program code: · planning and evalution...

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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FFaaccuullttyy ooff MMeeddiicciinnee

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PPoossttggrraadduuaattee SSttuuddiieess

Master of Science in Community Medicine and Public health

الصحة العامة طب المجتمع و درجة الماجستير في

Program Code: CEO600

Program Guide and



C a n d i d a t e C u r r i c u l u m v i t a e


Please attach your recent photo photo here.

[telephone no]

[mobile no]

[mailing address]

[email address]




[your present job title]

[start date]




[previous job title]

[start and end date]




[previous job title]

[start and end date]






[start and end date]

[school or college]


[any other training that will be useful in your job]

Filled by post graduate authorities

Date of Registration

First semester _______________________

Second semester _______________________

Third semester _______________________

Fourth semester _______________________



I – Welcome Statement

II - Mission Statement

III – Senior supervisor and affiliated departments and Hospitals

IV – Program specifications

1 - Basic Information

2 - Professional Information

3 – Academic standards

4 – Curriculum structure and contents

5 - Program courses:

6. Program admission requirements:

7. Regulation for progression and program completion

8. Appendix: course specifications

Environmental health and disaster management course specification

Medical statistics, principles of Epidemiology and demograpy course specification

Behavioral medicine, health eduction, patient saftety, patient rights and medical ethics course


Public health and branches course specification

Planning and evaluation of public health programs course specification

Principles of quality of health care services course specification

Health administration course specification

V – General information

VI – Your log book

1 – Introduction

2 – Supervisors

3 – Tables for training records

4 – Log book preview

VII - Head of department approval for the exam entry

Detachable forms:

VIII – Thesis follow up

IX - Evaluation forms

I – Welcome Statement:

The Department of Community medicine welcomes you to the Degree of Master of Community

medicine and public health. As a department we are committed to medical student education and

continuously strive to improve your educational experience.

This handbook presents information guide and logbook activity of this degree administered by the

Community medicine department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

II - Mission Statement:

The mission of the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University is “Preparation of a trained

physician, researcher and life long tutor capable of following standards of medical care and ethics,

with managerial and technical skills in his specialty. Furthermore, promotion outstanding programs of


health care to serve the society, environmental development and targeted scientific research for

continual improvement of health”.

The mission of this degree is to provide a specialist of public health with distinct self learning

capblities, the candidate would set priorties of health problems and lastly he could plan and implement

comprehensive programs for prevention and control of common health problems.

III – Senior Supervisor and Affilated Departments and Hospitals

Senior Supervisor






Affilated Departments and Hospitals

IV – Program Specifications

A- Basic Information

1. Program title:

Master of Science of community medicine and public health

2. Program type:


3. Faculty

Ain Shams University – Faculty of medicine

4. Department

Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

5. Assistant coordinator


6. Coordinator


7. Last date of program approval:

………………………July 2013……………………………………


B- Professional Information:

1. Program aims:

After completing the course, the students should be able to: -

Assess the health status and prioritize the health needs of the community.

Organize efforts of the society to develop public health policies to promote health, and prevent


Plan and manage health care services through working in team.

Research for innovative solutions of priority health problems.

2. Intended learning outcomes (ILOs):

a. Knowledge and understanding:

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

a1- list and classify environmental health hazards in different settings

a2- identify the criteria of safe drinking water, sources of pollution and health hazards

a3- identify sources and health effects of air pollution

a4- determine the phases of disasters management

a5- describe the standards and criteria for a safe hospital environment

a6- identify the natural history, methods of prevention, early detection, management and control of

common diseases in the community

a7- classify different epidemiological studies in reserach

a8- select suitable epidemiological and statistical methods to solve community health problems

a9- identify the health care system in egypt and different health institutions

a10- diagnose and prioritize community health problems

a11- describe the scope and the role of behavioral medicine in public health

b. Intellectual capabilities:

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

b1- formulate research questions.

b2- design epidemiological studies

b3- manage statistical data to reach a conclusion.

b4- criticize scientific medical papers.

c. Professional and practical skills :

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

c1- perform field surveys

c2- formulate a health education plan for a known public health problem

c3- perform health education message for individuals and groups

c4- communicate effectively with individuals and groups

c5- use the computer to manage data

d. General and transferable skills:

By the end of the program the candidate will be able to:

d1 - work efficiently within health care team.

d2- solve problems related to team work.

d3- demonstrate leadership skills

d4- demonstrate presentation skills

d5- demonstrate time management skills 3. Academic standards: (Benchmarks)

Academic reference standard NAQAAE


4. Curriculum structure and contents:

4 a- Program duration: two years (4 semesters) 4b- Program structure:

Program structure:

المناهج الساعات المعتمدة الكود المقررات الدراسية

متطلبات الكلية دورة أساسيات البحث العلمي

الجزء االول

CEO6001 2 دراسة الصحة البيئية وإدارة األزمات

مبادئ االحصاء الطبي واسس علم الوبائيات

CEO6002 2 والدراسات السكانيةي وسالمة المريض الطب السلوكي والتثقيف الصح

CEO6003 2 وحقوقه واخالقيات المهنة الرسالة


الجزء الثاني

: الجزء الثاني يحتوي علي

CEO6004 9 الصحة العامة وفروعها CEO6005 8 وضع البرامج الصحية وطرق تقييمها

مقررات إختيارية

يختار الطالب مادة واحدة من :

E6052 أسس جودة الرعاية الصحية األدارة الصحية E6053

E6052 E6053


6 كراسة االنشطة

36 المجموع


5. Program courses:

a. Compulsory

Code Course title

L P SDL Field

Environmental health and disaster management 23 30

Medical statistics, principles of epidemiology and


22 15

Behavioural medicine, heralth education, patient safety

and rights, research ethics 22 15

Public health and its branches

- Advanced epidemiology and statistics

- Epidemiology of communicable and non

communicable diseases


50 20

Planning and evalution of public health programs

- Health Management , Health program planning and


- Health services , Quality of Health Care, and

International Health

- Basic nutrition in public health

53 35 20

L: Lecture, C: Clinical, F: field and SDL: Self directed learning

b. Elective

Code Course title No. of hours


Principles of quality of health care services 10 10

Health administration 8 15


6. Program admission requirements:

-لقيد الطالب للحصول على درجة الماجستير:( : يشترط 6) المادةًً على درجة البكالوريوس في الطب والجراحة من إحدى جامعات جمهورية مصر العربية أو على درجة معادلة - 1 0أن يكون حاصاًلاألجهزة واستيفاء تسديد الرسوم ومصاريف التدريب واستهالك -04موافقة جهة العمل -03أن يكون قد أمضى سنة التدريب )االمتياز( -2

0التفرغ للدراسة لمدة فصلين دراسيين قبل دخول امتحان الجزء الثاني -05( 1المستندات المطلوبة في الملحق ) -الماجستير األوراق التالية :ة يقدم طالب اإللتحاق لدرج ( :1ملحق )

0الموقف من التجنيد - 5 0لميالد أو مستخرج رسمي شهادة ا -4 0شهادة اإلمتياز -3 0شهادة البكالوريوس - 2 0طلب إلتحاق -1بالنسبة للوافدين يقددم الطالدب موافقدة - 8 0صور فوتوغرافية جديدة 6عدد - 7 0موافقة جهة العمل على التسجيل والتفرغ المطلوب - 6

0السفارة ويحدد جهة تحمل النفقات كما يقدم شهادة صحية 7. Regulation for progression and program completion

