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Pengantar Teknologi Informasi dan Teknologi HijauPengantar Teknologi Informasi dan Teknologi Hijau

Suryo Widiantoro, ST, MMSI, M.Com(IS)


Topics covered1. Cloud computing

2. Virtualization

3. Thin client

4. Smart grid4. Smart grid



Cara tradisional berkomputerKasus 1:

Mengerjakan file

Menyimpan file

Kasus 2:

• Unduh program

• Install program


Menyimpan file

Komputer crash, file hilang

• Install program

• Jalankan program

Cloud .. computingCloud

Sumberdaya atau layanan yang dibutuhkan melalui internet dimana pusat datanya dapat diandalkan

Cloud computing

Gaya berkomputer dengan skala ukuran dinamis dan biasanya dengan sumberdaya divirtualisasikan yang disediakan sebagai layanan melalui jaringan internet


Pengguna tidak perlu memiliki pengetahuan atau pengalaman atau pengendalian atas infrastruktur teknologi pada “cloud” yang mendukungnya

Contoh: Wordpress

Cloud pengguna tinggal daftar, setting wordpress, lalupakai

Manual pengguna download wordpress, sewa hosting, atur settingan hosting, upload dan install wordpress, setting wordpress, baru pakai


Karakteristik cloud computing1. Virtual perangkat lunak, basisdata, web server,

sistem operasi, storage dan networking diatur secaravirtual

2. On-demand dapat menambahkan ataumengurangi kapasitas prosesor, memori, bandwidth network, storage




Web application




Thin client

Thick client


Web hosting

Web-app COMPUTING Thick client

Mobile devices



Grid computing


Web-app frameworks



Applications - Software as a ServiceThe applications segment of cloud computing represents

the applications that are accessed via the cloud. It is often referred to as software-as-a-service (SaaS)

Populer dengan cepat di kalangan pengusaha kecil dan Populer dengan cepat di kalangan pengusaha kecil dan menengah

Tidak memerlukan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang harus dikelola

Layanan diberikan melalui aplikasi browser

Contoh: Google Mail,, CRM, HRD, dll.


ClientsA cloud client is computer hardware and/or computer

software which relies on the cloud for application delivery, or which is specifically designed for delivery of cloud servicescloud services

Contoh software client adalah web browser sepertiFirefox, Chrome

Contoh hardware client adalah Nokia’s Internet Tablet N900, Apple iPhone atau Netbooks


Platforms - Platform as a ServiceA cloud platform is the delivery of a platform within

which to run applications as a service. It is often referred to as platform-as-a-service (PaaS)

Platform dibangun di atas infrastruktur, yang biasanya Platform dibangun di atas infrastruktur, yang biasanya mahal

Manajemen platform yang meliputi hardware dansoftware bukanlah hal yang mudah

Layanan populer: storage, database



Cloud based storage is the exposure of storage services on the cloud.

One such storage service provider is the end-user One such storage service provider is the end-user focused Dropbox


Infrastructure - Infrastructure as a ServiceCloud infrastructure is the delivery of computer

infrastructure (typically a platform virtualization environment, but not necessarily) as a service. It is often referred to as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Akses ke infrastruktur:

Akses penuh sistem operasi



Menyeimbangkan beban

Contoh: Flexiscale


Faktor kesamaan

1. Bayar per penggunaan

2. Skalabilitas secara instan

3. Keamanan



3. Keamanan

4. Kehandalan



Keunggulan layanan

1. Biaya kepemilikan yang rendah2. Mengurangi tanggung jawab

pengelolaan infrastruktur



pengelolaan infrastruktur3. Memungkinkan beban sumberdaya

yang tidak terduga4. Rollout aplikasi lebih cepat



Nilai ekonomis

1. Virtualisasi mengurangi biaya dengan meningkatkan utilisasi

2. Economies of scale dapat tercapai



2. Economies of scale dapat tercapai melalui teknologi

3. Kebijakan update secara otomatis



Faktor resiko

Keamanan Downtime Akses



Akses Ketergantungan Interoperabilitas



Benefits of cloud computing1. Enables users to effectively outsource much of the

non-strategically sensitive operations to external third parties so they can focus on other truly strategic operationsstrategic operations

2. Liberates users so that no longer are they tied to using personally owned programs stored on personal computers/servers


CC as Green IT initiative Cloud computing’s potency as a Green IT initiative is

often attributed to one single underlying enabling technology: Virtualization

Virtualization is largely responsible for cloud Virtualization is largely responsible for cloud computing’s direct and indirect impacts on emissions of green house gasses


Direct impactThe direct impact of cloud computing relates to the

reduction in CO2 emissions directly based on its usage

reductions in privately owned hardware and higher utilisation of cloud resourcesutilisation of cloud resources

leveraging of ‘cloud based’ centralised third parties who are capable of providing IT capabilities as a service to masses of customers

drop in global electricity consumption attributed to powering the hardware as well as that attributed to cooling the hardware


Systemic/social impact Due to the diminished requirement to sit in front of a

desktop at work, etc the necessity of commuting to work every day diminishes, as does the need to live in high density citieshigh density cities

Burden on our streets and public transport diminishes, and the CO2 emission reductions follow



Early history During the 1960s and 1970s IBM had pioneered

virtualization as a rationing device within their mainframes

- the large processing capacity of mainframes were divided - the large processing capacity of mainframes were divided up using virtualization into smaller virtual machines.

