ppw3100 - bsh hausgerätemedia3.bsh-group.com/documents/9000684889_a.pdf, 7a28=4a 8ˆb>7i ˇ ˆ...

Post on 28-Feb-2021






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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

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AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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BA Bosna i Hercegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina

HIGH doo Odobašina 57 Sarajewo 71000 Tel 033-21 35 13 Info-Line 061-10 09 05 mailtodelicnandahotmailcom

BE Belgique Belgieuml BelgiumBSH Home Appliances SA Avenue du Laerbeek 74 Laarbeeklaan 74 1090 Bruxelles ndash Brussel Tel 070 222 141 Fax 02 475 72 91 wwwelectroboschbe

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BR Brasil Brazil BSH Continental Electrodomeacutesticos Ltda Serviccedilos Teacutecnicos de Faacutebrica Equipamentos Domeacutesticos Parque Industrial sn Jardim SCamilo 13184-970 HortolandiaSP Tel 0800 704 5446 Fax 011 2126 1962 wwwboscheletrodomesticos combr

CH Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Switzerland

BSH Hausgeraumlte AG Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Fahrweidstrasse 80 8954 Geroldswil wwwbosch-hausgeraetechmailtoch-infohausgeraete bshgcom

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Ersatzteile Tel 0848 880 080 Ersatzteile Fax 0848 880 081 mailtoch-ersatzteilbshgcom

CY Cyprus Κύπ ο BSH Ikiakes Syskeves-Service 39 Arh Makaariou III Str 2407 EgomiNikosia (Lefkosia) Tel 022 819550 Fax 022 658128 mailtobshservicecyprus cytanetcomcy

CZ Českaacute Republika Czech Republic

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An 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr erreichbar im Festnetz zum guumlnstigen Ortstarif wwwbosch-hausgeraetede

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Service Piegraveces Deacutetacheacutees et Accessoires 0 892 698 009 ( 034 euro TTCmn) wwwbosch-electromenagercom

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

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Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

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HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

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HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

Hibabejelenteacutes Tel 01 489 5461 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtohibabejelentesbshhu

Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

IE Republic of Ireland BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Unit F4 Ballymount Drive Ballymount Industrial Estate Walkinstown Dublin 12 wwwbshappliancecareieBosch

Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

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LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

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5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

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AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

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Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

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AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

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495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

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495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

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Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

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MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

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495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


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ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

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LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

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AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

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TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

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UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

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AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

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в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


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ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

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MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

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495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

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UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

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XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

AU Australia BSH Home Appliances Pty Ltd 57-63 McNaughton Roads CLAYTON Victoria 3168 Tel 1300 368 339 Fax 1300 306 818 valid only in AUS

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HIGH doo Odobašina 57 Sarajewo 71000 Tel 033-21 35 13 Info-Line 061-10 09 05 mailtodelicnandahotmailcom

BE Belgique Belgieuml BelgiumBSH Home Appliances SA Avenue du Laerbeek 74 Laarbeeklaan 74 1090 Bruxelles ndash Brussel Tel 070 222 141 Fax 02 475 72 91 wwwelectroboschbe

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GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

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Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

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495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

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41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

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SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

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UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

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XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

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Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

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Service Deacutepannage agrave Domicile 0 825 398 010 (015 euro TTCmn)

Service Consommateurs 0 892 698 010 (034 euro TTCmn)

Service Piegraveces Deacutetacheacutees et Accessoires 0 892 698 009 ( 034 euro TTCmn) wwwbosch-electromenagercom

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

Service Requests (nationwide) Tel 08702 413381

Spares Accessories and Central Warehouse Tel 08705 543210 wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch mailtomks-sparesbshgcom

Customer Liaison Fax 01908 328660 mailtomks-customerliaison bshgcom

Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

Sued-Griechenland ndash HeraklionKreta Tel 2810 325403 Fax 2810 324585

Zentral-Griechenland ndash Patras Tel 2610 330478 Fax 2610 331832 wwwbosch-homegr

HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

HR Hrvatska Croatia Andabaka Commerce Gunduliceva 10 21000 Split Info-Line 021 481403 Info-Fax 021 481400 mailtoandabakainethr

HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

Hibabejelenteacutes Tel 01 489 5461 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtohibabejelentesbshhu

Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

IE Republic of Ireland BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Unit F4 Ballymount Drive Ballymount Industrial Estate Walkinstown Dublin 12 wwwbshappliancecareieBosch

Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

LB Lebanon نان لTeheni Hana amp Co Dora Beyrouth Jdeideh 114043 Tel 01 255211 Fax 01 257359 mailtoInfoTeheni-Hanacom

LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

AU Australia BSH Home Appliances Pty Ltd 57-63 McNaughton Roads CLAYTON Victoria 3168 Tel 1300 368 339 Fax 1300 306 818 valid only in AUS

BA Bosna i Hercegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina

HIGH doo Odobašina 57 Sarajewo 71000 Tel 033-21 35 13 Info-Line 061-10 09 05 mailtodelicnandahotmailcom

BE Belgique Belgieuml BelgiumBSH Home Appliances SA Avenue du Laerbeek 74 Laarbeeklaan 74 1090 Bruxelles ndash Brussel Tel 070 222 141 Fax 02 475 72 91 wwwelectroboschbe

BG Balgarija Bulgaria EXPO 2000 GmbH Lulin kompl bl 549B 1359 Sofia Tel 02-260 148 Fax 02-9250 991

BH Bahrain ن حرKhalaifat Est POBOX 5111 Manama Tel 703503 Fax 703883

BR Brasil Brazil BSH Continental Electrodomeacutesticos Ltda Serviccedilos Teacutecnicos de Faacutebrica Equipamentos Domeacutesticos Parque Industrial sn Jardim SCamilo 13184-970 HortolandiaSP Tel 0800 704 5446 Fax 011 2126 1962 wwwboscheletrodomesticos combr

CH Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Switzerland

BSH Hausgeraumlte AG Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Fahrweidstrasse 80 8954 Geroldswil wwwbosch-hausgeraetechmailtoch-infohausgeraete bshgcom

Service Tel 0848 840 040 Service Fax 0848 840 041 mailtoch-reparaturbshgcom

Ersatzteile Tel 0848 880 080 Ersatzteile Fax 0848 880 081 mailtoch-ersatzteilbshgcom

CY Cyprus Κύπ ο BSH Ikiakes Syskeves-Service 39 Arh Makaariou III Str 2407 EgomiNikosia (Lefkosia) Tel 022 819550 Fax 022 658128 mailtobshservicecyprus cytanetcomcy

CZ Českaacute Republika Czech Republic

BSH domaacuteciacute spotřebiče sro Firemniacute servis domaacuteciacutech spotřebičů Pekařskaacute 10b 150 00 Praha 5 Tel 0251 095 546 Fax 0251 095 549 wwwbosch-spotrebiceczboschindexhtml

DE Deutschland Germany BSH Hausgeraumlte Service GmbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte

Reparaturservice Tel 01801-33 53 03

Ersatzteilbestellung Tel 01801-33 53 04 Fax 01801-33 53 08 mailtosparepartsbshgcom