يتم التسجيل للماجستير مرة واحدة في السنة تبدأ من أول يوليو حتى أخدر أغسدطس علدى أن تبددأ الدراسدة فدي شدهر أنتدوبر مدن (: 8مادة )متحدان ويجوز قبول تسجيل النواب والمعيدين والوافددين فدي الفتدرة مدن أول ندوفمبرحتى أخدر ديسدمبر علدى أال يسدمو لهدم بددخول إ 0كل عام

.الجزء األول إال بعد إنقضاء فترة الدراسة المطلوبة

توزع الدراسة فى كل عام جامعى علدى فصدلين دراسديين مددة كدل منهمدا خمسدة عشدر اسدبوعًا و يبددا االول فدى أول أنتدوبر ويبددا (: 9مادة )سجيل للفصل الدراسى قبل اسبوعين من بدايته الثانى فى منصف فبرايرو مع تنظيم فصل دراسى صيفى مكثف لمدة ستة اسابيع و و يتم الت

سداعات معتمددةو 6على االقل بعد إستيفاء الشروط حسدب المقدررات المسدجلةو والينبأدى أن يزيدد العدبء الدراسدى فدى الفصدل الواحدد عدن االنسددحاب خددالل سددته ويجددوز للطالددب تعددديل المقددررات خددالل اسددبوعين مددن بدايددة الفصددل الدراسددى )بالحددز او االضددافة(و كمددا يجددوز لدده

اسابيع من احد المقرارت دون احتسابه راسبًا فيهو

: مدددة الدراسددة للحصددول علددى درجددة الدددبلوم أو الماجسددتير نددى أربعددة وعشددرون شددهرًا )أربعددة فصددول دراسددية ( علددى جددز ين ( 11المااادة )ضحة بالباب الرابع ويستوفى خاللها المطلوب منة فى كتيدب متابعدة يجتاز فيها الطالب برنامجًا تدريبيًا متناماًل طبقا للساعات المعتمدة المو

0وال يسمو له بدخول اإلمتحان قبل إستيفاء ثالثة أرباع المطلوب منة في كل جزء من البرنامج األنشطة اندًا وال يشدترط النجداي فيده يجتداز بعددنا الطالدب إمتح واحدد الددبلوم والماجسدتير الجدزء األول فصدل دراسدي فديمددة الدراسدة ( :12المادة )

بأحدد المستشدفيات أو المراندز لمددة فصدلين دراسديين للتددريببالنامل لإلنتقال للدراسة في الجدزء الثدانيو والجدزء الثداني يتطلدب تفدرغ الطالدب والمعتمدة من النلية

ملدي بعدد إسدتيفاء فصدل دراسدي واحددد يقدوم الددارس لدرجدة الماجسدتير بتسدجيل موضدوع الرسدالة علددى شدكل بحد نظدر أو ع( : 13ماادة )على األقل على أن يكون قد نجو فدى مقدررات الجدزء األول بالنامدل وقبدل من التسجيل على األقل ويجوز أن يناقش رسالتة بعد ستة شهور

0ت لها درجا صدخول إمتحان الجزء الثاني وال يخص وبددل تسدجيل الرسددالة ومتطلبدات النليدة قبددل دخدول إمتحددان الجدزء الثددانييقددوم دارس الماجسدتير بيسدتيفاء متطلبددات الجامعدة ق( : 14ماادة )

درجة على األقل( ومتطلبات النليدة ندي حضدور 450متطلبات الجامعة ني الحصول على شهادة التويفل في اللأة اإلنجليزية بمجموع )و إلحصدداء الطبددى أو بيجتيدداز إختبددارات خاصددة تحددددنا وا منددانج البحدد العلمددىدورات معتمدددة مددن لجنددة الدراسددات العليددا بالنليددة فددي مجددال

اللجنةو يجدوز للحاصدلين علدى درجدة الددبلوم إسدتنمال درجدة الماجسدتير بتسدجيل رسدالة الماجسدتير خدالل أربدع سدنوات مدن الحصدول (: 15مادة )

نجايو على درجة الدبلوم ويحصل على الدرجة بعد إستيفاء متطلبات الجامعة والنلية ومناقشة الرسالة بمتابعددة السدداعات المعتمدددة لدراسددة الدددبلوم والماجسددتير ثالثددون سدداعة معتمدددة علددى األقددل يخصددص منهددا سددت سدداعات لنتيددب (: 16مااادة )

ويضا إليهدا سدت سداعات للرسدالة فدى وتشمل ست ساعات على األقل للجزء األول وثماني عشرة ساعة على األقل للجزء الثانياألنشطة الماجستيرو

ومدة القيد لدرجة الدبلوم العالى أربع سنوات ودبلوم الزمالة سبع سنوات وللماجستير أربع سنوات(: 22) مادة


درجددة للجدزء األولو ويضددا اليهددا 300درجددة منهدا 1200مجمددوع درجدات االمتحددان النهددا ى للددبلوم العددالى والماجسدتير (: 24ماادة ) لدبلوم العالى والماجستيرودرجة ل 300لى الترانمى بما يوازى صالمعدل الف

يعقد إمتحان الدور األول في أنتوبر ونوفمبر من كل عام ويعقد إمتحان الدور الثاني فى أبريل ومايو من كل عامو (: 25مادة ) مددن الدرجددة النليددة لنددل لجددان المددادة %60يكددون النجدداي فددى كددل مددادة مددن الدددبلوم العددالى والماجسددتير بعددد الحصددول علددى (: 26مااادة ) ومجتمعة(: فى حالة إستنفاز مدة القيد يمكن لطالب الدراسات العليا إعادة التسجيل مرة أخرى وال يعتد بالنجاي فى الجدزء األول أو الرسدالة 29مادة )

ويجب إعادتهماو Assessment Schedule and Weighing of Assessments

Topics Written Practical Oral Total

First part:

Environmental health and disaster management

60 30 10 300

Basic statistics and general epidemiology and


60 30 10

Behavioral medicine, health education and medical


60 30 10

Thesis: to be submitted

Second part:

Public health and its branches

270 135 45 800

Planning and evaluation of public health programs 220 135 45

Elective topics:

Principles of quality of health care services

Health administration

50 50

Total: 720 360 120 1200

Assessment Schedule and Weighing of Assessments

Item Mark






بطال اللةحا







End of

semester Total

First semester 100 300 400

Second semester 100 100

Third semester 100 100






900 900




Total 300 1200 1500


على الوجه التالى:درجات الطالب طبقا للنقاط

4 : فأكثر % 90 -1



3.67 : % 90حتى أقل من %85من -2



3.33 : %85حتى أقل من %80من - 3



3.00 : %80حتى أقل من %75من - 4



2.67 : %75حتى أقل من %70من - 5



2.33 : %70حتى أقل من %65من - 6



2.00 : %65حتى أقل من %62من -7



1.67 : %62حتى أقل من %60من - 8



F صفر : %60أقل من - 9

درجة للجزء األول ومجموع درجات االمتحان 300درجة منها 1200مجموع درجات االمتحان النهائى للدبلوم العالى والماجستير

درجة 300بما يوازى لى التراكمى صدرجة للجزء األول إن وجد. ويضاف إليها المعدل الف 300درجة منها 1500النهائى للدكتوراه

.درجة للدكتوراه 400للدبلوم العالى والماجستير و

( على أساس مجموع حاصل ضرب نقاط كل مقرر مضروباً فى عدد سااعاهه المعتمادم مقساوماً GPAويتم حساب المعدل الفصلى )

( علاى أسااس CGPAدل التراكمى للطالب )المع على الساعات المعتمدم للمقررات التى درسها الطالب فى الفصل الدراسى. كما يتم حساب

مجموع حاصل ضرب النقاط التى حصل عليها الطالب فى كل مقرر مضروباً فى عادد سااعاهه المعتمادم مقساوماً علاى مجماوع السااعات

المعتمدم الكلية.

