Importir dan Agen: Importir dan agen memiliki pengetahuan yang luas

dari jaringan perdagangan. Mereka umumnya lebih berani mengambil

risiko yang terlibat dalam berurusan dengan pemasok baru. Mereka

mengharapkan referensi dan pengalaman ekspor dari pemasok, kondisi

keuangan, dan hal hal lainnya.

- Wholesalers/industrial users (Grosir / Pengguna Industri): Sebuah link

penting dalam rantai distribusi, grosir akan mendistribusikan di dan

kadang-kadang mengatur kegiatan promosi dengan jaringan ritel.

- Specialty store and independents /Toko Khusus dan Independen:

Penjualan di toko-toko ini telah berkembang pesat di Kanada, sehingga

merupakan kesempatan yang baik bagi eksportir. Umumnya, pembelian

dari toko ini dilakukan melalui importir atau grosir.

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 23

4) Harga,

Harga untuk pembeli (retail) harus mencerminkan konsistensi, artinya tidak

berubah ubah dalam waktu tertentu. Harga bersaing dengan importer

lainnya. Harga eceran yang dijual di tingkat eceran di Kanada, bisa tiga

sampai empat kali harga yang dibayarkan ke pemasok. Untuk perhiasan

dengan harga menengah adalah yang paling populer di Kanada. Sekitar

70% dari semua perhiasan dijual di tingkat retail di Kanada dengan harga di

bawah $ 100. Sejak pasar Kanada relatif kecil, importir Kanada mencoba

untuk memperoleh hak impor eksklusif untuk item tertentu. Untuk rentang

produksi yang besar, adalah kebiasaan untuk memungkinkan beberapa

potongan harga (5% sampai 10%) yang memungkinkan pengecer untuk

menutupi biaya operasi mereka dan mempertahankan marjin kotor yang


Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery

Harga Harga Beberapa

Jewellery) di Kanada

Harga Harga Beberapa Perhiasan di Kanada

0.50 CT. T.W. Diamond Three Stone Engagement

Ring in 14K Gold

Harga $849.00

Nama Retail : People, The Store Diamond, Canada

1.00CT. Celebration Canadian Diamond® Engagement Ring in 18K White Gold (H

Harga $8,499.00

Nama Retail : People, The Store Diamond, Canada, online

Men's 0.25 CT. Certified Canadian Diamond Solitaire Band in 14K Two-Tone Gold (H

Harga : $999.00

Lokasi : People, The Store of Diamond

Page 24

0.50 CT. T.W. Diamond Three Stone

Nama Retail : People, The Store Diamond,

1.00CT. Celebration Canadian Diamond® Engagement Ring in 18K White Gold (H-I/SI2)

Nama Retail : People, The Store Diamond,

Men's 0.25 CT. Certified Canadian Diamond Tone Gold (H-I/I1)

Lokasi : People, The Store of Diamond

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery

Jewellery) di Kanada

0.20 CT. T.W. Diamond Twist Necklace in 10K Gold

Bersertifikat, Harga $699.00

Lokasi : People, The Store of Diamond

Penjualan online

Cultured Freshwater Pearl and Diamond Accent Pendant 10K Gold

Harga : $199.00

Penjualan online

0.50 CT. Certified Canadian Diamond Solitaire

Tension Pendant in 14K White Gold (I/I1)


Harga $1.999,00

0.50 CT. T.W. Sirena™ Three Stone Pendant in 14K Gold

Harga $1,199.00

Page 25

Necklace in 10K Gold

Cultured Freshwater Pearl and Diamond Accent

0.50 CT. Certified Canadian Diamond Solitaire

Tension Pendant in 14K White Gold (I/I1)

0.50 CT. T.W. Sirena™ Three Stone Pendant in

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 26

Anting-anting menjuntai sterling

perak, ‘Bayi Kupu-kupu”

Harga Eceran : $78.95

Garnet dan anting-anting mutiara menjuntai,

'Matahari Terbit '

Harga Eceran : $68.95

Anting-anting Opal menjuntai'Precious


Anting anting menjuntai “Lapis lazuli”'

Harga Eceran: $165.95

Harga Eceran: $165.95

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 27

Liontin kristal dengan berbagai

batu permata, 14 k.

Harga Eceran $ 395,00

Anting Anting “Cabochopn Hoop”

dengan berbagai batu permata, 14

K. Harga Eceran $ 545.00

Gold plated pendant necklace, 'Elephant


Kalung ini dibuat dari 24k emas perak

berlapis, dan dengan gambar gajah

dilapisi warna satin.

Harga Eceran : $140.95

Gold plated dangle earrings, 'Mekong Sun'

Anting-anting buatan tangan dari 24 karat

perak sterling berlapis emas ada lapisan satin


Harga Eceran : $161.95

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 28

Harga Eceran: $200.95Kalung Mutiara dan bunga kecubung

(amethyst flower) 'Bali Garden'

Kalung bunga kecubung (Amethyst

flower) , 'Chakra Lotus'

Harga Eceran : $266.95

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 29

Gold vermeil collarette necklace, 'Rosette'

Kalung buatan tangan bermandikan emas 24

karat .

http://www.novica.comHarga Eceran : $845.95

Kalung “Vicenza Gold” 14 k

emas kuning. Harga Eceran $


Cincin batu permata disain

berbagai bunga, emas 14 k.

Harga eceran $420,00

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 30

Cincin dengan desain yang kontemporer,

fitur bentuk tebal dan tekstur yang kontras

dalam 18 karat emas putih dengan berlian


Harga :$ 4.350.00

Spesifikasi 18 karat emas putih gipsi

cincin diatur dengan F 0.50cts berlian,


Harga $ 4.950.00

Cincin kawin .

Specifikasi 9 karat, emas putih , ukuran

besar dan bisa dibuat dalam berbagai

ukuran .

Harga $ 1395.00

Menggunakan perpaduan rubi dan berlian

cincin ini diciptakan dengan menambahkan

3 berlian ekstra. Spesifikasi 18 karat emas

kuning , berlian, 3 = kira kira 0.40cts GSI.

Harga $ 1650.00

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 31


1 Peluang :

• Peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kanada, peningkatan dalam pendapatan

perkapita penduduk.

• Peningkatan migrasi ke Kanada kalangan usia muda dan menengah,

berdampak pada naiknya permintaan perhiasan di Kanada

• Fokus pada segmen usia muda dan menengah lebih menguntungkan karena

tren pembelian yang lebih tinggi.

• Peningkatan penjualan melalui internet /online di kalangan konsumen di


• Konsumen mencari sesuatu yang unik dan inovatif,

• Perilaku konsumen juga dipengaruhi oleh fashion industry.

2 Strategi :

• Meningkatkan promosi Indonesia dengan mengikuti berbagai pameran dan

trade show yang diselenggarakan di Kanada dan mengamati berbagai trend

dan selera konsumen masa kini di Kanada.

• Mencari informasi dengan melakukan berbagai pengamatan kajian pasar dan

market intelligence produk perhiasan di Kanada.

• Meningkatkan image atau citra tentang Indonesia dan Indonesian brand image,

melalui disain yang menarik, kualitas yang baik, produk ramah lingkungan dan

kemasan ramah lingkungan.

• Pentingnya perjanjian perdagangan bilateral dan regional, apabila tarif

dikurangi, buyer akan termotivasi untuk membeli dari Negara-negara tesebut.

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 32

Strategi dan langkah langkah bagi Eksportir Indonesia untuk memasuki

Pasar Kanada (TFOC) adalah :

Pasar Kanada sangat kompetitif. Eksportir harus mencatat bahwa kegagalan untuk

memberikan pembeli pelayanan prima akan menyebabkan buyers (pembeli)

dengan cepat beralih ke penjual lainnya. Beberapa faktor penting dalam

membangun reputasi pembeli diantaranya :

• Membangun sebuah website yang menarik, mudah dinavigasi dan informatif

dengan link kontak ke e-mail yang bisa dihubungi dan menanggapi setiap

permintaan dengan cepat pada hari yang sama. Hal ini secara langsung

menunjukkan bahwa supplier potensial

• Selalu menjaga mesin fax, untuk tetap diaktifkan atau “'on”'. Karena waktu yang

berbeda antara Kanada dan Indonesia, sehingga kontak harus dilakukan pada

jam yang tidak biasa. Kanada dibagi menjadi zona waktu yang berbeda,

misalnya, Vancouver berbeda 3 jam dengan Toronto (tiga jam di belakang

Toronto). Buyers (pembeli) yang tidak dapat dengan mudah menghubungi

eksportir, akan cepat beralih ke sumber pasokan lain, dan apabila informasi

yang diminta buyers (pembeli) belum segera tersedia, kirim catatan interim.

• Pembeli melihat sampel yang dikirim untuk melihat produk yang ditawarkan,

dan pastikan bahwa sampel dapat disediakan dalam jangka waktu yang diminta

dan sampel harus memiliki “kualitas yang mengesankan”. Hal ini untuk

meyakinkan pembeli, selanjutnya pesanan harus sesuai dengan kualitas dari

sampel tersebut.

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 33

• Buyers atau pembeli Kanada mengharapkan pengiriman produk yang mereka

beli sesuai waktu, keterlambatan yang tidak dapat dihindari harus segera

dilaporkan dan meminta pembeli untuk menerima penundaan.

• Lampirkan sertifikat standar produk dan foto-foto dari fasilitas pabrik dengan

surat pengantar untuk importir. Sertifikat ini mungkin diperlukan untuk

menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan standar Kanada dan harus diperoleh dari

pihak yang berwenang di negara pengimpor (Indonesia).

• Kenali pasar Kanada dan importir atau pembeli, serta membaca berbagai

publikasi perdagangan dan mengunjungi trade show/exhibition di Kanada juga

retail store mendapatkan nuansa pasar.

• Gunakan bahasa Inggris (atau Perancis di Quebec) di semua surat menyurat

dan memberikan informasi tentang berbagai produk, kapasitas dan daftar

harga, dalam harga dolar Kanada atau dolar Amerika.


1. TPO dan atau Kedutaan Negara Kanada di Indonesia

a) Embassy of Canada in Jakarta

World Trade Center (6 th Floor)

Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 29

Jakarta 12920, Tel: (011-62-021) 2550-7800

Fax: (011-62-021) 2550-7812


Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 34

2. Kadin Canada di Indonesia

Indonesia – Canada Chamber of Commerce

c/o Canadian Education International

Wisma Metropolitan I, 11th Floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav 29-31

Jakarta 12920

Direct Email: Or Email:

Tel. +62 21 527 7890 (Direct)

Fax. +62 21 527 7891 (Direct)\

3. Asosiasi Produk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada

Canadian Jewellers Association

27 Queen St. East, Suite 600

Toronto, Ontario

M5C 2M6

Tel: 416-368-7616

Toll Free: 1-800-580-0942

Fax: 416-368-1986

4. Daftar Pameran produk perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada


Tanggal:12 - 14 Agustus 2012

Alamat: Metro Toronto, Convention Centre 255 Front

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 35

Street West Toronto, Canada

Produk : metals, jewellery, mounts, gems, watches, clocks and all related


2) Mode Accessories International Exposition


Tanggal :12 - 14 Agustus 2012

Alamat: Doubletree Hilton Hotel Toronto

Airport 655 Dixon Road Toronto, Canada

Produk: Jewelry items, stylish handbags, beauty supplements, body fashion

accessories, scarves, hats and hair care, accessories.

3) Alberta Gift Show

Tanggal: 19 - 22 AUGUST 2012

Alamat: Edmonton EXPO Centre Box 1480

Edmonton, Canada

Produk: Gift, rug stores, home furnishing / decorative accessory, bed/ bath/

linen stores.

4) Montreal Gift Show

Tanggal:26 - 29 AUGUST 2012

Alamat: Place Bonaventure Montreal, Canada

Produk: Related to Quebec, Fashion, Home, Kitchen and Gift.

5) Vancouver Gift Expo

Tanggal:16 - 17 SEPTEMBER 2012

ALamat: Pacific National Exhibition 2901

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 36

East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC Canada

Produk: Gift, Apparel, Novelty, Home Decor, Jewellery, Bed & Bath, Gourmet,

Handcrafts, Aboriginal Handcrafts Items

5. Importir Kanada Produk Perhiasan (Jewellery)

• Four Seasons

Alamat : 7155 King Georgia Blvd.

Vancouver, BC V3W 5A4

Telpon:1-604-592-0223 , E-Mail:

• Canadian Jewellery Exchange

Alamat : 520 Bernard Avenue

Kelowna, BC V1Y 6P1

Kontak telpon:1-250-763-2099

Fax: 1-250-763-0799

• Aster Gem & Jewelry CO. LTD

Alamat :1583 Alpine Lane

Coquitlam, BC V3E 3A6

Kontak telepon: 1-604- 552-3089

Fax: 1-604-552-3090

• Vancouver Gold

Alamat: 254 West Broadway

Vancouver, BC V5Y 1P6

Kontak telepon :1-604-876-4653

• Body Talk Jewelry

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 37

Alamat : 2250 Mathers Avenue

West Vancouver, BC V7V 2H5

Kontak telepon :1- 604- 926-1333

• Shamin Jewelry

Alamat :4737 Kingsway

Burnaby, B.C. V5H 2C3

Kontak telepon :1- 604-433-4530

Fax: 1-604-433-2983


6. Perwakilan Indonesia di Kanada

• Ottawa

Indonesia Embassy, Commercial Attaché

Mailing Address:

55 Parkdale Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 1ES, Canada

Phone: +1 (613) 724-1100 ext. 307

Fax: +1 (613) 724-1105

Kontak : Atase Perdagangan KBRI Ottawa



• Toronto

Consulate General of Republic Indonesia/KJRI Toronto

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 38

129 Jarvis Street, Toronto, Ontario

M5C 2H6 Canada

Telp : +1 416 360 4020

Fax : +1 416 360 4295

Email :

Website :

• Vancouver :

Consulate General of Republic Indonesia/KJRI Vancouver

1630 Alberni Street

Vancouver BC, V6G 1A6 , Canada

Telpon : + 1 604 682 8855

Fax : +1 604 662 8396

Email :

Website :

Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Vancouver

1300-1500 West Georgia Street

Vancouver BC . V6G 2Z6, Canada

Telpon : + 1 604 696 6322 , Fax : + 1 604 685 1520

Email :

Website :

Peluang Pasar Poduk Perhiasan (Jewellery) di Kanada Page 39


Custom Border Service Agency (CBSA) online :

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) online :

Industry Canada on line :

Statistic Canada On line :

Department of Justice Canada online :

TFOC Canada :

Health Canada :

Tabel 1 : Neraca Perdagangan Produk Perhiasan (Jewellery) Kanada dengan Dunia dan Indonesia, 2007-2011



Tujuan Indonesia



Negara 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Indonesia Total Exports 53 -- -- -- 76

Total Imports5,552,744 5,698,333 5,900,721 7,368,394 9,714,787

Trade Balance-5,552,691 -5,698,333 -5,900,721 -7,368,394 -9,714,711

Lainnya Total Exports 281,208,170 249,232,995 195,272,178 213,345,288 214,329,258

Total Imports849,454,975 927,944,984 797,437,609 1,021,960,227 1,151,716,999

Trade Balance-568,246,805 -678,711,989 -602,165,431 -808,614,939 -937,387,741

Total (semua negara)Total Exports

281,208,223 249,232,995 195,272,178 213,345,288 214,329,334

Total Imports 855,007,719 933,643,317 803,338,330 1,029,328,621 1,161,431,786

Trade Balance -573,799,496 -684,410,322 -608,066,152 -815,983,333 -947,102,452

Sumber : Statistik Kanada, diolah ITPC Vancouver

5 tahun (2007-2011)