An 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr erreichbar im Festnetz zum guumlnstigen Ortstarif wwwbosch-hausgeraetede

DK Danmark Denmark BSH Hvidevarer AS Telegrafvej 6 2750 Ballerup Tel 44 89 89 85 Fax 44 89 89 86 mailtoBSH-Servicedk BSHGcom wwwbosch-hvidevarercom

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ES Espantildea Spain BSH Electrodomeacutesticos Espantildea S A Servicio BSH al Cliente Poliacutegono Malpica Calle D Parcela 96 A 50016 Zaragoza Tel 902 245 255 wwwbosch-edcom

FI Suomi Finland BSH Kodinkoneet Oy Sinimaumlentie 8 PL 66 02631 Espoo Tel 0200 84840 Fax 0207 510790 wwwbosch-kodinkoneetcom

FR France BSH Electromeacutenager SAS SAV Constructeur 50 Rue Ardoin ndash BP 47 93400 Saint-Ouen

Service Deacutepannage agrave Domicile 0 825 398 010 (015 euro TTCmn)

Service Consommateurs 0 892 698 010 (034 euro TTCmn)

Service Piegraveces Deacutetacheacutees et Accessoires 0 892 698 009 ( 034 euro TTCmn) wwwbosch-electromenagercom

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

Service Requests (nationwide) Tel 08702 413381

Spares Accessories and Central Warehouse Tel 08705 543210 wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch mailtomks-sparesbshgcom

Customer Liaison Fax 01908 328660 mailtomks-customerliaison bshgcom

Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

Sued-Griechenland ndash HeraklionKreta Tel 2810 325403 Fax 2810 324585

Zentral-Griechenland ndash Patras Tel 2610 330478 Fax 2610 331832 wwwbosch-homegr

HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

HR Hrvatska Croatia Andabaka Commerce Gunduliceva 10 21000 Split Info-Line 021 481403 Info-Fax 021 481400 mailtoandabakainethr

HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

Hibabejelenteacutes Tel 01 489 5461 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtohibabejelentesbshhu

Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

IE Republic of Ireland BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Unit F4 Ballymount Drive Ballymount Industrial Estate Walkinstown Dublin 12 wwwbshappliancecareieBosch

Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

LB Lebanon نان لTeheni Hana amp Co Dora Beyrouth Jdeideh 114043 Tel 01 255211 Fax 01 257359 mailtoInfoTeheni-Hanacom

LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

AU Australia BSH Home Appliances Pty Ltd 57-63 McNaughton Roads CLAYTON Victoria 3168 Tel 1300 368 339 Fax 1300 306 818 valid only in AUS

BA Bosna i Hercegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina

HIGH doo Odobašina 57 Sarajewo 71000 Tel 033-21 35 13 Info-Line 061-10 09 05 mailtodelicnandahotmailcom

BE Belgique Belgieuml BelgiumBSH Home Appliances SA Avenue du Laerbeek 74 Laarbeeklaan 74 1090 Bruxelles ndash Brussel Tel 070 222 141 Fax 02 475 72 91 wwwelectroboschbe

BG Balgarija Bulgaria EXPO 2000 GmbH Lulin kompl bl 549B 1359 Sofia Tel 02-260 148 Fax 02-9250 991

BH Bahrain ن حرKhalaifat Est POBOX 5111 Manama Tel 703503 Fax 703883

BR Brasil Brazil BSH Continental Electrodomeacutesticos Ltda Serviccedilos Teacutecnicos de Faacutebrica Equipamentos Domeacutesticos Parque Industrial sn Jardim SCamilo 13184-970 HortolandiaSP Tel 0800 704 5446 Fax 011 2126 1962 wwwboscheletrodomesticos combr

CH Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Switzerland

BSH Hausgeraumlte AG Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Fahrweidstrasse 80 8954 Geroldswil wwwbosch-hausgeraetechmailtoch-infohausgeraete bshgcom

Service Tel 0848 840 040 Service Fax 0848 840 041 mailtoch-reparaturbshgcom

Ersatzteile Tel 0848 880 080 Ersatzteile Fax 0848 880 081 mailtoch-ersatzteilbshgcom

CY Cyprus Κύπ ο BSH Ikiakes Syskeves-Service 39 Arh Makaariou III Str 2407 EgomiNikosia (Lefkosia) Tel 022 819550 Fax 022 658128 mailtobshservicecyprus cytanetcomcy

CZ Českaacute Republika Czech Republic

BSH domaacuteciacute spotřebiče sro Firemniacute servis domaacuteciacutech spotřebičů Pekařskaacute 10b 150 00 Praha 5 Tel 0251 095 546 Fax 0251 095 549 wwwbosch-spotrebiceczboschindexhtml

DE Deutschland Germany BSH Hausgeraumlte Service GmbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte

Reparaturservice Tel 01801-33 53 03

Ersatzteilbestellung Tel 01801-33 53 04 Fax 01801-33 53 08 mailtosparepartsbshgcom

An 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr erreichbar im Festnetz zum guumlnstigen Ortstarif wwwbosch-hausgeraetede

DK Danmark Denmark BSH Hvidevarer AS Telegrafvej 6 2750 Ballerup Tel 44 89 89 85 Fax 44 89 89 86 mailtoBSH-Servicedk BSHGcom wwwbosch-hvidevarercom

EE Eesti Estonia AS Serwest Raua 55 10152 Tallinn Tel 0627 8733 Fax 0627 8739 mailtoserwestonlineee

ES Espantildea Spain BSH Electrodomeacutesticos Espantildea S A Servicio BSH al Cliente Poliacutegono Malpica Calle D Parcela 96 A 50016 Zaragoza Tel 902 245 255 wwwbosch-edcom

FI Suomi Finland BSH Kodinkoneet Oy Sinimaumlentie 8 PL 66 02631 Espoo Tel 0200 84840 Fax 0207 510790 wwwbosch-kodinkoneetcom

FR France BSH Electromeacutenager SAS SAV Constructeur 50 Rue Ardoin ndash BP 47 93400 Saint-Ouen

Service Deacutepannage agrave Domicile 0 825 398 010 (015 euro TTCmn)

Service Consommateurs 0 892 698 010 (034 euro TTCmn)

Service Piegraveces Deacutetacheacutees et Accessoires 0 892 698 009 ( 034 euro TTCmn) wwwbosch-electromenagercom

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

Service Requests (nationwide) Tel 08702 413381

Spares Accessories and Central Warehouse Tel 08705 543210 wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch mailtomks-sparesbshgcom

Customer Liaison Fax 01908 328660 mailtomks-customerliaison bshgcom

Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

Sued-Griechenland ndash HeraklionKreta Tel 2810 325403 Fax 2810 324585

Zentral-Griechenland ndash Patras Tel 2610 330478 Fax 2610 331832 wwwbosch-homegr

HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

HR Hrvatska Croatia Andabaka Commerce Gunduliceva 10 21000 Split Info-Line 021 481403 Info-Fax 021 481400 mailtoandabakainethr

HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

Hibabejelenteacutes Tel 01 489 5461 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtohibabejelentesbshhu

Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

IE Republic of Ireland BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Unit F4 Ballymount Drive Ballymount Industrial Estate Walkinstown Dublin 12 wwwbshappliancecareieBosch

Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

LB Lebanon نان لTeheni Hana amp Co Dora Beyrouth Jdeideh 114043 Tel 01 255211 Fax 01 257359 mailtoInfoTeheni-Hanacom

LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

AU Australia BSH Home Appliances Pty Ltd 57-63 McNaughton Roads CLAYTON Victoria 3168 Tel 1300 368 339 Fax 1300 306 818 valid only in AUS

BA Bosna i Hercegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina

HIGH doo Odobašina 57 Sarajewo 71000 Tel 033-21 35 13 Info-Line 061-10 09 05 mailtodelicnandahotmailcom

BE Belgique Belgieuml BelgiumBSH Home Appliances SA Avenue du Laerbeek 74 Laarbeeklaan 74 1090 Bruxelles ndash Brussel Tel 070 222 141 Fax 02 475 72 91 wwwelectroboschbe

BG Balgarija Bulgaria EXPO 2000 GmbH Lulin kompl bl 549B 1359 Sofia Tel 02-260 148 Fax 02-9250 991

BH Bahrain ن حرKhalaifat Est POBOX 5111 Manama Tel 703503 Fax 703883

BR Brasil Brazil BSH Continental Electrodomeacutesticos Ltda Serviccedilos Teacutecnicos de Faacutebrica Equipamentos Domeacutesticos Parque Industrial sn Jardim SCamilo 13184-970 HortolandiaSP Tel 0800 704 5446 Fax 011 2126 1962 wwwboscheletrodomesticos combr

CH Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Switzerland

BSH Hausgeraumlte AG Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Fahrweidstrasse 80 8954 Geroldswil wwwbosch-hausgeraetechmailtoch-infohausgeraete bshgcom

Service Tel 0848 840 040 Service Fax 0848 840 041 mailtoch-reparaturbshgcom

Ersatzteile Tel 0848 880 080 Ersatzteile Fax 0848 880 081 mailtoch-ersatzteilbshgcom

CY Cyprus Κύπ ο BSH Ikiakes Syskeves-Service 39 Arh Makaariou III Str 2407 EgomiNikosia (Lefkosia) Tel 022 819550 Fax 022 658128 mailtobshservicecyprus cytanetcomcy

CZ Českaacute Republika Czech Republic

BSH domaacuteciacute spotřebiče sro Firemniacute servis domaacuteciacutech spotřebičů Pekařskaacute 10b 150 00 Praha 5 Tel 0251 095 546 Fax 0251 095 549 wwwbosch-spotrebiceczboschindexhtml

DE Deutschland Germany BSH Hausgeraumlte Service GmbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte

Reparaturservice Tel 01801-33 53 03

Ersatzteilbestellung Tel 01801-33 53 04 Fax 01801-33 53 08 mailtosparepartsbshgcom

An 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr erreichbar im Festnetz zum guumlnstigen Ortstarif wwwbosch-hausgeraetede

DK Danmark Denmark BSH Hvidevarer AS Telegrafvej 6 2750 Ballerup Tel 44 89 89 85 Fax 44 89 89 86 mailtoBSH-Servicedk BSHGcom wwwbosch-hvidevarercom

EE Eesti Estonia AS Serwest Raua 55 10152 Tallinn Tel 0627 8733 Fax 0627 8739 mailtoserwestonlineee

ES Espantildea Spain BSH Electrodomeacutesticos Espantildea S A Servicio BSH al Cliente Poliacutegono Malpica Calle D Parcela 96 A 50016 Zaragoza Tel 902 245 255 wwwbosch-edcom

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FR France BSH Electromeacutenager SAS SAV Constructeur 50 Rue Ardoin ndash BP 47 93400 Saint-Ouen

Service Deacutepannage agrave Domicile 0 825 398 010 (015 euro TTCmn)

Service Consommateurs 0 892 698 010 (034 euro TTCmn)

Service Piegraveces Deacutetacheacutees et Accessoires 0 892 698 009 ( 034 euro TTCmn) wwwbosch-electromenagercom

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

Service Requests (nationwide) Tel 08702 413381

Spares Accessories and Central Warehouse Tel 08705 543210 wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch mailtomks-sparesbshgcom

Customer Liaison Fax 01908 328660 mailtomks-customerliaison bshgcom

Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

Sued-Griechenland ndash HeraklionKreta Tel 2810 325403 Fax 2810 324585

Zentral-Griechenland ndash Patras Tel 2610 330478 Fax 2610 331832 wwwbosch-homegr

HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

HR Hrvatska Croatia Andabaka Commerce Gunduliceva 10 21000 Split Info-Line 021 481403 Info-Fax 021 481400 mailtoandabakainethr

HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

Hibabejelenteacutes Tel 01 489 5461 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtohibabejelentesbshhu

Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

IE Republic of Ireland BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Unit F4 Ballymount Drive Ballymount Industrial Estate Walkinstown Dublin 12 wwwbshappliancecareieBosch

Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

LB Lebanon نان لTeheni Hana amp Co Dora Beyrouth Jdeideh 114043 Tel 01 255211 Fax 01 257359 mailtoInfoTeheni-Hanacom

LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

$amp $amp

13$ $) amp$ + $ )

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

AU Australia BSH Home Appliances Pty Ltd 57-63 McNaughton Roads CLAYTON Victoria 3168 Tel 1300 368 339 Fax 1300 306 818 valid only in AUS

BA Bosna i Hercegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina

HIGH doo Odobašina 57 Sarajewo 71000 Tel 033-21 35 13 Info-Line 061-10 09 05 mailtodelicnandahotmailcom

BE Belgique Belgieuml BelgiumBSH Home Appliances SA Avenue du Laerbeek 74 Laarbeeklaan 74 1090 Bruxelles ndash Brussel Tel 070 222 141 Fax 02 475 72 91 wwwelectroboschbe

BG Balgarija Bulgaria EXPO 2000 GmbH Lulin kompl bl 549B 1359 Sofia Tel 02-260 148 Fax 02-9250 991

BH Bahrain ن حرKhalaifat Est POBOX 5111 Manama Tel 703503 Fax 703883

BR Brasil Brazil BSH Continental Electrodomeacutesticos Ltda Serviccedilos Teacutecnicos de Faacutebrica Equipamentos Domeacutesticos Parque Industrial sn Jardim SCamilo 13184-970 HortolandiaSP Tel 0800 704 5446 Fax 011 2126 1962 wwwboscheletrodomesticos combr

CH Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Switzerland

BSH Hausgeraumlte AG Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Fahrweidstrasse 80 8954 Geroldswil wwwbosch-hausgeraetechmailtoch-infohausgeraete bshgcom

Service Tel 0848 840 040 Service Fax 0848 840 041 mailtoch-reparaturbshgcom

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CY Cyprus Κύπ ο BSH Ikiakes Syskeves-Service 39 Arh Makaariou III Str 2407 EgomiNikosia (Lefkosia) Tel 022 819550 Fax 022 658128 mailtobshservicecyprus cytanetcomcy