دم فاى الماادم أو المجموعاة فقا . يتم اإلعاأو الدكتوراه والماجستير فى الدبلوم أمقررات الفى حالة الرسوب فى مادم أو مجموعة من

1.67فقا )اى %60ويتم حساب التقدير الفعلى الذى يحصل عليه فاى أول إعاادم فقا أماا إكا هكارر رساوبة فيحساب لاه عناد النجاا هقادير

.(C-نقاط اى


Environmental health and disaster management

Course specifications

Program on which the course is given: Master of Science of community medicine and public health

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of community, Environmental and occupational medicine

Department offering the course: Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Academic Level: First semester

Date of specification approval July 2013

A- Basic Information

Title: Environmental health and disaster management


Credit Hours: 2 hours


Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine Department

B - Professional Information

1- Course Aims:

-To enable the master candidate to analyze and interpret the risks from the different environmental

hazards that affect community and public health.

-To enable the candidate to plan, conduct, analyze and mange any health related hazards that occur in


2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

a- Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a1 - Define risk and risk assessment

a2 – Define:

Epidemiological triad in environmental health

Risk assessment and environmental health

Indoor air pollution

Outdoor air pollution

Global effects of air pollution

Green house effect

Biological forms of environmental pollution

Pesticides and environmental pollution

Drinking water quality

Drinking water pollution

Waste management

Housing and health

School environment

Camp and rural environment

Food hygiene and safety

Hazards of pest control

a3-Define different public health tools for disaster response.

a4-Identify different public health interventions in disasters.


a5- Classify different forms of environmental hazards and its effect on health

b- Intellectual skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b1 – Identify the different health hazards from exposure to different environmental hazards

b2-Demonstrate the role of different epidemiological tools in dealing with disasters

b3-Interpret the results of data needed to deal with disasters

b4-Integrate and evaluate information from a variety of sources.

c- Professional skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c1- Select appropriate study designs to address questions of environmental hazards

c2 - Select and apply appropriate techniques for controlling of environmental hazards on health

c3- Use the computer and internet for continuous learning about environmental hazards through

international organizations.

d- General and transferable skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d1 - Work effectively in a group to control different environmental hazards.

d2- Communicate effectively with professional about health hazards from environmental pollutions,

including the ability to present results through written and oral presentations

d3- Use computer skills in searching for environmental hazards

d4- Learn independently with open-mindedness and critical inquiry.

d5- Respect seniors, colleagues, and all members of the health team

d6- Handle and manage data

3- Course content: Environmental health and disaster management: 2 credit hr

(1.5 L= 22 hrs, 0.5 credit hr field = 32 hrs)


Environmental health L field

1. Introduction to environmental health, Principles of environmental health

Definitions: Hazard, risk, risk assessment and risk management


2. Outdoor air pollution, Biological sources of air pollution

Indoor air pollution, parameters for healthy housing

2 4

3. Water purification and water quality, Sources of water pollution 2 4

4. Hazards of ionizing radiation and non ionizing radiation 1

5. Food safety and hygiene 2 4

6. Waste management 1 4

7. Pesticides and hazards of pest control 1 2

8. Some environmental problems: Green economy, green house effect,

global warming, acid rain,


9. Environmental Regulation and Policy 1

Occupational health

10. Chemicals hazards

Physical hazards

2 4

11. Biological risks, Occupational infections

Injury and Accident Investigations and Prevention Programs

2 4



12. Definition of disaster, types of disasters, public health tools for disaster 2

13. Disaster management plan 2 4

14. Public health intervention in disaster 2

Total 23 30

Field: 0.5 credit hours (30 contacts hrs)

1. Visit to water treatment Plant

2. Visit to sewage purification Plant

3. Visit to waste treatment Plant

4. Visit to Industry (2)

5. Visit to school (2)

6. Visit to environmental surveillance unit at MOH

for each visit , the student should write a complete report on that visit

4 - Student Assessment Methods

4-1 Written exam to assess knowledge and understanding and will concentrate on problem solving


4-2 Weighing of assessment

Written exam :60

Practical: 30

Oral: 10

Total 100

End of semester exam:30

5 - List of References

5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)

5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)

Clay's handbook of environmental health

5.3- Recommended Books

Maxy reseanau public health and preventive medicine.2005

Textbook of Public Health and Preventive Medicine “Maxcy-Roseneau-Last” 14th edition

5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc


Medical statistics, Epidemiology and Demography

University: Ain Shams University Faculty: of Medicine

Course specifications

Program on which the course is given: Master of science of Community medicine and public health

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Community, Environmental and occupational


Department offering the course: Department of community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Academic Level: First semester

Date of specification approval: ……July 2013

A- Basic Information

Title: Medical statistics, Epidemiology and demography course


Credit Hours: 2 hour


Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine Department

B - Professional Information

1- Course Aim:

To enable the doctorate candidate to plan, conduct, analyze and interpret the results of a research in his

specific field. This course unit introduces the application of statistical ideas and methodology to medical


2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

a- Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a1 - Define medical statistics and identify uses and importance of medical statistics in medical


a2 – Define:

Types of variables.

Descriptive statistics.

Presentation and summarization of data.

Measures of central tendency and scatter.

Principles of probability and probability distributions.

Concepts of inferential statistics: confidence interval and hypothesis testing.

Different tests of statistical significance.

Difference between parametric and nonparametric tests of significance.

Correlation and regression

Concept of statistical modeling using multivariable and multivariate statistical methods.

Combining evidence from different studies and meta-analysis

Importance and methods of sampling and how to determinate the suitable sample size.

Different types of research methodology:


observational and intervention studies and the different statistical issues related to the

design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of the results of each study type.

Ethical aspects of medical research including those specifically applied to clinical trials.

b- Intellectual skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b1 - Interpret correctly the results of statistical analyses and critically evaluate the use of statistics in

the medical literature.

b2 - Integrate and evaluate information from a variety of sources.

c- Professional skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c1- Select appropriate study designs to address questions of medical relevance

c2 - Select and apply appropriate statistical methods for analyzing data typically encountered in

medical applications.

c3- Use selected software packages for statistical analysis and data management.

d- General and transferable skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d1 - Work effectively in a group from different backgrounds.

d2 - Respects the role of staff and co-staff members regardless of degree or occupation.

d3 - Communicate effectively with professional statisticians and the wider medical community,

including the ability to present results of statistical analyses through written and oral


d4 - Use of computer data bases and other computer skills.

d5 - Handle data appropriately and analyze them through: decision processes, objective criteria,

problem definition, project design and evaluation, risk management, teamwork and


d6 - Learn independently with open-mindedness and critical enquiry.


3- Course content:(L1.5 credit hour = 22 hrs and P 0.5 credit hour = 15 hrs)



1. Introduction to medical statistics , Variables and

Scales of Measurement


2. Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of


1 1

3. Presentation of statistical data 1 2

4. Introduction to probability theory and rules 1

5. Sample and population: sampling distribution of

mean and proportion


6. Confidence interval 1 1

7. Testing a hypothesis about population means and



8. Comparing between 2 means 1 2

9. Comparing between more than two means-

Introduction to factorial analysis

1 2

10. Cross-tabulation and introduction to categorical data


1 2

Total 10 10

Topics (basic epidemiology)

11. Introduction to epidemiology: Definitions, triad,

natural history of disease, levels of prevention,


12. Measures of disease frequency, Vital

statistics/disease trends, Measures of effect and

measures of impact


13. Study design: observational studies 1 1

14. Study design: case-control studies 1 1

15. Study design: cohort studies 1 1

16. Study design: intervention studies 1 1

17. Confounding and Bias, Measurement error (validity

and reliability)


18. Surveillance 1

19. Screening 1 1

20. Demography:

Elements of demography. Mortality and fertility rates.