Nilai dalam US Dolar


Neraca Perdagangan Kanada










Tabel 2 : Total Ekspor Kanada Produk Perhiasan (Jewellery) Tahun 2007-2011






NoNegara 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

% Pangsa


1 United States (U.S.) 229,052,474 193,569,390 147,996,882 157,072,689 166,796,810 77.82%

2 Hong Kong 3,284,572 3,721,503 5,897,009 10,271,322 15,331,158 7.15%

3 Australia 6,374,625 13,269,415 12,873,029 12,662,463 6,603,320 3.08%

4 United Kingdom (U.K.) 16,161,527 9,921,857 8,998,522 11,871,614 3,440,456 1.61%

5 United Arab Emirates 433,190 834,273 808,233 2,312,189 3,417,302 1.59%

6 Mexico 9,165,857 14,691,280 8,381,298 4,412,782 3,028,960 1.41%


France (incl. Monaco,

French Antilles) 1,081,218 939,575 991,339 1,822,443 1,793,980 0.84%

8 India 614,367 1,043,892 542,399 1,409,884 1,370,567 0.64%


Italy (includes Vatican City

State) 1,952,378 1,125,347 1,180,818 1,466,286 1,271,010 0.59%

10 Singapore 316,546 236,048 340,335 1,809,581 1,195,346 0.56%

11 Switzerland 638,608 876,749 1,133,510 730,974 1,043,804 0.49%

12 Thailand 769,270 418,367 397,474 185,690 975,730 0.46%

13 Japan 3,425,291 1,633,327 828,779 965,669 807,064 0.38%

14 Armenia -- 6,170 -- 13,605 629,297 0.29%

15 Germany 649,054 476,782 708,469 815,017 612,319 0.29%

16 China 516,887 923,251 408,031 529,536 555,088 0.26%

17 Malaysia 7,666 126 81,888 66,176 445,059 0.21%

18 Denmark 11,513 12,755 29,792 13,307 443,236 0.21%

19 Cayman Islands 971,302 664,921 335,454 306,376 406,086 0.19%

20 Netherlands Antilles 911,372 777,914 187,278 409,537 366,943 0.17%

21 Spain 1,162 2,718 183,842 695,764 353,603 0.16%

22 Belgium 276,696 415,011 731,014 404,079 329,562 0.15%

23 Bahamas 109,012 75,651 83,394 82,722 311,973 0.15%

24 Israel 538,422 454,507 85,503 86,369 261,819 0.12%

25 Aruba Island 228,633 309,178 74,263 48,242 204,741 0.10%

5 Tahun (2007-2011)

Nilai US Dolar









Total Ekspor Kanada



50 Negara

26 Bermuda 431,058 172,737 176,070 190,721 186,908 0.09%

27 Barbados 198,429 155,672 21,773 68,269 177,229 0.08%

28 Netherlands 333,585 29,189 124,032 86,090 165,589 0.08%

29 Kyrgyzstan 8,847 101,479 24,082 59,134 164,504 0.08%

30 Panama 52,056 34,573 9,324 16,025 152,782 0.07%

31 Taiwan 151,713 139,663 88,937 455,037 144,854 0.07%

32 Belize 130,772 319,393 11,293 8,638 139,688 0.07%

33 Korea, South 88,138 3,448 8,161 51,091 125,740 0.06%

34 Jamaica 283,297 6,426 74,332 64,201 114,041 0.05%

35 Austria 83,559 21,222 225,614 141,573 113,440 0.05%

36 Russia 218,467 136,905 75,791 67,939 104,161 0.05%

37 South Africa 95,752 170,937 113,257 122,421 84,089 0.04%

38 Saudi Arabia 306,960 165,533 106,796 68,847 79,246 0.04%

39 Norway 33,348 2,387 6,239 793 67,319 0.03%

40 Antigua and Barbuda 78,823 83,027 38,941 72,253 65,805 0.03%

41 Kuwait 85,216 88,690 20,857 79,820 50,020 0.02%

42 Saint Lucia 73,388 165,402 7,154 -- 41,802 0.02%

43 Ghana -- -- -- 401 38,589 0.02%

44 Comoros -- -- -- -- 35,166 0.02%

45 Trinidad and Tobago 73,955 70,412 29,065 63,973 28,454 0.01%

46 Lebanon 34,498 34,713 13,022 17,924 28,046 0.01%

47 Guatemala 6,995 11,895 14,737 14,113 20,854 0.01%

48 Turkey 136,125 346,370 67,132 25,087 20,438 0.01%

49 Ireland 36,014 21,067 45,850 48,672 20,437 0.01%

50 Anguilla 33 -- -- -- 18,662 0.01%

51 Qatar 94,411 40,224 8,413 26,652 18,370 0.01%

52 Sweden 164 524 43,885 820 15,469 0.01%

53 Bahrain 4,480 2,953 17,511 31,669 15,419 0.01%

54 New Zealand 21,460 14,511 121,471 21,194 14,627 0.01%

55 Syria -- 409 -- -- 13,998 0.01%

56 Kenya 1,833 -- -- -- 9,267 0.00%

57 Poland 19,910 17,971 2,830 1,439 6,696 0.00%

58 Brazil 16,024 385 417 1,207 5,985 0.00%

59 Vietnam -- 117 5,510 3,205 5,144 0.00%

60 Sri Lanka 17,343 4,409 -- -- 4,139 0.00%

61 Paraguay -- -- -- -- 4,091 0.00%

62 Nigeria 3,629 -- 4,379 10,549 3,606 0.00%

63 Portugal 24,544 33,206 12,099 15,331 3,600 0.00%

64 Colombia 132 18,224 -- 44 3,326 0.00%

65 Egypt 11,115 112 11,701 1,121 2,978 0.00%

66 Haiti -- 38 208 -- 2,136 0.00%

67 St.Vincent-Grenadines -- -- 107 -- 2,081 0.00%

68 Costa Rica 499 2,374 11,726 749 1,563 0.00%

69 St.Pierre-Miquelon -- -- -- -- 1,517 0.00%

70 El Salvador 10,075 -- -- 4,343 1,396 0.00%

71 Morocco 105,628 3,577 16,515 4,664 1,132 0.00%

72 Cyprus 363 23 11 6,042 1,063 0.00%

73 Kazakhstan -- -- -- 328 776 0.00%

74 Finland 1,073 107 3,026 1,568 760 0.00%

75 Ukraine 3,563 7,803 90,842 62,720 751 0.00%

76 Greece 45,430 43,862 73,128 9,773 728 0.00%

77 Senegal -- -- 160 -- 726 0.00%

78 Chile 309 5,575 43,053 1,727 655 0.00%

79 Tanzania -- 619 1,585 -- 607 0.00%

80 Tunisia 293 -- 156 -- 607 0.00%

81 Croatia -- -- 9 -- 471 0.00%

82 Jordan 22,511 20,576 13,736 8,207 440 0.00%

83 Hungary -- 71 -- 3,132 333 0.00%

84 Slovakia -- -- 349 247 251 0.00%

85 Serbia -- 212 7,844 1,034 232 0.00%

86 Czech Republic 3,197 8 1,948 192 220 0.00%

87 Georgia -- -- 1,758 -- 189 0.00%

88 Philippines 39,278 14,255 9,934 207 163 0.00%

89 Ecuador -- 4,177 -- 1,045 153 0.00%

90 Andorra -- -- 17 69 109 0.00%

91 Uganda -- 4,117 1,751 3,560 77 0.00%

92 Indonesia 53 -- -- -- 76 0.000035%

93 Iraq -- -- -- -- 73 0.00%

94 Malta 47 -- 73 1,084 58 0.00%

95 Estonia -- -- 394 -- 47 0.00%

96 Algeria -- -- -- -- 44 0.00%

97 Romania 19 132,635 6,141 4,802 28 0.00%

98 Bulgaria 62,581 -- 4 4 22 0.00%

99 Uruguay -- 213 310 -- 19 0.00%

100 Iceland 2,813 380 73 19 6 0.00%

Jumlah 280,945,447 249,054,814 195,094,088 212,416,085 214,329,320 100.00%

lainnya 262,776 178,180 178,095 929,210 13 0.00%

Total (Semua Negara) 281,208,223 249,232,994 195,272,183 213,345,295 214,329,333 100.00%

Sumber : Statistik Kanada, diolah ITPC Vancouver

Tabel 3 : Impor Kanada Produk Perhiasan (Jewellery) dari 50 Negara Asal Utama, Tahun 2007-2011

Titel Impor Kanada

Negara asal 50 Negara

Tujuan Kanada



No Negara 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011% Pangsa


1 United States (U.S.) 312,275,482 335,294,772 284,631,700 339,499,399 382,349,267 32.92%

2 China 181,697,007 202,565,838 178,135,887 230,377,902 266,958,019 22.99%

3 Thailand 52,211,186 58,996,994 61,115,457 101,343,834 138,987,286 11.97%

4 India 61,003,065 74,547,727 66,290,986 97,793,805 119,954,867 10.33%


Italy (includes Vatican

City State) 79,690,503 76,350,393 62,661,815 69,866,108 66,859,199 5.76%

6 Mexico 35,245,581 18,296,788 14,095,164 37,505,459 29,784,902 2.56%

7 Turkey 20,345,270 21,358,079 15,635,851 21,445,218 22,394,157 1.93%

8 Hong Kong 17,739,551 20,929,434 16,653,285 21,437,676 21,948,700 1.89%


France (incl. Monaco,

French Antilles) 12,743,078 17,440,593 15,183,607 18,884,513 15,979,978 1.38%

10 Israel 13,638,709 14,571,727 8,174,620 9,261,746 10,255,245 0.88%

11 United Arab Emirates 4,688,275 5,091,288 3,172,560 6,534,799 9,869,203 0.85%

12 Indonesia 5,552,744 5,698,333 5,900,721 7,368,394 9,714,787 0.84%

13 Switzerland 3,587,270 2,795,909 2,428,104 5,358,498 6,543,093 0.56%

14 Re-Imports (Canada) 5,402,624 29,860,841 22,860,078 11,305,507 6,177,021 0.53%

15 Germany 7,445,244 6,952,168 5,127,259 3,805,535 5,159,994 0.44%

16 Australia 2,942,732 2,486,242 4,249,548 4,920,670 4,928,574 0.42%

17 Dominican Republic 1,251,609 3,713,766 3,328,982 3,259,990 4,658,781 0.40%

18 Korea, South 3,995,845 2,732,352 3,028,864 3,937,529 4,405,684 0.38%

19 Spain 4,549,784 3,957,078 2,956,685 3,600,280 4,163,485 0.36%

20 Pakistan 3,098,528 3,162,956 2,846,811 2,980,380 2,900,336 0.25%

21 Vietnam 1,285,001 1,193,684 1,856,734 1,978,366 2,456,075 0.21%

22 Singapore 1,782,915 2,061,140 1,315,331 2,160,914 2,320,341 0.20%

23 Austria 1,789,438 2,407,384 1,794,369 1,877,603 2,229,419 0.19%


5 Tahun (2007-2011)


Nilai dalam US Dolar








24 Taiwan 1,710,231 1,898,580 1,937,733 1,541,805 1,613,651 0.14%

25 United Kingdom (U.K.) 3,893,460 2,748,772 2,706,833 2,076,910 1,541,218 0.13%

26 Bolivia 331,585 379,270 179,356 2,781,216 1,386,751 0.12%

27 South Africa 267,220 627,645 350,221 1,924,189 1,338,602 0.12%

28 Philippines 1,717,233 2,065,980 1,847,930 1,456,070 1,263,442 0.11%

29 Greece 244,919 110,647 168,251 844,464 1,235,530 0.11%

30 Japan 1,159,589 1,251,501 1,183,810 872,953 1,058,184 0.09%

31 Brazil 1,010,629 1,647,190 1,057,393 1,563,938 977,268 0.08%

32 Belgium 462,601 425,638 315,995 667,041 936,176 0.08%

33 Denmark 195,680 317,909 75,862 164,970 734,459 0.06%

34 Portugal 1,028,762 818,136 650,148 726,233 729,908 0.06%

35 Peru 718,483 1,062,502 747,597 791,606 715,425 0.06%

36 Poland 1,737,306 1,219,276 1,043,910 1,205,800 692,715 0.06%

37 Nepal 1,083,282 997,864 1,306,051 1,187,187 671,960 0.06%

38 Sri Lanka 277,567 231,252 281,928 348,229 634,423 0.05%

39 New Zealand 688,467 584,023 743,893 503,000 624,797 0.05%

40 Malaysia 77,741 191,989 785,623 189,744 613,248 0.05%

41 Costa Rica 1,564,943 838,853 545,397 274,274 395,196 0.03%

42 Czech Republic 398,291 424,929 486,886 208,606 393,145 0.03%

43 Ireland 309,343 308,740 252,175 218,457 320,906 0.03%

44 Jordan 84,579 268,859 1,188,588 1,249,541 290,074 0.02%

45 Mauritius 99,649 69,866 134,535 158,785 265,893 0.02%

46 Russia 261,522 135,146 179,694 94,280 265,062 0.02%

47 Morocco 58,215 6,178 8,721 9,795 228,929 0.02%

48 Lebanon 158,983 348,538 73,186 85,827 202,308 0.02%

49 Netherlands 105,174 224,938 205,670 172,415 189,992 0.02%

50 Kenya 67,483 132,711 117,557 165,962 140,180 0.01%

Jumlah 853,674,378 931,802,418 802,019,361 1,027,987,422 1,160,457,855 99.92%

Negara lainnya 1,333,336 1,840,897 1,318,963 1,341,196 973,931 0

Total (Semua Negara) 855,007,714 933,643,315 803,338,324 1,029,328,618 1,161,431,786 100.00%

Sumber : Statistik Kanada, diolah ITPC Vancouver

Tabel 4 : Impor Kanada Produk Perhiasa (Jewellery) Per Group HS 6 Digit, Tahun 2007-2011