CZ Českaacute Republika Czech Republic

BSH domaacuteciacute spotřebiče sro Firemniacute servis domaacuteciacutech spotřebičů Pekařskaacute 10b 150 00 Praha 5 Tel 0251 095 546 Fax 0251 095 549 wwwbosch-spotrebiceczboschindexhtml

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An 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr erreichbar im Festnetz zum guumlnstigen Ortstarif wwwbosch-hausgeraetede

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Service Deacutepannage agrave Domicile 0 825 398 010 (015 euro TTCmn)

Service Consommateurs 0 892 698 010 (034 euro TTCmn)

Service Piegraveces Deacutetacheacutees et Accessoires 0 892 698 009 ( 034 euro TTCmn) wwwbosch-electromenagercom

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

Service Requests (nationwide) Tel 08702 413381

Spares Accessories and Central Warehouse Tel 08705 543210 wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch mailtomks-sparesbshgcom

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Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

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Zentral-Griechenland ndash Patras Tel 2610 330478 Fax 2610 331832 wwwbosch-homegr

HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

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HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

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Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

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Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

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LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

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5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

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RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

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SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

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TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

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UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

$amp $amp

13$ $) amp$ + $ )

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3)62 (-) amp)77)692+ 32 927 amp+)0)28 -6( 3()6 )070gt+8 -6( -22)60amp ()6 3amp)2 +)2228)2628-)lt)-8 9 927 ()7 2(amp2)1)67 378)26)- +0)-)68-+)6 678lt +)0-))681 00) )-2)6 678lt0-))692+ amp)08)2 -6 927 (-) )08)2(192+ )-2)6 2+)1)77)2)298lt92+726)292+ 6 (-) amp-7)6-+) 98lt92+7lt)-8 36

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amp $ (amp$ ampamp9 2 amp09 ()6 628-) 78))2 2)2 927)6 )6792()2(-)278 92( 927)6) )6-)4682)6 lt96


() )2 6 -8 20 ( 23 7 -

)7 48 )0 86 40 9 amp+ 69 6


Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

AU Australia BSH Home Appliances Pty Ltd 57-63 McNaughton Roads CLAYTON Victoria 3168 Tel 1300 368 339 Fax 1300 306 818 valid only in AUS

BA Bosna i Hercegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina

HIGH doo Odobašina 57 Sarajewo 71000 Tel 033-21 35 13 Info-Line 061-10 09 05 mailtodelicnandahotmailcom

BE Belgique Belgieuml BelgiumBSH Home Appliances SA Avenue du Laerbeek 74 Laarbeeklaan 74 1090 Bruxelles ndash Brussel Tel 070 222 141 Fax 02 475 72 91 wwwelectroboschbe

BG Balgarija Bulgaria EXPO 2000 GmbH Lulin kompl bl 549B 1359 Sofia Tel 02-260 148 Fax 02-9250 991

BH Bahrain ن حرKhalaifat Est POBOX 5111 Manama Tel 703503 Fax 703883

BR Brasil Brazil BSH Continental Electrodomeacutesticos Ltda Serviccedilos Teacutecnicos de Faacutebrica Equipamentos Domeacutesticos Parque Industrial sn Jardim SCamilo 13184-970 HortolandiaSP Tel 0800 704 5446 Fax 011 2126 1962 wwwboscheletrodomesticos combr

CH Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Switzerland

BSH Hausgeraumlte AG Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Fahrweidstrasse 80 8954 Geroldswil wwwbosch-hausgeraetechmailtoch-infohausgeraete bshgcom

Service Tel 0848 840 040 Service Fax 0848 840 041 mailtoch-reparaturbshgcom

Ersatzteile Tel 0848 880 080 Ersatzteile Fax 0848 880 081 mailtoch-ersatzteilbshgcom

CY Cyprus Κύπ ο BSH Ikiakes Syskeves-Service 39 Arh Makaariou III Str 2407 EgomiNikosia (Lefkosia) Tel 022 819550 Fax 022 658128 mailtobshservicecyprus cytanetcomcy

CZ Českaacute Republika Czech Republic

BSH domaacuteciacute spotřebiče sro Firemniacute servis domaacuteciacutech spotřebičů Pekařskaacute 10b 150 00 Praha 5 Tel 0251 095 546 Fax 0251 095 549 wwwbosch-spotrebiceczboschindexhtml

DE Deutschland Germany BSH Hausgeraumlte Service GmbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte

Reparaturservice Tel 01801-33 53 03

Ersatzteilbestellung Tel 01801-33 53 04 Fax 01801-33 53 08 mailtosparepartsbshgcom

An 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr erreichbar im Festnetz zum guumlnstigen Ortstarif wwwbosch-hausgeraetede

DK Danmark Denmark BSH Hvidevarer AS Telegrafvej 6 2750 Ballerup Tel 44 89 89 85 Fax 44 89 89 86 mailtoBSH-Servicedk BSHGcom wwwbosch-hvidevarercom

EE Eesti Estonia AS Serwest Raua 55 10152 Tallinn Tel 0627 8733 Fax 0627 8739 mailtoserwestonlineee

ES Espantildea Spain BSH Electrodomeacutesticos Espantildea S A Servicio BSH al Cliente Poliacutegono Malpica Calle D Parcela 96 A 50016 Zaragoza Tel 902 245 255 wwwbosch-edcom

FI Suomi Finland BSH Kodinkoneet Oy Sinimaumlentie 8 PL 66 02631 Espoo Tel 0200 84840 Fax 0207 510790 wwwbosch-kodinkoneetcom

FR France BSH Electromeacutenager SAS SAV Constructeur 50 Rue Ardoin ndash BP 47 93400 Saint-Ouen

Service Deacutepannage agrave Domicile 0 825 398 010 (015 euro TTCmn)

Service Consommateurs 0 892 698 010 (034 euro TTCmn)

Service Piegraveces Deacutetacheacutees et Accessoires 0 892 698 009 ( 034 euro TTCmn) wwwbosch-electromenagercom

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

Service Requests (nationwide) Tel 08702 413381

Spares Accessories and Central Warehouse Tel 08705 543210 wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch mailtomks-sparesbshgcom

Customer Liaison Fax 01908 328660 mailtomks-customerliaison bshgcom

Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

Sued-Griechenland ndash HeraklionKreta Tel 2810 325403 Fax 2810 324585

Zentral-Griechenland ndash Patras Tel 2610 330478 Fax 2610 331832 wwwbosch-homegr

HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

HR Hrvatska Croatia Andabaka Commerce Gunduliceva 10 21000 Split Info-Line 021 481403 Info-Fax 021 481400 mailtoandabakainethr

HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

Hibabejelenteacutes Tel 01 489 5461 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtohibabejelentesbshhu

Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

IE Republic of Ireland BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Unit F4 Ballymount Drive Ballymount Industrial Estate Walkinstown Dublin 12 wwwbshappliancecareieBosch

Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

LB Lebanon نان لTeheni Hana amp Co Dora Beyrouth Jdeideh 114043 Tel 01 255211 Fax 01 257359 mailtoInfoTeheni-Hanacom

LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

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Kundendienst-Zentren bull Central-Service-Depots bull Service Apreacutes Vente bull Servizio Assistenza bull Centrale Servicestation bull Asistencia teacutecnica bull Servicevaerkter bull Apparatservice bull Huolto