This method of carving up the processing capacity of the mainframes allowed it to perform multiple functions at once


Throughout the 1980s and 1990s while the client/server paradigm dominated, virtualization was rarely used.

- instead, enterprises commonly opted for a one server per - instead, enterprises commonly opted for a one server per application model to divide up their total processing capacity, mitigate risk to ensure business continuity

Seiring dengan pemikiran efisiensi energi maka konsep virtualisasi mulai marak diterapkan kembali (2000)


Impact of client/server paradigm1. Tingkat penggunaan CPU rendah

HP Laboratories: 1,000 servers were using just 10-35% of processing power. IBM: average capacity utilisationof desktop computers was just 5%. All of this wasted capacity still requires power and cooling.capacity still requires power and cooling.

2. Tingkat penggunaan listrik tinggiIDC: server operating at 10% utilisation requires same

power and cooling as server operating at 75% utilisation. For every $1.00 of capital expenditure on new servers, enterprise spends $0.50 on power and cooling.


3. Peningkatan biaya perawatan dan infrastruktur fisik

4. Pengurangan tingkat kegagalan dan opsi pencegahan bencana

5. Perawatan tinggi untuk PC client5. Perawatan tinggi untuk PC client

6. Biaya pendingin yang tinggi


Virtualization: konsep dasar


Abstraksi dari sumberdaya komputer – teknologi yang mendasari semua arsitektur cloud

Dengan kemampuan untuk memvirtualkan server, maka storage, peralatan, desktop, aplikasi dan maka storage, peralatan, desktop, aplikasi dan sumberdaya komputer lain dapat dialokasikan sesuai kebutuhan


Benefits of virtualization1. Higher CPU utilisation due the ability to now consolidate

virtual machines to fewer physical machines2. There is likely to be lower physical infrastructure and

maintenance costs due to a reduction in the amount of power consuming units

3. Improved failover and disaster protection options due to the 3. Improved failover and disaster protection options due to the decoupling of software and hardware. Virtualization enables entire virtual machines being backed up and recovered rather than individual files on those servers

4. Lower power usage due to both consolidation of hardware and the possibility of building dynamic infrastructure with highly elastic power consumption patterns

5. Lower cooling costs once again due to consolidation of hardware



Konsep Dasar Thin ClientTidak perlu menjalankan semua aplikasi

secara lokal pada PC (Thick Client) dengan segala biaya dan permasalahannya, namun segala biaya dan permasalahannya, namun cukup menjalankan aplikasi secara terpusat dengan menampilkan layar update dan input pada thin client


The earlier term “dumb terminals” that could only handle simple text entry and display with no mice.

These dumb terminals communicated directly to the central mainframe for almost everything they did.central mainframe for almost everything they did.

All the data and processing stayed in the computer room away from user’s desks - all the user saw was the display of a Windows computer as if it was running on their PC just like normal


Centralising servers and server support leads directly to higher utilisation levels, which reduce costs and environmental impact

No remote servers, no desktop configuration, no need No remote servers, no desktop configuration, no need to redesign and integrate e-mail architectures. In many cases, the end-user can connect the device and be working within minutes, without doing any configuration themselves


Komparasi Thin vs ThickThin client lebih unggul karena kecil, ringan dan hanya sedikit menggunakan:

1) Material → plastik dan metal

2) Energi (kWH) → pada saat diproduksi dan 2) Energi (kWH) → pada saat diproduksi dan digunakan

3) Menghasilkan sedikit buangan (CO2 dan material solid) → pada saat diproduksi, digunakan dan dibuang



Karakteristik Thin Client Dirancang supaya berbentuk praktis

Menggunakan server khusus untuk memproses semua perintah dan menjalankan semua aplikasi

Bebas virusBebas virus

Tidak membutuhkan perawatan atau upgrade secara berkala

Mudah dikelola dan mengurangi biaya TI

Semua data penting tersimpan di satu server sehingga mudah diback-up

Mengurangi kemungkinan downtime

Lebih murah daripada PC biasa


Potensi Kelemahan Thin Client1. Biaya cukup tinggi untuk pengadaan server dan


2. Butuh bandwidth lebih besar; multimedia berjalan lebih lambatlebih lambat

3. Tidak memungkinkan instalasi perangkat lunak yang dibutuhkan segera

4. Harga PC semakin turun; pengguna butuh komputer dengan kemampuan tinggi


5. Users will generally not have access to floppy and CD/DVD drives although it is technically possible through USB pass through

6. A server failing will affect everyone connected to that 6. A server failing will affect everyone connected to that server

7. In the past thin client was not suitable for users using highly graphical Environments such as CAD (computer aided designed)