Titel Impor Kanada





2007 2008 2009 2010 2011



1 Thailand 19,613,052 23,095,379 28,189,426 54,877,984 90,012,228

2 China 12,323,217 18,134,018 20,755,418 28,552,147 37,997,515

3 Amerika Serikat 17,457,673 21,146,992 19,861,387 24,463,366 31,872,590

4 India 3,862,517 5,541,799 9,715,057 14,643,400 17,180,412

5 Italy 11,193,996 10,836,059 12,092,553 14,360,475 16,567,063

6 Israel 912,678 2,913,011 4,556,527 5,015,858 5,819,046

7 Indonesia 3,596,199 3,858,510 4,244,968 5,149,022 5,022,106

8 Hong Kong 734,545 826,075 1,562,272 1,888,267 2,323,614

9 Spain 1,354,211 1,394,347 1,182,623 1,601,318 1,865,064

10 Germany 1,949,071 1,979,289 2,270,159 1,124,979 1,695,150

11 Mexico 2,262,195 2,499,443 2,695,289 2,202,588 1,565,906

12 Turkey 228,071 409,352 388,243 1,010,174 1,236,511


France (incl. Monaco, French

Antilles) 603,863 674,399 739,675 1,355,355 1,185,384

14 Greece 558 1,968 175 661,407 1,014,831

15 Singapore 136,385 171,494 43,395 205,851 586,786

Nepal 1,012,954 853,057 1,022,941 961,064 575,599

Poland 1,444,405 1,020,523 930,662 1,079,464 527,452

sub total -- -- -- --

Lainnya -- -- -- --

Sub-Total 81,378,223 98,798,862 113,714,319 162,603,458 221,507,197




1 United States (U.S.) 274,582,339 296,710,316 249,505,853 297,818,363 333,234,867

2 India 50,416,032 63,161,447 51,002,334 77,810,631 96,721,231

3 China 52,315,643 63,146,659 43,268,165 51,658,293 60,805,333

4 Italy (includes Vatican City State) 65,778,058 62,411,210 47,761,112 52,784,017 47,847,344

5 Mexico 32,541,668 15,592,085 11,102,836 34,981,332 27,759,116

6 Thailand 20,813,394 21,483,625 17,963,150 22,552,833 26,963,896

7 Turkey 19,561,368 20,589,206 14,896,129 20,093,311 20,616,631

8 Hong Kong 15,812,076 18,858,164 14,037,726 18,617,365 18,187,963


France (incl. Monaco, French

Antilles) 9,393,589 14,283,125 12,209,210 14,979,489 10,800,085

10 United Arab Emirates 4,371,984 4,938,668 2,961,749 6,188,428 9,715,709

11 Re-Imports (Canada) 5,141,745 29,298,242 22,392,092 11,057,658 5,869,723

12 Switzerland 2,487,172 2,350,842 2,149,455 4,526,613 5,582,454

13 Australia 2,433,393 2,126,602 4,007,318 4,680,177 4,700,470

Semua Negara


5 Tahun

Nilai dalam US Dolar










14 Dominican Republic 1,183,834 3,629,993 3,213,635 2,962,357 4,272,039

15 Indonesia 490,718 830,257 708,637 1,272,571 3,516,219

Israel 11,016,719 10,006,362 2,286,580 2,682,539 3,318,468

Germany 4,324,264 3,606,613 2,058,627 1,887,391 2,765,676

sub total


Total 591,761,095 652,318,433 518,222,410 647,292,855 701,017,367




1 United States (U.S.) 3,081,270 1,896,861 1,509,637 1,426,259 2,397,916


France (incl. Monaco, French

Antilles) 144,749 14,361 6,872 27,290 1,106,954

3 China 618,871 742,241 481,568 632,016 745,608

4 India 1,272,888 805,133 323,779 397,386 722,787

5 Pakistan 95,179 -- -- 7 156,076

6 Italy (includes Vatican City State) 62,883 42,051 118,529 69,751 107,323

7 Indonesia 81,788 49,157 92,186 62,699 75,775

8 Brazil 10,535 8,528 17,377 73,811 73,233

9 Turkey 56,285 2,835 -- 13,963 66,474

10 Thailand 51,128 293,289 51,001 36,084 65,649

11 Taiwan 22,203 46,519 9,534 36,168 61,196

12 United Kingdom (U.K.) 28,782 24,862 21,877 14,939 51,129

13 Peru 36,568 41,059 55,321 49,953 50,619

14 Hong Kong 46,337 73,584 46,916 87,933 42,237

15 Germany 137,245 61,793 15,637 9,715 29,383

Poland 1,848 6,203 9,273 1,754 17,423

United Arab Emirates 307,278 2,256 775 136,270 16,430

Sub total


Jumlah 6,893,596 4,309,235 2,939,720 3,246,503 5,920,583





1 China 88,647,303 94,297,033 86,133,426 110,702,833 122,990,101

2 Thailand 10,801,101 12,536,853 11,297,517 19,665,676 18,851,773

3 United States (U.S.) 11,389,272 11,903,782 10,639,644 11,260,977 10,855,242

4 India 2,633,814 2,901,278 3,233,393 2,938,049 3,449,644

5 Korea, South 2,082,928 1,540,644 1,976,669 2,447,255 2,933,380


France (incl. Monaco, French

Antilles) 1,948,978 1,830,289 1,658,026 1,911,891 2,054,972

7 Austria 1,512,499 1,833,196 1,075,515 1,412,964 1,863,416

8 Italy (includes Vatican City State) 2,045,429 2,148,468 1,955,638 1,902,897 1,787,334

9 Hong Kong 881,756 919,154 736,951 735,806 1,105,464

10 Taiwan 938,877 980,067 837,756 743,412 766,934

11 Israel 879,933 637,051 521,225 609,145 601,064

12 Indonesia 876,652 464,305 414,402 363,362 507,270

13 Germany 636,276 858,401 503,705 385,501 433,730

14 Turkey 456,444 286,094 284,278 277,329 414,261

15 Switzerland 603,707 223,288 100,565 504,047 400,134

16 Mexico 365,037 135,501 209,627 254,691 340,839

17 Vietnam 29,599 41,485 63,697 133,022 310,006

18 Subtotal


Jumlah 130,493,563 137,147,540 125,209,044 159,643,264 172,835,154



1 China 27,791,972 26,245,887 27,497,311 38,832,612 44,419,461

2 United States (U.S.) 5,764,929 3,636,822 3,115,179 4,530,434 3,988,652

3 Thailand 932,511 1,587,848 3,614,363 4,211,257 3,093,740

4 India 2,817,814 2,138,072 2,016,424 2,004,340 1,880,793

5 Korea, South 1,159,875 652,070 579,817 853,806 892,590


France (incl. Monaco, French

Antilles) 651,900 638,418 569,825 610,488 832,583

7 Philippines 826,101 1,167,750 1,215,823 717,887 701,434

8 Indonesia 507,387 496,103 440,529 520,740 593,417

9 Italy (includes Vatican City State) 610,137 912,605 733,984 748,967 550,136

10 Israel 800,159 957,203 789,387 942,796 503,097

11 Taiwan 462,842 548,108 448,986 393,913 431,579

12 Hong Kong 264,836 252,458 269,421 108,305 289,423

13 Austria 56,879 245,326 501,826 288,303 240,095

14 Germany 398,388 446,073 279,131 397,950 236,055

15 Spain 33,921 27,265 10,719 130,292 180,505

Japan 277,387 189,537 188,475 122,295 152,169

Czech Republic 47,472 84,906 87,221 49,250 132,798



Jumlah 44,481,240 41,069,248 43,252,838 56,542,544 60,151,485

Total (Semua Negara) 855,007,717 933,643,318 803,338,331 1,029,328,624 1,161,431,786

Sumber : Statistik Kanada, diolah ITPC Vancouver

Tabel 5 : Impor Kanada Produk Perhiasan (Jewellery) Per Group HS 6 Digit,

Tahun 2012 (Januari-Mei)

Titel Impor Kanada


Tujuan Ke Kanada



Januari-Mei 2011Januari Mei-


% Perubahan




1 Thailand 26,877,632 36,916,497 37.40%

2 China 12,358,193 15,134,206 22.50%

3 United States (U.S.) 10,291,570 12,251,399 19.00%

4 India 5,566,370 6,008,472 7.90%

5 Itali 6,723,255 5,975,711 -11.10%

6 Indonesia 2,190,944 2,165,784 -1.20%

7 Israel 2,066,607 1,378,643 -33.30%

8 Hong Kong 836,193 1,081,214 29.30%

9 Mexico 765,665 893,705 16.70%

10 Spain 637,347 697,888 9.50%

Sub Jumlah


Sub-Total 72,647,537 86,550,972 19.10%HS 711319 - ARTICLES OF




1 United States (U.S.) 101,978,227 139,921,167 37.20%

2 India 28,139,700 25,701,350 -8.70%

3 China 18,767,070 19,032,542 1.40%

4 Itali 19,693,048 16,290,582 -17.30%

5 Perancis 3,239,425 10,979,091 238.90%


Tahun berjalan dibanding tahun lalu

Nilai dlam US Dolar










6 Thailand 8,579,021 9,656,304 12.60%

7 Mexico 10,380,398 8,692,792 -16.30%

8 Turkey 6,641,983 6,716,800 1.10%

9 Hong Kong 5,873,384 4,688,950 -20.20%

10 United Arab Emirates 4,971,547 4,384,831 -11.80%

11 Switzerland 1,410,298 2,983,759 111.60%

12 Australia 1,698,389 1,557,266 -8.30%

13 Spain 565,734 1,430,740 152.90%

14 Indonesia 1,157,881 1,390,502 20.10%

Sub jumlah 20 -- --


Sub-Total 225,478,984 262,845,077 16.60%HS 711320 - ARTICLES OF




1 Perancis 289,809 621,974 114.60%

2 Amerika Serikat 1,376,718 612,565 -55.50%

3 China 317,841 417,029 31.20%

4 Pakistan 2 71,121 3555950.00%

5 India 367,291 33,782 -90.80%

6 Peru 28,992 25,533 -11.90%

7 Thailand 11,968 21,617 80.60%

8 Itali 15,019 16,303 8.60%

9 Poland 4,407 15,294 247.00%

10 Japan 2,772 15,195 448.20%

22 Indonesia (ke-22) 65,241 3,391 -94.80%

Sub Jumlah 5 -- --


Sub-Total 2,607,176 1,961,043 -24.80%





1 China 43,364,826 53,189,330 22.70%

2 Thailand 8,106,088 9,883,671 21.90%

3 United States (U.S.) 4,269,725 4,538,409 6.30%

4 India 1,411,096 1,599,370 13.30%

5 Korea, South 1,026,786 1,168,263 13.80%

6 Austria 1,273,321 957,981 -24.80%

7 Itali 801,140 904,668 12.90%

8 Perancis 1,052,669 769,995 -26.90%

9 Hong Kong 526,728 471,708 -10.50%

10 Taiwan 274,696 306,482 11.60%

11 Indonesia 183,212 207,336 13.20%

12 Vietnam 55,511 198,613 257.80%

13 Israel 192,844 168,926 -12.40%

Sub Jumlah 22 -- --


Sub-Total 64,591,806 75,861,541 17.40%




1 China 18,239,088 15,788,225 -13.40%

2 United States (U.S.) 1,470,435 1,926,829 31.00%

3 Thailand 1,372,487 1,210,272 -11.80%

4 India 868,121 1,008,498 16.20%

5 Perancis 308,308 558,527 81.20%

6 Itali 209,436 412,179 96.80%

7 Indonesia 351,549 230,167 -34.50%

8 Philippines 325,493 193,928 -40.40%

9 Israel 191,997 153,294 -20.20%

10 Korea, South 266,831 151,959 -43.10%

Sub Jumlah 36 -- --

Lainnya 6 -- --

Sub-Total 24,623,312 22,839,948 -7.20%

TOTAL (ALL COUNTRIES) 389,948,815 450,058,581 15.40%

Sumber Data : Statistik Kanada, 15 Juli 2012

Current to June 27, 2012

Last amended on November 29, 2011

À jour au 27 juin 2012

Dernière modification le 29 novembre 2011

Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address:

Publié par le ministre de la Justice à l’adresse suivante :



Precious Metals MarkingAct


Loi sur le poinçonnagedes métaux précieux

R.S.C., 1985, c. P-19 L.R.C., 1985, ch. P-19



Subsections 31(1) and (2) of the LegislationRevision and Consolidation Act, in force onJune 1, 2009, provide as follows:

Les paragraphes 31(1) et (2) de la Loi sur larévision et la codification des textes législatifs,en vigueur le 1er juin 2009, prévoient ce quisuit :

Publishedconsolidation isevidence

31. (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute orconsolidated regulation published by the Ministerunder this Act in either print or electronic form is ev-idence of that statute or regulation and of its contentsand every copy purporting to be published by theMinister is deemed to be so published, unless thecontrary is shown.

31. (1) Tout exemplaire d'une loi codifiée ou d'unrèglement codifié, publié par le ministre en vertu dela présente loi sur support papier ou sur support élec-tronique, fait foi de cette loi ou de ce règlement et deson contenu. Tout exemplaire donné comme publiépar le ministre est réputé avoir été ainsi publié, saufpreuve contraire.

Codificationscomme élémentde preuve

Inconsistenciesin Acts

(2) In the event of an inconsistency between aconsolidated statute published by the Minister underthis Act and the original statute or a subsequentamendment as certified by the Clerk of the Parlia-ments under the Publication of Statutes Act, the orig-inal statute or amendment prevails to the extent ofthe inconsistency.

(2) Les dispositions de la loi d'origine avec sesmodifications subséquentes par le greffier des Parle-ments en vertu de la Loi sur la publication des loisl'emportent sur les dispositions incompatibles de laloi codifiée publiée par le ministre en vertu de la pré-sente loi.

Incompatibilité— lois


This consolidation is current to June 27, 2012. Thelast amendments came into force on Novem-ber 29, 2011. Any amendments that were not inforce as of June 27, 2012 are set out at the end of thisdocument under the heading “Amendments Not inForce”.

Cette codification est à jour au 27 juin 2012. Lesdernières modifications sont entrées en vigueurle 29 novembre 2011. Toutes modifications quin'étaient pas en vigueur au 27 juin 2012 sonténoncées à la fin de ce document sous le titre « Mod-ifications non en vigueur ».



Section Page Article Page

An Act respecting the marking of articlescontaining precious metals

Loi concernant le poinçonnage desarticles contenant des métaux précieux


1 Short title 1 1 Titre abrégé 1


2 Definitions 1 2 Définitions 1


3 Unauthorized markings 3 3 Marques non autorisées 34 When quality mark may be applied 3 4 Quand peut être appliquée une marque de

qualité 3


5 Canadian mark on articles composed of aprecious metal 4

5 Marque canadienne sur des articlescontenant un métal précieux 4


6 Inspectors 4 6 Inspecteurs 47 Powers of inspectors 4 7 Pouvoirs d’entrer, d’inspecter et de saisir 48 Certificate to be produced 5 8 Production du certificat 5


9 Regulations 6 9 Règlements 6


10 Offences and punishment 6 10 Infractions et peines 611 Disposition of articles on conviction 8 11 Disposition des articles après déclaration

de culpabilité 812 Certificate of Master or assayer 8 12 Certificat du directeur ou d’un essayeur 8


R.S.C., 1985, c. P-19 L.R.C., 1985, ch. P-19

An Act respecting the marking of articlescontaining precious metals

Loi concernant le poinçonnage des articlescontenant des métaux précieux


Short title 1. This Act may be cited as the PreciousMetals Marking Act.R.S., c. P-19, s. 1.

1. Loi sur le poinçonnage des métaux pré-cieux.S.R., ch. P-19, art. 1.

Titre abrégé


Definitions 2. In this Act,

“apply”« appliquer »

“apply”, in relation to a mark, includes any ap-plication or attachment thereof to, or any usethereof on, in connection with or in relation to

(a) an article,

(b) anything attached to an article,

(c) anything to which an article is attached,

(d) anything in or on which an article is, or

(e) anything so used or placed as to lead to areasonable belief that the mark thereon ismeant to be taken as a mark on an article;

“article”« article »

“article” means any article of merchandise, andincludes any portion of any article of merchan-dise, whether a distinct part thereof or not, oth-er than an article or a part thereof designated bythe regulations;

“Commissioner”« commissaire »

“Commissioner” means the Commissioner ofCompetition appointed under the CompetitionAct;

“dealer”« commerçant »

“dealer” means a person who is a manufactureror an importer of any article to which this Actapplies and any person who traffics by whole-sale or retail in any such article and includesany director, manager, officer or agent or man-datary of that person;

“inspector”« inspecteur »

“inspector” means an inspector appointed ordesignated in accordance with section 6;

2. Les définitions qui suivent s’appliquent àla présente loi.


« appliquer » En ce qui concerne une marque,son application ou sa fixation à l’une deschoses suivantes ou son utilisation sur l’uned’elles, en rapport avec l’une d’elles ou relati-vement à l’une d’elles :

a) un article;

b) toute chose fixée à un article;

c) toute chose à laquelle est fixé un article;

d) toute chose dans ou sur laquelle se trouveun article;

e) toute chose employée ou placée de ma-nière à donner raisonnablement lieu de croireque la marque sur cette chose doit s’interpré-ter comme une marque sur un article.

« appliquer »“apply”

« article » Article commercial, y compris toutepartie d’un tel article, qu’elle en soit une partiedistincte ou non, autre qu’un article ou une par-tie d’article désignés par les règlements.