AE United Arab Emirates تحدة ة ال ارات العر الإ

BSH Home Appliances General Trading LLC Plot No 369-0180 Warehouse Nos 2 3 4 AL Quoz Dubai Tel 04 8814401 Fax 04 8814805

AT Oumlsterreich Austria BSH Hausgeraumlte Gesellschaft mbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Quellenstrasse 2 1100 Wien

Tel 0810 240 260 innerhalb Oumlsterreichs zum Regionaltarif

Tel 0810 700 400 Hotline fuumlr Espresso-Geraumlte zum Regionaltarif

Fax (01) 605 75-51 212 wwwbosch-hausgeraeteat

AU Australia BSH Home Appliances Pty Ltd 57-63 McNaughton Roads CLAYTON Victoria 3168 Tel 1300 368 339 Fax 1300 306 818 valid only in AUS

BA Bosna i Hercegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina

HIGH doo Odobašina 57 Sarajewo 71000 Tel 033-21 35 13 Info-Line 061-10 09 05 mailtodelicnandahotmailcom

BE Belgique Belgieuml BelgiumBSH Home Appliances SA Avenue du Laerbeek 74 Laarbeeklaan 74 1090 Bruxelles ndash Brussel Tel 070 222 141 Fax 02 475 72 91 wwwelectroboschbe

BG Balgarija Bulgaria EXPO 2000 GmbH Lulin kompl bl 549B 1359 Sofia Tel 02-260 148 Fax 02-9250 991

BH Bahrain ن حرKhalaifat Est POBOX 5111 Manama Tel 703503 Fax 703883

BR Brasil Brazil BSH Continental Electrodomeacutesticos Ltda Serviccedilos Teacutecnicos de Faacutebrica Equipamentos Domeacutesticos Parque Industrial sn Jardim SCamilo 13184-970 HortolandiaSP Tel 0800 704 5446 Fax 011 2126 1962 wwwboscheletrodomesticos combr

CH Schweiz Suisse Svizzera Switzerland

BSH Hausgeraumlte AG Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte Fahrweidstrasse 80 8954 Geroldswil wwwbosch-hausgeraetechmailtoch-infohausgeraete bshgcom

Service Tel 0848 840 040 Service Fax 0848 840 041 mailtoch-reparaturbshgcom

Ersatzteile Tel 0848 880 080 Ersatzteile Fax 0848 880 081 mailtoch-ersatzteilbshgcom

CY Cyprus Κύπ ο BSH Ikiakes Syskeves-Service 39 Arh Makaariou III Str 2407 EgomiNikosia (Lefkosia) Tel 022 819550 Fax 022 658128 mailtobshservicecyprus cytanetcomcy

CZ Českaacute Republika Czech Republic

BSH domaacuteciacute spotřebiče sro Firemniacute servis domaacuteciacutech spotřebičů Pekařskaacute 10b 150 00 Praha 5 Tel 0251 095 546 Fax 0251 095 549 wwwbosch-spotrebiceczboschindexhtml

DE Deutschland Germany BSH Hausgeraumlte Service GmbH Werkskundendienst fuumlr Hausgeraumlte

Reparaturservice Tel 01801-33 53 03

Ersatzteilbestellung Tel 01801-33 53 04 Fax 01801-33 53 08 mailtosparepartsbshgcom

An 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr erreichbar im Festnetz zum guumlnstigen Ortstarif wwwbosch-hausgeraetede

DK Danmark Denmark BSH Hvidevarer AS Telegrafvej 6 2750 Ballerup Tel 44 89 89 85 Fax 44 89 89 86 mailtoBSH-Servicedk BSHGcom wwwbosch-hvidevarercom

EE Eesti Estonia AS Serwest Raua 55 10152 Tallinn Tel 0627 8733 Fax 0627 8739 mailtoserwestonlineee

ES Espantildea Spain BSH Electrodomeacutesticos Espantildea S A Servicio BSH al Cliente Poliacutegono Malpica Calle D Parcela 96 A 50016 Zaragoza Tel 902 245 255 wwwbosch-edcom

FI Suomi Finland BSH Kodinkoneet Oy Sinimaumlentie 8 PL 66 02631 Espoo Tel 0200 84840 Fax 0207 510790 wwwbosch-kodinkoneetcom

FR France BSH Electromeacutenager SAS SAV Constructeur 50 Rue Ardoin ndash BP 47 93400 Saint-Ouen

Service Deacutepannage agrave Domicile 0 825 398 010 (015 euro TTCmn)

Service Consommateurs 0 892 698 010 (034 euro TTCmn)

Service Piegraveces Deacutetacheacutees et Accessoires 0 892 698 009 ( 034 euro TTCmn) wwwbosch-electromenagercom

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

Service Requests (nationwide) Tel 08702 413381

Spares Accessories and Central Warehouse Tel 08705 543210 wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch mailtomks-sparesbshgcom

Customer Liaison Fax 01908 328660 mailtomks-customerliaison bshgcom

Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

Sued-Griechenland ndash HeraklionKreta Tel 2810 325403 Fax 2810 324585

Zentral-Griechenland ndash Patras Tel 2610 330478 Fax 2610 331832 wwwbosch-homegr

HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

HR Hrvatska Croatia Andabaka Commerce Gunduliceva 10 21000 Split Info-Line 021 481403 Info-Fax 021 481400 mailtoandabakainethr

HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

Hibabejelenteacutes Tel 01 489 5461 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtohibabejelentesbshhu

Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

IE Republic of Ireland BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Unit F4 Ballymount Drive Ballymount Industrial Estate Walkinstown Dublin 12 wwwbshappliancecareieBosch

Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

LB Lebanon نان لTeheni Hana amp Co Dora Beyrouth Jdeideh 114043 Tel 01 255211 Fax 01 257359 mailtoInfoTeheni-Hanacom

LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

$amp $amp

13$ $) amp$ + $ )

$amp+amp $ $ amp

-) 278))2()2 )(-2+92+)2 (-) 3697A7)8lt92+)2 92( 12+ 927)6)6 628-)0)-7892+9176)-amp)2 077)2 (-) )gt60)-7892+7)6A40-892+)2 ()7 )6gt9)67 97 ()1 9)686+1-8 ()1 2(amp2)1)6 92amp)668

6 (-)7)7 )6gt8 0)-78)2 -6 628-) +)1gt= 278))2()2 )(-2+92+)2

-6 amp))amp)2 92)28+)080- 2 =+amp) ()6 30+)2()2 )(-2+92+)2 6 gt2+)0 1 )6gt8 (-)2)-70- 9 )-2)1 8)6-0A 92( 3()6 )678)0092+7)0)6 amp)69)2 )22 7-) 927 92)6lt+0- 2)7878)0092+ 92( -22)60amp 32 328)2 amp)- +))6amp0-)1 )amp69 3()6 +0)-lt97)8lt)2()6)2746992+ -22)60amp 32 328)2 2 -))692+ 2 ()2 678)2(amp2)1)6 +)1)0()8 )6()2$)-+8 7- ()6 2+)0 -22)60amp 32 328)2 amp -))692+ -6( )6198)8 (77 )7 7- 91 )-2)28)6-0 3()6 )678)0092+7)0)6 2()08