Demographic Stages. Egyptian population problem.


Total 12 5

Total (biostatistics and epidemiology) 22 15

L: Lecture, T/P: Tutorial and or Practical, F: field and SDL: SDL: Self directed learning

4 - Student Assessment Methods

4-1 Written exam to assess knowledge and understanding and will concentrate on problem solving



4-2 Weighing of assessment

Written exam :60

Practical: 30

Oral: 10

Total 100

End of semester exam:35

5 - List of References

5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)

Student Notes on Medical Statistics and Research Methods. Prof. Mohsen Abdel Hamid and Dr

Moustafa El Houssinie. Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine.

5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)

Statistics in Clinical Practice. avid Coggon. BMJ Books. 2nd edition 2003

5.3- Recommended Books

Handbook of Epidemiology. Springer 2005

5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc


Behavioral medicine and health education course specification

University: Ain Shams University Faculty: of Medicine

Course specifications

Program on which the course is given: Master of science of Community medicine and public health

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Community, Environmental and occupational


Department offering the course: Department of community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Academic Level: First semester

Date of specification approval: ……July 2013

A- Basic Information

Title: Behavioral medicine and health education course


Credit Hours: 2 hour


B - Professional Information

1- Course Aim:


This course aims to prepare candidates to:

1-To identify the relationship between behaviors and health outcome.

2-To determine the inputs of Behavioral Determinism Models (psycho-social-cultural).

3-To assess priorities of health problems based on behavioral risk factors for different groups.

4-To plan for healthy behavior programs for individuals and community through behavior

modification and engineering for better quality of life.

5-Acquire professional and academic careers in tools for health education

6-Assume responsibility for the development and basic administration of health education programs.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

a- Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:-

a1 Define behavior determinism model, health education, communication skills and counseling

a2 Identify some behavior related health problems

a3 Recognize the implications of cultural, social, economic, legal, and historical contexts for patient


a4 Identify the tools and methods for health education.a5 List the steps of designing a health

education program.a6 Identify the possible indicators of a successful health education program.

b- Intellectual skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:-

b1- Elicit accurate comprehensive and focused medical histories by employing techniques that

facilitate the patient’s sharing of information.

b2- Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the patient’s medical problems and to formulate accurate

hypotheses to serve as the basis for making diagnostic and treatment decisions.

b3- Demonstrate the ability to formulate and implement a plan of care for both the prevention and

treatment of disease and the relief of symptoms and suffering.

b4- Demonstrate the ability to educate patients about their health problems and to motivate them to

adopt health promoting behaviors.

b5- Critically read and evaluate research literature on health education programs.

b6- Design and carry through an independent research project in the area of health education.

b7Criticize different health posters/advertisements.

c- Professional skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:-

c1-Use basic biobehavioral and clinical science principles to analyze and solve problems related to

the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

c2-Demonstrate the ability to organize, record, research some health related problems as smoking,

addiction and eating behavior.

c3- Design procedures, techniques, methods and other tools for health education.

c4- Formulate, implement and evaluate a health education plan for a known public health problem

c5- Advise health professionals on using health education techniques with their patients.

c6- Apply a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to the care of patients that integrates

biomedical and psychosocial considerations.

c7- Communicate in breaking bad news


d- General and transferable skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:-

d1 Exhibit well-developed interpersonal skills in providing information and comfort to patients and

their families.

d2 Respect other healthcare providers and collaborate with others in caring for individual patients

and in promoting public health and community service.

d3 Convey ideas in an appropriate written or oral format, including the presentation of data

d4 Manage time effectively

d5 Work effectively as part of a health care team d6 Acquire leadership skills and communicate with different types of personalities

3- Course content:

Behavioral medicine, Health education and Communication skills

(1.5 credit L, 0.5 credit hr P)

- Behavioral medicine ½ credit hour

- Communication skills ½ credit hour

- Health education ½ credit hour


Behavioral medicine

1. Introduction about human nature and behaviors.

-Definition and scope of Behavioral Medicine.

- Components of Behavioral Determinism Model.

- Other behavior models

- Stages of behavioral changes and points of relapse for continuation of

healthy behaviors.

2 1

2. Curve of Innovation Diffusion 1 1

4. The human needs, basic needs, social and affection needs according to

Maslow pyramid compared to cultural and religious believes in the


1 1

4. Behavioral Risk Factors and Safety Factors among subset groups in the


1 1

6.Some behavior related health problems: Smoking, drug addiction, Obesity,

Lack of exercise, child and women abuse

2 1

Health Education

1. Introduction and principles of Health education.

Health related goals & communication channel

Health education strategies.

2 1

2. Health related behavior model and needs assessment. 2 1

3. Planning a program for health education

Basic steps in developing a health education material

2 1

4. Implementation & evaluation of the health education program and the

causes of the success or failure.

2 2

Communication skills

1. Communication skills: definition , elements, channel, verbal and non verbal


1 1

2. Characteristics of effective communications

Benefits of effective communication

2 1


Barriers and enhancers of communication

3. Doctor - Patient relationship 1 1

4. Counseling: definition, essentials and elements 1 1

5. Building of teamwork 1 1

Total 22 15

L: Lecture, T/P: Tutorial and or Practical, F: field and SDL: SDL: Self directed learning

Practical 0.5 credit hours (15 contacts hrs)

- Negotiation, interviewing skills

- Presentation skills

- Team work skills


The field hours include field visits with reports and interpretation, Conducting a H.E sessions (

counseling, lecture, group discussion) and Assessing (Evaluating) H.E activities (program) in some

health setting. (as PHC )

e.g.: - Nutrition education & obstacles.

- Health education in women health

- Family planning.

- Vaccination campaign.

- Assessment of doctor patient relationship (by checklist)

4 - Student Assessment Methods

4.1 Written exam to assess knowledge and understanding and will concentrate on problem solving


4.2 Practical exams to evaluate practical skills using checklist

4.3 oral exam to assess understanding and presentation skills

4-2 Weighing of assessment

Written exam :60

Practical: 30

Oral: 10

Total 100

End of semester exam: 35

5 -- List of References

5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)

Lecture papers

5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)

Maxcy in public health

5.3- Recommended Books

Fadem, B. Behavioral Science in Medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2004.

Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: A Guide for Clinicians (3rdedition), Philadelphia:

Lippincott, 2005.

5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc



Public health and its branches

Ain Shams University - Facutly of medicine

Course specifications

Program on which the course is given: Master of science of Community medicine and public health

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Community, Environmental and occupational


Department offering the course: Department of community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Academic Level: Second and third semesters

Date of specification approval: ……July 2013

A- Basic Information

Title: Public health and its branches


Credit Hours: 9 hours

Part1 : Six credit hours in second semester Part2: Three credit hours in third semester

B-Professional information

Course Aims

-To introduce students to the concepts of public health, value and uses of epidemiological methods and

discuss role of physician in health promotion and prevention on the individual, family and community

levels, and to be oriented to the Egyptian health care system and role of primary health care physician.

- To understand factors influencing health and disease in the Egyptian community.

-To enable the candidate to analyze and interpret the risks from the different communicable diseases

-To orient the candidate with the essentials of levels of health services in Egypt, be focused with the

activities of primary health care as well as family medicine.

-To enable the candidate to be a specialist in immunization of all the community members that he meet

and update his knowledge towards vaccination regularly to cope with the advance in this respect.