« article »“article”

« article de métal précieux » Article totalementou partiellement composé ou présenté commeétant totalement ou partiellement composé d’unmétal précieux, y compris un article plaqué, etle mot « article », lorsqu’il est employé concur-remment avec le nom d’un métal précieux, aune signification correspondante.

« article demétal précieux »“precious metalarticle”

« article plaqué » Article composé d’une sub-stance quelconque à la surface de laquelle une

« articleplaqué »“plated article”

Precious Metals Marking — June 27, 2012


“mark”« marque »

“mark” includes any mark, sign, device, im-print, stamp, brand, label, ticket, letter, word orfigure;

“Minister”« ministre »

“Minister” means such member of the Queen’sPrivy Council for Canada as is designated bythe Governor in Council as the Minister for thepurposes of this Act;

“plated article”« articleplaqué »

“plated article” means an article composed ofany substance on the surface of which a layeror plating of a precious metal is deposited orplated by means of a chemical, electrical, me-chanical or metallurgical process or by meansof a combination of any of those processes, andan article composed of an inferior metal to thesurface of which a covering or sheeting of aprecious metal is fixed by brazing, soldering orby any mechanical means;

“precious metal”« métalprécieux »

“precious metal” means gold, palladium, plat-inum and silver and an alloy of any of thosemetals and any other metal and an alloy thereofthat is designated by the regulations as a pre-cious metal for the purposes of this Act;

“precious metalarticle”« article demétal précieux »

“precious metal article” means an article whol-ly or partly, or purporting to be wholly or part-ly, composed of a precious metal and includes aplated article, and the word "article" when usedin association with the name of a precious met-al has a corresponding meaning;

“quality mark”« marque dequalité »

“quality mark” means a mark indicating or pur-porting to indicate the quality, quantity, fine-ness, weight, thickness, proportion or kind ofprecious metal in an article;

“sell”« vendre »

“sell” includes

(a) sell, offer for sale, expose for sale andhave in possession for sale,

(b) distribute or offer, whether as a premiumor prize, and

(c) display in such manner as to lead to areasonable belief that the article so displayedis intended for sale.

R.S., 1985, c. P-19, s. 2; 1999, c. 2, s. 48; 2011, c. 21, s.154(E).

couche ou un placage de métal précieux sontdéposés ou plaqués au moyen d’un procédé chi-mique, électrique, mécanique ou métallurgiqueou au moyen d’une combinaison de plusieursde ces procédés ainsi qu’un article composéd’un métal inférieur à la surface duquel unecouverture ou feuille de métal précieux estfixée par brasure, soudure ou par quelquemoyen mécanique.

« commerçant » Fabricant ou importateur d’unarticle auquel la présente loi s’applique ou per-sonne qui fait le commerce de gros ou de détaild’un tel article. Sont assimilés à un commer-çant un administrateur, un gérant, un fonction-naire ou un mandataire de ces personnes.

« commerçant »“dealer”

« commissaire » Le commissaire de la concur-rence nommé au titre de la Loi sur la concur-rence.

« commissaire »“Commissioner”

« inspecteur » Inspecteur nommé ou désigné enconformité avec l’article 6.

« inspecteur »“inspector”

« marque » Toute marque, tout signe, dessin,impression, timbre, étampe, étiquette, carte,lettre, mot, figure ou chiffre.

« marque »“mark”

« marque de qualité » Marque indiquant ou pré-sentée comme indiquant la qualité, la quantité,le titre, le poids, l’épaisseur, la proportion ou lanature du métal précieux contenu dans un ar-ticle.

« marque dequalité »“quality mark”

« métal précieux » L’or, le palladium, le platineet l’argent ainsi qu’un alliage de l’un de cesmétaux et d’un autre métal et un alliage de cesmétaux que les règlements désignent commeétant un métal précieux pour l’application de laprésente loi.

« métalprécieux »“precious metal”

« ministre » Le membre du Conseil privé de laReine pour le Canada chargé par le gouverneuren conseil de l’application de la présente loi.

« ministre »“Minister”

« vendre »a) L’action de vendre, d’offrir en vente,d’exposer pour la vente et le fait d’avoir ensa possession en vue de la vente;

b) celle de distribuer ou d’offrir, que ce soiten prix ou prime;

c) celle de mettre en montre de façon à don-ner raisonnablement lieu de croire que l’ar-ticle ainsi exposé est destiné à la vente.

L.R. (1985), ch. P-19, art. 2; 1999, ch. 2, art. 48; 2011, ch.21, art. 154(A).

« vendre »“sell”

Poinçonnage des métaux précieux — 27 juin 2012




3. Except as authorized by this Act, no deal-er shall apply to an article, or bring into Canadaan article that has applied to it, a mark that sug-gests or indicates that the article is a preciousmetal article.R.S., c. P-19, s. 3.

3. Sauf autorisation de la présente loi, aucuncommerçant ne peut appliquer à un article unemarque qui laisse supposer ou indique que l’ar-ticle est un article de métal précieux, ni impor-ter au Canada un article auquel est appliquéecette marque.S.R., ch. P-19, art. 3.

Marques nonautorisées

When qualitymark may beapplied

4. (1) A quality mark that truly and correct-ly indicates the quality of the precious metal ofwhich an article is in whole or in part com-posed may be applied to the article if the pre-cious metal content of the article and the quali-ty of the precious metal content meet standardsprovided in the regulations with respect to thatprecious metal.

4. (1) Une marque de qualité qui indiquevéritablement et correctement la qualité du mé-tal précieux dont un article est en tout ou partiecomposé peut être appliquée à cet article si lecontenu de métal précieux de l’article et la qua-lité du contenu de métal précieux sontconformes aux normes prévues par les règle-ments en ce qui concerne ce métal précieux.

Quand peut êtreappliquée unemarque dequalité

Quality marksand manner ofapplication

(2) A quality mark applied to a preciousmetal article shall be a mark authorized by theregulations for use in association with the pre-cious metal of which the article is in whole orin part composed and shall be applied in a man-ner authorized by the regulations.

(2) Une marque de qualité appliquée à un ar-ticle de métal précieux doit être une marqueque les règlements permettent d’utiliser en as-sociation avec le métal précieux dont l’articleest composé en tout ou partie et doit être appli-quée d’une manière autorisée par les règle-ments.

Marques dequalité et moded’application

Trade-mark tobe applied

(3) Where a quality mark is applied to a pre-cious metal article in accordance with this sec-tion, a mark that is a registered trade-markwithin the meaning of the Trade-marks Act, orin respect of which an application for registra-tion that is acceptable to the Minister has beenfiled in accordance with that Act, shall be ap-plied to the article in a manner authorized bythe regulations.

(3) Lorsqu’une marque de qualité est appli-quée à un article de métal précieux en confor-mité avec le présent article, une marque qui estune marque de commerce déposée au sens de laLoi sur les marques de commerce, ou relative-ment à laquelle une demande d’enregistrementacceptable pour le ministre a été produite enconformité avec cette loi, doit être appliquée àl’article d’une manière autorisée par les règle-ments.

La marque decommerce doitêtre appliquée

Marksauthorized bylaw of foreigncountry

(4) Where a precious metal article

(a) is hallmarked in accordance with thelaws of the United Kingdom, or

(b) has applied to it by the government ofany foreign country a mark authorized to beapplied thereto under the laws of that countrythat truly and correctly indicates the qualityof the precious metal of which the article isin whole or in part composed,

subsection (3) is not applicable thereto and aquality mark may be applied to the article in ac-cordance with subsections (1) and (2).

(4) Le paragraphe (3) ne s’applique pas etune marque de qualité peut être appliquée enconformité avec les paragraphes (1) et (2) à unarticle de métal précieux qui porte :

a) soit une marque de contrôle dite hallmarkconformément aux lois du Royaume-Uni;

b) soit, y appliquée par le gouvernementd’un pays étranger, une marque que les loisde ce pays étranger autorisent à lui appliqueret qui indique véritablement et correctementla qualité du métal précieux dont il est entout ou partie composé.

Marquesautorisées parles lois de paysétrangers

Other marks (5) A precious metal article to which a qual-ity mark is applied or to which a mark de-scribed in paragraph (4)(a) or (b) is appliedmay also have applied thereto

(5) À un article de métal précieux auquelune marque de qualité est appliquée ou auquelune marque décrite à l’alinéa (4)a) ou b) est ap-pliquée, il peut être également appliqué :

Autres marques

Precious Metals Marking — June 27, 2012


(a) numerals intended to identify the articleor pattern and not calculated to mislead ordeceive;

(b) the name or initials of a dealer; and

(c) any other mark not calculated to misleador deceive.

R.S., c. P-19, s. 4.

a) des numéros destinés à identifier l’articleou le modèle et dont le but n’est pas d’in-duire en erreur ou de tromper;

b) le nom ou les initiales d’un commerçant;

c) toute autre marque dont le but n’est pasd’induire en erreur ou de tromper.

S.R., ch. P-19, art. 4.


Canadian markon articlescomposed of aprecious metal

5. (1) Where an article that is wholly manu-factured in Canada is composed of a preciousmetal of a quality prescribed in the regulationsand has a quality mark applied to it in accor-dance with section 4, there may be applied tothe article, by a dealer authorized by an ordermade by the Commissioner under subsection(2), a national mark consisting of a representa-tion of a maple leaf surrounded by the letter"C".

5. (1) Lorsqu’un article, entièrement fabri-qué au Canada, est composé d’un métal pré-cieux d’une qualité prescrite par les règlementset porte une marque de qualité qui y est appli-quée en conformité avec l’article 4, un com-merçant autorisé à cet effet par arrêté du com-missaire, pris en vertu du paragraphe (2), peutappliquer à cet article une marque nationale re-présentant une feuille d’érable entourée de lalettre « C ».

Marquecanadienne surdes articlescontenant unmétal précieux


(2) The Commissioner may, by order, autho-rize any dealer to apply the national mark de-scribed in subsection (1) in accordance withthat subsection.R.S., 1985, c. P-19, s. 5; 1999, c. 2, s. 49.

(2) Le commissaire peut, par arrêté, autori-ser un commerçant à appliquer la marque natio-nale décrite au paragraphe (1) en conformitéavec ce paragraphe.L.R. (1985), ch. P-19, art. 5; 1999, ch. 2, art. 49.

Arrêté autorisantl’application


Inspectors 6. The Minister may appoint or designateany person as an inspector for the purposes ofthis Act.R.S., c. P-19, s. 6.

6. Le ministre peut nommer ou désigner qui-conque à titre d’inspecteur pour l’applicationde la présente loi.S.R., ch. P-19, art. 6.


Powers ofinspectors

7. (1) Subject to subsection (1.1), an inspec-tor may at any reasonable time enter thepremises of any dealer, require the productionfor inspection of any precious metal article onthe premises of a dealer and seize any preciousmetal article that the inspector believes on rea-sonable grounds is marked otherwise than inaccordance with this Act and the regulations.

7. (1) Sous réserve du paragraphe (1.1),l’inspecteur peut, à toute heure convenable,procéder à la visite des locaux d’un commer-çant, exiger, aux fins d’inspection, la produc-tion de tout article de métal précieux qui setrouve dans les locaux d’un commerçant et sai-sir un tel article lorsqu’il a des motifs raison-nables de croire que l’article porte une marquequi n’est pas conforme à la présente loi et à sesrèglements.

Pouvoirsd’entrer,d’inspecter et desaisir

Warrant requiredto enterdwelling-house

(1.1) Where any premises referred to in sub-section (1) is a dwelling-house, an inspectormay not enter that dwelling-house without theconsent of the occupant except under the au-thority of a warrant issued under subsection(1.2).

(1.1) Dans le cas d’une maison d’habitation,l’inspecteur ne peut toutefois procéder à la vi-site sans l’autorisation de l’occupant que s’il estmuni du mandat prévu au paragraphe (1.2).

Mandat pourmaisond’habitation

Authority toissue warrant

(1.2) Where on ex parte application a justiceof the peace is satisfied by information on oath

(1.2) Sur demande ex parte, le juge de paixpeut signer un mandat autorisant, sous réservedes conditions éventuellement fixées, l’inspec-

Délivrance dumandat

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(a) that entry to a dwelling-house is neces-sary for any purpose relating to the adminis-tration or enforcement of this Act, and

(b) that entry to the dwelling-house has beenrefused or that there are reasonable groundsfor believing that entry thereto will be re-fused,

the justice of the peace may issue a warrant un-der his hand authorizing the inspector namedtherein to enter that dwelling-house subject tosuch conditions as may be specified in the war-rant.

teur qui y est nommé à procéder à la visited’une maison d’habitation s’il est convaincu,sur la foi d’une dénonciation sous serment, quesont réunis les éléments suivants :

a) la visite est nécessaire pour l’applicationde la présente loi;

b) un refus a été opposé à la visite ou il y ades motifs raisonnables de croire que tel serale cas.

Use of force (1.3) In executing a warrant issued undersubsection (1.2), the inspector named thereinshall not use force unless the inspector is ac-companied by a peace officer and the use offorce has been specifically authorized in thewarrant.

(1.3) L’inspecteur ne peut recourir à la forcedans l’exécution du mandat que si celui-ci enautorise expressément l’usage et que si lui-même est accompagné d’un agent de la paix.

Usage de laforce

Retention ofseized articles

(2) Any article seized pursuant to subsection(1) may be retained for a period of ninety daysand, if before the expiration of that period anyproceedings in respect of the article are takenunder this Act, the article may be retained untilthe proceedings are finally disposed of.R.S., 1985, c. P-19, s. 7; R.S., 1985, c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 19.

(2) Tout article saisi peut être retenu pen-dant une période de quatre-vingt-dix jours et si,avant l’expiration de cette période, des procé-dures sont intentées en vertu de la présente loirelativement à cet article, il peut être retenu jus-qu’à ce qu’il ait été définitivement statué surces procédures.L.R. (1985), ch. P-19, art. 7; L.R. (1985), ch. 31 (1er sup-pl.), art. 19.

Rétention desarticles saisis

Certificate to beproduced

8. (1) The Commissioner shall furnish ev-ery inspector with a certificate of his designa-tion as an inspector and on entering the premis-es of any dealer an inspector shall, if requiredto do so, produce the certificate to the person incharge of those premises.

8. (1) Le commissaire remet à chaque ins-pecteur un certificat attestant sa qualité, que ce-lui-ci présente, sur demande, au responsabledes locaux visités.

Production ducertificat

Assistance toinspectors

(2) A dealer or the person appearing to be incharge of the premises of a dealer and everyperson found therein shall, if requested to do soby an inspector, give an inspector all reason-able assistance to enable him to carry out hisduties and functions under this Act and the reg-ulations and shall furnish him with any infor-mation he may reasonably require with respectto any article found in the premises.

(2) Le commerçant ou la personne parais-sant être le responsable des locaux d’un com-merçant, ainsi que quiconque s’y trouve, sonttenus de prêter à l’inspecteur, s’il le leur de-mande, toute l’assistance possible dans l’exer-cice de ses fonctions et de lui donner les rensei-gnements qu’il peut valablement exiger au sujetde tout article trouvé dans les locaux.

Assistance àl’inspecteur

Obstruction ofinspectors

(3) No person shall obstruct or hinder an in-spector engaged in carrying out his duties andfunctions under this Act and the regulations.

(3) Lorsque l’inspecteur agit dans l’exercicede ses fonctions, il est interdit d’entraver sonaction.


False statements (4) No person shall knowingly make a falseor misleading statement either orally or in writ-ing to an inspector engaged in carrying out his

(4) Lorsque l’inspecteur agit dans l’exercicede ses fonctions, il est interdit de lui faire en


Precious Metals Marking — June 27, 2012


duties and functions under this Act and the reg-ulations.R.S., 1985, c. P-19, s. 8; 1999, c. 2, s. 49.

connaissance de cause, oralement ou par écrit,une déclaration fausse ou trompeuse.L.R. (1985), ch. P-19, art. 8; 1999, ch. 2, art. 49.