-) 628-) )6786)8 7- 2-8 9 0)-8 lt)6amp6)0-) )-0) -) lt 07 3()6 9278783 amplt0014)2-2) 628-)40-8 -6( 2-8 97+)078 (96 +)6-2++-+) amp)-92+)2 32 ()6 300A)7)2)-8 (-)6 )68 92( )amp69789+0-)-8 ()7 )6gt8)7 92)6)amp0- 7-2( 3()6 (96 gt()2 97 )1-7)292( )0)863)1-7)2 -2-692+)2 32 77)6 73-) 00+)1)-2 97 2310)2 1)08amp)(-2+92+)23()6 76)1()2 )86-)amp7amp)(-2+92+)2 3()6 (7 )6gt8 73278 1-8 92+))-+2)8)2 83)2 -2 )6692++)311)2 -78 amp)273 22 )-2) 628-) amp)62311)2 )6()2 )22 (-) gt2+)0 1 )6gt8 9 62743687gt()2 (-) 2-8 32 927 lt9 )686)8)2 7-2( 2-8 +)6)8) 278008-32 92( 328+))0+)amp69 12+)02() 0)+) 3()6 -8amp)892+ 32 )(-)292+7A 3()6 328+)-2)-7)2lt96lt96)2 7-2()6 628-)27469 )60-78 )22 )46896)2 3()6 -2+6-) 32 )6732)2 36+)2311)2 )6()2(-)-)6lt9 32 927 2-8 )61gt8-+8 7-2( 3()6 )22 927)6) )6gt8) 1-8 678lt8)-0)2 6+gt2lt92+7A 3()6$9amp)68)-0)2 )67))2 )6()2 (-) )-2) 6-+-208)-0) 7-2( 92( ((96 )-2 ))8 )69678 96()

-) 628-)0)-7892+ )630+8 -2 ()6 )-7) (77 12+)08) )-0) 2 927)6)6 0 92)28+)080--2782(+)7)8lt8 3()6 (96 )-22(6)-) )-0) )67)8lt8 )6()2 )6gt8) (-) lt9198amp6 lt -1 86274368-)68 )6()2 22)2 92( 6 (-) 928)6 )lt9+21) 9 (-)7)628-) )-2) 628-)0)-7892+ amp)274698 -6( 7-2( 927)6)6 2gt78+)0)+)2)2 92()2(-)27878)00) 3()6927)6)1 )686+792()2(-)278 lt9 amp)6+)amp)2 3()6 )-2lt97)2()2 2782(7)8lt92+)2 1 978)0092+736822)2 296 6 788-32gt6 amp)86-)amp)2) )7878))2() )6gt8) )602+8 )6()2 7 -78 ))-07 ()6 9amp)0)+ 1-89A 92(3()6 -))6(891 36lt90)+)2 67)8lt8) )-0) +))2 -2 927)6 -+)2891 amp)6

3)62 (-) amp)77)692+ 32 927 amp+)0)28 -6( 3()6 )070gt+8 -6( -22)60amp ()6 3amp)2 +)2228)2628-)lt)-8 9 927 ()7 2(amp2)1)67 378)26)- +0)-)68-+)6 678lt +)0-))681 00) )-2)6 678lt0-))692+ amp)08)2 -6 927 (-) )08)2(192+ )-2)6 2+)1)77)2)298lt92+726)292+ 6 (-) amp-7)6-+) 98lt92+7lt)-8 36

13628-)0)-7892+)2 amp)-6)2 )()6 )-2) )60gt2+)692+ ()6 628-)6-78 23 7)8lt)2 7-) )-2) 2)9)628-)6-78 -2 9 -) 628-)6-78 6 )-2+)amp98) 678lt8)-0) )2()8 1-8 ()6 628-)6-78 6 (7 +2lt))6gt8

)-8)6+))2() 3()6 2()6) 2746) -27amp)732()6) 730) 9 678lt 9=)60amp ()7 )6gt8)7)28782()2)6 gt()2 7-2( 73)-8 )-2) 892+ 2-8 lt-2+)2( +)7)8lt0- 2+)36(2)8 -78 97+)70377)2

-)7) 628-)amp)(-2+92+)2 +)08)2 6 -2 )98702( +)98) )6gt8) )6()2 )6gt8) -27 9702( )6amp68(-) (-) 8)2-7)2 36977)8lt92+)2 lt 42292+ 6)59)2lt 768)2 )8 6 (7 )28746))2() 2(9)-7)2 92( (-) 6 (-) ))-0-+)2 0-1A 92( 1)08amp)(-2+92+)2 +))-+2)8 7-2( +)08)2 (-)7)628-)amp)(-2+92+)2 9 73)-8 -6 -2 ()1 )28746))2()2 2( )-2 92()2(-)2782)8lt amp)2 6 -19702( +)98) )6gt8) +)08)2 (-) 32 927)6)6 ))-07 lt978gt2(-+)2 2()7)686)892+ )697+)+)amp)2)2628-)amp)(-2+92+)2 -)7) 22)2 -) amp)6 6)2 gt2(0)6 amp)- ()1 -) (7 )6gt8 +)98 amp)2 3()6(-6)8 amp)- 927)6)6 2()7)686)892+ 236()62

amp $ (amp$ ampamp9 2 amp09 ()6 628-) 78))2 2)2 927)6 )6792()2(-)278 92( 927)6) )6-)4682)6 lt96


() )2 6 -8 20 ( 23 7 -

)7 48 )0 86 40 9 amp+ 69 6

GB Great Britain BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Grand Union House Old Wolverton Road Wolverton Milton Keynes MK12 5ZR wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch

Service Requests (nationwide) Tel 08702 413381

Spares Accessories and Central Warehouse Tel 08705 543210 wwwbshappliancecarecouk bosch mailtomks-sparesbshgcom

Customer Liaison Fax 01908 328660 mailtomks-customerliaison bshgcom

Head offfice Tel 08705 222777 Fax 01908 328670

GR Greece Ελλά BSH Ikiakes Siskeves A B E Kentriko Ipokatastima Service 17 km EO Athinon-Lamias amp Potamou 20 145 64 Kifisia

Griechenland ndash Athen Tel 210 4277701 Fax 210 4277669

Nord-Griechenland ndash Thessaloniki Tel 2310 479 298 Fax 2310 475 574

Sued-Griechenland ndash HeraklionKreta Tel 2810 325403 Fax 2810 324585

Zentral-Griechenland ndash Patras Tel 2610 330478 Fax 2610 331832 wwwbosch-homegr

HK Hong Kong 香港 BSH Home Appliances Limited Unit 1amp2B 7th Floor North Block Skyway House 3 Sham Mong Road Tai Kok Tsui Kowloon Hongkong Tel 2565 6151 Fax 2565 6252

HR Hrvatska Croatia Andabaka Commerce Gunduliceva 10 21000 Split Info-Line 021 481403 Info-Fax 021 481400 mailtoandabakainethr