-To Interpret, analyze risk factors that enter in outbreak occurrence and the candidate should be able to

apply preventive measures

-To encourage the candidate to be a good self learner and frequently update his knowledge of the different

topics of public health.

-To realize the need of infection control and quality improvement in different levels of health care.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

a- Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a1 - Define elements, essentials, principles of primary health care.

a2 - Define: Epidemiologic triad and the dynamics of infectious disease

a3-Identify tools used in outbreak investigation

a4-Identify different public health activities used in containment of an outbreak

a5-Define levels of prevention of communicable disease

a6-Explain the risk factors of non communicable disease in the community

a7-Determine nutritional needs in different age groups


a8- Identify nutritional health problems prevalent in the community and tools used in nutritional


a9- Recognize the health care delivery system in Egypt

a10- Explain the dimensions and principles of quality in health services.

a11-Determine the different aspects of travelers health.

a12- Identify different occupational hazards and preventive measures in the workplace

b- Intellectual skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b1 – Calculate different measures of risk

b2- Differntiate between different levels of health care

b3-Integrate the health care practices in different levels of health care system

b4 – Recommend immunization plans in different age groups

b5-Demonstrate the role of infection control in hospitals and community.

b6-Interpret correctly the results of an investigation of an outbreak

b7-Demonsrate the role of public health specialist in prevention of disease from travelling..

b8- Interpret the different rates of morbidity and mortality in the community

b9- Relate the presence of risk factors with subsequent health outcomes

c- Professional skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c1- Select appropriate methods of outbreak control

c2 - Select and apply appropriate techniques for controlling of noscomial infections

c3- Assess nutritional status using anthropometric measures.

c4-Immunize different age groups with appropriate vaccines and update his knowledge about


c5- Plan and design nutritional intervention programs in different settings and population

d- General and transferable skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d1 - Work effectively in a group and use public health management tools.

d2 - Communicate effectively with professional and individuals about different levels of prevention

of communicable and non communicable diseases.

d3- Be a leader in health education of groups and individuals and use the behavioral aspect for

better health education and prevention.

d4 - Learn independently with open-mindedness and critical inquiry.

d5-Respect seniors and colleagues

d6-. Use the computer and internet efficiently in self learning

d7-Convince the public to uptake a healthier lifestyle.

d8- Present medical information in written, oral or electronic forms

3-Course contents


Topics: Non-communicable disease epidemiology 3 credit hours



SDL Field

1. Overview of Epidemiology, prevention and control of chronic diseases 1

2. Measuring burden of disease 1

3. Ecological studies 1 2

4. Migrant studies 1 1

5. Study design for evaluation of screening tests for chronic disease

Surveillance system for non communicable diseases

2 1

6. Stepwise survey methodology for studying non-communicable disease in the

Egyptian population

2 1 4

7. Lifestyle factors in non-communicable disease epidemiology; focus on Egyptian


2 1

8. Common non-communicable diseases:

Coronary Heart disease, hypertension , Renal disease, bronchial asthma, Diabetes,

Musculoskeletal disorders, blindness, Common blood diseases

6 1 4

9. Cancer epidemiology

Cancer registry

2 1 4

10. Overview of Genetic disease in public health 1 1

11. Disability and handicapping 1 2

12. Injuries and public health

Violence and public health

1 1

13. Program planning for reduction of such diseases 1 1

14. Overview on International classification of diseases (ICD 10) 2 2 4

15. Community-based interventions for non-communicable diseases 2 1 4

Total 30 20 20

Topics: Communicable disease epidemiology (3 credit hours)

(2 L: =30 contacts hrs ) + 1( SDL + field) 40 contacts hrs L


SDL Field

1. Introduction and general concepts of communicable disease: Epidemiology,

Transmission dynamics, Prevention and Control

2 1

2. Surveillance system for infectious diseases 2 1

3. Outbreak investigation 2 2

4. Vaccine Preventable Diseases 2 1

5. Respiratory Routes Diseases 2 1 4

6. Food and Waterborne Diseases 2 1 4

7. Blood Borne Pathogens 2 1 4

8. Direct Contact Diseases 2 1

9. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2 1

10. Vector borne Diseases 2 1

11. Zoonotic Diseases 2 1

12. National Health Programs: An Overview of major National Programs, for control

of diseases e.g. Tuberculosis, Malaria, Filariasis, schistosomiasis , AIDS control


2 2

13. Emerging and re emerging infections 2 2 4

14. Elimination versus Eradication of diseases 2 2

15. Geographic information systems (GIS) and its relation to infectious diseases 2 2 4

Total 30 20 20


Topics (Advanced epidemiology)(3 credit hr for both together) (2 credit hr L = 30 and P (1 credit hr ) = 30




Advanced epidemiology

1. Writing a grant proposal (assignment)



2. Sampling , Sample size estimation for continuous and binary outcome measures. 3

3. Advanced Epidemiological Methods 4 2

4. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis 3 2

5. Qualitative research methods 2 2

6. Evidence-based medicine 2 2

7. Health research ethics 4 2

Total 20 16

Topics (Advanced biostatistics)

8. Analysis of variance 2 2

9. Analysis of non-parametric data 2 2

10. Correlation and regression 2 2

11. Linear and Logistic regression 2 4

12. Survival analysis 2 4

Total 10 14

Part1: lectures 60 , T/ SDL 40, field 40 (6 credit hours)

Part 2 lectures 30 practical 30 (3 credit hours)

Practical: Communicable disease epidemiology

- The field hours include:

- field visits to fever hospital, chest clinics and PHCs with submission of reports and interpretation.

- Field visits for hospital infection control practices and write a complete report on that visit

- SDL: include students 'readings specific topics , discussion sand submission of review essay

- Assignments :

- present an epidemiological description of an infectious diseases by PPT presentations

- plan a communicable disease control program

- Report of surveillance system of one reportable disease in Egypt

- Case studies on outbreak and epidemic ( Draw epidemic curve)


Practical: Non Communicable disease epidemiology

- Field visits for primary health care centers and write a complete report on that visit to show the role

of PHC physician in follow up of chronic disease patients with submission of reports about the visit.

- Field visits for institution for handicapped children with submission of reports about the visit

- SDL: include students 'readings specific topics , discussion sand submission of review essay

- Assignments: health education for one of chronic diseases

Practical : Advanced epidemiology and Advanced statistics

- Advanced Data Analysis for Public Health

Statistical techniques covered include linear regression, analysis of variance, logistic regression, and

survival analysis


- conduct data analysis using a computerized software program managing databases using statistical

software and analysis of a dataset and report-writing

- Preparation and presentation of a health research proposal


4-Assessment and weight

Written :270


Oral: 45

End of semester exam:110

5 - List of References

5.1 websites

5.2 Recommended books

1-Maxcy-Reseanu-Last: Public health and preventive medicine

2-Public health for the new millennium

3-Mausnet textbook of epidemiology

4-CDC guidelines for control of infectious diseases

5-Essentials of public healt, Bernard J.turnock

6-Epidemiology for public health practice Robert Friis

7-The new public health Theodor Tulchinsky

8-A dictionary of public health by John M. Last

9-Health behavior and health education: Theory, research, practice by Karen Glanz

10-Oxford textbook of public health by Roger Detels

Health program planning and evaluation course specification

University: Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine

Course specifications

Program on which the course is given: Master of science of Community Medicine and public health

Major or minor element of programs: Major

Department offering the program: Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational


Department offering the course: Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational


Academic Level: Third and fourth semesters

Date of specification approval: July 2013.