Regulations 9. The Governor in Council may make regu-lations

(a) designating articles and parts of articlesthat are exempt from the application of thisAct;

(b) designating parts of articles that are ex-empt from assay for the purposes of this Act;

(c) designating any metal and any alloythereof to be a precious metal for the purpos-es of this Act;

(d) designating quality marks that may beapplied to plated articles and quality marksthat may be applied to other precious metalarticles;

(e) prescribing marks indicating the natureof the base metal content of a plated articleand prescribing the circumstances in whichthe use of those marks is required;

(f) establishing minimum precious metalcontent and quality standards and preciousmetal quality tolerances in respect of pre-cious metal articles to which quality marksmay be applied;

(g) prescribing the methods by which quali-ty marks and trade-marks may be applied toprecious metal articles;

(h) prescribing the meaning to be attributedto quality marks designated pursuant to para-graph (d); and

(i) with respect to any other matter concern-ing which he deems regulations necessary ordesirable to carry out the purposes and provi-sions of this Act.

R.S., c. P-19, s. 9.

9. Le gouverneur en conseil peut prendredes règlements :

a) désignant les articles et parties d’articlequi sont exemptés de l’application de la pré-sente loi;

b) désignant les parties d’article qui sontexemptées des essais pour l’application de laprésente loi;

c) désignant tout métal et tout alliage de ce-lui-ci comme constituant un métal précieuxpour l’application de la présente loi;

d) désignant les marques de qualité quipeuvent être appliquées aux articles plaquéset les marques de qualité qui peuvent être ap-pliquées aux autres articles de métal pré-cieux;

e) prescrivant les marques indiquant la na-ture du contenu de métal de base d’un articleplaqué et prescrivant les conditions dans les-quelles l’utilisation d’une telle marque est re-quise;

f) établissant les normes minimales decontenu et de qualité du métal précieux et lestolérances de qualité du métal précieux rela-tivement aux articles de métal précieux aux-quels des marques de qualité peuvent être ap-pliquées;

g) prescrivant les méthodes selon lesquellesles marques de qualité et les marques decommerce peuvent être appliquées aux ar-ticles de métal précieux;

h) prescrivant la signification à attribuer auxmarques de qualité désignées conformémentà l’alinéa d);

i) sur toute autre question au sujet de la-quelle il estime que des règlements sont sou-haitables pour l’application de la présenteloi.

S.R., ch. P-19, art. 9.



Offences andpunishment

10. (1) Every dealer who 10. (1) Commet une infraction et encourt,sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure

Infractions etpeines

Poinçonnage des métaux précieux — 27 juin 2012


(a) applies to a precious metal article a marknot authorized by this Act or the regulationsto be applied thereto,

(b) applies a mark to a precious metal articleotherwise than in accordance with this Actand the regulations,

(c) omits or neglects to apply to a preciousmetal article any mark required by this Actor the regulations to be applied thereto,

(d) sells or imports into Canada a preciousmetal article to which a mark not authorizedby this Act or the regulations has been ap-plied or that is marked otherwise than in ac-cordance with this Act and the regulations orthat has not applied thereto any mark re-quired by this Act or the regulations to be ap-plied thereto,

(e) destroys, defaces or in any manner ren-ders indecipherable any mark applied to aprecious metal article in accordance with thisAct and the regulations,

(f) applies to a plated article a mark thatguarantees or purports to guarantee or in-duces or tends to induce a belief that the pre-cious metal with which the article is platedwill wear for a period of time, whether speci-fied or not,

(g) sells or imports into Canada a plated arti-cle to which a mark described in paragraph(f) has been applied,

(h) prints, causes to be printed, issues, pub-lishes, imports or in any manner makes useof any printed or written matter in the natureof an advertisement guaranteeing or purport-ing to guarantee or inducing or tending to in-duce a belief that the precious metal withwhich a plated article is plated will wear orlast for a period of time, whether specified ornot,

(i) in any advertisement of a precious metalarticle or in any publication related to a pre-cious metal article uses any mark the appli-cation of which to the article is not autho-rized by this Act or the regulations, or

(j) in any manner not provided for in thissubsection or subsection (2) contravenes orfails to comply with any provision of thisAct or the regulations,

sommaire, une amende maximale de cinq centsdollars tout commerçant qui, selon le cas :

a) applique à un article de métal précieuxune marque dont la présente loi ou les règle-ments n’autorisent pas l’application à cet ar-ticle;

b) applique à un article de métal précieuxune marque autrement qu’en conformité avecles dispositions de la présente loi et des rè-glements;

c) omet ou néglige d’appliquer à un articlede métal précieux une marque dont la pré-sente loi ou les règlements exigent l’applica-tion à cet article;

d) vend ou importe au Canada un article demétal précieux auquel a été appliquée unemarque non autorisée par la présente loi oules règlements, ou qui est marqué autrementqu’en conformité avec la présente loi et lesrèglements, ou auquel n’a pas été appliquéeune marque dont la présente loi ou les règle-ments exigent l’application à cet article;

e) détruit, défigure ou de quelque manièrerend indéchiffrable une marque appliquée àun article de métal précieux en conformitéavec la présente loi et les règlements;

f) applique à un article plaqué une marquegarantissant ou présentée comme garantis-sant, ou faisant croire ou tendant à fairecroire, que le métal précieux dont l’article estplaqué durera un certain temps, déterminé ounon;

g) vend ou importe au Canada un article pla-qué auquel a été appliquée une marque men-tionnée à l’alinéa f);

h) imprime, fait imprimer, émet, publie, im-porte ou autrement emploie un texte impriméou écrit ayant le caractère d’une annonce, ga-rantissant ou présenté comme garantissant,ou faisant croire ou tendant à faire croire,que le métal précieux dont est plaqué un ar-ticle durera un certain temps, déterminé ounon;

i) dans une annonce d’article de métal pré-cieux ou dans une publication concernant untel article, utilise une marque dont l’applica-tion à cet article n’est pas autorisée par laprésente loi ou les règlements;

Precious Metals Marking — June 27, 2012


is guilty of an offence and liable on summaryconviction to a fine not exceeding five hundreddollars.

j) de toute autre façon, non prévue par ce pa-ragraphe ou le paragraphe (2), contrevient ouomet de se conformer à une disposition de laprésente loi ou des règlements.

Idem (2) Every person who contravenes or fails tocomply with any provision contained in subsec-tions 8(2) to (4) is guilty of an offence and li-able on summary conviction to a fine not ex-ceeding five hundred dollars.

(2) Toute personne qui contrevient ou ometde se conformer à une disposition contenue auxparagraphes 8(2) à (4) commet une infraction etencourt, sur déclaration de culpabilité par pro-cédure sommaire, une amende maximale decinq cents dollars.



(3) A prosecution under subsection (1) maybe instituted at any time within but not laterthan one year after the time when the subject-matter of the complaint arose.R.S., c. P-19, s. 10; 1984, c. 40, s. 59.

(3) Une poursuite en vertu du paragraphe (1)se prescrit par un an à compter du moment oùla cause de la plainte s’est produite.S.R., ch. P-19, art. 10; 1984, ch. 40, art. 59.


Disposition ofarticles onconviction

11. (1) Every article in respect of which aconviction is had under this Act shall be bro-ken, broken down or defaced and every part ofthe article, other than precious and semi-pre-cious stones, watch movements and any otherpart designated by the regulations, is, on suchconviction, in addition to any other punishmentimposed, forfeited to Her Majesty and, subjectto subsection (3), shall be disposed of in suchmanner and at such time and place as the Com-missioner may direct.

11. (1) Tout article au sujet duquel une dé-claration de culpabilité a été prononcée sousl’autorité de la présente loi doit être brisé, misen pièces ou défiguré et toute partie d’un tel ar-ticle, sauf les pierres précieuses et les pierresfines, les mouvements des montres et touteautre partie désignée par les règlements, est, surcette déclaration de culpabilité et en sus detoute autre peine imposée, confisquée au profitde Sa Majesté et, sous réserve du paragraphe(3), il doit en être disposé de la manière, au mo-ment et à l’endroit que peut ordonner le com-missaire.

Disposition desarticles aprèsdéclaration deculpabilité

Disposition ofprinted orwritten matteron conviction

(2) All printed or written matter in respect ofwhich a conviction is had under this Act is onthe conviction, in addition to any other punish-ment imposed, forfeited to Her Majesty, and,subject to subsection (3), shall be disposed of insuch manner and at such time and place as theCommissioner may direct.

(2) Tout texte imprimé ou écrit relativementauquel une déclaration de culpabilité a été pro-noncée sous l’autorité de la présente loi est, surcette déclaration de culpabilité et en sus detoute autre peine imposée, confisqué au profitde Sa Majesté et, sous réserve du paragraphe(3), il doit en être disposé de la manière, au mo-ment et à l’endroit que peut ordonner le com-missaire.

Disposition detextes imprimésou écrits enpareil cas

Protection ofpersons claiminginterest

(3) Sections 74 to 76 of the Fisheries Actapplies, with such modifications as the circum-stances require, in respect of any article orprinted or written matter forfeited under sub-section (1) or (2) as though that article or mat-ter were an article forfeited under subsection72(1) of that Act.R.S., 1985, c. P-19, s. 11; 1999, c. 2, s. 49.

(3) Les articles 74 à 76 de la Loi sur lespêches s’appliquent, compte tenu des adapta-tions de circonstance, à tout article ou à touttexte imprimé ou écrit, confisqué en vertu desparagraphes (1) ou (2), comme si cet article ouce texte était un article confisqué en vertu duparagraphe 72(1) de cette loi.L.R. (1985), ch. P-19, art. 11; 1999, ch. 2, art. 49.

Protection despersonnesrevendiquant undroit

Certificate ofMaster orassayer

12. In any prosecution under this Act, a doc-ument purporting to be a certificate of the Mas-ter or any assayer of the Royal Canadian Mintstating that he has assayed or examined an arti-cle and stating the result of his assay or exami-

12. Dans toute poursuite intentée sous l’au-torité de la présente loi, un document présentécomme étant un certificat signé par le directeurou un essayeur de la Monnaie royale duCanada, indiquant qu’il a procédé aux essais et

Certificat dudirecteur oud’un essayeur

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nation is admissible in evidence and in the ab-sence of any evidence to the contrary is proofof the statements contained in the certificatewithout proof of the signature or official char-acter of the person appearing to have signed thecertificate.R.S., c. P-19, s. 12.

qu’il a examiné un article et indiquant le résul-tat de ses essais ou de son examen, est admis-sible en preuve et, en l’absence de toute preuvedu contraire, constitue une preuve de cequ’énonce le certificat sans qu’il soit nécessairede prouver la signature ou le caractère officielde la personne paraissant l’avoir signé.S.R., ch. P-19, art. 12.

1 | P a g e

Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act

R.S.C., 1985, c. C-38

An Act respecting the packaging, labelling, sale, importation and advertising of prepackaged and certain other products


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 1.



2. (1) In this Act,

“advertise” « publicité » ou « annonce »

“advertise” means make any representation to the public by any means whatever, other than a label, for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the sale of a product;


Version anglaise seulement

“apply” means, in respect of a label, to attach to, imprint on, include in or cause to accompany in any other way a product;

“Commissioner” « commissaire »

“Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Competition appointed under the Competition Act;

“container” « contenant »

“container” means a receptacle, package, wrapper or confining band in which a product is offered

for sale but does not include package liners or shipping containers or any outer wrapping or box that is not customarily displayed to the consumer;

“dealer” « fournisseur »

“dealer” means a person who is a retailer, manufacturer, processor or producer of a product, or a person who is engaged in the business of importing, packing or selling any product;

“inspector” « inspecteur »

“inspector” means any person designated as an inspector

o (a) for the enforcement of this Act under the Department of Industry Act, or

2 | P a g e

o (b) for the enforcement of this Act as it relates to food, as defined in section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act, under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act;


Version anglaise seulement

“label” means any label, mark, sign, device, imprint, stamp, brand, ticket or tag;

“Minister” « ministre »

“Minister” means the Minister of Industry and, for the enforcement of this Act as it relates to food, as defined in section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act, means the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food;

“prepackaged product” « produit préemballé »

“prepackaged product” means any product that is packaged in a container in such a manner that it is ordinarily sold to or used or purchased by a consumer without being re-packaged;


Version anglaise seulement

“prescribed” means prescribed by the regulations;

“product” « produit »

“product” means any article that is or may be the subject of trade or commerce but does not include land or any interest or right in land;

“sell” « vendre »

“sell” includes

o (a) offer for sale, expose for sale and have in possession for sale, and

o (b) display in such manner as to lead to a reasonable belief that the substance or product so displayed is intended for sale.

Functions of Commissioner

(2) The functions of the Minister of Industry in relation to the administration of this Act except subsection 11(1), and in relation to the enforcement of this Act except as it relates to

food, as that term is defined in section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act, may be exercised by the Commissioner on behalf of that Minister.

R.S., 1985, c. C-38, s. 2;

1992, c. 1, s. 145(F);

1995, c. 1, ss. 62, 63;

1997, c. 6, s. 40;

1999, c. 2, s. 44;

2011, c. 21, s. 119.

Previous Version

3 | P a g e


Application notwithstanding other Acts

3. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and any regulations made under section 18, the provisions of this Act that are applicable to any product apply notwithstanding any other Act of Parliament.


(2) This Act does not apply to any product that is a device or drug within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 3.


Prohibition respecting labels

4. (1) No dealer shall sell, import into Canada or advertise any prepackaged product unless that product has applied to it a label containing a declaration of net quantity of the product in the

form and manner required by this Act or prescribed and in terms of either

(a) numerical count, or

(b) a unit of measurement set out in Schedule I to the Weights and Measures Act,

as may be prescribed.

Declaration of net quantity to be readily distinguishable

(2) A declaration of net quantity referred to in subsection (1) shall be located on the principal display panel of the label and shall be clearly and prominently displayed, easily legible and in distinct contrast to any other information or representation shown on the label.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 4;

1976-77, c. 55, s. 3.

Prohibition respecting advertising

5. No dealer shall, in advertising any prepackaged product, make any representation with respect to the net quantity of the product except in accordance with this Act and the regulations.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 5.

Prohibition respecting packaging

6. No dealer shall sell or import into Canada any prepackaged product that is packaged in such a manner that it does not meet the packaging requirements established in relation to that product by regulations made pursuant to subsection 11(1).

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 6.

Representations relating to prepackaged products

7. (1) No dealer shall apply to any prepackaged product or sell, import into Canada or advertise any prepackaged product that has applied to it a label containing any false or

misleading representation that relates to or may reasonably be regarded as relating to that product.

Definition of “false or misleading representation”

(2) For the purposes of this section, “false or misleading representation” includes

4 | P a g e

(a) any representation in which expressions, words, figures, depictions or symbols are used, arranged or shown in a manner that may reasonably be regarded as qualifying the declared net quantity of a prepackaged product or as likely to deceive a consumer with respect to the

net quantity of a prepackaged product;

(b) any expression, word, figure, depiction or symbol that implies or may reasonably be regarded as implying that a prepackaged product contains any matter not contained in it or does not contain any matter in fact contained in it; and

(c) any description or illustration of the type, quality, performance, function, origin or

method of manufacture or production of a prepackaged product that may reasonably be regarded as likely to deceive a consumer with respect to the matter so described or illustrated.

Where, within prescribed tolerances, net quantity not less than declared

(3) Where a declaration of net quantity shows the purported net quantity of the prepackaged

product to which it is applied, that declaration shall be deemed not to be a false or misleading representation if the net quantity of the prepackaged product is, subject to the prescribed tolerance, not less than the declared net quantity of the prepackaged product and the declaration otherwise meets the requirements of this Act and the regulations.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 7;

1976-77, c. 28, s. 49(F).