HU Magyarorszaacuteg Hungary BSH Haacuteztartaacutesi Keacuteszuumlleacutek Kereskedelmi Kft Haacuteztartaacutesi geacutepek maacuterkaszervize Kiraacutelyhaacutegoacute teacuter 8-9 1126 Budapest

Hibabejelenteacutes Tel 01 489 5461 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtohibabejelentesbshhu

Alkatreacuteszrendeleacutes Tel 01 489 5463 Fax 01 201 8786 mailtoalkatreszrendelesbshhuwwwbosch-haztartasi-gepekhu

IE Republic of Ireland BSH Home Appliances Ltd BSH Appliance Care Service Division Unit F4 Ballymount Drive Ballymount Industrial Estate Walkinstown Dublin 12 wwwbshappliancecareieBosch

Service Requests Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

Spares and Accessories Tel 01450 2655 Fax 01450 2520

IL Israel אל יCSB Home Appliance Ltd Uliel Building 2 Hamelacha St Industrial Park North 71293 Lod Tel 08 9777 222 Fax 08 9777 245 mailtocsb-servzahavnetil

IS Iceland Smith amp Norland hf Noatuni 4 105 Reykjavik Tel 0520 3000 Fax 0520 3011 wwwsminoris

IT Italia Italy BSH Elettrodomestici SpA Via M Nizzoli 1 20147 Milano (MI) Tel 02 41336 1 Fax 02 41336 610 Numero verde 800-829120 mailtoinfo bosch-elettrodomesticiit wwwbosch-elettrodomesticiit

KZ Kazakhstan а а а Kombitechnozentr Ltd Shewchenko 147B 480096 Almaty Tel 03272 689898 Fax 03272 682652

LB Lebanon نان لTeheni Hana amp Co Dora Beyrouth Jdeideh 114043 Tel 01 255211 Fax 01 257359 mailtoInfoTeheni-Hanacom

LT Lietuva Lithuania Senuku Prekybos Centras LTD Pramoneumls 6 3031 Kaunas Tel 037 362 767 Fax 037 304 640 wwwsenukailt

LU Luxembourg BSH eacutelectromeacutenagers SA 20 Rue des Peupliers 2328 Luxembourg-Hamm Tel 43843 505 Fax 43843 525 mailtobsh-servicesiemenslu

LV Latvija Latvia Latintertehservice 72 Buluju street house 2 1067 Riga Tel 07 74 42 274 Fax 07 74 73 300 mailtolatinterlatinterlv

MK Macedonia Makeдo я bdquoRIMEKO SGldquo Partizanski odredi 62 13 1000 Skopje TelFax 02 3077744 mailtorimekomtnetmk

MT Malta Oxford House Ltd Notabile Road Mriehel BKR 14 Tel 021 442334 Fax 021 488656 wwwoxfordhousecommt

NL Nederlande Netherlands BSH Huishoud-elektro BV Keienbergweg 97 1101 GG Amsterdam Zuidoost

Storingsmelding Tel 020 430 3 430 Fax 020 430 3 445

Onderdelenverkoop Tel 020 430 3 435 Fax 020 430 3 400 wwwboschservicedienstnl

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

$amp $amp

13$ $) amp$ + $ )

$amp+amp $ $ amp

-) 278))2()2 )(-2+92+)2 (-) 3697A7)8lt92+)2 92( 12+ 927)6)6 628-)0)-7892+9176)-amp)2 077)2 (-) )gt60)-7892+7)6A40-892+)2 ()7 )6gt9)67 97 ()1 9)686+1-8 ()1 2(amp2)1)6 92amp)668

6 (-)7)7 )6gt8 0)-78)2 -6 628-) +)1gt= 278))2()2 )(-2+92+)2

-6 amp))amp)2 92)28+)080- 2 =+amp) ()6 30+)2()2 )(-2+92+)2 6 gt2+)0 1 )6gt8 (-)2)-70- 9 )-2)1 8)6-0A 92( 3()6 )678)0092+7)0)6 amp)69)2 )22 7-) 927 92)6lt+0- 2)7878)0092+ 92( -22)60amp 32 328)2 amp)- +))6amp0-)1 )amp69 3()6 +0)-lt97)8lt)2()6)2746992+ -22)60amp 32 328)2 2 -))692+ 2 ()2 678)2(amp2)1)6 +)1)0()8 )6()2$)-+8 7- ()6 2+)0 -22)60amp 32 328)2 amp -))692+ -6( )6198)8 (77 )7 7- 91 )-2)28)6-0 3()6 )678)0092+7)0)6 2()08

-) 628-) )6786)8 7- 2-8 9 0)-8 lt)6amp6)0-) )-0) -) lt 07 3()6 9278783 amplt0014)2-2) 628-)40-8 -6( 2-8 97+)078 (96 +)6-2++-+) amp)-92+)2 32 ()6 300A)7)2)-8 (-)6 )68 92( )amp69789+0-)-8 ()7 )6gt8)7 92)6)amp0- 7-2( 3()6 (96 gt()2 97 )1-7)292( )0)863)1-7)2 -2-692+)2 32 77)6 73-) 00+)1)-2 97 2310)2 1)08amp)(-2+92+)23()6 76)1()2 )86-)amp7amp)(-2+92+)2 3()6 (7 )6gt8 73278 1-8 92+))-+2)8)2 83)2 -2 )6692++)311)2 -78 amp)273 22 )-2) 628-) amp)62311)2 )6()2 )22 (-) gt2+)0 1 )6gt8 9 62743687gt()2 (-) 2-8 32 927 lt9 )686)8)2 7-2( 2-8 +)6)8) 278008-32 92( 328+))0+)amp69 12+)02() 0)+) 3()6 -8amp)892+ 32 )(-)292+7A 3()6 328+)-2)-7)2lt96lt96)2 7-2()6 628-)27469 )60-78 )22 )46896)2 3()6 -2+6-) 32 )6732)2 36+)2311)2 )6()2(-)-)6lt9 32 927 2-8 )61gt8-+8 7-2( 3()6 )22 927)6) )6gt8) 1-8 678lt8)-0)2 6+gt2lt92+7A 3()6$9amp)68)-0)2 )67))2 )6()2 (-) )-2) 6-+-208)-0) 7-2( 92( ((96 )-2 ))8 )69678 96()

-) 628-)0)-7892+ )630+8 -2 ()6 )-7) (77 12+)08) )-0) 2 927)6)6 0 92)28+)080--2782(+)7)8lt8 3()6 (96 )-22(6)-) )-0) )67)8lt8 )6()2 )6gt8) (-) lt9198amp6 lt -1 86274368-)68 )6()2 22)2 92( 6 (-) 928)6 )lt9+21) 9 (-)7)628-) )-2) 628-)0)-7892+ amp)274698 -6( 7-2( 927)6)6 2gt78+)0)+)2)2 92()2(-)27878)00) 3()6927)6)1 )686+792()2(-)278 lt9 amp)6+)amp)2 3()6 )-2lt97)2()2 2782(7)8lt92+)2 1 978)0092+736822)2 296 6 788-32gt6 amp)86-)amp)2) )7878))2() )6gt8) )602+8 )6()2 7 -78 ))-07 ()6 9amp)0)+ 1-89A 92(3()6 -))6(891 36lt90)+)2 67)8lt8) )-0) +))2 -2 927)6 -+)2891 amp)6