A- Basic Information

Title: Heath program planning and evaluation course

Code: CEO6004 Credit Hours: 8 hours


B - Professional Information

1- Course Aims: To enable the master and diploma candidates to be effective program planners and

develop programs that meet community needs. To apply program evaluation tools in different health



2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

A- Knowledge and understanding a1 – Define: health programs, setting targets, planning, evaluation (process, effect, and impact

evaluation), , community based, community focused and community driven programs.

a2- Indicate methods of strategic planning and operational planning

a3 List methods of public health interventions.

a4 Classify the basic elements of program planning in public health: needs assessment, goals,

objectives, activities, timeline, budget, formative and summative evaluation.

a5- Identify the CDC framework of program evaluation and the role of each step

a6- Identify barriers to successful implementation of program plans.

a7- Identify methods for overcoming barriers to program implementation

a8- Identify the limitations and advantages of various approaches of health planning and


a9 Identify principles of health economics

B- Intellectual skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b1 – Plan and perform community health assessment.

b2 - Utilize the problem solving techniques in different health care settings.

b3- Plan budget management for health programs

C- Professional skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c1- Develop, implement, and evaluate public health program and evaluation plans.

c2- Develop a plan to implement and evaluate a public health intervention to address a health need

c3 Apply the principles of needs assessment, program planning, or evaluation to a real-life


D- General and transferable skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d1- Convey ideas in an appropriate written or oral format, including proposal writing of health


d2- Manage time effectively.

d3- Utilize appropriate interpersonal communication skills effectively

d4 - Learn independently with open-mindedness and critical enquiry internet search.

Course content:


Topics: Health Management , Health program planning and evaluation

(3 credit hours)

(2 theoretical: 2x15=30 contacts hrs ) + 1( T/SDL=20 +( field = 20)

L T/SDL Field

1- Principles and functions of management 2 2

2- Strategic planning 2 2

3- Operational planning 2 2

4- Program planning and definitions, types of community programs (community

based, community focused and community driven programs). 4 2

5. Planning for health programs

- Community health assessment

- Program planning models

- Program objectives and setting targets

- Examples of National health programs

4 2 8

6-Evaluation of health Programs : CDC framework for program evaluation 4 2 4

7- Evaluation of National health programs 2 4

8- Human Resources Management I, II (Staffing) 4 2

9- Leadership 2 2

10- Motivation 2 2

11- Financial management (Budgeting – Accounting – Auditing – Purchasing)

- Program Funding and sustainability.

- Principle of health economic

4 2 4

Total 30 20 20

Topics: Health services , Quality of Health Care, and international 'Health (4

credit hours) (3 L: 3x15=45 contacts hrs ) + 1( T/SDL=20 +( field = 20)

L T/SDL Field

Health services

1. Health care system in Egypt: structure and function, models for health care


Level of health care services , health care financing


2. Primary health care: concept, principles, components, elements 1

3. Role of PHC in achieving the Millennium Development goals 1 2

4. Public health programs integrated in primary health care 1 2

5. Maternal health services and Family planning services 2 2 4

6. Child health services

EPI program: The Egyptian EPI schedules. The cold chain system.

Missed opportunities for vaccination.

2 2 4

7. Geriatric health services 2 2 4

8. Health services for special groups: mental, handicapped, rural, refugee, camping 2 2 4

9. Evaluation of health services 2 2

10. Family medicine: concept, elements, practice in PHC 2 2

Hospital health care 11. -Hospital acquired infections

12. -Infection control program and Standard precaution guidelines for inf. control

13. -Hospital waste and waste management

14. -Medical records

4 2 4

Quality of Health Care

15. Healthcare Quality Concepts 2

16. Quality management 2 2

17. Accreditation and Quality Standards 2

18. Patient safety and quality 2

19. Patient rights and quality 1


International Health L T/SDL Field

20. Definition, history, objectives, elements of international health 1

21. Types & roles of local & international H. organizations (agencies) 2

22. International health regulations 2 2

23. Disease patterns around the world 2

24. Effect of climate, politics and society on health 2

25. Travelers infections: Control & prevention of the major inf. diseases related to

travelling 2

26. Preventive & curative services in ports, airports & border crossing points 2

27. Rules and regulations & health inspection of human & animal imports 2

Total 45 20 20

Topic: Basic Nutrition in public health 1 credit hrs


1. Introduction to Nutritional epidemiology

2. Assessment of nutritional status

1 2

3. Methodological issues in nutritional epidemiology

4. Assessment methods for diet (questionnaires, 24-hour recalls, food diaries; biomarkers; dietary patterns; food composition databases)

1 2

5. Nutrition requirements: in children, adults, women, elderly 1 2

6. Diet planning

7. the Egyptian food pattern

1 2

8. Therapeutic nutrition

9. Diet prescription and nutritional counseling

1 2

10. Nutritional problems in children, adults, women, elderly

11. Nutrition and cancer

1 2

12. Epidemiology of obesity, WHO initiatives in prevention of Obesity

13. Global effort for prevention of nutritional problems

1 1

14. Planning and/ evaluation of food programs or feeding programs 1 2

Total 8 15

Practical: Health Management , Health program planning and evaluation

- The field hours include field visits to different health organizations

- SDL: include students 'readings specific topics, discussion and submission of reports

- Assignments:*Reviewing and criticizing other health administration models

* Problem solving using quality improvement techniques

* Human resources evaluation

Practical: Application of the evaluation framework on the running national health programs as DOTS

program, family planning program, Diarrheal Disease Program…

Practical: Health services, Quality of Health Care, and international 'Health Practical training will be undertaken in airport sanitary & health units

- Evaluation of any national health Program

- visit WHO and see the activities in programs running like eg. Tobacco control program, Injury

prevention program, tropical disease

Practical: Basic Nutrition in public health

- problem solving with interpretation of the results.

- planning and/ evaluation of nutritional program at PHC


4 – Teaching and Learning Methods

4.1 lectures& blackboard assignments

4.2- class exercises, group discussions

4.3- group projects and presentations

5 - Student Assessment Methods

5.1 Written exam in the form of

- Short essay to assess knowledge and understanding

- MCQ to assess understanding and evaluation

5.2 Oral exam in the form of discussion of models of health programs and criticize them

5.3 Assignments (practical)

- Develop a written plan to implement and evaluate a public health intervention to address a health need

among a defined community. Students choose a topic.

It includes:

i. Public health problem definition and focus population description

ii. Program plan including detailed description of intervention; goals, objectives and activities; and logic

model. A timeline for the interventions should be appended

iii. Evaluation plan, program timeline and description of resources for program. This section should

include a description of the type of evaluation that would be needed. Plan should include evaluation

questions to be addressed, identification of a design (including a comparison group), and plan for data

collection. Program timeline should include major activities of program

Description of resources should include a brief description of the personnel, including their roles, and

materials needed for the program.

Oral : Discussion of the practical assignments

4-Assessment and weight

Written :220



End of semester exam:90

6- List of References

6.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)


6.2- Essential Books (Text Books)

1. Brownson, Ross C, EA Baker, TL Leet, KN Gillespie. (2003) Evidence-Based Public

Health. Oxford University Press.

2. Hodges, Bonni C, DM Videto. (2005) Assessment and Planning in Health Programs.

Jones and Bartlett Press.

3. Bonni C. Hodges with Donna M. Videto. Assessment and planning in health

programs. Mississauga: Jones and Bartlett Publishers Canada, 2005.

4. Issel LM. Health program planning and evaluation. Toronto: Jones and Bartlett,


6.3- Recommended Readings

6.3.1 Books:

Health Program Planning and Evaluation: A Practical, Systematic Approach for Community Health

(Paperback) by L. Michele Issel


6.3.2 References


1. Cunningham LE, Michielutte R, Dignan M, Sharp P Boxley J. (2000) “The value of process

evaluation in a community-based cancer control program”. Evaluation and Program Planning.