Labels on edible and potable prepackaged products

8. No dealer shall apply to any edible or potable prepackaged product a label that contains any representation with respect to the number of servings contained in the container of the

prepackaged product unless that label contains a declaration of net quantity of each serving in the form and manner prescribed and in terms of either

(a) numerical count, or

(b) a unit of measurement set out in Schedule I to the Weights and Measures Act,

as may be prescribed.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 8;

1976-77, c. 55, s. 3.

Containers of prepackaged products

9. (1) No dealer shall sell, import into Canada or advertise any prepackaged product that is packaged in a container that has been manufactured, constructed or filled or is displayed in such a manner that a consumer might reasonably be misled with respect to the quality or quantity of the product.

Recognized and accepted production practice, if necessary for packaging, a defence

(2) No dealer is guilty of the offence of selling, importing into Canada or advertising a

prepackaged product that is packaged in a container that has been filled in such a manner that a consumer might reasonably be misled with respect to the quality or quantity of the product if the dealer establishes that the container was filled in accordance with a recognized and accepted production practice that is reasonably necessary for the purpose of packaging the product.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 9.


5 | P a g e

Label containing declaration of net quantity

10. Each label containing a declaration of net quantity of the prepackaged product to which it is applied shall

(a) be applied to the prepackaged product in such form and manner as may be prescribed;


(b) show, in such form and manner and in such circumstances as may be prescribed,

o (i) the identity and principal place of business of the person by or for whom the prepackaged product was manufactured or produced for resale,

o (ii) the identity of the prepackaged product in terms of its common or generic name or in

terms of its function, and

o (iii) such information respecting the nature, quality, age, size, material content, composition, geographic origin, performance, use or method of manufacture or production of the prepackaged product as may be prescribed.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 10.


Packaging requirements established by regulation

11. (1) Where the Governor in Council is of the opinion that there is an undue proliferation of sizes or shapes of containers in which any prepackaged product or class of prepackaged product is sold and that the effect of the undue proliferation of sizes or shapes is to confuse or mislead or be likely to confuse or mislead consumers with respect to the weight, measure or numerical

count of a prepackaged product, the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may make regulations establishing packaging requirements that limit the sizes and shapes of containers in which that prepackaged product or class of prepackaged product may be sold.

Advice for establishing packaging requirements

(2) For the purpose of establishing packaging requirements for any prepackaged product or

class of prepackaged product, the Minister shall seek the advice of at least one organization in Canada of consumers and one organization of dealers in that prepackaged product or class of prepackaged product and may seek the advice of the Standards Council of Canada or any organization in Canada engaged in standards formulation.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 11.


Packaging and labelling research and studies

12. (1) The Minister may conduct research and studies relating or incidental to the packaging and labelling of any prepackaged product, including matters relating or incidental to unit price marking, date and storage marking and the shapes and sizes of containers.


(2) The Minister may, in conducting any research or studies pursuant to subsection (1),

consult with or seek the advice of any department or agency of any government, any dealers or any organization of dealers or any organization in Canada of consumers.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 12.

6 | P a g e


Certificate to be produced

13. (1) An inspector shall be furnished with a certificate of his designation as an inspector and on entering any place described in subsection (2) shall, if so required, produce the certificate

to the person in charge of that place.

Powers of inspectors

(2) Subject to subsection (2.1), an inspector may at any reasonable time enter any premises of a dealer or any other place in which the inspector believes on reasonable grounds there is any prepackaged product that is owned by a dealer and may, where the inspector believes on reasonable grounds that, for any purpose relating to the enforcement of this Act, it is necessary

to do so,

(a) examine any prepackaged product found therein;

(b) open and examine any package found therein that he believes on reasonable grounds contains any prepackaged product; and

(c) examine any documents or papers, including books, reports, records, shipping bills and

bills of lading, or any data entered or recorded by any system of mechanical or electronic data processing or by any other information storage device, that he believes on reasonable grounds contain any information relevant to the enforcement of this Act and make copies thereof or extracts therefrom.

Warrant required to enter dwelling-house

(2.1) Where any premises or place referred to in subsection (2) is a dwelling-house, an inspector may not enter that dwelling-house without the consent of the occupant except under the authority of a warrant issued under subsection (2.2).

Authority to issue warrant

(2.2) Where on ex parte application a justice of the peace is satisfied by information on oath

(a) that the conditions for entry described in subsection (2) exist in relation to a dwelling-house,

(b) that entry to the dwelling-house is necessary for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act, and

(c) that entry to the dwelling-house has been refused or that there are reasonable grounds for believing that entry thereto will be refused,

the justice of the peace may issue a warrant under his hand authorizing the inspector named therein to enter that dwelling-house subject to such conditions as may be specified in the warrant.

Use of force

(2.3) In executing a warrant issued under subsection (2.2), the inspector named therein shall not use force unless the inspector is accompanied by a peace officer and the use of force has

been specifically authorized in the warrant.

Assistance to inspectors

(3) The owner or the person in charge of a place entered by an inspector pursuant to subsection (2) and every person employed therein shall give the inspector all reasonable assistance to enable the inspector to carry out his duties and functions under this Act and shall furnish the inspector with any information he may reasonably require with respect to the

administration of this Act and the regulations.

7 | P a g e

R.S., 1985, c. C-38, s. 13;

R.S., 1985, c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 6.

Obstruction and false statements

14. (1) No person shall obstruct or hinder, or knowingly make any false or misleading statements either orally or in writing to, an inspector engaged in carrying out his duties and

functions under this Act.


(2) Except with the authority of an inspector, no person shall remove, alter or interfere in any way with any product or other thing seized and detained by an inspector pursuant to subsection 15(1).

Examining and sampling allowable

(3) An inspector shall, at the request of the person from whom a product or other thing was

seized, allow that person or any person authorized by that person to examine the product or other thing so seized and, where practicable, furnish a sample thereof to such person.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 14.


15. (1) Where an inspector believes on reasonable grounds that any provision of this Act or the regulations has been contravened, the inspector may seize and detain any product or any

labelling, packaging or advertising material by means of or in relation to which the inspector believes on reasonable grounds the contravention was committed.

Seizure limitation

(2) Except to the extent that the product or other thing, or a sample thereof, is required as evidence, an inspector shall not seize any product or other thing pursuant to subsection (1) where, in the opinion of the inspector, the seizure of the product or other thing is not necessary

in the public interest.

Notice to person of provision contravened

(3) Where an inspector has seized and detained any product or other thing pursuant to subsection (1), he shall, as soon as practicable, advise the person in whose possession the product or other thing was at the time of seizure of the provision of this Act or the regulations that the inspector believes has been contravened.

Detention limitation

(4) Any product or other thing seized pursuant to subsection (1) shall not be detained

(a) after the provisions of this Act or any regulations that are applicable to the product or other thing have, in the opinion of an inspector, been complied with;

(b) except to the extent that the product or other thing, or a sample thereof, is required as evidence, after an inspector or the Minister is, on application made by the owner of the

product or other thing or by the person in whose possession the product or other thing was at the time of seizure, satisfied that it is not necessary in the public interest to continue to detain the product or other thing; or

(c) after the expiration of sixty days after the day of seizure, or if the seizure is in respect of a contravention of the Act as it relates to food as defined in section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act, one hundred and eighty days after the day of seizure, unless, before that time,

o (i) the product or other thing has been forfeited pursuant to section 17,

8 | P a g e

o (ii) proceedings have been instituted in respect of the contravention in relation to which the product or other thing was seized, in which event the product or other thing may be detained until the proceedings are finally concluded, or

o (iii) notice of an application for an order extending the time during which the product or other thing may be detained has been served in accordance with section 16.

Storage and removal

(5) A product or other thing seized by an inspector pursuant to subsection (1) shall be kept or stored in the building or place where it was seized, except where the product or thing, or a sample thereof, is required as evidence or the person in whose possession the product or thing

was at the time of seizure or the person entitled to possession of the building or place requests that it be removed to some other proper place, in which case the product or thing or the sample thereof, as the case may be, may be removed to and stored in any other proper place at the direction of or with the concurrence of an inspector.

R.S., 1985, c. C-38, s. 15;

1997, c. 6, s. 41.

Application to extend period of detention

16. (1) Where proceedings have not been instituted in respect of the contravention in

relation to which any product or other thing was seized and detained pursuant to subsection 15(1), the Minister may, before the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph 15(4)(c) and on the serving of prior notice in accordance with subsection (2) on the owner of the product or other thing or on the person in whose possession the product or other thing was at the time of seizure, apply to a provincial court judge within whose territorial jurisdiction the seizure was

made for an order extending the time during which the product or other thing may be detained.

Notice of application

(2) The notice referred to in subsection (1) shall be served by personal service at least five clear days prior to the day on which the application is to be made to the provincial court judge or by registered mail at least seven clear days prior to that day and shall specify

(a) the provincial court judge to whom the application is to be made;

(b) the place where and the time when the application is to be heard, which time shall be not later than ten days after service of the notice;

(c) the product or other thing in respect of which the application is to be made; and

(d) the evidence on which the Minister intends to rely to show why the time during which the

product or other thing may be detained should be extended.

Order of extension granted

(3) Where, on the hearing of an application made under subsection (1), the provincial court judge is satisfied that the product or other thing seized should continue to be detained, the provincial court judge shall order that

(a) the product or other thing be detained for such additional period of time and on such

conditions relating to the detention for that period as he deems proper, and

(b) on the expiration of that period, the product or other thing be restored to the person from whom it was seized or to any other person entitled to possession thereof,

unless, before the expiration of that period, subparagraph 15(4)(c)(i) or (ii) applies.

Order of extension refused

9 | P a g e

(4) Where, on the hearing of an application made under subsection (1), the provincial court judge is not satisfied that the product or other thing seized should continue to be detained, the provincial court judge shall order that the product or other thing be restored to the person from

whom it was seized or to any other person entitled to possession thereof on the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph 15(4)(c), unless

(a) before the expiration of that period of time, subparagraph 15(4)(c)(i) or (ii) applies; or

(b) at the time of the hearing, that period has then expired, in which event the provincial court judge shall order the restoration thereof forthwith to the person from whom it was

seized or to any other person entitled to possession thereof.

R.S., 1985, c. C-38, s. 16;

R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 203;

1997, c. 6, s. 42.

Forfeiture on consent

17. (1) Where an inspector has seized any product or other thing pursuant to subsection 15(1) and the owner thereof or the person in lawful possession thereof at the time of seizure consents in writing to the forfeiture of the product or other thing, the product or other thing is thereupon forfeited to Her Majesty.

Forfeiture or other disposal on conviction

(2) Where a person is convicted of an offence under this Act and any product or other thing

seized pursuant to subsection 15(1) by means of which or in relation to which the offence was committed is then being detained, the product or other thing

(a) is, on that conviction, in addition to any punishment imposed for the offence, forfeited to Her Majesty if the forfeiture is directed by the court; or

(b) shall, on the expiration of the time for bringing an appeal from the conviction or on the

final conclusion of the proceedings, as the case may be, be restored to the person from whom it was seized or to any other person entitled to possession thereof on such conditions, if any, relating to sale or advertising as may be imposed by order of the court and as, in the opinion of the court, are necessary to avoid the commission of any further offence under this


Articles deemed not to have been seized

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), any product or other thing released from detention pursuant to paragraph 15(4)(a) or (b) shall be deemed not to have been seized pursuant to section 15.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 17.



18. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations

(a) exempting, conditionally or unconditionally, any prepackaged product or class of prepackaged product from any or all of the provisions of this Act or the regulations;

(b) exempting, conditionally or unconditionally, any type of transaction in relation to any prepackaged product or class of prepackaged product from the prohibition contained in

section 4;

(c) defining the expression "principal display panel" for the purposes of this Act;

10 | P a g e

(d) prescribing the information that shall be shown on the container of a prepackaged product where any representation is made thereon that the prepackaged product is being offered for sale below the usual retail price;

(e) requiring the statement on the container of a prepackaged product of any information or representation required to be shown in a label, in addition to or in place of the statement of that information or representation in a label;

(f) prescribing the form and manner in which, including the language or languages in which, any information or representation required to be declared or shown in any label, on any

container or in any advertisement shall be declared or shown;

(g) prescribing any expressions, words, figures, depictions or symbols the use of which, in relation to a prepackaged product, shall be deemed, unless the contrary is proven, to constitute a false or misleading representation;

(h) subject to any other Act of Parliament, extending or applying any provision of this Act to or in respect of any product or class of product specified in the regulations that is not a prepackaged product but is ordinarily sold to or purchased by a consumer

o (i) otherwise than for resale or for use in the course of a business, trade or calling, or

o (ii) with a label applied thereto, whether or not that label contains a declaration of net


(i) respecting the detention of products and other things seized and detained under section 15;

(j) respecting the disposition of products and other things forfeited under section 17;

(k) prescribing any matter or thing that by this Act may be prescribed; and

(l) generally for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act.

Where statement on container deemed to be label

(2) Where any information or representation is required by the regulations to be stated on the container of a prepackaged product in place of the statement of that information or representation in a label and is so stated, that statement on the container shall be deemed to be

a label and to be applied to the prepackaged product.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 18.


Publication and opportunity for representations

19. A copy of each regulation or amendment to a regulation that the Governor in Council proposes to make under section 11 or 18 shall be published in the Canada Gazette and a reasonable opportunity shall be afforded to consumers, dealers and other interested persons to

make representations with respect thereto.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 19.


Contraventions of sections 4 to 9

20. (1) Subject to subsection (2.1), every dealer who contravenes any of sections 4 to 9 is guilty of an offence and liable

11 | P a g e

(a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $5,000; or

(b) on conviction on indictment, to a fine not exceeding $10,000.

Contravention of other provisions or regulations

(2) Subject to subsection (2.1), every person who contravenes any provision of this Act,

other than any of sections 4 to 9, or any regulation made under paragraph 18(1)(d), (e) or (h), is guilty of an offence and liable

(a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both; or

(b) on conviction on indictment, to a fine not exceeding $3,000 or to imprisonment for a

term not exceeding one year or to both.

Offences relating to food

(2.1) Every person who contravenes a provision referred to in subsection (1) or (2) as that provision relates to food, as defined in section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act, is guilty of an offence and liable

(a) on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term

not exceeding six months or to both; or

(b) on conviction on indictment, to a fine not exceeding $250,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both.

Criminal liability of officers, etc., of corporations

(3) If a corporation commits an offence under this Act, any officer, director or agent or

mandatary of the corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the commission of the offence is a party to and guilty of the offence and is liable on conviction to the punishment provided for the offence whether or not the corporation has been prosecuted or convicted.

R.S., 1985, c. C-38, s. 20;

1997, c. 6, s. 43;

2011, c. 21, s. 120(E).

Previous Version

Offence by employee or agent or mandatary

21. (1) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act, it is sufficient proof of the offence to establish that it was committed by an employee or an agent or mandatary of the accused,

whether or not the employee or agent or mandatary is identified or has been prosecuted for the offence, unless the accused establishes that the offence was committed without their knowledge or consent and that they exercised all due diligence to prevent its commission.

Limitation period

(2) Any proceedings by way of summary conviction for an offence referred to in subsection 20(1) or (2) may be instituted within but not later than twelve months after the time when the

subject-matter of the proceedings arose.

Limitation period for offences respecting food

(2.1) Any proceedings by way of summary conviction for an offence referred to in subsection 20(2.1) may be instituted within two years after the time when the subject-matter of the proceedings becomes known to the Minister.

Minister’s certificate

12 | P a g e

(2.2) A document purporting to have been issued by the Minister, certifying the day on which the subject-matter of any proceedings became known to the Minister, is admissible in evidence without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed the

document and is evidence of the matters asserted in it.