3)62 (-) amp)77)692+ 32 927 amp+)0)28 -6( 3()6 )070gt+8 -6( -22)60amp ()6 3amp)2 +)2228)2628-)lt)-8 9 927 ()7 2(amp2)1)67 378)26)- +0)-)68-+)6 678lt +)0-))681 00) )-2)6 678lt0-))692+ amp)08)2 -6 927 (-) )08)2(192+ )-2)6 2+)1)77)2)298lt92+726)292+ 6 (-) amp-7)6-+) 98lt92+7lt)-8 36

13628-)0)-7892+)2 amp)-6)2 )()6 )-2) )60gt2+)692+ ()6 628-)6-78 23 7)8lt)2 7-) )-2) 2)9)628-)6-78 -2 9 -) 628-)6-78 6 )-2+)amp98) 678lt8)-0) )2()8 1-8 ()6 628-)6-78 6 (7 +2lt))6gt8

)-8)6+))2() 3()6 2()6) 2746) -27amp)732()6) 730) 9 678lt 9=)60amp ()7 )6gt8)7)28782()2)6 gt()2 7-2( 73)-8 )-2) 892+ 2-8 lt-2+)2( +)7)8lt0- 2+)36(2)8 -78 97+)70377)2

-)7) 628-)amp)(-2+92+)2 +)08)2 6 -2 )98702( +)98) )6gt8) )6()2 )6gt8) -27 9702( )6amp68(-) (-) 8)2-7)2 36977)8lt92+)2 lt 42292+ 6)59)2lt 768)2 )8 6 (7 )28746))2() 2(9)-7)2 92( (-) 6 (-) ))-0-+)2 0-1A 92( 1)08amp)(-2+92+)2 +))-+2)8 7-2( +)08)2 (-)7)628-)amp)(-2+92+)2 9 73)-8 -6 -2 ()1 )28746))2()2 2( )-2 92()2(-)2782)8lt amp)2 6 -19702( +)98) )6gt8) +)08)2 (-) 32 927)6)6 ))-07 lt978gt2(-+)2 2()7)686)892+ )697+)+)amp)2)2628-)amp)(-2+92+)2 -)7) 22)2 -) amp)6 6)2 gt2(0)6 amp)- ()1 -) (7 )6gt8 +)98 amp)2 3()6(-6)8 amp)- 927)6)6 2()7)686)892+ 236()62

amp $ (amp$ ampamp9 2 amp09 ()6 628-) 78))2 2)2 927)6 )6792()2(-)278 92( 927)6) )6-)4682)6 lt96


() )2 6 -8 20 ( 23 7 -

)7 48 )0 86 40 9 amp+ 69 6

NO Norge Norway BSH Husholdningsapparater ASGrensesvingen 9 0661 Oslo Tel 22 66 06 00 Fax 22 66 05 50

5052 Bergen Tel 55 59 68 80 Fax 55 59 68 90

7037 Trondheim Tel 73 95 23 30 Fax 73 95 23 40 wwwbosch-hvitevarercom

NZ New Zealand BSH Home Appliances Ltd New Zealand Branch Building C 39-43 Apollo Drive Mairangi Bay Auckland 1310 Tel 09 4786158 Fax 09 4782914 wwwboschconz

PL Polska Poland BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego Sp z oo Al Jerozolimskie 183 02-222 Warszawa Centrala Serwisu Tel 022 57 27 711 Fax 022 57 27 709 wwwbosch-agdpl

PT Portugal BSHP Electrodomeacutesticos Lda Rua Alto do Montijo nordm 15 2790-012 Carnaxide Tel 21 4250 700 Fax 21 4250 701 wwwelectrodomesticosboschpt

RO Romacircnia Romania BSH Electrocasnice srl Sos Bucuresti-Ploiesti nr17-21sect1 13682 Bucuresti Tel 021 203 9748 Fax 021 203 9731 mailtoromaniaservice bshgcom

RU Russia Р я OOO Б Х Бы вая х а

в в я Ма ая Ка ая 19 119071 М ва

495 737 2961 wwwbosch-btru

SE Sverige Sweden BSH Husharingllsapparater AB Roumlntgenvaumlgen 1 Solna Tel 08 734 1310 Fax 08 734 1321

41104 Goumlteborg Tel 031 63 69 90 Fax 031 15 48 20

21376 Malmouml Tel 040 227 880 Fax 040 224 353 wwwbosch-hushallcom

SG Singapore 星加坡 BSH Home Appliances (SEA) Pte Ltd 38C-38D Jalan Pemimpin 577180 Singapore Tel 6350 5000 Fax 6350 5050

SI Slovenija Slovenia BSH Hišni aparatidoo Litostrojska 48 1000 Ljubljana Veliki aparati Tel (01) 58308 88 Fax (01) 58308 89 mailtoinformacijeservis bshgcom wwwbsh-hisni-aparatisi

SK Slovensko Slovakia Technoservis Bratislava Bajzova 11A 82108 Bratislava TelFax 02 55568161 wwwbosch-spotrebicesk

TR Tuumlrkiye Turkey BSH Profilo Elektrikli Gereccediller Sanayii AS Cakmak Mahallesi Balkan Caddesi No51 34770 Uumlmraniye Istanbul Tel (0) 216 528 9000 Fax (0) 216 528 9999 wwwboschevaletlericom

TW Taiwan 台湾 Achelis Taiwan Co Ltd 6th floor No 2 Sec3 Min Sheng E Road Taipei Tel 02 2321 6222 Fax 02 2397 1235 mailtoBoschacheliscomtwwwwacheliscomtw

UA Ukraine Ук аї а К в

а - в 044 568-51-50

Д чэ в 044 467-80-46


XK Kosovo NTP GAMA Rruga Mag Prishtine-Ferizaj Ferizaj 70000 Tel 038 502448 0290 21434

XM Crna Gora Montenegro EI-ETA Servis doo Oktobarske Revolucije 99 Podgorica 81000 Tel 081 633351 Fax 081 633222

XS Srbija Serbia SZR Specijaelektro III Bulevar 34 Blok 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel 011 2147110 Fax 011 139689 Info-Line 011 139 552

ZA South Africa BSH Home Appliances (Pty) Ltd Limited SA 15 th Rd Randjespark Private Bag X36 Randjespark 1685 Midrand ndash Johannesburg Tel 011 265 7800 Fax 011 265 7867

$amp $amp

13$ $) amp$ + $ )

$amp+amp $ $ amp

-) 278))2()2 )(-2+92+)2 (-) 3697A7)8lt92+)2 92( 12+ 927)6)6 628-)0)-7892+9176)-amp)2 077)2 (-) )gt60)-7892+7)6A40-892+)2 ()7 )6gt9)67 97 ()1 9)686+1-8 ()1 2(amp2)1)6 92amp)668

6 (-)7)7 )6gt8 0)-78)2 -6 628-) +)1gt= 278))2()2 )(-2+92+)2

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)7 48 )0 86 40 9 amp+ 69 6

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