2. Smith R, Mackellar L. (2007). Global public goods and the global health agenda: problems,

priorities and potential. Global Health. 3(9).

3. Stadler J, Hlongwa L.(2002) “Monitoring and evaluation of loveLife’s AIDS prevention and

advocacy activities in South Africa, 1999-2001” Evaluation and Program Planning. 25:365-376.

4. W.K. Kellogg Foundation. (2004) Using Logic Models to Bring Together Planning, Evaluation,

and Action.

5. Davenport C, Mathers J, Parry J. (2006).Use of health impact assessment in incorporating health

considerations in decision-making. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 60(3):196-


6. Lytle LA, Perry C. (2001) “Applying Research and Theory in Program Planning: An Example

From a Nutrition Education Intervention” Health Promotion Practice. 2(1) 68-80.

6.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc www.


Principles of Quality of health care services

University: Ain Shams University Faculty: of Medicine

Course specifications

Program on which the course is given: Master degree in Community medicine and Public Health

Major or minor element of programs: Minor

Department offering the program: Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Department offering the course: Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Academic Level: fourth semester

Date of specification approval: July 2013

A- Basic Information

Title: Health care quality concepts

Code: E6052

Credit Hours: 1

Lecture: 10

Practical 10

Total: 20 hours

Coordinator: Professor Mahi El-Tehewy

B - Professional Information

Overall Aims of Course:

This course aims to prepare students to:

Be able to participate in quality improvement activities in his workplace.

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs):


Candidates will be able to:

a- Knowledge and Understanding

Define Quality

Identify healthcare’s customers and their needs

Identify dimensions of healthcare quality

Distinguish principals of healthcare quality

Identify structure, process and outcome paradigm in healthcare

Explain evolution in quality concepts

Define Total Quality Management and discuss its philosophy.

b- Intellectual Skills

Use problem solving techniques and skills

c- Professional and Practical Skills

Choose and apply appropriate quality improvement tool at appropriate time during the process of

quality improvement.

d- General and Transferable Skills

Get sprit of team work

Course content:

Topic Lectures Practical

Healthcare Quality



Quality planning 2 2

Quality control 2 2

Quality improvement

& Quality Improvement


4 6

Total 10 10

4 - Student Assessment Methods

4.1Written exam to assess knowledge and understanding

written: 50

5 -- List of References

5.1- Course Notes (paper and / or electronic)


5.2- Essential Books (Text Books)

Brwon, J. A. (2009). The Healthcare Quality Handbook: A Professional Resource and Study

Guide. 24th ed. Managed Care Consultants, Pasadena, CA

Juran, J. M. (1999). Quality control handbook, 5th edition, McGrow-Hill, New York

Tague, N. (1995). The Quality Toolbox. Editor Susan Westergard. ASQ, Quality press

5.3- Recommended Books


Quality Solutions 2nd Edition. The National Association of Healthcare Quality, USA

Al Assaf, A. (2005). A Practice Based Handbook on Healthcare Quality

5.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc

National Association for Healthcare Quality

Agency For Healthcare Research And Quality

Health administration course

Ain shams University Faculty of Medicine

Course specifications

Program on which the course is given: Master of science of community medicine and public health

Major or minor element of programs: Minor

Department offering the program: Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Department offering the course: Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine

Academic Level: fourth semester

Date of specification approval: July 2013

A- Basic Information

Title: Heath administration course

Code: E6053.

Credit Hours: 1 hour

Lecture: 10 hours Tutorial : 10 hours


B - Professional Information

1- Course Aims: Orient the students to the principles of health administration and the health programs

available in Egypt.

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to: Understand the concepts and principles of

health administration and management.

Formulate specific plans for meeting community needs during provision of health care.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) from the Course:

a- Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

a1 - Identify health policy in Egypt.

a2- Recognize the health care delivery system in Egypt.

a3- Recognize the importance of different community health programs.

a4- understand the principle of health administration

Intellectual skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

b1 – Apply the management function in each community health programs.

b2 - Utilize the problem solving techniques in different health care settings.


c- Professional skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

c1- participate with the health team to develop policies and guidelines to improve health care.

c2- implement one of the steps of management skills in one chosen health project effectively.

c3-identify the human resource management as well as the keys to success of human resources

d- General and transferable skills

By the end of the course the candidate will be able to:

d1-Be oriented with the medical and legal issues in health care administration.

d2-Discover common health problems and needs of individuals, families, and or community in


d3- Utilize appropriate interpersonal communication skills effectively

d4 - Learn independently with open-mindedness and critical enquiry.

d5- Discover ethical issues of public health as well as ethical issues in health care practice

d6-Discover the essential of successful leadership and leadership behavior.

3-Course content


Master of Science

L 10hrs P 10hrs

Principles and functions of management 1 1

Strategic planning 1 1

Operational planning 1 1

Human resource management 1 1

Leadership in health care administration 1

Health care quality concepts 1 2

Communication skills 1 2

Motivation 1

Patient Safety 1 1

Hospital information system and medical Record


1 1

Total 15

4-Assessment weighting written: 50



Public health administration: Lyod F. Novik


3-Bench mark

Breyer University health administration course


First semester

1st semester :

Title: Module 1 codes: CEO6001, CEO6002, CEO6003, Credit hours: 6

Lectures: 67 Tutorial/Practical: 30 Field: 30 total: 127

Topic Codes Credit hours

Environmental health and disaster


CEO6001 2

Medical statistics, Epidemiology and


CEO6002 2

Behavioral medicine and health education



Second semester

Title:Module2 Codes:CEO6004

Credit hours: 6

Lectures: 60 Tutorial/Practical: 40 Field: 40 total: 140

Topic Code Credit hours

Public health and branches Part1

(communicable and non communicable CEO6004 6

Third semester

Title:Module 3 Codes: CEO6004, CEO6005

Lectures: 60 hours Tutorial/ Practical: 50 hours field: 20 Total:130

Topic Code Credit hours

Public health and its branches Part2

Advanced epidemiology and biostatistics)

CEO6004 3

Planing and evaluation of public health


Part 1(Health Management , Health program

planning and evaluation

CEO6005 3


Fourth semester Title: Module4 code: CEO6005, E6052 or E6053

Credit hours: 6

Lectures: 53 Tutorial/Practical: 35 Field: 20 total: 108

Topic Code Credit


Planing and evaluation of public health programs

Part 1I( Health services , Quality of Health Care, and international 'Health and Basic

Nutrition in public health

CEO6005 5

Principles of quality of health care services


Health administration






Your log book 1- Introduction

The aim of this book is to give you a guide to the expectations for each item. It will be a guide for

both you and your teachers to what you should be seeing and doing.

It will give you a list of the important topics that you should think about and should be covered in:

1. Clinical or practical sessions


2. Lectures


3. Self-directed learning (SDL)

For each item there is also a list of

1. Clinical conditions or Practical sessions to be seen or attended (According to each


2. Practical procedures to be seen and done


This document is only a guide. It is not an exhaustive list. It is not just a checklist to score points. It is a

guide to encourage you to read and learn more. This book is for your benefit. It will form a record of your

clinical training and experience.