(3) A complaint or an information in respect of an offence under this Act may be heard, tried or determined by a court if the accused is resident or carrying on business within the territorial jurisdiction of that court although the matter of the complaint or information did not arise in that territorial jurisdiction.

R.S., 1985, c. C-38, s. 21;

1997, c. 6, s. 44;

2011, c. 21, s. 121.

Previous Version

Identification appearing in labels

22. (1) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act, evidence that a label applied to a product bore identification purporting to identify the person by or for whom the product was manufactured or produced is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, proof that the person whose identification appeared in the label is the person by or for whom the product was manufactured or produced and the person responsible for the information and representations in

the label.

Identification appearing on containers

(2) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act in relation to a product to which a label purporting to identify the person by or for whom the product was manufactured or produced is not applied, evidence that a container of the product bore identification purporting to identify the person by or for whom the product was manufactured or produced is, in the absence of evidence

to the contrary, proof that the person whose identification appeared on the container is the person by or for whom the product was manufactured or produced and the person responsible for the information and representations on the container.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 22.

Articles received or in transit before contravened regulation in force

23. (1) No person shall be convicted of an offence under this Act in relation to the sale,

importation or advertising of a product if the person establishes to the satisfaction of the court that the product in relation to which the offence was committed was received by, or was in transit to, the person from a dealer before the coming into force of the regulation that created the requirement with which the person has failed to comply.

Advertising before contravened regulation in force

(2) No person shall be convicted of an offence under this Act in relation to the advertising of

a product if the person establishes to the satisfaction of the court that the advertisement

(a) was published, or

(b) was authorized in final form and despatched for publication,

before the coming into force of the regulation that created the requirement with which the person has failed to comply.

1970-71-72, c. 41, s. 23.


Issued January 1, 2010

Section XIV





Issued January 1, 2010

Chapter 71





1. Subject to Note 1 (a) to Section VI and except as provided below, all articles consisting wholly or partly:

(a) Of natural or cultured pearls or of precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed), or (b) Of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal, are to be classified in this Chapter.

2. (A) Headings 71.13, 71.14 and 71.15 do not cover articles in which precious metal or metal clad with precious metal is

present as minor constituents only, such as minor fittings or minor ornamentation (for example, monograms, ferrules and rims), and paragraph (b) of the foregoing Note does not apply to such articles.

(B) Heading 71.16 does not cover articles containing precious metal or metal clad with precious metal (other than as minor

constituents). 3. This Chapter does not cover:

(a) Amalgams of precious metal, or colloidal precious metal (heading 28.43); (b) Sterile surgical suture materials, dental fillings or other goods of Chapter 30; (c) Goods of Chapter 32 (for example, lustres); (d) Supported catalysts (heading 38.15); (e) Articles of heading 42.02 or 42.03 referred to in Note 2 (B) to Chapter 42; (f) Articles of heading 43.03 or 43.04; (g) Goods of Section XI (textiles and textile articles); (h) Footwear, headgear or other articles of Chapter 64 or 65; (ij) Umbrellas, walking-sticks or other articles of Chapter 66; (k) Abrasive goods of heading 68.04 or 68.05 or Chapter 82, containing dust or powder of precious or semi-precious stones

(natural or synthetic); articles of Chapter 82 with a working part of precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed); machinery, mechanical appliances or electrical goods, or parts thereof, of Section XVI. However, articles and parts thereof, wholly of precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) remain classified in this Chapter, except unmounted worked sapphires and diamonds for styli (heading 85.22);

(l) Articles of Chapter 90, 91 or 92 (scientific instruments, clocks and watches, musical instruments);

(m) Arms or parts thereof (Chapter 93); (n) Articles covered by Note 2 to Chapter 95; (o) Articles classified in Chapter 96 by virtue of Note 4 to that Chapter; or (p) Original sculptures or statuary (heading 97.03), collectors' pieces (heading 97.05) or antiques of an age exceeding one

hundred years (heading 97.06), other than natural or cultured pearls or precious or semi-precious stones. 4. (A) The expression "precious metal" means silver, gold and platinum.

(B) The expression "platinum" means platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium and ruthenium. (C) The expression "precious or semi-precious stones" does not include any of the substances specified in Note 2 (b) to

Chapter 96. 5. For the purpose of this Chapter, any alloy (including a sintered mixture and an inter-metallic compound) containing precious

metal is to be treated as an alloy of precious metal if any one precious metal constitutes as much as 2%, by weight, of the alloy. Alloys of precious metal are to be classified according to the following rules:


Issued January 1, 2010

(a) An alloy containing 2% or more, by weight, of platinum is to be treated as an alloy of platinum; (b) An alloy containing 2% or more, by weight, of gold but no platinum, or less than 2%, by weight, of platinum, is to be

treated as an alloy of gold; (c) Other alloys containing 2% or more, by weight, of silver are to be treated as alloys of silver.

6. Except where the context otherwise requires, any reference in the Nomenclature to precious metal or to any particular

precious metal includes a reference to alloys treated as alloys of precious metal or of the particular metal in accordance with the rules in Note 5 above, but not to metal clad with precious metal or to base metal or non-metals plated with precious metal.

7. Throughout the Nomenclature the expression "metal clad with precious metal" means material made with a base of metal

upon one or more surfaces of which there is affixed by soldering, brazing, welding, hot-rolling or similar mechanical means a covering of precious metal. Except where the context otherwise requires, the expression also covers base metal inlaid with precious metal.

8. Subject to Note 1 (a) to Section VI, goods answering to a description in heading 71.12 are to be classified in that heading and

in no other heading of the Nomenclature. 9. For the purposes of heading 71.13, the expression "articles of jewellery" means:

(a) Any small objects of personal adornment (for example, rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, ear-rings, watch-chains, fobs, pendants, tie-pins, cuff-links, dress-studs, religious or other medals and insignia); and

(b) Articles of personal use of a kind normally carried in the pocket, in the handbag or on the person (for example, cigar or

cigarette cases, snuff boxes, cachou or pill boxes, powder boxes, chain purses or prayer beads).

These articles may be combined or set, for example, with natural or cultured pearls, precious or semiprecious stones, synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, tortoise shell, mother-of-pearl, ivory, natural or reconstituted amber, jet or coral.

10. For the purpose of heading 71.14, the expression "articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares" includes such articles as

ornaments, tableware, toilet-ware, smokers' requisites and other articles of household, office or religious use. 11. For the purpose of heading 71.17, the expression "imitation jewellery" means articles of jewellery within the meaning of

paragraph (a) of Note 9 above (but not including buttons or other articles of heading 96.06, or dress-combs, hair-slides or the like, or hairpins, of heading 96.15), not incorporating natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) nor (except as plating or as minor constituents) precious metal or metal clad with precious metal.

Subheading Notes.

1. For the purpose of subheadings 7106.10, 7108.11, 7110.11, 7110.21, 7110.31 and 7110.41, the expressions "powder" and

"in powder form" mean products of which 90% or more by weight passes through a sieve having a mesh aperture of 0.5 mm. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter Note 4 (B), for the purpose of subheadings 7110.11 and 7110.19, the expression

"platinum" does not include iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium or ruthenium. 3. For the classification of alloys in the subheading of heading 71.10, each alloy is to be classified with that metal, platinum,

palladium, rhodium, iridium, osmium or ruthenium which predominates by weight over each other of these metals.

71 - 1


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs


71.01 Pearls, natural or cultured, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; pearls, natural or cultured, temporarily strung for convenience of transport.

7101.10 -Natural pearls

7101.10.10 00 - - -Graded pearls temporarily strung for the convenience of transport - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7101.10.90 00 - - -Other - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

-Cultured pearls:

7101.21.00 - -Unworked Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Graded pearls temporarily strung for convenience of transport............. - 90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... -

7101.22 - -Worked

7101.22.10 00 - - -Graded pearls temporarily strung for the convenience of transport - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7101.22.90 00 - - -Other - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

71.02 Diamonds, whether or not worked, but not mounted or set.

7102.10.00 00 -Unsorted CTM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free


7102.21.00 - -Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Bort and black diamonds, for borers ...................................................... CTM

Issued March 11, 2010


1 - 2

90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... CTM

7102.29.00 - -Other Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Bort and black diamonds, for borers ...................................................... CTM90 - - - - - Other ..................................................................................................... CTM


7102.31.00 00 - -Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted CTM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7102.39.00 - -Other Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Of a weight not exceeding 0.5 carat each .............................................. CTM20 - - - - -Of a weight exceeding 0.5 carat each .................................................... CTM

71.03 Precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; ungraded precious stones (other than diamonds) and semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport.

7103.10.00 00 -Unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

-Otherwise worked:

7103.91.00 - -Rubies, sapphires and emeralds Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Rubies .................................................................................................... - 20 - - - - -Sapphires ............................................................................................... - 30 - - - - -Emeralds ................................................................................................ -

7103.99.00 00 - -Other - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

71.04 Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, whether or not worked or graded but not strung, mounted or set; ungraded synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones, temporarily strung for convenience of transport.


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010

71 - 3

7104.10.00 00 -Piezo-electric quartz - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7104.20.00 00 -Other, unworked or simply sawn or roughly shaped - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7104.90.00 00 -Other - Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

71.05 Dust and powder of natural or synthetic precious or semi-precious stones.

7105.10.00 -Of diamonds Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Dust for borers; dust mixed with a carrier in cartridges or in tubes ........ CTM- - - - -Other:

91 - - - - - - Natural ................................................................................................ CTM92 - - - - - - Synthetic ............................................................................................. CTM

7105.90.00 00 -Other KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free


71.06 Silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum), unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form.

7106.10.00 -Powder Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Containing by weight 92.5% or more of silver........................................ GRM20 - - - - -Containing by weight less than 92.5% of silver...................................... GRM


7106.91.00 - -Unwrought Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

- - - - -Containing by weight 92.5% or more of silver:11 - - - - - -Bullion .................................................................................................. GRM19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... GRM

- - - - -Containing by weight less than 92.5% of silver:21 - - - - - -Dore ..................................................................................................... GRM29 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... GRM


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010


1 - 4

7106.92 - -Semi-manufactured

- - -Containing by weight 92.5% or more of silver:

7106.92.11 00 - - - -In bars, sheets or plates GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7106.92.19 00 - - - -Other GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

- - -Containing by weight less than 92.5% of silver:

7106.92.21 00 - - - -Containing by weight 50% or more of copper GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7106.92.22 - - - -Containing by weight less than 50% of copper Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Solder ..................................................................................................... GRM90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... GRM

7107.00.00 00 Base metals clad with silver, not further worked than semi-manufactured.


71.08 Gold (including gold plated with platinum) unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form.


7108.11.00 00 - -Powder GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7108.12.00 - -Other unwrought forms Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

- - - - -Containing by weight not less than 99.95% of gold:11 - - - - - -Bullion .................................................................................................. GRM19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... GRM

- - - - -Containing by weight less than 99.95% of gold:21 - - - - - -Bullion .................................................................................................. GRM22 - - - - - -Dore ..................................................................................................... GRM29 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... GRM


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010Revised March 5, 2010

71 - 5

7108.13 - -Other semi-manufactured forms

7108.13.10 00 - - -Of 10 carats or more GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7108.13.20 00 - - -Of less than 10 carats GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7108.20.00 00 -Monetary GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7109.00.00 00 Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not further worked than semi-manufactured.


71.10 Platinum, unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form.


7110.11.00 00 - -Unwrought or in powder form GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7110.19.00 - -Other Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Thermocouple wire................................................................................. GRM90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... GRM


7110.21.00 00 - -Unwrought or in powder form GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7110.29.00 00 - -Other GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free


7110.31.00 00 - -Unwrought or in powder form GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010Revised March 5, 2010


1 - 6

7110.39.00 00 - -Other GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

-Iridium, osmium and ruthenium:

7110.41.00 00 - -Unwrought or in powder form GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7110.49.00 00 - -Other GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7111.00.00 00 Base metals, silver or gold, clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured.


71.12 Waste and scrap of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal; other waste and scrap containing precious metal or precious metal compounds, of a kind used principally for the recovery of precious metal.

7112.30.00 00 -Ash containing precious metal or precious metal compounds KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free


7112.91.00 - -Of gold, including metal clad with gold but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals


10 - - - - -Scrap jewellery ....................................................................................... KGM90 - - - - -Other ...................................................................................................... KGM

7112.92.00 00 - -Of platinum, including metal clad with platinum but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals


7112.99.00 00 - -Other KGM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free


71.13 Articles of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal.


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010Revised March 5, 2010

71 - 7

-Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with precious metal:

7113.11 - -Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal

7113.11.10 00 - - -Findings, not plated or clad - 5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7113.11.90 00 - - -Other - 8.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 5%

7113.19 - -Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal

7113.19.10 00 - - -Findings, not plated or clad - 5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7113.19.90 00 - - -Other - 6.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 5%

7113.20 -Of base metal clad with precious metal

7113.20.10 00 - - -Findings - 5% CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7113.20.90 00 - - -Other - 8.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 5%

71.14 Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares and parts thereof, of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal.

-Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with precious metal:

7114.11.00 - -Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal 5.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 4%

- - - - -Articles of tableware:11 - - - - - -Subject to customs duty based on excise duty .................................... - 19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... -

- - - - -Other:91 - - - - - -Subject to customs duty based on excise duty .................................... - 99 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... -


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010


1 - 8

7114.19.00 - -Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious metal


- - - - -Articles of tableware:11 - - - - - -Subject to customs duty based on excise duty .................................... - 19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... -

- - - - -Other:91 - - - - - -Subject to customs duty based on excise duty .................................... - 99 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... -

7114.20.00 -Of base metal clad with precious metal 5.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 4%

- - - - -Articles of tableware:11 - - - - - -Subject to customs duty based on excise duty .................................... - 19 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... -

- - - - -Other:91 - - - - - -Subject to customs duty based on excise duty .................................... - 99 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... -

71.15 Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal.

7115.10.00 00 -Catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill, of platinum GRM Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7115.90 -Other

7115.90.10 - - -Anodes of silver or gold; Crucibles of platinum


10 - - - - -Anodes of silver or gold.......................................................................... GRM20 - - - - -Crucibles of platinum.............................................................................. GRM

7115.90.90 - - -Other Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Of silver .................................................................................................. GRM20 - - - - -Of gold.................................................................................................... GRM30 - - - - -Of platinum............................................................................................. GRM

71.16 Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed).

7116.10.00 00 -Of natural or cultured pearls - 8.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 5%

7116.20 -Of precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed)


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010Revised March 5, 2010

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7116.20.10 00 - - -Produced in Canada more than 25 years prior to the date of accounting - Free CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

7116.20.90 00 - - -Other - 6.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 5%

71.17 Imitation jewellery.

-Of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal:

7117.11.00 00 - -Cuff-links and studs - 8% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 5%

7117.19 - -Other

7117.19.10 - - -Brass chain, set with rhinestones, for use in the manufacture of jewellery;Paua shells in metal settings;Ornaments for use in the manufacture of footwear or footwear fittings


- - - - -Paua shells in metal settings:11 - - - - - -Unfinished or incomplete articles of imitation jewellery........................ - 12 - - - - - -Finished or complete articles of imitation jewellery.............................. - 20 - - - - -Brass chain, set with rhinestones, for use in the manufacture of

jewellery; ornaments for use in the manufacture of footwear or footwear fittings..................................................................................................... -

7117.19.90 - - -Other 8.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 5%

10 - - - - -Unfinished or incomplete articles of imitation jewellery.......................... - 20 - - - - -Finished or complete articles of imitation jewellery ................................ -

7117.90.00 00 -Other - 8.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 5%

71.18 Coin.

7118.10.00 00 -Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender - 6.5% CCCT, LDCT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: FreeGPT: 3%

7118.90.00 -Other Free CCCT, LDCT, GPT, UST, MT, MUST, CIAT, CT, CRT, IT, NT, SLT, PT: Free

10 - - - - -Gold coin ................................................................................................ - - - - - -Other:


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010


1 - 10

91 - - - - - -Canadian coins .................................................................................... - 99 - - - - - -Other .................................................................................................... -


Tariff Item SS Description of Goods Unit of


ApplicablePreferential Tariffs

Issued March 11, 2010

Current to June 27, 2012 À jour au 27 juin 2012

Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address:

Publié par le ministre de la Justice à l’adresse suivante :



Marking of ImportedGoods Order


Décret sur le marquage demarchandises importées

C.R.C., c. 535 C.R.C., ch. 535



Subsections 31(1) and (3) of the LegislationRevision and Consolidation Act, in force onJune 1, 2009, provide as follows:

Les paragraphes 31(1) et (3) de la Loi sur larévision et la codification des textes législatifs,en vigueur le 1er juin 2009, prévoient ce quisuit :

Publishedconsolidation isevidence

31. (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute orconsolidated regulation published by the Ministerunder this Act in either print or electronic form is ev-idence of that statute or regulation and of its contentsand every copy purporting to be published by theMinister is deemed to be so published, unless thecontrary is shown.