Browser-based applications Although you may not have considered it, many of the

websites we use today are in effect thin client applications

New technologies such as Ajax are being developed to help make using applications in a web browser as interactive as make using applications in a web browser as interactive as normal applications installed onto your computer

Most new line of business applications either have browser support or have moved completely over to being browser-based

It’s almost as if the browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc.) has become the operating system in which applications can run


Thin clients for Green IT1. The first and most obvious environmental element of a

Thin Client is that it is energy efficient

2. Typically a Thin Client uses 10% of an average PC. Thin Clients’ power consumption can range from 2 Watts to 30 Watts but average around the 15 WattsWatts but average around the 15 Watts

3. thin clients are smaller, lighter and less complex they require less raw materials in the form of metals and plastics, which reduces the embedded carbon

4. longevity thin clients should last twice as long as PC’sbecause they have no moving parts, are left on less and software functionality can be improved by upgrading the back end server rather than the front end terminal




power is generated in large centralised power stations and distributed to the consumer via a series of wires called an Electrical Grid, Power Grid, or shortened to just “The Grid”just “The Grid”

a chronic underinvestment in transmission and distribution infrastructure

impact of this long term underinvestment has resulted in a grid, which lacks efficiency, flexibility, reliability, resilience, viability/transparency, and ability to control costs


Permasalahan yang dihadapi1. Tidak efisien

Kebocoran transmisi

2. Tidak sejalan dengan tantangan modern

Tidak ada solusi penghematan energi Tidak ada solusi penghematan energi

Daya yang dihasilkan terbatas

SOLUSI : Perlu adanya jaringan yang lebih SMART


Penggabungan Infrastruktur


Menjadi smart grid


What is smart grid?A smart grid is an electric network that can intelligently

integrate the behaviour and actions of all users connected to it - generators, consumers, and those that do both - in order to efficiently ensure sustainable, economic, and order to efficiently ensure sustainable, economic, and secure electricity supply

A Smart Grid uses digital technology to improve reliability, security, and efficiency of the electric system: from large generation, through the delivery systems to electricity consumers and a growing number of distributed generation and storage resources


Komponen smart gridSmart grid memiliki dua komponen utama:

1) Konektifitas jaringan internet

2) Perangkat sensor dan pengukuranPerangkat sensor dan pengukuran


Added green power sources

High-speed, networked


Plug-in hybrid electric cars

Smart thermostats, appliances and in-home control devices

Real-time and green pricing signals

networked connections

Customer interaction with utility

Contoh penerapanAustin, Texas, 1st Smart Grid di US


Smart gridAplikasi teknologi informasi digital untuk mengoptimasi pembangkitan, pendistribusian dan penggunaan energi listrik1. Self-healing dan adaptif2. Interaktif, dengan pelanggan2. Interaktif, dengan pelanggan3. Teroptimasi, penggunaan sumberdaya & perangkat lebih

baik4. Prediktif, dapat diperkirakan untuk pencegahan5. Terdistribusi, lintas daerah6. Terintegrasi, untuk pengawasan, pengendalian,

perlindungan, perawatan7. Lebih aman, dari serangan


Self-healingKewaspadaan dan reaksi yang seketika (real-time) terhadap masalah yang dihadapi oleh sistem



TeroptimasiMeningkatkan pembangkitan dan pendistribusian listrik:

Pembangkitan listrik yang lebih efisien

Jalur distribusi listrik yang dapat diandalkan

InteraktifPelanggan dapat mengawasi dan mengendalikan

“perangkat pintar” “perangkat pintar” untuk mengelola

penggunaan energi dan mengurangi biaya



Menghindari Serangan Pemantauan jalur listrik secara real-time

Identifikasi dan respon terhadap gangguan yang disebabkan oleh manusia

Mengisolasi area yang terpengaruh dan mengarahkan Mengisolasi area yang terpengaruh dan mengarahkan ulang aliran listrik untuk menghindari fasilitas yang rusak


Objectives of smart grid1. Ensure the reliability of power supply to levels not

achievable before.

2. Maintain the affordability of electricity.

3. Reinforce a nations’ / regions’ global competitiveness.3. Reinforce a nations’ / regions’ global competitiveness.

4. Enable the accommodation of renewable and traditional energy sources.

5. Potentially reduce a nations’ / regions’ greenhouse gas emissions.

6. Facilitate advancements and efficiencies yet to be envisioned


Manfaat smart grid1. Mengintegrasikan teknologi untuk mengelola energi

lebih baik

2. Manajemen jaringan listrik yang proaktif

3. Manajemen respon demand/supply yang lebih baik3. Manajemen respon demand/supply yang lebih baik

4. Kualitas listrik yang lebih baik

5. Mengurangi emisi karbon


Kelemahan smart grid1. Insfrastruktur saat ini belum layak

2. Perlu biaya tinggi untuk implementasi

3. Sumberdaya terbarukan lainnya tidak dapat diandalkan untuk mengamankan supply energidiandalkan untuk mengamankan supply energi

4. Peraturan dan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan dampak smart grid

5. Pelaksanaan grid: pemantauan dan pengendalian



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