2 - Supervisors

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3–Tables for Training Records Requirements Candidates are required to fulfill 75% of the listed activities in order to be eligible for the exam entry. The

minimum number required for each activity = 75%. You are free to attend more and record your extra


Weekly Department Plan Day /time Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Meeting 10-12AM

Seminar 10-12AM

Seminar 10-12AM

Journal club 10-12AM


Conferences attendance (NB. Minimum number required is 3)





Topics Supervisor signature






Thesis attendance

(NB. Minimum number required is 10)

No Date Place Name of the thesis Supervisor












Journal club attendance





Topics Supervisor signature












Community medicine and public health Master degree activities:-

By the end of the degree, the candidate should pass the following practical activities:-

1-Plan of action for evaluation of primary health care activity

Date Place signature







2-Design a plan of action to investigate an outbreak (epidemic)

Date Place signature



Outbreak 3



Outbreak 6

3-Plan of action for community nutritional assessment

Date Approval Signature






Assesment 6

4-Apply a field survey for a certain research question with a full report:

Date Place signature






Report 6

5-Field visits for primary health care centers and write a complete report on that visit:

Date Place signature







Visit 6

6-Field visits for hospital infection control practices and write a complete report on that visit:

Date Place signature

Visit IC1

Visit IC2

Visit IC3

Visit IC4

Visit IC5

Visit IC6


Public health doctorate practical activities

Semester 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

Activity (Minimum number required) No No No No

Evaluation of primary health care activities (3)

Investigation of an outbreak (3)

Field surveys (3)

Community nutritional assessment (3)

Reports of primary health care visits (3)

Infection control practices (3)

Academic Activities Semester 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total

Activity (Minimum number

required) No No No No

Conferences attendance (3)

Thesis attendance (10)

Journal club attendance (3)

Supervisor signature

5 - Log book preview

The candidate logbook will be reviewed and patients seen/

skills performed summarized by diagnosis groups during the

semester evaluation and at the end of the course in the table below.

The results of this review will be totaled in the summary chart below.


VII - Head Of Department Approval For The Exam Entry _______________________________________________________



_______________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________


+ VIII – Thesis Follow up

التقرير النصف السنوى لعام / التاريخ/


عن الطالب /

المقيد لدرجة ) ماجسيتر ( بقسم /

تقرير السادة االساتذة المشرفين

جمع المادة العلمية و كتابة المقدمة

بدأقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

معإنتهى من الج

بدأ الجزء العملىقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من التحليل

بدأ مناقشة النتائجقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من التحرير

بدأ المراجعة النهائية مع المشرفقطع شوطا


شك على أو اإلنتهاء

إنتهت تماما


إستمرار قيد الطالب رأى السادة المشرفين مد القيد

شطب قيد الطالب

تم تشكيل لجنة المناقشة

نعم ال

تاريخ التشكيل

/ /

/ شطب القيد مد

وكيل الكلية توقيع السادة المشرفين

5 - Log book preview

The candidate logbook will be reviewed and patients seen/

skills performed summarized by diagnosis groups during the

semester evaluation and at the end of the course in the table below.

The results of this review will be totaled in the summary chart below.


VII - Head Of Department Approval For The Exam Entry _______________________________________________________



_______________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________




_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________


+ VIII – Thesis Follow up

التقرير النصف السنوى لعام / التاريخ/ عن الطالب /

المقيد لدرجة ) ماجسيتر ( بقسم /

تقرير السادة االساتذة المشرفين

جمع المادة العلمية و كتابة المقدمة

بدأقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من الجمع

بدأ الجزء العملىقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من التحليل


بدأ مناقشة النتائجقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من التحرير

بدأ المراجعة النهائية مع المشرفقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهت تماما

إستمرار قيد الطالب رأى السادة المشرفين مد القيد

شطب قيد الطالب

تم تشكيل لجنة شة المناق

نعم ال

تاريخ التشكيل

/ /

مد / شطب القيد

وكيل الكلية توقيع السادة المشرفين

5 - Log book preview

The candidate logbook will be reviewed and patients seen/

skills performed summarized by diagnosis groups during the

semester evaluation and at the end of the course in the table below.

The results of this review will be totaled in the summary chart below.



VII - Head Of Department Approval For The Exam Entry _______________________________________________________



_______________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________


+ VIII – Thesis Follow up

التاريخ/ التقرير النصف السنوى لعام / عن الطالب /

المقيد لدرجة ) ماجسيتر ( بقسم /

تقرير السادة االساتذة المشرفين

بدأجمع المادة العلمية و كتابة قطع شوطا


محدودا المقدمة

أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من الجمع

بدأ الجزء العملىقطع شوطا


على أوشك اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من التحليل

بدأ مناقشة النتائجقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من التحرير

بدأ المراجعة النهائية مع المشرفقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهت تماما

رار قيد الطالبإستم رأى السادة المشرفين مد القيد

شطب قيد الطالب

تم تشكيل لجنة المناقشة

نعم ال

تاريخ التشكيل

/ /


مد / شطب القيد

وكيل الكلية توقيع السادة المشرفين

5 - Log book preview

The candidate logbook will be reviewed and patients seen/

skills performed summarized by diagnosis groups during the

semester evaluation and at the end of the course in the table below.

The results of this review will be totaled in the summary chart below.


VII - Head Of Department Approval For The Exam Entry _______________________________________________________



_______________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________



+ VIII – Thesis Follow up

التقرير النصف السنوى لعام / التاريخ/ عن الطالب /

المقيد لدرجة ) ماجسيتر ( بقسم /

تقرير السادة االساتذة المشرفين

جمع المادة العلمية و كتابة المقدمة

بدأقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

معإنتهى من الج

بدأ الجزء العملىقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من التحليل

بدأ مناقشة النتائجقطع شوطا


أوشك على اإلنتهاء

إنتهى من التحرير

بدأ المراجعة النهائية مع المشرف قطع شوطا



شك على أو اإلنتهاء

إنتهت تماما

إستمرار قيد الطالب رأى السادة المشرفين مد القيد

شطب قيد الطالب

تم تشكيل لجنة المناقشة

نعم ال

تاريخ التشكيل

/ /

/ شطب القيد مد

وكيل الكلية توقيع السادة المشرفين

VIII – Evaluation Forms To be completed at -------------------------------------

Candidate Supervisor


Aim of training




_________________________________ Agreed educational objectives and timescale in which objectives

should be achieved.






Comments by Candidate





Comments by Supervisor







Date of next meeting

Signed by candidate

Signed by Supervisor



Degree Program Evaluation Form by The Candidate To be completed at the end of your degree.

Please consider each pair of statements and decide which most

clearly reflects your view and tick one box or answer the question.

I. Individual Information 1. Are you a graduate of ASU?

yes no 2. Year and semester when studies began: II. General Questions 1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the general study environment at the University ASU? 2. What were your expectations when you applied to the degree? 3. Do you feel that the degree program prepares you well for your future studies or employment according to the demands and expectations of those institutions?

yes no to some degree 4. Has the time limit of the program (two or three academic years) caused you any difficulties or inconveniences?

yes no to some degree III. Structure of Degree Program


1. Did you receive enough guidance in planning your study schedule in the beginning of the program?

yes no to some degree 2. What were the main difficulties in the planning of your study schedule? 3. What is your general opinion on the structure of the degree program? 4. In your opinion, does the degree program offer a good balance of lectures, seminars, conferences, and book exams?

yes no to some degree a) General Studies i) Do you feel that you have received enough guidance on academic writing?

yes no to some degree ii) Do you feel that you have acquired sufficient knowledge on research skills (eg. quantitative and qualitative research methods)?

yes no to some degree b) Courses i) Have you had some special difficulties in completing some of the courses? Please specify. ii) Has there been a sufficient variety of courses offered for your optional studies?

yes no to some degree


iii) Have you received enough guidance for the preparation of your thesis?

yes no to some degree IV. Concluding Points 1. Did the degree program meet your expectations?

yes no to some degree 2. What aspects of the degree program do you particularly like? 3. What aspects of the degree program do you particularly dislike? 4. What are your suggestions on how to improve the program? Thank you!


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