31. (1) Tout exemplaire d'une loi codifiée ou d'unrèglement codifié, publié par le ministre en vertu dela présente loi sur support papier ou sur support élec-tronique, fait foi de cette loi ou de ce règlement et deson contenu. Tout exemplaire donné comme publiépar le ministre est réputé avoir été ainsi publié, saufpreuve contraire.

Codificationscomme élémentde preuve

... [...]

Inconsistenciesin regulations

(3) In the event of an inconsistency between aconsolidated regulation published by the Ministerunder this Act and the original regulation or a subse-quent amendment as registered by the Clerk of thePrivy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act,the original regulation or amendment prevails to theextent of the inconsistency.

(3) Les dispositions du règlement d'origine avecses modifications subséquentes enregistrées par legreffier du Conseil privé en vertu de la Loi sur lestextes réglementaires l'emportent sur les dispositionsincompatibles du règlement codifié publié par le mi-nistre en vertu de la présente loi.

Incompatibilité— règlements


This consolidation is current to June 27, 2012. Anyamendments that were not in force as of June 27,2012 are set out at the end of this document underthe heading “Amendments Not in Force”.

Cette codification est à jour au 27 juin 2012. Toutesmodifications qui n'étaient pas en vigueur au 27 juin2012 sont énoncées à la fin de ce document sous letitre « Modifications non en vigueur ».



Section Page Article PageOrder Respecting the Marking ofGoods Imported into Canada

Décret concernant le marquage demarchandises importées au Canada






Marking of Imported Goods Order Décret sur le marquage de marchandises importées




1. This Order may be cited as the Marking of Import-ed Goods Order.

1. Le présent décret peut être cité sous le titre : Décretsur le marquage de marchandises importées.


2. (1) Subject to section 3, goods of a description orclass specified in an item of the schedule and importedinto Canada shall be marked, stamped, branded or la-belled in legible English or French words, in a conspicu-ous place that shall not be covered or obscured by anysubsequent attachments or arrangements, so as to indi-cate the country of origin.

2. (1) Sous réserve de l’article 3, les marchandises del’une des classes ou espèces spécifiées à l’annexe, quisont importées au Canada, doivent être marquées, tim-brées, estampillées ou étiquetées en mots lisibles delangue anglaise ou française, à un endroit bien visible etqui n’est pas couvert ni masqué par des appositions ouagencements subséquents, de façon à indiquer le paysd’origine.

(2) The marking, stamping, branding or labelling pre-scribed by subsection (1) shall be as nearly indelible andpermanent as the nature of the goods will permit.SOR/85-858, s. 1.

(2) Les marques, timbres, estampilles ou étiquettesvisés au paragraphe (1) doivent être indélébiles et per-manents selon que le permet la nature des marchandises.DORS/85-858, art. 1.

3. This Order does not apply to goods that are

(a) donations for charitable purposes and not for thepurpose of sale;

(b) gifts or bequests;

(c) antiques;

(d) used goods, with the exception of iron or steelpipes and tubes;

(e) for the exclusive use of the importer or his em-ployees and not for resale to the general public, withthe exception of iron or steel pipes and tubes;

(f) imported under tariff item No. 9808.00.00,9809.00.00 or 9810.00.00 of the Customs Tariff; or

(g) imported for subsequent exportation from Canadawith the exception of iron or steel pipes and tubes.

SOR/85-858, s. 1; SOR/88-84.

3. Le présent décret ne s’applique pas aux marchan-dises qui sont :

a) des dons de charité non destinés à la vente;

b) des cadeaux ou des legs;

c) des antiquités;

d) des marchandises usagées, à l’exception destuyaux et des tubes de fer ou d’acier;

e) des marchandises destinées exclusivement à l’u-sage de l’importateur ou de ses employés et non desti-nées à la revente au public, à l’exception des tuyaux etdes tubes de fer ou d’acier;

f) des marchandises importées sous les numéros tari-faires 9808.00.00, 9809.00.00 ou 9810.00.00 du Tarifdes douanes;

C.R.C., c. 535 — June 27, 2012


g) des marchandises importées en vue d’être subsé-quemment exportées hors du Canada, à l’exceptiondes tuyaux et des tubes de fer ou d’acier.

DORS/85-858, art. 1; DORS/88-84.

C.R.C., ch. 535 — 27 juin 2012



ANNEXE(art. 2)

1. Goods for Personal or Household Use

(1) Bakeware and cookware made of aluminum

(2) Bakeware and cookware made of cast iron

(3) Bath mats, towels and wash cloths, knitted or woven

(4) Batteries, dry cell

(5) Blankets

(6) Brushes, including toothbrushes and handles therefor

(7) Candles

(8) Cards, the following; credit and identification, made of anymaterial having a diameter or side exceeding 1/2 inch in width andimported in sheet form or otherwise

(9) Chrome plated ware and utensils for use in serving food andbeverages

(10) Cigar and cigarette lighters, except lighters for incorporationinto motor vehicles

(11) Clocks and movements, except clocks and movements for useas original equipment by motor vehicle manufacturers

(12) Containers, thermostatic, the following: carafes, flasks, jars,jugs and vacuum bottles, and refills or inserts therefor

(13) Cutlery, chrome plated or stainless steel

(14) Dishes and ornaments made of china, earthenware, ironstone,porcelain, semi-porcelain, stoneware or white granite

(15) Electronic equipment, the following: phonographs, radio re-ceiving sets, radio-phonograph sets, radio-phonograph-televisionsets, record players, tape recorders, television receiving sets

(16) Ironing board covers and pads

(17) Kitchenware made of metal or plastic, coated, lithographed,painted or otherwise, the following: bread boxes, cake humidors,canisters, foil and paper dispensers, range sets, serving ovens andstep-on waste cans

(18) Knives, the following: jack, pen and pocket; scissors andshears

(19) Lawn mowers (powered)

(20) Matches in books, boxes or folders

(21) Pencils

(22) Pens, the following: ball point and fountain; and nib penhold-ers

(23) Pillowslips and sheets made of cotton

(24) Razor blades (safety type)

(25) Thermometers

(26) Tiles, glazed, unglazed and ceramic mosaic, the following:hearth, floor and wall

(27) Umbrellas

1. Marchandises pour usage personnel ou domestique

(1) Plats et vaisseaux en aluminium pour la cuisson

(2) Plats et vaisseaux en fonte pour la cuisson

(3) Descentes de bain, serviettes de toilette, essuie-mains et débar-bouillettes, tissés ou tricotés

(4) Piles sèches

(5) Couvertures

(6) Brosses, y compris les brosses à dents et leurs manches

(7) Bougies, chandelles et cierges

(8) Cartes de crédit et d’identité, de toute matière, dont le diamètreou un côté dépasse 1/2 pouce de largeur, importées sous forme defeuilles ou autrement

(9) Articles et ustensiles chromés destinés à recevoir les alimentset les breuvages

(10) Allume-cigares et allume-cigarettes, à l’exclusion de ceux de-vant être incorporés dans les véhicules automobiles

(11) Horloges et mouvements d’horloges, excepté horloges etmouvements employés par les fabricants comme équipement pri-mitif de véhicules automobiles

(12) Récipients thermostatiques : carafes, flacons, cruches, bocauxet bouteilles isolantes, et leurs ampoules de rechange

(13) Coutellerie chromée ou en acier inoxydable

(14) Plats et ornements en porcelaine, en poterie de terre, en por-celaine opaque, en faïence, en poterie de grès ou en granit blanc

(15) Appareils électroniques : phonographes, appareils récepteursde radiodiffusion, appareils récepteurs de radiodiffusion combinésavec phonographes, appareils récepteurs de télévision combinésavec récepteurs radiophoniques et phonographes, tourne-disques,magnétophones à ruban, appareils récepteurs de télévision

(16) Garnitures et housses de planches à repasser

(17) Articles de ménage, en métal ou en matière plastique, enduits,lithographiés, peints ou autres : boîtes à pain, humidificateurs àgâteaux, pots de cuisine, distributeurs de papier et de feuilles mé-talliques, boîtes à épices, réchauds et boîtes à déchets à pédale

(18) Couteaux, canifs, couteaux de poche, ciseaux et cisailles

(19) Tondeuses de gazon (mécaniques)

(20) Allumettes en pochettes, boîtes ou étuis

(21) Crayons

(22) Stylos : stylos à bille, stylographes et porte-plume

(23) Draps et taies d’oreillers en coton

(24) Lames de rasoirs (type de sûreté)

(25) Thermomètres

(26) Carreaux émaillés ou non et carreaux céramiques pourmosaïques : pour cheminées, parquets et murs

C.R.C., c. 535 — June 27, 2012


(28) Utensils, kitchen type, chrome plated or stainless steel

(29) Watch bracelets (expansion type)

(27) Parapluies

(28) Ustensiles de cuisine chromés ou en acier inoxydable

(29) Bracelets de montres (extensibles)

2. Hardware

(1) Caps, made of metal, lithographed or printed, for containers,the following: lug, screw and vacuum

(2) Copper tubing

(3) Drapery I-beam rail, made of aluminum, brass, steel or othermetals or plastic and component parts therefor

(4) Electrical measuring devices for panel mounting designed toindicate alternating or direct current microamperes, milliamperesor amperes, millivolts, volts or kilovolts and such other variablesas pressure, resistance and temperature that may be translated intoalternating or direct current or voltage

(5) Glass in panes or sheets, the following: common or colourlesswindow, laminated, plate and sheet

(6) Goods made of porcelain for electrical use

(7) Piles and rasps

(8) Sink strainers (basket type)

(9) Tubes, electronic

(10) Twines, the following: baler and binder

(11) Wire insect screening

(12) Iron or steel pipes and tubes

2. Quincaillerie

(1) Capsules en métal, lithographiées ou imprimées, pourrécipients : avec arrêtoirs, à vis ou isolantes

(2) Tubes de cuivre

(3) Tringles monorail pour rideaux, en aluminium, en laiton, enacier ou autre métal, ou en plastique, et les pièces nécessaires àleur utilisation

(4) Appareils de mesures électriques susceptibles d’être montéssur panneau et destinés à indiquer les microampères, les milliam-pères ou les ampères, les millivolts, les volts ou les kilovolts, decourant continu ou alternatif, et d’autres variables, comme la pres-sion, la résistance et la température qui peuvent être converties encourant ou continu ou alternatif ou en tension

(5) Verre sous forme de plats ou de feuilles : verre à vitres ordi-naire et incolore, verre feuilleté, à glaces et à vitres

(6) Articles en porcelaine pour usage électrique

(7) Limes et râpes

(8) Paniers amovibles pour l’écoulement de l’eau des éviers

(9) Tubes électroniques

(10) Ficelles à lier ou à emballotter

(11) Toile métallique pour insectes

(12) Tuyaux et tubes de fer ou d’acier

3. Novelties and Sporting Goods

(1) Articles in the style of Indian handicrafts

(2) Athletic gloves and mitts, including baseball and hockeygloves and mitts

(3) Bicycles

(4) Decorations, novelties and ornaments

(5) Enamelled emblems and silver plated or sterling silverbracelets, brooches, pins and spoons, all designed as souvenirs ofCanada, its provinces, territories, cities, towns or other geographi-cal locations

(6) Gift wrappings, the following: bindings, braids, ribbons, tapes,ties and trimmings, made chiefly or wholly of textile fibres

(7) Toys, games and athletic and sporting goods

3. Nouveautés et articles de sport

(1) Produits semblables à ceux de l’artisanat indien

(2) Gants et mitaines d’athlètes, y compris les gants et les mitainesde baseball et de hockey

(3) Bicyclettes

(4) Décorations, nouveautés et ornements

(5) Emblèmes émaillés et bracelets, broches, épingles et cuillèresen argent de bon aloi ou plaqués en argent, constituant des souve-nirs du Canada, de ses provinces, de ses territoires, de ses villes oud’autres endroits géographiques

(6) Emballages pour cadeaux : bordures, galons, rubans, bandes,faveurs et garnitures, faits entièrement ou principalement de fibrestextiles

(7) Jouets, jeux et articles de sport et d’athlètes

4. Paper Products

(1) Boxes and cartons, empty folding or set-up, made of paper, pa-per board, plain or corrugated fibre or fibre board, for use as ship-ping containers

(2) Paper matter and products, lithographed or printed

4. Ouvrages en papier

(1) Boîtes vides, pliantes ou montées, en papier, en carton, ou encarton de fibres, uni ou ondulé, devant servir de récipients pour ex-péditions de marchandises

(2) Papier et ouvrages en papier, lithographiés ou imprimés

5. Wearing Apparel

(1) Boots, shoes and slippers

5. Vêtements

(1) Bottes, bottines, souliers et pantoufles

C.R.C., ch. 535 — 27 juin 2012


(2) Brassieres, corselettes, garter belts, girdles and lacing corsets

(3) Fabrics, braided or woven, containing rubber yarns, not ex-ceeding 12 inches in width; boot and shoe laces

(4) Gloves made partially or wholly of leather

(5) Hair pieces, the following: wigs, half wigs, switches, postich-es, pony tails, toupees and other types of hair pieces designed to beworn on the head of a person.

(6) Handbags and purses, except handbags and purses made ofbeads, metal mesh or similar material

(7) Hats, including berets, bonnets, caps and hats, hoods andshapes made of fur felt, wool felt and wool-and-fur felt

(8) Knitted garments

(9) Raincoats and rainwear made of plastic

(10) Wearing apparel made wholly or substantially of natural orsynthetic textile fibres

SOR/85-858, s. 2.

(2) Soutien-gorge, gaines-combinaisons, ceintures-jarretelles,gaines et corsets à lacets

(3) Étoffes, tissées ou tressées, contenant des filés de caoutchoucet ne dépassant pas 12 pouces de largeur; lacets de bottes, bottineset souliers

(4) Gants faits entièrement ou partiellement de cuir

(5) Postiches suivants : perruques, demi-perruques, tresses, pos-tiches en queue de cheval, faux toupets et autres genres de pos-tiches destinés a être portés sur la tête d’une personne

(6) Sacs à main et bourses, ne comprenant pas les sacs à main, lesbourses en perles, en mailles métalliques ou en matière semblable

(7) Chapeaux, y compris les bérets, les bonnets, les casquettes, etchapeaux, cloches et formes en feutre de poils, en feutre de laine eten feutre de poils et de laine

(8) Vêtements tricotés

(9) Imperméables et manteaux de pluie en plastique

(10) Vêtements faits en totalité ou en bonne partie de fibres tex-tiles naturelles ou synthétiques

DORS/85-858, art. 2.

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